Codigos Falla Linde h40

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Service T rainino — 394 604 2ñ0 T EN — 01/2 u0

The truck series 394 H 40 - H


Power is redefined with 1ha n6w genamt on of

look trucks H 40, H 45 and H 50 for very
heavy du\y Unequalled operating comfort
ncreases productivity, which, together with
fueJ economy and I ice costs trans ates
nto superior

Design of operator's cgmpartment

The operator' s compartment, developed
accor ding jo \i e ergonomic findings, has an
automo- bile-type quality, options like radlo,
heating and air cond I' irig are perfectly
ntegrated in ltte ca bin numerous p aces to put
th ^9S camp et e the picture. The Indicators
and switches InstalleJ In the canopy console
of the truck are eas Iy acces blo mast
funct ons can be operate+J sens tively with
Ihe Linde ¢•aa C ontrol; tha two levers
integrated in the arm rest eapon d to the sligh-
test movement of the finger. Also fatigue-
free is the Linde dual-pedal control for fast
\vilfiout shif\ing the feet; annoying road bumps
are damped by lhe rudder-mounted drive
axJe. A Jo v driving rJuise re!iuves 'he operator
and envi- ronment and ensures, to0ethor with an
excel1ent panorama view,1he high safely
9tondazd s.

Chass is
The u‹JiI of overhead guard and chassis
(Linos PrclectorFrarne) guarantees the
greatest pos- sible stability and protection.
Tha closed chassis
Product information
The BR 394 diesel truck

The Jow-noise dieceJ engines convince with

their state-of-the-art engine technology: high
lorque, fue economy low exhaust emissions

No clutch no transm ssion no brake The step

bese Linde hydrostatic drive excels
especially in extreme appllcations due to its
low-wear tecf+no-

Electronic / electrical system

The Linde Truck C ontrol (LTC) adjusts the
engine speed inteIIigen\Iy lo the particular
demand of the hydraulic system and can be
a‹lapted Individually to any task ^" sateiy
related truck components such as m
croprocessors ey st twice a se te
makes servicing easier. The protection› of
tf+e control unit and ulectriC cablos against
moisture and d rt complies w th If e T i¿hest
automolive standard and also incl eases
functional reliability.
0 Product information
The BR 394 diesel truck

• The lins satety valve prevents that lhe
fork carriage drops uncontrolled nith the
any play The ergonom c steering steel w load lf e
adjustable tilt angle fits easily and precisely in
ver's hands
Good driv ng eharacterlstics in curves and
pre- cise steering are naturally
characteñstic ol Ihis series
Overhead tilt cylinders allow tote full load capa-
city and a high residual capacily even at high Standard equipment
lift heights. Slim mact channels ensure Unobst- • hydraulically iou
ructed view on the oad end environment, maln-

Anti-glare display with indicators, for example,

Gentle jydroslatlc brak ng as soon as th for fuel evel time operating hours service
accelerator is released meane wear-fr06

Various places to
put beverage cans,
• Automatic application of the parking
brake when the engine of the vehicle1s
shut off. • Forks, I = 1000 mm.
• Fork carriage width b3 1350 mm.
Safety is our prime concern

Standard mgsts with

The hydrostatic drive brakes automatic lifti from 3000 EO 5400
when the accelerator pedal is released. mm.
• Duplex masts (full 'free lift) with I[fting
heights ranging from 0o30 to 4130 mm.
safely related truck components • Triples masts (full free lift) with lifting
exist (redundant) for highest functional heights ranging from 4525 to 6315 mm
salety. Load screen.
• High darjree of safe\y and stability due to the • Single and double auxiliary hydraulics for all
Linde ProjectorFrame mast types
Superb Single-lever operation ol the lifting hydraulics.
• Various fork lengths.
The ead guard
• Overhead guard can be expended as far as
• Full cap'aciIy up to high lih heights
the operator’s compartmenl wilh roof, front
and ig ual capac

• Wiper-wash system for front, rear and

roof w|ndscreenc.
Service Tmining — 39 '4 804 240 T EN —
Product information 0
The BR 394 diesel truck

Seats wllh improved comfort ( ordotic

• Road hit.
seat heater) and adjustment settings.
• Integrated soot filter for diesel.
• Warm water heating with integrated polJen

• Radio wlth cassette deck arid loudspeakers.

