Advanced Group Theoretical Methods

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Advanced Group Theoretical Methods in

Theoretical Chemistry

Introduction to the
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry

Dirk Andrae

Institut für Chemie und Biochemie, Freie Universität Berlin

[email protected]

Mariapfarr, 16 February 2016

1 / 74

Some General Aspects

Finite Groups
Permutation Groups
Finite Point Groups

Continuous Groups
Continuous Point Groups
Classical Groups

Infinite Discrete Groups

Space Groups


2 / 74

3 / 74
Group theory is the mathematics of symmetry ...

‘Group-theoretical deductions are usually quite easy to

perform and the information so obtained concerning the
solutions [of the Schrödinger equation (DA)], although
not complete, often contains the essential physics.’

M Weissbluth, Atoms and Molecules, Academic Press, 1974, p 204

... and is hence an essential tool for our understanding.

4 / 74
How to specify the state of a quantum system?

A quantum state is completely specified by its eigen-

values associated with a complete set of commuting
operators (CSCO).

PAM Dirac, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University Press, 1930
S Gasiorowicz, Quantum Physics, Wiley, 1974

H atom |nlm 2Li (H,

b Lb2 , Lbz are part of the CSCO for this case):

Hb |nlm 2Li = − (2n2 )−1 Eh |nlm 2Li

Lb2 |nlm 2Li = l(l + 1) ~2 |nlm 2Li , Lbz |nlm 2Li = m ~ |nlm 2Li

The CSCO contains H, b Lb and A

b (Runge-Lenz vector). In this
special case (one-electron atom), the symmetry group is
isomorphic to SO(4) (group of rotations of a 4D sphere).

5 / 74
Scheme of terms for four p electrons.

0 + − M Singlet M Triplet

·· · · 0 1S 0
· ·· · +1 +1 3P

· · ·· −1 −1
·· ·· 0 1D

·· ·· +2
·· ·· −2

H Hellmann, Einführung in die Quantenchemie, Deuticke, 1937, Springer, 2015, Tabelle 28

6 / 74
Wenn man sich einmal das Schema ‘Once one has noticed the scheme

[...] notiert hat, kann man die in- [...] one can write down the ener-
teressierenden Energien fast unmit- gies of interest almost immediately.
telbar hinschreiben. Es sei noch It is worth to remark that the use
erwähnt, daß die Heranziehung des of the vector coupling model for
Vektormodells für diese Rechnung this calculation actually means the
eigentlich eine Benutzung grup- use of theorems of group theory.
pentheoretischer Sätze bedeutet. These theorems are expressed in a
Diese Sätze finden im Vektormodell very obvious and convenient form
eine überaus anschauliche und be- by the vector coupling model. But
queme Formulierung. Wenn man when the vector coupling model
das Vektormodell benutzt, muß is used one has to be aware that
man sich nur darüber klar sein, it is nothing more than a conve-
daß es sich dabei um eine bequeme nient model to express abstract
Modellvorstellung zur Fixierung ab- and strictly proven mathematical
strakter und streng bewiesener theorems.’
mathematischer Sätze handelt.“
H Hellmann, Einführung in die Quantenchemie, Deuticke, 1937, Springer, 2015, p 251f

7 / 74
Electron configurations and terms in atoms

2 6
2s1 ( 2p4 (
3Li 1 = 2 / 1 term) 8O 4 = 15 / 3 terms)
2S + 1 2S S # 2S + 1 2S S P D #
2 1 1 2 1 0 1 – 1 6
2 3 2 – 1 – 9

... forms the simplest metal ... ... forms open-shell system O2 ...
... non-simple form of bonding ... ... simple enough to learn from ...

EU Condon, GH Shortley, The Theory of Atomic Spectra, Cambridge Univ Press, 1935, p 208

8 / 74
Electron configurations and terms in atoms (contd.)

O atom: 1s2 2s2 2p4 . . .

. . . (p+1 , p0 , p−1 ) in Kh : Density of states:
3P / 1D / 1S
g g g 3P 1D 1S
g g g
. . . (px , py , pz ) in D2h : (9) (5) (1)
3B 3 3
1g ⊕ B2g ⊕ B3g / .....
.. .. ..
1A (2) ⊕ 1B 1 1 1A
1g ⊕ B2g ⊕ B3g
... ... ...
g / g ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
. . . (px , py , pz ) in C2v : ...
3B ⊕ 3B ⊕ 3A / ... ... ...
... ... ...
1 2 2 ... ... ...
... ... ...
1A (2) ⊕ 1B ⊕ 1B ⊕ 1A / 1A ... ... ...
1 1 2 2 1 ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
. . . (px , py , pz ) in C1 : ...
3A(3) .. .. ..
/ 1A(5) / 1A .. .. ..

. . . and all results — degeneracies, energies, 0 2 4

occupation numbers, orbital radial parts — (E − E 0 )/eV
are always the same! NIST Atomic Spectra Database (

9 / 74
Electron configurations and terms in atoms (contd.)
3d2 4s2 (

22Ti 2 = 45 / 5 terms)
2S + 1 2S S P D F G #
1 0 1 – 1 – 1 15
3 2 – 1 – 1 – 30
2+ 10
3d5 (

25Mn 5 = 252 / 16 terms)
2S + 1 2S S P D F G H I #
2 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 150
4 3 – 1 1 1 1 – – 96
6 5 1 – – – – – – 6
GAMESS inputs for SCF jobs for all terms from pq and dq , and for the high-spin
terms from fq (0 < q < 4l + 2, state-optimized or state-averaged) see:∼dandrae/openshell/openls/openls.html
10 / 74
Electron configurations and terms in diatomics

O2 , low-lying bound states: Density of states (R ≈ Re ):

X3 Σ− 1 1 +
g a ∆g b Σg
(3) (2) (1)
..... ..... .....
... ... ...
.. .. ..
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
.. .. ..

0 2 4
(E − E0 )/eV
G Herzberg, Spectra of Diatomic Molecules, Van Nostrand, 1950, p 446 / KP Huber, G Herzberg, Constants of Diato-
mic Molecules, Van Nostrand, 1979 / PF Bernath, Spectra of Atoms and Molecules, 2nd ed, Oxford, 2005, p 326

11 / 74
Electron configurations and terms in diatomics (contd.)
O2 π g2 (

2 = 6 / 3 terms)
2S + 1 2S Σ+
g Σ−
g Πg ∆g # Several bound states
1 0 1 – – 1 3 out of a single electron
3 2 – 1 – – 3 configuration

O 3 P + O 3 P (lowest asymptote: 9 · 9 = 81 / 18 terms)

2S + 1 2S Σ+
g Σ−
g Πg ∆g Σ+
u Σ−
u Πu ∆u #
1 0 2 – 1 1 – 1 1 – 9
3 2 – 1 1 – 2 – 1 1 27
5 4 2 – 1 1 – 1 1 – 45
G Herzberg, Spectra of Diatomic Molecules, Van Nostrand, 1950, p 321 (Wigner-Witmer rules, 1928)
P Su et al, J Comput Chem 28 (2007) 185 (VB study)

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Groups — General Aspects

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General Aspects
Group. A group G = (S, ∗) results from a set of objects, S, and a
law of combination, ∗ (usually called multiplication), when the
following requirements are fulfilled:
(1) Closure:
a∗b ∈G ∀a, b ∈ G
(2) Multiplication is associative:
a ∗ (b ∗ c) = (a ∗ b) ∗ c ∀a, b, c ∈ G
(3) Existence of a neutral element e:
a∗e =e ∗a=a ∀a ∈ G
(4) Existence of inverse elements:
a ∗ a0 = a0 ∗ a = e ∀a ∈ G
Group element. Any member of the set forming a group.
Abelian group. [1] A group where multiplication is commutative:
a∗b =b∗a ∀a, b ∈ G
[1] named after Niels Henrik Abel (1802–1829, Norwegian mathematician)

14 / 74
General Aspects (contd.)

