PLM XML and Teamcenter XML
PLM XML and Teamcenter XML
PLM XML and Teamcenter XML 1
Platform Extensibility Services
Features, Performance
Characteristics and use cases
of each XML flavor
Do not share data using PLM XML between two sites connected by
Multi-Site, if the same objects are to be replicated later via CMS or GMS.
“appRef” concept to establish stable identity for update use cases, also
valid for BOMLines (XML contains both instance graph and ProductView)
L 3rd Party
Web M System
Teamcenter X
Cmd M
Workflow Tecnomatix
A set of tags Transfer Mode
(could be CC object) PLM XML
Context of export -Closure Rules file
-Filter Rules
-Property Sets
-Action Rules
Global Multi-Site:
Multi-siting of data between sites in the Teamcenter federation (TCUA, TCE)
utilizing Global Services Framework
PDX integration:
Import/export is facilitated via XSLT translation between TC XML and PDX.
Used to facilitate communication with ERP systems
Focus on packaging up all data (structured and bulk) required to work with
PDM data offline. Site check-out concept facilitates
update of offline transferred data
Interspec Integration:
GMS based integration between Interspec
(a SIEMENS Product Data Management application
focusing on recipe related BOMs)
Excel-BOM integration:
GMS based Import of excel spreadsheet data into Teamcenter
Several large OEMs (Automotive, Aerospace etc) are using GMS in production for their
Data Transfer/Coexistence/Data Migration needs w.r.t. TCEnterprise TCUA
TC XML (GMS) is the strategic go-forward, best-practice solution for Data Transfer,
Data Migration and Data Coexistence of TCEnt to TCUA data transfer within a
Teamcenter Federation
Using TC XML for metadata transport, and compressed set of bulk files
PLM XML: object model independent, basis of rich interoperability pipeline connecting
SIEMENS Software products and 3rd party adopters
Applies to Configured
Payload of choice for data
sharing within SIEMENS
Supported in briefcase
Unmanaged processing and More difficult, no SDK available, Easy due to existence of SDK
markup of XML GSIdentities difficult to generate
generate updates for re-import All Update Scenarios supported delta import, utilized by several
customers, however some
update Scenarios unsupported
Require simple/complex Easy to do with sophisticated Hard, must generate XSLTs
mapping of XML to destination Mapping tool, GSIdentity style sheets manually, must be
XML concept allows repeated data created as a ImanFile object.
sharing and coexistence
Co-existence and re-replication Design supports this use case Not possible, all objects are
of product data explicitly by use of GSIdentity, owned at their respective sites
site referential Integrity and
replica concepts 22