Desulfurization of Saudi Arabian Crudes by Oxidation-Extraction Method
Desulfurization of Saudi Arabian Crudes by Oxidation-Extraction Method
Desulfurization of Saudi Arabian Crudes by Oxidation-Extraction Method
DOI 10.1007/s13203-015-0112-3
Received: 8 March 2015 / Accepted: 19 May 2015 / Published online: 6 June 2015
Ó The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at
356 Appl Petrochem Res (2015) 5:355–362
In this paper, the 30 wt% H2O2–acetic acid oxidation fraction, respectively. The gasoline–diesel fraction was
system was utilized to remove the sulfides from the Saudi characterized by GC-PFPD (USA, GC3800). Besides,
Arabian crudes. The optimization of oxidation and VGO fraction was analyzed by GC–MS (Agilent Tech-
extraction conditions was studied, including peracetic acid nologies Co., Ltd., GC6890) and VR fraction was separated
dosage, HAc/H2O2 ratio, temperature, reaction time, into saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes to study
selection of extractant. The desulfurization effect of dif- the reaction mechanism. As to the GC-PFPD analysis, a
ferent fractions in crude oil was also investigated. Addi- HP-5HS (30 m 9 0.32 m 9 0.25 lm) column was ini-
tionally, the oxidation extraction mechanism was proposed. tially maintained at 80 °C for 2 min, then the temperature
was ramped to 280 °C at 3 °C/min and maintained for
10 min. The temperature of sample injector was set to
Experimental 320 °C. The carrier gas was high-purity nitrogen, and the
flow rate was 1.0 mL/min. Injection volume was 1 lL.
Materials In addition, crude oil before/after desulfurization and oil
in the extractant were analyzed by infrared spectrometer
A sample of treated crude oil (Sulfur content, 2.5 wt%) was (IR 1730) to investigate the effect of the oxidation–ex-
obtained from Saudi Arabia; Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, 30 traction system on the oil quality and distribution of the
wt%), acetic acid (HAc), N, N-dimethylformamide(DMF), sulfur compounds.
dimethylsulfoxide(DMSO), ethanol, ethylene glycol and
furfural were purchased commercially.
Results and discussion
Oxidation and extraction of crude oil
Optimization of oxidation conditions
The oxidation of Saudi Arabian crudes was conducted in a
glass flask with an electric stirrer. An excess amount of 30 The different oxidation conditions were conducted to study
wt% H2O2 and acetic acid was used to oxidize the sulfur the oxidative desulfurization effect. In this section, the
compounds thoroughly. First, H2O2 and HAC were mixed extraction experiment was carried out at 60 °C for 20 min
at a certain ratio to prepare the peracetic acid, which was with DMF as extractant, and the extractant to oil volume
then put into the crude material. Subsequently, the mixture ratio (E/O) was one. The results are shown in Fig. 1.
was stirred at the desired temperature for a certain time. H2O2/organic acid oxidation desulfurization method has
The extraction of Saudi Arabian crudes was conducted been widely investigated and it is a very mature method
in a three-neck glass flask with an electric stirrer. The which can satisfy the purpose of green chemistry in light
extractant was added to the oxidation reaction system. The oil desulfurization process. Otsuki et al. [15] have reported
extraction reaction was carried out at 60 °C for 20 min. that the sulfur content of oxidized vacuum gas oil was
Thereafter, the treated crude oil was obtained by cen- reduced to 0.01 wt% and most of benzothiophene com-
trifuging after the mixture was cooled to room temperature. pounds were removed by H2O2/formic acid oxidation–ex-
Finally, oil and solvent were separated using a separatory traction system.
funnel. Figure 1a shows the effect of different organic acids (as
oxidation accelerator). The acetic acid was found to have
Analysis better oxidation-desulfurization effect than formic acid.
H2O2/formic acid system was unable to desulfur effectively
The sulfur content (wt%) of the crude oil was measured by due to inherent strong acidity of formic acid. The selec-
tubular furnace (Shandong Xianke Instruments Co., Ltd. tivity in this reaction is much lower under these severe
SX2-5-1). The desulfurization rate can be calculated by the conditions, resulting in sulfides being oxidized incom-
following equations: pletely. Additionally, some polar compounds such as the
unsaturated hydrocarbons in the crude oil can be also
x1 x2
g ¼ 100 % oxidized and extracted simultaneously. To be concluded,
x1 on the one hand, the oxidation selectivity for the sulfur-
where containing compounds and utilization efficiency for H2O2/
g: desulfurization rate, %; organic acid system would be reduced by the strong acidic
x1: sulfur compounds content of crude oil, %; reaction condition. Thus, a large quantity of oxidant is
x2: sulfur compounds content of treated crude oil, %. required and the operation cost is increased. On the other
The treated crude oil was distillated to obtain gasoline– hand, the quality of the crude oil would be changed badly.
