Battlefield 1 - Achievement Trophy Guide - PC
Battlefield 1 - Achievement Trophy Guide - PC
Battlefield 1 - Achievement Trophy Guide - PC
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| To jump to any section of this document use your web browser's Find function |
| (with Ctrl+F on a PC or Cmd+F on a Mac probably) and search for the letter S |
| followed by the exact section number - for example s07a to find Section 07a. |
| Section 01 | INTRODUCTION s01 |
My main aims for this guide are to give explanations and tips for each trophy;
provide a timeline for all trophies, collectibles and unlocks in the single-
player campaign (see Section 06) and share some trivia about trophy names,
chapter titles, weapons, etc.
I've been a Battlefield fan(boy) since Bad Company 2 (BFBC2) and elsewhere on
GameFAQs you can find my trophy guides and gun guides for BF3, BF4 and Hardline
plus my complete guide to Star Wars Battlefront - another recent multiplayer
shooter made by Battlefield's lead developers, DICE.
If you found this guide useful you can show your support by using the recommend
function. If you have any feedback (especially suggestions for additions or
improvements) then please feel free to contact me via email or GameFAQs message.
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fixed-width) font, preferably Courier New. Some sections of the document will
display incorrectly if you're using a proportional font like Times New Roman.
| Section 02 | TROPHIES LIST s02 |
The base game (without DLC) has a total of only 31 achievements on Xbox One and
PC or 32 trophies on PS4 including the prestigious platinum.
The trophies are listed below in the default PS4 menu sequence. For once these
have actually been presented in a fairly logical order so I've used the same
sequence in the main body of this guide.
To jump directly to the entry for any specific trophy in the guide just copy the
trophy name from here and use your browser's Find function (Ctrl+F).
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'They Shall Not Pass' DLC Trophies (see Section 07a)
33 French War Hero [Bronze/50G]
34 Drei Vier Grenadier [Bronze/50G]
35 Saint-Chamond Operator [Bronze/50G]
36 Maître d'Armes [Gold/100G]
'In the Name of the Tsar' DLC Trophies (see Section 07b)
37 The Revolution is Coming [Bronze/25G]
38 Charged into Battle [Bronze/50G]
39 Secured the Resources [Bronze/50G]
40 Endured the Winter [Bronze/25G]
41 Filled the Stockpile [Gold/100G]
| Section 03 | MULTIPLAYER TROPHIES s03 |
There was a steady decline in the number of multiplayer trophies in the past few
Battlefield games (not counting expansions). BFBC2 had twenty (including several
that were quite fun to do) but then BF3 had nine, BF4 had five and Hardline had
only three! BF1 finally bucks that trend by having a total of ten multiplayer
trophies in the base game, although sadly they're still lacking in originality
and the majority are essentially just simple XP grinds.
No "online pass" is required to play but on the PS4 you will need a Playstation
Plus (PS+) subscription to play online. This also grants the benefits of cloud
back-up for save files and six PS3/PS4/Vita games every month.
You get this automatically after meeting the requirements of all 31 other
trophies in the base game - ten come from multiplayer and the remaining 21
can be earned in the single-player campaign (see Section 05).
As usual, trophies from expansion packs are not required for the platinum.
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02 Operations [Bronze/10G]
Operations is the new showcase mode in BF1 with matches that span multiple
maps and often last for over an hour.
The mode plays like a hybrid of Rush and Conquest - on each map the defending
team has a series of bases each with two objectives but, instead of having
to destroy them like the telegraphs (or M-COMs) in Rush, the attackers must
capture them like flags in Conquest. The attacking team has a limited number
of respawn tickets and if these are depleted before they can fully capture
the current base they'll need to try again but this time with the support of
one of the Behemoths (e.g. armoured train). If the attackers fail three times
in total then they lose the match.
The June 2018 patch added Shock Operations which have 40 players on a single
map. This may not count towards this trophy so it's probably best to stick
with the standard Operations mode for this.
03 Counter-Sniper [Bronze/10G]
The sniper rifles are exclusive to the Scout class in BF1. Your starting
weapon is the SMLE* Mk.III (Marksman variant) but you should be able to use
any of them for this and I can confirm that you can even use the Russian 1895
which is a lever-action rifle.
The trophy should pop the first time you get the new Counter Sniping bonus
(25 pts) for killing an enemy Scout while playing as a Scout yourself. You
should also get the 'Camouflage' codex entry at the same time.
Despite the name of this trophy, I don't think there's any minimum distance
requirement so just play as the Scout class and use your primary - pretty
soon one of your kills will be on an enemy player using the same class. If
you want to be more proactive about it you could look out for the tell-tale
glint of a sniper scope and either counter-snipe at long range or flank them
and get an instant kill with a headshot.
(See trophy #09 below for a basic summary of your one-hit kill potential.)
The Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III rifle was used as the basis for the Jawa ion
blaster prop in the first Star Wars film so it also appears (as the "CA-87")
in DICE's recent multiplayer shooter, Star Wars Battlefront.
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04 Play the Objective* [Bronze/10G]
The squad leader system returned in BF1 and has had some nice refinements
made since BF4 and Hardline.
The player marked with a star in your squad list is the squad leader. They
can place an order on an objective (for example a flag in Conquest mode) by
either aiming at the objective marker and tapping R1 (RB on Xbox) or holding
R1 and selecting Order Squad followed by the objective label (A, B, C, etc).
The order will be indicated by four flashing green marks on the objective
marker and it will also be displayed as text with the objective's label and
name (e.g. monastery, burning mill, etc) on the left side of your screen. The
squad order can be completed by successfully performing an action on the
marked objective, for example capturing the Conquest flag for your team.
If you're in a squad but your squad leader is not giving orders then there
are three ways to become a squad leader yourself. Firstly you can open the
squad menu (by pressing Square (or X on Xbox) from the respawn screen) and
then use the Leave Squad and Create Squad options - this will start a new
squad with you as the leader. You should set your squad to "public" so that
others can join it (giving the benefits of additional spawn locations and
squad-based bonuses) but you don't actually need to have any squad members.
Secondly you can hold R1 (or RB on Xbox) to open the commo-rose and select
the Request Order option. Since the Version 1.04 patch BF1 has the Hardline
feature whereby the first squad member to request an order will be promoted
to squad leader after 60 seconds if the current leader gives no orders.
Thirdly - if you're using a mic - you can just speak to the squad leader in
squad chat and ask them nicely to go to the squad menu, pick Manage Squad,
select you and pick Promote Player to instantly make you the squad leader.
In both cases the order can complete (with a handy XP bonus) regardless of
whether you have any other players in your squad or if your squad-mates are
at the objective. So you should be proactive - monitor the objective markers
and put orders on objectives (e.g. Conquest flags) that are either about to
be captured by your team or are likely to remain under your team's control.
General Progression
BF1 uses the standard system for levelling where kills and other actions earn
you XP (experience points). You start unranked (rank 0) and progress through a
series of numbered ranks each time your XP total passes specific thresholds.
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(See Section 04 for general tips on earning XP and progressing faster.)
Your progress towards the next multiplayer rank is shown on the Soldier tab of
the main menu and on the Personal tab of the end-of-round screen. These also
show an approximation of how long it will take for you to reach the next rank
based on your average score per minute (score/min or SPM).
You can also view your levelling progress online on the following websites:
The original level-cap was rank 100 which requires exactly 20 million XP.
The following two trophies relate to your overall multiplayer rank. (The five in
the next subsection below are based on your separate ranks for each class.)
05 Warbonds [Bronze/10G]
You don't get any warbonds when you progress from rank 0 to rank 1 but after
that you'll get 90 warbonds each time you level-up from rank 2 (Private II)
to rank 6 (Private VI) so that's all you need to do to get 450 warbonds for
this trophy/achievement - it's basically just another XP grind. Specifically
you need to earn a total of 55,000 XP to get to multiplayer rank 6.
For reference I achieved this after about two hours of objective play.
Some guns and gadgets are available to purchase as soon as you have enough
warbonds to pay for them but some others are locked to your class rank (see
below), for example to unlock the Model 10-A (Slug variant) shotgun you need
to reach Assault rank 3 and then buy it for 200 warbonds. Generally primary
weapons cost 200 warbonds, sidearms cost 150 and gadgets/grenades cost 60.
You'll stop receiving warbonds after rank 70 because by that point you'll
have earned enough warbonds to buy every unlock in the base game. (New guns
in the DLC expansions are unlocked by completing assignments instead.)
*A country would issue warbonds for sale in order to control inflation after
issuing extra money to fund their war efforts. Britain, Germany, America,
Canada and Austria-Hungary all used similar schemes during World War I.
06 Corporal [Bronze/10G]
After getting your 450 warbonds by rank 6 for the previous trophy you just
need to keep playing until you hit rank 10. For this you'll need to earn a
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further 90,000 XP on top of the 55,000 XP you needed for rank 6.
For reference I achieved this after about four hours of objective play.
Class Progression
All recent Battlefield titles have four infantry classes. In Battlefield 1 these
are Medic, Assault, Support and Scout (see trophies #07 to #10 for details).
Each of these four standard classes (plus the new Tanker, Pilot, Cavalry and
Elite classes) have their own ranks which are separate from the other ones and
different from your main overall multiplayer rank.
You can level-up a class simply by earning XP while using that class in matches
but keep in mind that your class choice will be overridden whenever you spawn
directly from the respawn screen into a new tank or plane or onto a new horse
(in which case you get the Tanker, Pilot or Cavalry class respectively).
However if you spawn into a Behemoth (e.g. armoured train), spawn into a vehicle
as a passenger or spawn as infantry and then enter a vehicle (or mount a horse)
then all XP will still be credited to your standard infantry class. This can be
a great way to farm kills or capture an objective from relative safety.
You can view your progress from the main menu under Soldier \ Weapons & Gadgets
- when you select a class here the bar indicates your progress from your current
rank to the next one. You can also see your class ranks on the Loadout tab of
your player career pages on the official website.
Some weapons and gadgets are locked by class rank, with many of them becoming
available to purchase with warbonds (see trophy #05) at class rank 1, 2 or 3.
At launch the maximum rank per class was 10. Several sidearms unlock at rank 10
and each of the four infantry classes has one unique primary weapon unlock too -
the Hellriegel 1915 SMG for Assault, the Selbstlader 1906 rifle for Medic, the
Huot Automatic machinegun for Support and the Martini-Henry rifle for Scout.
You can view the unlocks for each class under Soldier \ Weapons & Gadgets but in
order to buy and equip them you'll need to use the Customize screen which you
can access by pressing Triangle (or Y on Xbox) from the respawn screen during a
match or (since the Version 1.04 patch) off the main menu under either Soldier \
Customize Soldier or Home \ Shortcuts \ Customize Soldier.
The Winter Update (Version 1.06) in February 2017 raised the maximum rank for
each class to 50. You'll unlock new dogtags as you progress and when you achieve
rank 50 in a class you'll also earn new flair for your killcard which is shown
to an enemy player after you kill them.
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"Reach Assault rank 2 in multiplayer"
This requires you to score a total of 100,000 XP using the Assault class.
Your default weapon for this class is the MP18 (Trench variant) SMG which
fires at 550 RPM (rounds per minute) and has a damage profile that gives a
four-hit kill out to 12 metres then a five-hit kill to 22 metres.
(Except where stated otherwise, all BTK (bullets to kill) figures in this
guide are based on standard shots to the upper torso. Guns stats are taken
from (thanks!) and have been revised to reflect the rebalancing
to TTK (time to kill) in the January 2018 patch.)
If you want more options, the primary weapons of the Tanker and Pilot classes
were made available to either Assault or Support in the June 2018 patch. The
Assault class got the Frommer Stop Auto and Sawed-Off Shotgun. (You may need
to unlock these first with the original classes, for example the Sawed-Off
Shotgun requires Tanker rank 10.)
Assault gets a selection of gadgets intended primarily for taking out enemy
vehicles including tanks. Initially you get the AT (anti-tank) hand grenade
(heavy damage against vehicles), anti-tank "rocket gun" (which requires you
to either go prone or deploy it on a ledge) and the dynamite (generally handy
for blowing stuff up); you can also unlock the anti-tank mines.
*In BF1 any faction is free to use the shotguns but in real life the German
government made a formal diplomatic complaint against the use of shotguns in
WWI on the grounds that these weapons caused "unnecessary suffering" and were
therefore in violation of the Hague Convention of 1907.
This requires you to score a total of 90,000 XP using the Medic class.
If you don't like having to tap-tap-tap for your pew-pew-pew then simply
press d-pad down to switch your Cei-Rigotti to automatic fire.*
Several of the Medic (and Scout) rifles lack detachable magazines and will be
reloaded with the most efficient combination of individual cartridges and
stripper clips of five rounds, for example after firing three shots you'll
load three single rounds or after firing seven you'd load one clip and two
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cartridges. It's worth remembering that reloading five rounds (with one clip)
will usually be quicker than loading three or four!
You start with a choice of four gadgets available - the medical syringe (for
reviving dead team-mates), medical crate (for healing anyone nearby), bandage
pouch (for healing one person on the move) and rifle grenade (with standard
fragmentation ammo). You can also unlock the HE (high explosive) and SMK
(smoke) variants of the rifle grenade.
One nice new feature for BF1 is that you can throw a bandage pouch (or ammo
pouch) at a team-mate that needs it by pressing R1/RB when prompted instead
of having to take your thumb off the left stick to use the d-pad.
You can make lots of points - and really help support your team - by throwing
out your heals (pouch or crate) at every available opportunity.
This requires you to score a total of 60,000 XP using the Scout class.
Scout is the sniper class of the game which gets a choice of bolt-action
rifles (and one lever-action) for use at medium and long ranges.
Battlefield has a ballistic model which includes bullet speed and gravity
which causes bullets to drop below your point of aim at long range so you can
either aim high to compensate or press d-pad down to "zero" your rifle to
counter drop at a specific distance. BF1 also introduced "bullet drag" which
causes bullets to fly slower (and drop faster) at longer ranges.
All snipers in the base game apart from the Russian 1895 (Trench variant) and
M1903 (Experimental variant) do sufficient damage to give a headshot one-hit
kill at any range. However BF1 uses novel humped damage profiles for most
sniper rifles and everything in the base game apart from the Gewehr M95, 1903
Experimental and 1895 Trench delivers a maximum damage of 100 (enough for a
one-hit kill from a chest-shot in Normal mode) over specific distances at
medium range, for example your default SMLE Mk.III (Marksman variant) can
kill with one shot to the chest at ranges between 40 and 75 metres.
The Scout class gets a wide range of gadgets. By default you can equip the
flare gun (which spots enemies within a radius), K bullets (for damaging
vehicles), sniper shield (provides cover when prone), sniper decoy (gives a
false target for enemy marksmen), trench periscope (for spotting from behind
cover) and the HE (high explosive) anti-personnel tripwire bomb. You can also
unlock the flash variant of the flare gun (to disorient enemies) and the GAS
(poison gas) and INC (incendiary) versions of the tripwire bomb.
If you really don't like using the bolt-action rifles you can make a ton of
points from objective actions and squad order bonuses (see trophy #04) and
from using your gadgets, especially the powerful spotting flares. I got to
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Scout rank 2 in around two hours of objective-focused play in Conquest mode,
getting beaucoup points from flag caps and supplementing those with squad
order bonuses, spotting bonuses from the flare gun and close-quarter kills
with my trusty service revolver. (It's high noon!)
The sidearms can be fairly handy in close quarters so be sure to pick one
that works best for you. The pistols are generally balanced as either "slow
and heavy" (revolvers) or "fast and light" (semi-autos) so try them out and
see what suits your play style. Remember you can use warbonds earned with one
class to buy unlocks for another if you want.
At Scout rank 1 you unlock two primary weapons that fire faster and are more
suited to shorter ranges. I'm a fan of the lever-action Russian 1895 (Trench
variant) which fires at up to 124 RPM and (since the Jan 2018 patch) gives a
two-hit kill out to 70 metres. The other option is the M1903 (Experimental
variant)* which fires on semi-auto at 359 RPM (since the March 2017 patch)
and has a large detachable 40-round mag although that's balanced by a lower
damage profile which gives a three-hit kill out to 12 metres.
The Hardcore mode option became available on 16 November 2016 and can be
accessed from the Custom Games menu. Initially this gave +100% additional
bullet damage but that was reduced to +25% in the 13 December 2016 patch,
although that's still just enough for most Scout rifles (with 80 max/min
damage) to give a one-hit kill on a shot to the upper torso at any distance.
BF1's Experimental model has been fitted with a Pedersen Device. This was
designed to convert the bolt-action .30-06 calibre Springfield 1903 into a
semi-automatic rifle firing .30 calibre pistol rounds from a large detachable
magazine. Approximately 65,000 units were manufactured in 1918 but the war
ended before they could be issued in Europe and most were later destroyed.
This requires you to score a total of 100,000 XP using the Support class.
The Support class gets machineguns as usual. These now have large first-shot
penalty multipliers to spread (like the SMGs) but they also have negative
"spread increase per shot" (SIPS) so after the second shot during automatic
fire the accuracy will actually improve with every consecutive shot.
Your default primary is the Lewis Gun* (Low Weight variant) which fires at
480 RPM, has a large 47-round pan magazine and (since the Jan 2018 patch)
gives a four-hit kill out to 12 metres and a five-hit kill beyond that.
If you want more options, the primary weapons of the Tanker and Pilot classes
were made available to either Assault or Support in the June 2018 patch. The
Support class got the P08 Artillerie, Pieper M1893, M1911 Extended, Mle 1903
Extended and C93 Carbine. (You may need to unlock these first in the original
classes, for example the M1911 Extended requires Pilot rank 10 and the C93
Carbine needs forty kills with FT light tank.)
You start with a choice of seven gadgets - the ammo crate (to supply ammo to
anyone nearby), ammo pouch (to resupply one person on the move), the repair
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tool (to fix friendly vehicles - or damage enemy ones!), the AIR (airburst)
and HE (high explosive) variants of the portable mortar and the HE and FRG
(fragmentation) versions of the crossbow grenade-launcher which was added in
the 13 December 2016 patch. You can also unlock the limpet charge (a powerful
sticky bomb with a 3-second fuse).
You can make lots of points - and really help support your team - by throwing
out your ammo resupplies (pouch or crate) at every available opportunity.
