Support Groups: North Western Metro

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Support groups
Family violence and sexual
abuse support groups run
North Group Facilitators
in most areas throughout Western Please tell us if you are running a
new group, if group details change,
Victoria. In this section you will
find details on current support
metro or it is no longer running.
Contact DVRCV on 9486 9866 or
groups by region. [email protected]

Family violence groups for:

hurtful relationship. This group focuses
›› Women
on the aspects of life that sustain
›› Mothers and their children Family violence groups people through difficult times. In a safe
›› Indigenous women and and respectful environment the group
supports women to reconnect with
children Women preferred ways of living and hopes for
›› Parents of abusive the future. Contact CoHealth, Mercedes:
adolescents Brunswick / Coburg 8398 4157, Yvonne: 8398 4295 or Cara:
Looking Forward—Merri Community 8398 4156
Sexual abuse groups for: Health runs an empowerment group for
Making Connections Multicultural
›› Adult women women who are living in, or have left, an
Women’s Group—a group for women to
abusive or hurtful relationship. Childcare
›› Young women available. Contact Cass: 9355 9950
share stories and make friends. Topics
of discussion include: life in Australia,
›› Adult men
Craigieburn resilience and wellbeing, social isolation,
›› Mothers, carers and Dianella Community Health runs groups building strength and confidence and
non-offending parents at its various locations. respectful relationships. Facilitated by
Intouch Multicultural Centre Against
›› Partners of offenders ›› Looking Forward—An exploration-
Family Violence. Contact Jennifer
based group for women who are
›› Abuse in church living in, or have left, an abusive
Dawson: 0410 740717
communities relationship. Contact Dianella Heidelberg
Counselling Intake: 9302 8803 Living Well—for women who are, or
Epping / Lalor / Mill Park / who have been, in a hurtful or abusive
Regions Page relationship. Contact Banyule Community
Thomastown / Whittlesea
North Western metro 50–51 Anglicare Plenty Valley runs several
Health: 9450 2610 or 9450 2000

Eastern metro 52 groups. Contact Andrea on: 9465 0322 Melbourne CBD
or Helen on: 9483 2401 Indian Women’s Support Group—
Southern metro 53 Monthly meetings held across
›› Looking Forward—a support and
Hume 54 discussion group for women living in, Melbourne. Contact Dr lata Satyen
or who have left, abusive or hurtful via email: [email protected] or
Grampians 54 relationships. Free childcare. Facebook:
Barwon South East 54 ›› Parenting After Violence— IndianWomensSupportGroup
information sessions for women Melton / Caroline Springs
Loddon Mallee 54
dealing with the effects of parenting The Melton Community Health Centre
after (or during) family violence. runs two groups. Contact Intake:
Statewide 55 Arabic-Speaking Women’s Group— 8746 1100
for Arabic women looking at healthy ›› Becoming Free (Melton)—a
National 55 relationships. Run by inTouch structured, time-limited group for
Online 55 Multicultural Centre Against Family women who have experienced family
Violence. Contact Elham: 0438 042 228 violence. Runs every Tuesday from
Hoppers Crossing 10.00am to noon
Connections—for women who are living
in, or who have left, an abusive or

