Module On The Contemporary World (GE 3) : by Floramay S. Abuzo

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Module on


(GE 3)
Floramay S. Abuzo

Submitted by:
Nelson John Dandal
MODULE II The Structures of Globalization
LESSON 1: The Global Economy


Activity 1: Answer the following questions to deepen your understanding of the


1. In your own perception, do you think that the Philippines is harmed as

other countries transfer their activities to us through outsourcing?

In my own perspective, I think no. In fact, the Philippines benefits

from it. When a certain company in other countries involves itself in an
outsourcing, normally it brings harm locally than any other countries
outside. And given that the Philippines have outsourcing companies, this
means that the act of companies involving in outsourcing opens up works
for the Filipinos. Hence, the Philippines benefits to it.

2. In what ways do international organizations (UN, World Bank,IMF) help

our country’s economy?

International organizations play an important role in importing and

exporting. Their functions include maintaining standards to ensure safety,
helping developing countries achieve economic security and establishing
norms regarding how countries make trade agreements and resolve

Activity 2: Explain briefly.

Is global free trade has done more harm than good?

There is no such thing as free trade in goods that the other country
can easily manufacturer that is harmless. It is very harmful. So free trade,
Neo liberal economic policies does not look to promote domestic
industries. It looks to promote foreign trade. It thus hurts domestic
commerce. If it hurts domestic commerce, it hurts domestic industries. It
decreases consumption and conversion of national resources. It gives
banks no role in industry.
Practice Task/Assessment:

Identify the statements whether it is True or False. If true, write T if false,

write F.

1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F


Enrichment: In five sentences, differentiate the two types of economies.

So there are two types of economies; Trade liberalization and

protectionism. Trade liberalization is the removal or reduction of restrictions or
barriers on the free exchange of goods between nations. These barriers include
tariffs, such as duties and surcharges, and nontariff barriers, such as licensing
rules and quotas. Economists often view the easing or eradication of these
restrictions as steps to promote free trade. On the other hand, Protectionism
refers to government policies that restrict international trade to help domestic
industries. Protectionist policies are usually implemented with the goal to improve
economic activity within a domestic economy but can also be implemented for
safety or quality concerns.
LESSON II: The Global Interstate System


Answer the following questions.

1. Explain the relevance of the state amid globalization.

The role of the state in globalization is a complex one

in part due to the varying definitions and shifting concepts of globalization.
While it has been defined in many ways, globalization is generally
recognized as the fading or complete disappearance of economic, social,
and cultural borders between nation-states. Some scholars have theorized
that states, which are inherently divided by physical and economic
boundaries, will be less relevant in a globalized world.

2. Compare and contrast globalism and internationalism.

Globalism is much wider term in terms of its meaning,

scope and outcome. While Internationalism lays stress only on the
solidarity and cooperation among the Nations, while acknowledging their
Sovereign Character, Globalism on the other hand not only emphasizes
the dilution of the Sovereign Expression of the Nations but demonstrates
the conflicts arising out of this dilution as well.
Activity 2: Answer the following question. In your own perception/idea, are
the civil society and other organizations truly separated from the
governments’ actions and policies? In what ways can the state maintain its
sovereignty amid globalization? (10 pts)

Based on my own perspective, the civil society and other

organizations are truly separated from the government’s actions and
policies for they have also their own missions and objectives. The state
can maintain its sovereignty amid globalization by as globalization brings
influence of other countries into particular country, it becomes vital for the
government and citizens to take precautionary steps by way of making
either citizens aware through campaigning, mass movements and by
empowerment and by way of teaching the importance of preservation of
core values and not to distort them by way of impacts of globalization. This
takes too much efforts but this helps state maintain its sovereignty.


Identify the statements whether it is True or False. If true, write

T if false, write F.
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. T

Enrichment activity:

What is necessary for the development of an international order?

If you look at the world’s long history up to the present, you will
know that there will never be an international order. There will always be an
attempt to achieve it, but sadly it is always through force by way of financial
imperialism, sanctions, monopolies, and wars. No one among the most powerful
nations will ever choose to truly respect another country’s sovereignty, especially
the small ones. But there will always be a few countries that are smart and brave
enough to resist being a lapdog for these dominating nations who by all
accounts, act like a gang. So, what is necessary for the development of an
international order is respect between nations, which is nice to hear but is really

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