Migration Flows Management: Projects and Experiences: Migrest Inglese 16-05-2005 14:54 Pagina 34
Migration Flows Management: Projects and Experiences: Migrest Inglese 16-05-2005 14:54 Pagina 34
Migration Flows Management: Projects and Experiences: Migrest Inglese 16-05-2005 14:54 Pagina 34
migration flows
management: projects
and experiences
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and experiences
in veneto
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migration flows management: projects and experiences 38 projects and experiences in veneto 39
Managing immigration issues and defining effective tools for the The Rete Informativa per l’Immigrazione is a regional pilot initiative which
organisation of intervention measures and policies requires a great aims at informing and connecting public and private operators dealing with
connection capacity between the different subjects located on the territory. social and employment inclusion of immigrants legally living in Veneto. The
It also requires a fast and wide diffusion of information and updated data, objective is to create a “professional community” able to exchange and
a systematic monitoring of migration issues and of the results of policies transfer information, operative solutions, best practices, documents and
and initiatives carried out by institutions and private parties. To that end, research works in real-time and with the support of seven provincial coun-
several new initiatives are seeing the light: some are wide ranged while ters and an internet technological platform.
others, more specific, focus on precise topics or specific territorial aspects.
The following three projects were developed to achieve these objectives Objectives By supporting the “Immigration Information Network” innovative project,
and they have been chosen among several others for their innovative Veneto Region recognised the importance and usefulness of a link between
methodologies, concerning both their development and their management: territorial and institutional actors dealing with immigration integration
the Rete Informativa per l’Immigrazione of Veneto Region (Immigration issues. This project was firstly implemented by the sector’s programmes in
Information Network), a pilot project designed to create a professional 2001-2003 and then reconfirmed by subsequent programmes in 2004,
community of people dealing with migration issues, both in public 2005 and 2006. In fact, the project is coherent with the overall objective of
and private sectors; the S.T.A.R.S. project, developed by the Province developing and improving services for immigrants and favouring their social
and the Police Headquarters of Venice, the first experience at national and employment inclusion in Veneto
level aiming at connecting the subjects involved The nationally innovative pilot project aims at creating an employment network
in stay permit issuing procedures and focusing on the reduction linking public and private institutions and operators interested in immigration
of waiting time to obtain such permits; the Observatory on immigration themes within their various competences: a “professional community” capa-
in the Province of Venice, one of the few institutions which systematically ble of exchanging and transferring information in real-time and with the sup-
analyses migration issues. port of seven provincial counters and an internet technological platform.
Concretely, the project intends underlying and promoting the existing serv-
ices, best practices and instruments (i.e. information counters, counselling,
assistance and awareness-raising activities), that were progressively activat-
ed by local institutions and associations in order to give adequate social
feedbacks to complex issues concerning the rapid and important develop-
ment of immigration in Veneto. In fact, this region holds the third place as
far as the number of immigrants is concerned.
Target The network addresses operators dealing with immigration services such as
Provinces, Municipalities, representation and defence associations, busi-
ness associations and trade unions. Public and social-private subjects,
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democratically instituted, with or without legal personality and willing to Immigration, founded by the regional administration, which carries out
carry out real forms of cooperation can take part into the network. important tasks such as data collection, research and studies on specific
As already stated, public and private operators, involved in integration and problems linked to immigration. This cooperation allows the Observatory to
inclusion processes have a double role: they are considered both as target promote and spread the information – supplied by the network – concern-
and information sources, taking part into a process of know-how exchange ing monitoring and measurements of immigrants’ integration levels. At the
and transfer, fulfilling advanced objectives of immigration management. same time, the Observatory’s outputs are diffused through the network. An
example of an integrated action methodology is the study on “Migrant
Services The project’s procedures are quite complex. They include an intense work Women in their every day life”, which is a result of consequent working phas-
and territorial coverage, involving also provincial operative centres (provin- es that included the network’s distribution of 600 questionnaires to immi-
cial counters), favouring the knowledge of network actors and their partici- grated women, the Observatory’s data process and analysis, and finally,
pation to its activities. outputs’ diffusion carried out by the network.
The information network works through a regional coordination structure sup- The project is totally supported by regional funds.
ported by provincial counters. One of its fundamental tools is the website
(www.venetoimmigrazione.it), which is subdivided into a public-access area Results Thanks to the territorial coverage of the project’s operators, more than 450
and an intranet area for network’s participants. The website gives information associations and almost 300 municipalities as well as six Venetian
on each province’s specific reference points (for ex. information counters, local provinces have joined the Rete Informativa per l’Immigrazione.
authorities, specific offices for immigration, ombudsmen, prefectures, police
headquarters, housing offices, etc.). Furthermore, the website offers a mapping Contacts Enrica Sardei – Regional Project Coordinator
of associations, a section on national and regional regulations and general Regione Veneto
information on cultural events and other initiatives concerning immigration tel +39 041 2793104
The network’s activities are strengthened by additional services supplied to [email protected]
partners/users by the management structure. Specifically: http://www.italialavoro.it/RIIM/home.asp
> Information and counselling on services and opportunities in Veneto;
> Guidelines concerning obligations/terms foreseen by national
and regional regulations;
> Special conditions to access regional, national and EC funds;
> Raising-awareness activities, training and social promotion initiatives
on the territory;
> Paper and web information materials, including information data
and best practices;
> Problem solving technical assistance to local operators working
with immigrants;
> Assistance to Local Authorities in planning and developing activities.
Moreover, the network organises information meetings on themes related
to immigration for public and private operators.
Structure The network works through a central coordination structure and information
services carried out in close collaboration with the Provinces.
It is important to underline the synergic cooperation with the Observatory on
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Progetto S.T.A.R.S. Sistema Territoriale > providing local authorities with direct information on effective
Assistenza Residenziale Stranieri immigration regulations and planning progressive specific training for
Territorial System for Foreigners’ Residentiary Assistance Project future tasks;
> avoiding long waiting lists at Police Headquarters, for both users
Province of Venice and the Immigration Office of Venice’s Police Headquarters
and operators, in order to arouse new efficiency expectations leading
to a positive change in users and staff’s behaviours;
> organising a service system capable of diffusing – in a rapid
The innovative S.T.A.R.S. project – Sistema Territoriale Assistenza and continuous way – homogeneous feedbacks among participating
Residenziale Stranieri – is the first project, at national level, aiming at sim- institutions, ensuring progressive homogenous responses. Therefore,
plifying bureaucratic processes of stay permit renewals through the creation the Province of Venice would become a best practice in political influences
of a network based upon information technology. The network links various and management transparency on immigration issues with positive
public subjects, some of which are also supported by private associations consequences for the administration. More specifically, Police
dealing with immigration services, in order to improve the coordination Headquarters asked for the implementation of ICT links with local
between their activities. authorities, which would ensure a constant exchange of certified
information and the Immigration Office’s permanent control. Moreover,
Objectives The presence of immigrants in the Province of Venice has now become a per- local authorities could count on up-to-date and definite data diffused
manent and structural fact. Data from the Province’s Police Headquarters by competent offices in order to offer users a precise and correct service.
reveal that 40.000 stay permits were issued. The importance of the phenome-
non needs an adequate feedback from the institutions involved in the matter. Target Non-EU nationals, with legal status, living in the province of Venice.
The Venetian Police Headquarters are overloaded with work. This fact implies
negative consequences both on the time requested for users to obtain a Services The Province of Venice created a specific software that allows partners to
feedback and for operators on their daily workload. access the main server and input necessary data for the renewal of stay
Therefore, the waiting time to have a stay permit renewed is constantly permits. This way, Police Headquarters can verify in real-time the truthfulness
increasing. The reduction of stay permits’ duration, foreseen in the Bossi-Fini of the information and set immigrants immediate and personalised appoint-
law worsened the situation. ments. The system allows immigrants to stop by Police Headquarters only
In some cases, the time for a permit renewal process at the Immigration once, to pick up the issued stay permit, therefore, considerably reducing the
Office of the Venetian Police Headquarters goes beyond 12 months and, time taken for a renewal.
actually, –although great progresses have been made in simplifying and The network system is based on computerised and shared information. The
reducing waiting time – it has become a great problem for immigrants living consistence of information will increase with the project’s progresses. It will
in Venice’s Municipality and in the Riviera del Brenta area. For this reason also offer users precise information, in accordance with the existing regula-
and on the basis of a previous active agreement, the Department for tions and opportunities in the province of Venice.
Employment and Professional Training of the Province of Venice and the The system allows the possibility of setting appointments at the Police
Immigration Office of the Venetian Police Headquarters created a network Headquarters at the same moment immigrants need to present stay permit
with local authorities aiming at simplifying and quickening stay permits issu- renewal documentation. Appointments are personalised in order to preserve
ing and renewal procedures. each user’s privacy
To that end and within the Immigration Territorial Council, established in the
Venetian Prefecture, local authorities were asked to take part into the project Structure The project, which already concluded its pilot phase, was advanced by the
The service aims at: Department for Employment and Professional Training of the Province of
> creating new information counters for immigrants all over the Province; Venice. It was then developed in cooperation with the Immigration Office of
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Venetian Police Headquarters and finally, was approved by the Immigration Results From a partial experimentation carried out by the Province of Venice and the
Territorial Council of Venetian Prefecture, which allowed a major coordination Immigration Office, in order to adjust the project by verifying feasibility of
and shared participation of the participating institutions. connexions and procedures – it emerged that a consistent number of stay
Other project partners are: the Prefecture of Venice, the Municipality of permit applications were processed within 20 days from their request.
Venice and the Riviera del Brenta’s Municipalities (Fiesso d’Artico, Pianga, Coordination, shared information and professional skills together with satis-
Camponogara, Campania Lupia, Stra’, Campolongo Maggiore, Vigonovo, fying feedbacks to users, produced an efficiency increase in public admin-
Fossò), among which, the project leader is the Municipality of Dolo. Other istrative institutions. Therefore, the are less queues, the Immigration Offices
participating municipalities are: the Municipality of Mira, the Municipality of are decongestioned and there is an overall improvement of social climate.
Jesolo, the Municipality of Cavallino-Treporti and finally the Municipality of
Portogruaro together with other municipalities in the area. Contacts Riccardo Sommariva – Immigration Office Manager
Online data input counters will be installed in each partners’ offices. Two Venice Police Headquarters
operational units will be set in the Police Headquarters to support stay per- tel +39 041 2715779
mits issuing. Furthermore, thanks to information available in the system, Lulzim Ajazi – Employment Department, Province of Venice
partners will also provide immigrants with information and advice. tel +39 041 2501338
To realise the project, the Province of Venice used its own resources – staff [email protected]
and specific ICT resources and structures. In spite of current staff availabil- http://www.provincia.venezia.it
ity and workload, the Immigration Office of Venice Police Headquarters car-
ried out an important re-organisation process, fundamental for the project’s
realisation. At the same time, the Immigration Office developed juridical pro-
cedures supported by ICT technicians of the Province of Venice.
On the basis of the regulation in force, Police Headquarters have exclusive
competence for issuing stay permits and for carrying out preventive and suc-
cessive verifications, controls and sanctions. Within the provincial territory
and during preliminary phases of stay permit issuing, the Police works with
the support of a permanent and structured relation scheme, ensuring immi-
grants larger access to the services offered by project partners.