›› Becoming Free—Better ways of Lalor / Broadmeadows

Living (Caroline Springs)—a support Parenting After Violence—information Parents of abusive
group for CALD women who have
experienced family violence runs
sessions for women dealing with the adolescents
effects of family violence. For further
every Friday from 10.00am to noon information contact Rita at Anglicare
Lalor: on 9465 0322 or Margarita at North metro
Plenty Valley
Anglicare Broadmeadows on 9301 5200 TARA (Teenage Aggression: Responding
Keeping Safe, Strong & Smart—a Assertively)—workshop for parents who
six-week women’s group to support those Outer West have an adolescent behaving violently at
who have experienced family violence Bright Futures North and West— home. Get strategies to reduce violence
and to assist in recovering and rebuilding. therapeutic music and creative arts and improve relationships. Contact:
Contact Plenty Valley Community Health for children (8–12 yrs) who have 9450 4700
Intake: 9409 8724 experienced homelessness/family
Preston / Reservoir violence. Transport available. North Sexual abuse groups
West Regional Children’s Resource
Women Standing Strong—a support
group for women who have experienced
hurtful or abusive behaviour in
or contact Coordinator, Merri Outreach Adult women
Support Services, Talia Barrett:
relationships. Contact Darebin
9359 5493
Community Health: 8470 1111
Thomastown / Thornbury Melbourne metro
Sunbury CASA House—offers several facilitated
Darebin Koorie Kids Playgroup—VACCA
Moving On—for women who have been eight-week support groups throughout
facilitates a supported parent playgroup
affected by family violence and are still the year for women who have had
for children and their families to gather
in the relationship or have left. Contact counselling and would like to meet other
with other Koorie families. Contact
the Intake Worker, Sunbury Community survivors of childhood sexual assault.
Vickianne at VACCA: 8388 1891
Health: 9744 4455 Contact: 9635 3610
Sunshine Western suburbs (rotated)
North metro
Opening the Doors—for women who have SPLASh—Safe Place for Laughter,
Northern CASA—runs groups for women
experienced violence and abuse. Contact Art and Sharing: therapeutic arts for
and men who are victims/survivors of
Relationships Australia: 8311 9222 children (8–12 yrs) and their mothers
sexual assault or abuse. Contact:
who have experienced family violence.
9496 2240
Mothers and their Contact Nadine, Women’s Health West:
9689 9588 West metro
children West Heidelberg West CASA—groups throughout the
Shine and Grow Supported Play Group— year for women who are interested in
Broadmeadows / Craigieburn children’s play group facilitated by meeting others and moving on from
Supported playgroup for children under 6 CPS and Berry Street through Banyule childhood and/or adult sexual abuse.
years and their parents. Singing, reading Community Health for children under Run by experienced facilitators who
stories, laughing and running around primary school age and their parents/ ensure a safe environment. Contact the
in the playground. Bookings essential. care givers. Designed for families in Duty Worker: 9687 5811
Contact: 9309 9433 or 9386 2876 vulnerable circumstances who may have ›› Strength to Strength—supportive
Deer Park experienced family violence and other and informative for women who have
issues. Contact Miriam: 9450 4700 experienced family violence and
Rhythm and Rhyme—eight-week group
sexual abuse in their lives.
for children (0–4 yrs). A non-judgemental
and safe environment for families to
Indigenous women ›› Women Gathering—for adult women
develop healthy attachments. Facilitated and children who have experienced child sexual
by Community West. Contact the Family abuse.
Elizabeth Hoffman House Aboriginal
Programs Worker: 9363 1811 or the
Women’s Services—runs groups
Neighbourhood House on 9360 4851
supporting women and their children.
Come Chat—a weekly drop-in meeting for Contact: 9482 5744
women facilitated by Community West. ›› Ongoing support group for women
Contact: 9360 4851 who have experienced domestic
Epping violence and an ongoing group for
Play and Grow supported play group— mothers and their children
Anglicare Plenty Valley facilitate a
playgroup for families with complex
needs who live in the city of Whittlesea
and have children up to the age of 4
years. Contact Andrea: 9465 0322

Support groups
Kew Lilydale
Women Making Choices—a program for Mums Guiding Kids Forward—an
Eastern metro women who have been in, or are currently eight-week group for mothers who
have experienced family violence. This
in, relationships where their experience
is a feeling of powerlessness, as a result group aims to assist mums to gain
of experiencing a range of controlling and additional skills and strategies to meet
Family violence groups
abusive behaviours. Program runs Tuesday the challenges of parenting children
evenings. Contact: 9261 8727 who have experienced family violence.
Contact Sonia Tomasiello at Anglicare
Lilydale Lilydale: 9735 4188
Finding Me Being Free—eight-week
Family violence groups educational family violence support group.
Parents of abusive
Childcare is available. Contact Family
violence counsellor, Inspiro: 9738 8801 adolescents
Women Anglicare Lilydale runs several support
Box Hill
groups throughout the year. Contact
Box Hill Intake Worker: 9735 4188 Breaking the Cycle—a group for mothers,
fathers, step-parents and carers whose
Making Connections Chinese Women’s Mitcham adolescents are abusive and/or violent
Group—for women to share stories
Mitcham Community House in the home. An opportunity to discuss
and make friends. Topics include:
all issues and learn new skills to
life in Australia, healthy relationships ›› Strategies for Change—short courses
better manage challenging situations.
and self-care. Facilitated by Intouch are offered Wednesday mornings
Support and strategies to help your son/
Multicultural Centre Against Family during school terms. Courses include:
daughter become more responsible and
Violence. Contact Christine: 9413 6500 • My Life, My Choice respectful. Contact Meridian Intake at
Single Mums Program—the Lifecare • Reclaiming and Rebuilding Anglicare: 9896 6322
Women’s Centre facilitates a holistic
Low-cost childcare available. For more
day program for single mums coming
out of relationship breakdown, domestic
information, contact: 9873 4812 Sexual abuse groups
violence and other issues. Facilitated ›› Women’s Discussion and Support
Group—“Women working together”
by qualified staff, childcare provided.
Contact Program Coordinator, Laura is a peer mentoring and support Adult women
Baxter: 8847 4968 group for women. It provides an
unstructured community-based open Ringwood East
Doncaster forum for women, offering facilitated Eastern CASA runs several groups.
Living Free—a group for women who peer support and strategies for Contact the Duty Worker: 9870 7310
have experienced past abuse. An change in a safe and non-judgemental Regular groups are also offered for
eight-session program using art and environment. Offered Thursdays adult survivors of child sexual assault
creativity to explore your experience of 11.00am–1.00pm during school and parents whose children have been
family violence. Facilitated by Doncare. terms. Contact: 9873 4812 sexually assaulted
Contact Susan or Andrea: 9856 1500.
Surrey Hills
An intake assessment may be required.
Other groups provided during the year
Mothers and their Support groups run in conjunction
include: children with the Anxiety Recovery Centre on
›› Protective Factors the first Wednesday of every month
Australian Childhood Foundation— from 6.30pm to 8.30pm for women
›› Moving Beyond Trauma children’s counselling and group work. who have experienced child abuse.
›› Reclaiming Self: Self Respect—an Contact: 1800 176 453 or 03 9874 3922 Women outside of the area welcome to
eight-week art therapy group Ashburton attend. Contact Tabby Dougall, Holistic
Counsellor: 0422 646 021 or go to
Ferntree Gully Cool Kids—a therapeutic group for
ARCVIC website:
Holding It All Together—for women who primary school-aged children who have
experienced homelessness and family
are currently experiencing and/or have
experienced family violence. Contact violence. Contact Camcare Family Adult men
Knox Community Health intake worker: Services: 9809 9108
Adult Male Survivors Group—contact
9757 6200 or 9757 6258 the Duty Counsellor, Eastern CASA:
9870 7310