diesel fraction, VGO fraction (350–450 °C) and VR Clearly, the acidity of acetic acid is weaker than that of
Appl Petrochem Res (2015) 5:355–362 357
18 40
Acetic acid
Desulfurization rate/% Formic acid 32
Desulfurization rate /%
(a) (b)
0 0
1 2 4 8 12 16
40 40
32 32
Desulfurization rate/%
Desulfurization rate/%
24 24
16 16
8 8
(c) (d)
0 0
1 2 3 4 40 50 60 70 80
Desulfurization rate/%
15 30 45 60 75
Oxidation time/min
Fig. 1 Effect of oxidation conditions on the desulfurization rate. (Peracetic acid dosage is the molar ratio of peracetic acid to sulfur in the oil)
formic acid, and then proper oxidation desulfurization of increase of peracetic acid dosage, and then it levels off at
crude oil could be acquired through H2O2/acetic acid oxi- 16 %, suggesting that the optimized molar ratio of per-
dation system. Especially, the resulted oily quality was less acetic acid to sulfur is 8:1.
affected during the process. The influence of peracetic acid Effect of HAc/H2O2 ratio on sulfur removal is depicted
dosage ranging from 0 to 16 was investigated, as the acetic in Fig. 1c. Molar ratio of peracetic acid to sulfur is 8:1,
acid/hydroperoxide molar ratio, oxidation temperature and oxidation temperature is 60 °C and oxidation time is
oxidation time were 1.5, 60 °C and 60 min. As shown in 60 min. Desulfurization rate presents an uptrend when
Fig. 1b, the desulfurization rate increases initially with the HAc/H2O2 ratio is smaller than two and it decreases
358 Appl Petrochem Res (2015) 5:355–362
Desulfurization rate/%
stability of DMF and weaken extraction effect, leading to 32
reducing the desulfurization rate slightly. Therefore, HAc/
H2O2 ratio of two is chosen. 28
As illustrated in Fig. 1d, the reaction proceeds com-
pletely with the oxidation temperature increased. In par- 24
Appl Petrochem Res (2015) 5:355–362 359
Table 2 The fractions yield and desulfurization rate The formula for oxidation desulfurization mechanism is
Fractions Gasoline– VGO(350–450 °C) VR
as follows:
diesel H2O2+CH3 COOH H2O+CH3COOOH (quickly)
Yield before 33.47 19.44 47.09
desulfurization/% CH3COOOH + S S + S + CH3COOH (slowly)
Yield after 32.28 20.17 47.55
desulfurization/% As the organic sulfur compounds are oxidized to the
Desulfurization rate/% 59.25 37.58 13.25 corresponding sulfoxide and/or sulfone by peracetic acid,
the efficiency of desulfurization can be significantly
increased using DMF extraction. Previous researches [15]
Table 3 Changes of sulfur content in gasoline–diesel fraction suggest that the density of electron cloud and space steric
hindrance play a critical role in the oxidative desulfuriza-
Types of Sulfur content/lg g-1 Desulfurization
sulfide rate/% tion. The oxidation reaction rate constant k increases with
Before After the electron cloud density of sulfur atoms. Hence, the
desulfurization desulfurization
reactivity of sulfur compounds is enhanced with the elec-
Mercaptan 196.86 20.24 89.72 tron density increased for sulfur atom. The effect of
sulfur oxidative desulfurization should be as follows: dibenzoth-
Alkyl sulfide 66.68 9.20 86.20 iophene [ benzothiophene [ thiophene. However, the
Disulfide 737.32 6.04 99.18 experimental results are contrary to the above conclusions.
