Lab 5 - Oscilatorul
Lab 5 - Oscilatorul
Lab 5 - Oscilatorul
With this module, the student should be able to understand and explain the operation of an astable
multivibrator constructed from discrete components.
Understand how the time constants resulting from the components used affect the output.
Technical data:
- 5 simulated faults
The "Astable Multivibrator" UniTr@in card SO 4203-8L features a single astable multivibrator constructed
with discrete components. It can be used to investigate how an astable multivibrator circuit works.
Switching times for the circuit can be varied by connecting various bias resistors included on the circuit
board. Different switching times produce different output patterns. The rectangular output patterns mean that
the circuit can be used as a square-wave generator, clock pulse generator or as a timing circuit for a flashing
light, for example.
The circuit is supplied with the operating voltage directly from the UniTr@in bus via the terminal strip.
Astable Multivibrator
A multivibrator can generate pulses, store binary digits or delay pulses by a finite period of time.
Multivibrator circuits also form the basis for the flip-flops or latches used in computer memory
Multivibrators consist of two transistors both in common emitter mode and connected so that the output of
each one (collector) goes to the input (base) of the other. The transistors are so arranged that when one turns
on the other turns off. This means multivibrators have two states, one with the first transistor switched on
and another when the second transistor is switched on. The stability or the length of time that the circuit
remains in each state depends on its construction. The astable multivibrator featured on this card feeds back
output to input via capacitors that form RC circuits with the bias resistors at the bases of the transistors. It
works as follows:
1. When a transistor turns on its output drops to 0V, but the capacitor connected to that output has a
store of charge that was built up when the output was at the full power supply voltage.
2. As one end of the capacitor drops from 15 V to 0 V, the stored charge means that the potential
difference across the capacitor remains the same so that the other end drops even further to a voltage
of -15V.
3. This other end is however connected to the base of the second transistor. The negative voltage at the
base ensures that this second transistor turns off.
4. This point is also connected to the positive of the power supply, though, via the bias resistor. As the
capacitor now starts discharging through that resistor, the voltage at the base therefore starts to rise
towards the power supply voltage.
5. When the voltage reaches the threshold voltage for the transistor, it turns on again. Its output is also
connected via a capacitor to the base of the first transistor which immediately turns off and the
process is repeated at its base.
The circuit thus has two unstable states and oscillates from one state to the other. The time that the circuit
remains in each state depends on how long it takes the capacitor to discharge through the bias resistor before
the threshold voltage of the transistor is reached. This is wholly dependent on the time constant for the RC
circuit so formed. If identical components are used on each side of the circuit, it should remain in each state
for the same length of time and the output from either transistor is close to being a square wave. At any
given time, the two outputs are inverted with respect to one another. If different components are used a
rectangular wave results with state durations of different lengths.
Since the durations can easily be determined by selection of components, such circuits are useful as timer
circuits. They can also be used to provide well defined clock pulses or as a generator for square or
rectangular waves.
Experiment 1
Astable Multivibrator
The circuit demonstrates how different resistor values within an astable multivibrator circuit affect the
output waveform.
Experiment set-up
: jumper inserted
: jumper omitted
2. Close any virtual instruments you may have open and Settings
open the Oscilloscope virtual instrument from the
Instruments menu. Oscilloscope 5V / div
Channel A DC coupling, Red
Adjust it to the values shown in the table on the right.
Oscilloscope 5V / div
Channel B DC coupling, Blue
3. Record oscilloscope traces of the input and output voltages for the circuit. Confirm the settings you
are using in the following table then perform the experiments dragging the traces into the appropriate
Remember to change the jumper positions (specified) and the connection leads
(Va or Ve) to get the traces required.
The input resistance of the measuring equipment in the UniTr@in contributes may
have an effect on the timing values you measure. Inasmuch, the measurements are
qualitative in nature.
