THE LEO TIMES - Vol 02 Issue 05

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Eze TIMES DECEMBER EDITION ry AN CEOS LEOISTIC YEAR 2020/2021 1. Bright Spark 2. Green Christmas 3. Trash Art 4.600 660 5. KnowBe4- Content Ole Message From Head of nee Enhancement 02 | Christmas Traditions Worldwide 03 | Drug Free Future 06 | Life in Pandemic Leo Updates Hospice 14 | Talk with Yasith 09 | Technology & Economic 16 | Go Zero Waste Transformation in 17 | Masterhead 08 | Sri Lankan Sri Lanka 18 | Editor’s Note S11 | Sdxbsbourqodl geal Leo ~ 12 |Art Corner | 9 Oa Dear Students, Te me eS Po Moe ea SC cua ae human life. It is the period of pure POR oa ee ee ee Ce ey life. In this period, the character of man is built. So, It Is called the BOC Every student should try his best OR Sree err See learn and to acquire knowledge. Rae Ce Mc Peer mee Im He Cee ae Cs Pe ee Ue es career and his character is built Cea des Og ae] serve his society and countries. A student should spend most of Re a ea ae Stes Oe rte ed ee ed always engaged in his studies. He Ee ean health and spend some time daily Se ee SR eee Ce as ee ee) Ce ee to also try to acquire some good Cr eC oe dutifulness, respect on elders and Deen ng PC Lee) Ne A EL teachers and respect the elders of Pecan Students are the future hope of CTR mec} ROR em eS CeO eo eee “Traditions are Itke cliches. They MeL Bee Oe em Ot eet i PCR eee uae DT ee UAL almost became a lawyer, but when Pee roc oS CO cl OO ay OO MCC cd eRe Et See Ae become a lawyer, it looks less like aplan for the future and more like PTE Re ret SO UROL RS RO es Og ee Ore that there was no need to worry. I Oe ccm ea Ce ROS rem Ce ou oe CU Pema nn eee about where it was going.” SR cus Pree ee a eed Sa ana do with your life. Most of the time, DSS. Se ccs PaO ee Mad Pea a ee Re eR art mid Pree aa Se ee position to wish you could hop in Pe uta ogee md TCO OM mt father was in the military because Cm ee Cer een ee eC CTA CMR On res | Pace ORO ae ms Pe ea aC Penta Ue oe PRO older, life is all about standing ae ee ed Re a Ue Cpr ona Oke aoa PCr Reon ita eee ee beautiful, yet hectic part of life. POR ne ie See UL Se students and recent grads. Tee ee eR Iwas a college student, and it was not exactly fun. You must juggle PO ae ty Me SR ee rT Be AO ee SCOR Cea ROL find yourself poor and underemployed. It can suck. But CTs Ly CC ceca will get past the lousy stage and Prt nae co Se that hump. And if | can do it, you eo eae DME Ce a Head, People and Culture Lecturer, School of Engineering Sri Lanka Technological Campus Christmas, a Christian holiday honoring the birth of Jesus, has evolved into a worldwide religious and secular celebration, incorporating many pre-Christian and pagan traditions into the festivities. Christmas is celebrated on December 25 and is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. For two millennia, people around the world have been observing it with traditions and practices that are both religious and secular in nature. Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the basis of their religion. Popular customs include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, waiting for Santa Claus to arrive. December 25—Christmas Day—has been a federal holiday since 1870. The middle of winter has long been a time of celebration around the world. Centuries before the arrival of the man called Jesus, early Europeans celebrated light and birth in the darkest days of winter. Many peoples rejoiced during the winter solstice, when the worst of the winter was behind them and they could look forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight. In Scandinavia, the Norse celebrated Yule from December 21, the winter solstice, through January. In recognition