Ophthalmology Question: Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Ophthalmology Question

1-Nodular scleritis occurs with:

 Rheumatoid Arthritis

2-all of the following can be Treatment for Keratoconus Except:

 Glasses
 Hard lenses
 Corneal transplant

3-anisocoria means:

 Different in size of the pupil between both eyes

 Different in size between both cornea
 Difference in refractive power
 None of the above

4-Side effect of steroid:

 Cataract

5-In Diabetic retinopathy:

 Normal visual acuity

 Sudden decrease in visual acuity
 Gradual decrease in visual acuity
 All

6-sign of congenital glaucoma:

 Buphthalmos

7-which of the following cause decrease aqueous production:

 Timolol
 Latanoprost
 Minntol
 All

8-pan retinal photocoagulation is Treatment of:

 Proliferative diabetic changes

 Pre proliferative diabetic changes
 All stages

9-Neovasculrization of the iris, neovascularization of disc, neovascularization elsewhere of retina occur in:

 Proliferative of DM
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 Congenitally small disorganized eye

11-which of the following is not side effect of cycloplegic agents:

 Sweating
 Vasodilatation
 Depression
 Increase temperature

12-25 man, blunt trauma to right eye, presented with vertical diplopia, mostly has:

 Orbital floor fracture

 Carotid cavernous fistula
 Cerebral hemorrhage

13-in thyroid eye disease:

 Blindness
 Red eye
 Proptosis
 All

14- Most common cause of childhood unilateral eye disease is:

 Orbital cellulites
 Thyroid eye disease

15-all cause painful red eye except:

 Ptrigym

16-which is not true regarding viral conjunctivitis:

 Greenish discharge

17-all of the following is ophthalmological emergency except:

 Ptrigym
 Acute angle closure glaucoma
 Scleritis
 Corneal cancer


 Headache
 Weight loss
 Sudden visual loss
 All

19-all are true considering optic neuritis except:

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 Eye pain
 Decrease vision
 RAPD is present
 Pale optic nerve at head

20-which cause RAPD:


21-papilledema different than optic neuritis in:

 Usually bilateral
 Affect female more
 It can resolve without treatment
 Cause pain and blurred vision

22-which of the following is wrong for trauma:

 Hypopian is common finding in trauma

 Hyphema cause increase IOP +corneal staining
 Teardrop shape pupil and shallow ant. Chamber indicate penetrating globe
 Don’t do any digital palpation in globe rupture

23-which of the following is true about trauma:

 Don’t patch eye in case of corneal abrasion that related to contact lenses

24-most vulnerable to trauma in cavernous sinus injury:

 2
 3
 5
 6

25- Orbit:

 7 bones

26-Prepheral Iridotomy is Treatment for:

 Angle closure glaucoma

27-Risk factors for open angle glaucoma:

 Black race
 Cardiovascular disease
 Family HX
 All

28-which increase aqueous out flow:

 Timolol

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 Pilocarbin
 Epinephrine
 B&c

29-case (middle age pt with mass in eye lid + painless + not change by time )

 Chelazion
 FB granuloma
 Ptrigym

30-the structure responsible for most of focusing power of eye is :

 Lenses
 Cornea

31-EOM attaché to:

 Sclera

32-all cause acute visual loss except:

 Cataract

33- Ciliary body

 Production of aqueous humorous

34- Horner syndrome cause

 Constricted pupil

35-3rd Nerve palsy in DM cause:

 Ptosis
 Abnormal pupillary reflex
 Normal pupillary refex
 A&C

36-Mythesnia gravies not affect

 Pupil


 Cause Leukocoria


 Wight pupil reflex

39-all are true considering congenital cataract except:

 Never occur bilateral

 Wight pupil
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 Ambylopia
 Should be treated as soon as possible

40- Treatment of cataract:

 Extra capsular surgery

 Intra capsular
 Laser
 Non

41-all true considering chemical burn except:

 Measure vision before irrigation

42-Reumatogenous RD due to:

 Break (hole)

43-Hyperopia all true except:

 It rarely occur with small eye

 Image form behind retina
 Cause astigmatism!!!

44-true about herpes virus:

 It is usually recurrent
 Reactivate by corticosteroid
 True dendrite lesion is sign of its infection
 All

45-Chiasmal lesion:

 Bitemporal heminopia

46- Which of the following conditions is most likely to produce an afferent pupil defect?

A- Amblyopia

B- Third nerve palsy

C-Myasthenia gravis

D- Central retinal artery occlusion

47- Slowly progressive visual loss is NOT characteristic of:

A- Cataract

B- Retinal Vein Occlusion

C- Occipital Lobe Mass

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D- Open Angle Glaucoma

48-Which of the following disorders results in a decreased red reflex?

A. Macular degeneration

B Bleeding into vitreous cavity

C Central retinal artery occlusion

D Conjunctivitis

49-80 year old man with sudden painless loss of vision in one eye which you measured as only light perception
.The red reflex is normal. There is an afferent papillary defect. She says that for two weeks she has scalp

A. Giant cell arteritis

B. Central retinal vein occlusion

C. Vitreous haemorrage

D Retinal detachment

50-In which of the following stages of diabetic eye disease might dot/blot haemorrhages, hard exudates and
microaneurysms form the principal finding?

A. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy

B. vitreous haemorrhage
C. None proliferative diabetic retinopathy
D. Diabetic mcular edema

51-Which of the following statements is FALSE with respect to neonatal conjunctivitis ?

A. Chlamydia trachomatis is the commonest cause

B. It is an ophthalmic emergency which may requires admission
C. Chlamydial keratoconjunctivitis presents sooner than gonococcal keratoconjunctivitis
D. Corneal ulceration and perforation may ensue

52-Which of the following is NOT a feature of Horner's Syndrome?

A. Miosis
B. Ptosis
C. Anhydrosis
D. Endophthalmos

53-Which of the following statements is UNTRUE regarding the oculomotor nerve?

A. It is the longest extraocular nerves

B. It supplies somatic motor efferents to LPS, SO, MR, IR and IO
C. It provides parasympathetic supply to the ciliary muscle and dilator pupillae
D. Its nuclei lie at the level of the superior colliculus

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54- The following are criteria for referral of red eye to a tertiary hospital except

A.Decreased vision

B.Unequal and/or non-reactive pupils



55- Which condition can cause painless red eye




D.Corneal abrasions

56- Differential diagnosis of sudden visual loss include all except

A.Vitreous hemorrhage

B.Chronic open glaucoma

C.Retinal detachment

D.Central retinal artery occlusion

57- The following are the side effects of topical corticosteroids EXCEPT

A.Can potentiate growth of herpes simplex and fungal infection


C.Cataract formation

D.Elevated IOP

58-30 year old girl with sudden painful loss of vision in one eye which you measured as only 20/200 .The red
reflex is normal.There is an afferent papillary defect and optic nerve swelling .Most likely diagnosis is .