In accordance with the concept of subsidiarity, the project’s goals imply a
radical change in the relation between public administration and citizens.
This important change consists in the possibility for local authorities – or every
other association – to check the documents submitted by immigrants for their
stay permit renewal, through online links with the Police Headquarters
Immigration Office. Verification is carried out in accordance with what is fore-
seen by the Immigration Office and through a constant monitoring of the
Office’s operational dispositions concerning procedures. Once verification is
made, local authorities fill in an electronic pre-written form, allowing automat-
ic data input in the system. Therefore, immigrants will be informed on the date
of their personalised appointment at the Police Headquarters. At the appoint-
ment, immigrants will hand in the documentation – previously checked by
local authorities – directly to the Immigration Office.
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Osiv – Osservatorio Studi sull’Immigrazione Economy, the Ministry of the Interior – Home Affairs, the Ministry of
della Provincia di Venezia Education, University and Scientific Research, Venice Local Education
Observatory and Studies on Immigration in the Province of Venice Authority, Veneto Region – also through it’s institution Veneto Lavoro – and
Unioncamere. Information’s temporal reference can vary with its sources,
Province of Venice
on the basis of both survey’s frequency and time dedicated for collected
data verification. In general, time series starts from the beginning of the
90’s. However, for certain data, only recent years are taken into account on
The Observatory is one of the few national experiences aiming at systematically the ground of their relevance or because of the non availability of a
monitoring immigration; the website www.provincia.venezia.it/osiv, allows to complete series.
consult and download research documents and accessing data banks which To simplify data access, information is organised by topic (demography,
supply information on various cross-sections of our society. work, education, housing, regularisation, health, justice). Additional windows
allow a thorough analysis of the subjects.
Objectives The Observatory was founded in 2002, following a survey carried out by the The Observatory’s studies and research works are available in a specific
Province of Venice through out local municipalities, which has raised the section of the website. The following research works are available in Italian
need for a specific instrument of knowledge, analysing immigration at local on the site:
level. This need is driven by the awareness that only a constant monitoring > July 2004, Labour market of care workers. Results of a field research
of immigrants’ presence – and its consequences - can allow the implemen- > July 2004, Regularisation results in the province of Venice in 2002
tation of integration policies for new comers and foreigners staying in Italy > July 2004, Osiv Newsletter – Immigration in the province of Venice.
on a regular basis. Updates and effects of the 2002 regularisation
Therefore, the Observatory aims at providing an information service on > May 2003, Review on immigration developments in the province
settlement, housing, working and scholar integration of immigrants. On the of Venice
other side, it gives information about services offered by local authorities > January 2003, Non-accompanied foreign minors in the province
and non-profit actors. of Venice: local actors and achieved actions
> March 2002, Local governments and Third-sector organisations’
Target Created to meet the specific needs of local governments, Osiv - through its immigration services supply in the province of Venice. Acknowledgement
website - allows a wide number of targeted people to use organised and and considerations
user-friendly data and research works: in fact, the site addresses not only Forthcoming releases:
public officers, but also NGOs and non-profit actors, researchers and citi- > Osiv Newsletter –Analysis on employment and territorial distribution
zens in general. of immigrant workers.
> Osiv Newsletter – Immigrants and housing needs: the terms
Services Osiv’s data bank was built to gather information on immigration in the of the matter
Province of Venice. The information derives both from official sources and > Non-accompanied foreign minors in the province of Venice:
surveys carried out by the Observatory itself. Acknowledgement and feedbacks from the territory.
Territorial reference is the Province of Venice in all its provincial subdivisions > Foreigners’ Local Representation Bodies. Considerations on the situation
(municipalities, scholar districts, local health services districts). However, in the province of Venice
regional aspects are also taken into account. Data is supplied through A section is dedicated to useful links to other provincial observatories and
surveys carried out by Coses 36 – specifically for housing issues and important Italian websites related to immigration, including sites dealing
institutional information sources such as INPS (National Social Security with legislation and regulations.
Institution), ISTAT (National Institution for Statistics), the Ministry of Diffusion material is included in the Communication section (regulations
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and registered members of the Provincial Council, minutes of the Provincial Contacts Institutional Contacts:
Council meetings, housing programme agreements between the Province Provincia di Venezia – Assessorato sport, associazionismo,
and the Region and other downloadable materials such as survey sicurezza sociale, immigrazione, disabilità sensoriali.
questionnaires used by the Province). Via Ca’ Venier, 8 – 30172 Venezia-Mestre
A newsletter provides regular updates and soon, it is also possible to tel +39 041 2501470
register to a mailing list and eventually email remarks and messages to the fax +39 041 2501475
Observatory. Operational Offices:
Stefania Bragato – Coses
Structure Osiv’s staff is composed of a resident research group headed by Stefania San Polo 1296 – 30125 Venezia
Bragato and Rita Canu, supported by two collaborators dedicated to tel +39 041 2712211
research and website management and by other free-lance collaborators for fax +39 041 2712210
every specific research topic. [email protected]
The working programme, submitted to infra-annual verifications, is http://www.provincia.venezia.it/osiv
determined in accordance with the Department for Social Policies of the
Province of Venice. The Department’s operative staff is involved in some
phases such as the distribution and collection of survey questionnaires,
which are then handed back to Osiv for data analysis and elaboration.
36 COSES Consorzio per la ricerca e la formazione was created in 1967 as C.O.S.E.S. The
Municipality and the Province of Venice are the consortium’s two members. It’s historical and
actual mission is to carry out analysis, studies and projects useful to fulfil local authorities’
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Projects for Social Inclusion Projects for Care Workers’ Employment Inclusion
and Housing Issues Management
Finding a job and a house are some of the problems that newcomers The request for care workers by families with elderly or disabled members is
arriving in Italy must face. These problems are often worsened progressively increasing. In order to overcome inevitable difficulties between
by difficulties in accessing information on the related regulation care workers and families, due to communication problems, differences in
and by a scarce knowledge of Italian institutions and Italian cultures, habits, traditions and beliefs, even during the care of elderly or dis-
language and culture. abled family members, Veneto Region participated in two projects: the
In Veneto, two innovative projects were developed to simplify job opening of information and assistance counters and the organisation of
inclusion of care workers, both supported by Veneto Region, training courses to favour employment and regularisation of immigrant work-
while the Melting Pot communication project website distinguished ers. The two projects aim at trying out innovating actions in care working,
itself at national level for the easy to access and thoroughness introducing a new model of supply and demand, which takes into account
of its information concerning regulations on immigration issues. social and labour policies. The model focuses on personalised analysis of
An important role is also played by business associations, families and workers’ needs.
as demonstrated by C.R.A.C.A., actively involved in immigrants’
housing issues. Finally, another interesting initiative developed Badanti Project
by the Municipality of Venice concerns the political participation Veneto Region and ULSS n. 17 (Local Health Service)
and social integration of migrants.
Agenzia Badanti was created to support care workers’ – especially from
Eastern European countries – job placement as well as social and cultural
inclusion in local families through the creation of information counters,
training courses and a website: www.badanti.org.
Services Veneto Region, and specifically the Regional Direction for Social and Health
Plans and Programmes of the Health Department financed ULSS n. 17 of
Este-Montagnana in 2001, 2002 and 2003 to design and implement train-
ing courses favouring social inclusion and job placement of care workers in
local families. The project realisation was possible thanks to the regional law
n.980/03 “Regional funds for immigration issues year 2003”.
Agenzia Badanti operates through an information counter and converges
care workers seeking for employment and families needing family assis-
tance. Furthermore, the Agency provides health, social and culture courses
as well as technical and legal advice to foster professional expertise of a
consistent number of immigrants working in the assistance of elderly and
disabled family members.
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Moreover, Local Authorities Social Services can be informed on different Training courses are principally attended by immigrants from Ukraine,
opportunities for care workers, and in turn, spread information on available Poland, Moldova and Romania, and, in most cases, attendees already work
resources at local level. Since four years, training courses are organised by as care workers in Italian families. Care workers are 40 to 55 years old; most
the Local Health Service of Este in cooperation with the cooperative “Il of them are married and already attended professional courses in nursing,
Cammello”. Courses last six months, from November to April. Once sched- assistance and educational fields.
uled to last 80 hours, they are now extended to 100 hours of training. Having a legal status is not the principal requirement to attend training
Besides Italian language, subjects covered give basic knowledge on ade- courses, whereas having knowledge of Italian language is. Specific checks
quate health assistance and information on Italian institutions, with a
description of the territory’s public institutions. Furthermore, practical infor-
mation on useful competent services such as firemen department and med-
ical emergency assistance is given. The other topics are: communication,
nutrition and hygiene of places and people. Chart 1 Chart 2
At the beginning of the project, there were 140 requests for course enrol- Features of care workers who contacted Features of course attendees
the Agency since 2001
ment, while 75 people, all of them without a legal status, confirmed their
participation. Information and participants’ enrolment were made by nurses Features % Features %
of the Local Health Service of Este-Montagnana, who directly addressed Sex Sex
families with care workers and by staff of Hygiene Service. The latter Male 1% Male 8%
addressed families with disabled members, immigrants, Local Authorities Female 99%
Female 82%
Social Services, voluntary associations, church community halls, trade Origin Origin
unions and parishes. Moldova 46% Ukraine 47%
A website was created to support training courses and information counters. Romania 19% Poland 14%
Besides being a place where demand and supply of services meet, the site Ukraine 13% Romania 11%
Poland 2% Russia 7%
aims at giving useful and up-to-date information to families and care work- Russia 2% Africa 5%
ers. Families or care workers can therefore register in the website and Other 18% Sri Lanka 3%
respectively ask for or offer care taking services. The website is a link Age
Albania 1%
between care workers’ service offer and families’ requests, although most of 19-30 34% Age
the requests are still made through the counter. On the website, a “Care 31-40 25% 20-25 8%
worker Guide” and various information concerning contracts, registration to 41-50 29% 26-30 14%
National Health Service, regulations concerning stay permits, housing and 51 and over 12% 31-35 13%
36-40 17%
labour are available. Legal regularisation status
Over 40 48%
Without legal status 61
With legal status 34% Education
Target The Agency’s activities are dedicated to families with a member needing Italians 5% Degree 26%
assistance and to care workers. Secondary school 55%
Families, who are contacting the Agency to find a care worker, generally live First three years of Secondary school 8%
in the municipalities within ULSS n. 17. Approximately thirty families regis- Primary school 11%
tered in the Agency through the website. An increasing number of Italian
care workers are contacting the counter (5% of the total) to give families
with a disabled member daily assistance (personal assistance, housework,
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are made in personal interviews. Care workers with a good or sufficient Contacts Antonio Ferro – Regional Project Manager
knowledge level of Italian language are admitted to courses, while those who ULSS 17 Este-Montagnana and Veneto Region
have a weak knowledge are invited to attend Italian language courses with Alessandra Bertazzo – S.I.S.P. Project Coordinator and website manager
voluntary associations such as “Oltre il mare” in Vò di Euganeo. Data con- tel +39 0429 618573
cerning immigrants’ legal regularisation status is unavailable, but it is likely [email protected]
that 60% of care workers do not have a legal status. Antonino Trimarchi – ULSS 17 – Local Project Manager
Graziella Dal Santo – Este-Montagnana Local Health Service
Structure Agenzia Badanti is in Este (Padova) and it operates in the social and health Project Coordinator
department of Este and within ULSS n. 17. The two Health structures also Piergianni Tinello – Agenzia Badanti Counter Coordinator
manage the Agency in cooperation with ACLI of Padova and with voluntary Local Health Service
associations. tel +39 0429 618160
fax +39 0429 618560
Results Since the beginning of the project, 275 care workers and 190 families con- [email protected]
tacted the Agency and 52 work relations were established. Social Cooperative “Il Cammello” in Este
Attendance at training courses, (2003-2004 and 2004-2005) involved an tel +39.0429.600320
average of 30 people, at the beginning of the course, and 15-17 people at http:// www.badanti.org
the end. The decrease of attendees is due to inevitable causes such as the
death of the assisted person or because the care worker found another job
in a different area.
