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EIS (Review Report)

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EIS (Review Report)




(Improvement of Upper Marikina
River & Construction of MCGS)


(Improvement of Pasig River) PHASE III
(Improvement of Lower
Marikina River)

Project Location Map


Project Location Map

List of Tables
List of Figures
Abbreviations and Measurement Units

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………… 1
1.1 Purpose of Review and Supplemental Study…………..……………………… 1
1.2 Scope of Work…………………………………………………………………. 1
1.3 General Description of the Project…………………………………………….. 1

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF ECC AND EIS(1998)………………………………..... 3

2.1 Validity of ECC………………………………………………………………… 3
2.2 Compatibility of EIS(1998) with PEISS Requirements……………………….. 3
2.3 Compatibility of EIS(1998) with JICA Guidelines……………………………. 3
2.3.1 Overall Comparisons between EIS(1998) and JICA Guidelines……... 4
2.3.2 Public Consultation and Scoping……………………………………... 5
2.3.3 Summary of Current Baseline Status of Natural and Social
Environment………………………………………………………….. 6


3.1 Overall Legal Framework……………………………………………………… 8
3.2 Procedures……………………………………………………………………… 8
3.3 Projects Covered by PEISS…………………………………………………….. 9
3.4 Responsible Government Institutions for PEISS………………………………. 11
3.5 Required Documents under PEISS…………………………………………….. 12


4.1 Scope of Supplemental Study………………………………………………….. 17
4.2 Physical Environment…………………………………………………………. 17
4.2.1 Area of Concern………………………………………………………. 17
4.2.2 Air Quality Noise and Vibration……………………………………… 18
4.2.3 Water Resources……………………………………………………… 21
4.2.4 Water Quality…………………………………………………………. 21
4.2.5 Watershed…………………………………………………………….. 26
4.2.6 Topology and Geology……………………………………………….. 26
4.2.7 Sediment……………………………………………………………… 27
4.2.8 Wastes………………………………………………………………… 30
4.2.9 Protected Area………………………………………………………… 30
4.210 Recreational Area…………………………………………………….. 30
4.3 Biological Environment………………………………………………………... 31
4.3.1 Flora…………………………………………………………………… 31
4.3.2 Fauna………………………………………………………………….. 32
4.4 Socio-economic Environment………………………………………………….. 33
4.4.1 Area Directly Affected by Construction………………………………. 33
4.4.2 Population…………………………………………………………….. 34
4.4.3 Development Trend…………………………………………………… 36
4.4.4 Land Use………………………………………………………………. 37
4.4.5 Living and Livelihood………………………………………………… 39
4.4.6 Basic Biodata for Area Directly Affected by Phase III Construction…. 39
4.4.7 Living Conditions……………………………………………………... 41
4.4.8 River Dependency…………………………………………………….. 41
4.4.9 Drinking Water………………………………………………………... 41

4.4.10 Important Social Bounding and Places……………………………….. 41
4.4.11 Health…………………………………………………………………. 42
4.4.12 Religion and Indigenous Belief……………………………………….. 43
4.4.13 Heritage……………………………………………………………….. 43
4.4.14 Gender………………………………………………………………… 44
4.4.15 Ethnic Minority and Indigenous People (IP)…………………………. 44
4.4.16 Awareness of Phase III………………………………………………... 44


5.1 Possible Impacts without Mitigations based on Available Data/Information….. 46
5.2 Overall Evaluation on Environmental Impacts in EIS(1998)………………….. 47


6.1 Mitigation Measures Proposed in EIS(1998)………………………………….. 49
6.2 Mitigation Measures for Possible Negative Impacts for Phase III…………….. 50
6.3 Environmental Management Plan for Phase III…………………………..……. 51
6.3.1 Environmental Management Plan for Mitigation……………..……… 51
6.3.2 Compliance with ECC Conditions…………………………………… 54
6.3.3 Possible Required Environmental Permission for Phase III…………. 56
6.3.4 Information Disclosure and Implementation of IEC……….………… 57
6.3.5 Institutional Plan……………………………………………………… 60


7.1 General…………………………………………………………………………. 63
7.2 Environmental Monitoring Plan……………………….………………………. 64
7.3 Monitoring/Sampling Locations…………….…………………………………. 65
7.4 Monitoring Parameters…………………………………………………………. 67


DREDGED MATERIALS………………………………………..… 68
8.1 Laws and Regulations related to Dredged Materials………………………….. 68
8.2 Status of Riverbed Sediment Quality………………………………………….. 69
8.3 Further Study on Dredged Materials during Detailed Construction Design…… 70
8.4 Procedure of River Dredging Works…………………………………………… 71
8.5 Proposed Disposal Site (Reclamation Area)…………………………………… 72
8.6 Current Environmental Situation in/around Disposal Site……………..……… 72
8.7 Preliminary Assessment of Impacts around Disposal Site Caused by
Reclamation Works of Dredged Materials……………………………………... 74
8.8 Environmental Management Plan for Disposal of Dredged Materials………… 75
8.9 Implementation Plan of Separate IEE/EIS for Disposal Site…………………... 76
8.10 Methods and procedure of Disposal of Dredged Materials in Case of
Hazardous Substances Contained……………………………………………… 76


OF PHASE III……………………………………………………….. 77




ANNEX-1 : Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)

ANNEX-2 : Socio-economic Survey in the Project Affected Area

ANNEX-3 : Scoping Matrix of EIS(1998)
ANNEX-4 : Public Hearings/Consultations


Table 2.1 Overall Comparisons between EIS(1998) and JICA Guidelines………… 4

Table 3.1 Summary of Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs)…………………. 10
Table 3.2 Summary of Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs)…………………… 10
Table 3.3 Project Groups for EIA under PEISS……………………………………. 12
Table 3.4 EIS Outline………………………………………………………………. 13
Table 4.1 DENR National Ambient Air Quality Guideline for Criteria Pollutants… 19
Table 4.2 DENR Standards for Noise in General Areas (dBA)……………………. 21
Table 4.3 Pasig-Marikina River Basin……………………………………………… 26
Table 4.4 Inorganic Chemicals in Sediments (mg/kg)……………………………... 27
Table 4.5 Inorganic Chemicals in Sediments (mg/L)………………………………. 29
Table 4.6 Environmental Preservation Areas………………………………………. 31
Table 4.7 Aquatic Macrophytes found in the Pasig River…………………………. 31
Table 4.8 National List of Threatened Fauna in and around Metro Manila Area…. 32
Table 4.9 Project Affected Barangays……………………………………………… 33
Table 4.10 Estimated Population in the Study Area…………………………………. 34
Table 4.11 Estimated Annual Growth Rates in the Study Area……………………… 34
Table 4.12 Estimated Population Density in the Study Area……………………….... 34
Table 4.13 Estimated Population in the Directly Affected Barangays………………. 35
Table 4.14 Estimated Population in the Upper and Lower Sections of Phase III…… 36
Table 4.15 Special Economic Zones in NCR………………………………………… 37
Table 4.16 Significant Facilities and Industries Located along the Marikina River
and Major Roads nearby……………………………………………….... 38
Table 4.17 Proportional Land Use in Pasig City…………………………………….. 39
Table 4.18 Biodata of Households in the Area Directly Affected by Phase III……… 40
Table 4.19 Public Places within 20 Minutes Walking Distance……………………… 42
Table 4.20 Number of Water-related Disease in Philippines………………………… 42
Table 4.21 Significant/Historical Sites and Landmarks in the Study Area………….. 43
Table 4.22 Original Region/Province of People in the Project Affected Area……….. 44
Table 5.1 Possible Negative Impacts without Mitigations………………………….. 46
Table 6.1 Mitigation Measures in EIS(1998)………………………………………. 49
Table 6.2 Suggested Mitigation Measures for Possible Negative Impacts…………. 50
Table 6.3 Suggested Environmental Management Plan for Phase III……………… 52
Table 6.4 Environmental Permissions to be Possibly Required……………………. 57
Table 6.5 Record of Public Consultation…………………………………………… 59
Table 6.6 Suggested MMT Components…………………………………………… 62
Table 7.1 Suggested Environmental Monitoring Plan……………………………… 64
Table 7.2 Sampling Locations for Phase III (Construction Stage)…………………. 65
Table 7.3 Suggested Monitoring Parameters……………………………………….. 67
Table 9.1 Possible Impacts and Suggested Mitigation Measures in the Operation
Phase of Phase III………………………………………………………… 77


Figure 3.1 Summary Flowchart of EIA Process………………………………….. 9

Figure 3.2 Organization Chart of DENR…………………………………………. 11
Figure 3.3 Organization Chart of EMB…………………………………………… 12
Figure 4.1 Barangays along the Lower Marikina River…………………………… 17
Figure 4.2 Existing Environmental Sampling and Monitoring Locations of
Ongoing Construction of Phase II……………………………………... 18
Figure 4.3 Air Quality TSP Levels in the Area……………………………………. 19
Figure 4.4 Noise Level around Phase II Construction Site………………………... 20
Figure 4.5 Water Quality (DO, BOD)……………………………………………... 23
Figure 4.6 Water Quality (NO3, PO4, TSS, COD, Oil and Grease, Total
Coliform)………………………………………………………………. 24
Figure 4.7 Water Quality (Heavy Metals)………………………………………… 25
Figure 4.8 Sampling Locations for Sediment Quality…………………………….. 28
Figure 4.9 Prevalence Rate of HIV/AIDS………………………………………… 43
Figure 6.1 Institutional Relationship on EMP under Ongoing Implementation of 60
Phase II…………………………………………………………………
Figure 7.1 Suggested Monitoring/Sampling Locations for Phase III……………… 66


ADB - Asian Development Bank

As - Arsenic
BOD - Biochemical Oxygen Demand
CCEP - Construction Contractor’s Environmental Program
Cd - Cadmium
Cl- - Chloride
CLUP - Comprehensive Land Use Plan
CN - Cyanide
CNC - Certificate of Non-Coverage
COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand
Cr +6 - Hexavalent Chromium
Cu - Copper
DAO - DENR Administrative Order
D/D - Detailed Design
DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DO - Dissolved Oxygen
DOH - Department of Health
DPWH - Department of Public Works and Highways
DSWD - Department of Social Welfare and Development
EC - Electric Conductivity
ECA - Environmentally Critical Area
ECC - Environmental Compliance Certificate
ECP - Environmentally Critical Project
EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment
EIS - Environmental Impact Statement
EMB - Environmental Management Bureau
EMP - Environmental Management Plan
ESSO - Environmental Social Services Office, DPWH
FPIC - Free and Prior Informed Consent
Hg - Mercury
HH - Household
ICC - Indigenous Cultural Communities
ICP - Information Campaign and Publicity
IEC - Information Education and Campaign/Communication
IEE - Initial Environmental Examination
IP - Indigenous People
IS - Informal Settler
JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency
LGU - Local Government Unit
LIAC - Local Inter-Agency Committee
LLDA - Laguna Lake Development Authority
mg/L - milligram per liter
ml - milliliter
MCGS - Marikina Control Gate Structure
MMDA - Metro Manila Development Authority
MMT - Multipartite Monitoring Team
MPN - Most Probable Number
M/P - Master Plan

NAPC - National Anti-Poverty Commission
NCIP - National Commission of Indigenous People
NCR - National Capital Region
NEPC - National Environmental Protection Council
NGO - Non-Government Organization
NIPAS - National Integrated Protected Area
NO2 - Nitrogen Dioxide
NO3 - Nitrate
NPCC - National Pollution Control Commission
NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
PAF - Project Affected Families
PAP Project Affected People/Person
Pb - Lead
PD - Presidential Decree
PDR - Project Description Report
PEISS - Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System
PM10 - Particulate matter with diameter of not less than 10 microns
PMO-MFCP I - Project Management Office for Major Flood Control I
PMRIP - Pasig-Marikina River Channel Improvement Project
PO4 - Phosphate
PRRC - Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission
RA - Republic Act
SAPROF - Special Assistance for Project Formation, JBIC
SO2 - Sulfur Dioxide
TC - Total Coliform
TDS - Total Dissolved Solids
TOR - Terms of Reference
TSP - Total Suspended Particulates
TSS - Total Suspended Solids
UP - University of the Philippines
µg/NCM - Micro gram per normal cubic meter
µS/cm - microsiemens per centimeter

(Length) (Time)
mm : millimeter(s) s, sec : second(s)
cm : centimeter(s) min : minute(s)
m : meter(s) h, hr : hour(s)
km : kilometer(s) d, dy : day(s)
y, yr : year(s)
mm2 : square millimeter(s) (Volume)
cm2 : square centimeter(s) cm3 : cubic centimeter(s)
m2 : square meter(s) m3 : cubic meter(s)
km2 : square kilometer(s) l, ltr : liter(s)
ha : hectare(s) mcm : million cubic meter(s)

(Weight) (Speed/Velocity)
g, gr : gram(s) cm/s : centimeter per second
kg : kilogram(s) m/s : meter per second
ton : ton(s) km/h : kilometer per hour

1.1 Purpose of Review and Supplemental Study
Environmental Impact Statement in June 1998 (hereafter “EIS(1998)”) and Environmental
Compliance Certificate (hereafter “ECC”) for the Pasig Marikina River Channel Improvement
Project (hereafter “the Project” or “PMRCIP”) are reviewed and supplemented to comply with
JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations (revised in April 2010 and
hereafter “JICA Guidelines”) for the proposed implementation of Phase III of the PMRCIP.
1.2 Scope of Work
The EIS(1998) and ECC are reviewed and primary supplemental baseline study is performed in
the JICA Preparatory Study for the Phase III of the Project. The review and supplemental study
is conducted focusing on following:
(1) Validity of ECC,
(2) Compatibility of the EIS(1998) with current Philippines’ regulatory requirements,
(3) Compatibility of the EIS(1998) with JICA Guidelines,
(4) Validity of primarily appropriateness of the EIS(1998) for the Phase III, and
(5) Providing supplemental information in accordance with JICA Guidelines for
EIS(1998), if necessary, for implementation of Phase III:
 Baseline status of environment and society of concerned area
 Philippines’ legal and policy framework
 Environmental impact assessment
 Alternatives
 Mitigation measures
 Environmental monitoring plan
 Financial arrangement

1.3 General Description of the Project

The Pasig-Marikina-San Juan River System, of which total catchment area is 635 km2, runs
through the center of Metro Manila and flows out to the Manila Bay. Its main tributaries, the
San Juan River and Napindan River, join the main stream at about 7.1 km and 17.1 km upstream
from the Pasig River mouth, respectively. The three largest waterways contribute largely to the
flooding in the metropolis brought about by the riverbank overflow of floodwaters. Metro
Manila, which encompasses 16 cities and 1 municipality having a total projected population of
over 11 million, is the economic, political and cultural center of the Philippines.
However, even though the completion of Mangahan Floodway, flood damages along the
Pasig-Marikina River have been frequently experienced in last 25 years between 1986 and
2010; 1986, 1988, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2009. Especially, Tropical Storm
‘Ondoy’ brought a heavy rain and caused devastating flood disasters in Metro Manila, its
surrounding area and Laguna Lake area on September 26, 2009. The heavy rainfall of 453
mm/day observed at Science Garden in Quezon City brought a huge volume of flood discharge
along the Pasig-Marikina River, resulting in the death/missing of about 500 people and causing
massive damages.
To cope with such existing flood problems in Metro Manila, the necessity of river channel
improvement of Pasig-Marikina River has been studied. The Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) conducted a updated Master Plan (M/P) for flood control and drainage
improvement in Metro Manila and a Feasibility Study (F/S) on the channel improvement of the
Pasig-Marikina River from January 1988 to March 1990, under a technical assistance from the
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), called “The Study on Flood Control and

Drainage Project in Metro Manila”.
Based on the F/S, the “Pasig-Marikina River Channel Improvement Project” from river mouth
to Marikina Bridge (29.7 km long) is being proposed for the implementation in the following
four phases: Phase I (Detailed Design), Phase II (Channel Improvement of the Pasig River),
Phase III (Channel Improvement for the Lower Marikina River) and Phase IV (Channel
Improvement for the Upper Marikina River)
The Phase I of Detailed Design (D/D) was carried out from October 2000 to March 2002
through the Japanese ODA assistance. The Phase II has been requested for financing under the
26th JICA Yen Loan Package with STEP (Special Term Economic Partnership). The construction
of Phase II Project has commenced in July 2009 targeting the completion of the Project by June
Since the tremendous damages were brought to Metro Manila by Tropical Storm ‘Ondoy’ in
September 2009, it is urgently required to complete the whole scheme of the PMRCIP to protect
Metro Manila against the further flood disaster. Following the ongoing Phase II, it is proposed
to implement the Phase III which is the Lower Marikina River Channel Improvement Works in
total of 5.4 km upstream from the junction with the Pasig River. Also, heavily deteriorated bank
sections in the Pasig River due to the recent floods including ‘Ondoy’ is proposed to be included
in the Phase III Project. These sections are not covered by the ongoing Phase II. Construction
area of Phase III Project is administratively in the cities of Manila, Mandaluyong, Makati and
Pasig in Metro Manila.
Major works of the Phase III Project are summarized as follow:
(1) Construction of Revetments supported by Steel Sheet Piles and Reinforced Concrete
River Wall along the Pasig River (about 9.9 km long in total on both banks)
(2) Dredging of Lower Marikina River Channel (about 5.4 km long; 612,000 m3)
(3) Earth Dikes/Concrete River Walls along the Lower Marikina River (4 location; about
2.15 km long in total)
(4) Boundary Bank along Lower Marikina River (about 7.1 km in total)
(5) Bridge Pier Protection Work at 4 existing Bridges along Lower Marikina River (by
Stone Riprap)

The Pasig-Marikina River flows in the center of Metro Manila which is a capital of the Republic
of the Philippines. Both banks of the river channel are currently the urban area and occupied
with residential houses, factories, offices, roads, etc.

To increase the flow capacity of river channel for flood control, measures of widening,
deepening, heightening of river wall, short-cut of channel were alternatively studied. Among the
alternative measures, to avoid and minimize the social problem such as land acquisition and
resettlement, the adopted flood control measure is to rehabilitate/construct the river walls and
revetments on the existing river walls and to deepen the existing channel by dredging, without
land acquisition for widening the channel.

Moreover, to minimize the negative impacts during project construction, the access to the sites
and required works are planned to be basically done from the river channel using boats/barges.


2.1 Validity of ECC

An EIS for the Pasig-Marikina River Channel Improvement Project was conducted in 1998. An
Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC-98-NCR-301-9807-128-120) was granted on
December 15, 1998 to the Project Proponent (DPWH) based on the submitted EIS (refer to
ANNEX-1 showing copy of ECC). Ten years after the ECC was issued, when the Phase II
commenced for construction, the validity of the ECC was confirmed by Department of
Environment and Natural Resources - Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB) on
March 7, 2008.
Once a project is implemented, the ECC remains valid and applicable for the life time of the
Project, if the Project contents were not changed. The conditions and commitments stated in
the ECC are permanently relieved from compliance only upon validation of the EMB of the
successful implementation of the Abandonment/Rehabilitation/Decommissioning Plan. The
ECC automatically expires if a project has not been implemented within five (5) years from
ECC issuance, or if the ECC was not requested for extension within three (3) months from the
expiration of its validity.
2.2 Compatibility of EIS(1998) with PEISS (2007) Requirements
The EIS(1998) has some lacks of information such as Social Development Framework;
Information Education Campaign (IEC) Framework; Emergency Response Policy and Generic
Guidelines; Environmental Monitoring Plan; Self-Monitoring Plan; Multi-sectoral Monitoring
Framework; Environmental Guarantee and Monitoring Fund Commitment; and attached
documents of Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Supportive
However, these missing parts of EIS document are included in two supplemental
documents/reports which were prepared, when the Phase II had entered to the construction
phase. These two items are (1) Construction Contractor’s Environmental Program (CCEP) and
(2) Environmental Monitoring and Management Reports (to be submitted quarterly and
semi-annual). Hence the gaps between the EIS(1998) and PEISS (2007) are eliminated
throughout actual construction phase. The EIS(1998) along with supplemental reposts satisfies
PEISS (2007) requirements.
2.3 Compatibility of EIS(1998) with JICA Guidelines
The EIS(1998) lacks some requirements given by the JICA Guidelines revised in April 2010 as
well as the World Bank O.P. 4.01 Annex B.

 The following items of JICA Guidelines are lacking in the EIS(1998):

i) Legal Framework of Environmental and Social Considerations;
ii) Some important criteria to describe social and environmental state; and
iii) Involuntary relocation.

 The following items which are thought to be important were not discussed in scoping
session of the EIS(1998):

i) Water-related diseases,
ii) Poor and indigenous peoples,
iii) Historical and religious sites,
iv) Gender and land use,

v) Loss of bond of community,
vi) Construction area safety,
vii) Conflict of interests,
viii) Inequity of wealth, and
ix) Accidents.

However, overall contents of the EIS(1998) were basically appropriated based on the JICA
Guidelines and the WB O.P.4.01. It is not necessary that the EIS(1998) be completely revised.

2.3.1 Overall Comparisons between EIS(1998) and JICA Guidelines

The following Table 2.1 shows overall comparison results for environmental items to be
assessed between the EIS(1998) and the JICA Guidelines.

Table 2.1 Overall Comparisons between EIS(1998) and JICA Guidelines

Phase of the Project Need to Method in
consider this Review/
EIS(98)* Phase II** Remarks
JICA Guideline Items for Supplemental
Phase III Study
1 Involuntary Resettlement Y Yes  ◎
2 Local Economy such as Influx of outside labor
Housing/Influx of
Employment and Livelihood, and their families  ○
squatter: +/-
3 Land Use and Utilization of Influx of outside labor
Local Resources and their families
Increase of demand for
Housing/Influx of
housing and associated  ○
squatter: +/-
utilities (water supply,
toilet, etc.) of outside
construction crew
4 Social Institutions such as
Social Environment:

Social Infrastructure and Local N/A N/A  ○

Decision - making Institutions
5 Existing Social Infrastructures Impairment of river
N/A  ○
and Services navigation
6 Poor, Indigenous and Ethnic
N/A N/A  ◎ (1)
7 Misdistribution of Benefits and
N/A N/A  ○
8 Cultural heritage, historical
N/A N/A  ◎
and religious sites
9 Recreational Area N/A N/A
10 Local Conflicts of Interest Housing/Influx of Influx of outside labor
 ○
squatter: +/- and their families
11 Water Usage or Water Rights
Fisheries: +/- N/A  ◎
and Communal Rights
12 Sanitation Public health: +/- Yes  ○
13 Hazards (risk), Infectious
Public health: +/- N/A  ○
Diseases such as HIV/AIDS
14 Gender N/A N/A (2)
15 Topography and Geographical
N/A N/A  ○
Natural Environment

16 Soil Erosion N/A N/A  ○
17 Groundwater +/- N/A  ○
18 Hydrological Situation N/A N/A  ○
19 Coastal zone N/A N/A  ○
20 Flora, Fauna and Biodiversity +/- N/A  ○
21 Meteorology N/A N/A  ○

22 Landscape Aesthetics: +/- N/A  ○
23 Global Warming N/A N/A  ○
24 Protected Area N/A N/A
25 Air Pollution +/- Yes  ○ ※
26 Water Pollution +/- Yes  ○ ※
27 Soil Contamination +/- N/A  ○ ※

28 Solid Wastes (including Disposal of dredged  ※

N/A ○
dredged material) material: Y
29 Noise and Vibration +/- Yes  ○ ※
30 Ground Subsidence N/A N/A  ○ ※
31 Offensive Odor Y N/A  ○ ※
32 Bottom Sediment N/A N/A  ○ ※
33 Accidents Public health: +/- N/A  ○
*EIS(1998) did not use JICA’s method to evaluate the impact using A,B,C, and D.
**Phase II did not weight impact but merely noted its possibility.
+/-; Minor impact, N/A: Not discussed, Y: A need of concern was mentioned in discussion but not kept in Scoping matrix.
○: Secondary data, general information, literature/published data
◎: Data collected from primary sources or by actual measurements
Remark※: Data from primary sources or by actual measurements are needed just before construction starts.
Remark (1): “Poor, Indigenous and Ethnic people” is one of new items of concern of JICA Guidelines (2010).
Remark (2):”Gender” is one of new items of concern of JICA Guidelines (2010).

2.3.2 Public Consultation and Scoping

The JICA Guidelines require that “Consultations with relevant stakeholders, such as local
residents, should take place if necessary throughout the preparation and implementation stages
of a project. Holding consultations is highly desirable, especially when the items to be
considered in the EIA are being selected (in scoping session), and when the draft report is being
prepared (Appendix 2 of JICA Guidelines)”.
(1) Public Consultations
The scoping of the Project was done through several consultation meetings in 1998 when
EIS(1998) was prepared.
a) 1st Consultation
An initial scoping session was held with DPWH-NCR office in February 26, 1998, prior to
the scoping session which was opened to other stakeholders. The initial scoping session
was carried out by DPWH, JBIC SAPROF Study Team, and representatives of
DENR-NCR EIA division. The purpose of the initial scoping session was to obtain
DENR’s concerns which must be addressed in the EIS. A scoping matrix being prepared
by JBIC SAPROF Study Team was used as a base of the discussion.
b) 2nd Consultation
The second scoping session was held on February 27, 2008 with concerned government
agencies, LGUs, and NGOs in DPWH Training Room. In this session, various concerns
and suggestions were given to the DPWH and SAPROF Team. The participants were from
DPWH, SAPROF Team, MMDA, NGOs and other interest groups.
c) Other Meetings
In addition to the two aforementioned consultation meetings, a KICK-OFF MEETING
(February 11, 1998), a STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING (April 20, 1998), and a
SEMINAR (May 10, 1998) were held, mostly for government agencies and other interest
Most of the concerns of all of the above meetings were regarding social and environmental
impacts via dredging activities, affects on Laguna Lake and Manila Bay by operation of
MCGS, and informal settlers situating along the Project sites (the Pasig-Marikina River

and Mangahan Floodway). Through the scoping session, a scoping matrix was formed for
major concerns that were raised by the attendances.
As DAO 96-37 ordered, and as the DENR emphasized in the initial scoping meeting public
participation, obtaining full support from the public is very critical to carrying out the
Project successfully. However, names of Barangay captains and ordinary persons who live
in the areas where the Project takes place and might be relocated for the Project were not
listed on the attendance sheets.
Although two consultation meetings were held (which was the minimum number of
meetings required by the World Bank’s standard), none of them were about the EIS Final
(2) Scoping
Both the possible positive and negative significant environmental impacts were identified
through the scoping sessions. Agreed-upon items of concern with possible negative
impacts were (1) dredging activities, (2) construction of the river improvement works
along the banks (construction of revetments and river walls), (3) construction of the
MCGS, (4) operation of the MCGS, and (5) operation of the Rosario Weir.
(3) Information Disclosure
DAO 2003-30, Section 5.3 defines a public hearing as part of EIS review, i.e. information
disclosure. For those who did not participate in public hearings and scoping sessions,
DAO 97-24 assures the provision of “public access to all official data or information”.
However, the general public faces difficulty in accessing EIS Reports because DAO 97-24
Section 3.1.5 treats some of these reports as “Confidential” and forbids the their review.
There is weak evidence in the EIS(1998) regarding the social and environmental concern
were disclosed properly and adequately in accordance with JICA guidelines:
(1) An information dissemination meeting was held at the Bayview Hotel in Manila in
1998. Most of the people who attended the meeting were those of the government
agencies, LGUs, ADB, and SAPROF. No residents of areas affected by the project
were included.
(2) The EIS (1998) was written in English which is a official language of the Philippines.
Since most of the people living in the Project affected Area use either non-English
(52% Households in directly affected area use only Tagalog) or a mixture of some
English (48% use mixture of Tagalog or Filipino and non-standard English) with
native tongue, it is deemed to be not easily accessible to the information in the EIS.

2.3.3 Summary of Current Baseline Status of Natural and Social Environment

The followings are the summary results for current baseline status of main environmental items
found out during this supplemental study.
(1) Natural Environment (Secondary Data)
 Chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, and zinc are highest in the sediment samples
taken at Vargas Bridge in the lower Marikina River. However, these values are lower
than reference values such as natural sediment quality of State of Washington and
mostly satisfy environment values of Canada and the Netherlands.
 No rare, protected, nor endanger species are reported in the project-affected area.
 Noise and air pollution from construction machinery/equipment seem to be no higher
than back ground levels in the project-affected area..
 Spatially and temporally, water quality in the middle of the Pasig River tends to be
poorer than that of the Marikina River and the lower Pasig River.

 The pollutants of most concern are BOD, Total Coliform, and Oil and Grease, which
are originated usually from daily-life living activities.
 Pollution levels of the heavy metals in the river mostly equally distributed. Cadmium
and Chromium tend to exceed Class C water standard level.
(2) Social environment (Interview and Secondary Data)
 Large numbers of Project Affected Peoples (PAPs) who are informal settlers and
needed to be relocated.
 LGUs are not measuring up to their Land Use Plan (CLUP); uncontrolled land use is
still practiced. The land use plan is very incompatible and its execution is relaxed.
 Pasig City, which is located along the lower Marikina River, is transitioning from a
manufacturing- and industry-oriented city to a commerce- and business-oriented city.
 An insignificant amount of agricultural land and no fisheries exist in the project
affected area.
 No PAPs depend their incomes and living on the river.
 No socially, historically, culturally or religiously significant sites are located in the
project directly affected area.
 No vulnerable indigenous people groups exist.
 Most of residents in the project affected area along the Lower Marikina River are not
aware of Phase III Project.
 Gender issues seem less likely to be caused by the construction work.
 PAPs are less sick than the national average.