of the return of the sun, fathers and sons would bring home large logs, which they would set on fire. The people would feast until the log burned out, which could take as many as 12 days. The Norse believed that each spark from the fire represented a new pig or calf that would be YoY ea mela ay ma alm ela ole DRUG FRE , \ \} ) Drugs: a man’s\getaway ticket to temporary pleasure which bear permanent consequences. Beit.alcohol or recreational i drugs, the almost imminent addiction touch substances is a bottomless pit which eat ameans of educating pe outs of drugs and as i helping hand to those fe} A Q + Q mol © 3 ry ° =] 7) boy ° [os = S Q Q =] Q la A cael erect N in, the LEO Club of anka Technological - Campus conducted the project “Drug Free Future”. A two-part based project, its phases are consisted of firstly, an educational webinar which was overseen by the guest speakers Mrs. Kumudini Jayathilake,the Drug and Information officer of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board and Mr.Anushka Dissanayake : manager of the Mithuru Mithuro rehabilitations movement, which was held on the 24th of November 2020 from r) 1.30pm - 3.30pm via the online platform \ Y pr Zoom. \ Te yaad aa eel F Teno ae Kael lal successfulnote where the moderators were able to “iene tates sat} attendees on how people ho drawn a otted lo -UN a aol Ug y the scars drug addiction can leave on an individual's mind and body and how 1S in the ndly, the In the light of the moment, it is obvious that the LEO Club of SLTC has been able to effectively reach out to people and spread the message on all there is to know on drugs and drug abuse. Albeit a small initiative, the LEO Club of SLTCis optimistic that they have been able to clear the path and turn the life around of someone in dire need of salvation. Ao 'KnowBe4' is an awareness programme about Cyber crime which is a proudly organised joint project of Leo Club of Sri Lanka Technological Campus and Leo Club of Beddagana. The project consists of two major Si-favol ee L MU atMaalcl aM \W-1e-1at a3 139 (OLA TAMIA lai eM Ze lu ial ss competition. The first day of the awareness session was held on the 20th of December with the honorable presence of , Mr. Asela Waidyalankara, cyber security professional and cosmec country director and Dr. Thusitha Abeysekara , head- legal studies unit (senior lecturer in law) of University of Sri Jayawardenapura. The second session was followed by the presence of , Mr. Deena Dayalan Nagaratnam , information security engineer, Sri Lanka computer emergency readiness team and Ms. Rasini Bandara, psychologist, public speaker, personality development coach and psychological counselor for mind heals. NUE Temas ea —iant NVA Lata nk NZ e)=1 mT Zn clo [lca ier are | computers have major impacts on our way of living, social life and the way we conduct businesses.Stoppage of cyber crimes is a major concern today. Above all, cyber crime is violation of not only law but human rights too. The objective of this project is to give you the idea of what cyber crime is and how to avoid and prepare for such situations. Predict and prepare! "We can never comfortably say we are safe. But we can say we are prepared.” LEO TIMES | 05 i c-wia) PANDEMIC Green lush plants, red colored hibiscus, ee re ice PE) aes hk ee as con enema ures CMO ace cea ceuetes Ree Eccl ae Cle eC Tue MUM LCR Cae creme com a PMC CR ae cme N ta aman fuser Ce oR) aCe Comma a Mia li PCT MoMA UAL Co) DoT ola le RTT OLE EU Mea Ce) EU OR Pee buen eek ier eae caits PC eeRCHuM SR ach tila CNC se oem U Rela elm chia oF eel Mic ea CI CR 9 Oe CRUP a OMG CMuicatcoseld Reema EV Re Ud run, could have remained confined into the ome eaneesai Taal mien eons seems, the fact that a