Output voltages (Va1 & Va2) Input voltages (Ve1 & Ve2)
Jumpers: Jumpers:
B1 B1
B2 B2
B3 B3
B4 B4
Output traces: This trace shows the input voltages to both transistors.
Jumpers: Jumpers:
B1 B1
B2 B2
B3 B3
B4 B4
Output traces: This trace shows the input voltages to both transistors.
Jumpers: Jumpers:
B1 B1
B2 B2
B3 B3
B4 B4
Output traces: This trace shows the input voltages to both transistors.
4. These tables describe the output waveforms from the Astable Multivibrator circuit. Complete the
tables with the timing values you obtained for Va1.
B1, B2 + B4
Jumper Configuration Bias Resistors Ratio of Bias Resistors Timing Ratio
tlow / thigh
332k 220k
B1 + B4 / = / =
332k 121k
B2 + B3 / = / =
166k 220k
B1, B2 + B4 / = / =
There is a capacitor that connects the output from the 'on' transistor to the base
of the other transistor. This capacitor holds stored charge which initially leads to
The base of each transistor is also connected to the power supply voltage (15
volts). The voltage at the base begins to
increase positively, through zero volts, until the threshold for the transistor
is reached.
drop, through zero volts, until the stored charge in the capacitor reaches the
threshold for the transistor.
The speed of the transition of the transistor from off to on is affected by both the
value of the capacitance and resistance in the circuit.
The bigger the resistance the quicker the transistor turns on again.
The smaller the resistance the quicker the transistor turns on again.
Experiment 2
With this module, the student should be able to understand and explain the operation of a bistable
multivibrator constructed from discrete components.
Investigate the response of a bistable multivibrator to input pulses generated by two push-buttons
debounced by differentiator circuits.
Technical data:
- 4 simulated faults
SO4201-8M - Description of the module
The "Bistable Multivibrator" UniTr@in card SO 4201-8M features a single bistable multivibrator circuit
assembled from discrete components. The circuit consists of two transistor circuits, which lock each other
into two opposing states. They are triggered dynamically by a pulse produced from a differentiator circuit
element connected to the base via a diode. Push-buttons can be used to generate this pulse from the
operating voltage. This requires insertion of jumpers B1 and B2.
The circuit is supplied with its operating voltage directly from the UniTr@in bus via the terminal strip.
Bistable Multivibrator
A multivibrator can generate pulses, store binary digits or delay pulses by a finite period of time.
Multivibrator circuits also form the basis for the flip-flops or latches used in computer memory
Multivibrators consist of two transistors both in common emitter mode and connected so that the output of
each one (collector) goes to the input (base) of the other. The transistors are thus so arranged that when one
turns on the other turns off. This means multivibrators have two states, one with the first transistor switched
on and another when the second transistor is switched on. The stability or the length of time that the circuit
remains in each state depends on its construction.
A bistable multivibrator switches between two stable states. Once put into either of these states (one
transistor off, the other one on), the outputs will remain there until such a time as they are triggered into the
other state by an input pulse. This property makes these devices ideal for memory uses, since any bit stored
will remain until instructed to change.
Another term that is used in combination with this type of circuit is "flip-flop". The name comes from the
ability to flip from one state to another and back again. There are various designs of flip-flop, perhaps the
simplest of which is the RS type (c.f. Set/Reset). Such a device operates just like the basic bistable in that
the one input, usually called the S or Set input puts the device into one of two states, where it remains until
the other input, known as R or Reset is triggered to put it into the inverse state. Flip-flops are usually
designed to be used with fixed logic levels rather than the pulses that are used to trigger the simple bistable
seen in the following experiment. They change state in response to a change in logic level at the inputs.
Another type of multivibrator called a latch is closely related to a flip-flop but such devices change in
response to the input level itself rather than to the edges caused by one input level changing to another. More
advanced flip-flops and latches also have additional inputs such as clock and enable inputs.