3.1 Overall Legal Framework
In the Philippines, any private or public projects or activities which are envisaged to potentially
have a negative impact on the environment are subject to EIA by Philippine Environmental
Impact Statement System (PEISS). The EIA is the preliminary analysis of the potential
impacts of the project on the environment. Aware of the possible negative effects of the
implementation of industrial and other activities, the Philippine Government has instituted
measures to encourage the use of EIA as a planning and decision making tool.
PEISS is a set of laws, regulations, administrative orders and guidelines concerned with
Environmental Impact Assessment. The following are some of the most important of these laws
and guidelines:
 Environmental Impact Statement System (EISS), Presidential Decree No. 1586 (1978):
An act establishing and centralizing the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System
under the National Environmental Protection Council (NEPC), which merged with the
National Pollution Control Commission (NPCC) in June 1987 to become the
Environmental Management Bureau (EMB).
 Presidential Proclamation No. 2146 (1981) and No. 803 (1996): It proclaims
Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs) to have significant impact on the quality of
environment and Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) as environmentally fragile
areas within the scope of the EIS System.
 DAO 96-37 revised to become DAO 92-21: Devolved responsibility for EIS to the
EMB-Regional Office and further strengthened the PEISS. Placed emphasis on
promoting maximum public participation in EIA process to validate the social
acceptability of the Project.
 DENR Administrative Order No. 30 Series of 2003 (DAO 03-30), Revised Procedural
Manual (2007): Provides for implementation of rules and regulations of Presidential
Decree No. 1586, establishing PEISS. Also, provided detailed definitions of technical
terms and detailed information regarding procedures, related laws and regulations.

3.2 Procedures
The procedures of EIA can be grouped into the following stages as shown in the following
diagram: (1) pre-study stage (screening and scoping), (2) EIA study stage and (3) post-study
stage (review, decision-making and monitoring).


EIA Required No EIA

Pre-Study Stage
EIA Study Scoping

EIA Study/ Report Preparation

by the Project Proponent as
a requirement for ECC application

Change of

Public Involvement
Project Review and Evaluation of EIA
EIA Study Stage plan/ facilitated by DENR-EMB

Issuance of ECC w/ recommendations to

Denial of ECC
other entitles w/ mandate on the project

Secure necessary permits / clearances from other EMB

Divisions, DENR Bureaus, other GAs and LGUs

Expansion/Project modifications Implementation

Post-Study Stage Environmental Impact Monitoring and Evaluation/Audit

Proponent driven
DENR-EMB driven
Proponent driven but the EIA process as
requirements are under the mandate of
other entities
Source: Revised Procedural Manual for DENR Administrative Order No. 30 Series of 2003 (DAO 03-30)(2007)

Figure 3.1 Summary Flowchart of EIA Process

3.3 Projects Covered by PEISS

Projects which have been originally declared to be Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs) or
projects in Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) are assumed to have significant impact on
the quality of the environment and to be subject to PEISS. The four (4) ECP project types and
twelve (12) ECA categories have been declared through Proclamation No. 2146 (1981) and
Proclamation No. 803 (1996), as summarized below.

Table 3.1 Summary of Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs)
Main Categories Sub Category
A. Golf Course Project Golf course projects/complex
B. Heavy Industries Iron and Steel Metals
Non-ferrous Metal Industries
Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries
Smelting Plants
C. Resource Extractive Fishery Projects (fishery-related dikes and fishpond development projects)
Industries Forestry Projects
Major mining and quarrying projects
D. Infrastructure Projects Major Dams
Major Reclamation Projects
Major Power Plants (Proc No. 2146 declared types: fossil-fueled, nuclear fueled,
hydroelectric or geothermal)
Source: Revised Procedural Manual for DENR Administrative Order No. 30 Series of 2003 (DAO 03-30)(2007)

Table 3.2 Summary of Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs)

ECA Categories Examples
A. Areas declared by law to be
national parks, watershed - Areas of the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS)
reserves, wildlife preserves, and
B. Areas set aside as aesthetic, - Areas declared and reserved by the Department of Tourism or
potential tourist spots other authorities for tourism development
- Areas inhabited by indeterminate species, threatened species, rare
C. Areas which constitute the habitat
species, endangered species, such species categorized as Appendix
for any endangered or threatened
I or II of CITES as well as those listed in the National List of
species of indigenous Philippine
Threatened Fauna
wildlife (flora and fauna)
- National historical landmarks, geological monuments,
D. Areas of unique historic, paleontological and anthropological reservations as designated or
archeological, geological, or determined by the National Historical Institute, National Museum,
scientific interests National Commission for Culture and the Arts, National
Commission on Geological Sciences, and other authorities
E. Areas which are traditionally
- Areas that are occupied or claimed as Certificated Ancestral
occupied by cultural communities
Domains/Lands by indigenous communities
or tribes
Areas frequently visited or hard-hit by typhoons
Areas frequently visited or hard-hit by tsunamis
F. Areas frequently visited and or -
Areas frequently visited or hard-hit by earthquakes
hard-hit by natural calamities -
Storm surge-prone areas
(geologic hazards, floods, -
Flood-prone areas
typhoons, volcanic activity, etc. -
Areas prone to volcanic activities
Areas located along fault lines or within fault zones
Drought-prone areas
Lands with slope of 50% or more
G. Areas with critical slope
Alienable and disposable forest lands and unclassified forests
Irrigated and irrigable areas and other areas mapped under the
H. Areas classified as prime
Network of Protected Areas for Agriculture (NPAA) of the Bureau
agricultural lands
of Soils and Water Management (BSWM)
I. Recharged areas of aquifers - Areas of sources of water replenishment
- Areas that are tapped for domestic purposes
J. Water bodies
- Areas which support wildlife and fishery activities
- Tidal areas covered by salt-tolerant, intertidal tree species
K. Mangrove Areas
- Areas declared as mangrove swamp forest reserves
- Areas characterized by the assemblage of different types of marine
plants and organisms
L. Coral Reefs
- Areas identified by local sources such as PAWB-DENR to be rich
in corals.
Source: Revised Procedural Manual for DENR Administrative Order No. 30 Series of 2003 (DAO 03-30)(2007)

The proposed Project belongs to the infrastructure category in the Table 3.1 (ECPs). However,
this Project is not included in the sub-category of Table 3.1. On the other hand, in Table 3.2 for
ECAs, this Project is included in Category F.

3.4 Responsible Government Institutions for PEISS

Review and supervision of PEISS are conducted by the Environmental Management Bureau
(EMB) of Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The respective
organization chart of DENR is shown below:













1 Technical Support 1 Technical Support

2 Technical Skills provider for RENROs 2 Technical Skills provider for RENROs

Figure 3.2 Organization Chart of DENR

The DENR is the government entity which is designated to handle issues related to the
following five tasks as described in pertinent legislation:
 Assure the availability and sustainability of the country's natural resources through
judicious use and systematic restoration or replacement, whenever possible;
 Increase the productivity of natural resources in order to meet the demands for forest,
mineral, and land resources of a growing population;
 Enhance the contribution of natural resources for achieving national economic and social
 Promote equitable access to natural resources by the different sectors of the population;
 Conserve specific terrestrial and marine areas representative of the Philippine natural and
cultural heritage for present and future generations.
Under the framework of PEISS, the EMB is responsible for the issuance of decision making
documents such as Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC), Certificate of Non-Coverage
(CNC) and Denial Letter. Also, the EMB Regional Offices in respective regions are primarily
responsible for the supervision of development projects and conducting consultation related to
such projects.

The following shows the organization chart of EBM:

Office of the Director

Office of the Assistant Director

National Solid Waste

Pollution Adjudication
Management Commission
Board Secretariat

Environmental Impact Research and Environmental Environmental

Environmental Administrative and
Assessment and Development Education and Planning and Policy Legal Division
Quality Division Finance Division
Management Division Division Information Division Division

Planning and Personnel Legal Research

Review and Air Quality Pollution
Education Program Section and Advisory
Evaluation Management Research
Section Evaluation Section
Section Section Section
Records Section
Systems Coordination Water Quality Laboratory Section
Information Policy Review and
Planning and Management Services Property Section
Section Analysis Section
Management Section Section Section

Accounting Hearing Section

Institutional Section
Monitoring and Chemicals Information
Coordination and
Validation Management Technology and
Section Section Statistics Section Budget Section

Waste Cashier Section
Management EMB – Regional Offices

- Proposed structure per DAO 2002-17 and AO 42

Administrative Legal and Environmental Planning &

- Existing EMB structure Environmental
and Finance Environmental Impact Assessment Programming, MIS &
Quality Division
Division Education Division Division Statistics Division

Figure 3.3 Organization Chart of EMB

3.5 Required Documents under PEISS

To help with identifying required documents under PEISS for consultation and decision making
by DENR-EMB, projects are classified into five major groups as summarized below.
Table 3.3 Project Groups for EIA under PEISS
Group Definition
I Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs) in both Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) and
Non-Environmentally Critical Areas (Non-ECAs)
II Non-Environmentally Critical Projects in Environmentally Critical Areas
III Non-Environmentally Critical Projects in Non-Environmentally Critical Areas.
IV Co-located projects in either Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) or Non-Environmentally
Critical Areas (Non-ECAs); A group of single projects, under one (1) or more
Proponents/Locators, which are located in a contiguous area and managed by one (1)
Administrator, who is also the ECC Applicant (e.g., Economic Zones)
V Unclassified projects which are not listed in any of the groups above, e.g., projects using new
processes/ technologies with uncertain impacts (interim category)
Source: Revised Procedural Manual for DENR Administrative Order No. 30 Series of 2003 (DAO

The Pasig-Marikina River Channel Improvement Project which is not ECP but of ECA is
considered to be Group II. The Group II Project is required to submit the following documents
to the DENR-EMB:
 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS),
 Initial Environmental Examination Report (IEER),
 Initial Environmental Examination Checklist (IEEC), and

 Project Description Report (PDR).
All documents should be prepared by the project proponent and submitted to the EMB Central
Office or the Environmental Impact Assessment Division in respective EMB Regional Office.
The outcome of the EIA Process within PEISS administered by the DENR-EMB is the issuance
of decision documents. A decision document may either be an ECC, CNC or a Denial Letter,
described below. The PDR is important for some of the implementation of Group II and Group
III projects, which do not foresee adverse impact, to secure eventual issuance of a CNC.
(1) EIA Proponent
The proponent agency of this Project is the Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH). The DPWH has the responsibility for preparation and submission of the PEISS.
DPWH usually establishes a Project Management Office (PMO) prior to feasibility studies
and the PMO prepares the PEISS. Once the project execution starts, PMO has
responsibilities for implementation of environmental and social considerations such as land
acquisition and resettlement in cooperation with local government units. The Environmental
Social Services Office (ESSO), in the Development Planning Division of the DPWH, is
responsible for supporting and supervising preparation of PEISS.
(2) Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
An ECC is issued as a certificate of Environmental Compliance Commitment, to which the
proponent conforms with after DENR-EMB explains the ECC conditions.
(3) Outline of Required Documents by PEISS
The following is the outline of the EIS according to Revised Procedural Manual of DENR
Administrative Order No. 30 Series of 2003:

Table 3.4 EIS Outline

Project Fact Sheet

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
1) Brief Project Description
2) Brief Summary of Project’s EIA Process
3) Summary of Baseline Characterization
4) Summary of Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan
5) Summary of Environmental Monitoring Plan
6) EMF and EGF Commitments
2.1. Terms of Reference of the EIA Study
2.2. EIA Team
2.3. EIA Study Schedule
2.4. EIA Study Area
2.5. EIA Methodology
2.6. Public Participation
3.1. Project Location and Area
3.2. Project Rationale
3.3. Project Alternatives
3.4. Project Development Plan, Process/Technology Options and Project Components
3.5. Description of Project Phases (Activities/Environmental Aspects, Associated Wastes and Built-in Pollution
Control Measures)
3.5.1. Pre-construction/ Pre-operational phase
3.5.2. Construction/Development phase
3.5.3. Operational phase
3.5.4. Abandonment phase
3.6. Manpower Requirements
3.7. Project Cost
3.8. Project Duration and Schedule
4.1. The Land (Discuss only relevant modules)
4.1.1. Land Use and Classification
4.1.2. Pedology
4.1.3. Geology and Geomorphology

4.1.4. Terrestrial Biology
4.2. The Water (Discuss only relevant modules)
4.2.1. Hydrology & Hydrogeology
4.2.2. Oceanography
4.2.3. Water Quality
4.2.4. Freshwater Biology
4.2.5. Marine Biology
4.3. The Air (Discuss only relevant modules)
4.3.1. Meteorology
4.3.2. Air Quality and Noise
4.4. The People
6.1. Impacts Management Plan
6.2. Social Development Framework
6.3. IEC Framework
6.4. Emergency Response Policy and Generic Guidelines
6.5. Abandonment /Decommissioning /Rehabilitation Policies and Generic Guidelines
6.6. Environmental Monitoring Plan
6.6.1. Self-Monitoring Plan
6.6.1. Multi-sectoral Monitoring Framework
6.6.1. Environmental Guarantee and Monitoring Fund Commitment
6.7. Institutional Plan for EMP Implementation
8.1. Scoping Checklist
8.2. Original Sworn Accountability Statement of Proponent
8.3. Original Sworn Accountability Statement of Key EIS Consultants
8.4. Proof of Public Participation
8.5. Baseline Study Support Information
8.6. Impact Assessment and EMP Support Information
Source: Revised Procedural Manual for DENR Administrative Order No. 30 Series of 2003 (DAO 03-30)(2007)

(4) Public Participation in EIA Process

(a) Information, Education and Communication (IEC) and Public Scoping
One of operating principles of the PEISS is to make accurate disclosure of relevant
information by Project Proponents and other stake holders in the EIA process.
DENR Administrative Order No. 30 Series of 2003 (DAO 03-30) states that
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) of Local Government Unit (LGU)
is required at the minimum of EIS-based applications as part of the social preparation
process at Pre-Scoping. In fact, the IEC serves as a basis for preliminary identification
of stakeholders and related issues in preparation for the Public Scoping.
For EIS-based applications, Public Scoping is one of the processes to obtain
community inputs prior to the technical scoping of EIA Review Team with the
proponent, conducted before signing-off of the Scoping Checklist mentioned, which
comprises the final TOR of the EIA Study.
(b) Public Hearing/Consultation
With an aim of disclosure of the EIA findings, Public Hearings shall be implemented
for EIS-based applications as well as for Environmental Critical Projects (ECP) for
which Public Scoping was undertaken. A wavier of the Public Hearing requested by
the Proponent may be granted by the DENR-EMB if there is no mounting opposition
or written request for one with valid basis. In such cases, a Public Consultation might
be conducted instead.
The notice of Public Hearing shall provide explicit instructions for registration, access
to the EIA report, preparation of position papers, and on mechanics regarding how
issues may be received before or during the hearing. Prior to Public Hearings or
Public Consultations, the proponent is required to give copies of the EIA report and
relevant documents to EMB regional offices, LGUs and other stakeholders for a
well-informed participation in the hearing/consultation process.

(c) Participation of Indigenous Peoples for decision-making process
In 2006, NCIP Administrative Order No.1, namely, the Free and Prior Informed
Consent (FPIC) guidelines, was promulgated by the National Commission of
Indigenous People (NCIP). The objective of the guideline is to ensure genuine
participation of Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICC) and Indigenous Peoples (IPs)
in decision-making as well as to protect the rights of ICCs/IPs in the introduction and
implementation of activities that will impact upon their Ancestral Domains/Lands
Also, the guideline details the process for conducting Field Based Investigation (FBI)
and obtaining the Certification Precondition from the NCIP attesting that the
applicant has complied with the requirements for securing the affected ICC/IP’s
FCIP. It is required for the EIS (Environment Impact Statement)-based projects
which can affect the ADs to follow the FCIP procedures.
NCIP regional office is responsible for receiving applications for the issuance of
Certificate Precondition as well as implementing FBI and overseeing the process to
obtain the FPIC from the IPs/ICCs.
(5) Laws and Regulations Concerning Environmental Standards
(a) Environment Code (Presidential Decree No. 1152)
Known as the Philippine Environment Code, it launches a comprehensive program on
environmental protection and management. It also provides for air, water quality, land
use, natural resources and waste management for fisheries and aquatic resources;
wildlife; forestry and soil conservation; flood control and natural calamities; energy
development; conservation and utilization of surface and ground water and mineral
(b) Water Code (Presidential Decree No. 1067)
A decree instituting a water code which revises and consolidates the laws governing
the ownership, appropriation, utilization, exploitation, development, conservation and
protection of water resources.
(c) Clean Water Act (Republic Act 9275)
An Act which aims to protect the country’s water bodies from pollution from all
possible sources (industrial, commercial, agricultural and household activities). It
provides for a comprehensive and integrated strategy to prevent and minimize
pollution through a multi-sectoral and participatory approach involving all the
(d) Clean Air Act of 1999 (Republic Act No. 8749)
An Act which lays down policies to prevent and control air pollution. The act sets
standards for exhaust emission from vehicles, manufacturing plants and so on. All
potential sources of air pollution must comply with the provisions of the Act. As
such, all emissions must be within the air quality standards set under the law. It also
imposes the appropriate punishments for violators of the law.
(e) Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (Republic Act No. 9003 in 2000)
An Act providing for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the
necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited,
providing penalties, and appropriating funds therefore, and for other purposes.
(f) Pollution Control Law (Presidential Decree No. 984)
An Act that serves as the foundation for managing industrial activities impacting air
and water quality. It empowers the DENR to impose ex-parte cease and desist orders

(CDO) on the grounds of immediate threat to life, public health, safety or welfare, or
to animal or plant life when wastes or discharges exceed the normal amounts.
(g) Forestry Reform Code (Presidential Decree No. 705)
The Forestry Reform Code of the Philippines recognizes that there is an urgent need
for proper classification, management and utilization of the lands of the public
domain to maximize their productivity to meet the demands of the increasing
population of the Philippines. It surmises that to achieve the above purpose, it is
necessary to reassess the multiple uses of forest lands and resources before allowing
any utilization to optimize the benefits that can be derived. It also emphasizes not
only the utilization, but even more so the protection, rehabilitation and development
of forest lands to ensure the continuity of their productive condition.
(h) National Integrated Protected Areas System (Republic Act No. 7586)
An Act that aims to protect and maintain the natural biological and physical
diversities of the environment, notably areas with biologically unique features to
sustain human life and development as well as plant and animal life. It establishes a
comprehensive system of integrated protected areas within the classification of
national parks as provided for in the Constitution to secure for the Filipino people of
present and future generations the perpetual existence of all native plants and animals.
It encompasses (1) outstandingly remarkable areas and biologically important public
lands that are habitations of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, (2)
bio-geographic zones and (3) related ecosystems, whether terrestrial, wetland or
(6) Laws and Regulations Concerning Solid Waste Management and Disposal
(a) Presidential Decrees (PD) No.825 (1975), PD No.856(1975), and PD No.1152
Presidential Decree (PD) No.825 (1975), PD No.856(1975), and PD No.1152 regulate
safe and responsible disposal of solid and liquid wastes, LGU’s responsibility on
waste management, and treatment methods.
(b) An Act to Control Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes,
Providing Penalties for Violations thereof , and for their Purposes, Republic Act
(RA) 6969 (1990)
(c) MMDA Regulation No.96-009 (August 22, 1996)
Prohibiting littering/dumping/throwing or garbage, rubbish or any kind of waste in
open or public places, and requiring all owners, lessees, occupants of residential,
commercial establishments, whether private or public to clean and maintain the
cleanliness of their frontage and immediate surroundings and providing penalties for
violation thereof.
(d) MMDA Regulation No.99-009 (August 22, 1999)
Amending MMDA Regulation No.96-009 in order to differentiate dumping from
littering to determine the appropriate imposable penalties thereof and address the
problem on how to immediately dispose the junk vehicles which have been causing
traffic congestion in many roads in the metropolis.
(e) DAO 36 Series of 2004 (DAO 04-36)
DAO 04-36 is a procedural manual of DAO 92-29, a comprehensive documentation
on the legal and technical requirements of hazardous waste management.

4.1 Scope of Supplemental Study
Thirteen years have passed since the EIS(1998) was prepared. Hence the social and
environmental situations in location for the Phase III of the Project are naturally and socially
anticipated to change. Such changes might be or might be not affect appropriateness of the
environmental impacts and the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) developed in 1998.
In order to prepare the way for the next phase of the Project, the important social and
environmental criteria have to be identified and their integrity be confirmed according to JICA
Guidelines, which also refer to World Bank’s O.P. 4.01. Key points of the investigation are as
 Focusing on areas directly impacted by construction works of Phase III, which may cause
some possible negative impacts.
 Focusing on the current conditions of social and environmental criteria for which concern
should be given according to JICA Guidelines, and
 Updating and adding some information that are used to measure social and environmental
impacts during the construction stage of Phase III.
4.2 Physical Environment
4.2.1 Area of Concern
Barangays that are facing directly to the Phase III area of the lower Marikina River are chosen
as a directly affected area by the Project. These Barangays are shown within the boundary line
in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 Barangays along the Lower Marikina River

For the Pasig River area, study and mitigation measures II has been undertaken under the
ongoing construction of Phase II by the DPWH, Consultant and Contractors. The compliance
with ECC for Phase II has been monitored and ensured by the established Multiparty
Monitoring Team (MMT).
The existing environmental sampling and monitoring locations, including air quality, noise and
vibration in the Phase II are shown in Figure 4.2 below:


Napin Ilugin

Figure 4.2 Existing Environmental Sampling and Monitoring Locations

of Ongoing Construction of Phase II

4.2.2 Air Quality, Noise, and Vibration

Pollution levels of air, noise, and vibration in the ongoing construction sites of Phase II have
been monitored from 2009. Construction equipment and traffic are the major causes of air
pollution and noise at the construction site. Since the Phases II and III use the almost same or
similar equipment, the monitoring results of Phase II can be applicable to assess the impact of
proposed Phase III activities.
(1) Air Quality
Air pollution levels in residential areas nearby the construction sites are clearly higher than
those of NCR monitoring stations. However, it is impossible for one or two pieces of heavy
machinery at one construction site to emit substantial amount of pollutants. Although the main
cause of the air pollution is most likely caused by daily economic activities, regular monitoring
must be performed continuously.

Table 4.1 DENR National Ambient Air Quality Guideline for Criteria Pollutants
Short Term (a) Long Term (b)
g/Ncm ppm Ave. Time g/Ncm ppm Ave. Time
Suspended Particulate
Matter (e) -
230 (f) 24 hours 90 -- 1 year (c)
150 (g) 24 hours 60 -- 1 year (c)
PM -10
Sulfur Dioxide (S02)
180 0.07 24 hours 80 0.03 1 year
Nitrogen Dioxide
150 0.08 24 hours -- -- --
140 0.07 1 hour -- -- --
60 0.03 8 hours -- -- --
As Ozone
35 mg/Ncm 30 1 hour -- -- --
Carbon Monoxide
10 mg/Ncm 9 8 hours -- -- --
Lead (d) 1.5 -- 3 mo. (d) 1.0 -- 1 year
(a) Maximum limits represented by (98%) values not to be exceeded more than once a year.
(b) Arithmetic Mean
(c) Annual Geometric Mean
(d) Evaluation of this guideline is carried out for 24- hours averaging time and averaged over three
moving calendar months.
(e) SO2 and Suspended Particulates are sampled once every 6-days when using the manual method
(f) With mass median diameter less than 25-50 m.
(g) With mass median less than 10 m.

N CR moni tori ng
s i tes
600 East Ave.

TPS (ug/NCM)

400 Pasay

Pha s eII s i tes

200 Coast guard checking

No. 361 Matienza
100 Street
Yanib Foundation
0 Ojales Pharmacy -
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Coronado Street
DENR Standards

Source: Phase II Semi-Annual Monitoring Report No.4 (January –June 2010)

Figure 4.3 Air Quality: TSP Levels in the Area

(2) Noise
According to 24-hour noise level monitoring of Phase II in nearby residential areas which are
the most affected, noise levels are not necessary highest during day time (7:00 am-17:00 pm)
when construction work takes place. This indicates that although construction contributes to
noise pollution to some degree, most of the noise is from non-construction related vehicles,
passing barges/ferries, and other day-to-day human activities. The following should be noted
with regard to noise pollution in affected residential areas:
(a) Piling activity causes most of the noise in the Project, around 97 dBA while it was 83
dBA before piling work started. Although the noise level increases, the piling lasts on
average for 10 minutes per piling work session, which is easily acceptable.
(b) Moreover, while it can be noted that Project construction may generate a considerable
level of noise, it is considered short-term and therefore minimal in magnitude.
(c) In addition, before starting of the Project construction, the nearby communities were
informed beforehand that such construction would be implemented. So far, no complaints
from the communities have been reported during Project construction.

Standard * (Class
80 A**)
Noise level (dBA)

Date/Period of
50 Monitoring
40 Baseline Data***
Date/Period of
10 Monitoring Nov-
0 Dec 2009







Date/Period of
Monitoring June
Coast guard checking No. 361 Matienza Yanib Foundadtion Ojales Pharmacy - 8-10 and 28-30
point Street Nursery Coronado Street 2010

**Class A: a section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.

Source: Phase II Semi-Annual Monitoring Report No.4 (January –June 2010)

Figure 4.4 Noise Level around Phase II Construction Sites

Table 4.2 DENR Standards for Noise in General Areas (dBA)
Daytime (0700Hr-700Hr) 50 60 65 70 75
Evening (1700Hr-100Hr) 45 50 60 65 70
40 45 55 60 60
Morning (0500Hr-700Hr) 45 50 60 65 70
Class AA – a section of contiguous area which requires quietness, such as areas within 100
meters from school sites, nursery schools, hospitals and special homes for the aged.
Class A – a section or contiguous area which is primarily used for residential purposes.
Class B – a section or contiguous area which is primarily a commercial area.
Class C – a section primarily zoned or used as light industrial area.
Class D – a section which is primarily reserved, zoned or used as a heavy industrial area

(3) Vibration
Vibration level caused by a Vibro-Hammer of Phase II ranges from 0.02 to 0.03 mm/sec within
3 meters of the equipment. This is less than 2.5mm/sec applied in Phase II Project which is the
limit that would affect properties. Hence the equipment least likely causes vibration hazardous
to the residents in the concerned area.
4.2.3 Water Resources
The Pasig-Marikina River originates at the Southern Sierra Madre Mountain, running thru the
Luzon Central Plain to Manila Bay. The Napindan River is one of seven major rivers supplying
freshwater to Manila Bay from Laguna Lake (Laguna de Bay) through the Pasig River.
Although the Pasig-Marikina River is classified as Class C, the water quality and their
environment were declared as “biologically not active” in the 1990’s.
4.2.4 Water Quality
Overall water quality is better upstream of Marikina River at Marikina Bridge sampling station.
BOD, COD, TSS, Nitrates, Phosphates, Total Coliform, and Cadmium show a similar trend:
they start with lower levels at Marikina Bridge, then increase toward Vargas Bridge of Lower
Marikina River after merging with highly concentrated water from Buayang Bao creek water.
The trend more or less remains steady from Guadalupe Ferry Station to Havana Bridge in the
Pasig River, and then, after joining the San Juan River, it decreases toward Manila Bay. The
reverse trend is observed for DO. Almost all parameters for all sampling locations do not satisfy
Class C water quality criteria. Oil, Grease and Heavy Metals (except cadmium) do not display a
clear trend.
(1) BOD and DO
The trend of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) loading has been rising from 1998 to
2008. Since 2002, BOD levels at most monitoring stations have been exceeding
7mg/L—the Class C river water standard. BOD is low at Marikina Bridge (upstream of the
Marikina River) and higher downstream of Havana Bridge—toward Manila Bay (the river
mouth of the Pasig-Marikina River).
The Dissolved Oxygen (DO) level trend is decreasing to below 5mg/L, which is below the
Class C river water standard. DO level at Marikina Bridge is generally best of all the
stations. DO tends to be high at Marikina Bridge, and it drops when moving downstream
of Havana Bridge, then increases again when moving toward Manila Bay.

(2) Nutrient Salts
Both Nitrate (NO3) and Phosphate (PO4) do not satisfy water quality criteria for Class C
level. Nitrate level fluctuates within the 5mg/L range below and above the Class-C level
of 10mg/L throughout the rivers. There is no distinguishing difference throughout the
Pasig-Marikina River. On the other hand, there is a higher concentration of phosphate
between the Guadalupe Bridge and Havana Bridge in the Pasig River and also in the flow
from the San Juan River.
(3) TSS and COD
Both Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) do not satisfy
water quality criteria for Class C. General trends of TSS and COD are low in Marikina
Bridge, increasing toward Guadalupe Bridge, and mostly leveling out until they finally taper
out toward Manila Bay. TSS level is mostly above Class C standard of 30mg/L.
(4) Oil and Grease; Total Conliform
Both Oil and Grease and Total Coliform (TC) do not satisfy River water quality for Class
C. The standard for Oil and Grease is 2mg/l and TC is 5,000 MPN/100ml. There is no
trend for Oil and Grease, these fluctuate between 1 and 5 mg/L, mostly above Class C
level (2mg/L). Total Coliform is mostly between 5000 and 1.36x1010 MPN/100ml, with a
trend increasing toward Guadalupe Bridge then tapering off toward Manila Bay.
(5) Heavy Metals
Chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg) do not have a clear trend, but are equally
dispersed throughout the Pasig-Marikina River. Cr is between diction limit to 0.5mg/L but
mostly greater than 0.05mg/L (Class-C std). Pb and Hg clear Class-C std levels of 0.05 and
0.0005mg/L respectively. Cd levels increase toward the Manila Bay, between 0.01 and
0.02mg/L, mostly around Class-C level of 0.01mg/L.

