A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade 7: Diliman Preparatory School
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade 7: Diliman Preparatory School
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade 7: Diliman Preparatory School
Prepared by:
At the end of this discussion, 80% of the students should be able to:
a) Define mixtures.
b) Distinguish the difference between homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures
through brain-based learning.
c) Appreciate the importance of knowing all the substances that are present in a mixture
which can lead an awareness in our daily living.
A. Learning Activities
“Before we start let us pray first.” (One of the student will lead the prayer.)
(Checking of the attendance) (The secretary of the class will report the absents)
“Secretary who are absents for today?”
(Students will arrange and pick up the pieces of
“Before you sit down, kindly pick up the pieces of papers)
papers under your chair.”
(The teacher will flash the activity and let the (The Students Will Participate)
students answer)
(The students will raise their hand and answer the
“Anyone, who is the person in the picture?”
“It’s Adele”
(The teacher will call a student to answer)
(The students will raise their hand and answer the
“Someone like you”
“Can you give me a song that sung by her?”
“It is all about separation.”
“What does the song implies?”
“ “
B. Assessment
“Now let’s have a short quiz to determine whether you
really understand the difference between homogeneous
and heterogeneous mixture.”
C. Assignment
“Okay, please write your assignment for today.”
(The teacher will flash the assignment)
1. What are the three types of heterogeneous?
2. Give the methods of separating the
components of mixtures.
“can Someone summarize what we discuss for (Students will raise their hand)
today? “
“Mixture is the combination of two or more
substances, wherein it is classified in to two,
homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture. “
“Okay Very Good! How about the differences of “When we say homogeneous mixture, it is a type
homogeneous and heterogenous mixture? where the mixture it self has only one phase while
heterogeneous has 2 or more phases as a mixture.
“Okay Very good! So it seems that you learned, We
can call it for today, Goodbye Class!”