Acute Cough: Pathophysiology

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7/13/2020 Acute Cough

Acute Cough

Daniel J.G. Thirion, BPharm, MSc, PharmD, FCSHP

Date of Revision: June 1, 2019
Peer Review Date: May 1, 2019

Cough is a common symptom of many respiratory diseases and is a normal physiological response
aimed at protecting the respiratory tract. It is a voluntarily induced or involuntarily activated reflex arc that
can be triggered by a wide range of chemical and mechanical stimuli. First, receptors in the head, neck
and chest are stimulated. This information is then transmitted to the cough centre in the medulla via the
afferent limb of the vagus nerve, resulting in increased neural activity in the efferent pathway to both the
respiratory musculature and airway.[1]

Cough is present in many respiratory diseases. To help guide clinical assessment, it can be useful to
classify cough according to duration within the following 3 categories: acute (lasting <3 weeks), subacute
(lasting 3–8 weeks) and chronic (lasting >8 weeks).[2]

Viral infections of the upper respiratory tract are the most common causes of acute cough. Some coughs
may persist despite the resolution of infection; these subacute coughs are called “postinfectious.”[2]
Cough due to viral infections appears to arise from stimulation of the cough reflex in the upper
respiratory tract caused by postnasal drip (referred to as upper airway cough syndrome [UACS]—
formerly postnasal drip syndrome), clearing of the throat or both.[3] Other frequent causes include acute
bacterial sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, allergic rhinitis and rhinitis due to environmental irritants (see
Table 1).[4] Bordetella pertussis or B. parapertussis infection may be suspected in patients with subacute
or chronic cough, or when the cough is paroxysmal or accompanied by vomiting; referral to primary care
is required in these cases.[5] Refer to urgent care if the patient’s breathing is compromised or if there is
high fever, seizures, frequent vomiting episodes or the patient becomes dehydrated.

Table 1: Causes of Cough
Common Causes of Cough Less Common Causes of

Asthma Bronchiectasis
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Cystic fibrosis
Drugs, e.g., ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, ASA or NSAIDs in Interstitial lung disease
sensitive individuals Lung cancer
Environmental/occupational irritants, e.g., air pollution, Psychogenic cough
cigarette smoke, asbestos
Unexplained cough (idiopathic)
Foreign body
Zenker diverticulum
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (esophageal pouch)
Heart failure
Pulmonary embolism
Rhinitis: allergic, nonallergic
Upper airway cough syndrome (formerly postnasal drip
Upper/lower respiratory tract infection (viral or bacterial):
acute or postinfectious 1/10
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Goals of Therapy
Alleviate symptoms
Diagnose and treat underlying cause, when possible
Prevent complications

Patient Assessment
An assessment algorithm for patients presenting with cough is presented in Figure 1.

Nonpharmacologic Therapy
Although evidence is lacking, hydration with oral liquids and humidification of room air may be beneficial.
Room humidifiers used as preventive measures should be well cleaned to avoid aerosolizing mould.
Nasal saline irrigation can help alleviate symptoms related to nasal congestion in the context of acute
upper airway infections;[6] the cough-related impact of nasal saline in UACS requires further evaluation.

Avoid exposure to inhaled irritants such as smoke, dust, pollutants and allergens.

Pharmacologic Therapy
For comparative ingredients of nonprescription products, consult the Compendium of Products for Minor
Ailments—Cough, Cold and Allergy Products.

Treatment of underlying conditions contributing to cough is paramount. For example, in

gastroesophageal reflux disease, treatment of the reflux itself can alleviate associated cough. Smokers
presenting with cough are prime candidates for discussing smoking cessation strategies.[7]

A specific treatment is not always possible. For example, there is no cure for the viral infection that
causes the common cold. Despite a lack of evidence to support their use, nonspecific treatments such as
nonprescription antitussives and protussives (expectorants) are frequently used in these cases
depending on the presence/absence of mucus (sputum) production; their use cannot be recommended
until further evidence becomes available (see Antitussives).[8]

The efficacy of drugs used in the treatment of cough has been evaluated in numerous studies including
many systematic reviews.[9][10][11] They show a lack of evidence for the effectiveness of nonprescription
products in terms of reducing the frequency or severity of cough in children or adults. Some studies have
shown benefit; however, the positive results in these studies were often of questionable clinical
relevance.[12][13][14] Overall, there is little evidence for or against the effectiveness of nonprescription
cough medicines. When counselling patients on selecting products, also consider the placebo effect,
which can be significant.[15]

Nonprescription agents used in the management of cough are described in Table 3.


