As You Wish Company A02

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This project establish for the part of learning on Project Feasibility Study &
Evaluation 1203302. We provide this project for learning and studying way of business
which will possible follow the real word in the future. Moreover we have learning for
solve the problem in making florist shop business.
In learning on this course that we expect to success in base level that make our
find way for learning in making florist business in the real world. We learn and
understand to important of practice in solve the problem.

In this learning, we thank you for this opportunity. We expect making this
project that will be benefit to our and reader and will be way to who want for learning
on florist business.

As you wish’s Company

17 February 2011


Making Project Feasibility Study and Evaluation on the flower shop business
will not successful if it is not received advice and suggestion about process, method,
instructions on how to make the project as good from Aj.Chaiyawat Thongintr Who
provide support and encouragement throughout the project until completion well. Team
preparation respect thank you very much.

Team preparation




Acknowledge I
Content II
Content of table III
Content of picture V
Content of Figure VI
Executive Summary 17
Chapter 1: Introduction
Introduction 20
Background and Significance 24
Objectives 25
Benefits of project 25
Chapter 2: Industry Profile
2.1 Nature of Industry 29
2.1.1 Floristry 29
2.1.2 What is floristry? 31
2.1.3 The important styles of floristry 31
2.1.4 Skills does floristry requires 32
2.1.5 Scope of floristry as a career 32
2.1.6 The history of florist 33
2.2 Situation of Industry 34
2.3 Product/Service 35
Business Strategy 63
Corporate Level 63
Business Level 63
Functional Level 63
2.4 Strategy 64
2.4.1 The 5C’s of Convergence Marketing 64
2.4.2 Blue Ocean 68

Chapter 3: Market Feasibility Study

3.1 Market Analysis 70
3.1.1 General Environment Analysis 70
3.1.2 Political 73 Economic 79 Social and Environment 88 Technology 96
3.1.3 Competition analysis 99 Competitors analysis 99 Customer analysis 111
3.2 STP Analysis 115
Market Segmentation 115
3.3 Marketing Mix Strategy 119
3.3.1 Product 331
3.3.2 Price 332
3.3.3 Place 124
3.3.4 Promotion 127
3.4 Sales Forecast/Profit Estimation 129
3.5 Marketing Expense 159
3.6 Conclusion 166
Chapter 4: Technical Feasibility Study
4.1 Production and Operations Analysis 168
4.1.1 Product Characteristic 168
4.1.2 Specification, feather, Dimension, Life Time, etc. 171
4.1.3 Production / Service process 177 Production 177 Service process 188
4.1.4 Location 189
4.1.5 Facility Layout 189
4.1.6 Machine/Tool/equipment 191
4.1.7 Logistic management 219
4.1.8 Facility Management 220

4.2 Cost of investment 221

4.3 Investment cost 225
4.3.1 Depreciation Operating 228
4.3.2 Depreciation Administration 230
4.4 Operation Cost 233
4.4.1 Raw Material cost 233
4.4.2 Overhead 233
4.5 Management Analysis 234
4.5.1 Administration Cost 237
4.6 Conclusion 239
Chapter 5: Financial Analysis
5.1 Profit/ Loss statement 242
5.2 Cash Flow 247
5.3 Balance Sheet 252
Chapter 5: Risk Management 259
Chapter7: Summary
7.1 Conclusion 305

Content of table
Chapter 1 : Introduction
- Table 1.1 Time Frames 27
Chapter 3: Market Feasibility Study
- Table 3.1 shows the number of people in the Chiang Mai 72
Municipality under Registration Act 2542 to 2551.
- Table 3.2 Key statistics of population and households of Chiang Mai 75
- Table 3.3 Number of births and deaths by sex: 2003 – 2008 77
- Table 3.4 Number of population from registration record, Percent
change and density by district: 2004 – 2008 78
- Table 3.5 Data shows Provincial Product per capita income of
population during years 2005-2009. 80
- Table 3.6 Economic Census data show in 2006 81
- Table 3.7 Information on tourism in Chiang Mai, BE 2006-2008 81
- Table 3.8 Indicators Statistics by Statistics classified 81
- Table 3.9 average monthly income per household by source
of income and region: 2007 82
- Table 3.10 Buldle/Bath 86
- Table 3.11 Prae Chompu Shop 100
- Table 3.12 Iris Florist Shop 101
- Table 3.13 Infinity Florist Shop 103
- Table 3.14 Mon Mon’s Flowers Shop 104
- Table 3.15 Dalha Dalee Florist 105
- Table 3.16 Freedom Florist 107
- Table 3.17 Rachawadee 109
- Table 3.18 Flower First florist 110
- Table 3.19 shows the number of areas and population density.
Total population and population divide by sex in Chiang Mai. 111
- Table 3.20 Population of Chiang Mai by age group and sex 113
- Table 3.21 Number of population from registration record by

province of north region, area and sex: 2007-2008 114

- Table 3.22 population by age group, sex and present change wad 115
- Table 3.23 state of population from registration record in
Chiang Mai Province 116
- Table 3.24 Number of population in Chiang Mai 117
- Table 3.25 Pricing 123
- Table 3.26 Occasions 129
- Table 3.27 Occasions/situation 131
- Table 3.28 Occasions 132
- Table 3.29 Occasion/situation 134
- Table 3.30 Kind of product 135
- Table 3.31 Rate of divide of customer that consumption in each kind 136
- Table 3.32 Amount of pieces on each kind in year 1 137
- Table 3.33 Sale forecast in year 1 138
- Table 3.34 Kind of product 139
- Table 3.35 Rate of divide of customer that consumption in each kind 140
- Table 3.36 Amount of pieces on each kind in year 2 141
- Table 3.37 Sale forecast in year 2 142
- Table 3.38 Kind of product 143
- Table 3.39 Rate of divide of customer that consumption in each kind 144
- Table 3.40 Amount of pieces on each kind in year 3 145
- Table 3.41 Sale forecast in year 3 146
- Table 3.42 Kind of product 147
- Table 3.43 Rate of divide of customer that consumption in each kind 148
- Table 3.44 Amount of pieces on each kind in year 4 149
- Table 3.45 Sale forecast in year 4 150
- Table 3.46 Kind of product 151
- Table 3.47 Rate of divide of customer that consumption in each kind 152
- Table 3.48 Amount of pieces on each kind in year 5 153
- Table 3.49 Sale forecast in year 5 154
- Table 3.50 Account Receive (Baht) Credit Term 1 month in year 1 155
- Table 3.51 Account Receive (Baht) Credit Term 1 month in year 2 156

- Table 3.52 Account Receive (Baht) Credit Term 1 month in year 3 157
- Table 3.53 Account Receive (Baht) Credit Term 1 month in year 4 158
- Table 3.54 Account Receive (Baht) Credit Term 1 month in year 5 159
- Table 3.55 Marketing Expenses in year 1 160
- Table 3.56 Marketing Expenses in year 2 161
- Table 3.57 Marketing Expenses in year 3 162
- Table 3.58 Marketing Expenses in year 4 163
- Table 3.59 Marketing Expenses in year 5 154
Chapter 4: Technical Feasibility Study
- Table 4.1 Specifications 171
- Table 4.2 Specifications 172
- Table 4.3 Specifications 173
- Table 4.4 Specifications 174
- Table 4.5 Specifications 176
- Table 4.6 Machine 191
- Table 4.7 Tools 196
- Table 4.8 tool in year 1 201
- Table 4.9 tool in year 2 203
- Table 4.10 tool in year 3 205
- Table 4.11 tool in year 4 207
- Table 4.12 tool in year 5 209
- Table 4.13 Office supplies in year 1 211
- Table 4.14 Other cost of good sold in year 2 212
- Table 4.15 Other cost of good sold in year 3 212
- Table 4.16 Other cost of good sold in year 4 213
- Table 4.17 Other cost of good sold in year 5 213
- Table 4.18 Equipment 214
- Table 4.19 Detail of Product 223
- Table 4.20 Equipment office 225
- Table 4.21 Equipment for keep material 226
- Table 4.22 Equipment arrangement flower 226
- Table 4.23 Cost of Bathroom equipment 227

- Table 4.24 Depreciation Operating in Year 1 228

- Table 4.25 Depreciation Operating in Year 2 228
- Table 4.26 Depreciation Operating in Year 3 229
- Table 4.27 Depreciation Operating in Year 4 229
- Table 4.28 Depreciation Operating in Year 5 230
- Table 4.29 Depreciation Administration in year 1 230
- Table 4.30 Depreciation Administration in year 2 231
- Table 4.31 Depreciation Administration in year 3 231
- Table 4.32 Depreciation Administration in year 4 232
- Table 4.33 Depreciation Administration in year 5 232
- Table 4.34 Total arrangement flower our shop 233
- Table 4.35 Overhead cost per years 233
- Table 4.36 Administration Cost in year 1 237
- Table 4.37 Administration Cost in year 2 237
- Table 4.38 Administration Cost in year 3 238
- Table 4.39 Administration Cost in year 4 238
- Table 4.40 Administration Cost in year 5 238
Chapter 5: Financial Analysis
- Table 5.1 Calculation Interest 241
- Table 5.2 Income Statement Year 1 242
- Table 5.3 Income Statement Year 2 243
- Table 5.4 Income Statement Year 3 244
- Table 5.5 Income Statement Year 4 245
- Table 5.6 Income Statement Year 5 246
- Table 5.7 Cash Flow Year 1 247
- Table 5.8 Cash Flow Year 2 248
- Table 5.9 Cash Flow Year 3 249
- Table 5.10 Cash Flow Year 4 250
- Table 5.11 Cash Flow Year 5 251
- Table 5.12 Balance Sheet year 1 252
- Table 5.13 Balance Sheet year 2 253
- Table 5.14 Balance Sheet year 3 254

- Table 5.15 Balance Sheet year 4 255

- Table 5.16 Balance Sheet year 5 256
- Table 5.17 Average Net income 257
- Table 5.18 NPV, Payback period, IRR, ROI 257
Chapter 6: Risk Management
- Table 6.1 In year 1, Sales decrease by 5% 259
- Table 6.2 In year 2, Sales decrease by 5% 260
- Table 6.3 In year 3, Sales decrease by 5% 261
- Table 6.4 In year 4, Sales decrease by 5% 262
- Table 6.5 In year 5, Sales decrease by 5% 263
- Table 6.6 In year 1, Sales decrease by 10% 264
- Table 6.7 In year 2, Sales decrease by 10% 265
- Table 6.8 In year 3, Sales decrease by 10% 266
- Table 6.9 In year 4, Sales decrease by 10% 267
- Table 6.10 In year 5, Sales decrease by 10% 268
- Table 6.11 In year 1, Sales decrease by 15% 269
- Table 6.12 In year 2, Sales decrease by 15% 270
- Table 6.13 In year 3, Sales decrease by 15% 271
- Table 6.14 In year 3, Sales decrease by 15% 272
- Table 6.15 In year 5, Sales decrease by 15% 273
- Table 6.16 In year 1, Interest increase by 5% 274
- Table 6.17 In year 2, Interest increase by 5% 275
- Table 6.18 In year 3, Interest increase by 5% 276
- Table 6.19 In year 4, Interest increase by 5% 277
- Table 6.20 In year 5, Interest increase by 5% 278
- Table 6.21 In year 1, Interest increase by 10% 279
- Table 6.22 In year 2, Interest increase by 10% 280
- Table 6.23 In year 3, Interest increase by 10% 281
- Table 6.24 In year 4, Interest increase by 10% 282
- Table 6.25 In year 5, Interest increase by 10% 283
- Table 6.26 In year 1, Interest increase by 15% 286
- Table 6.27 In year 2, Interest increase by 15% 285

- Table 6.28 In year 3, Interest increase by 15% 286

- Table 6.29 In year 4, Interest increase by 15% 287
- Table 6.30 In year5, Interest increase by 15% 288
- Table 6.31 In year 1, Cost increase by 5% 289
- Table 6.32 In year 2, Cost increase by 5% 290
- Table 6.33 In year 3, Cost increase by 5% 291
- Table 6.34 In year 4, Cost increase by 5% 292
- Table 6.35 In year 5, Cost increase by 5% 293
Table 6.36 In year 1, Cost increase by 10% 294
- Table 6.37 In year 2, Cost increase by 10% 295
- Table 6.38 In year 3, Cost increase by 10% 296
- Table 6.39 In year 4, Cost increase by 10% 297
- Table 6.40 In year 5, Cost increase by 10% 298
- Table 6.41 In year 1, Cost increase by 15% 299
- Table 6.42 In year 2, Cost increase by 15% 300
- Table 6.43 In year 3, Cost increase by 15% 301
- Table 6.44 In year 4, Cost increase by 15% 302
- Table 6.45 In year 5, Cost increase by 15% 303

Content of picture
Chapter 1: Introduction
- Picture 1.1 24
Chapter 2: Industry Profile
- Picture 2.1 29
- Picture 2.2 31
- Picture 2.3 41
- Picture 2.4 41
- Picture 2.5 42
- Picture 2.6 45
- Picture 2.7 Chiang Mai Flower Festival Parade 48
- Picture 2.8 Flower Festival Float 50
- Picture 2.9 Chiang Mai Flower Festival Views tulips bloom – Lilly 51
- Picture 2.10 Festival flowers bloom at the Park Royal 52
Ratchaphruek in Chiang Mai Province.
- Picture 2.11 53
- Picture 2.12 54
- Picture 2.13 56
- Picture 2.14 57
- Picture 2.15 58
- Picture 2.16 58
- Picture 2.17 59
- Picture 2.18 59
- Picture 2.19 59
- Picture 2.20 60
- Picture 2.21 60
- Picture 2.22 61
- Picture 2.23 Service delivery flower 61
- Picture 2.24 Telephone 65
- Picture 2.25 E-mail 65

- Picture 2.26 Face book 66

- Picture 2.27 Twitter 66
- Picture 2.28 Website 67
- Picture 2.29 our shop 67
Chapter 3: Market Feasibility Study

- Picture 3.1 Map of Chiang Mai 71

- Picture 3.2 Prae Chompu shop 99
- Picture 3.3 Iris Florist Shop 101
- Picture 3.4 Infinity Florist Shop 102
- Picture 3.5 Mon Mon’s Flowers Shop 104
- Picture 3.6 Dalha Dalee Florist 105
- Picture 3.7 Freedom Florist 107
- Picture 3.8 108
- Picture 3.9 110
- Picture 3.10 117
- Picture 3.11 117
- Picture 3.12 118
- Picture 3.13 118
- Picture 3.14 119
- Picture 3.15 Procurement bouquet 120
- Picture 3.16 Procurement vase 120
- Picture 3.17 Procurement basket 121
- Picture 3.18 the wreath and organized layout remains 121
- Picture 3.19 Event 122
- Picture 3.20 122
- Picture 3.21Place 124
- Picture 3.22 Front shop 125
- Picture2.23 Front shop 125
- Picture 2.24 Inside shop 126
Chapter 4: Technical Feasibility Study

- Picture 4.1 a bouquet of flower arranging 168

- Picture 4.2 the flower form vase 168

- Picture 4.3 The floral basket 169

- Picture 4.4 Flower arranging a funeral wreath and margins 169
- Picture 4.5 Flowers in the event 170
- Picture 4.6 171
- Picture 4.7 172
- Picture 4.8 173
- Picture 4.9 174
- Picture 4.10 175
- Picture 4.11 Glassware 185
- Picture 4.12 Glassware 185
- Picture 4.13 Porcelain 186
- Picture 4.14 Porcelain 186
- Picture 4.15 Hardware 186
- Picture 4.16 Silver 187
- Picture 4.17 Wicker 187
- Picture 4.18 Location 189
- Picture 4.19 First floor Layout shop 190
- Picture 4.20 Second floor layouts office 190
- Picture 4.21 221
- Picture 4.22 222
- Picture 4.23 222

Content of figure
Chapter 1 : Introduction
- Figure 1.1 Process for operation 26
Chapter 3: Market Feasibility Study
- Figure 3.1 Flower Production 87
- Figure 3.2 Value of retailer 87

Executive Summary
Current flower business is becoming very popular because the flowers can be used on
several occasions. Whether congratulations or condolence. There are many kinds of
flowers and color. Our company is named As you wish. As you wish’s company start on
January 1, 2011 by corporate of partners. There are 4 partners in corporate consist
The company was founded by collaboration among five friends who have experience
and knowledge of flowers and flower arrangements as well. Partners all have love in
this profession is a branch of art that requires delicate and sensitive skills, knowledge,
expertise. These reasons cause to come together to make their own small businesses.
Each person investment each 5,000,000 Bath and loan money from Bank is 2,500,000
Bath, interest 7%.

In Chaing Mai Famous in about “Flower” and “Cold Temperature” That is

simultaneously because where have cold temperature that flower will grow as special.
North of Thailand; it is well known about that cold weather and cooler more than
another. This cause of have many agriculturists in Chiang Mai have plant flower which
as well as winter vegetables. Due to the fact that have cold agricultural geography, it
make to high quality output. The only flowers are very beautiful.

Flower Shop in the past been seen as likely to grow more difficult because flowers are
classified as luxuries but the current popularity of sending flowers to represent. In a
congratulatory or condolence on the occasion of such an increasing number of
businesses Stores Florists growth increased during the 2 to 3 years ago, which predicted
that the shop Florists across the country over 1000. Shop now in the present, with
approximately 50 percent the rest scattered in other provinces in especially large cities.
Because businesses use this type of investment is not too much.

"Flower Market" in the market in Chiang Mai is a collection of very beautiful flower
shop a lot. Each flower shop are decorated with a unique way to shop for the delivery of
customer orders and sales of home as well if anyone on the beautiful colorful flowers to
leave loved ones or to use it in the season to come. Flower Market in Chiang Mai are
the only types of flowers. Beautiful painting you have chosen each other as you like.
In Chiang Mai, florist shops have many stores. So competitors have both direct and
indirect. Main competitor of As you wish’s shop is Prae Chompu shop, Iris Florist
Shop, Infinity Florist and Mon-Mon Flower Shop. So our shop has 9 main competitors
which each shop have different of available in service.

Segmentation is very important for our business it can help to identify our target market.
As you wish florist shop will target the teenager group and business that has trend to
buy our product frequency. Model for fresh flowers is divided into five categories as
follows Procurement bouquet, Procurement vase, Procurement basket, wreath and
Each kind have price as follow:
Product Price
Flowers Bouquet 300-1,000 Baths
Flowers on Vase 500-1,500 Baths
Flowers Basket 500-1,500 Baths
Wreath 800-1,000 Baths
Event 10,000-20,000 Baths

As you wish florist shop has located in downtown, nearly Chiang Mai University, on
Huaykaew road. It is new building have 3 floors. In the front side have convenience
parking .It is great location and easy come here and near University, Hotel and office.

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction
Current flower business is becoming very popular because the flowers can be used on
several occasions. Whether congratulations or condolence. There are many kinds of
flowers and color. This can be selected according to different occasions. Flowers make
the occasion more colorful, lively and refreshing. Flower shop business is a business
where people are more interested in a lot. Most business can do without that hard. Only
with knowledge on how to arrange flowers, it can be business. But in fact, the flower
shop business is successful, entrepreneurs must be skilled. Include do business in this
seriously. Flower shop today because the competition is quite high. Therefore, if a lack
of commitment and lack the expertise in doing business may not be successful. As you
wish. Although the flower shops business must consider several factors. However,
opportunities for growth in this sector are still very because the flower shop in Bangkok.
Most are concentrated in the city is very bad. Community is also not far away with too
much flower shop which many entrepreneurs see an opportunity to do the business.
However, the investment will open the flower shop business is essential to have clearly
defined target groups. To find location for establish to suitable store locations. Because
of that, business will succeed it. Shop location is to consider first. Because when
opening a business in an area with few potential customers. Opportunity to succeed is
less as well. Marketing strategies used is to analyze market opportunities. In the current
situation in terms of competition, flowers will enhance the customer experience more
intense. Because customers have the opportunity to purchase goods or services, a
variety of therefore, flower shop business to turn to for quality and style of the product
and their own services over the years. Environment and behavior of Consumer change
will be survive in this business forever. (Department of industrial promotion,2011)1

Chiang Mai literally means new city and has retained the name despite having
celebrated its 700th anniversary in 1996. King Meng Rai founded the city as the capital
of the Lanna (A Million Rice Fields) Kingdom on Thursday, 12th April 1296 during the


same period of time as the establishment of the Sukhothai Kingdom. King Meng Rai the
Great conferred with his friends, King Ramkhamhaeng of Sukhothai and King Ngam
Muang of Phayao before choosing the site where the capital of the Lanna Kingdom was
to be founded. From then, Chiang Mai not only became the capital and cultural core of
the Lanna Kingdom, it was also the centre of Buddhism in northern Thailand. King
Meng Rai himself was very religious and founded many of the city’s temples, which are
still important today. At the height of its power, the Lanna Kingdom extended its
territory far into Burma and Laos, and southwards to Kamphaeng Phet – a province
above Sukhothai. The Burmese conquered the Lanna Kingdom in 1556 ending the
dynasty founded by King Meng Rai that lasted over 250 years. As Burma had occupied
Chiang Mai for nearly 200 years, Burmese architectural influences are visible in many
temples. At the end of the 18th century, King Taksin the Great regrouped the Thais in
the south and finally drove the Burmese out with the help of King Kawila of Lampang
thereby regaining Thai independence from Burma. Chiang Mai was then governed by a
succession of princes who ruled the north as a Siamese protectorate under the Chakri
dynasty. In the late 19th century, King Rama V appointed a high commissioner in
Chiang Mai and it was only in 1939 that Chiang Mai finally came under the direct
control of the central government in Bangkok – the same time the country was renamed
Thailand. In the past, Chiang Mai was only accessible by river and elephants. More
convenient access was achieved only when the railway line was completed in the late
1920's. Moreover, the first motor vehicle driven directly from Bangkok arrived in
Chiang Mai in 1932. Such isolation was more favorable to Chiang Mai as it helped to
nurture and preserve the unique Lanna culture.When we look at Chiang Mai today, it is
the economic, cultural and communications hub of northern Thailand complete with
excellent infrastructure, good roads, by passes and road tunnels, and reliable
communications infrastructure.

Chiang Mai, with an altitude of approximately 310 meters above sea level, is situated
approximately 700 kilometers from Bangkok on the Mae Ping River basin. Surrounded
by high mountain ranges, the city covers an area of approximately 20,107 square
kilometers and is the country’s second largest province. Chiang Mai borders Myanmar
on the north, Lamphun and Tak Provinces on the south, Chiang Rai, Lampang and

Lamphun Provinces on the east and Mae Hong Son Province on the west. The terrain is
mainly comprised of jungles and mountains, which are home to the hill tribes. In
addition, wildlife and exotic flora may be found in the national parks.
Most of Chiang Mai’s mountains are oriented from north to south. Together they create
a multitude of streams and tributaries including Mae Chaem, Mae Ngat and Mae Klang.
One of Chiang Mai’s distinctive features is Doi Inthanon, Thailand’s highest peak,
which is 2,575 meters above sea level. In addition, the province boasts flat, fertile
valleys, which spread along the banks of the largest and most important river in Chiang
Mai – Maenam Ping (Ping River) which originates from the Chiang Dao mountain

With a population of 1,547,085 Chiang Mai is one of Thailand's largest provinces. Of

the above number, 170,348 are currently living in Chiang Mai's city area with the rest
distributed throughout Chiang Mai's 21 districts, 2 sub-districts. 80% of the people in
Chiang Mai are locals by birth, and speak a dialect that is a slight variation of the central
Thai language. The remaining 20% is made up of Thai nationals and foreigners who
have moved to Chiang Mai to work, study, or retire. There are many hilltribe people
living in the mountainous districts surrounding Chiang Mai such as Omkoi, Mae Jam,
Chiang Dao, and Mae Ai. Statistics reported by the Tribal Research Institute of Chiang
Mai stated that in the year 1992 there were 1,049 hilltribe villages in the Chiang Mai
province, constituting a total of 174,195 people. Of this amount, 106,116 were from the
Karen tribe, 27,392 from the Lahu (Musur) tribe, 17,198 from the Hmong (Meo) tribe,
10,873 form the Lisu tribe, 8,862 from the Lua tribe, 2,609 from the Akha tribe, 1,145
from the Mien (yao) tribe, and 485 from the Palong tribe. The hilltribe people are
agricultural; planting fields, raising animals, and hunting for a living. Since each tribe
has its own culture and language, they blanket the hills of Chiang Mai with an
interesting patchwork quilt of diverse variety.

The majority (80%) of the Chiang Mai people earn a living through agriculture and
agricultural related professions. The second largest vocation is tourism and its directly
and indirectly related jobs. General commerce and industry--mainly in the form of
handicrafts, and of processing agricultural products--are the two other major professions

in which the Chiang Mai people are involved. (Chiang Mai history and population,

For these reasons, result in the flower shop business growing rapidly. It results in
increased flower shop business to grow in the range of 2 to 3 years. It is expected that
the flower shops across the country for more than 1,000 stores. Flower Shop business
now in Chiang Mai is also a business that has a lot of attention. Chiang Mai has many
sources of business. And people are popular flowers represent meanings of
opportunities. Moreover, northern is a growing source of the famous flower because of
weather suitable for planting winter flowers, villagers to promote income and
conservation of winter flowers. For these reasons, make visible the opportunity to do the


1.2 Background

Picture 1.1

Our company is named As you wish. As you wish’s company start on January 1, 2011
by corporate of partners. There are 4 partners in corporate consist
The company was founded by collaboration among five friends who have experience
and knowledge of flowers and flower arrangements as well. Partners all have love in
this profession is a branch of art that requires delicate and sensitive skills, knowledge,
expertise. These reasons cause to come together to make their own small businesses.

Partners have opinion in run a business and analysis community local into consumer. So
we establish Florist shop near Chiang Mai University region because it is point of many
customers, have convenience for delivery and easy to specific of group, and make
relationship. Our Florist have develop model of product to different and modern always.
We apply colorful of flower and leaf for providing in many models for response of
customer. Customer can provide their model for building different in strategies from
other competitors so these reasons make our florist shop has above competitors in
business and make satisfy to customer.

1.3 Objectives
To analysis risk and problem will occur in this project
To analysis strategic in qualitative, and organizational considerations
To investigate feasibility of technical in process of this project
To analysis different facets of capital budgeting
To analysis feasible of project to real situation

1.4 Benefits of project

1.4.1 To understand behavior of customer.
1.4.2 To understand potential of business.
1.4.3 To understand market.
1.4.4 To understand customer want and need.
1.4.5 To understand feasibility of market.
1.4.6 To understand florist business in Chiang Mai province.
1.4.7 To understand planning budget of business.
1.4.8 To understand segment of customer.
1.4.9 To understand type and price of product.
1.4.10 To understand growth of business.
1.4.11 To understand the electronic commerce.
1.4.12 To understand maintain the product.

Figure 1.1 Process for operation

Study the massaging process

  Survey the customer interested in our business

  Set budget and financial to appropriate in business

  Choose located to building company

  Survey competitor and learn our business to win the competitor

  Evaluate after building business

When business direct to target the company can make the project

Survey satisfaction of the customer in our project and lead to develop and improve

Table 1.1 Time Frames

Operation Method
November December January February

1 W 2 W 3 W 4 W 1 W 2 W 3 W 4 W 1 W 2 W 3 W 4 W 1 W 2 W 3 W 4

1. to find member join the project

Group Member

2. To set the name of the shop and

other details of the project.

