How To Be A Winner

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The passage discusses some of the difficulties that Christians ('King's kids') can face such as legal problems, financial issues, traffic and enemies, but that God delivers them from these afflictions.

King's kids can have problems like legal issues, financial troubles, traffic jams, betrayal by friends, and attacks from enemies.

The passage says that the Lord's deliverance is available to all no matter what difficulties they face.


' The same man who told you

now tells you .. .


Can King’s kids get into trouble? You bet!
They can have all the problems that pagans
face. They can run afoul of the law, they fall
behind on their mortgage payments and
face foreclosure on their homes, they get
trapped in traffic jams, bilked by theirfriends
and attacked by their enemies. There are
few of us, in fact, who have not experienced
the truth of Psalm 34:19: “Many are the afflic¬
tions of the righteous....’’
“But,” the Psalm goes on to say, “the
Lord delivereth him out of them all.’’ Harold
Hill can shout a loud “Amen!” to that, and in
this book he does.
The author of the best-selling How to
Live Like a King’s Kid has now produced this
sequel in which he recounts more of the
lively and sometimes bizarre events in his
life by which he has learned to use the keys
to successful living in the kingdom of God.
Anybody who has found himself
snarled (and snarling) in traffic jams, or fac¬
ing a tough judge, or without a cent as the
result of a theft (or in any number of other
similarly icky situations) will readily identify
with the short and punchy stories Harold has
to tell, and will rejoice with him at the Lord’s
deliverance, which is available to all of us no
matter where we are.

Cartoons by John Lav/ing

Plainfield, N.J.
The incidents recounted herein are true King’s kid adventures,
but some names, places, and other details have been altered to
protect the privacy of persons involved.

How to Be a Winner
Copyright (c) 1976 by Logos International
201 Church Street, Plainfield, New Jersey 07060

All Rights Reserved

Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 76-31676
International Standard Book Number: 0-88270-178-9 (cloth)
0-88270-179-7 (paper)
This book is dedicated to:
King’s Kids in training everywhere
who want to go all the way with Jesus.

“For it is God working in you both to will and to do that which

pleases Him”
Phil. 2:13
1. How to Be a Winner
over the Communication Gap 1
2. How To Be a Winner
over Absolutely Everything 9
3. How to Be a Winner over Power Failure 15
4. How to Be a Winner
over Your Own Motor Mouth 21
5. How to Be a Winner
over Broken Bones, Too Little Time,
and Standstill Steel Mills 27
6. How to Be a Winner over a Tough Judge
and Heroin Addiction 39
7. How to Be a Winner over Grounded Planes 49
8. How to Be a Winner over Blizzards,
Burglars, and Bugaboos 55
9. How to Be a Winner over Buried Guilt,
Dry Bones, and Corpuscle Shortage 63
10. How to Be a Winner over Spooky Spirits
and Dead Theology 71
11. How to Be a Winner over Bad Debts
and Crooked Friends 79
12. How to Be a Winner over Traffic Jams
and Time that Marches On 85
13. How to Be a Winner over a Bum Rap 95
14. How to Be a Winner
over Cirrhosis of the Liver
and Little Faith 101

15. How to Be a Winner
over Mortgage Foreclosures 107
16. How to Be a Winner
over the High Cost of Flying
and Hotel No-Vacancy Signs 113
17. How to Be a Winner
over a Shortage of Rental Cars 121
18. How to Be a Winner
over Missing Your Turn 127
19. How to Be a Winner over Anxiety 135
20. How to Be a Winner over Ungodly Spirits 143
21. How to Be a Winner
over the Frustration of
Fouled-Up Flight Plans 151
22. How to Be a Winner
over No Room to Expand
and No Money in the Bank 159
23. How to Be a Winner
over People Who Steal 169
24. How to Be a Winner
over Deceiving Spirits 175
25. How to Be a Winner
over Heart Attacks and
Other Intensive-Care Ailments 189


My friend, Harold, writes books on how to live the Christian life in

the simplest and best way that I know of. He doesn’t give us
theories about how the life ought to be lived, he shows us how it
has been lived. Even better, in all that he tells us, he gives us
evidence that it can be lived. Best of all, he doesn’t talk about
unusual, unrepeatable situations that have no relevance to us, and
with which we cannot identify. He talks very straightforwardly
about situations which confront all of us in our daily lives.
It is this that makes Harold’s books our books. I have always
leapt in my spirit whenever I have heard Harold or spoken with
him these past twenty years. When he speaks, he talks about God
working through the situations in which he has found himself, and
he speaks so authentically that I know that I am hearing true
accounts of God in action.
Each incident Harold tells of starts precisely where they start in
all our lives, and that is by knocking us over. What happens w'hen
circumstances play havoc with a Christian’s carefully planned
schedules, when he is faced with legal difficulties, or when he finds
himself facing people heavily involved with the occult? First of all,
he has to recognize his own inadequacy in the face of these situa¬
tions, and Harold perfectly describes this, and the angry, helpless
reactions that we all have in such situations. We share those first
inevitable reactions, and then we move upwards with him to
where the will of the Lord is made clear, and then there is the
perfect outcome.
What a glorious way of living! Life is a drama. There is never a
dull moment, if only we can keep seeing what is really going on.
that IS the main point of all of Harold’s teachings, to take the
unbelieving scales from off our eyes, and to find that all life in its
most ordinary forms is part of the adventure of faith.
This book will surely have the best seller status of Harold’s
^rlier book. How to Live Like a King's Kid. The example that
Harold shows us, of believing God and praising Him in all cir¬
cumstances even before we know how they are going to turn out is
one that all of us need to learn. ’
In all of this, Harold does not point to himself. He points to the
One who IS the solution to the hard problems of our lives, Jesus
imself. Because of this, How to he a Winner will be a blessing to
all who read fi with seeing eyes.
Norman Grubb

Who wants to be a winner? Everybody.

What is a winner? Someone who is always way out ahead
of the pack. Someone who is admired for special achieve¬
ments, outstanding accomplishments, unusual attainments,
and who generally receives special attention.
WTiat makes a winner? How do you get that way? Why
isn’t everybody a winner? Why can’t you be a winner?
You can!
Glad you asked the question. That’s what this book is all
about—how to win over Adversity, Worry, Poverty, Dis¬
ease, Self-Condemnation, Sin, Boredom, Fear, Anxiety,
Frustration, Depression, Resentments, and all the other
things that happen as a result of just being a “people.”
How can you know that’s not a fairy tale?
Simple. Try it for yourself.
But first, your position as a King’s kid must be properly
established. Then, you must know your rights and privileges
as a special person. Next, you can simply stand on the
promises and see the results.
Does it sound too good to be true? Yes, but it’s too good
not to be true. Because that’s God’s perfect plan for those
who belong to Him through His Son Jesus Christ.
Is there something more you have to know?
Read on.
But first, a few definitions of the things to be dealt with in
becoming a winner:

FEAR—Perfect faith in failure. The attitude of losers.

DISEASE—Dis-ease, or lack of ease in any situation. Fail¬
ure to fit into your surroundings in a restful manner.
BOREDOM—Stems from lack of vision. “Where there is no
vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). The perish¬
ing from boredom is generally activated by alcohol,
pills, or windowsills.
ANXIETY—Borrowing problems from the future. Guaran¬
teed to create more problems.
FRUSTRATION—What happens to people who have no
invisible means of support—Jesus within—or who fail
to acknowledge Him in all their ways (Proverbs 3:6).
DEPRESSION—The opposite of expression, which is the
showing forth of God’s grace. Depression, then, is the
showing forth of the devil’s disgrace. His disgrace is
read out in his mission. The devil comes to “steal, and to
kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10a), while Jesus came
“that they might have life, and that they might have it
more abundantly” (John 10:10b). Jesus called the devil
“a murderer ... a liar, and the father of lies” (John
8:44 RSV).
RESENTMENTS—Bom of faith in failure. Soulish reac¬
tions against others who are better at being winners, or
who show us by the mirror principle of Romans 2:1 what
we are.
POVERTY—Undesirable state brought on by self-reliance
for self-gratification through self-achievement.
BAD-LUCK”—Literally, Bad Lucifer. That’s what hap¬
pens to pagan brats, but King’s kids never have any of
it. Romans 8:28 guarantees special arrangements for
every occasion. Results guaranteed.

ADVERSITY—The innate ability of human nature to
snatch defeat from certain victory.
SIN—“Whatsoever is not of faith” (Romans 14:23) is God’s
definition. People try to cover it up with situation
ethics, and the attitudes, platitudes, and man-made
beatitudes of do-it-yourself living.
SELF-CONDEMNATION—Often results in pity-party ef¬
forts to cover up, which only make things worse.
Caused by ignorance of the rights and privileges of
King’s kids and by an unrealistic insistence on instant
But enough of the dismal dictionary. If God wants all
King’s kids to be winners, why is it so few make it? Why is it
such a struggle?
Human nature! Our old nature simply rebels at the very
suggestion that God’s ways are better than our ways. Re¬
bellion is standard equipment in all human beings, and that’s
why, in order to begin this new life-style, you must, by an act
of your own will, say, “God, I am willing for You to make me
willing for Your will to be my desire at all times.”
“But won’t I become a vegetable?” you ask.
Just be willing for God to make you a totally contented
Carrot in His garden and see what happens. You have noth¬
ing to lose except your anxiety, fear, uncertainty, worry,
frustration, and all the other undesirables that are the
natural results of your best efforts at self management.
“You mean I must become a Milquetoast—a doormat for
everyone to walk on?”
It might seem something like that to your commonsense
thinking, but remember, we are trying out God’s kind of
wisdom for a change.

If you will just forget all your pagan-style fantasizing for
about fifteen chapters and begin applying the King’s Kids in
Training program for the next ninety days, you will discover
as I have that God’s plan really works.
What is the ninety-day King’s Kids in Training program?
It’s so simple that you can begin right now. No waiting
i Every morning, as soon as you awake, thank Jesus for
taking over the management of your life and affairs for this
twenty-four hours. Acknowledge Him as your New Man¬
ager, Motivator, and Mind-Renewer. As evidence that you
are trusting the New Manager, thank Him for everything
that happens, regardless of appearances, for twenty-four
“Well, but how do I know that God wants all King’s kids to
be winners?”
Because He says so over and over throughout the Man¬
ufacturer's Handbook. Such verses as III John 2 where God
says it is His will “that you prosper and be in health as your
soul prospers” is a clearcut statement which should settle all
doubts. If you’re still not persuaded, try John 10:10 on for
size: Jesus said, “I am come that you might have life, and
have it more abundantly.”
Do you have to be a loser to qualify for the abundant life of
King’s kid living?
Not at all. WTien I began my walk with Jesus twenty-two
years ago, I was president of my company and highly suc¬
cessful in my chosen profession of engineering. I had an
ample supply of this world’s goods—a lovely family, fine
home, shiny cars, and everything else that the world consid¬
ers the marks of a winner. But down inside, that awful
emptiness and frustration that comes with worldly success
had gotten worse with every promotion up the success lad¬
Then I met Jesus in my forty-eighth year and decided to
try His life-style as outlined in the Sermon on the Mount
(Matthew 5, 6, and 7). In every area of my life, I began
looking to Him for His type of outlook in every situation. My
life has been progressively and amazingly different during
the twenty-two years since I became willing for Him to
make me willing!
“But I thought God helps those who help themselves,” I
hear someone saying.
“God HELP those King’s kids who try to help them¬
selves,” is more like it.
Please remember that we are no longer looking at things
from the old limited commonsense standpoint. As King’s
kids in training, our wisdom is from above (James 3:17). We
are beginning a real adventure of life under New Manage¬
ment, and we can expect results BEYOND THE
NATURAL! In Jesus, everything is supernaturally natural
and naturally supernatural!
Becoming a winner. King’s kid style, involves some rather
drastic changes in our attitudes and ideas about life in gen¬
eral. Our outlook gradually changes in each situation until
we see things from God’s standpoint. Don’t expect it all to
happen overnight. Most of us have spent many years set¬
tling for second-best results through following the loser
program of this world. Unlearning a carload of second-best
principles and being reprogrammed to function as winners
takes a little time.
Understand that we are not claiming that this world’s

system doesn’t work. It surely does. But the unbeneficial
“fringe benefits” of such side effects as fi'ustration, strain,
pressure, fear, etc., which go with success on that level have
to be tagged second-best when we are looking at a better
way (Phil. 4:13).
The door into that better way, the entrance into Winner¬
living, is Jesus. When He comes to dwell within us, we
become King’s kids, having “this treasure in earthen ves¬
sels” (II Cor. 4:7), and “the life I now live in the flesh, I live
by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave
Himself for me” (Gal. 2:20).
“But is it really that simple?” you ask.
It has to be that simple in order to be fair to everyone. If
only the eggheads could understand and enter in, it would
not be fair to us simple-minded folks.
What is the first step in entering into this new world of
adventure in Jesus?
Willingness. Willingness to rethink our entire life-style
along the lines of the Manufacturer’s Handbook.
Let’s see what God has to say about all this business of
being overcomers, a term He often uses for winners.
Overcomers (Winners)
^ Jesus makes King’s kids overcomers of all the things in the
dismal dictionary. Overcomers is a good synonym for win¬
ners, and the Manufacturer’s Handbook talks about over¬
comers in several places. I John 5:4-5 says that “whatsoever
is bom of God overcometh the world; and this is the victory
that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that
overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the
Son of God?” In other words, there is only one way to be an
overcomer, to be a winner, and that is to become a King’s

kid, a child of God, by receiving His Son, Jesus (John 1:12).
All sorts of wonderful promises are made to those who
become overcomers in the Bible-approved way (and there is
no other way that works). God gives them
“to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the
paradise of God” (Rev. 2:7);
they shall “not be hurt by the second death” (Rev. 2:11
they will be given to eat “of the hidden manna,” and will be
given “a white stone, with a new name written on the
stone which no one knows except him who receives it”
(Rev. 2:17 RSV);
he will be given “power over the nations” (Rev. 2:26);
he shall be “clothed in white raiment,” and his name shall
not be blotted out of the Book of Life but confessed
before the Father and His Angels (Rev. 3:5);
he will be made a pillar in the temple of God, and God’s
own name will be written upon him! (Rev. 3:12);
they will be permitted to sit with Jesus on his throne!
(Rev. 3:21).
Summing it up, God says “He that overcometh (the one
who is a winner) shall inherit all things; and I will be his God,
and he shall be my son” (Rev. 21:7).
The next verse goes on to describe those who are not
winners, those who do not overcome. They include the fear¬
ful, the unbelieving, the abominable, murderers,
whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters, and liars. Instead of
getting the goodies in the overcomers’ list, they wind up in
the lake of fire, which is the second death. That’s what
second best will get you if you stick with ignoring Jesus long
enough. God’s best, on the other hand, is something else
entirely. Hallelujah that we can have whichever one we
really want. Jesus said that He had overcome the world
(John 16:33), and we are overcomers when we are in Him.
The Manufacturer's Handbook says that winners are
“more than conquerors, through him that loved us” (Romans
8:37). Jesus does it all for us. By contrast, the world’s defini¬
tion of a winner is pretty raunchy—“a conqueror who has to
fight constantly to maintain and improve his position.” The
world’s idea of a winner is someone who wins the rat-race
and becomes number one rat. Who wants to enter that
contest! We’ve got a first-best alternative in Jesus.
King’s kids trade in their former wretchedness for such
delicious delectables as certain victory, righteousness,
peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Here’s how: Give up.
Our Contribution
The one thing God is lacking, which only King’s kids can
supply, and which, for the most part, they are reluctant to
give Him, is weakness. Wherever the world is strong, God’s
power, which comes through on the wavelength of need, has
to wait for someone to become poor in spirit so He can
become their strength, life, health, blessing, and wisdom.
God’s Offer
In II Corinthians 12:9, Jesus is quoted as saying, “My
grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect
(perfectly obvious) in weakness.” And Paul, having his eyes
opened by the Holy Spirit to this tremendous truth, re¬
sponded, Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my
infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” He
went on to say that he was so sold on this truth that hence-
forth he would actually take pleasure in his “infirmities, in
reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for
Christ’s sake” (II Corinthians 12:10) because it was so good
to be strong with the strength of Christ instead of his own.
Life Under New Management
All this is related to the principle of stewardship which
Jesus introduced in the Sermon on the Mount as the
foremost law of liberty: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3). In other
words, “King’s kids, why can’t you realize that you were
created to be containers for and stewards of heaven’s best?
But you can’t be that until you give up title-deed to all your
rights to anything and place yourself—emptied of self—in a
position to contain Me and all My great abundance for the
needs of others to be met through your ministering Me to
God’s Wisdom Makes Winners
When God appointed Solomon to be king over Israel, He
made available to him unlimited resources. He encouraged
Solomon to request whatever he desired and assured him
that it would be his. Solomon asked for wisdom to be a good
ruler of God’s people. In asking nothing for himself, he put
himself in a position of faithful stewardship so God could give
him untold wealth and blessings.
In Ephesians 1, God speaks of two inheritances: ours in
Jesus and His in us. The only inheritance God needs from us
that we are able to supply is an empty vessel wherein He can
dwell as righteousness, wisdom, sanctification, and redemp¬
tion (I Corinthians 1:30).
Possessing nothing, except the one thing required of a
steward—faithfulness—we can be trusted with nothing or
everything, whichever God sees fit to give us. It makes no
difference to the steward either way. Then, when persecu¬
tion comes along, the steward can say, “Lord, look what
they’re doing to Your ‘me’ self. If that’s the best You can do
in this situation, it must be heaven’s best, because You in me
are heaven’s best—and I am complete in You” (Colossians
Why Hesitate? Pride!
If the benefits of King’s kid living, winning in every cir¬
cumstance, are so specifically promised in God’s word and
are witnessed to through the ages by those who have fol¬
lowed the directions in the Manufacturer's Handbook, why
are God’s people so reluctant to enter into that Promised
Land? I asked God that question years ago, after I had given
my life to Jesus, and His answer came in one word:
We read about pride in I John 2:16: “The pride of life is not
of the Father but is of the world.”
Our rights to ourselves—“the spirit that now worketh in
the children of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2)—keep us pov¬
erty-stricken in a set of second-best filthy rags. In that
circumstance, our ego pushes our pride into believing Sa¬
tan s lies, the most subtle which is “You can get along with¬
out God.” This same attitude got Slue Foot booted out of
heaven, and it keeps us in a position to miss heaven’s best
Willing To Be Willing
Many of God’s people sincerely desire the submissive
spirit which is essential for winner living, but they are not
aware of how to check on their true state before God. They
often think they are surrendered when deep underneath
they are still primarily interested in their own selves. I, too,
was baffled at the beginning of my Christian walk until I
asked God to show me a goofproof way of checking my
motivation in every instance.
The system is so simple that any King’s kid can spot check
himself instantly, whenever the need arises. The need will
manifest itself in fear, anxiety, jealousy, worry, and other
similarly icky feelings. In other words, any time dis-ease
sets in, we can be sure that we have reverted back to a
position of ownership instead of stewardship for God. We
react only when our rights are encroached upon. Any time
we find ourselves reacting, we can detect the presence of the
self-centered life, and the end of the self-centered life is not
victory but death.
The opposite of reaction isresponse. Reaction is negative,
response is positive. We are free to respond only when we
are so conscious of God’s abundance being available to us as
stewards that there is no way we can be troubled by a
negative reaction. We can respond with perfect liberty to
the needs of others, instead of having the attitude, “What’s
in it for me?”
Ownership is a drag because it demands our all in order to
maintain as well as improve our position. Life was never
designed to be lived out with man as “owner.” Many times,
when I have just about convinced myself that there is no
more work to be done in me along the lines of removing
ownership-itis, I have come up against a new situation which
shows me that perfected sainthood is not yet mine. In case
you’re prone to become discouraged as I have been on many
a goof-up occasion, be comforted by the fact that we find no
state of perfection among the saints in the New Testament.

The Manufacturer’s Handbook makes it clear that they had
not yet arrived. But “I press toward the mark for the prize of
the high calling/’ Paul wrote (Philippians 3:14), and we can
press toward that mark, too. Hang, on. King’s kids, there’s
hope for us all because Jesus is our completeness.
Ownership Vs. Stewardship
When the Lord is really my shepherd. He makes me lie
down in all those beautiful green pasture situations where
abundance is mine for the asking. Because I have submitted
to His authority. He leads me beside the still waters. Then
comes the restoration of my soul to His ownership instead of
mine where it was temporarily misplaced because of my
fouled-up heredity from the first Adam.
Jesus, called the last Adam, gives me a new start, a
clean record, and a new name written in glory. He says,
“Give up your self rights that I may be magnified through
you.” Literally, we are like a magnifying glass, the focal
point where God shows up in this world, whenever we are
willing to be nothing in order to show forth His everything.
We can watch for quick results whenever God is given
charge with no strings attached.
“Whatever you bind on earth—by ownership and
possessiveness—is bound in heaven,” and God will not put a
finger on it. “Whatever you loose on earth—of all self
rights—is loosed in heaven,” and God, in the fullness of time,
handles it for the benefit of all (Matthew 18:18). Any time we
are in chai-ge as owners, someone loses. But when God is in
charge, everyone benefits. I Thessalonians 5:16-18 clearly
states how to maintain the stewardship position: “Rejoice
evermore, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks,
for this is the vdll of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 says it like this: “Trust in the Lord with all
thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In
all thy ways acknowledge him (as owner), and he will direct
thy paths.” Then, whatever we do, we are God’s will in
Real Liberty
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free
indeed” (John 8:36)—free of the headaches and respon¬
sibilities of ownership and free to enter into our own inheri¬
tance in Him, the inheritance of King’s kids, guaranteed
winners in every situation. Hallelujah!
When all else fails—and it will—read the directions in the
Manufacturer’s Handbook and follow them to victory.
Lord Jesus, make me willing to be willing to be Your will
in action—just for this day—and if I’m not entirely sincere in
this request—You just go ahead and do it anyhow.

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How to Be a Winner
over the
Communication Gap

Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most
High: And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee,
and thou shalt glorify me. (Psalm 50:H-15)

Several years ago, I was at a retreat at Brevard College,

North Carolina, with fellow King’s kid, Joe Petrie.
“I’ve heard you say that Jesus can do anything but fail,” he
said to me.
“I plead guilty to believing that,” I told him.
“Do you believe He could put you in front of a foreign-
language congregation and you could bring a message to
them and the Lord would give them understanding of it?”
I swallowed hard, but I had already committed myself. I
couldn’t afford to back down.
“I don’t see why not,” I told him. “After all, God is a God
for whom nothing is impossible.”

How to Be a Winner

“That’s all I wanted to know,” he said, with a kind of

devilish chuckle. “You’re going to have a chance to test it out
tomorrow night.”
“Tomorrow?” I didn’t understand. “Are we flying to some
foreign country or something?” I wasn’t sure my passport
was in order.
“Not exactly,” he said, “but over at Mount Pisgah, not far
from here, there is a camp of Mexican bean-pickers. They
don’t speak English, you don’t speak Mexican. I’ve got you
scheduled to talk to them tomorrow night.”
He watched me for my reaction. I just stood there, exert¬
ing all my available energies to keep my knees from knock¬
ing together out loud. But I guess I didn’t look worried
enough to suit him.
“If the Lord doesn’t make them understand you, it’s going
to be a bum trip,” he said, rubbing it in.
I sat down and held my knees forcibly apart. My teeth
wanted to make like castanets, my stomach started lurching
around, and I groaned out loud. I wished I’d never heard of a
preacher named Joe Petrie, a college named Brevard, or a
mountain called Pisgah.
What had me and my big mouth gotten me into this time? I
could not come up with any good answers to that question.

Dare to fail for Jesus.

The situation began immediately to improve my prayer

life. I couldn t afford to stop thanking God and asking Him to
please get me out of the trouble I had gotten myself into.

Over the Communication Gap

Before long, I felt a little better even though the solution

was nowhere in sight.
That afternoon, I learned that a young woman in our
prayer group at the retreat just happened to be a Spanish
teacher from Michigan. Hallelujah! Moses had his Aaron to
speak for him, I would have Isabel—or whatever her name
was—to be my mouthpiece. I could tell her what to say, and
she could translate it into perfect Spanish, couldn’t she? I
heaved a sigh of relief.
I walked over to where she was sitting and told her about
her marvelous opportunity to serve the Lord, to be an an¬
swer to prayer.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “But I speak only classical Castilian
Even / knew that classical Castilian Spanish is pretty far
from the more informal Mexican Spanish. My heart slid back
into my shoes, and I began to complain to God a little bit.

Bom losers hang in there until they lose their
white-knuckled grip and slither blisteringly
lower and lower down the rope that dangles over
the chasm of hopelessness.
King*s kid winners say, ‘‘Lord, I give up,** and
Jesus swoops them to safety and wins their
battles for them.

“Lord, there’s no way I can go up there on that mountain-
top and bring a comprehensible message to a bunch of Mexi¬
can bean-pickers unless You intervene sovereignly. All my
human resources have failed.”
I didn’t sense an ounce of sympathy coming toward me.

How to Be a Winner

God seems to delight in letting me get into situations where I

know He’s the only thing I have to go on.
Well, I resolved to get my body there, but if God didn’t
have anything to say to the bean-pickers, that would make
two of us. I would just have to stand before them stone dumb
for whatever length of time was allotted. I hoped it wouldn’t
be long.
“Lord, I know that I got me into this by bragging on You,
but You’re going to have to get me out of it. Please?”
There was still no answer.
After supper the next day, several carloads of us from the
retreat drove up the mountain to attend the great fiasco
where my image would be completely ruined. Hill, the
talker, speechless. It was unheard of. I kept on thanking and
praising God, but not because I felt like it. There was simply
no alternative for me to consider. I was hanging on His
promise in Psalm 50:14-15: “Offer unto God thanksgiving,
and pay thy vows unto the most High. And call upon me in
the day of trouble: I will deliver thee.”
The would-be congregation of bean-pickers was assem¬
bled in the vicinity of a broken-down shanty. They looked
freshly scrubbed for the occasion, their hair all slicked back
as they sat on old boxes and crates from the field. All were
looking expectantly toward the dilapidated front porch that
was to serve as my speaker’s platform.
We started off with a few hymns, which the Mexicans
didn’t seem to understand. It was getting hotter by the
minute, sweat was pouring down most of us, and the Mexi¬
cans began to look as if an early bedtime would suit them far
better then anything we had to offer. I almost wished they’d

Over the Communication Gap

stage a walkout and let me retreat back down the mountain

to lick my wounds.
After the hymn singing fizzled out, I asked the Lord to
keep my knees quiet while I read some Scripture. I don’t
know what I read. I might even have had my Bible upside
down. But I kept on reading because I didn’t know anything
else to do. Eventually, I quit reading because the somber
faces of my congregation made it crystal clear that I wasn’t
getting through.
After I had stopped reading, I just stood there and
waited. The rest of the retreatants waited. The bean-pickers
waited. Joe Petrie waited. And I had a strange feeling that
the Lord was waiting, too.
Suddenly a little woman sitting on the end of the porch
stopped waiting. She began to shake under the power of the
Holy Spirit. I had seen the woman at previous retreats, and
knew her name was Sybil. I remembered that she was the
quiet type, never had anything to say.
Still trembling, Sybil managed to get to her feet. She
shook her way over to where I was standing. Once there, she
clutched my arm and turned to face the bean-pickers. Open¬
ing her mouth, she began to speak in a Spanish-sounding
language I had never heard before.
Moses, here's your Aaron, the Spirit seemed to say.
At once, the Mexicans came alive and began to look in¬
terested. I praised the Lord for the victory He was snatch¬
ing from certain defeat. I did my praising silently, of course,
because I didn’t want to interfere with what Jesus was doing
before my very eyes.
Sybil preached for about twenty minutes, her message

How to Be a Winner

getting louder and stronger with every batch of syllables.

