Associations Between Ambient Air Pollution and Daily Mortality Amongpersons With Congestive Heart Failure
Associations Between Ambient Air Pollution and Daily Mortality Amongpersons With Congestive Heart Failure
Associations Between Ambient Air Pollution and Daily Mortality Amongpersons With Congestive Heart Failure
We conducted a mortality time series study to investigate the association between daily mortality for congestive heart failure
(CHF), and daily concentrations of particles and gaseous pollutants in the ambient air of Montreal, Quebec, during the period
1984–1993. In addition, using data from the universal Quebec Health Insurance Plan, we identified individuals X65 years of age
who, one year before death, had a diagnosis of CHF. Fixed-site air pollution monitors in Montreal provided daily mean levels of
pollutants. We regressed the logarithm of daily counts of mortality on the daily mean levels of each pollutant, after accounting for
seasonal and subseasonal fluctuations in the mortality time series, non-Poisson dispersion, weather variables, and other gaseous and
particle pollutants. Using cause of death information, we did not find any associations between daily mortality for CHF and any air
pollutants. The analyses of CHF defined from the medical record showed positive associations with coefficient of haze, the
extinction coefficient, SO2, and NO2. For example, the mean percent increase in daily mortality for an increase in the coefficient of
haze across the interquartile range was 4.32% (95% CI: 0.95–7.80%) and for NO2 it was 4.08% (95% CI: 0.59–7.68%). These
effects were generally higher in the warm season.
r 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Keywords: Mortality; Time series; Congestive heart failure; Ambient air pollution; Particulates; Nitrogen dioxide
0013-9351/03/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 3 - 9 3 5 1 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 2 2 - 1
M.S. Goldberg et al. / Environmental Research 91 (2003) 8–20 9
studies in which CHF has been investigated, it was the mix of patients that consulted them. As well, the
found generally that daily hospitalizations for CHF QHIP paid the costs of prescriptions for persons aged 65
(Burnett et al., 1997; Morris et al., 1995; Morris and and over. The information on dispensed prescriptions
Naumova, 1998; Poloniecki et al., 1997; Schwartz, 1997) included the date, the name and generic type of
and daily mortality among persons with CHF (Kwon medication, quantity, duration of prescription, and
et al., 2001) increased when levels of ambient particles authorization for refills.
and gaseous pollutants increased. In the present paper, We classified a subject as having CHF before death if
we present a time series investigation to determine (Goldberg et al., 2000): (1) for ages under 65 years, there
whether persons with preexisting CHF are at higher risk were at least two recorded billings with a diagnosis of
of dying when levels of ambient air pollution increase. ICD9 428 and (2) for ages 65 years and over, there were
at least two recorded billings with a diagnosis of ICD9
428 or one billing with ICD9 428 and at least one
2. Materials and methods prescription for diuretics. We used a 1-year time window
for these events to account for broad variations in the
2.1. The study population frequency of physician visits, missing diagnostic infor-
mation on the billing record (about one-half of the
The study took place in Montreal, Quebec, a large billing records have diagnoses listed), and variations in
metropolitan area that experiences relatively low levels how pharmaceuticals are prescribed by physicians.
of air pollution (Goldberg et al., 2000; 2001a, b).
Subjects were residents of Montreal who died in the 2.3. Air pollution and weather data
metropolitan area during the period 1984–1993 and who
were registered with the universal Quebec Health Measurements of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen
Insurance Plan (QHIP). They were first identified from dioxide (NO2), and carbon monoxide (CO) were made
the computerized provincial database of death certifi- every 2 h at fixed-site monitoring stations in Montreal.