DO (1999-2008) BOD (1999-2008)
7 25

Class C
STD: 5mg/L
4 15

1 Class C
STD: 7mg/L
0 0
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
Year Year

Marikina Vargas Guadalupe Lambingan Jones

5 0 0
. 0
g / L

0 0
. 0

1 9 9 8 1 9 9 9 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9

River flow direction: Up-stream/Marikina River Pasig River toward Manila Bay 

DO (2009-2010)
DO (2009 10) BODBOD
(2009 10)
10 150



0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Guadalupe Ferry Station

2009 1st Qtr 2009

2nd Qtr 2009 3rd Qtr

2009 4th Qtr 20100 1st Qtr 2010 2nd Qtr

Lambingan Bridge
Guadalupe Nuevo

Nagtahan Bridge
Guadalupe Viejo
 Marikina Bridge

2010 3rd Qtr 012345678910

Havana Bridge
Vargas Bridge
Buayang bato

Sevilla Bridge

Jones Bridge
Manila Bay

Source: Phase II monitoring data

Figure 4.5 Water Quality(DO, BOD)

NO3 (2009-2010) PO4 (2009-2010)




0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

TSS (2010) COD (2009-2010)

200 900





0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Oil and Grease (2009-2010) Total Coliform (2009-2010)






0 1.E+00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Guadalupe Ferry Station

2009 1st Qtr 2009

2nd Qtr 2009 3rd Qtr

2009 4th Qtr 20100 1st Qtr 2010 2nd Qtr

Lambingan Bridge
Guadalupe Nuevo

Nagtahan Bridge
Guadalupe Viejo
 Marikina Bridge

2010 3rd Qtr 012345678910

Havana Bridge
Vargas Bridge
Buayang bato

Sevilla Bridge

Jones Bridge
Manila Bay

Source: Phase II monitoring data

Figure 4.6 Water Quality(NO3, PO4, TSS, COD, Oil and Grease, Total Coliform)

Chromium (2009-2010) Lead (2009-2010)
0.5 0.4





0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Mercury (2009-2010) Cadmium (2009-2010)

0.001 0.03




0 0.00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Guadalupe Ferry Station

2009 1st Qtr 2009

2nd Qtr 2009 3rd Qtr

2009 4th Qtr 20100 1st Qtr 2010 2nd Qtr

Lambingan Bridge
Guadalupe Nuevo

Nagtahan Bridge
Guadalupe Viejo
 Marikina Bridge

2010 3rd Qtr 012345678910

Havana Bridge
Vargas Bridge
Buayang bato

Sevilla Bridge

Jones Bridge
Manila Bay

Source: Phase II monitoring data

Figure 4.7 Water Quality(Heavy Metals)

4.2.5 Watershed
The cities located along the Pasig-Marikina River belong to the Pasig-Marikina River Basin,
which is a sub-basin of the Laguna Lake Watershed, connecting with the existing Mangahan
Floodway. The cities’ political/administrative boundaries do not match with those of the
watershed. The following table shows area coverage of the Pasig-Marikina River Basin.
Table 4.3 Pasig-Marikina River Basin
City/Municipality Total administrative Area within the Marikina Administrative area
land area (km2) River Basin (km2) in the basin (%)
Marikina City 23.48 23.48 100
Pasig City 33.77 8.90 26.35
Quezon City 129.84 33.05 25.45
Mandaluyong City 11.3 0.51 4.51
San Jose Del Monte 115.77 11.08 9.57
Rodriguez 360.55 218.58 60.62
Antepolo 293.49 206.52 70.36
San Mateo 53.74 53.74 100
Source: Sewerage Master Plan and Feasibility Study for the Marikina River Basin, (2008) Manila Water
Company Inc.

4.2.6 Topology and Geology

The Philippines is situated in and along the Circum-Pacific Volcanic-Earthquake Belt, which is
characterized by earthquakes and volcanic activities. General geological trends north to
north-west are characterized by the Philippines Fault System and its splay faults, particularly
along the Southern Sierra Madre Mountains. Two major faults run through the area: the
Marikina Fault and Mont Alban Fault. Marikina Fault runs from northeast to south west, along
the Marikina River, and crosses the Pasig River toward Makati City. Marikina Fault separates
the valley plain and the plateau/hilly part of Pasig City, and Marikina and Quezon Cities. The
Rolling hills part of Quezon City is located in the Marikina Valley, between the Marikina River
and higher area with a 9% to 18% slope. Soil type for the area is San Manuel Clay.
The area of concern for the Phase III is mainly composed of three rock formations: Miocene
rock, Alata Conglomerate, and Guadalupe Tuff. Guadalupe Tuff is the type that forms the main
and visible part of Quezon City, foundation of Navatos, and Marikina Valley, which mostly
composed of comminuted vitric volcanic ash with irregularly layered coarse fragments of
volcanic pumice. There are alluvium deposit layers on top of the Guadalupe Tuff in the west of
Quezon City toward Navotas. Below Alata Conglomerate there is Miocene rock.
Pasig City is located in Marikina Valley, which is composed of about 86% Marikina Clay loam,
and about 14% are on the Guadalupe Plateau Zone. Slope of Pasig City is between 0 and 5%,
and most Barangays are sloped between 0 to 2%, except Bagong-Ilog, Pineda, Kapitolyo, and
Oranbo Barangays. Elevation of Pasig City is 1 m below mean sea level.
Areas of concern in Quezon and Marikina Cities have gentle slopes of between 0 and 2.5% on
the relatively flat alluvial plain.

4.2.7 Sediment
(1) Sediment Quality
The Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission (PRRC) and Phase I (in 2001 in the Detailed
Design) of this Project have been monitoring the Pasig-Marikina River sediment quality. Since
two different testing methods, TCLP and Elutriate Test, were used, data obtained from the
monitoring are discussed separately.
(a) Sediment Quality by TCLP
Table 4.4 Inorganic Chemicals in Sediments (mg/kg-dry weight)
Sampling Sampling Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Mercury Nickel Zinc
Location Date (MDL1=0.9) (LOQ2=20) (LOQ=0.2),
(Bridge) (MDL=0.04)
Marikina 08/06/09 <MDL 42 101 12.5 <MDL 33.5 185
12/11/09 <MDL 35.5 99 19.85 0.055 32 195
Rosario 2001 0.55 (1.11*) 75.57 14.88 <0.003 99.45
Marikina River

Alfonso 2001 0.91 (0.92*) 83.23 13.53 <0.003 99.45

Vargas 08/06/09 <MDL 56.5 125.5 25 0.19 38 320
12/11/09 <MDL 36 113.5 26 0.15 36.5 239
Marikina) 2001 0.89 (1.16*) 108.9 63.57 0.15 263.59
Laguna lake 

Napindan 08/06/09 <MDL 29 79 12 0.06 14.50 125

12/11/09 <MDL 28.35 102.5 17.5 0.050 27 202.5
2001 0.55 (0.96*) 97.79 37.87 0.17 289.29
Bambang 08/06/09 <MDL 33.5 91.5 45 0.089 19.5 250
12/11/09 <MDL 28 81 42.5 0.08 27 250
Ilugin 12/11/09 <MDL 16.2 59.5 21.5 12.5 205
Japan Soil 150 250 150 15
Allowable value Agriculture 3 8 150 375 0.8 600
in Canada3 Residential 5 8 100 500 2 500
Commercial 20 500 1000 10 1500
Washington Sediment 5.1 260 390 450 0.41 140 410
State standard
Garden use 3 254 130 500 1 70 300
Parks 15 10005 1306 2000 20 706 3006
The Netherlands Target 0.8 100 36 85 0.3 35 140
Intervention8 20 800 500 600 10 500 3000
Method of Analysis: GC/MS (Scan Method, acquisition) determination after extraction with methanol in DCM and
hexane and cleanup in alumina column
*As Cr6+
1. MDL: Method Detection Limit; 2. LOQ: Limit of Quantitation; 3. Interim Canadian Environmental Quality Criteria for
Contaminated sites (in EIS1998); 4. As Hexavalent (Cr6+); 5. As Total Cr; 6. As long as plants grow; 7. Dutch’s final
environmental quality goal value; 8. The degree of soil quality that is required a clean-up work.

Source: PRRC, EIS(1998) and Detailed Design (Phase I).

The placement of sampling stations runs from Marikina Bridge crossing upper Marikina
River, located in the 30 km upstream from the river mouth, to Vargas Bridge in the lower
Marikina River and toward Laguna Lake through the Napindan River. Bambang Bridge
and Ilugin Bridge are located in Napindan River, which connects to Laguna Lake. Their
locations are shown in Figure 4.8.

 Vargas also shows high lead values after Bambang. However, these values are
less than the target value of the Netherlands, i.e. environmentally safe.
 Levels of cadmium are at a safe level in the lower Marikina River according to
various reference values (with the exception of the target value employed by the

Marikina Bridge

Rosario Bridge

Alfonso Bridge
Vargas Bridge

Ilugin Bridge
Napindan Gate Bambang Bridge

Figure 4.8 Sampling Locations for Sediment Quality

 Chromium in the lower Marikina River is at an environmentally safe level

according to standard of Washington State and the Target Value employed by the

Netherlands, but this chromium level is not recommended for agricultural and
residential use in Canada.
 Copper in the lower Marikina River is at an environmentally safe level according
to standard of Washington State but does not conform to the Target Value of the
 Lead in the lower Marikina River is at an environmentally safe level according to
all the reference values.
 Mercury in the lower Marikina River is at an environmentally safe level
according to all the reference values.
Nickel and Zinc in the lower Marikina River are at an environmentally safe level according
to all the reference values, but not conformed with the Target Value of the Netherlands.
Chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, and zinc are highest in sediment samples taken at
Vargas Bridge in the lower Marikina River. However, these values are lower than reference
values such as natural sediment quality of State of Washington and mostly satisfy
environment values used by Canada and the Netherlands.
Hence, according to this method, TCLP, it can be said that disposal of dredged materials is
less likely to cause contamination of surfaces and groundwater via the leaching process if
sediment quality is equal to or less than reported levels.
TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) is recommended by the DENR. TCLP
is sometimes conducted to determine the leaching potential of sediments under more severe
conditions to measure an effect of dredging action. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid
Waste (SW-846) Method 1311 (US EPA, 2009) are used.

(b) Sediment Quality by Elutriate Test

All the values taken from the lower Marikina River are less than regulatory levels set by
the Government of the Philippines. This indicates a decreased likelihood that dredging
causes significant levels of toxicity to occur in the river water, except perhaps for turbidity.
Table 4.5 Inorganic Chemicals in Sediments1 (mg/L)
Sampling Location Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Mercury Zinc Arsenic Cyanide
Napindan gate 0.0011 0.0028 0.0203 nil nil 0.0368 0.0015 nil
Vargas bridge 0.0020 0.0020 0.0179 nil nil 0.0381 0.0010 nil
Alfonso S. bridge 0.0020 0.0038 0.0097 0.0038 nil 0.1239 0.0014 nil
Rosario bridge 0.0016 0.0007 0.0189 0.0008 nil 0.0416 0.0017 nil
Hazardous2 5 5 5 0.2 5
Class-C River 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.002 0.05 0.05
Effluent to Class-C4 0.05 0.1* 0.3 0.005 0.2 0.2
TCLP regulatory5 1.0 5.0 5.0 0.2 5.0
* As Cr6+
1. Source: Phase I (Detailed Design in 2001); 2. Procedural manual Title III of DAO 92-29 “Hazardous Wastes
Management”, DAO36(2004); 3. DAO 90-35; 4. DAO 90-35 Table 1 Effluent Standards (maximum limits for the
protection of public health): Discharge limit from new/proposed industry to Inland water (Class C); 5. US EPA.

Elutriate Test method was developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to simulate a
condition that occurs during a dredging operation. An amount of chemicals that is
absorbed to sediment and that may reabsorb into the water column under normal pH is
estimated. When dredging effects are a study objective, elutriate analysis should be
included in the test design.

4.2.8 Wastes
Social survey conducted in the JICA Preparatory Study shows that 84% of households answered
that their wastewater is going to collection pipes that are connected to a city sewer. However,
there are very few sewer collection systems; as of 2006 only 8% of people were served by
sewerage systems in Pasig City, while the percentages of people served in Quezon and Makati
cities were 20% and 25% respectively. Marikina city and Pateros municipality are not connected
to a sewer system at all. Also, during the field investigation in JICA study it was observed that
raw wastewater is discharged into the river from most of houses located on the river banks.
Social survey results show that 94% of households’ garbage is collected and disposed of by a
regular garbage collection system. About 5% burn their garbage and another 5 % discard
garbage into the river or open spaces intentionally. Safe and sanitarily solid waste disposal sites
do not exist in Pasig city. In Quezon city there is an open dumping site located in Payatas in
close vicinity to La Mesa dam, which is a source of drinking water to Metro Manila.
Cities encourage their citizens to separate recyclable and reusable materials from other garbage.
The garbage is collected by LGUs and private garbage collectors. Industrial hazardous and toxic
materials must be separated and safely disposed of by licensed contractors (DAO92-29,
DAO2004-36). Although there are many “recycle centers” that collect and process usable
“recyclable materials,” these are more like conventional “junk shops” and are not capable of
treating complex, highly toxic, and mixed hazardous wastes such as industrial wastes. As of
2002, only three (3) hazardous waste treatment facilities that are equipped with appropriate
technologies and skilled workers were identified. Hence, it can be said that some of the
wastewater from the Pasig and Quezon cities are still discharged into the river one way or
another and that this discharge is the major source of river water and sediment pollution.
4.2.9 Protected Area
Republic Act No, 7586, titled the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act,
prescribes the following eight (8) categories of protected areas: (1) strict nature reserve, (2)
natural park, (3) natural monument, (4) wildlife sanctuary, (5) protected landscapes and
seascapes, (6) resource reserve, (7) natural biotic areas and (8) other categories established by
law, conventions or international agreements which the Philippine Government is a signatory.
Protected area nearest the Phase III site is Marikina Watershed Reservation (18,965.86 ha)
which is located about 20 km upstream from the project site, Lower Marikina River, in Antipolo
city and Montalban municipality in Rizal Province. Therefore, no adverse impact is predicted.
Candaba Swamp and Manila Bay have been nominated as Important Bird Areas by Bird Life
International. Candaba Swamp is located in the Pampanga River Basin about 60 km far (straight
distance) from the Pasig-Marikina River. Bird area of Manila Bay is located around Cavite area,
20 km far from Pasig River. Therefore, no adverse impact is predicted.
4.2.10 Recreational Area
The PRRC initiated the creation of Environmental Preservation Areas (EPAs) in order to
promote a cleaner Pasig River. The EPAs take the form of linear parks, walkways and
greenbelts on both sides of the Pasig River. So far, a total of 24.64 linear kilometers of parks
have been completed extending from the City of Manila to Taguig City.

Table 4.6 Environmental Preservation Areas
Protected Area and other Environmental Preservation Areas (EPAs)
Pineda Linear Park
Pasig Buting Linear Park
West Rembo Linear Park
Vergara Linear Park
Hulo Linear Park
Barangka Itaas Linear Park
Barangka Ibaba Linear Park
Barangka Ilaya Linear Park
Buayang Bato Linear Park
Tagig Napindan North Riparian Forest
Source:. www.prrc.com.ph (2011), PRRC

4.3 Biological Environment

4.3.1 Flora
(1) Terrestrial Flora
The riverbanks serve as habitat for a few thriving natural plants, the majority of which are
Ficus spieces. Agricultural fruit trees and ornamental plants were also observed on the
banks of the Pasig River. The terrestrial plants along the embankment of the river stretch
were recorded. Among the commonly encountered plants in the riverbanks, either planted
for bank enhancement and shade or occurring naturally through seed dispersal agents as
wind, insects and birds, are Ficus religiosa, Leucaena leucocephala, Terminalia catappa,
Sandoricum koetjape, Swietenia macrophylla, Cocos nucifera, Ficus septica, Trema
orientalis, Ficus balete and Gmelina arborea.
Other species recorded but not frequently encountered include Vitex parviflora, Carica
papaya, Pterocarpus indicus, Premna odorata, Chrysophyllum cainito, Cannax generalis
and Macaranga tanarius.
(2) Mangrove
It was reported that mangrove areas have declined significantly in the Manila Bay area due
to conversion of land use. For instance, in 1994, it was estimated that there were 1,276 ha
of mangrove forests in the Bay. In 2005, the Environmental Resource Validation by
Manila Bay Environmental Atlas identified 414.15 ha of mangrove forests in the Bay.
(3) Aquatic Flora (Macrophytes)
The aquatic biota is low diversity of macrophytes in the Pasig River, which can be
attributed to river pollution and concentration of population in the nearby areas.
The same or similar habitat and biological characteristics can be expected in the Marikina
River and its surroundings.

Table 4.7 Aquatic Macrophytes found in the Pasig River

Species Common name Family Remarks
Eichornia crassipes Water hyacinth Pontederiaceae Exotic
Ceratophyllum demersum Hornwort Ceratophyllaceae Indigenous
Ipomoea aquatica kangkong Convolvulaceae Indigenous
Pistia stratoites Quiapo Araceae Indigenous

(4) Phytoplankton
The phytoplankton species that were collected on 20 September 2008 during Pasig (II)
environment monitoring session are of 3 different classes: Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae
and Bacillariophyceae.
 Stephanodiscus sp. of Bacilliariophyceae dominates the phytoplankton
population with 83% of the total population in all of the sampling stations.
 Pediastrum sp. belongs to Chlorophyceae. It occupies 8% of the total
phytoplankton population in all of the sampling stations.
 The Melosira sp. of Bacilliariophyceae occupies 5% of the total phytoplankton
population in all of the sampling stations.
 Oscillatoria sp. of Cyanophyceae and Cymbella sp. of Bacillariaphyceae
occupy 0.05% of the total phytoplankton population in sampling stations.
4.3.2 Fauna
(1) Wildlife
Table 4.8 National List of Threatened Fauna in and around Metro Manila Area
Taxonomy Scientific Name Common Name Conservation Distribution area
Macaca fascicularis Philippine Monkey OTS
Throughout the
Cervus mariannus Philippine brown deer VU Philippines
Pteropus vampyrus Giant flying fox OTS
Dugong dugon Dugong CR Manila, Taytay
Acerodon jubatus Golden-crowned fruit bat EN Manila, Quezon
Pteropus leucopterus White-winged fruit bat VU Quezon
Ptilinopus marchei Flame-breasted fruit dove VU Quezon
Ptilinopus merrilli Cream-bellied fruit dove VU Quezon
Birds Grus antigone Sarus crane CR Quezon
Sterna bernsteini Chinese crested tern CR Manila Bay (1905)
Hydrosaurus postulatus Philippine sailfin lizard OTS Quezon
Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill turtle CR Quezon
Crocodylus mindorensis Philippine crocodile CR Quezon
Reptile Varanus olivaceus Gray's monitor lizard VU Quezon, Manila
Varanus salvator. Northern
Malay monitor lizard VU
marmoratus Philippine
Note: Conservation Status: CR (Critically Endangered), EN (Endangered), VU(Vulnerable), OTS(Other
Threatened Species).
Source: 2004 Statistics on Philippines Protected Areas and Wildlife Resources, Protected Areas and Wildlife
Bureau (PAWB), DENR

Pursuant to Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Administrative

Order No. 2004-15, the National List of Threatened Fauna was prepared with the aim to
determine species of wild birds, mammals, and reptiles which shall be declared as priority
concern for protection and conservation. It shall be prohibited to collect and/or trade any of
the species in the list unless in possession of a permit granted by the DENR. The list
includes 146 species composed of 33 species of mammals, 80 species of birds, 18 species
of reptiles and 15 species of amphibians.
According to the National List of Threatened Fauna, six (6) species of mammals, four (4)
species of birds, and five (5) species of reptiles are listed in and around the Project sites.
According to Manila Bay Area Environmental Atlas, (PAWB-DENR, 2007) there is no
distribution of coral reefs in the costal zone of the Study Area.
No protected habitat of endangered species designated by the country’s laws or
international treaties and conventions has been reported throughout Phase II environmental
monitoring and on DENR’s report, and the same is expected to be the case for Phase III.
Moreover, since construction and dredging activities are held within the already

highly-developed Metro Manila area, exclusively in and along the already highly-polluted
and disturbed Pasig-Marikina River.
(2) Nektons (fish)
Ancistrus temminckii, commonly known as “janitor fish,” was the only fish species caught
during the aquatic biota sampling. The Janitor Fish is an invasive specie, which was
brought for a research purpose from out of the country, and not a native of the
Pasig-Marikina River. The greatest number of janitor fish caught and observed was in
Guadalupe Bridge. None were caught at Lambingan Bridge.
(3) Zooplankton
Three groups of zooplankton were found in four sampling stations in the Pasig River. As in
most tropical freshwaters, results show that the zooplankton population is dominated by
Cladocerans, with 46% of the total population count of zooplankton in all of the
sampling stations. Diaphanosoma excisum is the species notably recorded as the most
abundant among the other Cladoceran species.
(4) Macrobenthos
 Oligochaetes and dextral pond snails dominate the macrobenthic population,
occupying 48 % of the total collection in all sampling stations. Oligochaetes belong
to Phylum Annelida, which are known as well-segmented worms.
 The river snail, which belongs to family Pleuroceridae, holds 19% of the total
number of collected macrobenthic organisms.
 Shrimp are the least number in the macrobenthic community with 5% dominancy.
They are under the Subphylum Crustacea, that requires well-oxygenated water. This
explains its low dominance among the macro invertebrate species in four stations.
 Corbicula manilensis, commonly known as “tulya,” was observed in Guadalupe
station since the station is near Laguna de Bay. Few individuals of Pomacea
canaliculata, or “golden kuhol,” were also obtained from all the four stations.

4.4 Socio-economic Environment

4.4.1 Area Directly Affected by Construction
Phase III activities involve dredging more heavily than in Phase II. River bank revetment works,
river wall works and repair works of existing revetments are going to be given to sections
geographically allocated to both Phase II and III. Construction procedure, monitoring, and
construction site managements in Phase III would be more or less the same as that of Phase II.
Considering the scale and nature of construction activities in Phase III, directly affected areas
along the Lower Marikina River are identified to be all Barangays located in between the
Mangahan Floodway and Napindan River. Such concerned Barangays are listed in a table

Table 4.9 Project Affected Barangays

City Barangay
Quezon Bagumbayan
Ugong Norte
Pasig Ugong
Bagong Ilog

San Jose
Bagong Katipunan
Sta. Rosa
Makati West Rembo

4.4.2 Population
Pasig City, where most of Phase III of construction sites takes place, experienced about a 1.6
fold population growth between 1990 and 2007, from 397,309 to 627,445 in 17 years.
The populations and annual average growth rates from 1990 to 2007 in the Study Area are
shown in the below table.

Table 4.10 Estimated Population in the Study Area

City 1990 1995 2000 2007
Makati 450,559 484,176 444,867 567,349
Manila 1,588,203 1,654,761 1,581,082 1,660,714
Marikina 309,320 357,231 391,170 424,610
Pasig 397,309 471,075 505,058 627,445
Pateros - 55,286 57,407 61,940
Quezon 1,662,950 1,989,419 2,173,831 2,679,450
NCR 7,907,386 9,454,040 9,932,560 11,566,825
Philippines 60,703,206 68,616,536 76,506,928 88,566,732
Ref: www.census.gov.ph, Demographic Statistic, National Statistic Office

Table 4.11 Estimated Annual Growth Rates in the Study Area

5-7 years annual growth rate (%) 10-12 years annual growth rate (%)
1990-1995 1995-2000 2000-2007 1990-2000 1995-2007
Makati 1.25 -1.80 3.41 -0.18 1.34
Manila 0.62 -0.97 0.68 -0.13 0.03
Marikina 2.68 1.96 1.14 2.34 1.46
Pasig 3.22 1.50 3.04 2.42 2.43
Pateros 1.37 0.81 1.05 1.11 0.96
Quezon 3.33 1.92 2.92 2.67 2.53
NCR 3.30 1.06 2.12 2.25 1.71
Philippines 2.32 2.36 2.04 2.34 2.16
Source: www.census.gov.ph, Demographic Statistic, National Statistic Office

The population densities of the Study Area from 1990 to 2007 are shown below table.

Table 4.12 Estimated Population Density in the Study Area

Population Density (persons/km2)
City Area (km2)
1990 1995 2000 2007
Makati 21.57 2.09 2.24 2.06 2.63
Manila 24.98 6.36 6.62 6.33 6.65
Marikina 21.52 1.44 1.66 1.82 1.97
Pasig 48.46 0.82 0.97 1.04 1.29
Quezon 171.71 0.97 1.16 1.27 1.56
Source. http://www.nscb.gov.ph/activestats/psgc/listcity.asp, Source: Study Team

Populations in Barangays located along the Phase III construction segment of the Lower
Marikina River are listed in following table.

Table 4.13 Estimated Population in the Directly Affected Barangays
2000 2007
Quezon City (Total) 2,173,831 2,679,450
Bagumbayan 7,597 9,209
Ugong Norte 6,959 6,822
Pasig City (Total) 505,058 627,445
Ugong 19,034 22,266
Bagong Ilog 16,423 15,454
Pineda 16,655 15,013
Santolan 37,055 43,286
Manggahan 32,615 38,063
Rosario 48,998 50,690
Maybunga 24,529 35,627
Caniogan 23,553 21,769
Kapasigan 6,178 6,569
San Jose 1,575 2,347
Bagong Kapipuan 1,044 1,185
Santa Rosa 1,120 1,515
Buting 10,408 9,073
San Joaquin 10,694 12,498
Source: www.census.gov.ph, Demographic Statistic, National Statistic Office

Overall populations in Pasig City increased about 24% on average between 2000 and 2007. It
can be assumed that social, commercial and industrial activities in such areas have increased as
population grew, which in turn resulted in changing mutual influences of the cities and the river
since the EIA report was prepared in 1998.
Most of the lower Marikina River runs through Pasig City. Pasig City’s population increased
from 505,058 in 2000 to 627,445 in 2007. Maybunga, one of 14 major Barangays located along
the river, increased its population by 11,098 people by 2007, which is 45% growth when
measured from 2000. While Barangay Buting lost 1,335 people, its neighboring
Barangays—namely San Jose, Banong Kapipuan, and Santa Rosa—gained 1,308 people all
together from 2000 to 2007.
Barangays Santolan and Mangahan, located upstream from the Phase III section, each increased
their populations about 17%. This implies that about 2,500 households (1 household contains
4.66 people in Pasig City) have moved into the two Barangays between 2000 and 2007. Ugong,
another major Barangay located in the middle of the Marikina River, has increased its
population from 19,034 in 2000 to 22,266 in 2007. This indicates that about 700 new
households moved into Ugong since 2000.
Residents in the projected affected area originate from neighbouring cities as well as from other
islands, such as: Albay, Samar, Pangasinan, General Santos, Iloilo, Sorsogon, Cagayan,
Misamis Oriental, Negros Occidental, Bacolod, Zamboanga, Marinduque, Legaspi, Masbate,
Quezon, Bulacan, Surigao, Cebu, Oriental Mindoro, Pampanga, Mindanao.
Populations in Barangays that are located upper and lower streams of Lower Marikina River
section are listed in the table below.

Table 4.14 Estimated Population in the Upper and Lower Sections of Phase III
2000 2007
Makati City
Total 444,867 567,349
East Rembo 23,902 23,119
West Rembo 28,889 28,578
Cembo 25,815 26,589
Guadalupe Nuevo 22,493 23,359
Marikina City
Total 391,170 424,610
Industrial valley 13,366 14,050
Calumpang 14,552 15,589
Barangka 19,466 17,424
Tanong 9,477 9,360
Jesus de la Pena 9,796 8,553
Santa Elena 5,704 7,008
Conception Uno 76,736 40,277
Malanday 42,256 51,363
Nangka 32,273 41,837
Santo Nino 27,602 24,694
Conception Dos 23,845 27,809
Source: www.census.gov.ph, Demographic Statistic, National Statistic

Barangays East Rembo, West Rembo, and Cembo in Makati City are located 2 km directly
downstream of the lower end of the lower Marikina River section. While Makati City’s
population increased about 83,000 people (approx. 17%) between 2000 and 2007, the
populations in the three concerned Barangays has increased less than 1%, and rests were
Marikina City, which is located above the Mangahan Floodway, has increased about 19% in the
7 years following 2000. Santa Elena, Conception Uno, Malanday, and Nangka have changed
their population about 23%, -48%, 22%, and 30% respectively since 2000. Reduction of
population in Conception Uno, which is located in the upper edge of Marikina City, is the
greatest of all; 36,459 people—or about 7500 households (1 household is 4.86 people in
Mrikina City)—had moved out in a 7 year-period. Meanwhile, Barangays Malanday and
Nangka, which are located right next to Conception Uno, increased their populations about
9,100 and 9,600 respectively during the same time period. Between 2000 and 2007, Barangay
Parang also lost about 45% of its population (30,136 people), while its neighboring Barangays
Marikina Heights and Conception Dos gained about 10,000 people.

