Time Capsule Activity Booklet PDF

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My Home Learning

2020 Time Capsule


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How I Feel
I feel…

I can’t
wait to...
I am
thankful for...

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My Family
Draw a picture of where you are living.

Draw a picture of who you are living with.

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Hands and Paws!
Can you draw around every family members’ hand on this page? You might like to include pets too.

Remember to wash hands before you all do this.

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Hands and Paws!
Can you draw around every family members’ hand on this page? You might like to include pets too.

Remember to wash hands before you all do this.

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Fun things I’m doing
to keep busy.

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Connecting with Others
How are you staying in touch with friends and family?

Have things in your local area changed? How?

How have things changed around the world?

How are you helping others during this time?

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Interview Page
Choose someone to interview then write down their answers here:

Name Age

How are you feeling? How many days have you How is homeschooling going?
been at home?

What has been the biggest What are you excited to do What are you enjoying most
change so far? once this is over? about being at home more?

What are you grateful for?

Will you do anything differently once this is over?

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