International Law Tutorial 1

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International law tuto 1

1. What is Interntional law? 

International law, also called public international law or law of nations, the body of legal rules,
norms, and standards that apply between sovereign states and other entities that are legally
recognized as international actors. International law is necessary to allow sovereign states to co-exist
peacefully with one and another. Apart from that for an individual or other entities to enjoy freedom
in international scale, it can only be worked out through international law.

2. Differences between Private and Public International Law?

3. Differences between national and international legal system. 

International law deals with relationship between states meanwhile national law only deals with the
relationship within the state and the laws are not applicable outside the state’s borders.

4. Major legal systems of the World?

civil law, common law, customary law, religious law, and mixed legal systems ( refer to legal systems
where two or more of the above legal systems work together) .

5. Legal system practised by Malaysia practice of Interntional law in Malaysia. 

6.Sources of International Law

 International conventions (Treaties)

 International Custom

 General principles of law 

 Case law 

 Teachings of Highly Qualified Publicists

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