AP Student Guide To AP Classroom PDF
AP Student Guide To AP Classroom PDF
AP Student Guide To AP Classroom PDF
AP Student Guide to
AP Classroom
Updated: August 1, 2019
Welcome to AP Classroom!
This document is intended to guide you through how to use the features of AP Classroom effectively.
You need a College Board student account to log into My AP (myap.collegeboard.org) and access AP
Classroom. You may already have an account, from registering for SAT tests, viewing AP and PSAT/NMSQT
scores, participating in the College Board Opportunity Scholarships program, etc. It’s important that you
don’t create multiple College Board accounts. If you’re not sure whether you have a College Board account,
they should contact AP Services for Students for verification before attempting to create a new account.
Section 1: My AP 3
Section 3: Assessments 10
Assignments Tab 10
Course Summary 24
Section 1: My AP
1. Go to https://myap.collegeboard.org/
2. Enter your login information and click Sign In. If you don’t have an account, you can sign up. If you
forgot your username or password, the links below the login area of the screen will help you
3. Students will enroll themselves in your class by signing in using their existing College Board accounts.
They will see a notification that they have not joined a class. They will select “Join a Course or Exam”
and enter the join code provided by the teacher
4. You will be asked to enter the join code provided to you by your AP Teacher. If you do not know your
join code, ask you teacher.
Section 1: My AP 3
Section 1: My AP 4
5. After you enter your join code, you will see a confirmation screen. Select “Yes” if the information delayed
is correct. Select “No” if it is incorrect and inform your teacher.
Section 1: My AP 5
6. The next screen also displays high school information which you should review and select “Save” if
Section 1: My AP 6
7. Once you have entered the Join Codes for your AP Classes, your “My AP” page will display your course
information. You can continue to add courses by selecting the “Join a Course” link [1] below your list of
courses. To go to the AP Classroom, select that link [2].
Section 1: My AP 7
Section 2: AP Classroom Home Page
Your AP Clasroom home page helps you manage your work on your AP class. Here are the major features of
the home page :
2 3
Assignments Tab
The Assignments tab summarizes the assessments you have been assigned.
Section 3: Assessments 10
Taking an Assessment
Below is a screen from an online assessment.
1 You can page through the questions it by selecting the arrow buttons and the top and bottom.
You can go directly to any question in the progress check by selecting a question number, which are displayed at
2 the top of the window. The question you are viewing will be shown with a double-circle around the question
If it is a timed assessment, the timer will appear here. You will be warned when you have 5 minutes remaining.
3 Even if the time runs out, you still may complete the assessment. The total time taken will still be recorded in the AP
4 Use the bookmark icon to mark a question so it’s easier to return to later.
6 Will the annotation tool, you can mark text on the question and write notes. See details below this table
7 The help icon shows you a guide to all available features for this assessment.
8 The settings icon allows you to change the color contrast and font size of the question to increase its legibility.
When you have answered every question, the “Submit” button will turn blue. Select it to submit your assessment to
10 AP Classroom.
4 5
9 8
Section 3: Assessments 11
Adding an Annotation
To add highlighting or notes, select the Annotation tool [1] and use your cursor to highlight text. Then, select
one of the four colors to add highlighting (yellow is the default) [2]. To add a sticky note to the highlighted
text, select the sticky note icon [3].
2 3 1
Clicking that icon will show a popup window where you can write notes for yourself [4].
After you click ‘Add Note’ [5], the sticky note will appear next to the text [6]. To remove highlighting, select
the highlighted text and click 'Remove Highlight’ [7].
To remove the Sticky note, open it by clicking in. You can either edit what you’re written or select “Delete
Section 3: Assessments 12
Accessibility Options
When taking an assessment on AP Classroom, selecting the “Settings” icon in the upper left will enable you
to change the color scheme and font size of the assessment screen.
Section 3: Assessments 13
Other Features of AP Classroom Assessments
Assessments assigned through AP Classroom can be taken on a computer, tablet or phone. Here are some
important features of the online assessment application.
Section 3: Assessments 14
On a multiple-choice question, The Submit button is shown here, When you “Save and Exit” a timed
select a letter to enter response and along with other options. “Save and assessment, you see this warning.
select the Submit button. Exit” allows you to resume later.
Free response questions will show A keyboard will appear on screen for When the time for a timed
the question and a space for entering your response. assessment is over, you see this
entering your response message.
Section 3: Assessments 15
Special Question Types
For Music Theory and World You’ll be asked to allow the use of If you use your phone to take
Language courses, you can record the microphone. pictures of written or drawn work,
responses. you can upload it.
Section 3: Assessments 16
The Progress Tab
The Assignments tab summarizes the assessments you have been assigned.
Section 3: Assessments 17
Reviewing an Assessment
When you review an assessment, the question appears in window on the screen.
Select “Close Review” to return
1 to the Progress tab 2 3
This area allows you to
navigate between the questions
in the assessment. The circle
2 with a double circle indicates
the question you viewing (in
this example, question 1)
Section 3: Assessments 18
The Results Tab
In the Results tab, you can check the status of assessments you have completed. The table shows summary
information for each assessment. In the Performance column, you will see your score if scoring has been
completed. The performance bar uses color to represent performance levels:
No results
0 to 24.99%
25 to 49.99%
50 to 74.99%
75 to 100%
Section 3: Assessments 19
Topics and Skills Tab
The details of your assessment can be viewed in two
ways: by Topics and Skills and Questions. You
first see the Topics and Skills tab.
Section 3: Assessments 20
Questions Tab
The questions tab also displays a summary of your performance on the assessment and also list the questions
in the assessment and your score on each.
If your teacher provided feedback to you on your assessment, it will appear above the table.
Section 3: Assessments 21
Multiple Choice Question Detail
The question detail for a multiple-choice assessment shows the correct answer and additional feedback for
your response, both correct and incorrect. The detail screen also shows you the topic and skills covered by
the question and other questions in the assessment that covers those same topics and skills.
Section 3: Assessments 22
Free Response Question Detail
The question detail for a free-response assessment shows the correct answer and additional feedback for
your response. The detail screen also shows you the topic and skills covered by the question and other
questions in the assessment that covers those same topics and skills.
Section 3: Assessments 23
Section 4: Progress Dashboard
The Progress Dashboard allows you to track your progress throughout the school year.
Course Summary
Multiple Choice
1 If you are taking more than one course, you can change your course here.
The page opens to the Course Summary tab for Multiple Choice questions. You can also select to view Free-
2 Response questions.
3 This bar shows the shows the performances percentages by color as shown in the main chart below.
4 These colored boxes represent your cumulative averages for all multiple-choice questions per course unit.