Lesson 2 Developing The Whole Person 2.0 Handout

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01 Lesson 2: Developing the Whole Person

The only things we can control in life are One popular kind of counseling is called
our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. If we can the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It is a
manage those, we can achieve our goals and gain commonly used form of psychotherapy which
success in life. aims to assist individuals in understanding the link
between thoughts and feelings and in realizing
Evaluating One’s Thoughts. Feelings, and how these influence behaviors. Though individuals
Behaviors have no control over things around them, through
CBT however, people can control the way they
➢ Thoughts are a representation of interpret things and the manner they behave in
something. A representation is a likeness– accordance to that interpretation.
a thing that depicts another thing by
having characteristics that correspond to CBT is based on the theoretical rationale
that other thing (for example, a picture, that the way people feel and behave is influenced
image, imprint is a representation of that by how they perceive and place meaning on their
object). experience. Individuals usually have destructive
A map is another example of a thoughts and feelings that can affect their
representation. The mind is a kind of map. functioning and relationships at home, work,
The brain, and its functional product the school, and in the community. Through this
mind, evolved as a map of the body’s therapeutic intervention, an individual can
relation to its external environment. change his thoughts which leads to a change in
Fundamentally, our thoughts are maps his feeling and behavior. The key, therefore, is in
representing and corresponding to things the positive interpretation of things.
that our brains have either perceived with
our senses, felt with our emotions, or For instance, when faced with a negative
formed as an action plan. event, a person can either interpret it negatively
Thoughts may be fleeting, or they may or positively. When he/she interprets it negatively
later be consolidated as memories. by thinking of undesirable thoughts about it, it
may result in negative feeling and a negative
➢ Feelings are a conscious experience; it behavior. On the other hand, when an event is
denotes a state of consciousness, such as construed as something positive (though it can as
that resulting from emotions, sentiments well be taken as negative), it may lead to a
or desires. positive feeling and eventually to a helpful
➢ Behaviors are, according to APA
Dictionary of Psychology, an organism’s Track Your Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors
activities in response to external or internal
stimuli. It is any action or function that can Taking a break or a pause and identifying
be objectively observed or measured in our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can help us
response to controlled stimuli. learn valuable information to move forward.
As you continue to track your thoughts,
Your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all feelings, and behaviors, begin to get more
connected. They influence and affect one information about what thoughts and behaviors
another. Hence, to regularly evaluate one’s are associated with each of your feelings. Getting
thoughts, for instance, is in a way assessing also this information is the first step toward making a
one’s feelings and behaviors. change.

© St. Michael Academy of Meycauayan, Inc. | Personal Development, 2020 Page 1

Try to stop three times during your day to
day activities and write down your thoughts,
feeling, and behavior. Try to do this once in the
morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the


Corey, G. (2017). Theory and Practice of

Counseling and Psychotherapy, Tenth
Edition. 20 Channel Center Street, Boston,
MA 02210, USA: Cengage Learning

De Guzman, J.M., & Nicolas, M.L. (2016). Personal

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Publishing House, Inc.
Feist, J., Feist, G., & Roberts TA. (2018). Theories
of Personality 9th Edition. 2 Penn Plaza,
New York, NY 10121: Mc-Graw Hill

Lewis, R. (2019). What Actually is a Thought? And

How is Information Physical? Retrieved
September 23, 2020 from

© St. Michael Academy of Meycauayan, Inc. | Personal Development, 2020 Page 2

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