Roof blind, clipboard, interior light
column also height-adjustable. la'
li • Bio diesel fuel (RME) capabillty.

Service T ruining - 304 804 2401 GN - 01/2005

0 Product information

LTC - b¥sSİc structurE'

392 09-40

s Dire
S Trac

Service TrainirØ -394 804 240ł EN —

Product information0

Ełei•vioe Training —394 804 2401 EN —01/200fii

0 Product information

LTC modules - difference between diesel and LPG trucks

electrctnics - overview

Service Training — 30'4 804 240a EN -0 t/2005

Product information

4 CAN diagnostic conne

5 Tilt angle a an sor mast Kan
6 Mast mm
Trac\ion pump
Directional con
reclional strolswitch
Integrated tracTioWift cont rod LLC module

LTC - system overview


CAT buc
Integrated tra¢tionñift control LTC module
Product irzfo rmatior

Composite instrumcnt - fauIt codcs

The error code are f own in the toxt field
(2x11 characters) 8r d in caso an "optional sme

Tne sequence in which the error codes are

slJowiJ depends on the ono hand on the code
letter (T before L before D error) and on
lhe other han frUrn the seQuence ii \•.'fi ich 'he
error nrfmhers ale transmitted en the CAN. If
more faults ha‘ze occurred If an can be sho»'n,
the Just must be scrolled smith the button.
In the event of characters " in the text field so
oil wit the left button to tho left and in the
eve It of characters ”>” in the text fielcf scroll
with Ihe rlght button to the right.
Priorily of error code dispiay. T before L
defore D before F before R before X before
Y before Z 1 Text lield

J’rčtcti Of1


LTC traction control codes, release 1.0.D

Error acceieretor potentionieter zero position or 3 V potentiometer supply tau!t

after n n ON

Blake pedal no' yet actuated ailed ignition

ON Seat ncl occupied

Dffec1i‹:nuI conta ol switch in zero position (single-pedal

model) Brake pedal depressed hclf \\’ay
Brake pedal depressed fr Joy
Intervention by working hydraulics rec|
uestec! Control unit in p.ogra rmirig
0 Product information

Si¿naln of est switch and acc=Iera'or potenliometer not plausible for more tI1an 2 se-

130 Coolant tcmpczature sending unit: Signal cutside of valid

rang* Hydrau outs'de of salid

I"an bypass valve: Current loo

hich Fan bypass valve: C rreilt
too low
Throhlc plate sol¢nnid: €*r rrent too high (I,PG try sks
only) Tfircftl ed (LFG tn Cks

Po ove r sta ule of fari L yp as9 \’aIve I ewa a ti vsted

Thro t tie pIate CUI* rscid aJy/ ys aut ivate ó (LPÙ Ir uoi‹s only)
175 Fault in throttln pfatn solenoir4 circuit (LPC trrtcks only)
179 Fault in the fan b' ¿ass '/aIve circuit
180 No data

Uirectior'al control switch: Uirection signal uvr'rI¿[ s zero settir g si Anal for more tfian

The sw’itc!J-con'roI .°d speec! Iii£ tation tunction s activated u

nats nf the s'.vit h (rhange ov=.r contactl are rot torn[›atiLiIe.
ión s of rel .en ante r a

Accelerator: Hefei ence potentio.m.°ler Ca iI0 hr ezzkar|c or

short Acceleratcr: H+terence po!entiome\ür cablr b e kuge
or ühor\
Product information

245 Power stage release: Activation and feedback not plausfDle

'f release r activated

LPG shot-off valve: Current too low (LPG trucks only)

