Eng 324 Mythology and Folklore
Eng 324 Mythology and Folklore
Eng 324 Mythology and Folklore
Second Semester 2020– 2021
Vision: CFCST: haven of intellectuals in 2023
Mission: CFCST shall endeavor to be a potent vehicle in uplifting the socio-economic status of its clientele and neighboring communities through the provision of custodial care services, access to
education and relevant training in science and technology.
Core Values: Culture-Sensitive; Adherent to Laws; Relevant and Responsive; Efficient and Effective; and Spiritually-oriented (CARES)
A. become pedagogically, technically, and content knowledge oriented teachers in their field of specialization;
B. pursue higher/post graduate education; and
C. become culture-sensitive and spiritually-oriented teachers in the practice of the teaching profession.
Course Outcome
After completion of the course, the students should be able to: PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8
CO1 Identify the various gods, goddesses, heroes, and other characters discussed in the stories and what roles do they have D P P D P D D D
in the history and civilization of man;
CO2 Analyze archetypes on stories discussed; D D P D D D D D
CO3 Defend the idea that myths and folklores reflect the lives of people from different cultures and lifestyles. D D D D D D D D
I – Introduce, P – Practice, D-Demonstrate
COURSE OUTLINE AND TIME FRAME (3 hours a week, 54 hours)
Week 1 Definition of Mythology and Folklore
3 hours Archetypes
Archetypal Characters
Archetypal Storyline
Archetypal Pattern
Week 2-3 The Greek and Roman Mythology
6 hours The Creation
The Greek Gods and Goddesses
The Earliest Heroes
The Origin of Mankind
o Cupid and Psyche
o 12 labors of Heracles
o Trojan War
o Aeneas, Founder of Rome
o Legend of Arakan
o Legend of Mt. SInaka
o The Tinanan River
o Other Arakeño Folktales
Week 11-13 Asian Mythology
9 hours The Descent of Inanna
Ishtar and the Seven Veils
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Ahura Mazda and Ahriman
The Hindu Pantheon
The Ramayana
Pangu and the Creation of the World
The Adventures of the Monkey King
Izanagi and Izanami
Susanoo and Amaterasu
The Legendary Foundation of Korea
Week 14 American Mythology
3 hours Cherokee Creation
The Spider Woman
Hunahpu and Xbalanque, the Hero Twins
Legend of the Five Suns
Viracocha the Creator
Week 15 Jewish Mythology
3 hours In the Beginning
Seraphim, Cherubim, and Nephilim
Abraham, Primal Father of Arabs and Jews
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
Week 16-17 African and Oceanian Mythology
6 hours The Dogon Cosmos
Ananse the Spider
Learning Plan
Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/ Teaching and Assessment Task Resource Time Table
Outcomes(DLO) Subject matter References Learning (ATs) Materials (54 hours)
Activities (TLAs) Theory Based Practice Based Assessment
At the end of the chapter, the Definition of Mythology The Mythology Book.
students must have: and Folklore Dorling Kindersley Week 1
CO1, CO3 Archetypes Limited: Penguin Discussion Summative test Every after Book 3hours
a. Define mythology Archetypal Random House. ISBN: the Chapter PDF Files
and folklore Characters 978-0-2413-0191-3 Group activity Recitation PPT
b. Differentiate Archetypal Reflection
archetypes and motifs Storyline Mythology: Timeless Paper
c. identify common Archetypal Pattern Tales of Gods and
archetypes on Motif Heroes. Hamilton, Edith.
character, storyline, Folktales Grand Central Publishing
and pattern Fairytales
d. Discuss folktales, Legend Myths and Legends.
fairytales, legend, and Fable Miles Kelly. Miles Kelly
fable Publishing Ltd. ISBN:
CO1, CO2, CO3 The Greek and Roman The Mythology Book.
a. Familiarize the concept of Mythology Dorling Kindersley Discussion Summative test Every after Book Week 2-3
creation of cosmos and man. The Creation Limited: Penguin the Chapter PDF Files 6hours
b. Identify the gods and Titanomachy Random House. ISBN: Oral Presentation Recitation PPT
goddesses of Greek and The Greek Gods 978-0-2413-0191-3
Roman pantheon and Goddesses Reflection
c. Define the meaning of hero The Earliest Mythology: Timeless Paper
in mythology Heroes Tales of Gods and
c. Analyze archetypes and The Origin of Heroes. Hamilton, Edith.
themes in Greek tales Mankind Grand Central Publishing
Cupid and Psyche Myths and Legends.