Alkyl 1754.88 67.00 96.18 It is speculated that the space steric hindrance may be the
thiophene dominant factor in the reaction. It should be noted that
BT 2351.62 1341.58 42.95 59.25 % sulfurs have been removed thoroughly by DMF
DBT 2659.64 1718.72 35.38 extraction, indicating that oxidative products in the gaso-
Others 148.16 62.54 57.79 line–diesel fraction could be extracted effectively to
Total 7915.16 3225.32 59.25 achieve the deep desulfurization goal.
prone to be oxidized to sulfoxide or sulfonic acid [17], and GC–MS analysis of the VGO fraction
then removed by extractant. As shown in Table 3,
alkylthiophene (96.18 %), benzothiophene (42.95 %) and The obtained VGO (350–450 °C) fraction was character-
dibenzothiophene (35.38 %) in gasoline–diesel fraction ized by GC–MS. The results are listed in Table 4. Some
have been removed after oxidative–extractive reaction. specific sulfides including thioether, benzothiophene,
1 C16H10S 59.17
2 C15H14S 18.97
3 C16H10S S 12.63
4 C17H12S S
5 C18H14S 9.75
6 C12H14N2S NH
360 Appl Petrochem Res (2015) 5:355–362
rate, while the other sulfide removal rates are relatively 30
the sulfur compounds in the crude oil were unable to be Fig. 3 Four components analysis of the VR fraction, A saturates,
removed via polar solvents. B aromatics, C resins, D asphaltenes
From the molecular perspective, the d orbital electrons
were presented in the sulfur atom, so the sulfides were
prone to be oxidized selectively to the sulfoxide or sulfone be removed without efforts due to the stable structure and
with stronger polarity by peracetic acid. As the oxygen space steric effect. Desulfurization rate decreases in the
atoms were bonded to the sulfur atoms, dipole moment of following order: saturates [ aromatics [ resin [ as-
the sulfur compounds increased accordingly, and thus their phaltenes. It can be explained that the polarity and con-
dissolving capacity in the polar solvents (DMF, DMSO, densation degree in the four components increased
etc.,) was enhanced significantly. accordingly. The solubility of sulfides and their corre-
The extraction process was conducted through hydrogen sponding oxidation products—sulfones in the oil were
bond interactions between extractant and oxidized com- enhanced with the strong polarities, leading to difficult
pounds, and the selectivity of extractant to the sulfides was removal.
vital in the desulfurization process. The desulfurization
efficiency was affected greatly by the physicochemical IR analysis of crude oil and the oil in the extractant
properties of utilized organic solvent, especially polarity. It
was shown that the solvent with high polarity may extract IR spectrums of the crude oil before and after desulfur-
the oxidized sulfur compounds (sulfones) effectively, and ization are shown in Fig. 4a, b. The results demonstrated
DMF was considered as the most suitable extractant among that the oily quality hardly changed, indicating the exper-
these solvents used. imental method is feasible.
In this study, it was demonstrated that thiophene, ben- Compared with raw material (Fig. 4a), oil in the
zothiophene, dibenzothiophene compounds and derivatives extractant presents two strong absorption peaks at 1300
were oxidized via CH3COOOH and extracted through and 1160 cm-1 (Fig. 4c) (DMF and aqueous phase have
DMF. been removed by distillation), which illustrated that the
sulfides have been oxidized to the corresponding sulfones
Four components analysis of the VR fraction (-SO2-). Furthermore, the characteristic adsorption peaks
of S=O bond (sulfoxide) and -SO3H (sulfonic acid)
Four components analysis of VR is conducted to investi- located at 1030 and 1160 cm-1 were obscure. They are
gate the influence of the oxidation–extraction system on the probably covered by absorption peaks of -SO2-(sulfones)
VR fraction compositions. The results (Fig. 3) indicate that [18]. Besides, 1740 cm-1 is attributed to the presence of
the relative yields of saturates and aromatics declined DMF, mainly caused by the remaining DMF after the
slightly, on the contrary, the yields of resins and distillation; 3400 cm-1 represented the absorption peak of
asphaltenes increased after desulfurization. Thus, it was vibration hydroxyl group, which may belong to residual
preliminarily inferred that some saturates and aromatics moisture or alcohol generated during the oxidation
were condensed into resins and asphaltenes. process.
The major sulfides are thioether and thiophene in resins Finally, the sulfur content of the oil in the extractant is
and asphaltenes, such as alkyl thiophene, dibenzothiophene determined to be 10.8 % approximately. Obviously, sulfide
and five- or six-membered ring thioether. In terms of the enrichment can be achieved by extracting the oxidation
aromatic heterocyclic compound, thiophene was unable to products from the oxidized oil.
Appl Petrochem Res (2015) 5:355–362 361
80 80
70 70
1030 1600
60 60 561 1600
721 1030
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
(a) 2920 (b) 2920
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
50 723883
40 3400
1460 1740
30 1300
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Fig. 4 IR analysis of crude oil and extracted oil. a Crude oil before desulfurization, b crude oil after desulfurization, c oil in the extractant
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