First-generation antihistamines (e.g., diphenhydramine) may have a small effect on cough caused
by upper respiratory tract infections.[8][9][10][11] Their anticholinergic properties may reduce postnasal
drip, which is one of the mechanisms responsible for cough in the common cold. The effect is modest
and side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth and confusion may outweigh potential benefit.[16]
Products containing antihistamines are no longer recommended for the treatment of acute cough until
further evidence demonstrating efficacy becomes available.[8] 2/10
7/13/2020 Acute Cough

Second-generation antihistamines lack significant anticholinergic effects and therefore are not
effective for acute cough unless secondary to allergic rhinitis (see Allergic Rhinitis).[8]


Nonprescription antitussives act centrally to suppress cough.[8] The exact mechanism is unknown;
however, the brainstem is thought to be the main region where antitussive agents act to inhibit motor
control of cough. Antitussives are not recommended when a cough performs a useful function. If used
by a patient with a productive cough, more mucus is retained.[17]

Dextromethorphan and codeine are commonly used to treat cough related to upper respiratory tract
infections, although there is little evidence for efficacy.[9][10][11] Some studies have shown that they
are no more effective than placebo, while others demonstrated a modest benefit.[8][18][19] Historically,
dextromethorphan has been abused for its euphoric properties, while codeine carries a risk of
dependence and addiction. Consequently, the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) 2006
guideline on the management of cough does not recommend centrally acting cough suppressants for
cough secondary to upper respiratory tract infections.[20] Conversely, codeine and dextromethorphan
are effective for cough due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), suppressing cough
counts by 40–60%,[21] and may be used for short-term relief.[8]


The protussive agents act peripherally. Guaifenesin is purported to enhance cough effectiveness by
promoting the clearance of airway secretions.[8] The efficacy and safety of guaiacol and ammonium
chloride have not been established. Expectorants are reported to reduce sputum viscosity, permitting
more effective removal of secretions from the respiratory tract.[2] As with antitussives, there is a lack
of evidence to support the efficacy of expectorants. They do not thin sputum nor increase sputum
volume, even at doses higher than recommended.[17] Adequate hydration with oral liquids and
inhalation of humidified air is perhaps the best protussive or “expectorant” measure.

Other Agents

Honey may be an effective cough suppressant in children;[8][22][23] no studies in adults are currently
available. A Cochrane review concluded that honey administered before sleep is probably better than
no treatment, placebo or diphenhydramine, and no different from dextromethorphan, at relieving
cough symptoms.[8][22] It is also probably better than placebo or salbutamol for reducing the duration
of cough.[22] Honey has demulcent, antioxidant and antibacterial effects. It is proposed that the
demulcent effect may act to decrease cough. Because of the risk of botulism, give pasteurized honey
only to immunocompetent children >1 year of age.

Zinc lozenges have been used to alleviate cough due to the common cold. Studies evaluating the
efficacy of zinc in common cold symptoms have yielded conflicting results, and 2 meta-analyses have
concluded there is insufficient evidence to recommend zinc preparations.[8] In addition, zinc can be
associated with unpleasant taste, mouth irritation and nausea.