They were incomprehensible to me, but the Mexicans were
understanding them, all right. Their big brown eyes grew
bigger, and tears streamed down some of their brown
“Jesu Cristo, Jesu Cristo.” I recognized that name in
occasional murmurings from the crowd. Then Sybil seemed
to invite the Mexicans to turn their lives over to this Jesu
Cristo, and all over the place I saw bean-pickers lit with the
glory of God. In the Spirit, I knew that they were surrender¬
ing their lives to a God who had been made real to them there
on the mountain through the words of a little woman who
never had much to say.
Because we had waited before Him and dared to trust
Him, Jesus had done it again. The impossible.
I learned later that Sybil had been born in the very part of
Mexico where the bean-pickers lived. She had preached the
Gospel to them in their own dialect. And Jesus hadn’t let that
word go forth void. He had accomplished something with it.
Salvation for a bunch of Mexican bean-pickers. They had
taken the first step on the path reserved for winners. They
had turned their lives over to the King of kings and Lord of
lords, and had become King’s kids.
The next day, we loaded a station wagon with watermel¬
ons and went back up the mountain for a love feast so good
that it didn t matter that we couldn’t talk to one another.
Everybody was too busy smiling to talk anyway. All had
glory grins a mile wide because we all had the love of Jesus in
our hearts for one another.
I had found out, one more time, how faithful God is to keep

Over the Communication Gap

His word. Whenever we take it literally and apply it liberally

to a situation, we find God keeping His promises: “Offer unto
God thanksgiving, and pay thy vows unto the most High.
And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee and
thou shalt glorify me” (Psalm 50:14-15).
Pagans don’t offer their thanksgiving to God. Pagans
don’t pay their vows unto the most High. Therefore pagans
are not entitled to call upon Him in the day of trouble and be
delivered. All pagans are entitled to is a pity party. And they
have to pay for their own refreshments. Nobody brings
them a watermelon truckload of righteousness, peace, and

Maybe you became a King’s kid a long time ago, but you
haven’t been living like one. You can reaffirm before Jesus
that you believe He is the Son of God who died for your sins
and rose again from the dead. You can ask Him to take over
your life in a more powerful way now that you’re ready to
relinquish all of it to Him. Once you’ve done all that, you can
begin to live in the benefits promised in Psalm 50:14-15 the
next time you get in trouble. You can thank God, pay your
vows unto Him, and expect Him to deliver you from trouble.
Then you can glorify Him. That’s being a winner—King’s kid

Lord Jesus, thank You that You died for my sins. I’m
sorry I’ve turned away from You for much of my life. I turn
my life over to You again, just now, and invite You to live in
me in a more powerful way than ever before. Thank You for
forgiving me for all I’ve ever done against You. Let Your

How to Be a Winner

cleansing blood purify me anew, and let me walk from this

day in Your Spirit.
Take over every area of my life, and make it operate
according to Your perfect plan and purpose. Thank You,
Jesus. Amen.

How to Be a Winner
over Absolutely

Who is he that overcometh the world, hut he that believeth that

Jesus is the son of God? . . . If thou shalt confess laith thy mouth
the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath
raised him from the dead, thou shalt he saved. (I John 5:5; Ro¬
mans 10:9)

Everything in the world as we know it functions according

to certain specific laws. A law doesn’t cause a thing to
happen—a law explains how a thing works. And whether or
not you choose to go along with the law makes no difference
at all in the outcome.
For instance, the law of gravity says, “If thou jumpest,
thou shalt get lumps.” Now, you may not like that idea. It
may bug every doctrine you ever had. But if you jump off the
roof, you’ll get lumpy. The law of gravity is completely

How to Be a Winner

impervious to adverse opinions. And it is no respecter of

persons. You might be skinny, fat, small, or large; you might
be a kindergarten dropout or a PhD; peasant, professional,
or king on a throne—^the law of gravity isn’t going to repeal
itself for anyone.
God, who created everything, is responsible for the way
things work in the natural realm. He is the author of the
principles governing spiritual things, too. He has written
these principles in a book so that we can learn to distinguish
between what’s good and what’s bad and govern our lives
accordingly. We’ve got a choice. We can choose good or evil.
In the Bible, the Manufacturer's Handbook, God says if
you want the best results out of your trip through this life
and beyond, you should get with His way of doing business.
If you’re satisfied with a scroungy second-best, you can go
ahead and do your own thing. But if you want T-bone steaks
instead of just bones, doit His way. Results are guaranteed.
The first thing to do, of course, is to get admitted to the
King’s kid training camp. That’s not as complicated as being
initiated into a fraternity or sorority, and the benefits are
immeasurably greater, Manufacturer's Handbook tells
you all about your rights and privileges as a King’s kid. They
are yours to enjoy if you’re the right kind of person.
There are basically two types of persons in the world—
those who have been born once and those who have been
born twice. Twice-born people are King’s kids, entitled to
the inheritance. They are also agents in the hands of their
heavenly Father to tell others the good news.
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature,” Paul wrote
in II Corinthians 5:17. Not an old patched-up creature, but
one brand-new, born-again, guaranteed forever. Perfect. It

Over Absolutely Everything

is the privilege of every King’s kid not to start out with a

revamped failure. You get a brand-new you!
It doesn’t matter how big a mess you’ve made of your life,
you trade it in for a brand-new model when you invite Jesus
to take over. From then on, you’re somebody special, enti¬
tled to special treatment.

Life and death are coded

into two analogs, YES or NO to Jesus.

Paul continues, “Old things are passed away; behold, all

things are become new. And all things are of God” (II
Corinthians 5:17-18). That means that nothing that happens
to you is ever accidental after you meet Jesus personally.
He’s in charge of everything. Before you meet Jesus, you
have to settle for whatever raunchy thing comes along, and
you can’t even complain about the merchandise—because
you shouldn’t be in that miserable pagan classification to
begin with. All that Jesus bought for you, first-class all the
way, is yours for the asking.
King’s kids are entitled to receive special treatment be¬
cause they have a firsthand, living relationship with their
heavenly Father who made all things and owns them still.
That special relationship is available through only one
dealer—Jesus. No one else can get a franchise.
“I am the way, the truth, and the life,” Jesus says, “and if
you want to know God as your heavenly Father, you have to
approach Him through me” (John 14:6). God doesn’t have
any other appointment secretary.

How to Be a Winner

If you don’t happen to like that arrangement, you can

forget about being a King’s kid, because the power to be a
child of God is given only to those who receive Jesus (John
1:12). When there is only one doorway into a relationship, if
you don’t like that doorway, you’ll have to go without.
To get into the King’s kid training camp, you have to enter
in through Jesus. The world offers all kinds of other options,
it’s true. Many of them are very appealing, many of them
look exceedingly attractive. But none of them work.
In the world of science, we have discovered that atoms
wander around aimlessly. It’s called randomness. We find
the same thing in some people, an aimless running around
here and there, without accomplishing anything. They keep
trying to attach themselves to something, or trying to attach
something to themselves, to find completeness. But they
never make it, until they attach themselves to Jesus.
“Only in Me will you find completeness,” Jesus says. “If
I’m missing from your life, you can search the world over,
you can try all the options, but nothing else can fill that spot
in your life where I belong.”
Until you latch onto Jesus, you have only a two dimen¬
sional, empty life, even at its best. You may not realize it,
but it s true all the same. Whether you’re an up and outer or
a down and outer, whether you’re from jail or Yale, it makes
no difference. Without Jesus, your life is empty. It can’t be
anything else.

If you have never been a King’s kid, are you ready to take
step number one in being a winner, in entering into a full,
meaningful life as a child of God with something to offer the
world of empty darkness? Are you ready to meet Jesus?

Over Absolutely Everything

You can turn to Him right now and ask Him in your own
words, in your own way, to make Himself real to you. The
simpler your prayer the better. And if you can’t think up any
words for yourself, try these:

Lord Jesus Christ, I’m sorry about the mess I’ve made of
my life. I want to turn away from all the wrong things I’ve
ever done, and all the wrong things I’ve ever been.
Please forgive me for all that. Wash away the black filthi¬
ness that’s down inside me.
Thank You that You have the power to change my life, to
turn me into a winner instead of a loser. Thank You that I did
not choose You, but that You have chosen me, actually
picked me as a part of the human race to come into a higher
order of life, life everlasting, that eternal life that starts
when You move in and goes on forever. Thank You, Lord,
that You’ve gotten my attention long enough to interest me
in trying it Your way.
Lord, take over the management of my life, my affairs,
everything about me. Take over the decision making, be¬
cause I haven’t done too well on my own. Take over the parts
of my life that I’m ready to surrender to You, and help me to
surrender more. Thank You, Lord, for understanding how
hard it is for me to give up myself.
And now. Lord Jesus, move into my heart. However You
do it is Your business. Whatever that means is Your busi¬
ness. But make Yourself real inside me and fill my awful
emptiness. Take away my uncertainty, my anxiety, my
deadness, my need for alcohol and pills. Take away my
terrible resentment that life is such a mess and such a drag.
Just reverse everything.

How to Be a Winner

Thank You for Your promise that whosoever shall call on

the name of the Lord shall be saved. Thank You for saving
me and manifesting Yourself in me. Thank You, Jesus.
And now, Lord, help Yourself to me and keep on doing it.
Fm not sure I want You to, but do it anyhow. Thank You,
I rejoice that I am now Your people, that my uncertainty
is gone forever, that I am three-dimensional, born of Your
Spirit. And Lord, Fm reporting for training, ready to learn
whatever You want to teach me so I can be a winner—King’s
kid style. I ask all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

How to Be a Winner
over Power Failure

Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye he endued unth power

from on high. ... Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy
Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto
me. . . . (Luke 2Ji.:Ji9; Acts 1:8)

Do you feel like a King’s kid? If you prayed the prayer at

the end of the last chapter, you are a King’s kid whether you
feel like it or not. Feelings are fine, but they’re not reliable.
Feelings depend too much on the weather and whether or
not your lunch agreed with your insides. From here on, you
have the privilege of depending on the truth of God’s word,
not on your feelings. God’s word says you’re a new creature
because you’ve invited Jesus to come into your life and take
over. That’s all there is to it.
One of the first things that a new King’s kid notices is that

How to Be a Winner

the Bible, that black book that used to be so dull and dusty,
has some really neat things in it. All of a sudden, those things
that Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount and all that God
caused His servants to write in the Epistles are interesting.
Not only that, but they seem to be addressed directly to you.
They are. Furthermore, you’ll find that if you take liter¬
ally everything written in the Manufacturer’s Handbook,
and do exactly what it says you should do, fantastic things
will begin to happen in your life. It’ll get so good, you’ll want
to run out and tell everybody.
But don’t do it just yet. The disciples probably wanted to
tell everybody all about the good news, too. But Jesus said
they should go back to Jerusalem first and wait for the power
to come upon them. Then they could go tell everybody.
Jesus’ last words to His disciples, right before He as¬
cended into heaven, wereno^, “Okay, boys. I’ve taught you
all you need to know. I’m going back to My Father, now, and
I want you to get busy working on the great commission,
telling everybody about Me.”
He didn’t tell them that at all. He told them to wait for
something else to happen first.
In our modern world, we’re not accustomed to waiting
around for anything. If it’s not instant, it’s too slow. But the
disciples must have believed that haste makes waste, or
something. At any rate, they went back to Jerusalem and
waited, just as Jesus had told them to do. Maybe they were
aware that their own power wouldn’t be good enough to
accomplish their assignment. Maybe they realized they’d
need a whole new tool kit to do the job. Maybe they just
thought Jesus knew best. Anyhow, they didn’t say, “But
Master, why do we need to wait? There’s so much to be done,
we ought to get going.” They waited.

Over Power Failure

While they waited, they improved the time, not playing

cards or watching the boob tube, but praying up a storm.
According to Acts 1:14, they stayed in one accord, with all
prayer and supplication. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was
waiting right there along with them.
And while they waited, it happened. There was a rushing
mighty wind, and tongues like fire sat on each one of them.
They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke with
other tongues. That was the coming of the power the disci¬
ples needed to turn the world upside down. Without any
more waiting.
The coming of the Holy Spirit caused so much commotion
that thousands of people in the city came running to see what
was going on. Some of them probably brought buckets of
water to put out the fire. But the fire of the Holy Spirit was
something nobody could put out. When somebody asked a
question about what was happening, Peter stood up and
answered him. The same Peter who had denied that he even
knew Jesus just a few short weeks earlier stood up and told
everybody all about Him. And what he said was so powerful
that three thousand people were saved on the spot. And all
because the disciples had waited for the right moment.

Born losers get on with it, and fall further and
further behind.
King*s kid winners wait around until the right
time and forge ahead without obstacles,

From that day until this, the world has been a different
place wherever King’s kids have asked for and received the
equipment they need to handle their part in the great com¬
mission. Without the Holy Spirit, you might just as well

How to Be a 'Winner

forget about trying to live like a King’s kid. You’ll never

make it on your own.
How can you get the fullness of the Holy Spirit in your own
life? No, you don’t have to call the travel agent for a ticket to
Jerusalem. And you don’t have to wait around for forty days,
either. All you have to do is ask for it right where you are,
right now.
In Luke 11:9, 11-13, Jesus tells us, “. . . Ask and it shall
be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be
opened unto you. If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is
a father, will he give him a stone? orifheaskafish, will he for
a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an egg, will he
offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being evil, know how to give
good gifts unto your children; how much more shall your
heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?”

Spiritual paupers are the

empty vessels God delights to fill.

All you have to do is ask. Once you’re equipped with the

fullness of the Holy Spirit, then you’re ready to go and do all
the things the Bible recommends for King’s kid living.
I Corinthians 12:8-10 tells about the gifts of the Holy Spirit
you need to do the job. They’re not for you to keep but to
deliver to needy people. There’s the gift of a word of wisdom,
a word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, miracles,
prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues, and interpretation
of tongues.
Most of the things you are supposed to do are quite differ-

Over Power Failure

ent from what you’ve done up to now. For instance, the Bible
says that King’s kids are to give thanks for everything
(Ephesians 5:20). Before you met Jesus, you might have
been thankful for things you liked, but for things you didn’t
like? No way. You didn’t thank anybody for them. You
griped, grumbled, and groaned about them. When things
got really bad, you threw an occasional pity party with
plenty of martyr pills.
How about praying for those who persecute you? That’s
an instruction in the Manufacturer's Handbook, too
(Matthew 5:44). Before you became a King’s kid, you proba¬
bly didn’t dream of praying for your persecutors. You
knocked their blocks off. They had it coming. And you felt
good about doing it—in spite of your aching knuckles.
Lay hands on the sick? (Mark 16:18). You’ve gotta be
kidding! Before Jesus took over, you made it a point to stay
completely away from anybody with any kind of ailment.
After all, it might be catching!
King’s kid living is different, all right, and so are the rules
for living it. You’ll see how some of the unlikeliest rules work
out in real life experiences in the chapters that follow. And
maybe you’ll be encouraged to step out in faith and begin to
live the new way yourself for high adventure in Jesus.
But first, you need to get the equipment. Winners can’t
get along without it.

Have you received the fullness of the Holy Spirit in your

own life? WTien Paul saw something missing in the life of the
Ephesians, he asked them a similar question (Acts 19:2).
They were honest with him, said they’d never even heard
there was such a thing as the Holy Spirit. Paul remedied the

How to Be a Winner

lack in their education in short order, laid hands on them,

and Jesus baptized them in the Holy Spirit on the spot.
Instant infilling. You can be filled with the Holy Spirit just as
If it’s convenient, you can ask a Spirit-filled believer to lay
hands on you and pray, but if you don’t have a lit-up believer
handy, you can do the praying for yourself. The Baptizer,
who is Jesus Himself, is eager to fill you with His Spirit so
you can be of the best possible use to Him. “Ask, and you’ll
receive,” He said. It’s that simple.

Lord Jesus, thank You that You have made provision

for everything I need to live like a King’s kid. I praise You
that You do everything so perfectly. Lord Jesus, baptize me
with Your Holy Spirit. I need that power, and I want to be
Your witness wherever You send me.
I ask, too. Lord, that You give me the whole package deal.
Send along every gift of the Holy Spirit that I’ll need to do
Your will perfectly on earth as You are doing it in heaven. I
ask this in Jesus’ name, I know this is Your will for me, and
therefore I thank You right now.
I praise Your wonderful name. Lord, for Your goodness to
the children of men. You have given me Your Spirit, Your
power, and Your presence. Thank You that You’ve given me
the assignment to go forth to heal the sick, to cast out devils,
to function as Your people ought to function in the power of
Your Holy Spirit. Thank You that You will perform what I
invite You to do in Your name. Thank You that the sick will
be healed, the deaf will hear, and that unbelievers will
become believers praising You. Let it be so. Lord. Amen.

How to Be a Winner
over Your Own
Motor Mouth

Let every man be slow to speak. (James 1:19)

Do you feel like a King’s kid now that you’re filled with the
Holy Spirit? Some people do, some don’t. Some people get
goosebumps on their goosebumps; others feel like nothing
has happened. But feelings aren’t what King’s kids go by.
They go by the word of God. He says He’ll give the Holy
Spirit to those who ask Him. If you’ve done your part—
asking—^you can depend on it that He’s done His part—

How to Be a Winner

For a lot of people, the natural tendency after they’ve

been baptized in the Holy Spirit is to go and tell everybody
all about it—starting with their pastor.
“Man, you really don’t know what it’s like to know Jesus,”
they tell him when they’ve backed him into a corner the first
Sunday after their Holy Spirit Baptism. “Why, man, until
you get what I’ve got, you haven’t got nuthin’! Now here’s
how to go about knowing Jesus like I know Him.”
Strange. Your pastor doesn’t look interested. He looks
scared, like maybe he’s about to call the paddy wagon. He’d
back off, but you’ve already got him so squinched in the
corner, he can’t breathe. Mercifully, the phone rings, and he
escapes your clutches. The next time you meet, he seems
kind of uncomfortable in your presence. Pretty soon it is
obvious, even to you, that he doesn’t like you any more. The
next thing you know, you’re not teaching a Sunday school
class any longer, you’ve been eased out of the vestry or the
board of deacons, and you might even find yourself excom¬
municated from your denomination.
You probably think about trying a new brand of mouth¬
wash or underarm deodorant—but that won’t help.
Someone has said that people newly filled with the Holy
Spirit ought to be locked up for about six months until they
cool off just a little. They’re not far wrong in some cases. In
other cases, six months wouldn’t begin to be long enough.
People newly baptized in the Holy Spirit have a tendency
to think they can straighten out the whole world in one fell
swoop. They often act as if their own improvement has been
a by-their-own bootstraps accomplishment instead of a
miracle for which God should get the credit.
It’s better to keep your mouth shut at first. Don’t give any

Over Your Own Motonr Mouth

answers until people ask questions. Earn the right to be

heard. People will begin to ask questions, once they see the
new life in you.

Bom losers advertise their wares in all the
media—and go into bankruptcy.
King's kid winners keep their traps shut until
the time is ripe to tell the news with great

“George, I hope you’ll forgive me for saying this,” some¬

one might open a conversation, “but you used to be such a
down-at-the-mouth guy. Now, all of a sudden, you look
happy all the time. What happened? Did you win a
sweepstakes or something?” Let your glory grin get wider,
and maybe show him you have only two cents in your pocket.
Don’t say anything else just yet. Wait until he’s really
hooked. If you’re patient for just a little while, he’ll lay
himself wide open.
“George, old friend,” he’ll finally say, “would you mind
telling me what turned you on?”

Church membership will get you to heaven when

entering a barn makes you a horse.

Then you’ll have a captive audience—but not because

you’ve backed him into a comer. He’ll have you there. Then
you can tell him. He won’t just listen politely, he’ll hang on
every word. He won’t miss a single syllable.

How to Be a 'Vfinner

Now, he may not be ready yet for the fullness of this

blessing in his own life, but you don’t need to try to talk him
into it. That’s not your job. The Holy Spirit will take care of
that when the time comes, if we keep out of His way and let
Him do His own thing.
Meanwhile, your thing is to keep cooperating with the
Spirit, so that you won’t lose what you’ve got before the
other guy is ready for it for himself. He’ll be watching to see
if this new wrinkle in you is permanent press or something
that washes out with the first shower of adversity that
comes your way. That’s how it is. You’re going to be watched
by people-watchers like never before.
“Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children,” the
Scripture says to King’s kids (Ephesians 5:1). “And walk in
love as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for
us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling
savour” (Ephesians 5:2). That’s not the same as copying
Jesus. We can’t be like Him, and so we have to ask Jesus to
live Himself in and through us.
“We have this treasure in earthen vessels,” another pas¬
sage of Scripture tells us (II Corinthians 4:7). People could
care less about the container. What they’re interested in is
the source of the joy juice inside that keeps spilling over.
“For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in
the Lord,” says Paul in Ephesians 5:8. The light that people
see in our new lives is the light of Jesus in us.
Light represents a kind of energy that darkness cannot
penetrate. Darkness is actually the absence of energy, and a
basic law of physics is that an energy system that’s up to
maximum output cannot be penetrated by a lower order of

Over Your Own Motor Mouth

It works that way in the spiritual realm, too. When we’re

living in the high gear of praising God, which is the only gear
in the system of real King’s kids, no grumbling, complain¬
ing, or backbiting can come in to mess up the system. The
Light, which is Jesus, keeps out all darkness.
“Walk as children of light,” Paul said (Ephesians 5:8). He
didn’t mean that we’d never goof. God doesn’t make us
goof-proof overnight, so when you stumble, don’t think
about resigning your membership in God’s kingdom. Tell
God you’re sorry, let Him pick you up, brush you off, and
head you in the right direction again.
“If we say that we have no sin—if we claim to make no
mistakes,” John wrote, “we deceive ourselves, and the truth
is not in us. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we
have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus
Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (I John 1:8, 7). In
other words, the burden of sin which used to be our sorry lot
becomes God’s problem after we put our lives in His hands.
All these blessings are just a part of what is available for
the enjoyment of King’s kids. And if you’re wise enough to
keep your trap shut until someone asks you the question,
you’ll be cooperating with God in such a way that your
friends and neighbors—even your preacher—will be able to
receive this blessing of God’s Holy Spirit. Then you can have
fellowship together in a way you’ve never had it before. You
can be one of the big happy family of King’s kids. It’s worth
being quiet until they’re ready to hear what you have to
share. After you show your new life long enough, then you’ll
have fruitful opportunities to tell it with your lips to ears and
hearts that will be wide open for blessing. Show and then
tell. Don’t get in reverse order.

How to Be a 'Winner

In the meantime, you can begin to practice some of the

special instructions in the Manufacturer's Handbook, apply¬
ing them to problem areas in your life.

Lord Jesus, forgive me that IVe been such a blabber¬

mouth about my new life in You. Fve turned off the people
You could have turned on if I had waited for Your timing
instead of rushing in on my own. Give me wisdom to know
when to speak and when to keep silent. Make me slow to
speak until the right time. And then. Lord, please make
every word I say be fruitful for Your kingdom. I ask it in
Jesus’ name. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

How to Be a Winner
over Broken Bones,
Too Little Time,
and Standstill Steel Mills

We know that all things work together for good to them that love
God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans

Lots of people might agree that God works most things

together for good for those who love Him, but that’s not
what the Bible says. In it, God says that He worksthings
together for good for King’s kids. All things has to include
spilled milk, flat tires, earthquakes, pains in the neck, and
broken legs. I found out about broken leg benefits for myself
just a few years ago.
God had directed me to finish writing my first book. How
to Live Like a King's Kid. Instead of obeying, however, I
churned out an unholy number of excuses. This was my best
How to Be a Winnei

“But Lord, Fm so busy,” I said. “I just really don’t have

the time.” It was true enough. In the space of a few months,
I was scheduled for six Camps Farthest Out and numerous
other conferences and speaking engagements from one coast
to the other.
“Lord,” I continued, “my calendar is booked solid for all of
1974 and most of 1975. Now maybe in another year or so—”
“Lord, if You could provide more time,” I said finally, “I’d
be delighted to finish the book.”
I prayed as if I was expecting Him to make the days thirty
hours long, and allow me to live without sleep—or some¬
thing. But that isn’t the way He handled it. Frankly, He
never does things the way I think He will.
Glad you brought that up, Hill, He seemed to say.
Nothing to it. I can give you all the time you’ll need.
And He did.
The next day, I slipped on a little bit of snow in my
basement. My feet flew up where my head was supposed to
be, and my right foot clobbered the wall as I went down.
After the blow, the wall was still standing, and my foot was
lying nice and limp. Every bone in my ankle was broken—
but the rest of me landed on a pile of angel feathers. If I’d
landed on the concrete floor. I’d have broken something
more than an ankle. But God lowered me gently. He had
calculated exactly how much time I would need to finish the
In a nice white concrete pajama leg, I couldn’t be running
all over the country to conferences. But I wasn’t handi¬
capped at all at authorship.
I had to call all over the country and cancel all sorts of good

Over Broken Bones, Too Little Time, and Standstill Steel Mills

things that were standing in the way of God’s best. Much to

my surprise, the Lord ran every one of those conferences
perfectly competently without my help.
I wouldn’t have ordered a broken ankle, of course, but He
let me have it anyhow, and He worked it for good in amazing

Bom losers stand on their own two feet and get
bunions, going nowhere.
King*s kid winners can break a leg and still
make progress, standing on the promises of

First of all, the book got finished. It hit the best-seller list,
and letters are still pouring in from all over the world from
people who have read How to Live Like a King's Kid and
been blessed by it. Many of the readers met Jesus and
turned their lives over to Him as they read. Others were
filled with the Holy Spirit or healed of diseases. Some said
they were delivered from addictions to alcohol or nicotine.
The book got into the hands of people who wouldn’t have
been caught dead at a CFO conference or a Full Gospel
meeting, and God reached them through it and raised them
to new life in Him.
Can God work broken ankles together for good? And how!
The opportunity to finish the book wasn’t the only good
thing that happened.
In my home the evening I landed on the angel feathers
were three acquaintances who had come to see me about
some business matters. They turned into real palefaces
when my ankle let me down. I got a little bit pale myself.

How to Be a Winner

Before the ambulance arrived, I was having to push my

praises out between the pains. Although my praise-the-
Lords weren’t smooth flowing, I flgured God could accept
them as a sacriflce of praise and put them to some good use.
He did.
I kept on praising, even though a few groans crept in from
time to time, and the businessmen probably kind of ques¬
tioned my mental condition when they heard me praising the
Lord for a broken ankle instead of cursing the snow that had
slid me down.
God really had their attention when my pastor, Peter
Vroom, who had dropped in earlier in the evening, went into
action. Kneeling down beside me, he laid his hands on my
ankle and prayed.
What did he pray? I couldn’t tell you, and neither could he,
because we couldn’t understand the words that were pour¬
ing from his lips. He was using one of the gifts of the Holy
Spirit, the gift of tongues. Men can’t understand prayer in
tongues, the devil can’t wiretap it, and nervous bystanders
can’t try to change your mind about what you’re praying.
Whatever his prayer was, it worked. The pain went away,
just like that. If my foot had turned itself around and my
ankle had been made whole at the same time, I wouldn’t
have been surprised, but that’s not how God handled it that
time. My foot was still dangling when the men in white coats
wheeled me into the hospital.
The kind of prayer Peter Vroom prayed over my almost
detached appendage was several steps above the old prayer
of unbelief we used to pray for the sick before we met Jesus
as Baptizer in the Holy Spirit. It went something like this:
“Lord, heal him if it be Thy will.” Then we’d call the under-

Over Broken Bones, Too Little Time, and Standstill Steel Mills

taker to put him on notice that he might be having a new

customer soon, and we’d send our best suits to the dry
cleaners so they’d be ready in case we got invited to be
pallbearers. But we don’t pray that prayer of unbelief any
longer. We have learned to pray a new kind of prayer.
Why didn’t God heal my ankle when Peter Vroom prayed?
Search me. He did take the pain away, and that was my
immediate concern. He mended my bones back together,
too, but that took a little longer.

Every life experience serves a

purpose in our training as King’s kids.

