National and Urban Contexts of The Four Metropolises: December 2013
National and Urban Contexts of The Four Metropolises: December 2013
National and Urban Contexts of The Four Metropolises: December 2013
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Chapter 2
National and Urban Contexts
of the Four Metropolises
Hervé Théry, Louise Bruno,Véronique Dupont, Frédéric Landy,
Ailton Luchiari, Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky
and Marie-Hélène Zérah
52 H.Théry et al.
Below 2% per year on an average from 1901 to 1931; between 2.5% and 4% on
an average from 1931 to 2001, and 2.8% per year during the last intercensal dec-
ade of 2001–2011 (as per census data — see Box 2.1 for definitions).
54 H.Théry et al.
Number of inhabitants
8 n n n n 5
CHINA ,28 i) illio illio illio illio ,36 a)
Amritsar , 4 14 mba 7 m 5 m 3 m 5 m ,001 (Kot
Ludhiana Chandigarh 18 (Mu 8, 1, 1
PA K I S TA N Meerut
Jaipur Agra BHUTAN
Mumbai Visakhapatnam Gulf
Hyderabad Vijayawada of Bengal
Arabian Sea
Kozhikode Coimbatore
Malappuram Tiruchirappalli
Kochi Madurai
0 150 300 mi
Source : Census of India, 2011 - Mapping with Philcarto : J. Robert, Université Paris Ouest 2013
rate of more than 80%, accounting for some 150 million people out
of the country’s 190 million. Unlike in India, a rather homogenous
territory, the overall demographic distribution of the country shows
a very clear north–south dichotomy: most of the population is con-
centrated in the southern part of the country, mainly around the
Atlantic Coast where the metropolitan cities of São Paulo and Rio de
Janeiro were established.
The accelerated industrialization process, conjugated with an
agrarian structure marked by a very strong level of land concentra-
tion and a swift mechanization rate, strengthened the process of drift
away from the land. Furthermore, high migratory flows from the
country’s northeastern region (caused mostly by cyclic periods of
drought) aggravated the substantial rural exodus towards the big
metropolises of the south. Such internal migrations played a major
role in the country’s urban configuration, so much so that a quarter
of the Brazilians counted in 1980 did not live in their place of origin.
Box 2.2 outlines what is meant by “Urban”.
As a result, the country’s urban population quickly exceeded the
rural population, the turning point being in the 1960s. The rural
population gradually started showing a downward trend, even in
56 H.Théry et al.
Source: Central Statistical Organization, Government of India, New Delhi — as
quoted in the Delhi Statistical Hand Book 2011, Directorate of Economic and
Number of inhabitants
©H.Théry 2011
Source: IBGE 2010 N 0 500 km
Made with Philcarto
Figure 2.2. Urbanization in Brazil: cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants in 2010.
ratio below the poverty line was much lower than in the country as
a whole (14.7% against 27.5% in 2004–2005)3.
Assessed in terms of its contribution to the net domestic product,
the weight of the NCTD4 in the national economy is, however,
58 H.Théry et al.
0 10 km
PRADESH 1950 - 2008
Before 1950
From 1950 to 1969/75
HARYANA Gurgaon From 1969/75 to 1997
State Boundaries
Boundaries of Delhi Metropolitan Area
Main Roads
relatively low: around 3.5% of the net domestic product (NDP) from
2004–2005 to 2010–20115. This is due to the country size and the
development of a sophisticated urban system and very dynamic indus-
trial areas in neighbouring states outside the official boundaries of the
NCTD. Thus, Delhi is behind Mumbai in terms of industrial power.
Nonetheless, Delhi has long been a premium market for India’s
northwest region. It is endowed with multiple economic functions,
standing out not only in terms of trade and commerce but also bank-
ing, finance, insurance, hotels and tourism, as well as manufacturing
and information technology. It has greatly surpassed its original func-
tion, i.e. public administration, related to its status as the national
capital. As per the 2004 round survey of the National Sample Survey
Organisation (NSSO), the distribution of the NCTD’s employed
workforce was as follows (for the most significant industries):
agglomeration accounted for 93% of the population of the NCTD in 2001 and
97% in 2011.
