And Women With Placental Abruption Were More Likely To Be of Higher Parity Thus Was Ruled-Out
And Women With Placental Abruption Were More Likely To Be of Higher Parity Thus Was Ruled-Out
And Women With Placental Abruption Were More Likely To Be of Higher Parity Thus Was Ruled-Out
Abdominal pain Corticosteroid therapy
Cervical dilatation Magnesium sulfate
Etiology of preterm labor is multifactorial but the
pathophysiologic patterns (infection, fetal stress,
vascular theories) that connect them to preterm labor Cervical insufficiency
are still poorly understood. Most of the studies on the Also known as incompetent cervix, this is a discrete
etiology of preterm labor have indicated that majority obstetrical entity characterized classically by painless
of these cases have two or more possible causes. cervical dilatation in the second trimester.
Major elements in the diagnosis of preterm labor: Cervical insufficiency (cervical incompetence) is
1. gestational age defined by the American College of Obstetricians and
2. uterine activity Gynecologists (ACOG) as the inability of the uterine
3. assessment of effects of uterine activity cervix to retain a pregnancy in the second trimester, in
the absence of uterine contractions
Preterm labor occurs when regular contractions result Rule-in
in the opening of your cervix after week 20 and before Cervical dilatation
week 37 of pregnancy. Vaginal spotting
In preterm labor, contractions are regular, frequent and Rule-out
may or may not be painful. No preterm premature rupture of membrane
The traditional criteria which is the persistent uterine Contractions every 12-15 mins. (mild-moderate)
contractions accompanied by dilatation and/or
effacement of the cervix – are reasonably accurate if the
Placenta previa
contraction frequency is 6 or more per hour and cervical
Placenta previa refers to the presence of
dilatation is 3 cm or greater and/or effacement is 80%
placental tissue that extends over the internal
or greater, or if membranes rupture or bleeding occurs.
cervical os (partially or completely).
Cervical Evaluation
Although painless vaginal bleeding during the second
• Since digital examination of the cervix in early
labor (< 3 cm dilatation and < 80% effacement) or third trimester of pregnancy is the usual
is not highly reproducible, it is also not a reliable presentation, some women may present with
basis to diagnose early preterm labor. contractions.
Placental attachment is disrupted as this
area gradually thins in preparation for the
onset of labor; this leads to bleeding at
the implantation site, because the uterus
is unable to contract adequately and stop
the flow of blood from the open vessels.
Thrombin release from the bleeding sites
promotes uterine contractions.