As a King’s kid. I’ve learned not to ask God why. I never

question His motives, because I know that everything He
permits to happen in my life is rooted in His love for me.
Besides, my brain could never understand all He is doing or
why He is doing it. I might not even think it needs to be
done. But I don’t have to understand. I just have to trust
Him and to praise Him. If I begin to question, Satan throws
in more questions, and I end up letting my Educated Idiot
Box run my life, just like it did in the bad old days before I
met Jesus. When that happens, I never get anything better
than second best. It’s far better for me to praise God and
acknowledge that His incomprehensible wisdom is superior
to my squirrel head. He still knows how things work better
than I do.
In submitting myself to God’s training for King’s kid liv¬
ing, I stopped asking why and started saying, “Lord, You let

How to Be a 'Winner

it happen, so it’s got to be better than anything I could have

dreamed up.” When I praise Him and ask Him what’s in it for
Him, sometimes I find there’s something in it for me, too, no
matter how undesirable the situation looks in the natural.
Now, I would never have chosen a broken ankle as a
means of getting enough time to finish my book. I just
wouldn’t have finished it. And God knows how I can pro¬
crastinate and push things aside, and after a while hope He’s
forgotten what He told me to do. But God doesn’t forget
things like that. He believes we mean business when we tell
Him, “Lord, take over my life and let it count for You.” He
sticks us to our bargains.
One of the businessmen who was at my house that night
called me at the hospital the next day. He had been thinking.
“I’ve been in the church and other religious things all my
life,” he said, “but I never saw pain disappear like yours did
when that preacher put his hands on your leg and prayed
that funny sounding prayer. I don’t understand it.”
“Glory!” I shouted. “I don’t understand it either.”
F ortunately, my exuberance didn’t scare him off.
“Well,” he went on, “I want to know more about your kind
of God—”
After I got home from the hospital, he came for a visit, and
I told him more about Jesus. Because we have God’s promise
that His word doesn’t go forth void, but accomplishes that
for which He sends it (Isaiah 55:11), I know God is working in
that man’s life. A broken ankle had opened the door.
Not long afterward, God privileged me to see still another
fringe benefit of my broken ankle. Because I wasn’t off
gallivanting to faraway places, I was available to do some
consulting work in connection with a malfunction in a plant of

Over Broken Bones, Too Little Time, and Standstill Steel Mills

one of the giant steelmakers of the world. They had a new

mill in South America that was standing idle because the
equipment necessary to drive one of the vital pieces of
machinery, a big rotary dryer, wasn’t available and wouldn’t
be for another year. One of the project engineers came from
Pittsburgh down to my office in Baltimore for a consultation
concerning what we might be able to improvise to bridge the
“I use an approach to these things that may be a little
foreign to your usual mode of operation,” I explained to the
engineer after he had told me about the problem. ‘T pray.”
“You what?” he asked, his voice squeaking upward and his
eyebrows arching toward the top of his think tank.
“I pray,” I said again. “Furthermore, it’s the only way I
know of to get optimum results every time. Do you want
optimum results—or would you rather settle for educated
“Well,” he said, scratching his dandruff, “this thing is
urgent. You’ve been highly recommended, and if praying is
how you’ll get the answer for us—”
“Then it’s okay with you if we pray?”
I had to make sure it was all right with him. After all, they
could hire someone else. We weren’t the only consultants in
the business.
“It’s okay,” he decided. “Only forget the ‘we’ business.
You pray, but count me out. I’ll just listen.” He looked
around nervously to make sure no one was spying on him,
and then bowed his head.
“Jesus,” I prayed, “we need You to solve this problem.
Thank You that You’re able to do everything we ask of You,
and even things above all we could ask or hope for. Thank

How to Be a Winner

You that You made everything that is, and that You know
how everything is supposed to work.” Then I prayed rather
softly in a language I couldn’t understand. I didn’t want to
scare the engineer away, but I had to get on the hotline to
heaven, the one that is God’s channel for getting super¬
natural information through to us without the danger of any
sabotage along the way.
As I prayed in the Spirit, I got a readout by way of a word
of knowledge as to exactly what was needed to improvise an
adaptation of available equipment to solve the problem. The
picture was so clear in my understanding that I was able to
sketch it out on a piece of paper for the engineer to eyeball.
“Say!” he said. “That looks like it would do the trick
exactly. I wonder why none of us had thought of that
I couldn’t resist asking the question. “Had you prayed
about it?”
“Well, no—” He looked kind of uncomfortable, so I didn’t
say anything more about it right then. I just made him a
proposal and quoted a price for the work.
Our company got the contract to build the thing. There
was a stipulation, written into the contract at my request,
that if it didn’t work, they wouldn’t have to pay us. That’s
not the usual arrangement in the secular consulting busi¬
ness, but King’s kids get their instructions from God, and
they can count on Him not to fail.
We had the mill running in three or four weeks, and the
engineer returned to Baltimore to see me. He had, as might
be expected, some unanswered questions.
“The thing is perfect,” he told me, “just perfect. I’ve had a
call from the South American plant and everything is run-

Over Broken Bones, Too Little Time, and Standstill Steel Mills

ning without a hitch. They’re headed for full production. I

want to thank you for your help. But would you mind ex¬
plaining to me again just how you did it, how you knew what
to do?”
“Gladly,” I told him, trying not to shout hallelujah because
he had asked the question that left him wide open to receive
my witness. “We prayed, remember?”
“Yes, come to think of it, you did. But surely that wasn’t
all there was to it—just prayer?”
“That’s all,” I said. I was giving short answers out loud,
but in my prayer bucket—where my gizzard would be if I
had one—I was praying up a storm. I tuned in to that prayer
every once in a while, just to make sure the Spirit was
making intercession for the man in my office.
He had no choice but to believe me, and I could see that he
was getting excited. He kept banging his right fist into his
open left palm, and his forehead was wrinkled as if he was
trying to make up his mind about something.
“Man, if prayer can work like that—” he stammered ex¬
“Prayer didn’t do it, exactly,” I explained. “We tapped
into God’s channel by praying, but it was Jesus—that’s God’s
first name—who did the work, by His Holy Spirit.”
He was nodding his head up and down then, as if he
suddenly understood everything—or was ready to accept
what he couldn’t understand. I wouldn’t have had to ask him
the question, because the answer was written all over him,
but I did anyway.
“Sir, wouldn’t you like to know that kind of God?”
“Would I!” he breathed. Immediately, he bowed his head
and started to pray.

How to Be a Winner

“Lord Jesus,” he began. I didn’t even have to tell him how

to pray. The Holy Spirit Himself led him in a sinner’s
prayer. He asked God’s forgiveness for all his years of unbe¬
lief, and invited Jesus to come into his heart and take over.
The engineer got thoroughly saved right there in my office.
There’s no way of telling how many people have come to
know the living God through that man’s testimony. If I
hadn’t broken my ankle, it might never have happened.

Today, I know by repeated experience that God works all

things^ together for good for King’s kids as long as we’re
praising Him. If, instead of believing the truth of His word,
I had gone back to my feelings, I would really have blown it.
I’d have thrown a lavish pity party for a few weeks. That
might have been good for some sympathy from friends and
neighbors for a while, but it couldn’t have lasted forever.
They’d have gotten disgusted with me eventually, and I’d
have found myself addicted to martyr pills. I might even
have fallen back into paganism, slurping sorry soup all by my
When King’s kids stop praising God, they look like pa¬
gans, act like pagans, and smell like pagans. Pagans have the
smell of death, but King’s kids have the smell of sweet
incense, the praise of His saints coming up before His throne
of grace like exotic perfume. The secret of King’s kids’
victorious living is that we carry the atmosphere of heaven
with us. God dwells in the praises of His people. That’s
almost like having a mouthful of God—original mouth-to-
mouth resuscitation. We can’t get any closer to God than
praise brings us, because He dwells on that wavelength.

Over Broken Bones, Too Little Time, and Standstill Steel Mills

Have you been complaining about broken ankles, spilled

milk, flat tires, broken romances, traffic jams? Has it
occurred to you that God has permitted these things in your
life and that He means to work them together for good if
you’ll just trust Him and praise Him in the midst of every¬
thing? Are you ready to leave your pity party, pour out your
sorry soup, and throw away your martyr pills? Are you
ready to praise God and watch Him work all things together
for good for you?

Lord Jesus, thank You that You made me and that You
know everything about me. Thank You now for the things
that have come into my life that I see no good in. Help me to
trust Your word that You’ll work all these things together
for good because I love You. Help me to trust You instead of
trusting my intellect. Thank You, Jesus, that You have all
the right answers, always.
Thank You, Lord, that You have planted Your love in my
heart. Forgive me now for all my complaining, all my holding
things back from Your perfect management. And bless me
to be more completely Your person than I’ve ever been
before. Amen.


/ could see the judge give up right then.

How to Be a Winner
over a Tough Judge
and Heroin Addiction

Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. (Psalm 150:6)

Ralph James was one of the ringleaders in the dope scene

in our area. The police and the federal narcotics agents take
a pretty dim view of boys who sell dope to other boys, and so
they set a trap for him.
In a parking lot where the kids gathered every evening,
two new guys showed up. They were obviously hippie types,
strung out, and nobody guessed they were narcotics agents
in disguise. When they went up to Ralph, and told him they
wanted to buy some “horse,” he accommodated them. It was
his last heroin sale—forever. They slapped the handcuffs on
him as soon as he took their money.
Being arrested for selling heroin can be rather restrictive
on your activities, even when you’re out of jail on bond. At
the hearing, Ralph was told that his case would come up in a

How to Be a Winner

few months. In the meantime, the judge told him, “Don’t call
us, we’ll call you. Better make sure you’re around where we
can find you when the time comes.”
It must have been kind of tempting to Ralph to take off for
parts unknown. He was certain to be convicted, and convic¬
tion carried with it the unpleasant consequence of not less
than five years in federal prison. That’s the kind of sentence
the judge was accustomed to imposing. He had a reputation
for being tough.
But Ralph didn’t split. He showed up at one of the King’s
kid prayer groups in Baltimore. And as it turned out, he
turned on to Jesus there and was filled with the Holy Spirit.
He became a completely new creature, on a permanent high
in the Lord.
His family didn’t know quite what to do with the new
Ralph. They had learned how to handle him on drugs, but
this Jesus business was something else. They were defi¬
nitely shook up, and almost wished he’d go back to his hash
and pot and acid so they’d know how to cope with him. Glory
grins are rather disconcerting to be around when you don’t
have one of your own.
As time went on, Ralph became a regular at our prayer
breakfasts. Soon he learned that God wants us to praise Him
for things exactly as they are. He started putting this kind of
praise into practice. He praised God for the icky situation in
which he found himself, praised Him even for the almost
certain possibility that he’d be imprisoned for five years.
You’ve got to be a kooky King’s kid to do that, and he did it.
When the date for his trial was set, Ralph asked his pastor
and me to go with him to court and pray as the proceedings
went on. We said we’d be glad to accompany him, of course,

Over a Tough Judge and Heroin Addiction

and then he said, “I sure would like to have a Christian

attorney to represent me.”
We prayed about that, and the Lord led us to a Spirit-filled
attorney right there in Baltimore. I hadn’t known there was
such a thing. To top it off, the attorney had a Spirit-filled
wife who said she’d come along to court to pray, too.
The five of us King’s kids entered the courtroom in a high
gear of praise on the appointed day. Ralph’s mother was
with us, but she wasn’t a King’s kid yet. She wasn’t praising
anybody for anything; she was doing the typical mamma
things—wringing her hands, holding her breath, and worry¬
ing her heart out.
We all sat down and heard the three cases preceding
Ralph’s. Each of them involved young people who had been
arrested for selling “controlled substances,” illegal drugs,
that is. The defendants entered pleas of not guilty, but were
convicted. The judge handed down sentences of ten years,
seven and a half years, and twelve years. Old Judge Snow
was noted for being tough on kids who sold narcotics, but he
was even tougher than usual that day.
Then Ralph’s case came up.
“What is your plea?” the judge asked Ralph, no hint of
mercy in his voice.
“Guilty, Your Honor.”
The judge looked faint.
“Guilty? Do you realize you’re giving up your constitu¬
tional rights to a jury trial?” he asked, peering stonily over
the top of his glasses.
“Yes, Your Honor, but I know I’m guilty, and I am pre¬
pared to accept whatever punishment you see fit to give

How to Be a Winner

The attorney, his wife, Ralph’s pastor, and I were sitting

there praising the Lord quietly so as not to create a distur¬
bance in the courtroom.
The judge was shook up at Ralph’s honesty. He didn’t
encounter honesty very often from where he sat. Picking up
a file about two inches thick, he began to read Ralph’s record
aloud, asking questions at intervals.
“Did you sell narcotics to a federal agent in disguise?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Did anyone tell you that if you cast yourself on the mercy
of this court that I would be lenient?”
“No, sir.”
“That’s good, because if anyone told you that, they’d have
been wrong. I’m never lenient with criminals. You’re going
to get what’s coming to you.”
There was no doubting that he meant what he said. Our
feelings plunged to shoelace level, but we kept praising God.
I could tell Ralph was praising Him, too.
God had promised. If you praise Me, Pll change things.
We said, “Lord, You’ve promised to forgive all our in¬
iquities. We seem to have a sizeable batch of them here
today. If praise works, we’re about to find out. If it doesn’t
work, we’re about to find that out, too.”
About that time, Ralph’s attorney opened his briefcase.
Instead of taking out the usual sheaf of papers and law
books, he took out a Bible and laid it on the table in front of
the bench.
The judge looked at him.
“What do you have to say for the defendant?” he growled.
“Just this. Your Honor,” the Spirit-filled attorney began.
“The boy who was arrested last November for selling hard

Over a Tough Judge and Heroin Addiction

drugs to a federal agent is not the same boy who is standing

before you today.”
The judge cupped his hand behind his right ear.
“Would you run that by one more time, please? You mean
this is a case of mistaken identification?” He wagged his
head, then answered his own question. “No, that can’t be—
because the boy has admitted his guilt.”
Ralph spoke up again before the judge could swallow his
“What he means. Your Honor, is that since last
November, I have met Jesus Christ, and I have become a
completely new person in Him. All the old me has passed
Ralph’s attorney explained further.
“Your Honor, in addition to being an attorney. I’m an
ordained Baptist minister of the gospel, and what Ralph
says is true. He’s been born again, so he’s automatically a
brand-new person. The kid who sold the dope is dead, wiped
The attorney opened the Bible to II Corinthians 5:17, and
shoved it over to the judge. “You can read it for yourself,
Your Honor. The word of God confirms that the old Ralph is
dead, because the new Ralph is in Christ.”
I could see the judge give up right then. Even he knew
that he couldn’t handle this case on the usual basis. It had
blown his mind. He’d have to change the subject. He looked
at the defendant and asked him a new question.
“Are you gainfully employed?” Most of the young people
in trouble in our area were sponging off parents or the
welfare rolls.
“Yes, Your Honor.”

How to Be a Winner

“What kind of work are you doing?”

“Breaking concrete with a jackhammer.”
“This kid is doing hard manual labor!” The judge was
talking to himself out loud now, often a sign of the beginning
of roof trouble. This case was getting to him. “Now if I
suspended his sentence—”

Bom losers plead the fifth amendment and get
locked up. The jailer throws the key away.
King*s kid winners tell it all to the judge and
go scot-free,

That was so unthinkable, the judge stopped thinking out

loud, but it was too late. We had heard what he was thinking,
and our praises shifted into even higher gear. It was all I
could do to keep from shouting, “Glory to Jesus!” right there
in the courtroom.
“You’d have to agree never to go near that parking lot
again,” the judge said.
If Ralph hadn’t been a King’s kid, he’d probably have held
his breath, crossed his fingers, and said a quiet, “Yes, Your
Honor,” and crept out. But Ralph ims a King’s kid, living in
the victory that Jesus bought for him, and knowing that God
had a purpose for his life. There was something else the
judge needed to know, whether it hurt Ralph’s chances or
“Your Honor,” Ralph said, “a few nights ago I was down
at that same parking lot and found two girls who were
hooked on heroin. It was taking so much money to support
their habits, they had decided to end it all. One of them had a

Over a Tough Judge and Heroin Addiction

razor blade, and they were ready to use it when I just

happened to come along.
“Well,” he said, “it’s kind of a long story, but those girls
didn’t commit suicide. They turned their lives over to Jesus
instead, and He helped them kick their habits. Today,
they’re about the happiest kids in town.”

Fear is faith in failure.

The judge’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down a time or

two before he spoke again, and his voice was no longer stern,
but kind of shaky. He didn’t say anything about keeping
away from the parking lot or anywhere else.
“You could be a real asset to society,” he said, all the
gruffness gone from his manner and voice. “Case dis¬
There was no prison sentence, not even a term of proba¬
tion. That had never happened before in that courtroom, and
Ralph’s mother knew it. She got saved right then and there,
and hugged everybody in the courtroom—except the judge.
She would probably have hugged him, too, but he was aw¬
fully busy blowing his nose in a big white handkerchief that
looked as if it had never been used in quite that way before.
Ralph James has graduated from Bible school and is out
preaching the gospel to young people whose messed-up lives
have made them ready to listen.
Just as we enter God’s courts with thanksgiving and
praise, we have learned that we can enter the federal courts
that way, too, and snatch victory from certain defeat. When
we have no other resource to rely on except praise, praise

How to Be a Winner

alone will be more than enough to accomplish the clearly

Praising Him is God’s chief direction for King’s kid living.
Literally hundreds of passages in the Manufacturer's
Handbook tell us we ought to praise God. There is no way
you can live like a King’s kid without it. When King’s kids
praise God and recognize Him as being in charge of every
situation, He changes the situation before their very eyes.
What looks like down-the-drain disaster can turn into an
occasion for a victory celebration in the twinkling of an eye.
In the world, among pagans, just the opposite occurs. Pa¬
gans can grumble and complain so effectively, they can
snatch defeat from certain victory.

Are you in trouble? If you’re a King’s kid, you can have

Jesus for your Advocate, and His Daddy for your Judge.
With that combination, how can you fail? You can’t beat that
If you’re in trouble, don’t keep on trying to bury it. Go to
your Advocate and spill the beans.
“Lord, I’ve goofed again. How are You going to bail me
out this time?”

Don’t worry, my child. I’ve already paid ycnir bail and the
penalty as well. I’ve paid any price they want to put on your
transgression, and I’ve paid it with My blood. There’s
nothing higher. You can go free.

Lord Jesus, I admit before You that I’ve made a mess of

my life. There’s not any way humanly possible that I can get
it all untangled, no way I can ever be set free. Lord Jesus,

Over a Tmigh Judge and Heroin Addiction

thank You that I don’t have to rely on human possibilities,

but that I can rely utterly on You. Thank You that You have
taken my case and paid the penalty—all of it. Keep me in
such awareness of all You have done for me that I will never
stop praising You. I ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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How to Be a Winner
over Grounded Planes

Be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create. (Isaiah 65:18)

All things were made by him; and without him was not anything
made that was made. (John 1:3)

Back in 1941 when we were just getting in gear for World

War II, a bottleneck developed in the aircraft industry.
Planes were being built faster than they could be gotten into
the air, especially in cold climates.
One day I received an emergency call from an aircraft
manufacturer in Niagara Falls, New York.
“Can you develop some kind of equipment that could start
airplane engines reliably under frigid weather conditions?”
they asked me.
At that time, everyone depended on aircraft batteries for
starting planes, even on airfields. The efficiency of a storage

How to Be a Winner

battery goes down rapidly with a drop in temperature,

rendering the time-honored system highly unsatisfactory in
cold weather. At sub-zero temperatures, planes were stand¬
ing on the ground because personnel couldn’t get their en¬
gines percolating. Remember how hard it was to start your
flivver sometimes in shivery winters? Planes were affected
in the same way.
A lot of work had been done toward developing an
engine-driven ground energizer. Unfortunately, the design
had proved unsuitable because aircraft engines are highly
sensitive to voltage and current values. Mechanisms on the
planes were being burned up by the ground unit. This,
needless to say, wasn’t helping matters much.

You don’t need college

for a word of knowledge.

All the aircraft people, including the Army Air Corps,

were desperate for a solution to the problem. They had to
get our planes in the air or make plans to lose the war.
I agreed to work on this essential project.
“I think we can come up with an answer for you,” I told
them, full of confldence in my own ability.
All this happened before I knew the Lord. Looking back, I
am aware—and amazed—that because I had a Christian
mother who had consigned me to salvation, the hand of the
Lord was in every move I made—even before I met Jesus
personally. He was looking out for me. Way back then. He
was already operating in my life in supernatural ways.
As I sat and thought about my assignment and all it

Over Grounded Planes

involved, a concept for a ground energizer that would work

popped into my head from somewhere outside it. I had never
heard of such a thing as a word of knowledge from the Lord,
but I know now that that’s precisely what He gave me that

Born losers think they can do it themselves and
save. They make such a botch of things, they
have to hire a professional to come and undo the
King*s kid winners let Jesus do it for them and
go first class.

What had come to me was clearly beyond the scope of

human reasoning. It had to be a word of knowledge from the
Lord that showed me the approach to take to solve the
problem. That I didn’t know the Lord then was beside the
point. He knew me.
I telephoned the aircraft folks and said, “I believe I know
how to build you an energizer that will work. How about
sending me a purchase order so I can get my hands on the
controlled materials?”
Under wartime conditions, many things were under tight
priority schedules, but there was no hitch in getting top
priority for the things I needed to put together a working
I needed further background data for my own computa¬
tions, so I asked for clearance to run some flight tests with
their equipment. They readily assented, gave me every¬
thing I needed, and soon the machine was built and ready for
trial. We shipped it to Niagara Falls, and I flew up later with
my test instruments.

How to Be a 'Winner

“Well, there are the airplanes,” the pre-flight engineer

said to me, pointing to row after row of earthbound flying
machines. “Let’s see you start one.”
The planes had engines which had earned their reputation
for being harder to start than almost any other kind. It
would be an acid test.
We plugged our energizer into a plane, pushed the button,
and the engine roared to life. The engineer was impressed.
“Do you think it will start two engines at one time?” he
asked me.
“Well, you asked me to start only one, but let’s find out
what it will do. We’ll never know until we try.”
We ended up starting three engines at one time off one
energizer. No problem.
“Hill, you’re in business,” the engineer said. “Go to the
purchasing department and get an order for a whole fleet of
these units.”
“Yes, sir.”
Next, he sent me to Buffalo where they ordered enough
energizers for their needs, then to the west coast and up and
down across the country. Within a matter of a few months,
as fast as we could build those things, every airfield was
equipped with the device on which I had a basic patent. As
far as I know, every airfield in the world today is equipped
with the ground energizer for which the Lord gave me the
design direct from heaven back in 1941.
Does God answer before we call (Isaiah 65:24)? Amen.

Have you had some measure of success in your life and

thought you had achieved it all by yourself without God’s
help? You haven’t, you know. Jesus said that He could do

Over Grounded Planes

nothing by Himself (John 5:19). Are you more able than He


Father, I confess that I have taken credit for the work of

my hands. Forgive me for thinking that anything good could
come from me. Make me constantly aware that every good
and perfect gift comes from You and that I am only a channel
for Your working. Lord, make me a cooperative channel,
fitting in with all Your plans, always consciously looking to
You. Thank You, Lord.
And now, Jesus, let me die more and more to self, that
Your name might be glorified in every act and aspect of my
whole life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

‘^Suddenly I was awake. I saw the door opening, a crack of
light...then a man-shaped shadow blotted out part of the
How to Be a Winner
over Blizzards,
Burglars, and Bugaboos

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine oum
understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall
direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

An unexpected, unannounced blizzard set in late one

Saturday afternoon while I was participating in a Faith at
Work Conference at the old Statler Hotel in New York City.
The whole conference was suddenly snowbound. All roads
out of the city were closed.
I went to my room late Saturday night after a prolonged
and juicy prayer meeting. Finding my roommate already
asleep, I got ready for bed as quickly as possible. It didn’t
occur to me to check the lock on the door. Actually, I was
probably too high on Jesus to have stooped low enough to
look at the lock if I had thought of it. The next day, I recalled

How to Be a 'Winner

that the door was the kind that had to be locked from the
inside with a key, but that night, I just fell into bed and went
to sleep praising the Lord.
Just as suddenly, I was awake. I saw the door opening, a
crack of light on the wall and floor growing steadily wider as
the hallway light came into the room. Then a man-shaped
shadow blotted out part of the light as someone tiptoed in.
The natural thing would have been to go into action—to
grab the intruder, clobber him with a lamp or something,
and sit on him until the authorities arrived. But God had
other plans. I didn’t move a muscle, because the Lord
blacked me out completely. If I had moved, the burglar
would have beaten my brains out.
How long I was unconscious, I don’t know, but the next
thing I was aware of was the door closing again. The strip of
light narrowed into nothing as the intruder’s shadow stole
out of the room.
“Praise the Lord, we’ve been robbed,” I said to myself.
Utterly unconcerned, I turned over, and went immediately
back to sleep.
The next morning, I awoke with the events of the night
before in the front of my mind. “I believe we were robbed
last night,” I reminded myself. Sure enough, I found that my
wallet was missing. All my money, papers, and credit cards
were gone without a trace.
I shook my roommate’s shoulder to share the good news
with him.
“Check your belongings to see if the same thing happened
to you that happened to me last night,” I told him. “See if
someone has kindly relieved you of all your worldly posses¬

Over Blizzards, Burglars, and Bugaboos

He got up to look, all 350 pounds of him. His name was Aga
Khan, and he was the biggest, blackest saint I have ever
seen. Aga had been a vicious gang leader in New York
before he met Jesus. Now, every inch of him shone with the
glory of heaven.
The thief had pulled a double-header. Aga found that his
wallet was gone, too. He and I, both being kooky King’s
kids, did the best thing we could do under the circumstances.
We praised Jesus, hugged necks, and rejoiced in the Lord.
Only our consideration for the people who might be sleeping
in the room below ours kept us from leaping and dancing in
the Spirit. Then we knelt beside the bed and asked Jesus to
forgive the thief just as He had forgiven the one on the cross
beside Him.
Perfect peace set in. We knew we didn’t have to worry
about money. We didn’t have any money to worry about.

Bom losers lock their door, stay on the lookout,
and turn into nervous wrecks protecting their
King’s kid winners resist not evil. They can
get their beauty sleep while the Lord takes
care of everything for them.

Just as we finished our prayer, the phone rang. The call

was from another member of the Faith at Work team staying
at the same hotel.
“My husband and I were just praying,” she said, “and it
came to us that maybe you had need of something—”
We hallelujahed, told her what had happened, and got

How to Be a Winner

ourselves invited to breakfast. This was handy, since we

were without funds. King’s kids always take care of other
King’s kids who have no visible means of support.
We had planned to leave for home on Sunday afternoon,
but the blizzard decreed that everybody in New York would
have to stay put until Monday morning at which time some of
the roads would be cleared. Having my travel plans changed
wasn’t any particular burden to me, because I had learned
that my life was not my own and that God’s plans were
always far more exciting than anything I could dream up. I
wondered what He had in store for me this time. It was
beginning to shape up as a rather interesting weekend. A
blizzard and a burglary—what next. Lord?
Sometime Sunday afternoon somebody announced that
Marble Collegiate Church, which is within easy walking
distance of the Statler, was having a fellowship supper that
night for young married couples. Having been relieved of all
my green stuff, I was willing to walk in any direction for free
About a dozen of us from the conference bundled up and
snowshoed our way to the church at supper time. We didn’t
all look like young married couples, but they welcomed us to
the table anyway. After a hearty meal, I headed for the
checkroom to get my overcoat, intending to walk back to my
hotel for another prayer meeting. But before I could get my
arms in the sleeves, the Lord seemed to say to me. Hang
your coat back up, Hill. I want you to stick around. You
have an assignment here.
“But Lord,” I argued, just as if He didn’t have all the
pertinent facts at His command, “I don’t need to stay to hear
the reports of the FAW teams. I’ve been part of them the
whole weekend, remember? It doesn’t make sense for me to

Over Blizzards, Burglars, and Bugaboos

sit here and listen when I could be fellowshiping with the

brethren back at the Statler—”
God let me argue all I wanted to, but He refused to argue
back. Finally I realized that He wasn’t being persuaded to
change His mind. I put my coat back on a hanger and went
into the meeting room and sat down. I had learned before
that it never profits me to try to make sense out of what the
Lord tells me to do. He always has His reasons. He doesn’t
always bother to tell me what they are.
The chairman opened the meeting with a prayer and an¬
nounced that the first thing on the agenda was a song ser¬
vice. The song leader came forward, opened a hymnal as if he
was about to lead us in singing, and then stopped abruptly.
His whole expression changed; the fakey smile of welcome
melted off his face and gave way to a sick, gray look.
“I have something to say to the group here tonight,” he
announced. “I know it won’t be favorably received. In fact.
I’m certain that you’ll reject me one hundred per cent.”
After a lead-in like that, everybody had their antennae
unrolled high into the air. Nobody missed what he said next.
“This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in all my life,” he
said, “and I don’t know why I’m doing it now. But I am
compelled to tell you that—” He closed the hymnal, swal¬
lowed hard, and forced the words out “—I am a homosex¬
A horrified shudder went through the auditorium. People
seemed to shrink back inside their clothes.
Now do you know why you^re here? the Lord seemed to be
asking me. I noticed that I was nodding my head in affirma¬
tion. In the midst of the dead silence, I raised my hand. The
chairman recognized me, and I stood up.
“I happen to know something about what this man is

How to Be a Winner

talking about,” I said, “because I, too, have a dread disease.

Mine is alcoholism. When my disease is active, Fm repulsive
to be around, but my disease has been arrested by the grace
of God. That same grace is available for everyone, and I have
a strong urge to pray for this man.”
Nobody leaped up to join me, so I turned to the man with
the problem and asked if he would let me pray for him. He
nodded his eager willingness, and we walked together to a
little counseling office just off the meeting room. All eyes
followed us there, but no one else moved.

