Perception in Listening PDF
Perception in Listening PDF
Perception in Listening PDF
segmentation in L2 listening
John Field
This article calls for greater attention to the perceptual processes involved in
second language listening—and particularly to the part they play in
breakdowns of understanding. It suggests employing basic auditory phonetics
as a means of classifying, diagnosing, and predicting problems of lexical
segmentation. Recognition of how and why learners find speech input diªcult
to process can provide a programme of simple practice exercises which
anticipate or rectify listening problems.
The importance of Two major considerations prompt this article. The first is a view that
the signal writers on second-language listening have perhaps concentrated
overmuch on higher-level understanding. It is entirely appropriate that
we should encourage second language learners to bring world knowledge
to bear upon their listening experience; it is also important to provide
adequate training in strategies which compensate for gaps in word
recognition (Field 2000). But we should not lose sight of the primacy of
the signal. We need to concern ourselves more than we do with speech as
a physical phenomenon—with what English sounds like to the non-
native listener and with the features which cause obstacles to
Some modicum of perceptual information, even if only a few words, is
clearly needed before contextual knowledge can be brought to bear. But it
is also a fact that many high-level breakdowns of communication
originate in low-level errors. A second-language listener who hears I
won’t go to London as I want to go to London, is making a small mistake
based on phoneme discrimination. But this mistake may impact upon
the interpretation of what comes next, and may even influence
understanding of the text as a whole. Once learners have constructed a
set of expectations for a text, they are notoriously reluctant to revise them,
even if evidence comes in that contradicts them.
Inadequacies of the The second consideration is the dissatisfaction felt by many practitioners
‘comprehension’ with the present approach to the teaching of second-language listening,
approach based entirely upon the achievement of comprehension tasks. The
comprehension approach is open to question for three reasons. Firstly it
assumes that there is one ‘correct’ interpretation of an utterance,
whereas comprehension theory (Brown 1995) tells us that there may be
ELT Journal Volume 57/4 October 2003 © Oxford University Press 325
more than one, depending upon the perspective of the listener. Secondly,
it tends to home in upon small discrete points rather than checking
global understanding. And, most importantly, it encourages us to focus
upon the product of listening (in the form of answers to questions) but
tells us nothing about the process.
It has often been said that we test listening rather than teaching it
(Sheerin 1987). It is diªcult to disagree with this assertion; but perhaps
it misses the point. The fact is that the listening process is not accessible
to inspection in the way that skills such as speaking and writing are. In
order to establish if understanding has taken place, we have no choice
but to employ what testing specialists term ‘indirect methods’: judging
learners’ listening competence by their success or failure in answering
questions or performing tasks. The problem, I suggest, lies not in the
types of task we employ to check understanding, but in the use we make
of the answers.
Suppose that Students A and B both give the correct answer in a
comprehension exercise. We congratulate them and move on to the next
question. What we have not taken on board is that Student A arrived at
the answer as a result of understanding 96 words out of 100 in the text.
Student B, on the other hand, understood only 20, but managed to
achieve the correct answer by employing appropriate strategies. This is
not to say that Student B is a worse listener than Student A. The point is
simply that that these two students are listening in di¤erent ways, and
need di¤erent types of support from the teacher.
It is essential that we follow up answers to comprehension tasks (both
correct and incorrect ones) to find out how they were derived. Only in
this way can we gain a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of
our learners, enabling us to contribute constructively to their
development as listeners. We should view the principal aim of a full-
length listening session as diagnostic. It should provide us with insights
into where understanding has broken down—insights which we can
then follow up with small-scale remedial exercises which aim to prevent
errors of interpretation (especially low-level errors) from occurring
Exercise type Once a problem has been identified, a set of simple exercises can be
designed which raise awareness and provide focused practice. The most
e¤ective remedial listening work involves dictation. However, by
‘dictation’ is not meant the notorious dictée which many of us recall from
our schooldays. Instead, the exercise should require that learners write
down short, unpaused sentences, each sharing the feature which caused
the original diªculty; that these sentences are uttered as naturally as
possible or taken from an authentic text; and that attention to errors of
listening does not become side-tracked by attention to errors of
The remainder of this article discusses what is arguably the commonest
perceptual cause of breakdown of understanding: namely, lexical
segmentation, the identification of words in connected speech. The aim is
to exemplify how low-level listening problems can be diagnosed by
employing the basic knowledge of phonetics which most ELT
practitioners possess. The di¤erence is that the knowledge has to be
stood on its head, so that we view phonetics not from the perspective of
pronunciation practice but through the ears of the listener. Once
identified, areas of diªculty can be tackled by means of simple 5-minute
exercises; these might be remedial or they might anticipate problems of
listening before they occur.
Lexical segmentation We tend to overlook the fact that pauses in natural speech only occur
every 12 syllables or so, which means that, unlike readers, listeners do
not have regular indications of where words begin and end.¡ It is
remarkable that we manage to separate out words within these 12-
syllable chunks as consistently as we do.
Determining where word boundaries fall is a greater problem for the
non-native listener than is generally recognized. A learner with limited
English or weak listening skills adopts a strategy of scanning continuous
speech for matches between sequences of sounds and items of known
Native segmentation A strategic approach to the lexical segmentation issue asks how it is that
strategies native listeners manage to locate word boundaries so successfully.
