The Power of Stupidity: Chapter 2 - Stupidity and Biology

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The Power of Stupidity

by Giancarlo Livraghi

Chapter 2 – Stupidity and Biology

T hough it isn’t an illness, stupidity spreads like a virus – or, more

broadly, multiplies as all living creatures do. But, in a basic
biological environment, the “stupidity problem” doesn’t exist.
The process is based on the production of an extremely large number
of “dumb” mutants. Only very few (the “fittest”) survive, and that’s it.
From that point of view, what we see as catastrophe is just another
variation in the “natural” course of events. Occasional destructive fires
are understood by botanists as a necessary, indeed desirable, step in the
evolution of a forest. Millions of living creatures that die in the process
may disagree, but their opinion is irrelevant.
In that perspective, solutions are simple and very effective. If there are
too many people, all we need is another plague (or any mass slaughter
device that will not interfere too much with the overall environment)
that can kill 90 percent of humankind.
The surviving ten percent, as soon as they get over the shock, are
likely to find the resulting environment quite agreeable. They are also likely
to be genetically similar: share specific traits of appearance and attitude.
If they all had green hair, pink eyes and liked rainy weather, they would
soon come to consider the (extinct) people with any other hair or eye color,
as well as people that like sunny weather, as rather quaint and “inferior”.
Their moisture-resistant history books would treat most of us as we treat
the Neanderthals.
The destruction or sterilization of our planet, by man-made nuclear
(or chemical) power, or maybe by collision with some wandering rock,
would be an irrelevant detail in a cosmic perspective. And, if it happened
before the development of space travel and colonization, the disappearance
of our species (along with the rest of the terrestrial biosphere) wouldn’t
cause much of a stir even in our galaxy.
But in the particular biological environment that is set by certain
species (such as ours) the system is based on the assumption that the
environment can – and should – be controlled; and that each individual
in our species (and in other species that we “protect”) should be able to live
longer, and more pleasantly, than he or she would in an uncontrolled
environment. This needs a particular breed of organized “intelligence.”
Therefore stupidity, at this stage and in this sort of evolutionary
environment, is extremely dangerous.
Some people seem to think that the decay is beyond repair, that by
some awful twist of evolution stupidity has totally prevailed. There are,
quite distressingly, many facts that appear to confirm that view. This book is
an attempt to understand if and how an extreme catastrophe can be avoided.

* * *

It could be long and complicated to get into the scientific debate (often
pointless, but sometimes enlightening) on the intelligence of biology or the
biology of intelligence. One can argue, depending on the point of view, that
evolution is intelligent – or stupid. And the same contradictions can be found
in the study of human cultures.
On this subject there is another interesting observation by James Welles.
Archeology is mainly dedicated to searching for intelligence. That is, what
since the origin of our species makes homo sapiens different from other
humanoids that (according to our criteria) appear to have lesser thinking
ability. Or, in not so remote times, finding facts that show “progress” –
improvement in technique, science or social organization. History, on the
other hand, is an inexhaustible collection of errors and failures – an endless
celebration of the power of stupidity.
Another observation by the same author is the ambivalence of cultural
heritage. Tradition is a buildup of experience and useful “know how.”
But it is also sclerotic rigidity of prejudice, superstition, habit, dogmatism,
constrictions, obedience, that hinder knowledge and are often the roots
of human stupidity.
Not only in philosophical and scientific evolution, but also in everyday
life, we are often faced with a choice. What must we keep of our knowledge
from experience and what should we learn from new stimuli – or from things
that we already know, but we haven’t yet understood as well as we could?
We need to do both, whenever we have an opportunity. There is a lot that
we can learn by combining experience with curiosity.
Recent studies in paleoanthropology help us to understand that at the
origin of our species, in the most “primitive” human cultures, there were
coherent and cohesive social structures. 1 There are values, deeply rooted
in human nature, that can quite effectively reduce stupidity and counteract
its effects. The problem is how to find them and make them work in the
turbulences and complexities of today.

See The Evolution of Evolution
It would be far too complicated, very long, and somewhat boring,
to get into a discussion on the nature of intelligence. Theoretical debates
are endlessly complicated and often inconclusive. But one fact is relevant:
it makes no sense to define intelligence as only linear or logic – and it’s
equally wrong to discard as stupid what doesn’t seem to be fully explained
by rational thinking.
Reason and emotion, logic and intuition can’t be separated. Great steps
in knowledge (and science) were made by intuitive perceptions that only
later found a precise “rational” explanation. Also daily experience proves
that intuition can be faster, and more effective, than too much reasoning.
We can be stupid if we allow ourselves to be led only by emotion,
but we are not very bright if we think that all problems can be solved
following an apparently logical sequence. This is one of the reasons why,
at the end of this book, there are some “informal” observations on how
to simplify complexity.

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