No amount of willpower will

return a pickle to cucumberhood.
But God-power can do it
in the twinkling of an eye.

The erstwhile song leader sat down in a chair and closed

his eyes. I laid hands on him and prayed in the Spirit for a
few moments. That’s all it took. He gave a sort of shiver,
shuddered for a second, and then looked up with new eyes,
eyes that held no trace of the haunted ugliness I had seen
there in the beginning.
“Praise God!” He almost shouted and I almost shouted
along with him. “This is the first time Fve been free in nearly
eighteen years! Praise God!”
As I had prayed in the Spirit, a prayer the devil couldn’t
wiretap, a homosexual demon had gone out of the man. He
had felt it go. That was worth shouting about.
Right then, I knew why there had been a blizzard, why I

Over Blizzards, Burglars, and Bugaboos

had been robbed, and why God had invited me to stick

around after supper at Marble Collegiate. One of His lost
ones needed deliverance, and that was my assignment.
Where King’s kids are sold out to the King, letting Him
direct their paths, anything can happen. And it usually does.

Have you been acknowledging the sovereignty of God in

everything that affects your life—blizzards, burglaries,
boo-boos, and all? Or have you been complaining about more
things than you have been praising God for? Have you been
fitting into His plans for you even when they didn’t match
your own? Or have you insisted on doing your own thing and
so have missed God’s best for you? If you are ready to
change, tell Him so. He’ll take you up on it.

Lord Jesus, I confess that I’ve been following the ways of

the world in lots of things. I’ve been complaining when
someone violates my rights. I’ve been grumbling when
weather or anything else upsets my carefully laid plans.
Lord, cleanse me of all this. Take my life and run it in a
way that is pleasing to You. Don’t even bother to consult me
about it. Just do it. Set me on the path You have prepared for
me. Use me. Lord, to reach someone for You. I ask it in
Jesus’ wonderful name. Amen.

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How to Be a Winner
over Buried Guilt,
Dry Bones,
and Corpuscle Shortage

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that
ye may he healed. (James 5:16)

One balmy spring day, King David was up on the rooftop

watching color television, a live performance emanating
from a neighboring garden just below him. The actress was
Bathsheba, and her costume left nothing to the imagination.
It was absolutely gorgeous. (Live or rerun, the boob tube
will get you in trouble.)
David must have thought he was watching a commercial,
because when he saw Bathsheba, he panted, “I’ll take one of
those.” He sent one of his servants to pick up the merchan¬
dise, and Bathsheba was delivered right to the door of his
He saw, she came, sin conquered. It’ll do it every time.

How to Be a Winner

The first installment of sin was so pleasurable, David

decided he’d like to keep the lovely lady around on a long¬
term basis. Trouble was, she had a husband already, a
soldier in David’s army. That was easy enough to remedy.
David simply had him sent to the front lines where he was
killed off. After all, a king has the right to order his troops

Temptation is God’s microscope

for revealing hidden affinities.

Can’t you hear David rationalizing to himself?

“I’m the king. I’m the head man in this outfit. I can’t be
guilty of stealing, because everything in my kingdom be¬
longs to me. Even when I take another man’s wife, it’s legal.
And when I sent Bathsheba’s husband to the front lines,
why, that was kosher, too, strictly on the up and up. What’s
a king for if he can’t run things? After all, somebody has to
serve on the front lines. I’ve served there myself. Why,
when that giant Goliath was scaring the whole nation to
death, I took him on single-handed—”
But King David’s body didn’t know that he was such a
good guy. Down deep, below all the rationalizing, David
knew he had done wrong. And the buried guilt began to read
out in symptoms in his body.
Buried guilt, guilt that is not acknowledged before men or
before God, is called iniquity. Iniquity rots your insides out.
Very often it reads out in foul diseases like cancer and
leukemia. God gets blamed for causing these diseases, but
sometimes they’re our own fault. Here’s how it works:

Over Buried Guilt, Dry Bones and Corpuscle Shortage

The red cells of your blood system haul food around the
body, like tiny grocery wagons that collect the garbage as
they go. Their work is so heavy, carrying a load of goodies or
garbage all the time, that they wear out every thirty to forty
days. You would, too, if you worked twenty-four hours a
day, seven days, a week, fifty-two weeks a year. But fortu¬
nately, there are always enough of the little tilings to go
around. God has arranged for the red cells to be replenished
continually by a manufacturing plant right in your body.

Born losers try to cover up their sins. They die of
dread diseases.
King*s kid winners confess everything to Jesus
and stay healthy.

When the worn-out red cells are dumped overboard, you

get a brand-new labor force, ready to go to work. These new
red cells are manufactured in the bone marrow. The factory
is so important that God has armor-plated it by placing it
inside the biggest bones of your body for the utmost protec¬
tion. If anything happens to that factory, you get in bad
shape fast. Soon there aren’t enough red cells to do the job.
Leukemia, anemia, and many kinds of cancer begin to man¬
ifest themselves when there’s an imbalance in your blood.
Let’s say you recognize that you are guilty about some¬
thing, but instead of confessing it, you keep it a secret. You
bury your guilt and try to forget all about it. But it won’t
work. Buried guilt will make you so miserable, eventually
you’ll have to make an appointment with a pagan head-
shrinker. He’ll listen to your troubles, nod his head, and haul
out his three-point program: know yourself, accept yourself,
express yourself. The program boils down to, “Do your own

How to Be a Winner

thing, don’t feel guilty about it, and you’ll get in good shape.”
You try it, maybe, but it doesn’t work for you. Instead of
getting better, you get worse. Trying to know yourself,
looking deep inside, doesn’t free you from mental anguish, it
makes you sick to your stomach. Know yourself? Ugh!
Tell your pagan psychiatrist how you reacted toward your
self-examination—you voted for suicide—and he’ll encour¬
age you to take a further step toward “healing.”
“Go out and act like yourself and you’ll feel better,” he tells
You do it and wind up in jail. Your misery has been
By nature, all of us are real slobs. There’s not enough
human righteousness in the whole world to whitewash even
one of us. Not enough Brownie points, either.
“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin
is covered,” David wrote (Psalm 32:1). And the only cover¬
ing for sin that God recognizes is the red blood of Jesus. If
vou try to cover sin with your own self-righteousness, you’re
really asking for trouble. All our righteousness is as filthy
rags in God’s sight. Filthy rags are the worst possible cover¬
ing for a sore. They make excellent breeding grounds for
maggots. Under the maggoty bandages of good-guy righ¬
teousness, gangrene gets going at a galloping rate.
King David, the man after God’s own heart, began to get
in such bad shape from his buried iniquity that he had to let
God deal with it—or die. In the 32nd Psalm, he tells how it
was with him:
“When I kept silence,” David said, “when I refused to
acknowledge that I was at fault, my bones waxed old.” Old
bones have marrow that is all dried up. Buried guilt goes

Over Buried Guilt, Dry Bones and Corpuscle Shortage

right through the armor plate of bone, right down into the
marrow. And the consequences? Today we would say that
David had all the symptoms of leukemia.
These things can be scientifically proven today. Such au¬
thorities as Karl Menninger and Paul Tournier have, in their
writings, pointed out the connection between various cancer
diseases and guilt. David knew it a long time ago by the Holy
Spirit. Not all cancer is due to buried guilt, of course. But
there was an obvious connection, according to David’s own
testimony, between his physical condition and his spiritual
“My bones waxed old through my roaring all the day
long,” David admitted. The guilty person is often the noisy
one in the crowd, the one who can’t be quiet, the one who
roars all the time, trying to cover up the noisomeness inside
by noisiness outside.
“I loudmouthed it all day because I was so rotten inside, so
guilty,” David said.
“Day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: My moisture
is turned into the drought of summer.” David had such a high
fever that his bones were drying up.
Body temperature is controlled by thermostats to stay
around 98.6° Fahrenheit under normal conditions for most
people. Sometimes, God lets the temperature go up higher
to burn the bugs out of your system. But some germs refuse
to be killed by a moderate fever. In pneumonia, your tem¬
perature might go up to 105° because those germs are hard
to cook. At that point, you get out the aspirin and ice bags for
your head because you don’t want your brains to turn into
Guilt and germs affect the body in much the same way.

How to Be a Winner

Both of them can make us sick. That’s why Jesus said, “Go
and stop sinning, or a worse thing will happen to you.” That’s
what He said to the man He healed at the pool called
Bethesda (John 5:14). That’s what He says to some of us, too.
About the time David couldn’t stand his sickness any
longer, God sent the prophet Nathan to confront him with
his sin. Now Nathan knew all about David’s sin, but he also
knew that if he confronted David directly with the facts, he
would hem and haw and make all the excuses he’d made all
along. That wouldn’t do any good.
So Nathan told David a story about the poor man who had
had his one little lamb stolen from him by his rich and
powerful neighbor, all because the neighbor didn’t want to
use one of his own animals for food for an unexpected guest.
David heard the story and was roused to fury. The man
would have to restore the lamb fourfold, he decreed, and he
would have to die, because of his deed, and because he had no
“You’re the one,” Nathan said. He gave the word of the
Lord to David. David was convicted of his wickedness, and
he confessed his sin to God.
“I acknowledged my sin unto thee,” David says in the
psalm. “My iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my
transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the in¬
iquity of my sin.”
As soon as David confessed his sin, God took away his
buried guilt. With its corrosive action gone, David’s bone
marrow got nice and juicy again, able to produce all the red
corpuscles he needed. David was healed.

Do you have any buried guilt in your life, iniquity you’ve

Over Buried Guilt, Dry Bones and Corpuscle Shortage

never acknowledged before God so He could get rid of it for

you? Is there something you’ve never confessed to God,
something for which you’ve never asked His forgiveness?
You might get in worse shape than you are now if you don’t
get rid of it. Now is a better time than later.

Lord Jesus, thank You for opening my eyes to the iniquity

in my life, the buried guilt I thought nobody could see.
Thank You that my body has reflected it to get my attention
to the ailment of my soul. Lord, thank You for fixing it so
that I can’t be deceived into thinking I’m nice when I’m not.
I confess all my sins to You right now. (NAME THE
cleansing blood to me. Bury my guilt and sin under that
cleansing blood and make me whiter than snow in the blood
of the perfect Lamb of heaven. Thank You, Jesus for paying
the price for me on Calvary.
Let healing take place in my body now that I have con¬
fessed my iniquities to You. Let my body respond with
health as my will becomes one with Your will. Make me
whole now, in spirit, soul, and body, because I confess that I
want Your will above my own. Forgive the iniquities of my
sin just as You did those of David. In Jesus’ name, let me be
set free, let me be made whole. Amen.

‘7 could almost feel the power of Satan leering at me from
the mndows.”
How to Be a Winner
over Spooky Spirits
and Dead Theoiogy

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word
of their testimony. (Revelation 12:11)

One of the members of our prayer fellowship in Baltimore

is a salesman who distributes thousands of tracts every
week as he goes about his business. One day, the Lord led
him to place a tract containing his own testimony on his
boss’s desk. The next morning, she sent for him.
“About that leaflet you put on my desk yesterday,” she
said. “I read it last night and was interested in your mention
of something called the Holy Spirit. I know a lot about
spirits, because I hold seances in my home every Tuesday
night. But I don’t know anything about this Holy Spirit.
How could I And out something?”

How to Be a 'Winner

“Well,” Larry told her, “I could get someone to go over

and speak to your group about the Holy Spirit. How would
that be?”
“Fine,” she agreed, and the date was set. Larry gave me
the assignment.
I put on the full armor of God before I went to the woman’s
house. Unprotected, Fd have been a sitting duck. But I had
every piece of equipment necessary for victorious spiritual
warfare: the helmet of salvation, which is the blood of Jesus
protecting my mind from spiritual invasion; the breastplate
of righteousness, which is Jesus protecting my vital organs
from the forces of darkness; the shield of faith warding off
the fiery darts of the enemy that would otherwise cause my
insides to deteriorate; and my feet shod with the preparation
of the gospel (Ephesians 6:11-17). With all that, I could walk
in and possess the land without any fear of harm to myself.
When I arrived at the house, I could almost feel the power
of Satan leering at me from the windows. His presence was
like a thick black blanket over the basement room to which I
was ushered for the meeting. I was praising God constantly,
praying in tongues internally, and I counted on that super¬
natural intercession going straight to heaven. Otherwise,
Fd have been a goner.
At the beginning of the meeting, I was given an opportu¬
nity to witness for a few minutes to the twelve Jewish
women sitting around in a circle. They were all locked up in
the occult. I could tell that by looking at their eyes, by the
gift of discerning of spirits. The devil leered hatefully at me
from every person. He had recognized the arrival of a King’s
kid and knew he was headed for trouble.
At nine o’clock, the lady of the house said, “This is the time

Over Spooky Spirits and Dead Theology

when we drop everything else and go into the silence to

make contact with our friends.” I knew the friends to which
she referred were spooks, because I had been involved with
such things once upon a time.
While the ladies went into their silence, I kept on praying
in the Spirit.
After a prolonged period of rather unfruitful silence, our
hostess spoke up.
“Something must have gone wrong tonight,” she
explained apologetically. “This has never happened before,
but somehow, we’ve failed to make contact with the spirits.
The other dimension can’t come through for some reason.”

Born losers keep their trade secrets, hut they
never know anything worth telling.
King’s kid winners tell the good news all over
town and get blessed.

If she had guessed that I was the reason, I might have
been out on my ear. One King’s kid in the enemy camp is a
majority, and I had prayed Slue Foot right out of his own
domain. Jesus, the Light of the world, had dispelled the
Following the silence during which they had waited in
vain for something to happen, I was invited to continue with
my testimony. Ordinarily, when I get to bragging on Jesus, I
don’t know when to stop, but the Lord stopped me this time
after only a few minutes.
That's enough. This is the time. Ask her now.
I looked straight at the lady of the house and asked her the
question the Lord had put in my mind:

How to Be a Winner

“Did you ever wonder where that awful emptiness came

from, that big vacuum inside you?”
The question had to come from the Holy Spirit. It cer¬
tainly didn’t originate in my think tank, because the lady
didn’t look empty at all. She was a successful business¬
woman, apparently happy—a widow worth millions. On the
outside, she looked like she had everything to live for. On the
inside, there was a God-shaped vacuum that kept her tor¬
mented and hungering for His reality.
“My awful emptiness? But how did you know? I tried to
keep it concealed—” She dabbed at the corners of her eyes
with a fancy lace-trimmed handkerchief that was plainly
meant for decoration only. “It’s driving me up the wall,” she
went on. “I’ve tried pills. I’ve tried alcohol. I’ve tried
spiritualism—I’ve tried everything—”
I noticed that a couple of the other women were nodding
their heads as if to say that that was their story, too.
“Would you like to have that emptiness filled? Would you
like to have God’s presence and peace in place of that awful
“Oh, yes!” she cried. “But is it possible for me? I’m an
orthodox Jew. I was brought up in the Hebrew religion. This
Jesus you talk about—I’ve been taught to blame Him for all
my troubles, not to look to Him for answers.”
“Lord,” I prayed under my breath, “how can I handle this
Before I could make a move, one of the other women spoke
“But didn’t you hear what the man said, Esther? Jesus
isn’t a religion, so He can’t conflict with your Hebrew train¬
ing. He’s a person, and this is a power hookup.”

Over Spooky Spirits and Dead Theology

“Is it that simple?” Esther asked me, her voice full of

“I guess so,” came out of my mouth.
“Then that’s what I want,” Esther exclaimed. “I want the
power hookup in place of this awful emptiness. What do I
have to do to get it?”

Our salt-of-the-earth testimony

makes pagans thirsty for Jesus.

I was still thinking something complicated had to happen,

that I would have to drag out John 3:16, Romans 10:9, and all
the other standard steps to salvation. I figured no one could
be saved without them.
But Jesus seemed to be saying. Oh, no. I’m doing this one
in a different way.
I could see that He was, all right. The usual New Testa¬
ment Scriptures would have turned the Jewish woman off.
But testimony had turned her on. The Scripture Jesus put in
my mind that day was not one for me to quote, just one for
me to depend on. It went, “They overcame him—Satan
himself—by the blood of the Lamb—the shed blood of Jesus
that is ready to raise any corpse from the dead—and by the
word of their testimony” (Revelation 12:11).
I could hardly speak. What Esther was asking could have
been translated, “What must I do to be saved?” The Spirit of
God had broken down sixty years of religious prejudice.
I moved a chair to the middle of the circle. Esther sat in it,
I laid hands on her, and Jesus saved her and baptized her

How to Be a Winner

with the Holy Spirit—just like that. Her hands went up in

the air, and she cried out, “Oh-h-h, Jesus! Thank You, Jesus!
Praise You, Jesus!”
For somebody who had been taught to blame Jesus in¬
stead of to love and adore Him, it was quite an about-face.
She turned to me and said, “I want to praise Jesus in He¬
brew. Do you think that would be all right?”
“Jesus was a Jew,” I said. “You can praise Him any way
you want to, lady. He’ll understand.”
She began to praise somebody called Yeshua—that’s
Jesus in Hebrew—and then she shifted languages on me and
praised Him in all sorts of tongues I could hardly keep track
of. It was just like it must have been on the Day of Pentecost.
No wonder the onlookers thought the disciples and their
friends had had a little too much to drink. The wine of the
Holy Spirit is pretty heady stuff.
For twenty minutes, Esther praised Jesus and thanked
Him for saving her, for washing her in His own blood. The
Holy Spirit, not flesh, had revealed these words and brought
them through her, glorifying God in such a way that the
other women could not fail to hear and be moved. After the
Holy Spirit had scrubbed everybody’s eyeballs for a consid¬
erable spell—and it’s usually a sign that the Holy Spirit is
busy when rivers of living water are overflowing like that—I
asked a simple question:
“Who’s next?”
Would you believe they all jumped up and stood in line for
the prayer chair?
I asked Esther to lay hands on the first one and pray for
her. It worked. Those two prayed for the third one. Those
three prayed for the fourth one. Heaven was multiplied all
over the place. All twelve former Jewish spiritists sat in the

Over Spooky Spirits and Dead Theology

prayer chair and asked Jesus to come into their hearts and
run their lives. Twelve out of twelve Jewish women gave
their hearts to Jesus in less than two hours. Praise God.
I had done nothing to persuade them other than to give a
briefer-than-usual word of testimony. I told it like it was
with me. That’s all. God did the rest, all by Himself.
Is there anything too hard for God to handle? He says
there’s not. If there is, I haven’t encountered it yet.
Some of the women began to attend the local FGBMFI. I
returned to the Tuesday night meeting at Esther’s house a
dozen times at her invitation—not to sit around and wait
while they tried to conjure up spooks, but to conduct a New
Testament Bible study so they could begin learning how to
live like King’s kids.

What have you been doing with the word of your tes¬
timony? Has it been mildewing in a desk drawer somewhere,
or stuck behind your tonsils? Have you been too shy, too
scared, too self-conscious, too full of pride to drag it out and
let God use it to clobber the enemy and win somebody into
His kingdom? Does the person who works beside you on the
job know Jesus? Do you care enough to find out?

Yes, Lord Jesus. I know I’ve been guilty of concealing the

powerful weapon You gave me. Forgive me for not using my
testimony and everything else in my life to Your glory. Open
the door for someone to hear, give me the boldness I need,
and overcome the enemy in some lost soul’s life this very
day, using me.
Thank You, Lord, for Your powerful and enabling love. In
Jesus’ name. Amen.

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How to Be a Winner
over Bad Debts
and Crooked Friends

Judge not, and ye shall not he judged: condemn not, and ye shall
not he condemned: forgive, and ye shall he forgiven. (Luke 6:37)

How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of
God! (Luke 18:24- RSV)

About eighteen years ago, I loaned a considerable amount

of money to a business partner. Let’s call him Rodney. Over
the years, Rodney prospered, because I turned my part of
the business over to Jesus, and He really knows how to run
things. In a short time. He had turned a struggling little
company into three thriving corporations.
Over the years, every now and then Rodney made some
kind of reference to the loan.
“Someday I’ll get around to paying you,” he assured me.
How to Be a Winner

Well, I wasn’t worried about the debt. I didn’t need the

money, so I didn’t crowd him about it. Meanwhile, Rodney
built himself a fine home, bought himself a yacht with his
wife’s name on it, and took vacations in the Bahamas—the
whole prosperity syndrome.
A couple of years ago, we sold out our business and were
both re-employed by the new owners. After I enjoyed four
heart attacks in one month, it seemed prudent for me to get
my earthly affairs in order so they wouldn’t cause anybody
undue concern if I suddenly took off on heavenly business.
Accordingly, I got together with my attorney to do a little
estate planning. Without it, I understood that the tax people
would hog everything that otherwise might go into God’s
work on this planet. The government would use the money
for everything hut the spreading of the Gospel, and the
church would use it to spread the good word about getting
born again. The use the church would make of the funds I’d
accumulated seemed the better bargain of the two.
While my attorney and I were working things out, I
happened to remember the money Rodney owed me, a sum
which ought to be included in the figuring.
Later, I called him, and told him that my attorney and I
were working to get my affairs in order. “How about the
m'^ney I loaned you eighteen years ago?” I asked. “Would it
be convenient for you to pay it back now?”
Under the circumstances, I expected something like,
“Sure. I’ll have it to you in a few days.” But that wasn’t what
I got. Instead, he seemed angry that I had asked him for the
money. I could hardly believe it.
“You don’t deserve it,” he growled.
“Don’t deserve it? Did I hear you correctly? You mean you

Over Bad Debts and Crooked Friends

don’t want to pay me?” It seemed a highly unbusinesslike

way to handle things.
He hung up without answering. That seemed even more
unbusinesslike. Inside, I started to seethe.
“That’s my money,” I fumed. “He borrowed it! What’s he
mean by refusing to pay me?”
The longer I thought about it, the more miserable I got. I
didn’t recognize that I was reacting to a pagan on his level
instead of kinging it up on the level where I was entitled to
live by virtue of my relationship to the Head of the universe.
A couple of days later, I was still partly under the
influence of my unrighteous indignation when I encountered
Rodney at the office.
“Have you made any arrangements about repaying that
loan?” I asked him.
He flew into a rage!
“You don’t deserve that money!” he yelled. “I’m never
going to pay you! Go ahead and sue, but you’ll never collect!”

Born losers waste a lot of time trying to collect
their past-due accounts receivable—and go
broke with their goodwill all gone.
King*s kid winners forgive their debtors and

He went into such a tizzy, I thought he would collapse on
the floor of the office. At that moment, the effect of my
martyr pills wore off, the hangover from my prolonged pity
party evaporated, and the Holy Spirit reminded me of some¬
Hill, you can be a loser ora winner in this situation. Take
your pick.
How to Be a Winner

He didn’t need to say any more. I remembered what I had

learned over and over again. If I insisted on being an owner,
I’d lose. If I could relinquish ownership to God and just be a
steward for Him, there was no way I could do anything but
win. It was in the bag.

The Great Deception:

“You Can Make It without God.”

“Praise the Lord!” I said, landing on the wavelength

where I should have been roosting the whole time. “Rodney,
I just realized that the money we’re talking about is not my
money. I want you to know that. It belongs to God, every
cent of it. You’ll have to account to Him for whatever you do
about it. It’s no longer my concern.”
I turned to walk out, and all the seething and churning was
suddenly gone from inside me. I was free from ownership
once more, just like God meant for me to be all along. What
happened about that loan was God’s business and His alone.
I wouldn’t have to think about it any longer. As I continued
to praise God for that, I felt ten tons of weight lift off my
Rodney almost fainted. He looked white as leprosy. To be
ready to fight and have your opponent pulled away from in
front of you is an eerie feeling—like stepping down one more
step in the dark when you’ve already reached the bottom of
the stairs.
I said, “God bless you,” and walked out. I was free. I could
have cultivated an ulcer, gotten high blood pressure, ar-

Over Bad Debts and Crooked Friends

thritis, and all sorts of other undesirable adjuncts if I had

insisted on remaining an owner in that situation. But when
God, by His Holy Spirit, reminded me that to be a winner I
had to be a steward instead of an owner, I was set free for my
soul to return to prosperity so my body could remain in
health, according to God’s will for me as set forth in III John
Possessiveness is a sure road to the kind of poverty that
doesn’t bring blessedness. Giving up ownership makes us
richer all the time in all the things that matter. Willingness
to be stewards puts us in a position of being ready for the
next step in spiritual growth.
Today, I have no debtors. Nobody owes me anything. On
paper, there are several people who are required to pay me
varying amounts, but whether or not I get that money back
is up to God, not me.

Does someone owe you something? Is it eating your heart

out—^giving you ulcers, ingrown toenails, upset stomach,
dandruff, and heart palpitations? Would you like to turn it
loose, be a steward instead of an owner and be set free? By
the words of your mouth, it can be so this very day.

Lord Jesus, I confess to You this thing that has been

eating at me, tormenting me, keeping me from partaking of
the freedom You died to give me. (NAME THE SPECIFIC
Make me a steward instead of an owner as I relinquish all my
rights to You. And Jesus, please keep on working in me to
make me like You are. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

then, an angel in a policeman''s uniform drove up
alongside us...'*
How to Be a Winner
over Traffic Jams and
Time that Marches On

Have no anxiety about anything, hut in everything by prayer and

supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made knoum
to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will
keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians

Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be hound in heaven: and

whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall he loosed in heaven.
(Matthew 18:18)

I started from my home about six o’clock one morning. My

pastor, Peter Vroom, had picked me up to drive me to
Washington National Airport where I was to catch a plane
for faraway places. We were cruising along on the express¬
way about ten miles out of Washington when suddenly
everything came to a screeching halt. Police cars, ambu-

How to Be a 'Winner

lances, and sirens all around us were a pretty good indication

that there had been a highway accident up ahead.
Peter and I sat there interceding for the persons involved
in the accident, and praising the Lord. We were already
praised up and prayed up before we started on the trip,
because King’s kids can’t afford to stop praising if they want
heaven’s best. We knew if we stopped praising for even a
short time, we’d go under, because Satan would give us
plenty of reasons not to start again once we’d stopped.
“Lord, this is Your trip,” I reminded Him. “It’s Your
arrangement, for Your glory. It makes no difference to us
whether I catch the plane or not. Whether I make the
meeting or not is up to You.
“Frankly,” I told the Lord, “I’d just as soon go back where
I came from and crawl back in the sack. I wouldn’t mind
sleeping till noon. If You don’t want to make this trip, it’s all
right with me.”
That prayer did away with all my involvement in the
struggle. Once I got rid of my selfish involvement, it was
simply a matter of Matthew 18:18 going to work: “What¬
soever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven.” I had loosed
my concern and turned it over to Him. That meant that
something wonderful was free to happen in the throne room.
It’s as if God says. Okay, little priests. Hang on as long as
you can stand it. When it just about wipes you out, give up
and I’ll take over.
After my pastor and I had loosed the traffic situation to
Jesus, we sat there another twenty minutes. We were at a
dead standstill physically, but getting closer and closer to
heaven in the Spirit. Hallelujah!
We knew we still had to get through the whole downtown

Over Traffic Jams and Time That Marches on

area, past the Capitol, and down to the airport. Already

there was no way I could catch that plane, and the clock kept
on ticking the time away.
Thirty minutes were gone.
Thirty-five minutes were gone.
“Lord,” I asked, my Bible in my hand, “do You happen to
have any other special word for us today? If You do, please
show it to us.”
My Bible fell open to Psalm 107, and I began reading it
“0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy
endureth forever.”
Wanting to be doers of the word and not just hearers only,
we said, “Lord, we do thank You for all Your goodness to
us—even for this traffic snarl, because we know that You
can use it for good somehow. And we praise You that Your
mercy never runs out, that it does endure forever.”
“That’s right,” Peter added, “and I’m especially glad of
that because we could use a little of that mercy right now.”
My plane was to leave D.C. at 8:05, and it was after 7:00
already. The natural tendency was for the soul to panic, but
God had us caught up in the Spirit, and the Spirit said.
Praise Jesus and keep on doing it.
We kept praising Him, and I read the next verse.
“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.”
Peter looked at me, I looked at him, and we chorused,
“Hallelujah, Lord! We’re redeemed! Praise the Lord!”
The situation looked more hopeless than it had earlier, but
we felt redeemed out of the hopelessness right in the midst
of the locked-up traffic. I read on.
“Whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

How to Be a Winner

and gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from
the west, from the north, and from the south.”
Sure enough, the cars had come from all directions, and
they were bottled up at every intersection. Traffic was
hopelessly snarled. Some drivers were driving their cars up
on the grass in total desperation, frustration, and futility. As
I looked around, I couldn’t help but notice that the occupants
of the cars around us looked pretty miserable. But I couldn’t
feel any misery in me.
‘T wonder how many praising-the-Lord King’s kids are in
this mass of humanity here this morning,” Peter said.
“Well, I know two,” I told him. “But I don’t see any
others. They all look like disgruntled pagans. If they’ve
noticed us, they probably think we’re a couple of nuts.”
“Screwed onto the right Bolt, though,” Peter said, and I
had to agree.
Reading further in the psalm, we were reminded of
another time when King’s kids were in trouble.
“They wandered in the wilderness in a sohtary way; they
found no city to dwell in.”
Hey, that was us! We couldn’t find the city either.
“Lord, that’s right,” we said. “We couldn’t get into the
city if we wanted to dwell there. We can’t seem to pass
through it to get on the other side, either.”
Read on.
I did.
“Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.”
More on-the-nose relevance to our situation! We were
hungry and thirsty, all right. Neither of us had taken the
time for breakfast, but our souls couldn’t feel faint, because

Over Traffic Jams and Time That Marches on

we were praising. The sinking certainty that I had missed

my flight was overwhelmed by the fact that we were prais¬
ing above the level of human reactions. We didn’t have time
for a pity party.

