WA Lifestyle Q3
WA Lifestyle Q3
WA Lifestyle Q3
Rising Stars
Our New
Team Members
Brain Health
04 14 33
News You Can Use Supporting Your Power Up with
Improve Your Immune System CoQ10
Cognitive Health With SAB Board Member, Sourced from Nature
Dr. Diane Clayton
10 16 24 30
Rising Stars Medical Professionals Celebrating Step Ups
Welcome to the & NeoLife 40 Years Recognition
President's Team Here's What They Think Chrisna & Llewellyn Dollman for April to
June 2020
20 26
President's Team NeoLifeU
Cheque Recognition Enrol for FREE Online
We Went Virtual! Courses
• facebook.com/NeoLifeAfrica • instagram.com/NeoLife_Africa
*These statements have not been evaluated by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration
and Control (NAFDAC). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Chelated Cal-Mag®
#2722 – 90 tablets
Highly bioavailable calcium, magnesium and
vitamin D₃ for overall good health.
• May support normal blood pressure, optimal
nerve and muscle function.
• Insufficient calcium levels in the body may
cause muscle cramping to become more
frequent, disrupting a normal sleep cycle.
• Taking a calcium supplement before bed can
be an effective way to promote muscle
relaxation at night.
2 Only Drink Alcohol in
Moderation and Eliminate
This suggestion follows what is recom-
mended for maintaining good heart
health. It’s important to ensure that your
body is not being compromised by toxins
from excessive alcohol consumption and
NeoLife Nutritionals
Quality proteins and amino acids
and Herbals for Brain for neurotransmitter production:*
Fitness and Balance! • NeoLifeShake
#2912 - Creamy Vanilla
Keep your blood sugar in balance! #2913 - Berries n' Cream
Glucose is vital to support the brain’s ability #2914 - Rich Chocolate
to carry out its many demanding tasks such
as transmitting electrical nerve impulses Energy metabolism:*
and making neurotransmitters.13 A lack of a • Pro Vitality, #2595
steady glucose supply affects all cognitive • CoQ10, #2513
processes and in particular, memory. • Chelated Cal-Mag, #2722
• Formula IV, #2576
In fact, it is known that when glucose is
• Formula IV Plus, #2557
not able to be used effectively there can
• Vitamin B Co. Sustained Release,
be accelerated cognitive decline. There #2541
are many similarities with the problems
of glucose metabolism in the brain and
in the body. In fact, Alzheimer’s is often Powerful phytonutrient protection:*
referred to as Diabetes Type 3.14 NeoLife • Cruciferous Plus, #2892
has long since pioneered the • Flavonoid Complex, #2790
• Botanical Balance, #2514
area of steady energy and
• Carotenoid Complex, #2565
“glycaemic control” with
ground-breaking products
like NeoLifeShake and Mental acuity and performance:*
Botanical Balance.* • NeoLifeTea, #2915
• Mind Enhancement Complex, #2906
Make sure you get enough healthy fats
to help build and support the working
brain.15 Incredibly, emerging research Relaxation and sleep:*
suggests that omega-3 docosahexaenoic • Herbal Rest and Relax, #2901
acid (DHA) supplementation can help • Chelated Cal-Mag, #2722
delay the natural reduction in brain
volume (shrinkage) that occurs with age.16
That’s impressive! NeoLife Omega-3
Salmon Oil Plus and Tre-en-en Grain Get enough quality protein and amino in energy metabolism, and this helps
Concentrates contribute important acids. Amino acids from protein are vital; power the working brain, which has
healthy fats. Omega-3 Salmon Oil for example, tyrosine and tryptophan such high demands. Ongoing research
Plus is the first supplement of its kind to act as important building blocks for is assessing just how the individual or
assure a standardised amount of all eight the neurotransmitters dopamine and combined B vitamins may play a role in
members of the omega-3 family involved serotonin respectively.17 cognitive decline, and there are some
in human nutrition, and may support Keep topped up on nutrients which promising studies.18
optimal function of the brain, heart, blood support energy metabolism. B group Protect your body and mind with
vessels, nerves, eyes and joints. vitamins are known to play key roles powerful phytonutrients!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration
and Control (NAFDAC). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
**Some products may not be available in every market.
Phytonutrients may be helpful to lower optimise performance and help us better
“neuroinflammation” to help protect deal with the stress of our daily lives.27
membranes of brain cells. One example For top performance and mental acuity,
here relates to the ongoing activity in look no further than Mind Enhancement
the field of carotenoid research. High Complex, with a carefully selected
carotenoid intake through life may synergistic blend of 7 key herbs known
provide significant benefits, not only to for their brain boosting powers.* And
eye health and immune function, but finally, look no further than Herbal Rest
also to cognitive function.19,20 and Relax to encourage a great night of
Numerous recent scientific publications restorative sleep!
have implicated polyphenols (such
as anthocyanins, flavonoids and
In a Nutshell
curcuminoids) as being great for the Dementia is on the rise, to a large extent
brain. As you may be aware, polyphenol because we are living longer. About 30%
research is a real hot topic today, as of the population over the age of 80 has
the mechanisms of the tremendous dementia. Dementia reduces a person’s
cognitive benefits of polyphenols ability to live independently, and caring
unfold.21–24 Emerging science also for people with dementia is a big burden,
suggests that the polyphenols from the both emotionally and financially.
spices turmeric and cinnamon (present in
NeoLife Botanical Balance) can even
1 Dementia is not a single condition but 4 Food choices and overall diet pattern
a group of related disorders. Alzheimer’s throughout life play an incredibly important
play a role in enhancing memory!*25,26
type dementia is what we hear about the role in reducing the chances of early
Consider a herbal boost for challenging most, but there are others and each type cognitive decline.
times, and for recovery! Get the extra affects the brain differently.
support you need during
5 Healthy food choices (or patterns of
long days at work or at
2 Dementia is perhaps not as well eating) such as the Mediterranean (MEDI)
understood as other chronic problems diet and the MIND diet which are rich
times of great demand.
like heart health issues, but the same in fruit and vegetables, healthy fats (like
With polyphenol rich
adaptable lifestyle factors are important to omega-3 and olive oil), whole grains, nuts
extracts from green,
help prevent it. and seeds, beans and lean sources of
white, and black tea and
protein are advised.
also NeoLife Herbal and Energy Blend 3 It is known that how well a brain ages
with Rhodiola rosea, Panax ginseng and depends on genes and lifestyle. Healthy 6 NeoLife Nutritionals can play a role
Codonopsis pilosula, NeoLifeTea can lifestyle choices are known to be so in the overall holistic lifestyle approach
be a real boost. These kinds of herbs are important to the brain, just like the rest of to maintaining peak cognitive shape
known to help increase mental alertness, the body! throughout life.
1. WHO | 10 facts on dementia. WHO. http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/ 11. Morris MC, Tangney CC, Wang Y, et al. MIND diet slows cognitive decline 20. Cannavale CN, Hassevoort KM, Edwards CG, et al. Serum lutein is related to
dementia/en/. Accessed November 8, 2019. with aging. Alzheimers Dement. 2015;11(9):1015-1022. doi:10.1016/j. relational memory performance. Nutrients. 2019;11(4):768. doi:10.3390/
jalz.2015.04.011 nu11040768
2. Your Brain Matters - What is dementia? https://yourbrainmatters.org.au/about-
dementia/what-is-dementia. Accessed November 12, 2019. 12. Smith Patrick J., Blumenthal James A., Babyak Michael A., et al. Effects of the 21. Kesse-Guyot E, Fezeu L, Andreeva VA, et al. Total and specific polyphenol intakes
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet, exercise, and caloric restriction in midlife are associated with cognitive function measured 13 years later. J Nutr.