From evaluation charts, submitted to course attendees, a great motivation
emerged: attendees have appreciated the opportunity of meeting compatri-
ots, but mostly, they appreciated the fact that somebody finally paid atten-
tion to their problems and needs. Furtheremore, they appreciated the
opportunity of developing specific knowledge to improve their professional
skills. A skilled care worker, with an attendance diploma has more chances
to find rapidly a job.
Compared with the past years, care workers are less employed in full time,
board and lodging included jobs. Preferably, they look for part-time employ-
ments and tend to live with other compatriots or other care workers instead
of living with their employers. The result is that care workers work 8-9 hours
per day, they have a more autonomous life and they can easily apply for
family reunification.
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Pilot Project “Occupazione e servizi alla persona” Moreover, they support families – the employers – in bureaucratic processes.
“Employment and Services for People” More precisely, information given at the counter concerns compulsory steps
Veneto Region, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Italia Lavoro, Welfare Ministry, Venice Patriarchy to start a legal working contracts between employers and care workers.
The objective is to protect both parties as far as mutual rights and duties
Veneto Region, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Italia Lavoro, in cooperation are concerned, and to give precise explanations concerning care workers’
with the Welfare Ministry and Venice’s Patriarchy, through Caritas, created a tasks responding to the needs of the assisted person. For this purpose,
network of information counters on immigration, to support families and besides the regular employment contract, families undersign a document
care workers. titled “individual assistance plan” which can be modified in accordance to
the physical situation of the elderly person.
Objectives The project started in January 2004 with a decree of the Welfare Ministry. Most counters – which are the operative part of the project – are hosted in
The Agreement was signed on June 7th 2004 between the project’s partners Caritas’ offices. The counters’ operators, after having carefully identified the
(the Ministry, Italia Lavoro, Veneto Region and Venice’s Patriarchy). Friuli needs of the person seeking for assistance and the available care worker,
Venezia Giulia Region signed the agreement on March 1st 2005 upon the they match demand and supply. This process helps both parties – families
Regional law n. 24 of 25/10/2004. and care workers – and is also a fundamental help for Caritas – which often
The project’s objective is to harmonise families’ needs with care workers’ has to carry out this type of task without been institutionally legitimated to
professionalism in order to favour legal employment contracts. Moreover, the do so.
project aims at orienting care workers’ needs towards competent associa- A toll free telephone number is also available for the three concerned
tions as far as employment and training are concerned in order to reduce regions. This phone number gives information on the service and directs the
the influence of illegal associations on this matter. caller to the nearest information counter.
On the one hand, specific services of information and training for foreign Furthermore, a website is also almost ready. The objective is to favour the
care workers are developed. On the other hand, families are assisted during match of demand and supply by registering the families and the care work-
bureaucratic processes with a counselling service supporting the initial ers’ personal charts which will give sufficient information for a thorough
phase of employment. analysis of the family member needing personal assistance.
The project aims at legalising care workers labour market, since many of Training activities – which will soon be implemented – are also foreseen in
them often avoid using official recruitment services. the project. Training courses for care workers include: C1 type training cours-
es, i.e. experimental training courses carried out by training agencies and B1
Target The project addresses families living in Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia as type training courses, i.e. real training concerning Italian language, training
well as Italian and foreign disadvantaged workers willing to operate in the on the territorial institutions dealing with the matter, Italian cuisine and
care working sector. health assistance. These training courses aim at defining the professional
figure of care workers.
Services The project foresees the opening of several information counters. In January
2005, the information counters in Mestre, Treviso, Vittorio Veneto, Rovigo Structure Normally, the information counters are ran by two full-time operators or by
and Pordenone started their activities. Since March 2005, the information several part-time operators. The counters are opened every morning from
counters in Padova, Vicenza and Verona are already active. The counters in Monday to Friday and some afternoons during the week. Some counters
Bassano, Montecchio, Schio, Gorizia and Udine are about to open their should also be opened in some smaller municipalities in order to facilitate
doors while, in the next months, the cities of Trento and Bolzano, in Trentino families and care workers.
Alto Adige Region will also have their information counters. The project also aims at involving employment centres, Provinces,
The information counters offer general information, counselling and profes- Municipalities and Local Health Service in order to gather all the experi-
sional training to care workers working with elderly and disable people. ences and to create a territorial reference point for the three regions.
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The project’s staff includes a project manager from Italia Lavoro, supported Melting Pot Europa Project
by a technical secretary, an assistant project manager who is in charge of Promoting Citizenship Rights
training programmes (training for operators and care workers), a person
Venice Municipality and Teleradio City – Radio Sherwood
responsible for management control, an expert on migration flows and who
is also in charge of analysing labour supply, an expert in charge of labour
demand, a person in charge of communication and another one who takes
care of computer systems.
Objective The communication project Melting Pot Europa was created in 1997 as a
Monitoring A monitoring system – supported by two experts in sociology – was created radio programme supported, since year 2000, by a website www.metling-
to verify the project’s results and to analyse all the elements characterising pot.it. During these years, the project became an instrument supplying serv-
the matter. On the one side, the system analyses quantitative and qualita- ices and up-to-date information on immigration processes and policies.
tive aspects of care workers: education level, provenience, needs, legal sta- Fist of all, Melting Pot Europa is a communication experience aiming at
tus etc. On the other hand, it verifies families’ satisfaction levels. Therefore, guiding real citizenship actions. The project is structured around two main
the monitoring process is functional to the project and it cannot only be focuses: Communication and Citizenship. The objective is to create an effi-
considered as a final or additional phase of it. It’s a process that follows the cient instrument able to respond to immigrants’ needs, by legal advice and
project in all its phases, examining the information which will be used to analysis, social self-organisation, information on violated rights and their
produce a social assessment. The project ends with an evaluation phase, denunciation, promotion and support of social and cultural activities favour-
which investigates the coherence between needs, objectives and project ing a sense of community and new welfare services demands to institutions.
development. Furthermore, the objective is to ensure access to information to everyone by
using different languages to supply it. Also, the project wants to become a
Contacts Adriano Fanzaga – Project Manager for Italia Lavoro platform for discussion and exchanges between immigrants and hosting
Emanuela Vizzarro – Project Technical Secretary for Italia Lavoro communities in order to ensure equal and full participation to social life and
tel +39 041 3969125 public debate in the respect of cultural diversity.
fax +39 041 5057471 The project is an instrument ensuring access to citizenship rights by encour-
[email protected] aging comprehension and integration through efficient communication
[email protected] media, being aware that immigrants have a major role in building public
Target During these years, the project became an instrument offering information
and services on immigration processes and policies for immigrants, social
workers in public and private sectors, and for Italian citizens.
Melting Pot Europa was created to satisfy information needs coming from
Italy and immigrants’ different countries of origin, especially from the
Mediterranean area and Eastern Europe, which benefit mostly from the
radio programme. The website instead, is mainly used by people working in
immigration issues sectors.
Services Melting Pot Europa widened its instruments: it began as a radio programme
and four years ago, the radio programme was backed by a website.
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Melting Pot Europa’s seven languages “radio information counter” and web- a FAQ section (FAQ column) and a section dedicated to practical charts that
site deal with immigration policies issues, regulations concerning immigra- can be used to carry out most frequent legal actions, such as visa or a stay
tion and asylum, flows regulation, political rights, employment, social and permit acquisitions (Practical Info column).
cultural questions linked to immigration. News and analysis are edited by Rosanna Marcato, who works at
Melting Pot Europa constantly improved in order to spread its contents. A Immigration and Citizenship Rights Promotion Service of Venice’s
satellite broadcasting station is also used to this aim. Since two years, Municipality, with the support of institutions actively collaborating with
Global Radio broadcasts the programme through Europe, North Africa and Melting Pot Europa. In fact, the section Right to Citizenship deals with social
Middle East, meeting immigrants’ needs, both in their countries of origin and and cultural problems and how to solve them with projects and services car-
in their new home country. ried out by associations all over Italian and European territories. News con-
Therefore, through satellite and internet, information and legal advice go cerning requests, announcements and descriptions of activities are in the
beyond the front office area and reach European and global extension. It column A world, many worlds.
isn’t only a service, but also a concrete communication means and a dem- Finally, some sections are dedicated to Press Review, partnerships (In
ocratic experiment. Collaboration with column) and Thematic Archives, and a Links section
The Project’s radio programmes are supported by two different editorial informs on other relevant sites.
offices: one in Veneto and the other one in Emilia Romagna. The pro- In each section, articles are sorted out according to their publication date,
grammes’ schedule is composed by a common format, edited by Marco from the most recent to the eldest. Possibly, they are supported by audio or
Paggi, a lawyer belonging to the ASGI (Association for Juridical Studies on word documents. They are available in English, French, Serbo-Croatian,
Immigration) and by a second format with specific and local contents, dif- Albanian and Arabic and from this year, in Russian as well.
ferent for each editorial office. Legal advice is supplied via email and a toll free telephone number is cur-
The radio information counter can be listened to everyday at 8 pm on the rently been activated.
frequencies of Radio Sherwood in Padova (and on the website www.sher-
wood.it) and on Global Radio via satellite at 12 am and 7 pm (and on the Structure Project promoters are the Municipality of Venice and Teleradio City – Radio
website www.globalproject.info). With the help of translators, the programme Sherwood of Padova. During these years, other partners have joined the proj-
is broadcasted in several languages: Serbian, Arabic, French, English, ect. The project’s major financer is the Municipality of Venice with the sup-
Albanian, Italian and Romanian. port of other partners: Emilia Romagna Region, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region,
As for the editorial office in Emilia Romagna, the programme is broadcast- the Municipality of Mogliano Veneto and the Municipality of Rimini, Sportello
ed on the frequencies of Radio Città 103, in Romanian, Italian, French, degli Invisibili, Associazione Ya Basta Bologna, Radio Città 103 Bologna and
English, Albanian and Arabic. Global Project.
The Project’s website was created four years ago as a support to radio There are three editorial offices that are in charge of the project’s contents:
broadcasting. During the years, it has grown in importance, offering users a coordination editorial office in Veneto headed by Barbara Barbieri from
important information for a thorough knowledge of immigration issues. The Teleradio City – Radio Sherwood, an editorial office in Friuli Venezia Giulia
website is structured into two major sections: the legal area and the area and another one in Bologna.
dedicated to news, analysis and initiatives on immigration. Editorial staff is supported by translators, in the most part migrant women,
The first section, edited by Marco Paggi, is subdivided into several parts and lawyers, for a total of 20/25 people.
dealing with regulations, interpretations and comments of laws in force con- The Municipality of Venice supports the project with funds that are allocat-
cerning immigration and asylum (Sans-papiers column). In this part, it is pos- ed upon the realisation of a shared programme. This programme aims at giv-
sible to find a complete and up-to-date archive of Italian regulation ing correct information on immigration processes and policies and at
subdivided into different categories (laws, decrees and circulars), as well as improving the knowledge of immigrants, Italian citizens and operators work-
European and international regulations (Legislazione column). There is also ing in this field, to promote citizenship rights and cultural exchanges.