The Lewis Gun was also used as the basis for some of the heavy blasters used
by the Imperial landing party on Tatooine in Star Wars so it also appears in
DICE's Star Wars Battlefront game (as the T-21 and T-21B).
11 Decorated [Silver/40G]
Obviously you'll pick up this one on your way to achieving the previous four
trophies for levelling each of the classes to rank 2.
For reference I achieved this after around ten hours of play at which point I
already had Assault up to class rank 4 I think. (Also I did this before the
introduction of XP boosts to battlepacks.)
| Section 04 | XP TIPS s04 |
Here are some quick tips for maximizing your XP from multiplayer matches:
o Squad XP Boosts
The 11 November 2016 patch added XP boosts which can appear as a rare bonus
"Legendary" drop in a battlepack (in addition to the gun or vehicle skin).
Every player in a squad that has an active squad XP boost will receive 100%
extra score (double XP!) for 60 minutes. This seems to be applied at the end
of each round so it's probably best to stay in a match until it finishes.
It's worth checking the Squads menu several times during a match to see if
there's a squad with an active boost and a spare slot for you to join.
o XP Events
Occasionally DICE will run a double XP event, sometimes to coincide with the
release of a DLC and often limited to players with Premium subscriptions.
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announcements of XP events.
o Squad Orders
You can pick up loads of bonuses from using squad orders (see trophy #04).
If you use the Request Order option on the commo-rose (R1/RB) it'll remind
your squad leader to place an order - and if they fail to issue one you will
take their place and then you can start giving orders yourself.
o Objective Actions
If you're present for the full neutralisation and capture of a Conquest flag
and have a squad order on it too you can often make around 1,000 XP off it.
This is more effective on a large open Conquest map with four or more flags
where the turnover rate on the capture points is higher.
If you want to earn some easy XP with a class you don't enjoy playing then be
sure to select it at the start of a Conquest match (when you can usually get
at least two quick flag caps) or when you spawn onto a squad-mate or vehicle
where an enemy flag is being captured. The same applies when you spawn into a
Behemoth vehicle too - especially the armoured train on the maps where it can
be used to capture Conquest flags repeatedly (unless the driver is clueless).
o Match Wins
o Medals
Previously BF1 had a new system for medals where you could only work towards
one medal at a time - you had to select one medal from a list of five. This
was overhauled in the November 2017 update and now you can make progress on
any of the current medals without having to nominate one.
Originally you received 1,000 XP for each completed requirement and 5,000 XP
for the final one but now you get 5,000 XP per requirement and 25,000 XP at
the end so there's a lot more incentive to complete medals now.
o Ribbons
The Winter Update in February 2017 introduced a system of ribbons which work
much like the coins in Battlefield Hardline, the accomplishments in Star Wars
Battlefront or the ribbons in Battlefield 4 of course.
Each ribbon is worth 500 XP and can be earned by performing a specific action
a certain number of times in one match. Unlike the BF1 medals, all ribbons are
always active - you don't need to select one to work on. A full list of the
available ribbons and their requirements can be found under Soldier \ Ribbons
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off the game's main menu.
The initial set included ribbons for getting five kills with the same weapon
category or seven kills with the same infantry class (so you're rewarded for
sticking with one class). The Spring Update in April 2017 added nineteen new
ribbons including several that reward useful actions like repairs, revives,
heals, resupplies, spot assists, squad spawns and vehicle destroys. The
Nivelle Nights update in June 2017 added a further four medals.
The Winter Update also added special "Elite" entries to the weapons section of
the codex list. Each one relates to a specific weapon and you can unlock its
extended codex article by getting 500 kills with that weapon. Each one you
complete earns you a sweet 25,000 XP bonus too.
The available Elite codex entries are listed under Soldier \ Codex.
If you track your progress carefully you can activate a squad XP boost when
you're just a few kills short of the 500 and then get 50,000 XP instead! If
you don't have a boost available then stop using that particular gun until
there's a squad you can join with an active boost.
o Service Assignments
The Russian DLC patch in September 2017 added the service assignments which
are used to unlock the specialisations (perks) added in the same update.
Each assignment in the first tier is worth between 30k and 50k XP.
o Service Stars
If you stick to using the same gun, gadget or vehicle you'll get a service
star and a 5,000 XP bonus each time you get another 100 kills with it.
o Gadgets
Each class has gadgets which can be used to support your team-mates and earn
you some XP at the same time. The Medic's heals, Support's ammo and Scout's
spotting flares are all pretty much essential choices.
o Squad Actions
If you stay with your squad (the players marked green in the default colour
scheme) - especially when playing as Medic or Support - you'll earn additional
points from certain actions such as heals, revives, ammo resupplies, etc.
With the various bonuses for critical hits, vehicle destruction, kills and
multi-kills you can make a good chunk of points off vehicle hunting, although
sadly since the January 2018 patch you can no longer stack AT mines. :(
If you're good at using the tanks or planes then they're a decent way to earn
XP but remember that spawning into a new vehicle as the driver gives you the
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Tanker or Pilot class instead of your selected infantry class.
The Behemoths can be used to earn XP too, especially the armoured train which
gives a secure position from which to both cap flags and farm kills.
Even the humble cars can be quite handy as you can use them to move between
Conquest flags quickly, getting several caps in a short period of time.
| Section 05 | SINGLE-PLAYER TROPHIES s05 |
You're free to decide how you want to play the game though. You could play on
Easy first to learn the missions and focus on collectibles and then progress
onto Hard, or you could do a playthrough on Normal and then do Hard and then
replay chapters on Easy to complete any remaining challenges.
If you're going for the platinum (or 100% completion on Xbox/PC) then you should
have a good awareness of what you need to do for the single-player trophies. In
general you need to complete all the chapters of each story, find all the field
manuals (collectibles) and complete the challenges on each mission to unlock all
of the campaign's codex entries.
You also need to get a total of ten kills using melee and a further five kills
using dynamite. In the chapter 'Breakdown' (in the first war story) you need to
find a sword and get a kill with it and in 'Young Men's Work' (in the fifth war
story) you need to kill all three enemy officers using melee attacks.
See the Trophy Trail (see Section 06) for a complete summary of everything you
need to accomplish in each individual chapter.
Some of the trophies and challenges are mutually exclusive so you will need to
use checkpoint restarts or chapter replays in order to get all of them. For
example the challenges require you to kill one of the officers in 'Young Men's
Work' with a bolt-action rifle and another with a tank whereas the trophy wants
you to kill all three of them using melee.
Every war story has one trophy for completing all the chapters within it. You
can do this on any difficulty but remember that you'll need to complete the
campaign (all chapters) on Hard diff for 'The War to End All Wars' (trophy #27).
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13 Nothing is Written* [Bronze/10G]
*The British Army's Royal Tank Regiment, originally founded as the Tank Corps
in 1916, is the oldest tank unit in the world. Their regimental colours are
brown, red and green which were later agreed to represent a typical armour
operation: "From mud, through blood to the green fields beyond."
*"Avanti Savoia!" was a battle-cry used by Italian troops. The royal house of
Savoia originally ruled a small region (now Savoy in south-east France) but
expanded over time until it reigned over the whole Kingdom of Italy from 1861
(after unification) to 1946 (with the formation of the republic).
Codex Completion
The game's "codex" is a World War I encyclopaedia with over 200 unlockable
entries (concise text articles) filed under five categories - The Weapons, The
War, The Vehicles, The Tactics and The World.
You can view your unlocked pages from the main menu under Soldier \ Codex. When
you select a locked entry it will show the requirement to unlock it. A total of
53 codex entries can be unlocked in the campaign by completing challenges and by
finding all the field manuals (collectibles) within a chapter.
Your progress will save immediately after unlocking a codex entry so if you're
doing a chapter replay specifically to get it you can quit out right away.
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(The remaining 145 codex articles are unlocked by completing a range of basic
requirements while playing in online multiplayer matches.)
Refer to the Trophy Trail (see Section 06) for details of how to unlock all the
codex entries in each chapter of the campaign.
*This trophy is named for a quote from 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom', Lawrence of
Arabia's book describing his experiences during the 1916-18 Arab Revolt:
"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty
recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the
dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with
open eyes, to make it possible. This I did."
*Sometimes it took lines of two thousand men to draw giant artillery pieces
up into the mountains of northern Italy. This is illustrated in the painting
known as 'Conquering the Mountains' by Cyrus Cuneo.
There are two trophies for achieving certain types of kills during the campaign
and another two for accomplishments in specific chapters.
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You can press R3 (right stick) to perform a melee attack, however personally
I always prefer to use the Soldier Sticks "Alternate" setting which switches
the functions of R3 and Circle (B on Xbox). This allows you to crouch and go
prone without taking your thumb off the stick and it gives a more positive
and reliable button input for melee.
The most effective way to use melee is to creep up on an enemy and attack
them from behind for a one-hit takedown kill.
You're very likely to get this trophy without making any special effort.
There are several sections of the campaign where you can use stealth tactics
and one of the challenges in the 'Be Safe' chapter requires you to get ten
melee kills so those alone would be sufficient for the trophy.
When using stealth remember to stay crouched (or prone) to make your soldier
harder to spot, avoid sprinting near enemies and press the touchpad (or Back
button on Xbox?) to throw an empty cartridge case to distract an enemy - lure
them away from you so you can sneak up behind them.
"Find the hidden cavalry sword and take down an enemy [...] in the campaign"
This must be done during 'Breakdown' - the third chapter of 'Through Mud and
Blood' (the first of the five war stories).
After finding the first spark-plug go east, follow the main track south and
enter the village through the barricaded entrance. Follow the cobbled road
and look for the second building on the left (north side) which has a mounted
machinegun above the door and a large German flag flying from the front.
Enter the building via the front door and you'll find the cavalry sword on
the floor underneath a table on the left side of the first room. Press Square
(or X on Xbox) to pick it up and it'll be equipped as your melee weapon -
replacing your trusty shovel.
Watch out for enemies as you enter the village. You can use your binoculars
by holding R1 (or RB) to tag them from a distance or the suppressed sniper
rifle (from the top floor of the first mill) to kill them from a distance.
If you haven't seen/killed him already, look out for a guard who will come
down from the upper floor of the house - and remember to check up there too
if you want to grab a suppressed pistol.
If you enjoy using the sword here you can work your way stealthily through
the village and farm further kills for 'Up Close and Personal' (trophy #22).
*The original famous saying is "The pen is mightier than the sword."
When you have dynamite equipped you can select it with d-pad left or right,
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press L2/LT to toss one bundle and then press R2/RT to detonate it.
This can be used to destroy vehicles or heavy weapons but it works just fine
for killing people too. For example you could creep up behind someone and
drop a bundle behind them, plant a charge on a sentry's patrol route or set a
trap and lure enemies into it by throwing empty cases.
A good chapter for this is 'Fog of War' in the first war story which has at
least six crates with dynamite available.
It seems that you can get your five kills over multiple replays if you want
- I replayed 'Fog of War' specifically to farm kills for this trophy and it
popped after getting just two kills so it must've counted prior ones too.
"Kill all 3 Ottoman officers in Young Men's Work with melee kills [...]"
This must be done during 'Young Men's Work' - the second chapter of 'Nothing
is Written' (the fifth of the five war stories).
Your primary objectives in this mission require you to kill one officer in
each of three military bases which are situated to the east, north and west
of your starting position (indicated by white diamonds on your minimap). The
officers are the ones wearing dark clothing and if you spot one with R1 (or
RB on Xbox) he'll be marked with a star symbol.
Naturally stealth is an effective option here to take out the officers and
any of their guards that get in your way. The usual rules of stealth apply so
crouch to move more quietly and throw empty cases to lure enemies away.
Completing this trophy will also unlock the 'T.E. Lawrence' codex entry which
requires you to kill one of the officers with a melee attack. However you'll
miss 'Gertrude Bell' (for killing an officer using a bolt-action rifle) and
'Tanks in the Desert' (for killing another using a tank). You might want to
get those two first and then restart the chapter or alternatively you could
revisit the mission later using chapter select.
It seems that you don't need to get all three melee kills in a single run. I
was using a secondary account to test whether it's possible to get this with
sabre attacks from horseback and I got one kill, restarted, got two more and
the trophy popped. (So yes, it is technically possible to get this trophy
from horseback but two of the commanders have a tendency to hide indoors.)
Campaign Completion
The game has three difficulty levels - Easy, Normal and Hard - and all three are
available from the start (you don't need to unlock Hard).
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You can set the difficulty each time you start a new story or chapter from the
campaign menu. The selected difficulty is the one highlighted in white.
The chapter select screen also helpfully indicates when you've completed a
chapter on Easy (circle icon), Normal (square icon) and Hard (diamond icon).
IMPORTANT: After completing the prologue and all story chapters you need to play
the video 'Remember Us' from the story select screen to finish the campaign.
After beating the game for the first time - specifically it was on Hard diff - I
unlocked the M1909 Benét–Mercié machinegun (Trench-Clearer variant).
These two campaign completion trophies stack so if you beat the game on Hard
diff you'll also get this one for completing it on Normal.
In order to get this trophy you'll need to complete all chapters in the war
stories on Hard difficulty.
*Although best known now as the author of sci-fi classics like 'The War of
the Worlds' and 'The Time Machine', H.G. Wells also wrote articles about WWI
which were collected in his 1914 book entitled 'The War that will End War'.
There are no missable field manuals so you can pick up any you missed using the
chapter select option. The menu shows how many you need from each chapter.
Refer to the Trophy Trail (see Section 06) for details of all the field manual
locations in each chapter of the campaign. However I appreciate that videos are
often much easier to use when hunting collectibles - especially when trying to
navigate large outdoor maps like the ones in this game - so I would like to
recommend this handy playlist from PowerPyx who has been providing excellent
support to the gaming community for several years now.
There are several chapters where it's very easy to accidentally complete the
mission before you've found all the collectibles so if you're hunting for field
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manuals focus on doing that before going to objective markers. In the Trophy
Trail I've indicated the chapters with the biggest risk of finishing too soon!
Challenge Completion
The "challenges" are simply the goals you need to complete in order to unlock
codex entries while playing the game, for example "destroy all field guns" and
"defeat 5 enemies while on foot" in the first chapter of the first war story.
The codex entries which you get for finding all the collectibles in a chapter
don't count towards this.
Refer to the Trophy Trail (see Section 06) for details of all the challenges in
each chapter of the campaign.
| Section 06 | TROPHY TRAIL s06 |
However before I do that I'll list all the general trophies and codex entries.
This requires you to get ten melee kills during the whole campaign.
There are several sections where you can use stealth takedowns so you'd get
this pretty quickly if you choose to play those missions with stealth.
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There's also one codex challenge which requires you to get ten melee kills in
one chapter so you'll get this while working on codex completion too.
This requires you to get five dynamite kills during the whole campaign.
Some of the medium-sized weapon crates will contain dynamite you can use.
The chapter entitled 'Fog of War' is a good place to farm this as there are at
least six crates there that'll give you dynamite.
You get this for completing your first codex challenge during the campaign.
If you play through the war stories in numerical order and focus on doing as
many challenges as possible you'd probably get this after completing the
'Observation Balloons' challenge in the first chapter.
You get this for completing ten codex challenges during the campaign.
If you focus on completing challenges you could potentially get this after
about five chapters but more likely you'll get it slightly later. It's up to
you whether you work on challenges during your first or second playthrough or
if you use chapter select to pick up any ones you missed.
You get this for completing all codex challenges during the campaign.
A lot of players will probably skip 'Airborne Cannons' since it's the toughest
challenge and then come back to it after completing the campaign in which case
they would also get this trophy as an additional reward for their patience!
You get this for completing every chapter of the campaign on Normal diff.
You get this for completing every chapter of the campaign on Hard diff.
*This codex entry shares its name with the first DLC (see Section 07a).
| Section 06a | Storm of Steel (Prologue) s06a |
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(You can quit out during the prologue but you'll still be forced to complete it
before you can start any of the main war stories.)
You can't select the difficulty, there are no field manuals (collectibles) and
there's only one codex entry to unlock. Although it's only short, the prologue
is technically counted as one of six war stories on the campaign title screen.
( Prologue: Storm of Steel - Chapter 1: Break of Dawn )
| Section 06b | Through Mud and Blood (War Story 1) s06b |
You'll also earn this by completing all the chapters in this story.
You'll earn this by unlocking all the codex entries in this story.
After completing all the codex challenges and finding all the field manuals in
this story you'll unlock a C96 pistol skin (His Lordship) for multiplayer.
( War Story 1: Through Mud and Blood - Chapter 1: Over the Top )
Push through the French countryside and take out enemy units and emplacements.
You play as the driver (and gunner) of a British tank nicknamed "Black Bess".*
By default you use the left stick for movement, right stick to aim, R2/RT to
fire and R1/RB to spot enemy emplacements.
If necessary you can use the Controls \ Control Schemes menu to reconfigure your
controller layout. I like to use the Veteran option for Ground Vehicle Buttons
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which puts accelerate/reverse on the triggers and puts fire on L1/LB.
Press Triangle/Y to toggle between your cannons (for larger targets) and the
machineguns (for infantry) and use d-pad up to zoom. (You can change the Weapon
Zoom control option to specify whether you press or hold to zoom.)
You can hold d-pad down for around seven seconds to repair your tank's health by
20%. After capturing the "C" flag in this chapter you can hold Square/X to exit
Black Bess and repair her much faster using the repair tool gadget.
Take out field guns (see below) and enemy tanks as quickly as possible as they
can do heavy damage to you. Anti-tank grenades will do a chunk of damage too but
they have slow fuses so you can drive away from them before they detonate.
Here's a photo of her during the war - the German text painted on the side says
that she was captured by the II Army Corps.
She was likely named after the horse of the (in)famous 18th-century highwayman
Dick Turpin. In the game the tank has highwayman emblems painted on the hull.
She also has the code number F71 but in real life the tanks with F numbers had
names beginning with F - some predictable names such as Fearless, Formidable or
Ferocious and others less conventional like Frolic, Fairy and Fray Bentos!
The German forces are using FK 96 field guns (small artillery cannons) as
anti-tank weapons and for this codex entry you must destroy all of them.
(Spotting will mark both field guns and machineguns. You're not required to
destroy the MGs for this challenge but you might as well since that makes it
easier for your infantry comrades to advance onto objectives. A manned
weapon has a red diamond marker and an unmanned one has a grey marker.)