3. Nichols E, Szoeke CEI, Vollset SE, et al. Global, regional, and national burden of on neurocognition in overweight adults with high blood pressure. Hypertension. 2012;142(1):76-83. doi:10.3945/jn.111.144428
Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, 1990–2016: A systematic analysis for 2010;55(6):1331-1338. doi:10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.109.146795
the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Neurol. 2019;18(1):88-106. 22. Lefèvre-Arbogast S, Gaudout D, Bensalem J, et al. Pattern of polyphenol
doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(18)30403-4 13. Sugar and the Brain | Department of Neurobiology. https://neuro.hms.harvard. intake and the long-term risk of dementia in older persons. Neurology.
edu/harvard-mahoney-neuroscience-institute/brain-newsletter/and-brain-series/ 2018;90(22):e1979. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000005607
4. Goyal MS, Vlassenko AG, Blazey TM, et al. Loss of brain aerobic glycolysis in sugar-and-brain. Accessed November 12, 2019.
normal human aging. Cell Metab. 2017;26(2):353-360.e3. doi:10.1016/j. 23. Lamport DJ, Pal D, Macready AL, et al. The effects of flavanone-rich citrus
cmet.2017.07.010 14. Kandimalla R, Thirumala V, Reddy PH. Is Alzheimer’s disease a Type 3 Diabetes? juice on cognitive function and cerebral blood flow: An acute, randomised,
A critical appraisal. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of placebo-controlled cross-over trial in healthy, young adults. Br J Nutr.
5. The Simplified Guide to the Gut Brain Axis - How the Gut Talks to the Brain. Psych Disease. 2017;1863(5):1078-1089. doi:10.1016/j.bbadis.2016.08.018 2016;116(12):2160-2168. doi:10.1017/S000711451600430X
Scene Hub. https://psychscenehub.com/psychinsights/the-simplified-guide-to-
the-gut-brain-axis/. Accessed November 13, 2019. 15. Crawford MA, Bazinet RP, Sinclair AJ. Fat intake and CNS functioning: Ageing and 24. Alharbi MH, Lamport DJ, Dodd GF, et al. Flavonoid-rich orange juice is associated
disease. Ann Nutr Metab. 2009. doi:10.1159/000229003 with acute improvements in cognitive function in healthy middle-aged males. Eur
6. Mohajeri MH, La Fata G, Steinert RE, Weber P. Relationship between the gut J Nutr. 2016;55(6):2021-2029. doi:10.1007/s00394-015-1016-9
microbiome and brain function. Nutr Rev. 2018;76(7):481-496. doi:10.1093/ 16. Zhang Y-P, Miao R, Li Q, Wu T, Ma F. Effects of DHA supplementation on
nutrit/nuy009 hippocampal volume and cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive 25. Lee M-S, Wahlqvist ML, Chou Y-C, et al. Turmeric improves post-prandial
impairment: A 12-month randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J working memory in pre-diabetes independent of insulin. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr.
7. Goldstein AN, Walker MP. The role of sleep in emotional brain function. Annu Rev Alzheimer’s Dis. 2017;55(2):497-507. doi:10.3233/JAD-160439 2014;23(4):581-591. doi:10.6133/apjcn.2014.23.4.24
Clin Psychol. 2014;10:679-708. doi:10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-032813-153716
17. Choi S, DiSilvio B, Fernstrom MH, Fernstrom JD. Meal ingestion, amino acids 26. Wahlqvist ML, Lee M-S, Lee J-T, et al. Cinnamon users with prediabetes have
8. 6 steps to better sleep. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/ and brain neurotransmitters: Effects of dietary protein source on serotonin a better fasting working memory: A cross-sectional function study. Nutr Res.
adult-health/in-depth/sleep/art-20048379. Accessed February 27, 2020. and catecholamine synthesis rates. Physiol Behav. 2009;98(1):156-162. 2016;36(4):305-310. doi:10.1016/j.nutres.2015.12.005
9. Whitmer RA, Sidney S, Selby J, Johnston SC, Yaffe K. Midlife cardiovascular doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2009.05.004
27. Panossian A, Wikman G. Effects of adaptogens on the central nervous system
risk factors and risk of dementia in late life. Neurology. 2005;64(2):277-281. 18. Kennedy DO. B vitamins and the brain: Mechanisms, dose and efficacy—A and the molecular mechanisms associated with their stress—Protective activity.
