Poultry Production ViperTouch Big Dutchman en PDF

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The flexible climate and production computer

for your poultry house
Good. Better. Best. – We never let it rest.

4 climate and production computer ideal for all types of poultry

– broilers, broiler breeders, turkeys, ducks, laying hens –
4 brilliantly simple operation via touch screen
4 freely adjustable operating modes: Basic, Flex or Profi mode
4 extremely fast processor and memory
4 speaks 30 languages – including yours!
4 customisable home screen
4 integrated network interface
4 simple alarm management
4 compatible with the BigFarmNet
Manager PC program

A new experience in terms of comfort, speed and performance

ViperTouch has a large, graphical colour Data and settings can be saved on a USB 10 to 130 additional relay modules with or
display on which all functions are clearly flash drive (back-up copy) by means of without manual control, as is often
displayed. The symbols used in the main which it is also possible to install new requested for the American market, for
menus are easy to interpret and facilitate programs. example.
navigation. ViperTouch can also be mounted in large There are also relay modules available
ViperTouch is currently available in 30 control cabinets. If the standard version is that can be used for direct connection of
languages, including Chinese, Japanese, not sufficient, the computer can be up- single-phase fans or motors.
Danish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, graded with extension boxes. These
Polish, French, Italian, Indonesian ... extension boxes allow incorporation of

Display examples – main menu

ViperTouch allows the user to select and A password protection function ensures
arrange all important data for climate and security on up to three levels. Settings
production control in the main menu. This can only be changed by authorised
way every customer quickly gets a persons.
customised overview of the situation in
his poultry house.
Password function

Example 1: standard main menu Example 2: extended main menu Language selection
ViperTouch and BigFarmNet Manager
BigFarmNet Manager is a PC program water consumption or daily weight gains
which allows the customer to list and or losses.
visualise as well as process and control With the special breeder module, the
the house climate and production data on entire production cycle in a broiler
his office PC. Production results can be breeder house can be documented and
analysed comfortably. It is also possible to analysed as well as compared with stored
make and automatically transfer settings reference values from the established
regarding feed, water and light to other breeding companies.
houses in the same production mode. These are the best prerequisites for the
The new broiler module provides for an producer to be able to take advantage of
exact documentation of the course of the the full performance potential of a flock
grow-out. Several batches can be while saving costs, and to achieve
compared with each other or with consistently good results at a high degree
reference values concerning feed and of efficiency.
Current climate data

The advantages at a glance

4 the software uses simple, easy-to- Ethernet LAN in combination with fibre
understand symbols; optic cables;
4 quick data overview, both as graphs 4 use of standard IT components;
and as lists; 4 remote data access via network;
4 detailed alarm log, history and analysis; 4 Service Access Light –> the service
4 communication with existing computers technician can easily support users
via BFN-WebLink; from afar. Overview climate
4 fast connection to the office PC via

Office PC

Internet Current production overview feed conversion of broilers

Router Switch

Fibre optic Fibre optic

cable cable

Overview production

Farm with BD climate/ Farm with ViperTouch via Farm with ViperTouch via
production computers WLAN cable (max. length 100 m)
Overview alarms
Using ViperTouch as climate computer
The new ViperTouch is a state-of-the-art Example of side ventilation Example of tunnel ventilation
climate computer that allows you to 4 CL Flex wall inlets for fresh air; 4 tunnel for fresh air;
control the entire house environment as 4 CL 600 chimneys for exhaust air; 4 AirMaster for exhaust air;
efficiently and as easily as possible. 4 hot air blower JetMaster as heating system; 4 RainMaker pad cooling system.
In more detail, this means: 4 Fogging Cooler cooling system.
ViperTouch can be used for all established
types of ventilation (natural, mechanical
and combined). This includes side, cross,
tunnel and CombiTunnel ventilation.

Unrivaled comfort: freely-selectable climate control levels

ViperTouch makes it possible to control in Basic mode with a thermostat function. (a very precise and sophisticated system
the house climate on three different In Flex mode, fresh and exhaust air can for temperature control), to display the
control levels, which can be freely be regulated individually. It is for example windchill factor in case of tunnel
selected by the user: possible to switch off the fans temporarily ventilation or to view the exhaust air
4 Basic mode (simple control) in order to ventilate naturally through the volume in m3/h/bird ("real-air principle").
4 Flex mode (flexible control) chimneys when, in case of free-range
4 Profi mode (advanced control) production, the pop holes are open.
Simple ventilation systems can be controlled Profi mode allows you to use PID control