Order of the group G. The cardinality of the set S forming the

group G, usually denoted as h or |G|.
h ∈ N: G is a finite group (h is the number of its elements).
Example: Symmetry operations of a Platonic solid.
h = ∞ (countably infinite): G is an infinite discrete group.
Example: Translations of a crystal lattice.
h = ∞ (continuous): G is a continuous group.
Example: Rotations of a plane.
Order of the element a. The smallest positive integer n such
that an = e.
Generators of a group. A smallest set of elements from which
the complete group can be generated.

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General Aspects (contd.)
Some more examples:
I integer numbers Z with addition
(Abelian group, countably infinite order)
I rational numbers Q \ {0} with multiplication
(Abelian group, countably infinite order)
I complex roots of unity {exp (i2πk/n), i 2 = −1, k = 1, . . . , n}
with multiplication (Abelian group, order n, a cyclic group)
I Q = {±1, ±i, ±j, ±k} (i 2 = j 2 = k 2 = −1, ij = k) with
multiplication (quaternion group, non-Abelian, order 8)
I permutations of n objects (symmetric group Sn , n > 1)
(order n!, non-Abelian for n > 2)
I nonsingular n × n matrices with matrix multiplication (non-
Abelian continuous group, important for representation theory)
I rotations of a sphere (SO(3), special orthogonal group in R3 ,
real orthogonal 3 × 3 matrices, non-Abelian continuous group)

16 / 74
General Aspects (contd.)

Subgroup of a group. A subgroup H of a group G is a subset

which obeys the group requirements, usually denoted as H ≤ G.
Every group G has {e} as trivial subgroup, and itself as improper
subgroup. Lagrange’s theorem (for finite groups): |G| = k · |H|
(k ∈ N).
Conjugate elements. Given p, q, x ∈ G, then p and q are said to
be conjugate if a similarity transform of p by x yields q (and vice
x −1 p x = q ⇔ p = x q x −1
Classes of conjugate elements. All elements conjugate to p,
x −1 p x (x ∈ G), constitute a class of the group. For every group
G, the classes of conjugate elements provide a decomposition into
disjoint subsets of group elements. In Abelian groups, every group
element is in a class by itself.

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General Aspects (contd.)

Mapping of groups. Given two groups G and G 0 . A mapping

ϕ : G 7→ G 0 assigns to each element g ∈ G an element
g 0 = ϕ(g ) ∈ G 0 , such that every g 0 ∈ G 0 is the image of at least
one g ∈ G.
Homomorphism. If ϕ(g1 )ϕ(g2 ) = ϕ(g1 g2 ), for all g1 , g2 ∈ G,
then ϕ is a homomorphic mapping of G on G 0 : G 7→ G 0 . Such a
mapping is always n-to-one (n > 1).
Isomorphism. If the mapping ϕ is one-to-one (hence invertible),
then it is an isomorphic mapping of G on G 0 : G ' G 0 . Isomorphic
groups have the same group structure, they are simply different
realizations of the same abstract group.

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General Aspects (contd.)
How many essentially different (i. e., non-isomorphic) finite groups
exist for given order h?

h Na Nn N h Na Nn N h Na Nn N
1 1 0 1 8 3 2 5 15 1 0 1
2 1 0 1 9 2 0 2 16 5 9 14
3 1 0 1 10 1 1 2 17 1 0 1
4 2 0 2 11 1 0 1 18 2 3 5
5 1 0 1 12 2 3 5 19 1 0 1
6 1 1 2 13 1 0 1 20 2 3 5
7 1 0 1 14 1 1 2
Table 1: Number of finite groups for small values of the order h [1].

[1] On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (, sequences A000001 (N = Na + Nn ), A000688

(Na number of Abelian groups) and A060689 (Nn number of non-Abelian groups)

19 / 74
Cayley tables for the finite groups with 1 ≤ h ≤ 6:

Z1 e Z4 e a a2 a3
e e e e a a2 a3
a a a2 a3 e Z5 e a a2 a3 a4
Z2 ' S2 e a a2 a2 a3 e a
e e a e e a a2 a3 a4
a3 a3 e a a2
a a e a a a2 a3 a4 e
a2 a2 a3 a4 e a
V e a b ab
Z3 e a a2 a3 a3 a4 e a a2
e e a b ab
a2 a4 a4 e a a2 a3
e e a a a e ab b
a a a2 e b b ab e a
a2 a2 e a ab ab b a e

Z6 e a a2 a3 a4 a5 S3 e a a2 b ba ab
e e a a2 a3 a4 a5 e e a a2 b ba ab
a a a2 a3 a4 a5 e a a a2 e ab b ba
a2 a2 a3 a4 a5 e a a2 a2 e a ba ab b
a3 a3 a4 a5 e a a2 b b ba ab e a a2
a4 a4 a5 e a a2 a3 ba ba ab b a2 e a
a5 a5 e a a2 a3 a4 ab ab b ba a a2 e
20 / 74
Cayley tables for the finite groups with 1 ≤ h ≤ 6:

Z1 e Z4 e a a2 a3
e e e e a a2 a3
a a a2 a3 e Z5 e a a2 a3 a4
Z2 ' S2 e a a2 a2 a3 e a
e e a e e a a2 a3 a4
a3 a3 e a a2
a a e a a a2 a3 a4 e
a2 a2 a3 a4 e a
V e a b ab
Z3 e a a2 a3 a3 a4 e a a2
e e a b ab
e e a a2 a4 a4 e a a2 a3
a a e ab b
a a a2 e b b ab e a
a2 a2 e a ab ab b a e

Z6 e a a2 a3 a4 a5 S3 e a a2 b ba ab
e e a a2 a3 a4 a5 e e a a2 b ba ab
a a a2 a3 a4 a5 e a a a2 e ab b ba
a2 a2 a3 a4 a5 e a a2 a2 e a ba ab b
a3 a3 a4 a5 e a a2 b b ba ab e a a2
a4 a4 a5 e a a2 a3 ba ba ab b a2 e a
a5 a5 e a a2 a3 a4 ab ab b ba a a2 e
21 / 74
General Aspects (contd.)

Invariant subgroup (or normal subgroup or self-conjugate

subgroup). Given a subgroup H of a group G. If

xH = Hx ⇔ xHx −1 = H ∀x ∈ G \ H

then H is an invariant subgroup of G, written as H  G. An

invariant subgroup H of G consists of complete classes of G.
Simple group. A simple group G has only the trivial subgroup of
order one (containing the identity element of the group) and itself
(as improper subgroup) as invariant subgroups:

{e}  G and GG.

The role of simple groups in group theory is comparable to the role

of the prime numbers in number theory.

22 / 74
General Aspects (contd.)
Classification theorem of finite simple groups.
Every finite simple group is isomorphic to one of the following groups:
- A cyclic group of prime order, Zp
- An alternating group of degree at least 5, An (n > 4)
- A simple group of Lie type [1] over a finite field (16 infinite families)
- The 27 sporadic simple groups.
An (n > 4) is a simple group ⇒ Important consequence:
Non-existence of general algebraic solution for polynomial equations of degree
5 or higher (Abel–Ruffini theorem, 1799/1823) [2,3]
Direct product of groups. Given two finite groups Ga = ({a1 = e, ai }, ∗)
(i = 2, . . . , ha ) and Gb = ({b1 = e, bj }, ∗) (j = 2, . . . , hb ), for which holds
ai ∗ bj = bj ∗ ai for all ai , bj . Then the direct product group G is defined as

G = Ga × Gb = ({ai ∗ bj }, ∗) .

The order of G is h = ha hb . The groups Ga and Gb are invariant subgroups of

G. Important special cases include direct products of pure rotation groups (Cn ,
Dn , T, O, I) with Cs or Ci .

[1] named after Sophus Lie (1842–1899, Norwegian mathematician)

[2] named after Paolo Ruffini (1765–1822, Italian mathematician)
[3] for more details see P Pesic: Abel’s Proof ; MIT Press, 2003
23 / 74
General Aspects (contd.)