doi:10.1212/01.WNL.0000149519.47454.F2 review. Nutrients. 2016;8(2):68. doi:10.3390/nu8020068 Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2010;3(1):188-224. doi:10.3390/ph3010188
10. Sofi F, Macchi C, Casini A. Mediterranean diet and minimizing neurodegeneration. 19. Walk AM, Edwards CG, Baumgartner NW, et al. The role of retinal carotenoids and
Curr Nutr Rep. 2013;2(2):75-80. doi:10.1007/s13668-013-0041-7 age on neuroelectric indices of attentional control among early to middle-aged
adult. Front Aging Neurosci. 2017;9. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2017.00183
For Stephen-Eyitope and Chioma
Oluwabamise from Nigeria,
stepping up to President’s Team is a
dream come true, because now they
can continue to change the world,
one person at a time and build an
ever-lasting legacy for their children.
hen I was introduced to NeoLife
9 years ago, I saw an opportunity
to work smart and earn money
for the rest of my life,” explains Stephen-
Eyitope. “We were in dire need of change
and we were looking for a better lifestyle.”
Despite graduating with 3 different degrees
and being a military officer, Stephen says he
had big dreams and a low income. “As a civil
servant, you live your life on loans. We tried
doing other things to earn extra money but
the harder I worked, the poorer we became.”
He and his wife, Chioma stepped up to Then a stranger, who later became a good
President’s Team in July 2019 and they have friend, introduced them to NeoLife and
no intentions of stopping there. “Watch out things have never been the same.
for us, we’re the next 5 Diamond Directors!”
Stephen-Eyitope enjoys the sites of
Rome, Italy during the 2019 Diamond
Director Lifestyle event.
Not only has the NeoLife Opportunity given Rose
and Raymond Baruti from Tanzania, the chance
to travel the world and improve their lives, it has
helped their relationship blossom, turning them into
a successful power couple.
As a couple, we’ve
been to Victoria Falls,
Cape Town, Hong
Kong, Dubai, Mauritius,
Durban and London, to
name a few.”
Supporting your
Immune System
By Dr. Diane Clayton
International V.P.,
NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board Member
There is powerful evidence to support the gets damaged by illness or injury and The way in which some nutrients benefit
strong role that nutrition plays towards our the immune system is equipped to deal the immune system is only just beginning
health, and what in life is more precious with this - to help the body repair itself to be understood from the exciting field of
to us than our health, and that of our and recover to get back to normal. Our “Immuno-nutrition.”
family! We must all do the maximum to immune system works together with
build up and protect our health. Together processes of inflammation in the recovery
our immune system provides biological, process as well. NeoLife Nutritionals: Supporting
biochemical and even chemical weaponry Inflammation is part of the immune response
our Immune Health!
to keep our body defended and to help it to potentially harmful agents, with the Core Nutritionals: Balanced supply of all
repair and recover from challenges. We aim of neutralising and then repairing the nutrients & quality protein
need to improve our resilience as much damage. Immune cells receive signals and Immune cells are very active and have a
as we can and optimum nutrition plays a go to the site of damage. When everything need for a constant supply of energy as
powerful role here. works well, we could compare the immune fuel. Immune cells also depend upon
Our body is equipped with first-line system to a finely-tuned orchestra—all a constant blood glucose level and
defences such as our skin and the lining of players work together in perfect harmony good glycaemic control. A product like
our respiratory tract and digestive system. or synchrony and the conductor is a good NeoLifeShake can help provide steady
These are protective barriers and we call one! But at times things can go wrong, energy in times of need and helps bring
these our first-line defences and they and in these instances, it seems that our quality protein power to your immune
contribute to what we know as our innate immune system is out of balance or not system. High quality protein provides
or built-in immunity. Thankfully, we also well-tuned anymore! At these times there the building blocks so that the immune
have many second-line defences which can be persistent, or chronic, low-level system can make more cells and produce
function inside our body. There are many inflammation. Lack of good quality nutrition antibodies and other defence substances.*
team players that play a role in our second- as well as poor diet and lifestyle contribute
It is important to provide your body with
line defences. White blood cells are very directly to harmful chronic inflammation and
the right foundational nutrition programme
important immune cells. We have B-cells cause the immune system to underperform.