Nothing improves our

prayer life faster than big trouble.

“Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble,” the

psalmist said. Well, trouble was where we were, and we
were crying to Him. God never promises to keep us out of
trouble, but He promises to deliver us out of it. You can’t be
delivered out of something you’re not in yet, so we were
exactly where God could bless us the most. We had trouble
to spare.
“Lord, this trouble must be a blessing, because You work
in everything for good. We don’t see how You’re going to
make all this turn out to Your glory, but we praise You
anyhow. This standstill must be exactly what we need.”
Whatever else it might be good for, or not good for,
trouble will improve your prayer life. It invariably makes us
go caterwauling to the Lord. We might have forgotten all
about Him for a week, or for a month, but we get back on our
prayer bones in a hurry when trouble hits.
The next verse sounded exciting:
“And he led them forth by the right way that they might
go to a city of habitation.”
“Hallelujah, Lord! Thank You that Your word is truth. It

How to Be a Winner

looks like there’s no way You can lead us forth by any way at
all into the city of habitation where we need to go, but we
praise You that You will do it because You said so.”
That was exhilarating stuff. We turned our praises up a
few decibels.
“Lord, we praise You for who You are, and for what
You’re going to do. Even if everything falls apart, we’re
going to keep on praising You.”

Born losers gripe, grumble, nit-pick, and
blame, and never get anything more for their
efforts than secondhand leftovers from misery-
land pity parties.
King’s kid winners praise God in the midst of
disaster and have heavenly feasting all the

Common sense wasn’t along on our trip that day. Common

sense would have said, “You blithering idiots. Can’t you see
what kind of a mess you’re in? You might just as well have
the satisfaction of grumbling, complaining, murmuring,
griping, groaning, and blaming. All this praising and hal¬
lelujah business is ridiculous. You’re just making fools of
But we didn’t want the second best benefits of common
sense. We wanted the benefits of God’s wisdom. So we
persisted in depending on His word. Once again, I read on.
“Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and
for his wonderful works to the children of men! For he
satisfieth the longing soul and filleth the hungry soul with

Over Traffic Jams and Time That Marches on

We praised Him for his goodness and for His wonderful

works toward us, works which we couldn’t see yet, but
works which we were counting on.
“Such as sit in darkness—” That was us. It was just barely
getting daylight.
“And in the shadow of death—” That was us, too! The
ambulances, sirens, and police cars proved it.
“Being bound in affliction and iron—” That was true, too.
We were bound up in ten miles of Detroit iron.
My eye leaped to verse 13: “Then they cried unto the Lord
in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses.”
“Hallelujah, Lord! How are You going to save us out of
our distresses?” I held the Bible up in the air so He could
read His promise. “Lord, You wrote it. Thank You that
You’re dehvering us now.”
I closed the book and went to shouting. Peter was having a
glory fit right along with me.
Just then an angel in a policeman’s uniform drove up
alongside us on the grass and began to funnel the traffic in
our lane down a narrow little exit road off to the right.
“Lord,” we said, “thank You that You’ve got us moving
again, but we don’t know where to go from here. We don’t
even know where we are.”
We didn’t have a road map, but He let us understand that
we didn’t need a road map when we had Jesus who is the
way. That beats a road map any day.
Down the hill we spotted another man in uniform.
“How do we get to the airport?” we shouted at him.
“Second turn to the right!”
Seven minutes before take-off, I was on the plane. I can’t
tell you whether the Lord shortened the miles or lengthened

How to Be a Winner

the time, but I know He’s able to do either one. My watch

had said there was no way we could make it. But we did—
with time to spare. And breakfast was served on the flight.
What do you have to do to reap the harvest of the benefits
of God’s promises? Plant praise. Cultivate praise. Watch it
grow. Stay on the wavelength where God lives and moves
and has His being. We are commanded to praise Him with
every breath. He wants us to do that so He can bless us with
every breath. Just as praise opened the avenue to the air¬
port, praise opens the avenue for the blessings of God to flow
in your life. That’s King’s kid living. Praise can turn born
losers into born-again winners.

Have you been receiving the benefits of praise in your life,

the blessings you enjoy when you turn all things over to Him
and thank Him for everything? If you haven’t, you can
correct the situation by doing business with Jesus right now
on His terms.

Lord, this sounds too way out for me, but I’m willing to be
shown. I’m willing to learn. I’m willing to be trained to be a
King’s kid by Your Holy Spirit.
Thank You that You made us, that You know what makes
us tick, that we couldn’t have a more loving God than You
are. Thank You, Jesus, for being You.
Lord, I’m so grateful that You chose me. You set me
apart. You ordained and selected me before the foundation
of the world. Thank You, Jesus, for every special arrange¬
ment You’ve ever made in my life. Thank You for every
traffic jam You’ve broken up for me. Thank You for every
time You’ve led me through unfamiliar streets and high-
Over Traffic Jams and Time That Marches on

ways. Thank You that You’re in the midst every time even
two or three are gathered in Your name.
Thank You, Lord, that You can enable me, right now, to
turn loose of everything I have bound on this earth, every¬
thing I have held onto in such a way that I prevented You
from turning loose Your blessing for me.
Thank You, Lord, that You are always worthy of praise,
no matter what the circumstances. Thank You that You are
in charge of all the circumstances that You permit to come
into my life.
Right now. Lord, I surrender and turn back to You every¬
thing I’ve been holding onto for myself. I thank You that, as
a steward, I don’t have to do anything but be found faithful,
and that You can make me able to do that. Thank You, Jesus,
that You have given us Your faith to live by. And thank You,
especially. Lord, for making me want to praise You with
every breath of my being. Amen.

I made
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How to Be a Winner
over a Bum Rap

Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. (Philippians


“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath
anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me
to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives,
and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.” (Isaiah

In our town, a man found himself in court. The jury found

him guilty, and the judge sentenced him to prison for twenty
years. His wife came to our Bible study one night after he
had been locked up.
“I have nowhere to turn,” she said. “Our family is broken
How to Be a Winner

up; our kids are ridiculed. Life is ruined for all of us.”
She affirmed her faith in her husband’s innocence, but the
case had already been appealed to the highest court, and the
judgment of the lower court had been upheld. There was no
further legal recourse available.
“Do you suppose God could do anything to help us?” she
“Well, there’s one way to find out,” we told her. “Let’s ask
She seemed agreeable to that. We prayed for her, she met
Jesus, and He baptized her in His Holy Spirit. She was filled
with such joy that she was praising God even though her
husband was still locked up for half of forever with no hope of
getting out.
“Now you’re entitled to all the rights and privileges of
King’s kid living,” we told her.
“What do I do to get them?” she asked.
“Just keep praising God,” we said. “Praise Him because
He says we are to praise Him. Praise Him for who He is. And
while you’re at it, you can praise Him for the mess you’re in.”
“Oh, I couldn’t praise Him for the mess,” she said. “Fd
feel like a hypocrite.”
“God isn’t interested in how we feel about praising Him,”
we explained. “He just says we are to do it, no matter how
we feel. He likes our praise so much that He comes to live in
it when it’s available to Him. When we don’t praise Him, we
create a housing shortage—a no-room-at-the-inn kind of
situation—and make Him go back to that smelly stable—”
“Oh,” she interrupted me, “I wouldn’t want Him to have
to do that—”

Over a Bum Rap

And so she began to say, “Lord, I praise You for the mess
I’m in. Jesus, I thank You for it.”
“That’s a real good beginning,” we encouraged her. “Try
it some more.”
She did, and when she really got in gear, thanking Jesus,
the Spirit of praise began to take over in her. She sounded as
if she meant every word she was saying.

Serenity is keeping your cool

when caught in something you didn’t do.

Sometimes we have to begin by literally pushing the

praises off the front of our teeth. If we keep it up by an act of
will, pretty soon the praises are as deep as our palate, then
as deep as our Adam’s apple if we happen to have one.
Eventually, the praise begins as far down as our navel, and
finally as far down as the soles of our feet. That’s when we
start dancing in the Spirit, when our feet get into the act of
praising God. And as everything that has breath in us begins
to praise the Lord, our faith grows bigger and bigger. The
woman with the imprisoned husband got into such a high
gear of praise at our meeting that she began to believe God
could Ao anything! Instead of wondering whether or not God
could help her, she became bold enough to ask for something
that was clearly impossible:
“Could we pray that God will get my husband out of prison
in time for Thanksgiving?”
It was October already, and we knew there was nothing

How to Be a Winner

we could do to get him out before doomsday twenty years

hence. But she wanted him out in a month.
Could we pray that God would get him out in time to be
home for Thanksgiving dinner with his family? Well, why

Born losers don’t waste time on hopeless cases,
and they lose the sure things.
King’s kid winners tackle hopeless cases
head-on and win them all.

“We have a big God,” we agreed. “Let’s pray a big

The woman sat rather hesitatingly in the prayer chair
again. We laid hands on her rather hesitatingly, too, because
that’s a pretty big prayer for a guy who’s been sent up for
twenty years and all avenues of appeal have been exhausted.
But we prayed it. And God heard it.
“Do you dare to keep on praising God without stopping?”
we asked the woman.
“Is that scriptural?” she asked.
A quick look at I Thessalonians 5:16-17 persuaded her that
it was scriptural, all right.
“But how can I pray without ceasing?” she said next. “I’ll
run out of words.”
We laid hands on her again, and she got a new prayer
language. She found herself suddenly equipped to pray in
tongues without ceasing.
“Now can you rejoice evermore and in everything give
thanks to God that your husband’s in prison and there’s no
way humanly possible to get him out?”

Over a Bum Rap

She sounded determined, with a perfectly childlike at¬

“Since God says it, I’ll do it.”
It may be tough to learn to be obedient, but it’s highly
beneficial when King’s kids do it.
For two weeks, that woman praised God without stop¬
ping. At the end of those two weeks, the judge who had
sentenced her husband to prison woke up in the middle of the
night. He was nervous and couldn’t sleep.
The judge was worrying about his decision in a court case.
He got out of bed, put on his dressing gown and slippers, and
went down into his study where he kept duplicate files of his
recent cases. He pulled out the folder of the case that was
troubling him, read through the record, and probably
started talking to himself.
“I made a wrong decision in that one,” he said. “I’ll have to
set it straight.”
A few days later, the case was reopened at his request.
Fred was set free from prison and exonerated of all charges.
He wasn’t home for Thanksgiving, he was home before
Have you ever thought of praising God for the hopeless
situations in your own life or in the life of someone dear to
you? Or have you been too busy with your pity parties to
employ the most powerful tool God has given to His chil¬
dren? If you’ve settled for second best up to now, you can
change over to God’s best this very day as you open your
mouth and begin to praise Him for things exactly as they

Oh, Lord Jesus, it is so good to praise Your name, to give

How to Be a Winner

thanks to You. Forgive me that I so seldom use praise as a

channel through which You can send me the blessings You
died to give me.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your forgiveness; thank You
for the heavenly language You gave me when You baptized
me in Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, too, for Your ability to
plant in me the obedience to praise You with every breath of
my being. Thank You, Jesus, for all You are to me. And now,
Lord, I praise You for the very thing in my life that has been
the greatest source of vexation and trouble to me. Lord, I do
thank and praise You for (NAME THE THING FOR
THANK HIM FOR IT). Thank You for setting me free from
all anxiety about this situation. Work in it to Your glory. In
Jesus’ name. Amen.

How to Be a Winner
over Cirrhosis of
the Liver
and Littie Faith

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that
ye may he healed. (James 5:16)

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my

name . . . they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall re¬
cover. (Mark 16:17-18).

Some years ago, eight of us non-practicing alcoholics were

gathered together in one place, and one of us, whose name
was Jim, said, “Now, tonight, we’re going to have a healing
We were mostly too dumb to doubt, but we had a little bit
of sense, and that’s enough to delay the works of God some¬
“Is there anyone here who needs a healing?” Jim began.

How to Be a Winner

Someone raised his hand and shouted, “I do!”

Jim sat him down in the hot seat, an ordinary chair moved
into the center of the circle of chairs.
“Come on, guys,” he said. “We’re going to gather around
our brother here and do just like it says in Mark 16. The four
active ingredients for healing are a believer, a pair of hands,
a sick person, and the name of Jesus. We’re going to put the
four ingredients together and see something wonderful hap¬
pen. This guy is going to be healed.”
At that early stage of my Christian life, I still had enough
dependence on my Educated Idiot Box to make me dang¬
erous, and I had also been exposed to dispensationalist
theology, theology that dispensed with some of the most
marvelous things of God and said they were not for today,
that claimed that God’s power petered out when Peter pe¬
tered out. For those reasons, I couldn’t go along with Jim
without objecting a little.
But Jim,” I argued, “what about faith? Don’t we have to
have a lot of faith, too?” I knew God could heal today because
He had healed my back at an Oral Roberts’ tent meeting.
But I was sure that Oral’s faith had a lot to do with that, and I
was equally certain that Oral’s faith was a whole lot stronger
than mine.
Read it,” Jim said, pointing to the Scripture for me.
“Does it say anything about faith?”
I read it: “These signs shall follow them that believe. In
my name . . . they shall lay hands on the sick and they
shall recover.”
“Does it say anything special about faith there?” he asked
me again. Does it say the believer has to be a spiritual giant
for this thing to work?”

Over Cirrhosis of the Liver and Little Faith

“Well, no,” I had to admit. “But it does talk about faith in

other parts of the Bible.”
“Sure,” he said, “it talks about fleas, flies, frogs, and the
rest of the plagues of Egypt in other passages, too, but that’s
not what Jesus is talking about here, right? Here He tells us
plain and simple that if a believer will lay hands on a sick
person, the sick person will get well. Do you want to help or
“But Lord,” I was arguing inside myself, “what if I lay
hands on him and we pray and he’s not healed? What then?”
Are you afraid of ruining your reputation-or Mine? a
Voice inside me seemed to ask. I was too chicken to answer.
There was another way out.
I backed away a few steps and mumbled to Jim, “I’m
sorry. I can’t do it. I’m not worthy.”

Theology teaches what man thinks God can’t do.

But Jim didn’t react as I thought he would. He laughed.

“It’s a good thing you know that,” he said. “None of us are
worthy. We’re counting on Jesus’ worthiness, not our own.”
He had me look up another Scripture, this one near the
end of the first chapter of I Corinthians. I saw there that
Jesus Himself is my wisdom and righteousness and sanc¬
tification and redemption, and that if I was going to glory in
anything, I would have to glory in the Lord. That kind of
took the pressure off me and put it all on J esus. Still, I was so
reluctant that Jim had to take my wrists and move my hands
onto the sick person.

How to Be a Winner

Our patient was a big fellow with an advanced case of

cirrhosis of the liver.
“Do you think God can heal cirrhosis?” the man in the chair
asked when I had quit arguing.
“We don’t know,” Jim told him, “but now is as good a time
as any to find out.”
Even I could understand that if the cirrhosis went away
then we could say that God is good at healing through ordi¬
nary believers. The man’s cirrhosis was so advanced that it
stuck out like a watermelon under his shirt, and he had his
hands folded over the lump it made.
“You never heard of cirrhosis being healed, did you?”
Satan whispered in my ear, reminding me that he was still
“Well, no, can’t say that I have,” I agreed with him.
“If I were you. I’d back away again. I wouldn’t pray for a
lost cause. Where did you get the nerve to pray?”
He almost had me backing down again, but suddenly I had
the perfect answer for his question.
“I got my nerve out of the Book,” I told him. “I can read. If
it doesn’t work, you'll have a testimony, but if it does, I
Jim knew the attack I was under, and he jumped in to
settle it, once and for all.
“Slue Foot,” he said, in a very commanding tone, “we’re
going to try this, and you’d better stand aside, ready to take
off. Our God doesn’t mention failure.”
With that, we all laid hands on the man in the chair, and
prayed simply, “Be healed in the name of Jesus Christ.

Over Cirrhosis of the Liver and Little Faith

There was no hocus pocus, jumping, twitching, yelling,

rolling, squealing, or hollering. There was no sign that any¬
thing had happened, either. But that wasn’t our depart¬
ment. We had been obedient to do what the word of God said
we were to do, and the results, if any, were up to Him.

Born losers say, ‘^Seeing is believing, and never
see much worth believing.
King*s kid winners believe without seeing,
just because God says so, and their eyes con¬
tinually behold wondrous works.

Our patient looked down at his familiar bulge a few times

during the course of the evening, but there was no change.
He eventually went home, apparently in the same condition
as when he came.
Well, none of us were surprised exactly. Just kind of
The next night, he telephoned everybody, but I don’t
know why he bothered to use a phone. You could have heard
him shouting halfway across Baltimore.
“It’s gone! It’s gone!” he yelled.
“What’s gone?” We wondered if we were supposed to help
him look for a missing object.
“My cirrhosis! It’s disappeared!”
Wow! It had taken him fifty years of whiskey guzzling to
grow that thing, and it had vanished in twenty-four hours.
“But why did it take a whole day to disappear?” a physi¬
cian asked me when I told him about the miracle of healing.

How to Be a Winner

“Why didn’t God take the thing away immediately when you
“King’s kids are reporters, not explainers,” I reminded
him. “It’s enough for us that God keeps His promises and
gives healing to His children. Besides, when you consider
that God takes nine months to make a little liver for a
newborn baby, twenty-four hours is not bad at all for Him to
make a healthy liver for a big man. And He had to take out all
the old bad liver that was wrecked with cirrhosis, too.”

How about you? Have you ever considered being obedient

to lay hands on the sick that they might recover? You have
nothing to lose but your pride. Amazing things continue to
happen where King’s kids take God at His word and do it.

Lord, You know I’ve never laid my hands on the sick and
prayed that they might recover. I’ve never even thought of
doing such a thing. I’ve never asked for prayer for myself,
Lord, I confess all this as sin in me, and ask You to make
me obedient to Your word so that others might be blessed as
You let Your power flow through my hands.
Thank You, Jesus, that You trust me with Your power.
Please make me more available than I’ve ever been before to
be a channel of Your blessing to Your people. In Jesus’
name. Amen.

How to Be a Winner
over Mortgage

Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he
will shew to ycm today. . . . The Lord shall fight for you, and ye
shall hold your peace. (Exodus H:13-H)

And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters,

or fathers, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my
name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit ever¬
lasting life. (Matthew 19:29)

In our church fellowship, there is a beautiful family—Don,

his wife, and three daughters—who, from the time Don met
Jesus, began to experience all kinds of problems.
It happens often. A man gets saved, prays, “Lord, use
me,” and right away all sorts of adverse things begin to come
into his life.
How to Be a Winner

Is this all accidental? Oh, no. God hears the prayer, “Lord,
use me,” and He sets about to make us useful. We’re not
usable at all until we have some experiences to share with
others in terms of what God has done for us, how He has
made His strength perfect in our weakness. When you ex¬
perience God overcoming the impossible in your life, you
have something worth sharing with a fellow sufferer. When
he sees you’ve been through the fire yourself, he can’t object
that you don’t understand. He knows you know how he feels.
Paul says it in II Corinthians 1:3-4: “Blessed be
God . . . who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we
may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the
comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”
The Living Bible paraphrase makes it plainer still: “What
a wonderful God we have—he is the Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so
wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships
and trials. And why does he do this? So that when others are
troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can
pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us.
You can be sure that the more we undergo sufferings for
Christ, the more he will shower us with his comfort and
encouragement” (II Corinthians 1:3-5 TLB).
Not long after Don was saved, he began to experience
God’s comfort in the midst of real tribulation. He had just
signed a contract to buy a beautiful home out on the Severn
River near Annapolis. He could well afford it, because he
was a bright young man, highly trained, in perfect health,
and he had an excellent job with all the best fringe benefits.
His wife was employed, too, and they were enjoying abun¬
dant prosperity.
Over Mortgage Foreclosures

Then, the week after Don signed the papers and moved
into the house, he lost his job. He was unemployed and
overqualified. For three years, he looked everywhere for a
job, and found none. Meanwhile, he fell further and further
behind in making the payments on his home. Finally, the
inevitable happened. The trustee of the second mortgage
holder advertised the foreclosure sale in the Annapolis
papers. It was to be held on the courthouse steps on January
The humiliation of a public foreclosure was added to
everything else. But Don and his family weren’t humiliated.
They had learned to praise God for everything.

Rest is release from ownership.

When some of us prayed with Don as the date of the

foreclosure sale grew closer and closer, a word of prophecy
was spoken. The prophecy promised that in spite of the
apparent awfulness of the situation, it would bring glory to
God and victory to everyone involved.
I heard the prophecy and believed it, because it was
plainly a word from God. But inwardly I wondered how He
was going to pull this one out of the fire. Everything about
the whole business looked downright grim. There was no
way for victory to come unless God did a startlingly new
If I had guessed how startling the events of the day were
to be, I might have stayed at home where it was safe. As it
was, half a dozen members of the prayer fellowship decided
How to Be a Winner

to be present on the courthouse steps on the day of the

foreclosure to give comfort to Don and his family.
The day was the wildest of the winter. It snowed, hailed,
sleeted, and rained. The wind howled and shrieked. Every
kind of catastrophe the weather could throw at us, it did. We
learned later that the storm was just a local one, and we had
to believe it happened as a result of our praying up a storm.
Every real estate agent in his right mind—and all of them
were, that day—stayed away from the foreclosure sale.
It couldn’t have happened. This was choice waterfront
property—sailboat dock with nine feet of water, separate
boathouse with a drive-in underneath, huge apartment and
fireplace above, 300 feet of deep waterfront, the grounds
perfectly landscaped, everything in topnotch condition. It
was exactly what real estate men would give their eyeteeth
to handle, but not one of them braved the storms to come
The trustee was there, though, and he began the sale
promptly at eleven o’clock in front of our bedraggled little
gathering. The weather was so wild, we had to step inside
the courthouse and hold the auction in the lobby. My pastor
and several other kooks with me stood in the midst of certain
defeat and praised God for the victory that none of us could
see. We could see absolute wipeout instead.
There were no bidders except the second mortgage hold¬
er. He bid a measly $1000, and the auctioneer’s voice rang
out, “Going once, going twice—”
“Lord,” I protested, “they can’t do that. You can’t let
them walk off with that thing for practically nothing and
hang a judgment on Don for the rest of his life—”
Thats right, Hill, the Lord seemed to say. Why do you
Over Mortgage Foreclosures

think I brought you out on such a miserable day? Start

There wasn’t time to argue. The trustee would have
closed it in another split second.
“Five,” I heard myself say.
“Lord, that’s thousands they’re talking about. I don’t
need this property—”
He agreed. But I need it—for Don to live in—and I want
you to bid for Me, Hill.
After that, I had no choice but to relax and let Him bid
through me.

Bom losers own their own homes and struggle to
make the payments.
King's kid winners let everything belong to
Godf and He supplies the greenery to make the

When it was over, I turned to a lawyer friend of mine and

asked him, “What did I do?”
“You just bought a $150,000 waterfront house for
$100,000, that’s what.”
“I did?”
“Yeah, and you’d better hustle over to the bank and get
your certified check—”
Two days earlier, I had received a five figure check as a
down payment on business property I was selling. The
morning of the foreclosure sale, I had planned to see my
broker about investing the money, but God had sent me to
the sale first—because He knew I’d need the ready cash to
make a down payment on Don’s home for him.
How to Be a Winner

The trustee followed me in his car, and we closed the deal.

I spent the rest of the day talking to bankers, lawyers, and
real estate people about Jesus. I wouldn’t have had that
opportunity if I hadn’t let Him get me in a financial predica¬
ment to start with.
Within less than a year, Don’s wife received an inheri¬
tance that would have enabled him to pay me back for my
investment and resume title to his property. What looked
like catastrophe that fierce winter day had been filled with
blessing because King’s kids dared to trust the King.

Is there any area of your life where you’ve been holding

on, holding on, holding on, refusing to let God take over and
make you useful? Are you ready to relinquish it now, and
begin to experience God’s best for your life? It might be in
the area of your job, your pocketbook, your children—
Whatever it is, you can tell Him all about it and let Him make
a fresh start for you.

Yes, Lord Jesus, I confess that I’m guilty of holding onto

many things that I ought to turn over to You. (CONFESS
for making me ready to do that right now. Please take my
home, take my family, take my money, take anything and
everything I have called my own—^even my life. Lord—and
use it however You choose, to the glory of Your wonderful
name. In the name of Jesus I pray it. Amen.

How to Be a Winner
over the High Cost
of Flying and Hotel
No-Vacancy Signs

Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he
will shew to you today. (Exodus H:13)

Several years ago, I was invited to participate in an Inter¬

national Christian Leadership Conference in West Ger¬
many. I prayed about it, and got a definite okay that I was to
accept the invitation. The trip was by way of Paris and then
on to Wiesbaden, Germany, where I planned to spend a
I made my reservation, got my passport in order, re¬
newed my vaccination, and made plans to be away from my
office for a couple of weeks. In the midst of the routine, I had
a strange feeling about the whole thing, as if it wasn’t going
to be quite that simple. The circumstances seemed to war¬
rant a fleece, so I could know for certain I was in God’s will.

How to Be a Winner

Some people say that fleeces are juvenile. Well, you’ll

have to call me and Gideon babies, then, because we use
fleeces a lot.
“Lord,” I prayed, “You know I want to be in the center of
Your will in all this, so I’m asking You for a definite sign. If
all arrangements continue smoothly. I’ll take that as a sign
the trip is Your will for me. But if anything happens to make
the arrangements bog down in any kind of complication. I’ll
take it that I’m to cancel my plans.”
Two weeks before we were to take off for Paris on Air
France, I had a call from the Washington-based registrar of
the trip.
“I have a change of flight plans for you,” he began. “In¬
stead of going by Air France direct to Paris, we have booked
you to fly to Iceland, then to Luxembourg, and from there
I had heard enough.
“Cancel me,” I said. I explained to the registrar about my
fleece, but he didn’t exactly understand. He thought I was
talking about some fur-lined overcoat or something.
“Are you crazy?” It wasn’t a question the way he said it. It
was more like a statement of fact. Well, that was his prob¬
“It would seem that way to some folks,” I replied. But if I
hadn’t honored the deal I had made before God, I could have
been fogbound in Iceland forever. That happens.
Satan encouraged me to feel like a complete idiot. All the
arrangements have been made to go and then Hill cancels
“Hill, you’re a nut,” he needled me. “You’ll ruin your
image if you don’t go. You’ll never get invited anywhere
Over the High Cost of Flying and Hotel No Vacancy Signs

else, because they’ll know you’re undependable. Your repu¬

tation as a reasonably intelligent citizen will go slurping
down the drain.”
“Go away,” I told him. “I’m going to play this one God’s
way and see what happens.”

