Outline in Sales Law
Outline in Sales Law
Outline in Sales Law
Where there is an available market for the goods (4) A right to rescind the sale as likewise limited
in question, the measure of damages is, in the by this Title.
absence of special circumstances showing
proximate damage of a different amount, the 3. Possessory Lien
difference between the contract price and the
market or current price at the time or times Article 1527. Subject to the provisions of this
when the goods ought to have been accepted, or, Title, the unpaid seller of goods who is in
if no time was fixed for acceptance, then at the possession of them is entitled to retain
time of the refusal to accept. possession of them until payment or tender of
the price in the following cases, namely:
If, while labor or expense of material amount is
necessary on the part of the seller to enable him (1) Where the goods have been sold without any
to fulfill his obligations under the contract of stipulation as to credit;
sale, the buyer repudiates the contract or notifies
the seller to proceed no further therewith, the
(2) Where the goods have been sold on credit,
buyer shall be liable to the seller for labor
but the term of credit has expired;
performed or expenses made before receiving
notice of the buyer's repudiation or
countermand. The profit the seller would have
(2) In case of the insolvency of the buyer, a right
(3) Where the buyer becomes insolvent. of stopping the goods in transitu after he has
parted with the possession of them;
The seller may exercise his right of lien
notwithstanding that he is in possession of the Article 1530. Subject to the provisions of this
goods as agent or bailee for the buyer. (n) Title, when the buyer of goods is or becomes
insolvent, the unpaid seller who has parted with
Article 1535. Subject to the provisions of this the possession of the goods has the right of
Title, the unpaid seller's right of lien or stoppage stopping them in transitu, that is to say, he may
in transitu is not affected by any sale, or other resume possession of the goods at any time
disposition of the goods which the buyer may while they are in transit, and he will then
have made, unless the seller has assented become entitled to the same rights in regard to
thereto. the goods as he would have had if he had never
parted with the possession
a. When negotiable
Article 1535. Subject to the provisions of this
Document of title is issued Title, the unpaid seller's right of lien or stoppage
in transitu is not affected by any sale, or other
Article 1535. ….. disposition of the goods which the buyer may
have made, unless the seller has assented
If, however, a negotiable document of title has thereto.
been issued for goods, no seller's lien or right of
stoppage in transitu shall defeat the right of any a. When negotiable
purchaser for value in good faith to whom such
document has been negotiated, whether such
Document of title is issues
negotiation be prior or subsequent to the
notification to the carrier, or other bailee who Article 1535. ….
issued such document, of the seller's claim to a
lien or right of stoppage in transitu. If, however, a negotiable document of title has
been issued for goods, no seller's lien or right of
b. When part delivery stoppage in transitu shall defeat the right of any
effected purchaser for value in good faith to whom such
document has been negotiated, whether such
negotiation be prior or subsequent to the
Article 1528. Where an unpaid seller has made notification to the carrier, or other bailee who
part delivery of the goods, he may exercise his issued such document, of the seller's claim to a
right of lien on the remainder, unless such part lien or right of stoppage in transitu.
delivery has been made under such
circumstances as to show an intent to waive the
lien or right of retention. (n) b. When buyer is deemed
c. instances when
possessory lien is lost Article 1636. In the preceding articles in this
Title governing the sale of goods, unless the
context or subject matter otherwise requires:
Article 1529. The unpaid seller of goods loses
his lien thereon:
(2) A person is insolvent within the meaning of
this Title who either has ceased to pay his debts
(1) When he delivers the goods to a carrier or in the ordinary course of business or cannot pay
other bailee for the purpose of transmission to his debts as they become due, whether
the buyer without reserving the ownership in the insolvency proceedings have been commenced
goods or the right to the possession thereof; or not.
Goods are no longer in transit within the …If, however, a negotiable document of title
meaning of the preceding article: representing the goods has been issued by the
carrier or other bailee, he shall not be obliged to
(1) If the buyer, or his agent in that behalf, deliver or justified in delivering the goods to the
obtains delivery of the goods before their arrival seller unless such document is first surrendered
at the appointed destination; for cancellation.
(2) If, after the arrival of the goods at the 5. Special Right to Resell Goods
appointed destination, the carrier or other bailee
acknowledges to the buyer or his agent that he Article 1526. Subject to the provisions of this
holds the goods on his behalf and continues in Title, notwithstanding that the ownership in the
possession of them as bailee for the buyer or his goods may have passed to the buyer, the unpaid
agent; and it is immaterial that further seller of goods, as such, has:
destination for the goods may have been
indicated by the buyer; (3) A right of resale as limited by this Title;
Article 1532. The unpaid seller may exercise Where a resale is made, as authorized in this
his right of stoppage in transitu either by article, the buyer acquires a good title as against
obtaining actual possession of the goods or by the original buyer.
giving notice of his claim to the carrier or other
bailee in whose possession the goods are. Such d. Notice to defaulting
notice may be given either to the person in buyer
actual possession of the goods or to his
principal. In the latter case the notice, to be Article 1533. ……
effectual, must be given at such time and under
such circumstances that the principal, by the
It is not essential to the validity of resale that
exercise of reasonable diligence, may prevent a
notice of an intention to resell the goods be
delivery to the buyer.
given by the seller to the original buyer. But
where the right to resell is not based on the
When notice of stoppage in transitu is given by perishable nature of the goods or upon an
the seller to the carrier, or other bailee in express provision of the contract of sale, the
possession of the goods, he must redeliver the giving or failure to give such notice shall be
goods to, or according to the directions of, the relevant in any issue involving the question
seller. The expenses of such delivery must be whether the buyer had been in default for an
borne by the seller. unreasonable time before the resale was made.
It is not essential to the validity of a resale that Article 1598. Where the seller has broken a
notice of the time and place of such resale contract to deliver specific or ascertained goods,
should be given by the seller to the original a court may, on the application of the buyer,
buyer. direct that the contract shall be performed
specifically, without giving the seller the option
e. Standard of care and of retaining the goods on payment of damages.
The judgment or decree may be unconditional,
disqualification in resale
or upon such terms and conditions as to
damages, payment of the price and otherwise, as
Article 1533. …… the court may deem just
The seller is bound to exercise reasonable care
and judgment in making a resale, and subject to 2. Breach of Seller’s warranty
this requirement may make a resale either by
public or private sale. He cannot, however, Article 1599. Where there is a breach of
directly or indirectly buy the goods. warranty by the seller, the buyer may, at his
6. Special Right to Rescind
(1) Accept or keep the goods and set up against
the seller, the breach of warranty by way of
Article 1526. Subject to the provisions of this
recoupment in diminution or extinction of the
Title, notwithstanding that the ownership in the
goods may have passed to the buyer, the unpaid
seller of goods, as such, has:
(2) Accept or keep the goods and maintain an
action against the seller for damages for the
(4) A right to rescind the sale as likewise limited
breach of warranty;
by this Title.
(3) Refuse to accept the goods, and maintain an
a. When right may be action against the seller for damages for the
exercised breach of warranty;
Article 1534. An unpaid seller having the right (4) Rescind the contract of sale and refuse to
of lien or having stopped the goods in transitu, receive the goods or if the goods have already
may rescind the transfer of title and resume the been received, return them or offer to return
ownership in the goods, where he expressly them to the seller and recover the price or any
reserved the right to do so in case the buyer part thereof which has been paid.
should make default, or where the buyer has
been in default in the payment of the price for When the buyer has claimed and been granted a
an unreasonable time. remedy in anyone of these ways, no other
remedy can thereafter be granted, without
b. Effect of exercise of such prejudice to the provisions of the second
right paragraph of article 1191.