cates and each deceased subject was then linked to the SO2 was measured at 13 stations using ultraviolet
population register of the QHIP. fluorescence and electrical conductivity from changes
in chemical composition of a bromine solution (Philips
2.2. Definitions of CHF 9700 and Monitor Lab 8850); NO2 was measured at
eight stations using chemiluminescence (Thermo Elec-
We conducted separate analyses for subjects (1) who tron 14B); and CO was measured at 12 stations using
had an underlying cause of death of CHF (International infrared absorption (Thermo Electron 48). The coeffi-
Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD9), 428 cient of haze (COH), which measures organic and
(World Health Organization, 1980)) or (2) who were inorganic carbon, was also measured every 2 h at several
attributed as having CHF before dying from a natural fixed-site monitoring stations in Montreal. Particle mass
cause (independent of the cause provided on the death (total suspended particles (TSP)), particles having
certificate). For the latter, we made use of diagnoses and aerodynamic diameters of 10 mm and under and 2.5 mm
specific health services rendered by physicians both in and under (PM10, PM2.5, respectively), and sulfate from
and out of hospital as well as filled prescriptions these metrics) was measured at a frequency of every 6
reimbursed by the QHIP. The QHIP provides universal days (Brook et al., 1997a, b). From July 1992 to
coverage for all costs of medical services dispensed in- September 1995, the measurement schedule for PM10
province and it provides complete or partial coverage and PM2.5 increased at one site to daily sampling. We
for services and hospital admissions out-of-province. also made use of measurements of daily total sulfates
Individuals are given unique health insurance plan (1986–1993) from an acid rain monitoring station at
numbers and these are recorded on each medical Sutton, Quebec, a rural community about 150 km
transaction and are used administratively to check the southeast from the city. These data represent back-
validity of claims. Physicians are paid by the QHIP on a ground levels throughout southwest Quebec, including
fee-for-service basis and out-of-province health care is Montreal (Brook et al., 1997b). The average correlation
paid by the patient and reimbursed partially or in full by between sulfates measured at this station and the two
the QHIP. This leads to almost complete reporting to Montreal stations was 0.9.
the QHIP. Laboratory tests and the results from these Visibility, barometric pressure, temperature, total
tests are not part of the database. When submitting each precipitation (distinguishing snow from rain), relative
bill for service, the physician had the option to record humidity, and dew point temperature were measured at
one ICD9 diagnostic code. Unlike the billing data, Dorval International Airport. Visibility was converted
which are examined by the QHIP for consistency and into an extinction coefficient (a measure of light
accuracy, diagnoses were not verified. In addition, most scattering and absorption, due mostly to sulfates) after
physicians used a restricted set of ICD9 codes reflecting accounting for relative humidity (Delfino et al., 1994;
10 M.S. Goldberg et al. / Environmental Research 91 (2003) 8–20
Kinney and Ozkaynak, 1991; Ozkaynak et al., 1985). measure of the deviance) from among various sets of
We used the measurement at noon when there was no models that included different weather variables across
precipitation or the hour closest to noon without lags 0–5 days.
precipitation. Filtered and weather-adjusted single-pollutant models
We also developed statistical models to estimate fine using daily mean values for the concurrent day across
particle mass and sulfates from PM2.5 (hereafter referred the fixed-site monitoring stations were considered. We
to as predicted PM2.5) when measurements during 1986– also estimated mortality with the previous day’s level of
1993 were not taken (Goldberg et al., 2000; 2001a, b). air pollution (lag 1 day) as well as with the average of
COH, the extinction coefficient, and total sulfates from lags of 0–2 days (referred to as the ‘‘3-day mean’’). These
Sutton were used as predictor variables, and the R2 for lag periods were selected a priori in order to investigate
the prediction model was 0.72 for PM2.5 and for sulfate the short-term effects of pollution on mortality. Because
from PM2.5 it was 0.80. pollutants can vary considerably by season, especially
ozone and particles, we also assessed associations
according to a ‘‘cold season’’ (October–March) and a
2.4. Statistical methods ‘‘warm season’’ (April–September). Last, we were
interested in determining whether effects of pollution
For the two definitions of CHF, separate analyses may affect women and men differently and, thus,
were conducted to estimate associations with daily levels separate analyses were conducted according to sex.
of air pollution and day of death. In both sets of Assuming linearity in the response function for the air
analyses, we excluded subjects whose deaths were from pollution variables, we estimated the relative increase in
accidents, poisonings, and injuries (ICD9 X800). We the logarithmic number of daily deaths per unit increase
ignored the underlying cause of death in the analyses in the concentration of the various pollutants. The
that made use of QHIP data to identify persons with percent change in the mean number of daily deaths for
CHF before death. Average daily concentrations of an increase of pollutant equal to its interquartile range
pollutants were used in all analyses, and these were was calculated (referred to as the mean percent change
derived by taking a simple daily average for each in daily mortality (MPC)). Associated upper and lower
monitor and then averaging these to obtain a final daily 95% confidence limits (95% CI) on the mean percent
mean value. We assumed that the daily counts of death change were obtained assuming that the estimated
were distributed approximately as a Poisson variate with regression coefficient was distributed normally, with
constant over- or under-dispersion and we used quasi- the standard error corrected for non-Poisson dispersion.