A. Giant cell arteritis

B. Central retinal artery occlusion

C. Vitreous haemorrage

D Optic neuritis

59-which cranial nerve is traumatized most commonly with closed head injury ?

a) cranial nerve 3

b) cranial nerve 2

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c) cranial nerve 4

d) cranial nerve 9

60- What is the optimum time for patient with congenital cataract to be seen by ophthalmologist?

a) As soon as possible even within one week

b) After 6 months

c) Between 6 months and 1 year

d) At age of school

61- Orbital floor fracture could be associated most likely with:

a) medial rectus muscle injury

b) Latral rectus muscle injury

c) superior rectus muscle injury

d) inferior rectus muscle injury

62- Which of the following can cause Leukocoria?

a) Retinoblastomar


c)optic nerve glioma

d) lymphoma

63- All of the following are clinical signs of acute angle closure glaucoma EXCEPT :

a) Eye pain

b) Red eye

c) Yellowish discharge

d) High intraocular pressure

64- All of the following can be cause of acute visual loss EXCEPT:

a) central retinal artery occlusion

b) retinal detachment

c) optic neuritis

d) Cataract
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65- which of the following is true about chemical burns

a) All chemical burns require immediate and perfuse irrigation, then ophthalmology referral

b) Ocular eye exam should be performed before ocular irrigation

c) Acidic solution can be used to irrigate an eye with alkaline burn

d) Topical corticosteroid is a treatment of choice

66- Infant with thick cloudy and large size cornea, What is the most likely etiology ?

a) congenital glaucoma

b) congenital cataract

c) orbital tumor

d) corneal ulcer

67- patient presented with bitemporal hemanomus hemanopia mostlikly the lesion in

a) the retina

b) the cornea

c) the lens

d) optic chiasma

68- All of the following can cause amplyopia EXCEPT:

a) strabismus

b) hyperopia

c) congenital cataract

d) adenovirus conjunctivitis

69- the most accurate corneal finding in herpes simplex virus is

a) true dendrites with terminal bulb

b) corneal edema

c) corneal blood staining

d) corneal foreign body

70-Aqueous humor produced by

a) the cornea
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b) the lens

c) The ciliary body

d) the conjunctiva

71- which of the following eye drops cause dilatation of the pupil :

a) Pilocarpine

b) Atropine

c) Timolol

d) Ciprofloxacilline

72- risk factors for angle closure glaucoma is

a) hyperopia

b) myopia

c) pterygium

d) conjunctivitis

73- Hyperopia is

a) Vision problem occurs when light rays entering the eye focus behind the retina than directly on it.

b) The eyeball is larger than normal

c) It is risk factor for cataract formation

d) Can not be corrected with glasses

74-The following tests can be used in evaluation of strabismus patients EXCEPT

A.Red reflex

B.Cover uncover test

C.corneal light reflex

D.B scan

75- Regarding Pterygium all of the following is true EXCEPT:

a) It consider as an ocular cancer

b) It can be treated surgically

c) Ultravilot light exposure consider as risk factor for pterygim

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d) It is fibrovascular overgrowth on to the cornea

76-regarding human cornea, which of the following is not true

a. corneal thickness is about 50 microns

b. corneal diameter is about 12mm in adult
c. cornea has one of the highest sensory innervations in the body
d. cornea has more refractive power than the lens
77-Acute conjunctivitis

a.is not self limiting

b.treated with topical antibiotics

c.could be sexually transmitted

d.is mostly caused by rotavirus


a. Can present with ptosis

b.usually in black people

c.can present with leukocoria

d.treated with methotrexate

79-In myopia which of the following is true:

a.picture is formed behind the eye

b.treated with plus lenses

c.can be associated with astigmatism

d.more likely to happen in small eyes

80-Primary open angle glaucoma!!!!!

a.the angle is congenitally abnormal

b.the anterior chamber angle is narrow

c.can be treated surgically !!!!!!!

d.due to posterior synechiae

81-The best management in patients with chemical eye injuries

a.check vision, patch the eye and call ophthalmologist

b.treat alkaline burn with acids and vice versa

c.immediate irrigation of the eye

d.start topical antibiotics and refer to ophthalmology

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82-In esotropia which of the following is true:

a.congenital esotropia can not lead to amblyopia

b.4th nerve palsy is a possible cause

c.4 years old boy with esotropia will complain of diplopia

d.diabetes is a possible cause

83-The following extraocular muscle is inserted most near from the Limbus

a.medial rectus

b.superior rectus

c.inferior oblique

d.lateral rectus

84-the most common cause of unilateral proptosis is



c.orbital cellulitis “in children”

d.thyroid eye disease “in adult”

85- One of the following cannot be used as a treatment of glaucoma

a.beta blockers




86-ocular manifestations in patients with diabetes is(are)



c.vitreous hemorrhage

d.all of the above

87- 8 y.o child with orbital cellulitis, which of the following is not true

a.it is very important to check and document vision

b.patient should be admitted and started on I.V steroids

c.patient can be treated with oral antibiotics in outpatient clinic

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d.need X-ray orbit as part of the investigations

88-which of the following maternally transmitted congenital infections is not likely to be acquired

a.herpes simplex




89- 35 year old man with headache, dilated right pupil and right side ptosis, which of the following is

a.Refer to the eye clinic

b.6th nerve palsy is a possibility as the patient does not have Exotropia

C.3rd nerve palsy is not a possible cause

d.This patient might have cerebral aneurysm

90. which of the following is not a possible cause of Hyphema



c.central retinal vein occlusion.

91 - Which of the following eye structures is avascular :

 choroid
 lens
 sclera
 retina

92- Which type of lenses we use to correct myopia :

 -ve lens
 +ve lens
 cylindrical
 non of the above

93- The inner part of the retina is supplied by :

a) choroid
b) CRT
c) Vitrous
d) non of the above

94 The following muscle will be paralyzed in 6th nerve injury :

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a) SOM
b) IOM
c) LRM
d) MRM

95- An out pouching of the sclera that involves the uvea is termed as :

a) scotoma
b) Tropia
c) staphyloma
d) non of the above

96- Regarding examination of the pupil , you need check ;

a) Regularity of the pupil .

b) Shape of the pupil
c) Reactivity to light
d) Red Reflex
e) all of the above

97- A neonate with Ptosis, Miosis and anhydrosis " signs of horners syndrome" with no heterochromia.
The biggest concern is:

a) Apical lung tumor "Pancoast tumor".

b) Neuroblastoma.
c) T.B.
d) Cervical rib.

