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Vol. 32 No. 123 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2020 `3

News Impact Christian forum sends tough message to govt, serves State records 23rd Covid-related death, 279 fresh cases ITANAGAR, Oct 9: A 72- ed in the state, with 45 of Changlang came sec-
GoAP to resume week's ultimatum to solve Tawang church issue year-old Covid-19 positive
man with comorbidity from
them symptomatic.
The Itanagar capital re-
ond with 41 cases, of whom
14 are prisoners in the UTP
issuing tourist ILPs Staff Reporter The ACF submitted a ough discussion with the of religion is enshrined in
Ziro in Lower Subansiri dis-
trict died on Thursday at 11
gion (ICR) again reported
the highest number of Cov-
cell in Changlang, eight oth-
e rs a re prisone rs from
ITANAGAR, Oct 9: The ITANAGAR, Oct 9: The memorandum to the chief defence personnel, with the the constitution to enable pm on the way to the dedicat- id-19 cases in the state with Diyun, four are APP person-
state government has de- Arunachal Christian Forum minister's office on Friday. help of the then Tawang its citizens to freely profess ed Covid hospital in Chimpu. 103 cases. Of the total cas- nel from Diyun, seven are
cided to allow the resump- (ACF) on Friday served an In the representation to the deputy commissioner. The and practice their religious DHS authoritie s in- es, 25 were reported from from Kharsang township,
tion of issuing tourist in- ultimatum to the state gov- CM, the ACF claimed that church was constructed in beliefs. Quoting the Su- formed that the man was the flu clinic at the TRIHMS, six are from Miao township,
ner line permits (ILP) for e rnment to re solve the the Christian Re viva l June 2004. preme Court's 2009 ban on suffering from diabetes, hy- 21 from the paid quarantine one is an Assam Rifles man,
pre-booked/package tours Tawang Christian Revival church in Tawang was es- "The c hurc he s were unauthorized construction pertension, and chronic kid- testing centre in Itanagar, 22 and another was detected
through Arunachal's tour church issue at the earliest, tablished in 1999 and a re- constructed and function- of religious structures on ney disease. from the Banderdewa check from Changlang township.
operators. failing which, it said, it quest for land allotment for ing for decades without public streets, roads and This is the 23rd Covid- gate, 13 from the flu clinic at Of the total 34 cases re-
This was informed by would be compe lle d to the church had been made any complaints from any public utility spaces is sim- 19-related casualty in the Niba Hospital, 12 from the ported from West Siang, 33
Political Commissioner launch a democratic stir. to the chief minister's office person and association and ply unjustified here," the state, and the sixth death flu clinic at the RKMH, eight are primary contacts of a pos-
Kaling Tayeng in an order The Tawang police had in 2003. The ACF a lso the government authority ACF stated. this month. from the CCC in the zoo itive case detected earlier,
dated 7 October. arrested Tawang Revival claimed that the application while land allotment files Appealing to the gov- On Friday, a total of 279 area, and two from the flu while one is a returnee from
"The principal resident church pastor Joseph Sing- for land allotment was re- are pending," stated the ernment to consider its rep- Covid-19 cases were record- clinic at Heema Hospital. the ICR. (Contd. on P-5)
commissioner, New Delhi hi, sparking protest from the peatedly sent by the dis- ACF. resentation, ACF president
and the deputy resident Christian community of the trict administration to the It also claimed that, over Toko Teki stated that the
commissioners of Guwa-
hati/Mo hanbari are al-
Singhi was reportedly
land management secretary
but the file was never re-
the years, the condition of
the church was getting di-
Christian believers have ut-
most respect for the people
DMP-affected families remind authorities of compensation issue
lowed to issue tourist ILPs arrested on the basis of an turned. lapidated, so it was felt that of Tawang and their cus- demanded timely payment the secretary (LM), we are
with effect from 15 Octo- FIR lodged by the district The ACF further stated an RCC church was required tom, culture, tradition and Karyir Riba of compensation, and also thankful to SASI for giving
ber under strict compli- land revenue & survey of- that the Baptist church in in the area. religious beliefs, and have sought clarification on the a voic e to our c once rn
ance with the notification ficer, allegedly for illegally Tawang was established at "India is a secular coun- no intention to disturb their ROING, Oct 9: Clans and status and definition of for- which was landing only on
issued by the tourism de- constructing the church. an identified plot after thor- try and the right to freedom way of life. (Contd. on P-5) landowners affected by the est lands in Arunachal, in deaf ears so far," said the
partment vide No TOU NHPC's Dibang Multipur- order to do away with the PAFs.
pose Project (DMP) in Low- ambiguity created by the "The question in our
(DEV) 609/2020, dated 29
September, 2020," the or- Young environmentalists stage first climate strike in Arunachal Org seeks restoration er Dibang Valley (LDV) dis- NHPC over the ownership mind is, why is the state
der read. of damaged log bridge tric t ha ve onc e a gain
knocked on the doors of
of the land and the forests
by the indigenous people.
government showing apa-
thy and utter negligence
Over 20 police The All Puroik Welfare So-
the authorities concerned,
reminding them of the long
The project-affected
families (PAF) praised the
towards the DMP, which
was once publicized as a
officers transferred ciety (APWS) on Friday
appealed to the social jus-
pending land compensa- SASI "for taking up the is- harbinger of prosperity for
ITANAGAR, Oct 9: In a tion issue related to the sue in the larger interest of the state, with crores of ru-
tice, empowerment & tribal project. the people of AP." pees in annual revenues,"
major res huffle , the affairs (SJETA) director to On 6 October, an orga- "Amidst the rude shock they said.
Aruna chal government direct the West Kameng DC nization ca lled Save given to us by the NHPC's So far the state govern-
has transferred over 20 to include a proposal in the Arunac hal Save Indige- repeated filing of writ peti- ment has only succeeded in
police officers. Among annual operating plan of the
nous (SASI) had convened tion, and being subjected to alienating the stakeholders,
those transferred are 20 IPS district for restoration of a
a press conference at the a non-stop circus like inept which may brew trouble for
offic ers and se ve n damaged log bridge near
pres s club in Itanagar, handling of the compensa- the project in the near future,
Arunachal Pradesh Police Upper Tippi Nallah.
where the SASI members tion issue by the NHPC and they said. (Contd. on P-5)
Service (APPS) officers, In a letter to the SJETA
according to the order is- director, who is also the
sued by Home Commis-
sioner Kaling Tayeng on
member secretary of the
Autonomous Puroik Wel-
DC releases final installment amount to R&R Chakma Committee
Thursday. fare Board, the APWS said HOLLONGI, Oct 9: Papum members to utilize the fund Ligu directed the AAI
ITANAGAR, Oct 9: Hold- tice and to make people formed a release from the that the villagers of Puroik Pare DC Pige Ligu visited the in a judicious manner for fur- authorities to start clearing
Papum Pare (rural) SP
ing placards, young envi- more aware about the rising FFFAP. Kabuang in Upper Tippi rehabilitation and resettle- ther development of the the jungle and levelling the
Jimmy Chiram has been
ronmental activists staged environmental crisis. The Greta Thunberg, who have been facing numerous ment (R&R) village here on R&R village. He also asked land immediately with the
made the Itanagar capital
the first climate strike in young ac tivists of FFF initiated the Fridays For problems due to the damage Friday and released the sec- the committee's members to help of the Balijan ADC, the
region (ICR) SP. (Contd.
Arunachal, outside the civ- Arunachal addressed sev- Future movement, has tak- c ause d to the only log ond and final installment of "mobilize the villagers for R&R Chakma Committee and
on P-5)
il secretariat here on Friday. era l environmental c on- en note of the first climate bridge on 6 October. The 30 percent of the amount to complete shifting, which the PRO of the airport project.
The strike was organized by cerns, which include melt- strike in Arunachal. bridge connected Upper
Eviction drive the 'Frida ys For Future ing of glaciers, rising of the Fridays For Future was Tippi with Tippi town.
the R&R Chakma Committee,
in the presence of Balijan
should be done within a
week from the date of receipt
The total area for con-
struction of the greenfield
carried out Arunac hal Prades h (FF-
sea level, deforestation,
landslides, pollution, etc,
started in 2018 by the then
15-yea r-old Swedis h
On Thursday, APWB
member Kapit Bec ha ng
ADC Tasso Gambo, the Bali- of the second installment." airport is 667 acres, and it
jan EAC, the DLRSO, the air- The DC assured them was handed over to the Air-
JENGGING, Oct 9: A "The strike was a call for and called out fellow citi- schoolgirl Greta Thunberg wrote a letter to the EAC to port project PRO, and others. that the district administra- ports Authority of India
team of the Upper Siang the citizens and leaders to zens of Arunachal to act on and others in August 2018 initiate needful action for The DC advised the tion would extend all possi- (AAI) on 5 February, 2019.
dis trict administration, take action for climate jus- it before it is too late," in- by sitting (Contd. on P-5) restoration of the bridge. Chakma R&R Committee ble assistance. (Contd. on P-5)
led by EAC (in-charge)
Philip Jerang and police
officials, carried out an GPF demands restoration of Likabali-Basar road ADS arrests two peddlers, confiscates drug Selfless orgs need
eviction drive near the
circuit house here on Fri- EGO, Oct 9: The Galo Peo- OC Lod Tari and SI T Hag- of the hour: DC
ple's Federation (GPF) on Karyir Riba ging, under the supervision ITANAGAR, Oct 9: "Orga-
Friday demanded immedi- of DSP Ri ngu Ngupok, nizations which work with-
De s pite nume rous
ate restoration of the Lika- ROING, Oct 9: The anti- trapped and arrested the out any expectation in re-
notices, hearings and as-
bali-Basar road for use by drug squad (ADS) of the duo in Abali village on turn are the need of the hour
suranc es by the occ u- police here in Lower Dibang
people living in several dis- Thursday, at around 4:30 in as they can contribute their
pa nts that the y would Valley district has arrested the evening. T hey were
tricts. share along with the gov-
vacate, the illegal occu- two drug peddlers and con- making their way to Roing
Massive flashflood and ernment for the overall de-
pation was continuing for landslide occurred in Ego fiscated 50 grams of sus- in an Acce nt car. After
a long time. velopment of the state,"
on 17 September, washing pected brown sugar from searching the car, the ADS said Itanagar Capital Region
The loc ation is the away the RCC bridge and their possession. seized the narcotic sub-
proposed site for the up- DC Komkar Dulom.
several houses, shops and Working on tip-offs stance. During a meeting with
coming EAC office, the standing agriculture and about drugs being supplied A case u/s 21 (b), NDPS the volunteers of the Mag-
construction of which has horticulture crops here. to the district from Namsai Act has been registered at
been delayed and ham- ic Club on Friday, the DC
A GPF team led by its by an Assam-based peddler the police station here and urged them to continue ren-
pered because of the en- president Doya Boje met Highway Infrastructure De- (NHIDCL) during an inspec- circle of Leparada district. with the help of a local is being taken up for inves- dering selfless services to
croachment. (DIPRO) top officials of the National velopment Corporation Ltd tion of Ego village in Dari (Contd. on P-5) youth, the ADS team, led by tigation. (Contd. on P-5) the society.
Speaking about the

Dr Tame Kena
Mental health for all: Greater investment and greater access ductive time while caring for
the person with severe men-
Hamara Arunachal Abhiyan,
the DC asked them to "work
'Mental health for all: Great- illness of the 138 crore na- tal illness. for such initiative that fore-
There is an increased shift of patients suffering from anxiety and panic disorder and

he World Menta l er investment and greater depression. Many of them suffer from psychosis, mood disorder, acute stress reac- tional population. Of these, sees a dream to have a safe,
Health Day was ob- access'. tions, multiple somatic symptoms, relapse of seizures, and insomnia. A significant 0.8 percent (1 crore) was Treatment gap clean, green, serene and self-
served for the first The importance of men- number presents with substance use disorder - predominantly opiate and alcohol suffering from severe men- The study a lso found a reliant capital."
time by the World Federa- tal health and wellbeing can- use disorder. tal disorder, which amounts huge treatment gap of about Marking its 7th founda-
tion of Mental Health, led not be emphasized more as to say that one crore fami- 70-86 percent; so only about tion year, the Magic Club
by Richard Hunter, on 10 the mental stress and its wards greater investment the government of India. In National Institute of Men- lies were going through the 15-30 percent of the popu- handed over seven dust-
October, 1992. Since then, it consequences are felt more and greater access towards 2014, the National Mental tal Health & Neurosciences ordeal of the consequenc- lation was able to access bins to the DC for use in the

has been observed every heavily during this pro- mental health for all. Health Policy was drafted (NIMHANS), Bangalore, es of a severe mental illness. treatment at the time of sur- office premises.
year the world over to cre- longed period of pandemic. However, the big ques- and commissioned by the When we look at the illness, vey. There were many rea-
tion is, are we prepared and T he DC on his part
ate awareness on mental In many ways, it has high- ministryh of health & fami- unlike other physical ill- sons enumerated, the prom-
World Mental handed over a certificate of

health issues and advocate lighted the stark realities of ready to invest? What is the ly welfare, New Delhi. nesses, it's not only the in- inent ones being not hav-
for people and families suf- human frailties and help- burden of mental illness, dividual but the whole fam- ing access to mental health appreciation to the Magic
fering from mental illness. lessness we face across the and is there any treatment Health Day Burden of illness ily goes through stages of care, not aware of being Club for its contribution in

The theme for this year globe , le ading to more gap for those suffering from The survey results were denial, anger, frustration of mentally ill, not having reg- the fight against Covid-19
couldn't have been more rel- awareness about mental the illness? and released. A national quite mind-boggling, as it restra ining and ensuring ular supply of medicines, by helping the administra-
evant, given the stage we health and wellbeing as When we look at the mental health survey was suggested that 10 percent compliance to treatment, lack of counsellors and ther- tion in distributing relief

are going through during never before. Hence, there policy level, there were ma- conducted across the coun- of the popula tion (13.8 stigma from the society and apists, stigma, discrimina- items to ne edy people.
this Covid-19 pandemic, is more need to work to- jor landmark steps taken by try in the same year by the crore) suffered from mental loss of economy and pro- tion, etc. (Contd. on P-5) (Contd. on P-5)
2 CLASSIFIED / SPICE The Arunacha l Times, Saturday, Octo ber 10, 2020