250 Throttle plate solenoid: Current too I w tLPG trucks only)
Braka valve: Current too high (only lot trucks with retarder brake)
r trucks wilh er ke)



Power slage for pump reverse always acfivatad

truclc6 only)
Safety processor dete‹fis deviating signztl from spaed
sensor prooessor detc•nts deviati eta

273 afety p sl current

274 Safety processor detects signals deviating from 4recñonal controJ switch
late (LPG \nxks only)
Fault in brako valve cimuit (trucks with retarder brake
only) Fault In pump forward Unit
Fault in pump reverse circuit
34o Power etage of LPG shut-otf valve always activated fLPG trucke only)

Power stage of release valve always activated

Release valve: Current too high
Gas shut-off valve: Maximum current exceeded (LPG trucks
only) LPG ff val igh (LPG tiucl‹s only)
la nfy)
Brake valve: Current zero with power stage activated (only for trUcks with retarder
Pump forward: Current zero with power slage
activated Pump reverse. Current zero with power
stage ectivated
371 Safety processor detects deviating feerJhaok signal at PWM power stages for IC engine
372 Safety processor detects deviating slgnal at operator inputs

Service Training — 394 80s 24a \ EN — 01/200s

Próduct information

Safety processor detach deviating signaJ for pump reverse current -

Safely processor detects deviating signal pedal codi• 9 -..
No dala from safety processor
Safety processor: truck speed too hlgh
Safety prorossor: truck speed too low .
Safe\y processor: pump conmal in forword direction not plausibTe in reJalion to
acceTera- tor potenliometer
Safety procescor: pump control in reverse directiun not plau¢able in relation \o acceiera-
484 tor potentiometer
'484 Safety processor: activation of pump reverse not plausible to acneleraTor potentiometer :,
4B8 Safelyprocessor: LPG shut-oñvalve activated at speed 0 (LPG trucI‹sonIy) ":
490 ,; ,’' Safe\yprocessor: Switch-ofltestfault ’
! l.'’
LTD,’-’Lift Control Codes, Vdrùion 1.0.0

1 |i , Power On, procedure noi completed ’ ”
2 ; ! !: Joystick neutral
3 .:i. T!!ñn @ at fhe stop, end position dumping active or programmed position reached ' '
4 ,| |i Programmed end posi\ion exceeded
S | ':. Invalid truck type - ’ -
7 !”“' Door not Coced (only on trucks with ¢loor switch)
11 I : ControJ unit in programming mode
12 J i :' Safety processor not active
14 |,:: . Terminal 15: foliage under 8 V
15 ': EEF'ROM fault
\6 ’ ’ Mast positioning active
t7 Seat awitch not actuated
J8 ’ not
T9 ” No teaching of joysticks
20 .’. Switching from 2nd to 3rd auxiliary hydraulics resulls in.implausibie signals briefly ,

1 41 : fncompalibili£y betwaan si9n«I/refered+ug signal S6et switch

146 :' Seat swi\ch. Seat not occupied for more than 2
seconds 1B0 ,. No data from salaly processor

220 :/.:. Tilt s 'nsor ccble breakage

221 ; Reference potenliometor tilt sensor incompatible
Z2g' '" Joystick nol in neulrel posi\ion for more than 2 sec after Power
On 230"Ii Cable breakage joystick lifting/fowering
231. '. Cudle breakage joystick tilting
232 ': Cable breakage joystick AUX1
23a . Cable breakage joystick AUX1
Z3ñ,|i’ frlcompalibilify hWeen signaI/referance polentiometer liftinp4 owering
Product information 0