98- The commonest cause of conjunctivitis;

a) Viral.
b) Bacterial.
c) Fungal.
d) Foreign body.

99- Anisocoria means;

a) Unequal size in the diameter of two pupils.

b) Inequality in refractive power between two eyes.
c) Instrument to measure intraocular pressure.
d) Reflexive upturning of the eye with active lid closure.

100- Disadvantage of the indirect ophthalmoscope is;

a) 3D picture.
b) Big field of vision.
c) you cannot see behind the lens.

101- Refraction function of the eye is\are done by :

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a) Cornea
b) Iris
c) Lense
d) Cornea and lense
e) Iris and lense

102- Bacterial conjunctivitis:

a) Self limited
b) Caused by adenovirus
c) Need systemic antibiotics

103- All are true about hyperopia except:

d) The picture formed behind the eye

e) Corrected by +ve glasses
f) Associated with astigmatism
g) Rarely occurs with small eye
104) Myopia:
a. The pt sees near object but difficulty in far objects
b. The pt sees far object but difficulty in near objects
c. The pt cant’s see near object and far objects
105) Presbypia:
a. The pt has difficulty focusing near things
b. The pt has difficulty focusing far things
c. It is the same as myopia
106) Tearing can be presenting symptoms in:
a. Iritis
b. Conjunctivitis
c. Corneal ulcer
d. All of the above
107) All are risk factor for acute closure glaucoma Except:
a. Myopia
b. Elderly
c. Small crowded eye
108) Risk factor of open angle glaucoma:
a. old age
b. family history
c. all the above
109) 35yr old with DM-I has pressure of 65 with neovasculirization. The cause is:
a. Open angle glaucoma
b. Close angle glaucoma
c. Nonvascular glaucoma
110) 25yr old female obese with papilledema. She can present with:
a. Transient loss of vision
b. Headache

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c. Decrease vision
d. All of the above
111) What is glaucoma?
a. retinal damage from high intraocular pressure
b. ischemic nerve damage from decreased blood perfusion gradients
c. none of the above
112) Which optic nerve finding is most concerning for glaucomatous damage?
a. large disk size
b. horizontal cupping
c. vertical cupping
113) which of the following is characteristic of orbital cellulitis:
a. enlarged erythrematous eyelid
b. impairment of vision
c. proptosis
114) Pt with orbital cellulitis you should:
a. Admit and give oral Abx
b. Check the vision
c. Treat in out pt clinic
115) Pt with contact lens present with symptoms suggestive of ulcer. You should:
a. Give anesthesia
b. Give ciprofloxacin
c. Patch the eye
116) The lens is fixed by :
a. Zonule
b. Vitreous
c. Cornea
117) When you see near object, the zonule will:
a. Contract
b. Relax
118) The structure that left alone in the cataract surgery is:
a. Cortex
b. Nucleus
c. Capsule
119) The cataract Sx is done by:
a. Extracapsular extraction
b. Phacoemulsification
c. Laser
120) the cataract Sx complications are:
a. Endophthalmitis
b. IOL sublexation
c. RD
d. All the above
121) Pus in the ant. Chamber is:
a. Hypopyon
b. Hyphema
122) Astigmatism is:
a. The refractive power is the same in all the meridian
b. Pt can see vertical lines but not the horizontal
c. Pt can see horizontal lines but not the vertical
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d. Non of the above
123) Anisometropia means:
a. Different pupil size
b. Different in refractive error between eyes
c. None of the above
124) Anisocoria occurs with:
a. Retinal diseases
b. Optic nerve disease
c. None of the above

125) Marcus Gunn pupil is:

a. Different pupil size
b. Afferent pupil defect
126) All are causes of hyphema except:
a. Trauma
b. Open angle glaucoma
127) LASIK:
a. Cut with microkeratome
128) All are causes of visual impairments in DM except:
a. Macular edema
b. Vitreous hemorrhage
c. RD
d. Mild NPDM-R
129) OU, OS, OD:
a. Both eyes, left eye, right eye
b. left eye, Both eyes, , right eye
c. Both eyes, right eye, left eye
130) Common cause of lid retraction is:
a. Hyperthyroidism
b. Hypothyroidism
c. Orbital cellulitis
131) Presentation of thyroid eye disease:
a. Proptosis
c. Diplopia
d. All of the above
132) Carotid dissection present with:
a. Ptosis
b. Mydriasis
c. Leukocoria
133) 30 yr with Mydriasis and ptosis. You should:
a. Could be aneurysm
b. Horner syndrome
c. Admitted to ER for strok investigation
134) Aqueous is formed in:
a. Anterior chamber
b. Posterior chamber
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c. Vitreous chamber
135) Uvea is:
a. Iris
b. Ciliary body
c. Choroid
d. All of the above
136) Most common cause of cataract is KSA is:
a. Aging
b. DM
c. Steroid

137) Multiple sclerosis can present with:

a. Optic neuritis
b. Exotropia
c. Esotropia
d. All of the above
138) Causes of Exotropia:
a. 6th nerve palsy
b. 4th nerve palsy
c. 5th nerve palsy
d. Loss of vision in one eye
139) Cornea has how many layers:
a. 1-4
b. 5
c. 7
140) All causes chronic visual loss except:
a. Cataract
b. Refrative error
d. Open glaucoma
141) which of the following drugs causes cataract:
a. Steroid
142) All are treatment of glaucoma except:
a. Timelol
b. Acetazolamide
c. Cyclophosphamide
d. Latanoprost
143) Pt with esotropia can present with:
a. Normal vision
b. Hyperopia
c. Amblyopia
d. All of the above
144) Which is worst chemical injury:
a. Acid
b. Base
c. Both
145) Hypertropia means:
a. Eyes up
b. Eyes down
c. Eyes medial
d. Eyes lateral
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146) All muscles originated from orbital apex except:
a. MR
b. LR
c. IO
d. Lavator muscle
147) Excentration means:
a. Removal of eye +orbital content
b. Removal of eye
c. Removal of orbital content
148) To diagnose corneal abrasion you should use:
a. Fluorescent
b. U/S
149) Pt with chemical splash on his eyes. He should:
a. Irrigate the eye for 15 min and come to ER
b. immediately apply lubricating ointment and then go to the office
c. immediately wash the eye with contact saline solution and go to ER if he notices any change in
150) Eye pressure is:
a. 11-23
b. 80-120
c. 40-90
151) Contraindication of patching the eye:
a. corneal ulcer
b. contact lens
c. eye with pus and discharge
d. all of the above
152) Acute angle glaucoma:
a. The angle is congenitally abn.
b. There is shallow anterior chamber
153) Which of the following is emergency:
a. Monocular diplopia
b. Binocular diplopia
c. Refractive error
154) Nanophthalmia means:
a. Small normal eye
b. Small disorganized eye
155) Aqueous is formed by:
a. Ciliary body
b. Vitreous
156) peripheral iridotomy is done in:
a) colse angle glaucoma
b) diabetic retinopathy
c) congenital glaucoma
d) non of the above
157) The muscle\s responsible to move the eye down and in is\are :

a. Inferior rectus
b. Inferior oblique
c. Superior oblique
d. Inferior rectus + superior oblique