Source: Estimate of State Domestic Product. Directorate of Economic and
Statistics, Government of NCTD.
This data pertains to the NCTD. Sources: NSSO (62nd Round Survey, July 2005–
June 2006) and Directorate of Employment, Government of NCTD. These percent-
ages refer to the latest statistics quoted in the Economic Survey of Delhi, 2008–2009,
Planning Department, Government of NCTD. (This was the last Economic Survey
whose results were published on the department’s website, http://delhiplanning.nic.
in/ [last accessed 19 December 2011].) In Indian official publications, the ‘organized
sector’ corresponds to the entire public sector and non-agricultural establishments
employing ten or more persons in the private sector.
60 H.Théry et al.
7 These old estimates of the economic
strength dating back to about 2003 have not been updated to our knowledge.
According to Forbes, in 2008 Mumbai was the seventh city in the world in terms
of the number of billionaires (20) but the first in terms of their average wealth:
other cities under study: São Paulo is in the fourth category (alpha_)
and is the twentieth global city, Delhi is in the fifth category (beta+)
(forty-ninth), and Rio in the seventh category (beta-) (eightieth).
62 H.Théry et al.
* * * * *
b1592_Ch-02.indd 63
São Paulo 534 4.72 29 263 18.62 120 029 15.61 183 130 12.02
Rio de Janeiro 1384 12.23 20 827 13.26 73 704 9.59 79 868 5.24
Brasília — — — — 15 324 1.99 57 198 3.76
Belo Horizonte 28 0.25 2362 1.50 13 755 1.79 21 867 1.44
Curitiba 62 0.55 1173 0.75 10 691 1.39 21 627 1.42
Manaus 42 0.37 726 0.46 7093 0.92 19 689 1.29
Porto Alegre 143 1.27 3122 1.99 14 985 1.95 19 134 1.26
Brazil 11 315 100 157 118 100 768 678 100 1 523 060 100
Source: Ipeadata,
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64 H.Théry et al.
Sheila Dixit (Chief Minister, Delhi), in Government of NCT of Delhi (2006,
Foreword, p. viii).
Source: Ministry of Rehabilitation, Annual Report on Evacuation, Relief and
Rehabilitation of Refugees, 1954–1955 (quoted in Datta, 1986).
Migrants with less than ten years of residence accounted for 22% of the popula-
tion of the NCTD in 1971 and 16% in 2001. (Since the 1971 Census, migrants are
defined as persons having resided in a place outside the place of enumeration.)
b1592_Ch-02.indd 66
Table 2.3. Population growth and density in Delhi from 1911 to 2011.
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b1592 Megacity Slums: Social Exclusion, Space and Urban Policies in Brazil and India 4th Reading
multiplied fourfold between 1951 and 2001, while its share in the
total surface area of the NCTD rose from 14% to 53%. Delhi’s geo-
graphical location, in the Gangetic plain, more specifically the
absence of any real physical barrier to urban progression (the Delhi
Ridge, a protected forest that is part of the Aravalli Range and cov-
ers 35 km from southwest to north, does not constitute an effective
obstacle), has favoured the multidirectional spread of the urbanized
The pattern of growth in Delhi has clearly been centrifugal in
nature (Brush, 1986; Dupont and Mitra, 1995; Dupont, 2004). The
urban sprawl has extended beyond the limits of the NCTD, into the
neighbouring states of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana; it has followed
the main roads and railway lines, thereby connecting the built-up
area of the core city — Delhi — with that of fast-growing peripheral
towns — Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, Faridabad — and the new planned
city of Noida, founded in 1976 (Dupont, 2001) (Table 2.3). This
urban spread has led to the development of a multi-nodal urban
conurbation whose limits overlap state boundaries13. This urban
area encompassed about 23 million inhabitants in 2011, thereby
placing Delhi as India’s largest metropolis, ahead of the Greater
Mumbai Urban Agglomeration. Whereas the population growth
within the NCTD has slowed down considerably over the last dec-
ade, the population of the surrounding districts has continued to
increase rapidly, suggesting a redistribution of the population within
the metropolitan area14.