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Results Melting Pot Europa uses communication as a tool to favour rights, citizen- Immigration Services of Veneto’s Confartigianato System
ship and democracy.In Italy, there is only one other website supplying com- C.R.A.C.A. – Centro Regionale di Assistenza per la Cooperazione Artigiana
plete information as Meting Pot Europa does. The site is
www.stranieriinitalia.it, but many services are given upon payment.
Website access is constantly increasing. On comparing to an average of
5000 accesses per day,more that 15.000 accesses have been registered
after migratory flows regulation has become in force (February 2005). Every
day, about 20 emails asking for information are sent to the legal advice C.R.A.C.A. – the Regional Assistance Centre for Handicraftsmen
office. Increasing information requests come from Italy and from immigrants’ Cooperation is a cooperative created in 1978 by FRAV – Confartigianato
countries of origin. del Veneto (www.confartigianato.veneto.it). Its objective is to foster the
development of associations gathering handicraft small enterprises locat-
Contacts Rosanna Marcato – Immigration and Citizenship Rights Promotion Service ed in the regional territory. It also offers counselling services to better
of Venice’s Municipality understand and to adapt to EU, national and regional regulations in order
Barbara Barbieri – Editor Melting Pot Project to access operational information and specific funds specially designed for
TeleradioCity-Radio Sherwood handicraft enterprises.
http://www.meltingpot.it At the moment, C.R.A.C.A. works on different areas, developing for the most
Padova’s Offices:+39 049 8762864 part, EU funded projects related to: R&D, Organisation, Innovation and
Bologna’s Offices: +39 051 5873066 Quality, Regulation and Institutional Areas, Public Policies, Cooperation,
fax +39 049 664589 Promotion and Internationalisation, Sustainable Development, ICT.
[email protected] – [email protected] Confartigianato Veneto is a federation composed of the following
Active answering machine: +39 049 8785028 members:
> Unione Artigiani e Piccola Industria di Belluno – Belluno’s Union
of Handicraftsmen and Small Enterprises – (www.unartbelluno.org)
> Unione Provinciale Artigiani di Verona – Verona’s Provincial Union
of Handicraftsmen – (www.artigianiupa.vr.it)
> Confartigianato Imprese di Rovigo – Rovigo’s Entrepreneurial
Confartigianato – (www.artigianato.rovigo.it)
> Unione Provinciale Artigiani di Venezia – Venice’s Provincial Union
of Handicraftsmen – (www.upavenezia.com)
> Unione Provinciale Artigiani di Padova – Padova’s Provincial Union
of Handicraftsmen – (www.upa.padova.it)
> Associazione Artigiani della Provincia di Vicenza – Vicenza’s Provincial
Association of Handicraftsmen – (www.artigiani.vi.it)
> Confartigianato della Marca Trevigiana – Treviso’s Confartigianato
Veneto’s Confartigianato represents the regional system gathering about
70.000 enterprises in Veneto: half of Veneto’s handicraftsmen are members
of Confartigianato.
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Services Confartigianato Unions and Provincial Associations can rely on skills, serv- immigrants with a legal status searching for a new job. Often, these
ices and projects able to give effective answers to member enterprises and services are extended to Italian citizens working as cultural mediators
entrepreneurs. The major objective was to provide enterprises with definite in local enterprises. Training programmes are planned and developed
information and management assistance concerning stay permits and by training agencies belonging to the territorial business associations;
employment issues. Furthermore, the services also included training cours- > Selection and recruitment of foreign workers through e-labour
es favouring immigrants’ job inclusion and their assistance during the search information counters promoted by Veneto Region and organisation
for lodging facilities. Then, services focused directly on immigrants’ employ- of professional training periods for handicraft sectors having problems
ment through counselling and professional training programmes favouring in finding specialised manpower;
the match of labour supply and demand. > Cooperation with Veneto Region concerning foreign workers recruitment
Services provided by the Associations concern: enterprises employing immi- in countries where there is a special agreement to this purpose;
grants, active workers and unemployed workers trying to find other jobs on > Counselling, advice and training for foreign workers looking for a new
the labour market and self-employing immigrants willing to start a new employment;
enterprise. The latter are beginning to have quite relevance, and immigrants’ > Counselling, advice and training of foreigners with a legal status who
new enterprises could rely on the associations’ overall services (payrolls, wish to start a new business: the service offers evening refresher courses
accountancy, organisational advice, regulations, etc.). for new entrepreneurs on specific topics and with special learning
The original information counter service extended its competences, and, in methodologies;
cooperation with the associations’ training agencies, created specific train- > Assistance to foreign workers on regularisation and stay permit issues
ing programme. Together with local authorities and landlords’ associations, linked to housing and employment solutions;
these services also favoured the offer of permanent housing facilities. > Assistance for partnership building between foreign enterprises
Finally, the associations fostered the creation of networks gathering volun- and Veneto’s Italian and foreign entrepreneurs.
tary, workers and migrants associations aiming at favouring integration in
local communities. Contacts Enrico Cancino – Technical Coordinator C.R.A.C.A. SOC. COOP.
The Associations’ territorial services dedicated to immigrants reached the Via F.lli Bandiera n. 35 30175 Marghera – Venezia
following common standards: tel +39 041 5096617
> Information and counselling to enterprises (rules, regulations, diplomas fax +39 041 5096615
and professional recognition, etc.), data banks creation, identification [email protected]
and experimentation of best practices on cultural mediation in http://www.craca.net/
cooperation with SMEs located in other countries, regulation guidelines
drafts, useful information to entrepreneurs and third-country nationals
> Assistance to enterprises on administrative procedures concerning
immigrant workers’ issues;
> Assistance to enterprises in finding lodging solutions. This service
is often offered through special agreements and cooperation with builders
associations, landlords associations, Provincial ATER (Territorial Housing
Agency),foundations, building cooperatives, local authorities (Provinces
and Municipalities), Chambers of Commerce, Workers Representative
Associations and Voluntary Associations;
> Training programmes for working immigrants and unemployed
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Reception and Housing Facilities developed with voluntary associations, organisations, social services,
for Working Immigrants parishes as well as with real-estate agencies and building companies.
In particular, as far as apartments are concerned, 31 real-estate agencies
Belluno’s Union of Handicraftsmen and Small Industries
have been contacted. Up until now, only four or five among them cooperate
actively with the project. In order to extend the contacts, a territorial network
to get in touch with as many immigrants as possible was created. In fact,
this network is formed by the Informa Immigrati counter of the following
This project was developed in 2002 upon an initiative of Belluno Province, cities: Belluno, Limana, Ponte nelle Alpi, Alpago and Feltre. The other mem-
in cooperation with the Provincial Union of Handicraftsmen and Small bers of the network are: the Association Bellunesi nel Mondo, Social
Industries and other territorial institutions. The objective is to solve reception Services of Feltre’s Municipality, Caritas and the above mentioned real-
and housing problems of immigrants working in the Province of Belluno. estate agencies. These institutions are an important reference point for
immigrants and returning emigrants of the Belluno Province and their coop-
Objectives The project started in 2003. Its aim is to respond to social integration, secu- eration allows the project to reach many people and places that without it,
rity and territorial cohesion issues. wouldn’t be involved.
Target The project addresses foreigners living in the Province of Belluno. Requests Results From December 1st 2003 until December 31st 2004, 82 requests – involv-
came especially from immigrants coming form North Africa, former ing a total of 211 people – were made. Among these housing requests, 57
Yugoslavia, Albania, Romania, Ukraine, Brazil and Argentina. found a solution, four of them with the contribution of the revolving and
guarantee fund, while two of them are waiting for the fund’s activation.
Services The service works through an information counter which assists immigrants Compared to the year 2003, cases with positive solutions increased from
during their search for an apartment, through intermediation and coun- 38% to 70%. Until December 31st 2004, 62.029 euros were allocated as
selling services. Moreover, a guarantee and revolving fund was created for advance money, 52.101 euros of which during the second year.
rent money deposits. Many requests were made to face monthly rent pay- The project allowed some positive aspects to come into light:
ment. This type of request occurs in the case of economic problems due to > the creation of an efficient territorial network capable of promoting
sudden temporary unemployment. cooperation between its members, in order to reach the maximum number
In such cases, the intervention will foresee a thorough mediation towards of immigrants and to give homogeneous responses to complex issues;
the immigrant in order to evaluate the real needs and the repayment capac- > the absence of complaints concerning the apartments’ conditions
ity. Until December 2004, there were five cases requiring a guarantee and rent payment, except in some problematic and isolated cases. This
towards landlords and an additional payment of 3.000 euros, in case the increased the availability of some landlords to rent their apartments;
immigrant had to face some more problems. > the willingness of local population to rent apartments to returning
Structure The project management was given to Cooperativa Integra of Belluno, while During the project’s activities, some critical aspects, concerning the project
a specific Steering Committee, chaired by a representative of the itself and the situation of immigration in the Province of Belluno
Handicraftsmen Union and Small Industries, is in charge of controlling the also emerged. Among these:
revolving and guarantee fund management, updating and/or integrating it – > problems in convincing landlords to rent apartments to third-country
if necessary –, with additional operational guidelines, evaluating the nationals, even if a guarantee was provided;
requests to access the fund and monitoring the project in general. > the increase of unemployment and unstable employments which
In order to spread the project in the whole Province and to create a territo- can imply systematic interventions to cope with social emergency instead
rial network able to face this sort of problems, many contacts have been of occasional interventions like the ones carried out until now;
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> the arrival of an increasing number of returning emigrants, in particular Experimental Projects Supporting
from Brazil, which implies a flexible use of the guarantee fund, than Immigrants’ Housing Needs
the expected one.
Municipality of Venice
Objectives The Venetian rent market is one of the most elevated in the entire national
territory. This fact forced the public administration to face immigrants’ hous-
ing problems with specific actions, delegating this issue to Abitare Venezia.
This institution was created in 2003 and its mission is to manage the
Municipality’s private and public residential patrimony, by signing rent con-
tracts with users and programming its maintenance directly with tenants in
order to optimise resources and properties.
At national and local level, immigrants are affected by urgent housing prob-
lems due to some objective factors: the scarcity of council housing and the
trend of rent market. Additional subjective factors affect them as well: the
exploitation of immigrants’ housing needs and the difficulty to find landlords
willing to rent apartments to immigrants. These problems make it easier for
immigrants to buy a house than to rent one.
Many immigrants participate to public competitive exams for the allocation
of ERP apartments (Public Housing). Most participants do not obtain a suf-
ficient score to reach a good position in the housing list. In fact, immigrants
cannot count on points coming from the payment of ex-Gescal (Workers
Housing Management Fund) contributions, because they have been working
since a short period of time. Moreover, they cannot use the percentage relat-
ed to the number of family members, since, generally, the request is made
by the single immigrant worker while his/her family is still in the country of
origin. Therefore, the lack of available apartments makes it impossible to use
precarious housing conditions or evictions to obtain other useful points for
the final score.
