Review Articles: Wine and Headache
Review Articles: Wine and Headache
Review Articles: Wine and Headache
Review Articles
Wine and Headache
Abouch Valenty Krymchantowski, MD, MSci, PhD, FAHS; Carla da Cunha Jevoux, MD, MSci, PhD
Background.—The notion of migraine attacks triggered by food and beverages has been posited for centuries. Red wine
in particular has been acknowledged as a migraine trigger since antiquity when Celsus (25 B.C.-50 A.D.) described head pain
after drinking wine. Since then, references to the relationship between alcohol ingestion and headache attacks are numerous.
The most common initiator of these attacks among alcoholic beverages is clearly wine. The aim of this review is to present and
discuss the available literature on wine and headache.
Methods.—A Medline search with the terms headache, migraine, and wine was performed. Data available on books and
written material about wine and medicine as well as abstracts on alcohol, wine, and headache available in the proceedings of
major headache meetings in the last 30 years were reviewed. In addition, available technical literature and websites about wine,
grapes, and wine making were also evaluated.
Results.—Full papers specifically on headache and wine are scarce. General literature related to medicine and wine is
available, but scientific rigor is typically lacking. The few studies on wine and headache were mostly presented as abstracts
despite the common knowledge and patients’ complaints about wine ingestion and headache attacks. These studies suggest that
red wine, but not white and sparkling wines, do trigger headache and migraine attacks independently of dosage in less than 30%
of the subjects.
Discussion.—Wine, and specifically red wine, is a migraine trigger. Non-migraineurs may have headache attacks with wine
ingestion as well. The reasons for that triggering potential are uncertain, but the presence of phenolic flavonoid radicals and the
potential for interfering with the central serotonin metabolism are probably the underlying mechanisms of the relationship
between wine and headache. Further controlled studies are necessary to enlighten this traditional belief.
(Headache 2014;54:967-975)
The idea of dietary migraine or the triggering of Particularly with regards to wine, medicine has
migraine attacks with food and beverages has long been imaginative in correlating its consumption with
been disseminated. In 1778, Fothergill first described bad and good consequences throughout the centuries,
headache attacks after the ingestion of specific with the first references about a possible relationship
dietary factors, but the variability of clinical presen- between wine and medicine in Mesopotamia 7000
tations among and within migraine and non-migraine years B.C.3,4
sufferers has cast doubts about the real existence of When wine making arrived in ancient Greece, it
such entity.1,2 was enjoyed by the whole spectrum of society, and
became a popular theme in literature, religion,
From the Headache Center of Rio, Headache, Rio de Janeiro, leisure, medicine, and mythology. Hippocrates pro-
Brazil (A.V. Krymchantowski and C. da Cunha Jevoux).
moted wine as part of a healthy diet. He also claimed
Address all correspondence to A.V. Krymchantowski, The that wine was good for disinfecting wounds, as well as
Headache Center of Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, email:
[email protected] a liquid in which medications could be mixed and
968 June 2014
taken more easily by patients. Hippocrates said wine most notorious headache trigger is red wine. This is
should be used to alleviate pain during childbirth, for certainly the case in the United Kingdom.10 White
symptoms of diarrhea, and even lethargy.3-5 Around wine and champagne may also trigger attacks.11
1863, a French Corsican chemist called Angelo However, red wine is a proven traditional headache
Mariani developed a beverage containing Bordeaux trigger even in non-migraineurs,7,12-16 despite the work
wine and cocaine (approximately 6 mg of cocaine per of a French neurologist from Bordeaux, Dr. Pierre
fluid ounce of wine). This beverage named Vin Henry, who lectured extensively on the fact that white
Tonique Mariani was suggested as a substitute for wine was a bigger trigger for migraine than the red
opiates and was awarded a Vatican Gold Medal by wine.17
Pope Leo XIII in addition to an endorsement of its The reasons why alcohol may induce headache
use.6 and even hangover syndrome were studied by
Wine’s intrinsic link with the practice of medi- Maxwell et al, who demonstrated in animal models
cine was also featured prominently in the first (rats) that not only ethanol induced delayed trigemi-
printed book on wine written by Arnaldus de Villa nal hypersensitivity, 4 to 6 hours after administration,
Nova (circa. 1235-1311 A.D.), a physician, who wrote but also acetate, rapid forming from acetaldehyde, are
at length on wine’s benefits for the treatment of in fact the responsible for a suggested induced
many illnesses and conditions, including sinus prob- headache-like pain using a dietary trigger.18,19
lems and dementia.5 Specifically with wine triggering headache, it was