St Kilda Fun Buddies—an eight-week program

Southern metro Women’s Support Group—eight-week
for mothers and toddlers who have
experienced family violence. Offers
therapeutic support group for women
support in strengthening the bonds
who have experienced family violence,
of attachment between mother and
run in conjunction with the Salvation
child in a safe environment. Contact
Army. Contact Simone or Megan from
Connections Windsor: 9521 5666 or
Inner South Community Health:
Connections Dandenong 8792 8999
9525 1300 or Salvation Army Intake:
9536 7797
Indigenous women
Windsor / Inner South and and children
Family violence groups Dandenong / Outer South
New Beginnings—supportive eight-week See details under North West metro
Women group for women who have experienced

Cardinia / Casey – Berwick,

family violence. Helps women identify
the effects of abusive relationships
Parents of abusive
Narre Warren, Cranbourne and progress towards new beginnings. adolescents
Contact Connections in Windsor:
Birds of a Feather—creative arts
9521 5666 or Dandenong: 8792 8999 City of Monash
therapy and support group for women
Who’s in Charge?—for parents/carers
who have experienced family violence.
Share stories, support one another and Mothers and their of young people (8–18 yrs), living in
form new friendships. Contact Chloe at children the City of Monash, who are violent or
defiant. Contact Emily or Libby, Monash
Windermere Narre Warren: 9705 3200
Youth & Family Services: 9518 3900
Healthy Relationships, Healthy Carrum Downs / Pakenham
Women—educational group exploring Beyond the Violence—eight-week Narre Warren
violence in relationships. Encourages program for the non-violent parent and Who’s in Charge?—eight-week educative
women to share their experiences in their children. Parents’ sessions and group for parents or carers of young
a safe environment. Contact Southern children’s sessions run at the same people (10–20 yrs) who are violent
Victims Assistance & Counselling time, guided by trained facilitators. or defiant. Contact Duty Worker at
Program (VACP): 9705 3200 Contact Barbara: 9781 6700, or Karen Connections Uniting Care: 5990 8400
Keeping It Together (KIT) Program— or Ariane on 5945 2000 Prahran / South Melbourne
educational, supportive program. Middle south Who’s the Boss?—group for parents or
Assists women to improve carers of young people (10–18 yrs) who
Emerge Art Therapy Program—for
assertiveness & conflict resolution are abusive towards them. Contact Inner
children who have experienced
skills, while enhancing awareness of South Community Health: 9525 1300
domestic violence, homelessness or
self–esteem and self–care. Contact
disadvantage. Group and individual
Casey North Community Information
Support Service (CNCISS): 9705 6699
program: 4410 7016 or Sexual abuse groups
[email protected]
City of Monash Emerge Peek a Boo program—for
Women Reclaiming Their Lives—for infants and their mothers who have lived
Adult women
women who have experienced, or are with family violence. Contact Emerge: SECASA runs the following groups:
living with, violence and abuse at home. 4410 7016
›› For women who have had some
Childcare available. Contact the Intake
Worker: 1300 552 509
St Kilda counselling but would like to meet
Super Kids—for children 5–8 years others facing similar issues. Run
Hastings / Mornington / who have experienced family violence. throughout the year across the
Rosebud Contact Rosie, Salvation Army Family region. Contact Sue or Chris:
Good Shepherd Family Services— Violence Service: 9536 7797 9954 9850
domestic violence groups throughout the Windsor / Inner South and ›› Art Group—for women who have
year. Held in Hastings, Mornington and experienced sexual abuse and are,
Dandenong / Outer South
Rosebud. Contact Intake Worker: or have been, clients at SECASA.
5971 9454 The Incredibles—an eight-week program No previous experience of painting
for primary school-aged children who required. Facilitated by artist Anne
Sandringham / Frankston have experienced or witnessed family Riggs. Ceramic project on grief and
Making Choices—for women who have violence. Through fun and creative loss to follow on from painting group.
experienced family violence and who activities, children learn about safety Contact: 9928 8741
wish to learn how to regain control over and developing self-esteem in a social,
their lives. Contact the Intake Worker, supportive environment. Contact
Family Life: 8599 5433 Connections in Windsor: 9521 5666 or
Dandenong: 8792 8999

