Interbrand Best Global Brands 2020
Interbrand Best Global Brands 2020
Interbrand Best Global Brands 2020
of Possibility
see their consumption choices At one time, it was inconceivable
as votes of confidence. In some that the DotCom Boomers Yahoo
instances, organizations have or AOL could fail, or that we’d fall
more power than governments. out of love with our Nokia handsets.
But Google and Apple showed us
At a time of deep reflection, a more compelling vision of the
the deepest form of relevance future and the rest is history.
Welcome to
is increasingly being driven by
an uncompromising approach The lifespan of an organization
to fundamental human issues. was contracting before 2020;
Businesses that do not yet the pandemic and our collective
Best Global
know, very specifically, which awakening will only serve to
constituents they are systematically accelerate that trend. Jeff Bezos,
disadvantaging (and how) are CEO of Best Global Brand,
at risk because in this hyper Amazon, a business so large
transparent world, the truth will it is almost planetary, said: “I
Brands 2020
out, and customers will “cancel”. predict one day Amazon will fail.
Amazon will go bankrupt. If you
PayPal is one of 2020’s fastest look at large companies, their
risers, thanks to a radical application lifespans tend to be 30-plus years,
of its values and the trust those not a hundred-plus years.”
actions drive. In 2015 it decided
to prioritise customers’ financial While it’s hard to conceive of a world
interests over its own higher revenue in which the 100 Best Global Brands
products. Despite an immediate are no longer in our lives, we are
stock market drop of 9% this undoubtedly at a point of divergence.
move unleashed long-term growth. A tipping point for many. Businesses
More recently, Paypal has begun a that cannot serve citizens and
program to redistribute capital from brands that fail to gain the consent
shareholders back to its lowest paid of customers will not stay ahead
employees to ensure that everyone of our constantly renewing
who works at PayPal can pay their expectations and they will fail.
bills. At a time of anxiety, there’s
not much that matters more. Climate change is the next
apocalyptic event we face, so
n 2020, in a year of turbulence alone was 50%. It’s clear that in Microsoft has become a Top 3 Best sustainability has to become a radical
so seismic in scale and rapid 2020, strong brands have become Global Brand in 2020. It’s CEO, priority for organizations and brands.
in impact that the world is still stronger as a result of the COVID Satya Nadella, argues that in the Microsoft has committed to being
computing the effects, the effect, which has accelerated digital future: “you’ll only have permission carbon negative (not just neutral)
aggregate value of the Top transformation trends, such as cloud- to profit as a business if you have by 2030 (and Shell dropped off the
100 Best Global Brands has based tech and streaming, across the consent of customers.” In this Best Global Brands list this year).
grown by 9%. Their total brand sectors, reinforcing the dominance we see that as people begin to
value exceeds $2 trillion. of technology first brands. hold business to account, choice is Change, once again, is creating
morphing into consent and brands winners and losers and posing
As the pandemic and wider social Crises recast the tacit contract are mediating the commitments a difficult choices. The real question
outrage exposed fault lines in society between organizations and people. business makes to its constituents. may be, are you going to lead from
and polarized people further; we Certainly, we are seeing that now. In this mix brand is still a promise, the future or manage your decline?
see a similar divergence in the Best As rising expectations dissolve into but a promise of something
Global Brands with 43% of brands anxiety, people are demanding deeper. Done right brands offer an
growing, and 57% declining in more of the businesses they buy equilibrium between business and
value (vs 29% declining in 2019). into. There is a growing sense of customer. A set of shared values.
This years’ winners are notable for human disempowerment, a growing Charles Trevail
particularly fast growth; the average awareness of the power of brands, Only 41 brands from our 2000 Global Chief Executive
increase amongst the top 3 brands and consumers are beginning to ranking remain on the table today. Officer, Interbrand
he scale of the current “by historic milestones and
social, economic and discoveries, yes, but also
cultural turmoil seems wrenching upheaval…
unprecedented. Genius flourished under these
conditions… but risk flourished, too.”
But is it?
