Codigos Falla Linde h40
Codigos Falla Linde h40
Codigos Falla Linde h40
Chass is
The u‹JiI of overhead guard and chassis
(Linos PrclectorFrarne) guarantees the
greatest pos- sible stability and protection.
Tha closed chassis
Product information
The BR 394 diesel truck
• The lins satety valve prevents that lhe
fork carriage drops uncontrolled nith the
any play The ergonom c steering steel w load lf e
adjustable tilt angle fits easily and precisely in
ver's hands
Good driv ng eharacterlstics in curves and
pre- cise steering are naturally
characteñstic ol Ihis series
Overhead tilt cylinders allow tote full load capa-
city and a high residual capacily even at high Standard equipment
lift heights. Slim mact channels ensure Unobst- • hydraulically iou
ructed view on the oad end environment, maln-
Various places to
put beverage cans,
• Automatic application of the parking
brake when the engine of the vehicle1s
shut off. • Forks, I = 1000 mm.
• Fork carriage width b3 1350 mm.
Safety is our prime concern
392 09-40
s Dire
S Trac
electrctnics - overview
CAT buc
Integrated tra¢tionñift control LTC module
Product irzfo rmatior
J’rčtcti Of1
Si¿naln of est switch and acc=Iera'or potenliometer not plausible for more tI1an 2 se-
Uirectior'al control switch: Uirection signal uvr'rI¿[ s zero settir g si Anal for more tfian
ety f› si
Safety processor : Forward til! driver› although mast outsir!e ol I e front eiecti ie slops
Safety gruo ess o r! Bauk\^/arcl lily con'roIIed although rnasl oulñiJe of the beiJind electric
e‹ lau olco
Composite 'nst ument CAN interface e• ef 200 ins in the Dec-ufi c: nfiition
T rartion cnntrnl .* heartbeat message missing for owl 400 ms
Lift cowtroJ ,’ heartbeat message missing for over 400 was
foot !iI\cr control / hoar4boa •• = =•s• miming for over 400 ms
Uata long+r ’ JJ ea tbeat rn.°ssape miss'ng for over 40a ri 5
'•1 2 CAN ’ tseartneat me ssa s • i ing for o\’er 400 ms
Product information
i90 Signal pressure ol hydraulic system oil micro-filter shorted to eartlJ and
192 Selected does not rnaich fuel level unit
!.•.”” 01/
Service T ra ning — 394 804 2401 I-N -
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