236 Incompaôbility between signoJ/refefence potentiometer tilting

237 Incompatibitty between signe\iie fefence potentiometer AUX1
!" 238 Incompatibillty beMeen signal/roference potenùemeter Aux2
239 Incompatibi1ity between signal/reference signal seat switch
247 Swilch|ng from 2nd to 3rd auxiliary hydraulics constantly Results In implausible
2S0 Monitoring PWM (pulse width modulation) llfttng/lowenng
2S1 Monitoring PWM ¢lting
2S2 Monitoring PWM AUX1
2S3 Monitoring PWM AUX9
254 Solenoid serrent TifTing/!owering too low
ZSS Solenoid current Iifling loo lotv
!! ' 2S6 Solenoid current AUX1 too.low
5oJenold current AUX2 too low
Solenoid current iifling/Iower1ng too high
Solenoid cunent tilLng too high
!"’ 260 Solenoid current AUX1 too high
26Œ Solenoid current AUM leo high
262 Voltage at iifling solenoid permanently high
263 Voltage at lowering solenoid parmanently high
Voltage at foiward t4ting solenold permanenky high
Voltage at backwardtllTing solenoid permanently hfgh
Voltage at solenoid 4UX1+ permanently hlgh
267 Voltage at solenoid 'JX1- permanently high
268 Collage at solenoid AUX2+ permanenliy high
269 Vollage at solenoid AUX2- perrrtanently high ’
270 Vollaga at Iifling soleroid permanentJy low ' '”
271 Voilage at lowenng noid permanendy low'
272 Vollage at forward tilorg solenoid permanently low
Vokage at backward üllng solenoid permanently low
274 Voltage at solenoid AU2\+ permanentfy low
275 Vollage at soleno d AU*1- permanently low
276 Collage at solenoid AU?2+ permanently low
2D Vollage at solenoid AUîz2- permanenlly low
280 Safefy relay always Off
281 Safety relay always Oñaftcr Power On
282 Safety relay always Or .
293 Safety relay always O.› after Power On
2g4 Lowering release vaI’e cunent too how although activu\ed
•• '^9 ^E• e • *e vtÉe cLtr rent too high although not activated
288 Lowering release v ie current very high
Lgwering release v«ize akvays OFF
288 Lowering reiease vi've always ON
2B9 Safety valve cuzrentt. w although activated
290 Lo\vering re1ease 'zaf/*cument too high allhough not acjivated
291 Lo'/zenng release u current very high

Service T raining 394 804 2401 EN-Ü200s

ct information

'etc' proce g joy si

Safety processor detects deviating joy stick AUX 2
fety processor ¢letects devi g F'WM f Iifting/I
Safely processor fiotects deviating tilting PWRS
Safety dctccts devi ng AUX 1 PWM
Safe\y p
No teaching ol tiJt angle limit steps in safety processor
ects devi a It en e si

lety process hi though joys

lBafety processor: Saiety valve switch-ofi test
unsuccessful 419 .y switch-ofi tost

ety f› si
Safety processor : Forward til! driver› although mast outsir!e ol I e front eiecti ie slops
Safety gruo ess o r! Bauk\^/arcl lily con'roIIed although rnasl oulñiJe of the beiJind electric

LTC codE•s of composite instrument

e‹ lau olco
Composite 'nst ument CAN interface e• ef 200 ins in the Dec-ufi c: nfiition
T rartion cnntrnl .* heartbeat message missing for owl 400 ms
Lift cowtroJ ,’ heartbeat message missing for over 400 was
foot !iI\cr control / hoar4boa •• = =•s• miming for over 400 ms
Uata long+r ’ JJ ea tbeat rn.°ssape miss'ng for over 40a ri 5
'•1 2 CAN ’ tseartneat me ssa s • i ing for o\’er 400 ms
Product information

166 CSM2 message miss\ng lor over 400 mg

.', 168 CSM3 for pver 400 m9
182 Display over 120 s
J84 Oil shorted to earth and speed < 10
V for t > 300 Es a•o ^• 9ine speed > 9ß0 ipfn or il baltery charging
OFF and < 1O
i 88 Air filter shortod to earth and < 10

i90 Signal pressure ol hydraulic system oil micro-filter shorted to eartlJ and
192 Selected does not rnaich fuel level unit

!.•.”” 01/
Service T ra ning — 394 804 2401 I-N -
0 -1

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