Conditional Density Estimation With Spatially Dependent Data
Conditional Density Estimation With Spatially Dependent Data
Conditional Density Estimation With Spatially Dependent Data
Estimating conditional distributions for the analysis of convergence is usually done using a
standard kernel smoother (Quah, 1997) but this is known to be biased. Hyndman et al. (1996)
thus suggest a conditional density estimator with a mean function specified by a local polyno-
mial smoother, i.e. one with better bias properties. However, even in this case, the estimated
conditional mean might be incorrect when observations are spatially dependent.
In the present paper, we investigate possible developments of the mean bias correction
procedure to allow for spatial dependence. In particular, we consider extending usual local
linear regression (along the lines of Mathins-Filho and Yao, 2009) by considering a two step
method where information on spatial dependence is incorporated in the error covariance matrix,
estimated nonparametrically. The finite sample performance of our proposed procedure is then
shown via Monte Carlo simulations for various data generating processes.
Finally, it is interesting to note that such an approach would have rather general applicability
as it could be employed whenever a local polynomial regression is estimated and the researcher
suspects that data might be (spatially) dependent.
1 Introduction
Distribution dynamics (Quah, 1993 a and b, 1996 a and b, 1997) represents a rather recent
approach to the analysis of convergence whose distinctive feature is to examine directly the
evolution of the cross-sectional distribution of per capita income1 .
In simple terms, consider a group of n economies and indicate with Yi,t per capita income of
economy i at time t (relative to the group average). Now, denote with F (Yt ) the distribution
of Yt and, assuming it admits a density, indicate this density with f (Yt ). Finally, assume that
the dynamics of F (Yt ), or equivalently of f (Yt ), can be modelled as a first order process. As a
result, the density prevailing at time t + s is given by
Z ∞
f (Yt+s ) = f (Yt+s |Yt ) f (Yt ) dY (1)
where the stochastic kernel f (Yt+s |Yt ) maps the density at time t into the density at time
t + s. This element is the corner-stone of the approach as its (nonparametric) estimate provides
information both on the change in the external shape of the distribution and, more importantly,
on the movement of the economies from one part of the distribution to another between time
t and time t + s.
Effectively, the stochastic kernel in equation (1) is a conditional density function, a non-
paramentric estimate of which can be obtained by dividing the estimate of the joint probability
density function f (Yt , Yt+s ) by the estimate of the marginal probability density function f (Yt ):
fˆ (Yt , Yt+s )
fˆ (Yt+s |Yt ) = (2)
fˆ (Yt )
The most commonly adopted method to obtain such an estimate is the kernel density estima-
tor. However, Hyndman et al. (1996) suggest that this popular estimator might have poor
bias properties. To clarify this, consider the following general setting: assume X and Y are
For discussions about the merits of the approach relative to alternative ones and, in particular, to β-
convergence see, among others, Durlauf and Quah, 1999; Islam, 2003; Magrini, 2004 and 2009; Durlauf et al.,
an explanatory and a dependent variable, respectively; also, denote by {(X1 , Y1 ), (X2 , Y2 ),
. . ., (Xn , Yn )} a sample of length n, and by {(x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), . . ., (xn , yn )} the observations.
Indicate the conditional mean with m(x) = E(Y |X = x) so that:
where the j are zero mean and independent, although not necessarily identically distributed.
The kernel estimator of the conditional density of Y conditional on X = x is:
fˆ(y|x) =
wj (x)Kb (y − Yj ) (4)
Ka (x − Xj )
wj (x) = Pn (5)
j=1 Ka (x − Xj )
a and b are bandwidth parameters controlling the smoothness in, respectively, the X dimension
and the Y dimension, Kb (u) = b−1 K( ub ) is a scaled kernel function and K(.) is assumed to be a
real value, integrable and non negative even function2 . In addition, the mean of the conditional
density estimator in (4) provides an estimator of the conditional mean function m(x):
Z n
Y fˆ(y|x)dy =
m̂(x) = wj (x)Yj . (6)
As highlighted by Hyndman et al. (1996), note that the estimator in (6) is equivalent to
the local constant (or Nadaraya-Watson) regression estimator. This is known to be biased
on the boundary of the X space and also in the interior, especially when the mean function is
characterized by an evident curvature or simply the scatter plot of the design points is irregular.