12 labors of Miles Kelly. Miles Kelly
Heracles Publishing Ltd. ISBN:
Trojan War 978-1-78617-939-5
Aeneas, Founder
of Rome Classical Mythology A to
Z: An Encyclopedia of
Gods & Goddesses,
Heroes & Heroines,
Nymphs, Spirits
Monsters, and Places.
Annette Giesecke. Black
Dog & Leventhal. ISBN:
CO1, CO2, CO3 Germanic and Norse The Mythology Book.
a. Compare and contrast the Mythology Dorling Kindersley
difference between Norse The Creation Limited: Penguin Week 4-5
and Greek mythology The World Tree Random House. ISBN: Oral Presentation Summative test Every after Book 6 hours
The Norse Gods 978-0-2413-0191-3 the Chapter PDF Files
b. Identify the principal and Goddesses Recitation PPT
deities of Norse pantheon The Treasures of Mythology: Timeless
Gods Tales of Gods and Forum Discussion Reflection
c. Analyze archetypes and Thor and Loki in Heroes. Hamilton, Edith. Paper
themes in Norse Jotunheim Grand Central Publishing
mythology Death of Baldur
Ragnarok, The Myths and Legends.
Twilight of the Miles Kelly. Miles Kelly
goddesses of Egyptian The Night Bark and 978-0-2413-0191-3 the Chapter PDF Files 3 hours
pantheon Secret Name of Ra Recitation PPT
c. Express identifies themes in Osiris and the Myths and Legends.
complete sentences Underworld Miles Kelly. Miles Kelly Discussion Reflection
d. Analyze archetypes in Publishing Ltd. ISBN: Paper
Egyptian myth 978-1-78617-939-5 Review
Classical Mythology A to
Z: An Encyclopedia of
Gods & Goddesses,
Heroes & Heroines,
Nymphs, Spirits
Monsters, and Places.
Annette Giesecke. Black
Dog & Leventhal. ISBN:
CO1, CO2, CO3 Philippine Mythology Arakan: Where Rivers
Creation (Tagalog, Speak of the Manobo’s
a. Review the Philippine Bilaan, and Living Dreams. Davao
creation myth Manobo) City Kaliwat Theatre Oral Presentation Summative test Every after Book Week 9-10
b. Familiarize the deities The Gods and Collective, Inc. 1996. the Chapter PDF Files 6hours
of Philippine Goddesses Brainstorming PPT
pantheon The Diwatas Deities of Local Reflection
c. Analyze the o Maria Makiling Philippine Mythology. Forum Discussion Paper
archetypes and o Maria Sinukuan (Lahi.ph)
themes in Philippine o Maria Cacao
myth Philippine Urban
Philippine Urban
d. Appreciate the Legends.
concepts of Arakan (Esquiremag.ph)
Arakan Folklore
folk literature
o Legend of Arakan
o Legend of Mt.
o The Tinanan River
o Other Arakeño
Form No. : FM -DPM- CFCST PRS—01
Issue Status 01
Revision No. 00
Date Effective : 30 September, 2017
Approved by : President
Republic of the Philippines
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax No. (064) 577-1343
email address [email protected] website: www.cfcst.edu.ph
CO1, CO2, CO3 Asian Mythology The Mythology Book.
1. Recognize parallelism The Descent of Dorling Kindersley
within Asian Inanna Limited: Penguin Week 11-13
mythologies. Ishtar and the Random House. ISBN: Oral Presentation Summative test Every after Book 9 hours
Seven Veils 978-0-2413-0191-3 the Chapter PDF Files
2. Identify Asian The Epic of Recitation PPT
mythological persona Gilgamesh Myths and Legends.
