Managing A Distributed Workforce: A Risk & Compliance Buyer's Guide: Pandemic Series
Managing A Distributed Workforce: A Risk & Compliance Buyer's Guide: Pandemic Series
Managing A Distributed Workforce: A Risk & Compliance Buyer's Guide: Pandemic Series
This Buyer’s Guide will highlight compliance software solutions and strategies that will help organizations navigate the
risks associated with managing a distributed workforce.
• Cyber Security: New processes, devices and locations for operating create new entry points for cyber criminals to
penetrate systems.
• Policy Communications: Changing social distancing orders and shifting organizational risk profiles need to be
integrated and operationalized across the organization.
• Remote Investigations: Widespread work-from-home models are forcing risk and compliance teams to revise
traditional practices to maintain effective investigations.
Does the training identify key ways to prevent the most common cause of cyber
security breaches – human error?
Is the content relevant and designed for learners to easily understand how
to apply course lessons to real-life scenarios?
Can you customize course design to match the look and feel of your
company’s brand?
Can learners test out of certain sections of the course in which they are
already proficient?
Stay Audit-Ready
Implement a reporting system that tracks policy
changes, summarizes reports, and archives active
dates and attestation records for documents
and versions.
Are you able to send different policies and procedures to different employee
groups depending on location, department, job level or other defined criteria?
Can the solution be implemented quickly enough to meet the urgency of your
pandemic communications needs?
Will it provide a consistent user experience across various devices like desktop,
mobile and tablet?
Can policies and procedures be mapped to the regulatory standards they are
designed to meet?
Will the solution be able to withstand unforeseen system failures like power or
internet outages?
Can you offer policies and procedures in the appropriate language for your
entire employee base?
Does the case management system provide visibility into all reports from across
the organization?
Does the system capture reports from all intake channels such as hotline, web,
open-door, email, etc?