Server Side PDF
Server Side PDF
Server Side PDF
In the previous Block you have gone through the concepts related to web
programming languages such as markup languages like HTML5, XML and
scripting languages like JavaScript etc. One common point about these
languages is that these languages are interpreted and executed by the browser
which results in display of web pages. When you access a web page the client
side script files are transferred from the web site which is hosted on a web
server to the client side through hypertext transfer protocol. But are these files
stored as similar files at the web server or they are generated with the help of a
programming language? Simply, if a web site displays standard HTML pages
to a client browser, the web server will either have those web pages as standard
HTML pages or these HTML pages will be created using a programming
language. The web sites where all the pages are in standard HTML are
sometimes referred to as static web sites. However, in practice static web sites
has limited uses and Web 2.0 web sites are more dynamic and interactive. This
means that the pages that may be created for a client may change as per the
need of the client, thus, you need some dynamism at the web server level too.
The languages that are used to create client pages at the server, based on clients
requirements may be categorized as the Server Side Scripting Languages.
Some of the common server side scripting languages are PHP, JSP,
SERVLET, ASP.NET, PYTHON and many more. In this Block, we have used
JSP as the server side scripting language.
This Block discusses about the server side scripting. It consists of four Units:
Unit 1 discusses the basic concepts relating to server side scripting. It explains
various enterprise level architectures, HTTP methods and the concept of web
Unit 2 explains the basic directives and elements of JSP. It also explains the
concepts of expressions, and some basic JSP objects.
Unit 3 focuses on exception handling using JSP and use of cookies and
sessions in the content of JSP. It also introduces the concept of managing
emails using JSP.
Unit 4 presents an example of JSP that uses JDBC and database drivers. It also
explains how you can connect to databases and develop applications involving
Unit Continues from Next Page
The Server Side
In the last Block you have gone through the concepts of client side scripting. A client
side script is executed by a browser and displayed as per the stated format. Such code
however, in general is static in nature. In order to create dynamic web sites you need
to use server side scripting.
This unit explains the concepts of server side scripting. It first defines the need of
server side scripting. It explains various types of client server architectural model that
are being used to develop flexible dynamic applications. This Unit also describes the
role of various HTTP methods which help in transfer of data from the client side to
the server side. It also explains the concept of request and response primitives that
may be needed in a client server system. Finally the unit explains the concept of a web
container with the help of an example.
This Unit thus, provides the basic information about the server side scripting. The
remaining three Units of this Block are devoted to one server side scripting language
JSP. Please remember that this block only introduces you to the server side scripting.
This is one area where tools and technologies are changing at a very rapid rate,
therefore, you must keep learning about web programming through suggested further
readings on the WWW.
Work with some of the HTTP methods.
define request and response primitives and their uses.
List the features of a web container
Internet and specially World Wide Web is a major phenomenon of the last two
decades. It was first proposed in a paper written by Sir Tim Berner-Lee in the year
1989. The WWW proposal by him was aimed at better communication and was based
on the concept of hypertext – a text that can be linked (called hyperlink) to other text
document. What should the basic requirements of WWW?
You must have visited WWW and would have visited many web sites. So just try to
identify what are the very basic requirements that might be needed for WWW. The
first and the foremost is the web address which is a unique address of a resource at a
website on WWW. This resource address is also called the Uniform Resource Locator
(URL). The second in this context would be a set of rules that allows transfer of the
resources (mostly files) from a website to the user. This set of rules was documented
as HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Thirdly, you must agree on some common
but simple computer language that allows consistent publishing of the contents (may
be in any spoken language). This common computer language is HyperText Markup
Language (HTML) which uses standard tags. Now, the question is how does a user
reach to a website and where does the website reside?
You as a user of WWW you need an Internet connection which should be running the
HTTP and TCP/IP protocols (recollect HTTP is the application layer protocol of
TCP/IP). You on your computer use a browser, type a website address which happens
to be a URL of a starting page(may be the default index page index.html) of the
website. The website responds by sending this page over the Internet and browser
interprets and displays this page for you. In the whole process, the browser at your
computer acts as a Client. The website obviously has to take the responsibility to
make sure that client gets the requested page, thus, serves the client. Thus, websites
are hosted on a Server. Since this server is of WWW commonly called web, the server
is called the Web Server. In effect, the basic architecture is the Client-Server
architecture. Figure 1 shows this architecture. Please note in the figure that there may
be many clients for a website.
The Internet
Figure 1: The Client-Server Model The Server Side
The implication of this architecture is that you can clearly identify three basic
components viz. the Client, the Internet cloud and the Server. The technologies of all
these three components can be enhanced separately as long as they follow the three
basic tenets, those are, the resources should be named using a standard (URL), a
standard communication protocol is used (HTTP) and the contents are transferred to
the client using a standard tagging language (HTML). Even all these standards over
the period of time can be enhanced, but for this purposes newer client and server
software needs to be created. You can relate these facts to development of newer
secure protocols like HTTPS, creation and enhancement of client side scripting
languages and CSS, and server side scripting technologies. The tremendous growth of
WWW in terms of technologies can, thus, be attributed to the simple, flexible
architecture and basic technologies.
Static Web pages: As discussed earlier a web page is accessed by the browser of a
client computer from the web server using the Internet. For the discussion here let us
ignore other client side scripting languages and just assume that web page has just
HTML and CSS. The question here is: Does the server stores the web page seen by
you exactly that is as HTML and CSS page? If the answer is YES, then the web site
designed by you is Static. Please note that a static web site in addition to HTML, CSS
can include images, audio, video content etc. You cannot interact with these static
web sites as the content is fixed (static). Every user of the web site will see the same
information on the web site. The web sites that were created in early stages of WWW
were Static. These web sites were useful in showing brochure like fixed content about
an organisation. Any changes or corrections in the content were made by the web
administrator that too occasionally. For editing, the web designer/administrator may
edit the static HTML pages or change images and their links on the HTML pages and
reload them on the web server. Some of early tools used for such editing included
Notepad which you can find in the accessories Menu of windows. You also needed
tools for editing images, audio and video etc. Some of the major task of these
designers was creating a web site layout, page linkages and creation of content and
presentation format for each web page. Even today some of the pages of your web
sites may be static in nature and may be designed using just HTML and CSS. A
elementary example of a static web page may be – a static result page that displays the
result of all the student in one page.
Dynamic Web pages: With the popularity of WWW, it was felt that the static web
sites were not flexible and lacked user interaction. User wanted that a web page
should display information as per his requirements. For example, you just need to be
shown only your result. This would require that a web page is created that asks for
your enrolment number and a password and displays your result to your browser only.
There can be many other forms of user interactions that were possible (please refer to
section on Web 2.0 in Block 1 Unit 1 of this Course). Thus, your web pages may
consist of JavaScript or Java Applet at the client side, as well as they may be created
at the server as per your interaction using rich set of server side languages and
database tools. However, all these programming activities must be completed in quick
time, such that you as a client do not have to unduly wait for information.
Today WWW consists of dynamic and interactive websites. A website can be made
dynamic using both the client-side and server-side scripting. On the client side many
technologies, like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSON, AJAX and many others, have
been developed. Some of these technologies have been studied by you in Block 1.
You must keep studying about these technologies form the WWW and keep updating
yourself. The client side scripting can be used to perform activities at the client site
that does not require information from the server. Some such activities may include
creating effects such as animations, simple games, changing display, and even
checking of information in forms that does not require checking at the server etc. The
client-side scripting not only helps in creating some visual effect on the client but also
reduces unnecessary communication between the client and server.
However, it is the Server-Side Scripting that has lead to major advances in website
design. The basic tenet of server side scripting is that to send a HTML file to a client
(browser), you need not store these files on the server as HTML files. Rather,
information can be collected from many sources including databases and HTML
document can be created and sent to the browser. This makes the websites very
dynamic as they can collect information and display formats as per the choices of the
clients. The input to server side script is the input obtained from the client. The server-
side script is executed at server using the resources of the servers. The final output is
created for a client and sent to it for display on the browser. Please note that server-
side scripting may generate different output for different browsers, if required. It
makes the process of creating web pages simple and programmable. Server side
scripting had helped in creating big e-commence based portals simpler to create and
deploy. Can you think of some basic usage of server-side scripting?
Some basic uses of server-side scripting include applications that require users to
login to system using a password. However, for such applications you also face
problems due to stateless nature of HTTP protocol. What does this stateless protocol
It simply means that your current request to a server cannot be related to previous
request as in HTTP server is not required to retain information about your previous
requests. Therefore, if you are performing a transaction that requires multiple
requests, you need to make sure that the information of previous requests is duly
recorded. Thus, you need to make special provisions such as creating cookies or
sessions that help in performing such tasks. Unit 3 of this Block explains these
concepts in more details. However, you should know that the concept of stateless
protocol is extremely useful for Internet as storing states take space and time, and
given the size of internet and its users it would have made Internet very slow.
Server-side scripting is also very useful in extracting information from the user, may
be with the help of a form or otherwise, and processing the information for some
useful purpose. Suppose, you are interested in opening a web based email account,
then you may fill up an account opening request form of an e-mail service provider
like gmail, yahoo mail, rediffmail, etc. When you are filling up the form and commit
some catchable mistake, client side JavaScript caches the error. However, once you
submit the form and still an error is encountered, like duplicate user name, it can only
be caught by the server-side script. As another example, consider that you are buying
some product on an e-commerce based website, the client side is expected to keep
track of your login information and present selections and sever need to maintain
detailed list of your selections during a session. Please note that in general, client side
scripts are less secure and are browser dependent. For secure applications, you should
use server-side scripting languages.
Server-side scripting is also useful when you want to use a database as a backend to a
web based application. Databases are normally stored on a database server which can
be directly connected to the web server. Such kind of application has been discussed
in the Unit 4 of this Block.
Finally, just some basic advice on when to use client-side scripting and when to use
server-side scripting? The answer is very simple – if a user interaction element of a
page can be processed without the need of any information from the web server, then
you use client-side scripts. It reduces the load on network traffic, but the client
hardware should be sufficiently fast to execute the client side script.
The Server Side
In the previous section, you have gone through the concept of client-server model of
computing. The model discussed in Figure 1, defines two simple portion where
computing is performed. The first one is the client, which performs the tasks such as
displaying a web page of an HTML document using CSS, running JavaScript,
performing data conversion on the client side, dealing with client side Graphical User
Interface display, communicating the data of the clients over the Internet to the server.
While on the server side data may be stored, updated, or retrieved from database, the
data may also be processed and a response may be sent to the client. Thus, the model
clearly identifies a Client and a Server.
The objective of such a model is to clearly the division of work providing a flexible
and scalable model of computing. This model provides flexibility in the sense that a
new client can be added to whole system without much effort. The client only needs
to know what server to access through the network and how. Now, consider a client-
server environment in which you initially had only single digit number of clients,
therefore, one single server was able to serve all the clients. However, the application
became popular and hundreds of clients joined. In order to serve these clients you may
need to deploy more servers. The important point here is that you can scale the
number of servers based on the requirements. Thus, client-server model is a scalable
model of computing.
As a client, you use the client tier to submit your request for a web page or some data.
The client tier also checks, if you have permission to access the requested data. In
case, user has the access permission, the requested information details are passed to
the server, where the server-tier programs services the request sent by you (as a
client). Once the requested data is available, then it is sent back to the client. Please
note that display of data on your client computer is processed by the client tier of the
web application.
The 2-tier client-server applications are useful for distribution of work, however, they
require complex client implementations and number of communications between the
client and servers. With the popularity of Internet new web application architecture
was developed called n-Tier architecture. One of the most common n-tier architecture
is 3-tier architecture. Figure 3 shows 3-tier architecture.
Presentation Layer/Tier: The presentation tier of the three tier architecture interfaces
with the client. The presentation tier is responsible for displaying the information to
the client as well as extracting information from the client. Technically, for a web
based application the presentation tier resides on the web server on request the
presentation layer displays interactive web pages in the browser of client computers.
Application Logic Layer/ Tier: This is also called the middle ware. This layer is
primarily responsible to provide business rules, sharable components of a web
application, access control etc. This layer shields the data layer from direct use of the
clients. This layer provides an interface between the presentation and data layer.
Data Layer/Tier: The data for a web application may be hosted on a database
management system or a file system. The data layer controls the integrity of data
residing on some data storage system. The application logic sends queries to data
layer which sends back the query results to the application logic layer.