The main objective of Abitare Venezia is to rent apartments to immigrants for
a short period of time, extendible to a 1 year contract, while they search for
and find a definite housing solution.
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Services Municipality’s experimental actions facing immigrants’ housing needs (sin- The service, which identifies the subjects needing to have an apartment
gles or families) foresaw the use of 24 apartments, during 12, 18 or 24 assigned, cooperates with other territorial organisations and associations,
months temporary residence. The apartments belong to the Municipality such as Rete Antirazzista or the Territorial Services. Priority is given to those
and to ATER. who firstly made the request to municipal Housing Services.
Among these apartments: An internal regulation has been voted by the Municipal Council. It defines the
> 11 were temporarily allocated to families; conditions to stay in the apartments, establishing also the amount of the rent.
> 3 were used as boarding houses for singles; Apartments are temporarily allocated to immigrants, for a maximum period
> 10 were used as community housing for singles. of 1 year, extendible to two years; during this time, the immigrant should
The initiative was developed in February 1999 when urgent housing needs search for an independent apartment.
brought a group of immigrants to squat a classroom in IUAV (Venice’s Boarding houses are furnished by the Municipality which also pays for water,
University Institute for Architecture) and claim for housing rights. gas and electricity. The rent is 110 euros a month for each person.
As an experiment, the Municipality of Venice decided to create the first board- Community housing apartments instead, are furnished by tenants who also
ing house for foreign workers with legal status. In July 1999, the Municipality pay for water, gas and electricity. The monthly rent is 130 euro per person.
together with Veneto Region and ATER signed an agreement for the allocation At the end of the first year, if the tenant still keeps the apartment, the month-
of the first ten apartments to 3 families and 7 single immigrants. ly rent will be progressively increased. As for the boarding houses, for exam-
Subsequently, three boarding houses, propriety of the Municipality, were made ple, the rent is increased to 140 euros for the six following months and to
available: the first one with 8 beds, in Mestre, the second one in Giudecca, 170 for six additional months, while it is increased to 250 euros for the fol-
Venice, with six beds and the last one in Sestiere Castello, Venice, with 5 beds. lowing year.
In 2002, the Municipality carried out another significant initiative: 5.000 The tenant will be evicted if he/she:
euros were put as a guarantee for landlords willing to rent apartments to > Doesn’t pay the rent within the appropriate terms,
immigrants with legal status and with the economic requirements to pay > Hosts other people,
autonomously for their monthly rent. > Loses his/her stay permit,
> Is unemployed for three months,
Target Temporary residence apartments are available for foreign workers with the > Acts violently towards others tenants.
following requirements:
> possessing a legal and valid stay permit for the purpose of employment; Results Measures adopted by the Municipality of Venice favoured a housing demand
> being a male adult; increase and contemporarily, they identified the local authority as a refer-
> not having a regular residence but living within the municipal area; ence point, capable of solving immigrants’ housing problems.
> having a regular and valid work contract Even if a progressive increment of the monthly rent is foreseen after the first
Single rooms are assigned to single immigrants while larger apartments are year, the apartments’ turnover is one of the principal problems in managing
for families. Most of the requesters come from Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia this experiment, especially for the first ten apartments.
and Egypt. A small part of them come from Moldavia, Philippines and Other problems concern the scarce maintenance conditions of apartments,
Indonesia. late rent payments and immigrants’ propensity to host their compatriots.
Usually, Chinese and Albanians are able to solve housing problems Therefore, controls are necessary.
autonomously. Generally, the measures adopted were useful for solving singles’ housing
problems but were inadequate for families.
Structure The service is managed by a municipal institution called Abitare Venezia To face immigrants’ housing problems, radical and specific actions would be
through the Social Emergencies office. The Municipality can use part of necessary. But these actions should go beyond regulation in force, since the lat-
ATER’s apartments upon a formal agreement between the two bodies. ter only contemplates conditions and requirements typical of Italian families.
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The initiative that foresaw guarantees allocation to landlords signing rent Immigration and Citizenship Rights
contracts to immigrants gave no results. Alternative solutions were carried Promotion Service
out in other Italian cities.
Municipality of Venice
The Municipality of Parma put 5.000 euros in a guarantee fund for each
apartment rented to immigrants that are recommended by the Municipality.
The Province of Parma dispenses the payment of ICI (Municipal Tax on
Properties) to those who rent premises to immigrants coming from foreign
countries and south of Italy and that are recommended by the Province itself Immigration in Venice is a recent phenomenon. Until 1998, immigrants
or by ACER (Housing Agency of Emilia Romagna). were for the most part, single men and women, leaving their countries for
Since year 2002, the Municipality of Bologna rents apartments directly from employment reasons or as war refugees from the Balkans. From 1998,
private parties through real-estate agencies or IPAP (Institution of Public thanks to the first structural law on immigration, requests for family reuni-
Assistance and Charity), proprietor of premises that must be partly rented to fication increased, intensifying the presence of families and children.
public institutions. Subsequently, the Municipality rents the apartments to Social, educational and health services had to face new situations and
immigrants with a 4+4 years contract or with a 2+2 years contract, for the emerging needs. In Venice, most immigrants come from Asia (Bangladeshis
entire amount of the rent or part of it. It also is responsible for rent payments are in first place as far as number of residents is concerned, with 1.236
and for apartment’s maintenance. At the moment, there are 60 rent contracts. residents, followed by Chinese with 617 residents and Filipinos with 556)
and from Eastern Europe (Serbians and Montenegrins with 416 residents,
Contacts Emanuele Zane – Director of Abitare Venezia Albanians with 610 residents, Macedonians with 545 and Romanians with
Marilena Bonelli – Responsible of Ufficio Emergenze Sociali 622). Senegalese and Kurdish communities are very lively and active espe-
Istituzione Abitare Venezia cially in social initiatives.
S. Croce 502 – 30125 Venezia
tel +39 041 2700700 Objectives The Immigration and Citizenship Rights Promotion Service was created to
[email protected] favour a respectful recognition of immigrants and their families’ rights.
During this period, the Service fostered individual and collective well-being
of Italian citizens and foreigners by involving all the institutions and
resources available on the territory in order to facilitate their access.
Besides specific actions directed to immigrants, several projects and initia-
tives to discourage discrimination and to raise awareness among operators,
citizens and institutions about immigration matters – favouring mutual
knowledge and meeting opportunities for people with different backgrounds
and cultures – have been organised.
migration flows management: projects and experiences 74 projects and experiences in veneto 75
Services The Immigration Service of Venice’s Municipality was created in 1993, when serious health or social problems, support to women with pregnancy risks
immigration was not as extended as it is now. However, war in former and specific advice to families during settlement.
Yugoslavia pushed many people to flee the conflict areas. On several occa- 3 Interventions for refugees and asylum seekers. Some of these services
sions, hundreds of people arrived in Mestre from Serbia, Bosnia and Kosovo. are part of a national project called Asilo, and include information
The creation and development of the Immigration Service is linked to immi- and advice on asylum rights, assistance during the examination phase f
gration’s different phases. From time to time, these moments required ade- or refugee status recognition, assistance and hospitality during the first
quate responses to new needs and newcomers.Back in June 1992, two arrival period, job seeking support, psychological and social assistance.
social workers were appointed to carry out social help in contexts of social 4 Cultural and linguistic mediation services.These services are offered
emergency and exclusion of Roma families. Ever after, limited interventions thanks to the support of linguistic and cultural mediators, i.e.
have grown to become a greater and structured organisation. professionals that are not traditionally linked to social and educational
In the first phase, from 1992 to 1995, the Service focused on the settle- services, but that have developed skills through their own immigration
ment of evacuated Roma from former Yugoslavia and the organisation and experience. Mediators favour communication at information counters
management of two temporary refugee camps for approximately 500 peo- or during social workers – beneficiaries meetings. They are in charge
ple. Following the increase of immigrants and their emerging needs, the of translations and responsible for promoting and favouring contacts
Service was subdivided into two offices: one in Mestre, managing temporary between immigrants and associations.
camps, and the other one in Venice, for other immigration matters. From 5 Linguistic Labs include Italian language courses for children and adults
1996, a second phase began: new staff was involved in multidisciplinary and mother tongue language courses for children held by native speaking
technical tasks dealing with immigrants and refugees issues. To that end, a teachers.
new planning model ensuring advanced initiatives, counselling and other 6 Legal counselling to immigrants, operators, institutions on topics
services was developed in order to guarantee social, educational and cul- concerning immigration, regulations, rights violation and protection.
tural integration. 7 Communication, cultural and educational initiatives in cooperation
At the moment, the Service offers the following activities: with associations and documentation centres to favour intercultural
1 Information and guidance on stay permits, family reunification visas, relationships by public meetings and workshops on immigration.
access modalities to social, educational and health services and Communication on current initiatives is published in the languages
to primary assistance, counselling on education and employment of major linguistic groups settled on the territory. Moreover, during
and assistance for foreign diplomas’ recognition. Information is supplied the meetings, translating services are available upon previous request.
by offices’ staff in cooperation with social workers and cultural mediators. Languages available are: English, French, Albanian, Kurdish, Spanish,
Besides information supply, the Service organises meetings with Police Russian, Ukrainian, Serbo-Croatian, Arabic, Turkish, Bangla, Pilipino,
Headquarters representatives to find solutions for difficult cases Romanian, Singhalese, Chinese and other languages upon request.
and favours contacts with immigrants’ embassies and consulates in Italy Besides the national Asilo projects, other active projects are:
or with Italian foreign agencies abroad. > “Tutti a scuola” Project
2 Professional social services for hospitality, social and primary This project aims at favouring educational inclusion of foreign children
assistance. This service is carried out by social workers to support singles and youngsters at every school level by facilitating communication
and families facing problems but that cannot access other municipal between educational system and families and by promoting foreign
social services. Interventions consist in personal meetings offering scholars’ knowledge of their original culture. The project foresees
guidance and psychological and social assistance, urgent monetary coordinated actions of educators and cultural and linguistic mediators to
assistance, indications on hospitality structures, short term hospitality evaluate the child’s scholar experience, to find out about his/her scholar
within the service’s structures for urgent cases, assisted repatriation, background to facilitate his/her inclusion in the new class and help
humanitarian assistance to immigrants without legal status but with parents and teachers in supporting the child during the first class days .
