Systematic Review On Techniques of Machine Translation For Indian Languages
Systematic Review On Techniques of Machine Translation For Indian Languages
Systematic Review On Techniques of Machine Translation For Indian Languages
Abstract: Machine Translation is the branch of Natural linguistics (CL) and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Language Processing, which deals the use of Machine Translation that explores the use of computer/mobile application to
software to convert from one language to other natural languages translate text or speech from one natural language known as
with the help of machine Translation Approaches. The objective is the source language to another known as target language.
to fill the language gap between two different languages speaking Like translation done by human, MT does not simply
people, communities or countries. In India we have multiple and
greatly distinct language scripts, hence scope of need of language
substituting words but the application of complex linguistic
translation. In this purpose we present Literature survey on knowledge; morphology, grammar, meaning all this things
machine translation on the current scenario of research machine is taken into consideration. Generally, MT is classified into
translation in India. There is various Machine Translations various categories: Direct based, rule-based, corpus based,
system. Machine translation is considered an important task that statistical-based, hybrid-based, example-based, knowledge-
can be used to attain information from documents written in based, principle-based, and online interactive based
different languages. In this paper examine the rule based machine methods. At present, most of the MT related research is
translation is useful for translate for English to Indian languages. based on Rule based approaches because rule based is
always extensible and maintainable. Morphological
Keywords: NLP, Machine Translation, Techniques, analysis, part of speech tagging, chunking, parsing and
RBMT word sense disambiguation this is the major goals of
machine translation. In this paper, we are present a
1. INTRODUCTION systematic literature review of the techniques used for
Natural language processing can be classified as a subset of machine translation. We have also mentioned recent work
the broader field of speech and language processing. in the table from.
Because of this, NLP shares similarities with parallel 2. Literature Review
disciplines such as computational linguistics, which is
concerned with modeling language using rule-based Table 1: Review for Machine Translation Techniques
models. The goal of natural language processing is to build
computational models of natural language for its analysis SR. PAPER NAME AUTHER YE LAGUA TECHNI
and generation. First, there is technological motivation of
building intelligent computer system such as machine TELUGU- SIDDHARTHA GU- BASED
translation system natural language interfaces to databases, MARATHI AND GHOSH, MAR AND
man-machine interfaces to computer in general, speech VICE-VERSA SUJATA ATHI STATIST
understanding system, text analysis and understanding BASED MACHINE AND KALYANI BASED
system, computer aided instruction systems, systems that TRANSLATION U.R.S
read and understand printed or handwritten text. Second, 2 RULE BASED NAILA ATA, - ENGLI RULE
there is a cognitive and linguistic motivation to gain better ENGLISH TO BUSHRA SH TO BASED
insights into how humans communicate using natural URDU MACHINE JAWAID, AMIR URDU MACHIN
language. The tools of work in NLP are grammar TRANSL
formalisms, algorithms for representing world knowledge, ATION
reasoning mechanisms, etc. Natural language interfaces to 3 TRANSLATION OF PROF. 2014 ENGLI RULE
databases, natural language interfaces to computer, SIMPLE ENGLISH GORAKSH SH TO BASED
question answering system, story understanding and SENTENCES TO MANISHA THI E
machine translation system these all the application of MARATHI MARATHE, TRANSL
natural language processing. We are focusing in the SENTENCES URMILA ATION,
machine translation application and these approaches. ADSULE TRANSF
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Miss.Simran N.Maniyar completed
Bachelor of Science, Master of Computer
Science(Information Technology) from
Dr.BAM University, Aurangabad, India.
She is currently pursuing M.phil in
Computer Science from Department of
Computer Science and IT, Dr.BAM University,
Aurangabad. She has published 1 research papers in
international journal. Her main research work focuses on