Gutenberg’s invention of the
Recovering from a widespread printing press (1450s), Columbus’s
plague, in only a few decades discovery of the New World (1492),
between the late 15th and early Vasco da Gama’s discovery of a sea
16th century, Europe went route to Asia (1497), Copernicus’s
through a tumultuous transition, revolutionary theories of a sun
marked – in the words of Oxford centred cosmos (1510s) and world
professor Ian Goldin – changing artistic, scientific and
fuels fear, how can brands, one question emerged as vulnerability, gratitude and empathy.
the keystone of our analysis: what Ultimately, it takes brave leadership
brands build economic is brand’s role in an anxious world? and powerful engagement to find
relevance. Encapsulating and
resilience and individual With an aggregate value of over anticipating the zeitgeist, great
2 trillion dollars, there can be no brands lift us from indifference
confidence? doubt that these brands are now a and make our choices meaningful.
force of macroeconomic magnitude They count us as constituents,
and, most importantly, influence. not just consumers.
Their policies and actions have an
impact no longer just on individual They become anchor points at
choices and nations’ prosperity, times of volatility, sparking desire,
but on our interconnected global delivering utility and building trust.
society – and our planet, too. Leadership, engagement and
relevance reverberate across our
So as uncertainty fuels fear, how can conversations with business leaders
brands build economic resilience across all geographies, sizes and
and individual confidence? industries, as well as in our ongoing
dialogue with their customers. They
Our analysis revealed a chain of are the keys to unlock results in the
three fundamental priorities. current crisis, building customer
confidence and business resilience.
As uncertainty fuels our fear, it
takes courageous leadership to We are only beginning to grasp
create hope. Never like today, we the implications of this inflection
must be driven by perspective, not point, and no organisation will be
immediacy. We need the world’s untouched. For many businesses,
most influential brands to lead what looms ahead is a quest for
from the future, setting a worthy survival and recovery. For others, this
purpose and a powerful ambition is the time to imagine radically new
beyond turbulence and chaos. contracts with their constituents.
a flag in the future
ncertainty makes us
instinctively crunch into
immediacy; a fight-or-
flight survival mode that
deprives us of a broader,
farther reaching view.
The present becomes all-consuming,
and the future feels impenetrable and
threatening. We need leadership.
Many of the fastest growing global it by changing the way people see Tesla’s brand – its flag in the
brands do this by increasingly the brand and, often, the category. future – hasn’t only driven
intertwining three aspects: demand and advocacy from
a long term human truth; a By setting a north star purpose, its inception. It has also built
nearer term business ambition; translating it into a proximate enormous liquidity by attracting
and constant, agile action. ambition, and making ongoing and retaining a loyal following
moves to achieve that ambition, of retail investors. Ultimately, it
Let’s start with the long term. the world’s fastest growing has also forced change in one
Organisations that thrive in businesses are effectively using of the most inertial and largest
uncertainty are inspired and their brands as flags planted in scale industries. Tesla is highly
driven by a clear purpose: a the future – and creating a journey likely to be facing increasing
stance about a deep human that people within and outside of competition going forward, but
truth uniting constituents that the business want to be part of. stands as an exceptional case
acts as a north star. As Wharton of leading from the future with
Professor Americus Reed II In July Tesla (BV $12,785bn) absolute clarity of direction.
notes, some of today’s most overtook Toyota (BV $51,595bn;
effective brands are activists -8% YOY) as the world’s most Fast growing brands are
that happen to make products. valuable car maker – never remarkable in their ability to
mind that it made 370,000 combine that fixed long term
They then activate that purpose cars against Toyota’s 10m and vision with flexible short term
by distilling it into a sharp, a fraction of its revenues. action: direction and agility.
timebound ambition – a proximate, There are industrial drivers behind As the customer mindset and
measurable objective that this performance – most notably, competitive threats change on
everyone in the organisation a significant edge in battery an ongoing basis, the traditional
knows they can potentially achieve technology and software. But these paradigm of research, brand
within a given timeframe. are the results of coherent moves – positioning and communications
innovation, launches, adjacencies is outdated – replaced by a
Lastly, they navigate towards that and, yes, buzz – inspired by a clear clear ambition driving fast-
ambition by making moves that direction: a clear purpose translated paced, highly targeted moves
accelerate the business towards into subsequent industrial targets. borne of experimentation.
a shared journey
s Harvard Professor
Nancy Koehn points
out, at times of
crisis courageous
leadership is a result
of individual people
committing to work from their
stronger selves, discovering a
mighty purpose – and motivating
others to join their cause.
A sense of belonging
he old normal didn’t
work for everybody.
Gradually, and then
suddenly, we realised it.
The degree to which the whole The degree to which the organisation The speed to market that a
organisation is pulling in the same is in tune with customers and wider company demonstrates in the
direction, committed to the brand stakeholders, actively listening to face of opportunity or challenge,
strategy and empowered by systems and anticipating their evolving needs, enabling it to get ahead and
to execute it across the business. beliefs and desires, and responding stay ahead of expectations.