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migration flows management: projects and experiences 76 projects and experiences in veneto 77
> Information and guidance projects on citizenship rights and duties: The actual organisation was defined at the beginning of 2001. More than
“Da migranti a nuovi cittadini” (2002), “Disparità e citttadinanze” 20 people work on a permanent basis. (Social workers, educators, cultural
(2003), “La Bussola” (2004) operators, information staff, cultural and linguistic mediators, immigration
Information and guidance projects on citizenship rights and duties aim and intercultural experts and professionals, administration staff, secretaries
at informing immigrants on their citizenship rights and duties and on and legal advisers). Thirty other operators work on specific projects or activ-
available services access. Project activities include: individual meetings, ities on a temporary basis: linguistic and cultural mediators, Italian lan-
employment seeking support and courses on access to available health, guage teachers, conscientious objectors and experts.
education and family services. Guided tours at employment and social,
educational and health services structures are organised. Results 2004 Immigration Service results are reported in the following chart:
> Service Charter Project
The Service Charter was created to give users and citizens a detailed Information and guidance service 2.242 immigrants assisted with
explanation on Immigration Information Service. The Charter also states information services.380 associations,
the service’s commitment to deploy standard conditions concerning services, operators and other structures
benefiting from guidance and advice.
waiting lists, assistance’s quality and multilingual information. Users
can also carry out an evaluation on the services they receive. Direct contact with users 5.533
(telephone calls and appointments included)
> Representation projects
During the last two years, the Immigration Service committed itself Social services interventions Approx. 150 cases, singles and families
to major awareness-raising activities on social and civil participation
Italian language labs 93 adults enrolled (summer courses)
of immigrants and their associations. Thus, the municipal administration 192 youngsters enrolled
began a process to obtain the recognition of voting rights to immigrants
Immigration associations 31
residing in town. More than 30 associations were involved in this activity. receiving advice
> Employment projects
Legal advice Approx. 150 cases
In the last years, several employment projects were carried out:
Integra/Cesfo/Matraia in 1999/2000; Agfol/Migranet in 1999; “Tutti a scuola” Project Approx. 444 scholars benefiting
from cultural mediation
a cooperation project with Kairòs agency, a job placement exchange and educational inclusion
with Finland; other cooperation projects with business categories such
Assistance to refugees and asylum seekers 130 people
as Unindustria and professional training agencies. In particular, many
(hospitality and complete assistance)
cooperation projects with professional training agencies for Roma
and asylum seekers’ job placement were carried out. Monetary aid 220 contributions
From 2001 to 2005, the Immigration Service, together with Agenzia Information and assistance
Migranti, is part of an Equal Inclusion Project, which aims at trying out for job placement 150 users
innovative modalities to favour immigrants with job placement problems.
Structure At the moment, the Immigration and Citizenship Rights Promotion Service is Contacts Gianfranco Bonesso – Responsible for the Immigrants’ Intervention Unit
part of the Central Department for Social, Educational and Sport Policies of of the Immigration and Citizenship Rights Promotion Service
Venice’s Municipality. The Service is divided into three different operational Castello 6122 – Venezia
units: the first unit deals with refugees’ projects and interventions, the sec- tel +39 041 2747453
ond unit carries out activities for immigrants and the third one is in charge fax +39 041 2747407
of administration. [email protected]
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migration flows management: projects and experiences 78 projects and experiences in veneto 79
Among the projects aiming at managing immigration issues, projects Cooperative internationalisation projects can be included within the frame-
supporting and managing internationalisation processes of enterprises work of immigration issues’ management projects. These projects deal with
located in emerging countries, especially in Eastern Europe are quite innovative modalities of re-organising productive internationalisation
important. In fact, internationalisation processes, considered under processes, which aim at developing social and economic partnerships and
economic and cultural integration aspects and as coordinated and co-evolution relations with countries involved in the transfer of Italian pro-
governed development of economies establishing relationships, can also ductive activities. It is known that Italian enterprises – and in particular
be seen under the perspective of migration flows management. On the one enterprises from Veneto –, have already started a progressive internationali-
hand, these processes support the economic development of migrants’ sation of their productions, addressing foreign suppliers and sub-contrac-
countries of origin and, on the other hand, they contribute to needs’ tors or establishing manufacturing plants in countries where production
identification in terms of skills and professionalism which are necessary costs are lower (especially in terms of labour cost). Recent surveys made on
to delocalised enterprises, by orienting migrants’ training (hence job a significant number of small and medium Italian enterprises, operating in
placement), and by supporting returning immigration. the most important Italian industrial districts (mechanics, furniture, fashion,
In Veneto, several specific projects concerning cooperative agricultural and food industry) revealed that more than one quarter of these
internationalisation are developed. The cooperative internationalisation enterprises have internationalised at least part of their production. This per-
is an innovative method of reorganising internationalisation productive centage increases up to over than 30% for the North-Eastern part of Italy
processes, which aims not only at delocalising productive activities but (Source: TeDIS, Formez, 2004). The countries involved in this process, espe-
also at developing partnerships and social and economic co-evolution cially in sub-contracting and direct investments, are in the Balkan area, in
with countries involved in the transfer of Italian production. In addition Eastern Europe and in the Far East. It is estimated that 12.800 Italian enter-
to these projects, some consolidated initiatives supporting and offering prises, 3.000 of which from Veneto, are settled in Romania.
services to enterprises willing to operate abroad are carried out by Internationalisation processes of Veneto’s enterprises were often sponta-
Chambers of Commerce, business associations and institutions working neous and pioneering, sometimes, partially disorganised as well. The first
in the territory and intending to develop future projects and activities in enterprises have turned to Eastern countries in order to reduce their pro-
Eastern European countries. duction costs, thanks to lower labour costs even in specialised productive
contexts (for example, footwear and textile industries in Romania).
Other enterprises followed the first ones autonomously, without recurring to the
institutionalised actors that have developed support services for international-
isation (business associations, banks, financial enterprises, local services
companies, ICE (National Institution for Foreign Commerce), etc.).However, the
most advanced experiences showed that enterprises’ economic growth and
their settlement in these countries require new institutional context definition
and services: from basic services such as hotels and lodging facilities, to tech-
nological infrastructures and road systems; from technical and managerial
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migration flows management: projects and experiences 80 projects and experiences in veneto 81
training to logistics, technical assistance, financing and institutional services. Promoter: Associazione Industriali di Vicenza
Larger and pioneering enterprises self-organised most of these services. But Participating enterprises: at the moment 14 enterprises joined
the progressive extension of internationalisation process and its economic rel- a consortium operating under Slovakian law. 60/70 enterprises
evance for hosting countries require fundamental services for future develop- are expected to join the project for approx. 400-500 jobs.
ment, which, however, cannot only rely on enterprises – especially on the Corporation system: a Slovakian corporation was created, and it is 100%
smaller ones. In such contexts, cooperative internationalisation projects are under control of Associazione Industriali di Vicenza.
designed to respond to the following objectives (Source: TeDIS, Formez, 2004): Training: Italian language courses were organised for people liaising with
> they aim at creating a permanent and identifiable reference point entrepreneurs (banks, municipalities, etc.). Additional specialised Italian
between internationalisation processes carried out autonomously courses will be organised for people employed by Italian enterprises.
by Italian enterprises and their settlement in foreign countries; Other services: the selection and language training of staff supporting
> they intend supporting and developing both traditional and advanced Italian enterprises is actually carried out; a professional network to support
services that enterprises cannot carry out by themselves or maintain the Consortium’s partners for technical, legal and fiscal matters is set up.
in the long term. Contacts: [email protected]
Services are linked to the following intervention domains: Brcko Project (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
> training (of skilled labour and middle management) Objectives: to create an industrial development area in wood, footwear,
> maintenance and technological support agricultural and food industry and steel engineering sectors.
> logistics Promoter: Associazione Industriali di Venezia, together with the Italian
> technological innovation Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Government of Brcko and Finest (Financial
> business associations’ development Company for North-Eastern Entrepreneurs), an Italian bank in Bosnia.
These projects showed having positive social and cultural consequences in Participating enterprises: the objective is to involve 25 enterprises
foreign countries, with institutional interventions and projects combining eco- for a total of 300 employees.In the long run, (in 6-10 years), 60/70
nomical solutions and services and general development of the territory. The enterprises are expected to join the project for a total of 2000 employees.
approach adopted avoids assisting enterprises which have already began Services: the project foresees the following activities: coordination
delocalisation processes, whereas supporting enterprises during their needs and promotion, liaison and negotiations with local systems, training,
identification, in the selection of new areas for delocalisation, in problem logistics platform development, monitoring of legal, fiscal and financial
identification and during development processes abroad. These projects can opportunities, enterprises’ industrial plan development.
be considered as development tools in different economic structures, which Contacts: www.unindustria.venezia.it
are connected to each other by internationalisation processes. Uberlandia Project (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
They can also be interpreted within a context of immigration flux manage- Objective: to develop a permanent presence of Italian enterprises
ment: on the one hand, projects support economical development in immi- in furniture production and distribution, in a market that is considered
grants’ countries of origin; on the other hand, they contribute to needs interesting as far as extension and incomes are concerned, but where
identification in terms of skills and competences, essential for delocalised exportation is difficult.
enterprises. Therefore, they direct immigrants’ training needs (i.e. job place- Promoter: Federlegno Triveneto, in partnership with Simest (Italian
ment) and support immigrants’ return in their countries of origin. Corporation for Abroad Enterprises), Alivest, ICE, Uberlandia Municipality
Hereafter are some examples of implemented projects 37: Participating enterprises: 15 Italian furniture makers (especially from the
Samorin Project (Slovak Republic) North-Eastern part of Italy) gathered in a consortium named Project Brasil,
Objectives: to create an industrial park in Samorin, in which, a typical in joint venture with Brazilian partners, who created the Moveleiro District,
industrial district network could be developed, with reference to mechanics a furniture industrial district.
and electronics sectors. Contacts www.federlegno.it
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migration flows management: projects and experiences 82 projects and experiences in veneto 83
migration flows management: projects and experiences 84 projects and experiences in veneto 85
Target The service addresses enterprises operating abroad and needing advice on es operating in the sectors of mechanics and wood in the two countries, and
international and European markets, as well as enterprises wishing to con- fostering realistic partnerships between involved operators. The project is
tact and establish relationships with other enterprises operating abroad. funded by the European Commission’s C.A.R.D.S. programme, within the
framework of Eurochambres’ “Project of Assistance to Regional Trade and
Services Treviso’s Chamber of Commerce, through the Trade and Foreign Promotion Networking for Economic Recovery and Stability”.
Area, provides enterprises with information on international markets: from The project “Chambers of Commerce network for local development in the
commercial opportunities to internationalisation funds. Through its data internal market” aims at creating a network between Chambers of
banks, the Chamber offers information charts on every single country. Commerce in order to develop cooperation between territories and local
Moreover, it organises conferences, workshops and training courses on top- business systems promoting new development opportunities. Participating
ics related to foreign trade, as well as meetings with foreign delegations and countries are: Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania and Slovenia.
operators, in order to foster realistic exchange and cooperation opportuni- The project is co-financed by the European Commission within the frame-
ties. Several structures were created to offer specific services: work of PHARE Small Project programme. The Chamber of Commerce of
Treviso Glocal (www.trevisoglocal.it) Treviso participates in the project with information service on best practices
Treviso Glocal is a consortium that aims at reaffirming the presence of enter- which benefit small enterprises.
prises of the Treviso area on foreign markets. Its mission is to expedite and The Area Studi of Treviso’s Chamber of Commerce is a useful tool for inter-
extend internationalisation processes of the provincial productive system and nal management because it helps understanding and guiding delocalisation
of each SME. It offers information and promotion services, contacts, coun- services. The instrument is also useful for external management to the
selling in accordance with foreign trade and relationships development needs. extent that research work is the starting point for cooperation activities –
Treviso’s Chamber of Commerce participates in several projects with Italian also on immigration – with other public and private organisations.
