Meteoroid:debris Shielding PDF
Meteoroid:debris Shielding PDF
Meteoroid:debris Shielding PDF
Eric L. Christiansen
NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
August 2003
Eric L. Christiansen
NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
August 2003
This work was greatly enhanced by the advice and assistance provided by NASA Johnson Space Center
personnel, particularly Jeanne Crews, Kornel Nagy, Justin Kerr, and Burt Cour-Palais.
The work was supported by International Space Station Program Office, Orbiter Vehicle Engineering
Project Office, and by the NASA Safety and Mission Assurance Office at NASA HQ. Documentation of
Shuttle damage due to meteoroid/debris impact was supported by the Orbital Debris Program Office.
CONTOUR shielding development was supported by NASA HQ, John Hopkins Applied Physics
Laboratory, and the Goddard Space Flight Center.
A well deserved thanks goes to the Lockheed-Houston and GB-Tech personnel at the NASA Johnson
Space Center Hypervelocity Impact Technology Facility for their dedicated service, including Dana Lear,
Tom Prior, Frankel Lyons, Freeman Bertrand, Jay Laughman, Ron Bernhard, Jim Hyde, Alan Davis, Bill
Davidson, and Bobbie Simpson.
Also assisting this work were the NASA and contractor personnel at the NASA White Sands Test Facility
Hypervelocity Test Laboratory including Mike Kirsch, Don Henderson, Tony Carden, Ed Denzler, Grant
Dyer, and Gary Peyton.
In addition, my appreciation for the helpful advice from Prof. Dr. Eduard Igenbergs of the Technical
University of Munich and Dr. Eric Fahrenthold of The University of Texas at Austin.
Available from:
Section 1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Meteoroid and Debris Environments............................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Meteoroid and Debris Impacts on Shuttle .................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Shuttle Operational and Design Changes to Improve M/D Protection ......................................................... 9
Section 2 Meteoroid/Debris Risk Assessment and Improving Spacecraft Survivability .................................................... 12
2.1 Definition of Spacecraft Geometry ............................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Spacecraft Failure Criteria ........................................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Hypervelocity Impact Tests .......................................................................................................................... 15
2.4 Ballistic Limit Equations ............................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Spacecraft M/D Environment ....................................................................................................................... 16
2.6 Bumper Code ............................................................................................................................................... 17
2.7 Probability of No Penetration ....................................................................................................................... 17
2.8 Design Requirements................................................................................................................................... 17
2.9 Analysis Iteration and Shield Qualification ................................................................................................... 19
2.10 Shielding Practices....................................................................................................................................... 19
2.11 Objective 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 20
Section 3 Shielding Development and Material Selection .................................................................................................. 21
3.1 Development of Whipple Shield Ballistic Limit Equations ............................................................................ 21
3.2 Enhanced Shielding Material Selection........................................................................................................ 26
3.3 Enhanced Shield Development.................................................................................................................... 36
Section 4 Ballistic Limit Equations for Spacecraft Meteoroid/Debris Shielding ................................................................. 42
4.1 Ballistic Limit Equation Formulation ............................................................................................................. 42
4.2 Whipple Shield Ballistic Limit Equations....................................................................................................... 45
4.3 Nextel/Kevlar Stuffed Whipple Ballistic Limit Equations............................................................................... 49
4.4 Multi-Shock Shield Ballistic Limit Equations................................................................................................. 52
4.5 Adjustments to Shielding and Changes to Equations .................................................................................. 56
Section 5 Shielding Applications ........................................................................................................................................ 57
5.1 Whipple Shield Applications for ISS............................................................................................................. 57
5.2 Nextel/Kevlar Enhanced Whipple Applications on ISS ................................................................................ 61
5.3 Nextel/Kevlar Toughened Thermal Blankets................................................................................................ 62
5.4 Flexible Multi-Shock Shield Applications...................................................................................................... 66
Section 6 Summary ............................................................................................................................................................ 72
Section 7 Forward Work ..................................................................................................................................................... 74
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Appendix A Procedure for Estimating Particle Size Causing Shuttle Damage................................................................... 81
Appendix B Description of Shield Materials Evaluation Analytical Model........................................................................... 88
Appendix C Hypervelocity Impact (HVI) Database for Whipple Shields............................................................................. 94
Fig. 1-1. Report organization .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Fig. 1-2. Meteoroid and debris cumulative flux................................................................................................................... 4
Fig. 1-3. Debris velocity distribution.................................................................................................................................... 5
Fig. 1-4. Orbiter surfaces inspected for meteoroid/debris impact damage......................................................................... 6
Fig. 1-5. Location of radiator external line impact............................................................................................................... 7
Fig. 1-6. Hole in beta-cloth sleeve over radiator line .......................................................................................................... 8
Fig. 1-7. Crater on external radiator aluminum line found after STS-86.............................................................................. 8
Fig. 1-8. Crater profile in external line ................................................................................................................................ 8
Fig. 1-9. Attitude dependence on radiator leak risk due to M/D impact.............................................................................. 9
Fig. 1-10. Cross-section of reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC) used in Orbiter’s wing leading edge.................................... 10
Fig. 1-11. Orbiter wing leading edge internal configuration ................................................................................................ 10
Fig. 1-12. Radiator doubler modification............................................................................................................................. 11
Fig. 2-1. Meteoroid/debris risk assessment methodology .................................................................................................. 12
Fig. 2-2. BUMPER geometry finite element model of the International Space Station, excluding solar arrays.................. 13
Fig. 2-3. Probability of impact from debris .......................................................................................................................... 14
Fig. 2-4. NASA Johnson Space Center White Sands Test Facility two-stage light-gas gun .............................................. 15
Fig. 2-5. Southwest Research Institute’s inhibited shaped charge launcher ....................................................................... 16
Fig. 3-1. Whipple shield ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
Fig. 3-2. Modified Cour-Palais “K” factor ............................................................................................................................ 23
Fig. 3-3. Shielding concepts comparison............................................................................................................................ 26
Fig. 3-4. Initial shock pressures generated by impacts from aluminum projectiles at 7 km/s on various target materials . 29
Fig. 3-5. Shield materials screening test setup................................................................................................................... 33
Fig. 3-6. Bumper material screening results from hypervelocity impact tests .................................................................... 33
Fig. 3-7a. FRONT VIEW: Response of baseline aluminum shield to a 3.2-mm-diameter aluminum projectile,
6.8 km/s, normal impact .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Fig. 3-7b. BACK: Response of baseline aluminum shield to a 3.2-mm-diameter aluminum projectile,
6.8 km/s, normal impact .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Fig. 3-8. FRONT VIEW: Mesh double-bumper shield results after impact by 3.2-mm-diameter aluminum sphere at
6.8 km/s, normal impact .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Fig. 3-9. Mesh double-bumper shield ................................................................................................................................. 36
Fig. 3-10. Multi-shock shield concept ................................................................................................................................. 38
Fig. 3-11. Stuffed Whipple shield cross-sectional diagram................................................................................................. 39
Fig. 3-12. Comparison of equivalent mass stuffed Whipple and Whipple .......................................................................... 40
Fig. 3-13. Nextel/Kevlar stuffed Whipple shield ballistic limits compared to equivalent mass 3-wall all-aluminum shield... 41
Fig. 4-1. Meteoroid/debris shield types................................................................................................................................ 42
Fig. 4-2. Typical rear wall failure modes after Cour-Palais and Dahl .................................................................................. 43
Fig. 4-3. Ballistic limits for equal mass monolithic target and Whipple shield...................................................................... 44
Fig. 4-4. Bumper and rear wall thickness required to prevent perforation and detached spall from rear wall for a 100-m2
spacecraft with a PNP=0.99 for 10 years in 400-km-altitude orbit .......................................................................... 47
Fig. 4-5. Ballistic limits for a Whipple shield with a 0.127-cm Al6061T6 bumper, 10.7-cm standoff,
0.32-cm Al 2219T87 rear wall ................................................................................................................................. 47
Fig. 4-6. Predicted ballistic limits for Whipple Shield with and without MLI ......................................................................... 48
Fig. 4-7. Predictions from Eqn. 4-10 through 4-15 for 200 different Whipple shield HVI tests ............................................ 49
Fig. 4-8. Stuffed Whipple ballistic limit................................................................................................................................ 52
Fig. 4-9. Multi-shock shield configurations ......................................................................................................................... 54
Fig. 4-10. Multi-shock shield ballistic limit curves ................................................................................................................ 55
Fig. 4-11. Equal weight Whipple and multi-shock shield ballistic limits, for 1.9 g/cm2 shield mass per unit area,
22 cm overall standoff, 0 deg impacts..................................................................................................................... 55
Fig. 5-1. ISS after assembly Flight 5A (solar arrays removed for clarity) ............................................................................ 57
Fig. 5-2. U.S. Laboratory module shield locations.............................................................................................................. 58
Fig. 5-3. Russian Service Module shield locations ............................................................................................................. 58
Fig. 5-4. U.S. Lab cylinder Whipple ballistic limits @ 0 deg impact angle.......................................................................... 60
Fig. 5-5. U.S. Lab cylinder Whipple ballistic limits @ 45 deg impact angle ......................................................................... 60
Fig. 5-6. U.S. Lab cylinder (S=10.7 cm) and endcone (S=22 m) ballistic limits................................................................... 61
Fig. 5-7. Service Module Zone 6 Whipple shield ballistic limits at 45 deg and 60 deg impact angles................................ 61
Fig. 5-8. Nextel/Kevlar enhanced Whipple shield configurations on ISS............................................................................. 62
Fig. 5-9. ISS Nextel/Kevlar stuffed Whipple shield ballistic limits ....................................................................................... 62
Fig. 5-10. Soyuz finite element model used in BUMPER calculations ............................................................................... 63
Fig. 5-11. Breakdown of Soyuz meteoroid/debris penetration risks from BUMPER assessment, before and after
proposed modification using a toughened thermal blanket in the Orbital Module region........................................ 63
Fig. 5-12. Ballistic limits for MLI over aluminum ................................................................................................................. 65
Fig. 5-13. Ballistic limits for Nextel/Kevlar enhanced MLI over aluminum ......................................................................... 65
Fig. 5-14. Comparison of MLI options ................................................................................................................................ 66
Fig. 5-15. CONTOUR multi-shock shield............................................................................................................................ 67
Fig. 5-16. Ballistic limits for CONTOUR MS shield............................................................................................................. 67
Fig. 5-17. Flexible multi-shock shield for an inflatable module ........................................................................................... 69
Fig. 5-18. Results of HVI test on full-size flexible multi-shock shield for TransHab............................................................ 70
Fig. 5-19. 1/5th-scale flexible MS test article for TransHab................................................................................................ 71
Figure A-1. STS-50 predicted orbital debris velocity distribution for diameters of 0.2 mm and greater
based on ORDEM96 ............................................................................................................................................... 86
Figure A-2. Cumulative debris velocity distribution predicted for STS-50 with mean velocity (8 km/s) and
1-sigma velocity interval indicated........................................................................................................................... 86
Figure A-3. Particle diameter estimate causing STS-50 window #4 impact damage assuming 45 deg impact
by a titanium orbital debris particle.......................................................................................................................... 87
Figure B-1. Bumper performance from analytical model, aluminum 2024T3 projectile impacting Al 6061T6 bumper....... 92
Figure B-2. Hugoniot parameters for materials evaluated in analytical model ................................................................... 93
Table 1-1. Top 20 Hits ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Table 2-1. Damage Modes and Failure Criteria for Space Station Elements..................................................................... 14
Table 2-2. Historical Meteoroid/Debris Shielding Requirements ........................................................................................ 18
Table 3-1. Hypervelocity Impact Data Range..................................................................................................................... 23
Table 3-2. Comparison of Whipple Shield Sizing Equations .............................................................................................. 25
Table 3-3. Shield Development Steps ................................................................................................................................ 27
Table 3-4. Results of Analytical Model to Evaluate Bumper Materials ............................................................................... 29
Table 3-5. Bumper Material Figure of Merit........................................................................................................................ 30
Table 3-6. Bumper Material Properties for Figure of Merit Analysis................................................................................... 31
Table 3-7. Rear Wall Material’s Ability to Absorb Mechanical Energy of Impact................................................................ 32
Table 3-8. Secondary Ejecta Characteristics for Various Bumper Materials...................................................................... 36
Table 3-9. Whipple, Multi-Shock and Mesh Double-Bumper Impact Data ......................................................................... 39
Table 4-1. Summary of CALE Hydrocode Calculations of Projectile Solid/Liquid Fraction in the Debris Cloud................. 45
Table 4-2. Stuffed Whipple and All-Aluminum Shield Impact Data .................................................................................... 51
Table 5-1. BLE Coefficients and Variables for ISS Whipple Shields ................................................................................... 59
Table 5-2. Coefficients for Soyuz Baseline and Enhanced Thermal Blanket ..................................................................... 65
Table 5-3. PNP for Soyuz Protection Options .................................................................................................................... 65
Table 5-4. Predicted Ballistic Limit Particle Size and Shield Layer Damage....................................................................... 68
Table 5-5. Comparison of HVI Test Results for Full-Scale and 1/5th-Scale Multi-Shock Shields ...................................... 69
Table 5-6. Multi-Shock Test Results to Optimize MS Shield Parameters .......................................................................... 71
Table A-1. Flight Parameters for Missions With M/D Survey ............................................................................................. 82
Table A-2. Average Impact Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 83
Table A-3. Estimated Size of Projectiles Causing Significant Window Damage ................................................................ 84
Al aluminum
ARC NASA Ames Research Center
areal density mass per unit area
BLE ballistic limit equation
BUMPER BUMPER code is used to perform meteoroid/debris risk assessments
bumper outer-most layer in a shield
CONTOUR Comet Nucleus Tour mission
DEA Deployed Electronics Assembly of Shuttle Ku-Band Antenna
debris orbital debris or space debris (manmade material in Earth orbit)
design BLE Equations used to size shield elements for design purposes. The equations relate
thickness and/or areal density of bumpers and rear wall to various impact parameters
(impact velocity, particle size) and shield variables (such as standoff).
DN damage number (index for comparing rear wall and witness plate damage)
EC end cone of module
ESA European Space Agency
Ext external
FEM finite element model
FOM figure of merit
FRSI Flexible Reusable Surface Insulation (coated Nomex felt)
Hab Habitation Module on ISS
HVI hypervelocity impact
ISCL Inhibited Shaped Charge Launcher
ISS International Space Station
JEM Japanese Experimental Module
JSC NASA Johnson Space Center
K.E. kinetic energy
K_KM2 Kevlar KM2 style CS-705 fabric. Kevlar is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de
Nemours Co., Inc. CS-705 is a Kevlar fabric manufactured by Clark-Schwebel,
Anderson, South Carolina, with an areal density of 0.023 g/cm .
K_120 Kevlar FDI-120 is a fabric manufactured by Fabric Development Inc., Quakertown,
Pennsylvania, with an areal density of 0.032 g/cm .
Lab NASA laboratory module on ISS
LDEF Long-Duration Exposure Facility satellite
LGG light gas-gun hypervelocity impact launcher
LH left-hand (port side)
M/D meteoroid/debris
MDB mesh double-bumper shield
MLI multilayer insulation thermal blanket
M/OD meteoroid/orbital debris
MS multi-shock shield
MSFC NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
N_AF10 NextelTM type AF10 fabric (areal density 0.027 g/cm2). Nextel is a ceramic fabric
and registered trademark of 3M Corporation.
N_AF62 NextelTM type AF62 fabric (areal density 0.1 g/cm2).
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASDA Japanese Space Agency
Node ISS Node modules. Node 1 (Unity) was launched on Flight 2A in December 1998.
Node 2 will be launched on Flight 10A.
ORDEM Orbital Debris Engineering Model
Pnl panel
PNP probability of no penetration
POI probability of impact
RCC reinforced carbon-carbon
Rear wall last layer of a shield
RH right-hand (starboard side)
R&R repair and replacement
RTV room temperature vulcanized rubber
SEM/EDX scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray analysis
Shield all layers providing meteoroid/debris protection (i.e., including all bumpers and
SM Service Module (Zvezda)
STS Space Transportation System
SW Stuffed Whipple Shield
Ti titanium
TransHab an inflatable module concept proposed by NASA for ISS and Mars missions
(Transportation Module)
TUM Technical University of Munich
UDRI University of Dayton Research Institute
Witness plates plate(s) added to HVI test article to record damage from penetration of rear wall
(witness plates added behind target), or damage from secondary ejecta (witness
plates added in front of target)
WS Whipple Shield
WSTF NASA White Sands Test Facility
C speed of sound in target (km/s)
d projectile diameter (cm)
dc critical projectile diameter causing shield failure (cm)
E elastic modulus in tension (MPa)
density (g/cm )
H Brinell hardness of target (BHN)
m areal density (g/cm )
M projectile mass (g)
P penetration depth (cm)
S overall spacing between outer bumper and rear wall (cm)
rear wall yield stress (ksi) (Note: 1ksi = 1,000 lbf/in = 6.895 MPa)
σ’ normalized rear wall yield stress (unitless)
t thickness (cm)
θ impact angle measured from normal to surface (deg)
V projectile velocity (km/s)
Vn normal component of impact velocity (km/s)
b all bumpers
p projectile
t target
w rear wall
1..3 individual bumpers, layers or spacings
This report provides innovative, low-weight shielding solutions for spacecraft and the ballistic limit
equations (BLEs) that define the shield’s performance in the meteoroid/debris (M/D) environment. I
describe analyses and hypervelocity impact (HVI) testing
Whipple shield
results that have been used to develop the shields and
equations. Spacecraft shielding design and operational
practices described in this report are used to provide
effective spacecraft protection from meteoroid and debris
impacts [1-4]. Specific M/D shielding applications for the
International Space Station (ISS), Space Shuttle Orbiter,
and the CONTOUR (Comet Nucleus Tour) space probe are
rear wall
provided. Whipple, multi-shock and stuffed Whipple shields bumper
provide the M/D protection.
Figure 1-1 describes the organization of this report.
In this section, I provide a description of the meteoroid and debris environments and implications for
spacecraft, using the Space Shuttle Orbiter vehicles as an example. Design practices to provide effective
spacecraft protection from M/D impacts have evolved over the history of spaceflight. Design and
operational changes in the Space Shuttle have been incorporated to reduce M/D risks. They became
necessary as the orbital debris environment was first recognized as a potential threat only after Shuttle
operations began. We derive Shuttle improvements from implementing the risk assessment and
reduction methodology detailed in Section 2. The major aspects of current M/D protection practice
include: (1) a methodology to assess risks and verify protection requirements, (2) development of BLEs
based on HVI test results, (3) implementation of low-weight shielding and other design techniques to
reduce risks, and (4) use of validated software tools to Shuttle Orbiter Vehicle
assess M/D risks (i.e., BUMPER code). Section 3 covers Finite Element Model used in BUMPER code
previous work in developing low-weight shielding solutions
to defend from M/D impact. BLEs for conventional and
enhanced shielding options are given in Section 4.
Applications of the shielding and resolutions to issues
arising during shielding implementation will be discussed
in Section 5.
The primary purpose of this report is to document
the methods and techniques used to improve the M/D
protection of space vehicles and their crews. The report
shows that existing spacecraft can be retrofitted to
improve survivability (such as the Shuttle) or designed
from the beginning to withstand the debris environment such as ISS. I hope that this document will assist
engineers improve spacecraft M/D protection now and in the future.
1. Introduction
• Meteoroid/Debris Environment
• Space Shuttle M/D Impacts, Design and Operations to Reduce M/D
Objective 1*
Objective 2*
5. Shielding Applications
• International Space Station (ISS)
• Toughened Thermal Blankets (Soyuz)
• Nextel-Kevlar Multi-Shock Shield for Comet Probe (CONTOUR)
• Deployable Multi-Shock Shield for Inflatable Modules (TransHab)
6. Summary
7. Forward Work
*Objective 1 *Objective 2
Develop low-weight and effective shielding Develop design and performance equations
methods for protecting spacecraft from to allow implementation of conventional
meteoroid and debris impact. and enhanced shielding for spacecraft M/D
Fig. 1-1. Report organization.
1.1 Meteoroid and Debris Environments
Meteoroids are natural particles in orbit about the Sun. Debris are human-made objects in orbit
about Earth. Both represent a threat to spacecraft survivability and crew safety primarily because of the
potentially high-impact speeds and energy involved in collisions between spacecraft and meteoroid/debris
Meteoroid and debris impacts are random events, and it is not possible to precisely determine
exactly when or where an impact will occur on a spacecraft. However, statistical techniques valid for
random events have been applied to predicting meteoroid and debris impact spacecraft probabilities.
These methods are explained in Section 2. Generally, meteoroid/debris impacts are more likely the
larger the spacecraft and the longer the exposure duration. Impact rates can be modified by spacecraft
orientation. Operational procedures can therefore affect a spacecraft’s M/D protection capability by, for
instance, maneuvering into spacecraft attitudes to reduce exposure to the threat flux (meteoroid and/or
We determine effects of HVIs by meteoroid and debris particles on spacecraft shielding and/or
systems through test and analysis techniques described in more detail later (Sections 2 and 3). The
objective of the tests/analyses is to determine the meteoroid and debris particle size that will be on the
failure threshold for the particular spacecraft surface that is impacted. This relies on a clear definition of
failure, referred to as the “failure criteria.” The results of the test/analysis efforts are “ballistic limit
equations” (BLEs) for the spacecraft shielding that define the particle size on the failure threshold as a
function of target and impact parameters. This report provides several BLEs useful for defining the
protection limits of conventional and advanced spacecraft shields.
Meteoroid and debris environment models provide the cumulative flux of particles (i.e., the number
per unit area and time) that exceed a given particle size, the impact velocity distribution of the particles,
and their impact direction relative to spacecraft orbital motion. The M/D models show that flux is inversely
proportional to particle size. We calculate the probability that the ballistic limits are exceeded (i.e., that
failure occurs) for a particular spacecraft surface from the M/D models, the BLEs, and exposure
duration/time. Basically, the larger the particle size that can be stopped by a shield, the lower the
meteoroid/debris impact rates and the less likely failure can occur.