3. To Study the general of florist

shop business in Chiang Mai.
Chapter 1
4. To Study management in florist
shop business.
Chapter 1-2
5. To study competitor analysis and
marketing feasibility
Chapter 1-3
6. Chapter 1-4

7. Advertising DVD-CD

8. Chapter 1-5
9. Cover page
10. Draft of final
11.Finish and presentation
12. Check again

Chapter 2: Industry Profile


2.1 Nature of Industry

Picture 2.1

2.1.1 Floristry
In the past flower arrangement look like to grow more difficult because fresh flower
arrangement not beneficial in terms of consumption but in the current have popularity of
sending flowers for represent to show in pleasure or show sorry in occasion more
increase result to florist business expand more during 2 to 3 years ago which predicted
the flower shop disseminate around in Thailand more 100 florist in currently.

Floristry is the art of creating mesmerizing flower arrangements. Flowers are one of the
most beautiful creations of God, loved and adored by human beings ever since. Flowers
have always been used to express love and affection, to celebrate festivals, to offer
prayers to God as well as to pay tribute to the deceased. No doubt about the fact that a
flower in itself is a piece of art, but there exist an art form that uses flowers to create art
- Floristry. The term floristry collectively refers to creating floral designs using flowers,
foliage, herbs ornamental grasses and arranging them in flower vases, baskets, bouquets
and so on.3


Chiang Mai flower market.

Famous in about “Flower” and “Cold Temperature” That is simultaneously because
where have cold temperature that flower will grow as special. North of Thailand; it is
well known about that cold weather and cooler more than another. This cause of have
many agriculturists in Chiang Mai have plant flower which as well as winter vegetables.
Due to the fact that have cold agricultural geography, it make to high quality output.
The only flowers are very beautiful.

We can see that the upper north both Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. It is where the cold
air temperature. Most of the flowers we see each other that came from two provinces,
but not have flower only. There are also temperate fruits such as apples, oranges
Cherries, Chinese pear or even a grape. Those who have came to Chiang Mai. Do not
miss admire the beauty of the flowers at the Flower Market. We called "Chad Dock
Mai" and the located in Town of Chiang Mai.In Chad Dock Mai is almost famous in all
type of winter flower such as rose have all colors, orchid, Chrysanthemum and etc. Here
is good way alternative for choose. And It‘s cheap ,in the market get a bouquet flower
service , basket fruits and flowers for suitable in the life style for price can negotiation.
In Chad Dock Mai will show flower on street look like Phak Chong Market in Bangkok
here sale both wholesale and retail because have merchant come from all around
because here is very large market. Here is charm you can see fresh flowers and fruits
because almost produced by agriculturists in Chiang Mai.4



2.1.2 What is floristry?

Picture 2.2

The term floristry refers to the activity of cultivating plants and creating floral designs
that are then sold at florist shops. Floristry is actually being reckoned as a very
successful business due to the increased importance of flowers at lavish weddings,
anniversary and birthday parties, and other special occasions as well as funeral

2.1.3 The important styles of floristry

Almost every country or region will have own their unique style of floristry. However
there are some floristry styles that are very popular across the globe. Here are some of
the popular styles of floristry:

Ikebana: The Japanese style of flower arrangement termed as Ikebana is a traditional

and distinctive style of floristry practiced in Japan since more than 600 years and is said
to have developed from Buddhist rituals. Ikebana flower arrangement is based on the
layout of twigs and/or leaves filled in with relatively less number of flowers. The

container and the structure of arrangement of flowers are of prime importance. The
arrangement is always in a scalene triangle, wherein the three main points symbolize
heaven, earth and man.

Korean Flower Arrangement: This is a form of indoor art that involves display of orean
flowers in Josean Dynasty white ware. The arrangement of the flowers and tree
branches is very graceful and does not look forced or artificial.

High Style: The high style of floral arrangement has its origins in the United States.
This style includes minimal number of flowers. The popular flowers used in this style
are tropical flowers including Birds of Paradise, Anthuriums and Carnations.

The English Country Garden: Traditionally an English form of flower arrangement, that
has evolved to include many European influences as well. The English Country Garden
Style of Floristry is all ways low mound and the arrangements are always all-sided.
Flowers like baby’s breath, carnations and leather leaf are avoided in this style of

2.1.4 Skills does floristry requires

Basic understanding of design elements is an essential skill that you would require if
you wish to pursue floristry. Love for flowers, and good visualization skills with a
knack for color combinations, and retail skills would be of great help. Good skills for
cutting flowers, leaves and branches to create beautiful flower arrangements. Sound
knowledge of the styles of the various styles of flower arrangement will be helpful if
you wish to pursue floristry.7

2.1.5 Scope of floristry as a career

If you wish to start your floristry business, you need to plan your budget according to
the type of floral arrangements you will be doing, the flowers you will be requiring
whether you will be cultivating flowers or buying them from someone else, the clients

you are targeting and the location for your flower shop. Nowadays there are online
florist shops that offer the customers the convenience of ordering flowers from home.
Floristry is a growing business with the ever-increasing amounts of money people are
willing to spend for flowers.8

2.1.6 The history of florist

Just how old have florists been plying their trade? Flowers have been used for centuries
as decoration, personal adornment, or for religious significance. Ancient Egyptians used
flowers to honor their many gods and goddesses. Flowers were arranged in low bowls in
an orderly, repetitious pattern-flower, bud, foliage, and so on. Special spouted vases
were also used to hold flowers. Lotus flowers, also called water lilies, were Egyptian
favorites. They came to symbolize sacredness and were associated with Isis, the
Egyptian nature goddess. Flowers were sometimes used as decorations for the body,
collar, and hair. Flowers were fashioned into elaborate wreaths and garlands by the
ancient Greeks. The best wreath makers were often commissioned by wealthy Greeks to
make wreaths for gifts, awards, or decoration. Chaplets, special wreaths for the head,
were especially popular. Cornucopia, a horn-shaped container still used today, was
filled with arrangements of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Flowers arranged into
wreaths and garlands were also popular in ancient Rome and well through to the Middle

The Victorian era saw great developments in the art of floral design. There was
enormous enthusiasm for flowers, plants, and gardens; the most cultured young ladies
were often schooled in the art of flower arrangement. Rules were first established
regarding function and design. Magazines and books about floral arrangement were also
published during this time. Proper Victorian ladies often had fresh nosegays, or tussie-
mussies, a hand-held arrangement of tightly knotted flowers, for sentimental reasons, if
not to freshen the air. Posy holders, fancy carriers for these small floral arrangements,
came into fashion. Some were made of ivory, glass, or mother-of-pearl, and were
elaborately decorated with jewels or etchings. Flowers were also made into small

arrangements and tucked into a lady's decol-letage inside aptly named containers,
bosom bottles. Ikebana, the Japanese art of floral arrangement since the sixth century,
has been a principal influence on formal flower arrangement design. Its popularity still
continues today. In the 1950s, free-form expression developed, incorporating pieces of
driftwood and figurines within arrangements of flowers and live plants. Floral traditions
of the past still have an impact on us today. It is still fashionable to mark special
occasions with flowers, be it an anniversary, wedding, or birthday. People continue to
use flowers to commemorate the dead. Today's floral arrangements reflect current
styles, trends, and tastes. The best floral designers will follow the developing fashions
and creatively adapt them to.9

2.2 Situation of Industry

Flower Shop in the past been seen as likely to grow more difficult because flowers are
classified as luxuries but the current popularity of sending flowers to represent. In a
congratulatory or condolence on the occasion of such an increasing number of
businesses Stores Florists growth increased during the 2 to 3 years ago, which predicted
that the shop Florists across the country over 1000. Shop now in the present, with
approximately 50 percent the rest scattered in other provinces in especially large cities.
Because businesses use this type of investment is not too much.

Internal situation
All partners of As you wish florist have the knowledge, ability to flower well decorated.
And to learn, techniques to various flower clubs and associations. To make a difference
with other flowers shops all the time.

1. All partners have the skills, knowledge and skills in flower arranging direct
2. Have divided the responsibilities of each part clearly.


3. Partners all have to know the end of undergraduate education. Everyone has the
initiative and creative flower arrangements at any time.
4. Customer's original partner was a partner in the shop employees Florists. They are
favorite flower arranging skills of each partner. It also provides support for the. 5. Use
the net proceeds of all their own.
6. Have to learn flower arranging with clubs and associations about flower
arrangements directly to increase skills in floral format all the time.

1. A new store and not someone known and trusted in the little craft.
2. Manage themselves without staff or employees, which may cause delay.
3. Limited capital, if the order lot may lose the chance.
4. To order materials have not received credit from the seller and must pay cash every
time. The resulting is lack of liquidity in the cash flow.

External situation
1. Currently the most popular occasions to send flowers growing.
2. Of the Western culture, the delivery of flowers to show respect, admiration, joy and
sorrow. Present in Thai society is customary to bring the same civilization, such as
3. A competitor in the business of flower arrangement has not so much. Making a
market share of doing business is not difficult.
4. The format of the flowers that is different on the same business to create the image of
the product better than competitors do not have to adapt to a changing environment.
5. Current government to promote SME's in the business when it expanded to seek
financial support from the state more easily than in the past.

1. A new competitor to add up all the time.
2. Have artificial flowers and other products to replace each other.
3. If the bad economy will affect sales much.

4. A lack of technology to assist in product design.

5. The shipping will have to hire personnel outside operator. Sometimes, the delivery
service is not good cause dissatisfaction with the customer.10

The flower is the important export products of Thailand. It exports per year from 3000
to 4000 million Baht and also its revenues from abroad taking part in the many.

China became a source of growing flowers and flower market is the largest exporter in
the world. China's flower planting area expanded continuously. Flower sales value
increased consistently. The ability to export has increased with business size and
professionalism is enhanced. Value for planting flowers in China in 2004 was 43,000
million yuan, Export value was U.S. $ 140 million.

Channel in a flower shop for SMEs of the business interest because in the past 2-3
years, consumers that flowers are luxuries. Flowers are most conducive to strategic,
value-focused design and implement new techniques to organize the context vegetables
- fruit arranged with a bouquet of flowers or baskets to increase product value and free
delivery including the purchase of Internet services. While the flower shop in
department stores increased channel business in the wedding package is due to nature of
business consists of a similar club or hotel reservation service, floral services. Set
groom - bride wedding as well as providing a place for honeymoon travel etc.

Currently online flower shop has focused on techniques and how to add content to the
flowers by adding the search engine to find information and promote technology as a
tool website. In service, operators have added channels to connect with customers more
convenient, such as call center or mobile payment as well as focusing on service mind, a
gift, recede to welcome customers with decorated shops should be colorful and create a
sense of relaxation.


Market fresh flowers are growing in the season of Valentine's Day every year. Most
strategies for adolescents were held promotions, Information and pricing strategy in the
area shopping mall. The part of the advertiser to create an image and to order flowers
from foreign countries, arranged to make a difference to our products.11

Import fresh flowers in 2006, months from January to November showed that the
amount of flowers imported 1,596 tons worth 65.6 billion baht in the same period in
2007. Import volume 3314 tons of fresh flowers worth 65.75 million baht, which found
that the amount of imported fresh flowers of the year 2007 is 2 times of the year 2006,
but imports of these two years are different because the product fresh flowers abroad
cheaper. Main countries that import fresh flowers such as Thailand, Malaysia, China
etc. and the import is still ongoing year 2008.

Winter flowers are called flowering plants or winter time zone. Many can be produced
in Thailand throughout the year, such as roses, chrysanthemums and lilies Gerbera
callus gallery video, etc however, if productivity is growing well with good quality.
Need to grow in areas with suitable climate. The only area where the air is relatively
high, such as in cool highlands of northern Thailand such as Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai
and Tak Northeast as Loei and Nakhon Ratchasima or in southern Yala province. It can
be planted winter flowers such as chrysanthemum flowers, too, but winter will be able
to yield good quality in winter mostly For the production of off-season will do only
certain areas only and yield less and lower quality than in summer.

Although Thailand is able to grow flowers in the winter, but many ground planting
flowers city winter has decreased. Information Technology Center, Department of
Agricultural year 2006 was planting winter flowering approximately 9520 acres and in
2007 planted area of approximately 7,017 acres, down from the original. Although not
much, but may decrease continuously in the year 2008. Partly the result of problems or
natural disasters new, production costs rise, tones t economic slowdown coupled with
imported flowers cold from abroad increased, the effect of a free trade zone to Thai


farmers, flowers cannot compete with China and Malaysia, with volume and the quality
is close to but lower than Thailand's, especially roses and chrysanthemums make
farmers to grow alternative crops.

For the market situation flowering winter year 2007, Thailand imported fresh flowers of
quantity 3314 tons worth 65.75 million have been exported fresh flowers of quantity
1250 tons worth 70.49 million baht, the export of flowers winter that section Head to
Rose, Carnation and Chrysanthemum amount of 525 tons, worth about 46.12 million in
Major imports include Japan, USA, Italy, Singapore, Taiwan and Myanmar. In addition,
Thailand imported flowers such as roses, winter; Carnation and Chrysanthemum
volume is estimated at 468 tons, 14.99 million mostly imported from China and
Malaysia. Imports of Thai flowers winter is still increasing continuously in the current
winter flowers sold in flower shops and flower shops, over 80% of flowers imported
from China.

Roses tend to decrease production in 2007 manufacturing space of approximately 6,600

rai (Information Center. Department of Agriculture, 2008) 2006, planting approximately
7,000 acres, planting roses at the reduced area planted mostly rose on high quality bar in
Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai Grown under plastic houses thorough supervision.
However, when production costs rise along with the. Good quality imported from China
rose to a price lower than that of Thailand. Some farmers cannot compete, so to stop
growing roses. Planting roses, most of the second grade in the district of Tak province
which Roses grown outdoors for sales quantity but the quality is not high, and the price
is relatively low.

Market rose for both domestic and foreign are sent out in 2007 the amount rose to
approximately 506 tons, the country imported 44.02 million baht from Thailand rose to
importance, including Japan, the United States, Italy, China and other. However,
imports still rose the same amount as 317 tons, valued at 12.21 million, mostly imported
from China.

In the past year were imported from China rose affect the market in Thailand rose
dramatically particularly good quality roses from Chiang Mai. Growers of high quality
roses that can compete with traditional Thai roses imported from the Netherlands and
Europe. Imports from China rose, but farmers need to catch the second-roses instead
rose from China because the quality of neighboring Thailand has large flowers, Stem
length, good quality but lower price. Therefore, to make good quality rose growers in
Thailand can compete with the Chinese. Farmers to compete in breed improvement to
meet market demands improve productivity by reducing production costs and should
bring modern technology to be competitive in price.12

Celebrate your occasion with our gorgeous flowers. They’re the perfect gift for any
occasion. From birthdays to anniversaries, we offer beautiful flowers, lush plants, and
delicious treats that will delight anyone. Have a wedding come up? Consider our
affordable wedding flowers. Whether you’re hosting a baby shower or celebrating the
birth of a new baby, our new baby flowers and gifts are the perfect way to mark the
occasion. You'll find bouquets for all occasions : birthday flowers, anniversary flowers,
Just Because, New Baby, Love & Romance, I'm Sorry, Get Well, and Sympathy. And
we also have the right flower arrangements for all holidays: Christmas, Easter,
Thanksgiving, New Year Festival, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and
Halloween. We offer many different rose colors and flower arrangements: red, pink,
yellow, peach, purple, and white. Whether you're looking for a flower bouquet or a
potted plant, our variety of flowers and gifts provide you plenty of choices. Same-day
flowers delivery is available throughout seasoning.

Celebrate your occasion with our gorgeous flowers. They’re the perfect gift for any
occasion. From birthdays to anniversaries, we offer beautiful flowers, lush plants, and
delicious treats that will delight anyone. Have a wedding come up? Consider our
affordable wedding flowers.


Whether you’re hosting a baby shower or celebrating the birth of a new baby, our new
baby flowers and gifts are the perfect way to mark the occasion.

We send flowers to most any Thailand location, and we have relationships with both
local florists and flower growers. Not only does this help ensure the gifts you send are
delivered on time, but it also means they are as fresh as possible and deliver a great
value to both the receiver and the person who sends flowers. Our customer service team
is standing by to help you with any order. Whether you're sending a dozen roses to
celebrate your love or a gift basket to congratulate a co-worker—if you have questions,
our team has answers. We will help you find and deliver the perfect flowers, plants, or
gift to celebrate life's most meaningful moments. And your best choice when shopping
online for flowers, bouquets, vase, box and gifts at any time of the year, especially
Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. We have a wonderful variety of fresh flowers and
plants including roses, orchids, tulips, carnations, lilies, and more. We also offer
delicious gourmet gift baskets of fresh fruit, gourmet food, chocolate and candy.

You'll find bouquets for all occasions : birthday flowers, anniversary flowers, Just
Because, New Baby, Love & Romance, I'm Sorry, Get Well, and Sympathy. And we
also have the right flower arrangements for all holidays: Christmas, Easter,
Thanksgiving, New Year Festival, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and
Halloween. We offer many different rose colors and flower arrangements: red, pink,
yellow, peach, purple, and white. Whether you're looking for a flower bouquet or a
potted plant, our variety of flowers and gifts provide you plenty of choices. Same-day
flowers delivery is available throughout seasoning.
In 1998 Thailand Flowers Designer’s Team opened our first retail florist shop and
forever changed the way flowers are bought for birthdays, anniversaries and special
occasions. For more than 15 years, our passion has been to help you connect and
express yourself to the important people in your life by providing the finest selection of
beautiful flowers and arrangements, from roses to tulips to carnations to orchids to
gerbera daisies, available for same day or next day delivery. You can also find plants,
gift baskets, gourmet foods, and stuffed animals perfect for every occasion and all
covered by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee whether you're looking for flower delivery

across town or across the country. When using us to send your flowers and gifts you are
assured of the highest level of quality and service. We use a nationwide network of
florists to deliver fresh flower arrangements right to your door, often in the same day.
We are passionate about flowers and dedicated to delivering the best customer service
in the florist industry.13

Situation of Florist market in Chiang Mai

Picture 2.3

Picture 2.4


This picture is map of Florist market in Chiang Mai.14

"Flower Market" in the market in Chiang Mai is a collection of very beautiful flower
shop a lot. Each flower shop are decorated with a unique way to shop for the delivery of
customer orders and sales of home as well if anyone on the beautiful colorful flowers to
leave loved ones or to use it in the season to come. Flower Market in Chiang Mai are
the only types of flowers. Beautiful painting you have chosen each other as you like.
each other very much.15

Picture 2.5

"Flowers" and "cold" is the pair because it does not matter where the air is cold. Flowers
will grow as special. Northern Thailand is well known that cold weather and cooler than
most other occupations, so farmers are planting flowers, as well as winter vegetables, a
lot due to the cold weather, topography throughout the year, sure enough yields high
quality output. The only flowers are very beautiful. We can see that on both the northern
province of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai provinces, where weather is very cold. Most of
the flowers we see it from two different provinces.


Those who have come in Chiang Mai, then do not miss it on the walk to admire the
beauty of flowers at flower market in Chiang Mai or the person called "cabbage flower"
and is located in Chiang Mai city. Flower Market has almost every type of flower
winter flower. A rose from a red, white, yellow, orange or other colors mightily orchid
flower chrysanthemum flower Cattleya Camera Business Yellow flowers and much
more. You can choose to buy and chose to view each other comfortably and the bag is
fairly cheap because they get service bouquet arrange a variety of multi-Style, whether
classified as a bouquet of flowers, flower bouquet or a basket of fruit. Price can be
negotiable. Flowers are sold at the market will be available at all as long as Canal Street
Market. A cart of flowers is sell with Here sell both wholesale and retail little merchant
because it comes from all around in all directions. This is a very large market, but it is
not sold, but flowers only. Here is the charm of the fresh flowers, mainly because of
production by farmers in the North.16

Low Jia Seng Equipment for Florists.

Address: 332-334 Canal, the Empire Marketing Soi (Soi Bua Sales) Mo Road, Phra
Nakhon, Bangkok 10200.
City: Delta canal market Bangkok
Tel: 02-222-5629 / 02-222-8825 / 02-623-8147.
Fax: 02-222-0661.
Equipment Center for Flower arrangements include both domestic and international.
Distribution Equipment flower arrangements are Cellophane printed, mine damage
paint light, paper, Japan, paper, corrugated, Italian, Pan Korea, hemp, pineapple fiber,
plastic box, box orchids, ribbon fabric, ribbon satin, ribbon meta Light, ribbon paper,
Japan, ribbon pineapple fiber, ribbon, plastic prints, ribbons, sand silver / gold, foam
embroidered flowers, foam, embroidered flowers, stand flower adjustable, candle
holder, plastic cage, plastic / tank plastics, tapes, water based foam, embroidered
flowers and Equipment other decoration, Book of flower arranging both domestic and
international card, flowers, Flora tape, spray different, knife, scissors, a swipe thorn
rose, pin swamp flowers, gauze, cotton wool, tube, water bags, water, movie Yang,

Scotch tape, aluminum, software, Lloyd, paper fret, glue gun, insert glue, inserted into a
business card, inserted into the text, foam forms such as the cupid, heart, balls of
various sizes, metal flower numbers are. , wire color, wire cage, chicken, wreath, straw,
button wreath black, Uakepocrn, wood lathe sizes, Phan, Laos, Phan Tok, pin, brooch,
pin hundred garlands, crown and flowers, gardenia, plastic, ribbon, gold and etc.17

Winter flowers are called flowering plants or winter time zone. Many can be produced
in Thailand throughout the year, such as roses, chrysanthemums and lilies Gerbera
callus gallery video, etc however, if productivity is growing well with good quality.
Need to grow in areas with suitable climate. The only area where the air is relatively
high, such as in cool highlands of northern Thailand such as Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai
and Tak Northeast as Loei and Nakhon Ratchasima or in southern Yala province. It can
be planted winter flowers such as chrysanthemum flowers, too, but winter will be able
to yield good quality in winter mostly For the production of off-season will do only
certain areas only. And yield less and lower quality than in summer.

Although Thailand is able to grow flowers in a variety of winter ground however,

planting flowers city winter has decreased. Information from the data year 2549
Department of Agriculture found that planting flowers. Winter of approximately 9520
acres and in 2550 the planted area of approximately 7,017 acres, down from the
original, although not much, but may decrease continued in 2551 partly as a result of
problems natural disaster costs high productivity economic stagnation. Coupled with
winter flowers are imported from abroad increased effects of a Free Trade Area. Thai
farmers cannot compete with the flower of China and Malaysia, with volume and the
quality is close to but lowers than Thailand's, especially roses and chrysanthemums
allowing farmers to turn alternative crops.

For the market situation flowering winter year 2550, Thailand imported fresh flowers of
quantity 3314 tons worth 65.75 million have been exported fresh flowers of quantity



1250 tons worth 70.49 million baht, the export of flowers winter that section big rose
Carnation and Chrysanthemum amount of 525 tons, representing approximately 46.12
million in Major imports include Japan, USA, Italy, Singapore, Taiwan and Myanmar,
also Thai imported flowers winter, including roses, Carnation and Chrysanthemum
amount of 468 tons, representing approximately 14.99 million. Most U.S. imports from
China and Malaysia, and imported Thai flowers of winter is still increasing
continuously. At the present, the winter flowering plants available in stores and flower
shops flowers than 80% of flowers imported from China.18

Future of cut flowers, tropical Thailand.

Picture 2.6

Flower used most of the world's top 10 include free Lily Rose Chrysanthemum
Carnation Gerbera Orchid Sierra (Sim Diam B) Four sip Phil Hunt and Al Belarus
associated with watercraft. The use of cut flowers in the world increases every year in
the year 2533 valued at 675,000 million baht, up 11% from the year 2528 the United
States, Japan and Italy. A country that uses the most cut flowers, representing 27%,


23% and 16% respectively, while the Netherlands, Colombia and Israel, a country
exporting cut flowers.

The most world markets of Thai people used to plant flowers decorate homes. And used
in religious rituals long time ago. But flowers have a role. Economic self about 30
years, this Thailand has started growing orchids, and sent to foreign countries and sold
within the past 10 years, domestic demand for flowers has increased. It has grown to
more trade. Currently Thailand has grown cut flowers, including approximately 40,000
farms increased 20% from the year 2529 to grow flowers. The most common include
roses, jasmine and orchid growing areas, which are equivalent to 36%, 15.2%, and 9.2%
respectively during the past 2-3 years, many kinds of tropical flowers such as ginger,
red Dala Curcuma fair treatment have never been grown commercially with. Seriously
before the planting of up to 303 rai in 2537 and has continued growth trend.

Flowers, cut flowers, tropical key growing trade in the country now, such as orchid
lotus cut flowers, tuberose Thai Curcuma fair treatment Dala anthurium and many
species are likely to be planted to increase as many more. types of rice, ginger, red
means Align d cut flowers, bananas, pineapple, ginger, cut flowers, cut flowers, Clark
Indonesia Banaamnrnoogorni gold chain are all cut flowers, interesting because the
Cultural easy maintenance. Thrive in Thailand Investment is not very high. But these
plants have not received much attention because it may be too close to the plant and
seen as an attempt. And have lived without the prior, or some new so it is not known.
These plants have not developed it very seriously. Therefore, the production technology
of tropical flowers that will be used as data to support commercial farmers is the most
important constraint and beginning to define the future of these plants. It would be that
the scholars should turn to focus on the study of tropical flowers more along with
promoting the public loved. And consumption of tropical flowers to much larger. This
may result in reduced imports winter flowers. And exports of tropical flowers growing
by 19


February is the month of the festival. The festival is Chinese New Year Valentine's Day
and Puja. All festivals are all decorated like a beautiful place with flowers Nanapan.
Bring flowers to decorate the place. In addition to rising a pot to set up and decorated.
Another way that we are familiar with it is to cut flowers from the trees to be classified
as a facade to a beautiful bouquet sure enough.

Cut flowers to decorate it to be. Today began with strange looking flowers. To decorate
more but the most popular flowers in the world's top 10 also includes free Lily Rose
Chrysanthemum Carnation Gerbera Orchid Sierra (Sim Diam B) Four sip Phil Hunt and
Al Belarus associated with watercraft. Not a Thai national flower. Because the world
ranking but all the flowers. It can be grown in Thailand as well.

Why flowers do has been increasing in popularity. It may be because when we humans
have cultures that grow up. We want to feed your mind pretty-pretty much and it was
found that the statistics used for cut flowers, decorations, it is increasing every year,
especially the United States, Japan and Italy. Use flowers, cut flowers, many types of
ranking the world. The country exported more top 3 were Colombia, the Netherlands
and Israel.

We are home. Used to plant flowers decorate homes and in religious ceremonies for a
long time but in the economy. Flowers just beginning to play itself is about 30 years by
the first type of orchid is a flower we send out to sell it overseas, and subsequently the
demand for flowers within the country is increasing has grown to more trade. Currently,
this We are planting cut flowers, including approximately 40,000 rai 3 flowers were
first to grow orchids and roses and jasmine in the period.

2-3 years ago Dala Curcuma ginger, red and fair treatment has gained increasing
popularity with Cause to be planted to increase trade. It also tends to grow continuously.
Especially wood species to suit local weather conditions our home. Maintenance is
pretty simple, but unique cut flowers such as lotus leaf and flower of red ginger,
Curcuma Thai Orchid meaning rice banana pineapple, cut flowers, cut flowers, cut
flowers, ginger Clark Indonesia Banaamnrnoogorni gold chain.