likelihood estimation to model the logarithm of daily
counts of cause-specific deaths as functions of the
predictor variables. Numerical problems (Dominici 3. Results
et al., 2002; Ramsay et al., 2002) have been found
recently with the use of regression splines or locally There were a total of 133,904 non-accidental deaths
weighted regression smoothers within the generalized during the study period 1984–1993. CHF accounted for
additive models framework (Hastie and Tibshirani, 2.1% of these (2,740 deaths; Table 1), with the majority
1990) to estimate non-parametric smoothings for con- among persons age 65 years and over. All results
tinuous covariates. Instead, we used natural splines to presented subsequently are for this age group only.
model the effects of continuous covariates. Thus, within Using our definition of CHF from the morbidity data,
the context of a generalized linear Poisson model, we we found 14,615 subjects 65 years of age and over who
regressed the natural logarithm of the daily number of had CHF before death (Table 1). Of these subjects, 66%
deaths on the natural spline for day-of-study, thus were coded as having a circulatory underlying cause of
providing an adjustment for seasonal and subseasonal death, and only 6.3% were attributed as dying from
variations (temporal filter), on a dummy variable to CHF. Among those subjects whose underlying cause of
account for annual trends in daily mortality, and on death was given as CHF, only 37% were classified from
natural splines of potential confounding effects of the QHIP data as having CHF before death.
relevant weather variables. For each analysis, we Figs. 1 and 2 and Table 1 show that there was little
selected the temporal filter having the number of knots overdispersion in either of the CHF mortality time
that produced a filtered time series that was consistent series. Table 1 also shows the distributions of pollutants
with a white noise process, using Bartlett’s statistic and weather variables; levels of pollutants in Montreal
(Priestly, 1981). This produced a residual time series that are fairly low with respect to other North American and
had the least amount of serial autocorrelation. We then European cities.
sought the combination of weather variables that For the analyses of CHF defined using the underlying
yielded a minimum value of the Aikake Information cause of death, we used a natural spline having 71
Criterion (Hastie and Tibshirani, 1990) (a penalized degrees of freedom to adjust for temporal trends and we
Table 1
Distribution of essential variables, Montreal, 1984–1993
O3 mg/m3 3653 29.0 17.1 2.8 16.6 26.0 37.9 163.9 21.34
Mean temperature 1C 3653 6.4 11.8 27.3 2.6 7.5 16.5 28.8 19.10
Change in maximum 1C 3653 0.0 4.7 25.0 2.5 0.4 2.8 19.4 5.30
temperature from
previous day
Mean dew point 1C 3653 1.2 11.6 33.8 6.6 2.0 10.8 23.1 17.40
Relative humidity % 3653 69.4 11.9 33.0 61.0 70.0 78.0 99.0 17.00
Change in barometric kPa 3653 0.0 0.9 4.2 0.5 0.0 0.6 4.4 1.10
pressure from previous
For the period 1986–1993.
12 M.S. Goldberg et al. / Environmental Research 91 (2003) 8–20
Table 2
Summary estimates of the mean percent change in daily mortality from CHF among persons 65 years of age and over across the interquartile range
of mean daily concentrations of selected particulate and gaseous pollutants, Montreal, 1984–1993a
Pollutant Mean percent 95% CI Mean percent 95% CI Mean percent 95% CI
changeb changeb changeb
COH 0.03 5.20 to 5.43 1.06 6.37 to 4.56 1.93 9.22 to 5.94
Extinction 0.76 3.78 to 5.51 1.87 6.62 to 3.13 1.14 7.82 to 6.02
Predicted PM2.5b 1.54 3.90 to 7.29 0.76 6.84 to 5.71 2.00 5.58 to 10.18
Sulfate from the Sutton 0.29 3.18 to 3.88 0.08 4.09 to 4.10 1.73 3.48 to 7.23
monitoring stationb
Predicted Sulfate from 0.87 3.22 to 5.13 1.01 5.72 to 3.93 2.08 3.84 to 8.37
SO2 0.92 4.84 to 7.04 0.05 5.62 to 5.86 0.05 7.45 to 8.16
NO2 1.04 4.55 to 6.96 0.94 4.96 to 7.20 0.10 7.58 to 8.43
CO 0.99 6.31 to 4.63 0.12 5.29 to 5.84 1.38 8.81 to 6.66
O3 0.21 6.66 to 6.69 5.27 2.49 to 13.64 4.54 5.64 to 15.81
Adjusted for temporal effects, calendar year, mean temperature, change in barometric pressure from the previous 24 h, and an interaction term
between temperature and barometric pressure.