Anesthetics such as benzocaine, phenol and menthol may reduce the sensitivity of peripheral
nociceptors. They have been used as antitussives, but evidence for efficacy is poor.[24] Rarely
observed side effects include tingling or irritation at the site of administration and hypersensitivity

Inflammatory pathways have been largely investigated to play a role in the pathophysiology of cough;
however, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were found to have no effect on cough
symptoms.[25] 3/10
7/13/2020 Acute Cough

Prescription Therapy

Bronchodilators such as salbutamol or formoterol are recommended only for cough due to
obstructive lung disease such as asthma or COPD.[20][26][27] Following a respiratory infection,
patients sometimes develop a cough for which inhaled corticosteroids could be beneficial; the
potential benefit of inhaled corticosteroids requires confirmation through further studies before making
recommendations for their routine use.

For the treatment of cough secondary to another medical condition, see Allergic Rhinitis and Viral
Rhinitis, Influenza, Sinusitis and Pharyngitis as well as Acute Bronchitis in the Compendium of
Therapeutic Choices. For cough lasting >8 weeks, see Chronic Cough in Adults in the Compendium
of Therapeutic Choices.

Cough in Special Populations


For comparative ingredients of nonprescription products, consult the Compendium of Products for
Minor Ailments—Baby Care Products: Cough and Cold.

Since 2008, Health Canada has required manufacturers to relabel nonprescription cough and cold
medicines with certain active ingredients to indicate that they should not be used in children
<6 years of age.[28] Dextromethorphan, guaifenesin and first-generation antihistamines (including
diphenhydramine) contained in cough and cold products are included in the list of active
ingredients in the Health Canada advisory. See Viral Rhinitis, Influenza, Sinusitis and Pharyngitis,
Table 3.

Although cough and cold medicines have been used by children for many years, little evidence
supports their effectiveness in this population.[11][19][29] Furthermore, Health Canada has advised
against the use of these products in children <6 years of age due to reports of very rare serious
side effects as well as misuse and overdose.[28] Rare but serious potential side effects include
seizures, increased heart rate, decreased level of consciousness, abnormal heart rhythms and

In children ≥6 years of age, dextromethorphan can be used to treat nonproductive cough,

though evidence of efficacy in children is absent. Health Canada recommends that any cough and
cold product containing codeine or other opioids (e.g., hydrocodone, normethadone) be avoided
in children <18 years of age.[30]

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

See Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Self-care Therapy for Common Conditions.

Monitoring of Therapy
Table 2 contains information on monitoring therapy.

Table 2: Monitoring of Therapy for Cough

Endpoint of Actions if Endpoint Not
Symptom Monitoring Therapy Met 4/10
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Endpoint of Actions if Endpoint Not

Symptom Monitoring Therapy Met
Cough Patient: daily Patient able to Optimize nonpharmacologic
Health-care practitioner: perform daily measures.
next visit or by telephone activities. Change treatment.
2–3 days later Patient able to

Drowsiness Patient: daily No drowsiness. Change medication

(antitussive) Health-care practitioner: schedule (bedtime only) or
next visit or by telephone change treatment.
when checking for efficacy

Advice for the Patient

Advise patients regarding:

Nonpharmacologic therapy
Proper use of medication
Expected results and management of side effects
When to contact a physician (see Cough—What You Need to Know)


Figure 1: Assessment of Patients with Cough 5/10
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See Allergic Rhinitis.
Cough and cold medicines are not recommended in children <6 years of age (see Cough in Special
Populations, Children).

Abbreviations: ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB = angiotensin receptor blocker; COPD = chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease; DVT = deep vein thrombosis; GERD = gastroesophageal reflux disease; PE
= pulmonary embolus; SOB = shortness of breath

Drug Table 6/10
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Table 3: Agents for Cough

Drug/Cost[a] Dosage[b] Adverse Drug Comments
Effects Interactions

Drug Class: Antitussives

codeine Adults: Drowsiness, CNS Causes less sedation

Combination 10–20 mg sedation, depressants, than hydrocodone.
products: Q4–6H PO. nausea, including Metabolized to
Robitussin AC, Maximum: vomiting, alcohol, morphine.
generics 120 mg/day constipation. enhance CNS Potential for
Health side effects. dependence/addiction.
<$5 Canada MAOIs: risk of
serotonin Nonprescription
recommends codeine products
against the syndrome.
always contain other
use of CYP2D6 ingredients.
codeine and inhibitors (e.g.,
other opioids fluoxetine,
in children paroxetine)
<18 y[30] may inhibit
conversion of
codeine to its
metabolite and
consult label
reduce clinical
for additional
directions on