The Server Side
An n-tier architecture in addition to the above three layers may have many more
application layers such as client presentation layer, entity class layer, persistence layer
etc. The more are the number of layers the more complex the system is, however,
more layers may bring better application flexibility.
In general, n-tier architectures results in more scalable, more secure (database access
is hidden) and better integrity based applications. However, they are more complex in
In the previous sub-section, you have gone through the concept of n-tier architecture.
In this section, we discuss an important architecture that is used by Java for web
application development. This architecture is known as Model-View-Controller
(MVC). This architecture can also be used for the development of a web application.
Figure 6 shows the component of web applications as per this architecture.
Sends updated
Model View
Display Information
The MVC architecture has three functional component of a web application that
communicates through a user as well as among them. The following are the basic
components of MVC architecture:
Model: In the context of MVC a Model defines the data model and its access controls.
The main role of this component is to represent data and perform updates on it as per
the defined rules. The main responsibility of this component is to accept user requests
and the data entered by the user and perform the necessary data related function.
View: The function of the view will be to accept the data from the Model and convert
it to form that can be seen be a user in a user friendly way. Thus, view is responsible
for displaying web pages for the user. Any change in the model should also change
the view. This can be achieved using two processes -
Push processes allows views to register with a model and change in the data
of the model result in pushing the current data to view.
Pull process requires the view to get data current data from the model when
Controller: A user may be allowed to interact with the web pages created by the View
component. This interaction may be in the form of selection of options of Menu, pull
down lists, check boxes etc., filling up data in text boxes etc. It is the controller which
accepts this data from the user and initiates suitable actions that should be carried out
by the models.
Let us explain the MVC with the help of an illustration as shown in figure 7. The Server Side
2) What is the need of Server side scripting? How is it different to client side
In this section we will explain about the basic features needed for the server
side scripting languages. As discussed in section1.2, purpose of server-side
scripting is program the response of a server to the client side requests.
Therefore, the input to server side scripting would be the interactive data input
sent by the client using a web browser, and the output is the displayable web
page which are displayed at the client’s browser.
The question that you need an answer is: What should be the elements of a
server side programming language? In order to answer this question, you need
to first look at the functions that may be performed by the server side scripting.
These are:
Some mechanism for accessing the data that has been transferred from
the client.
Creation of dynamic web pages in which server side scripting may
change the contents of a specific portion of a webpage
Processing of form data obtained from the client side, this data
sometimes may be used to store, update, and retrieve information from
the database. All these activities are performed by the server-side
Handling errors that may occur due to several reasons, such as database
access errors, data related errors, or other events.
Enforcing the data security and integrity and handling constraints.
Handling creation of sessions between client and server despite HTTP
is stateless protocol.
Creating output pages in a HTML or other client side language form.
Thus, server-side scripting requires extensive features on part of its tools. The Server Side
Some of the most popular server-side scripting languages include – ASP.NET, Scripting
PHP, JSP and SERVLETS, Perl and many more. There are a number of tools
that integrate complete web development environment including web servers.
Some such IDEs are Eclipse, NetBeans, and Visual Studio Express etc. A
detailed discussion on these tools is beyond the scope of this Unit. You will be
learning more about JSP in this Block. However, you may learn and use other
languages also as many of the concepts are of similar nature.
In the previous sections, you have been explained about the client-server architectures
and the features of the language required for web application development. In these
sections, you have been told that data from the client is passed to the server using a
protocol. In this section, we define some of the basic methods that make this
communication possible.
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the protocol that is used for WWW. HTTP is
an application level protocol. What is an application level protocol? Please find out
answer to this question from BCS041: Fundamentals of Computer Networks. Present
version that is in use is HTTP/1.1.
An interesting related work that has helped WWW immensely is the concept of
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). MIME is a standard that was
designed by an Internet Engineering Task Force Working Group. It was designed so
that you can include or attach multimedia contents such as pictures, audio, video etc.
and non-ASCII texts in your emails. The standard defines the way to represent and
encode such contents. MIME standard became very popular and now it is used to
describe content type for the Internet also. In the context of HTTP it defines the
format of data for transmission. Internet Media Types, also called MIME type, defines
the content type that is being transmitted over the Internet using HTTP or some other
protocols. Some of the examples of theses Internet Media Types are:
There is long list of all such types. You can refer to further readings for more details.
Now, the client computer knows the IP address of the web server, the path and the
resource name. It initiates the request using the HTTP methods such as GET (this is
explained in the next subsection). A request is initiated with the help of a message.
This message contains a head and a body. The format of the message is defined in the
RFC 2616. A detailed discussion on RFC 2616 is beyond the scope of this Unit. You
can read more about this document from one of the websites of RFC 2616 -
For example, for the requested IGNOU page, the request may look like the following
for the host
The message means that the request method is GET, the resource is results.jsp and the
path for that resource is student folder of the root directory. HTTP/1.1 informs the
host about the version of protocol.
Please note that a request for a resource should specify the host name, path, resource
name and the protocol version.
As far as response of the sent request is concerned the response will include several
messages that are sent in a sequence:
First the status code of the failure or success of the request along with the
protocol version is sent. For example, the response line that indicates success
of the request is: HTTP/1.1 200 ok. There are a number of status codes
(with small description). For more details on response code, you may refer to
RFC 2616.
As a second step a number of HTTP headers are sent to the clients. The
purpose of HTTP headers is to inform the client about the type of document
being sent such as text, graphics, etc. For more details, please refer to the RFC
2616 document.
Finally the resources requested by the client are sent. Please note that even a
single request may result in sending multiple resources to the client.
The Internet
Web Server
the server. These methods are - GET, POST, HEAD, etc. But before we The Server Side
discuss, about the specific methods let us identify some basic characteristics of Scripting
these methods.
Safe Methods: The methods that are only meant to retrieve information and not
make any change in the server of any kind are considered as safe methods.
GET and HEAD methods are safe methods.
GET method: The purpose of GET method is to retrieve the required sources
from the server. GET can also be used to communicate information to the
server as part of URL. For example, the in the practical lab manual of course
BCSL057, we have used the GET method to access the list of the students of a
course through a form. The following is the display of web page:
Thus, when you select Bachelor of Computer Application and press Submit button on
the form displayed in Figure 8, the action will be taken by the resource file
CourseStudentListProcess.jsp. The method that will be used will be GET method as
stated in the HTMLcode (…method="GET">). This will result in display of the web
page that displays the student list. From the point of view of our discussion, the actual
display of the student list is not important but the address line which is:
Please notice that after the resource name there is text ?ProgCode=BCA. This text is
passing additional information to the server that about a parameter called ProgCode
having the value BCA for Bachelor of Computer Applications. Thus, GET not only
passes the resource name but also several parameters that can be used by server to
refine information. For example, in the case above server may use the jsp file and
ProgCode information to find the information of BCA students only and send it back
to the client.
HEAD method: HEAD method is like the GET method only, the only difference
being that the only the headers are sent by the response and not the requested
POST method: POST is another important method used for passing data to the server.
However, in POST method data is passed inside a message and not as part of the URL
being sent. Consider the following filled in HTML form from the URL
http://localhost:8080/DatabaseApplcation/StudentInformationForm.jsp and displayed
in Figure 9.
There are several other request Methods, however, a detailed discussion on those
methods ares beyond the scope of this Unit. You may refer about them in the further
Mostly you would be using GET or POST methods while doing simple web
programming. You must be wondering which of the two would be better? GET has an
advantage that it is simple and safe, however, the maximum length of the string that
you can pass through a URL is fixed. POST on the other hand has an advantage that it
hides information as it is not displayed. Sometimes several hidden parameters are also
passed along with basic parameters, in such case you may like to use POST method.
In general, whenever you want that data should not be visible on URL you use POST
method. GET method is very useful when you are testing your applications, as you
clearly know the values of different parameters.
2) What is a request and response in the context of HTTP? What are its methods in
the context of a request?
3) How is GET different to POST? The Server Side
..................................................................................................................................... Scripting
In the last section we have discussed about the examples of GET and POST methods
of HTTP request. A HTTP request is for specific web resource form a web server,
generally, the HTML page, which should be sent as part of the response to the client.
Notice that in the example of GET and POST we have asked for a web resource which
have .jsp as a file extension which is a JSP file and not HTML file. How, does this
JSP file along with the parameters is converted to a desired dynamic response from
the web server to the client? This is the responsibility of the web container part of the
web server.
A web container is part of Java Enterprise Architecture. We will discuss only generic
information about Web Container. You can refer to more details from WWW or any
reference book on JSP and Servlets. A web container is part of a web server. It relates
a client request to a servlet that is to be executed in order to give a response to a
request. A Servlet is a Java Class that is executed on the server. Figure 10 shows the
basic functioning of a web container.
Some of the most common Web containers are Apache Tomcat, GlassFish, Eclipse
Virgo, JBOSS, WebLogic, WebSphere and so on.
This Unit introduces you to the concepts of server side scripting. The unit first defines
the server-side scripting and explains the basic terms used in this context. Client-
server architecture specifically n-tier architectures were explained. MVC architecture
is an important architecture for web application development. Model-View-Controller
defines the three important aspects of server side programming. The model defines the
data model, view defines the user view, and controller establishes the necessary
interaction between the two. In order to perform web programming you need to use a
language. This Unit list some of the basic features required in the server side scripting
languages. You may find the trends in server side scripting technologies from the
WWW or further readings. HTTP is the protocol that is used for WWW. The Unit also
discusses the request-response primitive of HTTP. It explains GET and POST
methods of client to server communication. Finally, the Unit defines the web
container and explains its need.
Static Web pages Dynamic Web pages
The web pages on server use Web pages use a server side
HTML and CSS, they can include language and/or database. They can
images, audio, video etc. also include images, audio, video
You cannot interact with static You can interact with these pages
web pages
Every user of the web site will see User may see the information of
the same information his/her choice
web sites were useful in showing Web based applications such as
brochure like fixed content Web 2.0 based applications
Changes or corrections in the Changes can be made in program, if
content were made by the web needed.
administrator that too occasionally
Editing would require reload of Changed program may be reloaded
content to web site.
Designing and maintenance of Designing and maintenance and
web site was very tedious security or web site is better
The Server Side
2 Server side scripting is required for dynamic web page environment. This script Scripting
can help you in designing flexible, maintainable and dynamic websites involving
databases. The client-side scripting is used when an interaction can be replied to
without any server interaction. Client side scripting is less secure than server side
scripting. Client side scripting cannot connect to a server database
4 In MVC architecture the view can directly be updated by the Model, however, in
the 3-tier architecture, the Data layer never interacts directly with the Presentation
Layer. The information is passed through the Application Logic layer.
1 The client side scripting languages are used for implementing functions that can
provide basic interactivity at client side. These functions do not need any support
of the server. For example, checking whether information in a form has been
filled up, format of data entered is correct, while server side scripting is used to
provide features from the server, for example, client side scripting cannot check
the availability of a user name, it has to be checked using server side scripting.
Server side scripting is safer and very useful when dynamic web pages are to be
designed using database. Client-side scripting is browser dependent whereas serve
scripts are run at web server and are generally independent of the browser. Server
side scripting is very useful in making maintainable websites. Server side
scripting languages include PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, Java Server Pages
2 Request and response are messages send in HTTP protocol. Request primarily is
used by client to ask for resource specified using the URL. Response is given by
the web server on receiving a request. Response may include either the resource
requested or the error messages. The methods are used as part of request to
include additional information or parameters for the server.
3 GET passes the parameters by appending them with the URL, whereas, POST
puts them in the message body. POST is preferred over GET, when you want that
information should not be seen along URL. GET is preferred when testing an
Check Your Progress 3:
1 A web container is used for translation, if needed, of the server side script like JSP
into a servlet. In addition, the web container also decides which servlets are to be
invoked in order to respond to user request passed to it.
2 Some of the web containers are Apache Tomcat, GlassFish, Eclipse Virgo,
JBOSS, WebLogic, WebSphere etc.
"MIME: Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions" written by "Nathaniel S. Borenstein"
UNIT 2 JSP - Basics
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Objective
2.2 JSP: An Introduction
2.3 JSP Life Cycle
2.4 Elements of JSP
2.4.1 Directives
2.4.2 Scripting
2.4.3 Action Elements
2.5 Comments and Template Data
2.6 JSP Implicit Object
2.6.1 request
2.6.2 response
2.6.3 session
2.6.4 application
2.6.5 page
2.6.6 pageContext
2.6.7 out
2.6.8 config
2.6.9 exception
2.7 Complete Example
2.8 Summary
2.9 Solutions/Answers
2.10 Further Readings
2.0 Introduction
In the previous block, you have learned that how to create HTML web pages. The simple
HTML pages are static pages. Java Server Pages are simple but powerful technology used to
generate dynamic web pages. Dynamic web pages are different from static web pages in that
web server will create a web page when it is requested by a client or user. For example, your
online results on IGNOU website, the page for every student instead IGNOU web server
dynamically creates a page depending on your enrolment number.