Being located in other states outside the NCTD, these contiguous ring towns are
not considered by the Census of India as being part of the Delhi Urban
Agglomeration (DUA), whose actual population size had therefore already been
underestimated by more than 2 million in 2001. For a detailed analysis of urban
development and population redistribution in the Delhi metropolitan area and its
implications for categorizing population, see Dupont (2004).
For instance, the Gurgaon district’s population growth rate was 73.9% during the
2001–2011 decade, and that of Gautam Buddha Nagar (which includes Noida) was
51.5%, as compared to 21.0% for the NCTD.
68 H.Théry et al.
Various data given in Patel and Masselos (2003) differ, but all emphasize the same
trend of informalization and insecurization of work.
that reshaped the city. In 1995, when the Shiv Sena came to power
in Maharashtra State, Bombay, its capital, was renamed Mumbai,
“erasing a multi-ethnic and multilingual cosmopolitanism being nur-
tured in the city, that of a bourgeois class-based modernity, substi-
tuting it with a populist oriented ethnic and religious identity”
(Patel, 2003, p. 4). In the 2000s, the growth of the Maharashtra
Navnirman Sena (MMS), a scion of the Shiv Sena, made the condi-
tion of immigrants even more delicate.
Mumbai grew rapidly during the 20th century, mainly because of
its manufacturing industries attracting migrant labour, and also, like
Delhi, because of the Partition in 1947 and the subsequent inflow of
refugees. Between 1941 and 1951, the city of Bombay witnessed a
net increase of 950,000 migrants, mainly from Sindh and what is
now Pakistan, a figure that dropped to 600,000 in the next decade
(Zachariah, 1968). The urban agglomeration’s population increased
from 1.4 million in 1941 to 2.3 million in 1951, rose above 4 million
in the 1960s and hit 8 million by 1981. According to the 2011 cen-
sus, 12.5 million inhabitants lived in the area covered by the
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (i.e. the “city” and the
historical “suburbs”), and 18.4 million in the entire agglomeration.
The drawing power of the metropolis extended to the rural popula-
tions of Maharashtra and of the poor states of the Gangetic plains
(Uttar Pradesh and Bihar). However, the de-industrialization of
Mumbai since the 1980s and its gradual transformation into a finan-
cial and service centre has slowed down its migratory pull effect.
Between 1971 and 1981, migration accounted for 47% of the popu-
lation increase, but only 17% in the following intercensal period.
However, it accounted for 39% of the population growth in 1991–
2001, particularly because of the higher influx from Uttar Pradesh16
(Figure 2.5).
Mumbai’s spatial expansion has been limited by topographic con-
straints (Figure 2.4), which is not the case with Delhi. Indeed, this
island city, half built on filled-in marshy land and unable to expand,
A mark of immigration, the gender ratio remains very unbalanced, with 861
females per 1000 males in Greater Mumbai (2011).
70 H.Théry et al.
0 2,5 5 10 km
Source : Census of India
except on the northern side, has few road linkages with the mainland
and drastically lacks space to grow; hence, it is a congested city.
Moreover, Mumbai is constrained by strong ecological factors, as it
is located on the seashore. Most of its seafront is occupied by man-
groves. A 104 km2 urban forest, the Sanjay Gandhi National Park
(SGNP), is located in its northern section. The seashore is classified
as a no-development zone as it is ecologically fragile terrain, and the
Accidents due to packed coaches and slums installed along the tracks kill almost
ten people a day.