microscopic enemy PCT Use Loe oR elt RM CO CEST uM ee a eMC cae co Summ CTU Ber eU tue Melk ua) aes ele aw RR aa eo ice Pee Ue RC ca ACR mo acd Dy RUE) eel Oa Prone Me iris men te the COVID-19 has given a plethora of insights to look differently at life. The ieee EUS oe an oT Pec iet eicunan Recent acen On one hand we are at homes, at the other hand we have internet at our finger tips. Pee RUe RU CR CN IoN che C ul Eee CeeO R LCDs eMoee e CR CR Ly leaving it to the mankind to ponder upon. Ata personal level, we have learnt to cook SCC REE s -Ure MTC] iu MLL aL PE eC Su ee ee Peco M Cece Nm Sate a) standstill; unemployment is at a record high, POirIr Racers rtd collapse with the rise in agitations, public Piscane uns scl scte tensor eisai This pandemic has affected the lives of millions Cao ea km Cees FCoE dle) CU CMS Co LC UU rl Teg Re ee ee eu ee ee ome ie establishments, workers, employees, etc had little time to think on an alternative way of Cra a Cem Cg Peon ect aan cae (Seu ee eC Ul Marri ce cece mT other incidents like the L.G Polymers leak in PCat Saale tc ol Tau An Cie ee] ura ia LEO TIMES | 06 Ea ee Su ERC -al at ORINOCO eee ecole Pre em M Meme Meets mae Peetu Mecca eMac td Peete mM yea cnc lnc Peas acne eure Pee CCR a Coste Tels ac re lens it the Lions Clubs International and the Leo CoS CML ego aT pandemic tried its level best to bring relief to the last deprived man of the society. It is we who were upfront in organizing hunger relief eT UC ee Oe a Cea EM ese Burial e kee des Reo] ta COL eA Pee eae Me meets ae Tee iret eed ca cuiem a eka Rca) STRUM UL Ua CSO elcome MLL a on Bengal faced devastating floods due to heavy monsoonal rains. Even then, our NGO Neer Om RG ae id UT SOS RR Every challenge in life can be turned into an opportunity given the justified application of Ree sSel fe CRED CIE) MUA UALS pandemic shall not last long and it shall too pass. What should remain forever is the Peni een careers cd Pet aca RCS ees distancing, cleanliness, sanitation and eco eat a Tels Sa CME ae ETT ad ec nace lech ect ncaeic be followed by more energetic and renewed Pera ee nics Delivering essential kits comprising of rice, Seem Em eae Ce Pen CuT aca CURR een Ret Pe ccde aca Ruck coehatcad Pethercuerciusucana cea ekg Clit ecole ea Une CRITE Pra aeca a ccueac ccs Cac W Cra Cee Member, Leo Club of Gauhati, Leo District 322G. fa, LEO TIMES | 07 EY TODS TFTA LN | fe) e) ae) a eee Rasy CONTINGENT ON OUR HOSPITALITY’ TEDL CREE Meni lonm Omit iCl0] because it is one of our traditions to care and. sympathy. Often, Sri Lankans are Cet lo Colm LE LN Pe MrT Mech ae OL est Me eer mee EU MCL LoCo MIMO Ea | got the idea of writing this article Life a aNd Ye) MELO vlogger, Nuseir Yassin has named Sri Lanka Erm U CM rece lcmeel ame a urd fee R ie ulnar eo ucire() ROS CMe UIUC oS when tourism went down to zero, we, the TRE Cue ool em Cok ico] ao EOC) ‘family’ by supplying food = & Fes Tie Mee Rue RUC (CSC eu aT Tae ACMI LC OC INTE ey ne MTT ec Ce UML y aC) a ORL Rel eR TY 4 SECe M1101 OL Ce UCT PEL CUM oom ti) ie] mel moe try is spectacularly beautiful because of its people. Eee ruta Leo Club of OTe Rea eet LEO TIMES | 08 TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION IN SRI LANKA Seo MSM mor cad DR cae uM ee cn er tage Rat ea DC Seem er Future of Production Report categorizes Sri Lanka as a nascent economy, and shows signif- icant lags in its sub-indices on technology and OC en Aa ces Cag and innovation, and global trade and invest- cto CeO OS OM st eT Re EE Oma ea CORI ee Me UD Re EEE aa Coc the emergence of the technology-led Fourth Oued eT om oe cm Pee een ee ae ao Pe Hf Sri Lanka is to circumvent the middle-income DCU Meo ec economic transformation has to be driven by Pe