For the period 1986–1993.
M.S. Goldberg et al. / Environmental Research 91 (2003) 8–20 13
Table 3
Summary estimates of the mean percent change in daily mortality among persons classified as having CHF before death, 65 years of age and over,
across the interquartile range of mean daily concentrations of selected participate and ‘gaseous pollutants, Montreal, 1984–1993a
COH 2.78 0.48 to 5.13 3.72 1.36 to 6.14 4.32 0.95 to 7.80
Extinction 2.36 0.42 to 4.34 1.20 0.69 to 3.13 2.08 0.67 to 4.92
Predicted PM2.5b 2.53 0.04 to 5.18 1.69 0.79 to 4.23 2.15 1.03 to 5.43
Sulfate from the Sutton 0.66 1.03 to 2.39 0.47 1.08 to 2.04 0.56 1.53 to 2.69
monitoring stationb
Predicted Sulfate from 1.61 0.39 to 3.64 0.68 1.14 to 2.54 1.15 1.23 to 3.58
SO2 3.30 0.86 to 5.79 3.28 0.83 to 5.80 4.67 1.30 to 8.14
NO2 2.37 0.11 to 4.92 3.25 0.66 to 5.91 4.08 0.59 to 7.68
CO 2.10 0.24 to 4.49 2.28 0.09 to 4.72 2.86 0.46 to 6.29
O3 2.13 1.14 to 5.50 0.08 2.93 to 2.85 2.34 1.78 to 6.63
Adjusted for temporal effects, calendar year, mean temperature, change in barometric pressure from the previous 24 h, and an interaction term
between temperature and barometric pressure.
For the period 1986–1993.
Mean Percent Change in Daily Mortality
Fig. 3. Mean percent change in daily mortality among subjects age 65 years and over who died from CHF for increases of the interquartile range of
selected pollutants, adjusted for the variables listed in footnote (a) of Table 2 and other pollutants. All pollutants were evaluated at the 3-day mean.
The estimated mean percent change in daily cause-specific mortality across the interquartile range is shown by the horizontal bars within the vertical
lines (95% confidence intervals). The statistical adjustments for the particle metrics included terms for the other gaseous pollutants (CO, SO2, NO2,
O3); these gaseous pollutants were adjusted for each other and for the COH.
Fig. 4. Mean percent change in daily mortality among subjects 65 years and over who were classified as having CHF before death, adjusted for the
variables listed in footnote (a) of Table 2 and for other pollutants. All pollutants were evaluated at the 3-day mean. The estimated mean percent
change in daily cause-specific mortality across the interquartile range is shown by the horizontal bars within the vertical lines (95% confidence
intervals). The statistical adjustments for the particle metrics included terms for the other gaseous pollutants (CO, SO2, NO2, O3); these gaseous
pollutants were adjusted for each other and for the COH.
Mean Percent Change in Daily Mortality
Warm Cold
Fig. 5. Mean percent change in daily mortality among subjects 65 years and over who were classified as having CHF before death, according to
season, adjusted for the variables listed in footnote (a) of Table 2. The ‘‘warm season’’ includes the months April–September. All pollutants were
evaluated at the 3-day mean. The estimated mean percent change in daily cause-specific mortality across the interquartile range is shown by the
horizontal bars within the vertical lines (95%, confidence intervals).