For triggering migraine and/or headache attacks, discussed in depth by Panconesi, who competently
red wine is well known as a trigger and has been so dissected the possible substances responsible for ini-
since antiquity when Celsus (25 B.C.-50 A.D.) tiating an attack.7
described pain contracted by drinking wine. Six cen- Histamine.—Starting with histamine, which can cer-
turies later, Paul of Aegina (625-690 A.D.) also tainly provoke migraine, it was hypothesized that in
described drinking wine as a trigger of headache, pos- patients suffering from histamine intolerance, the high
sibly of migraine etiology.1,7 content observed in red wines (20- to 200-fold more
Although the term headache trigger has rarely than in white wine) could be held responsible for
been consistently defined,8 the current version of the headache occurrence regardless of the existence of
International Headache Society9 defines in its group migraine. However, a review of studies did not dem-
of headaches attributed to a substance use or expo- onstrated differences in headache-attack occurrence
sure, the so-called alcohol-induced headache. It can between different wine types, beer, and even foods
be caused immediately, or after a delay, by the inges- containing high content of histamine. In addition,
tion of alcoholic beverages. If the headache occurs other symptoms occurring in patients with histamine
within 3 hours of alcohol ingestion and resolves intolerance do not occur in headache sufferers after
within 72 hours after alcohol ingestion has ceased, the the ingestion of wine, as well as no difference was
headache is classified as immediate alcohol-induced found in the level of plasma diamine-oxidase between
headache ( of the International Classification red wine sensitive and nonsensitive migraineurs.20-24
of Headache Disorders [ICHD]-III beta). If it has Tyramine and phenylethylamine were also sug-
developed within 5-12 hours after alcohol ingestion gested as responsible substances for headache and
and has resolved within 72 hours of onset, it is known migraine triggering after wine consumption.7 However,
as delayed alcohol-induced headache ( of the in addition to the negligible content of these amines in
ICHD-III beta). wine (1-2 mg/L), studies performing oral challenges in
The alcohol-induced headache has a bilateral and sensible and non-sensible migraineurs were inconclu-
pulsating quality, aggravated by physical activity, and sive regarding this possible relationship.25
the commonest initiator of headache attacks among Sulfites.—Sulfites were once linked to headache
alcoholic beverages is definitely wine.7,9 Although not after wine ingestion.26 However, most of this belief is
without dispute, in some countries at least, by far the either speculative or in fact wrong, since the food and
Headache 969
wine preservative sulfur dioxide (SO2), called generi- ability to inhibit the process of sulphation by at least
cally sulfite, although present in wines, is much more 50%. These facts, observed in in vitro studies, and
existent in common foods that do not trigger head- confirmed by measurements of p cresol in urine after
ache attacks, such as dried fruit. While red wines oral challenges using red and white wine, as well as
contain around 160 parts per million (ppm) of sulfites, beer, suggest that the presence of flavonoid radicals
white wines reach 210 ppm and dried fruit up to are responsible for the red wine capacity of triggering
1000 ppm. Moreover, recently produced organic migraine and perhaps headache attacks in non-
wines contain lower levels of sulfites or, indeed, have migraineurs.2,7,12,15,20
none at all, but the persistence of the headache trig- 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT).—Red wine is a
gering potential remains.26 In addition, published lit- powerful releaser of 5-HT from the platelet. Even in
erature has not yet established any links between the dilutions of 1:20 and in different types of wine or
presence of sulfite and headache.7 samples of the same wine type, this unique releasing
Flavonoid Phenolic Compounds.—The flavonoid ability seems to lie mainly in two flavonoid fractions
phenolic compounds are probably the most likely con- with molecular weight greater than 500 Da.2,31 Inter-
tender responsible for red wine induced headache estingly, neither white wine nor beer have any releas-
either for migraineurs or non-migraineurs.15 These ing effect on 5-HT.32 Despite the existence of
compounds – natural phenol and polyphenols – sensitivity to red wine among migraineurs and non-
include a large group of several hundred chemical radi- migraineurs, red wine, but not white wine, causes an
cals that affect the taste, color, and mouth feel of the increase of whole blood 5-HT levels even in con-
wine. It includes phenolic acids, stilbenoids, flavonols, trols.31,33 In addition, wine inhibits 5-HT and nor-
dihydroflavonols, anthocyanins, flavonol monomers adrenaline reuptake as well as mono amine oxidase
(cathecins) and polymers (proanthocianins), which can (MAO) activity, through its polyphenolic component
be separated into two categories – flavonoids and non- resveratrol and through an action on 5-HT receptors.