A field gun can be destroyed by a single direct hit from one of the main tank
cannons. At long range you can use d-pad up to zoom but you'll need to aim
high to compensate for the effect of gravity.
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You'll see an explosion effect when you successfully kill a field gun. The gun
model will still be displayed afterwards but it'll be smoking and it'll have
wonky wheels - this counts as being destroyed for this challenge.
All the field gun locations are included in the timeline below...
7. On the right, past two small buildings, next to the line of trees
10. In the centre, just to the right of the flag, aiming down the road
11. To the right of the road, behind the flag and in front of a building
12. To the right of the road, on the right side of the same building
13. On the left side, within a group of buildings and next to a brick pillar
After capturing "C" point you're forced to get out of the tank. You can now
enter and exit the tank whenever you want by holding Square (X on Xbox).
For this codex entry you're required to get five kills as infantry. You have a
classic "broomhandle" Mauser with a ten-round capacity and four spare clips
but you're free to pick up a rifle or shotgun off any dead troops you find.
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16. Immediately to the right of the green weapon tent
17. On the right but farther back, in front of the church tower
o Field Manual #1
Exit the tank and go to the green tent which is marked with an "X" symbol
that indicates a weapons depot.
The field manual crate is immediately to the south-east of the tent, next to a
large pile of empty artillery shell cases.
You'll get this for finding your first field manual collectible.
o Field Guns - after pushing up the ramp to the left of the green tent
18. Directly in front as you advance through the gap between two buildings
20. To the back-right of the well area, in front of the artillery targets
21. Hidden behind the building on the right after you pass through the gap
(Check the front-left corner of the churchyard too - there's a chance there
might be an additional field gun there next to the two artillery cannons but
it seems to be pretty glitchy. If it's not there then you don't need it!)
o Field Manual #2
After clearing out the area, exit the tank and go inside the church.
The first of two manuals here is in the south-west corner opposite some beds.
o Field Manual #3
Exit the church via the east doorway (hole in wall!) and turn left.
You'll find the third collectible crate in front of a large green wheel that's
leaning against the north-east corner of the church.
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o Field Gun - at "D" (Big Willy's Farm*)
28. In the centre of the eastern ridge, to the left of the concrete bunker
29. In the centre of the eastern ridge, to the right of the concrete bunker
30. On the left side, to the right of the windmill and the other bunker
o Field Manual #4
After capturing the farm and taking out all the field guns exit the tank again
and go to the building on the south side of the farmyard.
32. To the left of the road, at the far north-east corner of the paddock
33. To the left of the road, at the far south-east corner of the paddock
o Field Manual #5
Exit the tank and head north until you find a muddy lane. Follow this east
towards the big bridge and you'll find a couple of wheeled artillery units on
the right side of the track. The crate is immediately behind the first one.
(If you find a single wagon next to a big puddle near the mill then you need
to continue farther east along the track.)
Make sure that you have all five collectibles before crossing the bridge.
You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
34. On the far side of the bridge to the left of the road
35. On the far side of the bridge to the right of the road
(In the final sequence of the mission follow the white circular markers in the
centre of the screen or head towards the white minimap diamond to the west.)
*The prototype of the British Mark I tank design was variously known as Big
Willie, Mother, The Wilson Machine and His Majesty's Land-Ship "Centipede"!
The precursor of "Big Willie" was of course "Little Willie". Now over 100 years
old, Little Willie is part of the impressive collection of the Tank Museum at
Bovington (about 15 miles from Poole on the south coast of England) and is
recognized as the oldest surviving tank in the world.
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( War Story 1: Through Mud and Blood - Chapter 2: Fog of War )
Clear out enemy emplacements so Black Bess can advance through the forest.
There are three checkpoints to get past in the misty section in the first half
of the mission. At each one you need to kill every enemy soldier there before
the tank can move up but there are two codex challenges for completing this
section in different ways so you'll need to play this chapter - or at least the
first part of this chapter - twice for codex completion.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you've got all five field manuals (check the pause
screen) before entering the tank after clearing the logging camp in the second
half of the mission.
For this challenge you need to clear the checkpoints without using melee.
You start with your Mauser pistol again (50 rounds) and you're free to use any
firearms or heavy weapons you find in weapon crates or take off dead enemies.
The green tents at the first two checkpoints have supplies of dynamite and
there are at least four other crates with dynamite later in the level so this
is a good chapter for farming dynamite kills for 'Shock Wave' (trophy #24).
(Take care not to swap out your repair tool when picking up a third gadget too
because sometimes it'll be a bit buggy and you can't get it back. If you want
to replace your second gadget then select that gadget first.)
The forest section ends when you reach the big girder truss bridge. The codex
entry should unlock after clearing out the three bases, reporting to the tank
and performing repairs.
For this challenge you need to clear the checkpoints without being detected.
You still need to kill all enemies at each checkpoint in order to progress so
you'll mainly be using stealthy melee takedowns here (which is why you can't
readily complete these two codex challenges at the same time).
Hold R1 (RB on Xbox) to use your binoculars and spot enemies from long range.
They'll be permanently marked which makes things a lot easier for you. It's
worth investing a minute or two to scout around the perimeter of each base.
Stay crouched when moving near enemies - this makes you quieter and generally
harder to spot. Never sprint when there are enemies nearby.
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Use cover to break an enemy's line of sight and go prone to hide behind low
cover, but don't rely on foliage or moving objects (e.g. doors) as cover.
Tap the touchpad (Back button on Xbox) to throw an empty casing to distract
an enemy and lure them in a certain direction, away from his buddies.
Once you get close behind an enemy you can press your melee button to perform
an instant stealth takedown. You can use this to pick them off one by one in
the misty forest like some sort of clichéd horror-movie killer :)
It's helpful to understand the markers that indicate the status of a guard:
Red (filling) = he can see you but is still deciding to raise the alarm
Red (full) = he's detected you and the alert status will spread to any others
Only the final status counts as detection and fortunately the red symbol takes
a few seconds to fill so you have time to react - drop prone if there's cover
and throw a shell case (lure) to get the guard to look in another direction.
o Field Manual #6
After the tank breaks through the first barbed-wire barricade and Townsend
tells you to "get up front and lead us through" you need to go up the mossy
slope to the north immediately after the barricade.
You can find the crate on the right-hand side next to a tree.
(From here you can hug the right edge of the playable area to come to a small
clearing with two guards. There's a little cellar on the right side with a
weapons cache including a silenced Mauser pistol* which can be handy on both
your "no melee" and "no alerts" playthrough.)
o Field Manual #7
o Field Manual #8
When you reach the girder bridge check underneath it on the far side.
(Beyond the bridge you'll notice that the weapon crates start providing heavy
anti-tank equipment - so take the hint!)
o Field Manual #9
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Next you'll pass into an open area - the logging camp.
The next crate is inside the small concrete pillbox bunker in the north-west
corner of the area.
From the bunker head east across the ridge above the big bunker.
The final field manual is behind a pile of wooden crates on the far eastern
side of the compound, in the north-east corner of the map.
Remember to get all five collectibles before entering the tank at the end of
the mission!
You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
*A classic "broomhandle" C96 Mauser was used as the basis for a classic Star
Wars prop - Han Solo's iconic DL-44 blaster pistol (in the original trilogy).
( War Story 1: Through Mud and Blood - Chapter 3: Breakdown )
The general locations of each one are marked with diamonds and large white
circles on your minimap.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you've got all five field manuals (check the pause
screen) before returning to the tank after gathering all the spark-plugs.
For this one you need to find all four spark-plugs without being detected.
The stealth principles from the previous chapter apply again so avoid running
near enemies, crouch to move quietly, throw lures to manipulate guards and use
stealth kills to take them out quietly.
Several of the crates contain silenced weapons and it's okay to use these as
long as nobody sees it happen. The top floor of the first windmill gives a
good vantage point for spotting enemies and there's a silenced sniper rifle
there which is very handy.
If you do get spotted by an enemy guard it's okay to use the "restart from
checkpoint". I did that several times - but that was purely for the sake of
testing of course. ;)
This is an unmissable one for grabbing your first spark-plug, most likely from
the centre of the farmyard to the south-east of the mill.
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(The other three can all be found in separate workshop yards in the village.)
Head across the farmyard to the eastern corner where you'll see a small
building with a covered wood store.
Open the door at the end to find the first field manual inside.
From there continue east across the meadow and over the road to the second
windmill. Go inside and up two floors - the next crate is on the north side
next to a window.
(One of the weapon crates in the green tent next to the windmill contains a
silenced M1911 pistol which you can use for stealth kills.)
You need to find the cavalry sword and get one kill with it.
From the second mill go south into the village and follow the alley that leads
south between two walls to a house with an external lamp on the wall.
The sword is on the floor in front of a table in the front lobby of the house.
If you enter through the front door (below the mounted machinegun upstairs) it
will be on your left or if you enter through the house's side door in the
alley it'll be to your right. Take care because there's a guard who will come
downstairs - he could give an alert but he also makes a good victim. :)
(The weapon crate in the MG room upstairs has a silenced C96 pistol.)
Continue east down the main street and go behind the second house on right -
the one with the alarm post outside (you can interact to disable this) and the
big German flag hanging flat against the front wall.
Enter the building and go upstairs to the room with the machinegun (it's the
same layout as the sword house) and the crate's in the north-west corner.
Now exit the house and look across the main street to the north-east where
you'll see a building with a sign that says "A. Lefeuvre".
Enter this building and go up two floors to the attic where you'll find the
crate in the north-west corner. (It's very dark up there but it's easier to
see if you change the game's brightness setting to max.)
From there continue east to the junction at the end of the main street. There
is another windmill here and I'd recommend going inside and taking out the
lookout upstairs as he can see for miles.
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Instead of crossing the bridge, head directly south-east across the river and
continue to the small property on the outskirts of the village.
The fifth and final collectible for this level is inside the small building in
the north-east corner of the yard (east of the weapons tent).
Remember to get all five collectibles before returning to the tank at the end
of the mission!
You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
( War Story 1: Through Mud and Blood - Chapter 4: Steel on Steel )
Get Black Bess through the village and onto the rendezvous point.
You need to cross the village without your tank taking any damage.
The easiest way is simply to trundle east across to the far side of the map
and then drive south just inside the boundary of the playable area. The river
by the mill on the far side of the village should be shallow enough to cross
safely but watch out for a little FT tank patrolling that area.
I would suggest doing this first and then restarting the mission to sweep the
village for the collectibles - which have all magically appeared since the
last time you were in the village in Chapter 3! (You can leave Black Bess at
the start of the level and work through the village on foot. You can use the
anti-tank equipment in the weapon crates to take out - or at least weaken -
the German armour in the village.)
There are five windmills in this chapter and there's one collectible in each
of them. They're even in the same location inside each mill - hidden behind
the millstones on the bottom floor.
The first mill is at the start of the level on the right side of the road.
From there proceed down the track to the next windmill which is on the left
side of road. The crate is behind the millstones again.
For this you need to destroy one of the captured British Mark V tanks - the
same type as Black Bess (not the smaller FT tank which is a French model).
It needs to be one of the active tanks too - you can't destroy one of those
Mark V wrecks in the repair yards!
The first tank can be found to the south-east behind the second windmill.
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It's easiest to "fight fire with fire" and use Black Bess to duel with one of
the captured British tanks. Positioning can make a big difference - the tank
armour is weakest on the rear and strongest on the front. You can also make
good use of hard cover by using "pillaring" techniques - peak from cover to
take a shot then go back into cover while your next round is loading.
Unless you're an elite tanker there's a risk of Black Bess taking some damage
so you might prefer not to use her if you're trying to complete everything in
this chapter in a single run. The alternative is to load up on the plentiful
anti-tank supplies from the weapon tents and use those instead after leaving
Bess parked safely at the start of the level.
On Hard difficulty it took two anti-tank grenades, three shots from an anti-
tank "rocket gun" and one shot from the T-Gewehr anti-tank rifle. Obviously
it's safer to use long-range weapons from a distance where possible.
The other option is to go Full Rambo - clear out any nearby guards and take
out the tank in close quarters using your repair tool! :)
From the second mill go south-west across the track to the third one.
From the third mill head east across the village to the fourth mill which is
at the far end of the main street.
From the fourth mill go south out of the village to the fifth mill which you
can see silhouetted on the hillside.
You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
*The big boxy A7V Sturmpanzerwagen was the only German tank used during WWI and
only twenty saw service. The Germany army actually used twice as many captured
British tanks which were known as Beutepanzerwagen (literally "booty" tanks).
| Section 06c | Friends in High Places (War Story 2) s06c |
You'll also earn this by completing all the chapters in this story.
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o Trophy #17 - Taking down Giants
You'll earn this by unlocking all the codex entries in this story.
This story has four chapters but only one has the usual five collectibles. One
other chapter has one field manual and the other two have none.
After completing all the codex challenges and finding all the field manuals in
this story you'll unlock an Auto Revolver skin (Straight Flush) for multiplayer.
( War Story 2: Friends in High Places - Chapter 1: Test Flight )
Try out the Royal Flying Corps' new Bristol F2-A biplane.
The mission starts with two trials where you're required to tail another plane
but to unlock this codex entry you need to follow it very closely.
Firstly you should check that you're happy with the plane controls. If you
need to you can invert pitch on the Basic controls menu and change the sticks
configuration on the Control Schemes menu (I like to use Legacy sticks).
Now it's simply a case of following the target plane as closely as possible.
Don't worry about mirroring every roll manoeuvre they make but otherwise keep
your nose tight on their tail. You'll want to maintain quite a high speed but
be ready to ease off the throttle slightly to avoid making contact with the
other plane or if you need to make a sharp turn.
If you're not familiar with plane controls it might take a few attempts to
get used to them so just keep practising.
This is an unmissable unlock for completing the target practice sequence after
tailing the plane.
Use your gun to take out the balloon targets - if you slow down and focus on
shooting the nearest ones first it should be possible to get them all in a
single pass but there's no time-limit so you can take as many attempts as you
need. Then press Triangle (Y on Xbox) to switch to your rockets and use these
on the indicated ground targets. You can use L2 (LT on Xbox) to zoom.
*The 'Dicta Boelcke' is a set of eight rules for dogfighting compiled by the
German WWI ace pilot Oswald Boelcke.
( War Story 2: Friends in High Places - Chapter 2: Total War )
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For this one you need to have at least four bomber planes in one bombing run
survive long enough to deliver their payloads.
I think I got this on my initial Hard playthrough although I died a few times.
After the bombing runs commence you'll need to multi-task, switching between
four basic activities as necessary:
1. Use your machinegun to take down enemy fighters, especially the ones that
are flying directly behind bombers as those pose the greatest threat.
2. Use your rockets to take out the pairs of anti-air trucks on the ground.
These can be tricky to see but they'll be indicated with small red markers
and destroying them will make life easier for your bombers.
Come in high and slow to give yourself more time to aim your shots. You
have an unlimited supply of rockets but they need to reload periodically.
3. Use evasive manoeuvres to shake off enemy triplane fighters on your tail.
4. Hold L1 (LB on Xbox) to repair your plane. You can still steer while doing
this so you can usually combine reps with evasive moves.
( War Story 2: Friends in High Places - Chapter 3: Fall from Grace )
As usual you can crouch to move quietly and throw lures to distract guards and
then either creep past them or creep up to them for a stealth takedown.
You can actually make pretty good progress by running through much of the
level. If an enemy starts to detect you (diamond icon filling red) then drop
prone and quickly throw a shell case to make him look in another direction.
You might prefer to focus on getting across the level undetected and then do a
separate playthrough to get the collectibles.
After dispatching (or evading) the two enemies at the start go behind the
largest building (north-west side) and from the lantern follow the track to
the north. The crate is behind the cart on the right opposite the tree.
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This requires you to get two kills using tripwire bombs.
Go back to the first farmyard and exit south-west onto the road. Immediately
after the barricade in the road there's a sandbagged emplacement on the right
of the track where you can grab a supply of three mines.
Each mine is made from an artillery shell. You can select them with d-pad left
and then press R2 (RT on Xbox) to deploy a mine on flat ground - it will then
automatically project a single tripwire. If you don't like the position of the
mine or the direction of the tripwire you can pick it up with Square (or X on
Xbox) and try again.
There are several options on how to use the mines. You could observe the guard
patrol routes and plant mines in their paths, you can deploy them in narrow
gaps between buildings/walls and use shell cases to lure guards onto them or
you can just creep up behind a guard and plant a mine at his feet. :)
When a mine detonates it will cause any nearby guards to go into full alert so
this will invalidate a stealth run. I would suggest doing a quick replay of
the mission on Easy diff, grabbing the mines, quickly getting the two kills
you need and then quitting out.
From the tripmines crate follow the track west to the second farm with the
bonfire in the middle of the yard. Go to the small building in the far north
corner of the farm with a covered store of chopped wood. Open the door and
grab the field manual from the crate inside.
(The weapons tent on the south side of the farmyard has a silenced Mauser
pistol which you can use on your stealth playthrough if you want.)
From the previous field manual go west (towards the moon), hop over the fence
and cross the track into the next compound. In the north-west corner of the
site is a large medical tent lit by a couple of lanterns.
The next collectible is between two beds at the north end of the tent.
Exit the medical tent to the south and look for the brazier on the right that
marks the entrance to the trenches section of the level.
Follow the trench west and then south-west across a small open area to another
medical tent. Then continue west along the trench and up some steps.
(Although this part of the map is relatively narrow the trenches can feel like
a bit of a warren and it's easy to lose your bearings so you might want to
kill all the enemies first and then backtrack to the farm before following
the directions and/or using a video guide.)
After ascending the stairs follow the plank path north-west and at the end
drop into the trench to the west and then immediately climb out the other side
onto the duckboard path. Now if you look to the south-west you should see a
lantern illuminating a ruined wagon with the crate next to it.
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o Field Manual #25
After continuing west you should be able to see a total of four concrete
blockhouses each with a spotlight on the roof. You need to go to the most
northerly of these on the far northern edge of the map.
Inside the bunker the collectible is between the boxes to your left.
You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
( War Story 2: Friends in High Places - Chapter 4: Forte et Fidele* )
These are the large, pale green twin-engined biplanes which you'll find flying
in groups straight across the map. They'll be marked with red circles on your
radar, although there's no indication of elevation so you might need to look
up and down to spot them!