Cut flowers, tropical beauty and uniqueness, which is receiving attention at the same
time. With the oriental art of living are very popular in this if we look at as well It will
see exciting opportunities and opportunity of extending the cut flowers, tropical
Thailand into the global market. I've been one. In addition, reduce imports and winter
flowers. We may be able to export tropical flowers growing by then; "One Tambon One
Product" is the twin projects "One Tambon One strain" to Uoboui money into our home
to our city even more. People are living a happy with the government announced it

Festival in Chiang Mai

The Chiang Mai Thailand Flower festival Sharing Thai Culture and Nature in a
Meaningful and Responsible Way Since 1990. Welcome to All Thailand Experiences --
This is Thailand's greatest flower show, featuring a parade of floats made with colorful
flowers, beautiful Thai and hill tribe girls in traditional dress, a Miss Chiang mai Flower
Festival beauty contest and loads of exotic plants and flowers on display. The Chiang
Mai Flower Festival this year is Feb. 5 and 6, 2011.

Picture 2.7 Chiang Mai Flower Festival Parade

Every year during the first weekend in February is the Chiangmai Flower Festival. The
city is awash with vibrant colors ranging from the electric orange and lilac colors of the
bougainvillea to the velvety blossoms of petunias in all shades of pink, white and purple.

The strident red of the poinsettias, bought by many at Christmas and New Years, is
echoed by beds of scarlet salvias. Homes and shop owners alike line the city streets with
colorful flower boxes. The sheer profusion of color that the flower festival and carnival
brings to Chiangmai aptly gives the city its name “Rose of the North”.

On all three days of the festival, prize blooms are on display at Suan Buak Haad near
the city center. Every type of flower, miniature tree and orchid is put on display for the
judges to choose the best of the species. Landscape specialists put on an elaborate
display, which includes patios and waterfalls with exotic decorative plants and flowers.
The best part of the flower festival is on Saturday. This is when we load our lawn chairs
and ice chest in the pick-up and head to D.K. Bookstore along the moat in the city
center. We go there because there are plenty of parking and excellent coffee and pastry

On the way we passed the flower covers floats, Hill Tribes and Thais in their traditional
dress and uniformed marching bands all getting in line to start the parade. We had to
leave the house before 8 AM as the parade start around 9 AM. Although it would not be
until 10 AM until the parade reached us we had lots of fun eating food from local
vendors, relaxing in our lawn chairs at curbside and watching the world go by. The
parade lines up from the train station to Narawatt bridge so the police close most of
Jarenmuang Road around 8 AM. The VIP viewing stand is right next to the bridge in
front of the Chiangmai Governor’s home. The Parade route goes down Thapae Road to
the Gate and turns left and follows the moat to Suan Buak Haad City Park.

Picture 2.8 Flower Festival Float

The parade moves at a slow pace and stops several times so there is plenty of time to
take pictures of the colorful floats, pretty girls and hill tribe people in costume. The
people in the parade hand out roses to spectators lining the road. When the parade
finishes everyone heads to Suan Buak Haad where all the floats, award winning flower
growers and landscapers projects are all on display. There are plenty of food stalls
located in the park and in late afternoon the Miss Chiang Mai Flower festival starts. The
party goes well into the evening until the new Flower Festival Queen is chosen.
This is a great time to visit Chiang Mai, as the air is cool and the evenings fresh and
clear. 21


Chiang Mai Flower Festival Views tulips bloom - Lilly.

Picture 2.9 Chiang Mai Flower Festival Views tulips bloom - Lilly.

Chiang Mai Flower Festival Views tulips bloom - Lilly. This work shows the tulip, lily
and rice flower h winter blooming kinds Show off to watch each other a lot. The end of
the old New Year long weekend, people gathered here. Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai
Provincial Administration Organization joins festival flowers bloom on December 1,
2552 until December 31, 2553 at Commemoration, located in Chiang Mai after zero.

Blossoming flower festival held in the 80th Anniversary Commemoration to honor

King. Auspicious occasion of 82 th Birthday Anniversary 5 December by the winter
flowering Nanapan more than 500,000 trees on display for tourists to enjoy the beautiful
flowers, especially lilies and tulips. The event also exhibits sculptures Lanna
multicolored lights, such as yellow, red, blue. Booth signed a blessing seedling of unity
by the people writing blessing. I love being the recording booth. I love the King. An

exhibition featuring biographies, Royal, by the people and tourists visiting many
flowers bloom for the festival runs until January 31, early next year.22

Festival flowers bloom at the Park Royal Ratchaphruek in Chiang Mai Province.

Picture 2.10 Festival flowers bloom at the Park Royal Ratchaphruek in Chiang
Mai Province.

Experience dazzling glittering winter plants flowers, musical enjoyment in the garden,
"Flowers bloom at the Park Royal Festival Ratchaphruek (Flower Fest '@ Royal Park
Rajapruek)" was held again during the December 1, 2553 - February 6, 2554 Views
flowers varieties, the music in the park. And visit local artists and youth.

Activities in such co candles victory congratulations 5 December Maharashtra, watch

folk songs from nine sets per 99 flowers, watching shows such as displaying Symphony
Orchestra playing music by HM King 9 songs and singers are invited honorary, show


Set park Royal Ratchaphruek, mini-concerts from artists, watching flowers winter
millions of flowers and vegetation, various species, view the music in the gardens of
celebrated artists, works Agriculture Asia 2010 "Thai Agriculture Kaoklai tricks, watch
the show. integrated agricultural technology, agricultural product quality, fair MOF
No. 1.Visit the National Flower Festival

Picture 2.11

Visit the National Flower Festival Queen tribute to Lord Tai in Chiang Mai on August 7
-13 2552. The event has many activities such as competitions for individuals with
knowledge of flowering and leaf variety of national, open the equation c A species
orchid are to determine Backpacks most of the orchids, auction flower leaves, valuable
for its revenues. to develop varieties of Thai wood within the project, the Fair Trade
products related to flowering and leaf variety, with flowers for the network price, the
exhibition and meet the queen of flowers, orchid photo high in Thailand.23


Flower Festival in Chiang Mai Province

Picture 2.12
Event Schedule: Day 4 - February 6, 2554.
Venue: Park Nong Muang District, Chiang Mai, Hat positive. (Start the parade from
Nawarat Bridge to Beach Park Nong positive).

In such activities, Colorful flowers varieties gradually Chu Cho in early in the blossoms
that great city, the exhibition of agricultural, a beauty pageant and parade blossoms,
contest, flower types, the competition landscape, and exhibition. Farm Women's Group
in Chiang Mai, Kat Thomas for that, the music in the park, finishing the path, making
flower on street, and organized food festival etc. 24


2.3 Product/Service
Our As you wish’s company will offer a variety of products and services

As you wish Flower Company, carries a full range of basic flowers, but we are known
city–wide for our specialty cuts. Strange, rare and interesting flowers seldom seen, in a
flower shop, can be found in our cooler virtually every day. In fact, most days our price
list shows over 250 different flowers for sale.

Our flowers arrives fresh daily via refrigerated truck and air cargo from countries
around the world including Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, France, Italy,
Holland, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico and from many farms across America. We
also receive the best seasonal blooms from local farmers and growers.

We source our flowers direct from farm level not from floral wholesalers. We in turn
wholesale flowers to most of the local florist shops and we sell retail to the public at
very reasonable prices. By eliminating the wholesaler/middleman we can provide you
with the freshest blooms as well as plants.

All flowers is processed, handled and cooled pursuant to the industry chain of life and
cold chain protocols, thus assuring optimum bud opening, flower size and vase life for
our customers.25

A Unique Florist offers predesigned and custom-made arrangements, Flowers Bouquet,

Flowers on Vase, Flowers Basket, Wreath and Event for all occasions such as
Weddings, Funerals& Sympathy, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Parties, Banquets,
Birthdays, New Baby, Holidays, Celebrations, Thanks, Thinking of You, Get Well, and

We use only the freshest flowers available, so you can be assured that your arrangement
will be beautiful and long-lasting. Our flowers also add the perfect touch to business

occasions such as Business Meetings, Conventions, Trade Shows and Office

Decorating. We offer local delivery for most items for floral arrangements. 26

Picture 2.13

Original Floral Designs, Using A Wide Mix of Flowers.

Each our floral arrangement will be a natural, original work of art. The company is
committed to making each arrangement unique and custom-designed based on each
customer's needs. Our floral arrangements will feature a wide range of seasonal flowers.
All sample arrangements in the store will be available for purchase.

Unique Container
Our floral will select and offer distinctive vases for the discretionary buyer or for a
special occasion, as well as affordable options for routine purchases.


Variety of prices
Our will offer a variety of arrangement sizes, and will always create a unique
arrangement to meet anyone's stated budget.

Hand-tied Bouquets
For customers who prefer to use their own vases, our will offer hand-tied bouquets.

Florist offers a members account service, which includes a free reminder service, a free
online address book, a record of your previous purchases, and automatic entry of billing
and delivery information. The free reminder service is open to members and
nonmembers alike. Shop the convenience of as you wish Florist.27

As you wish Florist works in a diverse field of flower designing and providing various
services to different occasions.

It is one of the most prominent services provided us. We aim to glorify the function of
your hotel in great styles and colours. Every banquet function will be meticulously
designed by our flower arrangement specialist. We provide a range of products to allow
customers to have variety. Call us for your banquet preparations.

Picture 2.14


Great events should be accompanied by beautiful arrangements of nature. As you wish
Florist understand the importance of your instance and strive to provide the best. The
flower arrangements for seminars will be arranged to suit your needs and preferences by
our team of highly experienced and skilled florists.

Picture 2.15
The reception table plays a crucial role in giving a good first impression of your hotel. It
sits to greet your guest and brings the charm out of your hotel. To enhance their
experience, our florists become innovative to deliver a special sight for your service.
Reception tables can be decorated by various flower arrangements by our florists.

Picture 2.16

In the catering industry, tables need to be given an extra touch of glamour and beauty in
order to leave a lasting impression on your honourable guest. As shown below is one of
the best flora arrangement brought to you by As you wish Florist to provide for your
respected guest. We only offer the best for our clients.

Picture 2.17
At your very special day, we rejoice and celebrate along with you and provide you
flowers to express the joy of such an event. May your life blossom like a flower from
this day on. Our services include flowers for wedding arcs, guest tables, marriage car
and various other locations.

Picture 2.18
Shop Decoration
The grand opening of your shop or outlet can be decorated with our flowers. As you
wish Florist offer various kinds of design to enhance the entire environment of your
shop. We offer fast and reliable flower deliveries to you.

Picture 2.19

Business Opening
We make your business opening an outstanding one with our unique setting of flower
arrangement. It is a great moment to celebrate and we provide you flower arrangements
to accompany such events. Our flower designers give the best flower arrangements for a
grand business opening.

Picture 2.20
Hotel Lobbies
The hotel lobby is the most visible area. Impress your guest with our beautiful flower
arrangements. Call us to get different designs of flower arrangements.

Picture 2.21
Office Decoration
We have many experience to provide the best quality flower arrangement and design.
Every flower arrangement for your office decoration has is uniquely designed by our
flower specialist.28




Picture 2.22

Picture 2.23 Service delivery flower

Forget-Me-Not Club
Special occasions account for four out of every ten floral purchases made. To capture a
portion of this market and to foster overall romance, our will offer a Frequent Flower
Gift Program called the Forget-Me-Not Club designed for men. This program will let
each customer register a minimum of six days per year whatever birthdays, holidays,
anniversaries or any day except Valentine's Day on which Our will automatically plan
to deliver a floral arrangement to his place of work which must be in midtown or
Downtown Chiang Mai. A courtesy call will be given or an e-mail sent to each
customer 48-hours in advance. To make it as easy as possible for its customers to
transport flower arrangements from work to home, our will develop special packaging

to keep containers upright and spill proof. This packaging will be well branded with the
company's logo, and will serve as an additional marketing vehicle once delivered to a
customer's workplace or office building. The customer must agree to the cost of each
arrangement, in advance and the service must be guaranteed by a credit card in advance.
The credit card will not be charged until the day of each delivery.29

Our flower shop will be the leader in providing floral products and services in the North
Country. Our flower shop will maintain a tradition of exceeding customers’
expectations at a reasonable price. Our flower shop will continue to grow a profitable
business by building repeat customers and expanding our market area. Our flower shop
will provide opportunities for our staff to grow with the business.

The mission of our flower shop is to have a top quality staff that serves our customers’
emotional and sentimental needs with top quality floral products and exceptional
services which exceed our customers’ expectations.

Integrity: We will be honest and responsible in dealing with our customers, suppliers
and co-workers.

Quality & Excellence: We will provide the best quality products and complementing
services that meet the needs and exceed the expectations of our customers. We will
listen to our customers, in order to exceed their expectations we must first know what
they want. We should learn from inside and outside our industry. We will always peruse
the right changes towards improvement and innovation in all our operations.

Excellence Driven! Commitment: Willingly and consistently putting the needs of our
customers first.

Customer Focused! Market Driven! Go the Extra Mile! People: We will treat each
other the way we are expected to treat our customers. The Golden Rule: Treat Others as
you Want Them to Treat You.

Our Guiding Principles

Do What is Right.
Give Your Best, Nothing Less.
Customers are the Center of What We Do.

Business Strategy
Corporate Level
The strength of an organization at a middle level is the name of shop, great location and
well knows as moderate, administrators have knowledge and expertise about flowers as
well. Trend in the business growth is increased.

Business Level
Florist business has grown relatively slowly in the past. However in the currently are
growing up, focuses on services to impressive for customers and make differences to
the business advantages.

Functional Level
Business focus on marketing to customer relations, services that create the most
impressive was the variety of services and building relationships with our customers

The management of human resources has the ability to arrange flowers and employees
who have good relations with other, honest, circumspect, skilled finely and like flower

Process Service
Focus on providing services that meet customer needs to satisfaction and increase the
confidence of customers to use the service again. It also increases the new customers to
use the services.

The investment in flower shop is an investment that rarely very low. We have no
problem in investing because prices of raw materials in to the open flower shop rarely
higher and can be purchased in Chiang Mai.

2.4 Strategy
2.4.1 The 5C’s of Convergence Marketing
We design flower 7 day 7 styles for customers who prefer the exotic flower
arrangements. Seven days a bouquet of flowers will be different. Your special someone
will get the best and most special.

Our web site has web broad for fan club of people love flowers. Fan club can chat and
post text via our web site. We have organized work shop to give to members every year.

Customer can our contact pass Multi-Channel for convenience of customers are as


Picture 2.24 Telephone

Call Center of As you wish was established to provide services related to receiving an
order, get suggestions and feedback or advice about flowers with you all the time.
We are open 24 hours every day, if you want to contact a service center rotation number
by telephone at 053-522880.


Picture 2.25 E-mail


E-mail are free and convenient. You can send them out in mass or just to a few people.
Either way, they are a great maketing tool that is easy to use and, best of all, that will
not dip onto our budget. Email: [email protected]

Face book

Picture 2.26
Customers can exchange ideas and information about flower through facebook by
search that As you wish shop.


Picture 2.27 Twitter

Customers can share ideas and information about flower by post pass twitter.


Picture 2.28 website

Customers can order the flowers see the product and visits from WWW.

Our shop

Picture 2.29 our shop

Customers can buy flowers at our shop directly. Our staff will take care of and attention
to every customer to customer satisfaction. Passing through the shop are on Display to
convey the store to the format that is unusual from typical flower shop, believed to be a

new choice for customers because most people are afraid and shy when it comes to
holding some flowers in the bouquet or someone but if you can build confidence with
the new for their customers. Will give customers the impression and said the word
(Word of Mouth) and to use the service more stores.30 Our company has update
information same real time every time.

Competitive Value
We fix price of our product as universal standard. Customers can negotiate the price a
bit less. We have a lot of flowers and flower containers that customer can choose as
customer satisfaction.

Choice Tools
We have computer design flower for customer can design arrangement flower as
customer need. In addition, we have tips for maintenance of flower and the meaning of
each flower so that customer can choose flower that suitable with usability.

2.4.2 Blue Ocean

Our shop buy fresh flower from the north region and China because promote income in
community local and as country has cheaper import flower than other country. There are
2 ways as the best available flowers for our shop in reduce cost. Our feature is ‘‘using
computer program in design and decoration’’ by their own for arrangement flower
follow what customer wants. Our have special program to customer which as
‘‘matching flower and zodiac of each person’’ together. And our shop have ‘‘buffet
arrangement flower by self at shop’’ which customers can arrangement flower that what
customer wants. Those are main strategies as feature or ‘‘Blue Ocean’’ in our shop
which has different from other shop.


Chapter 3: Market Feasibility Study


3.1 Market Analysis

3.1.1 General Environment Analysis
It is a tool to assess the situation for organizations or projects that help administrators
set Strengths and weaknesses of the environment, Opportunities and threats from the
external environment which has impact of these factors on the function of the

Chiang Mai is located in the north of Thailand, about 720 kilometers from Bangkok at
an elevation of 1,027 feet (310 meters) above sea level. To the North it borders
Myanmar Shan State while to the South it connects with Sam Ngao district of Tak
province. Chiang Rai, Lamphun and Lampang lie to the East, and the West touches Pai,
Khun Yuam and Mae Sareang districts of Mae Hong Sorn province.

Chiang Mai geography comprises mainly groves and mountains with a broad plain in
the middle of the region on both sides of Ping River. The province covers an area of
20,107.057 square kilometers (12,566,910 rai), made up of 8,787,656 rai (69.92%) of
forest, 1,611,283 rai (12.82%) of agricultural land and 2,167,971 rai (17.25%) of
residential and other land.31

Location and nature of the community

City community is located in the Ping River basin middle Choeng Doi Suthep. Ping
River flows through the city in the north - south traditional community or Old Town is
located west of the Ping River later, when the community has developed a flourish the
growth across the Ping River to the east. And after that has indirectly Eedtnn city
Community has developed into multiple directions along the communication. And
network infrastructure. Business and residential land development has expanded greatly.
Realities of communities in the city currently does not exist, but only in the city area
only But has expanded to suburban and rural areas around it.


Chiang Mai have border as follows

Contact the City North District. San butterfly And the Mae Rim district.
Contact the South, Nong Hoi. And Daet.
Eastern contact with Nong Pa Krang. Sub-Faham, and some
Contact the National Forest west of Doi Suthep, Muang District, Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai Municipality is responsible for 40.216 square kilometers area. District 14
covers an area in the district, Muang District, Chiang Mai Chang Hai Ya Si Phum Wat
Ket district, Tambon Chang Klan, T. Phra Singh, Suthep some Daet some Nong Pa
Krang some Some Sala Nong Pa ton of some district and some white elephants.

Picture 3.1 Map of Chiang Mai


Table 3.1 shows the number of people in the Chiang Mai Municipality under
Registration Act 2542 to 2551.32
Year Male Female Total + / - The number + / -
(%) of homes (%)
1998 81,836 89,252 171,088 - 0.02 65,564 + 0.71
1999 81,847 89,865 171,712 + 0.37 66,399 + 1.28
2001 82,525 91,331 173,856 +1.25 67,178 +1.18
2002 74,819 84,584 159,403 -8.31 67,809 +0.94
2003 74,401 84,305 158,706 -0.43 69,073 +1.87
2004 78,835 87,937 166,772 +5.09 68,053 +1.47
2005 70,403 80,608 151,011 - 9.45 70,090 +1.26
2006 69,989 80,483 150,472 -0.35 70,090 +1.21
2007 69,122 79,188 148,310 -1.44 70,973 +1.26
2008 68,310 78,490 146,800 -1.02 71,514 +0.76

The weather in Chiang Mai is relatively cool all year round, with an average
temperature of 25° C. Temperatures typically range between 20° C and 31° C. The
relative humidity averages 72%, and annual rainfall is normally 1,000-1,200 mm.

During the cool season, the max temperatures reach a comfortable 25° C, nights and
early morning are cool in the city (15°), cold in the countryside (10°), possibly freezing
in the mountains (ice is reported from time to time at the Doi Inthanon). Though you'll
probably find it great when you walk around the city, you'll really feel the cold if you
decide to ride a motorbike, then the air turns crispy and it's not uncommon to need
jacket, gloves and scarf (before noon or after 6 PM). Otherwise the sky is blue, without
clouds. The good thing is you don't need to turn on the air conditioned for sleeping.


During the hot season, the max temperatures can reach 40° C and won't drop below
25°C at night. Many rooms keep the warmth accumulated during the day so you'll
definitely need a full blast fan or a proper air con to sleep well. The sun is scorching,
play the lizard between noon and 2PM or you'll soon take the coloration of a boiled
lobster (with a burning sensation to match). Another must is to drink loads of water, 4
or 5 liters even if you don't feel thirsty (no you won't spend your time in the toilets, the
water evaporates before through every pore in your skin). Local talcum powder (with
cooling effect) works wonders to keep a fresh look.

During the raining season, the max temperatures stay over 30° C, evenings can be hot
or cool depending if it has been raining or not. But what you lose in temperature, you
gain in humidity; it doesn't make it more comfortable. Bad weather usually comes in 3
to 4 day periods, and alternates with fine weather. So, lucky people can spend a week
under the sun most of their time while others will have rain, rain and more rain... that's a
bit of a lottery. Rain comes in every form at anytime of the day and night: heavy
downpour for an hour or two , small drizzle all day... better to bring your own raincoat,
the plastic ponchoes sold here are real sweat factories.33

3.1.2 Political
Over the past 2-3 years, political is unrest in Thailand, people do not have unity,
personal selfish. It can make entrepreneurs feel unsure for their investment. Result is
less investment. At the same time that flower market growth has increased during the 2
to 3 years. Flower shops are more than 1,000 stores in the country. Flower shop in
Bangkok approximately 50 percent and in the provinces of approximately 50 percent.
Only the big cities, overall the flower Market also is continued to grow. And new
entrepreneurs arise all the time. Because of this business investment spending is not
very high.34


The population of Chiang Mai consists of 1,666,002 people. Of which, 814,967 are
male and 851,035 are female, as of March 2009. There are 1,410 communities dispersed
throughout Chiang Mai, consisting of Thai, Northern Thai, 11 major tribal groups made
up of, Karen, Lahu, Lisu, Lawa, Akha, Yao, Meo, Khamu, Hmong, Chinese tribal, and
Barong. In addition, there are several other smaller ethnic groups throughout Chiang

Chiang Mai is one of Thailand’s largest provinces. Eighty per cent of the people in
Chiang Mai are locals by birth, and speak a dialect that is slightly variation of the
central Thai language.The remaining 20 % is made up of Thai nationals and foreigners
who have moved to Chiang Mai to work, study, or retire. There are many hilltribe
people living in the mountainous districts surrounding Chiang Mai such as Omkoi, Mae
Chaem, Chiang Dao and Mae Ai.
Boundaries - North: Myanmar, South: Tak, East: Lamphun, West: Mae Hong Son

Chiang Mai University has the number of students studying in the present about 37,977
people by level of education, including undergraduate. Master's degree PhD. Graduate
Diploma level of The College opened a total of 21 colleges and a Graduate School of
Humanities is Faculty of Education Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences,
and Faculty of Science Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Medicine. Faculty of
Agriculture, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of
Nursing Faculty of Agro-Industry, Faculty of Veterinary Science Faculty of Business
Administration, Faculty of Economics Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Journalism,
Faculty of Political Science, Public theology Faculty of Law College of Arts Media and



Table 3.2 Key statistics of population and households of Chiang Mai

(From Population and Housing Census 2000)37
Demographic characteristics
Total population (’000) 1,500.1
Population in Municipal Area (%) 26.5
Sex ratio (Males per 100 females) 97.8
Median age 32.1
Population by age group
0-14 years (%) 21.3
15-59 years (%) 67.2
60 years and over (%) 11.5
Age dependency ratio (per 100 adults 15-59 years)
Total 48.8
0-14 years 31.8
60 years and over 17.1
Singulate mean age at first marriage (SMAM)
Males 27.0
Females 24.1
Thai nationality (%) 96.6
Buddhism (%) 92.2
Minority population
Christianity (%) 6.0
Population speaking hill tribe languages (%) 13.4
Average years of education attainment of population aged 15 6.6
years and over


Population aged 6-24 years not attending school (%) 37.9

Employment characteristics of population aged 15 years and over

During last year industry

Population in the agricultural sectors (%) 48.0
Work status (%)
Employers 1.2
Own account worker 29.5
Employees 45.6
Unpaid family workers 23.5
Members of producers’ cooperatives 0.2
Mean number of children ever born 1.63
(per ever married woman 15- 49 years)
Mean number of children still living 1.57
(per ever married woman 15-49 years)
Five-year migration (1995-2000)
Population who migrated within previous 5 years (%) 7.9
Lifetime migration
Population who were nor living in province of birth (%) 16.5
Housing characteristics
Average household size 3.4
Female headed households (%) 23.9

Table 3.3 Number of births and deaths by sex: 2003 – 200838

Year Number Per 1,000 population Number Per 1,000 population
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
2003 19,235 9,907 9,328 12.0 6.2 5.8 12,926 7,569 5,357 8.1 4.7 3.3
2004 20,097 10,346 9,751 12.3 6.3 6.0 13,001 7,440 5,561 8.0 4.6 3.4
2005 19,754 10,074 9,680 12.0 6.1 5.9 12,549 7,224 5,325 7.6 4.4 3.2
2006 20,150 10,470 9,680 12.1 6.3 5.8 13,036 7,619 5,417 7.9 4.6 3.3
2007 20,534 10,734 9,800 12.3 6.4 5.9 13,009 7,568 5,441 7.8 4.5 3.3
2008 18,087 9,390 8,697 10.9 11.5 10.2 13,373 7,780 5,593 8.0 9.5 6.6



Table 3.4 Number of population from registration record, Percent change and density by district: 2004 - 200839

Population density
District Number of population Percent change (Per
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2005 2006 2007 2008
Muang 242,726 242,974 243,065 242,709 241,825 0.1 -- -0.1 -0.4 1,453.4

80 Economy
Mae Jo polls indicate poor economic revenue Flower revealed 73% lower than the
working age group of customers buying flowers, Valentine's Day is a popular number
one. Researching in economic and forecasting of agricultural research. Mae Jo Mae Jo
University poll or survey revealed flower shops, 76 stores in the district, Muang
District, Chiang Mai and nearby Economic conditions during the Valentine's Day. It
was found that 84.2 percent this year indicates that the economic impact on businesses
that 19.7 percent of economic stability. While 73.7 percent indicated that revenue from
the sale of flowers, down from last year indicated that 15.8 percent of revenue
equivalent to the same period last year. The flower-selling is still a rose 59.2 percent,
23.7 percent of chrysanthemum flowers and Carnation, and 17.1 percent of the clients
were female, 69.7 percent. The age of customers in purchasing a popular flower on
Valentine's Day that is working Group 53.9 per cent 23.7 per cent students and 14.5 per
cent 7.9 per cent of the elderly.40

Currently, the economic market condition in the Thailand is in recession. This

slowdown in the economy has also greatly impact to spending of people. Many
economists expect that this recession will continue until mid-2011, at which point the
economy will begin a prolonged recovery period. People are cautious in spending and
purchase necessary goods, high quality, cheap. Florist business is a good choice in this
economy because of investment is low but high income.

Because of its diverse economic background, Chiang Mai economy has been growing
rapidly and efficiently. Chiang Mai Gross Provincial Product (GPP) was 98,004 million

Baht in 2004. This is the highest in the Northern Region. Per capita income ranked third
in the region, standing at 61,776 Baht. Major sources of revenue are the service sector
(25,926 million Baht or 26%), industry (19,631 million Baht or 20%), commerce
(15,811 million Baht or 16%) and agriculture (14,005 million Baht or 14%).

