Cerberus: Red-Black Heuristic For Planning Tasks With Conditional Effects Meets Novelty Heuristic and Enchanced Mutex Detection

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Cerberus: Red-Black Heuristic for Planning Tasks with Conditional Effects

Meets Novelty Heuristic and Enchanced Mutex Detection

Michael Katz
IBM Research
Yorktown Heights, NY, USA
[email protected]

Abstract Katz, Hoffmann, and Domshlak (2013b) introduced the

red-black framework and conducted a theoretical investi-
Red-black planning is the state-of-the-art approach to satis- gation of tractability. Following up on this, they devised
ficing classical planning. A planner Mercury, empowered by practical red-black plan heuristics, non-admissible heuris-
the red-black planning heuristic, was the runner-up of the lat- tics generated by repairing fully delete-relaxed plans into
est International Planning Competition (IPC) 2014, despite
the trivial handling of conditional effects by compiling them
red-black plans (Katz, Hoffmann, and Domshlak 2013a).
away. Conditional effects are important for classical plan- Observing that this technique often suffers from dramatic
ning and required in many domains for efficient modeling. over-estimation incurred by following arbitrary decisions
Another recent success in satisficing classical planning is the taken in delete-relaxed plans, Katz and Hoffmann (2013)
Novelty based heuristic guidance. When novelty of heuris- refined the approach to rely less on such decisions, yield-
tic values is considered, search space is partitioned into nov- ing a more flexible algorithm delivering better search guid-
elty layers. Exploring these layers in the order of their nov- ance. Subsequently, Katz and Hoffmann (2014b) presented
elty considerably improves the performance of the underlying a red-black DAG heuristics for a tractable fragment charac-
heuristics. Yet another recent success relates to the transla- terized by DAG black causal graphs and devise some en-
tion of planning tasks from the input PDDL language to a hancements targeted at making the resulting red-black plans
grounded multi-valued variable based representation, such as
SAS . Recent methods of invariants synthesis allow for de-
executable in the real task, stopping the search if they suc-
riving richer SAS+ representations. ceed in reaching the goal. Red-black DAG heuristics are
in the heart of the Mercury planner (Katz and Hoffmann
We herein present a satisficing classical planner which we
baptize Cerberus, that incorporates these three recent im-
2014a), the runner-up of the sequential satisficing track in
provements. It starts by performing enhanced mutex detec- the latest International Planning Competition (IPC 2014).
tion to derive a SAS+ planning task with conditional effects. All aforementioned work on red-black planning, however,
Then, it performs best first search of various greediness, ex- handles the SAS+ fragment without conditional effects, de-
ploiting red-black planning heuristic with a direct handling spite of conditional effects being a main feature in the do-
of conditional effects and using such red-black heuristic as a mains of IPC 2014. The planner Mercury that favorably par-
base for a novelty heuristic. ticipated in IPC 2014, handles conditional effects by simply
compiling them away (Nebel 2000). Obviously, the num-
ber of actions in the resulted planning tasks grows exponen-
Introduction tially, and thus such straight forward compiling away does
Delete relaxation heuristics have played a key role in the not scale well. Nebel (2000) presents an alternative compila-
success of satisficing planning systems (Bonet and Geffner tion, that does not lead to an exponential blow-up in the task
2001; Hoffmann and Nebel 2001; Richter and Westphal size. This compilation, however does not preserve the delete
2010). A well-known pitfall of delete relaxation is its inabil- relaxation. Thus, several delete relaxation based heuristics
ity to account for repetive achievements of facts. It has thus were adapted to natively support conditional effects (Haslum
been an actively researched question from the outset how to 2013; Röger, Pommerening, and Helmert 2014). Recently,
take some deletes into account, e. g. (Fox and Long 2001; Katz (2018) has shown that the fragment of red-black plan-
Gerevini, Saetti, and Serina 2003; Helmert 2004; Helmert ning characterized by DAG black causal graphs remains
and Geffner 2008; Baier and Botea 2009; Cai, Hoffmann, tractable in the presence of conditional effects, extending the
and Helmert 2009; Haslum 2012; Keyder, Hoffmann, and existing red-black planning heuristics to natively handling
Haslum 2012). Red-black planning framework (Domshlak, conditional effects.
Hoffmann, and Katz 2015), where a subset of red state vari- Search-boosting and pruning techniques have consider-
ables takes on the relaxed value-accumulating semantics, ably advanced the state-of-the-art in planning as heuristic
while the other black variables retain the regular semantics, search (Richter and Helmert 2009; Richter and Westphal
introduced a convenient way of interpolating between fully 2010; Xie et al. 2014; Valenzano et al. 2014; Domshlak,
relaxed and regular planning. Katz, and Shleyfman 2013; Lipovetzky and Geffner 2012).
One such technique is based on the concept of novelty of iments, this step was observed to make a significant contri-
a state, where the search procedure prunes nodes that do bution to the performance of the overall planning system.
not qualify as novel. The concept has been successfully
exploited in classical planning via SIW + and DF S(i) Red-Black Planning Heuristic
search algorithms and in heuristic search, in conjunction In order to describe the configuration of the red-black plan-
with helpful actions (Lipovetzky and Geffner 2012; 2014; ning heuristic hRB , we need to specify how a red-black task