Fresh air Alarm Cooling

CL 75 actuator CL 175 actuator

emergency opening 378 T

CL 1200/CL1900 wall inlets CL 1200 flange inlet


CL Flex wall inlet

Negative pressure sensor

CO2 sensor

CL 1500 ceiling inlet FAC/Fumus fresh air chimneys DOL 114 - humidity/temperature sensor
Climate control with ViperTouch: an abundance of possibilities
4 connection of up to 8 sensors for room mode) when operating in the Basic or 4 connection of a CO2 sensor for active
temperature and 2 sensors for inside Flex mode; minimum ventilation control based on
humidity; 4 minimum ventilation in pulse-pause the CO2 content in the house air;
4 control of room heating systems for up mode; 4 connection of additional free sensors,
to 6 zones (JetMaster, Thermorizer, 4 controlled tunnel ventilation with up to for example for NH3, air speed or
hot-water heating, infrared heaters); 4 actuators, i.e. the tunnel openings outside humidity;
4 separation of the house into 2 brooding are opened or closed based on the 4 active negative pressure regulation, i.e.
zones if the house is to be heated only required air speed; negative pressure sensors measure
partly, i.e. only a certain part of the 4 night function, i.e. the temperature is the outside air pressure as well as the
house is heated and the rest is kept at lowered (or raised) for a defined negative pressure in the house and the
anti-freeze temperature; duration after which the ViperTouch computer controls the fresh air based
4 division of the house into 2 different automatically switches back to normal on these data or activates an alarm;
climate zones and individual control of control; 4 optimized comfort temperature control,
temperature, minimum ventilation and 4 control of cooling and humidification including air humidity;
humidity in these zones; (RainMaker, FoggingCooler); 4 display of trend curves over the entire
4 control of up to 4 zone heaters (gas 4 several possibilities for humidity grow-out on the large colour display.
brooders or extra heating); control (via ventilation and/or heating);
4 control of up to 16 MultiStep® groups 4 control of the Earny heat exchanger,
(in side and tunnel mode); integrated into the ventilation control;
4 ventilation by means of the Dynamic 4 displaying of the cooling temperature
MultiStep exhaust air principle to by means of up to 2 optional pad
increase energy savings even more; temperature sensors;
4 standard step control of fans (16 steps 4 temperature-controlled emergency
in side mode and 16 steps in tunnel opening with 378 T or 378 CT;

Heat exchanger Exhaust air



CL 600 and CL 920 exhaust air chimneys


AirMaster AirMaster with cone

JetMaster Gas brooder type G 12

Wall fan

Thermorizer HeatMaster convection heater Heating regulation

Using ViperTouch as production computer
ViperTouch is not only a professional react quickly to changes and to take the The extension modules "full broiler
climate computer, but also a full production required action which in turn will lead to functionality" and "full breeder func­
and management computer. It records all better performance results and will tionality" provide additional functions
important data concerning production, increase the economic efficiency of the which are especially important for broiler
growth, feed and water consumption and production. and broiler breeder management.
mortality. This permits the producer to

Extension modules “full broiler and breeder functionality”

With these modules, ViperTouch provides 4 it is possible to use different feeding
extended functions for broiler and broiler programs – ad libitum, time-controlled
breeder feeding: and quantity-controlled;
4 the feed consumption can be recorded 4 up to 24 target devices (feed hoppers)
and up to 5 types of feed can be mixed per house can be controlled to fill feed
by means of the electronic continuous into the hoppers with kg precision.
weighers FW 99-B and FW 99-40;
4 up to 4 electronic silo scales can be
controlled by means of the scale
module and also work with the
continuous weigher;

Silo weighing
Feed scale

Continuous weighers
FW 99-B and FW 99-40

Bird scale SWING 20

Bird scale SWING 70

Bird scale INCAS 2
Pause function

Light control
Production control with ViperTouch: an abundance of possibilities
4 recording of feed consumption: total, 4 registration of up to 32 egg counters; 4 alarm messages, for example in case
daily and per bird with a silo, drum or 4 light control via 7 different sunlight of power failures, minimum silo content
pulse scale; the scale module permits simulators with sunrise/sunset and deviations from set values such as
the connection of up to 4 silo scales simulation; the luminous intensity can temperature, humidity, water and feed
with 8 load cells each for easy also be changed; consumption.
monitoring of the silo content; feed
4 connection of up to 6 freely programm-­
deliveries are recorded and logged;
able timers for individual tasks, such as
4 control of target feeding: up to 24 EggSaver, zone light, nest expel
hoppers per house can be filled with a function, folding grilles beneath the
defined amount of feed, for example for aviary;
broiler breeder feeding with separate
4 pause function: helps the producer to
male feeding;
optimise the period between two grow-
4 the FW 99-B and FW 99-40 feed outs regarding soaking, cleaning,
weighers permit mixing of feed drying and heating of the house, thus
components from up to 5 different silos reducing costs;
(additional wheat feeding);
4 compatible with BigFarmNet Manager,
4 recording of the water consumption: the PC program for graphical and
total, daily and per bird by means of up tabular processing and visualisation of
to 6 water meters; production and climate data in real
4 connection of up to 12 bird scales time, including remote access function;
(INCAS or SWING) for the recording of
bird weights;