72 H.Théry et al.
The civic body that governs the city of Mumbai is the Brihanmumbai
Municipal Corporation (BMC), also called the Municipal Corporation
of Greater Mumbai. The city is sub-divided into 24 administrative
wards that elect a Corporation Council of 227 councillors (Ruet and
Tawa Lama-Rewal, 2009). It is responsible for administering and
providing basic infrastructure (roads, schools, hospitals, water, elec-
tricity supply, sewage treatment and so forth) to the city and suburbs
of Mumbai. The corporation is headed by a civil servant, the munici-
pal commissioner, who wields executive powers, along with the
elected corporators and the mayor. Greater Mumbai consists of two
revenue districts: Mumbai City and Mumbai Suburban. Defence
lands, Mumbai Port Trust lands and the SGNP area are out of its
jurisdiction. In any case, a considerable portion of the Mumbai
agglomeration spreads far beyond the municipal boundaries, in the
Thane and Raigad districts. It includes the Thane, Kalyan-Dombivali
and Navi Mumbai municipal corporations. It covers an area of
4,355 km2 and the rest of the urban agglomeration outside Greater
Mumbai accounts for a third of the total population. The growth of
the suburbs is higher than the city’s, but it is less than the growth of
peripheral districts out of the BMC, where major investments take
place. Mumbai does not differ in this matter from other Indian
metropolises (Shaw, 1999; Chakravorty and Lall, 2007). Hence, a
key role is played by the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development
Authority (MMRDA) (a Maharashtra State government organiza-
tion established in 1975 and in charge of town planning, develop-
ment, transport and housing18).
74 H.Théry et al.
Rio de Janeiro has long been described for the uniqueness of the
morphological site on which it is located. Its location as the gateway
to Guanabara Bay, as well as the very shape of its succession of hills
and breaks, has undoubtedly always captivated visitors. The analysis
of the city’s specific geographical configuration is a key element for
understanding the expansion of this urban hub and also plays a role in
its current socio-spatial organization (Appendix 1.1 and Figure 2.6).
The site on which the city is located is made up of two distinct
morphological areas: a vast plain, known as baixada, and a plateau,
where the major part of the population lives. It is encircled by the
Atlantic Ocean, around two bays: Guanabara in the east and
Sepetiba to the west. Three hill complexes dominate the site, at an
altitude of around 1000 metres, with several hills, lagoons and
swampy areas constituting the main physical characters of the city-
scape. Whilst the hilly areas have long been occupied by human set-
tlements, most of the districts were established in the flat lands
between these hills and the coastal area. This very unique natural
framework has contributed to strengthening the division of the city
into three main and different socio-spatial zones, as described below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Due to the massive rehousing policies in the 1960s and 1970s, it is impossible to
believe today that this region was once one of the areas in the city that had the larg-
est number of favelados in Rio de Janeiro.
76 H.Théry et al.
Source: IBGE.
78 H.Théry et al.
Brazil 119 002 706 146 825 475 169 799 170 183 888 841
Estado de São
Paulo 25 040 712 31 588 925 37 032 403 39 838 127
Metropolitana de
São Paulo 12 588 725 15 444 941 17 878 703 20 033 812
Município de São
Paulo 8 493 226 9 646 185 10 434 252 11 091 442
The first results of the 2010 census show 19,672,582 people living in the
metropolitan area formed by São Paulo and 38 other municipal authorities
across the region, when the same cluster recorded 1,568,045 inhabitants in
1940. Calculating the difference, a new city of more than 18 million inhabit-
ants was built in 70 years.
80 H.Théry et al.
* * * * *
Until the 1990s, Mumbai was the only city in India to have high-rise
buildings in large numbers, due to space constraints and a rather tolerant
Floor Space Index (FSI)20. But they were occupied by offices or inhabited
by the upper class, rather than sheltering the poor population who have
to live in crowded individual houses or more or less derelict three- or
four-storey buildings. Mumbai has only 2.9m2 of built-up area per
FSI: Maximum allowed ratio between the total floor area of a building and the
plot size.