Kate Mulgrew to return as Captain Janeway Our E-mail Address
Editor: [email protected]
Electrician, Fitter, Automobile
Engineer, Welder, Plumber, etc
A sales supervisor is required
at Naharlagun based drug
house. Starting salary: Rs.
in animated series Star Trek: Prodigy' News: [email protected]
Advertisement: [email protected]
available. Location at Harmoty
near B anderdewa. M. no- 10000/- or negotiable based LOS ANGELES, Oct 9: Vet- chise. follow a group of lawless TODAY FOR YOU
6001521314. on experiences. Contact at eran actor Kate Mulgrew I have invested every teens who discover a der-
9612924674. ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Are things getting a little bit crazy, Aries? Too many tasks and too
will reprise her iconic role of scintilla of my be ing in elict Starfleet ship and use many people vying for your attention could have your nerves stretched as taut as violin
Captain Janeway in ani- Ca ptain J aneway, and I it to search for adventure, strings. Try to get outside for a while. T reat yourself to a nice takeout lunch or do a little online
ADMISSION GOING ON mated series Star Trek: can't wait to endow her meaning and salvation. shopping. Take a good long nap. Whatever seems so urgent isn't worth sacrificing your
Elementary Maths/ General En- peace of mind. Try to stay focused!
glish for SSB/LDC/UDC /SI and MISCELLANEOUS Prodigy , Nickelodeon and with nuance that I never The animated series is
TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) A rush of creative inspiration could take you temporarily away
othe competitive exams. Regu- C BS Studios have an- did before in Star Trek: developed by Emmy Award from your social life today, Taurus. At some point you could be working as if there were no
lar tution for class IX to XII (all HIRING DELIVERY nounced. Prodigy'. How thrilling to winners Kevin a nd Dan tomorrow, perhaps worrying that you will forget it if you don't get it all down now. It's no use
subjects). Contact: Noble In- Agents for flipkart delivery hub
The ca sting wa s re - be able to introduce to Hageman. telling you to slow down. Be sure to keep sufficient snacks on hand and do take occasional
stitute, Bank Tinali Itanagar. (Naharlagun). To apply, con- breaks. Work hard and good luck!
9402458241/9402458242. tact : 811985 9046 /95 605- vealed as a surprise an- these young minds an idea Ben Hibon will direct,
GEMINI (May 22- June 21) A small impromptu party may take place at your house today
24874. nounc eme nt during the that has elevated the world exec utive produc e and when some unexpected but welcome visitors turn up at your door. Follow current protocol.
Star Trek Universe virtual for decades. To be at the serve as the creative lead. Expect the conversation to alternate between lots of laughs and discussion of some pretty
ADMISSION OPEN 20-21 panel at New York Comic helm again is going to be Star Trek: Prodigy is pro- serious subjects. The gathering could continue well into the night if you let it, but don't let it
Repeater, dropout students of NAME/TITLE CHANGE Con. deeply gratifying in a new duced by CBS' Eye Anima- continue past the point of enjoyment. You can always do it again another time.
CANCER (June 22-July 22) Is a new neighbor moving in nearby, Cancer? This person could
Cl-IX to XII (Arts & Sci). Add:
Memorial Institute, near The Mulgrew, who played way for me, she said. tion Productions, Secret come from a very interesting locale, so you might want to get to know him or her. Don't expect
Arunachal Times office. Con- I, Shri Hura Taying, do hereby Captain Kathryn Janeway According to the an- Hideout and Roddenberry to be able to do this today. This person may be in and out throughout the afternoon and too
tact: 8794621379, 94024- for 170 episodes on Star nouncement shared on the Entertainment. busy with settling in. Drop some cookies off some time over the next few days, however. You
changed my name/title to ‘Tarh
80065. Maying’ vide an affidavit No. will be glad you did.
Trek: Voyager (1995 -2001), franchise's official website, The series will premiere LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Have you been spending too much lately, Leo? Today you could be
1274/2 019 on dtd. 17-10- sometime next year on Nick-
2019, made before Executive
said she is excited about her Janeway will be a central fig- feeling the effects of it. You may have to wait to make a purchase that you've wanted for a
SPOKEN ENGLISH Magistrate, Kra Daadi Dist., return to the beloved fran- ure in the show, which will elodeon. (P TI) long time, and this could be frustrating. Don't worry about it, though. You will get through this
Elementary Maths, Grammar, Jamin, Camp Palin (A. P). unscathed, and the item will still be in the store when you have money again. Relax.
G.K (for sub-inspector, A/au- Henceforth, I shall be known VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Se pt. 23) Your sweetheart may seem upset today and unlikely to want to
ditor/LDC/UDC). Contact: Paul’s
Learning, opp. R.K. Mission
as Shri Tarh Maying for all pur-
Megan Thee Stallion launches scholarship fund for women of colour talk about it, Virgo. This could prove frustrating for you since you don't like to be kept in the
dark. Take care to avoid giving in to the temptation to push. T his won't make your partner any
Post Office, Itanagar. (Limited more likely to share, and it could drive a wedge between you. Just hang in there and let your
LOS ANGELES, Oct 9: Rap- with Rap Rotation, Amazon 10,000 sc hola rs hips to friend talk when the time is right.
& soci al d ista ncin g). M:
7005415862, 7005773707. NAME / TITLE CHANGED per-singer Megan Thee Stal- Music's flagship global hip- women of colour that are LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Vague aches and pains could have you feeling a little under the
I, Shri Tam Taring, do hereby lion has launched a scholar- hop brand, to start her Don't pursuing a n a ssociate s, weather, Libra. You may not be able to discern why you have these pains, since there's no
cha nged my name ‘Ta me apparent reason. Don't assume the worst. Your condition is probably just due to a little
ship fund to support women Stop Scholarship Fund'. bachelors or post-graduate
Tering’ to ‘Tam Taring’ vide an intensified nerve strain and extra stress. Take it easy and relax today. Go back to your usual
DIRECT EXAM/ DIST. EDU of colour pursuing an The 25-year-old musician degree in any field of study, routine tomorrow.
B.A, B.Sc., B.Com., M.A, M.Sc., aff idav it N o. 2 32 o n dt d.
09-10-2020, made before Ex- associate's, bachelor's or shared the news on Twitter. the announcement read. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Expect some delays, upsets, and unexpected turns when it
M.Com., Nursing, Engineering, comes to romance today, Scorpio. Jealousy may rear its ugly head, as you may at some point
LLB, LLM, MBBS, 10, 12 etc. ecutive Magistrate, Itanagar postgraduate degree in any Megan has partnered The initiative is named
get the impression that your beloved is noticing someone else. Bear in mind that there's a
Contact: 9863179709. (Aruna- Capital Region, Itanagar (A.P). field. with Amazon Music's rap after the rapper's latest
Henceforth, I shall be known strong chance that these impressions are illusory, and that the truth may be totally different
ch al C ommu nit y Co lleg e) Megan has partnered rotation and will award two single "Don't Stop". (PTI)
as Tam Taring for all purposes. from the way things seem. Take care to stay focused. Reserve judgment until you know the
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -De c. 21) Changes may be taking place on the home front, Sagit-

For Basic Grammar, G.English,
Benedict Cumberbatch to play Doctor Strange in Spider-Man 3' tarius, perhaps unexpected repairs or someone moving in or out. Your household could seem
frenetic and disorganized until the dust settles, which doesn't sit well with your love of peace
and quiet. Whatever needs to be done is best accomplished one step at a time, with your mind
Ele ment ary M ath ( L.D. C., focused on the results. It will help you stay sane!
LOS ANGELES, Oct 9: Brit- Sony Pictures.
U.D.C., S.I). Vacation course: CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan. 20) An unexpected and perhaps not altogether welcome call
Class-X to XII (all subject) is h star Benedic t Spider-Man 3 is also could come your way today, Capricorn. It could come from someone you don't particularly
NEET, long term course 8 Cumberbatch is set to re- bringing back Jamie Foxx as care for or someone who has some disconcerting news to report. Whichever it is, you will
months (Hostel boys & girls) prise his role of Marvel's Elec tro. T he a ctor las t probably just have to deal with it. However, you may feel about the caller or what he or she
Nalanda Academy, G-Exten- has to report, you will probably consider it important to have the conversation.
magic-wielding superhero played the role in 2014's The
sion, Nlg (6033824065). AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Worries about money that may have preoccupied you for the
Doctor Strange in the much- Amazing Spider-Man 2 , past day or so could prove unfounded, Aquarius. This should come as a real relief to you,
anticipated third installment whic h fe ature d Andrew although it may be difficult to grasp at first. Your mind is still getting in the way of accepting it.
in the Spider-Man franchise, Garfield as the titular hero. Go over your correspondence and bank records as many times as you want. T he answer
Helena Bonham Carter to led by actor Tom Holland.
Cumberbatch's casting
The upcoming will mark
the return of a ctors
should be the same - all is better than you thought.
PISCES (Fe b. 20-Mar. 20) A temporary separation from your romantic partner could have
you agitated, Pisces. Are you worried that your friend has forgotten you? This is probably an
narrate animated version of is third major crossover be-
tween films produced by
Zendaya, Marisa Tomei,
Jacob Batalon and Tony
overreaction, but your insecurities are getting the better of you. Find a distraction. Have faith.
Phone calls from your friend should prove reassuring. Perhaps the only way to get past this
Quentin Blake's Clown' Marvel Studios and Sony Jackson's Nick Fury fea- tion on Spider-Man 3 is set Revolori. is to stay busy until your partner returns.
Pictures Spider-Man mov- tured in last year's Spider- to begin in November in At- The movie, scheduled
Ac tor He le na Bonha m
Carter is set to narrate a
ies, after Robert Downey Jr's
Tony Stark appeared in Spi-
Man: Far From Home as Pe-
ter Parker's mentor.
la nta with direc tor Jon
to be released on December
17, 2021, will be produced
Help - Line
de r-Ma n: Homec oming According to The Hol- The film is being made by Kevin Feige and Amy List of routes and number of vehicles to resume scheduled services
new animation based on (2017) a nd Samue l L lywood Reporter, produc- by Marve l Studios a nd Pascal. (PTI)
celebrated writer-cartoon- SI . Name of Route No.of Name of station Departure Day of
ist Quentin Blake's kids No. vehicles operating the Place Time Service
book Clown .
The Channel 4 Christ- Vicky Kaushal-Aditya Dhar’s The Immortal 1 Tawang 1
SS, Itanagar Itanagar 6 am Monday,
mas special will be created Thursday
with hand-drawn anima-
tion techniques to capture
Ashwatthama to go on floors in April 2021 2 Bomdila-Itanagar 1 SS, Bomdila Itanagar 6 am Daily service
Dhar said during the 3 Seppa-ltanagar 1 SS, Seppa Itanagar 6 am Daily service
the es s enc e of Bla ke's MUMBAI, Oct 9: Filmmaker Ma ha bharata, will se e partments (HoDs) for the
Aditya Dhar on Friday said lockdown, his team was ac- Kaushal in a mythological ambitious project and be- 4 Zlro-ltanagar 1 SS, Ziro Itanagar 8 am Daily service
original artwork, reported
his upc oming Vicky tively working on the pre- character, who was given gun discussion with the 5 Daporijo-ltanagar 1 SS, Daporijo Itanagar 6 am Daily service
Kaushal-starrer The Immor- production of the film, which the boon of immortality. VFX team. 6 Aalo-ltanagar 1 SS, Aalo Itanagar 6 am Daily service
The half-hour anima-
tal Ashwatthama will go on will be shot in the Europe. As per the epic Maha- “Since nobody has at- 7 Pasighat-Itanagar 2 SS, Pasighat Itanagar 6& Daily service
tion will focus on the ad-
floors from April next year. “We will begin shooting bharata, Ashwatthama was tempted such a subject be- & ltanagar 10 am
ve nture s of a little toy
Dhar, who broke out on in Europe, primarily the UK, the son of guru Dronacharya, fore, we don’t have a refer- 8 Roing-Itanagar 1 SS, Roing Itanagar 6 am Daily service
clown, thrown away with a the Bollywood scene with and then head to Iceland. who fought for the Kauravas ence point. So, the VFX and
bunch of old toys, as he 9 Tezu-ltanagar 1 SS, Tezu Itanagar 6 am Alternate day
his 2019 debut Uri: The Sur- The final schedule will be in in the battle of Kurukshetra. design teams have to use
embarks on a journey to 10 Namsai-ltanagar 1 SS, Namsai Itanagar 7 am Alternate day
gical Strike, is once again Mu mbai. The plan may For the part, Kaushal their imagination and create
find a new home for him- teaming up with the actor for change depending on the will gain weight as well as (the unive rs e) from 11 Miao-ltanagar 1 SS, Miao Itanagar 6 am Alternate day
self and his friends. the new project. COVID-19 crisis in these receive training in horse- scratch,” he added. 12 Changlang-ltanagar 1 SS, Miao Itanagar 6 am Alternate day
Eagle Eye Drama is pro- T he Immorta l countries,” Dhar said in a riding and various martial art The Immorta l As hw- 13 ISBT-Khonsa 1 SS, ISBT Itanagar 6.30 am Alternate day
ducing the show. Ashwatthama, billed as a statement. forms, including krav maga atthama is being produced 13 Longding-ltanagar 1 SS, ISBT Itanagar 6 am Alternate day
Clown' has always been superhero action film set in The three-part modern- and jujutsu. by Ronnie Screwvala, who 14 ISBT-Likaball 1 SS, ISBT ISBT 7 am Alternate day
one of my favourite charac- modern times, is be ing day superhero film, which Dha r sa id he ha s had also backed Dhar’s de- 15 Koloriang-ltanagar 1 SS, Itanagar Itanagar 6 am Tuesday,
ters, and it's wonderful now planned as a trilogy. has its roots in the finalised the heads of de- but Uri. (PTI) Friday
to see him off the page and
16 ISBT-Nyapin 1 SS, ISBT ISBT 6 am Sunday,
running about on his own,
Blake said.
Luigi Berio will direct
Pixar’s Soul bypasses theaters, will stream on Christmas 17 Kra-Daadi-ltanagar 1 SS, ISBT ISBT 6 am
the program, supported by NEW YORK, Oct 9: The said it would again shutter don’t receive government tive Bob Chapek.
18 ISBT-Kamle 1 SS, ISBT ISBT 6 am Alternate day
a gra nt from the BFI's Pixar film Soul will skip the- the U.S. and U.K. locations help,” says Esther Baruh, Expectation had been
Young Audiences Content 19 ISBT-Tirbin 1 SS, ISBT ISBT 6 am Alternate day
aters and instead premiere of its Regal cinemas, the director of government re- high for Soul, directed by
Fund. on Disney+ on Christmas, country’s second-largest lations for the association. Pete Docter, Pixar’s chief 20 Bassar-Itanagar 1 SS, Aalo Itanagar 6 am Alternate day
Eagle Eye Drama's Jo the Walt Disney Co. an- theater chain. “This is as urgent as it gets.” creative officer and the film- 21 ISBT-Pake-Kessang 1 SS, ISBT ISBT 6.30 am Alternate day
McGra th a nd Walte r nounced Thursday, sending On Thursday, the Na- Soul will be available for maker behind Up and Inside 22 Itanagar-Kaying 1 SS, Itanagar Itanagar 6 am Alternate day
Iuzzolino are overseeing the one of the fall’s last big mov- tional Association of The- Disney+ to subscribers at Out. The film, about a middle 23 Itanagar-Liromoba 1 SS, Itanagar Itanagar 6 am Alternate day
project as joint creative di- ies straight to streaming. a tre Owne rs , the trade no further charge. Disney school teacher (Jamie Foxx)
rectors. (P TI) The move, widely ex-
pected after the recent exo-
group of exhibitors, said its
#SaveYourC inema cam-
last month steered Mulan to
its streaming service of 60
with dreams of becoming a
jazz musician, was originally
dus of most major upcom- paign has flooded Congress million-plus subscribers but to premiere at the Cannes RK MISSION OPD BOOKING NUMBERS POLICE STATIONS
DISCLAIMER ing releases, marks one of with more than 300,000 let- charged $30 for early ac- Film Festival. Its theatrical 7641908678, 7640073152, 7640073136 Itanagar : 0360-2212233
While adequate care is the final dominos to fall in ters. Filmmakers including cess. release had been scheduled Naharlagun : 0360-2244329
OPD tickets will be issued on 1 day Banderdewa : 0360-2266236
taken prior to acceptance Hollywood’s disas trous Steven Spielberg, James Disney has been hit hard for November 20. prior booking from 7 AM - 10 AM Nirjuli (OP) : 0360-2257220
of advertisements, it is autumn. Following the exit C ameron a nd Wonde r by the pandemic. It recently “The world can be an ex-
not possible for this daily timing daily. Doimukh : 0360-2277220
of the James Bond film No Woman direc tor Pa tty announced that it would lay hausting and frus trating
to verify the authenticity Only 20 patients per department FIRE SERVICE
Time to Die from Novem- Jenkins have joined the off 28,000 workers, most of place – but it’s also full of
of the c onte nts. W e
recommend discreti on ber, the next big movie on campaign lobbying Con- them at Disneyland Resort unexpected joys, even in will be given tickets. Naharlagun : 0360-2244399
among the readers. The the c a le nda r is Warne r gress to bring financial re- in Anaheim, California, and se emingly mundane NIBA HOSPITAL, NLG Itanagar : 0360-2212640
Arunachal Times cannot Bros . ' Wonde r Woman lief to theater owners. With- Walt Disney World in Or- things,” said Docter in a Emergency: 8257934078
be held responsible for 1984, currently set for De- out aid, the organization lando, Florida. On Wednes- statement. “Soul investi-
COVID-19 : 9436055743
Reception: 7628078933 /9436017099
the contents, nor for the cember 25. said, 69% of small and mid- day, the activist investor gates what’s really impor- HEEMA HOSPITAL, ITANAGAR National
loss or damage incurred The successive delays sized movie theater compa- Daniel Loeb, founder of tant in our lives, a question 0360-2291094
as a result of transaction
of the film industry’s would- nies will close or go bank- hedge fund T hird Point, we’re all asking these days. helpline for
wi th any as soci ation, TRSH, NAHARLAGUN
organization, company be blockbusters has only rupt. urged the company to more I hope it will bring some suicide
or individual following made the dire circumstances “The stark reality is that than double its budget for humor and fun to people at 0360-2246677 (Casuality Wing) prevention:
publicati on of adverti - of movie theters more acute. many movie theaters will not streaming content in a let- a time when everyone can 0360-2244293 (O) CMO
sement. Earlier this week, Cinemark be able to open again if they ter to Disney Chief Execu- surely use that.” (AP) 0360-2244156 (O) Med. Supdtt. 104

