Table - 13 Storage Factors Space Temperature Swing
Table - 13 Storage Factors Space Temperature Swing
Table - 13 Storage Factors Space Temperature Swing
available was limited and the swing in room directly proportional to the weight of the material.
temperature computed. Therefore, the data in the tables is based on weight of
The magnitude of the storage effect is determined the materials surrounding the space, per square foot of
largely by the thermal capacity or heat holding capacity floor area.
of the materials surrounding the space. It is limited by
the amount of heat available for storage. Load patterns Use of Table 13
for different applications vary approximately as shown -- Storage Factors,
in the first column of Table 13. For instance, an office Space Temperature Swing
building has a rather large varying load with a high Table 13 is used to determine the reduction in
peak that occurs intermittently. An interior zone has an cooling load when the space temperature is forced to
intermittent peak but the load pattern is relatively swing by reducing the equipment capacity below that
constant. A hospital, on the other hand, has a constant required to maintain the temperature constant. This
base load which is present for 24 hours with an reduction is to be subtracted from the room sensible
additional intermittent load occurring during daylight heat.
hours. The thermal capacity of a material is the weight NOTE: This reduction is only taken at the time of peak cooling
times the specific heat of the material. Since the load.
specific heat of most construction material is
approximately 0.20 Btu/(lb)(F), the thermal capacity is