HPV Carcinogenesis
HPV Carcinogenesis
HPV Carcinogenesis
Oral Oncology
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/oraloncology
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A growing subgroup of oropharyngeal cancers is initiated by infection with high-risk human papillomavi-
Available online xxxx ruses (HPVs). In parallel to mounting epidemiological evidence, solid experimental data support a causal
association between HPV and a subset of oropharyngeal cancers. This Review summarizes the main
Keywords: events of the HPV life cycle, the functions of the viral oncoproteins, and the implications of HPV infection
HPV on their hosts, with an emphasis on carcinogenic mechanisms in oropharyngeal cancer. The demonstra-
Oropharynx cancer tion that HPVs have a role in head and neck carcinogenesis has fuelled the expectation that HPV-targeted
Tumor suppressor pathways
therapeutic strategies may prove curative in these cancers.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1368-8375/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Table 1 of the whole viral genome results in a virus with reduced replica-
Function of HPV proteins. tive capacity and inability to maintain the viral genome in the epi-
HPV Function somal form [45]. High risk E6 proteins bind to a number of PDZ
protein domain containing proteins with presumed tumor suppressor
Early proteins activity that have diverse functions, ranging from control of cell
E1 Initiation of viral genome replication polarity, control of cell–cell attachment and the regulation of var-
E2 Viral DNA replication and transcription. Segregation of viral ious signaling pathways [46,47]. Some of these PDZ domain-con-
E4 Viral genome packing. Maturation of viral particles
taining proteins have been confirmed as degradation targets of
E5 Oncoprotein. Participates in host cell transformation and blocks E6 protein [48,49]. A recent structural study proposed a model
apoptosis in late events of HPV carcinogenesis whereby E6 dimerization is essential for p53 ubiquitination and
E6 Major oncoprotein. Inactivates p53 protein. Block apoptosis. degradation [50]. E6 dimerization is also required for degradation
Interacts with many host proteins with PDZ domains
of PDZ domain-containing protein substrates. E6 binding to PDZ
E7 Major oncoprotein. Inactivates pRb protein. Promotes host DNA
synthesis and proliferation. Interacts with many host proteins domain-containing proteins may also inhibit their capacity to
interact with other cellular partners, or alternatively, may alter
Late proteins
L1 Major capsid protein their correct cellular localization. In addition, the E6 protein
L2 Minor capsid protein stimulates the expression of telomerase, an RNA dependent DNA
polymerase that maintains the ends of chromosomes in proliferat-
ing somatic cells [51,52].
The E7 protein also inhibits the action of cyclin-dependent ki-
nase inhibitors and interacts with cyclin–cdk complexes such as HPV positive head and neck cancer has a different molecular profile
cyclin A and cdk2 and other cellular proteins to stimulate cell cycle compared to HPV negative head and neck cancer
progression [33–36]. Bypass of growth arrest by high risk HPV E7
requires both degradation of Rb and abrogation of p21CIP1 inhibi- Molecular evidence that HPV status determines a separate class
tion [37]. It is interesting to note that low risk HPV E7 cannot target of HNSCC was initially provided by microsatellite analysis studies,
Rb for degradation and also is less efficient in abrogating p21CIP1 showing that HNSCC with no evidence of HPV infection is charac-
activity [33,34]. terized by a significant higher incidence of loss of 3p, 9p and/or 17p
High risk HPV E7 induces chromatin remodeling and transcrip- chromosomal arms compared to HPV positive HNSCC [53]. LOH at
tional activation of specific genes. HPV type 16 E7 interacts with 17p13 is thought to involve TP53, whereas LOH at 9p21 is thought
both histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and histone deacetylases to involve INK4a, the tumor suppressor gene encoding p16. In HPV
(HDACs) which results in an increase in the level of histone acety- negative HNSCC, inactivation of INK4a, either by chromosomal loss
lation on E2F regulated promoters [38,39]. In addition, high risk or by hypermethylation is considered to be the most common way
HPV E7 induces the transcription of histone methyltransferases to disrupt the pRb pathway [54]. On the contrary, HPV positive
(EZH2) and histone demethylases (KDM6A, KDM6B), which play HNSCC with E6/E7 viral oncoprotein expression is associated with
a crucial role in the epigenetic regulation of gene transcription low rates of p53 and p16INK4a alterations [53]. In support to these
[40]. findings, two recent large scale exome sequencing projects in
HNSCC [6,7] revealed that HPV negative tumors accumulate at
least two times as many mutations. It seems that carcinogenesis
HPV E6 and cellular transformation in HPV negative HNSCC is based on acquisition of a large number
of mutations in many different signaling pathways. On the con-
Tumor viruses, in order to exert their oncogenic potential, inhi- trary carcinogenesis in HPV positive tumors is modulated by the
bit apoptosis, a host response to infection and unscheduled S phase activities of E6/E7 viral oncoproteins.