Anything missing?
Well, a lot — for example:
Cosets (left cosets, right cosets, double cosets), automorphism,
factor group, . . .
Representation Theory (reducible representations, irreducible
representations [IRs], characters, character tables, Kronecker
products, simply reducible groups, Clebsch–Gordan coefficients,
projection operators, Wigner–Eckart theorem, . . .)
Angular Momentum Theory

24 / 74
Finite Groups

25 / 74
An example of a permutation group
The elements of the symmetric group S3 (the 3! = 6 permutations of 3 objects):

group two-line disjoint cycle cycle matrix trace of

element notation notation structure notation matrix
 
  1 0 0
1 2 3
e (1)(2)(3) f13  0 1 0  3
1 2 3
0 0 1
 
  0 1 0
1 2 3  0
a (123) f3 0 1  0
2 3 1
1 0 0
 
  0 0 1
1 2 3
a2 (132) f3  1 0 0  0
3 1 2
0 1 0
 
  0 1 0
1 2 3  1
b (12)(3) f1 f2 0 0  1
2 1 3
0 0 1
 
  1 0 0
1 2 3  0
ba (1)(23) f1 f2 0 1  1
1 3 2
0 1 0
 
  0 0 1
1 2 3  0
ab (13)(2) f1 f2 1 0  1
3 2 1
1 0 0
Subgroups: {e}, {e, a, a2 }, {e, b}, {e, ba}, {e, ab}, S3 / Classes: {e}, {a, a2 }, {b, ba, ab}
26 / 74
Importance of permutation groups, in particular of the symmetric
groups Sn :
Cayley’s theorem [1]. Any group of order h = n is isomorphic to
a subgroup of the symmetric group Sn .
Pauli exclusion principle. The total wave function |Ψi for a
system of n indistinguishable fermions [bosons] has to transform –
under permutations of these particles – in accordance with the
totally antisymmetrical [totally symmetrical] irreducible
representation (IR) of Sn (both IRs are one-dimensional).
Quantum mechanical treatment of nuclear motion makes use of
the complete nuclear permutation and inversion (CNPI) group,
(H) (C )
e. g. ethene, C2 H4 : G = S4 × S2 × {Eb, Eb∗ }a (the order of this
group is h = 4! · 2! · 2 = 96).
[1] named after Arthur Cayley (1821–1895, British mathematician)
E identity (Ebr = r), Eb∗ space inversion (Eb∗ r = − r).
a b

27 / 74
Symmetry Operations and Point Groups

Symmetry operation. An operation that carries an object into a

situation indistinguishable from its situation before application of
the operation.
Symmetry element. A geometrical object (point, line, plane), or
a combination thereof, with respect to which certain symmetry
operations may be carried out.
Important note: Symmetry elements (e. g. inverison centre, axes,
planes) are not group elements, but symmetry operations (e. g.
rotations, reflections) are.
Point group. A group formed by the set of symmetry operations
of a rigid physical object. The two kinds of symmetry operations in
point groups are proper rotations (physically feasible) and
improper rotations (roto-reflections or roto-inversions, not
physically feasible).

28 / 74
Symbol Generators Symmetry elements Order Comments

C1 Eb none 1 no symmetry
Cs σ
b σ 2 Cs = C1h = C1v = S1
Ci i
b i 2 Ci = S2

Cn Cbn Cn n n = 2, 3, 4, . . .; Abelian
S2n Sb2n Cn , S2n 2n Abelian
Cnh Cbn , σ
bh Cn , σh , Sn 2n Abelian
Cnv Cbn , σ
bv Cn , nσv 2n regular n-gonal pyramid
Dn Cbn , Cb20 Cn , nC20 2n
Dnh Cbn , Cb20 , σ
bh Cn , nC20 , Sn , σh , nσv 4n regular n-gonal prism
Dnd Cbn , Cb20 , σ
bd Cn , nC20 , S2n , nσd 4n
C∞v Cb∞ , σ bv C∞ , ∞σv ∞ Full sym. of cone
D∞h Cb∞ , Cb0 , σ
2 bh C∞ , ∞σv , S∞ , ∞C20 ∞ Full sym. of cylinder
(111) b(z)
T Cb3 , C2 4C3 , 3C2 12 Rotations of {3, 3}
(111) b(z) b
Th C3
b , C2 , i 4C3 , 3C2 , 4S6 , 3σv 24
(111) b(z)
Td Cb3 , S4 4C3 , 3C2 , 3S4 , 6σd 24 Full symmetry of {3, 3}
(111) b(z)
O Cb3 , C4 4C3 , 3C4 , 6C2 24 Rotations of {3, 4}
(111) b(z) b
Oh Cb3 , C4 , i 4C3 , 3C4 , 6C2 , 3S4 , 4S6 , 3σh , 6σd 48 Full symmetry of {3, 4}
(ico) (z)
I Cb3 , Cb5 6C5 , 10C3 , 15C2 60 Rotations of {3, 5}
(ico) (z)
Ih Cb3 , Cb , b
5 i 6C5 , 10C3 , 15C2 , 12S10 , 10S6 , 15σ 120 Full symmetry of {3, 5}

Table 2: Point groups in three-dimensional space (except K and Kh ) [1].

[1] adapted from JA Salthouse, MJ Ware: Point group character tables and related data. Cambridge, 1972, p 16 29 / 74
An algorithm to determine the point group from symmetry elements1

....................... ........................................
............................. ......................
............................. .
y.. n..
... ...
.. ..
i? Unique C of highest......order?
... ....... ......... n
.... ... ................
..... ..... ................ ................
..... . ................ .....
n.. y.. n.. y..
... ... ... ...
.. .. .. ..
C∞v D∞h 6C ? S2n k Cn ?
............. 5 ............................ ...........
................ ................ ...........
................ ............ ...
n.. y.. n.. y..
... ... ... ...
.. .. ... ..
4C ? i? .. n...σd ?
................... 3 ........................... .... ........ ... . .....
...................... ............... ..... ..... ... ..... .....
...................... .... ... .... ..
y.. n.. n.. y.. .... n.. y..
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. ... .. ..
3C ?
..... 4 ..... ..........
3..C2 ?........
. ................
I Ih
. ... 2 ⊥... Cn ?
S2n Dnd
.......... .......... ..... ................ ..............
.......... .. ..... .... ................ .....
n.. y.. n.. y. n..
.. .. .. .. ..
... ... ... ... ...
3... S4 ? i?
... .......
... .......
σ ?
... h ...
n... σv ?
..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... .. ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... ..
y.. n.. n.. y.. n.. y.. n.. y.. y.. n..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Td i?
... ...
O Oh i?
... ...
Cs 2...σd ? Dnh Cnv σ ?
... h ...
. ..... . ..... . ..... . .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... . ..... . ..... .. ..... .
n.. y.. n.. y.. n.. y.. n.. y..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
T Th C1 Ci Dn D2d Cn Cnh

JA Salthouse, MJ Ware: Point group character tables and related data. Cambridge, 1972, p 29
30 / 74
Determination of point groups Cnv 1 (Examples: H2 O [n = 2], NH3 [n = 3])

....................... ........................................
............................. ......................
............................ .
y.. n..
... ...
.. ..
i? Unique C of highest......order?
... ....... .......... n ................
..... ..... .................... .... ................
..... . ................ ....
n.. y.. n.. y..
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
C∞v D∞h 6C ? S2n k Cn ?
............. 5 ............................ ...........
................ ................ ........... ...........
................ ........... ...
n.. y.. n.. y..
.. .. ... ..
.. .. ... ..
4C ?
............ 3 ........
i? ... n...σd ?
........ ............... ... ....... . .....
...................... ............... ..... ..... ... ..... .....
...................... ..... ..... . ... ..... ..
y.. n.. n.. y.. ... n.. y..
.. .. .. .. ... .. ..
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3C ?
...... 4 ..... ..........
3...C2 ?........
I Ih .. 2 ⊥... Cn ?
n.....C S2n Dnd
.......... ..........
..... ................ .............. .....
.......... .. ..... .... ................. .....
n.. y.. n.. y. n..
.. .. .. .. ..
... ... ... ... ...
3... S4 ? i?
... ...
... ...
σ ?
... h ...
n... σv ?
. ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . .....
.... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .....
..... .. ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... ..
y.. n.. n.. y.. n.. y.. n.. y.. y.. n..
. . . . . . . . . .
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Td i?
... ...
O Oh i?
... ...
Cs 2...σd ? Dnh Cnv σ ?
... h ...
. ..... . ..... . ..... . .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... . ..... . ..... .. ..... .
n. y. n. y. n. y. n. y.
. . . . . . . .
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
T Th C1 Ci Dn D2d Cn Cnh