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158) Tumor on the left optic track will cause :

a. Total loss of vision on the left eye.

b. Total loss of vision on the right eye.
c. Temporal field loss (bitemporal hemianopia).
d. Nasal field loss (binasal hemianopia).
e. Right visual field loss.
f. Left visual field loss.

159) Functions of tears:

 Keep cornea & conj. moist .

 Contain lysozyme & immunoglobulins .
 Protect cornea from FB .
 Important for corneal metabolism
 All above

160) If any tumor compress the nasal retina(not on the optic chiasma) :

 it will affect the temporal field of both sides

 it will affect the nasal field of both sides
 it will affect the unilateral temporal field in the same side
 it will affect the unilateral nasal field in the same side
 non of above

161) which drug of the following has a both pharmacological action in glaucoma treatment:

 Tamolol.
 Acetazoleamide.
 Zalacom.
 Travatan.
 α_gan.

162) cataract in a young patient most likely due to all of the following except:

a. diabetes mellitus.
b. Topical cortisol use.
c. Trauma.
d. All of the above.
e. Non of the above.

163) which one of following is responsible for central vision:

a. Macula.
b. Retina.
c. Rods and cones.
d. All of the above.

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163) which one of following is highest vascular tissue:

f. Coroid.
g. Ciliary body.
h. Retina.
i. Non of the above.
164) which one of the following statement is incorrect regarding cornea:
a. The cornea has a high success rate in transplant.
b. It is an avascular tissue.
c. It composed of about 70% water.
d. Non of the above.

165) All of the following cranial nerves run in the wall of the cavernous sinus except:
a. Third cranial nerve.
b. fourth cranial nerve.
c. fifth cranial nerve.
d. sixth cranial nerve.
166) regarding visual field which of the following statement is incorrect:
a. Nasal retinal fiber cross the optic chiasm.
b. Temporal retinal fiber doesn't cross the optic chiasm.
c. Left temporal and right nasal see the left visual field.
d. All of the above.

176) all the following is true except :

a) Choroid below sclera

b) Ant. Chamber between cornea & iris
c) Cons receptor responsible for black & white vision
d) 70% of cornea is water

177) one of the following regarding myopia is true?

a) short sightedness , image produce behind the retina .

b) short sightedness , image produce in front the retina .

c) long sightedness , image produce behind the retina .

d) long sightedness , image produce in front the retina .

178) all of the following is true except?

a) Limbus area between cornea and sclera

b) Corneal regeneration comes from epithelial cells

c) macula is located centrally.

179) pass with the 3rd N. to supply constrictor pupilae muscles

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b) sympathetic

c) both sympathetic & parasympathetic

d) optic N.

180) all the following cranial nerves are involved with the eye except?

a) Occulomotor nerve
b) Optic nerve
c) Fascial nerve
d) Trigeminal nerve
e) Vagus nerve

181) all are true about cavernous sinus except:

a)it is a venous reservoir on brain

b) cranial nerves 3rd ,4th, 5th ,9th, pass through it

c)90% of venous draining of the eye pass through cavernous sinus

d)eye infection can lead to cavernous thromposis

182) all the following regarding closed angle are true except?

a)fluid accumulate in ant.chamber.

b)precipitating factor is hyperopia.

c) usually occure in aging people.

d)rarly occure with trauma.

183) abducent nerve supply:



c)levator palpebrae superioris.

d)med. rectus

184) All the following nerves pass through cavernous sinus except;

 2nd cranial nerve

 3rd cranial nerve
 4th cranial nerve
 5th cranial nerve

184) All the following muscles are supplied by the 3 rd nerve except;
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 Superior rectus
 lateral rectus
 Inferior rectus
 levator palpebrae superioris

185) Uvea is composed of the following:

 iris , ciliary body and choroid

 Iris , cillary body and cornea
 Sclera , Cornea and lens
 Cornea , Iris and lens

186) Patient with myopia, which kind of lens you describe for him;

 -ve lens
 +ve lens
 No lens required
 Must be corrected by surgery only

187) most imp. issue of the following in the eye exam is :


188) Pupillary reflex is:


189) Edema and swelling in bulbar conjunctiva is:

a. Chemosis
b. Myopia
c. Hyperoia
d. All of the above

190) A 43-year-old female presents to the eye clinic with an acute history of pain and blurring in the right
eye. Examination reveals a visual acuity of 6/36 in the right eye but 6/6 in the left eye, a central scotoma
in the right eye, with a right swollen optic disc. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) Compression of the optic nerve
b) Cavernous sinus thrombosis
c) Glaucoma
d) Optic neuritis
e) Retinal vein occlusion

191) The following are true regarding retinal detachment EXCEPT :

Collected by Dr.RoYaL
a) Symptoms include flashs of light and appearance of curtain over the field of vision
b) RD considered as medical emergency.
c) One of the most common types is Rhegmatogenous RD .
d) Tractional RD occurs as a result of adhesions between the vitreous gel and the retina .
e) RD usually presents with gradual onset of unilateral loss of vision .

192) All of the following about Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect is true except :

a) RAPD generally occurs with significant optic nerve or retinal disease, when there is a difference in
the disease process between the two eyes.
b) Because of the consensual light reaction, only one functioning pupil is needed to determine the
presence of RAPD.
c) Swinging light test is the proper test to detect presence of RAPD.
d) RAPD is commonly a bilateral defect.
e) RAPD is commonly an epsilateral defect.

193) All of the following about glaucoma is correct except:

a) Open angle glaucoma is often asymptomatic.

b) Closed angle glaucoma is slowly progressive chronic condition.
c) Beta-blockers eye drops can be used to treat open angle glaucoma.
d) Hyperopia is a considered as a risk factor of closed angle glaucoma.
e) Closed angle glaucoma can be treated surgically by iridotomy.