JSP was released in 1999 by SUN Microsystems. JSP is a technology for developing web
pages. JSP is similar to PHP and ASP, but it uses the Java programming language. It follows
the characteristics of Java ‘write once and run anywhere'. JSP enables you to add dynamically
generated content with static html. In addition to html, JSP page are built using different
components viz., directives, scripting elements, standard actions and implicit objects. This
unit covers how to create a JSP page. It also provides a basic understanding of Java Bean,
custom tag and life cycle of Java Server Page.
2.1 Objectives
use JSP to create simple dynamic web pages
define the JSP page life cycle
use directives, scripting tags and JSP action elements in a JSP page
access Java Bean within JSP page
create a custom tag
forward request from JSP page to other resource
use JSP implicit objects
2.2 JSP: An Introduction
Java Server Pages (JSP) is a web technology that helps software developers to create dynamic
content based web pages. Unlike a plain HTML page, which contains static content that
always remains the same but in JSP; you can change content dynamically with the help of
Java Bean and JSP elements. JSP is an extension of Java Servlet because it provides more
functionality than servlet.
Servlet are server side components that services requests from a web server. It is basically a
Java class that runs on a server. Servlet technology is used to create web application. It uses
the Java language. It is runs inside the Java Virtual Machine. Two packages such as
javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http are required for writing a servlet. These two packages
make up the servlet architecture. The javax.servlet package contains the classes and interfaces
that are implemented and extended by all the servlets. Other package javax.servlet.http
contains classes that are required when creating a HTTP specific servlet. All servlets must
implement the Servlet interface, which defines life-cycle methods. The Servlet interface
defines the three most important methods such as init(), service() and destroy() method.
Servlet also possesses all the Java features such as platform independence, high portability,
security and Java database connectivity.
Servlet is very useful for writing server side code but it suffer from some disadvantages. In
particular, writing HTML code with plenty of out.println() statements (println() is a method
of system.out object to display string which is passed to it), it is very tedious and error prone
and also software developers has to take on dual roles of developing application logic and
designing web pages. JSP is designed to address these disadvantages.
A Java Server Page contains HTML tags as well as JSP elements. The JSP elements are basic
building blocks of the page. The JSP elements are easier
to maintain than the servlet. A JSP page contains a very
Web Servers are
simple structure that makes it easy for developers to write computers that using
JSP code and also easy for servlet engine to translate the client/server model
page into a corresponding servlet. In addition to html and connected to
tags, a JSP page consists of directives, scripting elements, internet for serving
scriptlets and action elements. Each of these elements can web pages.
use either JSP syntax or they can be expressed in XML
syntax but you cannot intermix the two. For this problem,
you can use the include mechanism to insert file that may use different syntax.
The Java Server Pages has more advantages over the servlet which are as follows:
It allows programmers to insert the Java code directly into the JSP file that makes the
development process easier.
JSP support element based dynamic content that allows programmers to develop
custom tags libraries to satisfy application needs.
Content and display logic are separated
JSP pages can be used in conjunction with servlet that handle business logic.
The file extension for the source file of a JSP page is .jsp. The following code contains a
simple example of a JSP page:
You can see the above program which looks like any other HTML page with some added JSP
elements that allow the server to insert dynamic content in the page. When client send a
request for a JSP page, the server executes a JSP page elements merges with static contents
and sends the dynamically page back to the client browser, as illustrated in Figure-1.
The JSP technology is based on JSP API (Application Programming Interface) that consists
of two packages i.e. javax.servlet.jsp and javax.servlet.jsp.tagext packages. In addition to
these two packages, JSP also needs two packages of servlet such as javax.servlet and
javax.servlet.http. Apart from these interfaces and classes, the two exception classes:
JspException and JspError are also defined in JSP API. The javax.servlet.jsp package has two
interfaces such as HttpJspPage and JspPage and four classes: JspEngineInfo,
JspFactory,JspWriter and PageContext. The jspInit() and jspDestroy() methods are defined in
JspPage interface and _jspService() method is in HttpJspPage interface. The
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext contains classes and interfaces for the definition of Java Server Pages
Tag Libraries.
2.3 JSP Life Cycle
In this section, you will go through the life cycle of JSP and see how a JSP page is displayed.
When the JSP is first accessed, it is translated into corresponding servlet (i.e. java class) and
compiled, then JSP page services request as a servlet. The translation of JSP page is done by
the JSP engine of the underlying web container/servlet container (e.g. Tomcat). Figure-3
shows that how a JSP page is processed.
The life cycle of JSP page is controlled by three methods i.e. jspInit(), _jspService() and
jspInit() - The jspInit() method is called only once during life cycle of a JSP, similarly,
servlet also have an init() method whose purpose is same as that of jspInit(). jspInit() method
is used to initialize objects and variables that are used throughout the life cycle of JSP. This
method is defined in JspPage interface. This method is invoked when the JSP page is
initialized. It has no parameters, return no value and thrown no exceptions. The signature of
the method is as follows:
_jspService() – _jspService() is the method which is called every time the JSP page is
requested to serve a request. This method is defined in the javax.servlet.jsp.HttpJspPage
interface. This method takes HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects as an
arguments. The _jspService() method corresponds to the body of the JSP page. It is defined
automatically by the processor and should never be redefined by you. It returns no value. The
underscore (‘_’) signifies that you cannot override this method. The signature of the method
is as follows:
Check Your Progress 1
1. Explain the term JSP.
2. What are the advantages of JSP over Servlet?
3. Describe the _jspService() method.
4. Write the basic steps for processing JSP request.
5. Explain the life cycle of JSP.
2.4.1 Directives
Directives are used as guiding the JSP container for translating and compilation of JSP page.
It appears at the top of the page. Using directives, the container translate a JSP page into
corresponding servlet. They do not directly produce any output. A directive contains one or
more attribute name/value pairs. Directives are defined by using <%@ and %> tags.
Directives have the following syntax:
JSP element
<%@ directive attribute = “value” %> and attributes
name are
You can write XML equivalent of the above syntax as follows: case-sensitive.
There are three types of directives currently used in JSP document: page, include and taglib.
Each one of these directives and their attributes are defined in following sections:
page Directive
The page Directive is used to specify the attributes of JSP page such as declaration of other
resources i.e. classes and packages, page buffering requirements and name of page that
should be used to report run time errors, if any. The page Directive is a JSP element that
provides global information about an entire JSP page. This information will directly affect the
compilation of the JSP document. Following is the syntax of page directive:
The page directive contains many attributes, you can set these attributes. The attribute may
be one or more of the following:
Attribute Description
language=”scripting language” This attribute define the language that will be used to compile
the JSP document. By default, it is java language.
import=”import list” This attribute defines the names of packages.
session=”true|false” It specifies whether or not the JSP document participate in HTTP
session. The default is true.
extends=”classname” This attribute define the name of parent class that will be
inherited by generated servlet. It is rarely used.
buffer=”none|size in kb” The default value is 8kb. It specifies the size of out buffer.
autoFlush=”true|false” The default is true. It means that the out buffer will be
automatically flushed when full. If it is false, it will be raised
an exception when buffer is full.
Info=’text” If this attribute is used, the servlets will override the
getServletInfo() method.
errorPage=”error_page_url” This attribute defined the relative URL to JSP document that will
handle exception.
isErrorPage=”true|false” This attribute indicates whether the current page can act as an
error page for another JSP page. The default is false.
isThreadSafe=”true|false” The default value is true. It indicates that the page can service
more than request at a time. When it is false, the
SingleThreadModel is used.
This page directive instructs the web container to import package and java.util.Date
class. It also instructs the web container to set buffer size to 16k and turn off autoflushing.
You can specify multiple page directives in your JSP document, such as the following:
In the above examples of page directives, the first directive statement tells the web container
to import java.util.Date class and to set information about the JSP page which is retrieved by
getServletInfo() method. The value of the info attribute will be a text string. The second page
directive statement define a name of error page which is used for handling errors and set the
buffer size in 16 kb.
include Directive
Include directive is an important JSP directive. This is used to insert text and code in the form
of file such as html, JSP into a current JSP document at the translation time. It means that it
enables you to import the content of another static file into a current JSP page. This directive
can appear anywhere in a JSP document. The syntax of include directive is as follows:
For example: The following example will demonstrate the physical inclusion of header file.
In this way, you can create a single header file only once and use it many times for your
taglib Directive
As yet, you have learned the basic elements of JSP. In this section, you will learn about the
creation of custom tag libraries in Java Server Pages.
A custom tag is user defined tag. It is a reusable code in a JSP page and tag library is a
collection of custom tags.
Custom Tag Syntax -
To use the customs tags in a JSP page, JSP technology provide a taglib directive to make use
of the tag. The taglib directive has the following syntax:
The uri attribute defines an absolute or relative uri of tag library descriptor (TLD) file and the
prefix attribute defines the string that will identify a custom tag instance.
To use customs tags in a JSP page, you need to know four components that make use of the
custom tags. These are:
It is a java class that defines the behaviour of the tags. This class must implement the
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext package.
A tag library descriptor file is an xml document. It defines a tag library and its tags. The file
extension of this file is .tld. It contains one <taglib> root element and <tlibversion>,
<jspversion>, <shortname> tag are sub elements of the taglib element. The tag is the most
important element in TLD file because it specifies the name of the tag and class name of the
tag. You can define more than one tag element in the same TLD file.
The deployment descriptor is an xml file that specifies the configuration details of the tag.
The most important element for custom tag in web.xml file is <taglib-location>. Using the
web.xml, the JSP container can find the name and location of the TLD file.
A JSP file -
Once, you have created tag handler java class, a tag descriptor file and define configuration
details in deployment descriptor file and then you have to write a JSP file that makes use of
the custom tag.
Here are some steps for generating a simple custom tag. Now, follows the following five easy
Step-1: write and compile a java class called which is given in following
program source. The class file must be placed in the directory say ‘customTag’ under the
WEB-INF/classes directory.
package customTag;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*; Uniform Resource
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*; Name (URN) is used
public class MyCustomTag extends TagSupport { to identify a resource
independent of its
public int doEndTag() throws JspException { location. It is subset
JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); of URI. It does not
try { out.println("Hello from custom tag"); } include protocol. For
catch(Exception e) {} Ex. ISBN no. which
return super.doEndTag(); is used to uniquely
identify a book.
} //main class
Step-2: Create a TLD file named taglib.tld as shown in following program source and save it
in WEB-INF directory.
<!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library
1.2//EN" "">
<short-name></short-name> <tag> <name>myTag</name>
<tagclass>customTag.MyCustomTag</tagclass></tag> </taglib>
Step-3: Create a JSP file named CustomTag.jsp that contains the following code:
Step-4: Place the following code in web.xml under the <web-app> root element.
<taglib> <taglib-uri> /myTLD </taglib-uri>
<taglib-location>/WEB-INF/taglib.tld </taglib-location>
Step-5: Start server say Tomcat (if you are using this). Open web browser and run the JSP
page. The following screen comes as an output for a simple custom tag.
Figure 6: A simple JSP Custom Tag page
When the user requests the JSP page, the JSP container first sees the taglib directive and gets
the taglib uri. On the basis of this, JSP container looks into the web.xml file to find taglib
location and continues the processing and get the name of tag. After getting the name and
location of TLD file, it obtains the java class. Now, the JSP container loads the class for
custom tag and continues the processing.
2.4.2 Scripting Elements
Scripting elements allow you to insert java code fragments directly into an HTML page. You
can specify three ways to include java code into your JSP document, such as declarations,
expression and scriptlets. Each of these scripting elements has an appropriate location in the
generated servlet. These are discussed in more detail in following sections:
As its name implies, declarations are used to declare the variables and methods that can be
used in the JSP document. The declaration part is initialized when the JSP document is
initialized. After the initialization, they are available to other expressions, declaration and
scriptlets. A declaration is start with a <%! and end with a %>. The syntax of the declaration
is as follows:
When the above code is automatically compiled and converted from JSP code to servlet, the
declaration part of JSP page is included in the declaration section of the generated servlet.
