HPV Persistent RCT
HPV Persistent RCT
HPV Persistent RCT
Management of women with human papillomavirus
persistence: long-term follow-up of a randomized
clinical trial
Kristina Elfgren, MD; K. Miriam Elfström, PhD; Pontus Naucler, MD; Lisen Arnheim-Dahlström, PhD; Joakim Dillner, MD
BACKGROUND: Introduction of human papillomavirusebased measures: cumulative incidence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade
screening is ongoing in many countries, given its higher sensitivity and 2 or worse and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse.
longer-lasting protection compared with cytology-based screening. RESULTS: Among women who continued to attend and had continuous
However, optimal clinical management of human papillomavirusepositive human papillomavirus persistence, all (40 of 40, 100% [95% confidence
but cytology-negative women is unclear, and additional studies with interval, 91e100%]) developed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or
clinical follow-up are warranted. worse. There were no cases among women who cleared their human
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current study was to investigate the long- papillomavirus persistence (0 of 35, 0% (95% confidence interval, 0e10%)
term outcomes of the clinical management used in a double-blind, ran- (P < .001). Among women who had had human papillomavirus persistence
domized clinical trial of human papillomavirus screening conducted in the but did not continue with repeated human papillomavirus tests (unknown
context of the routine, organized screening program in Sweden. persistence status), 56% (15 of 27 women) developed cervical intraepithelial
STUDY DESIGN: Among 12,527 women aged 32e38 years enrolled neoplasia grade 2 or worse. Almost all cases occurred within 6 years. The
in the trial, we followed up the 195 women who attended the colposcopy intensive clinical management in the trial appeared to result in diagnoses of
screening who were cytologically normal but persistently human papillo- earlier cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse but apparently did
mavirus positive (at least 12 months later; median, 19 months) in the not prevent cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse.
human papillomavirus testing arm (n ¼ 100) or were randomly selected CONCLUSION: Women with human papillomavirus persistence will, in
from the control arm (n ¼ 95). Women in the human papillomavirus testing general, either become human papillomavirus negative or develop cervical
arm were followed up with repeated human papillomavirus testing, cy- intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse within 6 years, even with
tologies, and colposcopies if persistently human papillomavirusepositive intensive clinical follow-up.
without cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse. A similar
number of random colposcopies and tests were carried out in the control Key words: cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, colposcopy, human
arm. Women were followed up over 13 years for the main outcome papillomavirus, long term-follow-up, randomized clinical trial
HPV screening was started in May 1997. testing were collected. All samples were The dimension and border of abnormal
Women aged 32e38 years attending analyzed in the intervention arm as well areas were assessed by application of 5%
organized screening in 5 different regions as a random sample of the control arm. potassium iodine to the ectocervix. All
of Sweden were invited to participate. In HPV DNA testing was conducted using acetowhite areas, including metaplasia
Sweden, women are invited for organized polymerase chain reaction with GP5þ/ (undifferentiated epithelium), inflam-
screening only if they have not had any 6þ polymerase chain reaction primers mation, and neoplasia were considered
recent opportunistic smears. No further and subsequent typing with reverse dot- as abnormal colposcopies and biopsied.
exclusion criteria were used. blot hybridization. The assay correlated The endocervix was sampled with a
Since 1997, the trial participants have well to the HPV assay used in other cytobrush.16
been followed up with registry linkages. clinical validation studies.15 Blind biopsies were taken at 12 o’clock
Using unique personal identification and 6 o’clock on the ectocervix close to
numbers, linkages to the Swedish Na- Colposcopy follow-up the squamocolumnar junction if the
tional Cervical Screening Registry In the intervention arm, women who colposcopy was considered to be normal,
(NKCx) have been performed up to were HPV positive and cytology nega- according to standard protocol at the
December 2012 to identify all histological tive at enrollment were invited for a time.13 Treatment and further manage-
endpoints occurring among study par- second HPV test at least 12 months later ment of the women based on the results
ticipants, regardless of whether the his- (median actual attendance, 19 months; of cytologies and histopathologies fol-
tological endpoint was the result of study interquartile range, 15e27 months). At lowed the routine procedures of the
colposcopies. Until the primary endpoint baseline, 433 women were HPV posi- screening program.
of the study was reached (protection tive, of which 341 were cytology nega-
against CIN2þ in a second screening tive and therefore invited to a second Statistical analysis
round), all histopathologies were re- HPV test. A total of 270 women atten- The 195 women who attended the first
reviewed by an expert pathologist.13 ded the second HPV test, of which 119 study colposcopies were followed up
For the long-term follow-up after this women (44%) had type-specific HPV using registry linkages. The start of the
point, routine histopathological di- persistence and were subsequently follow-up was the date of the first test in
agnoses were used and identified through invited to colposcopy (100 women the RCT. The first instance of histologi-
linkage to the NKCx. The current analysis attended).13 In the control arm, 111 cally confirmed CIN2þ or CIN3þ were
makes use of the re-reviewed histopa- women were selected at random for identified through the study colpos-
thologies from the active study period mock HPV testing and subsequent col- copies and linkages to the NKCx.
and routine histopathological diagnoses poscopies to control for ascertainment Women were censored at the last regis-
that were obtained for lesions occurring bias (95 women attended). The results tered testing date, which is appropriate
outside the study colposcopies and dur- of the first study colposcopies have been for screen-detected disease. There were
ing the long-term follow-up. published.13 no cases of invasive disease found during
Following the first study colposcopy, follow-up in either arm.