ae Re BS a ee rer] PSEC LCUMR LE UC er aoa SiN Cee Dee ea CRM et (NTS), The National Digital Economy Strategy, * Cee eam Om cokes ment of Sri Lanka, may CT ee BEC MU ae a Be eae) ores conten our ue Creare oatoy < Oe oF it rh a See Cy i 5 SS ome ane te ie ose Sree eh ee ney Ser) ea ee ee eas “However, as demon Teed Ce rats Se OA aL Bucs De eT me Lac SUR a y om STAM CO Sd introduced more into schools. Whilst such Pees ee Mu eR ORC ceed to important technological tools, it is vital that school curricula are also updated in a manner that encourages critical thinking and problem CO Ra ML necessary skillsets to fully utilize such technol- eon CTS Oc ae POO Ue eee coed PSR EUR es Cr eS eS ca such, smaller scale technological interventions Me meee PRR ee ae Private Sector rr OM Ce ee ML De eC lower barriers of entry so that any firm, ee en ee ee market. It not only boosts local businesses’ SM Re ceca Bee ted to UC Roum RR LCS 3 = te The Government has taken a few affirmative ee Ce CoS og Poe Meee ce ot a OCC oe een ae Neer hice gerry POO ee OL greater confidence. Despite such measures being undertaken to enhance and facilitate trade, further steps need to be implemented to boost cross border ecommerce, and encourage De eee ee SMC cee co See eR RC RUE UCR as Arete em cree DS a SCCM OCS ee Re ears eat that companies also face the challenge of a male dominant workforce in technology and OC ee Reed up science, technology, engineering, and DOE RCM To SCS ODOC RUC CRC RUC a lack of diversity in the labor pool often Bee Mee Sem et CeO Gears ae Sci} Po aetna ard Deer Le ge el ae ee ro feria. eee ety en eu ee is parece Too ee ee ce See MeO nem or emer Crate ero ee PU Oe Se well. These views mirror IPS reseai erst are Oe ce LL PE Tem eae EV meee cen Ceca PR eon ae ene OT Te eto UC eee eee CPS eg Re Rae rerces PO oe in coe Boer ora PR Furthermore, technology and innovation Pe a eee ere Le environmentally-triendly alternatives to Pere ue CON ne ane Ne ROR Ono MUM oem ame me’ SR OR Meet PO ee ER unr eco rete Caen ete as DCU CMA RE CRRA te on environmental conservation is limited to a narrow scope of issues, and is perhaps Pee Rn een Rest ae ety ee ea RUC eee cd CUCL é 4 Pe Os de On Cee See ane es eM eo ren me Cn mer irr Se i Se eer ie es) Pee mo mcd eee Cay Cru ean eee aie im Bos oe ee om ay remem Prec a ea Ce a y en et a we be ir ae, , See Fr oo ar i Pe | ar Ee as Une Sr Sr ot often priced out of modern. Sy nn hee once oto et eek ee conservatior ae eee ead ees Sa Te Bate ' Soe cd cme ir Del set aad Ss Cg pping ors eS Pre et ret att PO COOL eect ees ae ee OT Se ora Prem peut RO DC ee =e > By B.M.Mufees LEO TIMES | 10 BOsdadcsqes ¢ fee ae) como eo DEC) se meet.) €Q0D GIES HAE AsmMaAa Sa) sad wae... €QG89 Om) 6Qcd_, Aa HaHa O40 gaia EQOD GIES H 0O GOO) OHOA cde ada) EQGOS rece cmMTca, Age evaded emeES Oe ie [eMC aoNeON ON ORs. Oe) n6.0).))) ay é eee NOME OM TNO) @E50 OHsa cad BO, fee Roe) e 0 emeye) Goa ara 68 8680 acena CMON SMO INC MOA Meno Ook ome) 09) QOD GOD) EHAGA ced, Ga CAga cdon) ea ava BqQc SeGs) Eo B52) che) ©4802) ez oda) AGO cen Onaqe Ona Eqs) Cam) BA cOsO OqESA cmd DOD ONGA, Gay MOB Ha cod) OMBa (Ip eO MMC MNO Maa COHEN eRSl0) SO Med Nl ne) emer ole koa enice skaci) UD oR AORO CARO) COM foo LO ee OKC eh) Kao.o oem - GOGde) BGB - eo Gece Con peop) a By Leo Osanda Wijekoon Leo Club of Kalubowila LEO TIMES | 12 SECC Cu cue See it aM ce) eae cg SOR scien? ee ee Ue RC Qvative design using household trash. Extra points PIU ue er ee ac) ees SP Che SCOR UeR cm Poe Ca eee Rue ead button. But with its upsides, comes its downfall, namely cyber crimes.Technology is a privilege which comes with its fair share of risks. Educate yourself on their intentions Ce Ce tC mT aes Nae eae ee abo re PCa Or