The first declaration statement is used to defined a variable as string type with initial value
‘SOCIS’ and second statement is defined a string type method named ‘getName()’.
An Expression is an instruction to the web container to execute the code within the
expression and to display the resulting data at the expression’s referenced position in the JSP
document. Expressions are evaluated at request time i.e. run time. The syntax of the
expression is as follows:
For example, to show the current date and time: Translation time
is the portion of
<%= new java.util.Date() %> time when the
JSP engine is
translating &
Consider another example: compiling the
JSP file.
<%! String name = new String("SOCIS"); %>
<%! public String getName() { return name; } %>
Hello <b><%= getName()%></b><br/><%= new java.util.Date() %>
When the above code is complied and converted to servlet code and then expression part is
placed in its referenced position of the generated servlets’ _jspService() method.
In scriptlets, all the scripting elements are brings together. It is executed at the request time
and makes use of declaration, expressions and JavaBeans. You can write scriptlets anywhere
in a page. It contains a valid java statements within the <% and %> tag and get inserted into
the _jspService() method of generated servlet.
The syntax of the scriptlet is as follows:
For example: The following example will demonstrate the number series from 1 to 3.
<html><body><p>Counting to 1- 3 :</p>
<% for (int i=1; i<=3; i++) {%><p>This number is <%= i %>.</p>
<% } %></body></html>
2.4.3 Actions Elements
Action elements (or standard actions) are tags that can be embedded in a JSP document. At
the compile time, they are replaced by java code.
Before going to start learning about how you can add Java Bean in JSP page, you must take a
look at what a bean is. A Java Bean is nothing more than a java class. It is reusable
component that work on any Java Virtual Machine. For the creation of Java Bean, you must
create a java class that implements interface and uses public get/set
methods to show its properties.
The first JSP standard action (identified by jsp prefix) is <jsp:useBean>. This action is used
to include an instance of java bean within java server pages. The syntax of the <jsp:useBean>
action is as follows:
<jsp:useBean id=”name”
scope=”page | request | session | application”
id It represents name of the object. This attribute is required.
scope It defined the scope of the object. It may be page, request, session or application.
This attribute is optional. By default, it is page.
Class This attribute represents the fully qualified class name of the object. The class
name is case sensitive.
type It specifies the type of object. The value of this attribute is equal to class, a super
class of class or an interface implemented by the class. If it is not specified then
same as class attribute.
beanName It is the name of bean.
The scope attribute of Java Bean means how long the object is available and if it is available
than only for a single user or all application users JSP provides different scope for sharing
data between web pages. These are:
Page - ‘page’ scope means, the JSP object can be accessed only from within the same
page where it is created. By default, it is page. JSP implicit objects out, exception,
response, pageContext, config and page have ‘page’ scope.
Request – The object is available to current JSP and to any JSP or Servlet that control
is forward to and included from. Only Implicit object request has the ‘request’ scope.
Session – JSP object is accessible from any JSP within the same session. Implicit
object session has the ‘session’ scope.
Application - JSP object is accessible from any JSP within the same web application.
Implicit object application has the ‘application’ scope.
This action is used to sets the Java Beans property value. The syntax for this action is as
property=”*” |
property=”propertyName” |
property=”propertyName” param=”parameterName” |
property=”propertyName” value=”propertyValue”
Following table contains the attributes of the <jsp: setProperty > action:
Attribute Description
name It represents name of the bean instance defined in <jsp:useBean> action.
property It specifies the name of property being set. This attribute is required. If it is an
asterisk (‘*’) then it is used to set all properties of bean. You can also specify the
specific bean property.
param This attribute represents the name of parameter.
value It specifies the value assigned to the named bean’s property.
Once you have defined a bean and given it a name using the <jsp:useBean> action. Now, you
can get the beans property values with another standard action <jsp:getProperty>. This action
is used to get the property value from a Java Beans and add to the response body. The syntax
for this action is as follows:
Following table contains the attributes of the <jsp: getProperty > action:
Attribute Description
name It represents name of the bean instance defined in <jsp:useBean> action.
property This attributes represents the specific property within bean.
Following is the simple Java Bean example that store student name.
Let’s create a Java Bean named and place class file under WEB-
INF/classes/bean1 directory.
package bean1;
public class student {
private String name;
public String getName() { return name;}
public void setName(String name) {;}}
Now, you can access the properties of the Java Bean from a JSP.
<jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="bean1.student" scope ="session" />
<jsp:setProperty name="myBean" property="name" value="Poonam" />
Welcome to this Unit, <jsp:getProperty name="myBean" property="name" />
, Please visit to get more.
You have learned the standard actions specific to a Java Bean. The remaining actions are
defined in the following sections. Using the following standard actions, you can dynamically
insert a resource into a current JSP page, forward the current request to another page or add
bean/applet in a page.
The <jsp:param> action tag defines the name/value pair of parameter to be passed to an
included or forwarded JSP document or a page that uses the <jsp:plugin> tag.
In the above syntax, name attribute defines the name of parameter being referenced and value
represents the value of named parameter.
JSP supports two types of include: static and dynamic. In the previous section, you have
already been studied the static include i.e. include directive. In static include, the content of
included JSP code is inserted into the including JSP (or current JSP Document) at the
translation time. After the content of included JSP is processed, the content included in JSP
file does not change until the included file is changed and server is restarted. While in
dynamic include, the content is included at the request time. This means that it is a
mechanism for including static as well as dynamic content in the current JSP document such
as static HTML, JSP or Servlet. This is done by <jsp:include> action element.
In the above syntax, page attribute defines the path of the resource to be included and flush
attribute indicates whether the buffer is flushed. It is an optional parameter. The first syntax is
used when <jsp:include> does not have a parameter name/value pair. If you want to pass the
parameter to the included resource, use the second syntax.
For example:
<html><head><title>Student Information</title></head><body>
<h2>JSP Include Example</h2><table><tr><td>
<jsp:include page="head.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="student" value="Poonam"/>
<jsp:param name="prg" value="BCA"/>
</td></tr><tr><td>Course Name:BCS-053</td></tr></table>
Source code for head.jsp file:
The <jsp:forward> action is used to terminates the current execution of JSP page and transfer
the control to the another JSP page within the same application. It may be static or dynamic
page or resource. It can be used with <jsp:param> tag. The <jsp:param> is used for providing
the values for parameters in the request to be used for forwarding.
For example:
Source code for head.jsp file is same as in the above <jsp:include> example. Enter the
following URL into your browser to see the result.
The <jsp:plugin> action element is used to insert java component such as Applets and
JavaBean in JSP page. The <jsp:param> is also used with action element to send parameters
to Applet or Bean. Following is the syntax of <jsp:plugin> action:
In the above syntax, type attribute indicates the type of plugin to include in JSP page, code
attribute represent the name of class file and codebase attribute is the path of where the code
attribute can be found.
Figure 12:plugin example
The <jsp:fallback> action is used only with the <jsp:plugin> action element. It provides
alternative text to the browser.
In this section, you will learn about the comments which is very necessary for developers to
understand the flow of program for further reference. It is explanatory information about the
function of code. Comments are very useful for any other developers also to maintaining or
enhancing the code. You will also learn how to use template data within your JSP page.
JSP Comments
Commenting is a part of good programming practice. Comments help in understanding what
is actually code doing. You can write comments in JSP like the following way:
This comments tag is used within a Java Server Page for documentation purpose. It tells the
JSP container to ignore the comment part from compilation, so it does not appear in the
resulting java code.
<!-- HTML comment --> This HTML comment is treated by JSP container as just like
another html tag. It is not a JSP comment. It can be viewed through the web browser’s "view
source" option.
/* java comment */ or // used inside the scriptlets tag is also not a JSP comment. This is
a java comment. This comments are not translated by JSP container and therefore do not
appear on the client side web document.
For example:
<%-- This is JSP comment – not visible in the page source --%>
<!-- This HTML Comment - visible only in the page source
<% out.println("Welcome in JSP World" ); %> -->
<% //This is single line comment under the scriptlet %>
<% /* out.println("This comment is used for multiple lines."); */ %>
Program output:
2.6 JSP Implicit Object
JSP Implicit objects are the java objects that are available for the use in JSP document to
developers and they can call them directly without being declared first. These objects are also
called predefined variables. These variables are parsed by JSP engine and inserted into
generated servlet as if you defined them yourself. These objects are used within the scriptlets
and expressions of the JSP page. These implicit objects are defined in the servlet
specification’s javax.servlet.http package, two are part of the JSP javax.servlet.jsp package
and some is in Java core API.
For example:
When you run this program, it looks for your name in the query and returns the value, if it is
found. Enter the following URL into your browser to see the result.
Figure 15: Example of Request Object
In the above program, getQueryString() method of request object is used to return the query
string from the request.
<% response.sendRedirect(“”);%>
When the above code is run in Tomcat server, the sendRedirect() method of the
javax.servlet.HttpServletResponse to redirect the user to a different URL. In this case, control
transfer to IGNOU website.
The pageContext object is an instance of javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext. It is used to represent
the entire JSP page. The pageContext object is used to set, get and remove attribute of the
JSP page.
It provides a single point of access to many of the page attribute such as directives
information, buffering information, errorPageURL and page scope. It is also provides a
convenient place to store shared data. This object stores references to the request and
response objects for each request. The PageContext class defines several fields, including
which identify the four scopes.
2.7 Complete Example
The following program displays a JSP login page which accepted login information from the
user and counts the number of times user visit the page.
<%@ page language="java" %>
<jsp:useBean id="counter" scope="session" class="bean1.visitCount" />
<jsp:setProperty name="counter" property="count" param="count" />
<footer><hr> © 2013 IGNOU</footer>
Visitor Count:
<jsp:getProperty name="counter" property="count" />
<%@ include file="header.html" %>
<form action="actionJsp.jsp">
<fieldset ><legend>Login Details</legend>
Username <input type="text" name="uname"/><br>
Password <input type="password" name="pwd"/> <br></fieldset>
<input type="submit" value="submit"> </form><br>
<jsp:include page="footer.jsp" />
Source code for actionJsp.jsp
<%@ include file="header.html" %>
<% // Get the User Name from the request
out.println("<b>User Name:</b>" + request.getParameter("uname"));
// Get the Password from the request
out.println("<b>Password:</b>" + request.getParameter("pwd")); %>
For storing and running the above programs, you can use the following steps. The following
steps are based on windows operating system. In lab manual block (BCSL057), the detailed
description of Netbeans with Web Server - Apache and Glassfish are given for creation and
deployment of JSP program. It is best practice to use IDE for web development. In this
section, you can go through the simple steps for running your JSP program using Apache
Tomcat without any IDE. You can use Notepad to write your program.
In similar way, you can set the variable name and variable value for the following
environment variable using step 3:
Step 4 - After installation, the tomcat folder has the following folders are bin (binary files for
Tomcat and friends), conf (configuration files), lib (library JAR files), logs (server log files),
temp (temporary files), webapps (area Tomcat looks for web application, it contains JSP files,
Servlets and other content) and work (working space for holding translated JSP files). You
can see these folders in following figure 17.
Step 5 - Create directory “ex” under the webapps as per the following figure 17:
Step 6 - Create directory “WEB-INF” and “JSP” folder under the “ex” folder. Create another
folder named “classes” in WEB-INF folder. All your java classes used in your web
application should be placed in classes folder.
Step 7 - Copy web.xml file from ROOT directory and paste into “WEB-INF” folder under
the “ex” folder.
Step 8 - Save the files header.html, footer.jsp, main.jsp, actionJSP.jsp in the following
location: C:/ Program Files/…/…/webapps/ex/JSP folder.
Step 9- Compile file and place the visitCount.class file in the following
location: C:/ Program Files/…/…/webapps/ex/Web-INF/classes folder as you can see in
following figure:
Step 10- Start Tomcat server. Open new tab in browser or open new window :
When you will click on the submit button of the above form, the following screen will be
displayed with the login information.
Figure 20: Output screen for above program
The above example contains many small program files such as header.html,,
footer.jsp, main.jsp and actionJsp.jsp. The header file is used for displaying a heading for the
program page. In, visitCount is a Java Bean class that acts as a visitor
counter. It has a single int type property count that holds the current number of times the
beans property has been accessed. This program also contains the methods for getting and
setting the count property. In footer.jsp, the visitCount bean is integrate with JSP page using
the <jsp:useBean> standard action. Other two action elements <jsp:setProperty> and
<jsp:getProperty> are also defined for the count property. In main.jsp file, header and footer
files are included by using the include directive and include action. Two input form control is
defined for accepting the user’s login information. Another file actionJsp.jsp is also included
in main program. When you will run main program named main.jsp, it will show you a form,
in which you fill information and submit the form and result will appear on the screen.