Feed consumption

Day hopper
Separate male feeding

Water consumption

AC Touch alarm device

BigFarmNet Manager

EggSaver Egg counter IR4-810

ViperTouch is available in different extension stages – based on individual requirements
ViperTouch 710 1520 2330 1500/2300 X30/X 40
A) Maximum number of analogue inputs/outputs 7 15 23 15/23
- outside temperature sensors 1 1 1 1
- house temperature sensors, max. 8 8 8 8
- humidity sensors, max. 2 2 2 2
- pad sensors 2 2 2 2
- negative pressure sensors 1 1 1 1
- free sensors (NH3, CO2, O2, air speed), max. 4 4 4 4
- CO2 sensors for control of minimum ventilation* 1 1 1 1
- external signal 0-10 V for speed control*** 2 2 2 2
- signal for CL 74 (actuator at chimney 0-10 V)*** 2 2 2 2
- CL 74 V with feedback potentiometer for stepless exhaust air*** 2 2 2 2
- actuator fresh air feedback potentiometer 6 6 6 6
- actuator tunnel feedback potentiometer 4 4 4 4
- water meter 6 6 6 6
- cross auger sensor 1 1 1 1
- counter input for pulse scale 1 1 1 1
- bird scales (full broiler/breeder functionality) ◊ 2 (4) (12) 2 (4) (12) 2 (4) (12) 2 (4) (12)
- light dimmer, analogue output ◊ 4 -7 4 -7 4 -7 4 -7
- light sensor 5 5 5 5
- heating, analogue output 6 6 6 6
- gas brooder 4 4 4 4
- manual tunnel opening 1 1 1 1
- egg counter ◊ 16 (32) 16 (32) 16 (32) 16 (32)
B) Maximum number of digital outputs 12 22 32 30/40
- contacts for heating system 6 6 6 6
- contacts for gas brooder 4 4 4 4
- contacts for pad cooling* 6 6 6 6
- contacts for spray cooling* 3 3 3 3
- contacts for soaking 1 1 1 1
- contacts for humidifying 1 1 1 1
- CL 74 exhaust air chimney (2 relays per actuator) 2 2 2 2
- CL 74/75 fresh air chimney Fumus/FAC (2 relays per motor) 1 1 1 1
- side mode groups for exhaust air in MultiStep 16 (8****) 16 (8****) 16 (8****) 16 (8****)
- tunnel mode groups for exhaust air in MultiStep 16 16 16 16
- side mode groups for exhaust air on/off** 16 16 16 16
- tunnel mode groups for exhaust air tunnel stages** 16 16 16 16
- side inlets (2 relays per 1 actuator) 6 6 6 6
- tunnel inlets (2 relays per 1 actuator )* 4 4 4 4
- emergency opening 1 1 1 1
- fans for recirculating air (thermostat) 4 4 4 4
- silo 1 and 2 yes yes yes yes
- silo 3 to 5 (full broiler/breeder functionality) yes yes yes yes
- cross auger 1 1 1 1
- light on/off ◊ 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7
- timers ◊ 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6
- feeding 1 1 1 1
- water valve 1 1 1 1
- silo scale 4 4 4 4
- feed weigher FW 99B, FW 99-40 1 1 1 1
- soaking 1 1 1 1
- targets for broiler breeders (full broiler/breeder functionality) ◊ 6 - 24 6 - 24 6 - 24 6 - 24
- alarm 1 1 1 1
It is not possible to use more analogue inputs or digital outputs than listed in row A and B. The Viper scale module can be connected to all extension stages of
ViperTouch. Depending on the type of ViperTouch, stepless fans can be controlled by means of an internal or external triac.
◊ depending on the used software
* only in Profi mode ** only in Basic or Flex mode *** only in Profi or Flex mode **** two-zone control in Profi mode
Technical details subject to change. en 2/2015

USA: Big Dutchman, Inc.

Tel. +1 616 392 5981 · [email protected]
Brazil: Big Dutchman (Brasil) Ltda.
Tel. +55 54 2101 5900 · [email protected]
Russia: OOO “Big Dutchman”
Tel. +7 495 229 5161 · [email protected] · www.bigdutchman.ru
Asia/Pacific: BD Agriculture (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Big Dutchman International GmbH
Tel. +60 3 33 61 5555 · [email protected] · www.bigdutchman.com
Postfach 1163 · 49360 Vechta
Tel. +49(0) 4447 801-0 · Fax -237 China: Big Dutchman (Tianjin) Livestock Equipment Co., Ltd.
[email protected] Tel. +86 10 6476 1888 · [email protected]
www.bigdutchman.de www.bigdutchman.cn

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