2017). and in blind state-space search for deterministic on- is constructed (which variables are chosen to be red and
line planning in Atari-like problems (Lipovetzky, Ramirez, which black), also known as painting strategy, as well as
and Geffner 2015), where it was later generalized to ac- how the red-black task is solved. In both cases, we followed
count for rewards (Shleyfman, Tuisov, and Domshlak 2016; the choices made by Mercury planner. Specifically, for red-
Jinnai and Fukunaga 2017). The latter work, although ap- black task construction followed one of the basic strategies,
plied to Atari-like problems, is valid for planning with re- namely ordering the variables by causal graph level, and
wards in general, when rewards are defined on states. Con- either (a) iteratively painting variables red until the black
sequently, (Katz et al. 2017) brought the concept of novelty causal graph becomes a DAG (Domshlak, Hoffmann, and
back to heuristic search, adapting the novelty definition of Katz 2015), or (b) iteratively painting variables black as long
Shleyfman, Tuisov, and Domshlak (2016) to a novelty of a as the black causal graph is a DAG. There are two submit-
state with respect to its heuristic estimate. The new nov- ted planners, that differ in their painting strategies. While
elty notion was no longer used solely for pruning search the planner that (similarly to Mercury planner) uses strategy
nodes, but rather as a heuristic function, for node ordering in (a) is called Cerberus, the planner that uses strategy (b) is
a queue. However, since such heuristics are not goal-aware, denoted by Cerberus-gl. These two planners differ in red-
Katz et al. (2017) use the base goal-aware heuristic as a sec- black planning task creation only, and therefore in what fol-
ondary (tie-breaking) heuristic for node ordering. lows, we describe the configurations without mentioning the
In this work we construct a planner Cerberus, named af- actual planner. The further difference from Mercury planner
ter the monstrous three-headed guardian of the gates of the is in the definition of invertibility in the presence of condi-
Underworld in Greek mythology. The planner incorporates tional effects. In our planners we follow the definition of
three main recent improvements, namely enhanced mutex Katz (2018).
detection, recent novelty heuristic, and the extension of red- For solving the red-black task, we use the algorithm pre-
black planning heuristic to conditional effects. Two variants sented in Figure 2 of Katz (2018). It is an adaptation of the
of the planner submitted to the International Planning Com- algorithm of Katz and Hoffmann (2014a) to tasks with con-
petition (IPC) 2018 differ in the red-black planning heuristic ditional effects. The algorithm receives a red-black planning
they use. In the reminder of this paper we describe the com- task, as well as a set of red facts that is sufficient for reach-
ponents in detail. ing the red-black goals. Such a set is typically obtained from
a relaxed solution to the task. Then, it iteratively (i) selects
Configurations an action that can achieve some previously unachieved fact
from that set, (ii) achieves its preconditions, and (iii) applies
Both Cerberus variants participate in three tracks, namely the action. Finally, when all the facts in the set are achieved,
satisficing, agile, and bounded-cost. They are built on top of it achieves the goal of the task. We follow Katz and Hoff-
the adaptation of the Mercury planner (Katz and Hoffmann mann (2014a) in the two optimizations applied to ehnance
2014a), runner-up of the sequential satisficing track of IPC red-black plan applicability: selecting the next action in (i)
2014, to the recent version of the Fast Downward framework preferring actions such that achieving their black precondi-
(Helmert 2006). Furhter, the implementation is extended to tions does not involve deleting facts from the set above, and
natively support conditional effects (Katz 2018). In contrast selecting the sequences of actions in (ii), preferring those
to Mercury planner, the red-black planning heuristic is en- that are executable in the current state.
hanced by the novelty heuristic (Katz et al. 2017), replacing
the queues ordered by the red-black planning heuristic hRB Landmarks Count Heuristic
in Mercury planner with queues ordered by the novelty of a Following the successful approaches of Mercury and LAMA
state with respect to its red-black planning heuristic estimate planners, we use additional queues ordered by the landmark
hRB , with ties broken by hRB . In what follows, we describe count heuristic (Richter and Westphal 2010).
the parts that are shared between the tracks and then detail
the configuration for each track. Novelty Heuristic
The novelty heuristic used in our planners measures the nov-
Enchanced Invariance Detection elty of a state with respect to its red-black planning heuristic
As the search and the heuristic computation are performed estimate hRB . Specifically, we use the hQB heuristic, as de-
on the finite domain representation SAS+ (Bäckström and scribed in Equation 3 of Katz et al. (2017). The quantified
Nebel 1995), invariance detection plays a significant role both novel and non-novel heuristic hQB is designed not only
in the quality of the translation from PDDL representation to distinguish novel states from non-novel ones, but also to
to SAS+ . To reduce the number of multi-valued state vari- separate novel states, and even to separate non-novel ones.
ables we exploit the h2 mutexes detection as a preprocessing Consequently, we use the best performing overall configura-
step (Alcázar and Torralba 2015). In our preliminary exper- tion of Katz et al. (2017) in Cerberus planners.
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