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1) Стави ги глаголите во точната форма на present perfect simple.

реченица е одговорена.

1. I (not / work) have not worked today.

2. We (buy) ____________ a new lamp.
3. We (not / plan) _____________ our holiday yet.
4. Where (be / you) ______________________ ?
5. He (write)__________________________ five letters.
6. She (not / see) ______________________ him for a long time.
7. (be / you) __________________________ at school?
8. School (not / start) _________________________ yet.
9. (speak / he) _____________________ to his boss?
10. No, he (have / not) _____________________ the time yet.

2) Нправи present perfect simple од следниве примери. Речениците може да
бидат во потврдна, одречна и прашална форма.

1) (you / keep a pet for three years)

You have kept a pet for three years.

2) (you / eat Thai food before)?

3) (it / rain all day)?

4) (who / we / forget to invite)?

5) (we / not / hear that song already)

6) (he / not / forget his books)

7) (she / steal all the chocolate)

8) (I / explain it well)?

9) (who / he / meet recently)?

10) (how / we / finish already)?

3) Пополни ја оваа вежба цо present perfect + ever or never.

1. Have you ever eaten lobster?

2. I have ________________ been to France.

3. I think I have _______________ really known you.

4. That’s the smallest car I have _________________ driven.

5. If you _______________________-- have questions, please don't

hesitate to contact me personally.

6. She is probably the most fascinating woman I have

_____________________ met.

7. If you have _____________________ felt or known real love, you

know it is well worth the wait.

8. Have your children __________________ had Turkish Delight or

chocolate-covered pistachios ?

9. You have no right to say what the greatest movie is if you have
__________________ seen “Citizen Kane.”

10. ____________________ have I suggested that a test should replace

a teacher !

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