aoe meee) See eT A Lake ae OC aca cans forward by Leo Club of Sri Lanka Technological Campus. = Bright Spark'| Ces CUCM Lae oe a Pea Rese ia ee eu ccc Leo club of Unawatuna Diamond stars, and Leo club of ee Cmunme cuit rick C st kurt TNC a eMac rn Ne UE REE CCR eel ee el De ees Ue nur eo Calg RUE ue oe es eae AUC aE LCT CL Pe OES eS CoML presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. STRUT U EE Ll ACM te Tat Co) be around with our family for a longer time now. And we are sure that your creative person is already awake now. TC OM Can Te la Ly CO ee RE UG iC ME Dar Ce eRe EC ee EM CMe Rene acho ROM aM co Keon mento) Cee Re Re OMe tic om iors) Ceoluamenroktnes Oh tem mcr ican) once ecoben esc hhc me kcen mci] Pen ocr ters kaae BC} LEO TIMES | 13 eT YASITH eee Dharshan Gajendradas, past Leo of Leo Club of Colombo Host Pee Cocco came Cs) area Reo cue ce PCC) Na ura Rn aa Ronee NR Rear rcs 4 Brae ie us te POSE Sc We eg Mc Currie Company, Also, | do lecturing as part cS Skee eT have gained in your life? SONG a NARS Cer CR Pinaceae ‘a Leo club and who a Leo is? ear cam eRe ta Com yates and leaderships if they joined to this great movement. While helping others and through SUT em Reese) REMC Renee et ssren vi | Why did you want to be a Leo? MSC natucae Teenie acs RUE OM mace mots lee all Dee oS eee Rca we get an interview from a person atic ecm ta ick eh) Tew iewemcusc Mice The Leo Times magazine on Facebook Pa ec aaiee uta cane hes It should also be mentioned that he VAMC Rome Claes Een mem eR Reel laa celta twenty years ago. So today TALK with YASITH is dedicated to him. CROcur Ch nucle ecu Poneman Tce nae Fem Ret ke ue Rr Leo Club of Colombo Host. OP eter te uke) Ofsted sect r Cea rere un ace) ta aed rick) One of the biggest and best projects that Cesena ocean Renae see Mane ccm url yg Uy ea eee eR eC ‘International Camp’ which was organized by Leo club of Ranchi, India in 2004. SO) MN Uris- Rrra kM td eect renee Mae Cae cae ae ee ee Cente Ren en eaen ae he able to develop my skills, especially public speaking and most importantly I met friends from different backgrounds. Ee ~~ i | SUES BCE a ce etl Lee Detect ee here, They are not only from my Leo district, but also from other districts as well. TRA ec Perce ree etine marl OEE Ch ieee ead se ena ea ee eee) ae OVALE nel oL AM eee ea eau aa ree ne ed em irs CONkuin earn ee nt) Pet ee RRO ee UL Creole are there things that modern Leos need to fix? Cee Ra ee Roar ec U) Cocoa neke cute DU aU eR PE CMO CCOM UT me mR tT) Cece a Ue ena work only for get badges, awards, recognitions EEL | would like to encourage them to do more eon mage eee cea mag rem ae ae) Districts, but also with other organizations like Rotaract, Toastmaster as well. And also think out of the box. a ion about the ervey aka Technological Campus? a Eee aes Scola es UII Nee ALOK oy ad Ceara) Coca ccc TT i) What is your message to those Wee uae ne a) eee ed UCN NR UICe acm eno) will get lots of opportunities. The experience Nete nauet as al oy tomake you a better leader. You will meet lots. ae ee hae wits eee UTR Na cas mcoe econ Ties (During this interview, Leo Darshan made a Ree Meee cera cca Noel Palliyaguru, the mentor of our Leo Club. It really makes us proud.) eRe SUN ures "FRE | GO ZERO Potution isa term we hear ona regular basis but is not analyzed or taken into consideration as often as it should be. Man’s innate impression of being the supreme species of the Earth has led them to care little about the environment and thus making the planet fall to wrack and ruin; from the increased air and noise pollution due to an increased amount of vehicles and industries to the rising levels of deforestation and dumping of higher waste levels into water, pollution