In part of Agricultural Sector in Chiang Mai a total of 1,436,948 rai of land is

cultivated. 534,883 rai is dedicated to paddy rice, 194,148 rai to crop cultivation,
627,112 to orchards and 80,806 rai to other plants. Approximately 78% (127,272 rai) of
agricultural land is irrigated. The total value of agricultural products in 2004 was 13,679
million Baht. In 2004 the main agricultural products were rice (396,009 tons worth
2,888 million Baht), longans (196,471 tons worth 2,357 million Baht), oranges (130,302
tons worth 1,954 million Baht), garlic (106,938 tons worth 1,336 million Baht) and red
onions (351,478 tons worth 3,163 million Baht). 41

Table 3.5 Data shows Provincial Product per capita income of population during
years 2005-2009.
List 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Chiang Mai
Gross Provincial Product 100,790 110,729 118,326 127,602 132,098
( GPP ) (Millions of Baht)
Revenue Per capita GRP (Baht) 64,220 70,235 74,717 80,241 82,752
Population 1,569 1,577 1,584 1,590 1,596
(1,000 persons)


Table 3.6 Economic Census data show in 2006

Economic data Amount
(Gross Provincial Products : GPP) (Million Baht) 109,988
Income per capita Baths 68,480
Minimum wage (Bath/day)** 159

Table 3.7 Information on tourism in Chiang Mai, BE 2006-200842

Travel information Year
2006 2007 2008
Total number of visitors (person) 5,590,326 5,356,867 5,313,352
Number of Thai tourists (person) 3,539,772 3,601,727 3,842,550
Number of foreign tourists (person) 2,050,554 1,755,140 1,470,802

Table 3.8 Indicators Statistics by Statistics classified43

classified / Source Year
2005 2006 2007
Price Statistics
Consumer Price Trade and Economic Indices
Index Bureau 110.6 114.7 119.5


Table 3.9 average monthly income per household by source of income and region:
Source of income Northern Region
Baht Percent %
Total monthly income 13,568 100.0
Total current income 13,219 97.4
Money Income 11,017 81.2
Wage and salary 4,067 30.0
Net profit from business 2,645 19.5
Net profit from framing 2,332 17.2
From current transfer 1,751 12.9
From property income 222 1.6
Non-money income4/ 2,202 16.2
Non - current money 349 2.6

From information table above, that can show effective of Chiang Mai which ability
bring Tourist Arrivals to province. That mean Chiang Mai can make revenue to
community and area in provinces. That is build revenue to people in another area too.
They are convenience and have more power for finding everything for perfect to
themselves. And when people have rich or high power in pay, they can find everything
for fulfill to them. These points make our confident and can support to power in pay of
customer to purchase flowers of our shop.

In part of Industrial Sector in Chiang Mai, Industry is the second largest employer in
Chiang Mai after the service industry and accounts for 20% of the work force. As of
2004 there were a total of 2,192 factories in the province with registered capital of
22,986 million Baht employing 39,478 workers.


There are 224 factories with registered capital of 4,258 million Baht and 6,860
employees in the food industry.
There are 224 factories with registered capital of 2,298 million Baht and 2,533
employees’ in the transportation industry.
There are 962 factories with registered capital of 2,147 million Baht and 3,263
employees in the agricultural industry.
There are 13 factories with registered capital of 1,630 million Baht and 497 employees
in the beverage industry.

And Chiang Mai Tourism and Service Sector Chiang Mai, possess a large number of
tourist sites including ancient buildings, natural areas and man-made attractions. It
interesting culture, traditions and festivals also attract many tourists. The total number
of tourists to the province in 2004 was 3,898,543 people (2,101,099 Thai and 1,794,444
foreigners), worth 45,067 million Baht in tourism income. The average tourist stays in
Chiang Mai for 3.91 days and spends 3,119 Baht per day. The majority of foreign
tourists are from Europe, Asia and the USA.45

Flowers in winter
Winter flowers are called flowering plants or winter time zone. Many can be produced
in Thailand throughout the year. Such as roses, chrysanthemums and lilies Gerbera
callus video gallery etc. But if farmers are good products with good quality need to
grow in areas with suitable climates, particularly higher areas where the air is quite cool.
For example; Northern highlands of Thailand Such as Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Tak
Northeast as Loei and Nakhon Ratchasima or in southern Yala province. It can be
planted winter flowers such as chrysanthemum flowers, too, but winter will be able to
yield good quality in winter mostly for the production of off-season will do so only
certain areas. And yield less and lower quality than in summer. Although, Thailand able
to grow flowers in a variety of winter ground. However, planting flowers city winter has
decreased. Information from Year 2549 Department of Agriculture found that planting


flowers. Winter of approximately 9520 acres and in 2550 planted area of about 7,017
rai. A reduction from the original, although not much, but may decrease continued in
2551, partly the result of a natural disaster problems in the production costs higher
economic stagnation. Coupled with winter flowers are imported from abroad increased.
Effects of a Free Trade Area that make Thai farmers can not compete with the flower of
China and Malaysia, with volume and the quality is close to but lowers than Thailand's,
especially roses and chrysanthemums. Allowing the farmers change in alternative crops.
For the market situation flowering winter year 2550, Thailand imported fresh flowers of
quantity 3314 tons worth 65.75 million have been exported fresh flowers of quantity
1250 tons worth 70.49 million baht, the export of flowers winter that section big rose
Carnation and Chrysanthemum amount of 525 tons, worth about 46.12 billion baht in
import significant. Japan and the United States, Italy, Singapore, Taiwan and Myanmar,
also Thai imported flowers winter, including roses, Carnation and Chrysanthemum
amount of 468 tons, representing approximately 14.99 million mostly imported from
China and Malaysia and imported flowers winter of Thailand is still increasing
continuously. In the present, the winter flowering sales in shop or available in stores and
flower shops flowers than 80% of flowers imported from China. Roses tend to decrease
production in 2550 manufacturing space of approximately 6,600 rai (Information
Technology Center. Department of Agriculture, 2551) the year 2549 an area of
approximately 7,000 acres, growing crops are roses down. Most of the area planted on
the high quality roses. Bar in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai grown under plastic houses.
However, when production costs rise include good quality imported from China rose to
a price lower than that of Thailand. Some farmers can not compete. Therefore cease to
grow roses. Planting raised to second grade most of the comments Remote Tak roses
that grow outdoors for sale quantity, but quality is not very high. And relatively low

Markets rose in both domestic and international year 2550 with exports rose quantity
506 tons, worth about 44.02 million in imports rose from Thailand to major Japan, U.S.,
Italy, China and others, however, it also imports rose same amount of 317 tons, valued
at 12.21 million, mostly imported from China. In the past year were imported from
China rose. Affect the market in Thailand rose dramatically. Particularly good quality

roses from Chiang Mai Quality rose growers in Thailand. The former can compete with
imported roses from the Netherlands and Europe. Imports from China rose, but farmers
need to catch the second-roses instead. Rose from China because the quality of
neighboring Thailand has large flowers Uganyay good quality but lower price, so that
will make high-quality rose growers to compete in Thailand. The Chinese Farmers to
compete in breed improvement to meet market demand to improve productivity by
reducing production costs and should bring modern technology to compete in terms of
price. Chrysanthemum is the flower of another winter that has been popular with
consumers. It has a long vase life, shape and color variations. Farmers can grow.

Chrysanthemums have throughout on high area in Chiang Mai. Nakhon Ratchasima, in

addition, the southern, Yala province etc But should be planted under the house to
prevent rain However, the production of Chrysanthemum. There are some limitations
that will be produced in quantity and quality during the winter. Even in some areas will
be. Chrysanthemum has produced off-season. But the quality is not as good as
chrysanthemums in season. To be imported from chrysanthemums from abroad coming
continuously. Chrysanthemum cultivation area decreased slightly from the year 2549,
which is planting about 2,500 rai in 2550 with planting chrysanthemums around 2,385
rai (Information Technology Center, Department of Agriculture, 2551).
In the Thai market have export value of chrysanthemums, but not much. The export
amount of 15 tons, worth 896,403 baht in import is important. Taiwan and Myanmar
have imports from Malaysia, Volume 3 chrysanthemums tons valued at 89,678 Baht46

Currently, China is a country with an area of growing the world's largest flower.
Planting flowers, mostly in four areas are Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan and Yunnan.
Currently, Yunnan is the largest production base. Flowers are planted,
representing 40percent of the country. Market value of
China's retail flowers continued to grow year from 2539 to 2545, the average growth
rate of 80 percent per annum in the year 2545 with total market value


of 136,925 million Yuan. The most popular flowers grown in China are Tulip,
Carnation, lily and Rose. Planting flowers in China mainly comes from Kun Ming City,
which is the capital of Yunnan province.

Table 3.10 Bundle / Bath
Flower list Bundle / THB
Carnation 80 baht per bundle
Lilly White 10 branches 550 Baht
Lily Pink 10 branches 580 Baht
Lilly yellow 10 branches 350 Baht
Standard Rose 160 Baht per bundle
Weird rose 190 Baht per bundle

Flower Production in China

In currently, China is a country have potential in about have area suitable for growing of
the world’s flower largest. Almost in 4 areas are Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan and
Yunnan. The largest production base is Yannan, production of flower about 40 percent
of the country. Market flower of china’s retail flower continued to grow in 1997-2003
have average growth rate about 80 percent per year by in 2003 have total market value
about 136,925 million yuan


500,000 4,000
450,000 3,700
พื้ นที่ปลูก (ha) ปริมาณ (ลานดอก) 3,000
350,000 2,700
300,000 250,000
250,000 217,500 2,000
200,000 147,500
150,000 120,000 122,400
0 0
2542 2543 2544 2545 2546

Figure 3.1 Flower Production

140,000 136,925
ล านหยวน
120,000 มูลคาตลาดคาปลี กไมดอกในประเทศจี น


20,000 10,500
3,450 6,350
2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545

Figure 3.2 value of retailer

Summary of main characteristics of the flower industry in China.

The almost flower plant in china are Tulip, Canation, lily and rose. The flowers make
income about 15,000-30,000 RMB per Mu (1 Mu equals 666 square meters) until in
Dounan village have population in high income per person in Yannan province.48


89 Social and Environment

In the present, Population rate is rising rapidly. People like to socialize and love the
convenience. People are most popular to send flowers as gift for represent
congratulations or express regret in different occasions as increases. So florist business
is growth in the past year.

Many people like to celebrate major holidays with lavish bouquets of cut flowers. As a
result, the flower industry is booming, shipping hundreds of tons of cut flowers all over
the world for sale in supermarkets and at florists. Consumers spend millions every year
purchasing cut flowers and bringing them into their homes: and most consumers do not
think about the environmental and social aspects of the cut flower industry. Several
studies conducted in the late 1990s suggested that cut flowers had a serious
environmental impact, and some advocacy organizations have attempted to raise
consumer awareness about the hidden costs of cut flowers.

Most cut flowers are grown in South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia in large
greenhouse environments staffed by underpaid, non-unionized workers. The
greenhouses are carefully climate controlled to yield the best cut flowers, and they are
also heavily sprayed with pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides. Because cut flowers are
grown in nations with more lax environmental laws, many banned substances including
DDT and methyl-bromide are used in flower production. These substances have a
profound impact on the health of the workers: many suffer from health problems such
as skin conditions, respiratory problems, impaired vision, and birth defects thanks to
their exposure to these chemicals.

In addition to hurting the workers, these chemicals are also extremely harmful for the
environment. Methyl-bromide has been linked with destruction of the ozone layer, for
example, while DDT usage worldwide led to serious problems for many animal and
bird populations. Most greenhouses which produce cut flowers dump chemicals on their
crops in large amounts. These chemicals later enter the bodies of workers, the flowers,
and the ground water. Water pollution around commercial greenhouses hurts animal and

fish populations and also has an impact on human life as well, by reducing the amount
of drinkable water.

Once the flowers are grown, they still must be shipped to a final destination, greatly
contributing to global pollution. Some cut flowers may be shipped thousands of miles,
adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere at every step of the way. At the florist, the
flowers are arranged and prepared for sale, and some florists have complained of skin
and other health problems as a result of prolonged contact with cut flowers. Finally, the
consumer brings the flowers home, perhaps tossing them carelessly into a shopping cart
laden with organic, fair trade produce and other food stuffs.

The serious environmental impact caused by the cut flower industry began to raise
eyebrows in the early twenty first century, when consumer advocacy organizations
began to educate people about the problems with cut flowers. Usually, stories about cut
flowers peak around Valentine's Day, in an attempt to convince consumers to buy
organic, locally raised flowers which do not carry heavy environmental impacts with
them. Local seasonal flowers can be just as handsome, and even more unusual,
especially when combined with other thoughtful gifts.49

Fresh Cut Flowers on wise GEEK:

Balanced, clean water and open stems are the most important factors to making fresh
cut flowers last. In order to understand how to care for freshly cut flowers, it is
important to understand how flowers drink.
Florists often include life-extending powder with their deliveries, but some ingredients
found around the house, including aspirin, vodka and sugary soft drinks, also can extend
the life of fresh-cut flowers. In many cases, floral bouquets sent from a florist will come
with a special flower powder life extender packet to make flowers last longer.50


Bulk Cut Flowers on wise GEEK:

Agribusiness includes the production, processing, and supply of agricultural goods
which range from lettuce to corn syrup. Companies may focus on things like cut
flowers, fresh vegetables, or byproducts of farming such as fuels derived from farm

Given this, not all types of cypress mulch deter insects from plants and flowers as
commonly believed. Besides being a good gardening tool, cypress mulch also has a
reputation for being aesthetically pleasing. 51

Tulips Cut Flowers on wise GEEK:

Fruits produce ethylene gas when ripening and this gas will kill the buds inside the
bulbs. Sandy soil with good drainage is ideal for tulips. The flowers will grow better if
time is taken to dig and aerate the soil to a depth of 6-8 inches (15–20 cm).

Tulips, along with other spring flowers like daffodils, are some of the first flowering
plants noticeable in many growing areas. They are widely enjoyed by many people as
cut flowers or simply left in the garden. However, when left in the garden, they can be
an enticement to rabbits, which may eat them and squirrels often dig up the bulbs before
they sprout. 52

Peonies Cut Flowers on wise GEEK:

Herbaceous peonies can be trimmed to remove unsightly dead foliage in the winter,
while tree peonies can be shaped with trimming after they go dormant. Many people
cultivate peonies for the purpose of having cut flowers, as the blooms can look quite
beautiful in vases.


The rose peony can also be shaped with judicious pruning, and it does very well as a cut
flower, for people who want to bring the distinctive fragrance into their homes. A mixed
patch of rose peonies can yield an array of shades of color, or gardeners can choose to
plant a single color for more uniformity. 53

Cut Flowers Roses on wise GEEK:

Informal types of cemetery flowers are appropriate to be given by anyone. These
include baskets, planters, potted plants, cut flowers, casket lid floral arrangements,
headstone flowers and sprays. Floral sprays are arrangements of flowers that are bound
together loosely with ribbon. Florists often include life-extending powder with their
deliveries, but some ingredients found around the house, including aspirin, vodka and
sugary soft drinks, also can extend the life of fresh-cut flowers. In many cases, floral
bouquets sent from a florist will come with a special flower powder life extender packet
to make flowers last longer. 54

Hydrangea Cut Flowers on wise GEEK:

Floristry experts suggest that one make certain the hydrangea bloom is at least a week
old and is fully colored prior to cutting it. The older the bloom, the longer the cut flower
will last in water. As well, since new hydrangea frequently buds on old wood, one
should cut the green area, and not the brown area of the stem.
Native to Japan, hortensia is widely cultivated in Europe and North America. This plant
is one of the varieties of hydrangea with flowers that change color from blue to pink.
The color change is the direct result of potenz hydrogen (pH) levels in the soil. 55


Flowers from the garden path to market

From the data so we know that 80% of the flowers grown in the Muang Kaew district
will be sent to Bangkok as a major market and the other 20% remaining to be sent to
market for sale in Chiang Mai. To transport flowers from the garden to sell at the
market in general will be a function of the middleman normally people who grow
flowers, each with middlemen to buy the garden. Then, the middlemen would send
flowers to customers, which depending on where it will contact customers. As
middlemen, one of the Muang Kaew district provides information to the author that
typically they have regular customers at Bangkok, about 5 more than the customer will
take flowers to send to individual customers by the flower shop or flower market where
That he expected it would be in Bangkok or nearby provinces as the main
The middlemen buy flowers to be sent for sale at market, Bangkok or Chiang Mai, it
depends on the quality of the flowers is the main If the flowers are in grade A quality, it
is sent to Bangkok, the Stock Market is located on the Canal. Market Four Corners and
the Thai market, but if the flower quality Grade B will be sent for sale in Chiang Mai,
the main market is at Kad Luang by more than 80% of the flowers on mine glass is sent
to Bangkok and another 20%. Kat will be sent to the Royal. This is because the quality
of the glass flowers that mine is quite good compared to other crops is a flat together.
For example, if compared to the flowers grown in San Sai district, the flowers were
grown at a quality inferior to the dunes to plant flowers in the glass mines. Most of the
flowers will be sent to the dunes for sale at Kad Luang mainly
Relationship between dealers and farmers in system Floriculture of Gardener Muang
Kaew district,One of the most important elements for each farmer who is the
middleman can be seen from the fact that farmers often have you regularly for a
middleman to buy flowers for sale to customers in the market. Besides the role of a
mediator help distribute the product from garden to consumers and. Middleman glass
flowers in the mining district has held a role. "Major factor" that cannot live without the
flower growers in the mining district of glass that has it all First of all an important role
is as a source for investment loans to farmers to grow flowers. Planting flowers become
the most important crops of the district mining cup since 2540, but farmers who planted
flowers in the district, most are still only small-scale farmers who do not cost much in a
career than a little land. (Or some may have to rent land for cultivation even) and only

their own labor. The small-scale farmers as this could provide them with access to
limitation of loans in various systems and sources of loans to non-formal approach
instead. And a source of loans outside of the system, they are those middlemen various
agricultural productivity sure enough in case the flowers. From talking to dealers who
buy flowers in many different glass mining district, it provides information that those
same "ball park" (term used to refer to farmers who are customers of dealers) that each
of them. Everyone has the need to borrow money from them every person is different to
some of the very few, some of which range from thousands to Main billion Baht The
ball park will be how much each loan will depend on whether each ball park has a
"credit" is to see how well that has adequate capacity to use much debt. With the loan
payment history to how and most importantly after the product production is then
brought back to sell them all or not. If you find someone who secretly bring products to
sell to other dealers will have an effect on the assistance the next time. In addition on
loans, dealers help customers to be found on production planning for each season as
well. Because middlemen will be in contact with each customer makes directly to know
that the flowers of each kind will be able to sell well. "We are a customer contact
person, Bangkok, we will know what the flowers where sellers. Then I have to see if it
fits your child space to grow our garden or not. Selling flowers is not that great, but I
planted it was not as good as this, it does not. Call that we need to study it carefully and
then gradually introduce the children planted gardens. I just planted the ball park map to
our place. Maintain the high quality flowers. Suddenly we find out enough market to
sell them called out to stop it.

"Middlemen, farmers borrow money to invest. So if we want to have a refund, we need

to plan for planting as well. Find a good market for customers. Otherwise, if they do,
then we do not loss money back, with Called in the same boat then. If he receives
money, we receive also. If they fail, we fail also. Therefore, for the gardener
Intermediaries like us is the most important element. If not us, he is not. He does not
know what will be planted to sell anyone. In other words, so if one is our relationship
with him, this one is difficult to insert. If government agencies will insert, his can only
promote knowledge a few things but are subject to promote a group to negotiate with

Changes to Floriculture in a wide area When it comes to planting flowers, Muang Kaew
District is the second district of Mae Rim district, flowers are planted as crops.

Previously, Yang Pong is the first Sub-grown flower crops seriously. But about a year
after the 2540 planting flowers began to expand into the other Sub-floor flat. Mae Ram
is Sanpong Don Muang Kaew, including district with dunes, respectively. But because
the district mining glass environment suitable for growing flowers, compared to district
and other mentioned it to the last ten years has expanded the area planted flowers in
Tambon Muang Kaew than district other visually clear. As middlemen in the flower
district, one glass of mine about the author Listen to the mining district in the glass
flowers have grown up to about 5 times in the last ten years. Or we may see a number of
areas planted chrysanthemum in the District Mining glass survey in Mae Rim District in
2550, which has a total area of 325 rai, while the other two the next year is the year
2552 were added to growing flowers increased. 425 acres, is considered consistent with
the hearsay of people in that area. "Now they have planted flowers, but they all
changed. No one, he then planted vegetable. "

But since the opposite case of the Pong Yang, which is a pioneer in the area of flower
cultivation in Mae Rim District. Because the survey of the Mae Rim District, since
2550, it was found that there is still planting flowers live up to 553 rai, but the survey in
2552 to find that the remaining area planted flowers all together, only 40 rai, only that
in this merchant intermediate flowers, and agricultural extension staff of the Mae Rim
district, are synchronized to the CAUSE Tambon Pong Yang flowers are planted less
likely because of the agricultural business, began shifting their focus on food crops over
The crops of that there now is capsicum, which is a private company to support local
farmers in a manner sub-contract that makes Farmers switched from planting flowers to
a sweet pepper plant crops instead of many.

In the other district, that they had planted flowers in the new planting area increased as
well. But mounting an inappropriate environment for growing the various districts
cannot expand the area planted to add much. The district has grown chrysanthemum
today than Pong Yang and mine are glass and Mae Ram San Pong, and Don Glass.

The other district, In Chiang Mai are planted flowers and are also in Mae Rim District,
Chom Thong district, Phrao, Chiang Dao District and San Sai district, Total area of Doi
Inthanon, Amphoe Chom Thong, Tambon Pong Yang and Mae Rim district. Is a
growing area of interest has the best quality in Chiang Mai because of climate the best.
Sub mines glass is even considered to be areas that are appropriate in order, followed
by, but in the eyes of merchants flowers and quality of the flowers grown here is also
considered in the grade A that can be sold in the market, Bangkok. The only vice is the
flower from the area of Doi Inthanon and Pong Yang only While flowers grown in the
rest area in Chiang Mai, most will be selected as a grade B and was sent for sale to the
market in Chiang Mai.

In addition, Chiang Mai Province in the last 10 years is also a flower growing areas in
other provinces additional geographic areas. The key areas that are considered as
planting flowers that are grade A quality district, Wang Nam Kiew, Nakhon
Ratchasima. District and Phu Rua in Loei Province and also after the flowers have
started to import from Malaysia as well. In the eyes of dealers and flowers of these areas
is planting flowers in a competition with the same cultivated area in Chiang Mai, total
Expansion of the flower markets and customers in Chiang Mai

From the expansion of areas planted flowers in the last ten years, we realize that the
flower market in Chiang Mai itself is expanding more as well. If the middleman from
the flowers and inquiries from the mining district of glass flowers were the middlemen,
when about ten years ago, only about 10 more cases only. But at present, to have
increased to about more than 40 cases, while if View the Flower Market itself is found
in the parent trading Flower has also been growing as well with the conversation with
her mother trade flowers Kat. Royal, which has told the author that when listening for
about ten years ago in Kad Luang แamncgr flowers are all about 50 people back there,

but today the number has increased to about 200 more than seeing that either more of a
middleman or amncgr market will see growth of those in the chain of flower rise 4 to 5
times, if ever, compared with a decade ago.

The growth of the customer for mother of the flower trade Kad Luang แamncgr these

were different, it does not feel that my own flower shop sold more or less from a decade
ago, quite. But if we try to calculate from the hearsay of amncgr that ten years ago, there
amncgr in the market, only 50 cases, while today there amncgr in the market to 200
cases if amncgr each sale in the amount of the same, that would translate. that customers
who buy flowers are in Kad Luang volume increased to 4 to 5 times as well. In this case
amncgr one has explained to us listen to the growth of the customers are. "If you try to
observe one simple example, kindergarten or elementary school students now graduate
from school when they need a certificate presentation ceremony held large. The past ten
or twenty years ago are not this. Or they have to work with school activities organized
from time to time he had to use flowers to decorate the place. This we could see already
that want to use the flower it up a lot from the past. "

"Most of time before they use floral decoration in the temple, and then it works as
wedding favors or main but now he held up the whole school. Government agencies or
even held it at home a lot more. Flowers, so I demand a lot more with. "56 Technology
In the present, the technology is development as quickly. Technology helps to manage
information system of shop. In addition, Technology can help find a resource and makes
it easier to communicate with customers.

There is no minimum technology requirement to run a flower shop these days, customer
expectations and cut-throat competition have compelled florists nationwide to "step up"
their technological know-how and implement new processes and systems to stay



"A POS system was very important 10 years ago, but now they are more powerful,
having added various marketing programs along with the accounting, order
transmission, and other features.

The Web site has become more critical during the past five years" because of
consumers' purchasing habits shifting from walk-in and phone orders to Web-based

Indeed, e-commerce is critical to retailers in just about every industry,

In the past 10 years, brochure-style sites the kind that merely give the shop's contact
information without offering e-commerce functionality -- have been replaced by
smooth, easy-to-navigate online shops. It's essential for any retailer to have a well
designed Web site that effectively takes orders, as well as just showcases product. The
site needs to be professionally designed, and make the user feel comfortable purchasing
from the store. Think about the attitudes of Gen X and Gen Y consumers. They were
raised with this technology, and they're not only accustomed to using the Web to find
information and to make purchases, they expect it. Having a Web presence is obviously
the biggest change in the last decade. Ten years ago one of the most effective ways to
generate new business might have been a Yellow Pages ad; today it's a Web site or
localized online advertising.

Still, with competition growing, more florists are going beyond the basics and
implementing systems that help them offer the kinds of impressive services only
national companies with deep pockets could offer just a few years ago, including order
tracking, delivery confirmation and other highly personalized service options.
In today's economy, it is a no-brainer where to allocate your money. Web sites have
low overhead, usually take one person to maintain, and most people see a 15 percent to
50 percent increase in sales annually. We average 30 percent."
When done correctly, a well executed e-mail campaign a 'burst' or 'blast' in tech terms
can hit hundreds or thousands of your customers for next to nothing.
Customers expect that a florist should be able to provide a confirmation when the order
is delivered, and e-mail or instant messaging is preferred. Our software will have to

have options in the customer profile indicating how each customer prefers to be

Mobile phones can changes the way people communicate. For example, e-mail is
increasingly being supplanted by text messaging. It also changes the way people find
services. An example of that is software for mobile phones that shows the user shops
and restaurants near their current location. iPhone have "raised people's awareness of
what they can do with their cell phone" and, consequently, changed their perception of
how the world communicates and conducts routine transactions It's easy to envision
how consumers will use mobile devices to find florists, to place orders. From the
standpoint of shop operations, mobile technologies have a wide array of uses, from
helping drivers get to deliveries quickly to keeping florists in touch with the daily
activities of their shop.

Social networking is becoming an excellent way to reach family, friends and now
customers. The age of Myspace, Facebook and many others is here, however, it may
take several years for our industry to grasp the usefulness of this semi-easy to use and
inexpensive technology.

Florists are going to need to control their message, and that means doing more with
your own Web site. Florists can look to the amazing Gallery2 photo gallery, which can
be added to most Web sites pretty easily. If you're going to try and use sites like
Facebook, you need to be very subtle with the marketing, and package it in a very
attractive manner. Digital photography also has become a mainstay for many shops, and
a major component of promotions and advertising.

Emerging technologies will affect more than marketing: Logistics how flowers arrive in
the shop and how they get out to customers absolutely will be influenced by a new wave
of ideas and initiatives, not to mention market demands.