Randomization and masking women who had not been treated for Linkages to the Swedish population
In total, 12,527 women were enrolled, CIN2þ were invited for yearly repeat registry found that 191 of 195 women
following informed consent, and ran- HPV tests. Throughout the study, all were alive and resident in Sweden
domized 1:1 to HPV and cytology double cytological abnormalities were managed throughout the follow-up. Two women
testing (intervention arm, n ¼ 6257) or according to the routine procedures used were deceased (both in the intervention
cytology only (control arm, n ¼ 6270). in the Swedish organized screening arm) and 2 women had emigrated. All
Women were randomized using program. Women with continuous type- 195 women were alive and resident in
computer-generated random numbers by specific HPV persistence as well as a Sweden for >5 years. Women were
an independent institute (the Cancer similar number of randomly chosen categorized as having a known persis-
Registry of Stockholm). Further details on control women were invited for addi- tence status (time frame determined as a
the study protocol have been published tional colposcopies (Figure 1). Subse- positive HPV test result plus 1 year for
previously.14 Both the study participants quent colposcopies were performed the analysis), unknown persistence sta-
and the colposcopists were blinded to the according to the same protocol and tus (no HPV test performed 1 year after
women’s HPV status. The trial was un- conducted by the same gynecologists as the last HPV test; in other words, more
blinded in August 2003, after the the first study colposcopies, except that than 1 year since the last HPV test was
completion of the first study colposcopies HPV test results were unblinded. taken), HPV type-specific clearance after
and 3 years after recruitment concluded. The protocol included an examina- persistence, and HPV negativity after
tion of the transformation zone for vis- persistence. Women who switched types
Intervention ibility, maturation, and epithelial were persistently positive for one type
HPV DNA testing changes. Five percent acetic acid was and then at a subsequent test were
For all women, a Papanicolaou smear applied to identify undifferentiated negative for the initial type but positive
and a brush sample for HPV DNA epithelia or inflammation as well as CIN. for a new type.
CONSORT flow chart of follow-up of women in Swedescreen study
CONSORT flow chart of colposcopic and registry-based follow-up of women in the intervention (HPV typeespecific persistence) and control arms of the
Swedescreen study.
CIN2þ, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse; CONSORT, Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials; HPV, human papillomavirus.
Elfgren et al. Management of women with human papillomavirus persistence. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.
Absolute risks for CIN2þ and CIN3þ infection and 95 randomly selected 2 among the randomly selected women
were calculated for the entire follow-up women from the control arm). The in the control arm), the absolute risk for
period (13 years). Cumulative inci- CIN2þ cases detected at the first study CIN2þ over the long-term follow-up
dence proportions of CIN2þ and colposcopy have previously been was 54% (55 of 102, 95% confidence
CIN3þ were estimated using 1 minus described.13 During the long-term interval [CI], 44e63%) and the risk for
the Kaplan-Meier curves. follow-up (up to 13 years), linkages CIN3þ was 32% (33 of 102, 95% CI,
All analyses were completed using were made to the national screening 24e42%). By study arm, the risks for
STATA 11 (StataCorp, College Station, registry NKCx. CIN2þ was 54% in the intervention arm
TX). The Swedescreen study was All 195 women were found to have and 2% in the control arm (log rank
approved by the ethical review board in had additional cytologies in the national value of P < .001).
Stockholm, Sweden (DNR 1996/305). registry (mean number of cytologies, 8; Persistence by type was as follows: 25
The long-term follow-up of the Swe- range, 4e17) and 192 of 195 of the bi- women with HPV 16, 11 with HPV18, 31
descreen study had an additional opsies from the per-protocol colpos- with HPV 31, with 6 HPV 33, 9 with
approval from the ethical review copies were identified in the registry HPV 45, and 20 with other HR HPV (not
board in Stockholm, Sweden (DNR (mean number of cervical histopathol- shown). Among the 25 women with a
2012/780-32). ogies, 2; range, 1e9). An additional 25 type 16 persistence, 68% (17 of 25, 95%
CIN2þ diagnoses occurred in the CI, 48e83%) and 56% (14 of 25, 95%
Results intervention arm, but no further CIN2þ CI, 37e73%) developed CIN2þ and
In total, 195 women with a normal occurred in the control arm. CIN3þ, respectively (not shown).
cytology attended the first study col- Among the 102 women with initial Persistence with HPV16 conferred the
poscopies (100 women in the interven- HR HPV type-specific persistence (all highest risk for CIN2þ followed by HPV
tion arm with persistent HR HPV 100 women in the intervention arm and 18 (7 of 11, 64% [95% CI, 35e85%]),
Our results provide evidence of a very
high long-term risk of CIN2þ among
women with continuous HPV persis-
tence, even with an initially negative
cytology and negative colposcopically
directed biopsies. We also provide evi-
dence that women who had had HPV
persistence but have become HPV
negative are not at measurable long-term
The cumulative incidence proportion of CIN3þ in the intervention (grey line) and control (black line)
risk of CIN2þ. We find that women with arms of the Swedescreen study over 13 years of follow-up.
HPV persistence over 7 years either CIN3þ, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse.
develop CIN2þ or become HPV Elfgren et al. Management of women with human papillomavirus persistence. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.
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Long-term risk of recurrent cervical human and Department of Medicine, Solna, Karolinska University Presented at the 30th International Papillomavirus
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accepted Oct. 31, 2016. Public Health Workshops, July 3e8, 2010, Montreal,
This study was supported by the Swedish Cancer Canada.
Author and article information Society (2098, 3824), Europe Against Cancer Corresponding author: Joakim Dillner, MD. joakim.
From the Department of Clinical Science, Intervention, (SPC2002475), and the European Union 7th framework [email protected]
and Technology, Karolinska University Hospital program excellence project in comparative effectiveness
(Dr Elfgren), Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Stockholm, research (CoheaHr number 603019).