We then compare the failure probability to requirements for the spacecraft. Shielding design of the
spacecraft is iterated to meet requirements while achieving minimum shielding mass and meeting other
design constraints (such as allowable volume or shielding “standoff”). This process is automated to a
certain extent by use of the BUMPER code, which has relevant BLEs and environment models imbedded
within it. We also use BUMPER results to verify spacecraft requirements compliance for the final
shielding design [3-4].
Meteoroid Environment Model. The meteoroid environment model to be used for shielding
design is defined in the NASA document SSP-30425 [5]. The cumulative flux for particles of the given
diameter and larger is plotted versus diameter in Figure 1-2. Meteoroid velocities range from 11 km/s to
72 km/s, with an average for Earth-orbiting spacecraft of 19 km/s. Particle densities range from 2 g/cm
(for particles 1 micro-gram and less) to 0.5 g/cm (particle mass 0.01 g and greater).
Debris Environment Model. The debris environment model for purposes of shielding design on
ISS is given in the Reference [6]. This debris model is referred to as the 1991 debris model, and is more
conservative than the 1996 debris model [7]. Space Station shielding performance is assessed against
the latest debris model, although because of the uncertainty in future debris environment growth, the ISS
Program has specified the older 1991 model be used for shield design [8-9]. The 1996 model is also
referred to as ORDEM96 for “Orbital Debris Engineering Model 1996.” The cumulative flux of debris
particles from ORDEM96 for an ISS orbit (400-km altitude, 51.6 inclination) is plotted in Figure 1-2 along
with the meteoroid flux. ORDEM96 may soon be superseded by another debris model update, referred to
Orbital Debris “Snapshot”
The orbital debris models specify the velocity and
directional distribution for orbital debris. The relative impact
velocity for orbital debris and a spacecraft depends on the
spacecraft’s altitude and orbital inclination, as well as debris
size. Generally, although there are some differences between
debris models, for an ISS-type orbit (400-km altitude, 51.6
inclination), relative debris impact velocities range from 1 km/s
to 15 km/s, with an average of 8 to 9 km/s. Figure 1-3 provides
the velocity distribution for the 1-cm and larger debris at 400-km
altitude, 51.6 in the year 2001.
The debris environment threat is composed of metallic
fragments, paint, aluminum oxide, and other components of
spacecraft and solid rocket motor exhaust. Typically, for debris
risk assessments, we assume debris particle density to be
2.8 g/cm , corresponding to aluminum metal [10].
LRIR Flux 450-600 km
Larger [Num ber/m 2- Y r]
Meteoroids, 450 km
ORDEM96, 1998, 450-600 km
0.1 1 10 100 1000
RCC Panels
Deployed Radiator
Overhead Windows
Aft Fixed Radiator
Deployed Ku-Band Antenna
Particle Size Estimates. An estimated projectile size for each impact is determined using
penetration equations, provided in Appendix A, that have been developed from HVI tests and analyses.
SEM/EDX analysis results were used to specify the density of the particle for the penetration equations
used to estimate particle size. In addition, the projectile size estimates are based on the average impact
velocity conditions for the meteoroid and debris environment. The calculations assume a 45 average
impact angle. Potential particle sizes causing the damage can be higher or lower, depending on
assumed velocity of impact. A sensitivity analysis on estimated projectile size is also included in
Appendix A. The sensitivity analysis indicates that the range of potential projectile sizes for a particular
impact (within a 1-sigma velocity range centered on the mean) is influenced more by the low-velocity
component than the high end of the velocity range, implying the average particle size causing the
damage is biased toward the lower end of the potential size range.
Near Perforation of Radiator Line. Probably the severest impact to the Shuttle fleet, as it
represents a “near miss” of a major problem, is the impact found on a radiator line after STS-86 [15].
Postflight inspection of OV-104 (Atlantis) radiator panels after mission STS-86 found a significant M/D
impact in the external manifold hard line that extends along the two forward panels (Figure 1-5). The
impact penetrated through a beta cloth cover, crossed a 6.4-mm (0.25-inch) gap, and left a 0.8-mm-
diameter by 0.47-mm-deep crater in the manifold hard line (Figures 1-6 and 1-7). The aluminum external
hard lines are 0.9-mm (0.035-inch) thick in the impacted region. From HVI data, the crater depth to wall
thickness ratio of 0.52 indicated spall effects were likely on the inside of the line at the point of impact
[17]. A boroscope inspection of the line interior was conducted to assess internal damage and a small
area of detached spall was found on the inside of the tube under the impact site (Figure 1-8). This
indicates the impact very nearly put a hole in the external manifold that would have caused a leak of
Freon coolant, potentially shortening the mission. Mission rules dictate that a leak in one of the Orbiter’s
two radiator systems will result in a next primary landing site abort. The Orbiter Project Office determined
that an upgrade to the M/D protection of the radiator external lines was prudent. This change and other
vehicle changes to reduce M/D risks are discussed in the following section.
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Samples obtained for SEM/EDX analysis included the perforated beta cloth thermal cover and tape
pull samples from the external line. Analysis found iron, chromium, and nickel on the beta cloth (Teflon-
glass background) and in the external line samples, indicating the damage was caused by a stainless
steel orbital debris particle (approximately 0.4 mm diameter as indicated in Table 1-1).
0.96 mm
1.01 mm
Fig. 1-7. Crater on external radiator aluminum line found after STS-86.
Crater depth was over halfway through the tube.
0.8 mm Dia.
0.47 mm Deep
t = 0.9mm
Coolant Side
Detached Spall
Fig. 1-8. Crater profile in external line. Detached spall found on inside
of line in boroscope inspection. Small metal pieces were found in a coolant pump
strainer postflight.
1.3 Shuttle Operational and Design Changes to Improve M/D Protection
Changes in Shuttle mission operations, flight rules, and flight planning have been adopted to
reduce meteoroid and debris risks. In addition, NASA has implemented design modifications to improve
M/D protection of the Orbiter vehicle. These improvements relied on quantification of M/D risks to the
Orbiter, which was then used as a metric for assessing and deciding what design and operational
changes made the most sense to implement. M/D impact risks to the Orbiter are assessed beginning one
year before each flight. Three types of M/D risk assessments are conducted:
1. Critical impact risks, where “critical” is defined as damage that could endanger the crew during on-
orbit or reentry/landing phases of the mission.
2. Early mission abort risks from a penetration that causes a leak in either of the two radiator systems.
3. Window replacement risks from impacts that exceed each windowpane’s repair/replacement
NASA performs Shuttle mission risk calculations using BUMPER code (explained in Section 2),
based on the mission attitude time line. M/D risks are attitude-dependent, as shown in Figure 1-9 for
radiator leak risks. The best overall attitude for minimizing Orbiter risks (critical, radiator, and window) is
payload bay toward Earth, with tail forward into the velocity vector. Shuttle flight rules and mission
planning rules dictate that Orbiter attitude be adjusted to meet program requirements for minimizing M/D
impact risks [18].
0.61% 0.61%
% Risk of Penetration
0.29% 0.29%
0.23% 0.22%
0.10% 0.07% 0.07%
0.05% 0.05%
Space Shuttle Orientation
of motion
Fig. 1-9. Attitude dependence on radiator leak risk due to M/D impact.
(10-day duration, year 2000, altitude 500 km, inclination 51.6 )
Shuttle Design Modifications to Reduce M/D Risks. The BUMPER risk assessments allowed
the Shuttle Program to determine the areas of the Orbiter that were the “weak links” from meteoroid
debris and effectively expend resources to reduce M/D by selective modifications [19-20].
For instance, critical impact risks were driven in large measure by impact penetrations of the
reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC) leading edge of the wings. The RCC in this area of the vehicle is 6 mm
(Fig. 1-10) and relatively easily penetrated by small hypervelocity projectiles. Penetrations of RCC
become an issue during reentry, when hot atmospheric gases enter the RCC cavity, burning the carbon
substrate that leads to expansion of the RCC hole, and heats the internal structural supports to
unacceptable levels. Loss of RCC panel structural support could lead to loss of vehicle control during
reentry (if part of a panel loosens and interferes with smooth airflow over the wing). Analysis indicated it
was not feasible to modify the RCC panels without undue expense or significant additional mass.
Therefore, NASA decided to add ceramic cloth (i.e., Nextel) to the existing wing internal insulator
(Fig. 1-11), so that larger impacts could be tolerated without loss of integrity in the structural supports for
the RCC panels. Critical impact risks for the wing leading edge have decreased by a factor of 3 with the
Carbon-carbon composite
Silicon-carbide coating
Silicon-carbide coating
A-286 Aft.
RCC Panels 5 -13
Cerachrome Earmuff
Insulation Cerachrome
Inconel 601
Wing LE
Cutaway looking outboard
Early mission abort risk due to M/D-induced radiator leak was decreased by a factor of 5 by adding
“doublers” to the existing radiator loops in each of 8 panels (Fig. 1-12). Also, the external radiator
connection lines (hard and flexible) were “toughened” by an additional beta-cloth cover sleeve that was
sewn (with a standoff) into the existing thermal sleeve on the external manifolds.
FWD Radiator (Typ.)
34 0.187” OD Tubes/Panel/Side
0.9” 15.1 ft x 10.5 ft/Panel
4 Panels/Vehicle
0.011” Facesheet
3/16” Cell 3.1 Pcf Al Core
0.011 “ Facesheet
0.005” Silver-Teflon
Type VI Tape
0.020” Wall
F21 Tube F21 Tube
Risk Assessment Methodology. Fundamental tools in developing spacecraft M/D shielding are
encompassed by the Meteoroid/Debris Risk Assessment Methodology given in Figure 2-1 [9].
By using this methodology, the analyst will be able to accurately evaluate spacecraft risks from M/D
impact, identify zones or areas of the spacecraft that are the “risk drivers” that control the M/D risk, and
evaluate options to reduce risk. Each major step in the risk assessment process is described in the
following sections.
Geometry Failure Criteria
2.1 Definition of Spacecraft Geometry
Spacecraft geometry, including its overall size and shape, is defined in the first step. Spacecraft
size is directly proportional to the number of impacts as given in Equation 2-1 [23]. Risk of M/D impact
failure increases as the area and time exposed to the M/D flux increases by the following.
n n
N= ∑ Ni = ∑ (F A t)i (2-1)
i=1 i=1
where N is the number of impacts causing failure and is equal to the sum of the impact failures in each
region (Ni) over all regions (i = 1 to n) of the geometry model. Ni is found from the product of flux
(F, number/m -year) of meteoroid and debris impacts that exceed the failure ballistic limits of a region,
exposed area (A, m ) and time (t, year).
Impact Directionality. Spacecraft shape can reduce the exposure of certain areas of the
spacecraft to M/D due to shadowing. The front and sides of a spacecraft are more exposed to debris
impact, while the front, sides, and top (zenith) are more exposed to meteoroid
impact. Consider for instance that the Long-Duration Exposure Facility
(LDEF) had 20 times more craters observed on the forward face compared to
the aft, and 200 times more craters on the forward than the Earth-facing side
[24]. In addition, the geometry model is broken down into different regions,
each with similar materials of construction, configurations, and thickness.
Figure 2-2 illustrates a geometry model of ISS after Flight 20A used in M/D
risk assessments. There are over 400 different regions in this model
representing different shield configurations protecting ISS habitable modules
and external critical items (pressure vessels, control moment gyros).
Fig. 2-2. BUMPER geometry finite element model of the International Space Station,
excluding solar arrays. Approximately 150,000 elements are in the ISS model, with an
average size of 20 cm x 20 cm. Each color represents a different shield type, 400 shields
protect Station critical items.
Figure 2-3 demonstrates the directionality of the orbital debris environment, which is the design
driver for ISS shielding as it represents ~80% of the total penetrating flux for >1-cm-diameter-capable
Table 2-1. Damage Modes and Failure Criteria for Space Station Elements
(note: critical failure criteria marked with *)
Protection Spall/Perforation of
System (TPS) Shield exterior of Perforation of Uncontrolled Catastrophic
Critical Elements Damage Pressure Shell Pressure Shell Decompression Rupture Detonation
Crew Modules X* X X
1 1
Pressure Vessels (Liquids & Gases) X* X* X X
Control Moment Gyros (Rotating Equipment) X* X
Crew Return Vehicles X X* X X
Failure criterion for Russian PVs is perforation of pressure shell. Failure criterion of other designs is perforation or detached spall of shielding surrounding PV.
Surface Short or Open
Functional Elements Degradation Leak Circuit
Radiator Panels X X
Radiator Flex/Hard Lines X
Thermal loop lines & exchangers X
Power cables X
Batteries X X
Solar Arrays X X
Data lines/cables X
Window outer panes X
There are two broad classes of hardware on ISS: (1) functional hardware and (2) critical elements.
Sufficient redundancy exists in the design of the ISS thermal, power, and data subsystems such
that no single impact will lead to a loss of station or crew. The components of these systems are defined
as functional equipment. Risk assessments for functional equipment are conducted to determine
potential means to reduce failure rates, thereby decreasing maintenance and spares costs [25-27].
In contrast, the inhabited modules and pressurized vessels on the exterior of ISS are defined as
critical equipment [8, 9, 23]. A loss of pressure and/or structural integrity of these elements could endanger
the crew or station survivability. Definitive requirements for protecting critical elements are specified and
risk assessments rigorously applied [23]. Risk assessment calculations for Space Station critical elements
use the failure criteria defined in Table 2-1. For example, any perforation of the pressure shell of any
module that is pressurized and accessible by crew is deemed a critical failure, no matter how small.
The failure modes indicated in Table 2-1 to the right of the selected failure criteria for critical elements
are more severe damage modes. Subsets of the selected failure criteria have more catastrophic
consequences (e.g., uncontrolled decompression is not possible without first having a perforation of the
pressure shell). It should be noted that a critical penetration does not necessarily lead to loss of station or
crew. In the case of habitable modules, crew hazards from a penetration of the pressure shell depend in
part on the size of the puncture and quantity of debris released into the interior, the configuration of the
module’s internal components, whether the module is occupied, and the location of the crew in relation to
the puncture. Based on the fact that some station modules will be occupied infrequently (such as airlock
and pressurized mating adapters), it is possible that a penetration, if it occurs, will not cause loss or injury to
the crew. But, even in best case, a critical penetration would likely have significant repercussions, such as
an on-orbit repair of a pressure shell or isolation of the penetrated module.
Fig. 2-4. NASA Johnson Space Center White Sands Test Facility two-stage light-gas gun.
Other techniques exist to launch projectiles over 10 km/s [60]. For instance, NASA Johnson Space
Center (JSC) has sponsored development of an inhibited shaped charge launcher (ISCL) at Southwest
Research Institute. The ISCL’s disadvantage is that it is more constrained in launching well-controlled
projectile shapes. Typically, the ISCL projectile is in the shape of a hollow cylinder with overall length to
outside diameter ratio (L/d) of 2-3 (Fig.2-5) [33]. We can use hydrocode simulations to assess projectile
shape effects on shield response [28, 34-36].
Another high-speed launcher that provides useful information on shield capabilities in excess of 10
km/s is the 3-stage hypervelocity launcher developed at Sandia National Laboratories [37]. This launches
thin disks (L/d=0.1-0.2, mass=0.2g-1g) of aluminum and titanium from 10-15 km/s with some bowing and
tilting of the projectile.
2.6 Bumper Code
The BUMPER code has been the standard NASA and its contractors use to perform
meteoroid/debris risk assessments for almost 10 years. During that time, it has undergone extensive
revisions and updates [3, 42, 43]. JSC has applied BUMPER to risk assessments for Space Station,
Shuttle, Mir, extravehicular mobility units (i.e., “space suits”), and other satellites and spacecraft. NASA
has expended significant effort to validate BUMPER and “benchmark” it to other M/D risk assessment
codes used by some ISS International Partners.
Fig. 2-1 illustrates where BUMPER fits in the risk assessment process. The BLEs and M/D
environment models are embedded into BUMPER. A finite element model (FEM) that describes the
spacecraft geometry is created in IDEAS. In conducting ISS risk assessments; a number of FEMs are
required for each stage during ISS assembly. For instance, Fig.2-2 shows the ISS FEM for an assembly
complete configuration. This FEM has over 150,000 elements describing the surface geometry of ISS
and 400 different shield types.
BUMPER calculates the number of failures by determining the number of M/D particles that exceed
the ballistic limits for each element of the FEM, and calculates the total number of failures by summing the
individual elements. It calculates the number of failures for each element by breaking the debris threat
into 90 threat directions and the meteoroid threat into 149 threat directions that are applied to each
element. Each threat direction has an appropriate probability that is determined from the environment
models. Those threat directions that are shadowed by other elements in the FEM are removed from the
calculation for a particular element of the FEM. Because each FEM element has a specific surface
orientation in relation to the M/D flux, the number of particles that exceed the ballistic limit is calculated at
the element level.
BUMPER can then output the number of failures and risk of failure for the entire FEM and/or pieces
of the FEM, as desired by the user. Risk “contours” can also be produced as an output of BUMPER,
where colors are used to plot the risk of impact and/or risk of penetration on the FEM. Finally, BUMPER
can also show relative M/D risks as a function of impact angle and velocity, for the entire FEM or pieces
of the FEM. This last feature is particularly useful in planning the most appropriate HVI tests and
analyses (i.e., to determine impact response at the most likely impact angle and velocity).
Table 2-2 provides a listing of historical M/D protection design requirements [23]. Generally, each
program defines “penetrations” as critical penetrations that would endanger the survivability of the vehicle
and/or crew.
Table 2-2. Historical Meteoroid/Debris Shielding Requirements
Vehicle Environments Required Probability of No Penetration
Apollo Command Module Meteoroid 0.996 per 8.3-day mission
Skylab Module Meteoroid 0.995 for 8-month mission
Shuttle Orbiter Meteoroid 0.95 for 500 missions
Spacelab Module Meteoroid 0.999 for 7-day mission
Hubble Space Telescope Meteoroid and Debris 0.95 for 2 years
ISS Meteoroid and Debris 0.98 to 0.998 per critical element over 10 years
Space Station Design Requirements. The Space Station has M/D protection requirements
consistent with past programs, yetbecause ISS is larger and exposed longer than other space vehicles,
and because ISS will operate at higher altitudes in general than other spacecraftit also carries
increased risk and probability of meteoroid and debris impacts. To meet comparable protection
requirements, ISS shielding must be more effective: it will carry by far the most capable M/D shields ever
flown. For instance, most ISS critical hardware exposed to the M/D flux in the velocity vector (front) or
port/starboard (sides) directions will be protected by shields effective at stopping 1-cm- to 1.3-cm-
diameter aluminum debris particles at typical impact velocity and angle (9 km/s, 45 ). In comparison, the
Mir space station was able to stop 0.3-cm particles, the Space Shuttle Orbiter is capable of stopping
0.2-cm to 0.5-cm particles, and Apollo and Skylab were able to stop 0.15- to 0.2-cm particles under
similar impact conditions.
ISS also will have the ability to maneuver from ground-trackable debris particles (typically >10 cm
diameter). By virtue of its large internal volume, ISS crews will have time to locate and isolate leaks by
closing hatches. Hole repair kits will be manifested and crews will be trained to repair a leak in a module
if it occurs. Crew escape vehicles will be docked to ISS in the event of a major event requiring
Functional Equipment M/D Requirements. Besides crew safety/vehicle survivability M/D
requirements, other spacecraft and component requirements are given for functionality. These are
expressed for a given system, such as thermal control/radiator fluid loops, as a probability of no failure
(PNF) and are analogous to the PNP. PNF is calculated in exactly the same fashion as described above.
Crew Return Vehicle and Extravehicular Activity M/D Requirements. M/D requirements for
crew return vehicles attached to station are based on two different failure modes: (1) PNP for
penetrations that cause immediate loss of pressure in crew cabins or pressure vessel failure while docked
to ISS, and (2) PNP for penetrations that could result in loss of vehicle during reentry. M/D requirements
for extravehicular activity space suits are expressed in terms of (1) PNP for any size leak/penetration, and
(2) PNCP for probability of no “critical” penetration that results in hole sizes in the bladder that exceed the
purge capability of the secondary oxygen system [31]. Requirements and failure modes may differ, but
the approach to evaluating and designing protection systems to meet the requirements is the same as
given in Figure 2-1.
2.9 Analysis Iteration and Shield Qualification
As illustrated in Figure 2-1, further iteration of the shielding design process is often necessary to
meet protection requirements and optimize the design, i.e., meet the requirements with less weight, lower
volume (less standoff), less cost, etc.
The last step in the process is to conduct final shield verification by analysis (supported by HVI test
as appropriate), before final design certification and acceptance.
Inert Stored-Energy Equipment. After use, make stored-energy equipment inert, if possible. For
instance, completely depressurize any emptied storage tank. The risk of catastrophic rupture is
eliminated when stress levels in the pressure wall are made negligible by depressurizing to a small value.
This would require design modifications to implement for propellant tanks and other fluid storage tanks.
Another example is to keep spare flywheels, gyros, or other momentum storage devices in an inactive
state until required.
A corollary principle for gaseous pressure vessels is to use them in series (not parallel) and deplete
first the pressure vessels in the locations that are most exposed to M/D impact (those in the forward or
side positions), followed by less exposed positions.
Reduce Hazards if Shield Penetration Occurs. Design and operational options may exist to
reduce hazards if a penetration occurs. For instance, some hatches to unoccupied modules can be kept
closed to prevent a depressurization of an entire station if a penetration occurred to the module. A
perforation into an unoccupied module with hatch closed would not result in loss of crew from the
fragments/shrapnel, light flash, acoustic overpressure, or depressurization. Vent lines between modules
could be left open to allow for some air circulation and to keep pressures equalized to facilitate hatch
opening during normal operations.
Inspection, Repair, and Replacement. Inspection and repair of impact damage to critical areas
of reentry vehicles (such as the crew return vehicle attached to ISS) can be used as a supplement to M/D
shielding for maintaining flight worthiness. Some impact damage to thermal protection systems on Earth
return vehicles is not a hazard while on orbit (and may therefore be undetected) but could become
hazardous later, during reentry aerodynamic heating phases.