The Arunacha l Times, Saturday, Octo ber 10, 2020 National 3
CM mourns Paswan Assam police exam paper leak: Services of
Life skills prog for adolescents launched

ITANAGAR, Oct 9: Chief
Minister Pema Khandu has ITANAGAR, Oct 9: RB, consortium engaged in holding tests suspended

expressed grief over the de- under its flagship Dettol
mise of union minister Ram 'Banega Swasth India' pro- GUWAHATI, Oct 9: Ser- been informed by the author- fresh dates would be inti-
gramme, in partnership with vices of the consortium en- ities investigating the cases mated as soon as possible,

Paswan, who died on
Primus Partners, launched a gaged in conducting vari- related to the leakage of the the release said.
T he C M de sc ribe d unique life skills programme ous police recruitment ex- question tha t "names of "The SPLRB assures all
Paswan as "one of the tall- for children, titled 'The birds aminations in Assam were some individuals connected applicants that the process
est political icons of mod- and bees talk (BBT)', in suspended after investiga- to the consortium conduct- will continue to be totally
ern India who chose poli- Arunachal on Friday. tions in the recent sub-in- ing the examination have transparent and fair,"it add-
tics over civil service to The progra mme is a spector recruitment ques- come to adverse notice". ed.
serve the downtrodden and "comprehensive growing tion paper leak case found The SPLRB thus "de- The police have so far
the country, which he did life skills curriculum for 10- that some people associat- cided to immediately disen- arrested 37 people including
for over 30 years in public 19 years old children, and it ed with it may have roles in gage the consortium from all retired DIG P K Dutta and
office." will reach out to two million the scam. ongoing processes of vari- expelled BJP leader Dibon
"In him, we have lost a children across the seven On September 20, the ous recruitment examina- Deka in connection with the
great leader and a great soul. Northeast sta tes," it in- contributing to the growth of tion is the catalyst to social A letter of intent for the question paper of the written tions", it said. examination paper leak.
India will be always indebt- formed in a release. young minds. Our vision is change and one of the most programme was signed in examination for 597 posts of The two ongoing exam- The SLPRB Chairman,
ed to him," Khandu added. Launc hing the pro- to work towards transform- critical areas of empower- the presence of the CM, Ed- unarmed sub-inspectors was inations - the Physical Stan- Pradeep Kumar, resigned on
(CM's PR Cell) gramme in the state, Chief ing the lives of the people in ment for children." ucation Minister Taba Tedir, leaked and the State Level dard Test/Physical Efficien- September 27 taking "moral
Minister Pema Khandu said, India, and this programme is "With the focus to- Chief Secretary Naresh Ku- Police Recruitment Board (SL- cy Test for Assam police responsibility" for the inci-
Awareness camp on "We are proud to introduce a testament to a better and wards betterment of chil- mar and Education Secre- PRB) cancelled the test min- constables and digital viva dent.
one-of-its-kind life skill brighter future for the lead- dren, we are proud and ho- tary Niharika Rai. utes after it had commenced interview for the special re- The re-examination for
wildlife protection held training module for adoles- ers of tomorrow," he said. noured to embark on this The BBT programme across Assam. cruitment drive for People the recruitment test has
RAMSING, Oct 9: The cent children in partnership Commenting on the part- partnership with the gov- will be executed and imple- The SLPRB in a release with Disabilities were sus- been rescheduled for No-
Ramsing wildlife range in with RB's Dettol 'Banega nership initiative, Ravi Bhat- e rnment of Arunac ha l mented across Arunachal in said on Friday that it has pended from Friday and vember 22. (PTI)
Upper Siang district orga- Swasth India' campaign. nagar, director of external af- Pradesh to launch BBT, a government and recognized
nized an awareness camp "It is heartening to wit- fairs and partnerships of comprehensive life skill pro- private schools to ensure
here on Friday as part of the
Wildlife Week celebration,
ness organizations responsi-
bly taking the lead towards
Reckitt Benckiser Health
AMESA said that "educa-
gramme for adolescent chil-
dren," he said.
the maximum reach, accord-
ing to the release.
Top military brass discusses Ladakh situation
in order to make the locals
aware of the importance of ahead of 7th round of Corps Commander talks
wildlife protection.
DFO Dhawan Kumar
Trg in integrated pest mgmt held NEW DELHI, Oct 9: The top day, the sources said. of military talks on Septem-
military brass on Friday re- Army Chief Gen MM ber 21, the two sides an-
Rawat emphasized on the PAMPOLI, Oct 9: Twenty- viewed the security situation Naravane and several top nounced a slew of decisions
role of the villagers, and two farmers selected under
in eastern Ladakh as well as milita ry offic ia ls were including not to send more
spoke about the Mouling the ATMA farm school par-
strategies for the seventh present in the meeting. troops to the frontline, re-
National Park. ticipated in a training pro-
round of Corps Commander- At the talks, the two frain from unila te ra lly
"Ramsing is on the ma- gramme on integrated pest level talks with the Chinese sides are also expected to changing the situation on
jor tourist circuit, which management organized here
PLA which is scheduled on look into further steps to the ground and avoid tak-
needs to be harnessed for by the East Kameng KVK
October 12, people familiar maintain stability on the ing any actions that may
income generation of the on Friday. with the developments said. ground and avoid any action further complicate matters.
village through ecotourism KVK Head Dr MC Deb-
The Corps Commander that may trigger fresh ten- The military talks were
activities like homestay, na- nath, plant protection scien- talks are taking place with a sion in the region, they said. held with a specific agenda
ture trail, handicrafts, etc," tist PP Tripathi, and Khe-
specific agenda of firming A senior official of the of exploring ways to imple-
he said. newa ADO Joymoni Be- up a roadmap for disen- Ministry of External Affairs ment a five-point agreement
A list of the scheduled yong were among the re-
gagement of troops from (MEA) is set to be part of reached between External
animals and a display of but- source persons.
the friction points in east- the Indian delegation at the Affairs Minister S Jaishankar
terflies from the Ramsing While Beyong spoke on
ern Ladakh. talks which will be led by Lt and his Chinese counterpart
range were showcased by the practices in broccoli spoke about the importance mask, insect picking needles, coli and pea.
The top military brass Gen Harinder Singh, the Wang Yi at a meeting in Mos-
RFO Rupir Boli. and pea cultivation, DAO of leguminous crops in fix- insect display papers, head ATMA ADO Tadi Do-
reviewed the situation in commande r of the Leh- cow on September 10 on the
The programme was (in-charge) Md JU Bahar ad- ing atmospheric nitrogen. cap and a backpack each dum, soil science expert AK
eastern Ladakh and deliber- based 14 Corps of the Indi- sidelines of a Shanghai Co-
concluded with a nature vised the farmers to "go for IPM kits containing in- were distributed among the Pandey, and AFA (Sr) KK ated on key issues to be an Army, the sources said. operation Organisation
walk of 1 km to the Dobung double -cropping" to in- sect net, magnifying glass, participants. They were also Welly also attended the pro-
flagged at the talks on Mon- Following the last round (SCO) conclave. (PTI)
Dinggo waterfall. (DIPRO) crease their income. He also eye protection gear, face- given hybrid seeds of broc- gramme.

World Mental Health Day India Test-Fires first indigenous

Anti-Radiation Missile‘Rudram-1’
Mental health is an investment NEW DELHI, Oct 9: India
on Friday successfully test-
dige nous a nti-ra diation
mis sile developed by
" Psychiatric morbidity: there is a genuine deficien- khs are in the amphetamine health conditions on the thos e ne e ding me nta l fired a new generation anti- @DRDO_India for Indian
Dr Pakha Tesia 10 percent (13.8 crore) cy of MHPs in smaller towns group; 12 lakhs use halluci- rise. Mental illness is on health care. Now it is the radiation missile which will Air Force was tested suc-
" Severe mental disor- and villages and thus, many nogens drugs; 7 lakhs use the rise in all the states, in- duty of the state govern- be part of the tactical weap- ce ssfully today a t IT R,

orld Menta l ders: 0.8 percent (1 crore) can't have access to special- volatile substances. cluding Arunachal. Daily ments to make sure they onry of the Indian Air Force, Balasore. Congratulations
Hea lth Da y In a vast country like ist help. In many district People might wonder reports in various media follow them in the true spir- officials said. to DRDO & other stake-
(WMHD) is a India, such is the magni- hospitals, there is no regu- why substances like alco- speak volumes about ram- it with a c tions on the The missile, Rudram-1, holders for this remarkable
programme of the World tude of psychiatric prob- lar supply of psychotropic hol and drugs statistics are pant addiction, and broken ground. is India's first indigenously achievement," he tweeted.
Fe de ra tion for Menta l le m among our people. medicines, which further given here. De-addiction families and suicides are Mental health is an in- developed anti-radiation In May last year, the In-
Health (WFMH). It was first T he a bove figure jus t hampers the management of psychiatry is a specialized on the rise in every town/ vestment and not an ex- missile that has the speed dian Air successfully test-
held on 10 October, 1992, gives the patient count. mental illnesses. branch of psychiatry, deal- village. There is deficien- pense for any community/ of Mach two or twice the fired the aerial version of
and is observed annually all Add to it the many All these factors de- ing with use of alcohol and cy of specialist doctors, state. If we relook at the fig- speed of sound. The mis- the BrahMos missile from
over the world. families who suffer in si- scribe the need for greater other substanc es. Many hospitals , re habilitation ures, one can imagine what sile is likely to be integrated a Su-30 MKI fighter air-
Ea ch yea r, a menta l lence along with their pa- investment in the area of addiction patients do not ce ntres, ha lfway homes far-reaching consequences with the Sukhoi fighter jets craft.
healthcare theme is chosen, tients . T ha t numbe r is mental health. As practising come in time for help to men- and old-age homes in most we have to pay for our fu- of the Indian Force once The BrahMos missile
and for 2020 the theme is huge and challenging due ps ychiatrists, we try to tal health professionals. states. ture if we neglect the facts the missile is ready for in- provides the IAF with a
duction, the officials said. much-desired capability to
'Mental health for all - Great- to the lack of adequate spread awareness and edu- Many of them get treated for Wit h the a va ila ble and numbers of mental ill-
er investment, greater ac- mental health profession- cation regarding mental ill- gastritis, liver or pancreas data, the government of ness. Imagine the lost lives The missile was test-fired strike from large stand-off
at the integrated test range at ra nge s on any target at
cess'. The WFMH has mem- a ls (MHP) a nd me nta l ness and treatment, one pa- problem, without address- India came out with a far- (suicide), accidents and
Balasore in Odisha around sea or on land with pin-
bership of many countries healthcare facilities. tient/family at a time. We ing the root issue of sub- reac hing judgment - the cost incurred by govern-
10:30 AM, officials said. point accuracy by day or
across the globe and with This brings our atten- know that many of the psy- stance abuse, eg, alcohol Mental Health Act, 2017, ment/families in the treat-
De fence Minister night and in all weather
the help of this programme tion to the question of treat- chiatric illnesses are treat- problem, which respects the digni- ment of addiction. With the
Rajnath Singh congratulated conditions.
annually raises awareness ment gaps. Around 15 per- able and manageable with Suicide is the silent epi- ty of persons and families onset of Covid-19, harsh The IAF is also integrat-
the Defence Research and
within the global communi- cent of the mentally ill get timely help. Medicines and demic among our young afflicted with psycholog- and drastic lockdown mea- Development Organisation ing the Brahmos supersonic
ty about the mental health timely help, which shows psychotherapy are the two population. The National ical issues and have far- sures, containments still (DRDO) on successful test cruise missile on over 40
challenges, gaps and prior- that the majority of our pop- main treatment arms. C rime Rec ords Burea u reaching legislation/obli- persisting, large-scale so- firing of the missile. Sukhoi fighter jets which are
ities through collaborative ulation don't have timely ac- the national survey on (NCRB), 2019, data report- ga ti ons . S e c tion 18 cioe conomic disruption, "New Generation Anti- aimed at bolstering overall
and unifying voices aimed cess to treatment for their the extent and pattern of ed 1,39,123 suicide cases in speaks about the right to job losses, business going Radiation Missile (Rudram- combat capability of the
at taking actions, and ad- psychiatric ailments. When substance use (2019) con- India. The number of at- access mental health for bankrupt - almost everyone 1) which is India’s first in- force. (PTI)
dressing and creating last- we disc us s ps yc hiatric ducted by social welfare & tempted suicide and delib- all. This statement talks has experienced anxiety,
ing changes towards restor- trea tment, we definitely justice ministry and the AI- erate self-harm (DSH) is 20 about the access to men- depression and sleep dis-
ing the dignity of all those have many issues which IMS, New Delhi, gave alarm- times more for every com- tal health. Section 18 (4) turbance. We still do not Assam singer Kalpana Patowary joins AGP
living with mental illness. hinder the help seeking/ ing figures related to the pleted suicide which is re- de als with the ra nge of know what the future holds
GUWAHATI, Oct 9: Noted torial Region joined the BJP.
The observation of this treatment, including igno- magnitude of substa nce ported around 28 lakhs af- services to be made avail- for the majority in terms of
Bhojpuri singer Kalpana Pa- United Bodo People Or-
day provides an opportuni- rance and lack of awareness use in our country. fected persons. able, like a) outpatient and long-term ps ychological
towary joined the Asom ganisation president Mi-
ty to invite the attention of about psychological health All the above numbers inpatient services; b) sup- impact.
Gana Parishad on Friday. hineswar Basumatary, 21
governments, donors, poli- aspect. Even the so-called Alcohol use in India are reported, but that is just port family of person with In these bleak times, we
Patowary, who was ear- state committee members,
cymakers and all stakehold- educated public shy away 16 crore use alcohol; 5.7 the tip of the iceberg. More- mental illness; c) rehabili- have to help each other to
ers to ensure action for from seeking mental health crore are problematic users; over, we need to remember tation services; d) child fight back and rebound to lier a member of the BJP, district committee presidents
gre ater inves tment and professionals' help because 2.9 crore are dependent/ad- the loss incurred, where and geriatric (old age) ser- the good days ahead. On joined its ally AGP at its and over 700 membe rs
commitment for menta l of stigma and perceived diction patients. whole families are deeply af- vice; and e) free medicine this day, let us pledge to headquarters in Guwahati in joined the BJP at a function.
health. discrimination. fected. (essential drugs). give our brothers and sis- the presence of party presi- Chief Minister Sarba-
In 2014, the National Awareness among oth- Cannabis use in India From an economic as- Section 18 (6) - Commu- ters and those with mental dent Atul Bora and minis- nanda Sonowal said that
Mental Health Policy was er health professionals is 3.1 crore use cannabis; 72 pect, the World Economic nity health centres in the illness the right to live with ters Keshav Mahanta and the members of an indige-
Phani Bhushan Choudhury, nous community such as

launched in India. The same lacking also, and patients lakhs are problematic users; Forum, 2018, noted that public health system, dis- dignity. I pray that the gov-
year, the national mental are often wrongly advised and 25 lakhs are dependent/ mental health disorders are trict mental he alth pro- ernment, policymakers and among others. the Bodos joining the BJP
health survey (2014-2016) to stop psychiatric medica- addiction patients. on the rise in every country gramme (DMHP). Section philanthropists contribute She said that as an As- proves that the motto of
was c onducted by the tions and are rarely referred and it could cost the global 18 (5) F - the government gre a te r inve s tme nt to- samese she is committed to 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas'

