India Science and Technology
India Science and Technology
India Science and Technology
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1 author:
Bidyarthi Dutta
Vidyasagar University
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IndiIndia Science and Technology Volume 3 (ed: Banerjee, P., Bhattacharya, S., Kumar, V., Mandal, K., Mehra, K.,
Pohit, S., Raina, R.S., Suman, S.), Cambridge University Press: New Delhi, 2015, 600 pages, ISBN 9789384463045.
a wide range of issues related to Science, Technology and Concerning the distribution of skill generation across
Innovation (STI) in India. various disciplines in higher education, this book reported
that out of the total enrolments of students, 37.09%
It is a fact that, with 356 million 10-24 year-olds, India students are in the faculty of Arts, followed by 18.64%
has the world’s largest youth population despite having a in Science and 17.57% in Commerce/Management during
smaller population than China, as reported by the United the academic year 2011-12. The remaining 26.7% are in
Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) State of the World’s the professional faculties. Among it, the engineering/
Population report. It said that developing countries with technology discipline has the highest share, i.e. 16.05%,
large youth populations could see their economies soar, while only 3.52% are studying Medical courses. As a result,
provided they invest heavily in young people’s education while India does not fare too bad in respect of engineer
and health and protect their rights. Within this generation to population ratio, doctor to population ratio is miserably
are 600 million adolescent girls with specific needs, low, i.e. 1:1700, while the global average is 1.5:1000. Also,
challenges, and aspirations for the future, the report said. the growth of educational infrastructure in terms of number
The report titled ‘The power of 1.8 billion’, said 28 per- of colleges, universities, and technical institutes is more
cent of India’s population is 10 to 24 year-olds, adding skewed towards south central, south and northwest region
that the youth population is growing fastest in the poorest and urban centric. Thus, the eastern part of India, hinter-
nations. The global number of youths is highest ever. As land, and rural India lags behind.
the world is home to 1.8 billion young people between the
ages of 10 and 24 years, 9 in 10 of the world’s young popu- The data in the book revealed that in the non-formal
lation live in less developed countries. “Never before have education sector, in spite of substantial increase in public
there been so many young people. Never again is there and private Industrial Training Institutes, only about
likely to be such potential for economic and social prog- 14 lakh persons could be trained in 2012-13 against a target
ress. How we meet the needs and aspirations of young of 85 lakhs. In the area of Manufacturing Industry, the
people will define our common future,” the report said.[1] number of enterprises grew at a rate of 3.52% per annum,
At this juncture, the human resources in the field of STI and employment grew at 3.9% per annum and value added
in India are of extremely importance since the country has by 5.61% per annum. Labour productivity, measured in
the potential to contribute maximally to the global youth terms of value added to labour, increased at a rate of
population. Different issues under the purview of human 2.57% per annum. Major growth was marked in service
resources are considered here. The inferences based on sector particularly like financial intermediaries, real estate,
analysis of data pertaining to school education, higher renting and business service, health and social works and
education, privatization of education, non-formal education other services. Also, nearly one-third of the manufacturing
are important. output was produced in the western part (Gujarat and
Maharashtra together) absorbing roughly one-fourth of
The data presented in this book assert that the country the total employment. The eastern region states, on the
needs to worry about the quality and preparedness of the other hand, are continuously losing their prominence.
youth for productive and challenging S & T activities. It is In terms of capital-labour ratio, Gujarat was at the top
revealed from the book that the expenditure in education followed by Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Orissa,
escalated from 1.3% of GDP in 1990-91 to 4.4% of GDP Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka. Capital intensity in regis-
in 2009-10. The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) was 83% tered manufacturing increased dramatically in Orissa during
for elementary education in 2011, which is not too bad the period.
compared to countries like China, USA, and the UK. But
India is far behind the countries like China, USA, and UK India ranks second or third among countries that ‘export’
in respect of GER in higher education. We have shocked human resources to other countries. The data in the
to know that in the Indian higher education system, out book revealed that the Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)
of the total enrolled students, only 12.26% is enrolled at have acquired better S&T expertise, are financially better-off
the Master’s level, and 0.79% is enrolled in research. Also, and have good negotiating skills through better networks.
the striking fact is that, among the choices of the stream, India currently spends 0.9% of GDP on research and
science stream enrolment is coming down in comparison development (R&D) compared to 2.7% in the USA.
with the commerce stream. The arts stream also shows While the bulk of India’s research funding continues to
a steady decline from 60% in the 1970s to 50% in 2007. flow from the government, public funding as a proportion
Ph.D. enrolments, on the other hand, show a steady com- of total R&D expenditure fell from over 80% in 1990-09
pounded growth rate of around 13.6% from 1981 to 2001. to 66% by 2007-08 [2]. The book revealed that the largest
increase in national publication share was observed in Citation Index (ICI). There are several other databases
pharmacology, toxicology, and pharmaceutics followed like, Google Scholar, Astrophysics Data System (ADS),
by medicine and computer science from 1996-03 to 2004-11. Physics Abstracts, INSPEC Database, COMPENDEX
The global publication share of India was highest (6.42) Database, (for measuring article level
in veterinary science followed by chemistry (4.98), phar- metrics), (for measuring author-level
macology, toxicology and pharmaceutics (4.3), agriculture
metrics), (for measuring article level
and biosciences (3.98), material science (3.88), environ
metrics), (for measuring journal
mental science (3.59), chemical engineering (3.51), and
physics and astronomy (3.44). The largest share of level metrics), NSTMIS datasets [], Publish
international collaborative papers (30.95%) of India or Perish (POP) Software (for measuring author-level
was observed in physics and astronomy followed by metrics),etc [3]. There should be at least one or two chapters
mathematics and earth sciences during 1996 to 2010. dedicated to the integration of available data from all their
The largest citation impact (10.72) of Indian papers as sources. This book is a rich source of data their analysis.
reflected in citation per paper was observed in neurosci- It would be of wide use, especially for policy-makers and
ences followed by chemical engineering, biochemistry, analysts of various subject fields. It is useful to people
and genetics & molecular biology. The global share of interested in seeking information in various fields. It is a
Indian S&T publication output increased from 1.9% to very potential source of information on India’s R&D in
2.8% from 2000-05 to 2006-11. India’s global share of various areas of S&T.
highly cited papers increased marginally from 0.3% to
0.6% during the period 2000-11. The number of Indian
papers in high impact factor journals is very small, which REFERENCES
is a very disappointing feature.
1. The Hindu (2016), “India has World’s Largest Youth Population:
While the number of researchers in the country is UN Report”, retrieved from on
increasing, data on the number of active researchers, i.e. November 11, 2016.
2. Gupta, B. M., Bala, A., &Kshitig, A. (2013). S&T Publications
those with sustained scientific publication record, suggest
Output of India: A Scientometric Analyses of Publications Output,
high drop-out rates. The analysis of newspaper coverage 1996-2011. Library Philosophy & Practice.
shows that the negative consequences of technologies, 3. Das, Anup Kumar (2015). Research Evaluation Metrics; Open
environmental health issues, ethical-legal issues, etc. are Access for Researchers, 4. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, ISBN:
hardly discussed. The growing trend of national patents 9789231000829.
accompanied by the substantial increase of the inventors
is suggested here.