They can be taken down through sustained fire from your gun but if you get
close enough it's also possible to use your rockets. It's best to follow the
example of the enemy fighters in Chapter 2 and fly directly behind a bomber -
this makes it easier to hold your target for longer.
The red diamond markers on your radar denote the positions of enemy fighters
- you should turn your attention temporarily to them if they become a hassle.
After taking control in the infantry section of the mission you should follow
the gantries until you reach some barrels and a weapon crate with an SMG.
From there continue along catwalks west, north, east and north until you can
see large metal cylinders suspended on both sides. The crate can be found
behind the second cylinder on the right side.
You'll get this for finding the one field manual in this chapter.
At the end of the mission you mount an anti-aircraft gun and to unlock this
codex entry you need to destroy ten enemy planes in just 30 seconds.
The enemy planes will be marked in red on your minimap but this gives no
indication of elevation so it's hard to translate the information there into
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your 3D view when aiming.
You'll need to lead your targets (fire in front of them) and remember that
your gun overheats after eight seconds of continuous fire so lay off the
trigger between targets. A further complication is that there are several
friendly planes in the sky so you don't want to waste time shooting those!
There are four red enemy tri-planes that come in low from the front at the
start and a trio of bombers that enter from the right after about 14 seconds
and fly slowly to the left. Those can give you a good chunk of your quota but
it can be very difficult to get the rest you need.
If you hear your character say "come on, come on!" and you haven't got the
codex entry then you should pause and restart from the last checkpoint. At
least each attempt only takes 30 seconds and you can restart really quickly.
Most players will find this to be the hardest and most frustrating challenge
in the game so I would highly recommend using this great guide by 360GameTV.
I'd already made several unsuccessful attempts but I got it on my second try
after watching that helpful video.
(If you have the physical disc edition of the game and you're stuck on this
codex entry then it's strongly recommended to uninstall the game, disconnect
your console from the internet temporarily and install the game from the disc
without any downloaded patches. This allows you to attempt this troublesome
challenge without the nerf that was applied to the anti-air gun.)
*"Forte et Fidele" (Latin for "strong and faithful") was the motto of No. 48
Squadron of Britain's Royal Flying Corps (precursor of the Royal Air Force).
| Section 06d | Avanti Savoia! (War Story 3) s06d |
The location for this story is the Dolomites mountain range in northern Italy.
You'll also earn this by completing both the chapters in this story.
You'll earn this by unlocking all the codex entries in this story.
After completing all the codex challenges and finding all the field manuals in
this story you'll unlock a Cei-Rigotti skin (Fiamme Verdi) for multiplayer.
( War Story 3: Avanti Savoia! - Chapter 1: O La Vittoria* )
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Support the infantry as they advance on enemy positions.
You play as an elite trooper of the Arditi* unit wearing heavy plate armour and
wielding the MG 08/15 machinegun (just like the Sentry pickup in multiplayer).
The armour lets you use a fairly tanky style but you will still take a little
damage from each bullet. You do have health regeneration but it takes a long
time to begin and the process will be interrupted if you take further damage.
You will be vulnerable to a bayonet charge from the rear so try to avoid getting
flanked by the enemy and if you happen to find yourself on fire then drop prone
immediately. (both good tips for multiplayer too!)
You receive this after getting your first kill in this chapter.
For this one you need to get a total of five kills using grenades.
You start with a supply of eight standard grenades plus four anti-tank 'nades
in a gadget slot (although you might want to save those for later).
I was able to complete this in the churchyard at the first objective. There
are numerous enemies here and if you tap R1/RB occasionally they'll be spotted
and marked on your minimap. Look for groups of enemies bunched together and
try to be quite accurate with your throws as the grenades seem to have a small
radius for splash damage.
There are plenty more targets later in the level - you might find it easier to
get grenade kills in the trench sections.
After capping the St Anastasia church, exit to the south-east and follow the
the track (and your comrades) to the south. Your first field manual is inside
the first stone cottage on the left, in the south-east corner next to a couch
covered in a dustsheet.
From there exit via the south-west door and fight along the track with your
allies. (You can use those AT grenades to eliminate the armoured trucks.)
Continue along the main track for about 40 seconds (running speed) past the
steps on the right, past the branching track on the right and through the
barricade across the road until you see a low stone wall on your left.
At the far end of the wall turn left and head down the slope into the small
entrenched outpost with a few guards. After taking them out you can get the
next collectible from the south-east corner under the wooden shelter.
Now go south-west back onto the main road and backtrack north-west for about
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15 seconds (running) until you reach the barricade with sandbags and barbed
wire. Immediately after that take a left and follow the white path up the
hillside for about 15 seconds (running).
There's another trench with stone walls and a wooden roof here and the next
field manual is inside at the far south-east end.
Continue to fight your way uphill for around 30 seconds (running) towards the
main objective marker (artillery gun), taking the left fork through an MG
emplacement and following the trenches into the stone bunker.
After killing the indoor guards check the south corner of the chamber where
you'll find the fourth collectibles crate.
When you reach a machinegun nest on the left look for another stone trench on
the right (north-west) - the crate is directly in front of it.
You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
*The Arditi were the elite special forces of the Royal Italian Army. Their motto
was "O la vittoria, o tutti accoppati" meaning "We either win, or we all die".
( War Story 3: Avanti Savoia! - Chapter 2: O Tutti Accoppati )
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you've got all five field manuals (check the pause
screen) before taking the marked blue doors after completing the "clear the
Austrian horn" objective.
This is an unmissable one which you get at the very start of the chapter.
You're equipped with the ferocious Villar Perosa (which is basically two SMGs
welded together!) but you'll need to switch to your trusty original Beretta
pistol for this one and get a total of ten kills with it.
Your sidearm has an 8+1 ammo capacity and you get a further 45 rounds in
reserve so that's enough for five full reloads. Engage enemies at short range
- and go for headshots where possible - to do more damage per shot.
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After getting the ten required kills you're free to swap out your sidearm for
a second primary if you like. You might want to save the Villar for dealing
with heavies later in the level.
From your starting position drop down into the trenches, follow them south and
then hug the edge of the playable area. After a few seconds you'll find a barn
where the collectibles crate is inside against the northern wall.
After completing the "defend Alpini outpost" objective you'll get two new
objectives. Go to the one on your left - it'll take about 25 seconds (running)
to reach it - and enter the large tunnel entrance.
Go downstairs then turn right - you'll find the next crate on the right side
just past a couple of soldiers.
Once you reach the first part of the fort stay outside and skirt around the
north and west sides, follow the path south-west and then south-east until
you reach a bunker entrance in the nook that's visible on your minimap at the
southern corner of the map. The crate is behind the partial dividing wall in
the middle of the downstairs room.
(If you're running low on supplies then restock from the weapon crates here.)
Exit the bunker and head right along the path to the blue-framed door that
takes you inside the fort's perimeter wall where you're forced to complete
the "clear the Austrian horn" objective (with no option to retreat).
I would suggest grabbing this next collectible during the firefight in the
courtyard here since it requires you to go out of bounds and you can't get it
without dying - and you'll respawn back at the start of the horny objective.
So, rush into the courtyard and drop down into the sunken area in the centre.
Enter the tunnel to the east side and follow the passage into a large vaulted
room with several bunk-beds. The crate is between the first and second beds in
the northern corner.
You can either get the fifth field manual during the firefight or after the
shootout but before the final objective.
Go behind the building on the east side - you can either flank around outside
at the south-east corner of the area or pass through the north-east room. The
crate is next to the building wall at the north end of the fenced area.
Remember to get all five collectibles before going to the big blue doors at
the end of the mission!
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You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
*The classic 1968 movie 'Where Eagles Dare' starring Richard Burton and Clint
Eastwood also had a wartime Alpine setting but it was set during WWII.
| Section 06e | The Runner (War Story 4) s06e |
You'll also earn this by completing all the chapters in this story.
You'll earn this by unlocking all the codex entries in this story.
After completing all the codex challenges and finding all the field manuals in
this story you'll unlock a Howdah Pistol skin (Frontiersman) for multiplayer.
( War Story 4: The Runner - Chapter 1: Cape Helles* )
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you've got all five field manuals (check the pause
screen) before capturing Helles Overlook ("A" objective).
Your objective here is to get ten headshot kills during the chapter.
It can be tricky to do this on Hard difficulty since you have very little time
to aim after peeking cover before you start taking damage and need to return
to cover to heal. Try to use angles where fewer enemies will see you and take
consolation in the fact that your headshot kill-count doesn't reset each time
you respawn after dying!
If necessary you can pick up this codex entry on a quick Easy mission re-play.
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o Field Manual #37
From the beach follow the first level of trenches south, taking the lower left
path when you come to a fork. Continue until you reach the machinegun nest at
the far end of the trench. (It is possible to go prone and pick off the MG
operator with a careful shot through the viewing port in the gun's shield -
and that'll give you one of your ten headshot kills too!)
Next to the machinegun position is a wooden shack with a field gun inside and
the crate is hidden on the east side, between the shack and the outer sandbag
wall next to the beach.
With the cannon crew cleared it's easier to get the next collectible crate
which is on the beach.
Backtrack along the first trench until you reach the two weapon crates. Stand
between them and hop over the wall onto the bench. Look to your left and you
will see three boxes on your left, one of which has the field manual.
Get back up into the lower level of trenches and return to the weapon crates.
This time take the right fork and follow the path uphill south-west, west,
north-west and north into the next level of trenches parallel to the beach.
Follow the trench to the north and when you get to the end (which is blocked
by rubble) look to your right. The crate is in the open area here.
Return to the uphill path and continue south - past two MGs - to the far end
of the current level of trenches.
(At the end of the trench - before going up the slope - is a third machinegun
position with a weapon crate containing a Gewehr 98 rifle with a sniper scope
which you might want for getting headshot kills at longer ranges.)
Follow the duckboard path uphill to the south-east and west. When you see a
low sandbag wall ahead take a left and continue uphill west to a small stone
house. The collectibles crate can be found in the little porch structure at
the front (east) corner of the building.
From there keep pushing north towards "A" objective (Helles Overlook).
The crate for the final field manual is inside the storage shed to the west
of the main building at the flag.
Remember to get all five collectibles before completing the "A" flag capture.
You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
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*Cape Helles is the location where British and French troops landed at the start
of the Gallipoli Campaign in 1915. It's also a map in the Turning Tides DLC.
( War Story 4: The Runner - Chapter 2: The Runner )
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you've got the first four field manuals (check the
pause screen) before returning to your commanding officer.
This requires you to get ten kills with a sidearm so you'll need to find one!
There's a weapon crate behind the house immediately to the east of your
starting position. This will give you a silenced Mauser pistol so you can use
this for stealthy headshot kills but it only holds ten rounds and you get no
spare ammo so you gotta make those shots count!
The other option is at the second house on the far left - to the north-west
below the hilltop fort - which is about 30 seconds (running speed) from your
starting position. The middle crate behind the house contains a Howdah Pistol
which is loaded with four rounds and has another 24 in reserve.
Remember you can tap R1/RB to spot enemies or hold R1/RB to use your binos at
long range - this marks enemy troops and makes them easier to track.
After you get your tenth sidearm kill and the codex entry unlocks you'll want
to stop using your pistol/s and save some targets for the next challenge.
Before you start hunting down enemies to blast with the Howdah Pistol be sure
to pop inside the house there first. When you enter through the north door you
will find your first collectible just inside on the right.
From the farmhouse with the weapon crates head due east into the centre of the
village and you should see a single-storey building with a grey roof (while
all the others have two floors and orange roofs). The next crate is outdoors
at the southern corner of this humble abode.
This is another one which requires kills with a specific weapon - you need to
kill five enemies using rifle grenades.
Head over to the northern side of the map and enter the large bathhouse with
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domed roofs. Inside the central chamber you'll find a weapon crate on the west
side that contains three rifle grenades.
(Three more are available on the east side of town - see below.)
The rifle grenades are launched from the muzzle of a rifle (hence the name!)
but they function like your typical M203/M320 noob-tube from modern games.
If you don't manage to get the rifle grenade kills in addition to the sidearm
kills you can do a quick replay afterwards.
Exit the main bathhouse chamber into the northern room and you can find the
next field manual crate to your right by the south wall.
After using your first three rifle grenades go to the middle of the east side
of the map to the detached one-storey house that's overlooking the sea. The
field manual's crate is inside the house in the north-west corner next to a
long wooden seat.
One of the weapon crates outside will give you another three rifle grenades.
Remember to get the first four collectibles before reporting back to your
commanding officer and completing the short series of objectives there.
After defending the CO's position your new objective will be to get a message
to rear command.
Head east towards the objective marker and visit the third white house on the
left - the one with the middle section of its roof destroyed. The crate is
outside the front of the house behind some sacks and boxes.
You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
*Among other measures, the ANZAC forces used automated "drip rifles" to create
the illusion that their trenches remained occupied during their retreat.
( War Story 4: The Runner - Chapter 3: Be Safe )
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you've got all five field manuals (check the pause
screen) before capturing the main courtyard at the end of the mission.
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The first phase of the mission is well suited to this task as there are more
than enough enemies and plenty of buildings to provide cover. On higher diffs
you should crouch for stealth and throw lures to distract enemies. Watch out
for the lookout in the tower who has a longer line of sight.
If you want to do this on a quick Easy diff replay then yolo strats are fine
- just charge straight at enemies and hack them with your tactical chopping
axe, pausing in cover only occasionally for your health to regen.
NB If you haven't got it already then completing this codex unlock will also
give you 'Up Close and Personal' (trophy #22) for getting ten melee kills.
The requirement for this unlock is "Defeat 5 enemies with grenades in Be Safe"
but, while there are several crates that'll give you stick grenades, you need
to specifically use only the three grenades you start with!
Your grenades have a limited splash radius too so the most efficient method to
get the five kills is to raise an alert to aggro the enemies, let them chase
you around the town until they're all bunched up in one big group and then hit
'em with all three 'nades at once.
Enter the tower, go up one ladder to the next floor and you'll find the first
crate in the northern corner.
Once you're inside the fort go across the courtyard and up the stairs onto the
terrace behind the parapet wall. Follow this north past three cannons and then
another two and you'll find the next crate on the left behind a stack of big
green boxes.
From there follow the terrace back around to the east, south and south-west
and then past the stairs further west into an open area with a couple of
ruined houses and two more big artillery guns.
Inside the remains of the first house, the crate is sitting on the west side
next to a pile of rubble.
From the previous crate go west into the second ruined house, exit through the
south door and follow the stairs down into an indoor chamber. The next crate
is on your right and there are a couple of weapon crates down there too.
At the end of the chapter your last objective is to capture the main courtyard
in the fort. The fifth and final crate for this chapter is inside the small
stone storehouse on the far side of the courtyard.
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The crate is lurking in the shadows in the south-west corner of the building.
Remember to get all five collectibles before completing the capture of the
courtyard objective.
You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
*Sedd el Bahr is a village at Cape Helles on the Gallipoli peninsula. The ship
S.S. River Clyde landed troops there during the Gallipoli Campaign. (This also
features on the Cape Helles map in the Turning Tides multiplayer expansion.)
| Section 06f | Nothing is Written (War Story 5) s06f |
The location for this story is Al-Ajdar in the historic region of Mesopotamia.
You'll also earn this by completing all the chapters in this story.
You'll earn this by unlocking all the codex entries in this story.
After completing all the codex challenges and finding all the field manuals in
this story you'll unlock a Russian 1895 skin (Desert Dweller) for multiplayer.
For completing the whole campaign you also get a skin (Black Bess) for the
Landship (British medium tank) for use in multiplayer.
( War Story 5: Nothing is Written - Chapter 1: Hidden in Plain Sight )
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you've got all five field manuals (check the pause
screen) before interacting with the roof hatch on the black railroad car.
You'll get this for simply using your binoculars (L1/LB) at the very start of
the chapter and aiming directly at five or six enemies to "spot" them.
Not only does this earn you an easy codex article but it'll also help you out
as you play through the mission. You should be aware though that spotting from
the starting location will miss a couple of enemies on the far side.
Even if you don't use the binos this will probably pop later when you start
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engaging the enemy troops but it's safest to do it properly.
This is awarded for reaching the objective (the book inside the rail car)
without getting detected (full red diamond) by any enemies.
Although there are several enemies patrolling the area, the train wreck and
rocks provide plenty of cover so you can comfortably use your usual stealth
tactics - crouch to move quietly, throw empty shells to control where enemies
look/move and use melee takedowns.
You start equipped with a dagger (and nothing else) but if you want to you can
grab a silenced M1911 pistol from the weapon tent to the east of the wreck.
Entering the rail car will end the mission so I would recommend eliminating
all of the guards first and then collecting the field manuals before finally
activating the hatch on the roof of the black rail car to get the book.
Starting from the west side of the black rail car in the middle of the wreck
go north for about 20 seconds (running speed).
Climb up the first three levels of the big rocky outcrop and you'll find your
first collectible among a field of small boulders.
From there go towards the east weapon tent. After about 10 seconds (running)
stop and look to your right - you should see the next crate behind a smaller
outcrop of rocks halfway between the previous crate and the train.
Get over to the south-east side of the black car and go south-east for about
5 seconds (running). If you turn around you should spot the third collectible
crate behind the rocks there.
Next return to the black car and look inside the next car to the south-west.
Finally from there go south-east for about 25 seconds (running). When you
reach the crest of the dune you should spot a green tent and a French FT tank
ahead in the distance. The crate is between some rocks a couple of metres to
the south-west of the tent.
Take care if you're doing your stealth run because there's a guard stationed
at the tent. Spot him with your binos first then flank around and approach
from the south using the tent to break his line of sight.
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You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
( War Story 5: Nothing is Written - Chapter 2: Young Men's Work* )
This level has three enemy bases - the village to the east, the weapons depot
to the north and the ruins to the west (indicated with diamonds on your map).
At each base there's one officer who can be identified by his dark clothing and
by the star symbol displayed after you spot him. You need to kill each officer,
take his special message capsule from his satchel and then go to the indicated
pigeon coop to send a message by carrier pigeon.
The codex entries and one of the trophies have conflicting requirements so you
will definitely need a replay or restart on this mission to get them all. I'd
recommend getting the tank and gun kills first and then restarting the mission
to get the three required melee kills (and the field manuals).