L1 effectively and appropriately.
DIRECTION The shift The shift
A strong brand is the organisation’s The shift Fixed long-term ambition,
The degree to which there is a clear most powerful connective tissue. Data reveals the what. flexible short-term action.
purpose and ambition for the brand, a Dialogue unearths the why.
plan to deliver on them over time, and What this means What this means
a defined culture and values to guide For brand leaders competing in What this means As sectors blur into arenas and
how those plans should be executed. different geographies and arenas, As expectations move faster than brands bloom into ecosystems,
a cohesive culture of clarity and the businesses, creating an ongoing the speed, scale and stakes of
The shift belief becomes the only viable and dialogue with customers and decisions surge exponentially.
It’s no longer just what a brand efficient alternative to control. constituents is critical to make bold Underpinned by agile organisations,
stands for, but where it’s going next. moves with confidence reducing the strongest brands constantly
Widespread clarity around purpose risks and multiplying opportunities. build new business engines,
What this means and ambition create an environment multiplying revenue opportunities.
The very role of companies and the that gives talent motivation and Technologies such as IoT and AI
subservience of profit to purpose latitude, encouraging innovation create enormous amounts of data. As the current crisis has shown,
is central to the economic debate and multiplying opportunities. Organisations that combine this it is possible for entire categories
of our times. Brands led with with a deep human understanding to bottom out at zero revenue
purpose are likelier to make the right The Covid-19 crisis will accelerate of their customers’ mindset create in a matter of weeks. A well-
moves and take the right stances, changes in workplaces, supply the conditions for exponential exercised reinvention muscle is
attracting choice and talent. chains and manufacturing: growth and unfair advantages. critical to mitigate a brand’s risk.
distance will become a defining
Purpose is necessary, but not experience. Brands that act as a Deploying systematic, technology- A well-designed brand governance
sufficient. Translating it into an connective tissue will drive speed enabled customer listening and model with the appropriate
ambition – a timebound, measurable and coherence in decision making. co-creation builds a culture of balance of (de)centralisation
proximate objective - creates focus learning, fostering agility. is often the unsung driver of
and accountability, building investor business performance.
confidence and generating liquidity.
The existence of uniquely The degree to which customer The degree to which the brand has
ownable signature assets and interactions, whilst varying the ability to draw in customers
experiences that are recognised depending on channel and and partners, create a sense
and remembered by customers context, remain authentic to the of dialogue and encourage
and difficult to replicate. brand’s narrative and feel. involvement and collaboration.
The degree to which a brand feels The extent to which a brand is The degree to which customers
omnipresent to relevant audiences, seen to deliver against the (high) feel a positive connection with the
is talked about positively, and is expectations that customers have of brand, based on the functional and/
easily recalled when a customer has it, is perceived to act with integrity or emotional benefits provided, and/
a need in the brand’s category. and with customers’ interests in mind. or a sense of having shared values.
he 100 Best Global
Brands is a two-track
table in 2020 with 43%
of brands growing, and
57% declining in value
(vs 29% declining
in 2019). This years’ winners are
notable for particularly fast growth;
the average increase amongst the
top 3 brands alone was 50%.
Biggest Risers
lockdowns. Notably,
however, Microsoft
has also entered the top three.
The fastest risers in 2020 (brands
experiencing double digit % growth)
+38% +60% +53% -1% +2%
significantly outperformed other
322,999 $m 200,667 $m 166,001 $m 165,444 $m 62,289 $m
brands on three Brand Strength
factors - Empathy, Agility and Affinity. 06 07 08 09 10
Amazon 60% growth
Microsoft 53% growth
Spotify 52% growth Behind Microsoft’s incredible
Netflix 41% growth transformation is an extraordinary
Adobe 41% growth
PayPal 38% growth cultural shift, underpinned by
Apple 38% growth empathy – regarded by Nadella
-10% -8% -3% -6% -8% 34% growth as a leadership trait as much as a
Nintendo 31% growth 56,894 $m 51,595 $m 49,268 $m 42,816 $m 40,773 $m
MasterCard 17% growth
business priority and an innovation
ethos, he connects the core of the 11 12 13 14 15
Technology business with customers’ needs
Business Service
through a deep sense of empathy.