entry. As noted in a previous section, in HPV infection, E7 main-
tains an S phase environment within terminally differentiated Gene expression profile of HPV positive HNSCC: The p16 molecular
keratinocytes, which activate various apoptotic programs. A major phenotype
role for E6 protein is to counteract these cellular responses, inhib-
iting the pro-apoptotic functions of p53 protein. The best-studied A number of studies of the gene expression differences between
function of high risk E6 protein is the binding and targeting of HPV+ and HPV HNSCCs showed considerable differences in the
p53 for ubiquitin-mediated degradation [41]. E6 binds directly to gene expression profiles that were specifically associated with
E6-AP (E6 associated protein) which functions as a specific ubiqui- these two subgroups of head and neck cancer, supporting the no-
tin-ligase for p53 degradation. Low risk HPV E6 protein can also tion that HPV positive HNSCC has a specific transcription profile
bind to E6-AP and complex to p53 but the binding does not lead depending partly on E6 and E7 expression. Weinberger et al. [55]
to p53 degradation. Two different regions of p53 can be bound showed that p16 protein status determined by immunohistochem-
by E6, a region in the carboxy terminus that is bound by both istry is reasonable surrogate marker for a biologically and clinically
low and high risk HPV E6’s and a core region that correlates with meaningful HPV infection in OSCC. The authors sought to deter-
p53 degradation [42]. Abrogation of the p53 pathway by E6 allows mine the incidence and clinical implications of biologically rele-
bypass of p53-mediated checkpoints. In ORSCC, we recently vant HPV16 infection in a cohort of 107 oropharyngeal squamous
showed that, repression of HPV type 16 E6/E7 expression using a cell cancers treated with primary radiotherapy or surgery followed
retrovirus mediated shRNA expression system in HPV type 16 oro- by postoperative radiotherapy at Yale University. HPV-16 DNA vir-
pharyngeal cancer cells is associated with a rapid restoration of al load was determined by Real-Time PCR. In addition, they con-
p53 and pRb tumor suppressor pathways and massive apoptosis structed a tissue array composed of these tumors and studied
[4]. expression of p53, pRb and p16 proteins using a quantitative
A unique characteristic of the high risk E6 oncoproteins is the in situ method of protein analysis (AQUA). They hypothesized that
presence of a PDZ binding motif on the extreme C-terminus, a mo- among HPV16 DNA positive cases, p16 expression status would
tif that is absent from all the low risk E6 oncoproteins and thereby determine the biologically relevant ones. Their results delineated
represents a molecular signature for oncogenic potential in the 3 tumor classes with distinct molecular and clinical features based
various HPV types [43,44]. Deletion of this motif in the context on HPV16 DNA presence and p16 expression status: one class of
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HPV16 negative/p16 non-expressing, one class of HPV16 positive/ expression and to alter cellular gene expression through mimicry
p16 non-expressing and one class HPV16 positive/p16 expressing or manipulation of downstream pathway responses [64].
oropharyngeal tumors. Overall survival in class III was 79% com- Papillomaviruses are associated with benign proliferative epi-
pared to the other two classes (20% and 18%, p = 0.0095). Dis- thelial lesions in their respective hosts. Since HPV gene expression
ease-free survival for the same class was 75% versus 15% and and replication is intimately linked to the differentiation state of
13% (p = 0.0025). The 5-year local recurrence was 14% in Class III the infected keratinocytes, Notch and Wnt pathways are crucial
versus 45% and 74% (p = 0.03). Only patients in class III had signif- for the papillomavirus life cycle.