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you've got all five field manuals (check the pause
screen) before sending the third message.
Head over to the ruins outpost in the west and you can find FT tanks in the
north-west and south-west corners of the base.
The infantry there can be dispatched readily but you should be prepared to
duel with the other tank after raising an alert. It's probably best to either
kill the guards (not the officer) by stealth before you take the tank or make
the other tank your first target after you start driving one.
For this one you need to kill one officer using a bolt-action rifle.
Several of the guards at the ruins outpost are carrying bolt-action Gewehr 98
rifles which you can use for this. The lookout/sniper on the watertower in the
south-east corner of the base has a scoped rifle, the guard at the pigeon coop
by the south-west corner also has the sniper variant and at least one of the
patrolling guards has a standard rifle with iron sights.
Alternatively you could go over to the weapons depot in the desert and grab a
silenced M1903 Springfield rifle from the weapons tent. (You can also pick up
a T-Gewehr anti-tank rifle there but that doesn't count - I did try!)
Once you're suitably armed you can track down one of the other officers, kill
him with the rifle and then restart the mission.
This requires you to kill all three officers with melee attacks.
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You'll probably want to use stealth to infiltrate each base and stalk your
prey! However if you want you can use guns, gadgets and even tanks to kill off
the guards before you swoop in to melee the commanders.
You'll get this during while working on the previous trophy/achievement - the
requirement is simply to kill one of the officers with a melee attack.
This is almost directly below your starting location. Ride down off the long
stone slope then immediately do a U-turn and take the second opening under the
slope to access the canyon. (This is "B" flag on the Sinai multiplayer map.)
There's a wooden structure here with camouflage netting and you can find the
crate between some boxes in the most westerly of the three "rooms".
Exit the canyon to the west and ride north-west (towards the moon) until you
reach the train track. To the north of the western end of the ruins is a large
outcrop of rocks.
Ride west along the railroad line and you'll see a natural slope in the rocks
that'll take you up to a small plateau with a mounted Maxim machinegun and a
lantern flickering behind some sandbags.
The crate is behind some boxes and sacks to the north-east of the MG nest.
Ride over to the weapon depot base at the north side of the map ("E" flag in
Conquest) and enter the main building in the south-west corner of the outpost.
The crate is behind a stack of boxes in the north-west corner of the main
downstairs room in this house.
(You can usually find the officer in this building too. One time when I killed
him the body fell on the field manual crate like he was trying to hide it!)
Now go over to the large village in the south-east corner of the map.
There are two weapon tents on the west side of the village. Go to the more
southerly of the two. Due south of there is a single-story house with a small
walled compound. The crate is inside the house, between the bunkbeds.
Finally cut across (or preferably around) the village to the east side.
Go to the watertower and take the ladder up to the gantry. The crate will be
on your left at the top of the ladder.
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Remember to get all five collectibles before sending the third message.
You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
*This chapter is named after a line spoken by Prince Feisal (portrayed by Alec
Guinness) at the end of the 1962 movie 'Lawrence of Arabia':
"There's nothing further here for a warrior. We drive bargains - old men's work.
Young men make wars and the virtues of war are the virtues of young men -
courage and hope for the future. Then old men make the peace and the vices of
peace are the vices of old men - mistrust and caution. It must be so."
( War Story 5: Nothing is Written - Chapter 3: Hear the Desert )
Eliminate enemy forces in the village and take on the game's final boss!
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you've got all five field manuals (check the pause
screen) before killing all the hostiles in the village.
In the village your objective is to blow up the three Ottoman armoured cars
and for this unlock you need to do it without getting spotted by the enemy.
(The vehicles will be automatically marked for you but if you spot them with
R1 (or RB on Xbox) as they arrive at the start of the mission then all the
troops inside will get marked too.)
The simplest way to do this is to sneak through the village, place one bundle
of dynamite on each vehicle and then detonate all of them simultaneously. The
green tent to the north of your starting position has a crate that'll give you
three bundles of dynamite, conveniently just enough for your targets.
(There's also a silenced M1903 Springfield rifle there if you want it.)
Be wary of the sentry on watertower. He'll hear you if you run to the weapon
tent and he might spot you as you go about your business in the village so I
think it's worth climbing the ladder and taking him out quietly first. The
watertower provides a good position from which to recce the village too.
Since this is another stealth challenge you might want to focus on completing
this first before working on getting the collectibles.
If you do get detected (full red diamond) then it's okay to restart from the
checkpoint but you'll probably lose some progress.
The armoured car nearest your starting position has two small buildings lying
immediately to the west. The first field manual is inside the ruined building
on the right side (north-west).
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From there return to the watertower and go north for about 20 seconds (running
speed) until you reach two houses. The crate is inside the left house, on the
bottom floor, in the north-west corner of the east room.
From the houses go west towards the other watertower for about 10 seconds
(running). The next crate will be on your left next to a couple of boulders.
Continue west to the watertower and just past the tower to the north-west you
will find the fourth field manual next to some rocks.
From there go south-east to the T-junction in the dirt track, follow the trail
south into the village and then go up the sandy slope on your left.
You'll come to a large house with sandbags on the corners, camouflage netting
over the door and a map chart on the wall. (If you have trouble finding it go
to the weapon tent on the south-east side of the village and look for the
house to the north with two gas cylinders next to it.)
The final crate (whoop!) is inside the house on the bottom floor next to some
boxes in the south-west corner of the main room.
Remember to get all five collectibles before clearing the village of enemies.
You'll get this for finding all five field manuals in this chapter.
You'll get this for finding all 66 field manuals in the campaign.
After clearing the village your final task is to single-handedly take down
the mighty Canavar - the armoured train which also appears in multiplayer as
the "Behemoth" on certain maps (including this one).
There are several field guns (cannons) along the north-west side of the
village which are all conveniently situated to lay down heavy fire onto the
train line but as soon as you start using one you'll attract the unwelcome
attention of the train crew and they'll destroy it pretty quickly.
The requirement for this final codex unlock is to complete the train battle
with two field guns still operational, so basically you have to remember to
leave two of the guns unused (and generally to stay away from them).
There are plenty of other weapons available if you plunder the weapon tents
and other weapon crates around the village. You can find rocket guns*, rifle
grenades and the 13.2mm Tankgewehr anti-tank rifle (which can all be used at
range) plus AT grenades, limpet mines and dynamite. There are also airburst
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mortars on a couple of rooftops on the south-east side of the village, but
only the one on the bigger house can reach to the railway.
I did it on Hard difficulty using only pickup weapons. I think I just blew
some dynamite under the train at the start and then stuck with mainly using
the rocket guns and the T-Gewehr.
If you do decide to use the field guns then remember to press Square (or X on
Xbox) to reload after each shot and be ready to move away quickly once the
train crew starts taking an interest. The train is capable of indirect fire so
listen out for the distinctive whistle of incoming shells!
After completing all chapters in the campaign remember to play the video called
'Remember Us' from the campaign menu to get your story completion trophies.
*During WWI the Vickers Q.F. Gun was sometimes known as the "rocket gun" because
its incendiary rounds left fiery trails but it actually fired shells. Their
calibre was 1.59" - about the same diameter as modern 40mm grenade launchers.
| Section 07 | DLC TROPHIES s07 |
Trophies from expansion packs and other downloadable content (DLC) are never
required to achieve a game's platinum trophy although they do contribute to your
overall percentage trophy completion for the title. In other words you don't
need 100% completion on PS4 to get the platinum, you just need to earn all the
standard trophies in the original game (see Sections 03 and 05 above).
The four multiplayer expansions can be bought individually or as part of the BF1
Premium Pass which is a season pass including all the DLCs. Getting Premium is
cheaper than buying each expansion without the subscription and as usual you'll
also get access to each DLC two weeks early, monthly battlepacks delivered over
fourteen months, server queue priority and exclusive dogtags.
The Premium Pass is also included in the Ultimate Edition of the game along
with all the cosmetic additions and bonus battlepacks of the Deluxe Edition.
Several features from expansions such as new factions, game modes, Elite classes
and Behemoths are only available when playing on the maps from the same DLC but
guns and melee weapons from an expansion can be equipped and used on all maps
and DLC tanks/planes can be selected from vehicle spawns on all maps too.
The base game without DLC features a total of six playable factions: the British
Empire and their American and Italian allies plus three of the main Central
Powers - the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire.
In addition to new maps, modes, guns, etc, the first two expansions also add the
French and Russian factions who formed the Triple Entente alongside the Brits.
| Section 07a | They Shall Not Pass* [TSNP] s07a |
The first multiplayer expansion was released on 14 March 2017 for Premium
subscribers and two weeks later on 28 March for non-subscribers.
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This is known informally as the "French DLC". It adds the French as a playable
faction and includes maps in France based on the Battle of Verdun (1916) and the
Battle of Soissons (1918) plus four French guns and two French vehicles.
There were four French maps at launch and then two night maps - Nivelle* Nights
and Prise de Tahure - were added in June and July 2017 respectively. However
Nivelle Nights was later added to vanilla servers in November and then Prise de
Tahure was added in January 2018 so now the expansion only gives four new maps.
*The slogan "They shall not pass!" has been used in various countries but it was
famously spoken (in French of course) by General Robert Nivelle at the Battle of
Verdun. The phrase later appeared on medals commemorating the battle and on a
propaganda poster (which was mirrored in the promotional artwork for this DLC).
'They Shall Not Pass' adds the following features to the multiplayer game:
o three new melee weapons: Cogwheel Club, Nail Knife and Trench Fleur
o twelve new assignments to unlock the new guns [see trophy #36] and weapons
o twenty new codex entries (for the new faction, guns, vehicles, maps, etc)
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Additionally the game update added the "Exchange" option to the Battlepacks menu
which allows you to buy specific battlepack items (weapon skins, puzzle pieces
and XP boosts) using the scraps currency you get from selling items. Only a few
items are listed but the selection is refreshed periodically.
It also raised the level-cap from 100 to 110 and added three new melee weapons
to unlock via puzzle pieces from battlepacks: Billhook, Kukri and Saber.
(The distinctive Kukri knife - with its long angled blade - is the traditional
weapon of the Gurkhas of Nepal. During World War I over 200,000 Gurkhas served
in the British Army and three earned the Victoria Cross medal for bravery.)
*Originally the Frontlines mode was only available to play on French DLC servers
but it was subsequently added for several vanilla maps.
**The French Char 2C was the biggest tank that ever saw active service - it was
10 metres (33 feet) in length and weighed almost 70 tonnes.
***An example of the British 9.2" howitzer is on permanent display in the World
War I gallery at the main London site of the Imperial War Museum. They also have
a Mark V tank, various WWI guns and uniforms, trench maces, trench periscopes,
plate body armour and BF1's "sniper shield".
For this trophy you simply need to use the Medic class for a total of half an
hour while playing as the new French faction. You can work towards this over
several matches and it's okay to switch classes as necessary.
Matches in the They Shall Not Pass expansion are always played with the
French against the Germans so you'll need to be playing on the DLC maps. Use
the server browser and either look out for "TSNP" servers or filter to find
matches on the Verdun Heights, Fort de Vaux, Rupture and Soissons maps.
If your team-mates are all wearing blue uniforms then you're on the French
side! Also in the top-left corner of the respawn menu you'll see the French
Tricolour (the nation's blue, white and red flag) and helpfully it'll also
say "Friendly Forces: French Republic".
If you're not on the French team then you can either wait until the next
match when you'll probably change sides or you can try to switch teams from
the Squads screen.
The trophy pops during play after completing your 30 mins of service.
The Trench Raider is the new Elite pickup class that is only available on the
French DLC maps. To play as the class you'll need to find a crate with an
available Trench Raider pickup - and grab it before everyone else!
The pickup is marked with a round icon with a diagonal club symbol and the
announcer voice will tell you when "a Trench Raider kit is available".
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As usual the Elite pickup crates spawn at fixed locations in certain modes,
for example the Raider spawns in the following places in Conquest mode:
o Verdun Heights
The crate's in the north-east corner of the undercroft below the ruins.
o Rupture
The crate's underneath the large railway bridge - between the supporting
columns - on the south (French) side of the bridge.
o Soissons
At "B" flag (Chaudun Village) towards the east (French) side of the map.
The crate's outside the house immediately to the north-west of the central
bridge (the bridge that's directly to the south-west of the "B" flag).
Additionally on the two maps without vehicles the losing team doesn't get a
Behemoth but instead gains access to the Siege Gun howitzer in their base
plus a selection of Elite class pickups including the Trench Raider.
If you play sensibly you should have no trouble getting the four kills you
need for the trophy - I got a 23 killstreak on my first time using the class!
It's easiest to find and take advantage of the pickup in Conquest on Verdun
Heights. When the DLC first released you could join on the Rupture map on a
DICE server which was always followed by Verdun Heights in the standard map
rotation so you could spawn in quickly at the start of the match and rush to
the middle "C" flag. However the Spring Update in April 2017 replaced the map
rotation with map voting on "Official" servers, also now more players will
know how to exploit the Trench Raider on that map by playing in the church's
cellar and around the ruins above.
Now instead I would suggest learning the location of the small pickup crate
on all three maps. You can still rush there at the very start of a match but
if someone beats you to the pickup you'll need to camp around the area until
they die and the pickup respawns at the same location.
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Once you get the Trench Raider you can take advantage of your quick one-hit
kill melee attack by staying in confined spaces such as buildings or trenches
around an objective; you can also drop smoke for added concealment although
smart players will recognise this as a sign that the Raider could be nearby.
If you ever find yourself outnumbered or outgunned just run into cover and
get your medic crate down asap to start healing.
I see that Mo-Do's single reached the top ten in several European countries
including Sweden so I guess it made an impression on someone at DICE HQ. :)
There are three different loadout configurations which are all unlocked by
default and can be changed from an available tank spawn icon during play.
The driver can switch between two options on the main 75mm gun - case
cannon and low-velocity HE (high explosive). They also get the emergency
repair function and a messenger pigeon which can be released to call in an
artillery strike directly on the tank's position (causing minor damage).
There are four passenger seats, each with a heavy machinegun* (HMG).
The driver can switch between two options on the main 75mm gun - airburst
shells and gas shells. They also get emergency reps and a gas emitter.
There are four passenger seats, each with a heavy machinegun* (HMG).
The driver can switch between the 75mm gun with high-velocity HE rounds and
a heavy machinegun (HMG). They also get a searchlight which can spot (and
dazzle) enemy players and a smoke emitter.
There are only three passenger seats, each with a heavy machinegun.*
Deploying a new tank from the respawn screen is the best option since the
driver has access to the primary weapons and the gadgets plus you can use the
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standard repair function from inside or hop out and use your repair tool.
(If you're playing purely to farm kills for the trophy/achievement then the
carrier pigeon can be devastating if you're able to push onto an objective
(like a Conquest flag) that's occupied by large numbers of enemies.)
However you can enter a Saint-Chamond that's already on the field and use one
of the MG firing ports; you can climb into a nearby tank or spawn into one
directly from the respawn screen (the St-Chamond icon has two small circles).
It's possible to pick up kills this way but the MG's are less effective -
even if you're able to get a seat on the side that's facing enemies - and
often your weapon will get disabled after taking damage.
*In real life the Saint-Chamond tank was equipped with four Hotchkiss M1914
machineguns - this was the successor to the Hotchkiss M1909 (Benét-Mercié).
"Perform one kill with each of the 5 primary Weapon Assignments weapons"
The following guns are the five new primaries in the They Shall Not Pass DLC.
For the trophy you need to get one kill with each of these weapons. There are
two variants each of the Medic, Scout and Support guns** but you only need to
get a kill with one variant so you can use whichever you unlock/find first.
Since there are only enough warbonds available from ranking up to buy all the
gear in the base game, DLC weapons are unlocked by completing assignments.
Each assignment has requirements to complete and - unlike the medal system -
all the requirements of all available assignments are always active.
The assignments for the French DLC weapons are explained below but you can
also track your progress by viewing the unlockable weapon on the Weapons &
Gadgets screen or on the Customize (loadout) screen during a match. Each time
you complete an action that contributes to an assignment you'll get a brief
update on the left side of your screen during play.
The assignments require you to use specific guns and gadgets. If you don't
have these available you'll need to pay warbonds to unlock them and in a few
cases you may need to grind your class level to make them available, for
example the Model 10-A (Slug variant) shotgun requires Assault rank 3. Make
sure you use the required variant of each gun too.
When a player dies you can interact with their gun to pick up their loadout
including their primary and secondary guns. If you happen to spot one of the
DLC guns (use the loadout menu pics for reference) you can pick it up and use
it. Also if you have a friend who's unlocked one of the DLC guns you can get
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them to equip it so you can take it after they die. Kills with pickup weapons
do count towards this trophy - I was able to test this as I happened to find
a dropped kit with a Chauchat LMG before I'd unlocked it.
*Maître d'Armes means literally "Master of Arms" in French although the term
is normally used to refer to a teacher of fencing or other martial arts.
**Originally there was only one version each of the two Assault weapons but
new variants were added in the free "Weapons Crate" update in May 2018. The
Ribeyrolles Optical and Sjögren Slug have no unlock requirements but I don't
know whether kills with these versions count for this trophy.
To unlock this gun you need to complete the following two assignment tasks:
The SL Sweeper rifle can be bought for 200 warbonds (see trophy #05).
You can use it on semi-auto or full auto at a decent 299 RPM (rounds per
minute). It has a long detachable magazine for a 20+1 ammo capacity and it
gives a standard three-hit kill out to 38 metres.
If you do 75+ damage to an enemy and a team-mate then steals your kill you
get an "assist counts as kill" which will be counted toward your total.
o revive 50 team-mates
Dead friendlies are marked on your minimap with skull & crossbones icons
and any team-mate that can be revived by syringe will have a skull icon on
their body. If the skull icon is flashing that means they're skipping back
to the respawn screen so you might not be able to catch them in time.
o get 15 kills with the Autoloading 8 .35 (Factory variant) in one match
The Auto 8 Factory rifle can be bought for 200 warbonds at Medic rank 1.
It fires at a rapid 359 RPM and gives a standard three-hit kill all the way
out to 70 metres but it only holds five rounds.