2.8 Summary
In this unit, you gone through the basics of Java Server Pages. Now, you can explain the JSP
technology and how is used to create web application. It is an extension of the servlet because
it provides more functionality than servlets. Aside from the regular HTML, there are three
types of JSP components that you embed in your document i.e. directives, scripting elements
and actions. Directives are used to control overall structure of the JSP page. You have learned
three types of scripting elements such as declaration, expression, and scriptlets. Some
Standard actions are specific to Java Bean and other actions are used to include or forward
request, add applets or plugin within JSP page. You have also learned about the objects that
are available for use in scriptlet or expression without being declared. Now, you have able to
create a web page in JSP and also able to create/access a Java Bean within the JSP.
2.9 Solutions/Answers
JSP stands for Java Server Pages. It was developed by Sun Microsystems in 1999. JSP page
or document is normal html page with embedded Java code. A JSP page contains static data
as well as dynamic data. The static data is written in normal html form and dynamic content
is constructed JSP elements. The file extension for the source file of a JSP page is .jsp. JSP is
a technology used to develop interactive Web pages.
Both Servlet and JSP are server side technology but the development process of JSP page is
easier than Servlet. The content and display logic is separated in a JSP page and you can
insert directly java code inside the JSP page while in servlet, you can write java code with
plain html using plenty of out.println() statement for front end display of the page which is
very tedious work. Another advantage of JSP page over the Servlet is that the JSP page can
use custom tags while in Servlet, it is not possible. The power of JSP is to provide a
framework for Web application development.
The _jspService() method is defined in javax.servlet.jsp.HttpJspPage interface and it is
invoked every time a new request comes to a JSP page. This method takes
HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects as an arguments. It returns no value. A
page author cannot override this method. It is defined automatically by the processor.
When a client requests a JSP page, the browser sends a request to web server which is
forwarded to the JSP engine. If it is a new request from the client then it translated and
compiled by the JSP engine into a servlet. Now, servlet is ready for servicing the client
request and generates response which returns back to the browser via web server. For the
second time same request from the client including browser and web server request to JSP
engine, the JSP engine determines the request that the JSP-Servlet is up to date, if yes then it
immediately passes control to the respective JSP-Servlet.
The life cycle of JSP document contains three phases from initialization to destruction. These
phases is controlled by three methods i.e. jspInit(), _jspService() and jspDestroy().
The initialization phase include jspInit() method which is called only once during life cycle of
a JSP. The jspInit() method is used to initialize objects and variables that are used throughout
the life cycle of JSP. Another method of JSP life cycle is _jspService() method. It is called
every time the JSP page is requested to serve a request. The destruction phase of the JSP life
cycle starts when a JSP is being removed from use by a container. It has no parameters,
return no value and thrown no exceptions. Override jspDestroy() when you need to perform
any cleanup, such as releasing database connections or closing open files.
The directives are JSP component that provide global information about the page. It has
further three elements such as page Directive, include Directive and taglib Directive.
The standard actions are tags that are embedded in a JSP page such as forward, include and
many more. It is also called as action elements. You can dynamically insert a file, reuse a
Java Bean, forward or include a request to/from the other page. There are three action
elements specific to Java Bean i.e. <jsp:useBean>, <jsp:setProperty> and <jsp:getProperty>.
This include directive is used to insert text and code at the translation time. You can not pass
the parameter in this directive. The syntax is: <%@ include file=”relativeURL” %>
The include action is used to include static as well as dynamic content in the current JSP page
at the request or run time. You can pass the parameter using param action. The syntax is :
The declaration tag is used to declare variables and methods which are placed inside the
declaration part of the generated servlet. In JSP page, the declaration tag is start with <%! and
end with %>. The code inside this tag must end with semicolon. For example:
<html><head><title>JSP Example</title></head>
<body><p>Example of declaration tag </p>
<%! private int i = 4; %>
<%! private int squre(int i)
{ i = i * i ; return i; }%>
<%= squre(i) %> </body></html>
Check Your Progress 3
In Java Server Pages, there are certain objects such as request, response, session and
application are automatically available for JSP documents. These are called implicit objects
and are summarized in the following table:
The request object is used to access request parameters. You can do this by calling the
gerParameter() method of request object. For example,
The pageContext object is an instance of javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext. It is used to represent
the entire JSP page. The pageContext object is used to set, get and remove attribute of the
JSP page. It provides a single point of access to many of the page attribute such as directives
information, buffering information, errorPageURL and page scope. It is also provides a
convenient place to store shared data.
<%@ page language="java"%>
<html><head><title>Odd number example written in JSP</title></head>
<body><p>Odd number are:</p>
<% out.println("Remote Address is :" + request.getRemoteAddr());%>
2.10 Further Reading
UNIT 3 JSP - Applications
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Objective
3.2 Exception and exception handling using JSP
3.2.1 Error handling at the page level
3.2.2 Error handling at the application level
3.3 Session Management
3.3.1 Cookies
3.3.2 URL Rewriting
3.3.3 Hidden Fields
3.3.4 Session Objects
3.4 Managing Email using JSP
3.5 Summary
3.6 Solutions/Answers
3.7 Further Readings
3.0 Introduction
In the previous unit, you have learned how to create JSP web pages. When you include java
code inside the html page, it becomes Java Server Pages (or JSP). Java Server Pages are
simple but powerful technology used to generate dynamic web pages. Dynamic web pages
are different from static web pages in which web server creates a web page when it is
requested by a client or user. For example, when you see your online results on IGNOU
website, different pages are generated for different students. It is not the same static page for
all; rather IGNOU web server dynamically creates different pages depending on your roll
number. You might have seen that when you enter your roll number in the input field, it
shows you some roll number for your selection, do you know how the web server maintains
or remembers such data. In fact, it is all possible because of cookie. You will study more
about how web server maintains session management through cookie, session object, hidden
form field and URL rewriting.
You have been introduced to operate a JSP page but without debugging and handling error,
the development process is not complete. This unit will also introduce you about exception
handling and managing email using JSP.
3.1 Objectives
When you will run the above code, it shows the following error description. The syntax error
is in the one line scriptlet code. In following figure, you will see the error “unterminated %
tag” in first.jsp named file. It means that the program code line is not terminated properly
with %>; the percentage sign is missing.
When you will run the following proper scriptlets code line terminating with % sign, it will
display the correct result of program code.
<%@ page errorPage=”relative URL” %>
Here is the example for exception handling at page level or within current JSP page using
errorPage and isErrorPage attributes of page directive. In this case, you must create an
error.jsp named file which contains source code for handling exception and the other page
named main.jsp file, where may exception occur, define the errorPage attribute of page
directive. The third file input.jsp is used for input values. This example is for dividing two
values and displays the result.
Source code for input.jsp:
When you will run the above program code, it shows the following two screens one after
another. In the first screen, there are two input box where you will input two integer value
and click on submit button. In the second screen, the browser displays the result after the
division of two numbers.
Now, you will run the above same program again and input an integer value in first text box
and zero in second text box and click on submit button. Now, the program will generate an
Arithmetic exception: division by zero. When you will input any float value in any text box,
then also it will generate exception.
<html><head><title>Using standard Java mechanism</title></head>
<body><h3>Exception handling through try and catch clause</h3>
<% int x, y, z;
try { // monitor a block of code.
x = 0; y = 18; z = y / x;
out.println("This will not be printed.");
catch (ArithmeticException e) { // catch divide-by-zero error
out.println("Division by zero."); }
out.println("After catch statement."); %>
To include a generic error page for all exceptions at application level in the following way in
web.xml file:
If you want to handle exception using any specific error status code such as File not found
error 404, Server error 500, then you can specify <error-code> element instead of
<exception-type>. This is the best way to declare error page using error-code element in
web.xml file. It is used as follows:
Here is the example for exception handling at application level using <error-page> element.
The example code is very similar to the above used example in page directive option. For this
example, four files are needed to run the program:
input.jsp file for input values (It is same as the above example in page directive
section 3.2.1)
main.jsp for dividing two numbers and displaying the result
error.jsp file for displaying the exception (which is also same as the above example
defined in page directive option)
web.xml file for specifying the <error-page> element
Source code for main.jsp: Now, you do not need to specify errorPage attribute of page
directive in each JSP page.
Source code for web.xml: You can include the following code in your web application
under the WEB-INF/web.xml file. The <location> element tells the web container for
location of the error page. In this example, error.jsp file is placed under the jsp/error.jsp
folder in web application.
Output of the program:
When you run the input.jsp program file and input two integer value in the respective boxes,
the program is successfully run and display the following output screens.
When you run the above program code again with incorrect values such as zero or float
values in input text field then program will generate an exception accoding to your input
Note: The page directive declaration overrides any matching error page configurations in
deployment descriptor. If the JSP page throws java.lang.ArithmeticException and
deployment descriptor has an exception-type attribute for that exception, the web container
invokes the page directive instead of any URI specified in deployment descriptor (web.xml)
3.3 Session Management
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the network protocol that web server and client
machine use to communicate with each other. HTTP is a stateless protocol which means that
it cannot persist the data or you can say that it does not remember a thing. When you send a
request as a client to server through HTTP, HTTP treats each request as a new request. So
every time you will send a request, you will be considered as a new user. It is not reliable
when you are doing some kind of business transaction such as online banking or other work
that are most important, where the persistence of the data is necessary. To remove this
obstacle, you can use session management.
Before going in detail of session management, you should know two things that are necessary
for implementing flexible business transaction across the multiple request and response.
These are as follows:
Session: The server should be able to identify a series of request from the same user
form a single working ‘session’. For example: In online banking application, each
user can distinguish from another user by associating a specific request with a
specific working session.
State: The server should be able to remember information related to previous request
and other business decisions that are made for the request. For example: In online
banking application, the state contains user’s account number, amount or transaction
made within the particular session.
Session management also called session tracking, does not change the nature of HTTP
protocol i.e. statelessness feature and it just provides a way to remember the information that
has been requested or entered by the user. Session management allows JSP/Servlet to
maintain information about a series of request from the same user.
Generally, there are four techniques to session tracking:
URL rewriting
Hidden fields
Session object
Each of the above techniques are differ in their implementation but all are based on one
principle that is to exchange data in the form of token or session ID between the client and
server. In the following figure, client sends a request to server for the first time, a unique
token is generated by the server and transmitted to the client by the response object and
stored on the client machine as a cookie. Whenever, the client visits a server again, it will
send a request along with token to the server. On the server side, server can recognize client
with this token. This is the way of working nature of session tracking.
The following section describes the above said four techniques and how these techniques
represent the tokens:
3.2.1 Cookies
A cookie, also known as an HTTP cookie, web cookie, or browser cookie, is a small piece of
data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while a user is browsing a
website. When the user browses the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookie
is sent back to the website by the browser to notify the website of the user's previous activity.
Cookies are widely used session tracking technique. A cookie is small piece of information
that is sent by the server to client browser. It is stored at the client machine in the form of text
file. It is basically information about the user viz., username, password, email id, date of
login and identification number etc. When the next time, browser sends request along with
cookies, then the server uses these cookies to identify the user.
Typically, cookies are set at the beginning of the JSP page because they are sent as a part of
HTTP headers. The creation and maintenance of cookies are the same the servlet. For this,
servlet API provides a javax.servlet.http.Cookies package. You can create a cookie by calling
a constructor of Cookie class and passing a name /value pair of parameter. The signature of
the Cookie class is defined as follows:
For example, the following source code line creates a cookie object named cookieOne. This
object cookieOne has the name “nameCookie” and value of “valueCookie”. Both the
name/value pair is defined by the user.
You can add this cookie to JSP in-built response object using addCookie() method of
HttpServletResponse interface:
// send the cookie to browser to be stored on client machine
Now, you can retrieve a cookie from the request using getCookie() method of
HttpServletRequest interface:
You can also set the life of the cookie using the setMaxAge() method. Look the following
public void Cookie.setMaxAge(int expiry)
You can specify the age of cookie using the above method in seconds. A negative value
indicates the default value; it should be expired when browser exits. A zero value indicates
that the cookie is immediately deleted by the browser. For example:
In following example, there are three programs namely CookiePrg1.jsp, CookiePrg2.jsp and
CookiePrg3.jsp. In first CookiePrg1.jsp program, there is defined only one text box where
you can input university name and click on the Go button. When this form is submitted,
control transfer to the second program named CookiePrg2.jsp, where the cookie is set an age
using the cookie.setMaxAge() method. In the third CookiePrg3.jsp program, the cookie is
retrieved using the method request.getCookies() and the value of the cookie is displayed.
