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Unit-I - Feedback Amplifiers Two Marks Question & Answer

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EC 6401 – Electronic Circuits II


Two Marks Question & Answer

1. What is meant by feedback?

A portion of the output signal is taken from the output of the amplifier and is
combined with the normal input signal. This is known as feedback.
Feedback is a part of output is sampled and fedback to the input of the amplifier.
2. Give the different types of feedbacks used in amplifier circuits.
1. Positive feedback
2. Negative feedback.
3. Define the positive feedback.
When input signal and part of the output signal are in phase, the feedback is
calledPositive feedback.
4. Define negative feedback.
When input signal and part of the output signal are in out of phase, the feedback is
called negative feedback.
5. What type of feedback is used in
oscillator? Positive.
6. Give classification of amplifiers.
The amplifiers can be classified into four broad categories: voltage, current,
Tranconductance and Tranresistance amplifiers.
7. What is node sampling?
When the output voltage is sampled by connecting the feedback network in shunt
across the output, the connection is referred to as voltage or node sampling.
8. What is loop sampling?
When the output current is sampled by connecting the feedback network in series
with the output, the connection is referred to as current or loop sampling.
9. Define feedback factor or feedback ratio.
The ratio of the feedback voltage to output voltage is known as feedback factor or
feedback ratio.
10. What is the purpose of mixer network in feedback amplifier?
The mixer network is used to combine feedback signal and input at input of an
11. What are the advantages of introducing negative feedback?
1. Input resistance is very high.
2. Output resistance is low.
3. The transfer gain Af of the amplifier with feedback can be stabilized against
Variations of the h-parameters or hybrid π parameters of the transistors or
the Parameters of the others active devices used in the amplifiers.
4. It improves the frequency response of the amplifiers.
5. There is a significant improvement in the linearity of operation of the feedback.
12. List the four basic feedback topologies.
1. Voltage amplifier with voltage series feedback.
2. Transconductance amplifier with current-series feedback.
3. Current amplifier with current-shunt feedback
4. Transresistance amplifier with voltage shunt feedback
13. Give the expression for gain of an amplifier with feedback.
Avf = AV/ 1+ AV β
Where, Avf – feedback voltage gain. AV – Voltage gain.
β - Feedback factor
14. What is loop gain or return ratio.
A path of a signal from input terminals through basic amplifier, through the
feedback network and back to the input terminals forms a loop. The gain of this loop is
the product -A β . This gain is known as loop gain or return ratio.
15. What is sensitivity of the transfer gain?
The fractional change in amplification with feedback divided by the fractional
change without feedback is called the sensitivity of the transfer gain.
16. What is desensitivity?
The reciprocal of the sensitivity is called the desensitivity D. it is given as
D = 1+A β
17. What is the effect of lower cut-off frequency with negative feedback?
Lower cutoff frequency with feedback is less than lower cutoff frequency without
feedback by factor (1+Amid β)
18. What is the effect of upper cut-off frequency with negative feedback?
Upper cutoff frequency with feedback is greater than upper cutoff frequency
without feedback by factor (1+Amid β)
19. What is the effect of negative feedback on bandwidth?
Bandwidth of amplifier with feedback is greater than bandwidth of amplifier
without feedback.
20. Why gain bandwidth product remains constant with the introduction of negative
Since bandwidth with negative feedback increases by factor (1+A β) and gain
decreases by same factor, the gain-bandwidth product of an amplifier does not altered,
when negative feedback is introduced.
21. What is the effect of negative feedback on feedback distortion?
The frequency distortion is reduced with the negative feedback.
22. What is the effect of negative feedback on noise?
The noise is reduced with the negative feedback.
23. What is the effect of negative feedback on non linear distortion?
The linear distortion is reduced with the negative feedback.
24. What are the types of distortions in an amplifier?
1. Frequency
2. Noise and non linear
25. What type of feedback is employed in emitter follower amplifier?
Voltage series feedback.

26. A feedback amplifier has an open loop gain of 600 and feedback factor β = 0.01. Find
the closed loop gain with feedback.
Avf = AV/ 1+ AV β

= 600/ (1+ 600*0.01)

= 85.714.
27. The distortion in an amplifier is found to be 3%, when the feedback ratio of negative
feedback amplifier is 0.04. When the feedback is removed, the distortion becomes 15%.
Find the open and closed loop gain.
Given: β = 0.04
Distortion with feedback = 3%,
Distortion without feedback = 15%
D = 15/3 = 5.
Where D = 1+A β =5
28. Voltage gain of an amplifier without feedback is 60dB. It decreases to 40dB with
feedback. Calculate the feedback factor.
Given: Av = 60dB and Avf = 40 dB.
We know that,
Avf = AV / 1+ AVβ

β = (AV- Avf) / ( AVAvf)

= (60-40) / (60*40)
β = 0.00833.
29. State the nyquist criterion for stability of feedback amplifiers?

1. The amplifier is unstable if the curve encloses the point -1+j0. The system is
called as unstable system.
2. The amplifier is stable if the curve encloses the point -1+jo. That system is
called as stable system.
30. What is nyquist diagram?
The plot which shows the relationship between gain and phase-shift as a function of
frequency is called as nyquist diagram.

31. Write the steps which are used to identify the method of feedback topology?
1. Identify topology (type of feedback)
a) To find the type of sampling network.
b) To find the type of mixing network
2. Find the input circuit.
3. Find the output circuit.
4. Replace each active device by its h-parameter model at low frequency.
5. Find the open loop gain (gain without feedback), A of the amplifier.
6. Indicate Xf and Xo on the circuit and evaluate β = XfXO.
7. Calculate A, and β, find D, Ai,Rif,Rof,and Rof’.
32. Write down the various characteristics of topology?

Characteristics Topology
Voltage series Current series Current shunt Voltage shunt

Sapling signal, Voltage Voltage Current Current

Mixing signal Voltage Current Current Voltage

To find input V0=0 I0 = 0 I0=0 V0=0

loop, Set
to find output Ii=0 Ii = 0 Vi = 0 VI = 0
loop, set
Signal source Thevenin Thevenin Norton Norton

β = Xf /X0 Vf / V0 Vf/I0 If/I0 If/I0

A=X0/Xi AV=V0/Vi GM=I0/Vi AI =I0/Ii RM=V0/Ii

D=1+ βA 1+ βAv 1+ βGM 1+ βAI 1+ βRM


Rif RiD RiD Ri/D Ri/D

ROf R0/(1+βAV) R0(1+βGM) R0(1+βAI) R0/(1+βRM)

ROf’ R0’/(1+βAV) R0(1+βAV) R0(1+βAV)/ R0’/(1+βRM)

/(1+βAV) (1+βAV)

16 marks Question

1. What will happen when a step input voltage is applied to the high pass RC Circuit?
2 .Explain the relevant information, how the negative feedback improves stability reduce
noise and increase input impedance?
3. Explain voltage shunt feedback amplifiers?
4. Explain current series feedback amplifiers?
5. Explain the classification of amplifiers?
6. Explain current shunt and voltage shunt feedback amplifiers?

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