JA Salthouse, MJ Ware: Point group character tables and related data. Cambridge, 1972, p 29
31 / 74
Determination of the point group D2h 1 (Example: C2 H4 )

....................... ........................................
............................. ......................
............................ .
y.. n..
... ...
.. ..
i? Unique C of highest......order?
... ....... ......... n
..... ..... .... ... ................
..... . ................ .....
n.. y.. n.. y..
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
C∞v D∞h 6C ? S2n k Cn ?
............. 5 ............................ ...........
................ ................ ........... ...........
................ ........... ...
n.. y.. n.. y..
.. .. .. ..
.. .. ... ..
4C ?
........... 3 ........
... ....... ... n...σd ?
........ ............... .....
...................... ............... ..... ..... ... ..... .....
...................... ..... ..... . ... ..... ..
y.. n.. n.. y.. ... n.. y..
.. .. .. .. ... .. ..
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3C ?
...... 4 ..... ..........
3...C2 ?........
I Ih .. 2 ⊥... Cn ?
n.....C S2n Dnd
.......... ..........
..... ................ .............. .....
.......... .. ..... .... ................. .....
n.. y.. n.. y.. n..
.. .. .. . ..
... ... ... ... ...
3... S4 ? i?
... ...
... ...
σ ?
... h ...
n... σv ?
. ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . .....
.... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .....
..... .. ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... ..
y.. n.. n.. y.. n.. y.. n.. y.. y.. n..
. . . . . . . . . .
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Td i?
... ...
O Oh i?
... ...
Cs 2...σd ? D2h Cnv σ ?
... h ...
. ..... . ..... . ..... . .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... . ..... . ..... .. ..... .
n. y. n. y. n. y. n. y.
. . . . . . . .
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
. . . . . . . .
T Th C1 Ci Dn D2d Cn Cnh

JA Salthouse, MJ Ware: Point group character tables and related data. Cambridge, 1972, p 29
32 / 74
6 1
4 1 5
1 4
2 1 3 9
Kekulé structures (top) and 1 2 5
Dewar structures (bottom)
0 1 2 5
Branching diagram for electrons I
(up to N = 6 electrons)
1 2 3 4 5 6 N
D6h Eb 2Cb6 2Cb3 Cb2 3Cb20 3Cb200 i
b 2Sb3 2Sb6 σ
bh 3b
σd 3b
K 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 0
D 3 0 0 3 1 1 3 0 0 3 1 1

Both the Kekulé structures and the Dewar structures

K = A1g ⊕ B2u contribute to the electronic grond state Xe 1 A1g (S0 )

D = A1g ⊕ E2g
of benzene, but the Dewar structures do not con-
tribute to the lowest excited singlet state 1 B2u (S1 ).

33 / 74
Benzene (contd) — Counting derivatives C6 H6−k Xk [1,2]

Symmetry operations (from either D6 or D6h ) induce permutations

among the positions of the H atoms
Cycle index Zrot = Zfull (summarizes permutational structure of
parent compound), here:

f16 + 3f12 f22 + 4f23 + 2f32 + 2f6


Substitution of fi by figure counting function (here: fi = 1 + x i )

yields counting polynomial G (x), here:
G (x) = ak x k = 1 + x + 3x 2 + 3x 3 + 3x 4 + x 5 + x 6

[1] G Pólya, Acta Math. 68 (1937) 145–254

[2] G Pólya, RC Read, Combinatorial Enumeration of Groups, Graphs, and Chemical Compounds; Springer, 1987

34 / 74
D6h C2v C2v C2v C2v C2v D6h
000000 100000 110000 111000 111100 111110 111111

C2v Cs C2v
101000 110100 111010

D2h D3h D2h

100100 101010 110110

The complete set of benzene derivatives C6 H6−k Xk (0 ≤ k ≤ 6), showing their

structural formulas, point group symbols and encoding strings [1].
[1] AP Bhati, D Andrae, submitted for publication (2015)
35 / 74
Magnitude of molecular static electric dipole moments µ (in Debye) of polar
benzene derivatives C6 H6-k Xk (1 ≤ k ≤ 5, X = F or X = Cl) [1].

k benzene derivative encoding µa

(point group) string X= F X= Cl
1 C6 H5 X (C2v ) 100000 1.34 (1.60) 1.91 (1.69)
2 1,2-C6 H4 X2 (C2v ) 110000 2.25 (2.46) 2.75 (2.50)
1,3-C6 H4 X2 (C2v ) 101000 1.33 (1.51) 1.79 (1.72)
3 1,2,3-C6 H3 X3 (C2v ) 111000 2.57 2.79
1,2,4-C6 H3 X3 (Cs ) 110100 1.27 (1.40) 1.39
4 1,2,3,4-C6 H2 X4 (C2v ) 111100 2.19 (2.42) 2.09
1,2,3,5-C6 H2 X4 (C2v ) 111010 1.24 (1.46) 1.00
5 1,2,3,4,5-C6 HX5 (C2v ) 111110 1.24 0.93

[1] AP Bhati, D Andrae, submitted for publication (2015)

calcd. from KS-DFT, B3-LYP, 6-31G** (exptl. values in parentheses, from CRC Hdbk of Chemistry and Physics)

36 / 74
Continuous Groups

37 / 74
Proper and improper rotations in 3D

g ..
Parametrization with angle ϕ and unit vector n̂:
... .
.. (a)
r⊥ ... ... ...
Proper rotations R
b+ (ϕn̂):
.. n̂
... .
... ..........................................
...... ......... ........................ ....
... ....... ........... . .. . r0 = R
b+ (ϕn̂) r
... ....... .......... .. ........
........ .. ......... ........
. .......... ....... ........
r ..... z
............................ ....... .......
....... = a r + b n̂ × r + (c − a) n̂(n̂ · r)
.... ...............

... ... ...

. .............. ....
.............. ........
... .. .........
....... ....
. sin (ϕ) 1 − cos (ϕ)
... . = cos (ϕ) r + ϕn̂ × r + ϕn̂(ϕn̂ · r)
. ... 0 ... ...
. .. ϕ ϕ2
rk ..... ..... r
................ ....
.. ..
... ... .............
..... ...... ...........
. . .
.. (a = cos (ϕ), b = sin (ϕ), c = + 1)
................................................... ...........................................
. ..
....... ...
O y
....... .......
.. ..
... .... Identity: Eb = R
b+ (0)
x .
... ..
.. ....
. ..
.... (b)
r = rk + r⊥ , rk = λn̂ Improper rotations R
b− (ϕn̂):
as above, but with c = − 1
n̂ = (n1 , n2 , n3 )T , |n̂| = 1

38 / 74
Proper and improper rotations in 3D (contd)
Parametrization with angle ϕ (0 ≤ ϕ ≤ π) and direction to the pole n̂:

a + (c − a)n1 2
 
(c − a)n1 n2 − b n3 (c − a)n1 n3 + b n2
R± (ϕn̂) = (c − a)n2 n1 + b n3
b a + (c − a)n2 2 (c − a)n2 n3 − b n1 
(c − a)n3 n1 − b n2 (c − a)n3 n2 + b n1 a + (c − a)n3 2

b± ) = c = ± 1 ,
det (R b± ) = c + 2 a = ± 1 + 2 cos (ϕ)
Alternative parametrization of proper rotations with quaternionsa [1]:

ϕn̂ 7→ [λ, Λ] with λ = cos (ϕ/2) , Λ = sin (ϕ/2)n̂ (λ2 + Λ · Λ = 1)

Multiplication rule:

[λi , Λi ][λj , Λj ] = [λk , Λk ] where λk = λi λj −Λi ·Λj and Λk = λi Λj +λj Λi +Λi ×Λj

; The group of proper rotations in 3D is not Abelian (because Λi × Λj 6= Λj × Λi )!