Normally, you can get the value of the form fields using request.getParameter() method on
the second or action page but the purpose of this example using three programs is used to
show you the value of cookie is displayed on the third page. In this way, you can get the
value of cookie on any web page.
<form method = "post" action="CookiePrg2.jsp">
University Name<input type = "text" name = "name"><br>
<input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Go" >
<p>Display the value of the Cookie</p>
Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
for (int i=0; i<cookies.length; i++)
out.println("University Name = "+cookies[i].getValue());
When you will run the above programs, the following output is displayed in your browser.
URL rewriting is used in place of the cookies when the browser cookies are functionally
turned off. It is used to maintain the session. In this approach, the token is embedded in each
URL. In each dynamically generated page, the server embeds an extra query parameter or
extra path information. When client submits request using such URL, the token is
retransmitted to the server. You can send name/value pairs of parameter in the following
A name and value parameter is separated by equal (=) sign, a parameter name/value pair is
separated by another parameter name/value pair using ampersand (&) sign. When you click
the hyperlink, the parameter name/value pairs will be passed to the server. From JSP page,
you can use getParameter() method of HttpServletRequest interface to retrieve the parameter
value. You can write the following code for retrieving parameter value.
For example: In the following hit counter program, the two variable count and counter are
defined. Count is integer type and counter is string type variable. For the first time, the value
of counter is retrieve using request.getParameter() method and it is equals to null then set the
value of count is one. The program is display value of hit counter is one. When you will
click on ‘click@Link’ link, value of count variable is passed to counter variable like the
following way:
The String.valueOf(count) method is used to convert the integer value of count in string type.
For the second time, when if condition is false and control transfer to else part of the program
and value of counter variable is incremented by one each time, when you click on the link.
<h3>Page Counter Example using URL Rewriting </h3>
<% int count;
if (request.getParameter("counter") == null) count=1;
else { count=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("counter"))+1; }%>
<p>This is Hit Counter No.:<%=count%><br>
<a href="index1.jsp?counter=<%=String.valueOf(count)%>">Click @Link</a></p>
When you run the above program named “HiddenForm.jsp” example, you will get the
following screen. When you run the program for the first time, the value of integer type
counter variable is null and hit counter takes value one and after in a subsequent manner, it is
incremented by one. Whenever you click on ‘Access New Counter’ button in same session,
the form is again submitted and the value is incremented by one. The URL of the JSP page in
address bar is looks like the following:
This is easiest to use and powerful for session management. Session and Cookies go hand in
hand, the only difference between the cookies and session is that the cookie is stored in the
client side and session is stored on server side which is another method to handle a session.
Any web application can use the concept of sessions and Session object is used to store data
for a particular client when that client is connected to server. For example, when a client logs
on to a Shopping site web application, client login name, password, and other pertinent
information might be stored in a Session variable and maintained during her/his visit to the
site so that it can be accessed when needed. When a session begins, the requesting browser is
given unique piece of information, or "token" that is presented by the browser on subsequent
visits to identify the client. The Web application can then, for example, customize the settings
for that client when she/he visits, since it can find her/his personal preferences using the
information stored in the Session object referenced by the token. If there are 10 simultaneous
clients, then 10 Session object will be created in the server and each client can access only
own HttpSession object. The Session object is represented by the
javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface.
Java Server Pages has been provided an implicit object session. So, you do not need to create
a session object explicitly as you can do in servlet. The session object is defined inside the
page directive of the JSP page by the following way:
In JSP, the default value of session object is true. If you do not declare the session object
inside the page directive then session will be automatically available to JSP page as it is
default by true. The following are the some methods that are applied for session management
using session object in JSP:
setAttribute() method
This method is used to add a name/attribute pair to the HttpSession object. The setAttribute()
method returns an IllegalStateException on invalidated HttpSesion object. This method has
the following signature:
The above statement creates number as a session variable and assigns to a float value. To
retrieve this object, you can use getAttribute() method.
getAttribute() method
This method is used to retrieves an attribute from the HttpSession object. Like the
setAttribute() method, the getAttribute() method returns an IllegalStateException, if it is
called upon an invalidated HttpSession object. The signature is as follows:
To retrieve information from a session, you simply use the getAttribute() method, like this:
Number : <%=session.getAttribute(number); %>
<title>Session Management: Using Session Object</title>
<h3>Session Management: Using Session Object</h3>
<form method = "post" action = "sessionJSP2.jsp">
Name<input type = "text" name = "name"><br/>
Password<input type="password" name = "pwd" ><br/>
<input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "submit" >
Output of the program: when you will run the above program, it will display the following two
Now that you know how session management works using the HttpSession object. The
java.servlet.http.HttpSession interface has the following some additional methods for
handling session:
isNew() method
This method indicates whether the session object was created with this request and if the user
has joined the session, it contains true value otherwise false. The method has the following
getCreationTime() method
The getCreationTime() method returns the time when the session was created, measured in
milliseconds. The signature is as follows:
getLastAccessedTime() method
The getLastAccessedTime() method returns the time when the session was last accessed by
the client. The signature of method is as follows:
getId() method
The getId() method returns the session identifier. The signature of method is as follows:
getMaxInactiveInterval() method
The getMaxInactiveInterval() method returns the maximum time interval, in seconds, that the
container will keep the session open between client accesses. The signature of method is as
setMaxInactiveInterval() method
This method sets the numbers of seconds between client requests before the container will
invalidate this session. The signature of method is as follows:
Consider the following example for defined above all the function related to session
management. The following program uses session tracking to keep track of how many times
it has been accessed by a particular user and to display some details of the current session.
When you run the above program, it shows you the following output screen:
Figure 15: Session Tracking through Session Object
3.4 Managing Email using JSP
JavaMail API is the standard mechanism used for sending email. The JavaMail API provides
platform-independent and protocol-independent framework for sending and receiving emails.
The javax.mail and javax.activation packages contain core classes of JavaMail API. These
packages are comes in form of jar i.e. mail.jar and activation.jar. You can place these files
under library directory of your web application. There are various ways to send email using
JavaMail API. You must have SMTP server that is responsible for send mails. For this
purpose, you can install any mail server such as Apache James server, Postcast server, cmail
server etc.
Mailing protocols
In order to correctly send an email, client machine is used network protocol to connect the
server. Basically, a protocol represents standard method used at each end of a communication
channel to properly transmit information.
This protocol defines a single mailbox for a single user and a standardized way for users to
access mailboxes and download messages to their computers as well. It provides facility to
users to retrieve e-mail when connected. Once the messages are downloaded from the server,
you can disconnect the Internet connection and read your mail.
MAPI is used to send Email with in windows application and provide facility to take
advantage of word processors, spreadsheets, and graphics applications.
1. When you send email, your email client whether its outlook express or your JSP
program connects to your SMTP Server. For example,
2. When client program communicates with SMTP Server, it sends sender and
recipients’ mail address along with message body.
3. The SMTP Server of the sender machine checks recipient email address especially its
domain. If the domain name is same as the senders’, the message is directly send to
recipient domain’s POP3 or IMAP server. If the domain name is different than SMTP
server will have to communicate with other domain server.
4. After finding the recipient server, the SMTP server of the sender machine has to
communicate with Domain Name Server (DNS). The DNS translates the recipient
address into IP address.
5. The SMTP server of client machine is connected to recipient's SMTP server.
6. Now that the recipients SMTP server forwards the message to the domain’s POP3 or
IMAP server.
<%@ page import="*, java.util.*, javax.mail.*"%>
<%@ page import="javax.mail.internet.*, javax.activation.*"%>
<%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.*, javax.servlet.*" %>
String result;
// Recipient's email ID needs to be mentioned here.
String to = "[email protected]";
// Create a default MimeMessage object.
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(mailSession);
// Set From: header field of the header.
message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
// Set To: header field of the header.
message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to));
// Set Subject: header field
message.setSubject("This is the Subject Line!");
// Send the actual message
message.setContent("<h1>This is actual message</h1>", "text/html" );
// Send message
result = "Sent message successfully....";
}catch (MessagingException mex) {
result = "Error: unable to send message....";
<html><head><title>Send HTML Email using JSP</title></head>
<body><center><h3>Send Email using JSP</h3>
</center><p align="center">
out.println("Result: " + result + "\n");
When you run this program and send an email to given email ID and would display following
3.5 Summary
In this unit, you have covered the exception and exception handling of Java Server Pages,
session management and also managing email through JSP. Now you have known that the
JSP technology is a powerful technology that is used to create web application, managing
email. You can also do the exception handling in JSP pages at current and application level.
An exception is an abnormal condition that occurs at the time of program execution and it
disrupts the normal flow of program code. For the exception handling, you have to create and
define error page which includes the exception handling code. You can have two options for
error handling at the page level and application level. At page level, you can use page
directive and standard java try - catch clause for handling exception in current JSP page and
also include error handler at the application level by using the deployment descriptor.
You have already known that the HTTP is a stateless protocol. When a client sends a request
to server, the server sends back response to the client but does not keep information about the
client request and state. The solution of this problem is session management. There are four
techniques you can use to manage user sessions. In this unit, each technique has been
described with examples. Additionally you learned about managing email through JSP page.
3.6 Solutions/Answers
A JSP error page is designed to handled runtime errors and display a customized view of the
exception. You can include an error page in your application at page or application level. At
page level, you can use page directive or standard java mechanism options. At application
level, you can only use an <error page> element of deployment descriptor.
The errorPage and isErrorPage are two attributes of page directive which is included in
exception handling in JSP at page level.
The errorPage attribute of page directive is used to define the name of error page that handles
exception and display a customized an error statements. You can use the following syntax for
errorPage attributes.
The isErrorPage attribute of page directive indicates whether the current page can act as an
error page for another JSP page. The default is false. It is used as follows:
You can handle exception in JSP page at application level by specifying the error page using
<error-page> element in deployment descriptor. This is the best way to handle an exception
in any JSP page. The deployment descriptor file is resides in the web applications under the
WEB-INF/ directory. The <error-page> element is used to define the exception type or error
code and location of the error page. Under the <error-page> element, you can specify
<exception-type> or <error-code> and <location> element. You can use only either
<exception-type> or <error-code>.
You can write code fragment for any specific error status code such as File not found error
404 using <error-code> element. This is the best way to declare error page using error-code
element in web.xml file. It is used as follows:
This file is an xml file whose root element is <web-app>. It is resides in the web applications
under the WEB-INF/ directory. You can configure JSP tag libraries, welcome files,
customizing HTTP error code or exception type. You can use the <error-page> element in
deployment descriptor to specify exception type or HTTP error code and location of the error
page. The JSP tag libraries can be defined using the <tag-lib> element of deployment
Check Your Progress 2
Ans 1:
A Cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser
while a user is browsing a website. When the user browses the same website in the future, the
data stored in the cookie is sent back to the website by the browser to notify the website of
the user's previous activity. You can remove cookie in the following way:
Cookie cookie = new Cookie( "name", "" );
cookie.setMaxAge( 0 );
In the above example we have created a new instance of cookie with a "null" value and the
age of the cookie is set to "0". This will remove or kill the cookie.
The HTTP is a stateless protocol. When a client sends a request to server, the server sends
back response to the client but does not keep information about the client request and state. In
a web application or website, a client has to visit number of pages for completing his task.
For example, a user wants to buy some books from an online book store. User should add
each book to cart and at the end and pay for them in order to complete his task. The server
must maintain this type of conversation between user and the web application using different
techniques i.e. Cookie, Session Object, Hidden Form field and URL Rewriting.
Ans 3:
Cookies: With this method, you can use HTTP cookies to store information. Cookies will be
stored at browser side. If the browser does not support cookies, or if cookies are disabled, you
can still enable session tracking using URL rewriting.
HttpSession: Using HttpSession, you can store information at server side. HttpSession
provides methods to handle session related information.
