Introduction To South Asian Literature: Course Description
Introduction To South Asian Literature: Course Description
Introduction To South Asian Literature: Course Description
Course Description
This historical overview of South Asian literature begins with the great epics, The Mahabharata
and The Ramayana, tales of gods and princes, battle and exile; then follow stories from the
colonizers, from The Jungle Book to A Passage to India to The Jewel in the Crown. Then we'll
dive into award-winning authors like Salman Rushdie, Arundhati Roy, Hanif Kurieshi and
Jhumpa Lahiri, who brought native literature onto the world stage. Finally we'll finish with
selections from some of the most exciting cutting-edge diasporic authors of the current day.
Framed within a post-colonialist context and with a strong awareness of gender politics, students
will explore the shifting development of an ethnic literature influenced by colonialism, but not
defined by it.
Required Texts
Course Requirements
Oral work:
--Class participation (10%): For this seminar to be successful, everyone should come prepared
with questions and comments from your reading, assignments you’re ready to discuss, and/or
speculations about how specific readings relate to others we’ve studied. You will be evaluated on
your participation in discussion and small group work. Thoughtful, focused, and consistent
participation, along with demonstration of preparation for class (i.e., that you’ve read and
thought carefully about the readings), and respect for others’ viewpoints will determine your
grade. Be sure to bring your book, notes, and all assignments to class.
Attendance: Much of the learning in this course occurs during class sessions, so it’s important
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that you be here. You may have two absences without penalty during the semester. Use them
when and as you wish (no excuses or doctor’s notes necessary). More than two absences will
lower your participation and final grades. More than six absences will result in failure. If you are
not coming to class on the day an assignment is due, the assignment is still due at the beginning
of class. If you are absent, you are responsible for contacting me or a classmate for assignments,
syllabus updates, and/or handouts. Consistent tardiness will count as at least one absence.
Written work:
• Two essays (worth 15% each for a total of 30%): Everyone will write two 4-5 page essays.
We will discuss these assignments and workshop drafts in class.
• Two exams (worth 20% each for a total of 40%): These in-class exams ask you to
demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to analyze the course material. Each one will include
identification, short answer, and an essay question. The first exam will cover material from the
first half of the course, and the second exam will cover material from the second half of the
• Reading journal (worth 20% total): Throughout the semester, I will provide study questions
for reading assignments, and you will respond to these questions in a series of journal responses,
each of which should be at least 500 words. Please bring to class two copies of your journal
entries. I will collect one at the beginning of class, and you should keep one in your files. At the
end of the semester, you will resubmit all of your responses, along with a self-assessment you
write about your journal work, and I will assess the thoughtfulness and attentiveness of the
series. You are assigned eight journal entries total; you may skip one journal entry without
penalty, or if you elect not to skip, I will drop the weakest entry when I am figuring your grade.
Because journal entries are meant to focus your reading responses before our class discussion, no
late journals will be accepted: no exceptions. If you need to miss a class; be sure to e-mail your
journal to me (as an attached Word file) so that it arrives before the start of class. I will pass out
the journal entry asisgnments for each unit before that unit begins.
• In-class writing (part of participation grade): Because this is a writing class, we will spend
some class time writing. Assignments will range from brainstorming, group work, and drafting to
peer editing and reflections.
NOTE: No late assignments (any assignment not finished at the beginning of class on the
due date) will be accepted. I will grant an extension in certain cases, but not at the end of
the semester. An extension must be requested at least one week in advance of the stated due
date. Unless you have an extension or there is an emergency, any work not turned in on
time will earn a grade of zero.
Office hours: Take advantage of my office hours. Use them to clarify class discussion, go over
assignments, or discuss your ideas. In addition to my scheduled hours, I can often be available by
appointment if arranged at least one week ahead of time.
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Class Schedule
UNIT I: Ancient Days
Week 1 9/7 Introductions; course overview; excerpts from Ramayana, in-class writing