Consumers will continue to want everything fresher and faster. Technology is at root
just a tool, and successful applications will stand out because they make good business

sense. The 'bottom line' on technology is, well, the bottom line: It is important to
understand how a new technology will drive additional revenue, enhance customer
service, or make a shop more efficient operationally.57

3.1.3 Competition Analysis (3C Analysis) Competitor Analysis
Florist business is a business that is becoming popular. Result is flower shop more than
1000 stores in the country. Competition is high. In Chiang Mai, florist shops have many
stores. So competitors have both direct and indirect. Main competitor of As you wish’s
shop is Prae Chompu shop, Iris Florist Shop, Infinity Florist and Mon-Mon Flower
Shop. So our shop has 9 main competitors which each shop have different of available
in service.

Prae Chompu Shop

Picture 3.2 Prae Chompu shop58


Table 3.11 Prae Chompu Shop

Prae Chompu Shop Detail
Product Artificial
Mother's Day
Dolls - Gifts - Fruits
Father's Day
Flower Bouquets
Valentine's day
Flower Vases
Flower Baskets
Price Price is medium. It hold price in standard
of flower shop.
Place OFFICE: 96/9 Pisanee Road, Chang Moi,
Muang Chiang Mai 5660
This shop is competitor of our shop but it
isn’t same road. This shop has affected
less than another shop. So this shop is
indirect competitor.
Promotion Don’t have the promotion for shop

Prae Chompu shop has various products in serve customer and have medium price. It
hold price in standard of flower shop. Prae Chompu shop is Pisanee Road, Chang Moi,
Muang Chiang Mai. Advantage of this shop is it far from Chiang Mai University or our
shop that mean have affect to our shop a little. And disadvantage of this shop is that
don’t have the promotion for shop on website for serve customer. So this point is
weakness which makes our shop serve customer around Chiang Mai University and
around there. It can make profit. So our shop better than Prae Chompu shop.

Iris Florist Shop

Picture 3.3 Iris Florist Shop59

Table 3.12 Iris Florist Shop

Iris Florist Shop Detail
Product Bouquet
Hand made
Price High price
Place 59/1 Nimmanhemin's Road, Suthep,
Muang District, Chiang Mai 50200
This shop is near Chiang Mai University
because it is on same road. So this shop is
main competitor or direct competitor of


our shop.
Promotion Don’t have the promotion for shop

Iris Florist Shop has a little of product in serve customer and have high price. This point
may be disadvantage for Iris Florist Shop. Including promotion of shop doesn’t have the
promotion for shop. Those are weakness of Iris Florist Shop. Iris Florist Shop is the
main competitors of our shop because place of shop is on same district with our shop
that is Nimmanhemin's Road, Suthep, Muang District, Chiang Mai. However, our shop
can serve customer better than Iris Florist Shop due to our shop is near Chiang Mai

Infinity Florist Shop

Picture 3.4 Infinity Florist Shop60



Table 3.13 Infinity Florist Shop

Infinity Florist Shop Detail
Product Bouquet
Special occasion
Price No indentify
Place Infinity Florist flower shop online flower
shop and don’t indentify address clearly.
So Infinity Florist Shop is indirect
competitor too.
Promotion Discount 15 % when ordering flowers this
Valentine's Day! Feb 10 deadline

Infinity Florist Shop has a little of product in serve customer but have promotion for
serve customers. The weakness of this shop is doesn’t identify the price. The most
customers will don’t interest with shop those. And weakness in some thing that is
doesn’t show address clearly. The customer will can’t find locate of this shop or
difficult in finding. Those are make our shop has advantage than Infinity Florist Shop.
So our shop has better than Infinity Florist Shop whether the price and address which
our shop has identify clearly. And Infinity Florist Shop have affect to our shop a little.

Mon Mon’s Flowers Shop

Picture 3.5 Mon Mon’s Flowers Shop61

Table 3.14 Mon Mon’s Flowers Shop

Mon Mon’s Flowers Shop Detail
Product Bouquet
Price Low price
Place 42 Chang Moi, Muang Chiang Mai 50300
This shop is indirect competitor of our
shop because it isn’t same road. So This
shop has affected less than another shop.
Promotion Don’t have the promotion for shop.


Mon Mon’s Flowers Shop has a little of product in serve customer and low price. The
promotion doesn’t have the promotion for shop. Those are weakness of Mon Mon’s
Flowers Shop which is disadvantage of them. This shop is indirect competitor of our
shop because it isn’t same road. So this shop has affected less than another shop.

Dalha Dalee Florist

Picture 3.6 Dalha Dalee Florist62

Table 3.15 Dalha Dalee Florist

Dalha Dalee Flowers Shop Detail
Product Flower Bouquet
Flower Vases
Flower Baskets
Flower Wreaths
Birthday Cakes
Artificial Flower
Teddy Bears

Price High price

Place Nimmanhaemint Road ,Soi 9, Suthem
Mueang Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai 50200,
This shop is indirect competitor of our
shop because it isn’t same road. So far.
This shop has affected less than another
Promotion Simply order by call us on 081-8811752 or
053-211949 for assistance.
Same day delivery for all order placed
before 12.00 AM. All price are Thai bath
and free delivery for any 1,000 bath up
(only in Chiangmai city) for other
province will be charge to the mileage.

Dalha Dalee the flower shop location in the city of Chiang Mai , Thailand ,experience
staff are on hand to create the ultimate gift of flowers to cater for your individual needs.
They offer hand tied bouquets and flower arrangement in any style for every place and
any occasion. Always send the perfect flower arrangement make any occasion a special

Freedom Florist

Picture 3.7 Freedom Florist63

Table 3.16 Freedom Florist
Freedom Florist Detail
Product Flower Bouquet
Flower Vases
Flower Baskets
Flower Wreaths
Birthday Cakes
Artificial Flower
Teddy Bears
Price Low price
Place 30/1 Moo. 3 Hangdong Chiang Mai 50230
This shop is indirect competitor of our
shop because it isn’t same road. So far
This shop has affected less than another

Promotion Have service arrangement flower both
internal and external location and can
contract all time.

Freedom florist have service around the country and around the world by offer low price
to customer and freedom have another product are doll produce by hand make from folk
in location.

Rachawadee Florist

Picture 3.8 Rachawadee Florist64


Table 3.17 Rachawadee Florist

Rachawadee Florist Detail
Product Wedding flower decoration and guest gift
Wake and other religious arrangement
Birthday flower basket and gift
Funeral flower arrangement
Special event decoration
Graduation ceremony
Welcoming Event
Price High price
Place Muang, Chiang Mai
This shop is direct competitor of our shop
but it isn’t same road. Near with our
company. This shop has affected less than
another shop.
Promotion Have service arrangement flower both
internal and external location and can
contract all time.

Rachawadee Florist: This florist certified professionals are ready to serve your flowers
and special event arrangement needs. They have extensive work portfolio both local and
oversea we offer.

Flower First Florist

Picture 3.9 Flower First Florist 65

Table 3.18 Flower First Florist

Flower First Florist Detail
Product Flower Bouquets
Flower Vases
Flower hand make
Price Low price
Place 26/164-165 Hill side condo 2
Nimmhanhaemin T.Suthep,Mueng
Chiang Mai 50200
Tel : 053-400357 , 086-9234017
This shop is direct competitor of our shop
but it isn’t same road. Near with our
company. This shop has affected less than


another shop.
Promotion Have service arrangement flower both
internal and external location and can
contract all time. Customer Analysis

Table 3.19 shows the number of areas and population density. Total population
and population divide by sex in Chiang Mai.66
District Number of Density of Amount Population
areas population population
(Square (People per Total
kilometer) square mile)
Male female
Muang 152.359 1,595.34 243,065 114,226 128,839
Chom 712.297 92.04 65,563 32,587 32,976
Mea 3,361.151 19.95 67,055 34,321 32,734
Chiang 1,882.082 46.26 87,071 44,500 42,571
Doi Saket 671.276 96.60 64,847 31,528 33,319
Mae Tang 1,362.784 55.61 75,784 37,792 37,992


Mae Rim 443.634 188.71 83,716 41,501 42,215
Samoeng 898.022 25.95 23,301 11,946 11,355
Fang 888.164 136.66 121,374 61,673 59,701
Mae Ai 736.701 105.19 77,490 39,500 37,990
Phrao 1,148.186 45.15 51,844 25,826 26,018
San Pa 178.188 429.95 76,612 36,767 39,845
San 197.833 376.52 74,488 35,672 38,816
g district
Sansai 285.019 380.16 108,352 51,147 57,205
Hang 277.136 265.35 73,538 35,513 38,025
Hod 1,430.383 30.65 43,843 21,687 22,156
Doi Tao 803.918 33.82 25,159 11,690 13,469

Table 3.20 Population of Chiang Mai by age group and sex67

Population Percentage
Age group Total Males Females Total Males Females
Total 1,500,127 741,726 758,401 100.0 100.0 100.0
0-4 92,576 47,328 45,248 6.2 6.4 6.0
5-9 113,269 57,814 55,455 7.6 7.8 7.3
10-14 114,405 58,758 55,647 7.6 7.9 7.3
15-19 127,022 63,819 63,203 8.5 8.6 8.3
20-24 124,927 62,411 62,516 8.3 8.4 8.2
25-29 113,365 55,265 58,100 7.6 7.5 7.7
30-34 126,025 59,829 66,196 8.4 8.1 8.7
35-39 144,932 70,070 74,862 9.7 9.4 9.9
40-44 144,715 70,642 74,073 9.6 9.5 9.8
45-49 106,971 52,881 54,090 7.1 7.1 7.1
50-54 69,383 34,840 34,543 4.6 4.7 4.6
55-59 50,673 25,505 25,168 3.4 3.4 3.3
60-64 51,371 24,930 26,441 3.4 3.4 3.5
65-69 49,436 23,917 25,519 3.3 3.2 3.4
70-74 35,477 17,166 18,311 2.4 2.3 2.4
75-79 19,947 9,595 10,352 1.3 1.3 1.4
80-84 9,262 4,276 4,986 0.6 0.6 0.7
85 and over 6,371 2,680 3,691 0.4 0.4 0.5




Table 3.21 Number of population from registration record by province of north

region, area and sex: 2007-200868
Province 2007 2008
Total Male Female Total Male Female
Chiang Mai 1,664,399 817,524 846,875 1,670,317 819,750 850,567
Municipal 396,269 186,748 209,521 450,918 212,401 238,517
Non-municipal 1,268,130 630,776 637,354 1,219,399 607,349 612,050

From information, population of Chiang Mai by age group and sex are in interval 20 to
44 that is the most customers. Because they are target of our shop, those are student and
business person in around Chiang Mai. That can show those group have more
population both female and male. They will make revenue to our shop
Refer to table 3.5 Data shows the hotels and restaurants and Provincial Product per
capita income of population during the years 2005-2009. That can show to potential of
population which has power pay increase because Gross Provincial Product (GPP
(Millions of Baht) have maturity in every year since 2005-2009 from 100,790 in year
2005, 110,729 in year 2006, 118,326 in year 2007, 127,602in year 2008 and 132,098 in
year 2009. In Revenue Per capita GRP (Baht) have maturity in every year since 2005-
2009 from 64,220 in year 2005, 70,235 in year 2006, 74,717 in year 2007, 80,241 in
year 2008, and 82,752 in year 2009. If measure population in 1,000 persons that have
majority in every year since 2005-2009 is 1,569 in year 2005, 1,577 in year 2006, 1,584
in year 2007, 1,590 in year 2008 and 1,596 in year 2009. Those shows to population
have rich economic in Chaing Mai for every year.



From information, It can show potential of the customer in Chiang Mai whether Student
and business person in around Chiang Mai. So this point in support and guarantee that
the customer have power in pay and they can make profit to our shop certainly.

Our company is located in Chiang Mai because Chiang Mai is the center of many
business districts, transportation convenience, and the center of the North which is
suitable for open florist shop. Northern Region is the cold weather suitable for
floriculture. So north has many type flowers. As you wish shop near Chiang Mai
University and opposite the Holiday Garden Hotel. Result is Shop can visible clearly.

3.2 STP Analysis

Market Segmentation
Segmentation is very important for our business it can help to identify our target market.
So, we are full market coverage. We serve all customer groups with all the products
they might need in differentiated marketing, our firm operates in several market
segments and designs different products for each segment.
Table 3.22 Population by age group, sex and present change wad69

Age Group Total Male Female

Present Changwad
Present Area
0-14 1,608,433 776,819 831,614
15-19 308,851 154,222 154,629
20-24 133,422 66,050 67,372
25-29 137,552 67,427 70,125
30-34 110,359 55,009 55,350
35-39 102,912 50,270 52,642
40-49 124,597 58,250 66,347
50-59 296,875 138,956 157,919
60 and over 185,157 89,564 95,593

Table 3.23 Statistic of population from register record in Chiang Mai Province70

Year Number of population Rate of Density

Total Male Female Birth Death population per
1997 1,573,757 784,729 789,028 10,160 11,814 0.60 78.27
1998 1,582,221 786,731 795,489 15,058 15,391 0.54 78.69
1999 1,587,463 787,607 799,856 18,221 15,376 0.33 78.95
2000 1,590,327 787,784 802,543 19,047 14,403 0.18 79.09
2001 1,600,850 791,537 809,313 18,162 13,585 0.66 79.62
2002 1,595,855 787,591 808,264 19,022 13,297 -0.31 79.37
2003 1,603,220 790,107 813,113 19,240 12,928 0.46 79.73
2004 1,630,769 803,319 827,450 20,097 13,001 1.72 81.10
2005 1,650,009 811,990 838,019 19,754 12,549 1.18 82.06
2006 1,658,298 815,529 842,769 20,150 13,036 0.38 82.37
2007 1,664,399 817,524 846,875 20,534 13,009 0.37 82.78

Target Market
As you wish florist shop will target the teenager group and business that has trend to
buy our product frequency. We have specifically targeted segments of people with an
appreciation for giving flowers on special occasions. As you wish florist shop can be
expressions of customers with whom the various occasions such as
graduation Ceremony, wedding, funeral and other occasions.
These people will value the high quality product presented without pretension. Our
customers will also appreciate the happy and fast service. For people in our target group
who are tending to be our customers is people the age between 15-49 years old. As you
wish florist shop near Chiang Mai University, that the number of students studying in
the present about 37,977 people.71


Table 3.24 Number of population in Chiang Mai

Number of population in Chiang Mai

Age Number Percent

15-19 94,817 6.7

20-29 160,065 11.3

30-39 172,934 12.2

40-49 283,748 20.0

Picture 3.10

Picture 3.11

Picture 3.12

Picture 3.13

Picture 3.14
Market Positioning
Our business, we provide the arrangement flower and delivery. We try to create an
image or an identity our products, brand or company in our targeted market’s mind. We
position our products on promoting, adding value, and environmental friendly with
various design shop for the customers.72

3.3 Marketing Mix Strategy

3.3.1 Product
As you wish’s Florist shop is florist shop. Our company provides flowers in any festival
to customer. However, congratulate, wedding ceremony, Valentine’s Day, show room,
provide for exterior of place, condolence, and wreath etc. Our company uses fresh
flowers and many kind of flower in any festival. Our company brings flower come from
north and China because our shop wants to promote community for increase income to
people and China has big size of flower and low price. Such as carnation, tulip, lily,
rose, chrysanthemum, cypsophila etc. Our company study what customers want of each
place. The business provides employee which has skill or experience about flower in
working. And customer will trust with our shop. So our business has different from
other florist shop in near shop and attract customer for service of our company.


Product model for fresh flowers is divided into five categories as follows; Procurement
bouquet, Procurement vase, Procurement basket, the wreath and organized layout
remains, and Event.
Model for fresh flowers is divided into five categories as follows

Picture 3.15 Procurement bouquet

Picture 3.16 Procurement vase


Picture 3.17 Procurement basket

Picture 3.18 the wreath and organized layout remains


Picture 3.19 Event

Picture 3.20
3.3.2 Price
We set price lower than competitors. We choose penetration price from pricing strategic
because our main customers are students and general people around Chiang Mai
University. We ensure that our products are special, fresh, quality, and effective. We set
the price according to size of the container and cost of flowers. Factor in set pricing
include capital, location and competition in the flower shop.

Cost includes variable and fixed costs such as flowers, fresh flowers, the refrigerant
charge, equipment for flower arranging rental location, the decorating, alary etc.

If it is done playing the central business district or community rental place, it would be
prohibitively expensive but if the play is so much to do with people busy. Rent is
cheaper. Return might be compared to less than do Lake in the central business district
or community.

Charge for service the floral shop at the same district.

Most stores will charge fees to the same standards to the shop areas.
Other flowers when the shops are popular with customers. The service charge may be
gradually increased performance held out.
We set prices according to international standards is calculated cost fourfold of capital

Formulation 1.173
Formulation = Variable costs + Fixed costs allocated x fourfold of capital = price

Variable costs: Consists of the fresh flowers cost, the materials in flower arrangements
cost, Rental place cost, salary of employees, etc.
Fixed costs allocated: Consists of decorate cost, freezer flowers cost, depreciation for
buildings cost, the equipment used in flower arrangements cost, etc.

Table 3.25 Pricing

Product Price
Flowers Bouquet 300-1,000 Baths
Flowers on Vase 500-1,500 Baths
Flowers Basket 500-1,500 Baths
Wreath 800-1,000 Baths
Event 10,000-20,000 Baths


Note: Rate service charge of flower arrangement may be change depend on the type of
flowers and formats as we see from formula 1.174

3.3.3 Place

Picture 3.21 Place

As you wish florist shop has located in downtown, nearly Chiang Mai University, on
Huaykaew road. It is new building have 3 floors. In the front side have convenience
parking .It is great location and easy come here and near University, Hotel and office.
On the left side of building close gifts shop and on the right side of building close
internet café. The reason is choose place because it is center of tourist and officer
.Around the shop has the place with have more tourists. It is convenience to
transportation and the place is most popular in Chiang Mai Province. We can distribute
product both direct and indirect channel. We have cooperated with wedding studio,
restaurant and hotel, we have walk in customer and make customer member.


Picture 3.22 Front shop

Picture 3.23 Front shop


Picture 3.24 inside shop75 Sold through stores is a distribution channel to reach customers anywhere.
However, the level of sales through the store must take into account the following

Choose a location in the community or area near the target, such as the flower shop that
focuses on organized blowing, basket, flower vase or as a main, should find a location
in the district office located at the very Or near the shopping center. If this is the flower
shop that focuses on organized funeral wreath or flowers is the main page, should find a
location near the temple because most customers will choose to use. Shop the best
services such as restaurant near work, near home, near the temple and so on.

Luggage shop
Entrepreneurs should shop for modern, clean and comfortable looking. The model for
flower show in the shop should be accentuated, stumbled Tong, vision, a sample
arrangement for all occasions and held flower show should always change the format to
attract customers at all.
128 Distribution via the Internet is a distribution channel, low-cost and accessible.
Customers have more number of internet users for information that will bring down the
site should have the following items.

Form of service.
Catalog model is different types of flower arrangements as well as price.
In addition, customers can also arrange a special order, such as type of flower to flower
forms of organizing and so on.

How to order.
Orders on the Internet that is important information is the name, address, phone number
of the order. And the name, address, phone number of the recipient as well as the
delivery location, date, time, and the text on Cards you want to send.

Method of payment you can choose payment in 2 ways.

Payment by cash or money order by sending a check through a bank transfer as
indicated and Credit card such as Visa, MasterCard million. American Express, Diners
Club etc.

Other information
How to maintain flowers are simple tricks about maintaining the flowers fresh and live
Flower Photo Gallery Photo Gallery Beautiful Flowers, both domestically and abroad,
include the meaning of each flower.76

3.3.4 Promotion
Flower shops are still a lucrative market as there will always be an occasional need for
flowers. Flowers are usually an important element for every large event or celebration.
In a highly competitive of flower selling, we think of ways to offer a distinctive kind of
service. We create niches or specialize in flowers for specific occasions such as

weddings, Graduation Ceremonies, and Anniversaries or social gatherings. These types

of events usually require specific types of flower species for specific event packages.
Effective promotion is usually needed to create awareness for specialized or customized
services. When budget and resources are limited, the use of more affordable and direct
promotional materials can also be effective.

Below are ideas on how to promote specialized ours shop arrangements for events. Do the posters in front a shop strike the eyes, can see easy. Do hand bill or brochures and other document to shows themed flower
arrangements and packages, distribute to the educational institutions, business district
and hospital. Do catalog show an expensive collection of suggested flower arrangements and
set-ups for a range of events. Do calendars in order to souvenirs or gift items to loyal customers. The product
collections and flower arrangements can make great calendar images. We use calendars
show product collections in each months. Do advertising in magazines and decorative home and garden. Do membership cards to offer special discounts for customers who use the
service regularly 15 % for member card. Special discounts for customers who introduce a friend or someone else come to
the store, by set the price of order to purchase in each time as follow:
Not exceeding 500 Baht - Get 5% discount.
From 500 Baht but not more than 1000 Baht- Get 8% discount.
Exceeding 1,000 Baht and up – Get 10% discount. Do the promotion to cumulative the points of each purchase, for receive
premium gifts. Join the florists famous contest in Chiang Mai to promote ours shop. Do the special promotions for each occasions and events.
Flower shops typically will not support the market by reducing prices, but will focus on
develop a model of customer service and a very memorable experience and confidence
in the Service

3.4 Sales Forecast/Profit Estimation

Population data from the district town, Chiang Mai Province has a population of 241,825
177(Amount of population refer to Table 3.4). So we expect to have customers, about 30% of
the total population to buy flowers of our company that is 72,548. We define the price of
product also Flowers Bouquet 300-1,000 Baths, Flowers on Vase 500-1,500 Baths, Flowers
Basket 500-1,500 Baths, Wreath 800-1,000 Baths, and Event10,000-20,000 Baths. So we
bring median price in calculation for sale the product. That is Flowers Bouquet is 650,
Flowers on Vase is 1,000, Flowers Basket 1,000, Wreath 900, and Event 15,000. In each
month the customer purchase the flower of each kind and amount inequity depend on festival
and demand and occasion. Follow the festival of each month also
Table 3.26 Occasions
Month Occasion Kind of product
January New year Day Flowers Bouquet
Flowers on Vase
Flowers Basket
February Valentine Day Flowers Bouquet
March -
April SongKran Day Flowers Bouquet
Flowers Basket
May Coronation Day Event
Royal Ploughing Day
June -
July -
August Mother's Day Flowers Bouquet
Flowers Basket
September -
October King Chulalongkorn Wreath

Day Event
November -
December Father’s Day Flowers Bouquet
Christmas Day Flowers Basket

Mr Chuchart KeelaPang vice Governor of Chiang Mai said that during the campaign Danger
7 days from 29 Dec 53-3 Jan 54, Chiang Mai Province has reported statistics on accidents
caused by accumulated 103 times the highest of the four countries, reduce from the same
period of last year was 7 time. 103 injured people have the highest fourth of the country,
down from the same period of last year 15 deaths which the highest of the four countries.
Type of vehicle accidents caused by bike most of 86, 7 trucks, Sedan 4 people caused by
drunken alcohol 57 times, followed by driving faster 26 times. The path that most road
accidents is department of Highways 45 times, followed by the road in village 40 times. Time
of the incident is between 16:01 to 20:00 am Maximum of 33 times, followed by a time of
20:01 to 00:00 am 21 times.78
Mr. Outairneent Chaiprasert Assistant Minister of Justice said that the festival year 2553
statistics road accidents everyday on 14 Apr 53 provinces that most accidents are 25 times.
Provincial high accident is Chiang Mai is 25 times. Provinces with the highest injury were
Wedding are popular in February, April or June because it is even months. Word of couple or
twice have meaning and very important in wedding because it is a ceremony that women and
men to start married life. Sometimes a marriage in nine months hold tips to progress because
the word "nine" that refers to the nines, and "step" to move forward, it means nearly the same




The most months of married were June because of rainy season is begun. Atmosphere to help
the heart run over a romantic than a wedding in the summer and to start the season the crop of
young Thai people 80
Chiang Mai University has graduation on January 24 2011.81

Table 3.27 Occasions/situation

Month Occasion/situation Kind of product
January New Year's Day is a day that Wreath
many people died.
Chiang Mai University has Flowers Bouquet
April Songkran Day is the day Wreath
many are dead.
February, April or June Married very popular Flowers Bouquet

Population data from the district town, Chiang Mai Province has a population of 241,825
182(Amount of population refer to Table 3.4). So we expect to have customers, about 30% of
the total population to buy flowers of our company that is 72,548. We define the price of
product also Flowers Bouquet 300-1,000 Baths, Flowers on Vase 500-1,500 Baths, Flowers
Basket 500-1,500 Baths, Wreath 800-1,000 Baths, and Event10,000-20,000 Baths. So we
bring median price in calculation for sale the product. That is Flowers Bouquet is 650,
Flowers on Vase is 1,000, Flowers Basket 1,000, Wreath 900, and Event 15,000. In each
month the customer purchase the flower of each kind and amount inequity depend on festival
and demand and occasion. Follow the festival of each month also




Table 3.28 Occasions

Month Occasion Kind of product
January New year Day Flowers Bouquet
Flowers on Vase
Flowers Basket
February Valentine Day Flowers Bouquet
March -
April SongKran Day Flowers Bouquet
Flowers Basket
May Coronation Day Event
Royal Ploughing Day
June -
July -
August Mother's Day Flowers Bouquet
Flowers Basket
September -
October King Chulalongkorn Wreath
Day Event
November -
December Father’s Day Flowers Bouquet
Christmas Day Flowers Basket

Mr Chuchart KeelaPang vice Governor of Chiang Mai said that during the campaign Danger
7 days from 29 Dec 53-3 Jan 54, Chiang Mai Province has reported statistics on accidents
caused by accumulated 103 times the highest of the four countries, reduce from the same
period of last year was 7 time. 103 injured people have the highest fourth of the country,
down from the same period of last year 15 deaths which the highest of the four countries.
Type of vehicle accidents caused by bike most of 86, 7 trucks, Sedan 4 people caused by

drunken alcohol 57 times, followed by driving faster 26 times. The path that most road
accidents is department of Highways 45 times, followed by the road in village 40 times. Time
of the incident is between 16:01 to 20:00 am Maximum of 33 times, followed by a time of
20:01 to 00:00 am 21 times.83
Mr. Outairneent Chaiprasert Assistant Minister of Justice said that the festival year 2553
statistics road accidents everyday on 14 Apr 53 provinces that most accidents are 25 times.
Provincial high accident is Chiang Mai is 25 times. Provinces with the highest injury were
Wedding are popular in February, April or June because it is even months. Word of couple or
twice have meaning and very important in wedding because it is a ceremony that women and
men to start married life. Sometimes a marriage in nine months hold tips to progress because
the word "nine" that refers to the nines, and "step" to move forward, it means nearly the same
The most months of married were June because of rainy season is begun. Atmosphere to help
the heart run over a romantic than a wedding in the summer and to start the season the crop of
young Thai people 85
Chiang Mai University has graduation on January 24 2011.86






Table 3.29 Occasion/situation

Month Occasion/situation Kind of product
January New Year's Day is a day that Wreath
many people died.
Chiang Mai University has Flowers Bouquet
April Songkran Day is the day Wreath
many are dead.
February, April or June Married very popular Flowers Bouquet