every day and the combination of
and T-cells, which talk to each other and The good news is that lifestyle factors such NeoLifeShake and Pro Vitality, is
have a variety of different jobs to do. These as high-quality nutrition, a healthy amount designed to do exactly that.
specialised cells also help orchestrate the of sleep, exercise in moderation and stress
recovery process of the body and provide management can all help our immune
us with memory cells which retain the system perform at its best.
ability to combat certain infectious agents
if we encounter them again. This ability is
known as our adaptive immunity. This all Key Nutrients For Immune Health
requires a lot of energy and nutrients! We know that a balance of all the key
Even though we have these first- and nutrients involved in human health are
second-line defences, the body often essential for optimum immune response.
3 Carotenoid Complex
Many, many research studies have shown Garlic Allium Complex offers the multiple benefits from active
that optimal levels of carotenoids in the diet allicin and other bioactive compounds. Part of the benefits
of garlic include supporting a healthy immune response and
are important to the proper functioning of
normal cell growth and renewal.* #2857
our immune system. Carotenoid Complex
studies showed that Carotenoid Complex
dramatically increased both immune cell Beta Guard is a whole-food based antioxidant product that
levels and overall immune cell response by contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
up to 37% in just 20 days!* Formulated by one of the world's leading toxicologists,
Dr. Arthur Furst. Beta Guard contains a range of vitamins
4 Essential Vitamin and Mineral Complex and minerals, designed to protect and support the body from
With this tablet you have a full spectrum environmental challenges.* #2788
of vitamins and minerals to add to the
nutritional support for optimum immune
balance and function. Of course, Pro
Vitality and NeoLifeShake together
provide a terrific combination to give us that
basic foundational nutrition to support the
immune system and improve our resilience
to everything that life throws at us.
With this brief look at the workings of
our immune system, we can see that our
first and second-line defences play an face—we need optimal nutrition. A well-
important role in protecting our body from balanced diet together with additional
harmful foreign substances. We need to support from NeoLife Nutritionals can
ensure that our bodies are resilient to help provide optimal levels of all nutrients,
combat the many challenges they may paving the way for your resilient journey!
You may have heard it before, but
we’ll say it again - ALL NeoLife
Products are based in nature
and backed by science. This is
just one of the reasons why these
medical professionals trust them
whole-heartedly, and happily
recommend them to both patients
and their own families.
Lawson has been in the
medical field for 30 years, in her condition. “I was told she felt
working as a nurse in Togo. stronger, her kidneys began working
Her position requires that she work more efficiently even without the
across many different departments such dialysis machine. The family were quick
as surgery, paediatrics, maternity to order more products!” She laughs.
and general medicine. She says “I’m an eyewitness to the efficiency of
the deepest desire every health the NeoLife products, and the fact that
practitioner has, is to see their the Opportunity works. I will always
patients recover. She joined NeoLife recommend NeoLife to anyone I meet.”
after coming across a patient that was All NeoLife products are developed with
using the products, “I was amazed at the latest scientific expertise and state-
her recovery rate, so I signed up right away of-the-art technology to concentrate
to get the products!” and standardise the active ingredients
“I share the products and Opportunity with in raw materials, helping to ensure the
everybody that comes my way because I “Not long ago, I met a woman who was final product delivers all the benefits that
know they work. My customers and patients suffering with kidney problems and had nature intended. We work hand in hand
take my opinion and recommendations been placed on dialysis for a few months. with world-leading scientists, researchers
seriously because of my medical experience.” I spoke to her daughter and recommended and nutritionists in the search for effective
Although, she admits that some doubt her in they try Tre-en-en, explaining the role it solutions to promote and protect long-term
the beginning. “In time, they realise that due plays with maintaining healthy cells in our health, and many clinical studies proving
to my medical background, I can’t advise bodies.” Lawson says that sometime later, the effectiveness of NeoLife products have
them to use a product that would negatively she received a message of thanks, as the been published in some of the world’s most
affect their health.” family had noticed a significant improvement prestigious scientific journals.