194) All of the following are affected in 3rd nerve palsy except:

a) Inferior oblique muscle.

b) Superior oblique muscle.
c) Medial rectus muscle.
d) Levator palpebrae superioris.

195) If pt. presented with brain tumor compressing on anterior part of optic chiasma, which visual fields will he loss:

a) Temporal field of Rt. eye & temporal field of Lt. eye.

b) Nasal field of Lt. eye & nasal field of Rt. eye.
c) Temporal field of Lt. eye & nasal field of Rt. eye.
d) Nasal field of Lt. eye & temporal field of Rt. eye.
196) papilledema differs from optic neuritis in:
a) Unilateral optic nerve swelling.
b) Increased intra-ocular pressure.
c) Bilateral optic nerve swelling.
d) Both b & c

197) in which of the following types of retinal detachment the fibrosis occur:

a) Bloddy RD.
b) Serous RD.
c) Tractional RD.
d) Rhegmatogenous RD.

198) The most iimp. Thing that you should see in newborn's eye is :
Collected by Dr.RoYaL
a) Lens
b) Cornea
c) Light reflex
d) Red reflex

199) Advanced orbital cellulites leads to :

a) Esotropia..
b) Death.
c) Cataract.
d) Diplopia

200) Primary herpes manifests :

a) Unilateral
b) Bilateral
c) Self limited
d) Both a & c

201) The definitive Tx. Of kertoconus is :

a) Glasses.
b) Soft contact lens.
c) Hard contact lens.
d) Corneal tramsplantation.

202) All transmitted through birth canal except:

 Herpes
 Rubella
 Toxoplasmosis
203) which of the following responsible for eye colour:
 Iris
204) pink eye is due to lesion in:
 Iris
 Cornea
 Conjunctiva
205) The chiazmal lesion gives:
Bitemporal …..
206) All are true about the cornea except:
Least refractive power
207) Photophobia occurs in all the following except:
 Iritis
 Conjunctivitis
 Corneal ulcer
 Non of the above
208) Anisocoria is:
 Difference in the pupil size
 Difference in the corneal size
 Difference in the refractive power
Collected by Dr.RoYaL
209) 35 obese female pt. with headache… the most important investigation is:
 CT brain
 CT orbit
 U\S
210) All are true about myopia except:
 Occurs in small eye balls
211) 1st line in management of alkaline burn:
 Irrigation until PH reaches 7
212) vascular supply of the cornea:
 Avascular
213) In cataract opacity occurs in :
 The lens
214) Corneal abrasion is:

Loss of epithelial layer

215) all used in ttt of OA glaucoma except:

Alpha blockers (not sure)

216) Type of anesthesia in cataract:

 General
 Local
 All
217) Viagra side effect is (are):?
 Glaucoma
 Cataract
 central retinal vein occlusion
 all of the above
218) Anisometropia:
 diff in the size
 diff in the colours
 diff in the pupil
 non of the above
219) exenteration:
 removal of the eye & orbital content
 removal of the eye
 removal of the eye content
220) *MS can cause:
 optic neuritis
 exptropia
 esotropia
 all of the above
221) cataract extraction is done in which procedure:?
 extracapsular
 intracapsular
 using laser
 non of the above
222) 25y pt present to the ER with dacriocystitis.. what would you do:
 I & D (incision & drainage)
 nee probing of the lacrimal system

Collected by Dr.RoYaL
 start systemic ABx
223) cause(s) of hyphema:
 DM
 central retinal artery occlusion
 open angle glaucoma
 all of the above
NB: if it says CR vein Occlusion, then you can choose it!

224) 35y pt presented to ER with headache + ptosis & dilated Rt pupil.. what would you do:
 admit for investigation
 refer to ophthalmologist next day
 refer to neurologist next day
 6th nerve palsy is a possible cause

225) Most common cause of cataract is:?

 Aging
 trauma
226) GCA cause:
 Ischemic optic neuropathy
 sudden loss of vision
 central retinal artery occlusion
 all of the above
227) *1ry open angle glaucoma:
 potentially blinding disease
228) astigmatism:
 common in myopic eye
 common in small eyes
229) close angle glaucoma present with:
 red eye
 photophobia
 loss of vision
 all of the above
230) *infective conjunctivitis:
 should be treated with ABx
 not caused by STDs
 caused by adenovirus
231) *Retinoblastoma:
 is malignant disease
232) photophobia present in:
 iritis
 conjunctivitis
 corneal ulcer
 all of the above
233) the most common cause of unilateral lid retraction is:
 thyroid eye disease
 tumour
 trauma
 orbital cellulitis
NB: whether uni or bilateral  thyroid

234) HTN can cause:?

 ischemic neuropathy
 cataract
Collected by Dr.RoYaL
 retinopathy
 all of the above
235) esotropia:
 amblyopia
 normal vision
 myopia
 all of the above
236) risk factor of corneal ulcer:
 6th nerve palsy
 4th nerve palsy
 5th nerve palsy
 loss of vision
237) 25y pt presented to ER due to head trauma with proptosis & lid retraction.. the most likely Dx is:
 thyroid eye disease
 cerebral haemorrhage
 caverno-carotid fistula
238) vernal keratoconjuctivitis is caused by:
 viral
 bacterial
 fungal
 non of the above
239) Rhematogenous retinal detachment is caused by:
 subretinal mass
 retinal fibrosis
 retinal tumour
 non of the above
240) Endophthalmitis is a complication of:
 open surgical glaucoma
 Lasik
 non of the above
241) can present in Marfan's Syndrome:
 cataract
 sublaxated lens
 glaucoma
242) Triad of oral, genital ulcer & uvitis is in:
 Marfan's syn
 Bachet's disease
243) Progressive myopia can be manifested by:
 small eye
 retinal degeneration & detachment
244) *nodular scleritis is in:
 rheumatoid arthritis
 MS
 thyroid eye disease
245) phacoemulsification is a surgical procedure of:
 cataract
 esotropia
 exotrpoia
 gluoma
246) common complication of glaucoma surgery:
 endophthalmitis
 lid retraction
 IOL sblaxation
Collected by Dr.RoYaL
 all of the above
247) PRK:
 cut with keratome
 using laser
 keratomiluesis
 all of the above
248) Nanophthalmus:
 small & normal eye
249) 20/40 means:?
 the refractive power of the eye is same in all meridians
 pt can't see from 20 feet
 pt can't see from 40 feet
 non of the above

250) Retinopathy of prematurity can seen in baby born in:?

a. 29 week with weight 900 g
b. 28 ~
c. 30 ~
d. all of the above
251) peripheral iridotomy is done in:
a. open angle glaucoma
b. diabetic retinopathy
c. congenital glaucoma
d. non of the above
NB: it is for close angle glaucoma.