icantly lower p53 and pRb expression (p = 0.017 and 0.001, respec-
tively). Multivariable survival analysis confirmed the prognostic HPV and Wnt signaling pathway
value of the 3-class model. The authors demonstrated that only Wnt ligands control several differentiation processes during
the HPV16 positive/p16 expressing tumors fit the cervical carcino- normal tissue homeostasis [65], and they are implicated in patho-
genesis model and they are the ones associated with favorable logic conditions such as in certain types of cancer [66]. In the ab-
prognosis. sence of Wnt ligands, b-catenin forms a ‘‘degradation complex’’
A comprehensive analysis by Slebos and colleagues, revealed with kinases and scaffold proteins, such as glycogen synthase ki-
that CDKN2A (encodes the tumor suppressor p16INK4a protein) nase-3b (GSK3b), casein kinase 1 and 2 (CK1 and CK2), adenoma-
was one of the most significant differentially expressed genes, tous polyposis coli (APC), and Axin2. This degradation complex
since its expression was highly upregulated in HPV+ group [56]. phosphorylates b-catenin at serine and threonine residues
In the same study, other genes identified to have higher expression inducing its ubiquitination and degradation. The activation of
in HPV+ group were the cell cycle regulators p18 and CDC7, the canonical Wnt signaling induces the phosphorylation of the intra-
transcription factors TAF7L, RFC4, RPA2, TFDP2 and the cell adhe- cellular Dishevelled (Dvl) protein, which eventually interacts with
sion molecule TCAM1. Another microarray study between HPV+ Axin2 and impedes the formation of the b-catenin degradation
and HPV HNSCCs by Schlecht et al. [57] revealed a similar expres- complex; this process leads to the accumulation and nuclear trans-
sion pattern for p18 and TFDP2 expression, that was also found to location of b-catenin. Once it is translocated into the nucleus, b-
be significantly upregulated in HPV+ group. However this study catenin binds members of the T-cell factor/lymphoid enhancer fac-
failed to validate upregulation of p16INK4a in HPV+ group as its tor (TCF/LEF) family of transcription factors, of which TCF4 is the
expression levels were low and did not meet the preset twofold best characterized. b-Catenin/TCF4 complexes control the expres-
expression threshold. A third microarray analysis by Martinez sion of several target genes that regulate cell polarity, proliferation,
et al. [58] succeeded to validate that expression of p16INK4a is and differentiation including c-jun, c-myc, cyclin D1 [67,68].
upregulated in HPV+ subgroup and furthermore, showed that the The participation of canonical Wnt pathway in cervical cancer is
expression of ZNF238, DNMT1, MCM3, AKR1C3, GRB10, TYK2 and evident because the nuclear accumulation of b-catenin correlates
SART3 were significantly upregulated in HPV+ HNSCC compared with tumor progression in human patients. Nuclear b-catenin is
to HPV HNSCC. Unfortunately, the reported gene expression pro- commonly found in human HPV16-positive invasive carcinoma
files show little overlap between studies, which complicates the biopsies, but it is uncommon in early dysplastic lesions [69,70].
data interpretation and the identification of important genes for Microarray expression studies conducted on cervical cancer tissues
tumorigenesis in head and neck epithelia [59]. A recent global identified alterations in the expression of regulators of the Wnt sig-
comparative proteomic analysis of HPV+ and HPV HNSCCs using naling pathway [71]. Recent experimental evidence suggests that
liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. revealed that a cluster Wnt signaling pathway is activated in HPV16-positive HNSCC
of minichromosome maintenance family members (MCM2,6 and and that the Siah-1–dependent ubiquitin/proteasome pathway
7) are significantly upregulated in HPV+ HNSCC and forms the most plays a significant/pivotal role for b-catenin degradation in
clearly differential set of proteins between these two subgroups HPV16-positive oropharyngeal cancer cell lines [72]. More specifi-
[60]. Minichromosome maintenance proteins function as helicases cally, according to these studies, nuclear b-catenin accumulation
for DNA unwinding in early stages of DNA replication during the seems to be a direct consequence of E6 and E7 oncoprotein expres-
cell cycle G1 phase and seems to represent a potential target for sion since viral E6/E7 expression is associated with downregula-
anticancer drug development. tion of the endogenous Seven in absentia homologue (Siah-1) E3
ubiquitin ligase which promotes the proteosomal degradation of
b-catenin through a mechanism independent of GSK3b mediated
Keratinocyte differentiation and manipulation of cellular pathways by phosphorylation. As a consequence, b-catenin is stabilized, translo-
HPV in head and neck epithelia cates into the nucleus and promotes the transcriptional activation
of b-catenin–responsive genes.