M.S. Goldberg et al. / Environmental Research 91 (2003) 8–20 15
Fig. 6. Mean percent change in daily mortality among subjects 65 years and over classified as having CHF before death, according to gender,
adjusted for the variables listed in footnote (a) of Table 2. All Pollutants were evaluated at the three-day mean. The estimated mean percent change in
daily cause-specific mortality across the interquartile range is shown by the horizontal bars within the vertical lines (95% confidence intervals).
associations with any of the pollutants. Among persons (Kwon et al., 2001) (Table 4). Associations between
who were classified as having CHF within 1 year of daily hospitalizations for CHF and most pollutants
death, we found that daily mortality increased in a linear (CO, NO2, SO2, ozone, PM10) were found in three
fashion for COH, the extinction coefficient, SO2, and American studies (Morris et al., 1995; Morris and
NO2, and that these associations were more pronounced Naumova, 1998; Schwartz and Morris, 1995). Another
in the warm season. We did not find any associations study of hospital admissions (Burnett et al., 1997) in the
with specific measures of fine particles or sulfates. 10 largest cities in Canada revealed positive associations
There are no data reporting the accuracy of under- with CO, NO2, SO2, and COH. In one study, an
lying causes of death in Quebec, but in other jurisdic- interaction between temperature and CO was found
tions, it has been found that the accuracy of coding (Morris and Naumova, 1998). No associations were
varies with cause of death (Alderson and Meade, 1967; found between daily hospitalization and air pollution in
de Faire et al., 1976; Engel et al., 1980; Percy et al., one study conducted in London, England (Cendon et al.,
1981). Site of cancer is usually coded reasonably 1997). On the other hand, in a follow-up of a cohort of
accurately (above 80%), but respiratory and cardiovas- persons hospitalized for CHF, Kwon et al. (2001) found
cular diseases are often confused; in particular, when results similar to ours and, in particular, observed
persons have both conditions concurrently and both stronger associations with daily mortality in the CHF
contributed to death, there may be some uncertainty cohort than among the general population.
about which cause should be selected as the primary Our findings need to be interpreted in light of the
underlying cause. In other instances, there may be errors assumptions, strengths, and limitations of the study
in selecting one underlying cause in a complex chain of design. There tends to be a high degree of correlation
health events. Given these facts, it is therefore not among day-to-day changes in the concentrations of air
surprising that we found few individuals who were pollutants (gases and particles) in urban air. This is due
diagnosed with CHF, and our negative findings are to similarities in the sources, atmospheric chemical
likely a result of limited statistical power and misclassi- processes, and influences of weather among urban
fication. pollutants. These considerations suggest that adjusting
There are a few time series studies of hospitalization one pollutant for another may not be warranted. In
for CHF (Burnett et al., 1997; Morris et al., 1995; addition, in a recent personal monitoring study, Sarnat
Morris and Naumova, 1998; Poloniecki et al., 1997; and collaborators (2001) concluded that such adjust-