Warning: In single groups, rather than double groups, the result [λk , Λk ] may be
mutliplied by ±1 without any change! The double group G ∗ of G is obtained when
b=R b+ (2πn̂) is distinguished from the identity Eb = R
b+ (4πn̂) (any n̂).

[1] SL Altmann, P Herzig, Point-Group Theory Tables, 2nd corr. ed., 2011
Quaternions H = {q = a + ib + jc + kd = [a, (b, c, d)]|a, b, c, d ∈ R; i 2 = j 2 = k 2 = −1, ij = k}
39 / 74
Transformation of Scalar Functions

Let r0 = Rr.
b How is a scalar function f (r) then being transformed? The
required condition is (this demands equality of function values)
bR f )(r0 ) = f (r) = f (Rb−1 r0 ) ,

or in short simply
bR f )(r) = f (Rb−1 r) .

What happens to f (r) = f (x, y , z) = x y exp (−r 2 ) under the counterclock-
wise rotation around the z axis (n̂ = (0, 0, 1)T ) through φ = π/4 = 2π/8?
 1
 1
0 − √12 0
 
√ √
2 2 2
Rb+ (φn̂) =  − √12 √12 0  , [Rb+ (φn̂)]−1 =  √12 √1
0 ,
0 0 1 0 0 1

√1 (x − y)
   
x 2
R r=R b−1  y = √1 (x + y) 
z z
(O b−1
bR f )(r) = f (R r) = f ( √12 (x − y ), √1 (x + y ), z) = 12 (x 2 − y 2 ) exp (−r 2 )

40 / 74
z =0
....... ......... ....... .......
. ...... ...
. .
....... ........... ...... ..... ....... ....... .............................................
....... ... ... ........ .. ........
....... . ....... .... ........... ....... . ... . .......
. . ....... .......... ...... ...... . . ..... .................................. ....
.... ...... .
. .
. . . .................. .... ... .. ...
.... ....... ....
. . ... . . . ..... . ...
... ..... .. ......... .. .... ...... ...... .. ... ....... ................ ................... ...... ...
. . . . . . .. . . . . . . ..
1 .... ................. .... .......... ......... ... ...... .... .. .... ... ....... ............................. ..... ................. ....
...... .....
. .. . .. . ..
.. . . . . . ... . . . .. . . ... .
. . . .... . ....
.............. .. .. ............... ..... .... ... ........ .. ... .......... .... ... ... ................. .... .... ...............
. . .................... ....... . . .. ...... . .......... .. ..... .... ... ....... ..................... .. ...
..... ...... . ....................... .... ...... . ......... ........... ... ..... . ....................... .. ........... ... ......
... .. ....... .. . .. .. . . . . . ... ... .. ... . . . .. . .
... . ........ ..................................................................... ...... ........... .......... ................. ............................................................................. ..... ... ....
. ... .. ... .... ... ..... ..... . . ..... ...... .. ... ...... .... .. .... ..
.. .. . . ... ............................. ........ ...... .... .. .... ............ ............................................................................................. ................ ... ..
.. .. ....... .... .. ....................... ........ .... .... .......... .. ..................... ........ . .. ..
.... .... .... ......... ....... ....... .... .......... ............... .. ............................................................. .... ... ..
0 y ... . .
.. .. . ............................................... . . . . . . . . .
........... ....... .. ....... ....... ...... .. ... . . . .
.. . ... .... . .
.. ............. ... ....................................... .. ...... . ..
.. .. .. .... .............. ....... . .. ..... . ..
.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . ... . . . . .
.. ...... ... ............................................................. .......... ....... ........ . .. ..... ........ ......... .............................. . ... . . ... .. . .
.. .. . .. . .. ... ... .. .. . . .. . .. .
... .......... ................ .................................................... ......... ............. .......... ....... . ....................................... ...... .............. ....... ..
... ... ......... ................. .......... ..... ...... .... ............ ......... ...... ...... ..... .......... .. ........... ......... ... ....
.... .
. .
............... .............. ........ .... ..... ..... ... .. ... .. .... ... ........ ................ ................ . ....
.... .
.... . . .. ....... .. .. . .. . .... .
......... .... .... ................ ... .... .... . .......... ... . .......... .. .. .... .. .............. .. .... ............
.. ...................................... .... . . ..... .. .. .. ... . ... ..... .. ... .... ...................................
−1 ..
... ... .... ........... ......... .... .. ... .. .... . ........ ........ .. ... ..
. . .
.... ...... . . .. .... .. . ... .... .... . . . . . . . . .
. . .. .. ..
... .... ............. .. ......... .... .. . ...... ...... .. . ........ ... .... ..
.... ...... ..... .... .. ... . .... .. . . ..... .. . . ...
.... ........ .
..... ... ............ ... .......... ... ......... . ..... ....
..... . ...................... ........
. ... . ..
... ...
...... . ......... ..
........ .... ....... .... ....... ... . .....
........... .... ..... .. . .
................................. ..... ........ ...... ...... ........ ......... ......
... ...
−2 ....... ......... ....... .......

−2 −1 0 1 2

x y exp (−r 2 ) (dxy ) 2
(x 2 − y 2 ) exp (−r 2 ) (dx 2 −y 2 )

41 / 74
Some Continuous Groups (incl. Classical Groups)
Group elements are represented as non-singular (i. e. invertible) n × n matrices A.
Matrix elements are continuous functions of a set of parameters: A = A(α1 , . . . , αr ).
Under certain conditions, the resulting groups may qualify as Lie groups.

No. Symbola Number r of real Remarks

1 GL(n, C) 2n2 general complex linear group of degree n
2 GL(n, R) n2 general real linear group of degree n
3 SL(n, C) 2(n2 − 1) special complex linear group of degree n (det = +1)
4 SL(n, R) n2 − 1 special real linear group of degree n (det = +1)
5 U(n) n2 unitary group of degreeP n,
leaves invariant ni=1 zi zi ∗ (zi ∈ C)
6 SU(n) n2 − 1 special unitary group of degree n (det = +1)
7 O(n) n(n − 1)/2 (real) orthogonal group of degree n (det = ±1)
8 SO(n) n(n − 1)/2 special orthogonal group
P of degree n (det = +1),
leaves invariant ni=1 xi 2 (xi ∈ R)
9 Aff (n, R) n2 + n group of invertible affine transformations in Rn :
r0 = A r + a (A nonsingular matrix, a vector)
adapted from BG Wybourne, Classical Groups for Physicists, Wiley, 1974

42 / 74
(1) Complex numbers of modulus 1, U(1) (12 = 1 real parameter):

U(1) = {exp (iφ) ; 0 ≤ φ < 2π}

(2) 2 × 2 unitary matrices with det = +1, SU(2) (22 − 1 = 3 real parameters):

a −b ∗
SU(2) = ; a, b ∈ C ; det = aa∗ + bb ∗ = 1
b a∗

SU(2) is the double cover group of SO(3) (group of rotations of a 3D sphere), i. e.

there exists a two-to-one homomorphism between SU(2) and SO(3) ; double groups.
(3) 2 × 2 orthogonal matrices with det = +1, SO(2) (2 · 1/2 = 1 real parameter):
cos (φ) sin (φ)
SO(2) = ; 0 ≤ φ < 2π (or − π ≤ φ < π)
− sin (φ) cos (φ)

(4) 3 × 3 orthogonal matrices (3 · 2/2 = 3 real parameters):

SO(3) = {R
b+ (ϕn̂)} , O(3) = {R
b+ (ϕn̂)} ∪ {R
b− (ϕn̂)}

SO(3) ≡ K (rotations of the 3D sphere),

O(3) ≡ Kh = K × Ci (full symmetry of 3D sphere).
43 / 74
Noether’s (first) theorem (1918) [1]:

To every continuous symmetry of a physical system

belongs a conserved quantity.