and foreign partners. Since ten years, the Area Studi is involved in Treviso’s Economic and Social
Among these, Progetto CENTRO, is promoted by Unioncamere Veneto and Observatory activities. More specifically, it carries out – with the support of
involves Italian and Romanian partners belonging to different associations various partners – the Annual Report on Labour Market and other publica-
and Chambers of Commerce. The project is funded by Law 84/2001 con- tions. The Observatory is a non-profit association operating in the Province
cerning Italian participation to stability, reconstruction and development of of Treviso with the voluntary participation of 19 associations and institu-
the Balkan area. The project led to the creation of seven Information tions: the Chamber of Commerce, the Province, Veneto Lavoro, INAIL, INPS,
Centres, hosted by the Chambers of Commerce of Braila, Brasov, Cluj- the Provincial Labour Department, the Prefecture, the Provincial Educational
Napoca, Constanta, Iasi, Ploiesti, Timisoara. The Centres are supported by Office, business associations such as Unindustria, Artigianato Trevigiano
Italian and Romanian staff and, thanks to synergies developed within the C.A.S.A., Confartigianato della Marca Trevigiana, C.N.A., Federazione
Chambers and together with Italian and Romanian public and private insti- Provinciale Coltivatori Diretti, C.I.A., U.P.A., Unascom Confcommercio and
tutions, they can supply counselling, assistance and personalised informa- trade unions CISL, UIL, CGIL.
tion to people and businesses operating in Romania. The Annual Report on Labour Market is an important synthesis of studies
The project Enhancing Chamber of Economy of Sarajevo Canton and analysis on the most significant and actual issues concerning labour
Internationalisation and Certification Services supplies technical assis- market: from structural analysis to demographical issues taking into
tance to Sarajevo’s Chamber of Commerce. Within the project’s framework, account immigration fluxes; from multiethnic integration to questions deal-
several internationalisation and certification interventions will be carried ing with employment trends and professional qualification of young genera-
out: activities to improve business to business services and training cours- tions. In particular, the Annual Report on Labour Market 2004 includes a
es on environment and CE labelling organised in cooperation with Treviso sociologic-anthropologic research on immigration and local multiethnic
Tecnologia. Activities carried out by Treviso and Sarajevo’s Chambers of society. For the comprehension of all phases that characterise such society,
Commerce aim at identifying cooperation opportunities between enterpris- the research focuses on two starting points: manufactures – where immi-
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migration flows management: projects and experiences 86 projects and experiences in veneto 87
grant and native workers meet and compare different working cultures, and Associazione Sportello Area Balcanica
school – where second border socialisation happens, with immigrant and Balkan Area Association
native scholars, parents and teachers. The research underlines integration Province of Vicenza
problems and opportunities, as well as needs for mediation and intercultur-
al support that immigrants have pointed out in some surveys.
Results There have been positive feedbacks from internationalisation and delocali-
sation processes in terms of economic growth of local enterprises and from The Sportello Area Balcanica is a non-profit association founded by an
a social and cultural point of view, determined by general development of agreement between the Province of Vicenza and the Chamber of Commerce
new services. aiming at favouring economic and cultural integration between Vicenza and
Social, economic and cultural effective integration and coordination become the Balkan countries.
crucial processes for economic development and better life conditions; from
this prospective, the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso constantly uses stud- Objectives The Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza and the Province played an important
ies and research works to plan activities and services on the territory, even role in humanitarian help during war in former Yugoslavia, especially
on immigration topics. because the made no distinction between the various assisted communi-
Public and private subjects are working within a cooperation process. ties. The most significant interventions were carried out in severely destroyed
Together, they are identifying shared paths for development, underlining locations.
strategic goals and committing themselves in the realisation of permanent Today, the Sportello plays a new role within two different but complementa-
and continuous actions in order to face coordination problems between dif- ry aspects:
ferent public institutions, both in the Province and abroad. Economic aspect, by favouring business relations between Balkan countries
operators and dislocated Vicentine enterprises;
Cultural aspect, by organising special events to foster mutual knowledge;
38 Renato Chahinian, Delocalizzazione e collaborazione con i Paesi dell’allargamento
Target The Sportello addresses enterprises located in the Province of Vicenza and
dell’Unione Europea: impatto nelle economie e nei flussi migratori reciproci Migrest Project III
workshop, April 16th 2004. enterprises or other private or institutional subjects in Croatia, Serbia,
Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Contacts Edy Bombonato – Foreign Trade Promotion Area
Camera di Commercio di Treviso Services The Sportello’s activities include:
Piazza Borsa, 1 – 31100 Treviso > Case to case support and advice to operators working with enterprises
tel +39 0422 595274 or other subjects in the Balkan countries;
fax +39 0422 595457 > organisation of meetings between entrepreneurs from Vicenza
[email protected] and potential partners in the Balkan area, and in particular, visits
http://www.tv.camcom.it to enterprises in involved countries and workshop organisation
within the framework of EU funded projects and of entrepreneurial
associations’ activities;
> participation in major events in representation of Vicenza’s business
economy in general or as representatives of specific enterprises
in Vicenza area;
> organisation of training periods for operators or young people coming
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migration flows management: projects and experiences 88 projects and experiences in veneto 89
from the Balkan area, in order to find trained reference points for local > contacts with some banks in order to develop specific agreements
enterprises. In this case, training sessions for young people are preliminary with enterprises wishing to invest in Croatia;
to the opening of Vicentine enterprises in the markets of the Balkan area; participation in Zagreb and Osijek’s fairs;
> cooperation on specific projects with business categories: in particular > participation in some EU funded projects (IN.DE., LO.DE.) and in other
with SMEs representative organisations; projects developed within the law 84 framework concerning the Italian
> institutional or operative delegations. contribution to the stabilisation process of the Balkans (in cooperation
Besides its ordinary activities such as counselling for enterprises interested with the Province of Osijek, Slavonia).
in operating in the Balkan area and assistance on specific projects devel- In Serbia and Montenegro:
oped by business associations and Vicenza Qualità, during the year 2005, > organisation of a training periodfor institutional representatives
the Sportello will also develop some projects funded by the European and for members of Serbia and Vojvodina’s enterprises;
Commission and the Italian Government. > visit of a delegation form Belgrade, headed by the city’s Deputy Mayor,
Some of these specific projects will be carried out in close cooperation with accompanied by the President of the Chamber of Commerce to sign
business associations and with Assoartigiani, in particular. EU funded proj- an agreement on common initiatives;
ects are indeed IN.DE and Migrest. These projects developed by > visit of a delegation form Vicenza in Belgrade and Novi Sad, headed
Eurosportello and the Province of Vicenza. by the President of the Province of Vicenza and meetings with Ministers
Finally, the Italian Government has approved a project called LO.DE, which and Local Authorities;
is financed by law n. 84, Article 7. The project leader, on behalf of Veneto > draft of a cooperation agreement,
Region, will be the Province of Padova, and the Sportello will play a leading > participation in some EU funded projects (IN.DE., LO.DE.) and in other
role concerning the existing relationships with the Balkan provinces of Osijek projects developed within the law 84 framework concerning the Italian
(Croatia), Subotica (Serb Vojvodina) and Tuzla (Bosnia): contribution to the stabilisation process of the Balkans (in cooperation
The following examples show some of the most important contributions with the city of Subotica)
made in the Balkan Peninsula: In Bosnia-Herzegovina:
In Croatia: > visit of delegations to favour contacts with political and economic
> in 1997, stipulation of an agreement between Unioncamere and the bodies in some of the major cities, such as Sarajevo, Tuzla e Gorazde;
Croatian Chamber for Economy; > training period in Vicenza, in cooperation with Vicenza Qualità, in order
in 1999, stipulation of a operative and strategic agreement between to encourage mutual knowledge between Vicenza’s economic realities and
Associazione Artigiani della Provincia di Vicenza and Croatia’s Chamber Bosnia’s institutions;
of Handicraftsmen; > counselling for the opening of a great industrial centre in Tuzla, favouring
> assistance to Vicentine enterprises that are carrying out delocalisation the employment of 500 people;
processes of their production in Croatia’s duty free areas of Krapina > participation in some EU funded projects (IN.DE., LO.DE.) and in other
or Osijek; projects developed within the law 84 framework concerning the Italian
> conference organisation on duty free areas’ technical and economic contribution to the stabilisation process of the Balkans (in cooperation
aspects, with the participation of the Vice-Minister of Economy and duty with the city of Tuzla).
free areas’ Directors;
> art exhibition organisation: for example, the art exhibition of Vicenza’s Structure The Association’s structure is very simple: there are two permanent employ-
artists in Zagreb and in Dubrovnik, as well as the art exhibition in Vicenza ees and some occasional collaborators working on specific projects (espe-
titled “Pizzi dell’isola di Pag”; cially on EU projects). The most important aspect of the Association is its
> project drafts carried out with Zagreb’s Technological Textile University network with the Balkan countries. This network began with the humanitari-
and with the city’s Ethnographic Museum; an interventions during war in former Yugoslavia and went on subsequently
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migration flows management: projects and experiences 90 projects and experiences in veneto 91
with other projects. Personal reference points work in central and local gov- CESMEAN – Central European SMEs Association Network
ernments, business associations and in enterprises of former Yugoslavia.
Both the Province and the Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza are involved in
the activities developed by them or upon the Sportello’s initiative.
Results The activities carried out in this period favoured the increase of the number
of subjects in the Balkan countries, which are now part of the network. Many
subjects such as embassies, Ministries, Chambers for Economy, business
associations, banks, local authorities, universities, schools, cultural organi- Cesmean (Central European SME’s Association Network) is a network gath-
sations etc. were involved in the networking activities. At the moment, the ering SMEs’ associations. It was created in the year 2000 by the Federations
Sportello is working to improve Vicenza’s capacity to network with Serbia of SMEs of Veneto and Czech Republic to favour relationships between
and Vojvodina. In this perspective, additional relationships with other Balkan Eastern Europe and Venetian SMEs.
countries (Serb-Croatian speaking countries) – who already ask for the
Sportello’s assistance – will be developed. Objectives The aim of Cesmean is to favour contacts and business relations between
member enterprises and Eastern European companies.
Contacts Ubaldo Alifuoco – Deputy Counsellor and Director
Associazione Sportello Area Balcanica – Provincia di Vicenza Structure At regional level, Cesmean’s reference point is Federveneto Api, the associ-
Via C. Cattaneo n. 8 – 36100Vicenza ation that gathers SMEs in Veneto Region. At national level, Federveneto Api
tel +39 0444 321443 is part of the National Confederation of SMEs, CONFAPI.
fax +39 0444 324207
[email protected] or [email protected] Target Cesmean works with Venetian SMEs’ associations and with business part-
ners of Italian enterprises in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia.
Services Among all Cesmean’s initiatives for its members, the most relevant are
described hereby:
An on-line e-factoring project is actually been carried out together with two
ICT enterprises: Computas from Norway and Troux from the United States.
The financial issue is always a critical factor in internationalisation process-
es. The on-line e-factoring system was created to simplify financial transac-
tions between Italian and foreign enterprises and to favour trustful
relationships. In fact, Italian enterprises do not always have cash money to
pay foreign subcontractors.