Calling this bias in the estimated mean as the mean-bias of a conditional density estimators,
it follows that the kernel estimator of a conditional density shown in (4) can have a large
For further details about the properties of the kernel function, see, for example, Azzalini and Bowman
As an alternative, Hyndman et al. (1996) then propose a new class of conditional density
estimators, defined as:
fˆ∗ (y|x) = wj (x)Kb y − Yj∗ (X)
where Yj∗ (x) = m̂(x) + ej − i=1 wi (x)ei , and Ei = Yi − m̂(xi ), i = 1, ..., n.
By construction, the mean-bias of the estimator in (7) is equal to a previously estimated
m̂(x). Clearly, this means that when m̂(x) is the Nadaraya-Watson smoother, the estimator
reverts to the traditional kernel density estimator in (4). More importantly, it also suggests
that a lower mean-bias con be obtained by employing a smoother with better bias properties
than kernel smoothing. One such smoother is, for instance, the local linear estimator (Loader,
1999): Pn Pn
j=1 Ka (x − Xj )Yj Ka (x − Xj )(Xj − X̄w )Yj
m̂(x) = Pn + (x − X̄w ) Pj=1
n 2
j=1 Ka (x − Xj ) j=1 Ka (x − Xj )(Xj − X̄w )
where Pn
j=1 Ka (x − Xj )Xj
X̄w = Pn
j=1 Ka (x − Xj )
Y = ρW Y + βX − λW βX + (9)
where X and Y are n×1 vectors, is a n×1 vector of innovations, −1 < ρ < 1 and −1 < λ < 1.
W is a n×n spatial weights matrix with non negative wij elements and zeros on the diagonal. A
special case of the above model is the Spatial Lag Model, derived from (9) when the constraint
λ = 0 holds:
Y = ρW Y + βX + (10)
Another commonly considered case is the Spatial Error Model, which can be derived from
model (9) when the constraint becomes ρ = λ:
Y = βX + u
u = λW u +
Y = m(X) + u
u = λW u +
As for the estimation of a nonparametric regression when data exhibit spatial dependence,
Robinson (2008, 2009) derives consistency and asymptotic distribution theory for the local
constant regression estimator for various kinds of spatial data, including those generated by
model (12) for u on a lattice of arbitrary dimension. Other authors (for example, Xiao et al.,
2003; Lin and Carroll, 2000; Ruckstuhl et al., 2000; Wang, 2003) study possible extensions
of the nonparametric regression to a non i.i.d. errors setting, where errors can be correlated
It is also possible to generalize further; for example, one could have Y = g(W Y, m(X)) + u, where u =
λW u +
and heteroschedastic. In all cases, however, a parametric structure for the dependence must be
assumed beforehand. In the present paper, we propose a two step procedure for nonparametric
regression with spatially dependent data that does not require a priori parametric assumptions
on spatial dependence as information on its structure is instead drawn from a nonparametric
estimate of the errors spatial covariance matrix.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In the second Section we present our procedure,
after illustrating three issues connected to our proposal: i) nonparametric regression with
spatial dependent error terms, ii) nonparametric estimation of the spatial covariance matrix
and iii) the bandwidth selection using spatial dependence. In the third Section we present the
finite sample experiment we realized and the results.
define z = P −1 (θ0 )Y + (I − P −1 (θ0 ))m̂(X), so that the modified model becomes
which is shown (MFY, 2009; Theorem 3) to be an improvement over the traditional local linear
estimator having bias of the same order, but an asymptotic distribution with strictly smaller
variance. These properties continue to hold if matrix V is not known and has to be replaced by
an estimate V̂ , but the latter must be consistent in order to guarantee the asymptotic properties
to hold also for the feasible version of the estimator (MFY, 2009; Theorem 3).
V = σ 2 [(I − λW )0 (I − λW )] (14)
The elements of the covariance matrix V can be also represented directly (for example,
Arbia, 2006) as some function of the distance between pairs of sites. Hence, a spatial covariance
function can be defined as follows:
where dij is the distance between sites i,j and f (.) is a decaying function such that ∂dij
< 0,
|f (dij , φ| ≤ 1 and φ is an appropriate vector of parameters. Following this approach, the
full matrix of spatial covariance is V = σ 2 Ω(dij , φ), which must be positive definite and with
elements wij ∈ Ω, such that |wij | ≤ 1 for each i and j 4 . The direct representation of the spatial
Now every element of the covariance matrix is modeled so that the problem of nonstationary of the SAR
model is overcome.
covariance matrix has the obvious advantage of being parsimonious; in the present context,
it has the even more important advantage of allowing a nonparametric estimation of spatial
dependence instead of requiring a parametric estimate of λ to be plugged-in in (14) and the
specification of a matrix of spatial weights.