NIMHANS, Banga lore , for psychiatric consultation Opioid/heroin use in India economy upto 16 trillion US shall make rules regarding wards mental health. (Dr her motherland and has a re- (With all, development for
which gave us important in spite of visible psycho- 2.3 crore use opioids; 77 la- dollars between 2010-2030 if reimbursement of costs of Pakha Tesia is MD, Psychi- sponsibility towards work- all) is turning into a reality.
data. logical distress. khs are problematic users; mental health needs are not treatment (compensation atry, NIMHANS, Banga- ing for the implementation He claimed that Assam

Many unexplaine d and 28 lakhs are dependent addressed. clause for not providing lore, and consultant psy- of the various clauses of the was under attack from vari-
Prevalence of mental ill- physical symptoms (all re- users. The current worldwide services). chiatrist and de-addiction Assam Accord. ous forces but all must unite
ness ports normal) can be attrib- pandemic arose against an Such groundbre aking specialist at the Mind & Meanwhile, members of to fight against the inimical

" Total population: 138 uted to some psychological Other substances: already dire mental health legislation is adopted for Wellness Clinic, Shillong several Bodo organisations forces and help in building
crore causation/factors. Besides, 10 lakhs use cocaine; 18 la- landscape that saw mental the ove ra ll we lfa re of and Guwahati) outside the Bodoland Terri- a strong state. (PTI)
4 NATIONAL The Arunacha l Times, Saturday, Octo ber 10, 2020

The Arunachal Times

Nitish banking on BJP
F Bihar Elections
or the past 15 years, barring one-odd year, JD(U) As far as LJP is concerned, Chirag Paswan appears to
Thought of the day President Nitish Kumar has been Bihar’s Chief be somewhat in a hurry to become Chief Minister at least
"There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if Minister mostly with the support of the BJP. For a Ram Manjhi’s Hindustan Awami Party (Secular), while the in the next 2025 Assembly polls. He wants to utilise Nitish’s
you don't care who gets the credit." brief period, his government had to rely on support of BJP allocated 11 seats to Mukesh Sahni-led Vikassheel declining popularity plus cash in on Tejashwi Yadav’s
~ Ronald Reagan ~ Congress, CPI and independents and later for two years, Insaan Party from its own share. This means JD(U) will failure to fill in the gap. The theory that BJP wants to
with the help of his foe-turned-friend RJD, which turns contest on 115 seats while BJP on 110 — a very different marginalise Nitish through LJP isn’t that spot on or even
out to be an arch rival again. But now, Nitish’s graph is picture from that of 2010 Assembly elections when JD(U) if it is, it won’t materialise, barring a few seats, because
Time to take extra precautions plummeting, particularly due to his flip flops — quitting
the NDA in 2013 to ally with RJD in 2015 and again
contested on 141 and BJP on 102 seats.
One can easily spot the difference between the two
LJP’s contested vote share in 2015 was 29% to that of
BJP’s 38% — a gap of 9%. LJP then contested 42 seats in
returning back to NDA in 2017. And if this is not enough, NDA partners from the seat sharing compared to that of alliance with BJP.
In a worrying development, 17 persons he has earned the ire of the migrants for initial failure to 2010 and 2015. JD(U) wanted to retain the old formula but Thus, despite being in an open alliance with BJP, there
tested positive for Covid-19 at the Industrial efficiently bring them back to their homes during the finally had to climb down recognising the changing ground wasn’t a smooth transfer of BJP’s votes to LJP. That is
Training Institute (ITI) in Balinong in Changlang lockdown. reality, although it is on expected lines. also the main reason that BJP wasn’t keen to give 42 seats
distr ict. The ITI ope ned on 21 September. According to a recent survey done by C-Voter, 57% of Amidst all this, the big surprise that has now emerged to LJP, which later climbed down to 36 seats, a demand,
Several other ITIs across the state have also the people in the State have expressed anger against the is the walking out of the Lok Janshakti Party led by Chirag reported to not being agreed by BJP. In fact, LJP isn’t a
been opened by the state government post Chief Minister. This means that Nitish, for the first time, is Paswan from State NDA, protesting against Nitish’s pan-Bihar party. Its best performance was in February 2005
unlock. With the government gradually opening facing a strong anti-incumbency wave. But the same Assembly polls, when it won 29 seats. Since then, the
the schools and colleges, the Balinong case survey also says that he is preferred by around 30% i.e. Spotlight party’s fortune has been declining, both in terms of seats
has come as a shocker. It is going to scare the double than that of RJD’s Tejashwi Yadav, the chief By Sagarneel Sinha and vote share. In 2015 polls, it managed to win only two
parents and the school and college authorities. ministerial face of the Mahagatbandhan, which also seats and secured 5% vote share, that too fighting in
Seventeen people testing positive in a single includes the Congress and the three Left parties, CPI, CPI leadership. The LJP declared it would put up candidates alliance with BJP.
institute definitely point towards violation of (M) and CPI (ML). against JD(U) but won’t contest against those of BJP. On the other hand, in both Assembly polls of 2010
SOP. There should be a proper investigation However, Nitish knows that the voter support isn’t Many political analysts are terming this as a shadow and 2005 (October), the vote transfer between JD(U)
into whether the standard operating procedure enough for him to return back to power, plus a section that alliance — designed mainly by BJP high command to and BJP was smooth, as both have been traditional
(SOP) was violated at the ITI in Balinong. presently wants him as back as Chief Minister isn’t that fond marginalise Nitish’s JD(U) through LJP. The same analysts partners. Unlike LJP, JD(U) still has a voter base of
If anyone is found guilty, strong action should of him. Another survey of C-Voter done earlier this year along also say that this is BJP’s game plan to deny Nitish the around 14-16% in the State. That’s why BJP won’t dump
be initiated. Also, the government should relook with IANS pointed out that Prime Minister Narendra Modi top post after election results and to grab the Chief JD(U) for LJP, an action that shall only benefit its two
the SOPs being prepared for s chools and has an approval rating of 58% in the State. This clearly shows Minister’s kursi, a long cherished dream of the BJP. arch rivals, RJD and Congress as it happened in 2015.
colleges in the wake of this latest development. the attractiveness of BJP here, which with Modi’s popularity Importantly, BJP’s strike rate has always been higher than Also JD(U) isn’t Shiv Sena, which too was stubborn to
Is the SOP really going to work on the ground, has been able to penetrate among non-Yadav & non-Kurmi that of JD(U) and in light of LJP contesting against JD(U), accept the changed ground reality, the rise of BJP, in
or do es it ne ed innovation? Fur ther, the OBC voters, Dalit and Maha Dalit voters. even Nitish’s party fears its tally will be lower than that of Maharashtra.
implementation of SOPs while opening schools In 2015 Ass e mbly ele ctions, when the BJP. However, not to upset him, the saffron party has But one thing is certain i.e. if NDA, which is ahead
and colleges should be strictly checked. The Mahagatbandhan (JD-U + RJD + Congress) combine won announced that if the NDA wins, irrespective of the outcome, in the race as of now, wins on 10th November, there is a
with a thumping majority banking on Yadav-Koeri-Muslim Nitish would be Chief Minister from the alliance. One mustn’t high probability that BJP will get more seats than JD(U),
government should ensure that officials make
combination, BJP-led NDA had an upper hand of support forget that in 2015 Assembly polls, RJD emerged as the largest or even if it surprisingly loses, it may still get more
surprise visits and check whether the SOPs are
among these non-forward caste social groups. This is party but Nitish became Chief Minister. seats than JD(U). The most likely scenario after this
being properly followed. No one should be
quite significant because BJP earlier was known as party True that BJP desires to fulfil its dream, but it’s also election is that BJP will replace JD(U) as the leader of
allowed to play with the lives of the children.
of the forward castes. true that for now it wants Nitish to be NDA’s face, given one pole, while RJD will continue to play the lead role
Covid-19 is a deadly virus and it is starting to
JD(U) is well aware of this ground reality. That’s why that the saffron party is aware that despite his declining of the other pole in the state. So, the future road for
create havoc in the state. The time has come
the party has had a climb down on seat-sharing with BJP popularity, he still is ahead of others in the race. Plus, Nitish isn’t going to be easy even if he retains the Chief
for extra precautions to protect everyone. and agreed to contest just one more seat i.e. 122 to that of BJP’s State leadership itself is a divided house that banks Minister’s post, as his party will eventually have to
BJP’s 121. From its share, JD(U) gave seven seats to Jitan primarily on Modi’s popularity. depend on either BJP or RJD. – INFA
Delhi approves tree transplantation
policy, smog tower in Connaught Place India's digital footprint biggest strength US Deputy Secretary of State to
NEW DELHI, Oct 9: The The government has sta-
visit India and Bangladesh next week
Delhi Cabinet on Friday ap-
proved a tree transplanta-
tioned Rs 20 crore, and the
tower will come up in 10
for AI development: Amitabh Kant WASHINGTON, Oct 9: US tegic Partnership and how
tion policy to preserve the months, the chief minister said, Deputy Secretary of State the two nations can work
NEW DELHI, Oct 9: India's nations in the world, who to increase transparency AI' will be dedicated to-
trees in the national capital, claiming that it will be the first Stephen Biegun will visit together to advance peace,
Chie f Mi nister Arvind of its kind in the world. digital footprint marks its face similar issues. and improve governance". wards the rightful use of the New Delhi next week to prosperity, and security in
Kejriwal said here. Under the tree trans- biggest strength for AI de- "Data lies at the core of India's resolve to suc- technology in solving soci- meet senior officials and the Indo-Pacific and around
Addressing an online me- plantation policy, agencies velopment, and established development of AI technolo- cessfully leverage AI to solve etal problems. deliver the keynote remarks the globe, the release said.
dia briefing, he said the Cabi- conc erne d will have to platforms like Aadhaar, UPI gies. India's digital footprint various developmental chal- "...therefore, we will at the India-US Forum. From October 14 to 16
net has also approved a pro- transplant 80 per cent of the along with massive digital in- is its biggest strength for AI lenges will not just transform ramp up our computing fa- Biegun would be in In- Biegun will be in Dhaka to
posal to install a 'smog tower' tree s affe cted by their frastructure create a "unique development," he said. the lives of 1.4 billion popu- cilities... we will take big leap dia from October 12 to 14, meet senior government of-
in Delhi's Connaught Place to projects to a new location, opportunity" for this futur- Noting India's digital lation here, but, in fact, also forward in quantum comput- after which he will travel to ficials and reaffirm the US-
deal with air pollution. he said. (PTI) istic technology to be lever- prowes s - humongous holds out a promise for bil- ing and we will, in a very big Bangladesh on a two-day Bangladesh partnership.
aged to enhance transpar- amounts of data generated lions of people across the way, skill our people...for AI visit, according to an offi- His e ngagements in
ency and improve gover- at "cheapest possible cost", world, who are moving from world of tomorrow," he said. cial announcement here on Bangladesh will focus on
Parliamentary panel on IT to take nance, NITI Aayog CEO rising smartphone penetra- poverty to middle class. AI for social empower- Friday.
Building on US Secre-
advancing common vision
of a free, open, inclusive,
Amitabh Kant said on Friday. tion and rapid adoption of "Actually, when India ment can define new era of
up TRP manipulation issue: Sources Speaking at the closing digital modes of payment -- solves using AI for people co-operation and prosper- tary of State Mike Pompeo's
October 6 meeting with Ex-
peaceful, and secure Indo-
Pacific region with shared
channels have cast doubts ses sion of RA ISE 2020 Ka nt s aid, "India's of India, it is not solving for ity, thus ushering the next
NEW DELHI, Oct 9: Amidre- ternal Affairs Minister S prosperity for all, the State
ports of manipulations in on the legitimacy and reliabil- Summit, Kant said India op- digitisation efforts through 1.4 billion people of India level of progress. Jaishankar and ahead of the Department said.
Television Rating Points ity of the system. TRPs pro- timally leveraging Artificial platforms such as Aadhaar, but for the next 7 billion "We are still in the AI US-India 2+2 Ministerial The US-Bangladesh co-
(TRP) by some channels, the duce essential data on televi- Intelligence (AI) to solve its UPI, GST, public finance people of the world who are 'spring', we are still at its Dialogue later this year, operation on COVID-19 re-
Parliamentary Standing Com- sion audiences in India and developmental challenges management system and moving from poverty to be ginning era . And this Biegun's engagements in sponse and recovery and
mittee on Information Tech- have become the primary ba- will not only lead to a soci- digital infrastructure has middle class," he said. summit has c emente d India will focus on advanc- sustainable economic de-
nology, chaired by Congress sis for advertising deci- etal transformation within, created a unique opportu- Kant further said that India 's pos ition in AI ing the United States-India velopment will also be part
MP Shashi Tharoor, has de- sions," Karti said in a letter but will also benefit other nity for AI to be leveraged India's 'National program on world," he said. (PTI) Comprehensive Global Stra- of the agenda, it added. (PTI)
cided to take up the issue, to panel chairman Tharoor.
sources said on Friday. "There is a need for fur-
Congress MP and mem-
be r of the pa nel Karti
ther understanding this situ-
ation. In light of this, it is
China joins WHO's COVAX Covid-19 vaccine alliance; to buy 15 mn doses
Chidambaram had requested important that the standing plans to distribute the vac- ture #COVID19 vaccines are
BEIJING, Oct 9: China has by China to cover its 1.4 bil- equal access to appropriate, and even started vaccinat-
Tharoor to take up the mat- committee take up this is-
officially joined the World cines to developing coun- lion population would de- distributed equitably be- safe and effective vaccines. ing thous ands of e mer-
ter and call the officials of sue. Therefore, I request
He alth Organization's tries on its own ahead of prive the vaccine opportu- cause no one is safe until To that end, we have sol- gency workers, according to
the Information and Broad- you to call before the Com-
(WHO) COVAX alliance to developed countries. nity to people from a num- everyone is s afe," Se th emnly pledged to make vac- official media reports here.
casting Ministry before the mittee concerned officials
equitably distribute COVID- Hua later told a media ber of countries. Berkley, chief executive of cines developed and de- Yang Sheng, Deputy Di-
committee to seek clarifica- of the responsible ministry,
tion and remedial measures. Ministry of Information and 19 vac cines a round the briefing that C hina is If the pa rtic ipating Gavi, tweeted. ployed by China a global rector of the National Medi-
The sources said that Broadcasting, to seek nec- globe, ending speculation finalising the modalities of population in China is too WHO a nnounc ed in public good, which will be c al Products
the panel was serious about essary clarification on the that it plans to supply them its participation with offi- large then vaccines for other August that 172 economies provide d to developing Administration's drug reg-
the reports of manipula- current situation and reme- on its own to developing cials of Gavi and agreed to countries will be less. This are now engaged in discus- countries as a priority". istration bureau, said four
tions in TRP, and it will be dial measures," he said. countries to improve its im- buy 15 COVAX vaccines to is clear math. The 15 million sions to potentially partici- Therefore, China has China-developed COVID-19
discussed in length. Echoing similar senti- age dented by the pandemic administer them to the Chi- is an appropriate number. pate in COVAX, a global ini- maintained close communi- vaccines have begun the fi-
The government's ad- ments, former Information since it emerged in Wuhan nese population. This shows China's partici- tiative aimed at working cation with COVAX with a nal stage of human trials
vertising expenditure de- and Broadcasting minister in December last year. As far as I know, many pation in this programme with vaccine manufacturers positive attitude towards overseas after obtaining
pends on this system, and and Congress MP Manish According to the WHO, Chinese vaccine companies and accommodates the in- to provide countries world- joining it. Even when China approval from foreign au-
public spending should not Tewari said the entire para- countries should join the have expressed willingness terests of other countries," wide equitable access to is leading the world with thorities.
be based on flawed data, digm of TRP has vitiated the COVID-19 Vaccine Global to join, and technical ex- she said. safe and effective vaccines, se vera l va ccines in a d- China has been focus-
Karti said. broadcasting industry, es- Access Facility (COVAX perts from both sides are Hua, however, did not once they are licensed and vanced stages of R&D and ing on de ve loping five
"Flawed or manipulated pecially the news media, and Facility) by September 18 currently in close communi- directly respond to ques- approved. with ample production ca- types of vaccines, and each
TRP cannot be the basis of it should be seriously taken but not later than October 9 cation about development, tions whether China would China has already prom- pacity, it still decided to join method has at least one en-
ad spend. TV companies also up by Parliament and the with upfront payments. certification, supervision also simultaneously provide ised access and loans for COVAX, she said. tering clinical trials. In total,
base their valuations on TRP. government. On October 8, China and and other aspects ," s he the vaccine to countries of pote ntia l vac cine s to a We are taking this con- 11 vaccine candidates are in
Those valuations are ques- Tharoor was last month Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, said. its choice. number of lowe r and crete step to ensure equi- different stages of testing,
tionable now," he added. reappointed chairman of the signed an agreement, offi- China has been in com- According to Gavi, to- middle-income nations a table distribution of vac- Yang has been quoted by
TRP is a tool to judge reinstated Parliamentary move the Chinese leader-
cially joining COVAX, Chi- munication with COVAX tal commitments from gov- cines, especially to develop- the official media earlier.
which TV programmes are Standing Committee on In- ship may see as a better bet
ne se Foreign Minis try parties and will purchase ernments as well as from ing countrie s, a nd hope Zheng Zhongwei, head
viewed the most and also formation Technology,
s poke sperson Hua vaccine for 15 million people organisations such as the for its diplomatic agenda more capable countries will of China's vaccine develop-
indic ates the vie we rs ' days after BJP members
Chunying said in a state- in China, this is based on Bill & Melinda Gates Foun- than joining the WHO - also join and support ment task force said China's
choice and popularity of a sought his removal for sum-
particular channel. moning Facebook officials ment on Friday. the consensus reached by dation have reached USD ba cked s cheme, Hong COVAX. China will also annual capacity to make
Karti's demand that the before the panel. This is an important step both sides and this is a good 1.8 billion. Kong-based South China strengthen vaccine coop- COVID-19 vaccines was ex-
parliamentary panel should Tharoor had called the China has taken to uphold result for both, she said. For its part, Gavi has Morning Post reported on eration with relevant coun- pected to reach 610 million
take up the issue came a day officials of the social media the concept of a shared Purchase of this per- welcomed China's participa- September 23. tries through the COVAX doses this year and one bil-
after Mumbai Police claimed giant over reports in the US community of health for all centage only accounts for tion. Elaborating on China's network, she said. lion doses by 2021.
to have busted a TRP ma- media suggesting that it and to honour its commit- one per cent of the national "Delighted to welcome decision to join the global China has roped in more WHO said nine candi-
nipulation racket and ar- had not a pplied hate ment to turn COVID-19 vac- population but it demon- China to the #COVAX Fa- alliance, Hua said in her than a dozen countries to date vaccines are currently
rested four people. speech rules on members cines into a global public strates our support to the cility! This announcement statement, China continues conduct the final phase tri- being evaluated for inclu-
"The recent issues sur- of the BJP and some right good, she said, apparently programme," Hua said, add- gives even more momentum to focus on ensuring that als of Chinese-made experi- sion in the COVAX Facil-
rounding TRPs of television wing outfits in India.(PTI) refuting reports that China ing that any larger purchase to our mission to ensure fu- developing countries have mental COVID-19 vaccines ity. (PT I)
The Arunacha l Times, Saturday, Octo ber 10, 2020 LOCAL/ NATIONAL 5
DC releases final ... Selfless orgs need... Christian forum sends...
(From P-1) The Supreme Court's direction of 29 September, 2009, states that no unau-
thorized construction shall be permitted in the name of temple, church, mosque, gurud-
wara, etc, on public streets, public parks, and other public places. For religious structures
constructed prior to 2009, the structure should be within a residential area and the major-
ity of the residents should profess that religion.
The Tawang DA reportedly invoked Section 4 (1) of the Arunachal Pradesh Public
Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupant) Act, 2003.
Reportedly, there is a blanket ban on land allotment in Tawang for a decade. More
than 200 land allotments issued to private and public parties had to be cancelled in 2007-
2008 after the district's students' union raised the issue.