Remark: Actually, the action (or the action functional) of the

system is studied, and a variational principle must be applicable.

Homogeneity of Time ; Conservation of Energy
Homogeneity of Space ; Conservation of Linear Momentum
Isotropy of Space ; Conservation of Angular Momentum
Invariance of scalar quantities under Lorentz transformations ;
Conservation of charges (electric and other) in particle physics
[1] named after Emmy Noether (1881–1935, German mathematician)

44 / 74
Infinite Discrete Groups

45 / 74
Space groups (symmetry groups containing translations)
Translations introduce new symmetry elements:
I Glide planes (reflection & translation)
I Screw axes (rotation & translation)

Now rotations have to map lattice points onto lattice points

; χ(Rb+ ) = 1 + 2 cos (ϕ) ∈ Z

; restriction of order of crystallographic axes n to

2 (χ = − 1, ϕ = π),
3 (χ = 0, ϕ = 2π/3),
4 (χ = 1, ϕ = π/2),
6 (χ = 2, ϕ = π/3),
1 (χ = 3, ϕ = 0).

; restriction to 32 crystallographic point groups

46 / 74
Synoptical table of notation for crystallographic and some other point groups and
for some examples of space groupsa
Schoen- Hermann- Schoen- Hermann- Schoen- Hermann-Mauguin
flies Mauguin flies Mauguin flies short full

Point Groups
C1 1 Ci 1 Cs m
C2 2 C2h 2/m C2v mm2
C3 3 C3h = S3 6 = 3/m C3v 3m
C4 4 C4h 4/m C4v 4mm
C6 6 C6h 6/m C6v 6mm
S4 4 S6 = C3i 3 C∞v ∞m
D2 222 D2d 42m D2h mmm 2/m 2/m 2/m
D3 32 D3h 62m D3d 3m 3 2/m
D4 422 D4d 82m D4h 4/m m m 4/m 2/m 2/m
D5 52 D5h 10 2 m D5d 5m 5 2/m
D6 622 D6d 12 2 m D6h 6/m m m 6/m 2/m 2/m
D∞h ∞/m m ∞/m 2/m
T 23 Td 43m Th m3 2/m 3
O 432 Oh m3m 4/m 3 2/m
I 235 Ih m35 2/m 3 5
Space Groups
C11 P1 C1i P1 C1s Pm P 1m1
C12 P2 C22 P 21 C52h P 21/c P 1 21/c 1
D12 P 222 C12
2v C m c 21 D16
2h Pnma P 21/n 21/m 21/a
C64h I 41/a D32d P 4 21 m D94h P 42/m m c P 42/m 2/m 2/c
C23i R3 C26h P 63/m D46h P 63/m m c P 63/m 2/m 2/c
T2d F 43m O3 F 432 O5h F m3m F 4/m 3 2/m
adapted from U Müller, Symmetry Relationships between Crystal Structures, Oxford, 2013

47 / 74
Space group elements: Seitz operator [1] {R|t}

Action of Seitz operator {R|t}

b on position vector r:

r0 = Rr
b + t ≡ {R|t}r

b R|t}r
b = {SbR|
b St
b + u}r

{Eb|0}r = r
b −1 {R|t}r
{R|t} b =r ⇒ b −1 = {Rb−1 | − Rb−1 t}

[1] named after Frederick Seitz (1911–2008, American physicist)

48 / 74
Lattice in Direct Space (Position Space)

W Borchardt-Ott, Kristallographie, 7. Aufl., Springer, Berlin, 2009

Vectors of the direct lattice (lattice translation vectors):

tuvw = ua1 + v a2 + w a3 (u, v , w ∈ Z)

Vectors in the direct lattice: r = xa1 + y a2 + za3 (x, y , z ∈ R)

If 0 ≤ x < 1, 0 ≤ y < 1, 0 ≤ z < 1, then r belongs to unit cell 000.

49 / 74
Crystal Structure = Lattice + Basis

SL Altmann, Band Theory of Solids – An Introduction from the Point of View of Symmetry, Clarendon, Oxford,

The pure translations T = {{Eb|tuvw }} constitute an Abelian

subgroup of the full space group G of the crystal: T ⊂ G
Hence, T has only one-dimensional IR, their labels k can be used
to label symmetry-adapted crystal orbitals, the so-called Bloch
functions [1] ψjk (r) (Born–von-Kármán boundary conditions
assumed, see below for more on this)
[1] named after Felix Bloch (1905–1983, Swiss-American physicist)

50 / 74
Lattice in Reciprocal Space (Momentum Space)

Introduce a new basis – the basis for

reciprocal space – to describe normal
vectors of stacks of lattice planes of
the direct lattice, such that

ai · bj = 2πδij

J Example: ac plane in a
monoclinic primitive lattice

W Borchardt-Ott, Kristallographie, 7. Aufl., Springer, Berlin, 2009

Vectors of the reciprocal lattice: ghkl = hb1 + kb2 + lb3

(Miller indices h, k, l ∈ Z)

Vectors in the reciprocal lattice: k = ob1 + pb2 + qb3 (o, p, q ∈ R)

51 / 74
a1 a2
Oblique, p (a, 0) (b cos ϕ, b sin ϕ)
Rectangular, p (a, 0) (0, b)
Rectangular, c ( 21 a, 12 b) (− 12 a, 21 b)
Square, p (a, 0) (0,√a)
Hexagonal, p (0, −a) ( 21 3a, 12 a)

b1 b2
Oblique, p (2π/a)(1, − cot ϕ) (2π/b)(0, csc ϕ)
Rectangular, p (2π/a)(1, 0) (2π/b)(0, 1)
Rectangular, c 2π(1/a, 1/b) 2π(−1/a, 1/b)
Square, p (2π/a)(1, 0)
√ (2π/a)(0, 1)

Hexagonal, p (2π/a)(1/ 3, −1) (2π/a)(2/ 3, 0)

Table 3: Basis vectors for the 2D Bravais latticesa (top) and the 2D
reciprocal latticesb (bottom) [1].

[1] AP Cracknell, Thin Film Solids 21 (1974) 107

The vectors a1 and a2 are given in terms of unit vectors in the orthogonal x and y directions
The vectors b1 and b2 are given in terms of unit vectors in the orthogonal kx and ky directions
52 / 74
The 2D Bravais Lattices [1]

[1] named after Auguste Bravais (1811–1863, French physicist)

Source of figure: lattice (not fully consistent with table on previous page)

53 / 74
The 2D Reciprocal Lattices

AP Cracknell, Thin Film Solids 21 (1974) 107, Fig. 1 (read gis as bi )

(a) oblique, p; (b) rectangular, p; (c) rectangular, c; (d) square, p; (e) hexagonal, p

54 / 74
System No. Short Full Generators Remark••
Symbol Symbol (in addition to those of T )

Oblique 1 p1 p1 {Eb|0} s
2 p2 p211 {Cb2z |0} s
Rectangular 3 pm (p11m)• {b
σy |0} s
4 pg (p11g)• σy | 12 a1 }
{b ns
5 cm c1m1 {b
σx |0} s
6 pmm p2mm {Cb2z |0}, {b σy |0} s
7 pmg p2mg {Cb2z |0}, {b σy | 12 a1 } ns
8 pgg p2gg {Cb2z |0}, {b σy | 12 a1 + 12 a2 } ns
9 cmm c2mm {Cb2z |0}, {b σx |0} s
Square 10 p4 p4 {Cb4z |0} s
11 p4m p4mm {Cb4z |0}, {b
σx |0} s
12 p4g p4gm σy | 12 a1 + 12 a2 }
{Cb4z |0}, {b ns
Hexagonal 13 p3 p3 {Cb3 |0} s
14 p3m1 p3m1 {Cb3 |0}, {b
σv 1 |0} s
15 p31m p31m {Cb3 |0}, {b
σd1 |0} s
16 p6 p6 {Cb6 |0} s
17 p6m p6mm {Cb6 |0}, {b
σd1 |0} s

Table 4: The 17 two-dimensional space groups [1].

