Medical Ethics and Legal Procedure: Long Answer Questions
Medical Ethics and Legal Procedure: Long Answer Questions
Medical Ethics and Legal Procedure: Long Answer Questions
21. One human upper limb was discovered by BankuraZilla police between up and down tract near Bankura railway station in the month
of December 2016. It has one lacerated wound at its proximal end with multiple aberrations and fracture of bones and one tatt oo
mark on its ventral surface of specific design of a “red rose” and a letter “R” located just below it of green colour.
A) Mention the manner and nature of death in this specific case.
B) Enumerate the parameters you consider and outline the procedure of examination for identification of the above case.
C) What is tattoo? Write down the medico legal importances. Name the dies which are responsible for its specific
colours.(10) (Bankura)
22. What is intersex? Discuss about its different types.(10)( SagarDutta)
23. Write the names of different prints helpful in identification. How examination of teeth helps to estimate age.(10)(Mursidabad)
Short Notes:
1. 164A CrPc[Burdwan]
Medico-legal importance:
1. Hair [CNMC, Midnapur MC, Murshidabad
2. Sec 84 IPC[ESIC] MC, KPC]
3. Gustafson’s method[Murshidabad]
2. 16 years [BSMC]
4. Grenz rays study of finger print. [NRSMC] 3. 18 years [Midnapur MC, SagoreDutta]
5. Advantages and disadvantages of Iris scan over Dactylography. 4. Cephalic index [SagoreDutta, Murshidabad
6. Latent Finger Print. [CNMC] 5. Poroscopy [Murshidabad MC]
7. True hermaphroditism [CNMC 6. Superimposition technique [Murshidabad
8. Surest datum of identification. [Burdwan MC] MC]
9. Intersex. [BSMC] 7. Human teeth [ICare]
10. Tattoo mark [NBMC] 8. Scar mark [ICare]
11. Turner’s syndrome [Midnapur MC 9. Teeth Bite mark(NRSMC
12. Sex chromatin [CMJNM, Kalyani] 10. Powder(MALDA MEDICAL COLLEGE)
13. Tattoo marks [SagoreDutta, IQ City, ICare
14. Self-inflicted wound [SagoreDutta]
15. Fingerprint [Malda MC] 14. BARR BODY(SAGORE DUTTA)
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16. Gustafson’s criteria [ESICMC-Joka]
17. Corpus delicti [ESICMC-Joka]
18. Scar mark [KPC]
19. Klinefelter’s syndrome [IQ City]
20. Medico-legal importance of 18 years of age [IQ City]
Explain why:
In child determination of age from teeth is superior to ossification centers.
1. Skull with attached mandible having intact teeth of a same deceased is valuable in identification.
2. DNA fingerprinting is not an absolute data for identification.
3. Superimposition is of a more negative value.
4. DNA profiling is not considered to be an absolute proof of identity. [Medical College]
5. ‘Removal of superficial epithelial layer of skin and or mucous membrane is abrasion’ – this definition of abrasion is
not always correct. [NRSMC]
6. Tattoo marks do not fade. [KPC]
Differences between:
1. Male pseudohermaphroditism due to androgen receptor deficiency and 5-aplha reductase deficiency [NRSMC]
2. Temporary and permanent teeth [RG Kar, BSMC, NBMC, Kalyani, SagoreDutta, Joka]
3. Male pelvis and female pelvis [RG Kar]
4. Klinefelter’s syndrome and turner’s syndrome [ICare]
5. Human hair and animal hair [Kalyani, Joka]
Long answer questions:
1. Discuss the external and internal factors which modify the rate of decomposition. (5)
2. Define Putrefaction. Describe the effects of formation of gas during Putrefaction. Name the conditions which stimulate
gas stiffening. (1+6+3)
3. What is “Rigor Mortis”? How time since death can be estimated from rigor mortis? What are the conditions simulating Rigor
Mortis? (5) (CNMC)
4. Define post mortem lividity. What are the factors that modify the appearance of post mortem lividity? What is the medicolegal
importance of it?(10)(IGME&R)
5, A) describe the changes in the muscle after death.(5)
B) Enumerate and briefly describe the pathological classification of burn injury according to Dupuytren’s classification.(5)
5. Clasify post-mortem changes. How will you estimate time since death(TSD)?(10) ( Joka)
6. A dead body was recovered from an isolate location. How would you find the time passed since death?(5)
7. Define Death medically. What is brain death? Mention its types. Name the changes occur after death.
Short Notes:
1. Post mortem staining[IQ City] Medico-legal importance:
2. Diagnosis of air embolism during autopsy[MCK] 1. Brain death [Medical College]
3. Decerebrate rigidity[NRS] 2. Adipocere [CNMC]
4. Aseptic autolysis[ICARE] 3. Mummification [IPGMER, Midnapur MC]
5. Estimation of time since death from stomach content. 4. Brain stem death [Kalyani]
[NRSMC] 5. Moment of death [ICare]
6. Mechanism of Rigor Mortis. [NRSMC, Malda MC] 6. Casper dictum(MUSHIRDABAD)
7. Exhumation. [RG Kar] 7. Maggots(JNM)
8. Brain death. [RG Kar, Malda MC] 8. Mummification(ICARE)
9. Suspended animation. [RG Kar, Midnapur MC] 9. POST MORTEM STAINING (IQ CITY)
10. Adipocere formation [IPGMER, NBMC]
11. Algor mortis. [BSMC]
12. Gordon’s classification of death. [NBMC]
Explain why:
1. Anthropometry helps to estimate stature [Mushidabad MC]
2. Time since death is often detected from postmortem changes. [Malda MC]
3. The cooling curve of the human body is not a straight line. [IPGMER]
4. Marbling is seen during the process of decompistion. [IPGMER]
5. Colour changes of decomposition first appear at right iliac region of abdomen.
Long answer questions:
1. A red stain is found on a bed cover. Discuss in brief how will you know that this is a blood stain? (5)
Short Notes:
1. Benzedine test[RG Kar] Differences between:
2. Takayama test[Bankura] 1. Obscure autopsy and Negative
3. Warning Notice[Malda] autopsy[SagoreDutta]
4. Fallacies of AADHAR card. [NRSMC] 2. Pathological autopsy and medico-legal
5. Obscure autopsy [IPGMER] autopsy [IPGMER, Joka ]
6. Objectives of medicolegal autopsy [ESICMC-Joka] Medico-legal importance:
1. Negative benzidine test has got more medicolegical (MALDA)
2. Bombay blood group is important to determine the paternity.
3. Negative screening tests of blood and semen carry more value than positive test.
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