1969 Index PDF

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A. Topics
%I" ?myop Index Pila b" I
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4ife Igig X-1
Engine Tadec All
Ref: Engine Shop Manuals

Sank, Topics Index -1969 RE UIS Ct

Service Topics are issued to supplement Cummins Manuals &MCI Topics Number System
between printings and/or revisbng therefore, the file
system is set up in conformance with the group numbering Sendai Topic "lariat numbering system" beginning In 1970
system described in the engine shop manuals. breaks down so each ye , each group serial number will
begin with number one (1). For example:
During the latter part of 1969 the group numbering system
was broken down. slightly different than PrevionelY Year Mail Code Group Number Composite
published to better conform with the parts Information
Ireton. Concurrently a new set of index tabs, Bulletin No. 70 CD 1 1 70CD 11
983546OE is being retained (for use with Service Data
Binders. Bulletin No. 983442); copies of the new tab eat
may be purchased from Cummins Distributors beginning on The system allows recognition of the year a Service Topic
March 1. was released without going to the date. The group and unit
numbers are unchanged and will continue to be used as a
The index tabs am broken down as follows: (pia for filing. The first number following the letter "D"
of the new system also ties you to the group number and to
0-Engine Disassembly Minx tab for filing. The letters in the number refer to a
1-Cylinder Block mailing list code and are not required as a part of the index
2-Cylinder Heed
3-Rocker Levers Mum.
4-Cam Followers
5-Fuel System
6-Fuel Lines/Injectors
7-Lubricating System
8-Cooling System
9 -Drive Units
10-Air Intake System
11-Exhaust System
12-Air Equipment
13-Electdcal Equipment
14-Engine Assembly
17-Belts/Gasket Sets (Pans Only)
18-Specifications/Wear Limits
20-Vehicle Braking
21-Main Power Generator
22- Hardware (Parts Only)

When filing your Service Topics, use of the index tabs and
reference to your engine shop manual will help to pin point
where to look for information on a given unit, whether in
an Engine Shop Manuel or a Service Topics Binder.

Page 2 is a current index of 1969 Service Topics, and two

from 1989, the latter are recognizable by the number.
History files on micro-film, of ServIem Topics released since
January 1958 are available for reference use only at most
Cummins Distributors.

Cummins Engine Igommseer, Ina.

Columba, Indiana, U.S.A.47201

orgner27 777,7:17,74:1157717P,
Niarof Lobe 'Telegrti
tio T. 11.\ saunas
GIOUP Unit Topic Engine Dept. 0240
No. No, No. Sties Tide
0 None None None
1 106 641CDD1-1 V12 New One Piece Crankshaft Seal, Weer Sleeve and Rear Cover
1 109 69CDD1-2 NH Identification of Compression Rings
1 101 69CI7D13 V6-140, V8.185 Camshaft Intermediate Bushing
1 6OCDD1.4 Not Released
1 108 69CDD1.5 H, NH Hardened Washer For Connecting Rod Salts

2 202 2.7S1 I ST-1140 Injector Sleeve Extractor

2 206 69C81DD2-1 V8-140, V8-185 Cylinder Head Vent 7P;,.he Contour Change
2 205 69CDD2.2 V12 Valve Guides and Valve Spring Spacer
2 202 69COD2-3 All New Injector Sleeve Removal Tools
3 301 69CDD3-1 C, J New Injector Rocker Lever And Bushing
4 None None None None
5 503 69COD5-1 All PT Fuel PUMP Tachometer Drive Bushing
5 509 69C005.2 V8-140, V8.185 Fuel Line Adapters
6 601 69CDD6-1 All with PT (type DI
Injector Elimination of Gasket 185146 From New PT (type DI
705 69CCID7-1 H, NH Special Water By-Pass Aflangement - NT-855 Lubricating
Oil Cooler
708 60CDD7.2 NH, NT New Increased Capacity Lubricating Oil Pump
702 69C1307-3 All 147+8 and Fittings Number System
702 69CDD7-4 NH, NT F rant Sump Lubricating Oil Suction Tube
704 69CDD7-5 All Lubricating 011 Filter Elament and Seal Change
808 69COD13.1 All Maintenance of Thermal Controls
870 69CDD8.2 All Auxiliary Fan Drhe, Manual
807 69C0083 V13.140, V8.185 Cooling Fans
804 69CDD8.4 All Corrosion Resistor And Antifreeze Compatibility
801 69CDD8-5 V12 New V12 Water Pump Seal Seat Assembly
802 69CDDI3.8 V6-140, V8-185 Fan Hub And Bracket Assembly
None None None None
10 1001 69CDD10.1 All Assembly Instructions For Cartridge Two Air Cleaner
10 1002 69CD010.2 All Turner, "Ouick Stan" Starting Aid
10 1003 69CDD103 V6-140, V8.185 Intake Air Restriction Specifications

.11 1103 11.13(R -1) All Exhi at Brakes On Cummins Engines

`11 None None 69 None None
12 1201 69CDD12-1 All Air Compressor-AIM:101 Evaporator Combination
13 None None None None
14 1401 69CDD14.1 All Camshaft Keys
14 69COD14.2 Not Released
14 1401 69CD0144, NH Water Pump Pulley And Belt Alignment
14 1401 69CDD14-4 J. C, H, NH, V12 New Two Piece Crankshaft Front 011Seal
14 1401 69C0014.5 V6-140, V8-185 Head Replacement Preadult
V6-200, V8-265
16 None None None None
is 1600 69CDD16-1 NHCT.270 Convarting NHC-250 Eralne To Custom Rated NHCT.270
X 61:1CDDX1 / All ServiceTopics Index-19E8
X (19CDDX-2i NH, NT ,[wira Engin Ratings
t4 X X (a)CDDX-3 All Fire Pump Regulations
Nom, Group X hat base eisconeneee for 197 adi

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