Unit-I - Feedback Amplifiers Two Marks Question & Answer
Unit-I - Feedback Amplifiers Two Marks Question & Answer
Unit-I - Feedback Amplifiers Two Marks Question & Answer
EC 6401 – Electronic Circuits II
26. A feedback amplifier has an open loop gain of 600 and feedback factor β = 0.01. Find
the closed loop gain with feedback.
Avf = AV/ 1+ AV β
1. The amplifier is unstable if the curve encloses the point -1+j0. The system is
called as unstable system.
2. The amplifier is stable if the curve encloses the point -1+jo. That system is
called as stable system.
30. What is nyquist diagram?
The plot which shows the relationship between gain and phase-shift as a function of
frequency is called as nyquist diagram.
31. Write the steps which are used to identify the method of feedback topology?
1. Identify topology (type of feedback)
a) To find the type of sampling network.
b) To find the type of mixing network
2. Find the input circuit.
3. Find the output circuit.
4. Replace each active device by its h-parameter model at low frequency.
5. Find the open loop gain (gain without feedback), A of the amplifier.
6. Indicate Xf and Xo on the circuit and evaluate β = XfXO.
7. Calculate A, and β, find D, Ai,Rif,Rof,and Rof’.
32. Write down the various characteristics of topology?
Characteristics Topology
Voltage series Current series Current shunt Voltage shunt
16 marks Question
1. What will happen when a step input voltage is applied to the high pass RC Circuit?
2 .Explain the relevant information, how the negative feedback improves stability reduce
noise and increase input impedance?
3. Explain voltage shunt feedback amplifiers?
4. Explain current series feedback amplifiers?
5. Explain the classification of amplifiers?
6. Explain current shunt and voltage shunt feedback amplifiers?