Capital Allowance 1. Condition To Get The Capital Allowance
Capital Allowance 1. Condition To Get The Capital Allowance
Capital Allowance 1. Condition To Get The Capital Allowance
When the person is carrying on the business and the person incurred qualifying capital
expenditure. Not only that, when he purchased the assets and he used the assets to the
business. Where as in the paragraph 2, schedule 3 mentions that qualifying expenditure as
capital expenditure incurred on the provision of assets used for the purpose of a business.
So basically the conditions to get the capital allowance is the person who in the business
that used the asset and incurred the qualifying the expenditure. Capital allowable only for
the business not for the individual
Is an allowance given every year to the taxpayer so long as the assets is in used at the end
of the basis, where the rates of varies is according to industries and type of assets. This is
computed in the straight line basis to the full amount of the qualifying capital
Is a one off allowance given when a person first acquire qualifying assets for business
use. It is fixed at the rate of 20% based on the original cost of the asset at the time when
the capital expenditure is incurred.
It happened if the asset is temporary disused, it shall be deemed to be in use for the
purpose of the business immediately before becoming disuse and is properly maintained,
then a notional allowance must be computed. It is for any annual allowance that have
been claimed if the assets used for the purpose of the business and for the capital
allowance will be deemed claimed although the asset was not use in the year of
When during the year of assessment of temporary defuse the asset is deemed to be used in
The assets was used for the purpose of the business immediately before disuse
During the period of disuse the asset is constantly maintained in readiness to be
brought back into use
The period of disuse is temporary
Scale rate from 0& to 26%
Personal relief available
Rebate of RM400 for chargeable income less than RM35,000 given
Withholding tax not applicable
Claim for double deduction
Tax exemption of numerous types of income.