Wnt and Notch cell signaling pathways are essential in the reg- Smeets and colleagues showed that immortalization of normal
ulation of proliferation and differentiation responses during nor- oral keratinocytes (OKCs) by HPV E6 expression caused an activa-
mal development. Deregulation of Wnt and Notch signaling is tion of Wnt pathway which is in consistent with the finding that
associated with human cancers. Oncogenic activation of the Wnt/ nuclear b-catenin protein levels are upregulated in HNSCCs and
b-catenin was initially associated with colon cancer where truncat- HPV16-positive oropharyngeal cancer cell lines [73]. In this study,
ing mutations of APC and mutations of GSK3b phosphorylation the authors demonstrated that Wnt activation is associated with
sites of b-catenin are prevalent. Notch is an established tumor sup- p53 degradation induced by E6 expression, since the expression
pressor in the skin and in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia of a dominant negative mutant p53 (R175H) was able to cause a
[61,62]. Recent experimental studies also suggest that loss of func- similar activation of Wnt signaling pathway.
tion mutations in Notch receptors are associated with head and In accordance to these studies, comparative quantitative analysis of
neck, lung and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma [6,7,63]. It is protein expression for 13 different biomarkers in p16/HPV+, p16+/
also well established that Wnt and Notch pathways are attractive HPV+, p16+/HPV, p16/HPV subgroups of HNSCC using AQUA fluo-
targets for virus interaction and manipulation. Viruses that their rescent immunohistochemistry, validated b-catenin as biomarker that
life cycle is associated with the differentiation state of the host cell is significantly upregulated in p16+/HPV+ HNSCC tumors [74].
and the development of human cancers, such as Epstein-Barr virus The crucial role of viral E6 expression in activation of Wnt sig-
(EBV) and Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), use naling pathway in HPV type 16 positive epithelia has also been
components of these pathways to regulate their own viral gene confirmed by in vivo studies. An in vivo model study with a trans-
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genic mice expressing the full-length E6 oncoprotein in the basal Recent advances in our understanding of the molecular role of
layer of stratified epithelia under the control of human keratin Notch in HNSCC were provided by whole-exome sequencing stud-
14 promoter (K14E6 mice). This transgenic E6 strain was shown ies [6,7]. The most novel finding to emerge from these sequencing
to display skin hyperplasia and skin cancer at advanced ages and studies of HNSCC is the discovery of loss of function mutations
the expression of the E6 viral oncoprotein was associated with nu- within the NOTCH1 gene in 12–15% of cases, and within additional
clear accumulation of b-catenin and the transcriptional activation NOTCH family members in 3%–5%. Analysis of these exome
of b-catenin–responsive genes in skin epidermis [75]. Conversely, sequencing data also indicated that Notch ligands (JAG1, JAG2,
when the transgenic strain was expressing a truncated E6 oncopro- DLL1-4), were rarely mutated. The vast majority of Notch 1 muta-
tein that lacks the PDZ binding domain (K14E6deltaPDZ mice), nu- tions in HNSCC, were missense mutations that occurred at or near
clear b-catenin was not detected and b-catenin–responsive genes identified important domains such as the ligand-binding domain
were not transcriptionally activated. (EGF repeats 11, 12 and 13) or the ankyrin domains. In addition,
The synergy between Wnt signaling pathway and human papil- the detected nonsense mutations were predicted to result in trun-
lomavirus was also shown by another in vivo model study using cated Notch1 proteins lacking domains important for transcrip-
the double transgenic animal K14-E7/DN87bcat that expresses tional activation. These data suggest that Notch1 is acting as a
the E7 viral oncogene of HPV type 16 along with a constitutively tumor suppressor in head and neck epithelium.