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There are also reports of a bug whereby you lose all progress on any such
requirements if you haven't already completed the other requirement in the
same assignment. (Certainly I had to complete this requirement three times
before it registered so that might've been the issue for me too.)
o get 75 heals
The bandage pouch (gadget) is available by default and the medical crate
(gadget) can be unlocked for 60 warbonds.
Simply stick with some team-mates and keep throwing out bandages as often
as possible or drop a crate when your group stops at an objective.
Compared to the MP18 it fires at the same 550 RPM rate and does the same 28
max damage so the two guns have very similar TTK's (times to kill) in close
quarters. The MP18 holds seven more rounds, with slightly better vertical
recoil and much better accuracy while moving. However the Ribeyrolles has
slightly better long-range damage and less horizontal recoil plus it's fitted
with a large bipod which gives greater control when you use the weapon in the
prone stance or mounted on a suitable ledge.
It fires 9mm rounds at a rapid 900 RPM and it can kill in just over a
quarter of a second at short range. However it empties its 25-round mags
pretty quickly and it has very high horizontal recoil (especially since the
French DLC patch which applied a +50% nerf).
While engaging an enemy it's possible to steer your aim up into a headshot
- this can give a quicker kill thanks to the headshot damage multiplier but
the head has a smaller hitbox to it's harder to land your shots.
If you happen to encounter a prone enemy who's facing you and you can pick
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them off with rapid tapfire you'll often get a headshot kill too.
*An Optical variant was added in the "Weapons Crate" update in May 2018.
Originally BF1's buckshot shotguns had the same damage profile and were
balanced primarily by the fire-rate and the number of pellets per shell but
since the Jan/Feb 2018 patches they all have the same number of pellets and
they're balanced by their damage profile and rate of fire.
Compared to the Sjögren Inertial, the 12g Automatic fires faster but does
less damage per pellet while the Model 10-A and M97 Trench Gun both do more
damage but shoot slower.
The Model 10 Slug shotgun can be bought for 200 warbonds at Assault rank 3.
This variant fires a single large projectile per shell. This does enough
damage to give a one-hit kill (lower torso or upper arms) out to 8 metres
or a one-hit kill (upper torso) out to 11 metres.
It's worth taking an extra split-second to line up that first shot since
the gun fires at a slow 78 RPM and you may not get the chance for another!
o get 15 kills with the M97 Trench Gun (Hunter variant) in one match
The M97 Hunter shotgun can be bought for 200 warbonds at Assault rank 1.
This fires buckshot with 12 pellets per shell each doing a maximum damage
of 10 out to around 12 metres. This is best used in close-quarters in
smaller modes or indoors, around buildings, in trenches and by objectives
on bigger maps in the large-scale modes like Conquest.
*A Slug variant was added in the free "Weapons Crate" update in May 2018.
Although this infantry version isn't modelled correctly, it has the larger
97-round magazine which was used with anti-aircraft models. It fires at
480 RPM and gives a standard four-hit kill out to 12 metres.
This Suppressive model also has a bipod (which can be deployed when prone
or next to a ledge) and a small scope with 2.0x to 3.5x zoom options.
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o get 75 ammo resupplies
The ammo pouch (gadget) is available by default and the ammo crate (gadget)
can be unlocked for 60 warbonds. You're playing the "Support" class so you
simply need to support your team by constantly chucking ammo at them.
The 1909 Telescopic MG can be bought for 200 warbonds at Support rank 1.
The mortar can be used to lay down indirect fire over cover or terrain. I
like to use it in Conquest mode on Suez and Argonne Forest (although you
need to watch - and listen - for trees blocking your shots).
After deploying the mortar you'll get a small map interface which you can
use to aim. This is most effective when several enemies have been spotted
but otherwise you can just fire the first of your five shots and use the
bird's eye view for reconnaissance. The aiming circle indicates how the
mortar becomes more accurate if you wait before firing.
Good targets are exposed stationary infantry, for example tight clusters at
small flags in Conquest mode and prone snipers on hilltops.
Its damage profile gives a one-hit kill (head) at any range or a two-hit
kill (torso/limbs) at any range although the effective range is limited as
you use iron sights instead of optics. Its fire-rate is 66 RPM - slightly
faster than most of the vanilla Scout rifles - and it holds five rounds
which are always reloaded with clips.
I was already enjoying the Russian 1895 (Trench variant) so I was able to
transition comfortably to the M.95 Infantry. It fires slower but it does
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more damage at all ranges so you're more likely to get a one-hit kill on a
wounded enemy and it does enough damage to potentially give you an "assist
counts as kill" off a single shot at any range (upper torso) or out to just
over 100 metres (lower torso and limbs).
Simply fire this onto the ground in an area containing unmarked enemies
and they'll be temporarily spotted for your team. Each time one of your
team-mates kills an enemy you spotted you'll get one spot assist bonus.
o get 5 headshot kills with the Russian 1895 (Sniper variant) in one match
Its damage profile gives a one-hit kill (head) at any range or a one-hit
kill (upper torso) at ranges between approximately 60 and 100 metres.
It's fitted with a sniper scope and it also has a bipod which will remove
scope sway and greatly reduce recoil. It has a high muzzle-velocity which
will reduce the bullet-drop effect of gravity but if necessary you can use
zeroing (d-pad down) to adjust your sights for different ranges.
(If you're not a fan of sniping you don't need to unlock this weapon for
the trophy because you can get the Infantry variant instead. However you
could try hunting for stationary targets like snipers and campers and then
pick them off potentially at quite short range.)
After equipping and selecting the periscope you can hold the left trigger
to enter the zoomed view. When you see an enemy just keep them in the
centre of your scope and they'll automatically be spotted with a red
outline similar to the effect on the kill-cam. However the spot will be
lost if they move behind cover and break your line of sight.
If a spotted enemy gets killed then you earn one Periscope Spot Bonus.
This works best on large open maps where you can spot enemies at long range
but try to focus on spotting players that your team-mates can reach.
| Section 07b | In the Name of the Tsar [TSAR] s07b |
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The second multiplayer expansion was released on 5 September 2017 for Premium
subscribers and two weeks later on 19 September for non-subscribers.
This is known informally as the "Russian DLC". It adds the Russians as playable
factions, features maps set on the snowy Eastern Front and during the Russian
Revolution and includes several Russian guns and vehicles.
The Lupkow Pass map was released for Premium players on 21 August, two weeks
ahead of the main expansion. The rest of the content followed on 5 September.
'In the Name of the Tsar' adds the following features to the multiplayer game:
o Russian Empire faction (and Red Army faction on two maps) [see trophy #37]
o new grenade: Russian Standard Grenade (replaces default grenade for Russians)
o nineteen new assignments to unlock the new guns [see trophy #41]
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o new cavalry weapon: Russian Hussar lance [see trophy #38]
o thirty new codex entries (for the new faction, guns, vehicles, maps, etc)
Additionally the game update added service assignments which unlock the new
specialisations (perks), raised the level-cap from 110 to 120 and added the Dud
Club as a new melee weapon to unlock via puzzle pieces from battlepacks.
The Russian DLC features two new operations using the Russian maps:
o Brusilov Offensive
o Red Tide
For this trophy you simply need to join matches on both operations and stay
on those servers until the final "end of round" screen.
On all six maps of the Tsar expansion one team plays as the White Guard of
the Russian Empire but on Tsaritsyn and Volga River (and in the operation Red
Tide which uses those two maps) a second Russian faction is also available -
the Bolshevik Red Army.
(Also BF1's Russian expansion became available shortly after the release of
"Battlefield 1 Revolution" which bundles the season pass with the base game.)
Inspired by the Russian Hussars, the Tsar expansion adds a lance as a new
mounted melee weapon option for the Cavalry class.
You'll need to equip the weapon before you can use this so look out for an
available cavalry spawn from the respawn screen during a match, select this
and then change the slot with the Cavalry Sword to the Cavalry Lance.
The lance will be selected by default and you can still toggle between the
lance and your rifle as usual by pressing Triangle (PS4) or Y (Xbone).
There are three attacks available with the lance. When you're stationary or
trotting slowly you can press your right trigger to perform a wide swipe.
When you're galloping (sprinting) you can either tap the right trigger to use
a quick jab or hold the left trigger to perform a cavalry charge with the
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lance which is fairly similar to the infantry's bayonet charge.
This seems to give a risk/reward strategy - it's easier to hit your targets
with the broad arc of the swinging attack but you'll be more vulnerable when
moving slower. Also you need to go slightly to the left of your targets in
order to avoid trampling them for a roadkill - when you successfully get a
lance kill it will be displayed as such in your score feed and kill feed.
The lance is only available when you spawn directly onto a horse from the
respawn screen. If you find an abandoned horse in the field and mount it you
will get the sword even if your Cavalry class loadout has the lance.
You can track your lance kills under: Soldier \ Weapons & Gadgets \ Cavalry
The Apocalypse DLC patch in February 2018 had some buffs for cavalry. You
can now heal yourself and your horse with your medic bag while mounted (tap
d-pad right) and you have better damage resistance while mounted also.
Supply Drop is the new multiplayer mode added with the Russian DLC, seemingly
designed specifically for farming kills with the mortar* - or possibly for
farming kills off oblivious mortar users. :)
The basic concept is quite similar to Drop Zone mode in DICE's 2015 Star Wars
Battlefront game - two teams compete to secure a succession of airdropped
resources by standing close to them (like Conquest flag captures).
In BF1 (Battlefield 1, not Battlefront 1!) the supply crates are dropped by
parachute from a plane. Only one crate is delivered at a time but sometimes
two or even three crates will be on the field simultaneously.
Each supply crate has a small circular capture radius on the minimap, only a
few metres across. When one or more players are inside the circle they can
gradually collect the resources - their team will start to score points and
all nearby players on their team will score XP in increments.
Crates are marked with circular icons which indicate how many supplies (or
points) are still available to collect. If your team is currently capturing
a crate its icon will be blue (default colour settings) or if the enemy team
is there the icon is red. The display also shows the distance to the crate.
Once a crate has been totally depleted a Supply Drop Emptied bonus (500 XP)
is awarded and an Elite pickup class crate will spawn at the location.
The first team to reach 500 points from crate captures wins the match.
Of course the most useful role to support your team is to capture crates. Try
to find any cover available but be wary of going prone since it'll take more
time to move when the inevitable mortar fire arrives. Keep the default Flak
perk equipped to give a little extra protection against grenade spam.
Other useful tasks are defending the perimeter around a crate and disrupting
the enemy team's efforts to capture crates themselves.
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The Medic class can help to keep team-mates alive at a crate, Scout can use
the spotting flare to detect approaching enemies and Support can utilise the
mortar to bombard enemy capture sites (and enemy mortar users).
*The unlock assignment for the Low Weight variant of the Parabellum MG (see
trophy #41) requires twenty kills with the airburst mortar.
o Albion
o Brusilov Keep
o Galicia
o Lupkow Pass
o Tsaritsyn
o Volga River
For this trophy you simply need to join matches on all six maps and stay in
them until the final "end of round" screen.
With map voting now standard on official servers you can't reliably get all
six maps just by staying on the same server. I'd recommend that you play on
any server available, make a note of each map on which you finish a match and
then use the server browser to find a game on any maps you've missed.
"Perform a kill with all 'In the Name of the Tsar' weapon variants"
"Maître d'Armes" (trophy #36) in the French DLC required you to get one kill
with one variant each of five new guns but the Russian DLC adds eight guns
each with two variants plus three other guns and this time you're required to
get a kill with all variants so that's nineteen weapons in total... glhf! :9
Each gun (and variant) is unlocked by an assignment again and I've given
details of the requirements for these below. You can also pick up a weapon
from a dead player if you find one or have a boosting partner.
The Factory variant uses buckshot shells which have the same damage drop-off
and pellet count as the Model 10. The 1900 gives a faster follow-up shot but
the Model 10 holds four extra shells in its underbarrel tube mag.
To unlock this gun you need to complete the following two assignment tasks:
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o get 40 kills with the M97 Trench Gun (Backbored variant)
This fires buckshot with 12 pellets per shell each doing a maximum damage
of 10 out to 12 metres. The Backbored version has significantly better
recoil and recoil recovery compared to the Hunter model.
The in-game text prompts you to use the rocket gun from the prone stance
but you can also use it when crouched behind a ledge or windowsill.
The 12g Extended shotgun can be bought for 200 warbonds at Assault rank 3.
The Extended version holds an additional two shells (for seven in total).
It fires up to three rounds per second and gives a two-hit kill on basic
body-shots out to 22 metres but its reload animation is painfully slow.
The Gasser is named after its designer. Sadly it doesn't fire poison gas!
At launch it fired at a slow 450 RPM but with exceptionally low horizontal
and vertical recoil. However it got rebalanced in the February 2018 update
and now fires at 770 RPM which puts it midway between the Automatico and the
Hellriegel although with slightly better damage. It also now has very high
vertical and horizontal recoil so its role is completely different - it's
most effective at short ranges and pretty handy for clearing trenches.
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One thing that remained unchanged however is its massive 80-round magazine,
but take care when mag-dumping because it jams after 30 shots.
You can pick up kills if you're able to get the killing blow on a vehicle
before the driver or crew bails but you can also use it to supplement a
close-quarters loadout for use indoors and in trench combat.
I was able to get a few kills off players who were trying to farm mortar
kills for the Parabellum unlock assignment (see below).
The Automatico Trench can be bought for 200 warbonds at Assault rank 1.
It fires 9mm rounds at a rapid 900 RPM and it can kill in just over a
quarter of a second at short range. However it empties its 25-round mags
pretty quickly and it has very high horizontal recoil.
Compared to the Factory model the Automatico Trench has tighter hipfire but
a larger first-shot recoil multiplier and slower recoil/spread recovery.
I've been a big fan of anti-vehicle mines since Bad Company 2 and I could
write an essay on their effective use - I could but I won't. :P
The short version is that mines are best used at narrow bottle-necks on
popular vehicle routes and hidden in craters, water or dips. You can often
pick up kills by deploying them on the main road on the Monte Grappa map
- put them on the enemy side of the map, hidden in grass or craters.
Since the January 2018 update you can no longer stack mines or plant them
right next to each other and the blast radius was reduced from 5 metres
to 2 metres. However you can still position them close enough that one
detonation will trigger the other two and the damage per mine was raised
by 50% in the same patch.
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Fedorov Avtomat (Trench variant)* (Medic class)
With its relatively rapid 450-RPM automatic fire and detachable 25-round mag
the Fedorov is the closest thing to a modern assault rifle in this class. It
gives good DPS in close quarters and faster reloads.
The trade-off is that it has a lower damage profile, giving a four-hit kill
out to 30 metres, five to 38 metres and then six beyond that.
The Cei-Rigotti Trench can be bought for 200 warbonds at Medic rank 1.
It fires at a slower 299 RPM and has an internal 10-round magazine loaded
by stripper clips or individual cartridges. Its higher damage profile gives
a three-hit kill on standard chest-shots out to 54 metres.
The bandage pouch (gadget) is available by default and the medical crate
(gadget) can be unlocked for 60 warbonds.
Simply stick with your squad-mates and keep throwing out bandages as often
as possible or drop a crate when your group stops at an objective.
*The prototype Fedorov-Degtyarev model was one of five new variants added as
a Battlefield V pre-order bonus (after the BFV reveal in late May 2018) but
that later addition would not be required for this trophy.
The "Stepladder" Optical can be bought for 200 warbonds at Medic rank 3.
The Mauser C96 pistol can be bought for 150 warbonds. This standard sidearm
version is exclusive to the Medic class. I'm going to assume the carbine
variant (Pilot/Tanker classes) doesn't count towards this assignment.
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This Chinese semi-auto rifle combines the higher damage profile of the two
Selbstlader rifles and the Mondragón with the fire-rate of the Cei-Rigotti,
however this Factory version has very high vertical recoil so you'll need to
fire much slower to land follow-up shots at range.
Also the internal magazine only holds six rounds, reloaded with individual
cartridges or with a stripper clip when empty.
In bolt-action mode it has the same damage profile as the Gewehr 98 so it has
a "sweet spot" where it does 100 damage between 80 and 125 metres, although
both variants only have iron sights which limit the potential for long-range
sniping. It does 80+ damage at other ranges though so it gives a standard
two-hit kill or a one-hit kill with a headshot.
The "Moon-Dragon" Storm can be bought for 200 warbonds at Medic rank 1.
It fires at 257 RPM, holds ten rounds and gives a three-hit kill at all
ranges. The Storm model has substantially lower vertical and horizontal
recoil but slightly worse aimed accuracy.
Dead friendlies are marked on your minimap with skull & crossbones icons
and any team-mate that can be revived by syringe will have a skull icon on
their body. If the skull icon is flashing that means they're skipping back
to the respawn screen so you might not be able to catch them in time but a
new feature allows you to aim at their body and "spot" them (with R1/RB) to
let them know you're on your way to revive them.
Since you specifically require squad revives here you'll want to join a
full squad, ideally with players that stick together and die a lot. :)
The Auto 8 Marksman can be bought for 200 warbonds at Medic rank 3.
It fires at a rapid 359 RPM and gives a standard three-hit kill all the way
out to 70 metres but it only holds five rounds. The Marksman variant gives
you a magnifying scope, better aimed accuracy when stationary and reduced
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spread increase per shot in ADS.
You can use any of the Support class primary weapons for this but you can
improve your prospects by seeking a gun with some combination of higher
damage at long ranges, larger ammo capacity, faster bullet velocity, good
fire-rate and a bipod for stability.
The MG15 n.A. is a good choice overall. It has excellent muzzle velocity
and a decent rate of fire plus the Suppressive variant has a 200-round belt
although it overheats after 35 rounds so you'll want to use shorter bursts.
If you unlock the Suppressive variant of the Parabellum first (see below)
then that's worth using too. It has a very high fire-rate, 100-round ammo
belt and high muzzle velocity so it's easier to hit a moving target.
Try to set up in a safe spot where you can deploy your bipod and have enemy
aircraft flying overhead. Operations mode has vehicles and the teams tend
to stick to their own side of the map so that should be a good option.
Look out especially for enemy bombers because these larger and slower
aircraft make much easier targets for sustained MG fire.
Ideally you'll want to find a plane that's taken substantial damage already
but you can always try weakening one with an anti-aircraft turret first.