Simple matching is not the answer. If it were, we would automatically
begin a new word after, for example, hearing PORT in porter or PORTER
in portable. The research of Anne Cutler and her associates (Cutler 1990)
suggests that native listeners use a strong-syllable strategy, based on the
premise that each stressed syllable marks the beginning of a new word.™
This strategy pays dividends. Using a corpus of spoken English, Cutler
and Carter (1987) calculated that some 85.6% of all content words in
running speech are either monosyllabic or stressed on the first syllable.£
The finding ties in with evidence from Hyman (1977) that lexical stress
often fulfils a demarcative role. Many of the world’s languages have fixed
lexical stress, which occurs on the first, the penultimate, or the final
syllable of a word, and thus serves as a reliable cue to word boundaries.
From this, one might conclude that it is worthwhile to train learners of
English to emulate the segmentation strategy adopted by native listeners.
In fact, Cutler takes the view that it is impossible for learners to develop a
segmentation routine in L2 which di¤ers from the one used in their first
language. However, her reservation refers to responses to the speech
signal which are automatic. It does not rule out the possibility that
Specific problems If one major cause of segmentation problems is the lack of between-word
in the signal pauses, a second and equally important one is the way in which the
standard citation forms of words are modified when they occur in
connected speech. Several di¤erent aspects will briefly be considered
(reduction, assimilation, elision, resyllabification, and cliticization) and
suggestions made for practice. For a detailed account of these
phenomena, see Brown 1990.
Reduced forms Words, and even entire phrases, often appear in connected speech in a
reduced form. One reason is that speakers economize on e¤ort: for
example, they avoid diªcult consonant sequences by eliding sounds.
Another reason is rhythmic: the patterns of English prosody dictate that
certain closed class words such as prepositions, pronouns, and
conjunctions are rarely stressed, and indeed that some may appear in a
weak form (usually featuring schwa) in these unstressed contexts.
Unstressed syllables are shorter in duration, and less salient than
stressed. They are also much less informative, because only two vowels,
/ə/ and a shortened form of //, predominate.¢ Small wonder
therefore that they pose perceptual problems for the foreign-language
ə a əv of ən an əz as jə you
are have and has your
table 1 of
Homophonous weak
Finally, we should recognize that native speakers often produce high-
frequency sequences of words as chunks (Pawley and Syder 1983). These
sequences may become very reduced, with phonemes and even whole
syllables elided. They are only recognizable as a unit—and, indeed, it
seems likely that native listeners store them as a single semantic and
phonetic entity. It is good practice to dictate the most common of these
formulaic phrases to learners, so that they can process them holistically
Assimilation and It is not just the lack of pauses that makes it diªcult to identify words in
elision connected speech. Accommodatory phonological processes a¤ect
precisely the points at which the listener needs unambiguous
information—namely word beginnings and endings. The most familiar
of these processes are assimilation and elision. We tend to think of
these phenomena as random, or at least as very complex. However, as
Table 2 shows, assimilation is restricted in its operation, and quite
It is worth noting that assimilation in English is usually anticipatory,
adjusting the ends of words in expectation of the sound that follows. The
message for the learner is: trust the beginnings of English words rather
than the ends. The sounds which are most subject to assimilation and
elision are final /t/, /d/, and /s/. These, of course, provide many of the
inflectional endings in English. Hence the irony of the grammar teacher
telling learners to listen out for such endings, when they may be absent
in spontaneous speech.
How to deal with the assimilation problem? Again by using dictation.
The nine types of assimilation distinguished in Table 2 can provide the
basis for a programme in which examples are either dictated as two-word
sequences, or embedded in simple sentences.
/n/ " [m] before [p, b, m] ten people " tem people
" [ŋ] before [k, g] ten cars " teng cars
/t/ " [p] or a glottal stop before [p, b, m] that boy " thap boy
" [k] or a glottal stop before [k, g] that girl " thak girl
/d/ " [b] or a glottal stop before [p, b, m] good play " goob play
" [g] or a glottal stop before [k, g] good cause " goog cause
/s/ " [ʃ] or omitted before [ʃ] this shirt " thi shirt
table 2 /z/ " [] or omitted before [ʃ] those shoes " tho shoes
/t, d, s, z/ " [tʃ, d, ʃ, ] before [j] Right you are " rye chew are
(drawn from Gimson
Did you go? " di due go
1994: 257–60)
Elision, unfortunately, follows a less consistent pattern than
assimilation; but frequent examples such as didn’t " [dnt] should
certainly be practised for recognition in a connected-speech context or
pointed out when they occur in a listening passage. We also need to pay
special heed to the way complex clusters of consonants are elided:
next spring " [nek´sprŋ]
Awareness of this kind of feature can aid learners in producing these
clusters, as well as recognizing what has been omitted.
figure 1
E¤ects of cliticization
How to handle these e¤ects? They do not really lend themselves, like
other segmentation problems, to short 5-minute dictation slots. The best
advice is simply to be aware that they exist—and, when you encounter
them in a listening text, to play and replay the relevant section to see if
learners can puzzle out for themselves the correct distribution of
phonemes and/or syllables.
Indeed, that is the message for all the perceptual diªculties described
here. The important thing is to be aware of them, and to be prepared to
practise them intensively if there are signs that they are preventing
learners from identifying familiar words because of the special
conditions of connected speech. The value of a signal-based approach of
the kind described is that it draws our attention to problems of both
perception and comprehension that would otherwise pass unnoticed.
Revised version received June 2002