82 H.Théry et al.
* * * * *
* * * * *
Year Population Area (ha) (inhab./ha.)
1960 3 307 163 27.01
1970 4 251 918 34.72
1980 5 090 790 122 456.07 41.57
1991 5 480 768 44.76
2000 5 857 904 47.84
84 H.Théry et al.
10 Km Bawana
Loni to Meerut
To Rohtak
Old Delhi
Ri to Lucknow, Kanpur
Najafgarh r
Dwarka New Delhi
to Jhajjar Noida
South Delhi
to Greater Noida, Aligarh
Ri To Agra
Gurgaon LEGEND
Delhi Ridge
Main roads
Metro lines
To Agra
© V. Dupont IRD, B. Lefebvre, 2011
Sources: Delhi Eicher City Map, Delhi Metro Rail Corp. State borders
Figure 2.8. Spatial organization of Delhi metropolitan area: infrastructure and func-
tional specialization (2011).
86 H.Théry et al.
According to the Economic Census 1998 (
Population%20and %20Employment%20profile%20of%20MMR.pdf).
and the elite, while considered as an attack on the right to the city by
the advocates of the lower classes.
All in all, Mumbai’s cityscape has moved through three distinct
phases (Nijman, 2007):
Since the 1990s, which marked the real start of economic liberali-
zation policies and opening up to the international market in India,
Delhi and Mumbai have experienced a restructuring of their urban
space in line with the requirements of globalizing cities. The trans-
formations were first more conspicuous in Mumbai, the gateway to
international corporate firms. The pressure on the slum dwellers
became stronger when the city began to endure major changes due
to its redeployment, from a great industrial centre into a “global
city” (Sassen, 1991) — that is, a concentration of the major financial
institutions, corporate headquarters, international conglomerates
and high-level service firms oriented towards the world market. As
underlined by Grant and Nijman (2002), since the 1990s, Mumbai
has been marked by an increasing corporate presence, as well as by
the emergence of multiple CBDs that are integrated into the wider
economy and a manifestation of its globalization. This whole pro-
cess, requiring infrastructure, advanced transportation systems and
88 H.Théry et al.
* * * * *
Rio de Janeiro is not built like an ordinary city. Established primarily on the
flat and marshy area bordering the bay, it was introduced between the steep
hills which enclose it on all sides, the way fingers are in a too tight glove.
* * * * *
90 H.Théry et al.
At the time of writing, the 2011 Census tables on houses and household amenities,
and on slums, were not available.
The census figures pertain to the municipal corporation’s jurisdiction of each city,
and not to their entire urban agglomeration. Data on slums from the 2011 Census
of India were published in spring 2013. The reader can visit the Census of India
website ( for these figures (see in particular “Housing
Stock, Amenities and Assets in Slums”). We did not actualize the data, however,
because a debatable methodology clearly underestimated the slum population in
India (Ramanathan, 2013). Official figures for 2011 estimated that 17.4% of urban
Indian households lived in slums (41.3 % in Mumbai and 14.6% in Delhi).
92 H.Théry et al.
— inadequate ac
cess to safe water
— inadequate access to sanitation and other infrastructure
— poor structural quality of housing
— overcrowding
— insecure residential status.
No precise date for these data is mentioned in this report.
Or that “are by reason of dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangement and
design of such buildings, narrowness or faulty arrangement of streets, lack of
ventilation, light or sanitation facilities, or any combination of these factors, detri-
mental to safety, health or morals”. (Seghal, 1998, p. 5).
94 H.Théry et al.
“As in most cities of India, bastis abound in Delhi and are found in almost all
parts of the city. A basti is identified as a cluster or conglomerate of katcha huts or
shacks of tin or wood, built on any conceivable open piece of land and almost
always in an unauthorized manner” (DDA, 1957, p. 223).