Therefore, through this system, a credit cession is offered to foreign enter-
prises which can carry out extendable purchases in 180 days, allowing
Italian partners to convert credit into cash. The website registers the enter-
prises’ data, and through specific algorithms can judge the Italian partner’s
The experimental phase is still ongoing. In 2003, 50 export companies from
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migration flows management: projects and experiences 92 projects and experiences in veneto 93
Czech Republic operating towards Italy were contacted for a survey. Their production could be delocalised abroad, by favouring new contacts and
overall annual exportation amount exceeded one million euros. 10% of commercial agreements. 20 enterprises from Vicenza used the service and
these enterprises, a consistent percentage, were interested in the project. were satisfied and most of them already have commercial relations with for-
The system, based on on-line database, will be accessed through a website eign partners.
which will give a free registration and a user ID and password to
Apindustria’s member enterprises and to Eastern European companies. Contacts Antonio Verga Falzacappa – Executive Secretary of CESMEAN
tel +39 040 308779
Globalexpo fax + 39 040 3226936
Globalexpo was the first business internationalisation Fair organised in Italy. [email protected]
The exhibition, inspired by similar fairs in France, was organised by
VeronaFiera upon Cesmean’s initiative and took place from May 16th to May
18th 2002.
Internationalisation is not only about product exportation, but it also means
buying goods in foreign countries or foreign production. This is the principle
which inspired the creation of Globalexpo. SMEs, in particular those located
in Central – North Italy are likely to concentrate their activities on exporta-
tion. Veneto’s Confapi, and especially Vicenza’s Api created a very special
single edition exhibition, where marketing, financing and insurance systems
were publicised to foster and promote new ideas and projects.
More than 100 exhibitors participated to the fair, for the most part coming
from Veneto and Lombardia regions and more than six thousand people vis-
ited the pavilions.
Among the exhibitors, there were Chambers of Commerce, commercial, busi-
ness and investment banks, European, national and regional financing com-
panies, leasing, factoring and trading companies, credit insurance
companies, trade information and credit recovering institutions, consulates
and foreign offices in Italy, juridical, fiscal and taxation advisors, marketing,
commercial, branding and patent advisors and customs assistance centres.
Globalexpo was supported by the European Commission’s Italian delega-
tion, the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Italian Ministry for Productive
Activities, the Regional Union of Veneto’s Provinces and Unioncamere
migration flows management: projects and experiences 96 projects and experiences in macedonia and in thessaloniki 97
Migrants’ Social and Economic Inclusion through legal support. Immigrants are also encouraged to participate active-
Municipality of Thessaloniki
ly to social and cultural life.
Thanks to advisors’ support, families learn about public services such as
hospitals, employment centres, etc.
Employment advice services identify immigrants’ skills in order to orient
them towards working opportunities or training programmes. In particular,
the aim is to encourage immigrants to turn to advice centres in order to
According to the last five years’ data, provided by the Ministry of Macedonia elaborate a specific action plan to search for an employment, to start net-
and Trace, there are 60.000 immigrants living in the Province of working, to write down a CV, to be prepared for a job interview, to be able to
Thessaloniki. get the information for diploma recognition, to improve communication skills
Immigrants with regular visa submit a stay permit application to the through Greek language courses and to improve professional skills through
Municipality, before their visa’s expiration. They also have to present their specific training programmes.
passport, an employment contract, labour insurance data, health certificate Group meetings allow immigrants to exchange experiences on their lives in
and a residence declaration. The Municipality checks the completeness of their new country and to find solutions to common problems.
all these documents and then transfers the request to the Prefecture. Since August 2004, a new one-to-one shop offering the above mentioned
In the Municipality of Central Thessaloniki, since the entry in force of the new services is active 41.
law, and between June 2nd 2001 and June 24th 2004, 27.400 applications There are also several associations gathering Greek and foreign citizens.
for a six months stay permit have been submitted. Among these, 7.536 were Each Municipality can regulate its relations with the associations according
submitted between June 2nd and December 31st 2001. to its own needs.
The following charts are referred to applications which obtained a stay per- There are four registered associations in Thessaloniki: Greek-Bulgarian
mit in the years 2002, 2003 and 2004 40: Friendship Association; Thessaloniki Albanians Association and “Progress”, a
Greek-Albanian association. There are also some theatre companies work-
Category 2002 2003 01/01/2004 – 21/04/2004
ing within the non-profit organisation Odysseus which was created to offer
Greek language courses to immigrants. The theatre groups took part in many
Independent service (domestic work and similar) 299 85 16 festivals organised by the Municipality.
Independent permit (after family
reunification and similar) 210
Self-employment 1.864 6.289 2.366 39 Reference: Chariclea Tsoulea, Municipality of Thessaloniki, workshop on Immigrants’ social
and economic inclusion, Thessaloniki, Project Migrest IV Training, May 14th 2004.
Study purpose 789 760 282
40 Reference: Ioannis Mavrides, Municipality of Thessaloniki, Immigration Department, Seminar
Reunification 1.281 1.114 634 on Immigration and Local Authorities in Greece, Thessaloniki, Migrest Project IV Training, May
14th 2004.
Other 803 2037 719
41 Reference: Ioanna Svirkou, Labour Psychologist, Immigrants: integration and social pro-
Total 5.246 10.285 4.017 tection, IV Workshop of Migrest Programme, Thessaloniki, June 24th2004.
migration flows management: projects and experiences 98 projects and experiences in macedonia and in thessaloniki 99
Actions for Immigration are 380 attendees belonging to several ethnic groups and with different cul-
Macedonian Labour Institute (MAK.IN.E)
tural backgrounds.
Attendees are aged from 12 to 60 years old. They attend Greek language
courses because they are aware that a better knowledge of the hosting
country’s language makes it easier to find better jobs and to integrate in the
society. Courses and learning materials are free of charge and are funda-
mental to succeed the Greek Language Centre final exam certifying linguis-
The Macedonian Labour Institute, working in cooperation with the Trade tic skills. At the end of the courses, attendees receive a certificate of
Union Centre of Thessaloniki and other social and voluntary activist organi- attendance recognized at institutional level.
sations carried out a series of initiatives to face increasing problems con- Odysseus is more than a school for immigrants. In fact, they also participate
cerning illegal employment and exploitation of foreign workers, xenophobic in several other activities besides language courses. Outings, excursions,
behaviours in working places, linguistic barriers blocking communication and socialising opportunities allow participants to express themselves and
and immigrants’ involvement in trade unions. their creativity and to develop social relationships by meeting people with
The Labour Institute, thanks to EQUAL42 funds, took part in the creation of different cultural backgrounds contributing to smooth out differences 44.
an association for legal defence and other types of protection for refugees The Macedonia Labour Institute will continue its activities with the strong
seeking asylum. belief that integration and acceptance of coexisting conditions are possible
In particular, it supports the activities of Odysseus, an association of Greek from the moment people feel to be accepted as an equal member of soci-
nationals and immigrants. ety and when his/her rights, culture and dignity are respected 44.
Created in 2002 from a former experience which started in 1997, Odysseus
offers immigrants, refugees and returned Greek nationals the opportunity of
learning the official national language. Its principles are founded on social notes
solidarity, respect for human rights and antiracism. Its founders believe that 42 Funded by the European Social Fund, the EQUAL initiative is part of the European
Employment Strategy, adopted by the European Union to promote a more inclusive work life
good written and oral language skills are necessary to integrate in Greek through fighting discrimination and exclusion. ww.europa.eu.int/comm/equal).
society. Moreover, a complete integration implies, above all, a real respect 43 Odysseus’ activities were described with the association’s contributions.
for immigrants’ culture of origin by the hosting country. To that end and to 44 Reference: Plavidis Nikos, Macedonia Labour Institute, IV Workshop of Migrest Programme,
provide basic knowledge of the city’s culture, courses of Greek language and Thessaloniki, June 24th 2004.
immigrants’ language of origin, in the fist place, as well as computer, the-
atre, literature and history courses were organised.
Odysseus association employs qualified teachers or students working on a
voluntary basis.
Back in 1997, Odysseus had already organised several courses hosted by
the Thessaloniki’s Administrative Clerks Trade Union with the participation of
63 immigrants and repatriated people from Albania and former Soviet coun-
tries. In 1999, the number of students doubled and the need to find a larg-
er place to work in emerged.
The Macedonian Labour Institution offered its own premises allowing 157
immigrants, refugees and repatriated people from Albania, Armenia,
Georgia, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine, Palestine, Russia, Turkey, Czech Republic and
Philippines to attend Modern Greek language courses. At this moment, there
migrest inglese 16-05-2005 14:54 Pagina 100
migration flows management: projects and experiences 100 projects and experiences in macedonia and in thessaloniki 101
The Experience of the Thessaloniki’s Prefecture offices. Prefectures would be a one-stop-shop office, abolishing useless
applications steps or documents (requests, certificates, etc.), speeding up
stay permit issuing processes;
> Respect of the terms fixed by regulation concerning the documents
to be handed in for working or stay permit issuing or renewal.
New and continuous derogations to fixed deadlines only create
congestions in the concerned offices;
According to updated information, immigrants living within the Thessaloniki’s > The amount of money due to each Prefecture – this amount is the sum
Prefecture represent today almost 6,5% of the population. of the 145,00 euros annual tax deposited by immigrants in the Incomes
Services provided by the Prefecture concern stay permit issuing and renew- accounts – should be regularly transferred to the Prefectures. If we include
al. According to the law 2910/2001, the stay permit represents the basic the 22,00 euros annual tax for each immigrant due to the Prefecture, each
requirement to obtain a residence permit to live in Greece. year the Thessaloniki’s Prefecture should receive approx. 660.000 euros
The Employment and Job Department of the Thessaloniki’s Prefecture creat- (30,000 x 22). This sum is almost never totally deposited.
ed an assistance centre for aliens. Thanks to its recent reorganisation and > Mass media should be used to regularly inform immigrants
skilled personnel, it provides a very good assistance service. and employers on their rights and duties concerning employment
Prior to 2003, the centre offered advice to more than 65.000 citizens and any other important changes on the matter;
(aliens, employers, legal advisors, etc.). More than 28.000 stay permits were > A website on immigration issues and other useful information
issued to regularised aliens. In the same year, after a specific request made on this matter should be created;
by seasonal and annual workers’ employers, 30.114 stay permits have been > As in the Thessaloniki’s Prefecture, an updated register of immigrants
issued to aliens from non EU countries and to refugees or repatriated Greeks should be implemented in every Prefectures using available modern
and Cypriots. technologies;
In 2004, more than 40.000 aliens visited the Centre and up to the month > The Region could organise refresher courses for the Municipality’s staff
of August, 19.786 stay permits have been issued for regularised immigrants. working within its jurisdiction, in order to effectively collect the required
According to its own experience, the Thessaloniki’s Prefecture suggests some documents and information for stay permits issuing, ensuring a better
solutions to improve and simplify the procedures: coordination;
> Update and uniform regulations on immigration to favour cooperation > A specific account for seasonal workers should be established in order
between EU countries; to allow employers to use the money and offer jobs and insurances
> Extend the application of the Prefecture’s improved and computerised for limited working contracts. Every aspect concerning employees should
system concerning immigration flow management and the immediate be under the co-responsibility of employers 45.
renewal of working permits. Foreigners’ regularisation helps creating a data
base containing 32.000 names of people who were issued a working notes
permit. Thanks to the use of this data bank, stay permits can be renewed 45 Reference: Anthi Porfiriadou, Prefecture of Thessaloniki, IV Workshop Migrest Programme,
year by year by simply inputting some new information and they can be Thessaloniki, June 24th 2004
issued immediately after the applicant hand in the required documents;
> Activate a regional service competent in issuing stay permits, therefore
simplifying the procedures and reducing the waiting time and supporting
Prefectures’ tasks;
> Issued or renewed working permits could be sent directly to the
Regional Service, without passing by the Municipality or the Community’s