The Shock Operations update on 27 June 2018 added the Burton LMR (Light
Machine Rifle) for the Support class. In real life this was only ever a
prototype but it was designed to destroy enemy observation balloons so it
used an incendiary version of .351 WSL round. DICE have reflected this in
the game by providing a secondary fire mode that uses incendiary ammo. This
does less damage versus infantry but it does considerably more damage to
airplanes (and airships). You might want to try using the Burton for this
assignment, although the small 20-round magazine needs frequent reloads.
(The Burton can be unlocked by getting fifty "capture point defence kills".
I tested this in various modes and you can make progress in Operations,
Shock Operations, Conquest, Domination and Frontlines. You need to defend
flags that are currently your team's colour, either currently capturing or
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fully captured. Either you or the enemy has to be at the friendly flag.)
The mortar can be used to lay down indirect fire over cover or terrain. I
like to use it in Conquest mode on Suez and Argonne Forest (although you
need to watch - and listen - for trees blocking your shots). It's also
pretty handy on Achi Baba in the Turning Tides pack.
After deploying the mortar you'll get a small map interface which you can
use to aim. This is most effective when several enemies have been spotted
but otherwise you can just fire the first of your five shots and use the
bird's eye view for reconnaissance. The aiming circle indicates how the
mortar becomes more accurate if you wait before firing.
Good targets are exposed stationary infantry, for example tight clusters at
small flags in Conquest mode, static defenders in Operations or Rush and
prone snipers on hilltops.
The Russian DLC adds Supply Drop mode (see trophy #39) where it's very easy
to farm kills with the mortar - the capture areas on the crates are compact
and the crate icon will turn red to indicate when enemy players are there.
If players on the other team are using mortars then they'll be stationary
and automatically marked on your map so they make great targets too.
It fires at 480 RPM and gives a standard four-hit kill out to 12 metres.
The Low Weight model gets more accurate sooner during a long burst and it
recovers faster from recoil and spread.
Tanks are best for this since they can survive a couple of rocket shots
without getting wrecked and the larger ones have extra seats.
Pick a map/mode with lots of tanks - I played Conquest mode on Volga River.
Equip the repair tool and spawn into a friendly tank from the respawn
screen. When the tank stops and takes damage, hop out and repair it. Try to
stay on the safer side away from enemies and either strafe left/right or
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go prone to avoid getting shot.
In BF1 the Perino holds 120 rounds and has very low recoil but it fires at a
slow 450-RPM fire-rate.
The MG15 Low Weight can be bought for 200 warbonds at Support rank 1.
It fires at 500 RPM from a 100-round belt and gives a four-hit kill in CQB.
The ammo pouch (gadget) is available by default and the ammo crate (gadget)
can be unlocked for 60 warbonds.
Join a squad with more players (and without vehicle users) then stick with
them long enough to resupply their ammunition ten times.
(Good job! You're instantly better than half the Support players!)
The BAR Storm can be bought for 200 warbonds at Support rank 3.
It fires at a fast 600 RPM, gives a four-hit kill out to 12 metres and has
a small 20-round box magazine. The Storm model has much lower recoil.
It fires at up to 359 RPM, holds eight rounds and gives a four-hit kill.
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ranges between 60 and 100 metres.
o get 3 headshot kills with the SMLE Mk.III (Infantry variant) in one match
It fires at 52 RPM from a ten-round magazine and, like most of the Scout's
rifles, it gives a one-hit kill on a headshot at any range.
It fires at 199 RPM, holds eleven rounds and gives a three-hit kill out to
22 metres and a four-hit kill to 28 metres.
*The M38 Carbine model of the Mosin-Nagant rifle was one of five new variants
added as a Battlefield V pre-order bonus (after the BFV reveal in late May
2018) but that later addition would not be required for this trophy.
The Gewehr 98 Marksman can be bought for 200 warbonds at Scout rank 3.
One way to farm kills is to plant a mine on a stationary camping enemy and
then shoot them once in the body with a sniper rifle. At close range the
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shot will do around 80 damage and when they move it'll trigger the mine.
Since the November 2017 update a Scout player can have two tripwire bombs
deployed at the same time and since the December 2017 patch they now have
two tripmines available when they spawn (without having to resupply).
Briefly the most viable tactic was to plant two tripmines right next to
each other (to give 170 damage) but that is no longer possible since the
January 2018 update. The game now enforces a minimum distance (roughly one
metre) between your tripmines. On a more positive note the HE tripmine now
does double damage when triggered by a sprinting enemy so that gives some
potential for getting instant kills even on targets with full health.
The M1903 Experimental can be bought for 200 warbonds at Scout rank 1.
This semi-auto variant of the Springfield fires at 360 RPM and has a large
detachable 40-round mag but it does less damage than the other versions -
it gives a three-hit kill out to 12 metres.
After equipping and selecting the periscope you can hold the left trigger
to enter the zoomed view. When you see an enemy just keep them in the
centre of your scope and they'll automatically be spotted with a red
outline similar to the effect on the kill-cam. However the spot will be
lost if they move behind cover and break your line of sight.
If a spotted enemy gets killed then you earn one Periscope Spot Bonus.
This works best on large open maps where you can spot enemies at long range
but try to focus on spotting players that your team-mates can reach.
The Carbine "Smelly" can be bought for 200 warbonds at Scout rank 3.
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It fires at 52 RPM from a ten-round magazine and gives a one-hit kill on
shots to the upper torso from 40 to 75 metres (or headshots at any range).
It fires at 299 RPM from a 20-round magazine and gives a four-hit kill.
The French FT tank can be selected from most tank spawns (when available)
from the respawn screen. In real life this compact vehicle had a two-man
crew but in the game it's operated by a single player.
Three different loadouts are available. Close Support Package allows you to
switch between the 37mm HE cannon and a coaxial light machinegun plus you
get an emergency track repair to counter an immobilizing hit. The Flanker
Package gives you a 20mm auto cannon, track repair and the ability to drop
anti-tank mines behind you. The Howitzer Package has a 75mm HE artillery
howitzer, emergency repair function and a deployable smokescreen.
It fires at 199 RPM and does sufficient damage for a three-hit kill.
The Luger P08 pistol is available by default. (If you have the "Red Baron's
P08" that probably doesn't count so just use the standard version.)
It fires at 299 RPM, holds nine rounds and gives a four-hit kill.
If you want to complete this unlock more quickly you can equip the pistol
on any class then use it constantly as your primary, preferably while
playing on smaller maps, in buildings/trenches and flanking enemies.
If you're happy to take a more leisurely approach then set the Luger as
your sidearm on all your favourite loadouts and just play normally, getting
the occasional pistol kill when you need to switch to your secondary.
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Obrez Pistol (any infantry class)
The Obrez (literally "sawn-off") is a Mosin-Nagant bolt-action rifle (see
above) cut down to shorten the barrel and remove the buttstock.
Ian McCollum (a.k.a. Gun Jesus) discusses the real Obrez in this article:
It has the Mosin's five-round integral magazine which can be reloaded with
individual cartridges or with a stripper clip if empty.
With its bolt action and large calibre it fires at a slow 38 RPM and has
heavy recoil but it gives a one-hit kill on chest shots out to 10 metres.
On older PS4 controllers you may need to squeeze the trigger a bit harder or
you can reduce the R2 max input threshold in the advanced controls settings.
It has a fire-rate of 359 RPM and an ammo capacity of 7+1. It gives a four-
hit kill out to 16 metres.
Since you need to get all five kills in one round you'll need to be more
focussed on getting those pistol kills. Try to limit yourself to mainly
short-range encounters and flank camping enemies.
| Section 07c | Turning Tides [TUTI] s07c |
The third multiplayer expansion released in two parts across late 2017 and early
2018 with both halves featuring two maps each.
The general theme for the DLC is naval warfare with three coastal maps and lots
of naval vessels including a new destroyer-class ship.
The first part of the Turning Tides DLC was released on 11 December 2017 for
Premium subscribers and two weeks later for non-subscribers.
It features one coastal and one inland map both set at the Gallipoli peninsula.
'Turning Tides' (part 1) adds the following features to the multiplayer game:
o Conquest Assault game mode variant (replaces Conquest on Cape Helles map)
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o one new Operation [see trophy #44]
o nine new assignments to unlock the new weapons [see trophy #46]
o thirteen new codex entries (for the new guns, vehicles, maps, etc)
Additionally the game update raised the level-cap from 120 to 130 and added the
Grappling Hook and Russian Axe melee weapons to unlock via puzzle pieces.
North Sea
The second part of the Turning Tides DLC was released on 30 January 2018 for
Premium subscribers and two weeks later for non-subscribers.
It features two maps located on the North Sea - one at Heligoland Bight off the
coast of Germany and one recreating the infamous Zeebrugge Raid* in Belgium.
'Turning Tides' (part 2) adds the following features to the multiplayer game:
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o British Royal Marines faction
*There is no new Operation for North Sea because the actions at Zeebrugge and
Heligoland were 280 miles (and 44 months) apart.
This is simple enough if you're willing to work with a friend, but otherwise
it might require some luck and persistence.
You need to drive a boat over an enemy player. They can be in water but it
also works if they're on the shore and you drive your boat up onto the land.
I'd recommend using a torpedo boat (since they're faster) and then cruising
around the map looking for viable targets. Watch out for enemies running or
swimming between objectives, capturing a flag from the water or swimming to
shore after bailing from a damaged vehicle - I got one about a second after
he hit the water when parachuting from a plane. :) Remember to keep spamming
the spotting button to highlight enemies you might overlook otherwise.
The Heligoland Bight map in the Turning Tides pack is one of the best to use
for this - there's a water crossing between "B" and "C" flags in Conquest,
infantry routes along the coast between "D", "E" and "F" and plenty of boats
available. The water crossing between "A" and "B" on Zeebrugge is quieter but
you can also catch swimmers around the "C" and "D" points.
There is no requirement to get this on a Turning Tides map so you can also
consider other viable locations. Fao Fortress has waterways between "A", "B"
and "C" flags which are crossed by infantry. There are also several water
crossings between flags on the Albion map (in the Russian DLC).
The Turning Tides patch in December 2017 added a repair function for the
driver (captain?) of the torpedo boat and landing craft so you can use that
to keep your vessel seaworthy for longer while hunting for a victim.
The service assignments were added in the Russian DLC patch as a way to give
more longevity to the game since each one has several requirements. For the
'Staying Focused' tier each one has six requirements and you need to achieve
five for completion which unlocks a specialization - an equippable perk.
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You can view the service assignments and check your progress from the main
menu under Soldier \ Service Assignments. Alternatively you can navigate to
the Specializations section of your loadout customization during a match.
You'll want to pick one that suits your play-style and preferred class/es,
for example the Scout assignments require headshots, flare spots, etc.
If you happened to have completed all available service assignments then you
can do one of the new ones added in the Turning Tides patch. New assignments
were added for all classes including Tanker and Pilot; the simplest one is
probably the Medic assignment 'Pharmacist' but it's still a bit of a grind.
The first half of the Turning Tides expansion (released December 2017) adds
the Cape Helles and Achi Baba maps which are set at the Gallipoli peninsula
and form the two stages of the new 'Gallipoli' Operation.
You can select this from the Multiplayer \ Operations menu but you'll need to
scroll right until you can see Gallipoli (east of Italy and Greece).
The Operation begins with the attacking British forces assaulting from the
S.S. River Clyde on the coastal Cape Helles map. If they successfully seize
all four sectors there then the Operation continues with infantry-only combat
on the inland Achi Baba map which has a further four sectors.
The Operation will be completed either when the attacking side has captured
all sectors on both maps or when the defenders have managed to stop all three
attack waves before the Brits reach the end of the second map.
The L-Class Destroyer** is a new vehicle that's only available in the Turning
Tides expansion. It's a large ship - but not as big as the dreadnought from
the base game and it's not classed as a Behemoth in game terms.
The destroyer is playable on all three naval maps in Conquest Assault mode.
On Cape Helles the attacking British forces get one, on Zeebrugge both sides
get one and on Heligoland Bight both sides get two. The Brits also get one
destroyer in the 'Gallipoli' Operation but only in the second sector of the
first map I think.
The ship is accessed in the same way as the planes. When a destroyer is
available from the respawn screen there will be a "1" by the ship icon next
to the deployment marker (faction flag). Shortly after the driver has spawned
into the ship it will appear on the spawn map and further players can join.
After the destroyer has been, er, destroyed it goes into cooldown and will
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become available again after around 90 seconds (default server settings).
The player who initially requests the ship from the menu always spawns as the
Tanker class and only this player can repair the destroyer. If they switch
seats or abandon ship then the new driver cannot repair. :6
The driver always has two standard weapons and can toggle between these with
Triangle/Y. The dreadnought barrage can only be used with internal view (use
the right stick button to toggle). Select the "whistle" icon, optionally hold
d-pad up to aim in binoculars view and press L1/LB to fire - this calls in an
artillery strike of six heavy shells on the target area. The other weapon is
a 4-inch gun which has a maximum of ten rounds which replenish over time -
again you can hold d-pad up for a zoomed aim and press L1/LB to fire.
The second seat has another 4-inch gun and the third has an anti-aircraft gun
both with 360° rotation and you can use L2/LT to aim and R2/RT to fire. Both
seats can also toggle to dual torpedo tubes with 60° arcs on both sides.
There are two loadout options for the L-Class Destroyer. With 'Torpedo Boat
Destroyer' a fourth seat is added with another 4-inch gun (no torpedoes) and
with 'Minelayer' the driver gains naval mines in addition to the barrage and
gun but there is no fourth seat. A load of twelve sea mines can be dropped
from the rear of the vessel by pressing d-pad left - you'll want to do this
while moving so that they cover a line across a popular route. The mines can
be seen bobbing in the water so they work best as a deterrent and generally
you're better off going with the extra seat anyway.
The 4-inch guns give one-hit kills on infantry so watch out carefully for
enemy infantry. You can zoom and spam the spotting button (R1/RB) to mark
targets (which will also help your infantry team-mates). You'll need to allow
for substantial drop at long ranges so aim high and stay zoomed to see where
your shots are landing so you can adjust for your follow-up.
The enemy torpedo boats in Conquest Assault mode pose a major threat to your
destroyer so all crew members should watch for them and engage them as soon
as possible; this will usually require allowing for drop at longer ranges
again and also leading the target when the boat is moving. You can benefit
from friendly boats and planes hunting enemy boats too.
You might like to select the Scout class before spawning into the second,
third or fourth seat of the destroyer. You can often pick up multi-kills by
taking out an enemy boat and you need to get three multi-kills as Scout to
unlock the Arisaka rifle (see trophy #46).
*In the 2003 movie 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl'
Murtogg describes the Dauntless as "the power in these waters, true enough."
**The Laforey class consisted of twenty-two ships built between 1912-14 for
the British Royal Navy. They were primarily torpedo-boat destroyers and each
vessel had a name beginning with L. HMS Lance was the very first British unit
to fire a shot during World War I and three L-Class destroyers - HMS Louis,
HMS Laforey and HMS Lassoo - were lost during the conflict.
The class was named after Francis Laforey who captained the HMS Spartiate at
the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
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"Perform a kill with all 'Turning Tides' weapon variants"
The expansion adds six new unlockable guns with eight variants in total (two
each for the standard infantry classes) and - as with "Filled the Stockpile"
(trophy #41) in the Russian DLC - you need to get one kill with all versions.
Each gun (and variant) is unlocked by an assignment again and I've given
details of the requirements for these below. You can also pick up a weapon
from a dead player if you find one or have a boosting partner.
The Turning Tides DLC also added the unlockable Naval Cutlass (sword) and
you need to get one kill with that for this trophy too.
It has severe recoil but it's fairly controllable if you use short bursts.
To unlock this gun you need to complete the following two assignment tasks:
The Automatico Storm can be bought for 200 warbonds at Assault rank 3.
You can do this as the Assault class on any map with boats but the best
opportunities would be on the naval maps in the Turning Tides pack since
they have so many boats available. I got all five boats for the trophy in a
single Conquest match.
You will need to allow for drop at longer ranges and if the boat is moving
you'll need to aim ahead of it.
A boat which was abandoned after enemy use will still count towards this
and often makes an easier target. It's also worth noting that a landing
craft acts as a spawn point so it's a really good idea to destroy them -
although it can also be fun to farm kills off enemies spawning there. :)
It usually takes three hits to destroy a boat but if other players are
firing at it you can try to time your shot to steal their kill and maybe
conserve your ammo. However it will still help if you can camp on an ammo
box or find a helpful Support player to keep you resupplied.
*An Experimental variant was added in the free "Weapons Crate" update in May
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2018 but this later addition wouldn't be required for this trophy.
It fires at 359 RPM (faster than the 300 RPM of the C96 sidearm) and gives a
standard three-hit kill out to 12 metres. It has low vertical and horizontal
recoil with good initial accuracy so it'll be relatively handy at mid-range.
You have a free choice of all the sidearms in any class for this so you can
pick whatever you're most comfortable with. You might prefer one with more
damage per bullet but slower fire or one with a larger magazine. I tend to
favour the M1911 and Mle 1903 which give a balance that suits me.
(Are pistol-only servers still a thing in BF1? In theory you could set the
Name option in the server browser to "pistol" and find custom servers where
everyone is using sidearms so you have a level playing-field.)
o get 5 multi-kills
You get a multi-kill bonus whenever you kill two or more enemies in a very
short span of time (e.g. I know in Battlefield 3 it was 0.8 seconds).
You can do this with any class but remember that you need to get three
multi-kills with the Scout class to unlock the Arisaka rifle (see below).
You can also get multi-kills from grenades and mortar strikes on clusters
of enemies or from heavy weapons like tank guns and field guns. You can
even get them from spraying down multiple targets for successive rapid
kills with a high fire-rate automatic weapon like the Automatico SMG.
The destroyer ship (see trophy #45) has two or three heavy guns and for
multi-kills it's best to target any incoming enemy torpedo boats.
*A Patrol Carbine model was added in the free "Weapons Crate" update in May
2018 but this later addition wouldn't be required for this trophy.
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to 38 metres but it lacks the full-auto option of the Sweeper variant.
At ranges out to around 50 metres it does enough damage to give a kill from
a body-shot and a headshot. Past that range you'd need to get either two
body-shots and a headshot or two headshots.
See "Play the Objective" (trophy #04) for info and tips on squad orders.