4.4.3 Development Trend

Commercial development in Pasig City increased 100% between 1994 and 2000, while
traditional industrial activities have remained stagnant. Development of pedestrian malls,
high-rise mixed-use condominiums, and warehouses has risen in the last 10 to 20 years, while
industry lost about 3.5% of its land for commercial use by 2000. Industries in Ugong, Rosario,
Santolan and Kapitolyo baramgays have hardly expanded during the last 20 years or more, but
relocated to the neighboring regions of CALABARZON and MMARILAQUE. Residential area
is shifting to the east of Pasig City, to Cainta, Taytay, Angono, Antipolo and Binangonan. Pasig
City is changing its role from an industrial area to a trade and commercial area.
The city of Manila is spilling over to Quezon City to release population pressure. Quezon City
was once a new capital city of the Philippines and developed according to a master plan for a

while. About 36% of the city was estimated to be residential area in 2008. The residential area
grew from southwest to northeast and west along major roads such as Quirino Highway,
Tandang Soro Avenue, and Commonwealth Avenue. Quezon City had been developed as a
residential area by both private developers and NHA. However, most of the development has
been done by private developers. The city has been lacking “firm control and direction,” which
has resulted in “unrelated subdivisions with inadequate and uncoordinated service and facilities
(Quezon City CLUP, 2000)” and a growing population of informal settlers. Most of the informal
settlements are located on Constitution Hill, along Commonwealth Avenue, at the northeast of
Quezon City of upper Marikina River, Bagong Silangan, UP Campus, Escopa, Matandang
Balara, Pasong Tamo, Sauyo, and Bahay Toro Barangays as well as along riverbanks, creek
sides, aqueducts, and transmission lines.
In Quezon City, commercial areas have been developing along major roads and around public
markets. Fairview, North Triangle Business Center, and the Eastwood Cyber Park in
Bagumbayan Barangay are growing areas. The west side of the city is a traditional industrial
area and is still expanding. Potential industrial growth is expected to continue to occur in the
Balintawak and Novalishes districts. Light industries are expected to grow in the area east of E.
Rodoriguez Jr. Avenue in Ugong Norte. Spread of industrial zones is westward bound as they
consolidate and become less hazardous to the environment.
4.4.4 Land Use
The Project area is located in the National Capital Region (NCR). While most of NCR consists
of buildup areas, about 50% of the NCR consists of residential area and about 9% consists of
commercial areas.
Phase III construction sites are located close to high schools, major highways, narrow and
congested residential streets, community/Barangay parks, churches, Barangay Halls,
hospitals/clinics, and a Barangay fire station.

Table 4.15 Special Economic Zones in NCR

Special economic zones Location
Amor Technology Special Economic Zone Muntinlupa City
Asahi Special Economic Zone Pasig City
Food Terminal Inc. Special Economic Zone Taguig City
Marcoasia Ecozone Pasay City
Manila Harbour Centre Special Economic Zone Manila
Philippine International Air Terminals Co. Special Economic Zone Pasay City
Victoria Wave Special Economic Zone Kalookan City
Source : Philippien Economic Zone Authority (2006) IN Manila Bay Area Environmental

Table 4.16 Significant Facilities and Industries Located along the Marikina River and
Major Roads Nearby
City Barangay Avenues/Road Major Industries Major Facilities
Pasig Portland Cement,
Evangelista Ave. Tamilee Industries, San. Tomas de Villanueva Church
Himmel Industreis
E. Amang Rodriguez Selecta Warehouse, RFM, Aggragates, Mangahan
Ave. PAG-ASA Steel Business center, Park Center, Sta.
factory, Lucia Church
Manggahan E. Amang Rodriguez Litten Mills Inc.,
Ave. Universal Robina
Rosario Dr. Sixto Antonio Alfonso Specialist Hospital, Rosario
Ave. Market
Pasig Blvd. Ext. (C. Mariwasa Tiles Rosario Sport Complex, Rizal High
Raymundo/MRR Rd) school Rosario Annex,
Maybunga Dr. Sixto Antonio Hampton gardens, San Antonio
Ave. Abad parish
Pasig Blvd. Ext. (C. Lunar Steel, Negro St.Therese hospital
Raymundo/MRR Rd) Woodwork Inc.
Caniogan Dr. Sixto Antonio Riverfront residences, Arelland
Ave. University Andres Bonifacio High
School, Sta. Clare de Montefalco
Parish, Rizal High School
Pasig Blvd. Ext. (C. Defcon Ready Mix Crossings Supermarket, Iglesia Ni
Raymundo/MRR Rd) Plant, Kristo Church, Evergreen Pasig
Memorial park pantheon,
San Nicolas Caruncho Ave. Pasig City hall, Pasig public market,
Health canter, Sport Center, Sabater
Ugong Eulogio Redoriguez International piple Iglesia Ni Kristo Church, Astron
Jr. Ave. industries, Republic Bldg., Ovaltine, Toyota Ortigas,
cement, Armour Tendesitas, SM Supercenter Pasig,
products, PR Relience center, Mitsubishi motors,
Cement, Resine & Admiral Unnisphene,
Bagong Ilog Eulogio Redoriguez Universal Robina Gren valley sport center, Hyundai
Jr. Ave. Corp(food)., Pasig, Resins Inc., Mary Immaculate
Chateau Verde Hospital
Pasig Blvd Universal Robina Rizal Medical Center
Pineda Wellington Flour
Quezon Bagumbayan Eulogio Redoriguez D&L Industries, Camp Atienza, Phoenix Sun
Jr. Ave. Universal Robina Business Park, 3D service center,
Inc., Concrete Mercury drug corp., Holy family
aggregates, Auto chapel, One Luna Lifestyle center,
mechanica IDS Logistics, Shopwise,
Robinson’s Inc., IBM HQ, Citi Bank
Ugong Norte Eulogio Redoriguez Builder’s depot, Olympic badminton club, Red
Jr. Ave. McKenzie Ribbon office, Super 8, Nissan
distribution galley Oltigas

Pasig City has been developed as an uncontrolled as industrial area during the 1960s and
1970s. More than 200 large scale industries have been established along the Pasig and
Marikina Rivers. Economic development through industrial activities has attracted more
people to immigrate to the city indiscriminately. This has led to problems such as

pollution, squatters, flooding, unplanned communities, and urban expansion. Some
industries that might cause environmental hazards coexist with residential areas.

Table 4.17 Proportional Land Use in Pasig City

Land use %
Residential 60.2
Commercial 7.1
Industrial 15.1
Institutional 1.0
Agricultural 0.8
Parks/Recreational 0.8
Open spaces 15.0
Total 100
Source : City of Pasig Comprehensive land Use Plan (2001-2010)
Remark : Total land areas reported in CLUP and in NCSB are different. Break down of land
use is reported in CLUP only. Because of land value differences in the two official statistics,
only percentages are employed to demonstrate a trend of land use in Pasig.

As of 2000, major establishments in Pasig City were mostly manufacturing industries such
as garments, chemical products, electronics, steel products, and food. Major commercial
businesses in the city are those in the retail, banking, and service sectors. Major
commercial areas are Pasig Public Markets (about 600m to the Napindan Channel, Brgy.
San Nicolas), Ortigas Commercial Center (located at the boundary of Pasig City,
Mandaluyong City, and Quezon City). There are almost no agriculture, forestry or fishing
operations except for very small patches of vegetable gardens and back yard livestock
Most of Pasig City consists of moderately to highly populated residential areas, except for
some parks, cemeteries, and an about 16% share of small-scale agricultural and
open/vacant spaces which are located mostly within the Laguna Bay Basin. Commercial
areas make up about 7% of the city and are located in Ortigas Center, the Central Business
District of Pasig, which is in San Antonio Barangay, on the border to Mandaluyong City.
Pasig Public Markets are located in San Nicolas Barangay, near by Pasig City Hall, about
600m to Napindan channel.
The city’s land use plan is incoherent and its execution is relaxed. Hence, it has caused
encroachments and hazardous living conditions. Ownership of land is often unclear.
Boundaries of private land, as well as Barangays, is often not clear. Ownership of land is
often confused, with land claimed by more than one owner, untitled, and overlapped.
Squatters live in such gray zones, setback zones, river banks, or simply in any vacant
Two main road routes in Pasig City are Rodoriguez-Dr.Sixto Antonio Avenue from north
to south and Ortigas Avenue from east to west; the former runs along, and the latter
crosses, the Marikina River, and together they provide access to surrounding cities.
Jeepneys are mainly used to get around the city.
4.4.5 Living and Livelihood
In order to predict the impact of construction work, an area-specific social survey was
conducted of current residents in the areas directly impacted by Phase III construction activities.
4.4.6 Basic Biodata for Area Directly Affected by Phase III Construction
Most household heads (67%) are female and most household heads are also married (66%).
Twenty-five percent of them have been in their current residences for 1 to 10 years, while 52
percent have been living in the same Barangay.

The vast majority (92%) of household heads are house/structure-owners, while rent-free
occupants and renters comprise 3 and 12 % respectively. Lowest rent payment is Php1,200,
while the highest is Php5,000 for those who rent dwelling units. 97 percent of structures
house only 1 household, with 55 percent of structures housing 4 to 6 persons/ members. 49
percent of house/structure-owner households are comprised of 4 to 6 persons as well. Household
size of all 3 rent-free occupants is 5 persons. Only 8 percent of all households have caregivers.
Most renters have a household size of 3 persons.
Sixty three (63) percent of the households have only 1 member employed, while 59 percent of
the households have 2 members contributing to income. Forty one (41) percent of households
income comes from salaries ranging from Php9,001 to 15,000. Thirty eight (38) percent of
households earn a total income from business ranging from Php5,001 to 10,000. Lowest income
from pensions is Php1,200 while the highest is 10,000. There is no income derived from

Table 4.18 Biodata of Households in the Area Directly Affected by Phase III
Basic Biodata of Households Survey result (2011)
Household head Female (63%)
Marital status of head of HH Married (66%)
Averaged number of families in one HH 1
Averaged number of HH members 5
Own their dwellings (home owners) 89%
Averaged monthly rent Php 2,850
Averaged monthly income (total) Php 15,708
Averaged monthly remittance (domestic) None (98%)
Averaged monthly remittance (OFW) None (96%)
Averaged monthly expenses (total) Php 14,615
Averaged monthly expense on food Php 7,378
Averaged monthly expense on recreation Php 375

The lowest and highest incomes derived from remittance/s domestically is Php1,000 and 3,000,
respectively, while from OFWs are Php5,000 and 37,000, respectively. 40 percent of other
sources of income, such as loans and gifts, range from Php5,001 to 10,000 per annum. 38
percent of the respondents earn a total or combined monthly income (both from employment/
salary and various sources) of Php9,001 to 15,000.
Seventy one (71) percent spend Php5,001 to 10,000 monthly for food. Food is the single biggest
cost item for almost all of the households. 55 percent spent Php150 to 500 last year on clothing.
Thirty eight (38) percent of the respondents spend monthly from Php150 to 500 on
transportation; 46 percent spend from Php300 to 1,000 on education; 33 percent spend from
Php100 to 500 on water bills; 52% spend from Php1,001 to 2,000 on power bills; 54 percent
spend from Php100 to 300 on telecommunications; 64 percent spend from Php501 to 1,000 on
cooking fuel; 60 percent spend a monthly average of Php50 and below on medicines/
hospital; 60 percent did not spend anything on recreation last year; remittance to relatives
outside household is from Php200 to 3,000 monthly; and, 88 and 58 percent does not spend
anything on gambling and cigarettes/ alcohol.
Thirty three (33) percent spend the highest total monthly expenses ranging from Php9,001 to
15,000. Thirty-six percent said that they have a saving at least Php1,000 or below per month.
About 35 percent of the households have a member who has graduated from college. 46 percent
have at least 4 years of schooling, while fifteen percent stopped schooling mostly for financial

4.4.7 Living Conditions
Twenty nine (29) percent are living in houses that are 11 to 20 years old. Seventy seven (77) or
54 percents of households are living in single-detached houses and houses that are exclusively
devoted to residential use, respectively. Seventy nine (79) percent of houses are 1-story/ level
structures, and 59 percent of houses have a gross area of 51 to 100 square meters.
Forty two (42) percent of house structures are semi-concrete. 62 percent of them are made of
semi-concrete walling materials; 93 percent are made of galvanized iron roofing materials; and,
82 percent are made of concrete flooring materials. 90 percent of toilet facilities are water sealed
and connected to a septic tank, and 93 percent have piped water connections.
Ninety three (93) percent of households suffered flood damage/s since 1998, with 90 percent of
them being damaged in September 2009/ Typhoon Ondoy. 91 percent said that flooding came
from the river, 76% of damages were done mostly to household furniture. To protect
themselves, 55 percent stayed at home, with 32 percent moving to a higher place. A specific
coping mechanism identified at the community level by the respondents is that of moving to an
evacuation center but mere 2% .
4.4.8 River Dependency
None of the household livelihoods in the directly affected area are dependent upon the river;
incomes both derived from agriculture or fishing and dependent upon the river were reported.
None of the households is depending on their income to the rivers and river banks.
The residents in the directly affected area do not think that temporary inaccessibility to the river
during the period of construction and dredging will adversely affect their lives. Moreover, no
one sees the river as culturally and religiously important place.
4.4.9 Drinking Water
Pasig, Marikina, parts of Makati and Manila, and the southeast part of Quezon cities are located
in the East Concession area of Manila Water Company, Inc (MWCI). As of 2003, MWCI
achieved 85% coverage of water service, connected to 396,778 outlets. (Source: MWSS
Regulatory office 2003 annual report, 2003; most recent to download from MWSS website).
The supply of water is not constant in the East Concession area of MWCI; tap water rationing
takes place in many areas in Pasig City.
The primary supply of water for the people living in the directly affected area is derived via
piped water (92.5%), public tap water (0.9%), and water vendors (6.5%); none of their water
supply is derived from river water or well water. And although deep wells do exist, they are not
a reliable source of drinking water.
4.4.10 Important Social Bounding and Places
No households belong to a particular social group with deep connections to the river or nature
contained within the Phase III affected area. Moreover, there are no culturally or
anthropologically significant places in the affected area that have been passed down through the
There are major public facilities located within 20 minutes walking distance of the residences of
those living in the directly affected area. Barangay centers are accessible to everybody (100%)
within 20 minutes walking distance. there are schools, LGU offices, evacuation centers and
women’s centers located within 20 minutes walking distance of their residences for 95 to 99%
of the respondents.

Table 4.19 Public Places within 20 Minutes Walking Distance
Place % HH
Police station 50%
Church or other religious places 54%
Market place 56%
Fire station 64%
Hospital/ clinic 70%
School 95%
LGU office 98%
Evacuation center 99%
Women center 99%
Barangay center 100%
Multiple answers (N=107)

In case of an emergency, such as flood, 98% of those surveyed stated that they do not have a
specific community-based coping mechanism, while 5% stated they would go to an evacuation
center. In the case of flood occurrence, about 60% stated that they would choose to stay home;
35.5% would choose to “move to higher place”; and 6.5% would move to somebody else’s
4.4.11 Health
(1) Waterborne Disease
Diarrhea combined with dehydration was the 7th leading cause of infant death in Quezon
City, 46 out of 1251 deaths for each 100,000 population in 1998. Pneumonia was the top
cause of morbidity in Quezon City for the same year, followed by diarrhea/acute gastro
enteritis; there were 25,880 and 14,564 cases respectively. The morbidity rate for Dengue
fever was 25 per 100,000 people.
From June to December 2010, 35% of HH in the directly affected area were infected with
water related illness, including Dengue 1.9%, Malaria 2.8%, and Diarrhoea 33%. This
trend of disease occurrence matches the national trend. On the other hand, 62% have not
experienced illness in past six months.

Table 4.20 Number of Water-related Disease in Philippines

(Five-year Average from 1998 to 2002)
Proportion of Total
Number Rate per
Case of Disease Water-Related
infected 100,000 Persons
Malaria 59,218 57.6% 83.6
Dengue Fever 19,408 18.9% 26.3
Typhoid/Paratyphoid Fever 14,744 14.3% 20.8
Schistosomiasis 8,845 8.6% 12.5
Cholera 565 0.5% 0.8
Total 102,780 100.0% 145.2
Source: 2006 Compendium of Philippines Environmental Statistics, NSCB

According to the Philippine Department of Heath (DOH), as of December 2010, five (5)
new cases of HIV/AIDS are reported each day. Based on this statistic, DOH predicts that
there will be about 46,000 HIV cases by 2015.

Number of HIV/AIDS Cases Reported
1400 Death
1200 AIDS

Number of people






























Source: Philippine HIV and AIDS Registry (November 2010), Department of health, national
Epidemiology Center

Figure 4.9 Prevalence Rate of HIV/AIDS

4.4.12 Religion and Indigenous Belief

No household whose religion is deeply associated with the river and the nature of the
Pasig-Marikina River was found. About 94% of the HH claimed to be Roman Catholic and
5.6% claimed to be of other Christian faith. 0.9% (1 out of 107HHs) professed a
traditional/indigenous belief, but such traditional/indigenous belie is not associated with the
River or nature of the Pasig-Marikina River or its surrounding area.
No special places have been passed down through the generations and no social groups
associated with the river were reported by households living in the directly affected area.
About 16% of household are members of social groups, such as home owners’ associations
(9.3%), women’s groups (2.8%), and religious organizations (5.6%). No special social group
related to the river exists, and no one in the directly affected area thinks their social lives would
be affected by the construction or the Project.
4.4.13 Heritage
The following 16 significant historical sites and landmarks around the project affected area are
listed below:
Table 4.21 Significant / Historical Sites and Landmarks in the Study Area
Municipality/City Historical Site/Landmark
Chinese Cemetery
Paco Park
Plaza San Luis
Manila City San Agustin Church and Musesum
Malacanan Palace
Fort Santiago
Riazl Park
Manila Cathedral
Marikina City Kaptian Moy Residence
Bahay na Tisa
Pasig City
Pasig City Museum
The Pugda Lawin Shrine
The Quezon Memorial Circle
Quezon City General Lawton Memorial
Camps Aginaldo and Crame
The EDSA Shrine and People Power Monument
Source: Manila Bay Area Environmental Atlas(2007), UNDP/GEF, IMO, DENR
Quezon City CULP (2000)

Only Malacanan Palace and Fort Santiago are located on the banks of Pasig River. Others are
located at least 0.5 km away from the project site. No construction activities are planned near
these areas. Therefore, there is no adverse impact on these historical sites.
4.4.14 Gender
The Philippine government established the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC), the
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), and National Commission for the
Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) to support poor and women and to deal with gender
More than half (63%) of households are female-headed, 66% include married couples, and 12%
include separated persons. Most households have water available within the home, and
important social services are located within 20 minutes walking distance of households. No
obvious gender inequity was observed.
4.4.15 Ethnic Minority and Indigenous People
The National Commission of Indigenous People (IP) is a mandated agency for ethnic minority
and indigenous people. NCIP does not provide data regarding IPs living in NCR or
municipalities and cities located in the Phase III construction area.
According to the interview survey that was conducted, there is no ethnic group or indigenous
people in the project affected area.
Twenty four percent of household members identified themselves as belonging to some local
groups (native regional/provincial places) such as Bisaya; Ilongo, Bicolano, Pangasinense, etc.

Table 4.22 Original Region/Province of People in the Project Affected Area

Ethnicity %
Albayano 1
Bicolano 7
Bisaya 9
Bulaqueño 1
Cebuano 1
Ilongo 7
Marinduqueno 1
Pampangueno 1
Pangasinense 2
Tagalog 1
Sample number N=107
Source: Sampling of JICA Study Team (2011)

4.4.16 Awareness of Phase III

A household survey conducted in 2010/2011 found that majority of current residents in the
Lower Marikina River area of Phase III do not aware of the Project. Public awareness IEC and
some meetings to obtain public consensus are necessary for the area of Lower Marikina River
once the Phase III commences.
On the other hand, ICE has been conducted for the residents, offices, factories, etc., along the
Pasig River since the commencement of implementation of Phase II.
The following are summary of survey for the area of Lower Marikina River:
 About 1/3 of the current population living in the area directly affected by the Phase III
moved in after 1998, when the EIS (1998) was conducted. However, 80% of all new
residents have moved within the same LGU or barangay and only 11% are from outside
of Metro Manila.

 About 67% have not been informed of the Project Phase III.
 Out of 33% that have been informed, 9% were informed in 2008, the rest were informed
in 2009 or 2010.
 Out of the 33% that have been informed, 57% were informed by neighbors, 37% were
informed by Barangay Captains, and only one person received the information from the
 Out of the 33% that have been informed, 71% were informed only once while 29% were
informed twice.
 Meetings were the most common medium for receiving the information about the Project.
66% of all those informed were informed via meetings. On the other hand, 29% were
informed through “rumors”.
 Although 67% of the interviewed HH have never been informed of the Project, 98% are
positively accepting and supportive to the Project.


5.1 Possible Impacts without Mitigations based on Available Data/Information

The following Table 5.1 shows the possible negative impacts without mitigations based on the
available data/information:

Table 5.1 Possible Negative Impacts without Mitigations

Negative Impact
Items EIS(98) This Explanations
1 Involuntary Resettlement 58 house holds (204 people) to be relocated due
- A
to the Project were identified.
2 Local Economy such as There are no negative impacts expected due to
Employment and - D construction activities.
Livelihood, etc
3 Land Use and Utilization Since project area is already urbanized, no
of Local Resources - D negative impacts might be anticipated for change
in land use and utilization of local resources.
4 Social Institutions such as Since construction activities is limited inside of
Social Infrastructure and existing river area in the urbanized, no negative
- D
Local Decision - making impacts might be anticipated.
5 Existing Social Construction materials are transported via barge
Infrastructures and and construction activities are conducted in river
Services area. River navigation might be affected slightly.
D B Use of existing river parks along the Lower
Marikina River will be affected because of
construction of dikes and re-construction of river
Social Environment:

parks on dikes.
6 Poor, Indigenous and Livelihood of general low income people is not
Ethnic People dependent on resources from the rivers, such as
- D
fish and drinking water. Also, no Indigenous and
Ethnic People were identified.
7 Misdistribution of Benefits People in the project affected area do not think
and Damage - D construction work is a problem for their daily life
according the interview conducted.
8 Cultural heritage, No cultural heritage sites or spiritually important
historical and religious places are identified in the project affected areas.
- D

9 Local Conflicts of Interest No negative impact on local conflict could be

predicted based on information of Phase II
- D Project.

10 Water Usage or Water There are no people that are dependent on river
Rights and Communal water for domestic consumption, irrigation, etc.
- D

11 Sanitation Inadequate sanitation during construction is a

- B
major cause of disease and dirty the area.
12 Hazards (risk) Almost no demand is anticipated for commercial
Infectious Diseases such sex workers who are potentially HIV positive
- D
as HIV/AIDS and might spread the disease, based on the result
of Phase II Project.
13 Topography and In the construction, dredging of river bed and

Geographical Features filling low-lying area with dredged materials are

- D
planned. However, such works are in the limited

14 Soil Erosion In the construction, no soil erosion which affects
- D on wide area due to earth excavation might
15 Groundwater No changes in volume, flow direction, lowering
- D
water level, etc., for groundwater are anticipated.
16 Hydrological Situation Revetments are planned to be constructed along
the existing river banks. Although the channel
will be deepened by the dredging, there is no
- D change in normal water level because dredged
section is within tidal affected area of Manila
Bay. No change in hydrological situation is
anticipated by the project.
17 Coastal Zone No damage to coastal zone is anticipated since
- D
site is far from coastal zone.
18 Flora, Fauna and Although construction works will damage some
Biodiversity terrestrial flora, these can be naturally revived in
- D
time. No endangered or concerned species are
identified in the construction affected area.
19 Meteorology Not affected or least likely affected by the
- D
construction work.
20 Landscape In the construction period, no obstruction to
- D
landscape views of river walk/parks is expected.
21 Global Warming Not affected or least likely affected by the
- D
construction work.
22 Air Pollution Exhaust and fumes from construction machinery
will add pollutants to the air, but the pollution
will be very light, temporary, and localized, and
it will not be as significant an issue as the
already heavily polluted air in Metro Manila
Area. As Phase II project monitoring results
show that the machineries and vehicle used for
the construction works least likely aggregate
already existing air pollution. Dust will be
generated due to construction activities such as
transportation, spreading, and embankment of
soils, stones, etc.
23 Water Pollution In the project construction period, suspension of
sediments and release of sediment pollutants will
occur as a result of excavation/dredging in the
24 Soil Contamination Dredged materials contain some heavy metals.
However, all the values taken from sediment to

be dredged are less than regulatory levels set by

the Philippines. It can be said that disposal of
dredged materials is less likely to cause soil
25 Wastes (including Dredged In the project construction period, generation of
Material) B B garbage, demolished structures, dredged material
(612,000 m3), etc. are expected.
26 Noise and Vibration During construction period, vibration and noise
caused by construction activities add pollution to
surroundings, but the pollution will be very light,
temporary and localized, and it will not be as
significant an issue as the already existing ones
in the Metro Manila area. As Phase II project
monitoring results show that the machineries and
vehicle used for river channel improvement work
least likely aggregate already existing noise and
27 Ground Subsidence No ground subsidence was reported in Phase II.
Also, the same result is expected for Phase III.
- D
No ground extraction is planned in the
28 Offensive Odor In the dredging work, offensive odor is
occasionally and locally anticipated.

29 Bottom Sediment Since the dredging works remove polluted
- D sediments of river, no pollution of bottom
sediments are predicted.
30 Accidents In the project construction period, construction
- B
related accidents might occur.
A: Significant impact, B: Slight impact, C: Unknown, D: Few impact. -:Not Applicable
*EIS1998)did not use JICA’s method to evaluate the impact using “A,B,C and D”. Evaluation results of
EIS(1998) were converted to JICA’s method.

5.2 Overall Evaluation on Environmental Impacts in EIS(1998)

(a) Overall Evaluation on the Negative Impacts
EIS (1998) concluded that the overall environmental impact would be positive and that
the overall benefit to society would outweigh the overall negative impact.
(b) Option “Without the Project”
Zero (without the Project) option would not help the community to prevent flood
damage. In contrast, although with-project option would have certain extent of adverse
impacts on natural and social environment, it would help to prevent flood damage in
Metro Manila, which is the center of politics, economics, and culture of the Philippines,
and hence contribute to stable economic development of the country. Since the
environmental and social impacts are alleviated by the mitigation measures prepared in
EIS(1998) and supplemental EIS, the total benefits to be derived will overwhelmingly
outweigh the effects of the adverse impacts.


6.1 Mitigation Measures of EIS(1998)

The following table shows the suggested mitigation measures proposed in the EIS(1998) for the
possible negative impacts:

Table 6.1 Mitigation Measures in EIS(1998)

Project Impact Mitigation Measures
Air pollution Regularly adjusting the engines of construction
Watering to prevent dust generation when necessary
during dry season
River water quality change (turbidity Preventing accidental discharge of excavated /
increase) demolished soil / materials during repair / rehabilitation
Noise generation Adjusting working time to avoid early morning and
night and holiday as much as possible
Regularly adjusting the engine and muffler of heavy
equipment to keep an appropriate function
Adopting less noise generation type of heavy
equipments, when necessary
Impair river navigation Adjusting mobilization and formation of vessel for
piling work to avoid navigation route
Influx of outside labor and their Close and advance contact with LGU officials to
households disseminating about mobilization of labor
Conduct of Information, Education and Communication
Increase of demand for housing and Prioritizing to employ local people to reduce outside
associated utilities (water supply, toilet, workers to immigrate and demand housing and utilities
etc.) of outside construction crew
Deterioration of sanitation level Prioritizing to employ local people to reduce outside
workers to immigrate and reside around construction site
Land acquisition and relocation / Enough dialogue through Information Campaign and
resettlement of Project Affected Publicity
Families (PAFs) Facilitation of resettlement program to be launched by
Appropriate procedures for eviction/relocation of
informal settlers

6.2 Mitigation Measures for Negative Impact of Phase III
The following table shows the suggested mitigation measures for the possible negative impacts:

Table 6.2 Suggested Mitigation Measures for Possible Negative Impacts

Items Evaluation Mitigation Measures
(as Table 5.1)
1 Involuntary Project Affected People (PAP) are relocated according
Resettlement A to the Resettlement Action Plan which is prepared in
accordance with JICA Guidelines/World Bank’s related
2 Local Economy such Hire construction workers locally and prevent influx of
as Employment and outsiders in coordination with construction contractor
Livelihood, etc and Barangay captains.

3 Land Use and Not necessary

Utilization of Local D
4 Social Institutions Not necessary
such as Social
Infrastructure and D
Local Decision -
making Institutions
5 Existing Social Make a good coordination with Coastal Guard, related
Infrastructures and LGUs and Barangays on operations time between the
Social Environment

Services barges, ferry, and boats and construction equipment so

that dredged activities and construction operation might
minimize interference to commercial activities.
During construction of dike and reconstruction of river
parks, temporary access will be provided to the
6 Poor, Indigenous and Not necessary
Ethnic people
7 Misdistribution of Not necessary
Benefit and Damage
8 Cultural heritage, Not necessary
historical and
religious sites D
Recreational area
9 Local Conflicts of Not necessary
Interest D

10 Water Usage or Not necessary

Water Rights and D
Communal Rights
11 Sanitation Provision of facilities and system at each construction
B site and disposal periodically by construction
12 Hazards/ Risk; Seminars to be conducted for construction workers by
Infectious Diseases D construction contractor.
such as HIV/AIDS
13 Topography and Not necessary.

Geographical D

14 Soil Erosion For small scale of erosion, excavation works should be
D done in accordance with the design of civil works for
15 Groundwater D Not necessary

16 Hydrological Not necessary
17 Coastal zone D Not necessary
18 Flora, Fauna and Not necessary
19 Meteorology D Not necessary
20 Landscape D Not necessary
21 Global Warming D Not necessary
22 Air Pollution Air quality is monitored as the same as Phase II,
although it is considered to be “D”. Fumes and exhaust
from machinery and equipment used for Project can be
reduced or prevented by properly installed and
D maintained mufflers and filters. CO2 level is suppressed
by frequent and timely changing of machine/engine oil
and stopping excessive idling of engines. Hosing of
ground is done during earth work to prevent dust from
dispersing into the air. Measures such as watering,
cover-sheets will be taken.
23 Water Pollution Use technology that prevents sediments from
B suspending/re-dissolving to the river, such as prevention
sheet, watertight type eco-grab, etc.
24 Soil Contamination For dredged materials, cement will be added, which will
contain the hazardous substances within cement-mixed
B soils. Leaching from dredged materials at disposal site
should be monitored. As required based on monitoring,
more adequate mitigation measures should be taken,
such as use of sheets under disposal materials.
25 Waste Generated contaminated solid wastes/sediments are
taken care of according to Republic Act 6969.