Testing, Analysis, and Iteration. Follow the M/D risk assessment procedure outlined in
Figure 2-1: (1) perform initial risk assessment, (2) identify most vulnerable spacecraft components/
locations, (3) perform test/analysis to determine ballistic limits, (4) evaluate design options by
test/analysis, (5) update risk assessment, (6) compare to requirements, (7) reevaluate design, failure
criteria, and operations to reduce M/D risks, (8) iterate as necessary to meet requirements.
Hypervelocity Impact Testing Efficiencies. (1) Test the impact conditions and shields that drive
the M/D risk to the greatest extent. Use BUMPER analysis to identify the most likely impact conditions
(obliquity, etc.) on the most vulnerable surfaces. (2) Determine size-scaling feasibility, and use subscale
testing to obtain more data within cost and time. Smaller gun launchers perform at higher rates and at
lower cost. Shield development with subscale models, with a few full-scale verification tests, can often be
accomplished more economically than all full-scale testing [45].
2.11 Objective 1
The problem is to design capable shielding with minimum weight. The following section describes
development of low-weight and effective shielding solutions for protecting spacecraft from meteoroid and
debris impact. Equations are provided to size the various shield elements and to predict capability of the
low-weight shielding in terms of particle size stopped as a function of impact velocity, impact angle, and
particle density.
tb = 0.2 d (3-1)
Apollo shields were capable of stopping 0.16-cm-diameter aluminum particles at 7 km/s, normal
impact angle (0 ). Accuracy of Equations 3-1 and 3-2 was satisfactory, given the database of HVI tests
with particle diameters up to about 0.16cm.
debris cloud
rear wall Craters & holes
Detached Spall
a) Whipple shields consist of a b) Hypervelocity impacts will generate c) The rear wall must survive the
bumper, standoff (gap or spacing), a cloud of bumper and projectile fragments and debris cloud impulsive
and rear wall. debris that can contain solid loading. It could fail by perforation
fragments, liquid, and vapor particles. from solid fragments, spall, or tear and
petal from the impulsive loading.
Modified Cour-Palais Equation. HVI tests of Whipple shields for Rear wall after impact
the Space Station showed that a significant modification was necessary
in the rear wall predictor (Equation 3-2) used to size shielding for critical
components. The HVI data showed that the equation was
nonconservative, and underestimated the rear wall thickness, tw, needed
to stop impact threats larger than 0.16 cm diameter. To meet
requirements, Station shielding needed to stop up to 1.3-cm-diameter
aluminum projectiles impacting at 7 km/s, 0 .
We developed a modified equation from a database of tests with a
large range of shield parameters (Table 3-1), such as particle diameter,
d, which varied from 0.04 cm to 1.9 cm in the data. All tests were with projectile impacts at a normal
angle to the target (0 ). The data set was selected to be at or near the ballistic limit of the rear wall.
Perforation or detached spall of the rear wall was selected as the ballistic limit failure criteria. The data
are provided in the literature [48] and are included in Appendix C. Of the 55 data points in the database,
23 were on the failure side of the ballistic limit and 32 had rear walls thick enough to prevent failure.
Table 3-1. Hypervelocity Impact Data Range
Parameter Description Range Comments
D Projectile diameter 0.04-1.9 cm
ρp Projectile density 1.14-2.8 g/cm Nylon, glass, Al
ρb Bumper density 2.7-2.8 g/cm Al alloys
Velocity, normal
Vn 6.5-7.5 km/s
Bumper thickness to
tb/d 0.08-0.64
projectile diameter
S/d Spacing to diameter 13-96
σ Rear wall yield stress 18-70 ksi Al alloys
0.04 Data – No Fail
Data – Fail
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
Projectile Diameter (cm)
Fig. 3-2. Modified Cour-Palais “K” factor.
Equation Accuracy. For shielding design, the implication of the modified equation was a more
than doubling in rear wall thickness for Space Station shields. An increase of 90% was expected in the
weight allocated for M/D shielding due to the equation update, considering rear wall was the majority of
the shield mass (which also includes bumper and support structure). The Space Station Program,
Engineering, and Center statisticians conducted a thorough review of the modified shield equation, data,
and approach. The review found that the modified equation was suitable for Space Station design. As
shown in Table 3-2, the modified Cour-Palais equation more accurately predicts failure in the tests,
successfully predicting 65% of the failure cases in the original database. The 8 failure data points that
Equation 3-3 did not predict were very marginal failures (detached spall without perforation, or small
perforations). The original 1969 equation predicted only 30% of the failures in the data set. None of the
successful predictions of failure occurred with particle sizes greater than 0.2 cm. This indicates that
application of the 1969 Cour-Palais equation to particle threats greater than 0.2 cm diameter will result in
underestimation of the required M/D shielding.
The review considered other Whipple predictor equations, including the Wilkinson [49] and Nysmith
[50] predictors, which were also under consideration for use in Station M/D shielding design.
Wilkinson Predictor. The accuracy of the Wilkinson predictor is given in Table 3-2. The
Wilkinson equations are from [49]:
For (tb ρb / (ρp d)) > 1:
tw = M V /(1.44 L2 S ρw)
L2 is a material constant and equals 0.425 for Al 2024T3, Al 2024T4, and Al 2024T351; 0.292 for Al
6061T6; 0.345 for Al 7075T6; 0.297 for Al 2014T6; 0.28 for Al 2219T87; and 0.20 for Al 3003H12, Al
3003H14, and Al 1100H14.
Table 3-2 shows that the Wilkinson equations are nonconservative for this data set. The calculated
rear wall thickness required to prevent failure using Wilkinson was smaller than the actual rear wall used
in the experiment in all 55 tests, indicating no failure is expected to occur in all 55 cases. Thus,
Wilkinson’s accuracy in predicting shield failure is 0% for this data set. Since Wilkinson always predicted
shield success, it was 100% accurate in predicting no-failure. However, for the no-failure data, the rear
wall thickness calculated by Wilkinson averaged 8% of the rear wall thickness used in the experiments.
This is very optimistic, considering the data were intentionally selected to be close to the failure point of
the shield.
The poor comparison between Wilkinson prediction and experiment is not unexpected. The
Wilkinson equation was formulated almost entirely from analytical considerations, without use of
experimental data to determine coefficients or material constants, and little attempt was made to compare
predictions with experimental data.
Nysmith Predictor. The Nysmith equation is given by (3-6):
0.2778 -0.5278 -1.3889
tw = 5.08 d V (tb/d) (S/d) (3-6)
Table 3-2 provides results of applying Nysmith to predict rear wall thickness for the Whipple shield
data set [48].
As indicated, Nysmith only predicts 13% of the test cases where the shield failed; a nonconservative
result. This is somewhat surprising. The Nysmith equation is purely empirical. HVI test data are used in
its formulation. The poor comparison here can be explained by noting that Nysmith formulated his
equation using HVI data for glass projectiles on aluminum targets. Because the density of glass is less
than aluminum, this correlation would underestimate the effect of aluminum projectiles. However, of more
concern is use of the Nysmith equation to extrapolate beyond test conditions. The Nysmith equation is
derived strictly from HVI data, and contains no theoretical justification for extrapolating beyond test
Table 3-2. Comparison of Whipple Shield Sizing Equations
Modified Original 1969
Predictor: Wilkinson Nysmith
Cour-Palais Cour-Palais
Predicted Failures
15 7 0 3
(out of 23 in data set)
Prediction Accuracy 65% 30% 0% 13%
Mean tw calc / tw exp’t 1.15 0.82 0.15 0.58
Std deviation in tw calc / tw exp’t 0.45 0.81 0.18 0.39
Predicted No-Failures
23 27 32 32
(out of 32 in data set)
Prediction Accuracy 72% 84% 100% 100%
Mean tw calc / tw exp’t 0.90 0.63 0.08 0.37
Std deviation in tw calc / tw exp’t 0.36 0.55 0.05 0.16
Technical Basis. Further technical rationale for using the modified Cour-Palais equation includes
the following:
• The approach is a semi-analytical/empirical approach. It uses test data to “anchor” the
prediction at the highest impact velocities attainable in the laboratory. It uses a conservative
analytical approach to extrapolate to higher velocities.
• The basis of the velocity scaling is that the ballistic limit of a given structure scales with
constant impactor kinetic energy (i.e., tw ∝ K.E. ). This is consistent with NASA practice for
conservatively extrapolating beyond HVI test conditions [Ref.44], as well as the presumption
that the debris cloud will contain solid particulates in a significant fraction of real on-orbit
encounters at velocities in excess of 7 km/s. These solid particles are the determining factor
in sizing the rear wall. Cratering theory for the penetration of solid particles into the rear wall
is consistent with a constant kinetic energy scaling rule. Solid particulates in the debris cloud
occur in a number of high-velocity impact scenarios (for single-bumper Whipple shields),
such as impacts of irregular-shaped debris, impacts with too-thin bumpers (tb/d < 0.15), late
time fragments from the bumper when tb/d > 0.5 or if the wall thickness is less than or equal
to bumper thickness, and fragments from projectile or bumper generated in oblique impact.
• The approach is a conservative method for predicting HVI response of Whipple shields to
impact conditions beyond test capability. A conservative approach is appropriate for
designing protection systems of critical equipment on Space Station, since crew safety and
vehicle survivability depend on the shielding. The equations will be modified as test data and
detailed analyses become available for shield response to impacts above 10 km/s.
3.2 Enhanced Shielding Material Selection
In this subsection, I discuss the results from analytical and HVI evaluations of new shielding
materials and configurations. The approach taken was to break the problem in two pieces: first
examining materials and configurations to improve the projectile breakup performance of the bumper(s),
and then to evaluate improved rear wall materials. The analytical work is supported by HVI tests.
Rationale for Improved Shielding. The primary purpose of developing improved shielding is to
provide higher levels of spacecraft M/D protection with less weight.
To illustrate the issue, consider the shielding required to stop 1-cm-diameter aluminum projectiles
at 7 km/s, 0 impact angle. Figure 3-3 gives four shield concepts to meet the requirement: a conventional
aluminum Whipple shield with a 10.2-cm standoff, a Nextel/Kevlar stuffed Whipple shield with the same
standoff, a Whipple shield with a 30-cm standoff, and a Nextel multi-shock shield concept.
Projectile in all cases: 1cm diameter aluminum, 1.5g, 7km/s, normal impact
Nextel bumpers
t=0.26cm Al bumper t=0.15cm Al bumper t=0.21cm Al bumper mb = 0.52 g/cm2
30 cm standoff
30 cm standoff
Nextel ceramic cloth
Kevlar fabric
Areal Density (kg/m )
Whipple Stuffed Whipple Whipple Multi-shock
S=10 cm S=10 cm S=30 cm S=30 cm
Bumper: 7.0 10.6 5.6 5.2
Rear wall: 17.2 6.6 7.5 3.8
Total: 24.2 17.3 13.1 9.0
Surface Area (m )
Bumper: 152 152 175 175
Rear wall: 141 141 141 141
Mass (kg) including 30% of bumper for support mass
Bumper: 1060 1620 980 910
Support: 320 490 300 270
Rear wall: 2420 940 1060 540
Total: 3800 3050 2340 1720
(include support)
We make the shielding mass estimates assuming the shielding encloses a cylinder, with 4.2 m
inside diameter by 8.5 m long. Sections 4 and 5 describe stuffed Whipple and multi-shock shields in
detail, but it is clear for this example that using advanced shielding concepts (up to 50% reduction)
provide significant mass savings.
Also, it is possible to trade weight for protection capability (i.e., capability and shield PNP are
related as explained in Section 2, Equations 2-1 through 2-3), so it can be shown that lower weight and
more effective protection in terms of higher PNP are possible using Nextel/Kevlar stuffed Whipple and
multi-shock shields compared to conventional Whipple shields.
Evaluation of New Shielding Materials. New shielding development takes place in phases, as
given in Table 3-3. Early phases involve applying analytical techniques supported by screening/
optimization HVI tests to select shielding candidates and develop design equations. Later phases
concentrate on developing BLEs that are then programmed into BUMPER code (section 2) for spacecraft
M/D risk assessments. Further HVI analysis/test work is required to confirm BLEs for a particular
application on a spacecraft, as the actual application may differ in some important aspect (standoff,
material types, thickness) from the existing test database. Final qualification tests on flight-like shield
samples leading to protection system certification for flight complete the program.
Table 3-3. Shield Development Steps
Approx. Number
Phase HVI Test Objectives Analytical Tasks
of Tests
• Select superior shield candidates 1-2 per candidate to •Materials screening evaluations
1. Shield • Optimize shield parameters •Analytical/semi-empirical models
select best one(s),
Screening and
Optimization • Perform size-scaling studies followed by 5-20 to •Design equations
• Confirm/update analytical models optimize and scale •Scaling relationships
•Develop ballistic limit equations
• Determine ballistic limits: LGG (2-8
2. Ballistic km/s), oblique impacts, projectile 20-40 per shield •Perform M/D risk assessments using
Limit Study density effects, target variations; (LGG) analytical models and hydrocodes
ISCL (10-12 km/s) evaluation of high-velocity capability,
predict performance beyond testable range
• Update ballistic limit curves for actual •Data analysis
3. Engineering
materials and configurations used in 10-20 per shield •Update ballistic limit equations
spacecraft application •Update M/D risk assessments
• Test near ballistic limit curves using •Select test conditions
4. Qualification “flight-like” materials and 2-10 per shield •Work contingencies, repeat tests, update
configurations analysis, modify design if necessary
Alternative Bumper Materials. Aluminum is the standard material used for a spacecraft bumper
in a Whipple shield. We evaluated alternative materials using aluminum as the baseline for comparison.
Desirable characteristics of an effective spacecraft bumper include:
1. Good projectile breakup
2. Low shielding weight
3. Low penetration threat to rear wall from bumper fragments
4. Large dispersion angle of debris cloud
5. Low expansion speed of debris cloud
6. Minimal secondary ejecta
Two analytical methods were applied in the evaluations of alternative bumper materials. One
technique to address items 1 and 2 in the above list was to assess the impact shock pressure, bumper
thickness and weight, and the physical state of the bumper and projectile (solid, liquid, or vapor) post-
impact. A second method (referred to as a “figure-of-merit,” or FOM, approach), used to address item 3,
was to evaluate bumper material properties that result in post-impact bumper debris particles that are
small or non-penetrating to the rear wall. Items 4-6 were directly measured and compared in HVI tests.
Other characteristics of the bumper are important in spacecraft application, such as thermal, structural,
and manufacturing properties, but are not evaluated here.
Analytical Evaluations of Alternative Bumper Materials Using a One-Dimensional Shock
Analysis Approach. The projectile breakup capacity of various bumper materials was evaluated in one
of several techniques, by determining the impact shock pressure using one-dimensional shock theory [45,
51]. The analysis relies on Rankine-Hugoniot relations describing conditions on either side of the shock
front and linear equations of state relating shock and particle velocities. The equations are included in
Appendix B. The procedure is not as sophisticated as hydrocodes, but it provides a closed-form method
based on impact physics to evaluate alternative bumper material properties. Hydrocode assessments are
being applied to the problem as well [36], but take time to implement correctly. The advantage of the
closed-form solution is to provide a quick look at a wide range of materials. This allowed the best
material candidates to be selected for further evaluation.
Impact shock pressures depend on impact velocity, projectile and target density, and material
shock compressibility factors. The pressure to which the projectile is subjected influences, to a large
extent, the amount of internal energy left in the projectile after the collision, and thus the temperature and
state (i.e. phase) of the projectile materials. Higher shock pressures generate more internal energy,
which translates into projectile heating. Solid projectile fragments are more damaging to the rear wall
than either liquid or vapor particles, and therefore a bumper material is preferred that produces high
shock pressures in the projectile.
Figure 3-4 illustrates the initial shock pressure to which an aluminum projectile is exposed on
impact at 7 km/s on a variety of different bumper materials. For instance, an aluminum projectile on an
aluminum bumper impacting at 7 km/s (at 0 impact angle) produces a 1-Mb shock at the projectile/target
interface, which will theoretically completely melt the projectile given adequate bumper thickness. Higher-
density materials produce higher impact shock pressures.
Bumper Areal Density. Another consideration is required bumper thickness and mass to shock-
melt the projectile. The thickness of the bumper must be adequate for a majority of the projectile to be
shocked to the level initially experienced upon impact.
An analysis was made of the amount of projectile that experienced a shock high enough to melt it,
considering compressive shock wave and rarefaction expansion velocities, as given by the equations in
Appendix B. The required bumper thickness was multiplied by bumper density to determine the areal
density (mass per unit area) of bumper required to shock an aluminum projectile enough to melt it.
Analysis results are given in Table 3-4, which shows that some ceramics (boron carbide, silicon
carbide [SiC], and alumina), silicate glass, crystalline silicates, and magnesium metal would provide equal
or superior breakup of an aluminum projectile, at equivalent bumper mass.
1.0 Al6061T6
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
Target Material Density (g/cm )
Fig. 3-4. Initial shock pressures generated by impacts from aluminum projectiles
at 7 km/s on various target materials.
Comparative Analysis of Bumper Fragment Size. Another factor to consider in bumper material
evaluations is the state of the bumper material in the debris cloud. Solid bumper fragments of sufficient
size and velocity will penetrate the rear wall, and a methodology to assess this effect is given in the next
section. Thermodynamic properties of the bumper determine the phase of the bumper material in the
debris cloud to a large extent. The most important is heat of fusion. Others include melting temperature,
vaporization energy, and vaporization temperature. The lower these properties are, the more likely the
debris cloud will contain molten or vaporized bumper particles, which are less damaging to the protected
surfaces than solid fragments. An additional parameter is the thickness of the bumper, as larger bumper
fragments will occur with increased bumper thickness. An analysis of bumper materials was completed
based on a FOM, which ranks alternative materials on the basis of thermodynamic parameters by
Equations 3-7 through 3-8 [51]. The FOM analysis is applicable for metals. Table 3-5 lists the results of
the analysis, which indicates tin and magnesium will perform better than aluminum, while tantalum and
tungsten perform worse. The FOM analysis compares favorably with previous work on bumper material
properties [52]. The previous work was experimental in nature, and provides confirmation that the FOM is
consistent with HVI data. Tin was not assessed in the experimental work [52], but the FOM analysis
indicates it will make a good bumper material from a HVI perspective. The FOM is determined by:
FOM = ρ (Hm (Tm)
’ 0.5 0.1 0.1
Hv (Tv) + R/4) (3-7)
Material properties for the bumper material candidates are given in Table 3-6 and are normalized in
Equation 3-7 to aluminum as follows:
ρ’ = ρ(Al) / ρ ; density ρ (g/cm )
0.67 0.25 0.5
R = [C/C(Al)] [H/H(Al)]
where H is the Brinell hardness, and C {km/s}, the speed of sound in the material, is calculated from the
elastic modulus, E {MPa}, and the density, ρt, i.e.,
C = [E/(10 ρt)]
3 0.5
Table 3-6. Bumper Material Properties for Figure of Merit Analysis [51]
Heat of Heat of Elastic Sound
Melting Boiling Brinell Density
Material Fusion Vap. 3 Mod Speed
Temp (C) Temp (C) Hard. (lb/in )
(BTU/lb) (BTU/lb) (psi) (km/s)
Mg AZ31B alloy 532 142 1093 2407 73 0.064 6.5E6 5.03
Tin 232 26.1 2260 1023 5 0.264 6.4E6 2.46
Lead 327 10.6 1725 365 5 0.41 2.0E6 1.10
Cadmium 321 23.4 767 382 38 0.312 8.0E6 2.53
Aluminum alloy 660 170 1800 3591 73 0.098 9.9E6 5.02
Antimony 631 70.5 1380 671 42 0.249 1.13E7 3.36
Titanium 1649 188 3260 3591 345 0.161 1.65E7 5.05
Iron/Steel 1535 86.4 3000 2926 385 0.286 2.80E7 4.94
Copper 1083 88.0 2300 2061 100 0.322 1.70E7 3.63
Nickel 1438 129 2899 2677 370 0.298 3.0E7 5.01
Tungsten 3367 82.2 5899 1722 290 0.697 5.3E7 4.35
Tantalum 2996 68 5425 3591 123 0.599 2.7E7 3.35
Material Tm(Al) /Tm Hm(Al) /Hm Tv(Al) /Tv Hv(Al) /Hv H /H(Al) ρ/ρ
ρ(Al) C/C(Al) R
Mg AZ31B alloy 1.16 1.20 1.52 1.49 1.0 0.65 1.0 0.81
Tin 0.29 2.50 0.36 1.0 0.07 2.69 0.49 0.52
Lead 1.56 16.1 1.0 9.8 0.07 4.18 0.22 0.38
Cadmium 1.57 7.27 1.99 9.4 0.52 3.18 0.50 0.96
Aluminum alloy 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Antimony 1.03 2.41 1.25 5.35 0.58 2.54 0.67 1.06
Titanium 0.49 0.91 0.59 1.0 4.73 1.64 1.01 1.90
Iron/Steel 0.52 1.97 0.63 1.23 5.27 2.92 0.98 2.56
Copper 0.69 1.93 0.81 1.74 1.37 3.29 0.72 1.58
Nickel 0.55 1.32 0.65 1.34 4.73 1.64 1.01 1.90
Tungsten 0.26 2.07 0.34 2.09 3.97 7.11 0.87 3.42
Tantalum 0.29 2.50 0.36 1.0 1.68 6.11 0.67 2.15
Cratering Equations [17]: Cratering equations for hypervelocity particles impacting monolithic
structures are given in Equations 3-9 through 3-10. These are applied to assessment of M/D impacts
directly on monolithic, or single-layer systems [17]. They also can be applied to cratering and penetration
of the rear wall by fragments in the debris cloud. Examining the equations, it is evident that thinner,
lower-density bumpers will generate particles in the debris cloud that are less penetrating to the rear wall.