active amino-terminal truncated b-catenin molecule under the The tumor suppressor role of Notch signaling in SCCs is still
control of keratin 14 promoter [76]. The K14-DN87bcat transgenic being characterized. However, Notch signaling does promote ter-
strain develops benign skin tumors but does not exhibit histopath- minal differentiation of keratinocytes. Papillomaviruses have
ologic charasteristics of cervical cancer while the K14-E7 strain evolved to couple the expression of their capsid proteins to termi-
displays cervical pathologies after 6 months of estrogen treatment. nal differentiation of keratinocytes. Since in the stratified epithelia
The authors analysed the incidence of invasive cervical cancer in Notch signaling has a central role in promoting terminal differen-
K14-E7, K14-DN87bcat and double transgenic K14-E7/DN87bcat tiation [78], one would expect E6 to modulate Notch signaling dur-
mice and they observed that invasive cervical cancer developed ing the viral cycle life in the upper cell layers of the papilloma.
in 50%, 11% and 94% of the transgenics at the age of 7 months Recently, several groups have reported that E6 protein from
old respectively, suggesting that the activation of Wnt pathway HPV5, HPV8 and other cutaneous b-HPVs repress Notch transcrip-
accelerates HPV16-E7 mediated cervical carcinogenesis. tional activation, and this repression is dependent on a direct inter-
action with the MAML1 [79–81]. MAML1 is a core component of
HPV and manipulation of Notch signaling pathway the transcriptional activation complex that mediates the effects
The Notch receptor and Notch ligands are single-pass trans- of the canonical Notch signaling pathway. Binding of cutaneous
membrane proteins that influence cell fate decisions, proliferation, b- HPV E6 to MAML1 was found to repress transactivation by
and differentiation. In mammals, there are four Notch receptors, MAML1. The N-terminal basic domain of MAML1 interacts with
Notch1, 2, 3, and 4, the ligands include Jagged-1and -2 and Del- the ankyrin repeats of the intracellular domain of Notch receptor
ta-like-1, -3, and -4. Ligand binding is followed by two cleavages and the DNA-binding factor CSL [77]. Figure 2 presents an over-
of the Notch receptor by ADAM metalloprotease and gamma- view of Wnt and Notch signaling manipulation by HPV. Mapping
secretase complex, leading to the release of the Notch intracellular the interaction between the paplillomavirus E6 protein and
domain (NICD). NICD enters the nucleus and targets the DNA bind- MAML1 revealed an acidic domain with an LXXLL motif at the C-
ing protein CSL (CBF1/Suppressor of Hairless/Lag-1). In the absence terminal fragment of MAML1 that seems to be critical for the
of signaling, DNA-bound CSL is associated with a corepressor com- MAML1-HPV E6 protein complex formation. This acidic domain is
plex. Upon Notch signaling, the corepressor complex is displaced part of transcription activation domain 2 (TAD2) which is required
by NotchICD and the coactivator Mastermind, up-regulating target for transcription in vivo and has been proposed to interact with
genes containing CSL binding sites [77].
Figure 2. Manipulation of Wnt and Notch signaling pathway by HPV E6 and E7 proteins.
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additional unknown cellular proteins necessary for Notch tran- the PI3K pathway (PIK3CA, PIK3AP1, PIK3C2A, PIK3C2B, PIK3C2G,
scriptional activation [82]. PIK3CB, PIK3CD, PIK3CG, PIK3IP1, PIK3R1/2/3/4/5/6, AKT1/2/3,
It is worth noting that in these studies, the expression levels of mTOR, PTEN, PDK1, TSC1/2, RICTOR and RPTOR) was the most fre-
endogenous Notch target genes were found repressed by b-HPV E6 quently mutated oncogenic pathway (30.5%). Although the number
proteins. These findings elucidate a mechanism of viral antagonism of HPV-positive HNSCC tumors in their cohort was relatively small
of Notch signaling, and suggest that Notch signaling is an impor- (15 cases), authors were able to identify a subset of HPV positive
tant epithelial cell pathway target for the human papillomavirus. HNSCC tumors (3/15, 20%) where PIK3CA or PIK3R1 was the only
However our knowledge about how mucosal a-HPVs manipulate mutated cancer gene, suggesting that the tumor progression in this
the Notch signaling is still poor and future studies on the field need subset of HPV positive tumors is driven by PI3K pathway muta-
to focus on the mechanism of Notch inhibition by high risk a-HPVs tions alone without any further genomic alterations in critical
encoded E6 proteins and the biological implications of inhibition. oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes.
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Please cite this article in press as: Rampias T et al. Molecular mechanisms of HPV induced carcinogenesis in head and neck. Oral Oncol (2013), http://