Botti losers say, “God helps those who help
themselves” (Hezekiah 13:13) and snatch defeat
from certain victory without fail.
King*s kid winners trust in the Lord with all
their hearts and fervently pray, ‘*God HELP
those who help themselves

Two hours later, my partner came in and told me that he

had heard I had cancelled my trip. By a strange coincidence,
he just happened to have a business appointment in England
that he wasn’t going to be able to make. All the arrange¬
ments had been made, and all expenses would be paid by the
“If you’d like to go in my place,” he told me, “it’ll take a
week in London, two days in Stuttgart, and you’ll be finished
in plenty of time for your conference.”
I’d get to make my trip—and it would be free. That sure
beat staring at Icelandic icicles. I didn’t try to stifle a “Praise
the Lord” or two.
Before I left the states, the Lord dropped into my mind
the name of an elderly Englishwoman my wife and I had met
somewhere. I had no idea where she lived, but as I prayed,
the name of another woman came into my mind, a Baltimore
woman who might know the English lady’s address. She did.
With the address in hand, I made contact as soon as I arrived
How to Be a Winner

in England, and before the first week of my trip was over,

the King had a new King’s kid in the British Isles.
From there, I went to Stuttgart, took care of the company
business, and headed by train for Wiesbaden. I had a phone
number to call on my arrival, to find out where the ICL
conference was being held and other necessary details. But
somebody had goofed. The party who answered the phone
had obviously never heard of me or the ICL.
I sat down in the railway station at Wiesbaden. I had no
idea where to go, and no one to ask how to get there. All I
had was Jesus.
Hallelujah! That would be enough. I got on the hotline to
heaven, praying in tongues.
Consult a taxi driver. The Lord didn’t say this to me in
audible words, but by a strong impression that came into my
“Lord, I didn’t know that German taxi drivers spoke
You still don’t. But go and find out.
I could afford to be obedient, so I walked out of the station
to where the cabs were lined up waiting for fares.
“Do you speak English?” I asked the man in the first cab.
He just looked at me.
“Do you speak English?” I asked the man in the second
He didn’t even look at me, just kept staring straight
More cabs and more questions, and finally, one driver
answered, “Yeah,” in pure Brooklynese. I stated my prob¬
“I’ve come over for a conference, but I don’t know where
Over the High Cost of Flying and Hotel No Vacancy Signs

it’s being held. Could you take me someplace where I could

get a bed for the night? Then tomorrow I could find out what
I need to know.”
He shook his head.
“This is tourist season. There’s an army post here. The
UN is meeting just down the road at Bonn. There’s not a
hotel room anywhere, not even a stall in a barn. Every¬
thing’s sold out.”
“Everything?” It sounded unbelievable. “Are you sure?”
“You’re the hundredth person I’ve turned down today.”
He sounded friendly, but convincing.
I had been continuing to pray in the Spirit while I was
questioning him, and suddenly a word of knowledge fell
directly from heaven. I was to ask the taxi man an outlandish
question. His answer would be God’s answer to me.
“If you were a stranger here,” I said, “coming to this town
to spend the night, and you could choose the best hotel,
without having to worry about money, reservation, or any of
that, which hotel would you choose?”
He mentioned one right away. I opened the door of the cab
and started to climb in.
“If that hotel would suit you, it’ll be perfect for me,” I said.
“Please take me to that one.”
“But you don’t have a reservation, do you?” He didn’t
start his motor, just turned to look at the crazy man in his
back seat.
“No, I don’t. Nothing about my circumstances has
changed, but God has taken charge. Hallelujah! Let’s go.” I
settled myself comfortably for the ride.
“But you’ll be wasting your time,” the cabbie insisted,
making no move to take me anywhere.
How to Be a Winner

Maybe he thought that somebody as crazy as I was

couldn’t afford the trip. I showed him some money—enough
for my fare and then some. He shook his head, loaded my
bags into the cab, and off we went. The back of his head
looked as if he was thinking, “I have a real live nut this time.”
The real live nut was having a good time, however.
After a little, we pulled up in front of the most elaborate
looking hotel I had ever seen. I got out of the cab.
“Would you take my bags into the lobby, please,” I asked
my driver. He was still shaking his head.
“Do you have a reservation?” he asked me again.
“No, I still don’t have one, but this is where I’m going to
stay.” My answer triggered a repeat recital of his theology of
I listened politely, and when he came up for air, I asked
him again to take my bags into the lobby. He was more than
ready to have a sane customer for a change so he carried my
luggage in, shoved my fare into his pocket, and took off. I
wondered if he’d ever recover.
Meanwhile, I turned my attention to the lobby where two
lines of people were clamoring for non-existent sleeping
space. Was I supposed to join that elbowing, shoving, shout¬
ing rat race?
No. If you win a rat race, you are number one rat. King’s
kids can do better than that. I didn’t join a line, I just kept
standing there, praising the Lord with all that was within
me. But the solution was nowhere in sight.
“Lord Jesus, I’ve gone as far as I can humanly go. This is
it. What are You going to do?”
He showed me, right then. The elevator door opened
directly in front of me, and out stepped Wallace Haines,
Over the High Cost of Flyhig and Hotel No Vacancy Signs

European secretary of I CL. I had met him in Washington a

year or two before.
“What in the world are you doing here, Hal Hill?’’ he
asked, pumping my arm.

Coincidence is when God works a

miracle and chooses to remain anonymous.

“It’s kind of a long story,” I managed to stammer out. “But

the Lord led me here, and I’m hoping to find a bed for the
night. Then tomorrow, I want to find out where the I CL
conference is to be held.”
“It’s being held right here, believe it or not,” Wallace
boomed, pounding me on the back. “And you don’t have to
worry about getting signed up for a room. They’re all filled
up, I understand, but there’s an extra bed in my room, and
I’d be delighted for you to make use of it.”
I didn’t even have to bother to register.
“I’ll be along in a minute,” Wallace said, digging his room
key out of his pocket and thrusting it in my hand. “I had just
come down to get a paper from the newsstand.”
All the way up in the elevator, I praised the Lord for His
fantastic timing. It nearly blew my mind. And I should be
used to His miracle-working ways by now.
There is nothing God can’t do for King’s kids who trust

Are you ready to turn your unsolvable problems over to

Him? Are you ready to praise Him right in the midst of the

How to Be a 'Winner

impossible circumstances in which you find yourself? To stop

rushing madly about trying to do your own thing, trying to
be number one rat in the rat race, and stand still so He can do
His thing for you? If you are, praise the Lord and tell Him so.

Lord Jesus, forgive me that I’ve been so uptight, trying to

run things my way when Your way is so much better. Make
me slow down and look to You for all my needs. Make me to
walk in Your Spirit that You might live Your victory in me.
Lord, let me glorify and praise You continually because
You dwell in the praises of Your people, and I want You to
dwell continually in me. I ask these blessings in Jesus’ name.

How to be a Winner
over a Shortage
of Rental Cars

Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only. (James 1:22)

Following the I CL conference in Wiesbaden, I prayed

about whether or not I should rent a car to travel to
Stuttgart, my flight departure point for returning to the
United States. The Lord gave me a clear okay, so I tele¬
phoned the Hertz rental service. They spoke English. Un¬
derstood it, too.
“I would like to have a car to drive to Stuttgart,’’ I said.
“Fine,” the voice came back. “When would you like to
have it?”
I could almost hear the Hertz representative shaking her
“Oh, but I’m so sorry. We’re sold out for weeks ahead.

How to Be a 'Winner

This is a tourist center, there is an army base, and the UN is

meeting not far away. There’s not a chance that we could
give you a car any time this week.”
Her story had a strangely familiar ring.
‘‘Not a chance?”
“None. You would have to get on our waiting list at least
two weeks ahead of time.”
That sounded familiar, too.
“Are you sure about that?”
She was positive, so I thanked her very much and hung up
the phone. Since there was no natural way I could get a car in
time, I would have to depend on God’s getting one for me in a
supernatural way. He had managed to do the impossible so
well in the hotel situation, I was looking forward to seeing
how He would take care of this one.
The next morning, I packed my bags and went down to the
rental office to get my car. No, I hadn’t forgotten that the
rental agent had told me there was no chance. God seems to
work best in hopeless situations, and I like to have a ringside
seat. He had told me that I was in His wall to rent a car from
Hertz for my trip. The rental agent could be mistaken, but
God couldn’t.

Bom losers pay attention to what men say and
drag through a limited life.
King's kid winners pay attention to what God
says and enjoy the blessings of abundant life.

“May I help you?” the manager asked me when I had

walked into his office.
“Yes, I’m here to pick up my car.”
Over a Shortage of Rental Cars

“Your name, please?”

I gave it to him, but added, “You won’t find my name listed
on your register of reservations, because I don’t have a
reservation with you.” I wanted to tell him that I did have a
reservation in heaven, but I thought that might confuse him.
“I’m sorry,” he said again, and he looked really sorry, all
right, “but it’s quite impossible. There are no cars available
just now. I’d be glad to put your name on our waiting list.
Perhaps in a couple of weeks—”
“That’s what the young lady told me on the telephone
yesterday,” I assured him. In the natural, he and I both had
all the facts. But I wasn’t depending on the natural. His
theology about the impossibility of my getting a car that day
only encouraged me.

Jesus shows up best among shortages.

My God is a God of the impossible, and He had given me a

green light to drive a Hertz car to Stuttgart that very day,
not two weeks later. All I had to do was to stand fast on His
word, and the car would be forthcoming. But it was obvious
the rental agent didn’t have that information. I stood po¬
litely while he apologized some more. I was praising the
Lord, of course, and I thought about how Moses had to lead
the people to the very edge of the Red Sea before God made
the dry path for them.
Suddenly the rental manager stopped talking. His eyes
started growing wider and wider as if he couldn’t believe
what he was seeing right in the middle of the grassy green

How to Be a Winner

blotter on his desk. A set of car keys. He stuttered, stam¬

mered, and pushed his teeth back in. Then he reached out
and picked the keys up.
‘T forgot all about this cancellation that came in just a few
minutes ago. My secretary hasn’t had time to reassign it.
Would an Opel be all right?”
“If it has four wheels and an engine, it’ll be perfect.”
I signed my name, he handed me the keys to the non¬
existent car, I loaded my bags into it, and took off down the
road. For all I know, the rental agent might be standing
there still, trying to figure it all out. But I praised the Lord
all the way to Stuttgart.
God had told me to rent a car. I didn’t have to argue. I
didn’t have to take the manager’s word for it when he said
there was no car. I just had to stand and wait. All along, God
had known something neither of us knew in the natural, and
because I acted on His word instead of on the circumstances,
He provided just what I needed.

Have you ever tried that? Have you been a winner be¬
cause you looked at God and His promises instead of at the
circumstances? Or have the circumstances claimed your at¬
tention, buffaloed you, and cheated you out of God’s best for
your life? You can turn around and claim your rightful in¬
heritance any time you make the decision to do it.

Lord Jesus, I confess that I’ve relied on circumstances

many times instead of acting on Your word. I’m sorry I’ve
been so gullible about what men have to say and so unbeliev¬
ing of what You have said. Lord, whenever there’s a dis¬
crepancy between circumstances and Your Word, let me

Over a Shortage of Rental Cars

choose to believe You. Give me the faith to hold onto Your

truth no matter what, and to act on what You tell me. Enable
me to be a doer and not a hearer only.
Thank You that Your word is always true, though every
man be a liar. Thank You that Your power works when we
step forth and act on Your word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Feelings are totally unreliahle-they change with the

How to Be a Winner
over Missing Your Turn

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
(Proverbs 3:6)

How can we.know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way.
(John lA:5-6)

Before I set out to drive from Wiesbaden to Stuttgart in

the car that God had provided for me, I inquired as to the
location of the autobahn, the special superhighway on which
I would be traveling.
“Straight down the road,” my informant told me. “Look
for a big wedge wood blue target on a pole. You can’t miss it.”
I thanked him and went forth confidently. I had temporar¬
ily forgotten what I’ve learned time after time. When any¬
body tells me that I can’t miss something. I’m almost

How to Be a Winner

guaranteed to prove them wrong. It happened again that

I drove further and further away from the city, down
cobblestone roads that got narrower and narrower. This
couldn’t be the way to the autobahn! Suspecting that I had
missed the sign, I pulled into a gas station yard to turn
around. Parked at the station pump was a Chevy with a
South Carolina license.
“Thank You, Lord. You must have an assignment for me
here that I didn’t know about. I praise You, Jesus, for letting
me take the wrong road for the autobahn but the right road
for You.”

Bom losers follow the road map for miles after
endless dull miles in the wrong direction.
King*s kid winners let the Lord guide them
from one high adventure to another without a
road map to spoil the fun,

I got out of my car and walked over to the Chevy to see

what the Lord was up to this time.
Before long, I had learned that the man behind the wheel
of the Chevy was a Southern Baptist missionary who was
just starting a new mission church in Wiesbaden. He was so
hungry for any kind of American Christian fellowship that
for half an hour or so he let me tell him about the power
hookup I enjoyed with the Head Man in the universe. It was
the least he could do since I had traveled so far out of my way
just to meet him. And the least I could do was to explain how
the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is for today in spite of what

Over Missing Your Turn

he’d been told. By the time we parted, he knew there is

something more beyond mere salvation.
“How do I get to the autobahn from here?” I asked him
when we had come back down to earth, almost.
“Turn around and go straight back down this road,” he
said. “You can’t—”
“Please don’t tell me I can’t miss it,” I interrupted. “I
already have.”
“I think I know why, too,” he grinned. “But this time,
you’ll see the big blue target. I’m sure.”
He was right. God had just let me be blinded to it the first
time because He had other plans for me at the service
After my divinely scheduled encounter with the South
Carolinian who needed to know more about Jesus’ provisions
for King’s kid living, I was soon on my way down the au¬
tobahn rejoicing at all the special arrangements God makes
for His children to be blessed.
When it began to get cold and dark outside, and my gas
tank was getting low, I looked at the map and realized that
some further special arrangements were in order if one
King’s kid was to reach his destination. The map showed
three exits from the autobahn into Stuttgart.
“Lord, which exit is the right one for me? If I take the
wrong one, I could wind up in the Bavarian Alps or in East
Germany. I’m not equipped for either one of them. You 11
just have to show me which exit is the right one.
There were two out of three chances that I’d go wrong. My
prayer life improved immediately.
“Lord,” I petitioned Him again, “I know enough not to go

How to Be a Winner

by my feelings, because that’s not how You ordinarily navi¬

gate me, but in this case, I don’t know how else You can
guide me. Would it be okay for me to ask You to make the
right exit ‘feel’ like the right one for me?”
He didn’t say no.

Feelings are totally unreliable—

they change with the weather
and what you ate for lunch.

I barrelled down the highway, past the first exit. It didn’t

feel right. As I approached the second one, I reminded Him,
“Please let me feel it strong and clear if this is the one.”
There was no special leading as the distance narrowed down,
so I kept my foot on the accelerator and kept going. The
third exit loomed, and right beside it a huge Esso sign, red,
white, and blue.
“Now I’ll get oriented,” I told myself. Then I remembered
that attendants at Esso stations in Germany speak German
instead of red, white, and blue English. I didn’t know a
single word of German. This was inconvenient, since the
roads branched in six different directions from that exit.
“Lord, You see how helpless I am. Please give me one
word of German. Just one.” I thought I probably had faith to
receive that much.
When I had finished my prayer, the Lord flashed a big sign
with gold letters in front of my eyes. I saw the letters
B-A-H-N-H-O-F, but I didn’t know if they spelled a word, or
if they did, what the word meant. I confessed my bewilder¬
ment to the Lord.

Over Missing Your Turn

“Lord, thank You for those letters, but they won’t do me a

lot of good unless I know what they spell. What are You
trying to tell me? Could You clarify it just a little bit?”
The sign expanded into a clear picture of the railroad
station directly across from my hotel in Stuttgart. Bahnhof
must mean train station! That was all I needed to know. The
perfect word.
When the gas station attendant approached my car, I
indicated by signs that I wanted him to fill the tank. Then I
asked him, Indian style, “How Bahnhof?” thinking he’d un¬
derstand that abbreviated form better than a more compli¬
cated, “How do I get to the Bahnhof?”
He said a bunch of things I couldn’t understand, but he
pointed down one of the six roads, and I headed that way.
Just a few hundred yards down the road, I came upon a man
walking along, carrying the biggest suitcase I had ever seen.
The Lord told me to pick him up, so I did, figuring he would
be able to speak English or German fiuently. Well, he didn’t
speak either one, but the Lord had His reasons. He did seem
to know the one German word I knew, because when I said,
“Bahnhof?” he nodded his head vigorously and lit up like a
Christmas tree. I gathered that he wanted to go to the
Bahnhof. Since my hotel was directly across the street, we
were perfect traveling companions for each other, language
barrier notwithstanding.
I indicated to my passenger that he was to roll down the
window on his side of the car and call out, “How Bahnhof?”
to likely looking pedestrians along our route. From then on,
we went straight or turned, according to their pointings, and
eventually pulled up in front of my hotel and the railroad
When he got out of the car, my passenger took his wallet
How to Be a Winner

out of his pocket and opened it, gesturing to ask me how

much he owed me for the ride. I just shook my head and
praised Jesus for the fellow who didn’t seem to realize he had
done me a big favor by riding along.
Later, when I was recounting my German adventures to
an American who could speak German, I learned that my
Indian “How” had been part of the miracle. In German, the
word “Haupt,” meaning “main,” is pronounced something
like our word “how.” When we said “How Bahnhof?” we
were asking directions to the main train station in
Stuttgart—and there were five other ones. Without our
Indian talk, we could have wound up at any of five different
wrong train stations, instead of the right one across from my
hotel. Glory to God? And how!
Believe it or not, I have never deliberately, knowingly
prayed that God would get me in trouble. But He seems to do
that anyway, sometimes, without my asking. As long as I am
prayed up and in a high gear of praise, everything turns out
better than if I hadn’t gotten into trouble to start with. God’s
simple directions to praise Him continually, no matter what,
are what makes the difference between panic and victory.

Have you been a winner when trouble strikes, when plans

aren’t laid out nice and clear? Or have you reached for the
panic button? Have you been able to get through impossible
situations, trusting God to guide you, praising Him in the
midst of uncertainty or confusion? Or have you given way to
confusion yourself? Jesus died that you might have total
victory in every area of your life. Have you been settling for
Are you willing for Him to take you out of your way so He
Over Missing Your Turn

can do something through you for another one of His chil¬

dren? If you are willing, you can get an assignment by
putting your name in the pot. But don’t do that unless you
mean it.
All you have to do to turn from failure to success while you
wait is to get tuned to God’s wavelength, to get on and stay
on His channel of praise.

Lord Jesus, forgive me that I have always thought I had to

plan every step of the way for myself. Forgive me that I’ve
always had everything so carefully laid out for myself that
there was no room for You to guide me. Lord, I confess all
this as sin. Do change me. Make me depend on You instead of
on me. Help me to know that You’re the author of all bless¬
ings in my life, and help me surrender more and more of it to
You. Handle everything in my life exactly as suits You from
now on. Show me the road You want me to take for Your
glory. Thank You, Lord, that You can make a winner out of
me, in spite of my do-it-myself nature. And thank You,
Jesus, that You have made me willing to go out of my way to
let You do something through me for one of Your needy
children. Use me. Lord. Use even me. Amen.

“t/p that path came a barefooted country hoy vnth ragged
britches and an old straw hat...”
How to Be a Winner
over Anxiety

Follow me, and I luill make you fishers of men. (Matthew 19)

Once upon a time, I was with Tommy Tyson when he was

preaching a revival in a Methodist church in Grand Rapids,
Michigan. As the week drew to a close, Wayne McLean
joined us. On Saturday, Tommy made an announcement.
“There are three of us,” he said, “and we have three
speaking invitations for Sunday morning. I’ll take one
church here in Grand Rapids, Wayne is taking another one,
and Brother Hal, that leaves a pulpit in Plainwell for you.”
Well, pulpit sharing was something I hadn’t gotten into a
whole lot at that stage, and it was kind of scary to me. The
prospect of what I supposed would be a small country church
instead of a big city cathedral calmed my nerves a little bit,
however, and I figured that maybe the Lord and I could
handle the assignment.
How to Be a Winner

When I arrived in Plainwell, my butterflies started gallop¬

ing again, because I learned that there was no little country
church on the menu. I was to speak in the big downtown
Methodist establishment. As I peeped into the auditorium,
it seemed to me that it would probably hold at least
seventy-five thousand people. It was a wonder that I didn’t
faint dead away before the choir finished singing the doxol-
ogy. I certainly felt almost like doing just that. But along
with the apprehension, there was a sense of anticipation in
me, too, precisely because I was so ill-prepared as the world
sees it.
When I’d climbed into bed the night before. I’d prayed,
“Lord, I don’t have a thing to offer as a pulpit occupier,
because I’m not a preacher. If I were, I still wouldn’t know
what to say to a Sunday morning congregation. You’d better
cancel me out. Lord. I don’t think we ought to go through
with this thing. I might let You down. You really ought to
find somebody else. Please?”
As far as I could tell. He didn’t answer yes or no, and
eventually I went to sleep. Then I must have wakened,
because I had a clear vision from the Lord that night. It was
far too vivid to be a dream. It went like this:
I was standing as an observer at the site of a big fishpond.
Fishermen were whipping up foam on all sides of the pond
with all kinds of fancy fishing gear . Their waders and accom¬
panying outfits to match had to be from Abercrombie and
Fitch. With all that high-class equipment, they were fishing
for all they were worth, but they were catching nothing, not
even old shoes or inner tubes. They were having the dullest
time imaginable. As they worked harder and harder, they
reeled in more and more of nothing. Their creels were full of
empty space.

Over Anxiety

Suddenly the scene changed.

All the fishless fishermen turned their eyes down a path
leading into the woods. Up that path came a barefooted
country boy with ragged britches and an old straw hat. Over
one sun-freckled shoulder, he had slung a branch off a tree
for a fishing pole. It had a piece of knotty grocery store
string tied to it for a line, with a bent safety pin hook on the
end of it. In the other hand he swung a battered galvanized
As the boy approached the pond, he was whistling a lively
tune that sounded like an invitation to a heavenly fish fry. All
the fancy fishermen stood watching him with looks of utter
disgust on their faces that said, “What’s this clown think he’s
going to accomplish? Nothing’s biting today—can’t he see
But the boy paid no attention to the impossibilities that
were so obvious to them. Still whistling in perfect con¬
fidence, he reached into the bucket he had set down on the
bank. Just as you might have expected, he drew out a piece
of bait and squirmed it onto the bent pin hook.
There wasn’t anything at all unusual about his actions.
Barefoot Huck Finns of every age have gone through the
same motions billions of times. But the bait was unusual, like
none I’d ever seen before.
The bait was a piece of glory. Now don’t ask me what a
piece of glory is, and don’t ask me to describe it. The impor¬
tant thing for a fisherman who wants to take home a catch is
not what the bait is, but what it does. This bait did the trick.
When the boy cast his glory bait out into the water, the
glory lit up every inch of the pond with a silvery glow that
looked alive! After he had tossed in his bait, the boy just
stood and waited, still whistling. The disgusted onlookers
How to Be a Winner

stood and waited with their mouths hanging open, expecting

nothing to happen. I stood and waited, too. But none of us
waited long.
Suddenly, out of the shadows of that fishpond came a huge
lunker—must have been a four or five pound largemouth
bass—headed slowly but surely straight for the bait. The
prize catch sniffed at the glory, opened his wide mouth wider
still, and closed down over it. The boy eased the fish to the
bank without any struggle, and put the perfect fish into his
bucket. Then he threw his glory bait back into the pond. This
time, I saw shadows in the water coming from all directions.
The onlookers’ eyes got bigger and bigger, and their dis¬
gusted looks were transformed into expressions of awe and
As I watched, the Word of the Lord came to me and said,
It is not the fisherman. It is not the equipment. And it is not
the willpower or the determination. It is My Word, and My
Word alone, that does the job. If I he lifted up, I will draw all
men unto Myself.

Bom losers spend years and fortunes getting
themselves qualified”Ao do nothing.
King’s kid winners recognize their only qual¬
ification is knowing Jesus, and that qualifies
them for whatever opportunities He sends
their way,

The ordinary bucket was soon full of extraordinary silver
fish, and the boy picked it up and went whisthng back where
he came from. The fancy Dapper-Dan do-it-myself fisher¬
men stood like statues, transfixed by what they had seen. I

Over Anxiety

wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they are standing there

The vision never closed for me, exactly. I can see it vividly
today. It keeps on reminding me, IVs not you, Hill. You
don’t have to be anything. You don’t have to amount to
anything. You don’t have to do anything. My Word does the
whole thing. Just toss out My Word, like the boy tossed the
glory bait into the water, and I’ll do the rest. Just as inevita¬
bly as the fish were drawn to that glory bait. I’ll draw all men
unto Me.
All that was fresh in my mind the next morning as I stood
in that high pulpit of the big Methodist church. Standing
before the people, I could see the Word of God coming down
from heaven on a track off to my right. The track brought the
Word directly into my head from the Lord, and out my
mouth, as directed by the Lord. He was in charge of every
word of it, plus the delivery, the punctuation, and the

God ministers His Word, by His Spirit,

through His disciples,
for His glory and our blessing.

While I was pouring out what He was pouring in, I saw in

the Spirit a huge block of marble on the pulpit right in front
of me. It must have been two or three feet square, a cubic
hunk of pure white. As soon as I had spotted it, the Spirit
seemed to say. Hill, push that marble off the pulpit. I will
make it land on someone in the congregation.

How to Be a Winner

If I hadn’t been so busy pretending to preach, I might

have thought of several good arguments against that course
of action.
But I was too busy letting the Word flow through me to do
anything other than follow His instructions in simple obedi¬
ence. I got my shoulder under that marble block—the con¬
gregation must have thought I was having muscle
spasms—shoved with all my might, and the block fell with a
huge crash somewhere down below, in the midst of the
Apparently I was the only one who heard it land, because
no one else moved a muscle. All this was going on in the
Spirit while I was delivering the Word as it was delivered to
me. When my allotted speaking time was up, I sat down.
“What hath God wrought?” I wondered.
After the service, I found out. A white-haired woman
came to me said, “I have been in the Methodist church from
infancy until my present age of eighty, and this is the first
time I have ever heard that I could know God personally.
And now I know I can, because I do. I met Jesus this
morning, in person.”
We had a glory fit right there in the midst of churchianity.
Praise God that it’s not by might, it’s not by power, but by
His Spirit, saith the Lord. It’s not the fisherman, it’s not the
equipment, it’s the Word of God that gets the job done. His
Word is the glory bait that makes us fishers of men—^with a
catch to show for our labors.

Are you ready to trust Him that He can send the Word
forth through you and accomplish something wonderful for
one of His children who needs to know Him personally? All
you have to do is say so.
Over Anxiety

Lord, I am ready to trust You that You can send Your

Word forth through me and accomplish Your purpose with
it. I thank You for bringing me to this point in my life today.
Show me the one who is ready to receive You, Jesus, and
open my mouth and speak through it for Your glory. In
Jesus’ name. Amen.

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How to Be a Winner
over Ungodly Spirits

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name they
shall cast out devils. . . . (Mark 16:17)

I was at a CFO camp in Hastings, Nebraska, one summer.

The song leader was a big boy, football-player build, who
had been saved and filled with the Holy Spirit the preceding
year. He had been so full of joy that when his friends saw him
the summer I was at camp, they hardly recognized him.
I myself had never seen anyone more depressed and dis¬
couraged. His complexion was sallow, there was no joy in
him, no inner light, no peace. Everything that had made him
glow with life was completely gone.
Some of us on the staff began to pray, “Lord, what is it?
Minister to this boy the abundant life You died to give him.
Show us what we can do to help.”
How to Be a Winner

The next day, several of the boy’s friends brought him to

our CFO Council Ring for counseling.
“I don’t understand what’s wrong with me,” he muttered,
looking down at his shoes. “I’ve lost all my enthusiasm. I feel
incapable of doing anything for myself or anybody else. I feel
like I can’t go back to college this fall. I can’t study, I can’t do
At that point, he lost control of himself and began sobbing,
“I can’t —I can’t—I can’t—” over and over again. His big
hulk heaved with the agony of helpless defeat.
Finally he looked up at the other two staff members—Jim
Christian and Willie Murphy—and at me.
“Help me,” he cried out. It was a desperate cry.
“There’s no way in the world that we can help you,” I told
him, “but we know Someone who can.”
A brief flash of hope crossed his face. He knew I was
talking about Jesus, the only One who can really help us with
I had been praying in tongues as the boy was pouring out
his problems, and as I prayed, I had seen a demon of despair
in him. That demon was responsible for the boy’s despera¬
tion. The demon would have to go.
“Would you like for all of us to pray for you?” I asked him.
The boy had nothing to lose—except the demon he needed
to be rid of—and so he walked over to the prayer chair and
sat down.
The three of us laid hands on him and began to pray. When
we did, the demon went wild. In spite of all we could do, the
boy—all three hundred pounds of him—was thrown to the
floor, where he hissed, squirmed, and writhed like a snake.
In the midst of all that, the demon began to shriek. All in all,
Over Ungodly Spirits

it was one of the wildest scenes Fd ever gotten into.