Schwartz and Morris, 1995) and mortality from CHF ments for PM2.5, in particular, are not justified because
Table 4
Summary of evidence of associations between hospitalization or mortality and increases in ambient air pollution
Reference and Place, dates, Outcome measure Mean number of Pollutant Meaner median Increase in levels Relative increase 95% Confidence
publication year population events per day concentration of pollutants used in daily number of interval or t-ratio
to calculate events per metric
relative increases
in daily number of
events (assumes a
linear response
Schwartz and Morris Detroit, 1986– Hospital 26.6 PM10 48.0 Per IQR: 32[mg/ 1.032 1.012–1.052
(1995) 1989, X65 years admissions for mJ mean of
heart failure (ICD pollutant at lags 0
9428) and 1 days
Ozone 41.0 Per IQR: 28 ppb, 1.022 0.997–1.048
no lag
SO2 25.4 Per IQR: 18 ppb, 1.002 0.978–1.017
no lag
CO 2.38 Per IQR: 1.022 1.011–1.033
1.28 ppm, no lag
Morris et al. (1995) Chicago Primary hospital 33.7 CO 1.8–5.6 Per 10 ppm 1.22a 1.14–1.31
admissions for
heart failure
(ICD9 428)
Detroit 16.3 NO2 0.04–0.08 Per 0.1 ppm 1.10a 1.06–1.15
Houston 9.3 SO2 0.10–0.32 Per 0.05 ppm 1.05a 0.99–1.11
Los Angeles 39.5 Ozone 0.039–t.075 Per 0.12 ppm 1.00a 0.95–1.06
Milwaukee 7.4 (range of means
across cities)
New York 33.0
Philadelphia 17.0
1986–1989, X65
M.S. Goldberg et al. / Environmental Research 91 (2003) 8–20
Poloniecki et al. London, 1987– Hospital 24.6 Ozone 13 Per 1 ppb lagged 1 0.99 0.96–1.03
(1997) 1994 admissions for day
heart failure
(ICD9 428)
NO2 35 Per 1 ppb lagged 1 1.00 0.98–1.02
SO2 6 Per 1 ppb lagged 1 1.01 0.99–1.03
CO 0.9 Per 1 ppm lagged 1.01 0.99–1.03
1 day
Black smoke 12 Per 1 mg/m3 1.01 0.99–11.03
lagged 1 day
Burnett et al. (1997) 10 Canadian Hospital 39 CO 1.59 Per 8-h average 1.04 5.1
citiesb, 1981–1991, admissions for ppm; no lag
X65 years congestive heart
failure (ICD9428)
NO2 23 Per 23 ppb; no lag 1.04 3.0
COH 0.3 Per 0.3 103 1.00 3.6
linear feet; no lag
SO2 4.7 Per 4.7 ppb; no lag 1.02 2.4
Ozone 16 Per 16 ppb; no lag 0.97 1.6
Morris and Naumova Chicago, 1986– Primary hospital 34 CO 2.51 Per 3.054 ppm 1.09 1.06–1.12
(1998) 1989, X65 years admissions for 75th percentile
heart failure
NO2 0.044 Per 0.053 ppm 1.04 1.01–1.06
75th percentile
SO2 0.025 Per 0.030 ppm 1.09 1.05–1.13
75th percentile
Ozone 0.039 Per 0.051 ppm 1.03 0.99–l.07
75th percentile
PM10 41.0 Per 51.0 ppm 75th 1.04 1.01–1.07
Kwon et al. (2001) Seoul, Korea, all Daily mortality 1,807 deaths total CO 0.11 ppm Per 0.59 ppm 1.054 0.991–1.121
ages, cohort of from 1994–1998 (IQR)
persons with a of cohort
primary hospital
admission for
heart failure
(ICD9 428), 1994–
NO2 30.6 ppb Per 14.6 ppb 1.065 0.995–1.139
SO2 10.8 ppb Per 9.9 ppb (IQR) 1.070 0.997–1.147
Ozone 28.2 ppb Per 20.5 ppb 1.034 0.966–1.108
PM10 63.7 mg/m3 Per 42.1 mg/m3 1.058 0.989–1.131
M.S. Goldberg et al. / Environmental Research 91 (2003) 8–20
Note: Lag x refers to evaluating the association using values of exposure x days before the event. PM10, particles having an aerodynamic diameter of 10 mm; COH, coefficient of haze (a measure of
ambient carbon); CO, carbon monoxide; SO2, sulfur dioxide; NO2, nitrogen dioxide; ppm(b), parts per million (billion); IQR, interquartile range.
Estimated from a weighted meta-regression analysis across the estimates in each of the seven cities.
Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary.