State records...
(From P-1) Lohit recorded 19 cases, of whom 14 are prisoners who tested positive in
the district jail in Tezu, three tested positive in Tezu township, and the remaining two are
ITBP personnel who tested positive in QF.
(From P-1) A total of 156 families had been identified Tirap reported 17 cases, of which 10 were reported from the flu clinic at the general
for resettlement and rehabilitation, and 30 families have hospital in Khonsa and seven tested positive at the check gate.
been identified for "land for land." (DIPRO) All cases reported from Upper Subansiri tested positive at the flu clinic of the district
hospital in Daporijo.
ADS arrests two... (From P-1) Earlier in the day, the Magic Club distributed dustbins to the shopkeepers Meanwhile, 198 people were declared recovered or were discharged on the day. (See
of Vivek Vihar area. (DIPRO) full bulletin here.)

Over 20 police ...

(From P-1) Among the seven APPS officers, ICR SP Tumme Amo has been posted as
commanding officer of the 2nd IRBn in Diyun in Changlang district, Dibang Valley SP
Singjatla Singpho has been transferred to Siang district, and Lohit SP DW Thungon has
been made the new SP of Namsai.
Senior IPS officer Madhur Verma has been named the deputy inspector general (po-
lice headquarters), while fire & emergency services SP Romil Baaniya has been made the
assistant inspector general of police (planning).
Baaniya has also been given the additional charge of SP (traffic & road safety).
SP (prison) Kime Aya has been made the commanding officer of the 4th Indian Re-
serve Battalion (IRBn) in Jully.
Namsai SP Ankit Kumar Singh has been transferred to Lohit district.
Special investigation team (SIT) SP Hemant Tiwari has been made the principal of the
police training centre in Banderdewa, the order said, adding that West Kameng SP Raja
Banthia has been transferred to West Siang.
Siang SP Kushal Pal Singh has been transferred to Lower Siang, Longding SP BR
Reddy has been sent to West Kameng, and East Kameng SP Piyush Fulzele has been
made the SP (police headquarters).
Kamle SP Sumit Kumat Jha has been transferred to East Kameng as SP, and Rahul
(From P-1) Praising the ADS on its success, the DSP Gupta, who was awaiting posting, has been made the Kamle SP.
said that the police under the leadership of SP Sanjay Ku- Aishwariya Sharma has been posted as the SP of Pakke-Kessang.
mar Sain "has zero tolerance towards drugs and have been Dinesh Kumar Gupta has been made AIGP (operations) and OSD to DGP, Sanjay
immensely successful in curbing drug trade in the district." Bhatia has been made SP of fire & emergency services, and VH Meena has been made the
However, he cautioned the people to not be compla- Longding SP.
cent with the success, saying that "there is a lot of work to Rohit Rajbir Singh has been made the SIT SP, Satyavir Katara is SP (security), RS
be done by both the police and the civil societies to realize Sagar has been made the Dibang Valley SP, and Rakesh Kumar has been made the com-
the dream of a drug-free Roing." mandant of the 1st IRBn in Nansangmukh in Tirap district. (PTI)

Mental health for all: Greater...