flavonoids. The flavonoids include the anthocianins Moreover, red wine strongly inhibits the binding of
and tannins which contribute to the color and mouth 5-HT to 5-HT1 receptors, and no conclusive results
feel of the wine, while the non-flavonoids include the were demonstrated regarding a mediation of induced
thestilbenoids such as resveratrol and the phenolic headache through 5-HT2 receptors.20 Therefore, the
acids such as benzoic, caffeic, and cinnamic acids.27-30 release of 5-HT, possibly from central stores and due
Phenols are the substrate for the enzyme to the flavonoid content of red wine, is a plausible
phenosulphotransferase (PST), which exists in the mechanism for wine-induced headache.7
forms of PST-M (inactivates phenolic monoamines Studies on Headache and Wine.—Several studies
such as tyramine and dopamine) and PST-P have been conducted to explore the relationship
(degradates phenol itself and p-cresol) in the gut. between headache and wine ingestion. One of the
Extracts of red wine contain high amounts of flavo- first studies on headache and wine, specifically red
noids able to potently inhibit PST, particularly its P wine, was performed by Kaufman, who tested the
form, and red wine may present up to 50 times more prophylactic ingestion of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)
flavonoid when compared to white wine.20 Catechin, to prevent the so-called red wine headache syndrome
quercetin, narigin, anthocyanin, and others are the (RWH).34 Although poor in details, the small study
flavonoid molecules absorbed through the gastroin- observed that red wine indeed provoked a headache
testinal tract able to inhibit PST-P.10 The inhibition of attack and ASA had little or no effect in altering
conjugation of PST-P carried out by phenolic flavo- headache evolution once it already began (Table 1).
noids could result in buildup of free phenols in the Kaufman and Starr also studied 12 patients (9
circulation, which may be toxic in several ways.13 In women and 3 men) who examined previous attacks of
addition, the inhibition of PST-P by red wine is much headache after red wine ingestion. Following a 4-hour
more potent than previously thought, with 2000-fold fasting period, patients consumed 90 mL of red wine.
dilution even with dealcoholized red wine having the After being closely observed every 10 minutes and
970 June 2014
Kaufman34 n/d To assess the efficacy of n/d 1. Red wine provoked attacks.
ASA to prevent RWH. 2. ASA showed little or no effect to
treat established headache.
Kaufman and 12 To assess the efficacy of 1. Participants ingested 90 mL of 1. RWH happened in all
Starr35 three IPS in preventing red wine after 4-hour fasting. participants within 2 hours.
RWH. 2. Use of one capsule of an IPS or 2. Two subjects using placebo still
placebo followed (after 60 had RWH within 2 hours.
minutes) by 180 mL of red wine. 3. Two acetaminophen patients had
3. Blinded assessments. RWH between 6–12 hours.
Peatfield et al10 6† To compare RWH and 1. 5 mL/kg of Valpolicella and 1. RWH happened in 10 out of 12
blood levels of PST-P Chianti were given 2 weeks apart. participants.
and -M after ingestion of 2. Blood levels were collected 2 and 2. No difference was seen between
2 types of red wine. 3 hours after wine ingestion. wine types.
3. PST-P significantly decreased
after 2 hours compared to PST-M
after a total period of 120 minutes, patients were dis- Valpolicella wines are generally composed of 3
charged and oriented to return 1 week later, main- red-wine grape varieties grown in the Veneto region,
taining the same fasting time. All 12 patients of the Italy’s northeast. Corvina, Rondinella, and
presented a headache within 2 hours35 (Table 1). Molinara grapes are the trio primarily constituting
The second step of the study was performed with the blend, but Valpolicella DOC (Denominazione di
the same 12 patients, who were randomized to take Origine Controllata) also allows for up to 15% of
one capsule of 650 mg ASA or 500 mg acetamino- other red-wine varieties grown in the province of
phen or 400 mg ibuprofen or placebo and 180 mL of Verona, including Rossignola, Negrara Trentina,
red wine after 60 minutes. None of the patients receiv- Barbera, and Sangiovese.36 The Corvina plays the
ing an active drug developed a headache within 2 starring role in Valpolicella (up to 75%) and is
hours contrarily to the 2 patients who received regarded as the blend’s central element. It is known
placebo. Two of the 4 patients who received acet- more for its acidity and sour-cherry flavors than for its
aminophen developed a headache within 6-12 hours depth. The Rondinella grape, used primarily to add
after the red wine ingestion (Table 1). color and body to the blend (up to 35%), offers some
Peatfield et al tried to compare the headache trig- herbal notes and further accentuates the gentle
gering potential of two types of red wine.10 Testing spiciness of Corvina. Additional tannins and fresh
what the study authors nominated as wine-sensitive acid are provided by the grape Molinara, though it is
patients, the authors gave 5 mL/kg of Valpolicella and the least regarded of the three main grapes, and its
Chianti red wines to 6 migraineurs. Blood was col- use is on the decline.