The term J.J. colony — for jhuggi-jhompri colony — which is also in use in Delhi,
designates in fact the resettlement colonies (see infra) of the residents of demolished
jhuggi-jhompri clusters.
Zopadpatti is the Marathi word for slum area and literally means “horizon of
Bombay Municipal Corporation, A Brief Report on the Survey of Old Buildings in
Bombay City (1956–1957).
% of Slum Population
per ward 10 Km
Figure 2.9. Proportion of slum population in the total population of Delhi per ward
(2001 census).
The Census of India, which for the first time in 2001 collected detailed data about
slum areas in cities/towns having a population of 50,000 or more (based on 1991
census), applied its own definition of slums, which broadly encompasses all the
categories described above, without, however, referring to the authorized or unau-
thorized status of occupation.
96 H.Théry et al.
The metropolis of São Paulo has always had part of its population living in
poor housing conditions. Today, this instability reaches unimagined
b1592_Ch-02.indd 98
4th Reading
Table 2.8. Evolution in the number and the population of jhuggi-jhompri clusters in Delhi from 1951 to 2011.
b1592 Megacity Slums: Social Exclusion, Space and Urban Policies in Brazil and India
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b1592_Ch-02.indd 99
Sources of data:
(1) Slum and Jhuggi-Jhompri Department & Food and Civil Supplies Department, Municipal Corporation of Delhi; Delhi Urban Shelter
Improvement Board (DUSIB), Government of NCTD.
For 1990 (January) and 1994 (March): based on direct surveys.
For 1991: estimations on the basis of the 1990 population and the growth rate from 1990 to 1994.
For 2001: figures quoted as the latest data from the “Slum Department, Municipal Corporation of Delhi”, in the City Development Plan of Delhi,
National and Urban Contexts of the Four Metropolises
released in 2007 under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (IL & FS Ecosmart Limited, 2007). These figures, however, do
Megacity Slums: Social Exclusion, Space and Urban Policies in Brazil and India
not seem reliable, and do not match with the figures on the number of relocated families (for a detailed analysis, see Dupont [2008]).
2011: provisional estimates by the DUSIB.
(2) Census of India, Delhi.
Population in 1998: own estimation.
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4th Reading b1592 Megacity Slums: Social Exclusion, Space and Urban Policies in Brazil and India
Ya na
Punjabi Bagh
Karol Bagh DELHI
Rajouri Lakshmi
Garden Pusa Nagar
Institute Connaught
President India
Estate Trilokpuri
Mayur Vihar
Dhaula Safdarjang
Kuan Aerodrome Nehru Stadium
Squatter settlements
Resettlement colonies N
Delhi Ridge
Limits of Delhi 0 5 km
Tigri Study areas
Sources: Census of India 1991, District Census Handbook, Delhi, V. Dupont - LCA, Bondy - IRD
Directorate of Census Operation, Delhi.
Slum & Jhuggi Jhompri Department, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, 1990.
Sabir Ali, Slums within Slums: a study of resettlement colonies in Delhi,
New Delhi: Council for Social Development, 1990.
Digitized map: UMR ESPACE, Montpellier.
Figure 2.10. Squatter settlements and resettlement colonies in the Delhi urban agglom-
eration (1990).
We found different estimates regarding the percentage of urban land occupied by the
jhuggi-jhompri clusters, but all of them underline the extreme inequity of land distri-
bution in the capital, at the expenses of the slum dwellers, in similar disproportions.