Construction debris and work related garbage are

B transported to the construction contractor’s office unit
and disposed of according to regulation by a licensed
entity. Eco-tube or cement-base pre-mix method for
solidification can be used as mentioned above.
26 Noise and Vibration Noise and vibrations are reduced by using adequate
machines and by installing mufflers/noise reduction
devices. If necessary, construction work that involves
B generation of nuisance noise and vibration is carried out
during less noticeable/affective times. As Phase II
project monitoring results show that the machineries and
vehicle used for river channel improvement work least
likely affects to social and earth environment..
27 Ground Subsidence D Not necessary
28 Offensive Odor Use technologies that prevent offensive odor from being
generated during dredging work. For example, dredged
B materials on barge are covered with a plastic sheet, or
stored in Eco-Tube or Cement-base pre-mix method to
contain the fowl smell.
29 Bottom Sediment D Not necessary
30 Accidents Prevent accidents that might occur around a construction
site by looking for possible dangerous and hazardous
B conditions. Use billboards, Information, Education and
Campaign (IEC) to the residents and construction
workers to promote workplace safety awareness.
A: Significant impact, B: Slight impact, C: Unknown, D: Few impact. -:Not applicable.
*EIS(1998)did not use JICA’s method to evaluate the impact using “A,B,C and D”. Evaluation results of
EIS(1998) were converted to JICA’s method.

6.3 Environmental Management Plan for Phase III

6.3.1 Environmental Management Plan for Phase III
The following shows the suggested Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Phase III.

This EMP will be finalized during Pre-construction stage based on the detailed construction
design for Phase III.

Table 6.3 Suggested Environmental Management Plan for Phase III

No. Impacts Proposed Environmental Implementing Cost

(Table Management Plan (EMP) Organization (Pesos)
1 Involuntary 1) Enough dialogue through DPWH in P7 million
Resettlement Information Campaign and Publicity. assistance with
Consultant and
2) Facilitation of Resettlement Action Ditto P7 million
Plan (RAP).
3) Appropriate procedures for Ditto Not
Resettlement of Informal Settlers. Applicable
2 Local Economy 1) Close and advance contact with DPWH
such as Local Government Unit (LGU) through
Employment and officials to disseminating about Consultant and
Livelihood, etc. mobilization of laborers. Contractor. P60 million

(Influx of Outside 2) Conduct of Information, DPWH

Labor and their Education and Campaign (IEC). through
Households) Consultant.
2 Local Economy Prioritizing to employ local people to Ditto Not
such as reduce outside workers to immigrate Applicable
Employment and and demand housing and utilities.
Livelihood, etc.

(Increase in
Demand for
Housing and
Utilities, such as
water supply, toilet,
etc., of Outside
5 Existing Social Adjusting mobilization and Ditto Not
Infrastructures and formation of vessels for construction Applicable
Services activities to avoid navigation route in
coordination with Philippine Coast
(Impairment of Guard.
River Navigation)
11 Sanitation 1) Prioritizing to employ local people Ditto Not
to reduce outside workers to Applicable
(Deterioration of immigrate and reside around
Sanitation Level construction site.
due to Workers 2) Provision of adequate portalets for Ditto P3 million
Presence at construction workers.
Contractor 3) Initiate training and information Ditto Not
Campsite as dissemination on proper waste Applicable
Construction segregation.
12 Hazards/Risk: Seminars to be conducted for Construction Not
Infectious Diseases construction workers. Contractor in Applicable
such as HIV/AIDS accordance

14 Soil Erosion 1) Proper excavation/ dredging Ditto P80 million
scheme and construction techniques
should be applied.
2) Measures such as shoring, sand Ditto P200 million
bags, bracing supports, etc., are
installed to prevent sudden soil
erosion, as necessary.
3) Excavation work is to be avoided Ditto Not
during rainstorm. Applicable
20 Landscape Planting of trees/shrubs/ornamental DPWH, P1 million
plants or landscape activities. DENR, LGUs,
22 Air Pollution 1) Regularly/ Properly maintaining Construction Not
the engines of construction Contractor in Applicable
equipment/machinery. accordance
2) Watering to prevent dust Ditto P12 million
generation when necessary during
dry season.
Use of tarpaulins to cover loaded
materials such as soils during
23 Water Pollution Preventing accidental discharge of Ditto P50 million
excavated/demolished soil/ materials
(Change in Quality during the civil works.
of River Water
such as Turbidity
24 & Soil Contamination 1) Efficient handling of dredged Ditto P650 million
25 and Waste materials providing temporary
containment facility and apply the
(Disposal of measure to reduce high water
Excavated/ contents for transportation and
Dredged Materials) disposal.
2) Use Eco-tube method Ditto P97 million
26 Noise and 1) Adjusting working time to avoid Ditto Not
Vibration early morning and night and Applicable
2) Regularly maintaining/ adjusting Ditto Not
the engine and muffler of Applicable
machinery/equipment to keep an
appropriate function.
3) Adopting less noise/ vibration Ditto Not
generation type of heavy equipment. Applicable
28 Offensive Odor Application of plastic sheet-cover, Ditto Included in
Eco-tube and cement/lime mix Item Nos. 24
method. and 25.
30 Accidents Use of billboards. Information, Ditto P1 million
education and campaign to the
residents and construction workers to
promote workplace safety awareness.

6.3.2 Compliance with ECC Conditions
The conditions described in the ECC shall be followed and fulfilled by the proponent (DPWH)
as stated. Compliance with ECC shall be monitored by the DPWH and a Multipartite
Monitoring Team (MMT) to be set up in the proposed Phase III Project. A contractor for
construction is also mandated to comply with the ECC conditions. For each ECC conditions, the
following actions are proposed to be taken:

No. ECC Conditions Action to be Taken

I. Pre-construction and Construction Stage
1 This Certificate covers only the improvement of Pasig and Marikina river channel including
construction and operation of water front amenities and Marikina Control Gate Structures having
the following project activities/components;

River Stretch Scope of Work

Pasig River: 6.84 km Raising of existing parapet wall and rehabilitation
(River mouth to Sun Juan River) of revetment.
Pasig River: 9.76 km Raising of existing parapet wall and rehabilitation
(San Juan River to Napindan Channel) of revetment.
Lower Marikina River: 5.58 km Dredging/excavation, provision of new parapet
(Napindan Channel to Marikina Control wall and rehabilitation of revetment.
Gate Structure; MCGS)
MCGS and Upper Marikina River: 1.21 Construction of MCGS, dredging/excavation,
km (MCGS to Mangahan Floodway) raising of embankment.
Upper Marikina River: 6.43 km Excavation and raising of embankment.
(Mangahan Floodway to Sto. Nino)

2 All other permits from pertinent To be complied by DPWH in assistance with the
government agencies shall be secured services of the Consultant employed by DPWH.
before project implementation. Likewise,
the proponent should submit a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with
Local Government Units (LGUs)
pertaining to the preparation of maps
identifying/showing the flood prone
barangays, profile of the poor which
include the families living in high risk
location along the Pasig-Marikina Rivers,
preparation of disaster management plan
including response to flooding and
greening and maintenance of project
amenities as well as with the Pasig River
Rehabilitation Project relative to the
resettlement plan for the affected families.
3 A detailed construction design and contract To be compiled upon the conclusion of Contract
documents shall be submitted to this Office between DPWH and Contractor, prior to the start of
one (1) month prior to the start of construction.
4 A Construction Contractor’s Environmental To be complied by the Construction Contractor in
Program (CCEP) shall be submitted to this accordance with the Conditions/Technical
Office for approval 30’days before the start Specification of the Contract between the
of construction which should contain Contractor and DPWH.
among others, definite mitigation measures
such as proper disposal of spoils and waste
materials, excess concrete and wash water
from transit mixers and others.
5 The project proponent shall conduct To be complied through the Project Consultant
orientation for resident engineers and employed by DPWH. Multi-media information
contractor who will undertake and education campaign is one of scope of services of

implement the project, to apprise them of Consultant.
the conditions/stipulations of the ECC and
the necessary measures that will mitigate
adverse environmental impacts, and submit
reports of such orientation to this Office,
copy furnished the Multipartite Monitoring
Team (MMT).
6 A multi-media information education To be complied through the Project Consultant
campaign shall be implemented by the employed by DPWH. Multi-media information
proponent covering the immediate areas as education campaign is one of scope of services of
well as adjacent and affected cities. The Consultant.
target public will include the local
government unit officials and residents
concerned, basic sectors which will include
NGOs and POs.
7 A billboard measuring 0.5 meters by 1.0 To be complied by the Contractor in accordance
meter bearing “ECC-98-NCR-QC301 with the Conditions/Technical Specification of the
issued pursuant to P.D. 1586” shall be Contract between the Contractor and DPWH.
displayed in a conspicuous location at the
project site for identification and guidance.
8 In case that the construction of the project To be complied by the Contractor in accordance
temporarily stopped due to financial reason with the Conditions/Technical Specification of the
or forced majeure, measures to project and Contract between the Contractor and DPWH.
safeguard the adjacent properties and the
general public should be strictly observed.
II. Operation Stage
9 All restoration works/grading of the To be complied by the Contractor in accordance
exposed grounds shall be immediately with the Conditions/Technical Specification of the
undertaken after construction all in Contract between the Contractor and DPWH.
accordance with the Technical
Specifications of the Contract.
10 Planting of trees/shrubs/ornamental plants To be complied by inclusion in the detailed design
or landscape activities shall be undertaken and conditions/technical specification of the
to contribute to the aesthetic value of the Contract with the Contractor.
area and to compensate for the lost
capability of the area to absorb carbon
III. Others
11 A separate Initial Environmental To be carried out by the consultant during the
Examination (IEE) or an Environmental detailed design, including coordination with
Impact Statement (EIS) shall be prepared concerned agencies, collection data/information,
and submitted to this Office for the site reconnaissance, data consolidation, etc.
designated/chosen disposal site.
12 The proponent shall set up/provide a Submitted on May 27, 1999.
Contractor’s All Risk Insurance (CARI)
and Quick Response Fund (QRF) to
compensate/ cover expenses for
indemnification of damages to life, health,
property and environment caused by the
project and further environmental
assessment. The QRF shall be established
and committed through a Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) between and among the
proponent, the LGU concerned,
Non-governmental Organization’s (NGO)
and affected parties within sixty days (60)
after the issuance of the ECC.
13 The Department of Public Works and To be complied by DPWH. DPWH EU is
Highways (DPWH) Environmental Unit Environmental and Social Service Office. Project
(EU) together with the Project Management Office is PMO-Major Flood Control

Management Office and Technical Projects, Cluster I. Environmental monitoring is
Consultants shall supervise the contractors, one of scope of works of consultancy services of
implement the EMP and other measures the Consultant to be employed by DPWH.
that may be required by this Office during
construction and operation phases.
14 All the proposed environmental To be complied by DPWH.
management measures contained in the
submitted documents shall be effected.
15 Project implementation and maintenance To be complied by DPWH.
throughout its lifespan shall strictly
conform with the submitted documents,
any modification from the approved project
scope shall be covered by another ECC
16 Should adverse impact occur as a result of To be complied by DPWH.
project operations, all the activities causing
the same shall be immediately stopped,
remedial measures shall be effected and all
damages to life and property will be
properly compensated to all aggrieved
17 The project proponent shall allocate funds To be complied by DPWH. (Environmental
or provide the financial requirements of the monitoring including preparation and operation for
Multipartite Monitoring Team (MMT) and MMT is one of scope of works of consultancy
shall allow the same to conduct services of the Consultant to be employed by
inspection/monitoring in the entire project DPWH.)
area without prior notice to oversee
compliance to ECC conditions and to
determine the residual impacts to the
18 Additional ECC condition(s) shall be To be complied.
imposed if findings to protect the
environment warrants.
19 Any false information contained in the To be complied.
submitted documents and non-disclosure of
vital information which led to the issuance
of the ECC shall render the same null and
void and a ground for filing of appropriate
legal charges.
20 This Certificate shall be posted in a To be complied.
conspicuous place in the Field Office for
easy reference and guidance.
21 The project proponent shall submit to this To be complied. (Environmental monitoring
Office a quarterly environmental including preparation of quarterly environmental
monitoring report based on the monitoring reports is one of scope of works of
submitted/approved environmental consultancy services of the Consultant to be
monitoring plan. employed by DPWH.)
22 In case the project proponent cannot To be complied.
comply with any of the conditions for
technical reasons, a written approval from
the DENR-NCR shall be secured first prior
to implementation.

6.3.3 Possible Required Environmental Permission for Phase III

The following table shows the environmental permissions to be possibly required for the
implementation of Phase III:

Table 6.4 Environmental Permissions to be Possibly Required

No. Necessary Permission Approved by Requested Schedule for

by Application
1 ECC for Disposal of Excavated/Dredged DENR-EMB DPWH Upon
Materials completion of
the Detailed
In case that there would be subsidiary works Construction
involved in Phase III which were not Design. Prior to
identified and not mentioned in the EIS(1998) start of
which served as the basis for the granting of construction.
ECC, it is deemed that an amendment of the
ECC or separate ECC for disposal area is
necessary to include all other works to be
identified. DPWH will secure a separate ECC
during the detailed construction design stage.
2 LLDA Clearance LLDA DPWH Prior to start of
Project proposed by DPWH within the
Laguna de Bay Region is required to secure
LLDA Clearance in accordance with
Resolution No.223, Series of 2004, including
clearance for disposal of excavated/dredged
3 Disposal of Excavated/ Dredged Materials LGU DPWH Pre-construction
4 Permission for Passage of Heavy PCG DPWH with Prior to start of
Construction Equipment/Barge (Philippine Contractor construction
Coastal Guard) activities.
5 Construction Activities LGUs Contractor Prior to start of

6.3.4 Information Disclosure and Implementation of IEC

(1) Information Disclosure

Information on not only social and environmental concern but also structural detailed design
will be disclosed properly and adequately in accordance with JICA Guidelines.

Stakeholders can access the information such as EIS(1998) report, supplemental EIS, results of
detailed design, etc., at the following. Stakeholder may request the explanation with local
language (Tagalog).

a) DPWH-PMO-MFCP I (Project Management Office for Major Flood Control Projects,

Cluster I) in Port Area, Manila City.

b) DPWH-ESSO (Environmental Social Services Office), Central Office of DPWH, Port

Area, Manila City, including website of ESSO.

c) LGUs-Manila, Makati and Pasig Cities

There are also disclosed at Barangay Halls of one of the affected Barangays in each city, where
it takes about 20 minutes from the farthest affected communities by walk. Such disclosure shall
start as soon as the Supplemental EIS Report is completed and last until completion of the

project. Those shall be available at all times for perusal by project stakeholders such as local
residents during project’s life and copying is permitted. Disclosure of EIS Reports shall be
informed to public distribution of brochures.

Summary documents or brochures of EIS(1998) and Supplemental EIS written in Tagalog, will
be prepared and disclosed in the Philippines.

(2) Implementation of IEC

The JICA study survey in 2010 revealed that the residents are not familiar with the improvement
of Lower Marikina River of Phase III. This need can best be responded to with a campaign plan
for information dissemination.

The Information Education and Communication (IEC) Plan, to be effective, shall have the
following objectives:

a) To disseminate vital information about the Project, objectives, phased implementation,

activities involved, and impacts.
b) To reach as wide an audience among major stakeholders of the Project.
c) To provide a venue for these stakeholders to discuss the project.
d) To enable the affected residents to have a sense of ownership of the Project which will
lead to a greater support and cooperation from the public.
e) To encourage community participation in responding to flooding as a major community

Cost for IEC is to be included in the cost of Consulting Services for the Phase III as the same as
ongoing Phase II.

In the scope of consulting service for PMRCIP Phase II, the consultant has continuously been
conducting various information campaigns in the project area that belongs to Manila City,
Mandaluyong City, Makati City, and Pasig City. The campaigns are coordinated for various
target groups such as government officials, general public, and students. The contents of the
campaign cover many educational subjects such as importance of flood control, and necessity of
river bank management work.

(3) Public Hearings/Consultations

DPWH, with assistance of the JICA Study Team, coordinated information

dissemination/consultation meetings in every Barangays with PAFs in April (1st round), in July
(2nd round), and August (3rd round) in 2011, and two consultations for stakeholders in July
2011 as shown in Table 6.5. City officials and Barangay Captains, as well as PAFs and any
other persons concerned were invited to share the information about the project and its possible
impacts and to discuss any concern of the attending parties.

Table 6.5 Record of Public Consultation
No. of PAFs to be
No. Date Time Target Group Venue No. of Participants* Relocated in the
Barangay / LGU
Tue. April West Rembo Residents: 4 (3)
1 – West Rembo, Makati 10
19,2011 Barangay Hall Officials: 10
Thu. Barangay 900
9:00 – Residents: 32 (16)
2 April Barangay 900, Manila Barangay Hall 26
10.40 Officials: 10
Thu. 11:00 Barangay 896
Residents: 19 (8)
3 April – Barangay 896, Manila Barangay Hall 13
Officials: 9
28,2011 12:30
Thu. 13:30 Barangay 897
Residents: 5 (1)
4 April – Barangay 897, Manila Barangay Hall 7
Officials: 15
28,2011 15:00
Thu. Barangay 894
15:30 - Residents: 17 (11)
5 April Barangay 894, Manila Barangay Hall 2
17:00 Officials: 8
Fri. April 9:15 – Ugong Basket Residents: 77 (44)
6 Ugong, Pasig -
29, 2011 10:30 Ball Court Officials: 3
10:40 Barangay Hall
Fri. April Residents: 43 (19)
7 – Caniogan, Pasig -
29, 2011 Officials: 3
13:30 Barangay Hall
Fri. April Residents: 18 (7)
8 – Maybunga, Pasig -
29, 2011 Officials: 3
11:30 Barangay Hall
Sat. April Residents: 54 (29)
9 – Bagong Ilog, Pasig
30, 2011 Officials: 2
14:50 Consultant
Fri. July
10 – Stakeholder Office of Phase 18 -
8, 2011
16:15 II
14:55 Consultant
Mon. July
11 – Stakeholder Office of Phase 11 -
11, 2011
16:00 II
Fri. July 14:35 - Barangay 894 Residents: 67(28)
12 PAFs in Manila 48
15, 2011 16:35 Barangay Hall Officials: 8
Wed. July West Rembo Residents: 20
13 – PAFs in Makati 10
20, 2011 Barangay Hall Officials: 8
Owners of Residents: 24(11)
Fri. Aug. improvements and crops
14 – Barangay Hall Officials: 2 -
12, 2011 in Brgy. Maybunga,
Owners of Residents: 27(10)
Fri. Aug. improvements and crops Ugong Baseket Officials: 2
15 – -
12, 2011 in Barangay Ugong, Ball Court
Owners of Residents: 12(9)
Sat. Aug. improvements and crops Officials: 2
16 – Barangay Hall -
20, 2011 in Brgy. Bagong Ilog,
8:00 – Residents: 42(14)
10:30 Owners of
Sat. Aug. Promenade, Officials: 2
17 14:00 improvements and crops -
20, 2011 Barangay
– in Brgy. Rosario, Pasig
*: Number in ( ) means number of female participants. Officials include Barangay office staff.

In the consultation meetings held as the above, contents of EIS(1998) and supplemental EIS
conducted in 2010/2011 in accordance with JICA Guidelines have been explained in Tagalog,
showing pictures and documents. There was no request for implementing additional
environmental study. No objection about implementation of the Project was heard during the

consultation meetings.

6.3.5 Institutional Plan

The Institutional Plan intends to delineate the roles and responsibilities of the key players who
will be directly involved in the implementation of the Project in general and the EMP in
It is reasonable to continue using the existing organizational structure and MMT of Phase II for
the proposed Phase III but it needs to be improved to meet additional/new demands required by
dredging activities in the lower Marikina River section.
The following is institutional relationship of ongoing Phase II:

Figure 6.1 Institutional Relationship on EMP under Ongoing Implementation of Phase II


DPWH-PMO-MFCP I as proponent of the Project must appoint Environmental Coordinator
(EC) who is responsible on environmental issue of the Project. The EC shall be tasked with the

 To coordinate with the LGUs and the DENR on the environmental aspect of the
preconstruction and construction activities of the Project,
 To monitor all activities relative to the ECC stipulations to ensure compliance of all
 To coordinate with the DENR on all environmental monitoring activities,
 To actively participate in the periodic consultations with all concerned sectors on the
various environmental impact issues of the Project,
 To maintain records on all matters concerning the environmental aspects of the Project,
 To prepare a monthly environmental status report of the project during the construction
phase and consolidate these reports for a quarterly submittal to the DENR, and
 To prepare an annual environmental status report of the project during the operation phase.

(2) Consultants

The DPWH Consultants, personnel/s in charge of environmental monitoring in particular, will

assist the Proponent, DPWH-PMO, in facilitating all the necessary activities and tasks
concerning the environmental aspects of the Project. The Consultants shall assign an
Environment Specialist.

(3) Contractor

The Contractor shall be bound by the Contract Agreement with DPWH to implement the sound
environmental protection and safety measures in the execution of the Contract Works, and to
comply with all requirements of ECC conditions and EMP. To ensure this, the Contractor shall
have in its employ an Environmental Manager who should be an expert in environmental
engineering/management system.

(4) LGUs

The LGUs related with Phase III, Manila, Mandaluyong, Makati and Pasig cities, shall be aptly
represented in the MMT. It should coordinate closely with the DPWH, DENR MMDA and
concerned government agencies towards ensuring sound management of the Project and
impacted environment.

(5) MMT

The MMT is a multi-stakeholder body and shall be organized to monitor compliance with ECC
conditions, measures set out in the EMP and pertinent DENR rules and regulations. The MMT
shall also serve as an independent evaluator that will provide check, balance and objectivity to
the entire environmental monitoring process. The table below shows expected membership and
its roles:

Table 6.6 Suggested MMT Components

Components Roles
DENR-EMB-NCR MMT Chairperson
DPWH-PMO-MFCP I (proponent) MMT Vice Chairperson/ Secretariat
Manila City Member
Mandaluyong City Member
Makati City Member
Pasig City Member
Concerned Government Agencies:
MMDA Member
LLDA Member
PRRC Member
NSWMC Member
(Add or replace them with most appropriate government
agencies for Project Phase III)
Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) Member

Necessary operation costs of EMP and MMT shall be borne by DPWH as cost for consulting
services of Phase III in the Project Cost.


7.1 General
The Environmental Monitoring Plan for the Phase III will cover the construction and operation
phases of the Project. This summarizes what important parameters will be monitored and where,
which methodologies will be used in monitoring, and how frequent will be for measurements.
The Monitoring Plan will basically cover the following:
a) Compliance monitoring for ECC, EIS(1998), Supplemental EIS, and EMP conditions,
b) Environmental quality monitoring, and
c) Socio-economic monitoring (employment, existing social infrastructures and services,
misdistribution of benefit and damage, sanitation, accident, resettlement, etc.).
In Phase III, the monitoring locations, frequencies and parameters chosen are the same as those
chosen for Phase II except that Phase III includes use of monitoring locations in the lower
Marikina River. An additional monitoring requirement for Phase III is that river water quality
and sediment toxicity must be monitored intensively during the course of dredging work.
The monitoring plan shall include the Construction Contractor’s Environmental Program
(CCEP) which is mandated for a contractor to submit to the proponent (DPWH).

7.2 Environmental Monitoring Plan
The following table shows suggested environmental monitoring plan based on this review
Table 7.1 Suggested Environmental Monitoring Plan
Monitoring No. of Sampling Monitoring
Monitoring Method Parameter(s) Duration
Item / Location Frequency
Noise Measured by noise Decibels (dB) 4 points (Pasig Quarterly Pre-Construction
level method R.) and Construction
4 points (L.
Marikina R.)
Air Quality High volume sampling SO2, NO2, TSP (24 4 points (Pasig Quarterly Pre-Construction
method hours) R.) and Construction
4 points (L.
Marikina R.)
River Water Sampling, laboratory pH, Temperature, EC, 4 points (Pasig Semi Pre-Construction
3 Annually
Quality test and analysis Turbidity, DO, True R.) and Construction
(Complete) Color, Nitrate as Stages
Nitrogen, Phosphate as 4 points (L sampling for
Phosphorous, TDS, TSS, Marikina R.) the first
Conductivity, Salinity, dredging
Chloride, Oil & work
Grease, Cr6+, Cu, Pb,
Total Hg, Cd, Total
Coliform, Surfactants,
Phenolic Substances,
Cyanide, Arsenic,
Organophosphates, BOD
River Water Sampling, laboratory BOD, TSS 4 points (Pasig One time Pre-Construction
4 every 2
Quality test and analysis R.) and Construction
4 points (L.
Marikina R.)
Generation Sampling, laboratory Total Mercury, Sampling shall be Monitoring Construction
of test and analysis Cadmium, Lead, done. frequency Stage
Excavated/ Hexavalent Number/Location will be
Dredged Chromium, Copper, of samplings will determined
Materials Arsenic, Cyanide, Zinc, be determined in in the
Organophosphates, the Detailed Detailed
PCB’s, Formaldehyde Construction Construction
Design. Design.

Disposal/Re Field inspection and Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, As, CN, Sampling shall be Monitoring Construction
use of observation (Cu, Zn, PCB, done. frequency Stage
Excavated Groundwater sampling groundwater quality std Number/Location will be
/ Dredged as necessary as necessary) of samplings will determined
materials be determined in in the
the Detailed Detailed
Construction Construction
Design. Design.
Aquatic Identify species, -Density and diversity of 4 points (Pasig Once before Pre-Construction
7 construction,
biota (if number of species and phytoplankton and R.) and Construction
once during
necessary as abundance / density of zooplankton Stages
a reference species per station. - Density and diversity of 4 points (L and once
data) macrobenthic organisms, Marikina R.) after
- Nekton (fish) construction
- Aquatic flora

7.3 Monitoring/Sampling Locations
Possible monitoring/sampling locations are suggested in Table 7.2 below and Figure 7.1.
(1) As for the Pasig River sections to be constructed in the Phase III, current
monitoring/sampling locations of Phase II are planed to be used.
(2) Natural environmental and pollution statuses during Phase III construction are
monitored at four (4) locations on water quality, noise, vibration, air pollution and
sediment/soil to be dredged. Sediments are also monitored to measure impact of
dredging and terrestrial construction activities. Samples of sediment/soil are taken at
the interface of the river and bank, center of the river, and during both rainy and dry
seasons around the four monitoring locations.

Table 7.2 Sampling Locations for Phase III (Construction Stage)

Sections Monitoring Sites Objectives Remarks

Lower Rosario Bridge Water Quality, -Around construction sites
Marikina River Alfonso Sandoval Bridge Flora and - Sediment is monitored at the
(Dredging/ Fauna, Air edge of construction site and
Vargas Bridge Quality, Noise
Excavation of in the middle of the channel,
riverbed, Napindan Hydraulic Control Structure and Vibration, at 4 points twice a year.
construction of and Sediments/
Soil - 1 grab sample per 1m3 of
dikes, river dredged materials is taken at a
walls, riprap storage unit before transfer.
for bridge pier Test one composite sample out
protection and of one load/batch of dredged
boundary material that is transported to a
bank) disposal site as one unit.

Pasig River Guadalupe Bridge Water Quality, - Continuing monitoring at

(Construction Lapindan Bridge Flora and current monitoring sites of
of revetments Fauna Phase II section.
Pandacan Bridge
with steel sheet
pile Jones Bridge
foundation, Sta.Ana, Manila Sediments/Soil,
and river Sta.Mesa, Manila Flora and
walls) Fauna,
Pobacion, Makati
Boundary of Buayang Bato,
Mandaluyong and Pineda,Pasig
Left bank side of lower Pasig River Air quality, and -Monitored in residential areas
Right bank side of lower Pasig River Noise where noise and air pollution
affect residents’ lives; ensure
Left bank side of upper Pasig River that source of electric power
Right bank side of upper Pasig River for measuring devices is
Places where relocated PAP PAFs

Pandacan Bridge Br.