(From P-1) When we the top five in almost all cat- and people should have ac- use disorder - predominant- the wheel moving while we
talk of a country like India, egories, including cocaine, cess to mental health servic- ly opiate and alcohol use remain uncertain of a defin-
the numbers are huge in inhalants, opioids, amphet- es. Under this act, there is disorder. itive treatment for the ill-
terms of the treatment gap; amines, alcohol and can- also a provision for advance What has bee n ob- ness.
hence, there is greater need nabis. directive, wherein a person se rve d is the increas ed We are also uncertain of
for investment in mental who is not a minor can spec- number of relapses from the impact on our children
health to have greater ac- Suicide ify in writing the way he/she previous mental illnesses who are made to remain in-
cess for all. As far as suicide is con- wishes to be cared for and whilst on treatment, which doors, take online classes
T he other landmark cerned, the National Crime treated for a mental illness, is termed 'breakthrough ill- and miss out on their play-
study in the field of mental Records Bureau in 2019 re- and also appoint or nomi- ness'. It is also significant time and soc ial bonding
health was concluded a year ported that 1,39,123 persons nate a representative in or- to note that, despite the stig- with peers. The risk of mo-
ago, in 2019: the national committed suicide, which der of precedence. ma and fear of contracting bile and internet addiction
survey on extent and pat- equates to 381 completed There is another major the virus, there is an in- among young children, im-
tern of substance use in In- suicides every day, and 16 c ha nge in the Menta l crease in the number of pact on their sleep pattern,
dia, by the ministry of so- suicides every hour. How- Health Care Act Section 115 people seeking he lp for mood swings, etc, will only
cial justice & empowerment, ever, for every completed (1) regarding the attempted mental health issues. This emerge in the days to come.
in collaboration with the suicide there are approxi- suicides, which states that shows the seriousness and As highlighted earlier,
National Drug Dependence mately 20 attempted sui- "Notwithstanding anything the need for greater access the lockdown was also one
Treatment C entre (ND- cides, which amounts to 28 contained in Section 309 of to treatment of mental ill- of the factors for which peo-
DTC), AIIMS, New Delhi. lakh people attempting sui- the Indian Penal Code any ness. ple in stress during this pan-
Every state and union cide in India. person who atte mpts to As part of mental health demic couldn't reach out for
territory was surveyed and We had a spurt of sui- commit suicide shall be pre- initiative, the department of help, given the paucity of
the results are quite alarm- cides in our state in the past sumed, unless proved oth- psychiatry, TRIHMS, in col- services available in the dis- There are currently 2,860 active cases in the state, of whom 1,887 are in home isola-
ing. Four dis tric ts of few months, including in the e rwis e, to ha ve s evere laboration with the DHS had tricts. Still, many are strand- tion, while 973 people are in government-run care centres or hospitals.
Arunachal were included in adoles ce nt a ge group, stress and shall not be tried conducted various webina- ed in far-flung areas with
the survey: Papum Pare, which is quite worrying. and punis hed under the rs for the doctors, nurses limited transport services, Young environmentalists...
West Siang, Tawang and Given the time of social iso- said code." and counsellors in the dis- road blocks and fear of con- (From P-1) in front of the Swedish parliament every school day for three weeks to
Tirap. lation, the actual figures This is a significa nt tricts. Topics covering iden- tracting Covid-19. protest against lack of action against climate change.
At the national level, the could be higher as many change, given that those tification and treatment of The recent advent of The movement has since gained worldwide momentum and young people across the
survey showed that 16 crore family and friends remain who atte mpte d suic ide various mental illnesses and tele-medicine initiated by world have organized protests seeking better environment and accountability on climate
population were using alco- cut off from one another for could be booked in the past substance abuse and deal- the department of health & change by world leaders.
hol, 5.7 crore are problemat- a prolonged period of time. and could e ven be sen- ing with substance abuse in family welfare through the
ic users and 2.9 crore are
dependent or addicted on
There is also the stigma of
possible labelling as death
tenced to imprisonment or
fined, which was a big de-
the districts were imparted
through webinars to the
TRIHMS is a welcome step
and would go a long way to
DMP-affected families...
alcohol. Again, when we from Covid-19 and further terrent for people with se- districts. address the above issue. (From P-1) In a letter to the chief minister, the PAFs said that, although the govern-
look closely, we are talking isolation by the society. vere stress or mental health Trea tment protoc ols As we can see, the bur- ment and the NHPC have agreed that the land acquisition is legally and technically
about 2.9 crore families be- issues to seek help. for emergency situation den of mental illness is huge sound, "they have only dragged the PAFs" with no valid reason. "So, we have decided
ing affected. So it's not just Mental Health Care Act, Although the exact fig- due to substance abuse, and the treatment gap is to officially invite the SASI to LDV to lead us in a democratic movement if the land
the individual but the whole 2017 ures are not available, there especially in Covid care large. There is a need for compensation for LDV is not paid immediately," the families wrote, and urged the CM to
family going through the The Mental Health Care Act has been an increase in the centres and quarantine fa- gre ater inves tment and take urgent action in the LDV compensation issue.
burden of alcoholism and its was enacted with the aim of number of anxiety and de- cilities were educated. TV greater access as never be-
consequences. 'Right to acc ess mental pressive disorders present- programmes and panel dis- fore. GPF demands restoration...
For cannabis, the sur- health for everyone, not ing in the psychiatry depart- cussions were conducted As we pause and pon- (From P-1) Boje said that the road from Likabali to Basar, connecting Lower Siang,
vey showed 3.1 crore users only for people with mental ment of the TRIHMS OPD. through All India Radio and der today on this day of
Leparada and East Siang districts, is in a bad shape "and needs immediate repairing,
with 72 lakh problematic health disorder' in 2017. An average of 15-30 pa- Doordarshan in Itanagar World Mental Health Day,
maintenance and restoration as hundreds of commuters are facing lots of inconvenience."
users and 25 lakh depen- Under the act, a person tients are catered to in the on the impact of Covid-19 let us pledge to at least help
dent or addicted to can- with mental illness has the OPD on a daily basis, with a pandemic on thos e with one person with mental ill- He urged the NHIDCL's Executive Director (Technical) Ajaya Ahluwalia to ensure
nabis. Opiate users amount- right to outpatient and in- sizeable number managed persons and families with ness - it could be your work early restoration of the road communication, besides immediate construction of a tempo-
ed to 2.6 crore with 77 lakhs patient mental health servic- over as part of tele-consul- mental illnes s and sub- collea gue struggling to rary passage for vehicular movement between the districts.
problematic users and 28 es; support to families of tation, especially for those stance use disorders. cope with work, your distant Speaking to the press, Boje informed that the NHIDCL has assured to construct a
lakhs dependent users. The persons with mental illness; who need follow-up and As we become fatigued cousin in depression, your temporary bridge using Hume pipes and later work to construct a permanent bridge.
survey also showed 10 la- rehabilitation services and cannot travel to the hospi- and weary from the long neighbour next door strug- Boje said the area has been without electricity since 17 September, and appealed to
khs for cocaine, 18 lakhs for child and geriatric mental tal. There is an increased war with Covid-19 pandem- gling with the loss of busi- the power department to restore the power supply in the area.
amphetamines, 12 lakhs for health services; and provi- shift of patients suffering ic, we are yet to feel the full ness, or your old parent un- He also said that the under-construction road from Likabali to Basar is in a terrible
hallucinogens and 7 lakhs sion for free/affordable es- from anxiety and panic dis- impact of stress and its con- able to sleep. Let us join shape, and urged the district administration to direct the construction agency not to halt
for inhalants in children. sential medicines. orde r and de pres sion. sequences with the rise in hands to advocate 'greater commuters for long on the road as several people have important works in their respec-
These are reported numbers The above should be Many of them suffer from numbers of positive cases investment', so as to have tive destinations.
from all around the country, made available from commu- psychosis, mood disorder, and death. The effect is like- 'greater access to mental The team also met several victims of the 17 September devastation and assured them
but the actual numbers may nity health centres and up- acute stress reactions, mul- ly to extend not only to the health' for everyone, every- of support.
be higher. wards in the public health tiple somatic symptoms, re- general population but also where! (Dr Tame Kena is The GPF contributed emergency lights, solar lanterns, cooking gas stoves, umbrellas
Among all the 36 states systems . Eve ry district lapse of seizures, and in- to health workers, law en- Assistant Professor, De- and cash collected from the executive members to the affected people.
a nd union territories , should have a mental health somnia. A significant num- forcing agents and others partment of Psychiatry, GPF general secretary Reken Ingo also spoke.
Arunachal ranked among programme as per the act ber presents with substance who are mandated to keep TRIHMS, Naharlagun.) The GPF team included its vice president (P) Tujum Poyom and vice president (A)
Marjum Karlo, among others.
C 6 WORLD The Arunachal Times, Saturday, October 10, 2020
Kyrgyz president declares state of emergency amid protests Russia sponsors Nagorno-Karabakh cease-fire talks
MOSCOW, Oct 9: Russia
moved to stop the worst
MOSCOW, Oct 9: he em- Another politician was escalation of fighting in the
ba ttled president of badly i njured amid the separatist region of
Kyrgyzstan ordered a nearly clashes on the square, but Nagorno-Karabakh in more
two-week state of emer- the circumstances of the in- than a quarter-century by
gency Friday in the capital cident weren’t immediately hosting cease-fire talks on
in a bid t o end t urmo il clear. Friday.
sparked by a disputed par- Jeenbekov, who Late Thursday, Russian
liament ary election as hunkered down for days af- President Vladimir Putin is-
clashes between rival fac- ter the vote, used the in- sued a statement calling for
tions escalated and gun- fighting between his foes to a break in the fighting be-
shots were fired at several dig in. He said Thursday he tween the Armenian and
political leaders. may conside r st eppi ng Azerbaijani forces that have
President Soo ronbai down, but only after the raged for nearly two weeks
Jeenbekov decreed that the political situation stabilizes. over the region. The Krem-
state of emergency, from 8 The president met with lin said Putin’s initiative fol-
p.m. Friday through 8 a.m. the new chief of the military lowed a series of calls with
on Oct. 21, could include a General Staff Friday, saying Armenian Prime Minister
curfew and travel restric- that he relies on the armed shelling continued over- have been killed.
Ni kol Pashini an and
tions. He also ordered the forces to help restore order. night. Armenian officials say
Azerbaijani President Ilham
military to deploy troops to dreds of pro testers who by clan rivalries that play a groups, plunging the coun- “We must quickly take Aliyev. Fighting with heavy ar- Turkey is involved in the
Bishkek, the capital, to en- stormed government build- key role in the country’s try into chaos. the situation under con- The latest outburst of til lery, warplanes and confl i ct and is sending
force the measure. ings the night after Sunday’s politics. Atambayev spoke to trol,” Jeenbekov said. dr ones has engulfed Syri an mercenari es t o
fighti ng bet ween
“We are witnessing a parliamentary vote was re- After an initial attempt demonstrators who flooded Kyrgyzstan is strategi- Nagorno-Karabakh despite fight on Azerbaijan’s side.
Azerbaijani and Armenian
real threat to the existence portedly swept by pro-gov- to break up protesters im- central Bishkek on Friday, cally located on the border forces began Sept. 27 and numerou s internatio nal Tu rkey has pu bl i cl y
of our state,” Jeenbekov ernment parties. The demon- mediately after the vote, urging them to refrain from with China and once was calls for a cease-fire. Both backed Azerbaijan in the
marked the biggest esca-
said in a statement. “The strators also freed former police have pulled back and violence. home to a U.S. air base used sides have accused each co nfli ct but has denied
lation of the decades-old
peaceful life of our citizens President Almazbek refrained from intervening “I’m against using force, for refueling and logistics for other of targeting residen- sending co mbat ant s t o
confl ict over Nagorno -
mustn’t be sacrificed to po- Atambayev, who was sen- with the demonstrations. everything should be done the war in Afghanistan. The Karabakh. The region lies tial areas and civilian infra- the region.
litical passions.” tenced to 11 years in prison Residents of the capital be- by peaceful means,” he country is a member of Rus- structure. In an interview wi th
in Azerbaijan but has been
But just hours after the in June on charges of cor- gan forming vigilante said. sia-dominated economic and Stepanakert, the capital CNN Arabic aired Thurs-
under control of ethnic Ar-
presidential decree, the In- ruption and abuse of office groups to prevent looting Shortly after he spoke, security alliances, hosts a menian forces backed by of Nagorno-Karabakh, has day, Azerbaijan’s president
terior Ministry said the state that he and his supporters that marked previous upris- supporters of Zhaparov as- Russian air base and de- been under intense shelling. admitted that Turkish F-16
Armenia since the end of
of emergency in the capital described as a political ven- ings in the country. sailed pro-Atambayev dem- pends on Moscow’s eco- Resi dents are staying in fighter jets have stayed on
a separatist war in 1994.
would only be introduced on detta by Jeenbekov. Under pressu re from onstrators on Bishkek’s nomic support. shelters, some of which are in Azerbaijan weeks after
The Kreml i n sai d
Saturday — the confusion The turmoil marks a third protesters, the Central Elec- central square, hurli ng Russian President Putin proposed calling a in the basements of apart- a joint military exercise,
reflecting the chaos that has time in 15 years that protest- tion Commission has over- stones and bottles. Vladimi r Pu tin chai red ment buildings. but insisted that they have
cease-fi re t o excha nge
engulfed the country. ers have moved to topple a turned the parliamentary A man with a pistol fired Friday’s session of his Se- On Thu rsday, a his- remained grounded. Arme-
prisoners and collect the
Co nvoys of mi litary government in Kyrgyzstan, vot e results and prot est several shots at curity Council to discuss bodies of dead sol diers. toric cathedral in the town nian officials had earlier
trucks were seen driving a Central Asian nation of 6.5 leaders have moved quickly Atambayev’s car as it sped the situation in Kyrgyzstan, o f Shu sha i n Nagorno - claimed that a Turkish F-
Russian Foreign Minister
into the city, but it wasn’t million that is one of the to form a new government. away, but the former presi- among other issues. Karabakh came u nde r 16 shot down an Armenian
Sergey Lavrov greeted his
immediately clear whether poorest to emerge from the An emergency parliament dent was unhurt. Two other “It was noted that it’s nec- shelling, a shell piercing its warplane, a claim that both
Armenian and Azerbaijani
po lice and the mi litary former Soviet Union. session on Tuesday named politicians affiliated with essary to quickly stabilize the co u nterpart s at t he dome and damaging the in- Turkey and Azerba i jan
wou ld compl y wi th t he Like in the uprisings that lawmaker Sadyr Zhaparov Atambayev also had their situation to prevent it from terior. No one was hurt in have denied.
mi ni st ry’s mansi o n i n
presidential order. ousted Kyrgyz presidents in as a new prime minister, but cars shot at as they left the sliding into chaos,” Kremlin the attack, but hours later Aliyev’s o ffice said
Moscow on Friday after-
Jeenbekov has faced 2005 and 2010, the current the move was immediately squ are, their party said. spokesman Dmitry Peskov noo n. mo re shelli ng wou nded French President Emmanuel
calls to step down from hun- protests have been driven contested by other protest They weren’t injured. said after the meeting. AP Armenia said it’s open two Russian journali sts Macron called him Friday to
to ho ldi ng a cease-fire, i nspect ing t he damage . discuss the conflict, but
while Azerbaijan has made The Azerbaijani military wouldn’t give any details of
NAM never can be platform for pursuits to undermine territorial integrity: India a potential truce condi-
ti onal o n the Armeni an
denied targeting the cathe-
the conversation. The call
followed Macron’s conver-
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 9: sion making," he said in his ou r interconnectedness, Humanitarian emergencies ence that resulted in the adop- forces’ withdrawal from Acco rdi ng to the sation with the Armenian
The Non-Aligned Move- address to the virtual Min- and dependence o n each are straining capacities. tion of the founding principles Nagorno-Karabakh, argu- Nagorno-Karabakh mili- prime minister late Thurs-
ment never was and can isterial Meeting of the Non- other," he said. Cybersecurity threats and of the Non-Aligned Move- ing that the failure of in- tary, 376 of its servicemen day.
never be a platform for pur- Aligned Movement. "We cannot fight this the uneven impact of frontier ment, he said the milestone ternational efforts to ne- have been ki l led si nce Macron’s office voiced
suits that undermine the ter- He said individual mem- adversary alone. It is the technologies are causing tur- was a good time to reflect. gotiate a settlement left it Sept. 27. Azerbaijan hasn’t hope that a truce could be
ritorial integrity of a State bers must "stop and think" people of our countries that bulence. Development con- "Even as we call for ef- no other choice but to try provided details on its mili- negotiated soon, noting that
by another State, India said before raising issues that stand to be hardest hit by cerns remain paramount for fective and reformed t o recl ai m i t s l ands by tary losses. Scores of ci- it was coordinating its ef-
on Friday, asserting that in- are not on the agenda and this pandemic and its con- the vast majority of the multilateralism, we need to force. vilians on both sides also forts with the Kremlin. AP
dividual nations must think which find no resonance in sequences. Just as this dis- world's population, he said. introspect, reform and Speaking in an address
before raising issues not on the wider membership. ease does not respect bor- The st rength of t he revitalise the current arrange- to the nati on, the
the agenda of the forum. "NAM never was and ders, our fight against it NAM family lies in its diver- ments of our own movement, Azerbaijani president said
Dennis the Menace
Minister of State for Ex- never can be a platform for must be coordinated to be sity, its shared developmen- to enable us to pursue a fo- nearly three decades of in-
ternal Affairs V pursuits aimed at undermin- effective," he said. tal experi enc e, and i ts cused, positive and transfor- ternational talks “haven’t
Muraleedharan said the Non- ing the territorial integrity of Muraleedharan said un- youthful populations brim- mative agenda going for- yielded an inch of progress,
Aligned Movement (NAM) a State by another State," he fortunately the pandemic was ming with hope and aspira- ward," he said, adding that we haven’t been given back
had the potential to take the said. not the only pressing chal- tions, he said. "we live in times when more, an inch o f the occupied
lead in addressing the primary Muraleedharan added lenge of the current times. "We must work to reduce and not less, collaborative lands.”
issues of the current times that that when the NAM mem- "Terro rism and the ir the socio-economic impact of efforts are needed". “Mediators and leaders
demand global cooperation. be rs stand to gether and enablers continue to spread this pandemic on the most The NAM has a glori- of some international orga-
"On the other hand, if speak in one voice, for in- their tentacles unabated. vulnerable sections of our ous past. However, how the nizations have stated that
we take up issues that di- stance in the Movement's Misinformation and fake society. NAM's unique tradi- future will depend on how there is no military solution
vide rather than unite us, re- steadfast commitment to news are wreaking havoc on tion of promoting South- we perform in addressing to the conflict,” Aliyev said.
ducing our Movement to a the cause of Palestine, "we social cohesion and collec- South cooperation can pro- the defining challenges of “I have disagreed with the
platform for venting bilat- can and do have a decisive tive security, he said. vide a wayout as societies look our era, Mu raleedharan thesis, and I have been
eral grievances or for embar- influence on global out- "Climate change has be- to rebuild andregenerate in the said, adding that as nations right. The conflict is now
rassing fellow Members, we comes - we can be a force come an existential threat, wake of this crisis," he said. contend with challenges, it being settled by military
will soon become a weak for good." especially to the most vulner- With the year 2020 mark- is the principles of solidar- means and political means
and irrelevant entity, with The COVID-1 9 pa n- able SIDS (Small Island De- ing the 65th anniversary of the ity and cooperation that will will come next.”
no say at all in global deci- demic has reminded "us of veloping States) countries. landmark Bandung Confer- guide the way. AP Azerbaijani officials and
Nagorno-Karabakh sepa-
ratist authorities said heavy