The Delhi Urban Environment and Infrastructure Improvement Project (DUEIIP)
report (2001) quotes the following figures for 1994: a population of more than 2 mil-
lion living in jhuggi-jhompri clusters that occupy 902.36 ha of land, thus representing
only 1.45% of the total area of the urban agglomeration of Delhi (62,428 ha as per
the 1991 census). According to Dewan Verma: “In Delhi […] jhuggis accommodate
20 to 30 lakh [1 lakh = 100,000] people and occupy about 4000 hectares (almost all
of it government land) out of approximately 70,000 hectares meant to be urbanized
for a population of 120 lakhs as per the provisions of the 1990 Master Plan” (2002,
p. 73). Kundu proposes another estimate for the year 2000: “The total land occupied
by the [three million people living in slums] would, however, come to less than 10 km2,
around 3% of the total residential area in urban Delhi” (2004, p. 267).
Table 2.9. Population growth of the Bombay Municipal Corporation and share
of the slum population.
squatter land was owned by the DDA, 15.7% by other public land-
owning agencies (such as the Municipal Corporation of Delhi, New
Delhi Municipal Committee, Railways, Public Works Department),
and only 0.6% by private owners (DUEIIP, 2001, Chapter 6, p. 10).
Although this distribution may have changed following the large-
scale slum demolitions, the land occupied by the remaining squatter
settlements is still essentially public land.
Mumbai has the largest slum population among Indian cities:
6.5 million slum dwellers in the Municipal Corporation as per the
2001 census, accounting for 54% of its total population. The slum
population’s share has increased unabatedly (Table 2.9), despite the
large-scale and violent demolitions of unauthorized settlements dur-
ing the Emergency period. It also continued to increase during
1991–2001, while it decreased in Delhi.
Although the slums, strictly speaking, house half of the population
of Greater Mumbai, they occupy only 8% of the land in the municipal
area (Das, 2003). Their location, initially in the central zones, close to
5 Km
% of Slum Population
per section
See Saglio-Yatzimirsky (2012) for a detailed analysis of the living and economic
conditions as well as the political organization in this slum.
One main difference between Mumbai and Delhi lies in the land
ownership of the squatter settlements. In Mumbai, 48% of the ille-
gally occupied zones belong to private owners, 21% to the govern-
ment of Maharashtra, 18% to the Municipal Corporation, 7% to
the Central Government and 7% to the railways’ authorities.
Although these figures may differ according to the sources, they con-
firm the major share of private land (from 43% [Desai, 1995] to
49% [Afzulpukar, 1995]).
The variety of land-owning agencies and the precariousness of
tenure generate a number of intermediaries making profits at the
expense of the slum dwellers. In addition to the owner of the land,
there is also the owner of the house, then the one who has to pay the
slumlord to rent the house, and so forth. Furthermore, the variety of
land ownership is an explanatory factor of the intricacy of the imple-
mentation of slum policies in Mumbai — a complication that does
not arise in Delhi. Depending on the status of the land and the iden-
tity of the owner, the slums do not fall under the provisions of the
same policies. Lastly, the major land-owning agencies, such as the
Municipal Corporation, have an important part to play in slum
In Brazil, while cities are generally places of modernity, the accel-
erated urbanization process witnessed by the country for 50 years
has been accompanied by a strong social imbalance within its cities,
exacerbated by the growing number of excluded. Even more than
their Indian counterparts, Brazilian cities are fragmented, marked by
the frequent co-existence of neighbourhoods with impeccable infra-
structure, dedicated to the productive sectors of high technology or
luxury residences, and slums that can be found just a short distance
away from them, housing the poor and underemployed, without
sanitation and marked by serious environmental problems.
The absence or inadequacy of public investment in the areas of
drinking-water supply, sewage treatment or garbage collection has
resulted in serious public health problems in poor neighbourhoods,
where public services (health, education, security) are also deficient.
Nowhere is the situation as serious as in the favelas of Rio de
Janeiro, where the authorities have sometimes virtually given up any
Rich neighbourhoods
Favela Guanabara bay
Pedra Branca Corcovado Sugarloaf
0 4 km
Barra da Tijuca
Atlantic Ocean
Table 2.10. Trends in the total population and the population living in favelas in
Rio de Janeiro (1960–2010).