In year 1, Sale Forecast

We calculation sale by amount of population multiple with amount of customer that will
come purchase the flower that define 30 percent from all also 241,825 × 30 % = 72,548
which is amount of the customer. We bring this amount divide 12 months that is amount
6046.Due to we have main competitors 9 shops and our shop that is total 10 shop so from
6046/10 = 604 That can show calculation below

Population in Muang district, Chiang Mai 241,825
Amount of customer will purchase flower 241,825 × 30 % = 72,548
Amount of customer in each month 72,548 ÷ 12 = 6046
Amount of amount competitors include our shop 6046 ÷ 10 = 604

So we expect the real customer which calculation 604x65% = 393 because our shop just open
new shop that the customer have less than other shop. And we bring to divide 5 kind of
product because customer come product unequal in months depends on customer like which
kind. That can show calculation below

Amount main customer 604 x 65% = 393

Table 3.30 Kind of product

Kind of product:
Flower of bouquet 393 x 50% = 197
Flower on vase 393 x 10% = 40
Flowers Basket 393 x 15% = 59
Wreath 393 x 10% = 40
Event 393 x 15% = 59

In each month will purchase unequal flower of bouquet, Flower on vase, Flowers Basket,
Wreath and Event depend on festival and occasion

Table 3.31 Rate of divide of customer that consumption in each kind

Month Flower of bouquet Flower on vase Flowers Basket Wreath Event

January 197 x 30% = 59 40 x 34% = 14 59 x 20% = 12 40 x 15% = 6 59 x 12% = 7
February 197 x 23% = 45 40 x 6% = 2 59 x 5% = 3 40 x 6% = 3 59 x 13% = 8
March 197 x 7% =14 40 x 6% = 2 59 x 5% = 3 40 x 6% = 3 59 x 3% = 2
April 197 x 10% = 20 40 x 6% = 2 59 x 20% = 12 40 x 16% = 6 59 x 12% = 7
May 197 x 2% = 4 40 x 6% = 2 59 x 5% = 3 40 x 6% = 3 59 x 3% = 2
June 197 x 2% =4 40 x 6% = 2 59 x 5% = 3 40 x 6% = 3 59 x 12% = 7
July 197 x 2% =4 40 x 6% = 2 59 x 5% = 3 40 x 6% = 3 59 x 3% = 2
August 197 x 10% = 20 40 x 6% = 2 59 x 10% = 6 40 x 6% = 3 59 x 12% =7
September 197 x 2% =4 40 x 6% = 2 59 x 5% = 3 40 x 6% = 3 59 x 3% = 2
October 197 x 2% =4 40 x 6% = 2 59 x 5% = 3 40 x 15% = 6 59 x 12% = 7
November 197 x 2% =4 40 x 6% = 2 59 x 5% = 3 40 x 6% = 3 59 x 3% = 2
December 197 x 10% = 20 40 x 6% = 2 59 x 10% = 6 40 x 6% = 3 59 x 12% = 7

Note: We bring amount of pieces multiply with average price on above table

Table 3.32 Amount of pieces on each kind in year 1

In year 1, The sale by product Average price Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 1

On Cash
Flower Bouquet 650 59 45 44 20 4 4 4 20 4 4 4 20 232
Flower on Vase 1,000 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 36
Flower on Basket 1,000 12 3 3 12 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 6 60
Wreath 900 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 45
Event 15,000 7 8 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 60
Total sale on cash 98 61 54 47 14 19 14 38 14 22 14 38 433

Table 3.33 Sale forecast in year 1

In year 1, The Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 1
sale by product
On Cash
Flower 38350 29250 28600 13000 2600 2600 2600 13000 2600 2600 2600 13000 150,800
Flower on Vase 14000 2000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 36,000
Flower on 12000 3000 3,000 12,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6,000 60,000
Wreath 5400 2700 2,700 5,400 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 5,400 2,700 2,700 40,500
Event 105000 120000 30,000 105,000 30,000 105,000 30,000 105,000 30,000 105,000 30,000 105,000 900,000
Total sale on 174750 156950 66300 137400 40300 115300 40300 128700 40300 118000 40300 128700 1187300

In year 2, Sale Forecast

We expect the real customer will increase from 65 % (in year 1) + 5 % (in year 2) = 70 % which calculation 604 x 70% = 423 because our shop
have customer increase from year 1 and customer will know increase. And we bring to divide 5 kind of product because customer come product
unequal in months depends on customer like which kind. That can show calculation below

Amount main customer 604 x 70% = 423

Table 3.34 Kind of product

Kind of product:
Flower of bouquet 423 x 50% = 212
Flower on vase 423 x 10% = 42
Flowers Basket 423 x 15% = 63
Wreath 423 x 10% = 42
Event 423 x 15% = 63

In each month will purchase unequal flower of bouquet, Flower on vase, Flowers Basket, Wreath and Event depend on festival and occasion. But
it has increase sale from in year 1. That can show in below table

Table 3.35 Rate of divide of customer that consumption in each kind

Month Flower of bouquet Flower on vase Flowers Basket Wreath Event

January 212 x 30% = 63 42x 34% = 14 63x 20% = 13 42x 15% = 6 63x 12% = 8
February 212x 23% = 49 42x 6% = 3 63x 5% = 3 42x 6% =3 63x 13% = 8
March 212 x 7% = 15 42 x 6% = 3 63x 5% =3 42x 6% = 3 63x 3% = 2
April 212 x 10% = 21 42x 6% =3 63x 20% = 13 42x 16% = 7 63x 12% = 8
May 212 x 2% = 4 42x 6% = 3 63x 5% = 3 42x 6% = 3 63x 3% = 2
June 212 x 2% = 4 42x 6% = 3 63x 5% = 3 42x 6% = 3 63x 12% = 8
July 212 x 2% = 4 42x 6% = 3 63x 5% = 3 42x 6% = 3 63x 3% = 2
August 212 x 10% = 21 42x 6% = 3 63x 10% = 6 42x 6% = 3 63x 12% =8
September 212 x 2% =4 42x 6% = 3 63x 5% = 3 42x 6% = 3 63x 3% = 2
October 212 x 2% =4 42x 6% = 3 63x 5% = 3 42x 15% = 6 63x 12% = 8
November 212 x 2% =4 42x 6% = 3 63x 5% = 3 42x 6% = 3 63x 3% =2
December 212 x 10% =21 42x 6% =3 63x 10% = 6 42x 6% = 3 63x 12% = 8

Note: We bring amount of pieces multiply with average price on above table

Table 3.36 Amount of pieces on each kind in year 2

In year 2, Average Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 2
The sale price
On Cash
Flower 650 63 49 15 21 4 4 4 21 4 4 4 21 214
Flower 1,000 14 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 47
on Vase
Flower 1,000 13 3 3 13 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 6 62
on Basket
Wreath 900 6 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 46
Event 15,000 8 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 66
Total sale 104 66 26 52 15 21 15 41 15 24 15 41 435
on cash

Table 3.37 Sale forecast in year 2

In year 2, Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 2
The sale
On Cash
Flower 40950 31850 9750 13650 2600 2600 2600 13650 2600 2600 2600 13650 139,100
Flower on 14000 3000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 47,000
Flower on 13000 3000 3,000 13,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6,000 62,000
Wreath 5400 2700 2,700 6,300 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 5,400 2,700 2,700 41,400
Event 120000 120000 30,000 120,000 30,000 120,000 30,000 120,000 30,000 120,000 30,000 120,000 990,000
Total sale 193350 160550 48450 155950 41300 131300 41300 145350 41300 134000 41300 145350 1279500
on cash

In year 3, Sale Forecast

We expect the real customer will increase from 70 % (in year 2) + 5 % (in year 3) = 75 % which calculation 604 x 75% = 453 because our shop
have customer increase from year 2 and customer will know increase. And we bring to divide 5 kind of product because customer come product
unequal in months depends on customer like which kind. That can show calculation below

Amount main customer 604 x 75% = 453

Table 3.38 Kind of product

Kind of product:
Flower of bouquet 453 x 50% = 227
Flower on vase 453 x 10% = 45
Flowers Basket 453x 15% = 68
Wreath 453 x 10% = 45
Event 453 x 15% = 68

In each month will purchase unequal flower of bouquet, Flower on vase, Flowers Basket, Wreath and Event depend on festival and occasion. But
it has increase sale from in year 2. That can show in below table

Table 3.39 Rate of divide of customer that consumption in each kind

Month Flower of bouquet Flower on vase Flowers Basket Wreath Event
January 227x 30% = 68 45x 34% = 15 68x 20% = 14 45x 15% = 7 68x 12% = 8
February 227x 23% = 52 45x 6% = 3 68x 5% = 3 45x 6% = 3 68x 13% = 9
March 227x 7% = 16 45x 6% = 3 68x 5% = 3 45x 6% = 3 68x 3% = 2
April 227x 10% = 23 45x 6% = 3 68x 20% = 14 45x 16% = 7 68x 12% = 8
May 227x 2% = 5 45x 6% = 3 68x 5% = 3 45x 6% = 3 68x 3% = 2
June 227x 2% = 5 45x 6% = 3 68x 5% = 3 45x 6% = 3 68x 12% = 8
July 227x 2% = 5 45x 6% = 3 68x 5% = 3 45x 6% = 3 68x 3% = 2
August 227x 10% = 23 45x 6% = 3 68x 10% = 7 45x 6% = 3 68x 12% =8
September 227x 2% = 5 45x 6% = 3 68x 5% = 3 45x 6% = 3 68x 3% = 2
October 227x 2% = 5 45x 6% = 3 68x 5% = 3 45x 15% = 7 68x 12% = 8
November 227x 2% = 5 45x 6% = 3 68x 5% = 7 45x 6% = 3 68x 3% = 2
December 227x 10% = 23 45x 6% = 3 68x 10% = 7 45x 6% = 3 68x 12% = 8

Note: We bring amount of pieces multiply with average price on above table

Table 3.40 Amount of pieces on each kind in year 3

In year 3, The Average Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
sale by price 3
On Cash
Flower 650 68 52 16 23 5 5 5 23 5 5 5 23 235
Flower on 1,000 15 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 48
Flower on 1,000 14 3 3 14 3 3 3 7 3 3 7 7 70
Wreath 900 7 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 48
Event 15,000 8 9 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 67
Total sale on 112 70 27 55 16 22 16 44 16 26 20 44 468

Table 3.41 Sale forecast in year 3

In year 3, Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 3
The sale by
On Cash
Flower 44200 33800 10400 14950 3250 3250 3250 14950 3,250 3250 3250 14950 152,750
Flower on 15000 3000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 48,000
Flower on 14000 3,000 3,000 14,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 7,000 3,000 3,000 7,000 7,000 70,000
Wreath 6300 2700 2,700 6,300 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 6,300 2,700 2,700 43,200
Event 120000 135000 30,000 120,000 30,000 120,000 30,000 120,000 30,000 120,000 30,000 120,000 1,005,000
Total sale on 199500 177500 49100 158250 41950 131950 41950 147650 41950 135550 45950 147650 1318950

In year 4, Sale Forecast

We expect the real customer will increase from 75 % (in year3) + 5 % (in year 4) = 80 % which calculation 604 x 80% = 483 because our shop
have customer increase from year 3 and customer will know increase. And we bring to divide 5 kind of product because customer come product
unequal in months depends on customer like which kind. That can show calculation below

Amount main customer 604 x 80% = 483

Table 3.42 Kind of product

Kind of product:
Flower of bouquet 483 x 50% = 24
Flower on vase 483 x 10% = 48
Flowers Basket 483x 15% = 72
Wreath 483 x 10% = 48
Event 483 x 15% = 72

In each month will purchase unequal flower of bouquet, Flower on vase, Flowers Basket, Wreath and Event depend on festival and occasion. But
it has increase sale from in year 3. That can show in below table

Table 3.43 Rate of divide of customer that consumption in each kind

Month Flower of bouquet Flower on vase Flowers Basket Wreath Event
January 242x 30% = 73 48x 34% = 16 72x 20% = 14 48x 15% = 7 72x 12% = 9
February 242x 23% = 56 48x 6% = 3 72x 5% = 4 48x 6% = 3 72x 13% = 9
March 242x 7% = 17 48x 6% = 3 72x 5% = 4 48x 6% = 3 72x 3% = 2
April 242x 10% = 24 48x 6% = 3 72x 20% = 14 48x 16% = 8 72x 12% = 9
May 242x 2% = 5 48x 6% = 3 72x 5% = 4 48x 6% = 3 72x 3% = 2
June 242x 2% = 5 48x 6% = 3 72x 5% = 4 48x 6% = 3 72x 12% = 9
July 242x 2% = 5 48x 6% = 3 72x 5% = 4 48x 6% = 3 72x 3% = 2
August 242x 10% = 24 48x 6% = 3 72x 10% = 7 48x 6% = 3 72x 12% = 9
September 242x 2% = 5 48x 6% = 3 72x 5% = 4 48x 6% = 3 72x 3% = 2
October 242x 2% = 5 48x 6% = 3 72x 5% = 4 48x 15% = 7 72x 12% = 9
November 242x 2% = 5 48x 6% = 3 72x 5% = 4 48x 6% = 3 72x 3% = 2
December 242x 10% = 24 48x 6% = 3 72x 10% = 7 48x 6% = 3 72x 12% = 9

Note: We bring amount of pieces multiply with average price on above table

Table 3.44 Amount of pieces on each kind in year 4

In year 4, Average Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
The sale by price 4
On Cash
Flower 650 73 56 17 24 5 5 5 24 5 5 5 24 898
Flower on 1,000 16 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1,049
Flower on 1,000 14 4 4 14 4 4 4 7 4 4 4 7 1,074
Wreath 900 7 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 949
Event 15,000 9 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 15,073
Total sale on 119 75 29 58 17 24 17 46 17 28 17 46 19043

Table 3.45 Sale forecast in year 4

In year 4, Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 4
The sale
On Cash
Flower 47450 36400 11050 15600 3250 3250 3250 15600 3,250 3250 3250 15600 161,200
Flower on 16000 3000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 49,000
Flower on 14000 4,000 4,000 14,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 7,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 7,000 74,000
Wreath 6300 2700 2,700 7,200 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 6,300 2,700 2,700 44,100
Event 135000 135000 30,000 135,000 30,000 135,000 30,000 135,000 30,000 135,000 30,000 135,000 1,095,000
Total sale 218750 181100 50750 174800 42950 147950 42950 163300 42950 151550 42950 163300 1423300
on cash

In year 5, Sale Forecast

We expect the real customer will increase from 70 % (in year 4) + 5 % (in year 5) = 85 % which calculation 604 x 85% = 513 because our shop
have customer increase from year 4 and customer will know increase. And we bring to divide 5 kind of product because customer come product
unequal in months depends on customer like which kind. That can show calculation below

Amount main customer 604 x 85% = 513

Table 3.46 Kind of product

Kind of product:
Flower of bouquet 513 x 50% = 257
Flower on vase 513 x 10% = 51
Flowers Basket 513 x 15% = 77
Wreath 513 x 10% = 51
Event 513 x 15% = 77

In each month will purchase unequal flower of bouquet, Flower on vase, Flowers Basket, Wreath and Event depend on festival and occasion. But
it has increase sale from in year 4. That can show in below table

Table 3.47 Rate of divide of customer that consumption in each kind

Month Flower of bouquet Flower on vase Flowers Basket Wreath Event
January 257x 30% = 77 51x 34% = 17 77x 20% = 15 51x 15% = 8 77x 12% = 9
February 257x 23% = 59 51x 6% = 3 77x 5% = 4 51x 6% = 3 77x 13% = 10
March 257x 7% = 18 51x 6% = 3 77x 5% = 4 51x 6% = 3 77x 3% = 2
April 257x 10% = 26 51x 6% = 3 77x 20% = 15 51x 16% = 8 77x 12% = 9
May 257x 2% = 5 51x 6% = 3 77x 5% = 4 51x 6% = 3 77x 3% = 2
June 257x 2% = 5 51x 6% = 3 77x 5% = 4 51x 6% = 3 77x 12% = 9
July 257x 2% = 5 51x 6% = 3 77x 5% = 4 51x 6% = 3 77x 3% = 2
August 257x 10% = 26 51x 6% = 3 77x 10% = 8 51x 6% = 3 77x 12% = 9
September 257x 2% = 5 51x 6% = 3 77x 5% = 4 51x 6% = 3 77x 3% = 2
October 257x 2% = 5 51x 6% = 3 77x 5% = 4 51x 15% = 8 77x 12% = 9
November 257x 2% = 5 51x 6% = 3 77x 5% = 4 51x 6% = 3 77x 3% = 2
December 257x 10% = 26 51x 6% =3 77x 10% = 8 51x 6% = 3 77x 12% = 9

Note: We bring amount of pieces multiply with average price on above table

Table 3.48 Amount of pieces on each kind in year 5

In year 5, Average Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
The sale by price 5
On Cash
Flower 650 77 59 18 26 5 5 5 26 5 5 5 26 262
Flower on 1,000 17 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 50
Flower on 1,000 15 4 4 15 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 8 78
Wreath 900 8 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 51
Event 15,000 9 10 2 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 74
Total sale on 126 79 30 61 17 24 17 49 17 29 17 49 515

Table 3.49 Sale forecast in year 5

In year 5, Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 5
The sale by
On Cash
Flower 50050 38350 11700 16900 3250 3250 3250 16900 3,250 3250 3250 16900 170,300
Flower on 17000 3000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 50,000
Flower on 15000 4,000 4,000 15,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 8,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 8,000 78,000
Wreath 7200 2700 2,700 7,200 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 7,200 2,700 2,700 45,900
Event 135000 150000 30,000 135,000 30,000 135,000 30,000 135,000 30,000 135,000 30,000 135,000 1,110,000
Total sale 224250 198050 51400 177100 42950 147950 42950 165600 42950 152450 42950 165600 1454200
on cash

Account Received
For Event, We will give the customer pay deposit half of all and next month for remain. Follow table below

Table 3.50 Account Receive (Baht) Credit Term 1 month in year 1

The sale by product Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 1
in year 1
Flower Bouquet - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flower on Vase - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flower on Basket - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wreath - - - - - - - - - - - -
Event - 52500 60000 15000 52500 15000 52500 15000 52500 15000 52500 15000 52500
Total sale on cash 0 52500 60000 15000 52500 15000 52500 15000 52500 15000 52500 15000 52500
year 1

Table 3.51 Account Receive (Baht) Credit Term 1 month in year 2

The sale by product in Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
year 2 2
Flower Bouquet - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flower on Vase - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flower on Basket - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wreath - - - - - - - - - - - -
450000 60000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000
Total sale on cash 450000 60000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000
year 2

Table 3.52 Account Receive (Baht) Credit Term 1 month in year 3

The sale by product in Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
year 3 3
Flower Bouquet - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flower on Vase - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flower on Basket - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wreath - - - - - - - - - - - -
Event 495000 60000 67500 15000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000
Total sale on cash 495000 60000 67500 15000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000 15000 60000
year 3

Table 3.53 Account Receive (Baht) Credit Term 1 month in year 4

The sale by Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 4
product in
year 4
Flower - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flower on - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flower on - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wreath - - - - - - - - - - - -
Event 502500 67500 67500 15000 67500 15000 67500 15000 67500 15000 67500 15000 67500
Total sale on 1050000 1095000 1027500 960000 945000 877500 862500 795000 780000 712500 697500 630000 615000
cash year 4

Table 3.54 Account Receive (Baht) Credit Term 1 month in year 5

The sale by product in Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
year 5 5
Flower Bouquet - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flower on Vase - - - - - - - - - - - -
Flower on Basket - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wreath - - - - - - - - - - - -
Event 547500 67500 75000 15000 67500 15000 67500 15000 67500 15000 67500 15000 67500
Total sale on cash 547500 67500 75000 15000 67500 15000 67500 15000 67500 15000 67500 15000 67500
year 5

3.5 Marketing Expense

Selling expense
We divide 2 selling expense also Discount sale and Sale commission.
Discount sale is discount for customer in 5% from sale.
Sale commission is we give employees 1% from sale.
Advertising expense
We divide 5 formats also Face book, Website, Leaflet, Billboard, and Public relation.
Face book: We choose face book because don’t have pay for fee and can much spread information.

Website: We have advertising on website in which is in special category that is A2 on head of website. A2 have size 113 x113.
Leaflet: We use art-mon paper and pond paper and cover UV and we use leaflet are 2,000 pieces.
Billboard: We use billboard size 120 square meters and install on our building.
Public relation: We have devoted to public relation about 2,000 in last month of year.

Table 3.55 Marketing Expenses in Year 1

Year 1 Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 1
Selling expense
Discount sale 8737.5 7847.5 3315 6870 2015 5765 2015 6435 2015 5900 2015 6435 59365
Sale commission 1747.5 1569.5 663 1374 403 1153 403 1287 403 1180 403 1287 11873
Other selling
expense - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Total selling
expense 10485 9417 3978 8244 2418 6918 2418 7722 2418 7080 2418 7722 71238
Facebook 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Website 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 14400
Leaflet 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6000
Billboard 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Public relation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2000

Total advertising
expense 16200 4200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 3200 34400
Total marketing
expense 26685 13617 5178 9444 3618 8118 3618 8922 3618 8280 3618 10922 105638

Table 3.56 Marketing Expenses in Year 2

Year 2 Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 2
Selling expense
Discount sale 9667.5 8027.5 2422.5 7797.5 2065 6565 2065 7267.5 2065 6700 2065 7267.5 63975
Sale commission 1933.5 1605.5 484.5 1559.5 413 1313 413 1453.5 413 1340 413 1453.5 12795
Other selling
expense - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Total selling
expense 11601 9633 2907 9357 2478 7878 2478 8721 2478 8040 2478 8721 76770
Facebook 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Website 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 14400

Leaflet 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6000

Signboard 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12000
Public relation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2000
Total advertising
expense 16200 4200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 3200 34400
Total marketing
expense 27801 13833 4107 10557 3678 9078 3678 9921 3678 9240 3678 11921 111,170

Table 3.57 Marketing Expenses in Year 3

Year 3 Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 3
Selling expense
Discount sale 9975 8875 2455 7912.5 2097.5 6597.5 2097.5 7382.5 2097.5 6777.5 2297.5 7382.5 65947.5
Sale commission 1995 1775 491 1582.5 419.5 1319.5 419.5 1476.5 419.5 1355.5 459.5 1476.5 13189.5
Other selling
expense - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Total selling
expense 11970 10650 2946 9495 2517 7917 2517 8859 2517 8133 2757 8859 79137

Facebook 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Website 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 14400
Leaflet 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6000
Signboard 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12000
Public relation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2000
Total advertising
expense 16200 4200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 3200 34400
Total marketing
expense 28170 14850 4146 10695 3717 9117 3717 10059 3717 9333 3957 12059 113,537

Table 3.58 Marketing Expenses in Year 4

Year 4 Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 4
Selling expense
Discount sale 10937.5 9055 2537.5 8740 2147.5 7397.5 2147.5 8165 2147.5 7577.5 2147.5 8165 71165
Sale commission 2187.5 1811 507.5 1748 429.5 1479.5 429.5 1633 429.5 1515.5 429.5 1633 14233
Other selling
expense - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Total selling
expense 13125 10866 3045 10488 2577 8877 2577 9798 2577 9093 2577 9798 85398

Facebook 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Website 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 14400
Leaflet 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6000
Signboard 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12000
Public relation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2000
Total advertising
expense 16200 4200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 3200 34400
Total marketing
expense 29325 15066 4245 11688 3777 10077 3777 10998 3777 10293 3777 12998 119,798

Table 3.59 Marketing Expenses in Year 5

Year 5 Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 5
Selling expense
Discount sale 11212.5 9902.5 2570 8855 2147.5 7397.5 2147.5 8280 2147.5 7622.5 2147.5 8280 72710
Sale commission 2242.5 1980.5 514 1771 429.5 1479.5 429.5 1656 429.5 1524.5 429.5 1656 14542
Other selling
expense - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Total selling 13455 11883 3084 10626 2577 8877 2577 9936 2577 9147 2577 9936 87252

Facebook 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Website 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 14400
Leaflet 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6000
Signboard 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12000
Public relation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2000
Total advertising
expense 16200 4200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 3200 34400
Total marketing
expense 29655 16083 4284 11826 3777 10077 3777 11136 3777 10347 3777 13136 121,652

3.6 Conclusion
General Environment Analysis
In the current have expansion of the flower shop in Thailand increase more within 2-3 years
because investment in florist shop is good thing because low investment but get high profit.
The reason of florist get high profit because today people love the convenience, when have
something is important situation in them life, flowers are first thing they will choose. Most
florists set location in the city because accesses to customer easily and in Chiang Mai have
many of florist shop; Technology is very important thing for attractive customer

Competition Analysis (3C Analysis)

Our florist shop in Chiang Mai have direct competitors and indirect competitors for that
reason our florist shop should to set target group of customers for response accurately in
customers need or required. The target group we choose will influence to strategies of our
florist because of target group of customers must have high effective target group customer.

STP Analysis
Customer segmentation we divided follow customer need use it for what, for whom, for
where and how. Which customers’ segmentation will be divided follow level of customer for
easy to response customers need. The target group we have 2 main groups are general group
and corporation by general group we will set to 3 levels by look at income, quality of flower
and form for suitable in customer need

Marketing Mix Strategy

Product we will choose the best things to customers we import flower from china because
china has big flowers ,good quality and low price when we have material low price we can
get price lower than competitors and product must be fresh and special more than our
competitors by price up to customer need for what. Place we set location in downtown
because have many people around our shop and the shop easy to visible, near to important

Chapter 4: Technical Feasibility Study


4.1 Production and Operations Analysis

4.1.1 Product Characteristic
Product model for fresh flowers is divided into five categories as follows;
A bouquet of flower arranging

Picture 4.1 A bouquet of flower arranging

A bouquet of flower arrangements to choose from a variety of forms: round bouquet, bouquet
of open, close, and Cho Cho Bo Long Reggae etc. To arrange a bouquet for every occasion to
congratulate, express their love and their friendship with each other, especially during the
Graduation Day, Valentine's Day and birthdays.

The flower form vase

Picture 4.2 The flower form vase


Form of a flower vase is to organize a popular tall, short shape and triangular shape and so
on. Procurement is suitable for every occasion like to congratulate the opening of new stores,
moving the pound, location, etc.

The floral basket

Picture 4.3 The floral basket

Procurement baskets choose from various types of flowers and gift baskets. Procurement
baskets for every occasion to congratulate or show, respect, especially during New Year's
Day, birthdays, or lead, and visiting patients.

Flower arranging a funeral wreath and margins

Picture 4.4 Flower arranging a funeral wreath and margins

Flower arranging is necessary for the funeral because the flowers can be used instead of
feeling bad, heart, to honor and mourn the model for a wreath, most popular clients is to

organize patterns and arrange a drop of water circle. The form of funeral flower arrangements
face that most customers are popular garden flowers arranged and organized a water fall.

Flowers in the event

Picture 4.5 Flowers in the event

Flower arrangements for weddings and remember what is what keeps the work environment
more refreshing and more beautiful. Flower arrangements to choose from a variety of
wedding pavilion is organized, supported and organized Phan Sang Water and flower
arrangements adorned the stage next and so on87


4.1.2 Specification, feather,Dimension, Life Time, etc.

Flower of Bouquet

Picture 4.6
Table 4.1 Specification

Product Name Artificial Flower Bouquet

Main Color Pink, Red, White

Material Plastic & Fabric

Height(approx.) 12"

Weight 33g

Package 1 x Flower Bouquet

1. Material: made of wood and felt
2. Specifications: 5.5*5.5*15cm
3. Products amendment acceptable
4. Packing change acceptable
6. Provides design draft as buyer requested more products required for this item please
contact us.