For ρp/ρt < 1.5,
19/18 -0.25 0.5 2/3
P∞ = 5.24 d H (Vn/C) (3-9a)
For ρp/ρt ≥ 1.5,
19/18 -0.25 2/3 2/3
P∞ = 5.24 d H (Vn/C) (3-9b)
For rear wall penetration calculations by bumper fragments of diameter, d, the “projectile” density
ρp is the density of the bumper, and the minimum rear wall thickness to prevent perforation is given by the
following equation,
tw = 1.8 P∞ (3-10a)
and to prevent detached spall:
tw = 2.2 P∞ (3-10b)
Although not used in the bumper materials evaluations, the maximum fragment diameter for
aluminum bumpers is expected to be controlled by bumper thickness, dmax ≤ tb, and the velocity of the
bumper fragments is related to impact velocity by:
Vbumper fragments = 0.8 Vn * exp (- tb/d) (3-11)
Aluminum Bumpers. The analyses of projectile breakup ability and bumper fragment size indicate
aluminum is a reasonably good choice for a bumper material for M/D shields based on its material
characteristics. However, the analyses indicate other materials, in particular ceramics, promise to
improve the breakup of hypervelocity projectiles compared to conventional aluminum bumpers.
Analytical Evaluations of Rear Wall Materials. A comparative tool used to evaluate capacity of
various rear wall materials to absorb debris cloud loads is based on the following formula:
Fc/Mw = σt_ult 10 / (2 tw ρw E) = σt_ult 10 / (2 mw E)
2 3 2 3
where Fc/Mw is the critical load per mass that the rear wall can absorb before failure (N/kg), σt_ult is the
ultimate tensile stress for the material (MPa), mw is the rear wall areal density (g/cm ) and E is the elastic
modulus (MPa).
This function assumes rear wall effectiveness depends on the ability of the material to absorb the
mechanical energy of the impact. Assuming the various rear wall materials have linear stress-strain
relationships to the ultimate stress (σt_ult) or strain (εf), the area under the strain-strain curve is
proportional to the strain energy to failure of the material, i.e.,
Strain energy/volume = 0.5 σt_ult εf
Equation 3-12 results from substituting εf = σt_ult / E, and dividing by areal density of the material.
Higher Fc/Mw values suggest rear wall materials that have the ability to absorb greater loading from the
debris cloud before failing. As shown in Table 3-7, high-strength fabrics such as Kevlar and Spectra have
material properties that should contribute to improve rear wall performance over high-strength aluminum
alloys typically used in spacecraft (for example, Al 2219T87 and Al 7075T6).
Table 3-7. Rear Wall Material’s Ability to Absorb Mechanical Energy of Impact
Calculated based on rear wall areal density of 7.5 kg/m
Tensile Strength/weight Elastic tensile Critical failure
Rank* Material 3 strength 3 modulus load per unit mass
(g/cm ) (MPa-m /kg)
(MPa) (MPa) rear wall (N/kg)
1 Kevlar 29 1.44 3620 2.51 82740 105580
2 Spectra 900 0.97 2620 2.70 117215 39045
3 Nextel 312 2.70 1724 0.64 151690 13059
4 Al 7075T6 2.80 524 0.19 71708 2553
5 Al 2219T87 2.85 462 0.16 73087 1947
6 Al 6061T6 2.71 310 0.11 68950 931
Results of Hypervelocity Impact Screening Tests. HVI tests were conducted to evaluate
candidate shielding materials and configurations [39, 40, 45, 51]. The tests compared shield candidates
to Whipple shields having the same overall areal density (i.e., mass per unit area) and standoff.
A first series of tests focused on bumper materials. Based on the analytical studies, a matrix of
materials including ceramics, laminates, and fiber-reinforced composites were evaluated in an initial
series of screening tests [45]. The tests were performed with equal areal density targets under the same
impact conditions (normal impact of a 3.2-mm-diameter aluminum sphere at 6.8 km/s (± 0.2 km/s).
Targets had bumpers with 0.22 g/cm areal density, constant standoff (5 cm), and a 0.127-cm-thick
Al 2024T3 rear wall. Double bumpers were also examined. Double bumpers had a combined areal
density equivalent to the single bumper, and the overall spacing was the same as in the single bumper
tests. A 0.4-mm-thick aluminum witness plate was located 10 cm behind the rear wall (Al 3003 alloy) to
record penetration/spall damage. Also, an “ejecta catcher” witness plate (0.2-mm-thick Al3003-0) was
mounted 10 cm in front of the bumper to record the effects of secondary ejecta particles released from
the bumper. A hole was predrilled in the ejecta catcher to allow the projectile to impact the bumper
unhindered. Figure 3-5 illustrates the test setup.
Tungsten-silicone composite
Aluminum/graphite-epoxy laminate
Alumina-aluminum laminate
Mg AZ31B
Al mesh
Shuttle Tile
0 20 40 60 80 100
Rear Wall and Witness Plate Damage
Fig. 3-6. Bumper material screening results from hypervelocity impact tests.
Figure 3-6 gives the rankings from the tests. Rankings were made in terms of a damage number
(DN) derived from measurements of rear wall and witness plate damage. DN is an index that ranges from
0 to 100, with the lowest numbers indicating the better-performing bumpers. Total area of all holes in the
back wall was given a 75% weighting factor in DN, while witness plate damage makes up the remaining
25%. Damage to the witness plate was used as a discriminator because the rear wall spalled in some
tests but was not penetrated. Because spall can cause substantial damage to interior components of a
spacecraft and represents a danger to crew for inhabited spacecraft, I felt it was important to include the
effects of spall in the comparisons. More detailed data from the tests and data analyses are presented
elsewhere [45, 51].
As shown in Figure 3-6, double-bumper shields, especially those containing aluminum mesh, were
far superior to the baseline Whipple shield (single-aluminum bumper). Graphite-epoxy as an intermediate
bumper was more effective than an equal areal density aluminum plate.
Tungsten microspheres imbedded in a silicone rubber matrix performed well. Tungsten provides
high shock pressures in the projectile, but typically would be expected to produce high-density, damaging
fragments if constructed in a solid plate. Using microspheres (2-4 micron diameter) solves this problem,
since the tungsten in the debris cloud will already be in a finely divided state. Tungsten was 77 weight
percent by weight with the remainder a silicone rubber (type VMQ) matrix and a light (0.012 g/cm )
Nomex cloth backing material.
Bumper materials performing somewhat better than Al 6061-T6 were laminates of aluminum (0.2 mm
thick) bonded to graphite-epoxy (1.1 mm thick), and 0.38-thick alumina (Al2O3) bonded to aluminum (0.2 mm
thick), and a ceramic metal-matrix composite containing 35 volume percent SiC whiskers in a Al 6061-T6
matrix. Bumper materials that were less successful than aluminum included non-reinforced alumina, SiC
fabric (Nicalon), Kevlar cloth, graphite-epoxy, corrugated aluminum (60 corrugations) and a ceramic Shuttle
tile (glass coating followed by low-density silica ceramic). Typical results from the baseline tests are shown
in Figure 3-7. The rear wall was cracked and penetrated (2-mm x 3-mm hole, four through-cracks 4 mm to
7 mm long) with detached spall from a 1.3-mm-diameter area on back. The witness plate has numerous
holes and deep dimples/craters. In comparison, the mesh/graphite-epoxy double-bumper target is shown in
Figure 3-8. The rear wall is bulged, but not penetrated or spalled.
External Secondary Ejecta. Ejecta particles (Fig. 3-1) produced by HVI are capable of damaging
other nearby structures [53]. The “ejecta catcher” used in the screening tests (Fig. 3-5) registered
characteristics of ejecta from various shielding materials. As shown in Figure 3-9, an impact on an
aluminum bumper produced many, relatively large holes, while the SiC/Al metal matrix composite
produced more craters and smaller holes. The particle sizes in the ejecta were estimated from the crater
and hole sizes, and the ejecta impact velocity, which was measured from ultra-high-speed camera film. A
Cordin shadowgraph camera captured 80 frames of the impact process for each test, with 1 microsecond
between frames [3, 54]. Table 3-8 provides data on ejecta characteristics from the various bumper
materials based on velocity data obtained from the high-speed camera and visual observations.
Almost no ejecta of any significance (only faint dust) were observed from the tests on aluminum
mesh and Kevlar. The ejecta expansion velocity was very low as well from these materials. Also, I
observed very little damage on the ejecta catcher from the alumina/aluminum laminate bumper (no holes,
only tiny marks). It appears that mesh and ceramics will not typically produce damaging ejecta because
HVIs result in small particle size and low velocity from these materials.
Ejecta Risk Reduction. Test data indicate that selecting appropriate shielding materials or
surface treatments could substantially decrease or potentially eliminate secondary impact damage from
ejecta. For example, an outer fiberglass cloth layer, or ceramic fabric or aluminum mesh layers will result
in minimal secondary ejecta production as indicated in HVI tests.
Bumper Rear Wall Witness
Fig. 3-7a. FRONT VIEW: Response of baseline aluminum shield to a 3.2-mm-diameter
aluminum projectile, 6.8 km/s, normal impact.
Shield comprises 0.8-mm-thick Al 6061T6 bumper (L), 5-cm gap, 1.27-mm-thick Al2024T3 rear wall (C), 0.58-g/cm
areal density for bumper and rear wall, 0.4-mm-thick witness plate (R). All shield and witness plates were perforated.
Bumper Rear Wall Witness
Fig. 3-7b. BACK: Response of baseline aluminum shield to a 3.2-mm-diameter
aluminum projectile, 6.8 km/s, normal impact.
Shield comprises 0.8-mm-thick Al 6061T6 bumper (L), 5-cm gap, 1.27-mm-thick Al2024T3 rear wall (C), 0.58-g/cm
areal density for bumper and rear wall, 0.4-mm-thick witness plate (R). All shield and witness plates were perforated.
Bumper 2nd Bumper Rear Wall
Fig. 3-8. FRONT VIEW: Mesh double-bumper shield results after impact by 3.2-mm-
diameter aluminum sphere at 6.8 km/s, normal impact.
No penetration or spall resulted to the rear wall. No damage occurred to the witness plate (not pictured).
Table 3-8. Secondary Ejecta Characteristics for Various Bumper Materials
Data from HVI of 0.32 cm Al projectile at 6.8 km/s, normal impact, on 0.22g/cm bumpers
Ejecta Maximum
Rank* Bumper Material Damage to Ejecta Catcher
Velocity (km/s)
1 Aluminum mesh 2.1 No holes
2 Kevlar 2.4 No holes
3 Alumina/aluminum laminate 4.2 No holes, small scratches
4 Aluminum/graphite-epoxy laminate 3.9 A few holes (<20)
130 small holes (0.46 mm max hole dia.),
5 SiC-aluminum metal matrix composite 5.2
estimate largest secondary particle size is 0.2 mm
6 Aluminum 6061T6 alloy 6.7 Many holes > 1 mm diameter
* Rank based on damage to ejecta catcher; highest rank (#1) bumper material results in secondary ejecta
causing the least amount of damage to ejecta catcher.
Rear Wall
• Resist impulsive load
• Resist fragment penetration
Fig. 3-9. Mesh double-bumper shield.
The purpose of the second bumper is to produce a second shock in the projectile fragments
remaining after impact with the first bumper. This increases the thermal state of the particles, melting or
further pulverizing them. This was evident both in the experimental impact results (far more melt on the
rear wall of the mesh double-bumper tests) and from computational results [40, 55].
Kevlar or Spectra high-strength fabrics are used in the intermediate layer. From analytical studies
discussed earlier, these fabrics work well to slow fragments and debris cloud expansion lower in the
shield (near or at the rear wall), but are not effective as an outer bumper to break up hypervelocity
aluminum projectiles.
The MDB shield was modified and used to protect areas of ISS. In particular, steel mesh is used to
protect parts of the Russian manufactured modules, such as the FGB Module (“Zarya”) [56]. Equations 3-
13 through 3-16 are used for sizing the MDB elements. Equations 3-17 through 3-19 are MDB BLEs
used in the BUMPER code (section 2).
Shield Sizing Equations [40]. The mesh areal density is given by:
mmesh =cm d ρp (3-13)
where cm= 0.04. The mesh has wires in a square pattern with a wire diameter to projectile diameter ratio
of from 0.07 to 0.1. The first to second bumper spacing is four times the projectile diameter: S1 = 4d.
The second bumper is a continuous aluminum sheet that is sized by the following equation:
m2 = 0.093 d ρp (3-14)
A high-strength fabric intermediate layer (for example: Spectra or Kevlar) is mounted a distance S3
= 4d in front of the rear wall. For Spectra or Kevlar, the intermediate layer areal density is:
mK = 0.064 d ρp (3-15a)
If Nextel ceramic cloth is used for the intermediate layer, the areal density is:
mI = 0.095 d ρp (3-15b)
The rear wall area density to prevent perforation and detached spall is determined by:
-3/2 0.5
m w = cw M Vn S (3-16)
-1/2 -1
where cw = 9 {cm km s}. Equations 3-13 through 3-16 are applied when impact velocity component
(V cos θ) is greater than 6.4 km/s. The equations are valid for all impact angles.
θ - V)/(6.4cos θ - 2.8cos θ)
-1/3 -1/3 -0.5
θ)/(6.4cos θ - 2.8cos θ)
-0.5 -1/3 -0.5
(V - 2.8cos (3-18)
dc = 2.2 (tw (σ/40) θ ρp
0.5 -5/3 -0.5 -2/3
+ 0.37 (mb+ mK)) cos V (3-19)
where mb = m1 + m2.
Multi-Shock Shields Using Ceramic Fabric Bumpers. The Multi-Shock Shield with Nextel
bumper materials evaluations indicated that ceramics produce a Ceramic Bumpers
higher shock pressure in the projectile than conventional aluminum (double-aluminized Mylar added
bumpers, which translates into better projectile breakup. to top layer)
A ceramic used in HVI shielding is Nextel, a ceramic fabric of
polycrystalline metal oxide fibers [39]. Ceramic fabrics have been
applied in spacecraft shielding instead of monolithic ceramic plates
because fabrics are more damage tolerant. The damage to ceramic
fabrics is approximately the same as an equivalent weight aluminum
plate. But ceramics shock metal impactors to a greater extent than
aluminum, which improves shield performance. The fibers from
ceramic fabrics are small and non-damaging to the rear wall, and
they generate very little damaging secondary ejecta particles.
Monolithic ceramics tend to disintegrate upon impact [45].
As was determined by HVI screening tests [39, 45, 51],
multiple bumpers are more successful at M/D protection because
they provide greater breakup of HVI projectiles than equivalent-
weight single bumpers. The MS shield originated by Cour-Palais
and Crews is illustrated in Figure 3-10.
Diameter, d
Velocity, V
Impact angle, Θ
S1 = 8 d (optimum)
S4 = 8 d
Rear Wall
• Resist impulsive load
• Resist fragment penetration
Fig. 3-10. Multi-shock shield concept [1].
Weight Advantages for MDB and MS Shielding. As indicated in Table 3-9, test data
demonstrate there are clear weight advantages with enhanced shielding (Mesh Double-Bumper and
multi-shock) when standoffs are relatively large (30 times projectile diameter).
However for ISS, Whipple shielding is not adequate (too heavy and/or will not meet PNP
requirements) and there is often not enough standoff for MS/MDB shields to be suitable (i.e., S is often <
15d). Low-weight, higher-performance shielding is needed when standoffs are short (i.e., S ≤ 15d). The
stuffed Whipple shield is the solution for this situation.
Table 3-9. Whipple, Multi-Shock and Mesh Double-Bumper Impact Data
Table provides shield mass per unit area for tests with no perforation or detached spall of rear wall. All impact tests
occurred at 6-7 km/s for Al2017T4 spheres of given diameter at the indicated impact angle.
Overall Shield Impact Angle
Whipple Multi-Shock MDB
Spacing (cm) (deg)
Shield Areal Density (g/cm ) and (test number)
0.32 cm (0.045 g) aluminum projectile
5 0o 1.12 (JSC-A1464) 0.53 (JSC-A624) 0.41 (JSC-A963)
10 0o 0.60 (JSC-A235) 0.29 (JSC-A1231) 0.25 (JSC-A1285)
10 45o 1.50 (JSC-A1195) 0.31 (JSC-A1317) 0.36 (JSC-A1069)
0.64 cm (0.37 g) aluminum projectile
10 0o 2.07 (JSC-B128) 1.10 (JSC-B112) 0.94 (JSC-B77)
20 0o 0.96 (JSC-B31) 0.63 (JSC-B70) 0.64 (JSC-B27)
0.95 cm (1.3 g) aluminum projectile
30 0o 1.35 (ARC-1895) 1.02 (UDRI4-1293) 1.08 (UDRI4-1172)
Diameter, d
Velocity, V
Impact angle, Θ
Outer bumper Θ
• disrupt fragments
S1 = S/2
Ceramic Fabric Layer
• disrupt, melt/vaporize debris cloud fragments
• slow expansion of debris cloud
S (overall standoff)
High-Strength Fabric Layer
• decrease debris cloud expansion
• stop residual fragments
S2 = S/2 • does not contribute damaging fragments
projected toward rear wall
Rear Wall
• Resist impulsive load
• Resist fragment penetration
Fig. 3-11. Stuffed Whipple shield cross-sectional diagram.
Nextel/Kevlar Stuffed Whipple Shield. The stuffed Whipple shield is shown in Figure 3-11 [2,
34]. It incorporates a blanket between the outer aluminum bumper and inner pressure wall that combines
two materials: Nextel ceramic fabric and Kevlar high strength fabric . The ceramic cloth generates higher
shock pressures and greater disruption of an impacting particle than an equivalent-weight aluminum
bumper. High-strength Kevlar cloth follows the ceramic cloth. Its high strength to weight makes Kevlar
more effective than aluminum at slowing any remaining projectile fragments and decreasing the
expansion rate of the debris cloud. Other high-strength fabrics such as Spectra have also demonstrated
good performance in HVI tests [2, 40].
This shield improves spacecraft M/OD protection over that offered by conventional Whipple shields
at low standoff (Figure 3-12). The Nextel/Kevlar stuffed Whipple shield is also superior to a 3-sheet all-
Nextel is a flexible, ceramic fabric product containing alumina, boron oxide, and silica.
aluminum shield for equal weight (Figure 3-13). Design and performance equations that were used for
these applications are discussed in Section 4. Using these equations and the shielding design
methodology discussed in Section 2, a variety of different Nextel/Kevlar stuffed Whipple shields have
been applied in protecting ISS critical items [9, 56].
shield failure occurs above lines
Whipple d_crit @ 0
0.2 Stuffed Whipple d_crit @ 0
0 5 10 15
Velocity (km/s)
Fig. 3-13. Nextel/Kevlar stuffed Whipple shield ballistic limits compared to equivalent
mass 3-wall all-aluminum shield.
(Both shields have a 11.4 cm standoff, 2 mm Al 6061T6 bumper, and 4.8 mm Al2219T87 rear wall.
The SW shield has a 0.79g/cm Nextel/Kevlar intermediate layer, the All-Al shield has a 3.2 mm Al6061T6
intermediate layer, corresponding to 0.87g/cm ).
Nextel/Kevlar Flexible
Stuffed Whipple Multi-Shock
Kevlar fabric
Hypervelocity Impact Test Facilities. The test data for developing the BLEs were obtained at a
number of NASA and non-NASA impact facilities. Two-stage LGG were used to provide test data in the
2 km/s to 7 km/s range. LGG ranges at NASA JSC, NASA Ames Research Center, NASA Marshal
Space Flight Center, and University of Dayton Research Institute were used to perform HVI tests on
shielding. LGG launcher bore diameters range from 1.7 mm to 25.4 mm. The 12.7 mm LGG at the
NASA JSC White Sands Test Facility is shown in Fig. 2-4. In addition, HVI test data have been obtained
on the shields described in this study up to 12 km/s using the ISCL at Southwest Research Institute and
the hypervelocity launcher at Sandia National Laboratories.
Failure Criteria. “Failure” of the shield is defined as either complete penetration (i.e., perforation)
or detached spall from the back of the shield’s rear wall. In the case of ISS, the crew module's pressure
shell is considered the rear wall and a part of the shield. A detached spall failure would result in release
of hot, fast fragments within the crew cabin. The potential to endanger the crew is the reason that
detached spall has been considered a shield failure, even though pressure losses would not occur in this
situation (i.e., no complete penetration as in Damage Class C3, Fig. 4-2). Fig. 4-2 provides cross-
sectional diagrams of typical failure modes for rear walls after Cour-Palais and Dahl [61]. Generally,
Whipple shields exhibit detached spall failures combined with or instead of perforation failure. Detached
spall failures do not generally occur with Nextel/Kevlar stuffed Whipple and multi-shock shields.
Impact Physics. Fig. 4-3 illustrates a typical ballistic limit curve for a Whipple shield for normal
impact by an aluminum sphere. The Whipple shield ballistic limit is compared to a monolithic, single
aluminum plate of same mass as the combined Whipple shield’s bumper and rear wall. Protection
capabilities are defined for three penetration regimes based on normal component velocity for an
aluminum impact on a Whipple shield. Important shield physical and material properties vary as a
function of impact velocity. Important properties that influence ballistic limits of the shield are included in
the BLEs.
A key factor governing the performance of spaced shields is the “state” of the debris cloud
projected from the bumper toward the rear wall. The debris cloud may contain solid, liquid, or vaporized
projectile and bumper materials, or a combination of the three states, depending on the initial impact
pressure. Solid fragments in the debris cloud are generally more penetrating when they contact the rear
wall than liquid or vapor particles. The pressures generated in the projectile and bumper at impact, and
the resulting state of the material after release from compression, are a function of a number of variables,
including projectile velocity, impact obliquity angle, projectile and shield thickness and material properties.
Blast loading in the rear wall is a function of shield standoff.
Deforming Projectile Regime. As indicated in Fig. 4-3, at low impact velocities, below Vn of
3 km/s, Whipple shield performance is less effective because impact shock pressures are low and the
projectile remains essentially intact after bumper impact. A deformed but substantially intact projectile
then impacts the shield’s rear wall. The projectile is more damaging as velocity increases in the low
velocity regime.