Given our aim of estimating nonparametrically the spatial covariance of the error terms of
a nonparametric regression, we then follow Bjørnstad and Falk (2001) (hereafter, BF), who
develop a continuous nonparametric positive semidefinite estimator of the covariance function,
called spline correlogram, building on the work of Hall and coworkers (Hall and Patil, 1994;
Hall et al., 1994).
Hall and Patil (1994) propose a kernel estimator of the spatial autocorrelation function
ρ(si , sj ). This estimator, based on the sample correlation
(zi − z̄)(zj − z̄)
ρ̂ij = (16)
1/n nl=1 (zl − z̄)2
where z̄ = 1/n l=1 zl is the sample mean, is as follows:
Pn Pn
i=1 j=1 K(dij /h)(ρ̂ij )
ρ̃(d) = Pn Pn (17)
i=1 j=1 K(dij /h)
where K is a kernel function and h is a bandwidth. The authors also showed the asymptotic
properties of the kernel estimator in (17) for certain values of h.
BF (2001) propose several improvements over the estimator in (17). Firstly, they use a cubic
B-spline as an equivalent kernel smoother because it seems to adapt better to irregularly spaced
data and produces a consistent estimate of the covariance function (Hyndman and Wand, 1997).
The asymptotic kernel function for the cubic B-spline5 is (see Green and Silverman (1994) for
more details): ! !
1 |u| |u| π
K(u) = exp − √ sin − √ + (18)
2 2 2 4
Secondly, the estimator ρ̃ must be not only consistent, but also positive semidefinite. This means
(Bochner’s theorem) that the Fourier transformed function has to be strictly non-negative and
The degree of smoothing is represented by the equivalent degrees of freedom, corresponding to the number
of effective parameters that are involved in the fit.
this is not guaranteed by the estimator in equation (17). Hence, BF use the Fourier-filter
methods by Hall et al. (1994): firstly the Fourier transform of ρ̃i j is obtained, then all negative
excursions of the transformed function are set to zero and finally, by backtransformation, a non
parametric positive semidefinite estimate of the spatial covariance is obtained.
The end result is a nonparametric estimator of the spatial correlation which BF call spline
correlogram. The assumptions6 on which this estimator is based are: i) data are generated
from a second order stationary random field, i.e. the expectation and covariance function do
not change through space; ii) the field is isotropic, i.e. the covariance only depends on distance
and not direction; iii) data are Gaussian. Under these circumstances, the spatial correlation
function is ρ(si , sj ) = 1/σ 2 γ(si , sj ).
This test statistics is used to test for the null hypothesis of no spatial dependence in the
residuals. The significance of non zero values of I can be established using the asymptotic
normal distribution. However, especially when the data do not comply with all the hypotheses,
consistency of the tests is proved when the reference distribution of the I statistics obtained
These assumptions coincide with the occurrence of data generated by a SAR model when each site has an
identical number of neighbours. The latter condition guarantees second order stationarity.
under random permutation of the residuals. However, for moderate to large sample sizes, the
sample values of I will be based on a large number of pairs and so the critical values for testing
the null hypothesis can be often approximated using a normal distribution with mean and
standard error of Iˆ under random permutation of the residuals.
From an operational point of view, an appropriate value for the bandwidth can therefore be
chosen as follows: i) select a grid of possible values for the bandwidth h; ii) compute Moran’s
I on the residuals from each of possible values of h; iii) plot these as a function of h and
then choose the value of h such that I matches its expected value. In other words, if a good
specification for the model is reached, a reasonable value for h is the one that guarantees that
the null hypothesis of no spatial dependence in the residuals is accepted.
1. Pilot fit: estimate m(X) with a local polynomial smoother, where h is in fact a nearest
neighbour smoothing parameter such that the width of each smoothing neighborhood
covers 30% of the data. As for the degree of the polynomial, we consider p = 0, 1. Thus
the local constant and the local linear estimators are effectively used. The output is
û = Y − m̂(X).
2. Non parametric covariance matrix estimation: using BF (2001) spline correlogram, obtain
V̂ , the estimated spatial covariance matrix of û.
3. Final fit: feed the procedure with the information obtained from the estimate of the
spatial covariance matrix V̂ by running a modified regression where Y is replaced by
Z = m̂(X) + L−1 û and L is obtained by taking the Cholevsky decomposition of V̂ .