Hidden fields: By using hidden form fields, you can insert information in the web pages and
this information will be sent to the server. These fields are not visible directly to the user, but
can be viewed using view source option from the browsers. For example, you can create
hidden form field like the following: <input type='hidden' name='courseCode'
The getSession() method returns the current valid session associated with the request. This
method has two overloads. They are as follows:
HttpSession getSession(boolean create) : It returns the HttpSession object associated with this
request if there is a valid session identifier in the request. Otherwise it return null.
HttpSession getSession() : It returns current session associated with the request or if the
request does not have a session identifier, it creates a new one.
The javax.mail and javax.activation packages contain core classes of JavaMail API.
For sending and receiving an email, client machine is used no. of network protocol to connect
the server like SMTP, POP, IMAP and some other protocol. A protocol represents standard
method used at each end of a communication channel to properly transmit information.
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) defines mechanisms for sending other kinds
of information in email like images, sounds, movies, and computer programs. MIME is an
Internet standard that extends the format of email to support such as text in character sets
other than ASCII, non-text attachments, message bodies with multiple parts and header
information in non-ASCII character sets
When you send an email from source to destination server the following step are follows:
3.7 Further Readings
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Objectives
4.2 JDBC : An Introduction
4.2.1 Need for JDBC
4.2.2 Two- and Three-Tier Database Access Models
4.4 Types of JDBC Drivers
4.5 Connection Steps using JDBC
4.6 Example Applications using JSP
4.6.1 Using JDBC to Store Data in Database
4.6.2 Using JDBC to Retrieve Data from Database
4.7 Application Development and Deployment
4.8 Summary
4.9 Solutions/Answers
4.10 Further Readings
4.0 Introduction
In the previous units, you have learnt about the importance of JSP. You have also studied the
different components of JSP, exception handling, session management and managing email
through JSP.
As you know that the JSP is basically used for server side programming. You have also
known that the basic difference between static and dynamic pages. Whenever we discuss
about the dynamic pages, it means that it is interactive pages and it is difficult to imagine the
interactive pages of any web application that does not employ database interaction. Most of
the web applications rely on back - end relational databases.
Therefore, database handling is the necessary feature of JSP. In this unit, you will learn about
JDBC, different types of database drivers, connection steps for connecting database and
insertion, manipulation through SQL statement in a database. At the end of this unit, you will
go though the process of application deployment.
4.1 Objectives
JDBC is a Java enabled technology that specifically designed for database connectivity. This
technology provides methods for querying and updating data in a database.
Sun Microsystems released first official JDBC API 1.0 as part of JDK 1.1 in 1997. When
JDBC 2.0 comes with enhancements to the JDBC core API, it contains new features such as
scrollable ResultSets (you can move record pointer both forward and backward) and batch
updates (you can submit multiple DML statements at a once like insert, update). In 2001,
JDBC 3.0 API has been launched with the features such as reusability of prepared statements
by connection pools, passing parameter to Callable Statement and added a new data type i.e.
The Latest version of JDBC is JDBC 4.1 and Features of JDBC 4.1 is same as JDBC 4.0.
The main feature of JDBC 4.1 is to autoloading of JDBC drivers. In earlier versions of JDBC,
applications had to manually register drivers before requesting Connections. With JDBC 4.0,
applications no longer need to issue a Class.forName() on the driver name; instead, the
DriverManager will find an appropriate JDBC driver when the application requests a
Connection. JDBC 4.0 Standard Extension API is defined in the javax.sql package. It is
required for applications that uses connection pooling, distributed transactions, Java Naming
and Directory Interface (JNDI) and RowSet API.
JNDI is standard used for looking up distributed components across the network. A J2EE
application client may use the JNDI API to look up enterprise beans resources (database) and
environment entries. A RowSet object is a java bean component and extends the ResultSet
interface. It has a set of JavaBeans properties and follows the JavaBeans event model. A
RowSet object's properties allow it to establish its own database connection and to execute its
own query in order to fill itself with data.
The core API is defined in java.sql package and it is enough for normal database applications.
The following section introduces JDBC and then explores how to use it in JSP programs.
Today, the most widely used interface to access database is ODBC. ODBC stands for Open
Database Connectivity. It is a standard in relational database connectivity published by
Microsoft (though originally developed jointly by Microsoft and Sybase). ODBC cannot be
used directly with Java program because it uses a Programming Language C interface and it
also makes use of Pointers which have been removed from Java. JDBC comes after the
ODBC but JDBC is a Java API and contains Java interface for working with SQL
The JDBC provides support for two- and three-tier database access models. Please note that
these access models are defined for general applications. In two-tier model, java application
is directly connected to the database. This is done through the use of JDBC driver. The JDBC
driver sends commands directly to the database and result of these commands are sent back
directly to application. The following figure shows the two-tier model.
Figure 1: The two-tier Database Access Model.
In three-tier JDBC model, Java application can not connect directly to the database. A
middle-tier comes between the Java application and database. When you use three-tier model,
JDBC driver of Java application sends commands to middle-tier, which in turn sends
commands to the database. The result of these commands is sent back from the database to
middle-tier and middle-tier sent back to the application. The following figure shows the
three-tier model.
In this section, you will learn about the JDBC API. The JDBC provides a set of classes and
interfaces that can be used to write database applications. The JDBC API (Application
Programming Interface) is implemented by JDBC drivers. A JDBC driver is a software
component that enables a Java application to interact with a database. The JDBC core API is
found in the java.sql package and additional optional extensions for JDBC are found in
javax.sql package such as connection pooling, rowsets and distributed transactions. The most
important members of JDBC API are as follows:
DriverManager class
Connection interface
Statement interface
Prepared and Callable Statement Interface
ResultSet interface
the DriverManager class. After creating the connection with database, you can execute SQL
statements for that particular connection and retrieve the results.
createStatement() method
The createStatement() method is used to create a statement object for sending SQL
statements to the database. If you are using the same SQL statement in your application many
times, it is more efficient and suitable to use a PreparedStatement object. Its signature of
createStatment() method is as follows:
public Statement createStaement() throws SQLException
prepareStatement() method
close() method
The close() method is used to immediately close and release a Connection object. Its
signature is as follows:
executeUpdate() method
The executeUpdate() method is used to executes an insert, delete, update SQL statements and
also DDL statements to create, drop and alter tables. It returns the row count for insert,
update, delete statement and returns zero(0) for SQL statement that return nothing.
executeQuery() method
The executeQuery() method is used to executes an SQL select statement that returns a single
ResultSet object which contains data.
execute() method
execute() method is used to execute stored procedure.
Prepared and Callable Statement Interface
There is a two unknown parameter in the form of question marks which are set at the run time
by your application using setXXX() method such as setString(), setInt(). The
PreparedStatement is a precompiled statement and has a query plan generated for it once. It is
mainly used to speed up the process of insertion, deletion and updation especially when there
is a bulk processing. When the program sends SQL queries to database engine, the query is
parsed, compiled and optimized, the outcome of this process is called query plan.
For example:
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("update product_table set productcode = ?
where product_name like ?");
pstmt.setString(1, P001);
pstmt.setString(2, “Washing Machine”);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeUpdate();
Here, ? represents a modifiable value in SQL statement. You can set the value of unknown
parameter i.e. question mark with setXXX() method which specifies a parameter number and
a value.
values with getXXX() method such as getString(), getInt() and getLong(). Some of the
methods are defined in the section 4.6 of this unit.
4.4 Types of JDBC Driver
In the previous section, you have learnt JDBC API. Now, you will learn different types of
JDBC drivers. To connect with database, there is a need of JDBC driver that you use for
different database servers. There are four types of JDBC driver in Java for data connectivity.
These drivers are categorized from Type-1 to Type-4. In other words, you can say that the
each database server such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server used these four types of drivers.
These are as follows:
The first type of JDBC driver is the JDBC-ODBC Bridge. It is also called TYPE-1 driver. It
is freely distributed with the JDK. This bridge driver works with Microsoft vendor such as
Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server. The driver translates JDBC method calls to
ODBC function calls that are then passed to ODBC driver. The ODBC driver must be
configured on the client machine for bridge to work. This type of driver is used for
prototyping or when there is not any alternative option for JDBC driver. The JDBC-ODBC
Bridge does not support multiple concurrent open statements per connection.
The native-API driver, also known as Type-2 driver, converts JDBC commands into DBMS
specific native calls. Like the Type-1 driver, this type of driver requires some binary code be
loaded on each client machine that directly accesses the database.
Figure 4: Type-2 Native-API Driver
approach. This driver is ideal for Internet based applications. It translates JDBC calls on a
client machine into RDBMS-independent network protocol (for example HTTP) and sends to
a middle-tier server. The middle-tier server translates this RDBMS-independent network
protocol into an RDBMS-specific protocol which is sent to a particular database. The results
are routed through the middle-tier server and sent back to the client. This type of driver is
more suitable for pure java client.
The type-4 driver is also known as pure java driver. This driver’s implementation is a two-tier
approach because it communicates directly with a database. They do this by converting JDBC
calls directly into a vendor specific database protocol. It is written completely in java and it is
platform independent. This driver is install inside the JVM of the client. This type of driver
has an advantage over all the other driver types because it has no additional translation or
middle-tier server which improves performance of the JDBC driver. The following figure
illustrates the working process of Type-4 driver:
4.5 Connection steps using JDBC API
In this section, you will learn about access a database and manipulation of data. Before, you
can access data from database; you need to connect to that database server. After you get the
connection, you can communicate with database server using a SQL query. Once, the
connection is established between client machine and database server, you can create, delete
and update a table, invoke a stored procedure and you can do many more SQL query against
the database.
3. Create a JDBC statement
4. Process the results
5. Close the connection to the database
Each of these steps will be discussed with smaller code fragment in the following sections:
The first step is to load an appropriate JDBC driver. JDBC driver are available for most of the
popular database today such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and MySQL. Each database
servers have their own language or syntax for communication in the form of JDBC driver.
For this reason, each database server has their own jdbc driver. If you want to connect with a
particular database server, you need to get the JDBC driver for that database.
As you have studied earlier, each database servers have four types of JDBC driver. Now, you
can choose any one driver from the four database drivers. The JDBC-ODBC driver is more
popular among the users. If you are using any other type of driver, it should be installed on
your system. The JDBC driver comes in the form of jar file. If you are using Tomcat or other
web server, simply copy the jar file into WEB-INF/lib directory under your web application
directory and define its pathname in your classpath.
For example, In Microsoft SQL server database, there are three jar files i.e. msutil.jar,
msbase.jar and mssqlserver.jar used for database handling. Like the following, if you are
using type-4 driver of Microsoft SQL Server database, path should be defined under the
classpath environment variable.
The forName() method of the class Class is used to load the named class.
The syntax is looks like the following:
In the example 1, the DSN stands for data source name, is the name which you gave in
control panel->Administrative Tools ->ODBC while registering a database or table.
In example 2, is an IP address, you can give IP address of your system and 1433 is
port number for SQL server database.
Now that a connection is established with a database, it’s the time to interact with it by
invoking the operation using SQL query on data contained within the database. A statement
is used to send the SQL query to Database Management System. You can create a statement
and execute the query. The Statement object is defined in java.sql.Statement interface. The
Statement object is not instantiated directly rather it takes an instance of active connection
object ‘con’ which is created in the earlier step. The code looks like:
In order to execute query, you have to obtain a ResultSet object and call the executeQuery()
method to execute the query. You have to pass SQL query as an parameter to the
executeQuery() method. The code fragment is as follows:
A ResultSet is a collection of rows and columns corresponding to the results of the query. A
row is a record which consists of one or more columns and column indicates fieldnames. The
next() method is used to obtain the row of data of ResultSet. To obtain the values of each
column, you can use getxxx() method where xxx refers to specific java datatype such as int,
float, string and more. These methods like getString() (to retrieve String fields), getInt() (to
retrieve Integer fields) and getFloat() (to retrieve Float fields) are defined in the
Like the following way, you can get all the data from the ResultSet.
while (
You can retrieve the values of columns by passing its column index or column name.
After successfully performing the above steps, you must close the Connection, Statement and
Resultset object by calling the close() method on appropriate objects.
For example
4.6 Example Applications using JSP
This section will provide you in-depth knowledge of data access specifically insertion and
retrieval of data to/from a database. Consider a table named as Student is created in MS SQL
Server database with Roll No, Name and Programme. This table is used in both the following
sections. This section defines example for storing/retrieving data into/from a Microsoft SQL
Server using type-4 JDBC driver. You can run these programs on any web server such as
Tomcat. For running these programs, you need a JDBC driver in .jar form and place them in
lib directory under the your web application.