Projectile Fragmentation Regime. As velocities increase from 3 km/s to 7 km/s, the projectile
fragments to a larger extent upon impact on the bumper and will begin to melt above Vn of 5.5 km/s for
aluminum on aluminum impacts. An aluminum projectile begins to melt when shocked to impact
pressures of 0.65Mb, which is generated by normal impact at 5.5 km/s [57]. Damage to the rear wall
decreases as the projectile is fragmented and partially melted. Thus, the protection capability of the
shield, in terms of the “critical particle size” on the failure threshold of the shield, increases with velocity in
the intermediate velocity regime.
0.2 ∆ dCrit
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Fragmentation &
Velocity Range: Ballistic Regime Partial Melt Regime Complete Melt Regime
Ve locity (km/s)
Many (increasing
with velocity) solid Fine droplets, few solid
State of Debris Cloud : Few solid fragments
fragments & liquid fragments, some vapor
(for Al on Al impacts)
Fig. 4-3. Ballistic limits for equal mass monolithic target and Whipple shield.
Failure criterion is threshold perforation or detached spall from rear wall. Monolithic target is
0.44-cm-thick Al 6061T6. Whipple shield consists of 0.12-cm-thick Al 6061T6 bumper followed at
10-cm- by 0.32-cm-thick Al 6061T6 rear wall.
Projectile Melt/Vaporization Regime. At high velocities of Vn > 7 km/s, the debris cloud
impacting the rear wall will contain various fractions of solid, liquid and vapor components of the projectile
and bumper depending on impact conditions (bumper thickness, density, projectile diameter, density,
shape, impact obliquity, etc.). Table 4-1 provides a summary of CALE hydrocode calculations on the
fraction of projectile in either solid or liquid states as a function of velocity and other impact conditions [55,
59] (CALE is a two-dimensional arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian material dynamics computer program). A
significant conclusion from the results of these calculations is that for impacts at and above 8 km/s, there
is a significant fraction of projectile material that does not reach complete melt state.
As explained in Section 3, a constant kinetic energy scaling law forms the basis of scaling to
velocities beyond 7 km/s for Whipple shields, near the upper limit of two-stage LGG capability. As such, the
critical particle diameter decreases with increasing velocity in the high velocity regime. The ballistic limit
curve continues in the downward trend through the theoretical limits [57] for incipient vaporization (10 km/s
for Al on Al impacts) and complete vaporization (24 km/s) because the expansion rate of the debris cloud
with remaining particulates increases and loads the rear wall to a greater extent. As discussed in Section 3,
and as indicated in hydrocode calculations, the theoretical velocity limits derived from 1-dimensional models
cannot be assumed to correctly predict phase transformations for all material in the debris cloud when
considering projectile shape effects, projectile size/obliquity, and 3-dimensional effects.
where cb = 0.25 when S/d<30, cb = 0.20 when S/d≥30, and cw=0.79 {cm
-3/4 1/3 -1
sec g km }. Normalized
yield stress (unitless) σ’h = (σ/70ksi).
The ballistic limit criterion is no perforation or spall of the rear wall. Bumper fragments become the
primary source of rear wall damage at impact angles greater than 65 . Therefore, for oblique angles over
o o
65 , the calculated rear wall thickness should be constrained to 65 .
If S/d < 15, Equation 4-2 potentially underestimates the required rear wall thickness to prevent
detached spall and perforation. The coefficient, cw, should be adjusted by the factor, [(S/d)/(S/d)o], when
S/d<15, as follows.
cw = 0.79 [(S/d)/(S/d)o] (4-3)
where (S/d)o = 15.
Example: Given a spacecraft in low Earth orbit with a total surface area of 100m , duration=10 years
(2001-2010), altitude=400 km, and required PNP=0.99, find initial characteristics of Whipple shielding to
meet the requirement.
From Poisson statistics,
PNP = exp (-N) (4-4)
where the average number of M/D penetrations, N, over the 10-year duration is:
N = (Fdebris + Fmeteoroids) A t (4-5)
For A=100 m and t=10years,
(Fdebris + Fmeteoroids) = 1.005E-05 impacts/m -year (4-6)
We can solve the NASA 1996 orbital debris model (Kessler, et al.), and NASA standard meteoroid
model to determine the M/D particle sizes that fit Equation 4-6. In solving for both meteoroid and debris
size, it is helpful to note that the kinetic energy is approximately the same for equivalent meteoroid and
debris diameters, assuming average impact conditions (i.e., for debris: velocity = 9 km/s, impact angle =
o 3 o 3
45 , density = 2.8 g/cm ; and for meteoroids: velocity = 20 km/s, impact angle = 45 , density = 0.5 g/cm ).
Since projectile kinetic energy controls WS penetration at high velocities, the critical M/D particle
diameters can be set equal. Thus, Equation 4-6 is solved with the following critical diameter, debris, and
meteoroid fluxes. Note that the debris flux is 70% of the overall impact threat in this particle size regime.
dc = 0.9 cm (4-7)
Fdebris = 7E-6 impacts/m -yr (4-8)
Fmeteoroids = 3E-6 impacts/m -yr (4-9)
Figure 4-4 provides the bumper and rear wall thickness as a function of shield standoff for meeting
the required PNP. It is worth repeating that Figure 4-4 represents the initial estimate of shield
parameters. Verifying requirements compliance requires a more detailed analysis supported by HVI tests
of shield performance and probability of no penetration.
Performance Equations. BLEs describing the maximum particle stopped for Whipple shields as a
function of impact velocity, angle and density are given in Equations 4-10 through 4-15. These equations
were used to draw the ballistic limit curves given in Figure 4-5 for a Whipple shield consisting of a 0.127-
cm aluminum bumper (alloy Al6061T6), 10.4 cm spacing, and 0.32 cm aluminum rear wall (alloy
1.6 bumper thickness (cm)
Thickness (cm)
1.4 rear wall thickness (cm)
0 10 20 30
Standoff (cm)
Fig. 4-4. Bumper and rear wall thickness required to prevent perforation and detached
spall from rear wall for a 100-m2 spacecraft with a PNP=0.99 for 10 years in 400-km-
altitude orbit. Assumes Al 6061T6 bumper and rear wall.
Shield failure (perforation or detached spall of rear wall) predicted to occur above
0.9 lines. Open data points = no failure, Closed = fail.
Critical Al Particle Dia. (cm)
d_crit @ 0
d_crit @ 45
d_crit @ 60
data @ 0
0.1 data @ 45
data @ 30
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Velocity (km/s)
Fig. 4-5. Ballistic limits for a Whipple shield with a 0.127-cm Al6061T6 bumper, 10.7-cm
standoff, 0.32-cm Al 2219T87 rear wall.
Graphic on left shows shield with MLI, ballistic limit curves on right
shows effect of MLI on 0o ballistic limits.
Fig. 4-6. Predicted ballistic limits for Whipple Shield with and without MLI. This shield is
used on portions of the U.S. Laboratory Module on Space Station.
The effect of MLI on the critical particle size is given by ∆MLI (cm). MLI is more effective in raising
critical particle size the closer it is to the rear wall (SMLI is the distance from the bumper to the MLI). The
delta critical particle size due to MLI is found from the following equation where mMLI is the areal density of
2 2
the MLI (g/cm ) and kMLI =1.4 cm :
0.5 2/3 -3/2 -2/3 o
where kl = 1.9 {g km cm s }. There is an impact angle cutoff for oblique impacts above 65 to
account for the increased damage to the rear wall from bumper fragments at extreme impact angles, i.e.,
dc (θ>65 ) = dc (θ=65 ).
o o
Figure 4-7 illustrates the ability of the generalized equations to predict the ballistic limit particle size
for about 200 tests in the JSC Whipple shield database (Appendix C). The database varies over a large
range of impact velocities and target parameters. The projectiles in these tests varied from 0.02 cm
diameter to 1.9 cm diameter, impact velocities from 2 km/s to over 8 km/s, and impact angles from normal
o o
(0 ) to the surface to 75 . Most of the tests used aluminum spherical impacts although copper, steel, and
nylon projectiles are also represented in the database. The Whipple shields varied in this database from
bumper thickness to projectile diameter (tb/d) ratios of less than 0.05 to over 1.0, and S/d (shield spacing
to projectile diameter ratio) from 3 to over 140. The targets in these tests did not contain MLI thermal
blankets. Figure 4-7 provides the ratio of test projectile diameter to the predicted particle size using the
Whipple performance BLEs, as a function of normal component velocity of the tests. Shield failure is
predicted when the diameter ratio is larger than 1.0, and no failure below the ratio=1.0 line. For this
database, there are very few actual test failures when a no-failure is predicted. Over 90% of the
database was predicted accurately from a safety standpoint (failures predicted accurately), whereas the
same figure of merit was 77% using the previous equations.
Shield Failed
Failure above 1.0
Ratio Projectile Diameter in Test to
Predict Shield
Shield Passed
Predicted Critical Diameter
2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00
Vn, Normal Comp. Velocity (km/s)
Fig. 4-7. Predictions from Eqn. 4-10 through 4-15 for 200 different Whipple shield HVI tests.
tb = cb d ρp / ρb (4-16)
where cb = 0.15 {unitless}, cN-K = 0.23 {unitless}, and cw = 8.8 {s/km}. The normalized rear wall yield
strength, σh’ = σw/40 {unitless}, and the initial combined bumper and stuffing areal density coefficient, co =
0.38 {unitless}.
The Nextel/Kevlar stuffing should be placed halfway between the outer bumper and inner rear wall.
Nextel areal density is determined by the following equation, with Kevlar making up the rest of the
mNextel = 0.75 mNextel-Kevlar (4-19)
Kevlar fabric in a ballistic protection weave style (plain weave) provides the best protection. HVI
2 2
results indicate either Kevlar KM2, style CS-705 (areal density of each sheet = 0.023 g/cm ) or Kevlar
29, style FDI-120 or 710 (areal density = 0.032 g/cm each sheet) provide good performance.
Suitable results are obtained from Nextel style AF62 and style AF10 ceramic cloths (areal densities
2 2
are 0.1 g/cm for AF62 and 0.027 g/cm for AF10) although many other Nextel styles and ceramic cloth
types (such as pure silica fibers such as Astroquartz) are appropriate.
Performance Equations. Equations 4-19 through 4-21 provide equations predicting the critical
particle size on the failure threshold of stuffed Whipple shields as a function of impact and target
The equations are divided into three penetration regimes, with coefficients and exponents derived
from test data. The high-velocity extrapolation beyond the test database is based upon impact
momentum scaling due to the experimental evidence through 7.5 km/s that the debris cloud loads the
rear wall with a momentum impact from finely divided particles, liquid, and gas within the debris cloud.
Fragments in the debris cloud have been obliterated and/or stopped by the Nextel/Kevlar blanket.
Fragment loading would indicate that kinetic energy scaling to higher velocities should be used. But
because this does not occur, momentum scaling is appropriate in this situation.
Table 4-2 provides HVI data on a variety of stuffed Whipple shield designs. Also note in Table 4-2
the data for all-aluminum, three-wall shields of the same mass as the stuffed Whipple shield. It is obvious
from the data that Nextel/Kevlar offers advantages over an equivalent mass aluminum intermediate
bumper. Figure 4-8 provides ballistic limit curves for a specific stuffed Whipple shield design; namely a
0.2-cm Al 6061T6 bumper followed by a Nextel/Kevlar blanket composed of 6 Nextel AF62 layers and
6 Kevlar 710 layers, and a 0.48-cm Al 2219T87 rear wall.
Kevlar KM2, style CS-705 is a Clark-Schwebel company fabric style. FDI-120 is a Kevlar style fabric
from Fabric Development Incorporated. Kevlar is a product of the DuPont Company. Nextel is a
product of the 3M Corporation. Astroquartz is a product of J.P. Stevens Company.
Table 4-2. Stuffed Whipple and All-Aluminum Shield Impact Data
High-Velocity: when V ≥ 6.5/(cosθ) ,
where the normalized rear wall yield strength, σ’ = σ/40, and the coefficient, KH-SW = 0.6 {km /s }.
1/3 1/3
0.5 3/4
Intermediate-Velocity: when 2.6/(cosθ) < V < 6.5/(cosθ) ,
dc = KHi-SW (tw ρw) ρp σ’
1/3 -1/3 -0.25 2/3 1/6
(cosθ) S
0.5 3/4 0.5
[(V - 2.6/(cosθ) )/(6.5/(cosθ) - 2.6/(cosθ) )]
+ KLi-SW ρp [tw σ’
-1/2 0.5 -1
+ CL mb] (cosθ)
3/4 3/4 0.5
[[(6.5/(cosθ) - V)/(6.5/(cosθ) - 2.6/(cosθ) )] (4-20)
3 0.5 3/2
where KHi-SW = 0.321, CL=0.37 {cm /g} and KLi-SW = 1.243 {g /cm }.
Low-Velocity: when V ≤ 2.6/(cosθ) ,
ρp [tw σ’
-2/3 -4/3 -1/2 0.5
dc = KL-SW V (cosθ) + CL mb-total] (4-21)
0.5 2/3 -3/2 -2/3 3
where KL-SW = 2.35 {g km cm s }, CL=0.37 {cm /g}, and the total bumper areal density is the sum
of the areal densities of the outer bumper, Nextel, Kevlar and MLI: mb-total = mb + mNextel + mKevlar + mMLI .
Predict rear wall perforation above curves
1.80 open data = no fail, closed data = fail
Aluminum Crit. Dia. (cm)
pred.dcrit @ 0 deg
0.80 dcrit @ 45 deg
0.60 dcrit @ 60 deg
data @ 0 deg
data @ 45 deg
0.20 data @ 60 deg
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Velocity (km/s)
Fig. 4-8. Stuffed Whipple ballistic limits. 0.2-cm Al6061T6 bumper, 6Nextel AF62/6 Kevlar
710 intermediate bumper, 10.7-cm overall standoff, 0.48-cm Al2219T87 rear wall
which reduces the blast loading delivered to the rear wall [1, 17, 37]. These factors contribute to make
multi-shock shielding more effective at meteoroid/debris protection than Whipple shields for the weight.
The current work has focused on establishing BLEs for two types of multi-shock shields (Fig. 4-9):
1. Four equally spaced ceramic fabric bumpers with an aluminum rear wall
2. An all-flexible shield consisting of four equally spaced ceramic fabric bumpers and a high-
strength fabric rear wall.
A ceramic fabric that has been tested extensively in HVI tests as well as other tests related to
space environment effects for spacecraft application is Nextel. However, other ceramic fabrics have also
been evaluated in HVI tests with comparable results to Nextel when weight is held constant (e.g.
Design Equations. We use equations 4-22 through 4-24 to size the MS shield elements for
θ km/s and S/d > 15. In these equations, the combined areal
impacts with velocity greater than 6.4 cos
density of all four Nextel bumpers is given by mb, and the overall spacing from outermost bumper to the
rear wall is given by S. The areal density for all MS bumpers is approximately equal to the areal density of
the single bumper in a Whipple shield. A MS shield provides superior protection performance to an
equivalent weight Whipple shield. We can obtain major weight savings by reducing the rear wall
thickness for stopping a given threat particle when sufficient spacing is available (S ≥ 30d). Equation 4-22
provides the areal density of all 4 ceramic bumpers.
mb = 0.185 d ρp (4-22)
The thickness for an aluminum rear wall is determined by the following equation, where k =
41.6 s/km and normalized rear wall yield strength, σ’=σ/40 {unitless}.
tw = k M Vn ρw S σ’
-1 -2 -0.5
For a high-strength Kevlar fabric rear wall, the areal density of the Kevlar is determined by
Equation 4-24, where K = 29 s/km. As with the stuffed Whipple shield, good shield performance is
obtained by a ballistic protection style of Kevlar cloth, such as Kevlar KM2, style CS-705 or Kevlar 29,
style FDI-120 or 710.
m w = K M Vn S (4-24)
No limits are necessary on oblique impacts because the ceramic fabric bumpers do not produce
damaging fragments. Particles produced by impacts on the ceramic fabrics are short fibers up to several
millimeters long but only 10-12 microns in diameter. Nextel bumper fragments ejected normal to the
bumper during oblique impact do not penetrate subsequent bumper layers and therefore do not damage
the rear wall. Bumper fragments from a Whipple shield are far more damaging to the rear wall for two
reasons: (1) An oblique impact on a Whipple shield bumper 4 times heavier than a MS bumper will
produce bumper fragments that are larger and more penetrating than the fiber particles from a MS fabric
bumper; (2) Whipple bumper fragments impinge directly on the rear wall, while MS shield bumper
fragments are stopped by lower layers of the MS shield.
Kevlar KM2, style CS-705 is a Clark-Schweibel company fabric style with an areal density of 0.023
g/cm . FDI-120 is a Kevlar 29 style fabric from Fabric Development Incorporated with an areal density of
0.032 g/cm .
Nextel bumpers Nextel bumpers
Aluminum rear wall Kevlar rear wall
Fig. 4-9. Multi-shock shield configurations.
Performance Equations. The following MS shield BLEs are valid for a shield consisting of
4 Nextel bumpers and an aluminum rear wall, with equal spacing between sheets. In these equations,
the overall spacing, S, is measured from the outer-most bumper to the rear wall. Normalized rear wall
yield strength for the low and high velocity regime are the same {unitless}, σ’ = σl’ = σh’ = σ/σo, where σo is
40ksi, and σ is the rear wall 0.2% offset tensile yield stress in units of ksi (note, 1ksi = 1000 lbf = 6.895
High Velocity: For V ≥ (6.4 cos θ),
expect rear wall perforation above curves
(Nextel/Kevlar Multi-Shock & CM EC shield, S=22cm)
expect rear wall perforation above curves
1.6 target areal density = 1.9 g/cm 2
Critical Diameter (cm)
MS Shield
0.2 Whipple
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
velocity (km/s)
Fig. 4-11. Equal weight Whipple and multi-shock shield ballistic limits, for 1.9 g/cm2 shield
mass per unit area, 22 cm overall standoff, 0o impacts.
Whipple shield ballistic limit for the U.S. Lab (CM) endcone (EC) discussed in chapter 5
ρp (cosθ)
1/3 2/3 -1/3 -1/3 -1/3
dc = KH-MS mw S V (4-28)
1/3 -1/3
where KH-MS = 0.41 {km s }.
θ) < V < (6.4 cos θ),
-0.5 -0.25
Intermediate-Velocity: when (2.4 cos
ρp θ)
1/3 2/3 -1/3 -0.25
dc = KHi-SW mw S (cos
θ) / (6.4 cos θ - 2.4 cos θ)
-0.5 -0.25 -0.5
(V - 2.4 cos
+ KLi-SW ρp [CW mw + CL mb] (cos θ)
-1/2 -1
1/2 -3/2 3 3
where KHi-MS = 0.221, KLi-MS = 1.506 {g cm }, CW = 0.5 {cm /g}, CL=0.37 {cm /g}.
Low-Velocity: when V ≤ 2.4 cos θ),
θ) ρp
-2/3 -4/3 -1/2
dc = KL V (cos [CW mw + CL mb]
1/2 2/3 -3/2 -2/3 3 3
where KL = 2.7 {g km cm s }, CW = 0.5 {cm /g}, CL=0.37 {cm /g}.
This section expands upon applications of the shielding methodology (Section 2), shielding
(Section 3) and BLEs (Section 4) to show how these are used to meet meteoroid/debris requirements and
to improve spacecraft protection. Typically, a spacecraft shield designer will expend efforts improving the
spacecraft’s meteoroid/debris shielding and reducing shielding weight, employing an iterative shielding
analysis and option evaluation process in this process (Fig.2-1). The basic ideas are to identify the risk
and/or weight “drivers” in the spacecraft protection system, and to concentrate on reducing risks or
optimizing shielding in these areas.
BUMPER Assessments and Analysis Updates. The BUMPER code is an important assessment
tool in this process. The BLEs developed in this work are programmed into BUMPER and used to assess
penetration risks. One typical outcome from the initial BUMPER assessments is a decision to update the
assessment after thorough HVI testing of the shielding contributing the greatest risks to the vehicle. The
purpose of the HVI testing is to update the BLEs to very accurately describe the shielding performance
and therefore improve the fidelity of the meteoroid/debris PNP assessments.
The final design certification for Space Station requires that all shield data be accurately described by
the BLEs used in the PNP assessments. In particular, the safety community wants to know that all the failures
in the test database have been properly accounted for in the BLEs and PNP assessments. The following
section describes ballistic limit equations for certifying ISS M/D shields for flight.
Node 1 Unity
Service Module (SM)
Zvezda PMA-3
FGB Zarya
CM Cylinder Whipple Shield Cylinder Stuffed Whipple Shield
US Lab: Zenith & Nadir US Lab: sides
port view
X (Vel. Direction)
Cylinder sections of the U.S. Laboratory and Node have standoffs on order of 10.7 cm, while
endcone (EC) sections have larger standoffs of 22 cm average (Figures 5-1 and 5-2). The MLI thermal
blankets for these shields have 42 individual layers of double aluminized Mylar with Dacron net spacers
and an outer heavier beta-cloth (Teflon-fiberglass) layer for improved handling. The MLI has an areal
density of 0.054 g/cm .
The “Zvezda” Service Module Whipple shields also include an MLI blanket (areal density of
0.06 g/cm ) located near the rear wall. Two zones on SM (Fig. 5-3) contribute the majority of the
meteoroid/debris impact and penetration risk due to their area, exposure and relatively short standoff
(S=5 cm). Approximately 60% of the meteoroid/debris penetration risk is represented by the SM working
compartment’s small diameter cylinder section (zone 6, 19.7m , 13% of total SM area) and large diameter
cylinder section (zones 10 and 11, 38.1m , 25% of total SM area). The thickness of the aluminum used in
the SM shields is shown in Figure 5-2, and the material is AMG-6 alloy.