18 M.S. Goldberg et al. / Environmental Research 91 (2003) 8–20
of the lack of correlations between ambient and 24-h affect the heart indirectly through a modification of
integrated personal exposures to air pollutants. How- pulmonary endothelin homeostasis. This is based partly
ever, this conclusion may not apply to time series studies on the findings that human subjects exposed to ambient
in which the exposure metrics are concentrations of PM2.5 exhibit dose-dependent increases of levels of
ambient air pollutants. We thus believe that the multi- circulating endothelins (Vincent et al., unpublished
pollutant analyses that accounted for the joint effects of observation). Endothelins are among the most potent
NO2, SO2, CO3 and ambient particles needs to be vasoconstrictors known. Pulmonary release of endothe-
interpreted cautiously, as these adjustments may not, in lin-1 contributes to an elevation of plasma endothelin-1
fact, represent unbiased estimates of effect if these and to vasoconstriction (Kjekshus et al., 2000) and
pollutants are not true confounding variables. Thus, plasma endothelin levels correlate with severity of
these multipollutant models should be considered as disease in CHF and also predict cardiac death (Gala-
sensitivity analyses that may represent a plausible range tius-Jensen et al., 1996). Likewise, reduction of en-
of health effects. dothelin levels in CHF is associated with improvement
We could not control for the effects of infectious of symptoms (Tsumamoto et al., 1995). Endothelins
disease epidemics (e.g., influenza, which occurs mostly in appear to be involved directly in the pathogenesis of
the fall and winter when particle levels are increased) cardiovascular diseases through their vasopressor and
because there are no databases that could be used for mitogenic mechanisms, and endothelin receptor antago-
this purpose. These epidemics occur mostly in the winter nists are now being introduced in the treatment of CHF
months and the effects of ozone is mostly in the warm to reduce peripheral vascular and pulmonary resistance
months of the year, so that these epidemics should not and to increase cardiac output (Giannessi et al., 2001;
have confounded the warm-season-specific estimates. As Spieker et al., 2001). Elevated circulating endothelins
well, the temporal filter should have adjusted for may also affect cardiac arrhythmia and dysrhythmia,
epidemics lasting weeks or months. enhance myocardial ischemia and promote infarct
The rationale for our judgments as to how CHF extension, and contribute to increased systemic and
should be defined was based on our knowledge of pulmonary vascular resistance, vascular dysfunction,
clinical practice in Quebec, the lack of standardization and renal impairment in diabetes and chronic heart
of medical practice, and the information required to failure patients (Best and Lerman, 2000; Spieker et al.,
provide an adequately accurate diagnosis. For example, 2001; Zouridakis et al., 2001).
the requirement of having two sequential diagnoses on
the billing record to define CHF was based on usual
clinical practice guidelines (e.g., Moe and Armstrong,
1988). Although these diagnoses are surrogates for Acknowledgments
actual positive tests, the universality of the drug plan in
the elderly almost guarantees that we have the potential We thank the Montreal urban community and
to identify all treated cases. During the period 1984– Environment Canada for providing the NAPS, CAP-
1993, diuretics were the drug of choice for most cases of MoN, CAAMP, and meteorological data and we are
CHF, although other pharmaceuticals were used, grateful to the Ministe" re de la sante! et des services
notably digoxin and angiotensin-converting-enzyme sociaux de Que! bec for providing the health data. The
(ACE) inhibitors. We believe that the use of a authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Rose
combination of diagnostic codes and filled prescriptions Dugandzic, Jacques Barry, Holly Lam, Marie-Claude
for diuretics increased accuracy, although there would Boivin, David Johnson, and Claude Gagnon. Mark S.
be some misclassification involved. Another strength of Goldberg gratefully acknowledges receipt of an Inves-
this methodology is that we made use of rendered tigator Award from the Canadian Institutes for Health
services carried out both within and without hospital, so Research and support from the Fonds de la recherche en
that they should in principal perform more accurately sante! du Que! bec.
than simple hospital discharge summaries which pro-
vide, at best, a snapshot of acute illnesses or exacerba-
tions of chronic ones and cause-of-death information, References
which is notoriously inaccurate for cardiovascular and
respiratory diseases. Alderson, M.R., Meade, T.W., 1967. Accuracy of diagnosis on death
The positive association found for COH, a marker for certificates compared with that in hospital records. Br. J. Prev.
carbon particles, is consistent with previous observa- Soc. Med. 21, 22–29.
Bates, D.V., 1992. Health indices of the adverse effects of air pollution:
tions that inhaled urban particles can cause rapid and
the question of coherence. Environ. Res. 59, 336–349.
sustained elevations of levels of circulating plasma Best, P.J., Lerman, A., 2000. Endothelin in cardiovascular disease:
endothelin-1 and -3 (Bouthillier et al., 1998; Vincent from atherosclerosis to heart failure. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol.
et al., 2001). We hypothesize that ambient particles can 35, S61–S63.
M.S. Goldberg et al. / Environmental Research 91 (2003) 8–20 19
Bouthillier, L., Vincent, R., Goegan, P., Adamson, I.Y.R., Bjarnason, ambient air particle pollution in Montreal, Quebec: 2. Cause-
S.G., Stewart, M., Guenette, J., Potvin, M., Kumarathasan, P., specific mortality. Environ. Res. A 86, 26–36.
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