dextromethorphan Adults and Generally Modulators of Causes less sedation

children well serotonin: risk than codeine and other
Balminil DM, ≥12 y: tolerated. of serotonin opioids.
Benylin DM; 10–20 mg Occasional syndrome, e.g., DM has been abused
Combination Q4H PO or dizziness, SSRIs, for its euphoric effects.
products: 30 mg drowsiness, linezolid,
Robitussin DM, Q6–8H PO. nausea. MAOIs
others Maximum: (including
120 mg/day moclobemide),
<$5 Children 6– sibutramine.
11 y: CYP2D6
5–10 mg inhibitors (e.g.,
Q4H PO or fluoxetine,
15 mg paroxetine)
Q6–8H PO. may inhibit DM
Maximum: metabolism,
60 mg/day resulting in
increased DM
For levels and
combination potential for
products, adverse
consult label effects.
for additional
directions on
label 7/10
7/13/2020 Acute Cough

Drug/Cost[a] Dosage[b] Adverse Drug Comments

Effects Interactions

honey Adults: 15 Side effects No known Only use pasteurized

mL daily to are rare; interactions. honey due to the risk
<$5 TID nervousness, of botulism. Due to this
Children 1– insomnia, risk, avoid in children
18 y: 2.5–10 hyperactivity. <1 y of age, patients
mL HS who are
or those who have
structural abnormalities
of the GI tract.
Avoid in patients
allergic to pollen.
Do not use honey
made from
Rhododendron (e.g.,
R. ponticum,
R. flavum, R. luteum)
due to risk of
grayanotoxin, which is

Drug Class: Expectorants

guaifenesin Adults and Side effects No known

Robitussin Mucus Children ≥12 are rare; interactions.
& Phlegm, y: dizziness,
generics 200–400 mg drowsiness,
Q4H PO. headache,
<$5 Maximum: nausea and
2.4 g/day vomiting
Children ≥6 have been
y: reported at
12 mg/kg/day high doses.
in divided
doses Q4H
1.2 g/day
consult label
for additional
directions on

[a] Cost of 100 mL, unless otherwise specified; includes drug cost only.
Cough and cold medicines are not recommended for use in children <6 years of age (see Cough in
Special Populations, Children).
Dosage adjustment may be required in renal impairment. 8/10
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Abbreviations: CNS = central nervous system; DM = dextromethorphan; GI = gastrointestinal; MAOI
= monoamine oxidase inhibitor; SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

Suggested Readings
Malesker MA, Callahan-Lyon P, Ireland B et al. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatment for
acute cough associated with common cold: CHEST expert panel report. Chest 2017;152:1021-37.

Oduwole O, Udoh EE, Oyo-Ita A et al. Honey for acute cough in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev

Smith SM, Schroeder K, Fahey T. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications for acute cough in children and
adults in ambulatory settings. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014;11:CD001831.