[1] AP Cracknell, Thin Film Solids 21 (1974) 107

Non-standard orientation for groups no. 3 and 4 (compared to the International Tables).
The symbols s and ns indicate whether the space group is symmorphic or non-symmorphic, respectively.
55 / 74
Space groups (symmetry groups containing translations) ...
I ... with periodicity in one dimension:
2 line groups
(p1: · · ·       · · · ; p1m: · · ·       · · · )
7 frieze groups [1]
(p1, p1m1, p11m, p11g, p2, p2mm, p2mg)
75 rod groups (if restriction n ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 6} is applied)
I ... with periodicity in two dimensions:
17 plane groups (wallpaper groups) [2]
(p1, p1m1, p1g1, c1m1, p211, p2mm, p2mg, p2gg,
c2mm, p4, p4mm, p4gm, p3, p3m1, p31m, p6, p6mm)
80 layer groups
I ... with periodicity in three dimensions:
230 space groups (ES Fedorov, A Schoenflies, 1891/1892)

[1] see Hargittay I, Lengyel G, J. Chem. Educ. 61 (1984) 1033 for illustrations with Hungarian needlework
[2] see Hargittay I, Lengyel G, J. Chem. Educ. 62 (1985) 35 for illustrations with Hungarian needlework

56 / 74
Primitive Domains
Construction of the Voronoi polyhedron
(or Dirichlet region) for lattice point 0
leads to ...
... the Wigner-Seitz cell (WS, in direct
... the first Brillouin zone (BZ, in recipro-
cal space)
Knowledge of a periodic function, like
X 1
f (r + t) = f (r) = fg √ eigr ,
g V

within the primitive domain is completely

C Hammond, The Basics of Crystallography and Diffraction, 3rd ed., Oxford, 2009

57 / 74
Orbitals in Periodic Systems

I Born–von-Kármán boundary conditions: f (r + Nai ) = f (r)

⇒ infinite translation subgroup T replaced by a cyclic group.
I Bloch functions: One-particle functions (crystal orbitals)
ψjk (r) (j band index; k IR label within first BZ) of the form
ψjk (r) = eikr ujk (r) , ujk (r + t) = ujk (r) , ψjk (r + t) = eikt ψjk (r) ,
are plane waves in the lattice, eikr , modulated by the periodic
cell function ujk (r).
I Wannier functions: Obtained via unitary transformation of
Bloch functions, for example for band j (summation over all
N values of k in the first BZ):
ϕjt (r) = N −1/2 ψjk (r)e−ikt = N −1/2 ujk (r)eik(r−t)
k k
Wannier function for 1D free particle (at ‘cell’ 0)
1 sin (πx/L)
ϕ0 (x) = ∼ x −1
L πx/L
58 / 74
Example: Bloch Functions in a Square Lattice

R Hoffmann, Solids and Surfaces, VCH, New York, 1988

59 / 74
Basis Set Expansion of Bloch Functions

I Plane waves (PW)

ψjk (r) = cjk,g ei(k+g)r = eikr cjk,g eigr
g g

Universal, orthonormal, complete (in principle), basis adapts itself to

lattice changes, but practically it always requires pseudopotentials (even
for H) and cutoffs at both low and high energy (i. e., magnitude of k)
I Localized functions χµ (r) containing exp (−αr 2 )
(spherical/Cartesian/Hermite Gauss-type functions, GTFs)
ψjk (r) = cjk,m φmk (r) , φmk (r) = ϕm (r − s)eiks ,
m s
ϕm (r − s) = cµm χµ (r − s)

Very compact, hence efficient representation of electronic structure, but

this type of basis is incomplete, valence shell exponents need be chosen
with care to avoid linear dependence, general systematic way of basis set
improvement is still not known

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A thought experiment on H2 and sc-H

Variation of internuclear distance R within a minimal-basis-set

description: ψ(r) = N exp (−ζr ) (r = |r|) at each nucleus

R/Re = 0 R/Re = 1 = Re /R Re /R = 0

He ← H2 ← 2H
ζopt = 2 − 5/16 2 > ζopt > 1 ζopt = 1

← sc-H ← ∞H
ζopt = +∞ ζopt > 1 ζopt = 1

Is there a bifurcation point? What about basis set completeness in

the periodic case? How to improve basis sets for periodic
calculations systematically?
Note: Improvement of the minimal-basis-set description (only s-function) of sc-H
crystal requires g-functions (l = 4) for k = 0 (Γ point), see FE Harris et al, Int J
Quantum Chem Symp 5 (1971) 527
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A particle in a one-dimensional box

Hamiltonian: Hb = −~2 /(2m) (d/dx)2 , with 0 ≤ x ≤ L.

Boundary conditions: ψ(0) = ψ(L) = 0.
Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .):
2 nπ (~kn )2 h2
ψn (x) = sin (kn x) , kn = , En = = n2 .
L L 2m 8mL2
Use of the orthonormal set {ψn } for Fourier series expansions, e. g.:
r ∞
30 x  x X h2 10
φ(x) = 1− = bn ψn (x) , hE i = > E1 ,
L L L 8mL2 π 2

4 15
bn = hψn |φi = ψn (x)φ(x) dx = (1 − (−1)n ) ∼ n−3 .
0 (nπ)3
Probability to detect ground-state energy E1 in a measurement:
w1 = |b1 |2 = ≈ 0.9986 .
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The periodic situation
Primitive period: L.
Periodic functions: φ(x + L) = φ(x).
Definition of φ(x) over interval of length L is sufficient: 0 ≤ x < L.
The Fourier series expansion technique now requires an extended
(modified) orthonormal basis set (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .):
(r r r )
1 2 2 2nπ
, χn (x) = cos (kn x), ψn (x) = sin (kn x) , kn = .
Two simple cases:
I φ(0) = φ(L) = 0, φ0 (0) = φ0 (L) > 0, e. g.:
   X ∞
x x 1 x
φ(x) = N − −1 = bn ψn (x) , bn ∼ n−3 .
L L 2 L
I φ(0) = φ(L) > 0, φ0 (0)
= φ0 (L)
= 0, e. g.:
 2  2 ! ∞
1 x x a0 X
φ(x) = N − −1 =√ + an χn (x) , an ∼ n−4 .
32 L L L n=1
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The periodic situation (contd)

Alternatively, Fourier series expansion in terms of complex-valued

basis (kn = 2nπ/L):

( r r )
a0 X 2 2
ψ(x) = √ + an cos (kn x) + bn sin (kn x)
L n=1 L L

X 1
= cn √ exp (ikn x)
n=−∞ L

a0 = c0 , an = (cn + c−n )/2 , bn = (cn − c−n )/(2i) .

Fourier series expansion in 3D:

X 1
ψ(r) = ck √ exp (ikr)
i. e., superposition of plane waves (k direction of propagation)

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Some References
I Burnside W: Theory of Groups of Finite Order ; Cambridge 1897, 1911,
I Speiser A: Die Theorie der Gruppen von endlicher Ordnung (The theory
of groups of finite order [in German]); 5th ed., Birkhäuser, 1980
I Weyl H: The Classical Groups: Their Invariants and Representations;
Princeton, 1939
I Zassenhaus HL: The Theory of Groups; Chelsea, 1958; Dover, 1999

I Altmann SL, Herzig P: Point-Group Theory Tables; Oxford, 1994 (2nd
corr. ed., Vienna, 2011, available from
I Atkins PW, Child MS, Phillips CSG: Tables for Group Theory ; Oxford,
1984, repr. 2006
I Conway JH, Curtis RT, Norton SP, Parker RA, Wilson RA: Atlas of Finite
Groups; Oxford, 1985, repr. with corr. 2003 (see also http://brauer.-