Bistable Multivibrator
This circuit demonstrates how the bistable responds to input triggers provided by switches S1 and S2.
Experiment set-up
: jumper inserted
: jumper omitted
Terminal A- Interface B-
and adjust them to the settings shown in the table on the right.
V1 V4 V2 V3
S1 pressed
3. What voltage levels appear at each of the test
briefly V V V V
points after a switch is pressed briefly?
S2 pressed
briefly V V V V
on off reason
4. a) Which transistor conducts (on) and which does
not conduct (off) when push-button S1 is pressed
Give reasons for your answers.
on off reason
4. b) Which transistor conducts (on) and which does
not conduct (off) when push-button S2 is pressed
Give reasons for your answers.
Experiment 3
With this module, the student should be able to understand and explain the operation of a monostable
multivibrator constructed from discrete components.
Technical data:
- 4 simulated faults
SO4201-8N - Description of the module
This UniTr@in-I plug-in card consists of a monostable multivibrator constructed with discrete components.
It demonstrates how a monostable works. The circuit is dynamically triggered using pulses triggered by a
manual push button or from the UniTr@in function generator.
The circuit is supplied with its operating voltage from the UniTr@in bus via the terminal strip.
A multivibrator can generate pulses, store binary digits or delay pulses by a finite period of time.
Multivibrator circuits also form the basis for the flip-flops or latches used in computer memory
Multivibrators consist of two transistors both in common emitter mode and connected so that the output of
each one (collector) goes to the input (base) of the other. The transistors are so arranged that when one turns
on the other turns off. This means multivibrators have two states, one with the first transistor switched on
and another when the second transistor is switched on. The stability or the length of time that the circuit
remains in each state depends on its construction.
In a monostable multivibrator the output from one of the transistors is connected to the input of the other by
way of an intervening capacitor. The input with the capacitor is also pulled high by a bias resistor so that
that transistor is usually switched on. The base does not rise above about 0.7 V, the threshold voltage of the
transistor, since current flows between the base and emitter of the transistor. This means there is a potential
difference across the capacitor that causes it to build up a charge. The output of the transistor is connected
directly to the input of the other transistor via a series resistor. Since the output of the first transistor is low
when the transistor is on, the input to the second transistor is usually low ensuring that it is turned off. This
state is thus perfectly stable.
However, a positive trigger at the base of the second transistor will cause that transistor to switch on. When
this occurs, the output at its collector immediately drops to 0V. That end of the capacitor thus drops quickly
from nearly 15V down to 0. The charge stored on the capacitor means that the existing potential still exists
across its terminals and at the end of the capacitor connected to the input of the first transistor, a negative
voltage can now be measured. This negative voltage at its base causes the first transistor to turn off.
However, the bias resistor is still pulling the base high. The capacitor now begins to discharge through the
bias resistor and the voltage at the base rises. Eventually it rises enough to turn the first transistor back on
and the circuit returns to the initial stable state.
The second state only persists for the length of time it takes the capacitor to discharge and is therefore
unstable. The fact that only one of the possible states is stable gives rise to the name of the circuit.
The length of time that the circuit remains in the unstable state depends on the time constant of the RC
circuit formed by the capacitor and the bias resistor according to the formula:
ti = R · C · ln(2)
where ti is the length of the pulse and R and C are the values of the capacitor and the bias resistor.
(ln(2) is the natural logarithm of 2 = 0.69 approx.)
This can be determined by the choice of components. The monostable multivibrator can thus be used to
generate a rectangular pulse of fixed length from any trigger. Applications include pulse-shaping or
generating fixed delays.
This experiment demonstrates how the monostable responds to individual trigger pulses provided by pulling
the input to one resistor (the one with only resistive feedback - T1) high by means of a switch (S1).
(For a more detailed explanation of the pulse generator circuit, click on the circuit diagram).