SM Small
Cylinder Shield
(zone 6)
SM Large
Cylinder Shield
(10, 11) Conical
(zone 8)
Additional HVI tests were conducted on these shields to quantify shield performance including the
presence of MLI and with Russian materials in the case of SM. The following equations (Eqn. 5-1
through 5-4) define the critical particle, dc (cm), at the detached spall or perforation failure limit of the rear
wall. The rear wall for the ISS modules is the pressure shell itself. The coefficients for the equations are
given in Table 5-1. As indicated, the coefficients are applicable for the specified shield only. But since
they accurately represent all available HVI data, PNPs calculated with these BLEs provide the means to
verify requirements compliance for the flight elements.
High-Velocity: when V ≥ VH/(cosθ) ,
dc = KH ρp (V cosθ)
-1/3 -2/3
dc = Khi ρp (cosθ)
-1/3 (-2/3 + xh * 2/3)
+ Kli ρp (cosθ)
-0.5 (-4/3 + el + xl * 2/3)
dc = KL (cosθ) ρp
(-4/3 + el) -0.5 -2/3
V (5-3)
There is an impact angle cutoff constraint for oblique impacts above 65 ; i.e.,
dc (θ>65 ) = dc (θ=65 )
o o
Table 5-1. BLE Coefficients and Variables for ISS Whipple Shields
CM CM EC Node fwd Node aft Node EC Node EC SM cylinder SM cylinder
cylinder tb=0.2cm cylinder cylinder tb=0.13cm tb=0.2cm Zone 6 Zone 10&11
Figures 5-4 and 5-5 provide the U.S. Laboratory cylinder Whipple shield ballistic limits and HVI
o o
data at normal (0 ) and 45 impact angles. A comparison between the cylinder shield and endcone shield
ballistic limits is given in Figure 5-6. This figure shows the effect of standoff on Whipple shield ballistic
limits since the only difference between these two shields is that standoff is higher in the endcone (22 cm)
versus cylinder (11 cm). The Service Module small diameter cylinder shield (zone 6) was tested at NASA
and data are successfully predicted by the ballistic limit curves as shown in Figure 5-7.
Critical Al Particle Dia (cm)
Predic ted BL @ 0 deg
Dat a @ 0 deg
0 5 10 15
Velocity (km/s)
Fig. 5-4. U.S. Lab cylinder Whipple ballistic limits @ 0o impact angle.
Predicted BL @ 45 deg
0.2 Data @ 45 deg
0 5 10 15
Velocity (km/s)
Fig. 5-5. U.S. Lab cylinder Whipple ballistic limits @ 45o impact angle.
1.2 perf oration/ spall of wall expected above c urves
0 ballistic limits CM EC
0.2 CM Cylinder
0 5 10 15
Velocity (km/s)
Fig. 5-6. U.S. Lab cylinder (S=10.7 cm) and endcone (S=22 m) ballistic limits.
perforation/spall of wall expected above curves
0.9 solid points fail, open points no fail
Critical Al Particle Dia (cm)
predicted BL @ 45 deg
0.7 predicted BL @ 60 deg
45deg data
0.6 60deg data
0 5 10 15
Velocity (km/s)
between bumper and rear wall, which helps raise the ballistic limits in the intermediate and high-velocity
regimes (section 4.3). NASDA shields use mesh in the intermediate layer, a reflection of the benefits of
mesh explained in section 3.3.
11.4 cm
13 cm
6 Kevlar 710 4 Kevlar 710 Kevlar-Epoxy
Predicted dcrit for 0 deg impact angle
1.6 Predict rear wall perforation above curves
Critical Al Proj. Dia. (cm)
0.6 ESA Col.
0.4 NASA Lab
0 5 10 15
Velocity (km/s)
and propulsion systems on the RADARSAT satellite with 1 to 2 layers of Nextel AF10. The added mass
was 0.25 to 0.5 kg/m , while the risk of penetration dropped by a factor of 3 [58].
Current efforts are to
extend this work by adding Orbital Module
the equivalent of small-scale
Nextel/Kevlar “stuffing” to
the MLI for ISS applications.
In one example, the PNP for
the Russian Soyuz vehicle
(Fig. 5-10) was assessed
using BUMPER (Fig. 5-11).
The orbital module
(OM) contributes the Propulsion Module
majority of the penetration
Descent Module
risk for the vehicle. This is
because of the relatively
light protection in this area
of the Soyuz. The Soyuz
OM consists of an aluminum
(AMG-6) pressure shell
covered by an outer MLI
thermal blanket. The
Pressure Vessels
baseline Soyuz thermal
blanket consists of an outer Fig. 5-10. Soyuz finite element model used in BUMPER
fiberglass layer, an calculations.
aluminized Mylar layer, a
“shield” containing a 0.2-mm-thick aluminum plate sandwiched between fiberglass, followed by 50 layers
of thin, aluminized Mylar and scrim separators. Total areal density of the baseline thermal blanket is
0.188 g/cm . The AMG-6 pressure shell is 0.18 cm to 0.2 cm thick in the thinnest parts of the Soyuz OM.
90.0% The thin areas control the penetration risks of
the OM and vehicle. Other areas of the OM
% of total penetration risk
Option 2 adds two layers of Nextel AF10 (0.027 g/cm each) to the “shield” and three layers
of Kevlar-KM2 style CS-705 fabric (0.023 g/cm each) to the back of the MLI. Total areal
density of this option is 0.31 g/cm and the option adds 20 kg to the OM if implemented.
OM Baseline and Option 1 BLEs
High-Velocity: when V ≥ VH/(cosθ) ,
ρp (V cosθ)
2/3 -1/3 -2/3
dc = KH tw (5-5)
Option 2 Soyuz OM Ballistic Limit Equations. Ballistic limits for Soyuz OM option 2 shields are
given by equations 5-8 through 5-10.
High-Velocity: when V ≥ 6.2/(cosθ)
ρp (V cosθ)
1/3 -1/3 -1/3
dc = KH tw (5-8)
There is no upper impact angle constraint. Coefficients and variables for Soyuz baseline and
enhanced thermal blanket options are given in Table 5-2.
Critical particle diameters in the table are based on 0.19-cm-thick AMG-6 rear wall. Figure 5-12
provides calculated BLEs for the Baseline thermal blanket over 0.19 cm AMG-6, and HVI test data for
0 deg and 45 deg impacts, respectively. Figure 5-13 shows Option 2 BLEs and Figure 5-14 is a
comparison of BLEs for the Soyuz Baseline, Option 1 and Option 2 for normal impact angles.
Table 5-2. Coefficients for Soyuz Baseline and Enhanced Thermal Blanket
Table 5-3 provides a comparison of PNPs for the Soyuz meteoroid/debris protection options.
Adding Nextel and Kevlar to the thermal blanket (option 2) provides considerable improvement in HVI
protection. The risks to the orbital module with the modification decrease to comparable values as other
parts of the vehicle (Figure 5-11). The Nextel acts like an additional bumper to improve projectile breakup
while the Kevlar is a good debris cloud “catcher.” Just increasing bumper thickness, as in Option 1, is not
an effective tactic in this situation.
Crit. Aluminum Dia. (cm)
0.15 expect failure above lines
0.15 open points = no fail, closed = fail
0.1 0 deg impact angle
0.1 0 deg impact angle
45 deg impact angle
45 deg impact angle 0.05 data (circle=0 deg, square=45 deg)
data (circle=0 deg, square=45 deg)
0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Velocity (km/s) Velocity (km/s)
Fig. 5-12. Ballistic limits for MLI Fig. 5-13. Ballistic limits for Nextel/Kevlar
over aluminum. enhanced MLI over aluminum.
2 2
Soyuz Orbital Module Baseline; 0.19 g/cm MLI, Nextel/Kevlar within MLI (0.31 g/cm MLI),
1.5-cm standoff, 0.19-cm AMG-6 1.5-cm standoff, 0.19-cm AMG-6
expect failure above lines
0.05 option 1
option 2
0 5 10 15
Velocity (km/s)
Fig. 5-14. Comparison of MLI options.
Baseline, Option 1 (0.2-mm Al plate), Option 2 (Nextel/Kevlar)
0.79cm Nylon Projectile
V=7 km/s, 0 deg
(1N-AF10, 2N-AF10, 2N-AF10, 1Nextel AF10, 3KevlarKM2, S=25cm)
expect rear wall perforation above curves
assume impact particle density = 1 g/cm 3
Critical Diam e te r (cm )
dc at 0 deg
dc at 45 deg
dc at 60 deg
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
velocity (km /s)
Six layers of Nextel 312, style AF10 fabric weigh the required amount, and we found in HVI tests
nd rd
that the best shield performance was obtained with the “extra” 2 layers deployed to the 2 and 3 bumpers.
A material for the bumpers that is closer to the threat density of 1 g/cm (such as Kevlar) would
work just as well as ceramic fabric in the HVI tests using nylon projectiles. Nextel has a fiber density of
2.5 g/cm , and it will perform well against both low-density and higher-density threats. It is prudent for the
CONTOUR bumpers because of the uncertainty in the particle shape and density during the encounters.
The standoff of the CONTOUR shield was maximized at 25 cm and, based on Equation 4-24, the areal
density of Kevlar in the rear wall should be 0.07 g/cm . Three layers of Kevlar KM2, style CS-705, cloth
were required.
Another issue that was successfully addressed with the MS shield is the ability to withstand
expected degradation during the multiple cometary flybys. Multilayer shields have a greater resilience to
multiple impact damage than single bumper systems. In Whipple shields, damage to the rear wall occurs
with any impact on the bumper that causes detached spall and/or perforation. This occurs with particles
on order of 10% of the critical particle size for the system. In MS shields, it takes a much larger particle to
perforate the 4 bumpers and reach the rear wall (on order of 50% of the larger critical particle size for a
MS shield compared to the equivalent-weight Whipple shield).
Table 5-4 provides an estimate of the ballistic limit particle size (relative to the ballistic limit particle
size for all 5 layers) and estimated hole size for each layer of the CONTOUR shield. Hole sizes are
relatively constant for each layer up to the ballistic limit for all 5 layers in the MS shield.
Table 5-4. Predicted Ballistic Limit Particle Size and Shield Layer Damage
(assuming particle density of 1 g/cm )
Damage Relative Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4
condition Particle Size Hole dia (cm) Hole dia (cm) Hole dia (cm) Hole dia (cm)
Perforate 2 layers 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0
Perforate 3 layers 0.25 0.3 1.8 0.1 0
Perforate 4 layers 0.5 0.7 2.8 3.7 0.1
Perforate 5 layers 1 1.3 2.8 5.5 5.5
MS Shielding for Inflatable Modules. Figure 5-17 presents a MS shield application for protecting an
inflatable module called the “TransHab.” TransHab is
approximately 8 m diameter by 10 m long once deployed Proposed ISS Inflatable Module
on orbit. It is carried to orbit within a 4.5-m-diameter
package that fits within the payload bay of the NASA
Space Shuttle Orbiter. The purpose of TransHab is to
provide a large internal volume for crew and equipment.
TransHab would use a flexible MS shield to provide a high
level of protection from meteoroid and orbital debris
impact. Current design requirements specify a PNP of
0.985 for a 10-year period .
The current MS shield design for TransHab uses TransHab
Nextel bumpers and a Kevlar rear wall. There is a
restraint layer and multilayer (triple-redundant) bladder
system that is protected by the MS shield. Open cell,
low density, polyurethane foam is used between the Nextel bumpers to support the bumpers on orbit, and
to deploy the bumpers after launch. The MS shield for TransHab is stowed into a 5-cm-high package
The debris environment model used in ISS protection system design is the 1991 debris model.
Meteoroid and debris environment models are specified in SSP 30425 Rev.B by ISS requirements. The
1991 model is more conservative than the 1996 debris model [11].
using vacuum bags to compress the foam spacers on the ground before launch. Straps constrain the
package from expanding on orbit. Once delivered to orbit, the constraining straps are cut, and the foam
is allowed to expand the bumpers to their final configuration.
1.8cm Al2017T4
6 km/s, 45o
(4) Nextel
10cm Low-density foam
(4) Nextel
10cm Low-density foam
(2) Nextel
10cm Low-density foam
(2) Nextel
(3) Kevlar
10cm Low-density foam
(7) Kevlar
Restraint layer
Bladder system
Table 5-5. Comparison of HVI Test Results for Full-Scale and 1/5th-Scale
Multi-Shock Shields
Projectiles: Al2017T4 spheres, normal impact angle (0 )
Overall Target Target
Rear wall Proj. Impact Overall Proj. Size
Target Velocity Areal Size Mass
Test No. test Dia. Angle Spacing Scale
Scale (km/s) Density Scale Scale
result (cm) (deg) (cm) factor
(g/cm 2) factor factor
UDRI-8- o
Full-1 perforated 1.67 6.17 0 30.5 1.32
1/5th-1 perforated 0.32 6.50 0o 6.1 0.285 19% 20% 22%
UDRI-8- o
Full-1 perforated 1.43 6.42 0 30.5 1.32
1/5th-1 perforated 0.28 6.80 0 6.1 0.285 20% 20% 22%
Full-2 no perf 1.67 5.99 0 40.6 1.64
1/5th-2 no perf 0.32 6.20 0 8.1 0.285 19% 20% 17%
Full-2 perforated 1.35 3.65 0 40.6 1.64
1/5th-2 perforated 0.28 3.80 0o 8.1 0.285 21% 20% 17%
Full-2 no perf 1.82 5.80 45 40.6 1.64
1/5th-2 no perf 0.36 6.50 45 8.1 0.285 20% 20% 17%
Table 5-5. Comparison of HVI Test Results for Full-Scale and 1/5th-Scale
Multi-Shock Shields (continued)
Shield Parameters
Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer 5
Full-1 3N_AF62 4N_AF62 2N_AF62 restraint
1/5th-1 2N_AF10 3N_AF10 2N_AF10 1K
Full-2 4N_AF62 4N_AF62 2N_AF62 7K_120
1/5th-2 4N_AF10 4N_AF10 2N_AF10 2K_KM2
N_AF62 = Nextel AF62, 0.1 g/cm2 each layer, excludes LDPE
N_AF10 = Nextel AF10, 0.027 g/cm2 each layer
K_120 = Kevlar 29 FDI-120, 0.032 g/cm2 each layer
K_KM2 = Kevlar KM2 CS-705, 0.023 g/cm2 each layer
TransHab shielding is the most capable shield yet developed. It will stop a 1.8-cm-diameter (8.5-g)
aluminum sphere at 45 impact angle (Figure 5-18). Nearly 80 subscale and 20 full-scale HVI tests have
been completed in the TransHab MS shield development program.
MS Shield Size Scaling. A key step in developing the TransHab shield was to perform tests on
subscale test specimens. Work was performed to establish 1/5 -size (geometry) scale relations so that a
1.8-cm projectile test could be simulated with a 3.6-mm particle. The advantage is that shield
development could be performed quickly and at less cost on the subscale models. For verification, a few
full-size articles were built and tested as shown in Figure 5-18.
Fig. 5-18. Results of HVI test on full-size flexible multi-shock shield for TransHab.
Test: UDRI-4-1865, Projectile: 1.8-cm-diameter Al 2017T4 sphere, 5.8 km/s, 45 impact.
0.36cm Al2017T4
6 km/s, 45o
This report presents tools for reducing risks to spacecraft from meteoroid and debris (M/D) impact,
which have been applied to the Space Shuttle and ISS. These include (1) a process to assess M/D
impact risks and identify risk drivers, (2) analytical
Shielding Application: Nextel/Kevlar
techniques to evaluate alternative shielding materials,
Enhanced Whipple for International
(3) protocols for using HVI tests in the shielding Space Station
development process, (4) design and operational
guidelines to reduce M/D risks, (5) shielding alternatives
1.35cm Al
to meet a variety of M/D requirements and spacecraft 7 km/sec, 0 deg
constraints, and (6) equations that can be used in sizing
the various shield elements and predicting shielding 0.2cm
performance. Al 6061-T6
11.4 cm
6 Nextel AF62
critical and early mission termination risks to the Space 6 Kevlar 710
Shuttle from meteoroid/debris impact by a factor of 3.
The equations presented in this work have been 0.48cm
used to design and implement ISS shields. These are the Al 2219T87
best shields in terms of stopping power and the most
efficient shields in terms of weight and volume than any
others previously flown in space.
stuffed Whipple shield, and multi-shock
shield. In addition, effective methods
have been established to add
1.2 meteoroid/debris protection to the
thermal blankets that often cover
0 deg
30 deg
external equipment and components of
45 deg satellites and spacecraft. Design and
0.6 60 deg performance equations have been
0.4 developed for the “impact toughened”
Shaped Charge &
Light-Gas Gun Data 3-stage launcher Data
thermal blankets as well.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Velocity (km/s)
The BLEs can be used to design similar shields
applicable for other spacecraft. For instance, a Nextel/Kevlar Enhanced Whipple Shield
Nextel/Kevlar multi-shock shield was developed for capability to stop large meteoroid/debris
particles within a short standoff makes it
protecting the CONTOUR (comet nucleus tour)
ideal for application to protecting high-
spacecraft from meteoroid particles. This small impact risk areas of ISS.
satellite will be exposed to the same flux in the few NASDA
minutes during the flybys of 3 different comet nuclei as JEM, CAM & JEM LM
Forward work in the area of meteoroid/debris protection is in three areas: (1) continue to develop
improved shielding, (2) support this effort with more data and analysis, particularly in the ultra-high-
velocity regime (> 10 km/s), and (3) develop sensors to monitor shield health.
Enhanced Shielding Development and Implementation. The work in developing and
implementing advanced, low-weight, high-performance shielding should be continued.
New materials are constantly under development. For instance,
Nanotubes and other
nanotubes offer the promise of strength-to-weight ratios far higher (by
carbon forms
a factor of 5) than Kevlar [62]. They hold particular promise for
intermediate and rear wall materials in M/D shielding.
Lightweight, deployable shielding will eventually become the
M/D protection standard for future spacecraft. TransHab shielding is a
good example of the best type of shielding to date. It combines
multiple ceramic fabric bumpers to achieve excellent projectile
disruption, high-strength Kevlar rear wall for efficiently stopping the
debris cloud, and low-density open-cell foam that allows the shield to
be packaged in a small volume for launch and deployed on orbit to provide an exceptionally large standoff
(40 cm).
New materials will be required for shielding
View from STS-103.
We will need better (lower weight, higher crews and critical equipment from meteoroid/debris
performance) meteoroid/debris shields to impact for future missions. More effective and
support exploration of the solar system. weight-efficient shielding is necessary to assure
crew safety and mission success on long-duration
human flights beyond low Earth orbit and to the
Moon, Mars, and beyond. Mars is a very long
distance from home, and stringent safety standards
in terms of high PNP requirements are anticipated.
Thus, weight savings in implementing improved
shielding materials and techniques will be essential.
Materials that combined meteoroid/debris and
radiation protection would be advantageous.
New shielding configurations should be
investigated. For instance, rear walls could be textured to suppress spall. Preliminary hydrocode and
impact test data show positive results of the concept.
Test Capability. HVI tests will be required to support shielding development. In particular, impact
data above 10 km/s are required. For instance, the electromagnetic and electrothermal launchers at the
Lehrstuhl für Raumfahrttechnik (LRT) at the Technical University of Munich [60] hold promise. If plasma
launched projectiles from the plasmadynamic accelerator can be scaled up to launch tenths of a gram to
over 10 km/s, it would become a major gold mine of data on shield response. Inhibited shaped charge
data (Fig. 2-5) should also be obtained, but more control of impactor shape is desired. Continued
hydrocode studies will support the effort of interpreting high-speed test data; i.e., to back out shape-
effects from the >10 km/s impact data. BLEs will be verified with a combination of test and hydrocode
t = 20 µs
t = 20µs
Acoustic or piezoelectric detectors are other possibilities. Even light detectors imbedded deeper in
the shield, under the top and under inner layers, should be able to sense impact-generated holes in the
layer above by slight increases in the ambient light level. The idea is to monitor, in real time or near real
time, the degradation of shield. If this can be monitored, spacecraft operations could be adjusted to
improve spacecraft survivability. For instance, targeting for the flyby distance from the nucleus of the next
encounter can be adjusted on CONTOUR, knowing if the shield is healthy (allowing closer flybys) or has
been severely damaged (in which case it may be prudent to target the next flyby further away from the
The same idea can be applied to ISS, Shuttle, or other crewed spacecraft. Monitoring impact
degradation to the shielding can influence inspection and repair schedules, and when extravehicular
activities are planned. Monitoring impacts into the shield will allow for an almost automatic hole location
system if a module pressure shell was penetrated. Damage location information would be useful for a
hole repair team. About 30% of the impacts recorded by sensors on LDEF occurred with a “periodic”
pattern. If the sensor detects strong impact rates that occur on a periodic basis due to breakup debris or
another debris-causing event, extravehicular activities can be planned to avoid the swarms and minimize
exposure to debris clouds. Crew safety will be enhanced.
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Impacts of High Pressure / High Density Plasma Pulses on Metallic Surfaces, Int. Journal
of Impact Engineering, 17, pp.443-453, 1995.
61. B.G. Cour-Palais and K. Dahl, Standardization of Impact Damage Classification and
measurements for metallic targets, NASA Johnson Space Center, 1990.
62. NASA JSC Nanotube Web site:
63. E. Igenbergs, Personal Communication, June 1999.
64. D.E. Gault and E.D. Heitowit, The Partition of Energy for Hypervelocity Impact Craters
formed in Rock, Sixth Symposium on Hypervelocity Impact, pp.419-456, 1963.
65. S.W. Kieffer and C.H. Simonds, The Role of Volatiles and Lithology in the Cratering
Process, Rev. Geophysics and Space Physics,18, pp. 143-181, 1980.
66. C.J. Maiden, J.W. Gehring, A.R. McMillian, Investigation of Fundamental Mechanism of
Damage to Thin Targets by Hypervelocity Projectiles, NASA TR-63-225, 1963.
67. S.P. Marsh, LASL Shock Hugoniot Data, University of California Press, Berkeley,
California, 1980.