0.01 6 840 PERUS
2 136 JACANA
Source: Prefeitura Municipal de Sao Paulo/SEHAB-HABI-RESOLO,
Elaboration: SEMPLA-DIPRO
© Hervé THERY, 2008
income while accounting for only 12% of the population, and the
western region, with 25% of the population and only 8% of total
income (FIBGE, 1999).
In São Paulo, from 1972 to 1991 the share of the population living
in favelas in the municipality has grown tenfold, and over 2 million
people live there today. Located along the lines of communication
near the main industrial centres, they are devoid of any infrastruc-
ture. Their inhabitants are “the poorest of the poor”, unskilled
manual labourers and the poorest independent small businesses.
Beside them live the inhabitants of the cortiços — damaged and
overcrowded buildings in the centre — shared and re-shared among
too many poor families. Close to the centre, these “interstitial slums”
juxtapose the “two Brazils”, pushing social contrasts to the point of
caricatures. At most, a slowdown in the influx of immigrants
attracted by the demand for labour and the mirage of prosperity may
be noted, but São Paulo’s slums continue to show high rates of veg-
etative growth. In 2008, the population growth of slums was
4% — twice that of the city — according to Municipal Housing
data, but the footprint remained virtually the same, which indicates
an increase in population density in the slums.
2.5. Conclusion
The structure of this chapter, moving from the national to the local
scale, has clearly shown that the housing problem is a multidimen-
sional issue, that must be addressed at various decision-making lev-
els, otherwise policies will be poorly designed, poorly implemented,
or will not correspond to the needs of the poor. On the other hand,
considering a more “horizontal” approach, the amazing inner vari-
ety of land uses and housing within a metropolis should force policy
makers to disaggregate actions so as to be able to respond to the
idiosyncrasies of local settings: just consider the sheer disparity of
urban landscapes shown by satellite imagery in São Paulo (see
Appendix 2.1).
Solving the issue of slum housing is a formidable task. The work
to be done is extensive. As argued in the first chapter, living in a slum
does not always mean being socially excluded, and vice versa. A more
qualitative and social approach is needed for linking the housing
issue with social exclusion as well as urban policies. This should be
taken into consideration by urban planners as well as researchers —
as developed in the next chapters.
Gated communities
This category is formed by gated communities consisting of houses
with one or two floors. The houses occupy plots of 400 to 500m2,
front setbacks from 6m to about 8m, roofing tiles and a built area
between 250m and 350m2. The sub-divisions have paved streets,
squares and some green areas. The roof tiles show in yellow in the
normal colour composition and light green in the composite false
colour, while cement tiles appear to be grey and dark grey, and tiles
appear to be bright white and light blue in the normal composition
and coloured in the false-colour composition.
Summer houses
This category is represented by former farms, converted into summer
homes, which occupy large areas. The residential buildings are
250 m to 450 m2, in the midst of plots with a dense vegetation cover.
The streets are generally paved and the residences appear isolated
from each other, with many having pools. The residences are cov-
ered in ceramics, appearing in a yellowish colour in the colour com-
position and green in the false-colour composition.
Slums occur evenly across the metropolitan area of São Paulo. Their
main feature is their “streets”, narrow and without a regular geo-
metric design. The buildings are covered with tiles or cement slabs.
The general appearance that marks slums is the density of their
buildings, mostly located on the dissected relief or on the banks of
Upper-class expansion
Plots with fewer homes characterize the areas of upper-class expan-
sion. These plots have well-defined streets and some buildings have
several floors. Pools are common in these plots and are located close
to the buildings. The plots are not fully occupied, leaving room for
vegetation. The streets can be paved, but it is not the norm in the
areas of expansion of adjacent plots.
Lower-class expansion
The lower-class expansion areas have no paved roads, which may
indicate a lack of infrastructure. We can see some houses under con-
struction, by the process of self-construction, and some streets that
have not been fully built. The buildings are covered in cement and
cement tiles, and plots not yet occupied show tree cover.
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