lected immediately and after 2 and 3 hours. A head- The Chianti wine type refers to any wine pro-
ache attack developed on 10 of the 12 occasions, but duced in the Chianti region of central Tuscany. It is
no difference was found between wine types. Platelet composed of 70% Sangiovese, 15% Canaiolo, and up
PST type P was significantly decreased when com- to 20% Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, or Shiraz.37
pared to PST type M, after 2 hours on all occasions Theoretically, sangiovese wines have more tannins
(Table 1). than Valpolicella wines, but in truth its content is
Headache 971
Table 2.—Personal Experience on the Relationship Between Wine Consumption and Headaches
Krymchantowski 40 To assess the prevalence of headaches 375 mL of red wines were given Rates of migraine were
and Jevoux39 within 12 hours of consuming different† at least 4 days apart 1. Tannat = 51.7%
South American red wines 2. Malbec = 48.2%
3. CS < 30%
4. Merlot < 30%
Krymchantowski 28 To assess the prevalence of headaches 375 mL of different CS were Rates of migraine were
and Jevoux49 within 12 hours of consuming CS from given at least 4 days apart 1. French CS = 60.9%
France and from South America 2. South American
CS = 39.1% (P < .001)
which devastated the vineyards, Malbec was out, and any headache attack within 12 hours had to
replanted and continued to be popular in that area be reported. No other alcohol source and no more
where it was mixed with Merlot and Tannat to make than 375 mL were allowed during the study.
dark, full-bodied wines, and more recently has been Twenty-three patients (13 women and 10 men)
made into 100% Malbec varietal wines.47 In Argen- completed the study. French wine ingestion triggered
tina, Malbec becomes softer with a plusher texture a migraine attack more often than reporting in the
and riper tannins. The wines tend to have juicy fruit South American wines (Table 2). Four patients had
notes with violet aromas. Malbec grown in the state of no attacks, and 4 patients presented attacks with both
Washington tends to be characterized by dark fruit wines. Five patients reported a migraine attack after
notes and herbal aromas.44,46 the South American Cabernet but not with the
We then studied the potential for triggering French Cabernet. None of the patients from the last 2
migraine attacks between Cabernet Sauvignons from studies had a headache attack not fulfilling migraine
France and South America.48 French Bordeaux from after the wine ingestions.
the left margin of the Gironde River are richer in Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the world’s most
tannins because they have a minimum of 75% widely recognized red wine grape varieties. It is
Cabernet Sauvignon grapes.They usually are complex grown in nearly every major wine producing country
and very good wines with a high potential from aging. among a diverse spectrum of climates. This grape
Cabernet Sauvignons from South America have also became internationally recognized through its promi-
improved in quality in recent years. nence in Bordeaux wines where it is often blended
In a study the authors of this review article con- with Merlot and Cabernet Franc in amounts varying
ducted, we evaluated 28 regular patients (14 women with the region in which it is produced. Although well
and 14 men, ages 25 to 67 years, mean 54.5) from the known among wine producers and consumers, the
Headache Center of Rio under various preventive Cabernet Sauvignon is relatively new, representing a
treatments, who were also self-considered wine drink- chance crossing between Cabernet Franc and
ers and reported a clear-cut relationship between Sauvignon Blanc during the 17th century in south-
wine intake and a headache attack. They were all western France.49,50
migraineurs according to the ICHD-II.40 The patients The Cabernet Sauvignon is a very small grape
took two half bottles of any French and any South with a thick skin, creating a high 1:12 ratio of seed to
American Cabernet Sauvignons (minimum 4 days fruit.50-52 This results in the high proportions of
between wines). French wines had to be from the phenols and tannins observed in this wine, especially
Medoc or Haut Medoc regions, specified in the bottle if the must is subjected to long periods of maceration
label. A detailed headache calendar had to be filled (skin contact) before fermentation. In Bordeaux, the
Headache 973
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