Dimensions: 35*24*32cm88
Life time: Flower of Bouquet can survivor about 7 days.

Flower of Vase

Picture 4.7
Table 4.2 Specifications
Product Name Artificial Flower of vase

Main Color Pink, Red, White, Blue

Material Glass

Height(approx.) 4.5*30cm/1.77* 11.81in (Dia*H)

Weight -

Package 1 x Cylinder Glass Flower Vase

1. Vase is cylinder in shape
2. Made of high quality material
3. Make a great gift for your loved one
4. It is an excellent addition to an elegant tabletop
5. Also serve as artwork for a shelf or tabletop
6. Your favorite blooms keep a high profile in this special bud vase

Dimension: 4.5* 30cm89

Life time: Flower of vase can survivor about 1-2 week.

Flower of basket

Picture 4.8
Table 4.3 Specifications
Product Name Artificial Flower of basket

Main Color Pink, Red, White, Green

plastic to prevent water, Natural

Material bamboo/rattan/seagrass/paper rope

Diameter 25cm, bottom 19cm

Height 24cm

Package 1 x Flower of basket

All of our products are made Natural bamboo/rattan/seagrass/paper rope materials,
The basket has exquisite and practical handicraft.90


Unique design, it can be storage sundries, cosmetics, snacks, flowers etc.

Different styles, materials, color and sizes are available.
Decoration home and storage necessary

Dimension: Diameter 25cm, bottom 19cm, high 24cm

Lifetime: Flower of basket can survivor about 5-7 days.


Picture 4.9
Table 4.4 Specifications
Product Name Artificial Flower of vase

Main Color Pink, Red, White

Material wrought wire

Diameter: 21cm/8in;

Thickness: 7cm/2.8in

Package 1 x Christmas Wreath


Eye-catching with bright colors, this flower wreath makes a fabulous statement on any wall
or door in your home.
This wreath is full of character and will add a lifelike look to your holiday decor Flower
decorated makes this wreath beautiful and cute.
Creating comfortable and romantic home atmosphere
The beautiful wreath will look good in any setting
Perfect for decorating Christmas trees, doorways, windows, staircases, lamp posts,
mailboxes, or ceiling decoration
It is a perfect gift for Christmas Day.91

Dimension: 21cm/8in; 7cm/2.8in

Lifetime: Wreath can survivor about 3-4 days.


Picture 4.10


Table 4.5 Specifications

Product Name Event

Main Color Pink, Red, White, Green

Material Steel

Product size. 240*140*37cm

Packing size 47*21*55/10set

Package 1 x Event
Garden flower arch
steel material
simple design
excellent quality
Material: steel
Tube: 13mm
Popular item, reasonable price
Our goods enjoy popularity for good quality and reasonable price .we will supply the bottom
price and the best service to every customer .we do business on the basis of honesty and
mutual benefit, our goods enjoy great reputation at home and abroad. We will keep promise
with each client.

Dimension: 240*140*37cm92
Lifetime: Event can survivor about 2 days.


4.1.3 Production / Service process Production
Process 1: Objective in organize.
Process 2: Preparation Equipment
Process 3: Preparation Flower stalk
Process 4: Delivery to Flower
Process 5: Flower arrangements

Objective in organize
Enterprise should know the purpose of the organizers of the following clients.

Depend on the occasion of what a loving, congratulations, sympathy etc.

Customers have the budget to organize how.
Who is to rapidly the importance of how such a family friend who loved so on.
What kind of flower colors customers want something, if a woman is used as flowers
and sweet pink.
Orange, etc. If a man will use bright colors such as blue flowers, yellow

Arrangements the format

In provide format before the performance. Entrepreneurs should put the format in advance to
shorten. That can time providing faster.

Preparation of materials used Florists.

Prepare materials for use with flower arrangements, such as scissors, knives, paper
foil, ribbon oasis and Scottish ribbon tape etc.
Clear containers are clean floral. And then dry so as to extend the vase life of Pan.
Knife and scissors to lead Used to edge flower leaves might otherwise have paid.

Technical preparation OASIS or Flora foam

Soaking time oasis Provider must press to sink under water. The Bubbles inside the oasis
cubes floating over the water at any bubbles floating in the water off.

Oasis shows that suck water saturation and then implemented if the Oasis is not saturated
when used to make the flowers wilt faster because the flower stalk to end a dry area without
Note: Oasis foam or Flora is Look green and like rectangular function to absorb water in
arrange flowers in a long time.

Preparation the flowers and leaves before using.

- Leaf of Flowers much that should pick out a card that does not recognize some form, such
as roses, thorns, and then furnished the beautiful flowers. Wire splint may be used to make
the flowers around the neck to see the strengths and importance may be bending the curve a
little soft.
- Use sharp knife cut out before the end of the shaft if the shaft began to organize because of
dry Flowers will absorb less water.
- The flowers and leaves to the stem before will be organized to make the flower stem leaves

Techniques in cutting calyx

That should be cut with a sharp knife. Oblique angle to 45 degrees and should not be cut with
scissors. Because the flower stalk will pay to have the flowers absorb water slowly and a
small amount.

Techniques for green leaf retention and plant leaves

That should soak in water to kill bacteria, such as additive Lister Marine or chlorine, these
compounds are made. The leaves are green, and the resistance.

The steps of arrangement the flower

The criteria for fresh flowers
Fresh flower arrangements, art is one which can not be limited to the exact form of flower
arrangement, however, still requires the following basic rules.
1. Balance is divided into two types.
The real balance is the balance resulting from the provision providing the same or
nearly the same as Nature of the flower shape and color of flowers arranged to look
similar or Same

Balance is not true of the balance arising from the different structure and lines such as
Nature of the flower shape and color of flowers. That looks different, but when
arranged. Together and can be made to balance the same time.
2. Composition (Proportion) is to remove the width and height of flowers arranged to
compare with the width of the container that proportion appropriate or not. Criteria
accepted that the ratio the best are as follows.
Container tall height of the flowers is a flower vase will be the first high above the
container as an equal. Half to two times the height of container
His short container. The length of flower stalk that is to be classified as one-half times
to 2 times its. Long container (if a container to hold the sphere diameter as a
3. The comparison (Scale) is a major importance, one of the flower arrangements by
the words into consideration and harmonious relationship between the sizes of the
flower container furniture to be decorated.
4. The contrast the intersection of the surface material, color and line to be held object
and help organize more complete.
5. The Highlights (Dominance) is a part. To be followed the pattern that has bright
fresh look and life for the recipient.
6. Rhythm in flower arrangements require component of color, form and line held. To
eye movements accompanied by the viewer.
Basic principles to arrange fresh flowers are as follows;
Each flower, each color separation into groups. Do not waste time to time to sit and
Place the material to be used as key holders, such as needle stick hyacinth flower as
positions are designed.
Place containers on the desk to use to make visible all the flower arrangements.
The strength the freshness of flowers and leaves that is much longer.
The flowers each flower that which flowers should be in the pound. Position is strong
and the secondary.
Choose flowers that match the longest stem and flower bud, stem cut to correct
proportions of florist’s principles.

Organized the first flower on the keyboard plugged into the embroidered flowers.
Embroidered flowers away from the center and end.
Go back a little.
Flower arrangement, a scheme that great importance in the form of leaf area was
decorated with a space.
Arrange flowers to fill in positions of great importance to the flower arrangements are
When completed the Sam held view that the police do have some bugs. The leaf cover
is not taken to see the bottom from then tries to shake a little more strength, stability.

Typically, the floral bouquet in a basket and take the vase held not later than 1 hour if the
wreath. It arrived just 45 minutes, depending on the size and difficulty of the forms of

Techniques of Flower arranging

The floral container may have multiple input, such as antique vases, porcelain tea
bowl check water glass or brass bowl. Provider should avoid containers made of steel
because the steel vessels that absorb heat better.
Procurement vase Use a vase that has a 1 in 3 high flower to flower because it held up
If flowers do not stick the tape directly to the container to lean on a table like grid on
the box is pretty grating that is created. Tape will help support the flowers in the
desired direction.
If the cut flower stem is too short to be a stone or pebbles to put in a vase or container
Flower arrangement to bring the most remarkable embroidered flowers at the spot
where interesting Flowers are preferably pin point other than focus. Flowers at the top
or along side the flowers are often small. Flower bud or flower blossom
Steps of delivery the flowers
The shop to inform where to send flowers. Employees know in advance to employees
that will study and plan delivery routes.
Arrange the flowers are finished. Add the prepared fruit are end vehicles.

Then the flowers to send to the recipient that the customer specified. The time for
delivery not later than 1 hour

Note: that delivery flower containers. That should be a crate Because of its strength and does
not absorb heat. The flowers do not wilt quickly.
Buying the flowers
Enterprise should be buying flowers in the morning when flowers are sent to the market
because entrepreneurs are fresh flowers. When selecting flowers. Entrepreneurs should be
careful handling and avoid interest payment.
Criteria for selection include the flowers
- Stem rot by shaft must not fail to soak water for a long time and the smell
- Leaves not shrivel and rot. Leaves must be strong as is that of leaves.
- For example, if a Carnation flower stem. Bulb must not be withered and dry. When
hands are feeling more squeezed. If the bulb is hard or roses. Calyx Flowers should be
wrapped tightly. If the calyx, hanging down. Show that the petals and decorated.
Flowers may be old time.
- Petals will not wilt and did not pay unspoilt
- Flower color and type of purchase. Should be related, such as flower color, leaf color
intensity should be mild and so on.

Note: All kinds of flowers and leaves should be stored in a freezer flower to prevent the
flowers and leaves. Mold and water should be changed every 3 days to do the flowers and
leaves and stored for about 1 week. The buy flowers depending on customer volume formats
and locations.

Keeping the flower

When the patient during the purchase of flowers to pick, then. Lamb, immediately or
wrapped flowers from opening the box as soon as possible and to adjust temperature. And
prevent gas Ethylene, which will damage the flowers.
Cleaning is care the frozen water. Enterprise will have to do. Clean the stem end and soak
into the ground water tanks. The pick leaves out flowers to all. It leaves them on the same
tightly compressed gases will Ethylene that has made the flower stalk and flower bath water
polluted easily.

Cutting is to cut the stem to dry out too. Flowers to absorb water better. Before being
immersed in water tank provided. The water has soaked this flower volume and different
styles out.
- If you want to bloom soon. To soak in warm water. And a large amount of water, such
as roses, lilies, etc. So thoroughly
- If you want the door slowly. To soak in plain water at normal room temperature and
low water content.
- To complete the task. And stalk strength. Operators should be soaked in warm water
mixed. Food, flowers, Volume 0.5 tsp / 5 liters of water.

Conditioning out of refrigeration

Enterprise during the infusion picks flowers in the water tank. Already Entrepreneurs should
be. Bin flowers placed at the normal temperature for 1-3 hours. Flowers to adjust themselves
first, then take Sam to soak in a jukebox for frozen flower to maintain the freshness of
flowers and leaves as possible.

The method clean refrigerator flower

Enterprise should pick a refrigerator, washing once a week, or at least 2 times per month by
removing the plug freezer before washing hands to remove the layer of the ease of doing
tasks that keep waste leaves, flowers, remove all residues. Use a bubble bath water treatment
should not be used to clean water mold because it is easy to damage the refrigerator. Water
use disinfectant again. Leaving the flowers to dry before storage temperature of frozen flower
is 13-17 degrees Celsius.

Buy equipment for flower arranging.

Materials used include flower arrangements.
- 3X4 cm size plastic bags used for the input Sam soaking water before the flower stalk
to stalk.
- Drongamaporngry shaft and cut the pointed cone for convenience in planting flowers
into a container.
- Sam used a small rubber band for the band to put plastic flowers on the water dip
stick Drongamaporngry.

- Small number 24 wire for the Sam Splint neck flower water before bagging. Or to
stick with flowers.
Drongamaporngry shaft.
- Soil, water it uses for retaining the panel next to the container, nails short as his bowl
- Water hyacinth or banana stem shaft using Sam for tall embroidered flowers in
containers such as bottles of water.

Materials based on various types of flowers include

Materials for containers used to hold flowers, such as his short.
- Nail the panel should be chosen to suit the container shape. And make sure that does
not rust. Sharp needles and loose rock is not contiguous with the appropriate weight to
the size.
- Beehive It is ideal to use with a vase based on a high, medium, such as Khan Phan
basket. Such as honeycomb holes and the distance to the pin out of the same flower.
The vertical only must be used to help stem water hyacinth. To pin a flower in
- Stem water hyacinth Packed tightly in the container before the flowers embroidered
down. Water hyacinth stem is above or less than Fit into the mouth or a container. It
depends on the type held. Operators may be used in conjunction with small nail To
Beijing with a wooden stick or small, hard this may not be embroidered into the box
Material used to hold flowers for tall containers are.
- Chicken wire cage to roll or Khiugam container Embroidered flowers for a small
lightweight shaft.
- Stem water hyacinth or banana stalk Tightly packed in a container. Like his short
container. And cut the tie.
- Ungainly place across the vase. To arrange flowers with light weight. And a small

Materials used in flower arranging these Operators can be purchased at traditional

markets bracelet. Stores are open daily Sam for entrepreneurs who do Business in the country
can buy at craft store in the market generally.

Containers used for flower arrangements

Refer to the shape of various size vases and other containers or certain materials that can be
used. Adapted for use as flower baskets operators should word into consideration the
characteristics used in the container the flowers the following.
Flower containers used to put water containers should be enough. To stem flowers are
soaking water. Address Bill Small vessels, particularly his short If using fresh flower
arrangements. Container must be higher than that based on flower the tall container
between the patients should pick the mouth wide enough to clear the containers do A
thorough cleaning.
Containers used for flower arrangements. Should choose a medium or dark color
because it will make the color of the flowers was outstanding.
Choose a container that should not have much to do patterns. The inconspicuous
Form of container used areas. Should be used to select the flat to suit every occasion.
Vase or container should be used more opaque, transparent container. Because
translucent container.
Time to see flowers, leaves, stem, so operators must find ways by using camouflage.
Other materials to cover the inconvenient and time consuming to organize.
Container should be used in harmony with the flowers. In terms of size, color, texture
and form. Organized and harmonious place.
If memory is a must buy containers flower shape small Entrepreneurs should choose
the kind of useful. Several kinds of vegetables fruit and use to organize food.
Tall container operators should select the type that can be utilized for both location
and suspended.
Other materials that can be used as a floral container, such as banana, pineapple,
watermelon. Water breast pumpkin, etc., but these things must be. Adapted before the
flower arrangements.

If a flower basket Entrepreneurs should be. Oasis pack comes wrapped in foil paper
before put into the container or else the basket may be made to do. Various types of
wood decay.
Very expensive containers should not be considered as flower vases, porcelain vases
and gift because the user is likely to have accidents.
Flower containers with various types of business should be buying the meat container.
Material or surface suitable for the nature of such use.

Picture 4.11 Glassware

Picture 4.12 Glassware

Glass is a sparkling catch the light when the word night and fine elegant ambience,
such as glass. Tall glass stem vase with water glass, etc. Glass is suitable Sam for use
in the party such as wedding, birthday etc.

Picture 4.13 Porcelain

Picture 4.14 Porcelain

A delicate porcelain skin types, it is not luxury but no less valuable. Porcelain is available in
over beyond. Example congratulated, New Year, birthday. The type of coarse pottery. Such
as non-coated Sam suitable for use in jobs that require very careful.

Picture 4.15 Hardware


Brass metal example oily skin. Security elegant feels pride in the metal. Work quite as
procedures such as organized set of altar table Praying for organized so visitors can see on the
first. Entrepreneurs must do every time to polish the shiny always.

Picture 4.16 Silver

Introduction to Pan Silver were used in the secondary as well as a ritual ceremony.
To arranged marriage of water pouring machine Horn etc.93

Picture 4.17 Wicker

189 Service process

In the shop use member card when customers pay money we will discount and member will
receive a special gift in Celebration’s day.

Employee: when customer enters shop

Customers who walk into a purchase the flower product, which salesperson must to taking
care to the customer and all employees need to say is “Sawasdee ka welcome to As you wish
flower shop, at your disposal ka”

Employee: when customer will pay money

If you have a member card, please show me .But you don't have member card yet, we will
registrations free.

Employee: before customer leave the As you wish flower shop

Employee will say “Thank you for coming and hope to see you again”

Celebrate Day
In our company will have promotion for customer such as, In Valentine’s Day, our shop will
have special gift set for sell with customer and discount price specially.

4.1.4 Location
As you wish florist shop has located in downtown, nearly Chiang Mai University, on
Huaykaew road. It is opposite Holiday Garden Hotel which is the economic zone of the
province, busy zone and easy to accessible for customers.

Picture 4.18 Location

4.1.5 Facility Layout

From the right-hand door is an example of organized patterns show different types of flowers
next to a sample wreath, floral refrigerator, table flower arrangement, flower arranging and
the counter contact client-facing facilities.94

Picture 4.19 First floor Layout shop

Picture 4.20 Second floor layouts office

Shop Interior Design
Details Of location and layout, Shop Name: AS YOU WISH FLOWER SHOP, Dimentions:
width 25 meters× 80 meters deep Area: 2,000 sqm.

4.1.6 Machine/Tools/Equipment
Table 4.6 Machine
Item Picture Detail Unit Picture Per Unit Total
1.Computer Compaq Presario CQ3570L 4 13,200 52,800
Intel® Celeron® Processor E3500 2.7GHz
1 MB L2 Cache, 800MHz FSB, EM64T,
Execute Disable Bit
Intel® G41 Express Chipset
500GB SATA-3G HDD at 7200RPM
1GB DDR3 1066 up to 4GB (2 DIMM)
DVD±RW/±R SuperMulti Drive with
Lightscribe, Double Layer (8.5GB)
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator X4500
Intel High Definition Audio 5.1 Surround
10/100 LAN, 6-in-1 digital media reader
6 USB 2.0 Port (2 Hi-Speed Front 4 Rear)
scroller mouse
Compaq Presario 20" Widescreen LCD

1-year warranty with onsite service

2. Printer HP OFFICEJET Pro 8000 (CB092A) 1 4,990 4,990

Print speed black (draft, A4): Up to 35 ppm
Print speed colour (draft, A4): Up to 34 ppm
Print speed footnote: Either after first page or
after first set of ISO test pages
Print speed black (laser comparable): Up to 15
Print speed color (laser comparable): Up to 11
Print quality black (best): Up to 1200 x 1200
Duty cycle (monthly, A4): Up to 15000 pages
Processor type: ARM1176
Processor speed: 384 MHz
Number of print cartridges: HP Officejet
individual pigment inks, optional XL

Print quality colour (best): Up to 4800 x 1200

Standard memory: 32 MB
Standard printer languages: HP PCL 3 GUI, HP
PCL 3 Enhanced
Paper handling
Paper handling standard/input: 250-sheet input
Paper handling standard/output: 150-sheet
output tray
Duplex print options: Automatic (standard)
Borderless printing: Yes (up to 210 x 297 mm)
Media sizes supported: A4 (210 x 297 mm), A5
(148 x 210 mm), A6 (105 x 148 mm); JIS: B5
(182 x 257 mm); 100 x 150 mm; envelopes:
No. 10, DL (220 x 110 mm), C6 (114 x 162
mm), C5 (162 x 229 mm), Monarch
Custom media sizes: 76 x 127 to 216 x 356 mm
Media types supported: Paper (brochure, inkjet,
plain), photo, envelopes, cards (index),

Standard connectivity: 1 USB 2.0; 1 Ethernet
Optional connectivity: HP Jetdirect Ethernet
external Print Server, HP Jetdirect Wireless and
Fast Ethernet External Print Server, HP
Wireless Print Server
What's included
Warranty: 1 Year Limited Warranty (Return to
HP/Dealer - Unit Exchange)
Uninterruptible UPS 850VA SYSTEM 1 1,690 1,690
Power system Description: Category UPS type primary
bypass line Interactive UPS \.
Useful in the backup. In case of power failure.
Machine will replace the electrical distribution
Rated 400W.
Power input 220 Vac 1 Phase 50 Hz 3.36A.
The output power 220 Vac 1 Phase 50 Hz
Plugs into AC INLET AS-08.


Plug high-pressure defense UNIVERSAL
SOCKET rated 220 Vac 1 Phase 50 Hz 2.5 A.
Size and weight 95 x 325 x 160 mm. 4.45 kg.
Standard is based on TIS 1291 to 2545.
Other Features Indicator & Audible Alarm.
Protection: Short circuit & Overload, Surge Tel
Line, Surge For Laser Printer.

Table 4.7 Tools

Item Picture Detail Price Per Unit
1. Ribbon Bouquet : Various of color 40

2. Ribbon Bouquet : Various of color 50

Organdie Size: 1.50 Cm.
Have 2 size

3. Ribbon Bouquet : Various color 9

Straw Size : No. 2,3,5,9

4. Color paper 5

5.Wire 10 /Roll

6.Oasis For flower fresh 60

Weight : Softly
And easy to use

7.Scissors Endure – Quality 55

Stainless steel cutter with color steel
handle - “8”inch

8.Stable - Max 10-1M, for small stapler 95/pack

- Staples up to 25 sheets
- 24 boxes/pack

9. Staplers - Highquality steel construction 40

- Compatible with staple no. 10
- Staples up to 18 sheets 50
-staple loaded

10. Cutter - Size: 9mm. 35

- Stainlesssteel construction with ABS
reinforced body
- Blade pocket

11. Scotch Tape 40/pack

12. Paper clip -50 clips/box Nickel-plate wire clip 85/pack

- Corrosion
-resistant- 10 boxes/pack

13.Flower basket 105

14.Vase 150

15.Mulberry Paper 12

17.Flora tape 25

Table 4.8 tool in year 1

Item Pri Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Ribbon Bouquet 40 12 480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
: Satin 2 0
Ribbon Bouquet 50 12 600 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0
: Organdie 0 0 0
Ribbon Bouquet 9 12 108 0 0 0 0 5 45 0 0 0 0 5 45 0 0 0 0 5 45 0 0 0 0
: Straw
Color paper 5 10 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wire 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10
Oasis 60 71 426 4 28 4 28 3 19 7 42 7 42 7 42 2 15 7 42 7 42 7 42 2 15
0 8 80 7 20 2 20 0 0 0 6 60 0 0 0 6 60
Scissors 55 3 165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stable 95 1 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Staplers 40 3 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cutter 35 3 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Scotch Tape 40 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Paper clip 85 9 765 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Flower basket 105 12 126 3 31 3 31 1 12 3 31 3 31 3 31 6 63 3 31 3 31 3 31 6 63
0 5 5 2 60 5 5 5 0 5 5 5 0
Vase 150 14 210 2 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 2 30
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mulberry Paper 12 12 144 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 0 0 0
2 4 2 4 2 4
Flora tape 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25

Total 17 103 5 35 5 34 7 39 1 10 4 25 3 15 3 25 1 10 3 15 1 10 3 25
7 27 5 30 4 70 0 54 4 70 9 75 6 09 6 25 4 70 6 09 4 70 6 25

Note: P-pieces, T-Total

Stable - pack
Scotch Tape - pack
Paper clip use for product and document in office
Color paper use makes a card for customer
Amount of vase from Table sales forecast in each moths
Amount of basket from Table sales forecast in each moths
Amount of Oasis from Table sales forecast in each moths and Amount of Oasis from Basket and bouquet.

Table 4.9 tool in year 2

Item Pri Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Ribbon Bouquet 40 12 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
: Satin 0 2 0
Ribbon Bouquet 50 5 25 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0
: Organdie 0 0 0 0
Ribbon Bouquet 9 5 45 0 0 0 0 5 45 0 0 0 0 5 45 0 0 0 0 5 45 0 0 0 0
: Straw
Color paper 5 10 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wire 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10
Oasis 60 76 45 5 31 1 10 3 20 7 42 7 42 7 42 2 16 7 42 7 42 7 42 2 16
60 2 20 8 80 4 40 0 0 0 7 20 0 0 0 7 20
Scissors 55 1 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stable 95 1 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Staplers 40 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cutter 35 1 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Scotch Tape 40 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Paper clip 85 9 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 5
Flower basket 105 13 13 3 31 3 31 1 13 3 31 3 31 3 31 6 63 3 31 3 31 3 31 6 63
65 5 5 3 65 5 5 5 0 5 5 5 0
Vase 150 14 21 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45
00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mulberry Paper 12 0 0 1 14 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 0
2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4
Flora tape 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25
Total 15 99 7 40 2 18 6 41 2 13 4 26 2 15 5 28 1 12 2 15 2 13 3 27
1 15 2 64 6 80 2 85 7 64 8 50 5 15 0 79 5 20 5 15 7 64 8 35

Note: P-pieces, T-Total

Stable - pack
Scotch Tape - pack
Paper clip use for product and document in office
Color paper uses make a card for customer
Amount of vase from Table sales forecast in each moths
Amount of basket from Table sales forecast in each moths
Amount of Oasis from Table sales forecast in each moths and Amount of Oasis from Basket and bouquet.

Table 4.10 tool in year 3

Item Pri Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Ribbon Bouquet 40 13 520 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
: Satin 3 0
Ribbon Bouquet 50 6 300 0 0 0 0 6 30 0 0 0 0 6 30 0 0 0 0 6 30 0 0 0 0
: Organdie 0 0 0
Ribbon Bouquet 9 6 54 0 0 0 0 6 54 0 0 0 0 6 54 0 0 0 0 6 54 0 0 0 0
: Straw
Color paper 5 12 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wire 10 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20
Oasis 60 82 492 5 33 1 11 3 22 8 48 8 48 8 48 3 18 8 48 8 48 1 72 3 18
0 5 00 9 40 7 20 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 2 0 0 00
Scissors 55 2 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stable 95 2 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Staplers 40 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cutter 35 1 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Scotch Tape 40 2 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Paper clip 85 10 850 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
Flower basket 105 14 147 3 31 3 31 1 14 3 31 3 31 3 31 7 73 3 31 3 31 7 73 7 73
0 5 5 4 70 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Vase 150 15 225 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mulberry Paper 12 0 0 1 15 0 0 0 0 1 15 0 0 0 0 1 15 0 0 0 0 1 15 0 0
3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6
Flora tape 25 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50
Total 17 109 7 42 2 19 7 45 3 14 5 30 3 16 5 32 1 13 3 16 3 21 4 30
0 49 8 91 9 75 0 64 1 71 7 15 0 69 7 11 8 15 0 69 9 31 4 55

Note: P-pieces, T-Total

Stable - pack
Scotch Tape - pack
Paper clip use for product and document in office
Color paper uses make a card for customer
Amount of vase from Table sales forecast in each moths
Amount of basket from Table sales forecast in each moths
Amount of Oasis from Table sales forecast in each moths and Amount of Oasis from Basket and bouquet.