Rosario Bridge
Jones Bridge Sta. Mesa
Alfonso Bridge

Rizal School
Sta. Ana
Vargas Bridge
Poblacion, Makati
Guadalupe Bridge

Figure 7.1 Suggested Monitoring/Sampling Locations for Phase III

7.4 Monitoring Parameters
The following standards and regulations shall be used for environmental status monitoring.
 Water Quality: DAO No. 34 series of 1990;Water quality criteria for conventional
and other pollutants contributing to aesthetics and oxygen demand for fresh waters;
Class C River water
 Air: DAO No. 14 series of 1993
 Noise: the Environmental Quality Standards for Noise in General Areas specified in
Presidential Decree (PD) 984
 Vibration: To be studied (there is no known standard for vibration in the Philippines).
 Dredged/Excavated Materials: To be studied in the Detailed Construction Design and
confirmed by DENR and concerned agencies (no specific standard values for
sediment and dredged materials set in the Philippines)

Table 7.3 Suggested Monitoring Parameters

Water Quality
1. Temperature 14. Arsenic (As)
2. pH 15. Cadmium (Cd)
3. Turbidity 16. Cyanide (CN)
4. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 17. Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+)
5. Electric Conductivity (EC) 18. Copper (Cu)
6. Salinity 19. Total Mercury (T-Hg)
7. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 20. Chloride (Cl)
8. Nitrate as Nitrogen 21. Lead (Pb)
9. Phosphate as Phosphorous 22. Oil and Grease
10. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 23. Surfactants
11. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 24. Organophosphates
12. Phenolic substances 25. Total coliform
13. True Color
1.Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 3.Particulate Matters( PM10)
2. Nitrogen dioxide(NO2) 4. Total Suspended Particulates ( TSP)
Sediment/ Dredged Material(TCLP Test & Elutriate Test)
1. Total Mercury (Hg) 5. Arsenic (As)
2. Total Chromium (Cr), Hexavalent Cr (Cr6+) 6. Cyanide (CN)
3. Cadmium (Cd) 7.Organophosphates (“OP”)
4. Lead (Pb) 8. Zinc (Zn)
Flora and Fauna
1. Flora (terrestrial, aquatic, phytoplankton) 2. Fauna ( aquatic, zooplankton, macrobenthos )

8.1 Laws and Regulations related to Dredged Materials
There are no laws and regulations to directly control or regulate the dredged materials in the

However, the following laws and regulation shall be applied:

(1) For the dredged materials which do not contain hazardous substances

Republic Act 9003 “Ecological Solid Wastes Management Act of 2000”: for the
management of no-hazardous or non-toxic waste, this law seeks to adopt a systematic,
comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program which shall;

a) Ensure the protection of public health and environment.

b) Utilize environmentally sound methods that maximize the utilization of valuable
resources and encourage resource conservation and recovery.

(2) For the dredged materials which contain hazardous substances

Republic Act 6969 (1990) “Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control
Act” which is a law designed to respond to increasing problems associated with toxic
chemicals and hazardous and nuclear wastes. RA 6069 mandates control and management
of import, manufacture, process, distribution, use, transport, treatment, and disposal of toxic
substances and hazardous and nuclear wastes in the country. The Act seeks to protect public
health and the environment from unreasonable risks posed by these substances in the

DENR Administrative Order 29 (1992): RA 6969 designates the DENR as the

implementing agency and clothes the same with specific functions, powers, and
responsibilities. The Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 6969 were issued under
DAO No. 29 Series of 1992.

DENR Administrative Order 36 (2004): Thereafter, the Procedural Manual of DAO 29, a
comprehensive documentation on the legal and technical requirements of hazardous waste
management, was issued in 2004.

(3) Other Related Laws and Regulations

No. of Year Title/Description

Presidential 1975 Providing penalty for improper disposal of garbage and other forms of
Degree (PD) 825 uncleanliness and for other purposes.
PD 856 1975 Code on sanitation of the Philippines which prescribes guidelines,
requirements and restrictions to ensure cleanliness in various
establishments such as restaurants, hospitals, hotels, etc.
PD 1152 1977 Philippine Environmental Code.
Providing a basis for an integrated waste management regulation starting
from waste source to methods of disposal. PD 1152 has further mandated
specific guidelines to manage municipal wastes (solid and liquid), sanitary
landfill and incineration, and disposal sites in the Philippines.
DAO 34 1990 Revised water usage and classification for water quality criteria amending
Section Nos. 68 (Water Usage and Classification) and 69 (Water Quality
Criteria), Chapter III of the 1978 NPCC Rules and Regulations.

DAO 35 1990 Revised Effluent Regulations of 1990, revising and amending the effluent
regulations of 1982.
DAO 26-A 1994 Philippine Standard for Drinking Water 1993 under the revision of Chapter
II, Section 9 of PD 856 (Code on Sanitation of the Philippines).

8.2. Status of Riverbed Sediment Quality

The following shows the previous data/information on riverbed sediments.

(1) Sediment Quality by Elutriate Test

All the values taken from the lower Marikina River are less than regulatory levels set by the
Government of the Philippines. This indicates a decreased likelihood that dredging causes
significant levels of toxicity to occur in the river water.
Table 4.5 Inorganic Chemicals in Sediments1 (mg/L)
Sampling Location Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Mercury Zinc Arsenic Cyanide
Napindan gate 0.0011 0.0028 0.0203 nil nil 0.0368 0.0015 nil
Vargas bridge 0.0020 0.0020 0.0179 nil nil 0.0381 0.0010 nil
Alfonso S. bridge 0.0020 0.0038 0.0097 0.0038 nil 0.1239 0.0014 nil
Rosario bridge 0.0016 0.0007 0.0189 0.0008 nil 0.0416 0.0017 nil
Hazardous 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.2 5.0
Class-C River3 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.002 0.05 0.05
Effluent to Class-C4 0.05 0.1* 0.3 0.005 0.2 0.2
TCLP regulatory5 1.0 5.0 5.0 0.2 5.0
* As Cr6+

Source: 1. Phase I (Detailed Design in 2001); 2. Procedural manual Title III of DAO 92-29 “Hazardous Wastes
Management”, DAO36(2004); 3. DAO 90-35; 4. DAO 90-35 Table 1 Effluent Standards (maximum limits for the
protection of public health): Discharge limit from new/proposed industry to Inland water (Class C); 5. US EPA

(2) Sediment Quality by TCLP

The Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission (PRRC) and Phase I (Detailed Design in 2001) of
this Project have been monitoring. Since there are environmental quality criteria or guidelines
for contaminated soils and sediments in the Philippines, regulation values of some developed
countries are used for reference. According to these data, the concentrations of toxic substances
in the river sediments are within the acceptable levels of the reference guidelines of some
developed countries.
Table 4.4 Inorganic Chemicals in Sediments (mg/kg-dry weight)
Sampling Sampling Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Mercury Nickel Zinc
Location Date (MDL1=0.9) (LOQ2=20) (LOQ=0.2),
(Bridge) (MDL=0.04)

Marikina 08/06/09 <MDL 42 101 12.5 <MDL 33.5 185

12/11/09 <MDL 35.5 99 19.85 0.055 32 195
Rosario 2001 0.55 (1.11*) 75.57 14.88 <0.003 99.45

Alfonso 2001 0.91 (0.92*) 83.23 13.53 <0.003 99.45

Laguna lake

Vargas 08/06/09 <MDL 56.5 125.5 25 0.19 38 320
12/11/09 <MDL 36 113.5 26 0.15 36.5 239

Marikina) 2001 0.89 (1.16*) 108.9 63.57 0.15 263.59

Napindan 08/06/09 <MDL 29 79 12 0.06 14.50 125
12/11/09 <MDL 28.35 102.5 17.5 0.050 27 202.5
2001 0.55 (0.96*) 97.79 37.87 0.17 289.29
Bambang 08/06/09 <MDL 33.5 91.5 45 0.089 19.5 250
12/11/09 <MDL 28 81 42.5 0.08 27 250
Ilugin 12/11/09 <MDL 16.2 59.5 21.5 12.5 205
Japan Solid 150 250 150 15
Allowable value Agriculture 3 8 150 375 0.8 600
in Canada3 Residential 5 8 100 500 2 500
Commercial 20 500 1000 10 1500
Washington Sediment 5.1 260 390 450 0.41 140 410
State standard
UK Garden use 3 254 130 500 1 70 300
(ICRCL) Parks 15 10005 1306 2000 20 706 3006
The Netherlands Target 0.8 100 36 85 0.3 35 140
Intervention8 20 800 500 600 10 500 3000
Method of Analysis: GC/MS (Scan Method, acquisition) determination after extraction with methanol in DCM and
hexane and cleanup in alumina column
*As Cr6+
1. MDL: Method Detection Limit; 2. LOQ: Limit of Quantitation; 3. Interim Canadian Environmental Quality Criteria for
Contaminated sites (in EIS, 1998); 4. As Hexavalent (Cr6+); 5. As Total Cr; 6. As long as plants grow; 7. Dutch’s final
environmental quality goal value; 8. The degree of soil quality that is required a clean-up work.

Source: PRRC and Phase I (Detailed Design in 2001).

On the other hand, EIS(1998) Report stated that “A PRRP report on the “Preliminary
Assessment of the Water Quality of Laguna de Bay with and without Flushing of Pasig River”
prepared by the Water Quality Institute (1993) revealed that heavy metals were not found in
suspended and bed sediments in any significant concentrations. In addition, the study concluded
that the concentrations of the heavy metals, such as cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead,
zinc, and mercury are low. These concentrations correspond to normal background values in
slightly polluted sediments.

8.3 Further Study on Dredged Materials during Detailed Construction Design

While previous studies indicate that hazardous chemicals especially heavy metals in riverbed
sediment were not present in excessive amount and did not easily leach out, this situation could
change, if discharge of pollutants into the river would continue unabated. It could lead higher
pollution load such that the results of the previous studies may no longer hold true.
Dredging/excavation works are expected to generate significant amount of disposable materials
in the Phase III. The quality of these materials in terms of concentration of hazardous or toxic
chemicals may influence the construction methodology as well as the handling, selection of
appropriate disposal area and disposal methodology for the dredged materials.
On account of the above conditions, a further environmental survey covering riverbed sediments
should be made as a component of the detailed construction design for the Phase III, namely:
a) To update the baseline data for environmental management and monitoring plan,
b) To determine the existence of heavy metals and/or other contaminants and their
concentrations in the river sediment, and
c) To further study in deciding appropriate methodologies for contaminated dredged
materials in dredging, excavation and disposal in addition to the cement based
pre-mix method proposed in this study.

8.4 Procedure of River Dredging Works

For the purpose of flood control, riverbed soil of 612,000 m3 in total are dredged. Part of
dredged materials, which are packed in geo-textile eco-tube, are planned to be used for the
embankment of Boundary Bank Works along the Lower Marikina River. The remaining
materials are transported to the designated disposal area for land reclamation, as follows:
(Unit: m3)

Volume of Generated Dredged Volume to be Used for Boundary Volume for Disposal for Land
Material Bank (in Eco-tube) at Site Reclamation

612,000 50,100 561,900

The following shows the proposed procedure of Dredging Works:

Dredging Riverbed
(with Eco-Grab /Protection Sheet for Turbidity Diffusion)

Use of Dredged Materials for Embankment

of Boundary Bank along Lower Marikina
(Contained in geo-textile Eco-Tube)

Treatment of Dredged Materials

(Cement/Lime based Pre-mix Method for Solidification)

Transportation of Dredged Materials for Disposal

(by Barge passing in Napindan River)

Filling Treated Dredged Materials for Low-lying Area for Land

(in Public Land)

Lower Marikina River

Pasig River
Manila de Bay
Napindan River
Proposed Disposal Site
(Land Reclamation) Existing Lakeshore Dike

Laguna Lake

8.5 Proposed Disposal Site (Reclamation Area)

Dredged materials will be treated with soil admixtures by Cement/Lime based Pre-mix Method
to solidify and increase strength and deposed as filling materials for land reclamation. After
treatment, dredged materials are transported by barges using the Napindan River to the disposal
At the low-lying disposal site (reclamation site), dredged materials will be embanked about 1 m
high from the existing ground elevation 11.5 m. Necessary disposal area is 62 ha which is public
land under the administration of LLDA.
Before starting the filling work, clearance of LLDA and LGU-Taguig will be necessary. LLDA’
clearance includes filling material (sediment) quality.


Filling Dredged Materials 1.0m


8.6 Current Environmental Situation in/around the Disposal Site

Area in/around the proposed disposal site is in Taguig City, Metro Manila, and located in the
northern shore of the Laguna Lake. The area is low flat land. Before the Metro Manila Flood
Control Project – West of Mangahan Floodway completed in 2007 which aimed to prevent the
area from high water levels of Laguna Lake, the area was subject to inundation during high
water of lake.

(1) Climate and Hydrology

Item Description

Climate The area lies within the Philippine region classified as having Type I Climate. It has two
pronounced seasons; dry season (November – April) and wet season (May – October).

Rainfall Maximum rainfall occurs from the months of June to October or during the prevalence of
the southwest monsoon rains. The mean annual rainfall within the Pasig-Marikina-Laguna
Lake Basin ranges from 1700 mm to 3200 mm.

Hydrology Laguna Lake with 900 km2 and 220 km shoreline is a shallow lake. Water levels of
Laguna Lake depend on the seasonal variation; from EL. 10.5 m in average annual
minimum and EL. 12.5 m in average annual maximum. Laguna Lake is a brackish water.
Recent recorded high water level is about EL. 15.0 m at the time of Typhoon Ondoy in
September 2009.

Water Lake water quality is being monitored by the LLDA at various points within lake. Waters
Quality of Laguna Lake near the proposed area are within the standard for Class C fresh surface
(Laguna waters.

Groundwater During dry season groundwater level is about 2 m below existing ground. During rainy
season, the low-laying area is submerged.

(2) Geology, Topography and Soil

Item Description

Geology The area is located within the Quartenary Marikina Valley Alluvial Plain which is
between the hills of Guadalupe Formation and the Sierra Madre Range. The Guadalupe
Formation is a thick sequence of tuff, volcanic breccias, conglomerates, sandstone and
There are two prominent faults found in the area, namely, the Marikina Valley Fault and
the Binangonan Fault.

Topography The area is situated at the southern end of the Marikina Valley bounded by the
Guadalupe Formation Lowland on the west (EL. 2- to 200 m) and the Sierra Madre
Range (EL. 100 to 300 m) on the east. The Laguna Lake bounds the area to the south
and the Pasig-Marikina River lies to the north of the area. Generally, the terrain of the
area is described to be low-lying flat land.

Soil Soils of the coastal landscape type consists predominantly of fluid marine deposits of
sandy materials, mostly found in fresh water marshes. The soils in the broad and alluvial
plains are often subjected to seasonal flooding as evidently shown by the high clay
content that ranges from 40 to 70%.
The physico-chemical characteristics of the substrate in the terrestrial communities
in/around the area are; soil texture (C;lay-Clay-Loam), soil depth (0 – 200m), soil
drainage (poor) and pH (5.6 – 7.8).
Eighty-six % of the soils of Laguna Lake basin are volcanic in origin, the rest is
composed of alluvial and fluid marine deposits. The soil media within and around the
area is relatively homogenous specially in those localities occupying the low-lying areas
and is flat or plain.

Soil Erosion The area is in the area of no sheet erosion and no gullying.

(3) Land Use
Current land use in/around the proposed disposal site are:
a) Present land use of proposed disposal area is open area covered by natural grass.
b) Present land use around the disposal areas is open area, agricultural land and residential
c) Near the disposal site, there are the existing flood control structures such as Lakeshore
road-dike and drainage pumping station along the Laguna lakeshore.
(4) Flora and Fauna
The area is generally homogenous in terms of non-productive grass vegetation in unused area.
There are no trees observed.
Domestic animals and birds are commonly found around the area. There are no endangered
species of either flora and fauna found in the area.

8.7 Preliminary Assessment of Impacts around the Disposal Site Caused by

Reclamation Works of Dredged Materials
Major predicted environmental impacts during construction and operation phases are
preliminary discussed below. Detailed IEE/EIS will be conducted in the next stage as mentioned
in Section 8.3.

No Item Description

1 Air Pollution During construction, air pollution is predicted due to use of heavy
equipment. However, the magnitude of the rate of of emission of these
exhaust gases are relatively small and could be easily dispersed by
surrounding air since the area is described as an open space.

2 Noise and Vibration Due to the construction activities, noise and vibration by heavy
equipment such as dump trucks and bulldozers.

3 Dust Dust is moderately generated by transportation, spreading, and

embankment of soil during the dry season.

4 Traffic Condition After unloaded at Napindan River from barge, dredged materials are
hauled on the temporary road constructed in the open area. No
negative impact is predicted.

5 Flora and Fauna A loss of flora species due to reclamation can be easily restored.
Domestic animals and birds are commonly found around the area.
There are no endangered species of fauna existing in the area.

6 Soil Pollution/ In case the dredged materials contain hazardous substances, these will
Groundwater contaminate the original soil of disposal site.

7 Water Quality In case the dredged materials contain hazardous substances, when
existing drainage channel overflows due to flood, there is possibility
to effect on water quality around the disposal site.

8.8 Environment Management Plan for Disposal of Dredged Materials
The preliminary Environmental Management Plan including Mitigation Measures and
Monitoring Plan for treatment of dredged materials is tabulated below. In the next stage,
detailed construction design, applicable and proper mitigation measures will be studied and

No Impacts Proposed EMP Implementing Respo’ble Monitoring Cost

. Organization (Pesos)

1 Air Regularly and properly Construction DPWH 1 point at N.A.

Pollution maintaining the engines Contractor in Disposal
of equipment/ accordance with Site.
machinery. Construction
Program (CCEP)
tion &

2 Noise and Regularly maintaining Construction DPWH 1 point at N.A.

Vibration and adjusting the Contractor Disposal
engines and mufflers of Site.
to keep an appropriate
Adjusting working time tion &
to avoid early morning Construction
and night and holidays. Phases

3 Dust Watering to prevent Construction DPWH P10 M.

dust generation when Contractor
necessary during dry
Use of sheets to cover
loaded or embanked

6 Soil Apply dredged Construction DPWH Sampling, P650M.

Pollution/ materials mixed with Contractor laboratory
Ground cement/lime to confine test and
Water the hazardous analysis.
substances to prevent
4 point at
leaching of
contaminants into
disposal site.
& Operation

7 Water Apply dredged Construction DPWH Sampling, Included

Quality materials mixed with Contractor laboratory in No. 6
cement/lime to confine test and above.
the hazardous analysis.

substances to prevent 1 point at
leaching of Drainage
contaminants into Canal.
adjacent surface.
& Operation

8.9 Implementation Plan of Separate IEE/EIS for Disposal Site

In accordance with the condition of ECC for the Project, a separate Initial Environmental
Examination (IEE) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be prepared and submitted
to the DENR for the disposal site.
This study will be conducted during the detailed construction design in 2012 and a separate
ECC for disposal site will be obtained from the DENR.
Proposed implementation schedule for IEE/EIS is as follows:

No. Item 1st Month 2nd Month 3rd Month 4th Month 5th Month 6th Month

1 Understanding of
Project Features

2 Site
Identification of
Potential Impacts

3 Secondary Data

4 Sediment Sampling
& Analysis

5 Surface Water,
Biological Survey,

6 Study/Preparation
of Report

7 DENR Evaluation

8.10 Methods and Procedure of Disposal of Dredged Materials in Case of Hazardous

Substances Contained
It is proposed to add the cement or lime to dredged materials for solidification. This method is
also useful to confine the hazardous substances in mixed soils.
Detailed methods including alternatives such as application of geotextile layers, etc., and
procedure will be studied and planned in the Detailed Construction Design for execution.


The possible positive and negative impacts and suggested each mitigation measure in the
operation period of the Phase III are forecasted and summarized in the table below.
Concerning the natural environment and pollution items, a few possible negative impacts might
be occurred by the Project. Therefore, it is not necessary to conduct any specific mitigation
measures and monitoring activities for the natural environment and pollution items in the
project operation period.
Table 9.1 Possible Impacts and Suggested Mitigation
Measures in the Operation Phase of Phase III
Impact Explanations and
Positive Negative Suggested Mitigation Measures
Local Economy Positive: Losses of properties and lives are reduced considerably
such as and lives of people on the directly and indirectly affected areas
Employment and are stabilized which allows improvement of household economy.
Livelihood, etc
A -

Land Use and Positive: developed area will be protected from habitual floods
Utilization of and flood disaster be reduced.
Local Resources
A -

Social Positive: Community based organizations /groups that help

Social Environment:

Institutions such developing and exercising preparedness and cooping mechanism to

as Social flood disaster are formed as part of non-structural measure.
Infrastructure and A -
Local Decision -
Existing Social Positive: Existing social infrastructures and services will be
Infrastructures A - protected from the habitual floods.
and Services
Misdistribution Negative: There might be unequal mitigation results in places
of Benefit and with and without the Project. The areas that the Project improved
Damage river protective banks might raise their land price and business
opportunities while the other would not receive such benefit.
LGU level land use plan must taking into account leveling such
Sanitation Positive: Reduction of flood incidence would also reduce
A D frequency of water born disease which often occur after flood or
prolong stagnation of ponding water.
Hazards/ Risk; Negative: As economic activities increases as a positive effect of
Infectious the Project, new businesses also expects. On the other hand,
Diseases such as outside workers who have statistically higher prevalence rate of
HIV/AIDS D C HIV/AIDs and other STDs. Behavior Change Communication
shall be employed to disseminate appropriate information about
these diseases.

A: Significant impacted, B: Slight impact, C: Unknown, D: Few impact -: Not Appilicable


The EIS(1998) has concluded that the proposed project can be implemented in an
environmentally acceptable manner. The total benefits to be derived will overwhelmingly
outweigh the effects of the adverse impacts. Environmentally, the proposed project is
beneficial since it is actually a mitigating measure against the annual adverse impacts of a
natural hazard.

In addition to the EIS(1998), the Supplemental EIS Study has been conducted in the JICA
Preparatory Study to comply with the JICA Guideline for the proposed implementation of Phase
III. Through the supplemental study and evaluation, it is conformed that the Project can be
implemented in an acceptable manner.

Through this review/supplemental study, the following are recommended to be done before
commencement of the construction of Phase III:

a) Project’s information dissemination and communication shall be provided to PAPs via

a mobile ICP (information, communication and publicity) team once the construction
starts in such way that Phase II Project does.

b) ICP team uses local language in communicating with PAPs instead of solely
depending on a written report of EIS and RAP. Essence of the Project shall be
informed in this manner.

c) Update/ Measure and revise the concerned environmental data of baseline status of
natural and social environment are necessary before the Phase III construction work

d) Detailed and appropriate testing of dredged material should be prepared in accordance

with DENR’s policy.


Environmental checklists for the Project based on a JICA Environmental Checklist for River
Channel Improvement Project Form are shown as follows:

Negative Confirmation of Environmental Considerations

Category Item Main Check Item Impact (Reasons/Mitigation Measures)
1. Permits (1) EIA (EIS*) (a) Have EIA reports been Y “The Pasig-Marikina River Channel Improvement
and and officially completed? Project Environmental Impact Statement (Final
Explanation Environmental Report), 1998” was complied with PIESS
Permits requirement and endorsed by DENR.

(b) Have EIA reports been Y EIA report was approved by the DENR-EBM of
* NB: In the approved by authorities of the Government of the Philippines. Then, ECC was
Philippines, host country’s government? issued in 1998. Validation of the ECC was
“EIA” system is confirmed in 2008.
called “EIS
(Environmental (c) Have EIA reports been Y EIA has been approved conditionally in the ECC.
Impact unconditionally approved? If No claim or penalty was imposed yet. MMT
Statement) conditions are imposed on the monitors the compliance with ECC conditions for
approval of EIA reports, are Phase II of the Project.
the conditions satisfied?
(d) In addition to the above Y All necessary documents have been submitted
approvals, have other and approved by the concerned agencies
required environmental including DENR and LLDA.
permits been obtained from
the appropriate regulatory
authorities of the host
country’s government?
(2) Explanation (a) Have contents of the Y Since the beginning of the Project, stakeholders
to the Public project and its potential impact have been informed and involved; Such
been adequately explained to stakeholders are: LGUs, PRRP, Star Craft Ferry
local stakeholders based on Corp., DENR-NCR office, EMB, MMDA, NGOs,
appropriate procedures, LLDA, etc. A public awareness meeting was held
including information on May 20, 1998 in Manila to disseminate
disclosure? information about the entire Project. All the
Has understanding of Local concerns were taken care of and/or considered
stakeholders been obtained? through the Scoping workshop.
Multi-party Monitoring Team (MMT) has been
holding quarterly meetings to explore, consider,
and address PAP concerns. Information Campaign
and Publicity (ICP) Team carries out periodic
activities in order to disseminate information
regarding the Project under the implementation of
Phase II since 2008.
Several public consultation meetings with
stakeholders have been held in 2011 for Phase III.

(b) Have comments from Y The most important public consultation was held
stakeholders (such as local on February 27, 1998 by DPWH at its central
residents) been reflected to office in order to work to formulate a Scoping
the project design? matrix which reflects stakeholders’ social and
environmental concerns regarding the project
design. Also, through frequent meetings hosted by
DPWH and mediated by Barangay captains,
Stakeholders’ comments reflected in the design as
much as possible through detailed design stage
and construction in Phase II.

(3) Examination Have alternative project plans Y An alternative (i.e. Zero-Option) plan was
of Alternatives been examined in light of considered in the EIS(1998). EIS(1998) concluded

social and environmental that the zero (no project) option would not help the
considerations? community to prevent flood damage. Also,
alternative plans in light of social and
environmental aspects were considered in the
feasibility study, to minimize land acquisition and
affected structure/families in the highly urbanized
project area.

2. Pollution (1) Water Is there a possibility that Y The project helps in controlling river water flow in a
Mitigation Quality changes in river flow flood event which itself does not change water
Measures downstream (mainly water quality. During the construction period, it might
level drawdown) due to the temporarily increase suspended solids by working
project will cause areas to not in and on the river bank and dredging. However,
comply with the country’s the adverse effects caused by construction
ambient water quality activities can be negligible when compared with
standards? existing water pollution levels and size of the
rivers. Also, in the event of large-scale dredging,
the project plans to use dredging techniques that
minimize suspension of sediments.

(2) Wastes In the event that large Y The soils generated in the Project are tested and
volumes of disposed of properly in accordance with
excavated/dredged materials regulations in the Philippines. They are
are generated, are the transported and used as fill-material for low land
excavated/dredged materials areas. EIS shall be conducted for the disposal
properly treated and disposed area in accordance with ECC conditions prior to
of in accordance with the start of construction.
country’s standards?
(3) Subsidence Is there a possibility that the N No effect or a negligible effect on groundwater and
excavation of waterways will subsidence will be caused by construction works,
cause groundwater level based on the examples of structural construction
drawdown or subsidence? Are in/around the sites.
adequate measures taken, if
3. Natural (1) Protected Is the project site located in N According to “Statistics on Philippine Protected
Environment Areas protected areas designated by Areas and Wildlife Resources (2004)”, there is
the country’s laws or one protected area in NCR, “Quezon Memorial;
international treaties and Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Nature Center” in
conventions? Is there a Diliman, Quezon City, which is different from a
possibility that the project will protected area established for nature preservation
affect the protected areas? purposes. The Project will be unlikely to affect the
Parks since construction sites are well distanced
from it.

(2) Ecosystem (a) Does the project site N These are no primeval forests, tropical rain forests,
encompass primeval forests, or ecologically valuable habitats that were
tropical rain forests, recorded according to “2004 Statistics on
ecologically valuable habitats Philippines Protected Areas and Wildlife
(e.g., coral reefs, mangroves, Resources, Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau
or tidal flats)? (PAWB), DENR”. Some mangrove areas exists
in Manila Bay, but it is unlikely that the project will
affect them. According to LLDA report, the
Pasig-Marikina River has been declared to be
“biologically inactive…” and “…no longer
classified as class C” for a long time. No rare
species have been found in quarterly monitoring of
the areas during Phase II.

(b) Does the project site N No protected habitat of endangered species

encompass the protected designated by the country’s laws or international
habitats of endangered treaties and conventions has been reported
species designated by the thoughout Phase II environmental monitoring and
country’s laws or international on DENR’s report. The same is expected to be the
treaties and conventions? case for Phase III. Construction and dredging
activities are held within the already
highly-developed Metro Manila area, exclusively in
and along the already highly-polluted and

disturbed Pasig-Marikina River.

(c) If significant ecological N/A N/A It is not anticipated that the project or its
impact is anticipated, are construction activities will have a significant
adequate protection measures ecological impact.
taken to reduce the impact on
the ecosystem?
(d) Is there a possibility that N The construction of river walls is on the edges of
hydrologic changes, such as river banks and has a very negligible effect on
reduction of river flow or downstream ecosystems, and flow is predicted in
seawater intrusion upriver will comparison with river size.
adversely affect downstream
aquatic organisms, animals,
vegetation, and ecosystems?
(e) Is there a possibility that N The Project does not change the river’s flow
changes in water flows due to pattern or volume of the river while the river banks
the project will adversely are reinforced and protected in normal
affect aquatic environments in circumstances.
the river? Are adequate
measures taken to reduce the
impacts on aquatic
environments, such as effects
on aquatic organisms?
(3) Hydrology Is there a possibility that N No possibility.
hydrologic changes due to the
project will adversely affect
surface water and
groundwater flows?
(4) Topography Is there a possibility that N No change in topography is anticipated. Disposal
and Geology excavation of rivers and sites for dredged materials taken from the
channels will cause a Pasig-Marikina River can raise disposal site
large-scale alteration of the elevation, but only on a very localized and
topographic features and negligible scale.
geologic structures in the
surrounding areas?
4. Social (1) (a) Is involuntary resettlement Y A census was conducted in November 2010. It
Environment Resettlement caused by project was found that there are 58 household to be
implementation? If affected by the construction activities of the Project
involuntary resettlement is along the Pasig River.
caused, are efforts made to In the process of planning and designing of the
minimize the impact of Project, efforts on structural components and
resettlement? construction methods are made to minimize the
number of households to be affected.

(b) Is adequate explanation Y Explanation on compensation and resettlement

regarding relocation and assistance were given to Project Affected Families
compensation given to (PAFs) and related LGUs/Barangays prior to
affected persons prior to resettlement in April and July 2011.
(c) Is the resettlement plan, Y Resettlement Action Plan including information of
including proper the target households, their socio-economic
compensation, restoration of condition, and compensation package with full
livelihoods and living replacement costs is currently prepared by the
standards, developed based DPWH.
on socioeconomic studies on
(d) Is compensation going to Y The compensations shall be paid prior to the
be paid prior to resettlement? resettlement.