The nonparametric estimate m̌ resulting from this second fit is done by choosing the
bandwidth parameter with a modified version of the RSA criterion7 suggested by ES
(2002). In particular, the adaptations we introduced to the original RSA criterion are:
• the spatial weight matrix for conducting the test is constructed as follows: from the
spline-based estimate of spatial correlation function V̂ , we determine the distance dzc
at which correlation becomes zero; next, we define locations i and j to be neighbours,
and set wij = 1, if their distance dij is smaller than dzc ; otherwise, we set wij = 0.
has been compared in case of data generated from linear systems:
Y =X +u
u = λW u +
where X ∼ N (100, 1) and ∼ N (0, 1). The distance matrix is based on euclidean distances
computed over spatial coordinates generated as independent draws from U (0, 1000). The spatial
weights matrix is obtained as a k-neighbours contiguity matrix, where k is 20% of the number
of observations.
Secondly, the performance of all estimators has been compared in case of data generated
from non linear systems:
Y = m(X) + u
u = λW u +
where m(X) = sin(2X) + 2e−2X , X, and W are generated as described above.
Various values of parameter λ have been considered, in particular λ = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, in order
to establish the performance for situations where spatial dependence is absent, weak, medium
and strong. The simulated data set length is N = 50, 100, 200 and the number of Monte Carlo
simulations is 2000. The Moran’s I statistics significance (α = 0.05) has been established using
999 random permutations.
The estimation methods we used are: our procedure implemented both with a local constant
and a local linear estimator (in the tables SNP0 and SNP1); traditional local constant and local
linear (in the tables NP0 and NP1); Ordinary Least Squares (in the tables OLS).
In tables 1-12 (at the end of the paper) we present the results of our simulations. Specifically,
we report in tables 1, 3 and 5, the percentages of rejections of the null hypothesis of absence
of spatial dependence in the residuals for linear systems; in tables 7, 9 and 11, we report the
corresponding percentages for non linear systems. The idea is that the better the estimate, the
more dependence is captured by m̂(X), the less the Moran’s I null hypothesis is rejected.
In tables 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 we report the corresponding Monte Carlo mean and standard
deviation of Moran’s I index. The smaller the value of I, the better the diagnostics on the
residuals because the lower is the degree of spatial dependence left in the residuals.
As we can see from the tables, nonparametric methods (NP0, NP1, SNP0, SNP1) work in
general better than OLS. They tend to reject the null hypothesis of spatial independence in the
residuals less often as well as they exhibit smaller values of Moran’s I index. This is confirmed
both for linear and non linear systems, although this less evident in the linear case as, here,
the OLS represents a rival very difficult to beat.
Among nonparametric methods, the SNP procedure visibly outperforms the traditional
polynomial regression; for both ploynomial degrees, SNP appears able to detect the spatial
structure in the system and consequently to estimate m(X) leaving no spatial dependence in
the residuals.
As expected, best preformances of the SNP procedure are obtained for 0 ≤ λ ≤ 0.4. This
is particularly evident in the non linear case where the percentage of rejection does not exceed
0.05 even for λ = 0.4.
Obvioulsy, the highest percentages of rejection are found when λ = 0.8. However, it must
be emphasised that the percentages achieved by the SNP procedure are considerably lower than
those obtaiened by the other methods.
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Table 1: Moran’ I empirical probability of rejections - N=50 Linear Systems
Table 2: Moran’ I Monte Carlo mean (sd in parenthesis) - N=50 Linear Systems
Table 3: Moran’ I empirical probability of rejections - N=100 Linear Systems
Table 4: Moran’ I Monte Carlo mean (sd in parenthesis) - N=100 Linear Systems
Table 5: Moran’ I empirical probability of rejections - N=200 Linear Systems
Table 6: Moran’ I Monte Carlo mean (sd in parenthesis) - N=200 Linear Systems
Table 7: Moran’ I empirical probability of rejections - N=50 Non Linear Systems
Table 8: Moran’ I Monte Carlo mean (sd in parenthesis) - N=50 Non Linear Systems
Table 9: Moran’ I empirical probability of rejections - N=100 Non Linear Systems
Table 10: Moran’ I Monte Carlo mean (sd in parenthesis) - N=100 Non Linear Systems
Table 11: Moran’ I empirical probability of rejections - N=200 Non Linear Systems
Table 12: Moran’ I Monte Carlo mean (sd in parenthesis) - N=200 Non Linear Systems