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Some References (contd.)
Tables (contd.)
I International Tables of Crystallography
Vol. A: Space-group symmetry (Hahn Th, ed.), 2002
Vol. B: Reciprocal space (Shmueli U, ed.), 2001
Vol. C: Mathematical, physical and chemical tables (Prince E, ed.), 2004
Vol. D: Physical properties of crystals (Authier A, ed.), 2003
Vol. E: Subperiodic groups (Kopský V, Litvin DB, eds.), 2002
Vol. F: Crystallography of biological macromolecules
(Rossmann MG, Arnold E, eds.), 2001
Vol. G: Definition and exchange of crystallographic data
(Hall SR, McMahon B, eds.), 2005
Vol. A1: Symmetry relations between space groups
(Wondratschek H, Müller U, eds.), 2004
I Koster GF, Dimmock JO, Wheeler RG, Statz H: Properties of the
Thirty-Two Point Groups; MIT Press, 1963
I Salthouse JA, Ware MJ: Point Group Character Tables And Related
Data; Cambridge, 1972 (character tables include cubic functions)

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Some References (contd.)
Group Theory in Physics (primarily)
I Altmann SL: Rotations, Quaternions, and Double Groups; Clarendon,
1986; Dover, 2005
I Boerner H: Representations of Groups with Special Consideration for the
Needs of Modern Physics; North Holland, 1962
I Bradley CJ, Cracknell AP: The Mathematical Theory of Symmetry in
Solids: Representation Theory for Point Groups and Space Groups;
Clarendon, 1972
I Chen JQ, Ping J, Wang F: Group Representation Theory for Physicists;
2nd ed., World Scientific, 2002
I Dresselhaus MS, Dresselhaus G, Jorio A: Group Theory: Application to
the Physics of Condensed Matter ; Springer, 2008
I Hamermesh M: Group Theory and its Application to Physical Problems;
Addison-Wesley, 1962; Dover, 1989
I Heine V: Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics; Pergamon, 1960; Dover,
1993, 2007
I Inui T, Tanabe Y, Onodera Y: Group Theory and Its Applications in
Physics; Springer, 1990
68 / 74
Some References (contd.)
Group Theory in Physics (primarily, contd.)
I Landau LD, Lifshitz EM: Quantum Mechanics: Non-Relativistic Theory
(Course of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 3); 3rd ed., Pergamon, 1977
(chapter XII, 40 p.)
I Lax M: Symmetry Principles in Solid State and Molecular Physics; Wiley,
1974; Dover, 2001 (figures of Brillouin zones in the appendix)
I Lederman LM, Hill CT: Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe;
Prometheus, 2005
I Liboff RL: Primer for Point and Space Groups; Springer, 2004
I Ludwig W, Falter C: Symmetries in Physics: Group Theory Applied to
Physical Problems; 2ned ed., Springer, 1996
I Megaw HD: Crystal Structures: A Working Approach; Saunders, 1973
I McWeeny R: Symmetry – An Introduction to Group Theory and Its
Applications; Pergamon, 1963; Dover, 2002
I Mirman, R: Point Groups, Space Groups, Crystals, Molecules; World
Scientific, 1999
I Petrashen MI, Trifonov ED: Applications of Group Theory in Quantum
Mechanics; MIT Press, 1969; Dover, 2009
69 / 74
Some References (contd.)
Group Theory in Physics (primarily, contd.)
I Shubnikov AV, Belov NV: Colored Symmetry ; Pergamon, 1964
I Shubnikov AV, Koptsik VA: Symmetry in Science and Art; Plenum, 1974
I Tinkham M: Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics; McGraw-Hill, 1964;
Dover, 2003
I Weissbluth M: Atoms and Molecules; Academic, 1978
(Chapters 1 – 5, 8, 20, 26 – 28)
I Weyl H: The Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics; Dover 1950
I Wigner EP: Group Theory and Its Application to the Quantum Mechanics
of Atomic Spectra; Academic Press, 1959
I Wilson S, Bernath PF, McWeeny R (eds.): Handbook of Molecular Phy-
sics and Quantum Chemistry (3 Vols.), Wiley, 2003 (Chapters 22 – 25)
I Wybourne BG: Classical Groups for Physicists; Wiley, 1974

Group Theory in Chemistry (primarily)

I Ceulemans AJ: Group Theory Applied to Chemistry ; Springer, 2013
I Chestnut DB: Finite Groups and Quantum Chemistry ; Wiley, 1974

70 / 74
Some References (contd.)
Group Theory in Chemistry (primarily, contd.)
I Coleman AJ: The Symmetric Group Made Easy; Adv. Quantum Chem. 4
(1968) 83
I Flurry RL: Symmetry Groups – Theory and Chemical Applications;
Prentice-Hall, 1980
I Hargittai M, Hargittai I: Symmetry through the Eyes of a Chemist; 3rd
ed., Springer, 2010
I Hoffmann R: Solids and Surfaces: A Chemist’s View of Bonding in
Extended Structures; Wiley, 1989
I Kettle SFA: Symmetry and Structure: Readable Group Theory for
Chemists; Wiley, 1995
I Ladd MFC: Symmetry in Molecules and Crystals; Ellis Horwood, 1989
I Matsen FA, Pauncz R: The Unitary Group in Quantum Chemistry ;
Elsevier, 1986
I Müller U: Symmetry Relationships between Crystal Structures:
Applications of Crystallographic Group Theory in Crystal Chemistry ;
Oxford, 2013

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Some References (contd.)
Group Theory in Chemistry (primarily, contd.)
I Pauncz R: Spin Eigenfunctions: Construction and Use; Plenum, 1979
I Pauncz R: The Symmetric Group in Quantum Chemistry ; CRC Press,
I Pauncz R: The Construction of Spin Eigen-Functions: An Exercise Book;
Kluwer / Plenum, 2000
I Tsukerblat BS: Group Theory in Chemistry and Spectroscopy: A Simple
Guide to Advanced Usage; Academic Press, 1994; Dover, 2006
I Zülicke L: Molekulare Theoretische Chemie (Molecular Theoretical
Chemistry [in German]); Springer, 2015 (appendix A1)

Group Theory in Spectroscopy

I Bunker PR, Jensen P: Molecular Symmetry and Spectroscopy ; 2nd ed.,
NRC Research Press, 2006
I Harris DC, Bertolucci MD: Symmetry and Spectroscopy: An Introduction
to Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy ; Oxford, 1978; Dover, 1989
(character tables include cubic functions)

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Some References (contd.)
Group Theory in Spectroscopy (contd.)
I Herzberg G: Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure
Vol. I: Spectra of Diatomic Molecules
Vol. II: Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules
Vol. III: Electronic Spectra and Electronic Structure
of Polyatomic Molecules
Vol. IV (with Huber KP): Constants of Diatomic Molecules
Van Nostrand, 1945–1979
I Kroto HW: Molecular Rotation Spectroscopy ; Wiley, 1975; Dover, 2003
I Quack M, Merkt F (eds.): Handbook of High-resolution Spectroscopy (3
vols.); Wiley, 2011
I Steinfeld JI: Molecules and Radiation: An Introduction to Modern
Molecular Spectroscopy ; 2nd ed., MIT Press, 1985; Dover, 2005
I Weidlein J, Müller U, Dehnicke K: Schwingungsspektroskopie — Eine
Einführung (Vibrational spectroscopy — an introduction [in German]);
2nd ed., Thieme, 1988 (rich source of exptl. data and of Placzek tables)
I Wilson EB, Decius JC, Cross PC: Molecular Vibrations: The Theory of
Infrared and Raman Vibrational Spectra; McGraw-Hill, 1955; Dover, 1980

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Some References (contd.)
Some Web Resources (accessed 24 Jan 2016)
I Wilson R, et al.: Atlas of Finite Group Representations;
(a rich source of information on many simple finite groups)
I GAP (Groups, Algorithms, Programming)
(a system for computational discrete algebra)
I Gelessus A: Character tables for chemically important point groups;
(convenient tools for the chemically important point groups)
I Katzer G: Character Tables for Point Groups used in Chemistry ; tables/
(very rich source including point groups with axes of order up to n = 128)
I Winkler R: Introduction to Group Theory ;
(brief introduction into the main aspects of group theory in physics)
I Bilbao Crystallographic Server;
(a rich source of information on space groups)
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