Jesus has given Christians authority over the powers of
darkness, and so we began to speak it out: “Satan, in Jesus’
name, come out of him.”
“I won’t! I won’t!” the demon screamed through the boy in
a defiant voice utterly unlike the boy’s own. “You can’t make
me go. The boy invited me in. This is my home. This is where
Fm going to stay.”
We didn’t have to argue with him. We just told him the

Bom losers run from the devil, trip, and get

King*s kid winners use Jesus* power to make
the devil run from them and do his own trip^

“Satan, you’re a conquered foe. Jesus has already con¬

quered you, so you don’t have any choice in the matter. You
have to go. In Jesus’ name, we command it.”
We bound the demon in the name of Jesus and ordered him
back to the pit where he came from. Suddenly, the boy’s
body relaxed. He was not contorted and writhing any
longer, and we knew the demon was gone. Jim, Willie, and I
stood up—we had been down on the floor with the boy—and
gave him a hand. He sat back in the chair again, apparently
free from despair but exhausted from the struggle. Sweat
was pouring off him. As we continued to pray in the Spirit,
the Lord gave us a clear warning:
Check further. There's another one, another foreign spirit
inside this hoy.
How to Be a Winner

“Reveal yourself, demon. What is your name?” The

demon knew we had spotted him. Trying to hide from us
would be a waste of time.
“Lysergic acid diethylamide,” he answered. In the Spirit,
I could see the word spelled out, and knew it to be the spirit
of LSD. The spirit was white as snow, just like the spirit of
leprosy in the Bible. I saw that the LSD drug of leprosy of
the soul had two big white hooks jabbed right into the soul of
that boy.
We learned later that he had taken an LSD trip after he
was saved. He had had a bad trip, and afterward had been
plagued with an unending series of random returns or
flashbacks, all terrifying. He never knew when to expect
one. Slue Foot had sent them at varying intervals to keep
the boy in constant fear and suspense. I knew that God had
revealed that demon to us for one purpose. He meant for us
to deal with it and set the boy free.
“Spirit of LSD, we bind you in the name of Jesus Christ.
Come out of him.”

Jesus will change you

from an ungodly mess
into a Godly message.

That was all there was to it. We heard a popping noise, like
a cork coming out of a jug, and the boy’s face began to shine
with the glory of the Lord. Jesus had delivered him of two
demons, cleaned him out, and refilled him with joy.
Drugs are likely to be inhabited by demons, and when you
Over Ungodly Spirits

take a drug, you might be swallowing a demon spirit which

will make you so miserable, you’ll wish you’d taken a deadly
poison instead. But King’s kids are equipped with the tools
to get people delivered from demons. Jesus expects us to use
them to set His people free.
The gift of discernment of spirits is one by which we can
see exactly what it is that is keeping a fellow Christian from
being a winner. The Lord can reveal these things to us as
clear as photographs.
You don’t get readouts like that? I didn’t either, back in
the days when I wasn’t letting Jesus have first place in my
life. I didn’t have this supernatural help in ministering His
life to His children until I had learned to put away all second
best in my own life. That meant that all unforgiveness,
impatience, unteachableness, and unbelief had to go. The
television set had to go, the bridge clubs, the chess clubs.
Even good things had to move over to make room for the
best, because the effect of the “good things” was to fog the
signals from heaven.
Secular TV is the worst offender, because people have a
tendency to think “It’s not all bad,” and they unwittingly
expose themselves to garbage-can scum along with the
“goodies” of moon shots and Sunday morning sermons. If
you’re a TV addict, you might like to read your version of the
twenty-third psalm to see why God isn’t making more use of
you in ministry:

The TV Addict’s Twenty-Third Psalm

The “Tube” is my shepherd; I shall not want for filth. It

maketh me to stare stupidly at its putrid perversion; it

How to Be a 'Winner

leadeth me into the polluted waters of degradation. It

poisoneth my soul. It leadeth me in paths of violence for
Satan’s sake. Yea, as I walk through its portrayal of sin
and death, I shall fear every evil, for its loathsome lewd
eyeball discomfits me. It prepareth a table of corruption
before me in the presence of my lost friends. It anointeth
my head with raw sewage; my stomach turneth over. I
devour more pills. Surely torment and fear shall haunt me
all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the pits of
despair forever.

Another thing to remember in casting out demons: They

are not deaf. In the beginning of my life as a King’s kid, I’d
carry on in a loud voice, whistle, holler, curse Satan, and
stomp his tail when I wanted to get rid of him. I’d seen some
folks do these things, and I thought I had to scare Satan to
death with a loud racket in order to get him to pay any
attention to my commands. But I learned that was a childish
Satan doesn’t depart because we shout at him. He departs
because Jesus has conquered him and given us the authority
to remind him of that fact. The noisy way was an amateurish
way. “When I became a man, I put away childish things,”
Paul said. It is appropriate for us to do it, too.
In the Belvedere Baptist Church jn Baltimore, we have a
concrete masonry prayer room with no windows. The de¬
mons being cast out get noisy sometimes, and we don’t want
to scare the whole neighborhood. It’s logical to expect some
complaint from the boys in black when they’re ordered off
the premises where they’ve been so comfortably ensconced.
The demons don’t come out whistling Dixie, but they do

Over Ungodly Spirits

come out. They have no choice when a King’s kid uses the
authority that Jesus has given him.

Are you ready to be used in the kind of ministry that sets

people free from demonic oppression? If you want to minis¬
ter in the Spirit, delivering God’s best to His needy children,
you have to lay down your life and be sold out to Jesus. Only
in that way can you be His channel for maximum benefits to
needy people.
Have you renounced all the roadblocks to God’s power
flowing through you—all the impatience, unbelief, unteach¬
ableness, and unforgiveness? Are you willing to renounce all
the temptations of the occult—horoscopes, Ouija boards,
seances, and predictions of false prophets? Are you willing
to give up all preoccupation with second best—bridge clubs,
chess clubs, sports events, six-packs, goofballs, and
television—^in order to be used in more powerful ways as a
conveyer of God’s blessings to His people? If you are ready,
God is willing.

Lord, cleanse me of everything that is not part of Your

highest will for my life. Lord, make me a proper vessel, fit
for Your use.
Lord, here am I, send me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

^‘There's no such flight.'*
How to Be a Winner
over the Frustration of
Fouled-Up Flight Plans

RestintheLord,andwaitpatientlyforhim. . .. (Psalm37:7)

I had been invited to talk to the congregation at a Chris¬

tian conference. Accordingly, I called my travel agent, gave
him the details of my itinerary, and a few days later, my
airline ticket arrived in the mail. I recognized the envelope,
so I didn’t bother to open it, because I was trusting my
heavenly Father for the proper reservations. I don’t have to
check up on Him.
That my reservation had been made for a flight that was
nonexistent didn’t disturb me, because I didn’t know about
it. If I had known, I might have worried, gotten concerned
and called my travel agent. But I didn’t know, and so I went
along in blissful ignorance.
On the appointed day, I left Baltimore for Tampa by way

How to Be a Winner

of Jacksonville. It was a short trip with practically no

layover, I thought. When I got to Jacksonville, I went to the
airline counter to reconfirm my ticket for Tampa. The atten¬
dant took my ticket from its envelope and frowned at it and
at me.
“There’s no such flight at 2:30 this afternoon,” he said.
“That flight was dropped weeks ago. We don’t have a flight
to your destination until six-thirty this evening.”
My first reaction was impatience—and annoyance—at my
travel agent.
“When I get back to Baltimore, I’ll flx that so-and-so. I
give that guy a lot of business, and he does this to me—” Oh,
I really seethed inside. Who were they to interfere with my
But before I could get up a full head of steam and give vent
to my natural reaction, the Lord seemed to say to me, Now
wait a minute, Hill. Why have you stopped praising Me?
What have you been preaching? Haven’t I heard you talking
about praising Me for everything?
He had me there.

Pagans have bad luck—

King’s kids enjoy adventures.

“All right. Lord, I acknowledge that You’ve probably got

a purpose in allowing this to happen. The fact that I don’t
know what it is is beside the point. And even if I never know
why You let it happen, I should be praising You anyway. I do
praise You, Lord. I thank You for this delayed flight. I thank
You for whatever You have in store for me at this airport.
Thank You, Jesus.”

Over the Frustration of Fouled-Up Flight Plans

It made me feel better already, getting off the griping

frequency and tuning back into the praise frequency where
God has His habitation. I let the man write me up a ticket for
the six-thirty flight, and I called the conference leader and
explained that I was on my way but that I’d be a little late. It
didn’t seem to matter all that much to him. They’d get along
fine without me.
Next, I telephoned everybody in the area I could think of
who might be able to come down and praise the Lord with me
in the extra hours while I waited. But filling the hours that
way must have been second best to what the Lord had in
mind, because I didn’t find any takers. It was the best thing I
could think of, but my best is never better than heaven’s
second best. I decided I could afford to wait for Him to make
the next move.

Bom losers never just sit there, they do some¬
thing. It invariably makes things worse.
King’s kid winners rest in the Lord and wait
patiently while He makes all things work to¬
gether for good for them.

After tending to those details, I just sat down in the

airport and praised the Lord and sloshed around in the
Scripture for a while. Then I ambled into the coffee shop,
and did a little exploring of other parts of the terminal
building. The airport was a big, beautiful, new one, with a lot
of things to see, so I wandered around ogling everything. My
antennae were unfurled in case there were any signals I
ought to pick up. I wanted to put my hands in the air and
praise God, but there were a lot of folks in the airport who

How to Be a Winner

might have misunderstood and called the men in white, so I

kept my hands in my pockets. But deep down inside, I was
praising God in my prayer bucket to stay on God’s wave¬
length and receive His signals from heaven,
“Lord, I’m rejoicing evermore, praying without ceasing,
and praising Your Holy name,” I told Him. “That makes me
Your will in action. What do You want me to do?”
While I was talking to God, Satan kept trying to get a
word in.
“Hill, you’re wasting your time. You should be at your
destination already. Don’t you need to chew your fingernails
or worry a little bit? How about one for the road? Maybe you
could crank up a pity party—”
“Go away. Slue Foot. You can’t discourage a King’s kid
when he’s praising God.”
Continuing my strolling through the terminal building, I
noticed a sign that said “Chapel.”
I’d never seen a chapel in an airport before, so I headed in
the direction of the arrow. It wasn’t far to the chapel, and
soon I was there. I walked into the httle sanctuary and sat
down to read some Scripture and to praise God out loud.
Since I was the only one in the place, I even felt free to let my
arms get vertical overhead.
After I had enjoyed the presence of the Lord thusly for a
few minutes, the door opened and someone looked in. “Come
on in,” I called out, thinking I might have some fellowship
while I waited. A man and a woman came in, and I asked
them, “Are you folks religious?” (Religion has to do with
what God can no longer do. Religious theology explains in
detail why He can no longer do certain things. A Christian,
on the other hand, is someone who knows Jesus personally
and can’t help but brag on Him.)
Over the Frustration of Fouled-Up Flight Plans

“No,” the woman said, “we’re Christians.”

Right away, things were looking up.
After I understood that this couple was more than ordi¬
nary church folks, I said, “Well, I’m a Christian, too. I know
Jesus as my Savior, Healer, and my Baptizer.”
“Hallelujah!” the man said. “That makes three of us.”
Now we were in business. King’s kids had met with King’s
kids in the chapel. I knew it was a divine appointment,
arranged in heaven, because I had God’s promise in II
Corinthians 5:18 that all things are of God.
Well, when my heavenly Father says I’m not in a particu¬
lar place at a particular time by accident, but that my being
there is of Him, I’m interested in finding out what He’s up
to. As I talked with the couple, I began to get an inkling.
The young woman, whose name was Betty, said, “My
sister’s flying in from Atlanta this afternoon. She’s going
into the hospital for surgery. The doctors don’t know
whether she has a malignancy or not, but they’re concerned.
Do you suppose we could pray for her?”
That was like saying, “Sic ’em,” to a hound dog.
Betty could sit in for her sister, and Betty’s husband and I
could follow Jesus’ directives as outlined in Mark 16:17, 18:
. . These signs shall follow them that believe. ... In
my name,” Jesus said, “. . . they shall lay hands on the sick
and they shall recover.”
We had learned from other cases that the treatment
worked by proxy, too, and so we were ready to pray with all
The enemy came along as usual, at this point, and put in
his bid. “But suppose nothing happens? Then you’ll look like
“Who’s looking?” we answered him. “Besides, we have the
How to Be a Winner

word of God that this thing is worth doing. If nothing hap¬

pens, well then we’ll know we did it on our own, but if
something happens, we’ll give the glory to Jesus.”
Slue Foot must have taken off at that, because we didn’t
hear anything further from him that trip.
Betty’s husband and I laid hands on her, and prayed in the
Spirit in a heavenly language we didn’t understand. How
else could I pray for someone I’d never met, someone I knew
nothing about except that she had a serious ailment? In
Romans 8:26 the Bible acknowledges that when we don’t
know how to pray, the Holy Ghost, who sees our infirmities,
prays for us with words which are too deep for utterance. As
we prayed, we could feel the power of the Holy Spirit back¬
ing us up.
Now I don’t know what happened that day as a result of
our prayers. I may not find out this side of heaven. But I
know that something happened—because King’s kids got
together in obedience to the word of God. And I was glad a
messed-up plane ticket let me be in on it. If I’d caught the
right plane, the one that wasn’t flying, I’d have missed all the
glory time.
All things work together for good except a travel agent
who doesn’t keep up with schedule changes? Oh, no. God
works his goofs together for good, too, as long as we love

Have you ever worked yourself up into a nervous condi¬

tion when somebody didn’t treat you with the perfection you
deserved? Now’s the time to break up the pity-party, stop
griping, and start praising God. Once you’ve done that,
maybe events will shape up to make you glad things didn’t go
the way you had planned them.

Over the Frustration of Fouled-Up Flight Plans

Lord Jesus, I thank You that so often what looks like

trouble is raw material for Your glory when we are obedient
to trust You and praise You for it.
Forgive me that I’ve done so much griping, complaining,
and murmuring against Your servants. I know now that’s
the same as murmuring against Your plans for my life.
Cleanse me completely of this tendency. Lord, and set me to
praising You continually so that You can use me for Your
glory, too. In Jesus’ name I ask it. Amen.

I don't Knou) uJ^ I'm do/nfl
because I di'dn'f rntencl
to 5<?ll to anybody,
Certainly not to a bunch
of 5aptiBt9 /
How to Be a Winner
over No Room to Expand
and No Money
in the Bank

Pray imthout ceasing. (I Thessalonians 5:17)

Once upon a time, we needed expansion room in the Bap¬

tist church I was attending. We’d have moved some of our
Sunday school classes to the basement, but the basement
wasn’t good for anything but a swimming pool when it
rained, so we had to look elsewhere for additional meeting
room. The ideal spot was right behind the church building.
There were a couple of cottages there, just right for the
Sunday morning overflow. But when our board of deacons
approached the owner of the property, he shook his head.
“I will never sell those houses,” he said, “especially to
church people. And don’t ask me to rent them out to you. I
won’t do that, either. As a matter of fact, for Baptists, I
won’t do anything.”

How to Be a Winner

The man hated Baptists—dead or alive, hard-boiled or

fried. I never found out why, but I didn’t have to know his
motivation or understand anything about the situation. I
knew God, and that was enough. He knew we needed space
for our Sunday school program. And God is able to supply all
our needs.
Three of us kooky charismaniacs went to the board of
deacons and brought up an idea we had gotten out of the
Bible. We wanted to pray for God to make the space avail¬
able to us.
“Oh, we’ve prayed already,” the deacons assured us. “On
Sunday morning two months ago we made our requests
known unto God.” Nobody was surprised that nothing had
happened. And they had already given it up as a hopeless

God specializes in doing the impossible.

“But it says here that we’re supposed to pray without

ceasing,” we said, pointing to I Thessalonians 5:17. “We’ve
all prayed a little bit about this critical space situation, but
how about if we started praying without ceasing, like maybe
a chain of prayer around the clock at the altar of the church?”
The deacons were horrified. A little bit of prayer was okay
according to their doctrine, but around the clock? That
would be overdoing it, they thought.
We weren’t surprised that they turned us down. If your
attention is on failure, you’ll fail. It’s guaranteed. But if your
attention is on God’s promises—and ours was—there’s no
Over No Room to Expand and No Money in the Bank

way you can do anything but succeed. We knew God’s will

was that we prosper and be in health as our souls prospered,
and we knew, too, that whatever we did would prosper if we
were faithful to keep sloshing around in the Word of God day
and night. We’d gotten those insights from III John 2 and
from the first Psalm. We were ready to test them out. It was
God’s word—it was supposed to work.
After the deacons turned us down, we went to see our
“Pastor, would it be all right with you if we tried some¬
thing a little different in the church? Could we start a prayer
chain on seven o’clock Saturday morning and go right around
the clock until Sunday morning at seven? We wouldn’t inter¬
fere with any meetings, and we’d be out before the Sunday
school crowd came in—”
While he was thinking about it, we were praising God that
tithing covers a multitude of charismatic manifestations.
Because we were all tithers, the preacher wasn’t interested
in throwing us out. He checked the rules and found there
were none to prohibit round-the-clock prayer in the church,
so he didn’t say no.
“But you’ll never get folks interested in taking part.
Brother Hill,” he told me. “No one’s going to get out of bed
in the middle of the night to come down to the church and
“Then it’s okay if we try it?”
He okayed the program. Likely he figured it couldn’t do
any harm. He certainly didn’t expect it to do any good. We
did, though.
We got a big piece of posterboard, ruled it off in twenty-
four hour intervals, and hung it on the church door.
How to Be a Winner

“Sign up for whatever part of the twenty-four hours you

can cover,” we announced to the congregation.
The first weekend, people stayed away in droves. Only six
people signed up. That meant each of us got to spend four
hours at the altar on the average. Since some couldn’t stay
that long, others stayed longer. We were determined to
have somebody prajdng and praising God around the clock.
We had to find out if God’s word was good advice for King’s
kids or if it was for the birds.
By the second weekend, there were eight people signed
up. By the third, a whole dozen. And then it began to catch
on with full force. People were lined up waiting for their

Born losers throw pity-parties and get thrown as
a result.
King’s kid winners start prayer chains and get
their hearts’ desires.

With somebody at the altar around the clock, we could

begin to feel power coming into that whole situation, and by
the end of six weeks, the church had changed from a mood of
hopeless discouragement to one of joyful anticipation.
The outward situation hadn’t changed. We still had a wet
basement, a big mortgage, a leaky roof, and no place to
expand. But we had God on our side, and we knew it,
because we had gone over to His side in praise and prayer
without ceasing. We had created an atmosphere for in¬
crease, for the crop to come forth.
It had to happen, or the rocks would have started explod¬
ing. Jesus said that if the people didn’t shout their hosannas.

Over No Room to Expand and No Money in the Bank

the rocks would do it for them. I don’t want to drive along the
highway and hear a bunch of rocks saying, “There goes
Brother Hill. He won’t praise the Lord, so we have to do it
for him.”
I want to do my own praising, the rocks can do theirs, and
even the trees will clap their hands. I want to pray without
ceasing as long as I have breath to do it.
In less than three months after we had started praising
God and praying around the clock about our building situa¬
tion, the owner of the houses was outside the church after a
Sunday morning service. He didn’t waste time on pre-
hminaries. He came right to the point.
“Some time ago you folks approached me about buying my
property. Are you still interested?”
“We are.”
“I’ll let you have the houses for less than I could get on the
market.” He sounded quite disgusted with himself for mak¬
ing the offer. “I don’t know why I’m doing this,” he said,
“because I didn’t intend to sell to anybody, certainly not to a
bunch of Baptists.”
He said the word as if it was a bad taste in his mouth, and
we were careful to keep our hallelujahs quiet.
“Come to my office tomorrow morning, and we’ll close the
deal,” he said. “How much can you bring for a down pay¬
“We don’t exactly have anything at this point,” we told
him. “We have a big debt, a plant that needs repair, and
that’s all. Can’t get any more credit.”
His eyes looked puzzled, as if the problem was his to solve
and not ours. That was fine. If he would do the worrying
about the down payment for us, we wouldn’t have to.

How to Be a Winner

“Tell you what I’ll do,” he said after a moment. “I’ll take a
second mortgage on the property and give you the cash to
put down to make the whole thing legal. Will that be satis¬
For a guy who hadn’t intended to sell at all, he had made a
real about-face.
“Sure,” we said, “that will be all right,” almost as if we
were doing him a favor. And then we said something else.
“We’ll be able to give you back the down payment in sixty
I don’t know where we came up with the sixty days’
business. The down payment was $2500 and we didn’t have
twenty-five cents. Besides that, the bank was pushing us to
pay them interest that we had owed them for more than two
years on our mortgage.
“Well, Jesus,” some of us prayed, “we thank You for
getting the property for us. We don’t know where You’re
going to get the $2500, but we’re going to keep on praising
You that that’s Your business and not ours. If You could get
that man to sell us the property when he didn’t want to, and
when we didn’t have any money, we’re sure You can handle
this, too.”
Actually, we knew God already had the money stashed
away somewhere. King’s kids have a wealthy Father. He
owns all the cattle on a thousand hills, and all the hills under
the cattle. Twenty-five hundred dollars would be a cinch for
a landowner like that.
We kept up our prayer chain.
The next week, we had a visitor in our worship service, a
stranger to our congregation. After the final hymn, he intro¬
duced himself to our pastor.

Over No Room to Expand and No Money in the Bank

“I’m Brother so-and-so from the home mission board. I

understand you folks are increasing the size of your plant
here. As an expanding Baptist mission church, you’re enti¬
tled to our donation of $2500.” Nobody had asked for it, but
the check was in the mail the next day.

With all the new space available for Sunday school, the
neighborhood kids began to flock in. Our prayer chain kept
going, and soon we needed to build an educational building.
Practically everyone in the church got on the prayer chain
for that. We were all wondering where God was going to get
the money for such an expensive project. We certainly didn’t
have it, but God had it banked right in our own front yard.
We found it out when the officials of Baltimore County came
to see our board of deacons.
“We’re going to widen the boulevard in front of your
church,” they said. “And we need a ten foot strip off the front
of your property. You can sell it to us—or we can initiate
condemnation proceedings.”
King’s kids always go willingly, so we told them our situa¬
“That property is not ours,” we said. “It belongs to our
heavenly Father, so you’d better not condemn it.”
They gave us a big fat check for more than enough to begin
our $110,000 education building.
Things went from glory to glory for that church. It was on
fire for Jesus until common sense and pride set in. Suddenly
God’s church became our “magnificent plant.” It sounded as
if they were talking about a tandem rolling mill.
Unteachableness and stiffness of neck that refused to
move in any affirmative direction set in. That kind of deadly

How to Be a Winner

theology is guaranteed to kill everything around it. The

inertia of the human mind can bring the best avalanche of
blessing to a screeching halt. And it did.
“We’re so prosperous, we don’t need to ask the Lord for
anything else,” they said. “We already have a new organ in
place of our old beat-up piano, so we can easily handle our
future financial needs through our plan of finance. We don’t
need to bother God.”
Their plan of finance was pretty good, but we had been
operating under something much more beneficial. Still, the
bulk of the people were of one accord, and do-it-myself-ism
set in in epidemic proportions.
It was plain that the kooky charismatics were not needed
any longer, so most of them moved out. I could almost hear
Jesus weeping, 0/i, My children, I had everything for you,
but you would not.
Today, that church is struggling to stay alive because it
stopped looking to the Lord to supply all its needs and began
looking to itself. That always leads to feecond best, and in
cases where there are only two choices, second best turns
out to be the worst thing imaginable. In some situations, the
difference between God’s best and our own second best is the
same as the difference between heaven and hell. Prosperity
that lasts doesn’t lie in self-sufficiency, but in looking to God
for all things, praising Him continually and praying without

Is there something you need? You don’t have to win

friends and infiuence people to get it. You just need to start a
prayer chain and keep on praising God.

Over No Room to Expand and No Money in the Bank

Father, I can see now that there’s never any failure when
I trust You, and I know that there’s never been anything
good about the world’s ways compared to Your ways. Suc¬
cess in the world is nothing compared to success in You.
Lord, forgive me that for most of my life I’ve used the
ways of the world to try to get what I wanted. I repent of all
that right now. Let me turn all my impossibles over to You.
Show me how to praise You for everything, to pray without
ceasing, to give You all the glory and honor for supplying all
my needs. I ask these blessings of being wholly dependent
on You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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How to Be a Winner
over People Who Steal

In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
concerning you. (I Thessalonians 5:18)

We were using a brand-new set of sound equipment at a

CFO camp in North Carolina a few summers ago. Micro¬
phones, amplifiers, taping equipment—the whole works was
fresh off the shelf. It was working beautifully, as it should
have been. The outfit had cost a cool $3000 through a dis¬
count operation. We were all impressed with its excellence.
And then one morning, we were impressed with its ab¬
sence. We arrived at the auditorium and discovered the back
door open. Someone had broken in and stolen the whole
business. The sound equipment had vanished without a
We reported the theft to the police immediately, of

How to Be a Winner

course, to the insurance company, and to the manager of the

hotel where we were meeting.
“This kind of thing is happening all the time,” the police
chief told us. “There’s a bunch of dope addicts around here,
and they steal everything that isn’t nailed down, to support
their habits. I’m afraid you’ve seen the last of your equip¬
ment. You’re lucky it was insured.”
He shook his head and shoved our report into a drawer full
of other reports of missing property. I figured the police
weren’t even going to try to find it for us because they felt it
was a hopeless case.
Well, they were entitled to their opinion, based on their
experience, but we had another kind of experience, an ace in
the hole that the law enforcement agency hadn’t heard
about. Our experience had been that if we would trust God
and thank Him for everything, we wouldn’t have to settle for
what invariably happens to people who aren’t in on Kingdom
living. King’s kids don’t know anything about failure. Con¬
sidering God is for winners; considering failure is for losers.

Everything in this world

is good enough for its citizens,
but not good enough for King’s kids.

The CFO Council Ring got together and agreed that the
equipment didn’t belong to them to start with. It belonged to
God Almighty. It was His equipment for spreading His
word. And we agreed that He was certainly able to protect
His own property. He already knew who the thieves were.
He had been watching them the whole time they unplugged

Over People Who Steal

the stuff, and He knew where they were now and where they
had cached the loot. All we had to do was to thank Him and
see how He was going to work the whole thing together for
While we were thanking God that He could take care of
the sound equipment, wherever it was, and praising Him for
being Lord of all circumstances, the phone rang. Somebody
wanted to speak to the guy in charge of the CFO meeting. A
young boy was on the line.

Bom losers stay poor carrying lots of insur¬
King^s kid winners thank God for thieves and
get their property returned as good as new,

“I guess you know by now that somebody broke in last
night and walked off with your sound equipment,” he said.
“Yeah,” the CFO man acknowledged. “We kind of found
that out when we looked for the microphone this morning.”
“Well, I’m one of the guys who took it, but we’ve changed
our minds about selling it to get some money,” the boy said.
“We’d like to give it back to you.”
The CFO man kind of leaned against the wall to hold
himself up. He had expected God to act, but not quite that
fast. His voice almost left him, but he managed to get out
two pertinent questions: “When?” and “Where?”
“I can’t tell you where it is just yet,” the boy said, “be¬
cause the police are after us. We’re addicts and we needed
the money for dope. I’ll call back at six tonight to tell you
where to pick up your equipment.” The receiver clicked and
the voice was gone.
Well, we had something good to thank the Lord for now.
How to Be a Winner

Our stuff that was lost had been found. And surely it was
God who had changed the boys’ minds and made them decide
to contact us. That meant He was working in their lives, too.
We were on shouting ground, having a glory fit right then
and there.
The hotel manager kept shaking his head. He thought we
were more than unusually gullible.
“They’ll never call back,” he said. “Too risky. Your stuff is
gone for good.”
“Forget it,” the police chief agreed. “They’re just playing
games with you. They don’t ever give back what they’ve
We just kept on thanking God for taking care of His
property so well, and we thanked Him for speaking to the
At six o’clock the phone rang again.
“Look under some empty packing cases behind the How¬
ard Johnson’s restaurant,” a boy’s voice said. “Goodbye.”
“You’re just wasting your time,” the hotel manager and
police chief said when we piled into a truck to go get God’s
“We’re quite willing to do that,” we told them between
hallelujahs, and headed for the restaurant.
There it was, just as the boy had-said. Perfect condition,
everything intact, all ready for setting up for the night
Panic? Not for King’s kids. Praising and thanking is what
they do best. And they do it all the time. God hears and turns
the bad things into good things for His kids.
All the nerves of our spiritual bodies are on the outside
Over People Who Steal

when we’re standing up for our own rights and protecting

our own property. That’s a pretty tender situation. No won¬
der we get hurt so bad. It’s as if we’re turned inside out, with
no callouses to protect our insides on the outside. Every¬
thing that touches you hurts like crazy when you’re protect¬
ing your own rights. And everything that touches you
blesses you when you’re in the high gear of praise, when you
look to God with thanksgiving and ask, “Lord, what’s in this
for You?”
In the high gear of praising and thanking God, you’re
turned right side out. That’s wrong side out according to the
ways of the world, of course. The world says you should
stand up for your rights, protect your property, and get mad
whenever your rights are infringed upon. But God says that
if you belong to Him, you don’t have any rights to stand up
for, and you don’t own any property to protect. It all belongs
to Him.
When adversity comes, the natural reaction of most
people is to panic or to blame something on somebody. But
King’s kids praise and give thanks instead. And they live in
victory no matter what happens.