The example contains a JSP form for entering data and another program for data processing.
In InputFrm.jsp program, there are three input fields such as roll no, student name and
programme name. On the submission of this form, program named InsertData.jsp is called.
In the following source code, the first step to get the data from InputFrm.jsp program using
request.Parameter() method. After connecting to database, an insert query is executed using
executeUpdate() method. The program is written using try and catch clause of standard Java
mechanism within JSP scriptlets.
Source code for InsertData.jsp :
// load JDBC type-4 SQL Server driver
con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
if (con != null)
stmt = con.createStatement();
//insert query
String rsql ="insert into student
//execute query
out.println("Your data is successfully stored in database");
if(con == null)
The following screen is display after running the above programs:
In the above screen, when you will enter values then the following screen will show you a
message for data storage.
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@ page import="java.sql.*;" %>
<head><title>Retrieved data from database</title></head>
<h3>Using JDBC to Query a Database</h3>
<table border=1>
Connection con = null; //create connection object
Statement stmt = null; // create statement object
ResultSet rs = null; // create ResultSet object
con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
if (con != null) {
stmt = con.createStatement();
//execute query
rs = stmt.executeQuery(rsql);
<tr><td>Roll Number</td><td>Student Name</td><td>Programme</td></tr>
while( ){
<td><%= rs.getInt("RollNo") %></td>
<td><%= rs.getString("Student_Name") %></td>
<td><%= rs.getString("Programme") %></td>
<% }}
if(con == null) {con.close();}
catch(SQLException se){ out.print("SQL:"+se.getMessage());}
catch(Exception e){ out.print("Exception:"+e.getMessage());}
Figure 9: Display data from database
The majority of real projects are build using Oracle database as back end. For this, you can
change only port no and Oracle JDBC driver name in above code. You can also refer sample
JDBC Code for Connectivity with ORACLE in following link:
4.7 Application Development and Deployment
Let us take an example to understand how to develop and deploy a database application using
NetBeans. The detailed description of installation and creating a project in NetBeans IDE are
described in lab session block BCSL057 of this course.
In Unit 3 of this block, you have seen a static session program in which user name and
password is statically compared and shows the result. Now, this section gives you an
illustration using the same program using database values. Let us take a tour of this program;
a login page contains two input fields named user name and password. When you want to
submit form without entering data values in input form fields, the program called a validate()
function to display an error message otherwise it goes for normal processing On the
submission of the form, a actionPage.jsp program is called which retrieved data from login
page using request.getParameter() method and compared with the data stored in database. If
the data is valid and found in database then set the session using session.setAttribute()
method and control transfer to the nextPage.jsp program to display welcome message for user
otherwise it display a error message for invalid user.
The two files are included in login page namely top.jsp and bottom.jsp using include directive
and the default file is index.html which include a hyperlink as ‘Student Login’. The code for
index.html, top.jsp and bottom.jsp are same as the lab session block (BCSL057) program.
This example is connected with MS Access database using Type-1 JDBC driver. For creating
system DSN(data source name), you go through the Control Panel\All Control Panel
Items\Administrative Tools\ODBC\system DSN and follow some steps and create DSN name
for your application.
Source code for LoginPage.jsp:
<script type="text/javascript">
function validate()
if(uid=="" || uid==null)
alert("Please Enter Your User ID");
return false;
if(pwd=="" || pwd==null)
alert("Please Enter Your Password");
return false;
return true;
<title>Login Page in JSP</title>
<body onload="document.form1.uid.focus()">
<form name="form1" method="post" action="actionPage.jsp"
onsubmit="return validate()">
<table><tr><td><b>User ID</b></td>
<td><input name="uid" type="text"/></td></tr>
<td><input name="pwd" type="password"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </td>
<td><input type="reset" value="Reset" /></td></tr>
</table> </form><%@include file= "bottom.jsp"%>
<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ page import="java.sql.*;" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html> <head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>JSP Login Action Page</title>
String cid=request.getParameter("uid");
String pass=request.getParameter("pwd");
<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
<%@include file= "top.jsp"%>
<%! String scid=""; %>
<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>Login Page</title>
<div id="welcome">
<h2><span>Welcome User:::<strong><font color='Blue'>
<%= scid %></font></strong></span></h2></div>
<%@include file= "bottom.jsp"%> </body></html>
When you will run the index page from Netbeans IDE then the following output screen will
When you will click on student Login hyperlink, the login page is display in the browser.
Figure 11: Display a Login page
When you submit a blank form field, it shows an error message. Looks like the following
After successfully validated user, it shows welcome message for user and comes with the
following screen:
Figure 13: Display welcome message for valid user
Now, you are able to create a web application with database connectivity. Here’s some
introductory information related to JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) SQL tags which are
used for data access.
JSTL SQL tag library provides various tags to access the database. To use these tags in JSP,
you should have used the following taglib:
There are two important JSTL SQL tag such as <sql:setDataSource> and <sql:query> which
are described below:
This tag is used for creating a DataSource configuration that may be stored into a variable
which can be used as an input to another JSTL database-action. You can use this tag like the
var : This attribute is optional. It specifies the name of the variable which stores a
value of the specified data source.
dataSource : This attribute is optional that specifies the data source.
driver: This optional attribute defines the JDBC driver class name.
url : This optional attribute specifies the JDBC URL associated with the database.
user : This is an optional attribute that specifies the JDBC database user.
password : This optional attribute specifies the JDBC user password.
This tag is used for executing the SQL query written into its body or through the sql attribute.
For example:
var: This is a required attribute that specifies the name of the variable to stores a
value of the query result.
scope: This optional attribute specifies the scope of a variable to display a result from
the database. By default, it is page.
sql: This attribute specifies the statement of SQL query to execute.
dataSource: This is an optional attribute specifies the data source.
startRow: This optional attribute that includes the specified starting index.
maxRows: This optional attribute specifies the maximum number of rows.
You will find examples of the JSTL SQL tag in the lab session block (BCSL057).
4.8 Summary
Database access is one of the important features of Web application. Java has its own
technology for database connectivity is called JDBC. JDBC provides a standard library for
accessing wide range of relational databases like MS-Access, Oracle and Microsoft SQL
Server. Using JDBC API, you can access a wide variety of different SQL databases. The core
functionality of JDBC is found in java.sql package. In this unit, you have seen many
members of this package and learned how to use them. This unit has also introduced to you
about the different types of drivers.
To connect a database, you should follow certain steps. The first step is to load an appropriate
driver from the type-1 driver to type-4 driver for specific database. The second step is to
create a connection to the database using getConnection() method of DriverManager class.
Third step is to create a JDBC statement by using createStatement() method of connection
object. You can also use PreparedStatement and CallableStatement in place of simple JDBC
Statement but all three have different role in JDBC. Statement interface provides different
method used to execute query i.e executeUpdate() and executeQuery(). When a SQL query
is used many times then PreparedStatement is used whereas CallableStatement is used to
execute stored procedure. After creation of statement, the next step is to process result and
store result in ResultSet object. To navigate the ResultSet object, you can use next() method
and getxxx() method to retrieve fields values. Last step is to close all the connection,
statement and ResultSet object. This is the way to query or modify a database records.
A couple of examples have been created in this unit that illustrate various database operations
like storage and retrieval of records to/from database. Now, you have much more knowledge
about the different JDBC drivers and database servers. This unit defines the examples for
database application using Type-1 JDBC driver for MS Access database and Type-4 driver
for MS SQL Server database. In the lab session block of this course, you will also get
example using MySql database.
4.9 Solutions/Answers
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) cannot be used directly with java programs due to the
following reasons:
ODBC uses a C interface. This will have drawbacks in the security and robustness.
ODBC makes of Pointers which has been not used in Java.
ODBC driver creates a complex connecting procedure.
The JDBC API defines the Java interfaces and classes. It is used to connect to the database
and send SQL queries. A JDBC driver implements these classes and interfaces for a specific
database vendor.
There are three types of statements in JDBC API i.e. Statement, PreparedStatement and
The Statement object is used to send SQL query to database and get result from database, and
get statement object from connection object.
Statement: It is used for getting data from database useful when you are using static SQL
statement at runtime. It will not accept any parameter.
PreparedStatement: when you want to use same SQL statement many times using different
parameter then it is useful and it will accept parameter at runtime. It is precompiled
pstmt.setString(2, “BCS053”);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
Stored procedure is a group of SQL statements that written inside the database engine. Stored
Procedures are used to encapsulate a set of operations or queries to execute on database.
Stored procedures can be compiled and executed with different parameters and results and
may have any combination of input/output parameters. Stored procedures can be called using
CallableStatement class in JDBC API. Below code snippet shows how this can be achieved.
The Statement interface provides different methods for execution of the SQL statements.
These are as follows:
You use the statement interface method to execute SQL queries and obtain results. You can
create a statement object and then execute query. The statement interface provides some
methods for executing SQL statements. For manipulation of data, executeUpdate() method is
used and executeQuery() method is used for retrieval of data from persistent storage. You can
send these queries using createStatement() method of Connection interface.
Ans 8.
The most important package used in JDBC is java.sql package. The JDBC core API is found
in the java.sql package and additional optional extensions for JDBC are found in javax.sql
package such as connection pooling, rowsets and distributed transactions.
Ans 9.
The DriverManager class provides static methods for managing JDBC drivers. The most
important method of this class is getConnection() that return java.sql.Connection object. The
DriverManager class maintains a list of JDBC drivers. This list contains information about
the object reference of drivers and subprotocols that it supports.
Ans 10.
The ResultSet interface provides some methods which are used for movement of record
pointer such as isFirst(), isLast(), next() and obtain the values of each column with getXXX()
method where xxx refers to specific java datatype such as int, float, String.
Ans 1.
For loading a JDBC driver, you can use Class.forName() method. If you want to use JDBC-
ODBC bridge driver, the following code will load it.
JDBC provides ResultSet interface that contains rows you retrieved from database, so you
need an instance of ResultSet to hold the results. To create ResultSet object, you use the
following code fragment:
For establishing a connection, you need to have appropriate JDBC driver. If you use type-1
JDBC driver then create a data source name (DSN) using ODBC and use the DSN name in
connection string. Like the following way, you can create a connection
Type-4 JDBC Native Protocol Pure Java driver is the fastest driver among the drivers because
it converts the JDBC calls to vendor specific commands and directly interacts with database.
It follows the two-tier database access model.
The main steps used to connect to database are as follows:
Load the Driver: First step is to load the database specific driver which
communicates with database using Class.forName() method.
Create Connection: Next step is to create a connection with database using
getConnection() method of Connection interface.
Get Statement object: Using createStatement() method of Connection interface, you
can get statement object which is used to send SQL statement to the database.
Process the result: Using statement object, you execute the SQL or database query
and get result set from the query.
Close the connection: After getting ResultSet and all required operation performed
the last step should be closing the database connection.
Ans 6.
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@ page import="java.sql.*;" %>
<head><title>Retrieved data from database</title></head>
<h3>Using JDBC to Query a Database</h3>
<table border=1>
Connection con = null; //create connection object
Statement stmt = null; // create statement object
ResultSet rs = null; // create resultset object
// load sql server JDBC type-1 driver
String db = "jdbc:odbc:db1";
con = DriverManager.getConnection (db, "","");
Ans 7.
ResultSet object is used to store result after executing a SQL statement in the form of rows
and columns. To navigate the rows of the ResultSet, the next() method is used and obtain the
values of each column with a getxxx() method where xxx refers to a specific Java datatype
such as Int, Float and String.
Ans 8.
The connection pooling is a technique to reuse the created connection. Connection pooling is
provided the faster execution of program to reuse the connection with out making new
connection. This feature is found in javax.sql package. To use the connection pooling, you
need to connect to the data source using javas.sql.DataSource interface. Using the connection
pooling, you can manage number of connection with your application.
Ans 9.
The Latest version of JDBC is JDBC 4.1 and Features of JDBC 4.1 is same as JDBC 4.0.
The main feature of JDBC 4.1 is to autoloading of JDBC drivers. In earlier versions of JDBC,
applications had to manually register drivers before requesting Connections. With JDBC 4.0,
applications no longer need to issue a Class.forName() on the driver name; instead, the
DriverManager will find an appropriate JDBC driver when the application requests a
Ans 10.
Data Source Name is a name given to the database to identify it in the java program. The
DSN name is linked with the actual location of database. It is used with JDBC-ODBC bridge
type-1 driver to connect database.
4.10 Further Readings