DICE are happy to include it in the LMG (light machinegun) category but in
real life with a tripod, ammo and cooling water it weighed 103lb! (47kg)
The BAR Trench can be bought for 200 warbonds at Support rank 2.
It fires at 600 RPM from a 20-round magazine and gives a standard four-hit
kill out to 12 metres. The Trench model gives better accuracy in hipfire.
You could do this with the Support class's limpet charges or HE crossbow
but you're also free to use Assault's various anti-vehicle tools.
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Having unlocked the first variant of the M1917 you now need to rack up a
total of fifty kills with it to unlock the second one.
The suppression effect is applied to an enemy when you fire shots around
them without actually hitting them. This aims to recreate the effect of
using suppressive fire to force an enemy into cover or to retreat.
It's possible to work towards this with the BAR or Chauchat but you'll make
slow progress since their magazines are so small. It's better to use the
MG15, Parabellum, Perino, Lewis Suppressive or the M1917 again.
If you've completed the 'It's in the Game' service assignment you can equip
the Pin Down perk to buff your suppression effect.
In BF1 it's modelled with an authentic 5-round magazine, fires at 57 RPM and
does 100 damage to the chest at ranges between 30 and 62 metres.
You get the 25-pts Counter Sniping bonus whenever you kill an enemy Scout
player while playing as the Scout class yourself.
I'd recommend using the Gewehr M.95 Carbine because you need 25 kills with
that for the Carcano's unlock assignment (see below). It also fires pretty
quickly and its minimum damage is 79 so you're more likely to pick up a few
assists that are counted towards your kill count.
I think the most effective option here is to use a vehicle fitted with a
heavy weapon but remember that spawning into a new tank or plane from the
menu gives you the Tanker or Pilot class respectively. Also if you request
a new L-Class Destroyer from the menu you get the Tanker class again.
Good choices would be the side-guns on the British landship, the second
or fourth seats in the destroyer (see trophy #45) or the driver's seat of
the dreadnought or armoured train Behemoths. You can gain multi-kills off
tight groups of enemies or by landing the kill-shot on an enemy vehicle.
Without vehicles, the Scout class has limited potential for multi-kills.
However you will sometimes get multiple kills when using anti-personnel
grenades in confined spaces and you might be able to finish off an enemy
vehicle with K bullets or a light anti-tank grenade.
*A Patrol variant was added in the free "Weapons Crate" update in May 2018
but this later addition wouldn't be required for this trophy.
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The Modello 91 was in production from 1892 to 1945 and was used extensively
by Italian forces during World War I. The shorter carbine model had a 17.7"
barrel compared to the 30.7" barrel of the rifle version.
Like the M.95, the Carcano doesn't have a "sweet spot" so it's unable to give
a one-hit kill on a chest-shot to an uninjured enemy. It does less damage at
all ranges too however it still does enough for a two-hit body-shot kill.
It fires appreciably faster (73 RPM or 0.82 seconds per shot) and it holds
six rounds compared to the M.95's five.
The M.95 Carbine can be bought for 200 warbonds at Scout rank 1.
It lacks the "sweet spot" damage profile to give a one-hit kill from a shot
to the chest but it can still kill with one headshot or two body-shots at
any distance. It does good damage at all ranges so you can usually kill an
injured enemy with one shot or conversely if you land a shot and one of
your team-mates steals the kill you should get an "assist counts as kill".
It has a relatively high rate of fire for a sniper rifle and the Carbine
version has superior hipfire accuracy so it's handy in close quarters.
o destroy 5 explosives
The easiest way to get this is to take out enemy anti-tank mines either
with a grenade or by shooting them - from a safe distance!
These will (and should) often be deployed in sets of three so you only need
to find two lots to get the five required for this assignment.
You'll often see AT mines at busy bottle-neck routes on Conquest maps with
vehicles. Check the streets of Amiens and the main road on Monte Grappa.
Tripwire bombs should also count towards this and will sometimes appear on
your minimap if they've been spotted.
*A Patrol Carbine model was added in the free "Weapons Crate" update in May
2018 but this later addition wouldn't be required for this trophy.
This task became somewhat easier with the release of the second half of the
Turning Tides content. The Heligoland Bight map has six flags in Conquest
Assault mode and all of these can be captured by boats, although this will
often leave you exposed to snipers, enemy boats, planes, airships, etc!
Also on the Zeebrugge map you can capture "C" flag (Munitions Dock) next to
the U-boat and "D" (Submarine Pen) inside bay number 2 in the middle.
There are only a handful of other flags that can be capped by boat.
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On Fao Fortress it's possible at "A" (Turtle Hill), "B" (Sunwada Redoubt),
"C" (Marsh Village) and "G" (Shatt Al Arab Post).
On Empire's Edge you can take "E" (Island Battery) and it's often easier to
get caps there without getting seen or killed since you can either hide
behind the island or drive in circles around it.
If you can find an active Conquest match on Albion (in the Russian DLC)
then you can also capture "C" (Keese Island) by boat.
You can get your swimmer kills using your own primary or secondary weapon,
gadgets or vehicle weapons and you can also get roadkills with boats of
course - see "Rough Seas" (trophy #42). If you happen to be in the water
yourself you cannot use your primary but you can still fire your pistol.
The Heligoland Bight map has a wide stretch of water between the "B" flag
(Mainz*) and "C" (Bunker Beach) and you will sometimes see swimmers around
the coastal objectives or bailing from damaged boats. You may encounter
some swimmers on the Zeebrugge map, especially around "C" (Munitions Dock)
and "D" (Submarine Pen) which can both be capped from the water.
The Albion map in the Russian DLC is a good choice again - it has lots of
infantry action and deep swimmable water between the islands.
Fao Fortress in the base game has extensive waterways but the main infantry
routes between "A", "B" and "C" flags are too shallow to allow swimming.
*The S.M.S. Mainz was a German cruiser which was disabled and sunk by the
attacking British naval forces at the Battle of Heligoland Bight in 1914.
| Section 07d | Apocalypse [APOC] s07d |
The fourth and final multiplayer expansion was released on 20 February 2018 for
Premium subscribers and two weeks later on 6 March for non-subscribers.
The loose theme is "infamous battles, brutal tools and unique weapons".
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o three new infantry maps*
o ten new assignments to unlock the new weapons [see trophy #51]
o new stationary weapon: Livens Projector (gas launcher) [see trophy #48]
o sixteen new codex entries (for the new guns, vehicles, maps, etc)
(Eleven weeks later the free "Weapons Crate" update on 7 May 2018 increased the
level-cap from 140 to 150 and added the Annihilator (Trench variant) Thompson
submachinegun and eight new variants of Assault and Scout primary weapons which
previously only had one version. It also added the Sickle and the Welsh Blade.)
47 Firefighter [Bronze/25G]
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"Perform a melee kill on a Flametrooper Elite"
The Elites are the hero classes available as pickups from crates and the
Flametrooper is obviously the one with the flamethrower.
This is available on several maps but on the Apocalypse maps in Conquest mode
you can find it near "B" flag on Caporetto, "E" flag on River Somme and "B"
flag on Passchendaele so you might like to lurk around there until an enemy
takes the pickup - or more likely a squad-mate spawns on you and takes it!
You can usually tell when a Flametrooper is nearby because you can hear the
roar of their weapon. Try to determine their position and flank around behind
them to get a clean one-hit melee takedown kill. If you have a bayonet fitted
on your primary you can also use the bayonet charge (melee while running) to
dispatch them swiftly.
(It's still possible to get the trophy if, like me, you lack that finesse. I
just employed YOLO strats - I ran straight towards the first flamethrower I
saw and spammed my melee button for front attacks. Of course he set me on
fire but I was able to land the killing blow just before I burnt to death.)
The Livens Projector* (or the Gaswurfminen* which was the German name for
their version of the same thing) is a new stationary weapon that's available
on all three infantry maps in the Apocalypse expansion.
It consists of twenty tubes set into the ground and connected to a detonator
unit on a small wooden crate. When the weapon is activated it automatically
fires poison gas projectiles at the nearest flag (in Conquest mode) - these
cover a large area for approximately twenty seconds.
After firing the weapon it goes into cooldown for 120 seconds and when it's
available again a red indicator light turns on. On the River Somme map the
light is mounted on a trench wall so you can't see it from a distance, but
on the other two maps it's always on a lamppost - just like the spotting
rockets available on the Nivelle Nights map.
On River Somme in Conquest Assault mode the Livens Projector is in the centre
of the main trench in the British deployment area between the two mounted
machineguns. The launcher tubes are aimed at Wellington Farm ("A" flag).
Check out Flakfire's video guide to the Livens Projector locations here:
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To get a kill you'll need a willing victim in the target area so the weapon
is best used when you know that enemy players are actively defending the flag
or the in-game display indicates they are currently capturing it. Obviously
Caporetto gives the best potential for this since there are five launchers -
you can watch the map on the respawn screen and then spawn directly to the
launcher, for example if your team holds "B" and currently "C" is contested
then you could spawn at "B" flag and use the launcher there (if available).
*The Livens Projector was invented by Captain William Livens of the British
army. It was copied by the Germans for their Gaswurfminen which was notably
deployed at the Battle of Caporetto in 1917. The British and German weapons
are named authentically in the game but you can use either for the trophy.
The Broken Bottle is a new loadout melee weapon which can be unlocked by
getting five kills with the Wine Bottle found as a pickup on the new maps.
When you stand next to a Wine Bottle you'll see the prompt to pick it up
which equips the bottle as a weapon. Getting a kill or switching to another
weapon or gadget will cause the bottle to disappear. It functions as a club-
type weapon but it gives a one-hit kill against a standard infantry target;
you don't need to attack from behind - it works from the front too.
The Wine Bottle can be found at the following locations on the Apocalypse
infantry maps. They will be available from the start of a match but after
one has been collected it will not respawn in the same match.
1. In the second concrete bunker west of "E" flag
2. On the table in a wooden shelter by wagons and crates east of "E" flag
5. In a long trench running north-east from the church ruins at "A" flag
1. At the rear of the wagon on the train near the big broken bridge
4. Next to the bench south of "B" flag (past the main building ruins)
6. In the wide trench east of "A" flag between two covered trench sections
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River Somme
1. In the south-west corner of the building north of "A" flag
5. Next to sacks south-west of "F" flag and west of the burning train wagon
Once you've got five Wine Bottle kills the Broken Bottle will be unlocked and
can be selected in your loadouts. This functions as a knife-type weapon with
fast light attacks but it also gives the usual melee takedown from behind.
For extra style points, get your first Broken Bottle kill on a Flametrooper
and pick up this trophy and "Firefighter" (trophy #47) at the same time!
50 Flyswatter [Bronze/50G]
The L30 is the larger airship with six seats which spawns as a Behemoth on
several maps in Conquest and Operations. Make sure you use that and not the
smaller four-seater C-Class airship added in the Turning Tides expansion.
Spawn into your team's airship if possible and look out for enemy planes (on
your minimap too). The best targets are planes flying directly toward your
airship on an attack run - you don't need to lead your target and they get
bigger as they get closer. :)
You may get a few kills without even trying. I got the trophy when an enemy
pilot crashed into our airship and I was credited with the kill somehow.
As usual the final trophy in the expansion requires you to get one kill each
with all of the new unlockable weapons.
Each weapon is unlocked by an assignment again and I've given details of the
requirements for these below. You can also pick up a weapon from a dead
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player if you find one or have a boosting partner.
The good news here is that the assignments are much easier this time.
With its heavier ammo - it uses the same 8mm Lebel load as the RSC 1917,
Chauchat and Benét–Mercié - the RSC SMG can kill in three hits in CQB and its
three-hit kill range was extended from 12 metres to 20 metres in the June
2018 update. However it fires slowly at 449 RPM (half the fire-rate of the
Automatico) and its magazine only holds eight rounds for a total capacity of
nine with a full magazine and one in the chamber. If you shoot until it's
completely empty it's really worth reloading twice to get that one extra.
To unlock this gun you need to complete the following assignment task:
You're free to get those kills by any means while playing as the Assault
class - primary/secondary/melee/gadget/grenade/vehicle/stationary.
If you're playing as Assault for the SMG kills then you should be able to
use any combination of anti-tank rocket gun, anti-tank mines, anti-tank
grenades, dynamite and the new anti-air rocket gun. You can also enhance
your anti-vehicle capability by equipping the light anti-tank grenade.
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right side which operated the bolt handle. Further modifications included a
20-round detachable magazine, foldaway front and rear sights, a crude metal
tube as a pistol grip and a metal shroud to protect the shooter's hand from
the moving bolt handle.
It has very similar stats to the Farquhar-Hill from the Turning Tides DLC,
with the same 257 RPM fire-rate and the same high damage profile which gives
a three-hit kill all the way out to 54 metres. The Howell has slightly higher
vertical recoil but reduced horizontal recoil (which is a good trade-off for
controllability) and its recoil recovery is better. It also has a bipod for
more stable fire (from the ground or a ledge) and the option of anti-air
sights which are very handy as the standard offset sights are pretty weird.
You're free to get those kills by any means while playing as the Medic
class - primary/secondary/melee/gadget/grenade/vehicle/stationary.
Just stick with a large group of team-mates who are pushing objectives and
stay in cover to provide heals (and revives) as required. A smaller map
without vehicles will give more focused infantry action.
The Ribbon of Recovery medal is awarded each time you give 300 health in
one match so you'll get two medals when you complete this requirement.
In BF1 it combines several decent stats from other MGs - it has the 600-RPM
fire-rate of the BAR, the damage profile of the Madsen/Parabellum (giving a
four-hit kill out to 12 metres) and the 100-round ammo capacity of the MG15.
However it does have quite high vertical and horizontal recoil and some of
those authentic reload animations are rather slow.
This Low Weight model comes with iron sights which are very usable.
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*Yes, that's a lower-case L - it stands for "luftgekühlt" (air-cooled) or
"leicht" (light). The upper-case L for "Luft" (air) was used for planes.
You're free to get those kills by any means while playing as the Support
class - primary/secondary/melee/gadget/grenade/vehicle/stationary.
It has more spread (less accuracy) after the first shot, gains accuracy
slower during sustained fire and recovers from spread much slower also.
You'll need to unlock the Low Weight model and get fifty kills with it
before you can start working towards this requirement for the Suppressive.
Stick with several friendlies and keep spamming your ammo bags/boxes like
it's your job (it is btw). You'll make the best progress with large groups
of players during prolonged firefights over bottle-necks on infantry maps.
The Ribbon of Resupply medal is awarded each time you get 10 resupplies in
one match so you'll get ten medals when you complete this requirement.
Both of the Apocalypse snipers combine a high fire-rate with 100 max damage
for a potential one-hit kill on a chest shot.
The Ross fires at 62 RPM and does 100 damage from 40 to 75 metres (the same
short range as the SMLE). Unlike the M1917 Enfield it's fitted with a scope
for sniping and it has a straight-pull bolt so you can chamber the next round
while aiming. It feeds from an internal magazine which holds five rounds.
You're free to get those kills by any means while playing as the Scout
class - primary/secondary/melee/gadget/grenade/vehicle/stationary.
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*An Infantry variant was added in the free "Weapons Crate" update in May 2018
but this later addition wouldn't be required for this trophy.
In BF1 it fires at 60 RPM and does 100 damage from 100 to 150 metres (the
same long range as the M1903 Springfield). However - being an Infantry model
- it lacks a magnifying scope so it's difficult to acquire targets at that
sort of range. The iron sights tend to block your view around your aim too,
but at least they don't cause a scope glint to betray your position.
The Enfield feeds from an internal magazine which holds six rounds.
In the "sweet spot" range (40 to 75 metres) you can get a one-hit kill off
a shot to the upper torso. At other ranges you require a headshot.
Each time you land a headshot kill you get a 25 pts Headshot Bonus and at
longer ranges you also get a Marksman Bonus equal to the distance of the
shot in metres. To complete this requirement you need to get headshot kills
with a combined total distance of 2.5 kilometres (about 1.5 miles), for
example you could get 25 headshot kills at 100 metres.
You can only use the Scout class primaries for this - any of the bolt-
action rifles or the lever-action Russian 1895.
*A Silenced variant was added in the free "Weapons Crate" update in May 2018
but this later addition wouldn't be required for this trophy.
It has similar stats to the Medic's Auto Revolver with a two-hit kill out to
10 metres. It fires slower (199 RPM) and has more vertical recoil but it also
reloads faster (with a speedloader) and has less horizontal recoil.
Even without the Nagant from the Russian DLC, each basic class has access
to two revolvers so you're free to play as any class - just remember to
equip one of the following as your sidearm on your loadout before you spawn
and then use it wherever possible.
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- Gasser M1870 (Assault class)
- Auto Revolver (Medic class)
- Bull Dog Revolver (Support class)
- Bodeo 1889 (Scout class)
With the exception of the Nagant, the revolvers all give a two-hit kill at
short range but they're generally slower and hold fewer rounds compared to
most of the other pistols.
The Broken Bottle loadout weapon is unlocked by getting five kills with the
Wine Bottle which is available as a pickup weapon on the Apocalypse maps.
| Section 08 | CONTACT s08 |
I prefer contact by email but if you have trouble with your emails (inbox full,
webmail blocked, overzealous spam filter, etc) and/or you don't hear back from
me within a few days then feel free to message me via GameFAQs.
| Section 09 | THANKS s09 |
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o for the Airborne Cannons video guide
- (Battle(non)sense)
- (Ravic)
o Data Rebel, TvSkY, Cave in the Sky, Jason van Wyk and Oud!n13 for super sounds
I will be happy to give credit and thanks to anyone who makes a contribution.
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'---------/ /-/ // __ // /-----/ /---/ // /---/ /--/ _____/---------.
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Battlefield 1 Trophies Guide
Copyright 2016-2018 James R. Barton
Initial version 1.00 completed 6 November 2016
Current version 1.12 completed 6 July 2018
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
This guide may be downloaded and printed for personal, private, non-commercial
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use only. This work is subject to copyright. It may not be hosted online or
otherwise distributed publically or reproduced either in whole or in part
without the advance written consent of the author. Any violation would
constitute an infringement of copyright and is strictly prohibited.
The only websites with the author's consent to publish this guide are GameFAQs
( and its affiliates, i.e. Gamespot (
If you find this file hosted on any other site I would be grateful if you would
inform me at the email address given at the top. Thanks!
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