(e) Are compensation policies Y Compensation policies are documented in the

prepared in document? Resettlement Action Plan.

(f) Does the resettlement plan Y There are no indigenous peoples living in the
pay particular attention to project area.
vulnerable groups or persons, As a custom operation of resettlement, staff of
including women, children, the welfare department of the LGUs will attend the
elderly, people living below demolition work so that the rights of the vulnerable

the poverty line, ethnic people are not violated.
minorities, and indigenous Also, when the households are transported to the
peoples? resettlement sites, special arrangements will be
provided for the elderly and those with difficulty in

(g) Are agreements with the Y During the public consultation meetings held twice
affected persons obtained so far, information was distributed orally, questions
prior to resettlement? were raised and answered, and PAFs showed
understandings about the resettlement plan.
Final agreements with the affected households are
to be obtained at the final stage of preparation of
the resettlement activity. The official documents
of agreement are obtained prior to resettlement.

(h) Is the organizational Y DPWH, as a project implementing agency, will

framework established to attend the Local Inter-Agency Committees (LIAC)
properly implement which iwas already established in affected LGUs,
resettlement? Are the Manila and Makati, for implementation of
capacity and budget secured resettlement. Using the organizational
to implement the plan? framework, LIAC, DPWH will be able to implement
the preparation and implementation of
resettlement properly and effectively.
The budget for the implementation of the
resettlement plan will be secured in the Project

(i) Have any plans been Y Internal Monitoring will be conducted by DPWH
developed to monitor the (ESSO, PMO and Consultant).
impact of resettlement? External Monitoring Team will be contracted by
Check lists for both Interior and External
Monitoring are included in the Resettlement Plan.
Cost for the external monitoring is to be included in
the Consulting Services.

(j) Is the grievance redress Y DPWH (PMO-MFCP I) will be the window for
mechanism established? receiving opinions, consultations and complaints.
Information about contact numbers and names
were shown on board during the public
consultation meetings in July 2011.
LIAC in each LGU will also work as the window.
PAFs may go to LGU staff (offices for social
welfare or urban poor affairs) for expressing
opinions, consultations and complaints.
All received opinions will be transfered to the LIAC
(Sub-Committee for Beneficiary, Selection, Awards
and Arbitration) for immediate action.

(2) Living and (a) Is there a possibility that Y There is a possibility that some informal settlers
Livelihood the project will adversely who are living on riverbanks and in right-of-way
affect the living conditions of areas will be relocated due to construction
inhabitants? Are adequate activities. They will be taken care of properly,
measures considered to according to the prepared RAP and JICA
reduce the impacts, if Guidelines.
necessary? Construction activities generate noise and exhaust
fumes via machine operation. Providing mufflers
and filters for the machineries maintains the
capacity to absorb and reduce noise levels and
exhaust fumes.
Barges and dredging boats used by the project
might hinder boats and ferry traffic. This hindrance
can be eased by consultation, IEC and
coordinating operation space, hours and dates.
Vehicles used for construction may block and
congest the streets. Barges can therefore be used
to ship construction materials and for construction

Dredged materials shall be covered or dried for
transportation to disposal area in such way that no
offensive odor or leak from dredged materials.

(b) Is there a possibility that N The Project regulates river water but does not use
the amount of water (e.g., it.
surface water, groundwater)
used by the project will
adversely the downstream
fisheries and other water
(c) Is there a possibility that N Cleaning of the river bank and constructing river
waterborne or water-related bank-protection will result in reduction of mosquito
diseases (e.g., breeding places and thus reduction of mosquito
schistosomiasis, malaria, infestation and related spread of disease.
filariasis) will be introduced? Moreover, suspended solids caused by excavation
will also help coagulate and settle floating viruses
and bacteria.

(3) Heritage Is there a possibility that the N There are no local archeological, historical,
project will damage the local cultural, or religious heritage sites reported on or
archeological, historical, around the Project site. Neither have such palaces
cultural, and religious heritage at small community levels been reported.
sites? Are adequate
measures taken to protect
these sites in accordance with
the country’s laws?
(4) Landscape Is there a possibility that the N River banks often serve as natural parks/river
project will adversely affect walks/water parks and serve amenity functions for
the local landscape? Are the local population. During construction activity,
necessary measures taken to some area will be adversely affected. But this is
deal with such adverse temporary and limited narrow area.
effects? Although vegetation might be lost temporarily due
to construction, it will grow back naturally in the
Philippines’ tropical climate.

(5) Ethnic (a) Does the project comply N/A N/A No ethnic group has been identified.
Minorities and with the country’s laws
Indigenous regarding rights of ethnic
Peoples minorities and indigenous
(b) Is consideration given to N/A N/A Ditto
reducing impact on culture
and lifestyle of ethnic
minorities and indigenous
(c) Is consideration given to N/A N/A Ditto
reducing impact on culture
and lifestyle of ethnic
minorities and indigenous
(d) Will all of the rights of N/A N/A Ditto
ethnic minorities and
indigenous peoples in relation
to land and resources be
(6) Working (a) In the course of carrying N No, the Project is not violating national laws.
Conditions out the project, is the project
proponent violating any laws
or ordinances relating to
working conditions of the
(b) Are tangible safety Y BOSH (Basic Occupational Safety and Health)
considerations in place for protocol and CCEP are followed in Phase II.
individuals involved in the Phase III is carried out in the same manner.
project, such as the Fences, warnings, notice-of-construction billboards

installation of safety and information campaigns are also provided.
equipment which prevents Proper environmental training is given to
industrial accidents, and construction workers by construction contractors.
management of hazardous Helmets and steel-toe shoes are worn by most
materials? construction workers. Occupational safety training
will be continuously and periodically provided and
appropriate safety measures will always be in

(c) Are intangible measures Y In accordance with CCEP, proper environmental

being planned and training is given to construction workers by
implemented for individuals construction contractors. Helmets and steel-toe
involved in the project, such shoes are worn by most construction workers.
as the establishment of a Occupational safety training will be continuously
safety and health programs, and periodically provided and safety measures will
and safety training (including be in place at all times.
traffic safety and public
health) for workers, etc.?
(d) Are appropriate measures N/A N/A No security guard is assigned to a construction
taken to ensure that security site except for storage units and HQ office.
guards involved in the project Barangay officials assure safety of local residents.
not to violate safety of other
individuals involved, or local
5. Others (1) Impact (a) Are adequate measures Y An appropriate and reasonable amount of
during undertaken to reduce impact countermeasures to reduce construction-related
Construction during construction (e.g., nuisances, such as noise, vibration, dust, etc, will
noise, vibrations, turbid water, be undertaken.
dust, exhaust gases, and Phase II construction has already proved the
wastes)? effectiveness of counter measures that have been
taken during construction of river channel
protective walls.
It should be noted that problematic noise levels in
the Philippines are defined so strictly that even
normal human conversation levels exceed the
allowable noise limit.
The levels of noise, air pollution level (as TP10),
and water quality and vibration are monitored.
Mufflers and filters for machinery are provided to
properly maintain their absorption capacity.
Solid wastes and construction debris are collected,
bagged and transported via barge to project’s
construction management HQ office for proper
Chemical or portable toilets for construction
workers are placed at each construction site, and
waste is collected periodically.
Frequent cleaning is required in order to keep the
toilet usable and to suppress odor.

(b) If construction activities Y The Project shall use adequate technology to

adversely affect the natural reduce suspension in river water during dredging
environment (ecosystem), are works. It should be noted that water quality of the
adequate measures taken to Pasig Marikina River is already beyond Class C
reduce the impact? water criteria and the original ecosystem had been
destroyed long time ago.

(c) If construction activities Y Staff of IEC of the DPWH, MMT and Barangay
adversely affect the social captains are to handle complaints from residents
environment, are adequate affected by the construction, if any occur.
measures undertaken to Most construction workers are hired locally from
reduce the impact? the Barangay where construction takes place, with
the exception of a few skilled technicians and
engineers. In hiring local workers, gender equity
and appropriateness of assigning position are
considered. Hence, a damping effect of numbers
of workers and cash flooding into a Barangay will

not occur and disturbance of the social
environment will be minimized.

(d) If necessary, is health and Y CCEP (Construction for Contractors Environmental

safety education (e.g., traffic Program) and BOSH (Basic Occupational Safety
safety, public health) provided and Health) protocols are followed to ensure
for project personnel, safety and health of both residents and workers.
including workers?
(2) Monitoring (a) Does the proponent Y DPWH through consultant hired to supervise
develop and implement construction prepares the Environmental
monitoring programs for Monitoring Plan. Under this plan, quarterly and
environmental items semi-annual monitoring reports are prepared and
considered to have potential submitted to DENR receives.
(b) Are the items, methods Y Items and methods follow the Philippines’ and
and frequencies included in JICA Guideline’s requirements. Since there are
the monitoring program only two seasons in the Philippines, bi-annual
judged to be appropriate? monitoring of flora and fauna seems appropriate to
check seasonal effects. It is appropriate to include
additional information in the quarterly monitoring

(c) Does the proponent Y Multiparty Monitoring Team (MMT), DPWH

establish an adequate through consultant and Contractor are proposed
monitoring framework for monitoring of entire Project which is applied to
(organization, personnel, Phase II. Phase III shall do the same.
equipment, and adequate
budget) to sustain the
monitoring framework?
(d) Are any regulatory Y The Proponent of the Project shall conduct
requirements pertaining to the environmental monitoring and its reporting to
monitoring report system DENR in coordination with MMT. The
identified, such as the format environmental monitoring activities consist of (1)
and frequency of reports from Compliance Monitoring and (2) Environmental
the proponent to the Surveillance. The results of monitoring will provide
regulatory authorities? a basis for timely decision and implementation of
necessary countermeasures and actions.
Use criteria states in DAO 2003-30, procedure

6. Note Note on Using If necessary, the impact on N/A N/A No county shares a border with Luzon island,
Environmental trans-boundary or global where the project takes place. The Philippines is
Checklist issues should be confirmed an island nation, and thus has no land borders.
(e.g., the project includes River improvement works for flood mitigation do
factors that may cause not cause global-scale climate change.
problems, such as
trans-boundary waste
treatment, acid rain,
destruction of the ozone layer,
or global warming).



ANNEX-2: Socio-Economic Survey in Project Affected Area

1. Survey Area

2. Survey Results


On December 2010, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Study Team commissioned Woodfields Consultants, Inc. to conduct a
social impact survey among communities living along the
Pasig-Marikina River (Manggahan to Napindan stretch) to determine
the potential impact of the construction of flood control structures and
the possible total closure of the river after the construction to residents
living along the river. Woodfields conducted the survey from January 7
to 13, 2010.


Sampling size for the survey was determined at plus-or-minus 10

percent margin of error at 95 percent level of confidence. About 107
respondents proportionately selected from the 13 barangays located
along Marikina River in 3 cities of Metro Manila were interviewed,
distributed as follows:

City Barangay Sample size Percentage allocation

Quezon Bagumbayan 27 25.2
Ugong Norte 3 2.8
Pasig Ugong 7 6.5
Bagong Ilog 5 4.7
Mangahan 10 9.3
Rosario 11 10.3
Maybunga 21 19.6
Caniogan 5 4.7
Kapasigan 3 2.8
San Jose 1 0.9
Bagong Katipunan 1 0.9
Sta. Rosa 3 2.8
Makati West Rembo 10 9.3
TOTAL 107 100

Actual interviews were conducted at home with the head of the

household, or the spouse, or any other member of the household
preferably of legal age or adult, in the sequence mentioned, with only
1 representative-respondent for each selected household. Most or 90
percent of the interview lasted from 15 to 20 minutes.
The survey study was coordinated with the local government of the
city and the barangay. Local officials helped in estimating/ validating
HH size were the computation and allocation of sample size was

The road network enclosing the river line was used to determine the

main project affected area and to demarcate the project site from
which the sampling of respondents was obtained. Figure 2-1 presents
the project area.
Selection of household-respondents was through systematic random
sampling at estimated intervals sufficient to cover the stretch of the
barangay commencing from predetermined public landmarks until the
required number of samples on a certain spot has been satisfied.

The survey was conducted by trained enumerators using a

pre-structured questionnaire provided by the JICA Study Team.
Protocols were coded (for open-ended questions) and encoded.
Generation of pre-specified data requirements was facilitated using
the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software.


Table Relationship of respondent to HH head

3.1-1 Relationship Frequency Percent
Household head 56 52.3
Spouse of HH head 40 37.4
Child of HH head 10 9.3
Sibling 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
Table Sex of HH head
3.1-2 Sex Frequency Percent
Male 40 37.4
Female 67 62.6
TOTAL 107 100
Table Marital status of HH head
3.1-3 Marital status Frequency Percent
Single 8 7.5
Married 71 66.4
Separated 13 12.1
Widower 11 10.3
Cohabitation 4 3.7
TOTAL 107 100
Table Range of years of residence in current address
3.1-4 Years of residence Frequency Percent
1 to 10 years 27 25.2
11 to 20 years 18 16.8
21 to 30 years 20 18.7
31 to 40 years 15 14
41 to 50 years 16 15

61 to 70 years 2 1.9
71 to 80 years 3 2.8
TOTAL 107 100
Table Place of residence prior to current
3.1-5 Place of residence Frequency Percent
Same barangay 52 48.6
Another Barangay within LGU 31 29
Other LGU within Metro Manila 12 11.2
Outside Metro Manila 12 11.2
Total 107 100
Table Current tenurial status
3.1-6 Tenural status Frequency Percent
House structure owner 92 86
Rent-free occupant ( RFO) 3 2.8
Renter 12 11.2
TOTAL 107 100
Table Monthly rental of current dwelling
3.1-7 Amount Frequency Percent
Non-renters 95 88.8
1,200.00 1 0.9
1,500.00 1 0.9
2,000.00 2 1.9
2,500.00 1 0.9
3,000.00 4 3.7
4,000.00 2 1.9
5,000.00 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
Table Total number of HH in structure
3.1-8 Number of HH Frequency Percent
Structure with 1 HH 97 90.7
Structure with 2 HH 6 5.6
Structure with 3 HH 2 1.9
Structure with 4 HH 1 0.9
Structure with 6 HH 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
Table Range of total number of persons in structure
3.1-9 Number of persons Frequency Percent
Structures with 1 to 3 persons 29 27.1
Structures with 4 to 6 persons 59 55.1
Structures with 7 to 10 persons 17 15.9
Structures with 11 to 15 persons 2 1.9

Table Range of number of house/structure-owner (HO) and family
3.1-10 HH size Frequency Percent
House structure owner with 1 to 3 22 20.6
House structure owner with 4 to 6 52 48.6
House structure owner with 7 to 10 16 15
House structure owner with 11 to 15 2 1.9
Total 92 86
Non structure-owner 15 14
TOTAL 107 100
Table Total Number of persons living in the house/structure: Number
3.1-11 of rent-free occupants (RFO)
Rent-free occupants Frequency Percent
Non-RFO 104 97.2
Rent-free occupants with 5 HH 3 2.8
TOTAL 107 100
Table Total Number of Persons living in the house/structure:
3.1-12 Number of caregivers
Rent-free occupants Frequency Percent
HH with no caregivers 99 92.5
HH with 1 caregiver 5 4.7
HH with 2 caregivers 3 2.8
TOTAL 107 100

Table Total Number of Persons living in the

3.1-13 house/structure :Number of renters
HH size Frequency Percent
Non renters 95 88.8
HH with 2 members 2 1.9
HH with 3 members 5 4.7
HH with 5 members 1 0.9
HH with 6 members 3 2.8
HH with 10 members 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
Table Ethnicity
3.1-14 Ethnicity Frequency Percent
Yes 31 29
No 76 71
TOTAL 107 100
A9. Ethnicity, Special Clan, Indigenous people: Does your household
member belong to a specific ethnic group or clan or “Indigenous

Table Specific ethnicity
3.1-15 Specific ethnicity Frequency Percent
Albayano 1 0.9
Bisaya 9 8.4
Pangasinense 2 1.9
Ilongo 7 6.5
Bicolano 7 6.5
Marinduqueno 1 0.9
Tagalog 1 0.9
Bulaqueño 1 0.9
Cebuano 1 0.9
Pampangueno 1 0.9
Not applicable 76 71

TOTAL 107 100

A9. Ethnicity, Special Clan, Indigenous people: Does your household
member belong to a specific ethnic group or clan or “Indigenous
Table Place of origin of respondent
3.1-16 Place of origin Frequency Percent
Albay 1 0.9
Samar 1 0.9
Pangasinan 2 1.9
General Santos 1 0.9
Iloilo 4 3.7
Sorsogon 4 3.7
Cagayan 1 0.9
Misamis Oriental 1 0.9
Negros Occidental 2 1.9
Bacolod 1 0.9
Zamboanga 1 0.9
Marinduque 1 0.9
Legaspi 2 1.9
Masbate 1 0.9
Quezon 1 0.9
Bulacan 1 0.9
Surigao 1 0.9
Cebu 1 0.9
Oriental Mindoro 1 0.9
Pampanga 1 0.9
Mindanao 2 1.9

Not applicable 76 71
TOTAL 107 100
A9. Ethnicity, Special Clan, Indigenous people: Does your household
member belong to a specific ethnic group or clan or “Indigenous

Table Religion
3.1-17 Religion Frequency Percent
Roman Catholic 100 93.5
Other Christian organization 2 1.9
Traditional/ indigenous belief 1 0.9
Iglesia ni Kristo 4 3.7
TOTAL 107 100
A10. What is your religion?
Table River dependency
3.2-1 Dependency Frequency Percent
None 107 100
B1.Do you depend on the Marikina river as a major resource to support
your family/ self?
Table Particular dependency
3.2-2 Particular dependency Frequency Percent
None 107 100
B1.Do you depend on the Marikina river as a major resource to support
Table Impact of river structure construction or closing
3.2-3 Impact Frequency Percent
None 106 99.1
Don't know 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
B2. What do you lose if the Marikina river sides are closed for a year for
a construction, or forever?
Table Impact of dredging
3.2-4 Impact Frequency Percent
None 107 100
B3. What do you lose if a large scale dredging activity takes place in the
Marikina river for many months?
Table Where solid waste is disposed
3.2-5 Activities Responses
Frequency Percent

Collected and disposed by waste 101 91
Discarded to the river 3 3
Discarded to open space 2 2
Burnt 5 5
TOTAL 111 100
B4. Where do you dispose solid wastes
Table Where wastewater is discharged
3.2-6 Activities Responses
Frequency Percent
Drained to pipes connected to city sewer 90 58
Drained to pipes directly connected to t 17 11
Discharged to open space/land 48 31
TOTAL 155 100
B5. Where do you discharge wastewater
Table Number of employed HH member
3.3-1 Household size Frequency Percent
HH with 1 member employed 67 62.6
HH with 2 members employed 23 21.5
HH with 3 members employed 3 2.8
HH with 6 members employed 1 0.9
HH with purely self-employed member/s 13 12.1
TOTAL 107 100
C1. How many members of this household are currently working or
Table Number of HH members contributing to income
3.3-2 HH size Frequency Percent
HH with only 1 member contributing 20 18.7
HH with only 2 members contributing 63 58.9
HH with only 3 members contributing 22 20.6
HH with only 4 members contributing 1 0.9
HH with only 6 members contributing 1 0.9
Total 107 100
C2. How many persons contribute to household
Table Range of total income from salary
3.3-3 Frequency Percent

9,001 to 15,000 44 41.1
15,001 to 18,000 10 9.3
18,001 to 24,000 5 4.7
24,001 to 30,000 2 1.9
40,000 up 1 0.9
Total 94 87.9
Non-salary earners 13 12.1
TOTAL 107 100
C3. What is the estimated total monthly income of your household for
the past month? (IN PESOS) – From regular employment.

Table Range of total monthly income from business

3.3-4 Frequency Percent
5,000 and below 18 16.8
5,001 to 10,000 41 38.3
10,001 to 15,000 6 5.6
20,001 and above 1 0.9
Total 66 61.7
Non-business earners 41 38.3
TOTAL 107 100
C3. What is the estimated total monthly income of your household for
the past month? (IN PESOS) – From business.

Table Total monthly pension

3.3-5 Amount Frequency Percent
1,200.00 1 0.9
2,300.00 1 0.9
3,000.00 1 0.9
3,800.00 1 0.9
4,000.00 1 0.9
5,000.00 1 0.9
8,500.00 1 0.9
10,000.00 2 1.9
Total 9 8.4
Non-pensioner 98 91.6
TOTAL 107 100
C3. What is the estimated total monthly income of your household for
the past month? (IN PESOS) – From pension.
Table Total monthly income from agriculture
3.3-6 Amount Frequency Percent

0 107 100
C3. What is the estimated total monthly income of your household for
the past month? (IN PESOS) – From agriculture.
Table Total monthly remittance from the Philippines
3.3-7 Amount Frequency Percent
1,000.00 2 1.9
3,000.00 4 3.7
3,500.00 1 0.9
Total 7 6.5
Those who are not receiving 100 93.5
TOTAL 107 100
C3. What is the estimated total monthly income of your household for
the past month? (IN PESOS) – From remittances (from the Philippines).
Table Total monthly remittance from OFW/s
3.3-8 Amount Frequency Percent
5,000.00 1 0.9
15,000.00 2 1.9
37,000.00 1 0.9
Total 4 3.7
Those who are not receiving 103 96.3
TOTAL 107 100
C3. What is the estimated total monthly income of your household for
the past month? (IN PESOS) – From remittances (OFW).
Table Range of total income from other sources (loans, gifts, etc.)
3.3-9 per annum
Amount Frequency Percent
5,000 and below 16 15
5,001 to 10,000 43 40.2
10,001 to 15,000 11 10.3
20,001 to 25,000 2 1.9
30,001 and above 1 0.9
Total 73 68.2
Those who are not earning from other 34 31.8
TOTAL 107 100
C3. What is the estimated total monthly income of your household for
the past month? (IN PESOS)
Table Range of total monthly income both from salary and various
3.3-10 sources (business, pension, remittances, etc
Amount Frequency Percent
3,000 to 9,000 14 13.1

9,001 to 15,000 41 38.3
15,001 to 18,000 29 27.1
18,001 to 24,000 16 15
24,001 to 30,000 3 2.8
30,001 to 40,000 2 1.9
40,001 up 2 1.9
TOTAL 107 100
C3. What is the estimated total monthly income of your household for
the past month? (IN PESOS)
Table Range of total food expenses
3.3-11 Amount Frequency Percent
5,000 and below 21 19.6
5,001 to 10,000 76 71
10,001 to 15,000 9 8.4
20,001 to 25,000 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month) –
Table Housing/ rental expenses
3.3-12 Amount Frequency Percent
Non renters 96 89.7
1,200.00 1 0.9
1,500.00 1 0.9
2,000.00 2 1.9
2,500.00 1 0.9
3,000.00 3 2.8
4,000.00 2 1.9
5,000.00 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month) – Housing
(amortization/ rent).
Table Range of clothing expenses
3.3-13 Amount Frequency Percent
150 to 500 59 55.1
501 to 1,000 10 9.3
1,001 to 1,500 3 2.8
1,501 to 2,000 3 2.8

Total 75 70.1
Did not spend for clothing last year 32 29.9

TOTAL 107 100

C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month)
Table Range of average monthly transportation expenses
3.3-14 Amount Frequency Percent
150 to 500 41 38.3
501 to 1,000 15 14
1,001 to 1,500 15 14
1,501 to 2,000 32 29.9
2,001 to 2,500 3 2.8
25,001 to 3,000 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month) –
Table Range of education expenses
3.3-15 Amount Frequency Percent
300 to 1,000 49 45.8
1,001 to 2,000 19 17.8
2,001 to 3,000 5 4.7
3,001 to 4,000 2 1.9
4,001 to 5,000 2 1.9
5,001 and above 1 0.9
Total 78 72.9
Those who are not spending for 29 27.1
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month)
Table Range of monthly water bills/ expenses
3.3-16 Amount Frequency Percent
100 to 500 35 32.7
501 to 1,000 30 28
1,001 to 1,500 27 25.2
1,501 to 2,000 13 12.1
2,001 to 2,500 1 0.9

25,001 to 3,000 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month) –
Table Range of monthly power bills/ expenses
3.3-17 Amount Frequency Percent
100 to 1,000 28 26.2
1,001 to 2,000 56 52.3
2,001 to 3,000 15 14
3,001 to 4,000 3 2.8
4,001 to 5,000 5 4.7
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month) –
Table Range of monthly telecommunication expenses
3.3-18 Amount Frequency Percent
100 to 300 58 54.2
301 to 600 26 24.3
601 to 900 14 13.1
901 to 1,200 4 3.7
Total 102 95.3
Those who are not spending on telecom 5 4.7

TOTAL 107 100

C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month) – Telecommunications (telephone,
cell phone, internet).
Table Range of cooking fuel expenses
3.3-19 Amount Frequency Percent
90 to 500 34 31.8
501 to 1,000 68 63.6
1,001 to 1,500 3 2.8
1,501 to 1,800 2 1.9
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the

(in average in PESOS per month) – Fuel for cooking (LPG, kerosene,
charcoal, wood).
Table Range of average monthly medical expenses
3.3-20 Amount Frequency Percent
50 and below 64 59.8
51 to 100 33 30.8
101 to 150 4 3.7
151 to 200 3 2.8
201 and up 3 2.8
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month) –
Medical bills.
Table Recreational expenses
3.3-21 Amount Frequency Percent
0 64 59.8
500 18 16.8
600 1 0.9
1,000.00 14 13.1
1,500.00 5 4.7
1,700.00 2 1.9
1,800.00 2 1.9
2,000.00 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month) – Entertainment/
Table Monthly remittance to relatives outside HH
3.3-22 Amount Frequency Percent
0 94 87.9
200 2 1.9
500 7 6.5
700 1 0.9
1,000.00 1 0.9
2,000.00 1 0.9
3,000.00 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the

(in average in PESOS per month) – Remittances to relatives outside
Table Expenses for gambling
3.3-23 Amount Frequency Percent
Those not spending for gambling 94 87.9

200 6 5.6
300 2 1.9
500 4 3.7
1,000.00 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month) –
Table Expenses for cigarette/ alcohol
3.3-24 Amount Frequency Percent
Those not spending for cigarette/ alcohol 62 57.9
500 6 5.6
800 2 1.9
1,000.00 37 34.6
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month) –
Cigarette/ alcohol.
Table Range of total monthly expenses
3.3-25 Amount Frequency Percent
3,000 to 9,000 20 18.7
9,001 to 15,000 35 32.7
15,001 to 18,000 27 25.2
18,001 to 24,000 20 18.7
24,001 to 30,000 4 3.7
30,001 to 40,000 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
C4. In your estimate, how much does your household spend for the
(in average in PESOS per month).
Table Savings
3.3-26 Amount Frequency Percent
None 1 0.9

Php1,000-1,999 25 23.4
Php2,000-2,999 16 15
Php3,000-3,999 5 4.7
4,000 - 4,999 7 6.5
Php5,000-9,999 9 8.4
Php10,000 or over 5 4.7
TOTAL 107 100
C5. On average, how much of your net income are you able to save in
a month?
Table Range of age of structure
3.4-1 Age of structure Frequency Percent
1 to 10 years 18 16.8
11 to 20 years 31 29
21 to 30 years 22 20.6
31 to 40 years 13 12.1
41 to 50 years 14 13.1
51 to 60 years 7 6.5
61 to 65 years 2 1.9
TOTAL 107 100
D1. Age of Structure:
Table Type of structure
3.4-2 Structure type Frequency Percent
Single-detached 82 76.6
Duplex 24 22.4
Apartment/ condo/ townhouse/ rowhouse 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
D2. Type of Structure.
Table Use of structure
3.4-3 Use of structure Frequency Percent
Residential 58 54.2
Residential-commercial 48 44.9
Residential-industrial 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
D3. Use of Structure.
Table House storey/ level
3.4-4 Number of level/s Frequency Percent
Structures with 1 level 85 79.4
Structures with 2 levels 22 20.6

TOTAL 107 100
D4. Structure Dimension.
Table Range of total gross floor area in square meter
3.4-5 Total gross area Frequency Percent
50 and below 30 28
51 to 100 63 58.9
101 to 150 9 8.4
151 to 200 4 3.7
301 to 360 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
D4. Structure Dimension.
Table Type of house structure
3.4-6 Structure type Frequency Percent
Type II - Light (nipa, cogon,bamboo, 4 3.7
Semi-concrete 45 42.1
Type IV - Concrete 30 28
Type V - Mixed materials 28 26.2
TOTAL 107 100
D5. Type of House/Structure (materials dominantly
Table Type of wall materials
3.4-7 Main walling materials Frequency Percent
Type II - Light (nipa, cogon, bamboo, 11 10.3
Semi-concrete 66 61.7
Type IV - Concrete 2 1.9
Type V - Mixed materials 28 26.2
TOTAL 107 100
D6. Type of housing materials for walls.
Table Type of roofing materials
3.4-8 Main roofing materials Frequency Percent
Light (nipa, cogon, bamboo, lightwood) 4 3.7
Galvanized iron 99 92.5
Concrete/ cement 4 3.7
TOTAL 107 100
D7. Type of housing materials for roof.
Table Type of flooring materials

Main flooring materials Frequency Percent
Soil 1 0.9
Gravel/ pebbles 1 0.9
Wood 12 11.2
Concrete 88 82.2
Mixed 5 4.7
TOTAL 107 100
D8. Type of housing materials for floor.
Table Type of toilet facility
3.4-10 Toilet type Frequency Percent
Water sealed (flush or pour/ flush) 10 9.3
connected to sewerage
Water sealed (flush or pour flush) 96 89.7
connected to septic tank
Shared toilet 1 0.9
TOTAL 107 100
D9. Type of toilet facility that household have/use. [PROBE OR
Table Primary source of water for domestic use
3.4-11 Water source Frequency Percent
Piped connection 99 92.5
Public/ street faucet 1 0.9
Water vendor 7 6.5
TOTAL 107 100
D10. Primary source(s) of water for
domestic use.
Table Facility within 20 minutes walk
3.4-12 Facility Responses
Frequency Percent
Hospital/ clinic 75 8.90%
School 102 12.10%
Fire station 68 8.10%
Church or other religious places 58 6.90%
Market place 60 7.10%
LGU office 105 12.50%
Police station 54 6.40%
Evacuation center 106 12.60%
Barangay center 107 12.70%
Women center 106 12.60%
TOTAL 841 100.00%

D11. Do you have following facilities within 20 min of walking distance in
between the river and nearest main avenue?