Ahura Mazda and Miles Kelly. Miles Kelly Forum Discussion Reflection
3. Discuss literary Ahriman Publishing Ltd. ISBN: Paper
development of Asia The Hindu 978-1-78617-939-5
through its myths Pantheon
Ganesha Classical Mythology A to
4. Analyze archetypes The Ramayana Z: An Encyclopedia of
and themes in Asian Gods & Goddesses,
Pangu and the
myths Heroes & Heroines,
Creation of the
Nymphs, Spirits
Monsters, and Places.
The Adventures of
Annette Giesecke. Black
the Monkey King
Dog & Leventhal. ISBN:
Izanagi and 978-0762470013
Susanoo and
The Legendary
Foundation of
CO1, CO2, CO3 American Mythology The Mythology Book.
a. Familiarize with the Cherokee Creation Dorling Kindersley
American creation myth The Spider Limited: Penguin
Woman Random House. ISBN: Oral Presentation Summative test Every after Book Week 14
b. Identify principal characters Hunahpu and 978-0-2413-0191-3 the Chapter PDF Files 3 hours
in American mythology Xbalanque, the Recitation PPT
Hero Twins Myths and Legends.
c. Analyze archetypes and Legend of the Five Miles Kelly. Miles Kelly Forum Discussion Reflection
themes in American myths Suns Publishing Ltd. ISBN: Paper
Viracocha the 978-1-78617-939-5
Classical Mythology A to
Z: An Encyclopedia of
Gods & Goddesses,
Heroes & Heroines,
Nymphs, Spirits
Monsters, and Places.
Annette Giesecke. Black
Dog & Leventhal. ISBN:
CO1, CO2, CO3 Jewish Mythology The Mythology Book.
a. Compare and contrast In the Beginning Dorling Kindersley
Jewish mythology and Lilith Limited: Penguin
Christian and Islamic stories Seraphim, Cherubim, Random House. ISBN: Oral Presentation Summative test Every after Book Week 15
of creation and Nephilim 978-0-2413-0191-3 the Chapter PDF Files 3 hours
Abraham, Primal Recitation PPT
b. Familiarize principal Father of Arabs and Myths and Legends.
persona in Jewish mythology Jews Miles Kelly. Miles Kelly Forum Discussion Reflection
King Solomon and the Publishing Ltd. ISBN: Paper
c. Analyze archetypes and Queen of Sheba 978-1-78617-939-5
themes in Jewish myths
Classical Mythology A to
Z: An Encyclopedia of
Gods & Goddesses,
Heroes & Heroines,
Nymphs, Spirits
Monsters, and Places.
Annette Giesecke. Black
Dog & Leventhal. ISBN:
CO1, CO2, CO3 African and Oceanian The Mythology Book.
a. Identify principal persona I Mythology Dorling Kindersley
FINAL TERM EXAMINATION e.g. Multiple e.g. Test paper, Week ___
Suggested Readings and References The Mythology Book. Dorling Kindersley Limited: Penguin Random House. ISBN: 978-0-2413-0191-3
Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes. Hamilton, Edith. Grand Central Publishing
Myths and Legends. Miles Kelly. Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-78617-939-5
Classical Mythology A to Z: An Encyclopedia of Gods & Goddesses, Heroes & Heroines, Nymphs, Spirits Monsters, and Places. Annette
Giesecke. Black Dog & Leventhal. ISBN: 978-0762470013
Arakan: Where Rivers Speak of the Manobo’s Living Dreams. Davao City Kaliwat Theatre Collective, Inc. 1996.
Course Requirements a. Research work and assignment
b. On-time submission of written exercises /Worksheets
c. Virtual Pageant of Deities;
d. Portfolio (Includes PPT screenshots of report, Mythopoeia, reflective essays and photos during virtual of pageant deities)
Grading System Following the Quality Policy Manual of the College of Education, the grading system below shall be used:
Submitted by:
Course Instructor