Financial Service
Electronics Amazon, who invested over $28
billion on R&D in 2018, is making
-4% -8% -12% -14% +6%
agility exponential. Powered by real-
39,756 $m 36,971 $m 35,178 $m 34,885 $m 34,388 $m
time data, AI and machine learning,
its moves – from daily, one-to-one 16 17 18 19 20
interactions to category changing
Iconic Moves such as the introduction
of the Prime membership – are
effectively shifting fulfilment
expectations in much of the world.
-4% -2% +12% New -11%
34,119 $m 31,720 $m 28,011 $m 26,060 $m 21,694 $m
Spotify has developed deep
affinity with customers. From 21 22 23 24 25
its proposition, which promises
to put the world’s music in your
pocket, to its partnerships with
platforms that are central to culture
(mobile networks, gaming devices)
-4% +6% -10% +6% +3%
perhaps its most iconic move is
21,203 $m 20,220 $m 19,458 $m 19,161 $m 18,870 $m
using its customer data to tell
stories about how its embedded
in the emotional and social lives
of customers around the world.
New Entrants
entrants mirror the overall
trend of a fractured society,
in which we see huge
uptake of brands that are designed
to connect us. Furthermore, they
-9% +41% +0% -30% New
reflect the wider trend of the table,
18,603 $m 18,206 $m 17,961 $m 17,961 $m 17,328 $m
the growth of which has primarily
been driven by technology brands. 31 32 33 34 35
+14% -6% +0% -16% -3% +31% -16% +3% -1% -9%
12,010 $m 11,936 $m 11,671 $m 11,578 $m 11,301 $m 7,296 $m 6,654 $m 6,563 $m 6,379 $m 6,301 $m
56 57 58 59 60 81 82 83 84 85
-5% +17% +34% -8% +38% +5% -1% -1% -14% -6%
11,246 $m 11,055 $m 10,755 $m 10,553 $m 10,514 $m 6,289 $m 6,288 $m 5,988 $m 5,855 $m 5,844 $m
61 62 63 64 65 86 87 88 89 90
+2% +4% +8% -14% -11% -9% +1% -2% -9% +8%
10,512 $m 10,340 $m 10,252 $m 10,118 $m 9,740 $m 5,830 $m 5,764 $m 5,520 $m 5,367 $m 5,210 $m
66 67 68 69 70 91 92 93 94 95
-8% +4% +6% +8% +52% -3% -7% -13% -7% -10%
9,547 $m 9,409 $m 9,345 $m 8,865 $m 8,389 $m 5,123 $m 5,111 $m 5,077 $m 4,966 $m 4,965 $m
71 72 73 74 75 96 97 98 99 100
-15% +9% -9% -12% +5% -13% -8% New -6% New
8,057 $m 7,535 $m 7,494 $m 7,474 $m 7,367 $m 4,942 $m 4,809 $m 4,555 $m 4,495 $m 4,481 $m
your brand, providing a clear
picture of how your brand is
contributing to business growth
today, together with a road map of
activities to ensure that it is delivering
even further growth tomorrow.
The degree to which there is a clear The existence of uniquely The degree to which a brand feels
purpose and ambition for the brand, a ownable signature assets and omnipresent to relevant audiences,
plan to deliver on them over time, and experiences that are recognised is talked about positively, and is
a defined culture and values to guide and remembered by customers easily recalled when a customer has
how those plans should be executed. and difficult to replicate. a need in the brand’s category.
The speed to market that a
company demonstrates in the
face of opportunity or challenge,
enabling it to get ahead and
stay ahead of expectations.
Decade of
must be driven by perspective, not immediacy. Join
Possibility with
of 2020’s Best Global Brands. ENGAGEMENT: A SHARED JOURNEY
You may be thinking “how can Map how to inspire your customers to join you on a shared
I leverage the leadership > journey. Map how to foster dialogue, invite cooperation,
engagement > relevance chain to create a following. Imagine your brand’s first iconic move
increase the value of my brand?”. that captures imaginations and solves unmet needs.
You might be interested in deeply
exploring one of the three drivers, RELEVANCE: A SENSE OF BELONGING
or you might want to work with How to mobilize to capture and anticipate the
us to imagine new possibilities. zeitgeist, to create meaning among consumers.
How to enrol your customers as active participants,
constituents, not just consumers.
Immerse in Interbrand’s manifesto for the new
decade of possibility. Examine the opportunities for
your organisation to create resilience as we enter a
period of turbulence, discontinuity and possibility.
Gonzalo Brujó
Global Chief Growth Officer
[email protected]