Support groups
Adult men Grampians Sexual abuse groups
SECASA—a caring and confidential
environment for men to discuss topics Adult women, young
such as dealing with the past, family,
ways of coping and nurturing ourselves.
women & adult men,
Group runs when there are sufficient mothers, carers
numbers throughout the year. St Kilda,
Dandenong, Pakenham, East Bentleigh,
and non-offending
Frankston, Cranbourne and Rosebud parents
areas. Contact: 9928 8741
Family violence groups Geelong
Barwon CASA—offers therapeutic
Partners of offenders counselling groups on an ‘as needed’

Women basis. Contact: 5222 4318

SECASA—for women whose partners Warrnambool

have been sexual offenders. Groups South West CASA—offers groups for
For women who have experienced an adult victims of sexual assault, when
run when sufficient numbers and can abusive relationship. Contact Ballarat
be held in alternate locations within the sufficient numbers. Contact: 5564 4144
Community Health Centre: 5338 4500
South East region. Contact: 9594 2289
WRISC—can also provide groups
in Daylesford, Bacchus Marsh and Loddon Mallee
Hume Creswick. Contact: 5333 3666

Sexual abuse groups

Adult men
Ballarat CASA—for current/upcoming
groups contact the Duty Worker (1.00–
5.00pm): 5320 3933
Family violence groups
Family violence groups
Barwon South Women
Women East Bendigo
Albury / Wodonga Centre for Non Violence—groups for
KNOTS—women who have experienced, women, children and parents. Contact:
or are still experiencing, domestic/family 5430 3000 or toll free 1800 884 038
violence. Contact the Albury Wodonga
Women’s Centre: 02 6041 1977 Sexual abuse groups
Family violence groups
Who can I call for help? Adult women
Safe Steps: Family Violence
Response Centre Mothers and their Mallee area
Ph: 1800 015 188 (toll free) children Mallee Domestic Violence and Sexual
or Assault Unit—for details of groups and
Geelong support for survivors of sexual assault
1800 RESPECT: national Minerva Community Services contact: 5025 5400
helpline for domestic violence facilitates groups for women who have
experienced, or are living with, violence
and sexual assault and abuse. Contact: 5224 2903
Ph: 1800 737 732

Statewide National Online

Abuse in Church Communities Abuse in Church Communities Our Place
Bethel Centre—service for people Broken Rites—support for survivors
who have been abused within the of church-related sexual abuse. Online forum for anyone dealing with,
Uniting Church. Groups if sufficient National hotline: 03 9457 4999 or thinks they may be dealing with,
numbers. Contact: 9859 8700 Mail: PO Box 163, Rosanna VIC 3083 verbal, emotional, physical, sexual,
email: [email protected] spiritual or financial abuse. Created by & for people dealing with abusive
Know More
Jewish Taskforce Against Family behaviour and its consequences
A national service that can provide
Violence—A service offering free legal advice and information for A Cry For Justice
confidential telephone and members of the public to explore
website support, information and their legal options in relation to child
referrals. Provides faith-based For anyone dealing with domestic
sexual abuse in institutions. Free abuse in a Christian context. Most
support programs. Email: help@ advice line: 1800 605 762 or phone: readers are survivors of domestic
03 9523 2100 abuse. Blog comments moderated
for safety and to minimise triggers.
Includes comprehensive list of
secular and Christian resources

Gathering support:
Safety for women
Our new Gathering Support: Safety for women booklet is back in print

Our relationships and families

thering suppor are meant to provide us with love,

support and a sense of safety.

Ga t But there are many women and

children in Australia who live with
someone who hurts, frightens or
controls them.
That is not okay.
If you are afraid of a partner, a
family member, or someone else,
there are steps you can take to
help keep you and your children

Fully revised and updated, this 32 page

booklet includes comprehensive information
on keeping safe if you’re separating, how
the law can help, technology safety advice
and safety planning.

Booklets are $1.00 each.

Purchase at:
Safety for women

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