World Food Program wins Nobel Peace Prize as hunger surges Peanuts
NIAMEY, Niger, Oct 9: The tional cooperation,” com- its current head — who was fer some form of hunger in global emergency delivery
World Food Program won mittee chair Berit Reiss- nominated by Trump’s ad- the world today. service for humanitarian aid.
the Nobel Peace Prize on Andersen said shortly after ministration — has been a U.N. Secretary-General Officials said the unprec-
Friday for its efforts to com- the award was announced. rare recent example of U.S.- Antonio Guterres said he edented effort involved
bat hunger in regions fac- “We are sending a signal to led internationalism. was delighted the award nearly 130 countries and
ing conflict and hardship at this type of nationalism David Beasley, WFP’s went to “the world’s first was key in ensuring that aid
a time when the coronavirus where the responsibility for executive director, said the responder on the frontlines for the pandemic kept flow-
pandemic has driven mil- global affairs is not being award rightly goes to his of food insecurity.” It was ing in addition to other as-
lions more people to the faced.” entire team. the ninth award for the U.N. sistance, like the drugs and
brink of starvation. “Multilateral coopera- “I know I’m not deserv- or one of its agencies. vaccines needed to combat Garfield
The Rome-based United tion is absolutely necessary ing of an award like this — “In a world of plenty, it other diseases.
Nations agency has long to combat global chal- but all the men and women is unconscionable that hun- There was no shortage
specialized in getting assis- lenges. And multilateralism arou nd the world in the dreds of millions go to bed of causes or candidates on
tance to some of the world’s seems to have a lack of re- World Food Program and each night hu ngry,” this year’s list, with 211 in-
most dangerous and precari- spect these days,” Reiss- our partners who put their Guterres said. “Millions dividuals and 107 organiza-
ous places, from air-drop- Andersen said. lives on the line every day more are now on the preci- tions nominated ahead of
ping food in South Sudan and The award comes as to help those in need, that pice of famine due to the the Feb. 1 deadline.
Syria to creating an emer- President Donald Trump is inspiring and encourag- COVID-19 pandemic.” The Norwegian Nobel
gency delivery service that has pulled the United States ing,” a giddy Beasley told The Nobel Committee Committee maintains abso-
kept aid flowing even as pan- out of several U.N. bodies, The Associated Press by called on governments to lute secrecy about whom it
demic restrictions grounded including the Human Rights phone from Niger. ensure that WFP and other favors before the announce-
commercial flights. Council and UNESCO, the WFP staffers in Niger aid organizations receive ment o f arguably t he Sudoku Previous issue’s Solution
In announcing the prize, cultural agency. He has also greeted Beasley with cheers the financial support neces- world’s most prestigious
the Norwegian Nobel Com- repeatedly criticized the and applause as he emerged sary to feed millions in coun- prize, but WFP had been on
mittee said it wished “to turn U.N.’s World Health Orga- to address a crowd after the tries such as Yemen, Congo, the shortlist of Dan Smith,
the eyes of the world to- nization over its handling of announcement. “I didn’t win Nigeria and South Sudan. the di rect or of t he
wards the millions of people the coronavirus pandemic, it, you won it,” he told them. On Friday, when the award Stockholm Internati onal
who suffer from or face the and his administration has The Nobel Committee was announced, Beasley was Peace Research Institute
threat of hunger.” said the United States will said that the problem of in Niger, following a visit to “The global problem of
The committee also said leave it next July. hunger has again become neighboring Burkina Faso — hunger is increasing and so
it hopes the prize will high- In light of that American more acute in recent years, two countries in the Sahel re- is the global problem of vio-
light the need to strengthen pullback, the choice of the not least because the pan- gion of Africa that her said is lent conflict,” Smith said.
global solidarity and coop- World Food Program was demic has added to the “under attack by extremists “The World Food Program
eration in an era of go-it- particularly notable because hardship already faced by and climate extremes” and works at the intersection of
alone nationalism. the U.S. remains by far its millions of people around going through “a devastat- those two problems (and) it’s
C “We are sending a sig- biggest donor, the agency the world. ing” time. going to face an increasing
M nal to every nati on who has been run by an Ameri- In total, WFP estimates A logistics juggernaut, workload in the coming
Y raises objections to interna- can for nearly 40 years, and that 690 million people suf- WFP this year created a years.” AP
The Arunacha l Times, Saturday, Octo ber 10, 2020 SPORTS / Misc. 7
Messi fires Argentina to WC qualifying win over Ecuador Luis Suarez admits he cried due to Barcelona's
BUENOS AIRES, Oct 9: length to keep out his low treatment during Atletico Madrid transfer
Lione l Me ss i put his shot from eight yards. MADRI D, Oct 9: Luis told reporters after scoring about it wasn't good and
Barcelona troubles behind Rodrigo De Paul fired Suarez has admitted he cried a penalty in Uruguay's 2-1 that a nnoyed Leo too,"
him to fire Argentina to an narrowly wide for the hosts bec ause of the wa y World Cup qualifying win Suarez added.
opening 1-0 victory over Ec- with the last kick of the Barcelona handled his de- over Chile on Thursday. "He knows what we've
uador in World Cup quali- match. parture from the club. "The way it was done bee n through and how
fying on Thursday. In Montevide o, Luis Sua re z, who joine d and the feeling that they're tough it was for us at that
The 33-year-old great Suarez scored a record ex- Atletico Madrid last month, kicking you out is what hurt moment. I am not surprised
has been in open conflict tending 60th international said he was excluded from the most. Those days were he supported me in public
with his club but it had no goal for Uruguay before training games and was not really hard. I cried because because I know him so well.
detrimental effect on his subs titute Maxi Gomez surprise d Lionel Mes si of everything I was going I knew the pain he felt.
form as his 13th minute pen- bagged an injury time win- stood up for him by taking through. "There are things that
alty was the difference in a ner against Chile. another swipe at the Barca "I didn't take the mes- people don't know, but go-
tight encounter. The six- Atletico Madrid forward board. sage well from the club that ing to Barcelona training
time Ballon d'Or winner un- Suarez opened the scoring After scoring 198 goals I had to go, more than any- and being sent to train on
successfully tried to force from the penalty spot on 39 and becoming the club's thing because of the way your own because you're
his way out of the Catalan minutes after Sebastian Ve- third all-time top scorer, they handled it, because not involve d in the 11
giants in the close season gas was harshly penalized Suarez found out through you have to accept when a agains t 11 game they're
but he seemed much hap- for handball. the Spanish press that he cycle comes to an end." playing.
pier in the light blue and Inter Milan's Ale xis was surplus to require- Messi also lamented the "My wife saw how sad
white jersey of his country. Sanchez equalised with a ments before holding a brief way Suarez left and said and dejected I was. What I
And Argentina needed low shot on 54 minutes but telephone c onve rs ation "nothing surprises me any- wanted was to laugh and be
him to be on top form in a Bombonera -- the iconic dominated possession but Lucas Ocampo sprawling in Gomez had the last word with Ronald Koeman. more", in a clear criticism happy on the pitch again
bid to avoid slipping up at stadium in Buenos Aires struggled to break down an the box, with Messi step- with a stunning half-volley "There were other ways aimed at the president Josep and I had no doubts when
home to Ecuador for the that is usually bouncing organized and physical Ec- ping up to lash home his 71st from 20 yards to complete to tell me that they wanted Maria Bartomeu. the possibility of signing
second successive time in from the passion of fervent uador outfit that proved a international goal. the 2-1 win. to change things," Suarez "The way the club went Atletico came up." (AFP)
a n opening World Cup fans was left barren by different proposition to the Oca mpos was pre - It was honors even be-
qualifier having lost 2-0 to coronavirus restrictions -- one dispatched 6-1 in a s ente d with a glorious tween Paraguay and Peru
the same opponents four
years ago.
Argentina never looked in
danger of another shock
friendly a year ago.
The breakthrough came
chance to double the lead
early in the second half but
in As unc ion a s Ange l
Romero for the hosts and Ibrahimovic Cured Of Coronavirus: AC Milan
In the s urre al a tmo- defeat. after a reckless challenge by goa lkee pe r Alexande r Andre Carrillo both scored ROME, Oct 9: AC Milan positive a second time for
s phere of a n empty The hosts predictably Pe rvis Estupinan s ent Dominguez dived full a brace. (AFP) striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic Covid-19, putting in doubt
has been given the all-clear his participation in the Milan
to end his quarantine period derby on October 17.
Scotland survive Israel shootout as Ireland miss out on UEFA Euro 2020 and return to action after
tes ting negative for
Ibrahimovic first tested
positive on September 24.
LONDON, Oct 9: Scotland bit of history for the coun- laboured to breakdown an Marshall. of huge chances after a 0-0 coronavirus, the Serie A The derby remains in
won their first ever penalty try," said Scotland boss Steve Israeli side that has won just "The last four penalties draw in Bratislava. club announced on Friday. doubt with two other Milan
shootout to beat Israel in Clarke. "Qualification is still one of their la st 10 from us were a real high stan- Allan Browne and Milan confirmed in a players and five from Inter
the Euro 2020 semi-final in our hands. We know we've internationals, including a 1- dard - the lads have prac- Tottenham's Matt Doherty statement that the Swedish note on his social media: currently in self-quarantine.
playoffs, but there was a got a tough game but it is one 1 draw when they visited ticed every day. It's more then failed to score from the striker had "tested nega- "You are cured! The health In spite of his absence,
spot-kick heartbreak for the that we'll look forward to. Hampden in the Nations relief than anything." spot and the Slovaks made tive" twice in a row, as stipu- authority says the quaran- Milan have made a decent
Republic of Ireland as they "I can feel there is some- League last month. Serbia stand between no mistakes to win 4-2 in the lated in the protocol to be tine is over, you can go start to the season, having
lost out to Slovakia. thing building. It's another Ma nc he ster United's Scotland and a place at the shootout. able to lift the quarantine out!", he wrote on Twitter. climbed to second in Serie
Northern Ireland will host game unbeaten and you can Scott McTominay spurned Euros a fter Serge j "It's a hard one to take procedure. T he a nnounc ement A after winning all three of
the Slovaks next month for a feel the elation in the dress- the best chance of the game Milinkovic-Savic upstaged at the minute and it is heart- Ibrahimovic , 39, comes a day after Milan said their games and reaching
place at the postponed tour- ing room." when he headed wide when Norway's Erling Haaland by breaking," said Ireland cap- sounded a more triumphal Ibrahimovic had tes te d the group sta ges of the
nament next summer after Clarke's preparations completely unmarked from scoring twice in a 2-1 vic- tain Shane Duffy. Europa League. (AFP)
they too prevailed on penal- were thrown into chaos on a corner just before half-time tory for the visitors in Oslo. Northern Ireland upset
ties after a 1-1 draw against Wednesday when three key and Liam Cooper's header The Lazio midfielder's the odds by coming from COLLEGE OF HORTICULTURE AND FORESTRY
Bosnia and Herzegovina. players were ruled out. hit the post with the last first effort was cancelled out behind to beat Bosnia. RKVY - RAFTAAR Agribusiness Incubator (CHF R-ABI)
Scotland are now one Stuart Armstrong tested action of extra-time. by Mathias Normann two Rade Krunic opened the Central Agricultural University
game away from their first positive for coronavirus, However, McTominay minutes from time to send the scoring early on for the Pasighat - 791102, Arunachal Pradesh
major tournament in 22 while Kieran Tierney and redeemed himself in the game to extra-time. But hosts, but Niall McGinn's
Email : [email protected] Phone : 0368 - - 2224887
years when they travel to Ryan Christie were forced shootout a s all five of Milinkovic-Savic's incredibly e qualis er gave Ian we bsite : Fax : : 0368 - 2225066
Serbia on November 12, but into self-isolation for being Scotland's penalty takers deft chip from a narrow angle Baraclough's men some-
were pushed all the way af- in close contact with the found the net, while David proved a worthy winner. thing to hold on to.
ter neither side could find Southampton midfielder. Marshall saved from Eran Ireland failed to capital- And they kept their CHF R-ABI is an Agri-horti-business incubator, supported and funded by Rashtriya Krishi
Vikas Yojana - Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sector Rejuvenation (RKVY
the net in 120 minutes at The goal-threat and cre- Zahavi. ise on Slovakia's own prob- heads to win the shootout
- RAFTAAR), Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers' Welfare, Govt. of India.
Hampden. a tivity offered by "Saving the first penalty lems with coronavirus ab- 4-3 as Haris Hajradinovic
Students / Youth / individuals residing in North Eastern Region, having an innovative idea
"It its another step for- Armstrong and Christie was breaks them a bit and gave sentees as Stephen Kenny's and Edin Visca missed for can apply for Agripreneurship Orientation Programme - IV (AOP-IV) for two months
ward to hopefully making a badly missed as Scotland us confidence ," s aid men were left to rue a host Bosnia. (AFP) internship (stipend, food and accommodation shall not be provided). After successful comple-
tion of internship, selected startups will be eligible for applying for pre-seed stage fund /
subsistence grant-in-aid up to Rs . 5 lakhs per startup, for converting their innovative ideas into

Leaders without title play pivotal role in direction that team travels: Eoin Morgan prototype / product.
Agri-horti-business startups based in North Eastern Region, having a Minimum Viable
Product (MVP) based on innovation in agriculture and allied sectors, can apply for Seed Stage
NEW DELHI, Oct 9: England's World Cup-win- coming seven-eight years ago is even more. Funding Programme - II (SSF-II) to get a grant-in-aid of up to Rs .25 lakhs.
ning captain Eoin Morgan believes that "lead- "Because now some of our players who play LAST DATE AND TIME FOR SUBMISSION OF ONLINE APPLICATION: 31.10.2020 - 4:30 p.m.
ers without title" play an equally important part in that England shirt are sought after players. For more details, please visit
as the designated one if a team intends to travel Jos Buttler, Ben Stokes and Jofra Archer, these Sd/-
in the right direction in its pursuit of greatness. guys have genuine chances of becoming MVPs Dean
Morgan is one of the key figures in the every year.
Kolkata Knight Riders set-up under Dinesh "That's the level of confidence that now an
Karthik's captaincy and he feels it has worked English player brings as opposed to before,
out well in the first three weeks of Indian Premier when it was almost an after-thought because of
League. the conflict within somewhere and English play-
So as a distinguished international captain, ers being deterred to come in many ways.
does he volunteer giving inputs to his skipper "It's a completely different aspect, one that RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY
or wait for Karthik to approach him as a sound- we love coming to town," 'Captain' Morgan said, (A Central University)
ing board? setting the record straight. Rono Hills, P.O. Doimukh -791 112
"I think it has worked really well so far. I think "I feel sport is always transient but the lan- With 2240 runs in 94 T20 Internationals, (Arunachal Pradesh)
DK and Brendon McCullum lead extremely well guage you speak when you are playing that Morgan has been one of the fine end-game play- No. Exam-3306/2019 Dated the 29th September, 2020
within the team," Morgan told PTI in an exclu- sport tends to stay with you. ers in shorter formats, a skill that he consciously PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION FOR THE XVIII CONVOCATION
sive interview. "It's fascinating to watch guys talk about developed to fit into flexible batting orders. The XVIII Convocation (Blended mode) of Rajiv Gandhi University shall be held on 30th of
"Within aspect of the rest of the players, we cricket in different languages in the change room "I think, over the years, that is something November 2020 tentatively. The Convocation is being held for the candidates to be conferred
have a number of senior leaders that take on and people who don't know that language tend that I have always aspired to do and throughout and receive the degree in absentia for the Bachelors and Masters and in person for M.Phil
and Ph.D qualified candidates during the academic session 2019-2020.
roles that don't have a title. to understand and get the gist of what they are your career, probably through young age from The convocation shall be held strictly as per the Government notified protocols and guide-
"And within the team, that plays a pivotal trying to achieve." mid 20s, particularly in international cricket where lines of Covid-19.
part because when other seniors players, apart Like many others, the 34-year-old Morgan it is very difficult, standard is always high and Details of convocation application form, blended mode and protocols in this regard shall be
from captain and coach and vice-captain, lead also agreed that evolution of franchise cricket there is always a counter to everything that you notified in due course of time.
or take on directions or decisions, it gives abso- has brought players from different walks of life are trying to do. This issues with the approval of the Vice-chancellor.
lute clarity for the rest of the team." closer in a dressing room environment which "The more you play, the less bad or common Sd/-
KKR is currently placed fourth on the points promotes friendship. mistakes you are going to make. Experience is Registrar
table with six points for their three wins. "...Evolution of franchise cricket has made worth its weight in gold and I have made most of
"Embodying that moving forward is so pow- coming into a change room that has different my experience in probably the last two and half
erful that it creates intangible things that great culture with potentially a different language or to three years," he said.
teams talk about. Feeling the moment, the sacri- two or three different languages a lot more easier Asked about his batting role in KKR line-up,
fices that you make, it's all worthwhile. So far we to gel." Morgan said that it's "flexible", depending on
have made it work," Morgan put forth his view He loves the fact that the English cricket fra- conditions and opposition.
point eloquently. ternity, which looked at IPL as an "after-thought" "I think middle-order is quite flexible at the
For an Irishman who has established himself seven-eight years ago, has come to accept that moment, depending on what team we play and
as a respected captain while leading one of the it now has players who are the most sought- type of attack we come up against.
most ethnically diverse cricket teams to global after in this format. "Different batters are suited to different
glory, Morgan enjoys that multi-cultural fabric "I think compared to previous seasons, cer- bowlers and DK and coach are very good at
which an IPL dressing room brings with players tainly (I) not having played in IPL for a number reading what's the right way to move forward in
from different background, different languages, of seasons, difference between an England that regard. We have lot of options which are
converging to create lasting memories. player coming in now and an England player flexible." (PTI)


