Principal Investigator: Spark Grant Budget Project Title Project Period Princinpal Investigator
Principal Investigator: Spark Grant Budget Project Title Project Period Princinpal Investigator
Principal Investigator: Spark Grant Budget Project Title Project Period Princinpal Investigator
Project Title
Project Period
Princinpal Investigator
ARIADNE LABS RESOURCES (for support estimating Ariadne Labs costs please reach out to Gra
Innovation & Design Resource
Implementation Specialist
Data Science
Computer Science
Implementation & Imrpvoement scientists
Project Manager
Faculty Advisor 2%
Grants Manager 2%
Ariande Labs total
Budget guidance: The key to success for Spark Grants is to engage with Ariadne Labs resources -- both personnel a
innovation methodology to design tools, capacities, processes, and measurement solutions to improve care. The Inno
the design phase of the Ariadne Arc and facilitates the use human centered design methods in solution development.
coaching and training during implementation. Data science includes biostatisticians and programmers. Computer scie
reporting. Our implementation and improvement scientists can advice on study design and quantitative and qualitative
Salary Fringe Total
in kind
in kind