1. Canning BJ, Chang AB, Bolser DC et al. Anatomy and neurophysiology of cough: CHEST
Guideline and Expert Panel report. Chest 2014;146:1633-48.
2. Dicpinigaitis PV. Cough: an unmet clinical need. Br J Pharmacol 2011;163:116-24.
3. Pratter MR. Cough and the common cold: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.
Chest 2006;129:72S-74S.
4. Pratter MR, Brightling CE, Loulet LP et al. An empiric integrative approach to the management of
cough: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest 2006;129:222S-231S.
5. Braman SS. Postinfectious cough: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest
6. King D, Mitchell B, Williams CP et al. Saline nasal irrigation for acute upper respiratory tract
infections. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015;4:CD006821.
7. Morice AH, McGarvey L, Pavord I et al. Recommendations for the management of cough in
adults. Thorax 2006;61:i1-24.
8. Malesker MA, Callahan-Lyon P, Ireland B et al. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatment
for acute cough associated with the common cold: CHEST expert panel report. Chest
9. Irwin RS, Madison JM. The diagnosis and treatment of cough. N Engl J Med 2000;343:1715-21.
10. Schroeder K, Fahey T. Systematic review of randomised controlled trials of over the counter
cough medicines for acute cough in adults. BMJ 2002;324:329-31.
11. Smith SM, Schroeder K, Fahey T. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications for acute cough in
children and adults in ambulatory settings. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014;11:CD001831.
12. Parvez L, Vaidya M, Sakhardande A et al. Evaluation of antitussive agents in man. Pulm
Pharmacol 1996;9:299-308.
13. Curley FJ, Irwin RS, Pratter MR et al. Cough and the common cold. Am Rev Respir Dis
14. Thackray P. A double-blind, crossover controlled evaluation of a syrup for the night-time relief of
the symptoms of the common cold, containing paracetamol, dextromethorphan hydrobromide,
doxylamine succinate and ephedrine sulphate. J Int Med Res 1978;6:161-5.
15. Paul IM, Beiler JS, Vallati JR et al. Placebo effect in the treatment of acute cough in infants and
toddlers: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatr 2014;168:1107-13.
16. De Sutter AI, Saraswat A, van Driel ML. Antihistamines for the common cold. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev 2015;11:CD009345.
17. Irwin RS, Curley FJ, Bennett FM. Appropriate use of antitussives and protussives. A practical
review. Drugs 1993;46:80-91.
18. Freestone C, Eccles R. Assessment of the antitussive efficacy of codeine in cough associated
with common cold. J Pharm Pharmacol 1997;49:1045-9. 9/10
7/13/2020 Acute Cough

19. Taylor JA, Norvack AH, Almquist JR et al. Efficacy of cough suppressants in children. J Pediatr
20. Irwin RS, Baumann MH, Bolser DC et al. Diagnosis and management of cough executive
summary: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest 2006;129:1S-23S.
21. Bolser DC. Cough suppressant and pharmacologic protussive therapy: ACCP evidence-based
clinical practice guidelines. Chest. 2006;129(1 Suppl):238S-249S.
22. Oduwole O, Udoh EE, Oyo-Ita A et al. Honey for acute cough in children. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev 2018;10:CD007094.
23. Cohen HA, Rozen J, Kristal H et al. Effect of honey on nocturnal cough and sleep quality: a
double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Pediatrics 2012;130:465-71.
24. Paul IM, Beiler JS, King TS et al. Vapor rub, petrolatum, and no treatment for children with
nocturnal cough and cold symptoms. Pediatrics 2010;126:1092-9.
25. Kim SY, Chang YJ, Cho HM et al. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the common cold.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015;9:CD006362.
26. El-Gohary M, Hay AD, Coventry P et al. Corticosteroids for acute and subacute cough following
respiratory tract infection: a systematic review. Fam Pract 2013;30:492-500.
27. Becker LA, Hom J, Villasis-Keever M et al. Beta2-agonists for acute cough or a clinical diagnosis
of acute bronchitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015;9:CD001726.
28. Government of Canada. Health Canada releases decision on the labelling of cough and cold
products for children. 2008. Available from:
avis/hc-sc/2008/13267a-eng.php. Accessed February 22, 2019.
29. Use of codeine- and dextromethorphan-containing cough remedies in children. American
Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Drugs. Pediatrics 1997;99:918-20.
30. Government of Canada. Health Canada recommends that children and youth not use cough and
cold products that contain opioids. 2019. Available from:
alert-rappel-avis/hc-sc/2019/69080a-eng.php. Accessed February 22, 2019.

Information for the Patient


CPhA assumes no responsibility for or liability in connection with the use of this information. For clinical use only and not intended for for use by
patients. Once printed there is no quarantee the information is up-to-date. [Printed on: 07-13-2020 05:02 PM]
RxTx, Compendium of Therapeutics for Minor Ailments © Canadian Pharmacists Association, 2020. All rights reserved 10/10

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