68. R. Kinslow (ed): High-Velocity Impact Phenomena, Academic Press, New York, 1970.
69. E. Igenbergs, et al., Mars Dust Counter, Earth Planets Space, 50, pp.241-245, 1998.
Table A-1. Flight Parameters for Missions With M/D Survey
duration altitude inclination Areas surveyed for M&OD
Mission year surveyed
(days) (km) (deg) impacts 2
(m )
STS-50 1992 13.8 296 28.5 RCC, Windows, Radiators 161
STS-51 1993 9.8 296 28.5 Windows, Radiators 120
STS-52 1992 9.9 302 28.5 Radiators 117
STS-55 1993 10.0 302 28.5 Ku-Band 2
STS-56 1993 9.3 296 57 Windows, Ku-Band 5
STS-59 1994 11.2 224 57 Windows, Radiators 120
STS-60 1994 8.3 354 57 Thrusters 12
STS-61 1993 10.8 594 28.5 Radiators 117
STS-63 1995 8.3 394 51.6 Radiators 117
STS-64 1994 11.0 259 57 RCC, Radiators 158
STS-65 1994 14.7 296 28.5 RCC, betacloth 43
STS-66 1994 10.9 304 57 Radiators 117
STS-68 1994 11.2 222 57 Radiators 117
STS-70 1995 8.9 296 28.5 Windows 3
STS-71 1995 9.8 394 51.6 RCC, Windows, Radiators 161
RCC, Windows, Radiators, speed
STS-72 1996 8.9 463 28.5 164
RCC, Windows, Radiators, FRSI,
STS-73 1995 15.9 278 39 213
wing tile
RCC, Windows, Radiators, TSS
STS-75 1996 15.7 296 28.5 175
STS-76 1996 9.2 394 51.6 RCC, Windows, Radiators, tile 163
STS-77 1996 10.0 283 39 RCC, Windows, Radiators 161
STS-79 1996 10.1 394 51.6 RCC, Windows, Radiators, FRSI 211
STS-80 1996 17.7 404 28.5 RCC, Windows, Radiators, FRSI 211
STS-81 1997 10.2 394 51.6 RCC, Windows, Radiators, FRSI 211
STS-82 1997 10.0 580 28.5 RCC, Windows, Radiators, FRSI 211
STS-83 1997 4.0 296 28.5 RCC, Windows, Radiators, FRSI 211
STS-84 1997 9.2 394 51.6 RCC, Windows, Radiators, FRSI 211
STS-85 1997 11.9 296 57 RCC, Windows, Radiators, FRSI 211
STS-86 1997 10.8 394 51.6 RCC, Windows, Radiators, FRSI 211
STS-94 1997 15.7 296 28.5 RCC, Windows, Radiators, FRSI 211
missions not part of M&OD survey during period from STS-50 through STS-86: STS-46, STS-47, STS-53,
STS-54, STS-57, STS-58, STS-62, STS-67, STS-69, STS-74, STS-78
Table A-2 provides the average impact conditions used for the 20 significant impacts based on the
environment models [5, 7], although some exceptions were made. For the STS-73 FRSI impact, an
estimate of velocity and angle of impact was made based on the condition of the target damage, which
indicated that the particle impacted at slower speed than the “average” and at a steeper angle (oblique
impact effects observed in the surface hole and crater), as well as the size of the recovered fragments,
which set a minimum size of the impactor. For the STS-86 exterior manifold impact, the condition of the
target (hole in beta cloth and single crater in tube) and hypervelocity impact test results indicated the
impact occurred at a slower speed and steeper angle than the “average.”
Table A-2. Average Impact Parameters
Avg./Est. Avg./Est.
Particle Particle
Mission # Impact Location Velocity Impact
Type Density
(km/s) Angle (deg)
STS-50 Window #4, RH forward debris 4.5 8.1 45
STS-59 Window #11, side hatch debris 2.5 10.8 45
STS-94 Window #7, RH overhead debris 2.8 8.4 45
STS-50 Radiator LH #1 debris 2.5 8.1 45
STS-73 Radiator LH #4 debris 2.5 8.9 45
STS-79 Radiator RH #3 debris 7.9 10.3 45
STS-80 Radiator RH #4 debris 7.9 5.6 45
STS-80 Radiator LH #4 debris 7.9 5.6 45
STS-81 Radiator RH #4 debris 7.9 9.3 45
STS-84 Radiator RH #4 debris 7.9 9.8 45
STS-85 Radiator RH #4 meteoroid 1.0 19.0 45
STS-86 ext.manifold-1 debris 7.9 3.0 60
STS-86 ext.manifold-2 meteoroid 1.0 19.0 45
STS-55 Ku-band electronics debris 2.8 8.1 45
STS-56 Ku-band dish meteoroid 1.0 19.0 45
STS-72 rudder speed brake debris 2.8 6.3 45
STS-73 FRSI LH #4 debris 5.7 3.5 75
STS-75 TSS Pallet trunnion debris 2.8 6.2 45
STS-84 FRSI LH#4 debris 2.8 9.8 45
STS-94 vert. seal meteoroid 1.0 19.0 45
Window Equations
The projectile length, or perpendicular aspect to target, is related to penetration depth. Penetration depth
(P) into semi-infinite glass is estimated as:
P = 0.53 ρ
0.5 1.06 (2/3)
d Vn (1)
d = [1.89 Pρ
-0.5 -(2/3) 0.94
Vn ] (2)
The projectile diameter, or aspect parallel to target, is related to the crack & flaw (or surface spall)
diameter. The crack/flaw diameter is predicted with the following equation:
1.33 0.44 0.44
D = 30.9 d Vn (3)
0.75 -0.33 -0.33
d = 0.076 D Vn (4)
Using Equations 2 and 4, and the parameters in Table A-2, the following particle estimates are made for
the glass impacts described in Section 1.
Hole size in the thermal tape can be estimated from the following equation:
Dtape = 1.028 d ρ
(2/3) (2/3)
V (5)
d = 0.97 Dtape ρ
-(2/3) -(2/3)
V (6)
The larger hits on the radiator all went through the facesheet. A minimum particle size to perforate the
facesheet can be estimated from the following equation (where dperf is in units of <mm>):
dperf = 1.05 ρ
-(1/3) -(2/3)
Vn (7)
The hole size in the facesheet (DFS) can be used to access the impacting projectile size. The following
equation is solved for projectile diameter by non-linear equation solving techniques (e.g., Newton-
Raphson). For small facesheet hole diameters, this equation is not valid (i.e., if the hole size is less than
0.8 m).
DFS = 0.04 d V + 0.9 d (8)
Particle Size Estimate for External Radiator Tube Cratering
The following equation is used to evaluate particles leaving craters of depth P in the external radiator
manifold hard lines (aluminum). This equation should not be used to predict particle size causing tube
rupture/leak (it over-predicts the size causing leaks).
0.95 -0.47 -0.63
d = 2.7 P Vn (9)
Equation 10 is used to assess holes created in FRSI on outside of the payload bay doors.
Penetration depth in semi-infinite titanium alloy (Ti 6Al 4V) predicted with the following equation:
1.06 0.5 (2/3)
Pti = 0.162 d Vn (11)
The Inconel hole predicter (Equation 12) is more accurate when the hole > 1.1 plate thickness. For holes
near the ballistic limit, use the threshold perforation equation (Equation 13) to establish the minimum
projectile diameter.
Dsteel = 2 d ρ
1/3 2/3 1/3
Vn tsteel (12)
0.95 -0.47 -0.63
dperf = 4.2 t Vn (13)
Through-Holes in Graphite-Epoxy
-0.33 -0.33 -2/3
d = DGr-Ep t Vn (14)
Sensitivity Assessment.
As a sensitivity assessment, a 1-sigma range of orbital debris particle diameters was determined using
the penetration equations for one impact (STS-50 window #4 impact) and a one standard deviation
impact velocity variation from the mean velocity based on ORDEM96 velocity distributions. For the STS-
50 operational profile, at a standard deviation from the mean of 8 km/s, 68% of the impacts are predicted
to occur between 2.5 km/s and 12 km/s (Figures A-1 and A-2). Table 2 indicates the STS-50 impacting
particle size was estimated to be a 0.2-mm-diameter titanium particle at 8.0 km/s average. At 2.5 km/s,
the impact would be caused by a 0.42-mm titanium particle, and a 0.16-mm particle at 12 km/s.
Therefore, using a 1-sigma velocity band, the damage is estimated to be caused by a 0.16-mm- to 0.42-
mm-diameter titanium particle with a mean diameter of 0.2 mm (Figure A-3).
Fraction of Total
Relative Impact Velocity (km/s)
Figure A-1. STS-50 predicted orbital debris velocity distribution for diameters of 0.2 mm
and greater based on ORDEM96.
0.9 84%
Cumulative fraction
0.2 16%
0.1 2.5 km/s 8 km/s 12 km/s
Figure A-2. Cumulative debris velocity distribution predicted for STS-50 with mean
velocity (8 km/s) and 1-sigma velocity interval indicated.
Particle Diameter (cm)
0.42mm @ 1-sigma low velocity
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Figure A-3. Particle diameter estimate causing STS-50 window #4 impact damage
assuming 45o impact by a titanium orbital debris particle.
(particle size at the average impact velocity and at one-standard deviation velocity increment indicated)
This appendix presents a “quick look” technique for evaluating the performance of candidate bumper
systems when subjected to hypervelocity impact. The model predicts the fraction of the projectile that is
shocked and the peak pressure to which the projectile and bumper are subjected. The criteria for a
successful bumper are: (1) that impact with the shield material will deposit enough internal energy in the
projectile to cause it to melt or vaporize, and (2) that the shield is thick enough to subject the projectile to
shock pressures sufficient to melt the projectile.
The procedure follows well-trodden hypervelocity impact theory [64-66]. Rankine-Hugoniot relations
describe conditions on either side of a shock front. Closed form solutions are given to these and other
physical relationships. A one-dimensional approach is implemented. Although simplistic, the approach
provides a method to allow rapid evaluation of a large number of projectile and shield materials, as a
function of impact velocity, projectile size and bumper thickness.
c First term in the linear shock-velocity/particle-velocity Hugoniot (km/s)
C Sound velocity, velocity of rarefaction wave (km/s)
L Characteristic length or thickness of projectile or bumper (cm)
s Second term in shock-velocity/particle-velocity Hugoniot (dimensionless)
v Velocity (km/s)
Specific volume (cm /g) = 1/ρ for equations 3, volume (cm ) for equations 17 and 18
3 3
Density (g/cm )
P Pressure (kilobars)
E Internal Energy (J/g)
u Particle velocity (km/s)
U Shock velocity (km/s)
t time (micro-sec)
blank shocked state
i impact
o rest state
t target
p projectile
Details on the calculations and reference frames can be found elsewhere [51].
Peak Shock Pressure. The Rankine-Hugoniot equations for the conditions on either side of a shock
front are the starting point.
Conservation of momentum
P – P0 = 10 ρ U u (1)
Conservation of mass
ρo U = ρ (U – u) (2)
Conservation of energy
E – Eo = 100 (P + Po) (Vo – V)/2 (3)
As a practical matter the initial pressures and internal energy can be assumed to be zero, thus equation 1
simplifies to
P = 10 ρ U u , (1a)
Or in terms of densities
E = 100 P ((1/ρo) – (1/ρ))/2 . (3b)
The equation of state is in the form of a linear relation for shock velocity and particle velocity.
U = co + s u (4)
This relation is satisfactory for virtually all solids free of phase changes over the range of interest and of
substantial void space [67, 68]. Assuming the material within the shocked region on either side of the
contact surface is at a single shock pressure and is moving as a single unit with one speed, the interface
velocity and pressure can be expressed as:
Vi = up + ut (5)
Pp = Pt . (6)
Peak shock pressures are calculated by solving a quadratic equation for particle velocity in the target, ut.
ρop (cop + sp (vi – ut))(vi – ut) = ρot ( cot + st ut) ut (10)
a = (ρop sp) – (ρot st) (12)
The quadratic has two solutions. The solution selected is in the range of 0.1 to 1.0 times the impact
velocity while the other solution has no physical meaning. The value of the particle velocity in the target,
ut, is substituted into the linear shock-velocity/particle-velocity Hugoniot (equation 4) to determine the
shock velocity, Ut.
Ut = cot + st ut (15)
The density of the target behind the shock is calculated by substituting ut and Ut into equation 2,
ρt = (ρot Ut)/(Ut – ut) (16)
Shock pressure (P=Pt=Pp) is calculated by substituting values for density behind the shock, particle
velocity, and shock velocity into the conservation of momentum (equation 1).
P = 10 ρt Ut ut (17)
The density of the projectile behind the shock is determined from the following equation.
ρp = (ρop Up) / (Up – up) (20)
Kinetic and thermal energy partition between projectile and bumper. A calculation used to evaluate
relative performance of different bumper materials is to compare the relative amounts of heating, melting,
and vaporization of the impacting projectile. One approach to this problem is to calculate the mechanical
work done on the projectile by the shock process from the difference between the area under the
Hugoniot compression and isentropic release curves on a Pressure-Volume diagram. Then temperature
can be determined from the work and heat capacities of the materials. Another approach is to estimate
the state of the projectile from an energy balance. Consider that the initial energy in the system is
represented by the projectile’s kinetic energy:
KEpi = 0.5 (10) ρop Vp vi
The total energy of the projectile after impact can be expressed as [51]:
TEp = 0.5 (10) ρop Vp ((vi – ut) + ut )
2 2
The retained kinetic energy of the projectile after impact that is reflected in the motion of projectile
fragments in the ejecta and debris cloud is estimated from:
KEp = 0.5 (10) ρop Vp ut
The amount of internal energy retained in the projectile after impact is essentially the difference between
the total energy of the projectile post-impact and the retained kinetic energy of the projectile.
Ep = 0.5 (10) ρop Vp ((vi – ut) + ut ) - 0.5 (10) ρop Vp ut
2 2 2
In the evaluation, the ratios of retained internal energy to the energy required to melt and vaporize the
projectile are calculated, yielding the estimated state of the projectile (i.e., whether solid, partially or fully
melted, vaporized, etc.).
Minimum required thickness of bumper. An estimate of the minimum shield thickness required to
completely expose the projectile length to the impact shock is assessed. The basic methodology is to
calculate the bumper thickness required to allow a compression shock wave to move throughout the
length of the projectile before the arrival of the rarefaction wave that originates from the back of the
bumper. Rarefaction waves move through shock-compressed bumper and projectile material where
wave speeds are higher in compressed material compared to uncompressed material. Also, the
compressed materials are thinner. Thus the rarefaction wave front is faster than the compression shock
wave front moving through uncompressed projectile material. If a bumper is too thin, the rarefaction wave
catches up with the shock wave moving through the projectile before the entire projectile is subjected to
the shock. This leaves relatively lightly shocked projectile material that will travel through the bumper
hole to crater and possibly penetrate the rear wall, or next layer in the shield. The optimum thickness
bumper is one that is just thick enough to allow the compression shock to travel the entire projectile
length before the arrival of the rarefaction.
The equation to be solved is the time for the shock to travel through the unshocked projectile, top, which is
to equal the time for the shock to travel to the back of the unshocked bumper, tot, plus the time for the
rarefaction to travel through the compressed bumper, tt, and through the compressed projectile, tp.
where [51]:
top = Lp / (10 Up) (26)
Combining these equations and solving for the ratio of bumper thickness to projectile length gives
Equation 31 can be solved for the optimum bumper thickness, Lt, given projectile diameter, Lp. Figure B-1
shows results of the calculations for an aluminum-on-aluminum impact. Hugoniot parameters and other
material properties are given in Figure B-2.
Initial Temp. of Proj./Target (K) 173.00 Initial Temp. o
Density c0 (eff) s (eff) K0 (eff)
# g/cm3 km/s kbar
1 Alimina Coors Al2O3 15%SiO2 3.660 3.650 2.200 487.604
2 Alumina Al2O3 Hot pressed 3.940 8.250 1.210 2681.663
3 Aluminum 1100 2.714 5.392 1.341 789.059
4 Aluminum 2024 Alloy 2.784 5.370 1.290 802.819
5 Aluminum 6061 Alloy 2.703 5.350 1.340 773.666
6 Aluminum 7075 Alloy 2.804 5.200 1.360 758.202
7 Aluminum 921 T Alloy 2.833 5.041 1.420 719.913
8 Aluminum (Gault&Heitowit) 2.750 5.300 1.370 772.000
9 Anorthosite 2.730 4.170 1.120 474.717
10 Basalt (Gault&Heitowit) c0=2.60 2.860 2.310 1.620 193.000
11 Boron Carbide (B4C) Lo Dens. 1.900 2.653 1.911 133.730
12 Boron Carbide (B4C) Hi Dens. 2.400 7.409 1.307 1317.439
13 Cadmium 8.639 2.480 1.640 531.333
14 Carbon Graphite 3D fibers 1.519 2.52 1.14 96.616
15 Composite 2D-CP C-PHEN. 1.350 3.900 2.200 205.335
16 Copper 8.930 3.940 1.489 1386.257
17 Feldspar Anorthosite NY 2.732 2.790 1.533 212.662
18 Glass High Density (Shott) 5.085 1.813 1.611 167.142
19 Glass Pyrex 2.230 1.730 1.550 66.742
20 Glass Silica 2.204 3.180 0.990 222.877
21 Gold 19.240 3.06 1.57 1796.850
22 H2O Ice 0.910 1.280 1.560 15.020
23 H2O Water 1.000 1.480 1.600 22.000
24 Iron (Gault&Heitowit) 7.860 3.800 1.580 1135.00
25 Iron Meteoroid (Gault) 7.88 3.46 1.72 943.362
26 Lead 11.346 2.030 1.470 467.557
27 Magnesium 1.740 4.492 1.263 351.098
28 Magnesium AZ 31 B alloy 1.775 4.516 1.256 361.998
29 Mullite Al6Si2O13 2.670 2.300 1.650 141.243
30 Plastic Acrylic 1.185 2.527 1.536 75.671
31 Plastic Epoxy 1.198 2.678 1.520 85.917
32 Plastic Polyamide (Nylon) 1.146 3.910 1.180 175.202
33 Plastic Polycarbonate 1.193 3.191 1.145 121.477
34 Plastic Polyimide 1.414 1.615 1.490 36.880
35 Plastic PVC (Boltron) 1.376 2.415 1.442 80.251
36 Plastic Teflon 2.147 1.682 1.189 60.741
37 Platinum 21.440 3.63 1.47 2829.799
38 Sand - Sim. Lunar Regolith (Gault) 1.65 1.30 1.40 27.885
39 Serpentine (Vermyen, Italy) 2.802 5.165 1.006 747.496
40 Silica Quartz 2.650 4.030 0.990 430.384
41 Silicon Carbide SiC 3.120 8.000 0.950 1996.800
42 Steel 1018 7.850 3.357 1.920 884.863
43 Steel 304 Stainless 7.896 4.569 1.490 1648.350
44 Steel maraging(Vascomax250) 8.129 3.993 1.576 1296.092
45 Titanium 4.528 5.220 0.767 1233.808
46 Tuff, Nevada Test Site (dry) 1.646 1.320 1.410 28.680
47 Tungsten Carbide WC 15.020 4.920 1.339 3635.801
48 Uranium 97%U 3%Mo 18.450 2.565 1.531 1213.867
49 Wood Douglas Fir 0.536 0.450 1.380 1.085
Figure B-2. Hugoniot parameters for materials evaluated in analytical model [51].