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8 SPORTS /Misc. The Arunachal Times, Saturday, October 10, 2020

IPL: Stoinis' all-round show powers DC to emphatic win over RR Olympic hopeful Indian archers aiming

SHARJAH, Oct 9: Austra-
lia n all-rounder Marcus
to regain lost momentum gradually

Stoinis shone with both bat NEW DELHI, Oct 9: Their first couple of days after re- ing looked after very well
and ball as Delhi Capitals training has finally resumed turning to training as we here," former world no.1
regained the top spot in the after a five-month hiatus were training very intensely women''s recurve archer
IPL standings with a com- and India''s Olympic hope- in March prior to the Deepika Kumari said.

prehensive 46-run win over ful archers said they are lockdown being imposed. The training of archers
Rajasthan Royals here on looking to get back their lost This was the longest gap is in initial phase as some of
Friday. momentum gradually with between training that I have them are still coming out of
Delhi posted 184 for focus firmly on fitness right ever had," said Atanu Das, their quarantine, and coach
eight, the lowest first in- now. who won the Arjuna Award Majhi Sawaiyan said gen-
nings total at the ground Sporting fac ilitie s earlier this year. eral fitness is a priority at
this se as on, riding on across the country were The men''s recurve team the moment.
Shimron Hetmyer's 24-ball shut in March due to the and Deepika Kumari have "Players are gradually
45 and 39 off 30 balls from national lockdown imposed earned quota spots for the coming out of quarantine.
Stoinis. to contain the COVID-19 Tokyo Olympics. We are working on general
Kagiso Rabada (3/35) pandemic, severely hamper- The archers, in a state- fitness with emphasis on
then picked three wickets, ing Indian athletes'' prepa- ment issued by the Sports strength and endurance. To
while Stoinis (2/17), rations for the Tokyo Olym- Authority of India (SAI), work on the mental aspect,
Ravichandran Ashwin (2/ pic, postponed by a year to said they are happy with the the athletes are doing yoga
22) snared two wickets each deep square midwicket and lier games here. outs, removing Shreyas Iyer then Prithvi Shaw (19 off 10) 2021. safety protocols and other and meditation," he said.
a s De lhi dismis se d long-on respec tively to Earlier, Jofra Archer (3/ (22 off 18) and Rishabh Pant depos ited him into the But training resumed preventive measures put in The Indian women''s
Rajasthan for 138 in 19.4 leave RR at 72 for three. 24) took three wickets and (5). stands after Tyagi dropped gradually from August with place at ASI to control the recurve team will get a final
overs to secure their fifth Ashwin then returned Tewatia (1/20) and young Hetmyer smashed five the opener in the previous men''s and women''s recurve spread of the deadly virus. opportunity to qualify for
win in six matches. to remove Mahipal Lomror pacer Kartik Tyagi (1/35) sixes and a four to emerge ball. arc hers returning to the "The arrangements here the Olympics at the World
Rajasthan were never (1), while Stoinis cleaned up captured one each as RR a s t he top- s c ore r for However, Shaw couldn't Pune''s Army Sports Insti- are very good. It''s very Qualification Tournament
convincing in the chase and young Yashasvi Jaiswal, restricted to a below-par to- Delhi. stay longer as Archer in- tute (ASI) on August 25. clean and food arrange- scheduled to be held next
ended up with their fourth who struggled to 34 off 36 tal. Archer was the pick of duced a top-edge from the "It was difficult for the ments are good. We are be- year. (PTI)
loss in as many games. after opening the innings. Pla ying his first IPL the bowlers as he dismissed ba ts man a nd then com-
Jos Buttler (13) fell to a
superb catch by Shikhar
Rahul Tewatia (38 off 29)
hit a few lusty blows but
match this season, Andrew
Tye also took one wicket but
opener Shikhar Dhawan (5)
in the second over.
pleted the catch. Jaiswal
then run out Iyer with a bril-
ISL: East Bengal appoint Liverpool
wickets continued to tumble he conceded 50 in his four
Dhawan and Steve Smith
(24) and Sanju Samson (5) on a pitch that was not as overs.
Skipper Iyer smashed
two fours off pacer Varun
liant direct throw with Delhi
slumping to 51 for three at legend Robbie Fowler as head coach
holed out to Hetmyer at good for batting as the ear- RR also inflicted two run Aaron (0/25 in 2 overs) and the end of powerplay. (PTI) KOLKATA, Oct 9: Former Bangur said. Bengal so we have decided
England international and Former India captain the team as 'SCEB," he said.
Liverpool legend Robbie Potsangbam Renedy Singh Premier League's all-
Pant has ‘vastly improved his off-side play’: Brian Lara Fowler has been appointed
the head coach of East Ben-
will be Fowler's deputy.
Renedy is a former East
time seventh highest goal
scorer with 163 strikes to his
MUMBAI, Oct 9: West nearly 140. "He (Pant) is a "On what (when he first graced the cricket field. to score in key areas that he gal for the next two years, Bengal captain also. name, the former English
Indies batting great Brian major asset for the Delhi came to scene) immediately Lara said Pant now has is not accustomed to scor- team's principal owner Hari The owner and manag- striker was a product of
Lara is impres se d with Capitals, but today he has was noticeable was his pro- the ability to score runs all ing - over extra cover, over Mohan Bangur said on Friday. ing director of Shree Ce- Liverpool youth academy
Rishabh Pant's much-im- also vastly improved his pensity to try and get ev- round the park. point, in front of point and "We have signe d the ment Limited, who has ac- and made his senior team
prove d off-s ide pla y, game. I am talking about erything to the leg-side. "Now look a t the his balance and his weight contract last night (Thurs- quired a majority stake of 76 debut in 1993.
which he believes will add his ba tting a nd the im- Also, look at his run (ear- changes he made. Now, he is staying there, he is not day) and Robbie Fowler is per cent, further revealed He has been the third-
dime ns ion to his game prove ments he made in lier) scoring chart(s) and has the a bility to sc ore falling over to the off-side expected to join the side di- that the team will be known higest goalscorer for the Reds
making him an a much well- that department," Lara said that's quite a proof of that runs on all parts of the to create shots on the leg rectly in Goa within a week," as SC East Bengal as they where he played till 2001 be-
rounded batsman in days on Sta r Sports s how fascination he had with the ground. His scoring charts side. Bangur, who has acquired a along with Mohun Bagan fore switching allegiance to
to come. 'Cricket Live'. on-side. are looking impre ssive, "That is a vast improve- majority stake in East Ben- make it a 11-team ISL. arch-rivals Leeds United and
The 23-year old Pant Lara said that Pant has "I think he has come to and yes, more worry for ment that he has made, gal, confirmed the develop- "It could be Sporting then Manchester City.
has had fair degree of suc- realised that he was becom- realise that this is not work- the bowlers," said the el- which obviously going to ment to PTI from Dubai. Club East Bengal or Shree In his managerial career,
cess for Delhi Capitals in ing a one-trick pony with ing and he went away and egant former West Indies help his all-round batting. I "As of now, we have of- Cement East Bengal as per Fowler was with A-League
the ongoing IPL, ha ving shots only on the on-side, worked on improving his left-hander. believe, this young lad has fered him a two-year con- your interpretation. We as side Brisbane Roar FC last
scored 171 runs in five s omething tha t ha s off-side play," said Lara, one "He is now very well- a long-long way to go," tract which could be ex- a corporate group cannot season when they finished
games with a strike-rate of changed. of the greatest to have ever balanced and he is looking concluded Lara. (PTI) tende d in due c ours e," prefix 'Shree Cement' to East fourth. (PT I)

Hamilton, Bottasliving IPL 2020: Some CSK batsmen think of playing for team as a 'government job', says Sehwag 10 years in international cricket, Pujara
‘like hermits’ after Mercedes NEW DELHI, Oct 9: Former India opener CSK added just 14 runs from 11-14 overs, a
thanks his fans for love and support
Virender Sehwag has taken a dig at Chennai Su- period when they lost both Watson and an in-
COVID-19outbreak per Kings' faltering IPL campaign, saying that form Ambati Rayudu. Sent ahead of West Indies RAJKOT, Oct 9: India''s
NURBURGRING, Oct 9: some of their batsmen think of the franchise as a all-rounder Dwayne Bravo, Kedar Jadhav Test stalwart Cheteshwar
Lewis Hamilton and Valtteri "government job" in which remuneration is as- laboured to seven off 12 balls as KKR won the Pujara, who on Friday com-
Bottas will have to "live like sured irrespective of performance. game by 10 runs. pleted a decade in interna-
hermits" to avoid Covid-19, Chasing 168, veteran opener Shane Watson This is not the first instance of batsmen let- tional cricket, has thanked
Mercedes boss Toto Wolff struck his second successive fifty to give CSK a ting the team down. Last week, the MS Dhoni- his fans for their love and
said on Friday after the team perfect start on Wednesday, but the team choked led side had lost a closely fought match to support during all these
recorded a second positive at the back end of the innings and was restricted Sunrisers Hyderabad by seven runs after a top- years as he became national
case in 24 hours. to 157 for five to suffer its fourth defeat in five order collapse. team''s dependable number
Talking to reporters at the matches. "And, in my view, some of the Chennai Su- The three-time champions have four losses three batsman in the tradi-
Eifel Grand Prix Wolff said "It should have been chased down. But the per Kings batsmen think of CSK as a govern- from six games and are placed sixth in the eight- tional format.
both drivers were confined to dot balls played by Kedar Jadhav and Ravindra ment job, whether you perform or not, they know team standings. They will take on Virat Kohli's Pujara, who made his
their rooms after rain and fog Jadeja didn't help," Sehwag told Cricbuzz. they'll get their salary anyway," he added. Royal Challengers Bangalore on Saturday. (PTI) Test debut against Austra-
forced the cancellation of lia in Bengaluru, had an im-
opening practice. pressive first outing as he
"They are the most re-
stricted of the whole group,
of the whole team," said
French Open: ‘Problem-solver’ Sofia Kenin scored 72 in the second in-
nings in India''s successful
207-run chase.
The 32-year-old''s big-
Wolff, who confirmed that
Mercedes had flown six re-
placement staff to Germany
looks to add Rolland Garros ‘Piece’ to puzzle gest hour of glory has been
the 2018 tour of Australia
support and wishes. Look
forward to contributing lots
on Thursday after the team where he scored over 500 more to the team," Pujara
PARIS, Oct 9: Sofia Kenin's Swiatek, 19, is aiming to
was re-tested, resulting in runs to guide India to their tweeted.
prospec ts e ntering the become her country's first
six team members going first (2-1) Test series win He also left a cheeky
French Open appeared as Grand Slam singles cham-
into isolation. Down Under in 71 years. little note informing another
bleak as the weather at a pion and has been tipped to
"It's certainly not a great "Truly privileged and reas on to remember the
damp and chilly Roland become a star of the future.
situation for them because Garros, following a 6-0, 6-0 "I think she is there to blessed to have completed date.
you almost need to live like 10 yrs as an Indian cricketer "P.S. Coincidentally, to-
loss in her only tune-up be a Grand Slam champion,
a hermit - and that is what Flag of India Folded hands. day also happens to be the
event on clay. Instead, her multiple times. I genuinely
they are doing. crushing loss to Victoria believe that Iga can be the Growing up playing cricket wife''s birthday, so Puja has
"They are at home, they in Rajkot all those years ensured I will never forget
Azarenka in Rome, a "disas- one," Mats Wilander, a win-
are not going out for dinners back, under the watchful this date."
ter" Kenin termed it, gave ner of three French Opens,
and they are not meeting other the American a problem to told Eurosport. eyes of my father, I would The 32-year-old has so
people. When we do de- never have imagined the far played 77 Tests, scor-
solve -- a challenge the 21- "Her basic game reminds
briefs, by Zoom or Microsoft journey would bring me ing 5840 runs with 18 hun-
year-old embraces more me of Novak Djokovic," he
Teams, they are not sitting than most. added. "She doesn't have here. Thank you for all the dreds. (PT I)
their engineers in the room. "Definitely, I'm a prob- any weaknesses at all, not
"They are in their own lem solver. You obviously one. I think she is going to
rooms and we are all avoid- have to expect tough situa- be one to look out for in the
ing as much as possible any tions. It's a tennis match. next few years - maybe the
personal contact. It's just lit- You know your opponent reason to believe. Open in January, Kenin had a lot about her." one."
erally stepping into the car wants to win. They want to "I did not like clay at all. only reached the second Swiatek is bidding to be-
and then driving the car and find your weakness . Of Honestly, like in juniors, week at a major once. How- "I hate losing" come the first woman to
keeping distance." course, you've got to be clay was not my strongest ever, she emerged from the Kenin's feistiness has en- hoist the Coupe Suzanne
Wolff said he believed smart," Kenin said after her surface. I felt underpow- shadows in Melbourne -- abled her to battle through Lenglen without losing a set
Mercedes had the outbreak 6-4, 7-5 semi-final win over ered. I couldn't control the beating the much-touted four three-setters in five since Justine Henin in 2007,
under control. Petra Kvitova. points. I didn't have great Gauff, world number one matches at Roland Garros but standing in her way is
"Every loss of an impor- "I obviously like it not movement. It was a bit of a Ashleigh Barty and double before ta king down Kenin, a player who thrives
tant member in the garage af- to get too crazy with the s truggle for me," sa id Grand Slam c ha mpion Kvitova, her first seeded on tackling the biggest ob-
fects the race, but I think we've scoreline and everything. I Kenin. Garbine Muguruza to cap- opponent. stacles.
got it under control," he said. prefer to be going easy, but "After playing against ture the title. T he C ze ch hadn't "Losing I really hate
The team had announced obviously cannot expect Serena, it gave me a boost "Kenin was like the fifth- dropped a set in reaching and I love winning. I try to
on Thursday that one person that. I'm in a semi-final. I'm in confidence." or sixth-best American jun- the last four, much like Iga do everything I can to win,"

from their travelling race team not going to have a 6-0, 6-0 Teenage phenomenon ior of her generation," said Swiatek, who awaits Kenin said Kenin, as she attempts
had record a positive test win, e spec ia lly agains t Coco Gauff grabbed the 18-time Grand Slam singles in Saturday's final. to add another chapter to a
ahead of this weekend's race Petra." spotlight at Wimbledon and champion C hris Eve rt, The Polish teenager has tale of success.

at Nurburgring. While Kenin's bizarre, the US Open in 2019, but commentating for the Ten- conceded only 23 games in "I guess a piece is I won
As a result, the team re- no-look service action is a Ke nin wa s vote d the nis Channel. six rounds and drawn com- a Grand Slam, and now I'm
tested everyone at the cir- puzzle to many, she found it WTA's most improve d "She wa s kind of a parisons to world number in the final of Roland Garros,

cuit, an exercise that re- difficult to impose herself player after winning three pusher with no weapons. one Novak Djokovic, who which is really special.
sulted in another positive on clay until a third-round titles and climbing into the And now she is a Slam is trying to become the first Hopefully there might be
test and one that was incon- win over Serena Williams top 20. champion with a chance to man in half a century to win another piece to write that I
Before the Australian win another. That tells you all four Slams twice.

clusive. (AFP) last year in Paris gave her won Roland Garros." (AFP)

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