Continued on page 18
OF SAMALLA Just a few months after joining, she found
CLINIC, GHANA herself heartbroken and widowed, with
three young boys to raise. “Being a single
parent and taking care of three boys who
“At my facility, I always talk about good
attended one of the best schools in Ghana
health and what it takes to achieve it, and
was not easy, but with the additional
that’s where NeoLife comes in,” explains
income from my NeoLife business, all three
Edusa. She has been in the medical field
of my boys are now medical doctors.”
for over 50 years and is still practicing as a
General Practitioner and Medical Director “I have good health, and so do many of my
of Samalla Clinic in Ghana. patients and clients, and thanks to NeoLife.
On top of that, I can afford anything I
“Many of my customers come back and
need. As we speak, I have completed
buy more after trying out the products, and
my beautiful beach house in
some I even convert into NeoLife business
Prampram. I only use Golden Home
partners. Most of my staff at the clinic are
Care products in my clinic and when
NeoLife Distributors,” she says proudly.
my clients ask why the clinic doesn’t
“There is no way I’ll have an encounter
have that usual ‘hospital’ smell, I use
with you and not share the products or the
it as an opportunity to tell them all about
Opportunity. That has honestly been the
Super 10, LDC and Care.”
biggest asset to my business.”
Golden Home Care products are earth-
Edusa joined the business to help
friendly and are non-toxic and safe for
her husband, who had suffered
you, your family and the earth. The most
from hypertension for years. This
amazing thing is that once you get rid of all
developed into chronic renal failure
your current cleaning products, you won’t
and because of that, he became a
have to replace them with hundreds more
kidney dialyses patient in June 1998.
because the low-dose, low-burden cleaning
technology maximises performance with a
minimum amount of product.
I firmly believe that our
number one wealth is
health, and NeoLife
offers you both.”
Morakinyo grew up with doctors in his
I’ve travelled with the
company four times
since I joined.”
life, as both of his uncles are medical The best part? “I’ve
doctors. He had just completed his medical been able to promote
housemanship when he was introduced to the relevance of preventative medicine,
the NeoLife Opportunity 4 years ago. This which is the best form of medicine!”
gave him the chance to combine his passion NeoLife offers quality products that are
to help people with his love of business, and based in nature and backed by science.
he never looked back. Not only does Morakinyo use his medical
“I always dreamed of having many experience to better assist his customers
investments before I turned 30 but watching with product recommendations, but he
how hard my uncles worked in their medical says that his medical training has actually
fields made me realise that even with a helped him better his business etiquette.
medical degree, I may never be able to “It has taught me to be more patient with
afford the life I wanted.” new Distributors and shown me how to
push them to believe in themselves, in the
Now, through his NeoLife Business,
products and in the Business.”
Morakinyo brought himself a BMW 7 Series
for his 27th birthday. “I was also able to “I firmly believe that our number one
hand down my old BMW X5 to a family wealth is health, and NeoLife offers you
member, and thanks to NeoLife I have both – better health and a chance to build
2 major investments under my name, and your wealth!”
A message from Founder,
Jerry Brassfield
“I want to thank you for the opportunity to visit with you today. The world
is changing, and I don’t know what the ‘new normal’ will be, but I do know
that we are so blessed with NeoLife. I encourage you to look at this time that
we’re living in now and use it to learn and grow as a person. Change your
attitude, change your goals, change your way of thinking. Let’s take this
long-range attitude and long-range thinking and make a plan that doesn’t just
concentrate on today or tomorrow. We need to work today and have in our
minds that this is a career we are going to dedicate our lives to over a long
period of time.”
This accomplishment has excited and energised
me and my team. It brings light to our business
and everyone in my Team believes that what
happened to me can also happen for them, no
matter your level of qualification or background.
They believe that the future of this business is
unshakable. How did I do it? Duplication - you
learn, you teach and you duplicate; learn how to
organise yourself and develop leaders.”
Abdulrasaq & Titilayo Saliu
from Chief Executive Officer,
Kendra Brassfield
Years of
Chrisna & Llewellyn Dollman
4 Ruby Directors
The first overseas trip Chrisna & Llewellyn Dollman ever took with
NeoLife was in November 1980 to Israel. They were 5 months into
the business, and it was the first passport they had ever applied
for. This year, they celebrate 40 incredible years with NeoLife, and
what a journey it has been…
very great success starts with a back. In the beginning, Llewellyn took a
decision. We made a decision that back seat in the business, letting Chrisna
this business can and will work for take the reins and run it full-time. “He has
us,” and it obviously has. Before NeoLife, always supported me; he’s attended all the
Chrisna worked as a nursing sister and events and conventions and helped me
midwife, but dreamed of having children with training and presentations. Now, he’s
and being a stay at home mom. After the involved full-time and we can support our
birth of her first child, she lived that dream… business more effectively, together.”
for about 7 months before she and Llewellyn “Our whole journey in NeoLife is an
discovered that without her salary, they adventure, with so many highlights over the
couldn’t make ends meet. “We needed years. Just to be involved in a company that
money, we were broke and in debt. I had has such solid principles and philosophies
two choices – either go back to nursing or is a blessing. The friends and
find something I could do from home.” relationships we have built
Chrisna and Llewellyn attend the 2017 Despite being sceptical at first and doubting over the years are very
World Team Conference in Cape Town. her own abilities, Chrisna says ‘the dream special and dear
was stronger than the fear’. They joined to our hearts,”
the business and have never looked Chrisna says.
Our whole journey in
NeoLife is an adventure,
with so many highlights
over the years. Just
to be involved in a
company that has
such solid principles
and philosophies is a
She also credits the Opportunity for Kong and many, many more.
exposing them both to positive training “Too many to mention!” Chrisna
and personal development. Chrisna started laughs. The business pulled the
this venture thinking she would never be family out of debt and they were able
able to do it, and today their business is to build 3 beautiful homes, one with a
as strong as ever. “We started with Golden conference centre and their dream home is excited to continue the business as a
Products, which was only in South Africa. – a beach house right on the water’s edge second generation NeoLifer. She says the
As the company expanded into Africa, our in Hermanus. Chrisna and Llewellyn drive positive attitude and incredible zest for life
business naturally expanded into East and their favourite cars, and all 3 of their children that her parents have is something that has
West Africa. We never dreamt of having were able to have university educations. always stood out to her. “It was that ‘can do’
businesses in these countries, but now we Their son Eugene says the Opportunity has attitude that encouraged me to accept any
visit our teams in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, helped their family in so many ways. “Best challenges in life, because I could see the
Botswana and Namibia. We also have of all was the fact that my parents could success they have achieved.” Her favourite
teams in the USA, Canada and the United work together and have so much fun while thing about growing up in the NeoLife
Kingdom. I’d like to take this opportunity to they do it! They made an amazing life for our Business was the travel experiences. “We
recognise our team members for their loyal family and showed us an example of true went to Disney World and that was loads of
support to the business. We are proud of love. Well done on your faithfulness and fun. The Big Red Boat Cruise was my first
each and every one of them and appreciate your ‘never give up’ attitude.” experience on a ship, and the ice cream
them very much!” parlour was incredible – it was FREE!
Their daughter Monique adds that lifelong Every kids’ dream come true! I even had
The Dollmans’ have travelled overseas more healthy habits were imprinted into them from
than 100 times thanks to NeoLife. They’ve the chance to dance with Goofy and
birth. “Now, as parents, we can provide Mickey Mouse, what child doesn’t dream
visited Founder Jerry Brassfield’s penthouse that for our children. We had amazing family
overlooking Waikiki Beach in Hawaii, visited about that?”
holidays together, we studied without having
Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, to take loans, and it was all possible through “I thank God for this opportunity. I thank
Singapore, Thailand, Hong the Opportunity that my parents grabbed Him for opening our eyes to the value of this
with both hands and made a success of by business, not only for ourselves, but also for
influencing those around them.” the people we share it with. Most of all, I
thank Him for giving us the persistence to
Their youngest daughter Lynelle has hang in there through the good times as
recently joined the NeoLife Opportunity and well as the bad,” Chrisna concludes.
The capacity to learn is a gift.
NeoLifeU courses dive into critical health topics…
If you’re on the hunt for a skin care line that For many who have joint issues, simple
isn’t full of toxic ingredients, look no further activities like exercising, playing with children,
Notable Features
than Nutriance Organic. In this course, Global or even taking a walk can be incredibly difficult, Include…
Science Network member, Dr. Susan Beck if not downright painful. Discover the causes
explains how every product in the Nutriance and symptoms of joint issues and how the
Organic line ticks every ‘clean beauty’ box as right whole-food based nutritional support CURRICULUM TRACKER to help
it’s certified organic by the European Ecocert can help you get active and stay active. track where you are in the course.
under COSMOS®.
is awarded for each course you
Healthy Weight Management Heart Health complete. Show it off and be
proud for empowering yourself with
Worldwide obesity has more than doubled Explore the function of the heart, the health
since 1980, so it’s important to understand challenges we face and the latest scientific
the science behind healthy weight loss. research on how to overcome those
This course reveals practical tips for lifestyle challenges. This informative 3-part course
changes that can help you lose and maintain discusses the clinically proven, whole-food
a healthy weight, explores the role of protein
in weight loss and reviews the clinical study
based nutritional support for a healthy heart. VISIT
behind NeoLifeShake that has validated its africa.neolifeu.com
role in a weight management programme.
Congratulations to these Directors who are reaching for the top by moving
up one or more levels for the months of April to June 2020.
Abdulgafar & Oyenike Titilope
Rose & Raymond Baruti - Tanzania Hosiana & Enea Ntelewa Sanga - Tanzania
Abdulfatai & Mikail & Munirat Jimoh Afeez & Mariam Olaniyan
Abdulsalam Jagunmolu Nigeria Nigeria
Micheal & Abiola Ajewole Samson & Janet Alani Edson & Africo Barongo
Nigeria Nigeria Tanzania
Dikutwane Dibotelo Margaret & Charles Kagimu Petronila & Justin Mmasi
Botswana Uganda Tanzania
SOUTH AFRICA TOGO Chinyere & Maduabuchi Ironkwe
Shelley Hanson-Conyers Michael & Kodoue Ativon Abdullahi & Aminat Kolo
Richard & Karin Holloway D. Modeste & D. Claude Dossou Mukaila & Morufat Lamidi
Buyisiwe & Siviwe Nkomo Gospel & Wisdom Madueke
Brian & Beth Vermeulen Mariam & Saura Musa
Adenike & Oluwatumininu Alegbe
Emmanuel & Bolanle Nwankwo
TANZANIA Nkechinyere & Charles Amadi
Taiwo & Kehinde Ogunlade
Jovita Mabuga & Fortunatus Peter Anidile
Hammed & Abidemi Olarewaju
Kekutogwa Kahigi & Bonaventure Shimbe Rasaq & Rafiat Balogun
Abdulsalam & Jagunmolu Salahudeen
Neema Maro Felixe & Mathias Daheou
Mutiu & Suwebat Soyode
Miraji Juma & Zainabu Mkupete Preye Jeff Dese
Samuel & Ruth Thomas
Ziadi Yazidi Rwamugira Abdullahi & Ajoke Dorego
Hassan Usman
UGANDA Sunday & Emmanuel Eba
with CoQ10
Sourced 100MG OF HIGHLY
#2513 – 60 Capsules
20 40 60 80
Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day,
using ubiquinone for energy.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration
and Control (NAFDAC). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Committed to Making a Positive Difference
Throughout the World
Better to
*These statements have not been evaluated by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration
and Control (NAFDAC). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.