NASA JSC Whipple Shield HVI Database
Eric L. Christiansen/SN3/281-483-5311
test site test number Damage Description class
JSC 1644 No Perf, ring dimples E2
JSC 1791 No perf or DS, no dimples, craters E1
JSC 1792 No perf, slight bulge, ring crts E2
JSC 1794 No perf, DS=0.24cm, 0.95cm ring E3
JSC 1796 No perf, bulge, 1cm ring crts E2
JSC 1797 No perf, bulge, 0.8cm ring crts E2
JSC 1817 5 perf (0.1cm), dimples, 0.8cm ring E4
JSC 1830 60perfs (0.2cm), 2.2cm ring E4
JSC 1881 No perf, 2.2cm ring E1
JSC A1342 No Perf, craters/dimples E2
JSC A1344 1P=1mm,DS=8mm,C=4mm D4
JSC A1347 1P=0.6mm,DS=6mm D4
JSC A1368 1P,6.1mm E5
JSC A1370 1P,1.5x2.9mm E5
JSC A1371 1P,0.68x0.97mm E4
JSC A1373 1P,0.8mm,DS E4
JSC A1374 1P,0.6x0.8mm E4
JSC A1375 4P,2.1x2.6mm E4
JSC A1376 6P,2.9x3.1mm E4
JSC A1397 No Perf, DS=1.5mm E3
JSC A1458 No Perf, bulge E2
JSC A1459 1 perf (0.2x0.3cm) E4
JSC A1462 No Perf, DS=13x15mm E3
JSC A1463 No Perf, DS=12mm E3
JSC A1464 No Perf, DS=14mm E3
JSC A1465 No Perf, DS=7x8mm E3
JSC A1466 No Perf or DS, dimples (central) D2
JSC A1467 No Perf or DS, dimples (central) D2
JSC A1468 1 perf (0.1cm) D4
JSC A1485 No Perf, dimples C2
JSC A1486 No Perf, no dimples, molten splash C1
JSC A1487 4 perfs (1.3mm) C2
JSC A1488 3 perfs (10x4 mm) C5
JSC A1560 No perf, DS=14mm E3
JSC A1603 No perf or DS, ring craters/dimples E2
JSC A1607 2 perfs (0.9mm), DS=1.5mm C4
JSC A1672 1 perf (1.5mm), DS=4.2mm E4
JSC A1674 No perf, BL DS E2
JSC A1676 1 perf (0.7mm), DS (3mm) E4
JSC A1682 1 perf (0.6mm), DS (3mm) E4
JSC B109 1 perf (1cm), DS=3.2cm E5
JSC B110 6 perfs (0.5cm), DS=3.4cm E5
JSC B111 7 perfs (0.4cm), DS=3cm E5
JSC B121 No perf, DS=3.6cm E3
JSC B123 No perf, DS=3cm E3
JSC B128 No perf, DS=2.5cm E3
JSC B131 No perf or DS, bulge, dimples (ring) E2
JSC B133 20 perfs (4.5cm max), DS=0.6cm E5
JSC B146 No perf or DS, dimples (ring) E2
JSC B153 No perf or DS, sm.craters E1
JSC B156 No perf or DS, sm.craters E1
JSC B160 No perf or DS, sm.craters E1
JSC B166 No perf, DS=1.4cm, 4.5cm ring E3
JSC B176 No perf or DS, no bulge E1
JSC B177 1 perf (2mm), DS=2cm, 20cm ring C5
JSC B184 Petalled perf (5-7cm) C4
JSC B294 No perf or DS, dimples (rings) C2
JSC A358 No Perf or DS E1
JSC A337 No Perf or DS E1
JSCo AV26 No Perf or DS D1
proj. proj. proj. impact bumper bump.
diameter density mass velocity angle thkness Density wall dens. yield wall
3 3 3
test site test number (cm) (g/cm ) proj. matl (g) (km/s) (deg) tb (cm) (g/cm ) S (cm) tw (cm) matl wall (g/cm ) (ksi)
JSCo 4695 0.159 2.54 glass 0.0053459 7.56 0 0.051 2.78 5.09 0.064 Al2024T3 2.852 47
JSCo 4709 0.159 2.54 glass 0.0053459 7.26 0 0.025 2.78 5.09 0.064 Al2024T3 2.713 47
JSCo 4691 0.159 2.54 glass 0.0053459 7.25 0 0.051 2.78 7.62 0.041 Al2024T3 2.713 47
JSC A1199 0.2 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0117119 5.7 0 0.016 2.713 6.4 0.483 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC A1211 0.2 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0117119 5.06 0 0.036 2.713 6.4 0.483 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC A1221 0.2 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0117119 5.42 0 0.036 2.713 6.4 0.318 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC A1222 0.2 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0117119 4.48 0 0.036 2.713 6.4 0.318 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC A1210 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0470779 6.27 0 0.051 2.713 10.18 0.2 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC A481 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0470779 6.38 0 0.057 2.713 12.72 0.127 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC A1193 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0470779 6.25 0 0.051 2.713 10.18 0.2 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC A1114 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0470779 6.21 0 0.051 2.713 10.18 0.159 Al2024T3 2.796 47
MDC MD13 0.884 2.78 Al 1.005542 7.15 0 0.080 2.78 35.36 0.792 Al2024T351 2.796 47
MDC MD12 0.884 2.78 Al 1.005542 7.16 0 0.080 2.78 26.52 0.655 Al2024T351 2.796 47
MDC MD14 0.884 2.78 Al 1.005542 7.27 0 0.044 2.78 26.52 1.26 Al2024T351 2.796 47
MDC MD15 0.884 2.78 Al 1.005542 7.08 0 0.230 2.78 26.52 0.201 Al2024T351 2.796 47
MDC MD11 0.884 2.78 Al 1.005542 7.09 0 0.080 2.78 13.26 1.618 Al2024T351 2.796 47
ARC A1894 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2671105 6.74 45 0.162 2.78 30.5 0.792 Al2024T351 2.796 47
JSC 1487 0.040 2.713 Al6061 9.091E-05 7.30 0 0.01 2.74 1.27 0.015 Al3003H12 2.78 18
JSC 1481 0.040 2.796 Al2017T4 9.369E-05 7.10 0 0.01 2.74 1.27 0.01 Al3003H12 2.78 18
JSC 1476 0.040 2.796 Al2017T4 9.369E-05 8.06 0 0.01 2.74 1.27 0.027 Al3003H14 2.78 21
JSCo 4613 0.079 2.25 glass 0.0005808 7.13 0 0.025 2.78 5.08 0.025 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSCo 4637 0.079 2.25 glass 0.0005808 7.22 0 0.015 2.78 5.08 0.025 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSCo 4638 0.079 2.25 glass 0.0005808 7.53 0 0.015 2.78 7.62 0.025 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSCo A250 0.079 2.25 glass 0.0005808 6.52 0 0.03 2.78 2.54 0.03 Al7075T6 2.796 70
JSCo A201 0.079 2.25 glass 0.0005808 6.70 0 0.03 2.78 7.62 0.03 Al1100H14 2.78 17
JSCo 4681 0.079 2.713 Al6061 0.0007004 7.34 0 0.051 2.78 2.54 0.041 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSCo 4679 0.079 2.713 Al6061 0.0007004 7.16 0 0.051 2.78 7.62 0.025 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSCo 4658 0.079 2.713 Al6061 0.0007004 7.25 0 0.015 2.78 5.08 0.025 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC 1435 0.080 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0007496 6.52 0 0.015 2.713 2.54 0.03 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC 1468 0.081 2.796 Al2017T4 0.000778 6.70 0 0.015 2.713 2.54 0.03 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSCo 4695 0.159 2.54 glass 0.0053459 7.56 0 0.051 2.78 5.08 0.064 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSCo 4709 0.159 2.54 glass 0.0053459 7.26 0 0.025 2.78 5.08 0.064 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSCo 4691 0.159 2.54 glass 0.0053459 7.25 0 0.051 2.78 7.62 0.041 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSCo 4706 0.159 2.54 glass 0.0053459 7.26 0 0.025 2.78 7.62 0.041 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSCo 4738 0.159 2.71 Al6061 0.0057037 7.20 0 0.051 2.78 5.08 0.064 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSCo 4736 0.159 2.71 Al6061 0.0057037 7.31 0 0.051 2.78 7.62 0.041 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC A1200 0.200 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0117119 6.93 0 0.015 2.78 6.4 0.483 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC A1218 0.200 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0117119 6.93 0 0.015 2.78 6.4 0.318 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC A1196 0.200 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0117119 7.20 0 0.036 2.78 6.4 0.159 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC A1076 0.200 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0117119 6.37 0 0.064 2.713 6.0 0.041 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC A1077 0.200 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0117119 6.77 0 0.41 2.713 6 0.064 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC A1281 0.318 1.145 Nylon 0.019279 6.70 0 0.025 2.713 10.16 0.081 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC A235 0.318 2.78 Al 0.0468085 6.98 0 0.056 2.78 10.16 0.159 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC A240 0.318 2.78 Al 0.0468085 6.58 0 0.081 2.78 10.16 0.127 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC A151 0.318 2.713 Al6061 0.0456804 6.60 0 0.081 2.78 5.08 0.127 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC B31 0.635 2.796 Al2017T4 0.3748495 7.08 0 0.127 2.713 20.32 0.36 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC B37 0.635 2.796 Al2017T4 0.3748495 6.39 0 0.159 2.796 10.16 0.5 Al6061T6 2.713 36
Boeing 85-24F 0.635 2.78 Al 0.3727045 6.00 0 0.159 2.713 15.24 0.318 Al2219T87 2.852 52
Boeing 85-13 0.635 2.78 Al 0.3727045 5.88 0 0.159 2.713 15.24 0.318 Al2219T87 2.852 52
Boeing 85-16 0.762 2.78 Al 0.6440333 7.00 0 0.159 2.713 15.24 0.318 Al2219T87 2.852 52
Boeing 85-20C 0.762 2.78 Al 0.6440333 6.40 0 0.159 2.713 15.24 0.318 Al2219T87 2.852 52
MSFC 86-2 0.793 2.71 Al 0.7075994 6.98 0 0.159 2.713 10.16 0.318 Al2219T87 2.852 52
MSFC 86-1 0.793 2.71 Al 0.7075994 6.90 0 0.159 2.713 10.16 0.318 Al2219T87 2.852 52
ARC A1895 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2671105 6.89 0 0.159 2.78 30.48 0.318 Al6061T6 2.713 36
ARC A1868 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2671105 7.10 0 0.159 2.78 30.48 0.318 Al6061T6 2.713 36
ARC A86/1 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2671105 6.65 0 0.159 2.78 30.48 0.635 Al2024T351 2.796 47
ARC A1917 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2671105 6.72 0 0.159 2.78 22.86 0.483 Al2024T351 2.796 47
ARC A1899 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2671105 6.83 0 0.159 2.78 15.24 0.635 Al2024T351 2.796 47
ARC A1875 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2671105 6.75 0 0.159 2.78 30.48 0.318 Al6061T6 2.713 36
ARC A86/3 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2671105 6.65 0 0.159 2.78 30.48 0.229 Al2024T3 2.796 47
ARC A86/4 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2671105 6.40 0 0.483 2.78 30.48 0.229 Al2024T3 2.796 47
ARC A1918 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2671105 6.83 0 0.159 2.78 38.1 0.318 Al2024T3 2.796 47
ARC A86/2 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2671105 6.64 0 0.318 2.78 30.48 0.229 Al2024T3 2.796 47
ARC A86/5 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2671105 6.47 0 0.159 2.78 30.48 0.318 Al2024T3 2.796 47
ARC A1913 1.270 2.796 Al2017T4 2.9987962 6.71 0 0.318 2.78 50.8 0.483 Al6061T6 2.713 36
ARC A1921 1.270 2.796 Al2017T4 2.9987962 6.80 0 0.159 2.78 22.86 0.635 Al2024T351 2.796 47
ARC A1907 1.270 2.796 Al2017T4 2.9987962 6.53 0 0.318 2.78 50.8 0.483 Al2024T351 2.796 47
MDC MD28 1.908 2.78 Al 10.110637 7.08 0 0.406 2.78 57.15 0.968 Al2024T351 2.796 47
MDC MD31 1.908 2.78 Al 10.110637 7.15 0 0.813 2.78 57.15 0.8 Al2024T351 2.796 47
test site test number Damage Description class
JSCo 4695 No Perf or DS, craters (central) E2
JSCo 4709 No Perf or DS, dimples (ring) E2
JSCo 4691 3 small perfs E3
JSC A1199 No Perf or DS, craters (central, ring) E1
JSC A1211 No Perf or DS, craters (central, ring) E1
JSC A1221 No Perf or DS, craters (central, ring) E1
JSC A1222 No Perf or DS, s.dimples (cent, ring) E2
JSC A1210 No perf, DS=2.5mm (thin) E3
JSC A481 No perf or DS, attached spall (split) E2
JSC A1193 1 perf, DS=2mm (thin) E3
JSC A1114 2 perfs, DS=1cm (thin) E3
MDC MD13 No perf or DS, attached spall (split) D2
MDC MD12 No perf, DS=3.7cm D3
MDC MD14 No perf, DS=6.4cm D3
MDC MD15 No perf or DS, cratering E1
MDC MD11 No perf, DS=5cm E3
ARC A1894 2 Perfs (0.9cm & 0.5cm) C4
JSC 1487 BL, bulge, impulsive w/ dimples F3
JSC 1481 perfs, bulge, impulsive w/ dimples F4
JSC 1476 v.slight bulge F2
JSCo 4613 v.slight cratering E1
JSCo 4637 small perfs, ring (2.7cm) E4
JSCo 4638 small perfs, ring (4.4cm) E4
JSCo A250 No perf or DS, near BL E2
JSCo A201 1perf E4
JSCo 4681 No perf or DS, small dimples (center) D2
JSCo 4679 No perf or DS, small dimples (center) D2
JSCo 4658 small perfs, ring (2.7cm) E4
JSC 1435 No perf or DS, dimples E2
JSC 1468 No perf or DS, dimples E2
JSCo 4695 No perf or DS, small craters (center) E2
JSCo 4709 No perf or DS, dimples (2cm ring) E2
JSCo 4691 3 small perfs E4
JSCo 4706 4 perfs (ring 3.4cm) E4
JSCo 4738 No perf or DS, small craters (center) E1
JSCo 4736 4 perfs (ring 5.6cm) E4
JSC A1200 No perf or det spall, craters (center) E1
JSC A1218 DS=4mm (thin) D3
JSC A1196 No perf or det spall, craters (center) E2
JSC A1076 numerous perfs, spall dimples E4
JSC A1077 No perfs, dimples E2
JSC A1281 numerous perfs (small, dispersed) E4
JSC A235 No perfs or DS, 1 spall split E3
JSC A240 No perfs or DS, dimples E2
JSC A151 Hole, DS, cracks D4
JSC B31 No perf or DS, central & ring dimples E2
JSC B37 Small perf, DS=30mm E4
Boeing 85-24F E2
Boeing 85-13 E2
Boeing 85-16 E2
Boeing 85-20C D4
MSFC 86-2 F5
MSFC 86-1 F5
ARC A1895 No perf or DS, bulge F3
ARC A1868 No perf or DS, bulge F3
ARC A86/1 No perf or DS, cratering D1
ARC A1917 No perf or DS, attached spall D2
ARC A1899 DS=5cm (thin) D3
ARC A1875 No perf or DS, bulge F3
ARC A86/3 Bulge, crack=0.16cm F4
ARC A86/4 perf ring, no central spall E4
ARC A1918 No perf or DS, ring & central dimples E2
ARC A86/2 No perf or DS, bulge F2
ARC A86/5 Bulge, 3 cracks, 3 sm perfs, DS F4
ARC A1913 No perf or DS, bulge F2/D2
ARC A1921 No perf, DS=7.6cm (thin) D3
ARC A1907 1 perf=0.48cm, attached spall E4
MDC MD28 No perf or DS, dimples E2
MDC MD31 No perf or DS, dimples E2
proj. proj. proj. impact bumper bump.
diameter density mass velocity angle thkness Density wall dens. yield wall
test site test number (cm) (g/cm3) proj. matl (g) (km/s) (deg) tb (cm) (g/cm3) S (cm) tw (cm) matl wall (g/cm3) (ksi)
MDC MD29 1.908 2.78 Al 10.110637 7.08 0 0.406 2.78 76.2 0.622 Al2024T351 2.796 47
MDC MD27 1.908 2.78 Al 10.110637 7.15 0 0.406 2.78 28.575 2.827 Al2024T351 2.796 47
MDC MD30 1.908 2.78 Al 10.110637 7.27 0 0.203 2.78 57.15 1.626 Al2024T351 2.796 47
JSC B613 0.794 2.796 Al2017T4 0.73277 6.98 0 0.16002 2.713 10.16 0.318 Al2219T87 2.852 52
JSC B614 0.627 2.796 Al2017T4 0.3612 7.05 30 0.127 2.713 10.16 0.318 Al2219T87 2.852 52
JSC B615 0.631 2.796 Al2017T4 0.36786 7.05 45 0.127 2.713 10.16 0.318 Al2219T87 2.852 52
JSC B606 0.953 2.796 Al2017T4 1.2654 6.89 65 0.08128 2.713 20.3 0.635 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC B461 0.319 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04733 6.81 60 0.09652 2.78 14.2 0.198 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC B488 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04722 6.94 65 0.1016 2.78 15.8 0.152 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC A2010R2 0.200 2.796 Al2017T4 0.01171 6.76 16 0.1016 2.78 13.6 0.152 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC A2017R2 0.219 2.796 Al2017T4 0.01535 4.45 16 0.1016 2.78 13.6 0.152 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC A2019R2 0.217 2.796 Al2017T4 0.01505 3.86 16 0.1016 2.78 13.6 0.152 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC A2025R2 0.159 2.796 Al2017T4 0.00586 3.40 16 0.1016 2.78 13.6 0.152 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC A2033R2 0.180 2.796 Al2017T4 0.00851 3.36 16 0.1016 2.78 13.6 0.152 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC B480 0.358 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0673 6.95 26 0.1016 2.78 13.6 0.152 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC B460 0.358 2.796 Al2017T4 0.06717 6.77 65 0.1016 2.78 13.6 0.152 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC B319 0.517 2.796 Al2017T4 0.20192 7.57 53.1 0.151 2.78 10.2 0.302 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC B324 0.596 2.796 Al2017T4 0.30983 7.07 23 0.151 2.78 10.2 0.302 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC B327 0.675 2.796 Al2017T4 0.4496 6.95 58.4 0.171 2.78 20.2 0.386 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC B333 0.596 2.796 Al2017T4 0.30975 7.60 58.4 0.171 2.78 20.2 0.406 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC B334 0.635 2.796 Al2017T4 0.3757 7.28 58.4 0.171 2.78 20.2 0.406 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC B341 0.674 2.796 Al2017T4 0.44856 7.57 58.4 0.180 2.796 20.2 0.406 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC B343 0.596 2.796 Al2017T4 0.30975 7.46 23 0.159 2.796 10.2 0.318 Al2024T3 2.796 47
JSC B344 0.596 2.796 Al2017T4 0.30985 7.20 23 0.159 2.713 10.2 0.318 Al2219T87 2.852 52
JSC B348 0.674 2.796 Al2017T4 0.4478 7.13 58.4 0.180 2.713 20.2 0.406 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC B386 0.476 2.796 Al2017T4 0.15823 6.64 50 0.160 2.78 10.2 0.302 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC A1916 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04716 3.16 20 0.151 2.78 23.6 0.302 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC A1917 0.340 2.796 Al2017T4 0.05739 3.55 20 0.151 2.78 23.6 0.286 Alclad7075T6 2.78 64.6
JSC A1965 0.289 2.796 Al2017T4 0.03529 6.29 15 0.112 2.713 10.2 0.191 Al6061CMG 2.713 28.7
JSC A1967 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04717 6.22 15 0.112 2.713 10.2 0.191 Al6061CMG 2.713 28.7
JSC A1969 0.358 2.796 Al2017T4 0.06737 6.29 30 0.112 2.713 10.2 0.191 Al6061CMG 2.713 28.7
JSC A1971 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04708 6.17 45 0.112 2.713 10.2 0.191 Al6061CMG 2.713 28.7
JSC B752 0.794 2.796 Al2017T4 0.732128 7.19 25 0.159 2.78 11.2 0.508 Al2219T851 2.852 52
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820217 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04688 6.5 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.180 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820004 0.314 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04521 6.4 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.203 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820032 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04695 6.4 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.229 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820065 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04705 6.4 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.254 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820114 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0473 6.5 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.318 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820151 0.313 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04509 6.6 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.406 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820014 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04686 6 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.203 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820058 0.314 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04544 5.9 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.229 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820115 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0473 5.7 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.254 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820152 0.314 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04554 5.9 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.318 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820159 0.313 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04501 6 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.406 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820003 0.3136 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04517 5.8 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.254 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920057 0.314 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04546 5.5 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.318 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820220 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04709 6.6 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.180 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920009 0.317 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04672 6.7 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.180 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920005 0.319 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04732 6.9 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.254 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920034 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04699 6.9 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.318 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920066 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04728 6.7 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.406 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920116 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0473 6.9 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.457 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820221 0.317 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04682 4.4 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.203 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920030 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04709 4.5 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.229 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920060 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04688 4.7 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.254 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820222 0.317 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04682 3 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.318 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920040 0.316 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04602 3.1 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.406 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920117 0.319 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0474 3 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.457 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820223 0.318 2.796 Al2017T4 0.0469 2.5 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.254 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920028 0.317 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04683 2.6 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.318 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920104 0.313 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04507 2.7 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.406 Al6061T6 2.713 36
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920118 0.315 2.796 Al2017T4 0.04586 2.6 0 0.079 2.713 5.1 0.457 Al6061T6 2.713 36
test site test number Damage Description class
MDC MD29 No perf, small dimples (split) E3
MDC MD27 No perf or DS, dimples (split) D2
MDC MD30 No perf or DS, dimples (split) D2
JSC B613 Perf(2x1.7cm)w/cracks2.5cm, WPperf F5
JSC B614 Perf(2.8cm), DS=3.6cm, WPperf 3mm D5
JSC B615 Perf(2.9cm), WP 4perfs (9mm) D5
JSC B606 Perf (1.4x0.8cm), 1mmWPperf:6mm D5
JSC B461 No perf, bumps/dimples E2
JSC B488 No perf, bumps/dimples E2
JSC A2010R2 No perf, bumps/dimples E2
JSC A2017R2 No perf, bumps/dimples E2
JSC A2019R2 No perf, bumps/dimples E2
JSC A2025R2 No perf, bumps/dimples E2
JSC A2033R2 No perf, bumps/dimples E2
JSC B480 No perf, bumps/dimples E2
JSC B460 No perf, bumps/dimples E2
JSC B319 No perf, bumps/dimples E2
JSC B324 No perf, DS=4.8x2cm E3
JSC B327 1 perf (5mm) D3
JSC B333 No perf or DS E2
JSC B334 No perf or DS E2
JSC B341 No perf or DS E2
JSC B343 No perf, DS=1.9cm E3
JSC B344 No perf, DS=2.1cm E3
JSC B348 No perf, tiny DS=1mm E2
JSC B386 1perf (3mm) D3
JSC A1916 No perf or DS D2
JSC A1917 No perf, DS=0.5x0.6cm D3
JSC A1965 No perf or DS, dimples E2
JSC A1967 No perf or DS, dimples E2
JSC A1969 No perf or DS, dimples E2
JSC A1971 1 perf (1.5mm) E3
JSC B752 1 perf (2mm) D2
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820217 No Perf, DS=13x15mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820004 No Perf, DS=14mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820032 No Perf, DS=12x13mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820065 No Perf, DS=12mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820114 No Perf, DS=12x11mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820151 No Perf, bump on back E2
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820014 No Perf, DS=12x13mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820058 No Perf, DS=11x12mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820115 Perf=0.5mm, DS=8mm E4
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820152 No Perf, DS=8x6mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820159 No Perf, bump on back E2
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820003 No Perf, DS=7mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920057 No Perf, bump on back E2
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820220 Perf=0.8mm, DS=17mm E4
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920009 No Perf, DS=16mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920005 No Perf, DS=13mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920034 No Perf, DS=14x13mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920066 No Perf, DS=7mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920116 No Perf, bump on back E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820221 Perf=2x3mm E4
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920030 Perf=1.5x0.8mm, DS=4mm E4
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920060 No Perf, bump on back E2
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820222 Perf=2mm, DS=8mm E4
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920040 No Perf, DS=8mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920117 No Perf, bump on back E2
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9820223 Perf=5x4mm D4
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920028 Perf=4mm D4
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920104 No Perf, DS=7mm E3
JSC-WSTF JSC HD9920118 No Perf, bump on back D2
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and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188), Washington, DC 20503.
August 2003 NASA Technical Paper
Meteoroid/Debris Shielding
Eric L. Christiansen