Table Special place passed down thru generation

3.5-1 Special place Frequency Percent
None 107 100
E.1 Do you have the following special places that have been passed
down for generations in your barangay?

Table Group/ association in the barangay related to Marikina River

3.5-2 Associated group Frequency Percent
None 107 100
E.2 Does your barangay have an association or group that is closely
related to Marikina River?
Table Membership of any HH member to an organization/
3.5-3 association
Membership of any HH Frequency Percent
Yes 17 15.9
None 90 84.1
TOTAL 107 100
E.3 Are you or any member of your household a member of an
organization or association/s (in/ out of community)?

Table Type of organization

3.5-4 Frequency Percent
Home owners association 10 9.3
Women's group 3 2.8
Religious organization 6 5.6
Not applicable 88 82.2
TOTAL 107 100
E.4 Type of organization.
Table Loss of the individual member/ organization due to closure of
3.5-5 Marikina River
Loss Frequency Percent
None/ no effect at all 19 17.8
Not applicable 88 82.2
TOTAL 107 100
E.6 What do you lose if you are no longer part of the organization that is
given at E4 because of inaccessibility to the Marikina River?
Table Highest educational attainment at respondent’s household
3.6-1 Highest educational attainment Frequency Percent

Secondary - unfinished 3 2.8
Secondary - graduated 15 14
Vocational - unfinished 1 0.9
Vocational - graduated 33 30.8
College - unfinished 18 16.8
College - graduated 37 34.6
TOTAL 107 100
F.1 What is the highest educational achievement at your
Table Number of years spent in schooling
3.6-2 Years of schooling Frequency Percent
1 4 3.7
2 16 15
3 38 35.5
4 49 45.8
TOTAL 107 100
F.1 What is the highest educational achievement at your
Table Member/s of the HH who stopped schooling
3.6-3 Schooling HH member/s Frequency Percent
Those who stopped 16 15
Those who did not stop 91 85
TOTAL 107 100
F.2 Are there members of the HH of schooling age (6-17 yrs.old) who
stopped schooling during the past three (3) years?
Table Reason for stopping schoo
3.6-4 Reasons Frequency Percent
No money 15 14
Had to work 1 0.9
Not applicable 91 85
TOTAL 107 100
F.3 Why did the member (s) stopped
going to school?
Table Language used in communication with non-HH member
3.6-5 Language used Frequency Percent
Tagalog only 56 52.3
Mix of Tagalog and English 51 47.7
TOTAL 107 100

F.4 What language do you use to communicate to people outside of
your family members?
Table Illness in the HH in the last 6 months
3.7-1 Illness Frequency Percent
Did not suffer illness in the last 6 months 66 61.7
Malaria 3 2.8
Diarrhea 35 32.7
Dengue 2 1.9
Other infectious illness 1 0.9

TOTAL 107 100

G.1 In the last 6 months have you and your family member had illness
stated below?
Table Those who were informed regarding the flood control project
3.8-1 Flood control project information Frequency Percent
Not informed 72 67.3
Informed 35 32.7
TOTAL 107 100
H.1 Have you been informed about the flood control project which will
take place in your barangay?

Table Date of information

3.8-2 Date Frequency Percent
Not applicable (/not informed) 72 67.3
2008 3 2.8
2009 16 15
2010 16 15
TOTAL 107 100
H.1 Have you been informed about the flood control project which will
take place in your barangay?
Table Source of Information
3.8-3 Source Frequency Percent

Neighbor 20 18.7
Barangay chairman/ kagawad/ worker 13 12.1
Friend 1 0.9
Media 1 0.9
Not applicable (/not informed) 72 67.3
TOTAL 107 100
H.1 Have you been informed about the flood control project which will
take place in your barangay?
Table Frequency of information

3.8-4 Frequency Frequency Percent
Once 25 23.4
Twice 10 9.3
Not applicable (/not informed) 72 67.3
TOTAL 107 100
H.1 Have you been informed about the flood control project which will
take place in your barangay?
Table Media used in informing
3.8-5 Media used Frequency Percent
At meeting 23 21.5
Rumors 10 9.3
Neighbors 1 0.9
TV 1 0.9
Not applicable (/not informed) 72 67.3
TOTAL 107 100
H.1 Have you been informed about the flood control project which will
take place in your barangay?
Table Approval rating of the project
3.8-6 Project approval Frequency Percent
Those who do not approve 2 1.9
Those who approve 105 98.1
TOTAL 107 100
H.2 Do you agree to the project?
Table Flood damages since 1998
3.9-1 Flood damage experience Frequency Percent
Did not suffer 8 7.5
Did suffer 99 92.5
TOTAL 107 100
I.1 Have you had flood damage since
Table Date/s of flooding
3.9-2 Activities Responses
N Percent
Sep-09 96 83.5
Nov-07 5 4.3
Jun-05 1 0.9
Jan-04 1 0.9
Nov-00 3 2.6
Apr-00 8 7

Dec-99 1 0.9
TOTAL 115 100
I.1.4 When have you had flood?
Table Origin of floodwaters
3.9-3 Origin Responses
N Percent
River 99 90.8
Other than river 4 3.7
Can't specify 6 5.5
TOTAL 109 100
I.1.5 Where did the water come from?
Table Flood loss
3.9-4 Activities Responses
N Percent
Cash 3 3.20%
Furniture 72 76.60%
House 18 19.10%
Family member 1 1.10%
TOTAL 94 100.00%
I.1.6 What did your household lose for
the flood?
Table Coping mechanism of the HH/ family
3.9-5 Activities Responses
N Percent
Stayed at home 64 55.20%
Escaped to the shelter 5 4.30%
Moved to somebody's House 7 6.00%
Moved to higher place 38 32.80%
Other 2 1.70%
TOTAL 116 100.00%
I.1.7 How did you cope with the flood?
Table Presence/ existence of coping mechanism of the community
3.9-6 on flood
Attribution Frequency Percent
Without coping mechanisms 105 98.1
With coping mechanisms 2 1.9
TOTAL 107 100
I.1.8 Do you/ does your community have flood coping
mechanism now? How?

Table Specific coping mechanism of the community
3.9-7 Coping mechanism Frequency Percent
Moved to evacuation center 2 1.9
Not applicable 105 98.1
TOTAL 107 100
I.1.8 Do you/ does your community have flood coping
mechanism now? How?


3.1 Basic Majority or 52 percent of interviewed respondents were

household household head (Table 3.1-1). Most household heads or 67
information percent, are female (Table 3.1-2) and are also mostly married
at 66 percent (Table 3.1-3). Twenty-five percent have been in
the current residence for 1 to 10 years (Table 3.1-4), while 52
percent have been living in the same barangay (Table 3.1-5).

Majority or 92 percent are house/ structure-owner, while

rent-free occupants and renters comprise 3 and 12 percent,
respectively (Table 3.1-6). Lowest rent payment is Php1,200
while the highest is Php5,000 for those who rent dwelling
units (Table 3.1-7). Majority or 97 percent of structures house
only 1 household (Table 3.1-8) with mostly or 55 percent with
4 to 6 persons/ members (Table 3.1-9). Most or 49 percent of
house/ structure-owner household are comprise of 4 to 6
persons too (Table 3.1-10). Household size of all 3 rent-free
occupants is 5 (Table 3.1-11). Only 8 percent of all
households have caregivers (Table 3.1-12). Most renters
have a household size of 3 (Table 3.1-13).

Majority or 76 percent of the respondents belong to no

specific ethnicity or indigenous group (Table 3.1-14). Most of
those belonging to a specific ethnicity are “Bisaya” and are
coming from the Visayan regions (Tables. 3.1-15 and 3.1-16).
Majority or 94 percent are Roman Catholic (Tables 3.1-17).
3.2 River and life All respondents do not have any dependency/ies on the river
and do not see that the construction of flood structures,
dredging, and the eventual closure of the river will have
impact on them (Tables 3.2-1 to 3.2-5).

Solid waste of the majority or 91 percent of the respondents

are collected by waste collectors (Table 3.2-6) while most or
58 percent either discharges wastewater to sewer line
connection with some 31 percent discharging to open space
(Table 3.2-7).
3.3 Household Majority or 67 percent of the households have only 1 member
income profile employed (Table 3.3-1) while majority or 67 percent of the
households have 2 members contributing to income (Table
3.3-2). Most or 41 percent of the income come from salary
ranging from Php9,001 to 15,000 (Table 3.3-3). Most or 38
percent earn a total income from business ranging from
Php5,001 to 10,000 (Table 3.3-4). Lowest income from
pension is Php1,200 while the highest is 10,000 (Table
3.3-5). There is no income derived from agriculture (Table

Lowest and highest income derived from remittance/s from
the Philippines is Php1,000 and 3,000, respectively (Table
3.3-7), while from OFWs are 5,000 and 37,000, respectively
(Table 3.3-8). Most or 40 percent of other sources of income
such as loans and gifts range from Php5,001 to 10,000 (Table
3.3-9) per annum. Most or 38 percent of the respondents
earn a total or combined monthly income (both from
employment/ salary and various sources) of Php9,001 to
15,000 (Table 3.3-10).

Most or 71 percent spend Php5,001 to 10,000 monthly for

food (Table 3.3-11). Food is the single biggest cost item for
almost all of the households. Majority or 55 percent spent
Php150 to 500 last year on clothing (Table 3.3-13). Most or 38
percent of the respondents spend monthly from Php150 to
500 on transportation (Table 3.3-14); 46 percent from Php300
to 1,000 on education (Table 3.3-15); 33 percent from Php100
to 500 on water bills (Table 3.3-16); Php1,001 to 2,000 on
power bills (Table 3.3-17); 54 percent from Php100 to 300 on
telecommunications (Table 3.3-18); 64 percent from Php501
to 1,000 on cooking fuel (Table 3.3-19); 60 percent monthly
average of Php50 and below on medicines/ hospital (Table
3.3-20); 60 percent did not spend anything on recreation last
year (Table 3.3-21); remittance to relatives outside household
is from Php200 to 3,000 monthly (Table 3.3-22); and, 88 and
58 percent does not spend anything on gambling and
cigarettes/ alcohol (Tables 3.3-23 and 3.3-24).

Range of total monthly expenses is highest at 33 percent at

Php9,001 to 15,000 (Table 3.3-25). Thirty-six percent said
that they have at least Php1,000 and or below savings per
month (Table 3.3-26).
3.4 Housing Most structures or 29 percent are from 11 to 20 years old
conditions and (Table 3.4-1). Most also or 77 and 54 percent are
basic services single-detached and exclusively devoted to residential use,
respectively (Tables 3.4-2 and 3.4-3). Majority or 79 percent
are 1-storey/ level structures and 59 percent has a gross area
of 51 to 100 square meters (Table 3.4-4).

Most or 42 percent of house structures are semi-concrete

(Tables 3.4-5). Most or 62 percent of them are also of
semi-concrete walling materials; 93 percent of galvanized
iron roofing materials; and, 82 percent of concrete flooring
materials (Tables 3.4-6 to 3.4-9). Majority or 90 percent of
toilet facility/ies are water sealed connected to a septic tank
(Table 3.4-10) and 93 percent have piped water connection
(Table 3.4-11).

Almost all respondents are within a 20-minute walk/ distance

to facilities such as barangay hall/ center, school, LGU office,
evacuation center, etc. (Tale 3.4-12).
3.5 Community There is neither a special place passed down through
generation nor an organization related to Marikina River
(Tables 3.5-1 and 3.5-2). Most or 84 percent are not member
of any organization (Table 3.5-3). Majority of those who are
member of an organization belong to a homeowners
association (Table 3.5-4) and all do not consider any adverse
effect on them of the closure of Marikina River (Table 3.5-5).
3.6 Education Most or 35 percent of the households have a member who
has graduated from college (Table 3.6-1). Most also or 46
percent have at least 4 years of schooling (Table 3.6-2).
Fifteen percent stopped schooling (Table 3.6-3) mostly for
financial reasons (Table 3.6-4).
3.7 Health and Majority or 62 percent of the households did not have any
hygiene member who suffered from any illness for the past 6 months.
Those who were ill consisting of 33 percent were mostly due
to diarrhea (Table 3.7-1).
3.8 Awareness Only 33 percent of households were informed regarding the
flood control project (Table 3.8-1), most or 30 percent of them
on 2009 and 2010 (Table 3.8-2). Main source of information
are neighbors (Table 3.8-3) and most were informed only
once (Table 3.8-4) through (informal) meetings (Table 3.8-5).

When asked if they approve of the project, majority or 98

percent of the respondents (informed and not informed) said
that they do (Table 3.8-6).
3.9 Flood damage Majority or 93 percent of households suffered flood damage/s
since 1998 (Table 3.9-1) with 90 percent of them on
September 2009/ Typhoon Ondoy (Table 3.9-2). Majority or
91 percent said that flooding came from the river (Table 3.9-3)
causing damage mostly to household furnitures at 92 percent
(Table 3.9-4). To protect themselves, majority or 60 percent
stayed at home with 36 percent moving to a higher place
(Table 3.9-5). Specific coping mechanism identified at the
community level by the respondents is by moving to
evacuation center (Tables 3.9-6 and 3.9-7).

2 Survey Sheet


General Guidelines for Conducting the Interview
1. Choose a setting with little distraction. Avoid loud lights or noises,
ensure the interviewee is comfortable (you might ask them if they
are), etc. Often, they may feel more comfortable at their own places
of work or homes.
2. Explain the purpose of the interview.
3. Address terms of confidentiality. Explain who will get access to their
answers and how their answers will be analyzed. You might also need
to inform that “Rest assured that your answers will be kept
confidential and that your name will not be associated with your
responses in this interview.”
4. Explain the format of the interview. Explain the type of interview you
are conducting and its nature. If you want them to ask questions,
specify if they're to do so as they have them or wait until the end of
the interview.
5. Indicate how long the interview usually takes.
6. Tell them how to get in touch with you later if they want to.
7. Ask them if they have any questions before you both get started with
the interview.
8. Explain definition of HOUSE HOLD and make sure that answers are
given based on a household.
9. Please check in an appropriate box when applicable. Follow the
instructions given in each of the section. Do not leave any item blank.
Write NAP if the question does not apply.
10. During interview read ALL the choices of answers that the
interviewee can chose from before he/she give you answer.

Name: Mr/Ms/________________________________________________

HH ID No.    ______
Name: Mr/Ms/Mrs




Telephone: _______________________________________

Instruction:  Please        appropriate  box  and  do  not  leave  any  item  blank.    Write  NAP  if  the 
question does not apply.       
A1.    Relationship of Respondent to the HH Head:       
[            ]  1      Household  Head                  [            ]  2      Spouse  of  HH  head            [            ]  3    Child 
of HH head 
[            ]  4      Parent  of  HH  head            [            ]  5    Sibling 
[            ] 6    Other Relative                               
[            ]    7    No relation (maid, friend, etc.) 
A2.      Sex  of  HH  Head:                              [            ]  1      Male                          [            ]    2    Female
[            ]    3    Transgender 
A3.    Marital  Status  of  HH  Head:      [              ]  1      Single                      [            ]  2      Married 
[              ] 3      Separated           
                      [              ]  4      Widow/er              [            ]  5    Common  Law  Spouse                  [            ] 
6    Cohabitation 
A4.    Number of years household has been residing in current address:      _________ years   
(Note if he/she moved here after 1998 survey) 
A5.    Place of residence prior to current place of residence:   
                    1    Same  barangay                          2      Another  barangay  within  LGU                      3
Other LGU within Metro Manila 
                    4    Outside Metro Manila                        5    Others, ________________   
A6.    Current  Tenurial  status:                      1      House/Structure    Owner  (HO)                          2
Rent‐Free Occupant (RFO)                 
                            3      Renter,      Monthly  rent:  ___________
[                4          Other: ___________ 
A7.    Total Number of households in the house/structure:      ______                             
A8.    Total Number of Persons living in the house/structure:    _______ 
House/Structure Owner (HO) & family ______             
Rent‐Free Occupants (RFO) ______                 
Caregivers ______                 
Renters    _____ 
A9.  Ethnicity,  Special  Clan,  Indigenous  people:  Does  your  household  member  belong  to  a  specific 
ethnic group or clan or “Indigenous people”?              1    Yes                         2        No, 
If  YES,  what  is  it?  Please  specify  here:
originated from:                     
A10.  What  is  your  religion?                  1    Roman  Catholic,                      2    Other  Christianity,        
    3    Islam         
                4    Traditional/Indigenous  belief: 
Specify                                                                                                              ,                      5    Others: 

B1.Do you depend on the Marikina river as a major resource to support family/yourself?   
[            ]      1            No,              [            ]      2            Yes,    If  YES  please  answer  the  following:    My 
life is depending on:     
[            ]      3          the fish and other aquatic creatures from the river,      [            ]      4      Vegetables 
and  fruits  cultivated  on  the  river  side,      [            ]      5        Operating  or  using  a  boat,          [            ] 
6    Water, [            ]      7      Trades or other commercial activities that take place on the river,            8
Others, Specify: _____________________             
B2. What do you lose if the Marikina river sides are closed for a year for a construction, or forever? 
  [            ]      1            Nothing,                [            ]      2            Source  of  major  income,    [            ]      3 
Time(need  extra  time  to  perform  daily  tasks),  [            ]      4          Religious  activity,  [            ]      5 
Important place for a cultural activity, [            ]      6          Recreational    place,    
[            ]    7        A  connection  to  my  family,  relatives  and  friends,        [            ]  8      Others,  Specify: 
_____________________            __ 
B3.  What  do  you  lose  if  a  large  scale  dredging  activity  takes  place  in  the  Marikina  river  for  many 
  [            ]      1            Nothing,                [            ]      2            Source  of  major  income,  [            ]    3
Mean of transportation, 
  [            ]    4  Others, Specify: _____________________            __ 
B4. Where do you dispose solid wastes of? 
[            ]    1    Collected  and  disposed  of  by  wastes  collectors      [            ]    2    Discard  to  the  river
[            ]    3      Discard  to  open  space/  land                                    [            ]    4      Burn          [            ] 
5    Don’t know                        [            ]    6        Others,    specify ___________________ 
B5. Where do you discharge wastewater to? 
[            ]    1    Drain pipes that are connected to city sware              [            ]    2    Drain pipes that are 
directly connected to the river       
[            ]    3      Discharge to open space/ land                    [            ]    4      Don’t know        [            ]    5
Others,    specify ___________________ 

C1.    How many members of this household are currently working or employed?    _______         

C2.    How many persons contribute to household income?    _______ 

Income  Expenditures  Savings 
C3.    What  is  the  estimated  C4.      In  your  estimate,  how  much  C5.    On  average,  how 
total  monthly  income  of  does  your  household  spend  for  much  of  your  net 
your  household  for  the  the following?    income  are  you  able  to 
past month? (IN PESOS)  (in average in PESOS per month)  save in a month?   
From  regular  employment  Food                                                                      1    None 
(“salary”):    _____________                  2    Less  than 
    Housing  (amortization/  rent) P1000   
_____________ _____________                  3    P  1000  – 
______    Clothing                                                  1999 
  _____________                        4    P  2000  – 
  Transportation                                      2,999 
From other sources:    _____________                  5    P  3,000  ‐ 
  Education                                              3,999                           
Business                                        _____________                  6    P  4,000  – 
______________    Utilities    4,999 
  a. Water                                     7    P  5,000  – 
Pension                                          _____________  9,999 
______________    b.  Electricity                  8    P10,000 
  _____________  or over 
Agriculture                                    c. Telecommunications   
______________    (telephone,  cell  phone,   
Remittances  (from  Phil)  d. Fuel for cooking (LPG,   
____________  kerosene,  charcoal,  wood) 
Remittances  (OFW)  Medical  bills
______________  _____________ 
Others                                            _____________   
______________    Remittances to relatives outside   
Others,  (e.g.,  TV  cable)  specify 

D1.      Age  of    D2.    Type of Structure:                                                                             
Structure:        [            ]    1    Single‐Detached      [            ]    2    Duplex     
                 [            ]    3      Apartment/Condo/Townhouse/Row House                   
______ years    [            ]    4    Commercial/Industrial  building              [            ]    5     
Others,    specify ___________________ 
D3.    Use of Structure: 
  [              1      Residential                      2      Residential‐Commercial            [            3
Residential‐Institutional                      4    Residential‐Industrial                         
                5    Commercial                    6    Institutional 
[            ]    7    Industrial                                                                          8    Others ____________ 
D4.    Structure Dimension  D5.    Type  of  House/Structure  (Materials 
Storeys/Floors  Length and  Gross  Floor  dominantly used) 
(Encircle No. of  *For  observation  and  recording  by  the 
Width  Area = L x W (in 
Storeys)  interviewer 
(in meters)  sq. meters) 
[          ]      Type  I          Salvaged  (plastic, 
1  L =   
tin, cardboard) 
2  L =   
[          ]      Type  II        Light  (nipa,  cogon, 
bamboo, light wood) 
3    L =   
[          ]      Type III      Semi‐concrete 
Total Gross Floor Area    [          ]      Type IV      Concrete 
[          ]      Type V          Mixed materials 
D6.    Type of housing materials for walls:        [            ]    1   Salvaged (plastic, tin, cardboard)       
*For  observation  and  recording  by                                            [            ]    2    Light  (nipa,  cogon, 
bamboo, light wood)            [                4    Semi‐concrete 
            the  interviewer                                                                                                        [              3 
Concrete (hollow blocks/bricks)                                          [                5    Mixed       
D7. Type of housing materials for roof:    [              ]        1      Salvaged (plastic, tin, cardboard)     
[              ]      2      Light (nipa, cogon, bamboo)          [            ]        3     Galvanized iron                     
  *For  observation  and  recording  by                                [              ]      4      Concrete/Cement 
[            ]        5      Others, specify _____________ 
      the interviewer                                                                             
D8.  Type  of  housing  materials  for  floor:            [              ]      1      Soil 
[              ]      2      Gravel/Pebbles                      [            ]      3      Wood                   
*For  observation  and  recording  by  the  interviewer
[              ]      4      Concrete                                            [              ]      5      Mixed 

D9. Type of toilet facility    that    household have/use: [PROBE OR OBSERVE] 
[            ]          1      Water‐sealed (flush or pour/flush) connected to sewerage system                   
[            ]          2    Water‐sealed (flush or pour/flush) connected to septic tank          [            ]    6
Non‐water sealed (open pit privy, overhang) 
[            ]          3    Water‐sealed  (flush  or  pour/flush)  connected  to  pit 
[            ]    7    Shared toilet 
[            ]          4    Water‐sealed  (flush  or  pour/flush)  connected  to  drainage                  [            ] 
8    Public toilet 
[            ]          5    Non‐water  sealed  (ventilated  improved  pit,  sanitary  pit  privy,    [            ]      9
No toilet (wrap and throw, arinola, 
                                  closed  pit) 
bush, lake, creek, river)     
D10. Primary source(s) of water for domestic use                     
[            ]      1            Piped  connection                                                        [            ]              5
[            ]      2            Public/Street  faucet                                                [            ]              6 
Water vendors (e.g, bottled water, container,    peddlers)                                                                     
[            ]      3            Deep  or  shallow  well                                            [            ]              7 
Others; Specify: _______________________ 
[            ]      4            Pasig or Marikina River 
D11. Do you have following facilities within 20 min of walking distance in between the river and 
nearest main avenue? 
[            ]      1            Hospital  /Clinic                                                      [            ]              5
Market place  [            ]              8      Evacuation centre 
[            ]      2            School                                                                                    [            ] 
6            LGU office                                                                  [            ]            9      Barangay center
[            ]      3            Fire  station                                                                    [            ]              7 
Police station                                                      [            ]          10      Women’s center   
[            ]      4            Church  or  other  religious  places  you  and  your  family  member  attend 
[            ]          11    Others (Specify if there is a significant places): 

E1. .Do you have following special places that have been passed down for generations in your Barangay?
[            ]      1        Sacred place              [            ]      2        Nature worshipping site, Animism [            ] 
3      indigenous religious site   
[            ]      4      traditional/heritage site  [            ]      5    other, specify: 
E2. Does your barangay have an association or group that closely related to Marikina River? 
             1    Yes                         2        No,            If YES please specify: 
E3. Are you or any member of your household a member of an organization or association/s (in/out of 
                1    Yes                            2      No     
  If YES please specify: 
E4.    Type of organization:   
                1    Home  Owners  Association,                    2    Cooperative,                      3
Women’s group,                    4    Savings group, 
                5    Religious organization,                    6    Others ______________ 
E6.  What  do  you  lose  if  you  are  no  longer  a  part  of  the  organization  that  is  given  at  E4  because  of 
inaccessibility to the Marikina River? 
                1    No  effect  at  all,                    2      social  support,                      3    privilege  ,    
    4    income source, 
                5    mental and moral support,                    6    Others ______________ 
F1. What is the highest educational achievement at your household?     
Chose “UF” for “unfinished”, “G” for “graduated” in below table. 
  Primary  Secondary Vocational  College(4yr)  Master  Doctor 
No education UF  G  UF  G  UF  G  UF  G  UF  G  UF  G 
No. of years   
F2.        Are there members of the HH of schooling age (6‐17 yrs. old) who stopped schooling during the 
past three (3) years?   
                                 1    Yes                         2        No, If YES go to F3 
F3.      Why the member(s) stopped going to school? 
                  1      No  money        [            ]  2      Had  to  work                                  3      school  is  too  far 
from home                   
[            ] 4      Others, pls. specify 
F4. What language do you use to communicate to people out side of your family members? 
                1    Tagalog  only,                      2    English  only,                        3    Mix  of  Tagalog  and  English
                4    Other: Specify 

G 1. In last 6 month have you and your family member had illness stated below? 
[            ]      1            Malaria,          [            ]      2            Diarrhoea,            [            ]              3
Dengue,          [            ]        4        HIV/AIDS,          [            ]      5        Other STDs 
[            ]              6            Other inflectional illness; Specify: ______________________ 
H1. Have you been informed about the Flood control project which will take place in your Barangay?   
[            ]      1            No,                [            ]      2            Yes:    If  Yes,  then  ;  When  were  you  informed 
first time? : __________                    __________ 
Whom  did  you  get  informed  by?    :  _______________________      How  often?: 
_____________________            __ 
How  was  the  message  emitted,  type  of  media?  (e.g.  at  meeting,  by  TV,  by  Ads,  by  radio): 
H2. Do you agree to the project? 
[            ]      1            No,                [            ]      2            Yes 
SECTION I.    Flood damage 
I1. Have you had flood damages since 1998?   
[            ]      1            No,                [            ]      2            yes;  If  YES  please  answer  the  following 
3. How many times? 
4.  When  have  you  5.  Where  did  the  6.  What  did  your  7.  How  did  you  cope 
had  flood?  (year  water come from?  household  lose  for  the  with the flood? (If #4 is 
/month)  flood? (count only within  chosen, pls specify) 
where you live) 
  [            ]      1 River [            ]      1        Cash  [            ]      1        Stay 
[            ]    2 Other  [            ]    2 Furniture  at house 
than River (e.g. pipe ) [            ]    3 House  [            ]    2
[            ]    3 Can’t  [            ]    4 Family  Escaped to the shelter 
specify  member  [            ]    3 Move  to 
[            ]    5 Other  somebody’s house 
[            ]    4 Moved 
to higher place   
[            ]    5 Other 
  [            ]      1 River [            ]      1        Cash  [            ]      1        Stay 
  [            ]    2 Other  [            ]    2 Furniture  at house 
  than River (e.g. pipe ) [            ]    3 House  [            ]    2
  [            ]    3 Can’t  [            ]    4 Family  Escaped to the shelter 
specify  member  [            ]    3 Move  to 
[            ]    5 Other  somebody’s house 
[            ]    4 Moved 
to higher place   
[            ]    5 Other 
  [            ]      1 River [            ]      1        Cash  [            ]      1        Stay 
  [            ]    2 Other  [            ]    2 Furniture  at house 
  than River (e.g. pipe ) [            ]    3 House  [            ]    2
  [            ]    3 Can’t  [            ]    4 Family  Escaped to the shelter 
specify  member  [            ]    3 Move  to 
[            ]    5 Other  somebody’s house 

[            ]    4 Moved 
to higher place   
[            ]    5 Other 
  [            ]      1 River [            ]      1        Cash  [            ]      1        Stay 
  [            ]    2 Other  [            ]    2 Furniture  at house 
  than River (e.g. pipe ) [            ]    3 House  [            ]    2
  [            ]    3 Can’t  [            ]    4 Family  Escaped to the shelter 
specify  member  [            ]    3 Move  to 
[            ]    5 Other  somebody’s house 
[            ]    4 Moved 
to higher place   
  [            ]    5 Other 
8. Do you /Does your community have flood coping mechanism now? How? 
[            ]      1 No [            ]    2 Yes,      If YES please specify: 
End of Survey 


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