How are things in your own life? Have you been feeling
sorry for yourself because someone took something that had
your name on it or because someone moved in to a place you
thought was reserved for you? Are you tired of living in
misery because the world has abused you by taking away
your rights or your property?
Are you ready to be set free to act instead of to react? Are
you ready to turn the management of all your affairs over to
the One who made you to walk in victory?
How to Be a Winner

If you are, then you can pray your own prayer to give the
good news to your Maker, or you can try this one for size.
Whichever one you pray, God will hear and answer.

Lord Jesus, Fm sorry that Fve been so dense, hanging

onto my misery so tightly when You wanted to give me a life
that was abundant. Forgive me that Fve been fearful in¬
stead of rejoicing. Just enter into me today in such a way
that Fll be set free to praise You continually, to marvel at
what You’re doing for me now that Fm taking my hands off
things and letting You have free rein.
And Lord, help me to forgive all those who have ever
taken anything from me. Bless them, Lord, and save them
out of their misery, too. Hallelujah! Thank You, Lord, for
making me a part of the answer instead of a part of the
problem. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

How to Be a Winner
over Deceiving Spirits

Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the
way, that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in
thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which
leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep*s clothing,
but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by
their fruits. (Matthew 7:13-16)

One day I received a note in the mail from a certain Mr.

Microbe of Baltimore.
“We understand you have had some experience with heal¬
ing in prayer groups/’ he wrrote. “We know nothing about
prayer, but we have had some experiences in treating people
for illness, too. If you would like to come and share your
How to Be a Winner

prayer group experience with us, we’ll share with you what
we have found.”
Well, that sounded like a fascinating evening, so I tele¬
phoned the man, and we set a date.
When I arrived on the appointed evening, Mr. Microbe,
who said he was a psychologist, took me back to his labora¬
tory in a rear bedroom of his home. It was all set up with tape
recorders, medical files, case histories, and very meticu¬
lously kept records. Mr. Microbe introduced me to another
man—I’ll call him Mr. Virus—who acted as a medium for the
‘‘healing” session.
“You are the first outsider we have ever invited to observe
these things, Mr. Hill,” Mr. Microbe told me. “We’ll show
you how we work, and we’ll be glad to hear your reactions
afterward as well as your own experience with prayer.”
I nodded my understanding, and the session began.

Born losers try to be broad-minded and wind up
in devilish deception that leads to the funny
King*s kid winners choose the straight and
narrow path that leads to eternal life in the
heavenlies and in the here and now.

When Mr. Virus stretched out on the bed and went into a
trance-like state, I recognized immediately that I was in the
midst of a bunch of Edgar Cayce-ites.
“Lord,” I prayed, “cover me with Your blood in this situa¬
tion. I thank You that You are powerful enough to protect
me from the deception that surrounds me.”
How did I know it was deception? From personal experi-

Over Deceiving Spirits

ence. I’d gone the Edgar Cayce route myself back in my

pagan days.
“Let me see a miracle of Your power here tonight, Lord,”
I went on. “Let me see a miracle that will expose Satan for
what he is—a liar and a cheat.” I knew that when God is in
charge, there are no goof-ups, but Satan can’t avoid
goofing—it’s programmed into his computer.
Having prayed in silence with my understanding, I pro¬
ceeded to pray in the Spirit. In the name of Jesus, victory
was sure to come.
When Mr. Virus intoned, “I’m ready,” Mr. Microbe said,
“Case history number one. Mr. so-and-so. How are condi¬
A muffled voice, which sounded as if it was coming from
down deep inside a moldy cave, spoke through Mr. Virus,
saying, “Some improvement. Continue with prescribed
It was all very impressive. If I hadn’t been aware of what
was going on, keeping myself on God’s wavelength by pray¬
ing in the Spirit, I might have been deceived into thinking all
this was great stuff.
Mr Microbe made a check mark on a card and put it back
into the file. He continued to call out case numbers and
patient names. Mr. Virus continued to intone muffled words
as to the nature of the improvement and the recommended
treatment. At case history number twelve, a patient by the
name of Mrs. Muddled, something electric alerted me to
take very careful notice.
“Mr. Virus, how is Mrs. Muddled’s asthma?”
The muffled voice came back, “No change. Same as be¬
How to Be a Winner

Suddenly, in the Spirit, I saw an x-ray picture of the inside

of Mrs. Muddled! The gift of discernment and the word of
knowledge—^two gifts of the Spirit working together—had
given me information no one had up to that point. I was so
excited, I almost blurted out, “Hey! You goofed on that
one.” But God checked me. He seemed to say, Wait. Fll let
you know when to uncork this one.
I managed to restrain myself while they went methodi¬
cally through some more case records. At the end, Mr. Virus
returned from the spook dimension and sat up on the bed.
“What’s your reaction?” the Messrs. Microbe and Virus
wanted to know. They obviously expected me to be over¬
I shrugged.
“Well, I’m quite familiar with Edgar Cayce methods,” I
told them. “But I got free of all that years ago. Actually, you
did pretty well, all things considered. But in the case of Mrs.
Muddled, you really blew it.”
“What do you mean, we blew it? Are you psychic or
“Oh, no. Not psychic. That’s for the birds. I’m saved and
filled with God’s Holy Spirit. That means I’m hooked up to
the Head Man of the universe. Jesus is His name. And by the
gift of discerning of spirits. He showed me what’s wrong
with Mrs. Muddled. It’s not what you’re treating her for. No
wonder she’s not getting well.”
“Impossible!” Virus shouted.
“It can’t be!” Microbe agreed.
But it was. They listened while I told them, “Mrs. Mud¬
dled doesn’t have asthma, she has emphysema. I saw the
leathery condition inside her lungs. If you’ll get out your
Over Deceiving Spirits

records, you’ll probably see where you made your mistake.”

“I believe you’re right,” Mr. Microbe acknowledged after
looking through all the charts in the woman’s file. “We made
a wrong diagnosis. We’ve been treating Mrs. Muddled for
the wrong thing.”

No arrangement of bad eggs

makes a good omelet.

I let the matter rest. Then I told them how I had been
involved in Edgar Cayce and all the other cults once upon a
time, but I’d since met Jesus, the real thing, and gottenrid of
all the counterfeits.
“There’s no chance of goofing when God’s in charge,” I told
them. “He lets us read it straight and clear, because He’s the
only one who has all knowledge.”
Part of my testimony had to do with how Jesus set me free
from nicotine in the days when I was a constant chimney.
When Jesus set me free. He did a thorough job. I didn’t even
have to substitute a mint or chewing gum. My habit was
gone, clean gone. I noticed that Mr. Microbe was really
listening to all that while he puffed on one coffin nail after
another, coughing like he was about to lose his insides. When
I went home, I had a feeling I would be invited back. There
was unfinished business in that house.
The following week, Mr. Microbe telephoned me.
“I have a problem, Mr. Hill,” he began. “I cannot quit
smoking. It’s killing me, destroying my lungs. The doctors
have warned me that I have to quit or else. But I’ve tried,
How to Be a Winner

and I can’t. Now, the other night you told us how you had
“Hold it!” I interrupted. “I told you no such thing. What I
said was that I had tried, and I found that I couldn’t quit
either. The harder I tried, the worse I got. But Jesus took
my nicotine addiction away from me.”
He was in no mood for quibbling.
“Well, anyhow, you don’t smoke any more, right?”
“That’s right.”
“So would you come over and pray for me so I can be rid of
the nicotine, too?”
Knowing this was not an assignment for one man, I tele¬
phoned my prayer buddy.
“Get your praying britches on, Ed. We’ve got a hot one
tonight—aright in Slue Foot’s home camp.”
It’s a good idea to travel in pairs when you deal with
spooks. One can pray while the other witnesses. Jesus sent
them out by twos for a purpose. There is ten times the power
when two King’s kids are together, agreeing with one
another and with God. If I had been alone that night, I might
have gotten into real trouble.
“Don’t stop praying, no matter what,” I told Ed, “or we
will be in bad shape.” I knew that Satan couldn’t come into
the circle of light that surrounds King’s kids when they keep
on praying in the Spirit. Darkness is swallowed up when it is
invaded by light. It doesn’t work the other way around in the
world of physics or in the spiritual realm. Light is always the
overcomer. Since darkness is a nothingness, an absence of
energy, it doesn’t have any power to fight with.
When Ed and I arrived at Mr. Microbe’s house, the lights

Over Deceiving Spirits

were all turned low. We found Mr. Microbe apparently alone

in the house, but I could feel eyeballs staring at us from all
over the place. Satan’s power was present with suffocating
darkness. I was glad Ed and I were prayed up so that the
power of evil couldn’t touch us. I felt as I’d felt in places of
demon worship in the West Indies where voodoo practition¬
ers make dolls and stick pins in them. In a few weeks, the
person represented by the doll can be good and dead unless
he’s wearing the full armor of God. We had ours on full
The helmet of salvation was the blood of Jesus to ward off
the attacks on our minds so we wouldn’t be deceived. The
breastplate of righteousness was Jesus Himself, protecting
our vital organs from invasion by the enemy. Jesus is the
only righteousness we’ll ever have. Our feet were shod with
the preparation of the gospel. And we had the shield of faith
and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Mr. Microbe invited us into the laboratory in the back
bedroom again. There Ed kept praying a backup prayer
while I talked to Mr. Microbe.
“As I told you on the telephone,” Mr. Microbe began,
getting right down to business, “I’m in terrible shape physi¬
cally from smoking. I’d like for you to pray for me.”
“Fine. That’s what we came for. But before we pray,
there’s something you need to understand. We ourselves
have nothing to offer, but we rely on the One who has all
power. His name is Jesus, and we will pray in His name, if
that is satisfactory. That name contains all power in heaven
and on earth.”
As we reached toward Mr. Microbe to lay our hands on
him, he leaped out of his chair.

How to Be a Winner

“That is totally ^unsatisfactory!” he shouted.

Satan was beginning to show his slimy hand. Up till that
time, Mr. Microbe had pretended to be a Christian. But
suddenly, Satan was in full charge of him.
“Unsatisfactory? I don’t understand. What’s wrong with
it?” I asked him.
“Jesus is an impostor!”
“Is He really? Who told you?” At this point, my questions
weren’t coming out of my own intellect, and I knew it.
“Our friends, the good spirits. They’re the ones who told
us that Jesus is a curse, a nasty name, an impostor.” Mr.
Microbe was highly agitated. He almost came out of his skin.
Ed and I, on the other hand, were resting in Jesus in an
almost supernatural calm.
The questions continued to come through me.
“Does your god have a name, Mr. Microbe?”
“Yes. His name is Tyrus.”
Tyrus! What a revelation! The island of Tyre was so
demon-ridden, that God had destroyed it. The wicked
Jezebel had come from Tyre.
I wanted nothing further to do with Mr. Microbe as long as
he was part of that outfit. Ed and I turned to leave.
“Is your god all powerful?” I asked Mr. Microbe as we
were going out of the room.
“Of course,” he coughed.
“Well, then, why don’t you ask your powerful god Tyrus to
get you off cigarettes?” I said over my shoulder. “Mean¬
while, while you’re coughing yourself to death, we’ll be on
our way. When you’re ready for us to pray in the name of
Jesus, call us. We’ll be glad to come back.”
Mr. Microbe’s face was contorted with a demonic snarl of

Over Deceiving Spirits

fury, but the power of the name of Jesus kept him from
attacking us. As Ed and I walked through the living room
toward the outside door, praying without ceasing down in
our gizzards, I saw a circle of demons squatting around the
walls of the room—^little gnomes, with swelled heads and
shrunken bodies, turtle faces, frog physiognomies, devils
straight from the pit.
I praised God for the ring of fire I could feel around my
head. It warded off the evil spirits and kept them at their
distance. When Ed and I had reached the sidewalk, I looked
at him. His bald head was pure lily white. I didn’t feel too
pink myself. But we had a new testimony of how the blood of
Jesus could protect from evil.

Satan’s tricks are all around us these days. We’ll fall for
them if we don’t watch out, if we don’t keep ourselves prayed
up and tuned into God’s circuit of heavenly joy and peace.
False teachings and doctrines of devils are creeping in
everywhere, even into churches, conferences, and retreats.
Many who call themselves Christians are being drawn into
the abominations of the occult—Edgar Cayce, witchcraft,
horoscopes, transcendental meditation, mind control, and
Ouija boards, to name just a few. Any Christian who falls
into these things becomes a retarded Christian. He chooses
to believe a lie instead of the truth of God.
Maybe you thought that Edgar Cayce was a good guy, and
that his followers were good guys, too. Think again. Satan is
never a good guy, even when he comes disguised as an angel
of light. The fact that healings take place does not prove a
thing is of God. Anything of God exalts Jesus. The Edgar
Cayce-ites do not exalt Jesus. Physical healing of the body is

How to Be a 'Winner

second-best compared to the wholeness that Jesus delivers.

Healing is merely two-dimensional; wholeness is three-
dimensional, a package deal.
Satan’s counterfeit might look like the real thing, but it
only patches up an old garment. Jesus delivers brand-new
merchandise—wholeness. Tuned-in and turned-on King’s
kids can tell the difference. They go first class.
“But I don’t see anything wrong with reading my horo¬
scope or playing with a Ouija board,” some of you may argue.
“After all, it’s all in fun. Just a game. I don’t really live by it.”
If you’re one who feels that way, Satan has you right
where he wants to keep you. God calls these things abomina¬
tions because they invariably draw His people further and
further from Him and eventually suck them all the way into
the camp of the enemy.
Don’t be a loser by following the reasonable dictates of
your think tank. That could lead you to permanent residency
as an inmate on the funny farm, because “the whole head is
sick (Isaiah 1:5). Follow Jesus instead, all the way to abun¬
dant and eternal life.
A Spirit-filled Christian can recognize which wavelengths
are of God and which are not of Him. The retarded Christian
will try to guess what’s going on, and Slue Foot will sneak up
on his blind side and draw him into deception. He will choose
to believe a lie instead of the truth. It takes all the gifts of the
Spirit for King’s kids to function victoriously in these days.
Operating with the gifts of the Spirit is not supposed to be
spectacular, out of the ordinary. It’s normal Christian living
when you’re walking in the Spirit. Heal the sick. Cast out
devils. Take care of needs by the power of the Holy Spirit
working through you.

Over Deceiving Spirits

I imagine Mr. Microbe is still coughing his insides out.

When he gets up to ten packs a day, he may be ready to let us
pray for him in the name of Jesus. While his false god Tyrus
is doing nothing for him, the testimony of kooky Christians
will keep nagging at him until he’s won over. That’s how it
works. Walk into the midst of trouble, and announce, “I have
the answer. The answer is Jesus. If you want Him, you can
have deliverance. If you don’t want Him, forget it and get
It sounds cruel, but you’re actually doing the person a
favor. They need to know that Jesus is the only One who can
help them. Put them on your icky prayer list. Pray that they
go from one degree of misery to another until they receive
Think you’re not worthy to have anything happen when
you give your testimony or when you pray for someone?
Satan is always around to tell you you’re not worthy to do
what God calls you to do. I don’t argue with him. I agree with
him one hundred per cent.
“You’re right. Slue Foot, I’m not worthy. I’ll never be,” I
tell him.
“You don’t have what it takes,” he tells me next.
“I certainly don’t,” I agree.
“You’re going to blow this one completely.”
“Right on,” I tell him. “If I’m in charge. I’ll ruin every¬
thing. But Jesus happens to be in charge of my life and my
functioning, and therefore Romans 8:1 applies to me: There
is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in
Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the
Spirit.’ ” Satan doesn’t stick around to hear the end of the
verse, because he knows I have him licked this time.

How to Be a Winner

Satan will always say you’re condemned. But God says

you’re not. Which one will you believe?
Anytime you feel condemned, that heaviness, that bur¬
dened feeling, is coming from Slue Foot. In Canada, they call
him Old Dirty Face, the accuser of the brethren. Whatever
you call him, know that he wants to make you think that God
can’t use you. He doesn’t want God to use anybody. But you
don’t have to let him have his way. You can let God have His
way in you.
Never think negatively about what God can do through
you. When the power of God is in you to make it happen, and
you’re tuned up to the power circuit where Jesus can make it
happen, it will happen.
Ten or twelve years ago, I took part in a Faith at Work
weekend conference up in Ontario. A young boy there met
Jesus in a marvelous way—as Baptizer in the Holy Spirit.
Afterward, he went home to the farmhouse where his
twelve brothers and sisters lived with him and his parents.
They all listened to his testimony. He told them how he had
met Jesus, and how his life was different already. He
couldn’t put it all into words, but when he said, “Jesus is so
real to me,” they believed him. He looked different, he
sounded different. They couldn’t understand it, but they
said, “Whatever it is that you got, we need it, too.”
The whole family got down on their knees together and
praised God. As they prayed, all fourteen—the twelve
brothers and sisters and the boy’s parents—were filled with
the Holy Spirit.
That started something among the young people in On¬
tario. Many began carrying their Bibles with them.
“What are you, a bunch of kooks?” their friends would ask
Over Deceiving Spirits

“Yes, we’re kooks for Jesus,” the turned-on young people

said, and by the word of their testimony, God began to
change the whole province.
Jesus takes us with whatever equipment we have or do
not have and provides the entire wherewithal to do what He
wants to do through us. All we have to do is believe that He
Go into action wherever you know God wants the good
news to be spread. Spirit is energy, and it takes action for
energy to become power. The kingdom of God is the energy
of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. When
you get the body moving and put it into action, then the
kingdom of God is power in evidence to break down the
kingdom of darkness and to bring into evidence the kingdom
of our God. Hallelujah!

If you’ve been deceived by anything not of God, you can

confess it now and be rid of it forever. Cleansed by the
forgiving blood of Jesus, you can begin to walk in newness of
life, being a winner, living like a King’s kid instead of a
Shantytown brat who has to settle for second best. And you
can make a difference by the word of your testimony

Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You haven’t wiped me out

for dabbling in the things that are abominations to You. I
confess all my sins in this realm: (NAME THE WEIRD
Forgive me for being fascinated by Edgar Cayce when
You can do so much better. Forgive me for reading horo¬
scopes to determine how I should conduct my life instead of
How to Be a Winner

seeking to know Your plan for it. Forgive me for looking to

seances and witchcraft and mind control and reincarnation
and psychics for answers that belong to You alone. Forgive
me for thinking that Ouija boards were just innocent fun.
Forgive me for not giving Your word at least equal time with
the boob tube.
Forgive me, Lord, for settling for second best in any area
of my life. Let me live the life You have planned for me from
now on. Let me never again seek truth from any source that
does not give You the full glory.
Lord, thank You that even though I’ve fallen for deception
in the past, even though I’ve royally goofed so many areas of
my life. You still love me. Thank You for keeping me from
getting into even worse trouble. Help me to use the power of
discernment You have given me so that I won’t get drawn
into anything else that is not of You. Thank You for opening
my eyes and for making me aware of my sin. Thank You for
revealing the lie of Satan’s tricks, for the gift of discernment
from the Holy Spirit to show what he’s up to.
Thank You, Lord, for Your power that protects me from
evil. Thank You for Your forgiving love. Thank You for the
power of our testimony of Your grace. And thank You for
giving me Your mind, the mind of a winner over all cir¬
cumstances, in place of my natural mind, that of a born loser.
Thank You, Lord, for letting me be bom again. In Jesus’
name. Amen.

How to Be a Winner
over Heart Attacks
and Other
Intensive-care Ailments

. . . My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made

perfect in weakness. (II Corinthians 12:9)

Has Jesus really overcome the final enemy, death itself?

He said He had, and I’d believed it. Sometimes I’d even
quoted the Scripture, “Death is swallowed up in vic¬
tory. . . . Thanks be to God, which giveth the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Corinthians 15:54, 57).
But it’s one thing to believe something and another thing to
know it. Today I know that Jesus has swallowed up death in
victory, because I personally checked that Scripture out in
September of 1975.
From about midnight until two o’clock in the morning that
September night, I was lying in my bed at home praising the
Lord with increasing difficulty. The feeling over my heart

How to Be a Winner

was as if a piano leg—concert grand, with six grossly over¬

weight people perched on top of it—was resting on me. As a
result, I couldn’t rest. It was a highly interesting sensation,
but not one I wanted to enjoy indefinitely, even with praises
coming from my lips.
I woke my wife and managed to stammer, “You’d-better-
Our daughter, being a medical secretary, knew just who
to call and how to get things into action without delay. I was
wheeled into the emergency room of the hospital within less
than forty minutes. By that time, I had no business being
anywhere else. I was an emergency all right. Things were
super-critical. It was my second heart attack within a week.
An old friend just happened to be the emergency doctor on
duty that night. He started using his stethoscope while a
nurse wound my arm up for a blood pressure reading.

The soul always looks at symptoms,

and faints at the dire diagnosis.
The Spirit rejoices,
seeing a perfect prognosis in Jesus.

“Fifty over zero,” I heard her report just before blackness

set in. My pastor had arrived, and I heard him praising God.
My daughter was saying, “Thank You, Jesus,” and that’s all
I remember for a while.
When I came back to this world, I was aware that I had not
been afraid during my absence, and that I actually felt

Over Heart Attacks and Other Intensive-Care Ailments

cheated out of graduation because the saints were praising

God and interceding for me with perfect prayers. Maybe the
quota for my particular type was temporarily filled up yon¬
der. I don’t know. But whatever the reason for my return, I
had no anxiety about going—then or now. I was willing to be
with Jesus at whatever level of earth or heaven He thought
was best. It didn’t matter to me which way He decided or
In the days that followed, as I lay in the intensive-care
unit, I found myself asking just one question: “Lord, what’s
in this for You?” Being that close to death—and that was just
one of four heart attacks within the month, as it turned
out—cleanly stripped me of all anxieties and purposes of my
“Lord, You’ve got a reason for me to be back here in the
cardiac intensive-care unit,” I prayed. “Show me what it is.

Bom losers try to stay strong in their own
strength and get weaker and weaker from the
wasted effort.
King's kid winners offer their weakness to God
and He fills it up to overflowing with His
strength. ^

He didn’t give me any immediate answer, so I just waited.

There wasn’t much else I could do. I was all connected up to
wires and pipes and tubes and hoses, so computerized, I
couldn’t wiggle my big toe without having some technician
pop up at my side to see what was wrong.
The man in the bed beside mine had had the pronounce-

How to Be a 'Winner

ment of doom spoken over him. It was obvious that the

hospital staff expected him to go out feet first, with his head
under the sheet.
His doctor came in one morning and said, “Harry, you’ve
been rushed into intensive-care eight times this year Every
test indicates that you are an alcoholic. You’ve ruined your
liver. It’s completely wrecked. One more drink, one more
drop of alcohol, and it’s curtains for you. As a matter of fact,”
he went on, “I’m not sure you’re going to live this time.”
After Harry’s doctor went out, I turned to the patient and
asked him, “What are you going to do after you get out of
here?” Somehow I figured he would have one last chance to
make it.
“Get some booze and pull a drunk. What else?” he
“But I thought I heard the doctor say that you can’t drink
any more unless you want to climb in a casket.”
“Oh,” he said, “the doc exaggerates. He can’t scare me.
I m not that bad off. Why, I’m not really an alcoholic even. I
don’t drink in the daytime.”
I wasn t that bad, either,” I told him, suddenly aware of
what I was doing in the intensive-care unit. You can’t get in
there for any length of time unless you’re a paying customer
or part of the medical contingent.
“I didn’t drink in the daytime,” I told Harry, “and I kept
my job. But after a lot of years, I realized that alcohol was
running my life and I was unable to do anything about it. I
had become an alcoholic. It kind of sneaked up on me.”
Harry did a double-take. Under sheets, it’s hard to tell
much about another patient.

Over Heart Attacks and Other Intensive-Care Ailments

“You’re an alcoholic?” he said in disbelief.

“A non-practicing one, however,” I assured him. “My
alcoholism is my weakness, but it became my greatest
strength when I turned it over to Jesus. He remade my life
when I admitted I couldn’t handle it any longer by myself.”
Harry and I talked practically around the clock after that.
In the cardiac unit, other opportunities for recreation were
rather limited. I learned that Harry was a multimillionaire,
a guy who had everything in the world to live for but yet
nothing that counted.
Harry left the hospital on Thursday, carrying with him a
copy of How to Live Like a King's Kid that my daughter had
smuggled into the hospital. A few days later, Harry came
back to visit me.
“The greatest trip I ever had was when I came to this
hospital the last time,” he said. “I just wanted to let you
know that I’ve read your book, and I’m going to my first AA
meeting tonight.”
“Thank You, Jesus,” I said. “My ICU stay was worth the
trip. There was something in it for You—Harry.”
Six months have passed as I write this. Harry hasn’t had a
drink since. He hasn’t been in the intensive-care unit of a
hospital again, either. He’s being intensively cared for by
Jesus, and is living it up like a real winner.

Do you have a weakness? Years ago, acutely aware of my

weakness, I cried out, “God help me,” and with that, I was
on my way to glory land. Your weakness can be your
greatest strength, too, as you let God’s strength be man¬
ifested through it.

How to Be a Winner

If you do have a weakness, and you’ve been trying to

camouflage it, trying to cover it up and hide it even from
God, don’t do that any longer. Your weakness may be your
greatest asset as you let God move into it and transform your
life by His strength and power.
Can you praise God for your weakness and ask Him to use
it to His glory?

Lord Jesus, I thank You that Your strength can be made

manifest in my weakness. I thank You that I don’t have to
cover it up, to rationalize my behavior, and keep on disinte¬
grating with the stresses and strains of it all. I’m glad I can
come to You right now and say, “Lord, I thank You for my
weakness.” Thank You, Jesus, that You’ve allowed it to
come to my attention. Thank You that I can turn it over to
You that Your strength and power might be manifested in it.
Thank You that I may show forth Your power to the world
by the testimony of what You have done for me, that others
may be made ready to receive You for themselves.
Lord, thank You for the paradox of it all, for the blessing
of knowing You, for the weakness that made me turn in Your
direction after all that time of misery.
Lord, I’m ready to let You lead me by the still waters and
restore my soul from troublesome ownership for myself to
troublefree stewardship for You. Thank You that You have
made it so that my ownership can never make me anything
more than a loser but that Your ownership makes me a
winner—entitled to and receiving all of heaven’s best.
Make use of me as You see fit. Lord. Help Yourself to me
completely. And if I’m still not quite sure I want You to do
that, do it anyhow. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
Over Heart Attacks and Other Intensive-Care Ailments

I’m signing up and reporting in for experiencing more of

the benefits of King’s kid living. I’m ready to become a
member of the winners’ team by selling out to You com¬
pletely, Jesus, as Lord of my life. That makes it Your life in
me, and what You do with it is Your business.

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Other books by Harold Hill:
How to Live Like a King’s Kid
From Goo to You by Way of the Zoo

Harold Hill, born in
New Hampshire in
1905, was, until his re¬
tirement, president of
the Curtis Engine
Company in Balti¬
more, where he now
serves as a consul¬
tant. During World
War II he invented the
ground energizer unit used on every Ameri¬
can airplane for furnishing power to start
airplane engines. As a man he is a blend of
imp and genius who takes great delight in
applying the jargon of his trade to describe
his experiences with Jesus. Today Harold
stands as a unique figure in the charismatic
movement. After emerging from a lengthy
battle with alcoholism he has become noted
as a colorful and often hilarious teacher of
the deep truths of Christian experience.
Other Logos titles by Harold Hill include
How to Live Like a King's Kid, and a Chris¬
tian look at the theory of evolution entitled.
How Did It All Begin? From Goo to You by
\Nay of the Zoo.

Plainfield, N.J. 07060
cover art: John Lawing

Bmken bones
Foylecfoup flight plans

Meroin addiction


®'^ooked friends

Buried «»»***

A tough judge


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10/17/2016 7:32-2

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