is killing the Earth and its inhabitants slowly and steadily. Yet there is always light at the end of a tunnel, and in this scenario once such light is the recycling of used goods. Henceforth the project “# RE | GO ZERO WASTE” organized by the Leo Club of Sri Lanka Technological Campus focused on the concept of recycling with the motive of educating the general public on the dangers of pollution and how we can effectively recycle goods and save the planet. The project is consisted of two parts; a webinar session moderated by the guest speakers Mr. Lahiru Wijerathna, General Manager of Modern pack Lanka PVT LTD and Eng. G.A.D Kumaranayaka, District Engineer, District *B of Colombo Municipal Council was held on the *th of November 2020 via Zoom. On the theme of the “3R’s of Waste Management” namely Reuse, Reduce and Recycle, the webinar saw the participation of over one hundred attendees. WASTE It was a session packed with immense amounts of education on pollution and how we can curb it before all is lost. Therefore undoubtedly, it was concluded on a highly positive note. The second phase of this project is a competition where participants were required to unleash their innovative skills by sending a photo of an item created out of recyclable waste. The competition, which is currently underway and spans from the ‘st of December 7° up until the *th of December *”, takes a positive outlook on how to effectively reuse, reduce and recycle day-to-day items. Overall, it can be concluded that this project has effectively spread the message of how important the conservation of the Earth is and how we can preserve our beautiful planet. It may seem like a minute movement done by a single organization, but it can be said with certainty that it had created a strong impact of the lives of those involved. LEO TIMES | 16 NGTHEND LEO BHAGYA NONIS LEO THIMIRA NERANJANA, (CHIEF EDITOR) (CHIEF DESIGNER) LEO NIMANTHA KARUNANAYAKA LEO ASHANE WAAS LEO PASINDU BIMSARA (CHIEF DESIGNER) LEO KAVISHI KOTALAWALA LEO SAKUNI PUNMINA (EDITOR) (EDITOR) LEO SASINI PATTIYAWELA (0 ('EO TIMES | 17 Editor’s Note ‘This the season of giving! And for this holiday season, We the members of the LEO Club of Sri Lanka Technological Campus joyously gift you the December Edition of the ‘LEO TIMES' magazine! li: is without fail that | express my sincere gratitude to the LEO Club of SLTC for giving me the platform to express my capabilities and Ba ese a eC aC) ‘empower and enlighten the lives of those Perea ee area Taare chen aCe Cnc men Me CMM aac Oe ccca ee mela ature) PNT ee ay oe RC} of thousands of Sri Lankans. A new year is just PMR iat eakOn eta Pee en Mcallen aT Pieces Maecenas sek ei Pec Red CRS Le) CN) Ce Pee cuca each BS ur suo Rm Ua unlock more possibilities for us to educate, aid Pierce eect cn On behalf of the editorial panel of the LEO COMM cae ate an COTM ae cu Macca) Pe namaste een Tas Wishing the safest and the happiest of holidays eerie eerie aces Pea ey CLA) BEL AT LEO TIMES | 18 Leo of the Month He's a proud product of St. Joseph's College Anuradhapura. He is an Electronic Engineering Undergraduate at Sri Lanka Technological Campus. He has played an immense role in various of our Leo projects. Most importantly, he is the chairman of project Drug Free Future which was successfully held along with the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board and Mithuru Mithuro Rehabiltation Movement. He is a great asset to our club. We hope that you will continue to give us your support in our future projects as well. Congratulations Leo Dimantha on being the Leo of the Mont! Y ( \ J LEO CLUB OF SRI LANKA TECHNOLOGICAL CAMPUS over nteis SsS@veon

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