Table 4.11 tool in year 4

Item Pri Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Ribbon Bouquet 40 14 560 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
: Satin 4 0
Ribbon Bouquet 50 7 350 0 0 0 0 7 35 0 0 0 0 7 35 0 0 0 0 7 35 0 0 0 0
: Organdie 0 0 0
Ribbon Bouquet 9 7 63 0 0 0 0 7 63 0 0 0 0 7 63 0 0 0 0 7 63 0 0 0 0
: Straw
Color paper 5 14 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wire 10 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30
Oasis 60 87 522 6 36 2 12 3 22 9 54 9 54 9 54 3 18 9 54 9 54 9 54 3 18
0 0 00 1 60 8 80 0 0 0 1 60 0 0 0 1 60
Scissors 55 1 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stable 95 3 285 3 28 3 28 3 28 3 28 3 28 3 28 3 28 3 28 3 28 3 28 3 28
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Staplers 40 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cutter 35 1 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Scotch Tape 40 3 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Paper clip 85 11 935 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 5
Flower basket 105 14 147 4 42 4 42 1 14 4 42 4 42 4 42 7 73 4 42 4 42 4 42 7 73
0 0 0 4 70 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5
Vase 150 16 240 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mulberry Paper 12 0 0 1 16 0 0 0 0 1 16 0 0 0 0 1 16 0 0 0 0 1 16 0 0
4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8
Flora tape 25 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75
Total 18 117 9 50 3 25 7 50 3 19 6 34 3 22 6 36 2 18 3 22 3 19 5 34
5 08 0 28 7 20 8 03 9 68 7 85 9 13 4 03 5 00 9 13 9 68 0 35

Note: P-pieces, T-Total

Stable - pack
Scotch Tape - pack
Paper clip use for product and document in office
Color paper uses make a card for customer
Amount of vase from Table sales forecast in each moths
Amount of basket from Table sales forecast in each moths

Amount of Oasis from Table sales forecast in each moths and Amount of Oasis from Basket and bouquet.

Table 4.12 tool in year 5

Item Pri Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Ribbon Bouquet 40 15 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
: Satin 5 0
Ribbon Bouquet 50 8 400 0 0 0 0 8 40 0 0 0 0 8 40 0 0 0 0 8 40 0 0 0 0
: Organdie 0 0 0
Ribbon Bouquet 9 8 72 0 0 0 0 8 72 0 0 0 0 8 72 0 0 0 0 8 72 0 0 0 0
: Straw
Color paper 5 16 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wire 10 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40
Oasis 60 92 552 6 37 2 13 4 24 9 54 9 54 9 54 3 20 9 54 9 54 9 54 3 21
0 3 80 2 20 1 60 0 0 0 4 40 0 0 0 6 60
Scissors 55 1 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stable 95 4 380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Staplers 40 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cutter 35 1 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Scotch Tape 40 4 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Paper clip 85 12 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 20
Flower basket 105 15 157 4 42 4 42 1 15 4 42 4 42 4 42 8 84 4 42 4 42 4 42 8 84
5 0 0 5 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vase 150 16 240 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mulberry Paper 12 0 0 1 18 0 0 0 0 1 18 0 0 0 0 1 18 0 0 0 0 1 18 0 0
5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
Flora tape 25 4 100 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 20 124 9 49 3 23 8 50 3 17 7 37 4 20 6 36 2 15 4 20 3 17 5 35
1 77 3 70 7 30 3 97 9 30 5 90 0 22 8 50 4 50 0 22 9 30 5 90

Note: P-pieces, T-Total

Stable - pack
Scotch Tape - pack

Paper clip use for product and document in office

Color paper uses make a card for customer
Amount of vase from Table sales forecast in each moths
Amount of basket from Table sales forecast in each moths
Amount of Oasis from Table sales forecast in each moths and Amount of Oasis from Basket and bouquet.

Table 4.13 Office supplies in year 1

Item Price Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Pen 5 10 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pencil 5 10 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
rubber 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ruler 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A4 paper 110 1 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tissue 7 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35
Total 137 36 295 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 16 195 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35

Table 4.14 Other cost of good sold in year 2

Item Price Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Pen 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pencil 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
rubber 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ruler 5 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A4 paper 110 1 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tissue 7 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35
Total 137 23 230 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 16 195 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35

Table 4.15 Other cost of good sold in year 3

Item Price Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Pen 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pencil 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
rubber 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ruler 5 3 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A4 paper 110 1 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tissue 7 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35

Total 137 24 235 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 16 195 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35

Table 4.16 Other cost of good sold in year 4

Item Price Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Pen 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pencil 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
rubber 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ruler 5 4 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A4 paper 110 1 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tissue 7 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35
Total 137 25 240 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 16 195 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35

Table 4.17 Other cost of good sold in year 5

Item Price Jan Feb March April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Pen 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pencil 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
rubber 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ruler 5 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

A4 paper 110 1 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tissue 7 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35
Total 137 26 245 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 16 195 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35 5 35

Table 4.18 Equipment

Item Picture Detail Unit Picture Total
Per Unit
2.Computer desk Computer desk 3 2,350 7,050
Size : 120*60*75 Cm.
Have space for lay keyboard and have 2 desk
Material from Particle board and enamel by
3.Counter Counter in corner : 3 pieces 1 4,500 4,500
* Many alternative of color for you can choose
For first piece
For second piece
*60*50*110 In corner

5.Chairs Model : MC1010 P 4 1,440 5,760

In the back side cover by fiber convenience for sit
down and have hydraulic

6.Security Information: have 4 cameras MPEG$, USB backup, 2 15,450 30,900

Camera Network, Remote, Mouse Support, VGA, CMS,
DVR4 Ch 646 _ HDD 250 GB.

7. Fire Fire Rating: 2A 2B, 4A 5B and 6A 20B 2 1,530 3,060

extinguisher - Size 10 Lbs.
-Chemical Weight 4.50 kg.
-Device weight 3.10 kg.
- Total weight 7.60 kg.
8.Telephone Panasonic Model:KX-TG2480BX : IUFU. Have 2 2,990 5,980
function meeting at the same time 3 call, bottom for
speaker phone and remember 50 destinations.

12.Cooler Cooler AQUA-COOLER AM-1200RO 1 6,100 6,100

Cold water and Hot water

13. shop shelves 2 2,900 5,800


14.Showcase 1 Showcase style vintage. 1 6,500 6,500

Color: white
Wide: 150 Cm.
High : 203 Cm

15. Showcase 2 Can circulate 1 4,500 4,500

High: 115 Cm.
Have 2 light

16. Cool winter SUNHUI DAILY COOL WINTER FLOWER 2 35,000 70,000
fresh flower 1 Capacity : Cu.,ft 33
Size : 120*70*206 Cm.

17. Cool winter Size : 120*70 1 23,000 23,000

fresh flower 2 High 205 Cm.
Style 2 door

4.1.7 Logistic Management

As you wish use logistic for planning process, controlling, implementing and the
management of the flow of goods information and other resource, including energy and
people, between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet
requirement of consumer

Logistics’ As you wish flower shop start form customer need, company has a correct and
clear information that customer need such as number of products, style of products, right time
and place for shipment product to customer. Transportation of product, after customers order
our product via internet or telephone and want the products to be send to the destination, As
you wish flower shop use employee for delivery flower. Why we use our own employees
because it is cheaper to hire a transportation company and our shop has confident for delivery
to customer.

Cold Storage for Flowers

At As you wish flower shop, we take care of everything from the beginning until every
flower are in recipients' hands. Starting from flower storage, we use 6-10 Celsius degree cold
storage to store every flower with our flower, which are then fed by liquid nutrients. This
method makes flowers still grow while they are still budding, thus preserve the freshness and
strength ready for arrangement. Every flower will be fresh in hand of the recipients and will
still fresh for a long time if taken care suitably.

Cold room Construction

3 tier shelving (available on request), Panel mounted straddle refrigeration included (corner,
remote & ceiling compressor available). Reversible doors, Suitable for 43c ambient operating
temperature .Non slip floor. Simple cam-lock constructions Door lock .Door Frame Heater
.Pressure release valve (Freezer) .Doors fitted into a 900 mm panel sections Door size: 710
mm wide x 1740 mm high .80 mm Insulated Steel panels. Coved Interior for ease of cleaning
.Floorless and Dual temperature options available on request .Supplied with ALL cam-lock
fixtures and tube sealant

Refrigeration System
These units are supplied with panel mounted straddle units or corner units as standard
(Ceiling Mounted & remote type split units are available on request). Digital temperature
control .Simple easy to use installation template included .Pre-wired for door micro switch
.Bulkhead light fitting included .Straddle system.

Keeping candy for short term (two months or less):

Put some aspirin or 7-UP in the water, flowers love it. Almost right, the flower foods
provided with your flowers contain three elements essential to flower longevity. First, there is
a bleaching agent which kills the bacteria harmful to your flowers. Next, there is a sugar
solution, which feeds the bloom while in the container. Finally, there is acid, which raises the
pH level of the water. While aspirin contains the acidity and soda pop contains both acid and
sugar, only flower food contains the proper mix of all three essential elements.

4.1.8 Facility Management

Our company has many facilities for support production and operation as follow;
We have electronic car it can maintenance flower during transportation, cooler fresh flower it
can take care our flower fresh in a long time, uninterruptible power system it can reserve
power for use when have accident, we have high electric program it can create and design for
the flower product for satisfaction customer and order flower from international in website.

Internet & Telephone

We have Internet service to customers at our store.
True Internet: Hi-Speed 8 Mbps. + Wifi 2 Mbps. Only 1,199 baht/month and install telephone
only 2,499 baht free 500 baht long 3 month
Internet per month 899 Bath
Estimate for use telephone about 4,199 baht

4.2 Cost of investment

4.2.1 Pre-operating cost
Pre Operating Cost

Picture 4.21

Billboard is a large outdoor advertising structure typically found in high traffic areas such as
alongside busy roads. Billboards present large advertisements to passing pedestrians and
drivers. Typically showing large, ostensibly witty slogans, and distinctive visuals, billboards
are highly visible in the top designated market areas. Bulletins are the largest, most impactful
standard -size billboards. Located primarily on major highways, expressways or principal
arterials, they command high-density consumer exposure
Bulletins afford greatest visibility due not only to their size, but because they allow creative
"customizing" through extensions and embellishments.
Posters are the other common form of billboard advertising, located chiefly in commercial
and industrial areas on primary and secondary arterial roads. Posters are a smaller format than
bulletins and are viewed principally by residents and commuter traffic, with some pedestrian
exposure. Our shop will set the location for install billboard in interest location and good
view for easy to distribution information of our flower shop to customers by rent area in high-

rise of town for easy to see. Price 12,000 baht start in first month of open our shop. The
billboard has size about 120 square meter install about 7 days.
Front side

Picture 4.22
Back Side

Picture 4.23

A card certifying membership in an organization. When customer come to the shop for buy
the product ,we have promotion 5 % to member foe discount the product by the customer pay
only 300 baht for apply for a member in that day we have gift set to the our special customer
by member card not limited can use forever. The condition in member card. * You may quote
your card number to the cashier for point awards.
* You must present card for redemption of points.
* This card is not a credit card and non-transferable.
* This card is valid at As you wish flower shop only
* This card is the property of As you wish flower shop. The shop reserves the right to cancel
this card and/or withdraw privileges without prior notice

Table 4.19 Detail of Product

No. Detail of Product Cost
1. Company’s billboard 12,000
2. Member Card 100 Pieces 2,500
3. Telephone and Internet Installation TT&T 2,499
4. Internet 899
5. Registration Fee 15,350
6. Signboard Tax 6,000
Total 39,248

Juristic Person Registration
- Company Limited Registration
Submit the name’s company is As you wish for determine not same as the name reserved
other companies
Information used to register as follows:
1. Documents for register (50 Baht)
2. Company’s name
3. Location’s office
4. Objective of the company
5. Name and address of a proxy identification card
6. Registered capital each share divided same value.
The capital investment is 2,000,000 Baht No. of stock is 100 and the value is 20,000 per

Shareholder as follows:
22 years old, Thai Nationality
Address: 333 Moo.1, Tasud District, Muang, Chiangrai 57100
Capital Investment: 500,000 Baht = 25 percentage and hold 25 stocks
22 years old, Thai Nationality
Address: 25/1, Pangae District, Padad, Chiang Rai 57190
Capital Investment: 500,000 Baht = 25 percentage and hold 25 stocks
21 years old, Thai Nationality
Address: 89 Moo5, Pakchom District, Hadcumpee, Loei 42150
Capital Investment: 500,000 Baht = 25 percentage and hold 25 stocks
22 years old, Thai Nationality
Address: 20, Banpru District, Haiyai, Songkhla 90250
Capital Investment: 500,000 Baht = 25 percentage and hold 25 stocks

Benefit from investment

Benefit in this investment from hold stock of As you wish. Benefit of hold stock is receiving
income from the sale of goods.

For establish As you wish to sending happy and beautiful flowers to customers.
Sign’s name of Shareholders

4.3 Investment cost

Table 4.20 Equipment office
No. Item Unit Price per unit Total
1 Computer 3 13,200 39,600
2 Computer desk 3 2,350 7,050
3 Counter 1 4,500 4,500
2. Desk for meeting set 1 5,000 5,000
3. Chairs 4 1,440 5,760
4. Security Camera 2 15,450 30,900
5. Fire extinguisher 2 1,530 3,060
6. Telephone 2 2,990 5,980
7. All-in-One Printer 1 8,900 8,900
8. Uninterruptible Power system 1 1,890 1,890
Total 112,640

Table 4.21 Equipment for keep material

No. Item Unit Price per unit Total
1. Refrigerator 1 10,350 10,350
2. Cooler 1 6,100 6,100
3. shop shelves 2 2,900 5,800
4. Showcase 1 1 6,500 6,500
5. Showcase2 1 4,500 4,500
6. Cool winter fresh flower 1 2 35,000 70,000
7. Cool winter fresh flower 2 1 23,000 23,000
8. Computer 1 13,200 13,200
Total 139,450
Table 4.22 Equipment arrangement flower
NO. Item Unit Price per unit Total
1. Ribbon Bouquet : Satin 50 40 2,000
2. Ribbon Bouquet : Organdie 30 50 1,500
3. Ribbon Bouquet : Straw 10 9 90
4. Gauze 50 17 Per meters 850
5. Wire 10 5 per meters 50
6. Oasis 50 60 3,000
7. Scissors 10 55 550
8. Stable 1 pack 95 95
9. Staplers 2 40 80
10. Cutter 4 35 140
11. Scotch tape 3 pack 40 120
12. Paper clip 1 pack 85 85
13. Flower basket 20 105 2,100
14. Vase 20 150 3,000
15. Mulberry Paper 15 12 180
16. Robe 2 35 70
17. Flower Tape 3 25 75
Total 13,985

Table 4.23 Cost of Bathroom equipment

No. Description No. Product Price/Unit Total
1 Washbasin 1 750 750
2 Shower 1 165 165
3 Toilet 1 5,990 5,990
4 Bucket 1 130.00 130.00
5 Faucet 1 105 105
6 Mirror 1 110.00 110.00
Total 8,604

4.3.1 Depreciation Operating

Table 4.24 Depreciation Operating in Year 1

Table 4.25 Depreciation Operating in Year 2


Table 4.26 Depreciation Operating in Year 3

Table 4.27 Depreciation Operating in Year 4


Table 4.28 Depreciation Operating in Year 5

4.3.2 Depreciation Administration

Table 4.29 Depreciation Administration in year 1

Table 4.30 Depreciation Administration in year 2

Table 4.31 Depreciation Administration in year 3


Table 4.32 Depreciation Administration in year 4

Table 4.33 Depreciation Administration in year 5


4.4 Operation cost

4.4.1 Raw material Cost
Table 4.34 Total arrangement flower our shop
NO. Item Unit Price Per Unit Total
1. Cool winter fresh flower 1 2 35,000 70,000
2. Cool winter fresh flower 2 1 23,000 23,000
3. Showcase 1 1 6,500 6,500
4. Showcase 2 1 4,500 4,500
5. Shop shelves 2 2,900 5,800
Totals 109,800

4.4.2 Overhead
Table 4.35 Overhead cost per years
No. Description Year 1 Year2 Year 3 Year4 Year5
1 Electric Cost 83,856 84,100 84,400 85,000 85,856
2 Water Cost 5,520 5,720 5,920 6,520 6,620
3 Telephone 25,200 26,200 27,500 28,500 29,000
4 Internet 3,228 3,500 3,628 3,750 3,750
5 Energy: Fuel 132,000 134,000 137,000 139,000 140,000
Total 249,804 253,520 258,448 262,770 265,226

Note: Electric cost calculate by 70% from total cost of electric cost.
Water cost calculate by 70% from total cost of water cost
Telephone expense by 80% form total cost of telephone expense
Internet expense by 30% from total cost of internet expense
Fuel cost by 85% by from total cost of Fuel cost

4.5 Management Analysis

4.5.1 Administrative Cost
The following is that administrative cost rate in each year

Administration Cost in year 1

1. Employee Salary
Wage rate for our organization.
1. Managing Partner position 1 person 1 x 18,000 15,000 baht
2. Employee in the organization
Accounting Department 1 person 8,000 baht
Sale and Marketing department 1 person 7,000 baht
Sale person 2 person 2 x 5,500 11,000 baht
Housekeeper 1 person 3,500 baht
Staff 2 person 2 x 5,500 11,000 baht
Total salary expense/month 55,500 baht
Total salary expense/year 666,000 baht

Administration Cost in year 2

1. Employee Salary
Wage rate for our organization.
1. Managing Partner position 1 person 1 x 19,000 16,000 baht
2. Employee in the organization
Accounting Department 1 person 8,500 baht
Sale and Marketing department 1 person 9,500 baht
Sale person 2 person 2 x 6,000 12,000 baht
Housekeeper 1 person 4,000 baht
Staff 2 person 2 x 6, 000 12,000 baht
Total salary expense/month 62,000 baht
Total salary expense/year 744,000 baht

Administration Cost in year 3

1. Employee Salary
Wage rate for our organization.
1. Managing Partner position 1 person 1 x 19,500 17,000 baht
2. Employee in the organization
Accounting Department 1 person 9,500 baht
Sale and Marketing department 1 person 9,500 baht
Sale person 2 person 2 x 6,500 13,000 baht
Housekeeper 1 person 4,500 baht
Staff 2 person 2 x 6,500 13,000 baht
Total salary expense/month 66,500 baht
Total salary expense/year 798,000 baht

Administration Cost in year 4

1. Employee Salary
Wage rate for our organization.
1. Managing Partner position 1 person 1 x 19,500 18,500 baht
2. Employee in the organization
Accounting Department 1 person 11,000 baht
Sale and Marketing department 1 person 9,500 baht
Sale person 2 person 2 x 7,000 14,000 baht
Housekeeper 1 person 5,000 baht
Staff 2 person 2 x 7,000 14,000 baht
Total salary expense/month 72,000 baht
Total salary expense/year 864,000 baht

Administration Cost in year 5

1. Employee Salary
Wage rate for our organization.
1. Managing Partner position 1 person 1 x 20,000 20,000 baht
2. Employee in the organization
Accounting Department 1 person 11,500 baht
Sale and Marketing department 1 person 10,000 baht
Sale person 2 person 2 x 7,500 15,000 baht
Housekeeper 1 person 5,500 baht
Staff 2 person 2 x 7,500 15,000 baht
Total salary expense/month 77,000 baht
Total salary expense/year 924,000 baht

4.5.1 Administration Cost

Table 4.36 Administration Cost in year 1

Table 4.37 Administration Cost in year 2


Table 4.38 Administration Cost in year 3

Table 4.39 Administration Cost in year 4


Table 4.40 Administration Cost in year 5

4.6 Conclusion
In this chapter we talk about products characteristic of our flower company have form of arrangement flower. Form 1 for customer choose we
offer flower Bouquets Arrangement , flower vase Arrangement , Special orders, Wreath and other events of our company for service to the
customer have Merit Ceremony, Wedding, Present to teacher, Bye-Sri and Grand opening. Each detail of this chapter we present about Logistic
Management use external company high experience to send the flower to customer because can reduce cost of wage of employee to delivery
flower and reduce the problems about maintenance flower during transportation. And we predict utility cost for easy to manage the finance for
this company. According to the our logo color have 3 colors each color have different meaning ; green it mean is natural, pink it mean is
sensitive and yellow it mean is successful and wish and wish. We have member card to discount the product for customer.

Chapter 5: Financial Analysis


Table 5.1 Calculation Interest

Loan 2,500,000
Interest (per year) 7%
Interest (per month) 0.58%
Income tax 30%
Total principle and interest 175,000
Repayment (years) 5
Repayment (Month) 60
Total principle and interest per month 2,917

Note: Interest Rate
We define profit 40% and cost 60%


5.1 Profit/ Loss Statement

Table 5.2 Income Statement Year 1
As you wish's Company
Income Statement
For the year ended December,31 2011

Table 5.3 Income Statement Year 2

As you wish's Company
Income Statement
For the year ended December,31 2012

Table 5.4 Income Statement Year 3

As you wish's Company
Income Statement
For the year ended December,31 2013

Table 5.5 Income Statement Year 4

As you wish's Company
Income Statement
For the year ended December,31 2014

Table 5.6 Income Statement Year 5

As you wish's Company
Income Statement
For the year ended December,31 2015

5.2 Cash Flow

Table 5.7 Cash Flow Year 1
As you wish's Company
Cash Flow
For the year ended December, 31 2011

Table 5.8 Cash Flow Year 2

As you wish's Company
Cash Flow
For the year ended December, 31 2012

Table 5.9 Cash Flow Year 3

As you wish's Company
Cash Flow
For the year ended December,31 2013

Table 5.10 Cash Flow Year 4

As you wish's Company
Cash Flow
For the year ended December,31 2014

Table 5.11 Cash Flow Year 5

As you wish's Company
Cash Flow
For the year ended December, 31 2015

5.3 Balance Sheet

Table 5.12 Balance Sheet year 1
As you wish's Company
Balance Sheet
For the year ended December, 31 2011

Table 5.13 Balance Sheet year 2

As you wish's Company
Balance Sheet
For the year ended December, 31 2012

Table 5.14 Balance Sheet year 3

As you wish's Company
Balance Sheet
For the year ended December, 31 2013

Table 5.15 Balance Sheet year 4

As you wish's Company
Balance Sheet
For the year ended December, 31 2014

Table 5.16 Balance Sheet year 5

As you wish's Company
Balance Sheet
For the year ended December, 31 2015

Table 5.17 Average Net income

Discount rate = 7%

Revenue 129630 146340 148730 164410 166,800 755910

Cost 77778 87804 89238 98646 100080 453546
Table 5.18 NPV, Payback period, IRR, ROI

NPV ฿2,405,938.44

Payback period 73.56403013

IRR 3%
ARR or ROI 0.666666667

Chapter 6: Risk Management


Table 6.1 in year 1, Sales decrease by 5%


Table 6.2 in year 2, Sales decrease by 5%


Table 6.3 in year 3, Sales decrease by 5%


Table 6.4 in year 4, Sales decrease by 5%


Table 6.5 in year 5, Sales decrease by 5%


Table 6.6 in year 1, Sales decrease by 10%


Table 6.7 in year 2, Sales decrease by 10%


Table 6.8 in year 3, Sales decrease by 10%


Table 6.9 in year 4, Sales decrease by 10%


Table 6.10 In year 5, Sales decrease by 10%


Table 6.11 in year 1, Sales decrease by 15%


Table 6.12 in year 2, Sales decrease by 15%


Table 6.13 in year 3, Sales decrease by 15%


Table 6.14 in year 4, Sales decrease by 15%


Table 6.15 in year 5, Sales decrease by 15%


Table 6.16 in year 1, Interest increase by 5%


Table 6.17 in year 2, Interest increase by 5%


Table 6.18 in year 3, Interest increase by 5%


Table 6.19 in year 4, Interest increase by 5%


Table 6.20 in year 5, Interest increase by 5%


Table 6.21 in year 1, Interest increase by 10%


Table 6.22 in year 2, Interest increase by 10%


Table 6.23 in year 3, Interest increase by 10%


Table 6.24 in year 4, Interest increase by 10%


Table 6.25 in year 5, Interest increase by 10%


Table 6.26 in year 1, Interest increase by 15%


Table 6.27 in year 2, Interest increase by 15%


Table 6.28 in year 3, Interest increase by 15%


Table 6.29 in year 4, Interest increase by 15%


Table 6.30 in year5, Interest increase by 15%


Table 6.31 in year 1, Cost increase by 5%


Table 6.32 in year 2, Cost increase by 5%


Table 6.33 in year 3, Cost increase by 5%


Table 6.34 in year 4, Cost increase by 5%


Table 6.35 in year 5, Cost increase by 5%


Table 6.36 in year 1, Cost increase by 10%


Table 6.37 in year 2, Cost increase by 10%


Table 6.38 in year 3, Cost increase by 10%


Table 6.39 in year 4, Cost increase by 10%


Table 6.40 in year 5, Cost increase by 10%


Table 6.41 in year 1, Cost increase by 15%


Table 6.42 in year 2, Cost increase by 15%


Table 6.43 in year 3, Cost increase by 15%


Table 6.44 in year 4, Cost increase by 15%


Table 6.45 in year 5, Cost increase by 15%


Chapter7: Summary

7.1 Conclusion
Current flower business is becoming very popular because the flowers can be used on several
occasions. Chiang Mai today, it is the economic, cultural and communications hub of
northern Thailand complete with excellent infrastructure, good roads, by passes and road
tunnels, and reliable communications infrastructure. With a population of 1,547,085 Chiang
Mai is one of Thailand's largest provinces. Of the above number, 170,348 are currently living
in Chiang Mai's city area with the rest distributed throughout Chiang Mai's 21 districts, 2 sub-
districts. For these reasons, result in the flower shop business growing rapidly. It results in
increased flower shop business to grow in the range of 2 to 3 years. Chiang Mai has many
sources of business. And people are popular flowers represent meanings of opportunities.
Internal situation; Strengths
All partners have the knowledge, skills and responsibilities of each part clearly. Everyone has
the initiative and creative flower arrangements at any time.
We is new store and not someone known and trusted in the little craft, Limited capital.
Order materials have not received credit from the seller and must pay cash every time. The
resulting is lack of liquidity in the cash flow.
External situation; Opportunities
Currently the most popular occasions to send flowers growing different on the same business
to create the image of the product better than competitors do not have to adapt to a changing
of new competitor to add up all the time, bad economy will affect sales much, lack of
technology to assist in product design.
will be the leader in providing floral products and services in the North Country.
To have a top quality staff that serves our customers’ emotional and sentimental needs with
top quality floral products and exceptional services which exceed our customers’

Marketing Mix Strategy;

Form 1 for customer choose we offer flower Bouquets Arrangement , flower vase
Arrangement , Special orders, Wreath and other events of our company for service to the
customer have Merit Ceremony, Wedding, Present to teacher, Bye-Sri and Grand opening.
Each detail of this chapter we present about Logistic Management use external company high
experience to send the flower to customer because can reduce cost of wage of employee to
delivery flower and reduce the problems about maintenance flower during transportation.
And we predict utility cost for easy to manage the finance for this company. According to the
our logo color have 3 colors each color have different meaning ; green it mean is natural, pink
it mean is sensitive and yellow it mean is successful and wish and wish. We have member
card to discount the product for customer.
Our company has 4 partners which each partners Invested 500,000 baht that is 2,000,000
Addition, Our company borrow bank 2,500,000 baht and Interest 7 %.

Year Net Income Statement

1 261,208
2 283,118
3 292,776
4 317,771
5 325,301.20

NPV ฿2,405,938.44

Payback period 73.56403013

IRR 3%
ARR or ROI 0.666666667

Finance management

Year Ending cash

1 7,828,269
2 2,848,150
3 290,448.70
4 306,815
5 234,713

Year Total liability and equity

1 8,807,227
2 3,897,245
3 1,392,139
4 1,475,951
5 1,461,109

Member Group: Awesome group

Shop: As you wish’s Florist shop
Name: JARIYA SRISUWAN ID 5031203011
Tel: 0803083998 E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: 0855461941 E-Mail: [email protected]
Name: BURAWAN PANGPUM ID 5031203040
Tel: 0845148959 E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: 0862891807 E-Mail: [email protected]

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