252) anisocoria indicates:?

a. retinal disease
b. media opacity
c. optic nerve disease
d. non of the above
253) cause of exotropia:?
a. 4th nerve palsy
b. 5th nerve palsy
c. 6th nerve palsy
d. loss of vision in one eye
254) *which of the following is not a Rx of glaucoma:
a. prostaglandin
b. acetazolamide
c. B-blocker
d. ciprofloxacillin
255) the most common surgery of cataract is:?
a. extracapsular
b. intracapsular
c. phacoemulsification
256) which statement(s) is(are) true about keratoconus?
a. cylindrical optics can be used for Rx
b. result in regular astigmaism
c. non of the above
257) Which of the following is most likely to produce afferent papillary defect :

258) Slow progression visual loss is not characteristic of :

Retinal vein occlusion

Collected by Dr.RoYaL
259) Which of the following lead to decrease red reflexes :
 Bleeding into vitreous cavity
 Conjunctivitis

260) 80 yrs old man pt with sudden painless loss of vision , only LP is present , normal red reflex , there
is APD , he has scalp tenderness , the diagnosis is likely to be :
 Giant cell arteritis

261) Which of following stages of diabetic eye produces dot hemorrhages , hard exudates and micro

262) False regarding neonatal conjunctivitis

 Chlamydia keratoconjuctivitis presnt sooner than N.gonorrhea

263) Not a feature of horner syndrome


264) True regarding occulomotor nerve

 Provide sympathetic supply to cilliary muscle
 It lies at level of superior coliculus

265) Referral of red eyetertiary hospital, except :

 Proptosis
 Itching(not sure)

266) Which of the following causes painless red eye :

 Scleritis
 Ptrygium(not sure)

267) Sudden visual loss except :

Chronic open angle glaucoma

268) Side effect of topical corticosteroid except :


269) 30yr female pt with suuden painless loss of vision , 20/200 VA , normal red reflex , APD is present ,
optic swelling is present , the most likely diagnosis is :
Optic neuritis

270) The most coomon CN to be injured :

4rth CN (trochlear)

271) Optimal time of the pt with congenital cataract to be seen by ophthalmologist is :

As soon as possible

272) Orpital floor fx most likely associated with :

Inferior rectus injury

273) The following can cause leukocorea :


Collected by Dr.RoYaL
274) Clinical sign of acuteclose angle glaucoma except :
Yellowish discharge

275) Acute visual loss except :

Cataract (not sure at all)

276) True about chemical burns :

 Ocular exam should done before irrigation
 Acidic solution can used to irrigate alkaline burn
 Topical corticosteroid is the treatment of choice
 Non of the above

277) Infant with cloudy enlarged size cornea , the most likely etiology :
 Congenital glaucoma
 Congenital cataract

278) Rt homonymus hemianopia most likely with :

Optic tract injury

279) All the following can cause amblyopia except :

 Congenital cataract
 Strapismus
 Hyperopia
 Anizocorea

280) Hyperopia can associated with :

 Strabismus
 glaucoma

281) Test of strabismus pt :

Covering eye

282) Not true about ptrygium :

It is cancer

283) Regarding human cornea , all true except :

50 microns in thikness

284) true about open angle glaucoma :

can be treated surgically

285) case : pt with ptosis , exotropia and unilateral dilated pupil the most
common cause is :


286) the most common cause of unilateral exophthalmus is :

thyroid disease

287) I think there was a question about herpis zoster ) ‫ (من اسئلة العام‬:
Not transmitted transpalcentaly

Collected by Dr.RoYaL
288) Question about SE of steroid

289) Risk factor of retinopathy of puberty :

Premature baby with decreased wt

290) Extraocular muscle inserted near limbus :

Medial rectus

291) Bones of orbit :

7 bones

292) I think there was a case on orbital cellulites :

Vancomyecin and 3rd generation cephalosporin

293) amblyopia occur with which of the followings :

4th year child with diplopia (not sure at all)

294) The following causes dilatation of pupil :


295) No diplopia because (not sure from question ) :

brain will suppres abnormal eye

296) Anisocoria means:

 Unequal size of two pupils.
297) Astigmatism is
 The refracting power of the eye is not the same in all meridians.
298) Microphthalmia means:
 Congenitally small disorganized eye
299) The avascular eye structure is:
 Lens
300) Corneal blood supply comes from:
 None of the above (b/c it is avascular)
301) Which is not true about the cornea:
 Least refractive power.
302) Cornea :
 It’s thickening is about 0.55 mm.
303) Cataract is an opacity of:
 Lens.
304) Cataract caused by:
 Congenital.
 D.M
 Traumatic
 All of the above.
OR: All are causes of cataract except: vit. A deficiency

305) Retinoblastoma:
 Can be presented as leucocoria
306) All are complication of cataract operation except:
 Lid retraction.
307) Cataract operation is done under :

Collected by Dr.RoYaL
 Local anesthesia
308) Which drug can’t be used in ttt of glaucoma:
 Ciprofloxacin ??
309) laser iridetomy is used in ttt of:
 close angle glaucoma
310) Pink eye is due to inflammation of:
 Conjunctiva
311) Which one is true about open angle glaucoma:
 Potentially blind disease
312) Optic neuritis can be the presenting symptom of:
 Sclerosis
313) Timolol is contraindicated in: ???
 Asthma
 D.M
 Hypertension
314) Chismal lesion give:
 Bitemporal heteronymous ???
 Binasal heteronymous
 Homonymous hemianopia
315) About extra-ocular muscles:
 Medial rectus is the nearest one to the limbus
316) Eye structure serves as EOM insertion is:
 Sclera
317) Which muscle doesn’t supplied by occulomotor nerve:
 Superior oblique
318) Which is not true about myopia:
 It occurs in small eye
319) 6 y.o child with hyperopia may present with:
 Esotropia
320) Most powerful focusing eye structure is:
 Lens
321) Which disorder indicates autoimmune disease:
 Episcleritis
322) Structure responsible for person’s eye color is:
 Iris
323) In accommodation:
 Pupil constricts
324) Relevant afferent pupillary defect caused by:
 Optic nerve disease.
325) The best management of chemical burn is:
 Immediate irrigation by saline until PH neutralized.
326) Orbit is made by:
 7 bones
327) Proptosis most commonly caused by:
 Thyroid eye disease.
328) Thyroid eye disease presented by:
 Proptosis
329) Enucleation means:
 Excision of the eyeball
330) Ocular manifestation of D.M is (are):
 Retinopathy
Collected by Dr.RoYaL
 Cataract
 Vitreous hemorrhage
 All of the above
331) The most vascular structure is:
 Choroids
332) The nerve passes from optic foramen is:
 Optic nerve. ???
 Occulomotor nerve
 Abducent nerve
333) The least likely to be transmitted transplacentally is:
 Herpes simplex
334) Photophobia can be presented in all of the following except:
 Optic atrophy ???
 conjuctivitis
335) 24 y.o female obese pt. complaining of headache, the next step is:
 CT brain
336) Corneal abrasion:
 Loss of epithelial layer.
337) Hyper acute conjunctivitis:
 Sexually transmitted disease.
338) Hyphemia occurs in the following except:
 Glaucoma
 D.M
 CRV occlusion
339) Corneal ulcer ttt include:
 Fortified antibiotic
340) Pt. with ptosis & rt. Dilated pupil, which is not true:
 It's not 3rd nerve palsy b/c pt. not complains of exotropia
341) Ocular side effect of steroid:
 Increased intra-ocular pressure
342) Symptoms of giant cell arteritis include:
 Sudden loss of vision
 Weight loss
 Headache
 All of the above
343) Ocular HIV effect is(are):
 Retinopathy
 All of the above
344) The ring-like tendon which is passed by the inferior oblique muscle is:
 Annule of zinnle ????
345) Most acute visual feiled:
 Fovea
346) The eye disease which affects the optic nerve:
 Glaucoma
347) 6th nerve:
 Pass in the cavernous sinus
348) Which is not true about trochlear nerve:
 It’s the thinnest one of all cranial nerves
 It’s the longest ???
Collected by Dr.RoYaL
 Pass in the cavernous sinus
349) Optic nerve:
 Demyelinated inside the eyeball ???
350) Which is not true about orbital cellulites:
 Should be admitted to start I.V antibiotic ttt
 Can be treated as an out patient ???
 CT scan is part of the investigation
351) 4 y.o child with esotropia……….all are true except:
 No diplopia
352) Eye development not complete at birth.
353) Superior oblique pass through trochlea.
354) ttt of closed angle glaucoma:
 surgery & laser
355) Increased intracranial pressure occurs in:
 papilledema
356) which cranial nerve is traumatized most commonly with closed head injury ?
 cranial nerve 3
 cranial nerve 2
 cranial nerve 4
 cranial nerve 9
357) which of the following is a sign of Horner Syndrome ?
 dilated pupil
 small pupil
 irregular pupil
 proptosis
358) what is the optimum time for patient with congenital cataract to be seen by
ophthalmologist ?
 As soon as possible even within one week
 After 6 months
 Between 6 months and 1 year
 At age of school
359) Orbital floor fracture could be associated with :
 Medial rectus muscle injury
 Latral rectus muscle injury
 Superior rectus muscle injury
 Inferior rectus muscle injury
360) What is the most common cause of unilateral childhood proptosis ?
 Orbital hemorrhage
 Orbital tumor
 Orbital cellulites
 Thyroid related orbitopathy
361) which of the following cause leukocoria
 Retinoblastomar
 Melanoma
 Optic nerve glioma
 Lymphoma
362) All of the following are clinical signs of acute angle closure glaucoma EXCEPT :

a) Eye pain
b) Red eye
Collected by Dr.RoYaL
c) Yellowish discharge
d) High intraocular pressure
363) All of the following can be associated with diabetic retinopathy EXCEPT:
a. vitreouse hemorrhage
b. retinal detachement
c. retinal hemorrhage
d. corneal edema
364) All of the following can be cause of acute visual loss EXCEPT :
a. Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
b. Retinal detachment
c. Optic neuritis
d. Cataract
365) Topical corticosteroids can leads to all of the following EXCEPT :
a. Cataract formation
b. Elevated intraocular pressure
c. Activate ocular herpes simplex virus
d. Myopia
366) which of the following is true about chemical burns
a. All chemical burns require immediate and perfuse irrigation, then ophthalmology referral
b. Ocular eye exam should be performed befor ocular irrigation
c. Acidic solution can be used to irrigate an eye with alkaline burn
d. Topical corticosteroid is a treatment of choice

367) Regarding corneal abrasion

a) Topical corticosteroid is treatment of choice

b) The eye should not be patch if the corneal abrasion is related to contact lens use
c) Topical anesthetic eye drops can be given to the patient every 1-2 hours
d) No need for ophthalmology referral in case of recurrent corneal abrasion
368) regarding ocular trauma all of the following are true EXCEPT:
a. Teardrop-shaped pupil & flat anterior chamber in trauma are associated with perforating
b. Avoid digital palpation of the globe in perforating injury
c. Hyphema can leads to high intraocular pressure and corneal blood staining
d. Rupture globe repaire can be delayed for 2 weeks
369) Infant with thick cloudy and large size cornea , What is the most likely etiology
a. congenital glaucoma
b. congenital cataract
c. orbital tumor
d. corneal ulcer
370) patient presented with bitemporal hemanomus hemanopia mostlikly the lesion
a. the retina
b. the cornea
c. the lens
d. optic nerve chiasm
371) All of the following can cause amplyopia EXCEPT:
a. strabismus
b. hyperopia
c. congenital cataract
d. adenovirus conjunctivitis

Collected by Dr.RoYaL
372) the most accurate corneal finding in herpes simplex virus is
a. true dendrites with terminal bulb
b. corneal edema
c. corneal blood staining
d. corneal foreign body
373) aqueous humor produced by
a. the cornea
b. the lens
c. the cilliary body
d. the conjunctiva
374) systemic effects of steroids may include all of the following EXCEPT :
a. Hypoglycemia
b. Hypertention
c. Aseptic necrosis of femoral head
d. Peptic ulcer
375) which of the following eye drops cause dilatation of the pupil :
a. Pilocarpine
b. Atropine
c. Timolol
d. Ciprofloxacilline
376) which of the following medication is an antiviral agent
a. Acyclovire
b. Ciprofloxacilline
c. Diamox
d. Prednisilone
377) Which conjunctivitis is least likely to occur bilaterally?
a. allergic
b. viral
c. bacterial
d. vernal
378) You’re consulted by an intern from the ICU because his ventilated patient, with a
head injury, has a fixed and dilated pupil. The intern is concerned for acute glaucoma. What do
you tell him?
a. find a Tono-Pen and check the pressure
b. call his upper-level fellow immediately
c. taper the patient’s benzos
d. increase the PEEP ventilator setting
379) Which optic nerve finding is most concerning for glaucomatous damage?
a. large disk size
b. horizontal cupping
c. vertical cupping
d. disk tilt
380) A young 23-year-old black man presents with a hyphema in the right eye after blunt
injury. All of the following are acceptable initial treatments except?
a. sleep with the head elevated
b. prednisolone steroid eye drops
c. cyclopentolate dilating drops
d. carbonic anhydrase inhibitor pressure drops
381) A 7-year-old boy presents with a grossly swollen eyelid. His mother can’t think of anything
that set this off. What finding is most characteristic of orbital cellulitis?
a. chemosis
b. warmth and erythema of the eyelid
c. physically taut-feeling eyelid
d. proptosis
382) What location for a retinal detachment would be most amenable to treatment by pneumatic
Collected by Dr.RoYaL
a. inferior rhegamatogenous detachment
b. superior tractional retinal detachment
c. superior rhegamatogenous detachment
d. traumautic macular hole
383) A mother brings in her two-year old child because she is concerned that her baby is cross-
eyed. Which of the following is an inappropriate statement:
a. the baby may maintain 20/20 vision
b. the esotropia could could lead to permanent vision loss
c. the esotropia might be corrected with glasses alone
d. surgical treatment should be delayed until adolescence
384) Which of the following is the biggest risk factor for primary open angle glaucoma?
a. Asian ancestry
b. smaller diurnal pressure IOP changes
c. thin corneas
d. large optic disks
385) A 27-year-old contact lens wearer presents to the ER complaining of ocular irritation. On
exam he has a small 2mm corneal abrasion. You should
a. treat with erythromycin ointment
b. treat with ciprofloxacin drops
c. bandage contact lens for comfort and speed reepitheliazation
d. patch the eye and follow-up in 72 hours
386) . A woman presents to you complaining of a red, watering eye for the past two days with
stinging and some photophobia. Her vision has dropped slightly to 20/30. She has a history of diabetes
and taking drops for glaucoma, but is otherwise healthy. The most likely cause of her redness is:
a. angle-closure glaucoma
b. viral conjunctivitis
c. diabetic retinopathy
d. papilledema
387) A patient presents after MVA with a fracture of the orbital floor. What would be the indication
for surgery in the near future?
a. double vision that worsens with upgaze
b. chemosis and moderate proptosis
c. restricted forced ductions
d. decreased extraocular movement
388) A 64-year-old man presents to you with new onset of “crossed-eyes.” His left eye can’t move
out laterally and he has a chronic mild headache that he attributes to eyestrain. Which of the following is
least likely the cause of his condition:
a. hypertension
b. diabetes
c. aneurysm
d. increased intracranial pressure
389) The abducens nucleus would be most affected by a brainstem lesion at:
a. pons
b. mid-brain
c. medulla
d. foramen magnum
390) The pupillary defect that affects the afferent arm of the pupillary response is the:
a. Marcus Gunn pupil
b. Argyl Robberson pupil
c. Adies pupil
d. Horners pupil
391) Aqueous fluid is produced in which chamber?
a. anterior chamber
b. vitreous chamber
c. posterior chamber
d. trabecular chamber
392) Which orbital bone is most likely to fracture with blunt trauma to the eye?
Collected by Dr.RoYaL
a. zygomatic
b. maxillary
c. ethmoid
d. sphenoid

393) When a patient focuses on near objects, the lens zonules:

a. rotate
b. contract
c. relax
d. twist
394) What is glaucoma?
a. retinal damage from high intraocular pressure
b. optic nerve death caused by mechanical stretching forces
c. ischemic nerve damage from decreased blood perfusion gradients
d. none of the above
395) Which condition would result in an inaccurately high reading with applanation pressure
a. thin cornea
b. thick cornea
c. edematous cornea
d. keratoconus
396) Gonioscopy overcomes the concept of:
a. angled biomicroscopy
b. spherical abberation
c. total internal reflection
d. specular microscopy
397) A 32-year-old white man with a history of type-1 diabetes presents to you complaining of
decreased vision. He has not seen an eye doctor in years. On exam, you find numerous dot-blot
hemorrhages, hard exudates, and areas of abnormal vasculature in the retina. Pan-retinal
photocoagulation might be done in this patient to:
a. kill ischemic retina
b. tamponade retinal tears
c. ablate peripheral blood vessels
d. seal off leaking blood vessels
398) Which of the following is a risk factor for retinal detachment?
a. black race
b. male sex
c. presbyopia
d. myopia
399) A 57-year-old man complains of flashing lights and a shade of darkness over his inferior
nasal quadrant in one eye. On exam you find the pressure a little lower on the affected eye and a
questionable Schaffer’s sign. What condition would lead you to immediate treatment/surgery?
a. macula-off rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
b. epi-retinal membrane involving the macula
c. dense vitreous hemorrhage in the inferior nasal quadrant
d. mid-peripheral horseshoe tear with sub-retinal fluid
400) Oral doxycycline helps blepharitis patients by:
a. therapeutic antibiotic tear secretion
b. changing lipid viscosity
c. inhibiting cytokine release
d. improved lacrimal gland excretion

401) Put the following retinal layers in order from inside (next to the vitreous) to outside:
a. Ganglion nerves, photoreceptors, choroid, then sclera on the outside.
b. Photoreceptors, ganglion nerves, choroid, then sclera on the outside.
c. Choroid, photoreceptors, ganglion nerves, then sclera on the outside.
d. Choroid, ganglion nerves, photoreceptors, then sclera on the outside.
Collected by Dr.RoYaL
402) In the absence of lens accommodation, a myopic eye focuses images:
a. in front of the lens
b. In front of the retina
c. behind the retina
d. Behind the cornea
403) A man calls the office complaining of splashed bleach in his eye. You should instruct him to:
a. patch the eye and immediately go to the office
b. irrigate the eye for 15 minutes and then go to the office
c. immediately apply lubricating ointment and then go to the office
d. immediately wash the eye with contact saline solution and go to the office if he notices any change in vision
404) What antibiotics would you use in a newborn with suspected chlamydial conjunctivitis?
a. Ciprofloxacin drops
b. Erythromycin drops
c. Oral Doxycyline
d. Erythromycin drops and oral erythromycin
405) You are measuring the deviation in a child with strabismus. The corneal light reflex is 2mm temporal
to the pupil in the right eye. How much deviation would you estimate?
a. 10 diopters esotropia
b. 20 diopters exotropia
c. 30 diopters esotropia
d. 40 diopters exotropia
406) Steroids typically induce what kind of cataract?
a. Nuclear sclerotic
b. Posterior polar
c. Posterior subcapsular
d. Cortical

Collected by Dr.RoYaL

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