Experiment set-up
e A-
e B+
Interface A-
e B-
2. Close any virtual instruments you may have open and open Settings
the Oscilloscope virtual instrument from the Instruments
menu. 1 V / div
Coupling DC,
Adjust it to the values shown in the table on the right. Channel A
Oscilloscope 5V / div
Channel B Coupling OFF
Mode X/T
Oscilloscope 5 ms / div
Time-base Trigger B, 5V (1
and trigger square up)
Pretrg 25%
3. Insert a jumper at B1 and run a short connecting lead between MP6 and the switch S1. Also, connect
the positive input of channel B (ANALOG IN B+) to MP6 and the positive of channel A (ANALOG
IN A+) to the output of T1 at MP2. The negative inputs A- and B- should both be connected
together to ground. Since channel B is connected directly to the switch, you can use it to trigger the
oscilloscope when you press the button. It is not necessary to display the channel on the oscilloscope.
Set the oscilloscope timebase to 5 ms and press the button of switch S1. Copy the resultant
oscilloscope trace into the grid below by drag and drop.
Grid 1
5 ms
15 V
Vb :
4. Now to investigate what happens at other key points of the circuit when the switch is pressed. For
each of the grids below, connect the corresponding measuring point to A+ and change the
oscilloscope timebase to that indicated for the individual grid. The oscilloscope should continue to
trigger from channel B. Copy the oscilloscope traces that result from pressing the switch into the
corresponding grids by drag and drop.
200 μ 5 ms
: :
500 m 500 m
: :
5V 5V
: :
25% 25%
Pretrg: Pretrg:
Coupling: Coupling:
5 ms 5 ms
: :
5V 5V
: :
5V 5V
: :
25% 25%
Pretrg: Pretrg:
Coupling: Coupling:
5. What do the traces suggest to you about what is occurring at each point in the circuit?
1. MP7
2. MP3
3. MP2
4. MP4
5. MP5
7. Now remove jumper B1 and insert a jumper at B2. Repeat your measurement of the output voltage
from section 3. Copy the resultant oscilloscope trace into the grid below by drag and drop.
Grid 6
500 μ
15 V
Vb :
Experiment 4
This experiment demonstrates how the monostable responds to rapid triggering by a square wave signal
provided by a function generator.
Experiment set-up
Interface (ANALOG
(may be
MP2/MP3MP4/MP5/MP Interfac
7 e A+
e A-
Interface A-
e B-
2. Close any virtual instruments you may have open and open
the following virtual instruments from the Instruments Amplitude 1:1,
menu: 20% (4 Vpp)
Frequency 10 Hz /
- Function generator Function 65 Hz / 100 Hz /
- Oscilloscope generator 200 Hz
and adjust them to the values RECTANGLE
shown in the table on the right. Power ON
Oscilloscope 5 V / div
Channel A Coupling DC, Red
1 V / div
Coupling DC,
Channel B
Mode X/T
Oscilloscope 20 ms / div
Time-base Trigger B, 1 V (1
and trigger square up)
Pretrg 25%
3. Insert a jumper at B1 but leave the switch disconnected. Instead, connect MP6 to the S output
(ANALOG OUT) on the Interface. Set up the function generator to output a 2 V square wave. Select
10 Hz as an initial frequency.
Connect channel B directly to the analog output S. This will be used once again to trigger the
oscilloscope, but this time the channel needs to be switched on so that it is visible on the trace.
Record the output on channel A of the scope and copy your results for each of the suggested
frequencies into the appropriate grid. As you alter the frequencies of the function generator, you may
need to change the time base of the oscilloscope to obtain a meaningful oscilloscope trace.
20 ms 5 ms
: :
5V 1V
: :
5V 1V
: :
25% 25%
Pretrg: Pretrg:
Coupling: Coupling:
5 ms 5 ms
: :
5V 1V
: :
5V 1V
: :
25% 25%
Pretrg: Pretrg:
Coupling: Coupling: