Variables and Data Types

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Variables and Data Types

In this lecture
 Naming variables
 Basic data types
◦ Identify data type of an object
◦ Verify if an object is of a certain data type
◦ Coerce object to new data type

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Naming variables
 Values assigned to variables using an
assignment operator ‘=’
 Variable name should be short and
◦ Avoid using variable names that clash with
inbuilt functions
 Designed to indicate the intent of its use to
the end user
 Avoid one character variable names
◦ One character variable names are usually
used in looping constructs, functions, etc
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Naming variables
 Variables can be named alphanumerically

 However the first letter must start with an alphabet

(lowercase or uppercase)

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Naming variables
 Other special character
◦ Underscore ( _ )

◦ Use of any other special

character will throw an error

◦ Variable names should not begin

or end with underscore even
though both are allowed

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Naming conventions
 Commonly accepted case types
◦ Camel (lower and upper)

◦ Snake

◦ Pascal

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Assigning values to multiple variables

Values reflected in environment

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Data types

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Basic data types

Basic data
Description Values Representation

represents two values of logic and

Boolean True and False bool
associated with conditional statements
Integer positive and negative whole numbers set of all integers, Z int

Complex contains real and imaginary part (a+ib) set of complex numbers complex

Float real numbers floating point numbers float

all strings or characters enclosed

String sequence of characters str
between single or double quotes

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Identifying object data type
 Find data type of object using
 Syntax: type(object)

Checking the data type of an object

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Verifying object data type
 Verifyif an object is of a certain data type
 Syntax: type(object) is datatype

Verifying the data type of an object

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Coercing object to new data type
 Convert the data type of an object to another
 Syntax: datatype(object)

 Changes can be stored in same variable or in different variable

Coercing the data type of an object

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Coercing object to new data type
 Only few coercions are accepted
 Consider the variable ‘Salary_tier’ which is of string data type
 ‘Salary_tier’ contains an integer enclosed between single

Coercing the data type of an


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Coercing object to new data type
 However if the value enclosed within the quotes is a string then
conversions will not be possible

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 Conventions to name a variable
 Basic data types
◦ Get data type of a variable
◦ Verify if a variable is of a certain data type
◦ Coerce variable to new data type

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